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Detailed Lesson Plan NOUN Mam Leccio

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Detailed lesson plan in English (Grade 4)

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to;

A. Recognize noun in a simple sentence

B. Construct a sentence using noun
C. Participate in the activity
II. Subject Matter:
D. A. Topic: Noun
B. Reference: English 4 you and me
C. Materials: manila paper, Cartolina, Envelops, Pictures, box, Power point,
D. Values: Understanding the use of noun in a sentence

III. Procedure:

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
Before we start our class, can (Stand and pray)
you please stand for a short prayer?

2. Energizer
(Roll over the ocean)
3. Greetings
Good morning class! (Good morning, Ma’am)
You may now take your seats. Thank you, Ma’am,
4. Checking of Attendance
Who is absent today? None ma’am.
Very Good!
5. Review
So, our lesson yesterday is all about two
different kinds of sentences and those are
interrogative and declarative sentence.
-I want to eat apple
Who can give examples of interrogative -I love my mother

What about declarative? -how much is this?

Who can give examples? -what is your name?
Yes, ma’am.

B. Motivation
Before we proceed to our new lesson, let us
have a short activity.
So, I have here an envelope that consist a
different picture but before that I will group Yes, ma’am.
you into 5 groups. Please count from here.
Group 1 you were going to seat here, group 2
here, group 3 here, group 4 and 5 seat there.
So, class choose your representative that
serves as your leader. As you can see, there
are five column charts in front in your own
designated places. Just like this one. You
must pick the picture inside the envelop and
paste it to its corresponding categories.

What picture is this class? -Horse ma’am.

Very good. So, where should we paste it?
-In the animal category ma’am.

We have first an agreement class, the group

who will done first we will give a very good
clap. Understand class? (clap)3* (very good)3*

But you are only allowed to start when I say

the go signal. Clear class? So, leaders come
in front and received the envelope. In a few Yes, ma’am.
seconds, we will begin the game. In 1, 2, 3,

So, for now we have the group who made it

first. Let’s give a very good clap to the group

Thank you so much class, for your active

Did you enjoy the game class? It’s good to Yes, we are ma’am.
hear that class.

So, what have you noticed about those

pictures class? Juvie: it is all about the different animals’
Yes, Juvie?

How about the others? What have you Juliet: it is all about the different
noticed? categories’ ma’am.
Yes, Juliet?


So, class based on the activity that we had

earlier. Do you have any idea about our
lesson for today?
Student: noun ma’am.
Very good

IV. Discussion:
Today class we were going to discuss
about noun. Who can read the meaning of
Yes, Mariessa?
Thank you!

Noun refers to a name of person, place, Mariessa: Noun refers to a name of person,
things, animals, and events. place, things, animals, and events.

examples of Noun.

In a category of person
Fire fighter

Category of Place

Category of Things

Category of Animals

Category of Event

I have here a sentence all you need to do is to

identify the noun that present in a sentence.

1. The doctor advised me to take a

complete rest.
2. The grasshopper jumps high.
3. Kevin gave some balloons to Denis.
4. Mariecho, Abby and Shella took the
5. My friends live in USA.
6. The book is on the table. .
7. She comes from a royal family.
8. I saw a black zebra at the zoo.
9. She can not play the guitar.
10 The ball smashed through the window

Do you understand class?

Very good.
C. Generalization
Who can give me exact meaning of a noun?
-yes ma’am.
Who can give me an example of noun?
-Noun refers to a name of person, place,
Who else? How about you Shella Mea? things, animals and events
Very good.
- Television ma’am.
D. Application
Fill in the blank with the appropriate noun in -Ball-pen ma’am.
the sentence.

Direction: choose the words inside the box

and paste it in the space provided.

1. Miss Agatha wrote

2. Let’s go to the city of
_________________next week. 1. Books
3. I can play___________with my 2.San Francisco
friends. 3.Toys
4. There are many important documents 4.The Library of Congress
at ____________. 5.Monday
5. Next ____________ is the deadline
of the output.

Additional Task

Direction: Group the students into 4 groups

give one story in each group. Then, Complete
the story using the words provided in the box.

