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International Journal of Advances in Engineering Science and Technology 39

Available online at www.ijaestonline.com ISSN: 2319-1112

Thermo-Physical Properties of Nano Fluids- A

Dharmendra kumar Saini 1, Ghanshayam Das Agarwal 2
1- 2
Departmentof Mechanical Engineering
Malviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur
Email- dharmendrasaini142@gmail.com

Abstract- Nanofluid is one of the best outcomes of nano-techonology advancement. Nanifluid can be considered
as a fluid rather than solid-fluid mixture. There is different properties enhancement in the base fluid using
nanoparticles i.e. thermal conductivity, heat transfer coefficient, density, viscosity, specific heat etc. Having
improved thermo physical properties, nanofluids can be used as a better heat transfer fluid in many engineering
applications such as radiator, heat pipe, solar collectors, chillers etc. The most important thermal properties
are thermal conductivity and heat transfer coefficient as well as viscosity. It is very complex and difficult to
experimentally estimate these thermal properties for nanofluids at different concentration of nano particles.
Many researchers have proposed mathematical and analytical works in the literatures for the determining of
these thermal properties. A brief review of some common theoretical and analytical models for estimation of
thermal properties is presented and also comparisons are made with experimental works in this paper, which
can be frequently used.

Keywords – Nanofluid, Thermal Conductivity, Heat Transfer Coefficient, Nanoparticle, Etc.

I. Introduction
Development in nano-techonology derives to a new class fluid named as nanofluid. A Nanofluid is a dilute suspension
of nano-metered sized particles in base fluid (ethylene glycol, water, engine oil, etc.). Nanometered sized particles
may be metallic or nonmetallic. Nanofluids have the potential of improved thermal-physical properties (thermal
conductivity, heat transfer coefficient, viscosity, density, heat capacity, etc.).
A large number of theoretical and experimental research works have been conducted since Maxwell [1] publication
on suspension of solid particles. Choi et al. [2] first used the term nanofluid proposing heat transfer fluid in Argonne
Laboratory. A large number of useful studies have been carried out related to nanofluids properties by Eastman et al.
[3], Lee and Choi [4], Jang and Choi [5], Heris et al. [6]. Most of the studies show the enhancement in heat transfer
for the nanofluids than the base fluids. From the basic principle of thermal conductivity solid metal has higher thermal
conductivity i.e., thermal conductivity of copper at room temperature is about 700 times greater than water and about
3000 times greater than engine oil. This is basically because of small particle size and large surface to volume ratio of
nanoparticles. Lee and Choi [4], Chein and Huang [7] found the enhancement in heat transfer in nanofluid than the
conventional fluid. Pak and Choi [8], li and Xuan [9] first calculated Nusselt number in laminar and turbulent flow
for nanofluids. Viscosity is a flow property that affects the pumping power and pressure drop in laminar flow.
Convective heat transfer also depends on the viscosity of fluid. Einstein [10] first developed the nanofluid viscosity
formula. Density of nanofluids also increased with concentration of nanoparticles. Heat capacity is also an important
property to find out the thermal performance of nanofluids. The purpose of this paper is to provide an understanding
about thermo-physical properties of nanofluids such as (thermal conductivity, coefficient of heat transfer, density,
viscosity, heat capacity etc.) and properties characteristic with respect to nanoparticle concentration. Many researchers
have developed correlations for the determination of thermo-physical properties of nanofluids. In this paper some
important and commonly used property relations for nanofluids are presented.

ISSN: 2319-1120 /V5N1: 39-45 © IJAEST

IJAEST, Volume 5, Number 1

Cp Heat capacity(J/kg-K) A Constant
B2,x Depolarization factor along
the x- symmetrical axis H Heat transfer coefficient, W/m2-K

kB Boltzmann constant ( kB=1.381× 10ିଶଷJ/K)

k Thermal conductivity W/m-k

n Empirical shape factor Nu Nusselt number

Pe Peclet number Pr Prandtl number
Re Reynolds number T Temperature (°C)
Greek Symbols
α Aspect ratio of nanoparticles
β Ratio of the nanolayer thickness to the original particle radius
γ Ratio of nanolayer thermal conductivity to particle thermal conductivityγ = klayer / kp
ν Dynamic viscosity
φ Volume fraction of nanoparticles in suspension

ᴪ Particle sphericity
ρ Density
b Base fluid
eff Effective
nf Nano fluid
np Nano particles


A. Watermark embedding algorithm –
When high conductive nanoparticles are added in the base fluid, having relatively low thermal conductivity, there is
remarkably increase in thermal conductivity of nanofluids. Some postulate that the thermal conductivity of nanofluids
is because of the nanoparticle’s Brownian motion which produces micro-mixing. Some researchers have suggested
that the enhancement is due to the layering of liquid molecules near the solid nanosized particles. The mechanism for
thermal conduction between liquid and solid particles is not clear. But there are some empirical relations that can be
used to find out thermal conductivity of two phase mixture solution (dispersed solution).
The effective thermal conductivity for a two-phase mixture consisting of a continuous and discontinuous phase has
been conducted by Maxwell [1] and the effective thermal conductivity Keff is given by:

Where K1 and K2 are the thermal conductivity of the liquid and the solid particle respectively and ߮is the particle
Keff,Maxwell/K1=2K2+K1+߮(K2-K1)/2K2+K1-2߮(K2- K1) (1)

volume fraction. Hamilton and Crosser [11] modified Maxwell work for none spherical particles and introduced the
shape factor (n). Yu and choi [12] modified the Maxwell model to find out real mechanism of improvement in thermal
conductivity. They assumed that base fluid molecules form a layered structure around the solid particles. This layer
mechanism can explain the enhancement in effective thermal conductivity. While calculating Keff for nano fluid yu
and choi assumed higher thermal conductivity of nanolayer (Klayer) than the base liquid conductivity (K1). When the
nano layer is combined with the nanoparticle, an equivalent nano particle with thermal conductivity of Keq is
It is important to note that the effective thermal conductivity of nanofluids depends on the thermal conductivity of
solid nano-sized particles and base fluid, particle volume fraction, shape of particles, size of particles and the thermal
conductivity of nano-layer (equivalent nanoparticle).
Bhattacharya et al. [13] developed a correlation to calculate effective thermal conductivity of nanofluids using
Brownian motion technique as follow:

ISSN: 2319-1120 /V5N1: 39-45 © IJAEST

Thermo-Physical Properties of Nano Fluids- A Review

keff = ߮knp+(1‒߮)kb (2)

The model shows good agreement with thermal conductivity of experimental result.

Table 1: Analytical models on thermal conductivity of nanofluids – a summary

Investigator Formula (keff/kb) Remarks

Hamilton Kp+(n-1)Kb –(n-1) ϕ(Kb-Kp) /Kp+(n-1)Kb+ ϕ(Kb-Kp) for non-spherical particle
And crosser [11] Kp/Kb˃100 (n=3/ᴪ)
ࡷ࢖ ࡷ࢖