“No Friends for me”

I am lonely, I am always by myself. I meet “No Friends for me”

people every day. I smile at them. I say
hello. I am nice to them. I want to have a I am lonely, I am always by myself. I meet
friend. But I have no friends. What is wrong _____every day. I smile at them. I say
with me? I am polite. I am friendly. I am hello. I am nice to them. I want to have a
nice. I am kind. Why don’t people like me? ______. But I have no friends. What is
All I want is one friend. Everyone has one wrong with me? I am polite. I am friendly.
friend. I always see people with their friends. I am nice. I am kind. Why don’t people
They laugh with each other. They have fun like me? All I want is one friend.
with each other. They do things with each Everyone has one friend. I always see
other. What about me? I am by myself. I people with their friends. They laugh with
watch tv by myself. I go to cinema by myself. each other. They have fun with each other.
I go to restaurants by myself. If I go to the They do things with each other. What
park by myself. I told my mother that I am about me? I am by myself. I watch
lonely. She said its my fault. Why? I asked. _____by myself. I go to _____ by myself.
She said, because you never ask anyone to be I go to _______by myself. If I go to the
with you. My mom is right. I never ask _____ by myself. I told my _____ that I
people to be with me. I am afraid they will am lonely. She said its my fault. Why? I
say no. asked. She said, because you never ask
anyone to be with you. My mom is right. I
never ask people to be with me. I am
afraid they will say no.

“A rainy day”

It was a rainy day. The children could not go It was a rainy day. The ______could not
out to play. So Luccy, Zenny and Perla stayed go out to play. So _____,_____and ____
in the house. Let us cut out paper fruits for stayed in the house. Let us cut out paper
our store Luccy. So the girls got their paper, fruits for our _____ Luccy. So the girls got
scissors and crayons. Luccy cut out 5 apples. their _____,_____and _____. Luccy cut
She colored them red. Zenny cut out 6 out 5 apples. She colored them red. Zenny
mangoes. She colred them yellow. Perla cut cut out 6 ______. She colred them yellow.
out 4 guavas. She colored them green. Then Perla cut out 4 _____. She colored them
they counted their paper fruits. Now we have green. Then they counted their paper
many pretty paper fruits for our store, said fruits. Now we have many pretty paper
Perla. fruits for our _____, said Perla.

“The teddy bear”

Once upon a time, there was a ____who
Once upon a time, there was a child who didn’t any friends. One ____, his parents
didn’t any friends. One Christmas, his parents gave him a _____. The teddy bear was the
gave him a teddy bear. The teddy bear was boy’s best friend and he imagined the
the boy’s best friend and he imagined the teddy bear was real.
teddy bear was real.
0ne night the ____ wished his teddy bear
0ne night the boy wished his teddy bear had had life and the wishes of a child are very
life and the wishes of a child are very strong. strong. So, the next morning, the _____
So, the next morning, the teddy bear was was alive and the child was very happy.
alive and the child was very happy. The news The news media all over the world knew
media all over the world knew about it. When about it. When the ____ grows up, the
the child grows up, the teddy bear grew up at teddy bear grew up at the same time and
the same time and they lived a lot of good they lived a lot of good and bad
and bad experiences. experiences.

“The cows and the lions” Five ____ lived in a little ___. They ate
fresh ____ in a large green meadow. They
Five cows lived in a little forest. They ate were kind ____. They decided to do
fresh grass in a large green meadow. They everything together, so the ____ couldn’t
were kind friends. They decided to do attack them for food. One day, the five
everything together, so the lions couldn’t cows fought and each one started eat grass
attack them for food. One day, the five cows in a different place. The ____ decided to
fought and each one started eat grass in a seize the opportunity and killed them one
different place. The lions decided to seize the by one.
opportunity and killed them one by one.

Copy and read the sentence carefully and
underlined the noun that present in a

Direction: Read the sentence carefully and

identify the noun in the following sentences.
Write your answer in your paper.

1. There is a Lion in front of our Car. 1. There is a Lion in front of our Car.
2. The Christmas festival is celebrated in the 2. The Christmas festival is celebrated in
month of December. the month of December.
3. Rubina is a beautiful girl. 3. Rubina is a beautiful girl.
4. I and my family visit in Canada tomorrow 4. I and my family visit in Canada
5. We saw a tiger at the Zoo tomorrow
6. The boy threw the ball to his dog. 5. We saw a tiger at the Zoo
7. I’d like you to meet my friend Rubina. 6. The boy threw the ball to his dog.
8. I ordered the laptop from Amazon. 7. I’d like you to meet my friend Rubina.
9. Do you think the Dolphins will win the 8. I ordered the laptop from Amazon.
game? 9. Do you think the Dolphins will win the
10. I love my teacher. game?
10. I love my teacher.
Additional task

Direction: Make at least 10 sentences using

noun that present in the story “no friends for

What are the two types of nouns?
Give 5 examples in each type.

Group 4: Members

Salas, Mariecho- prayer- motivation

Geromiano, Juliet- discussion

Salas, Mariessa- Generalization

Martinez, Abegail- application

Hicalo, Juvie- Evaluation

Gevero, Shella Mae- Asignement

Palmes, Jovic- Talented & Gifted

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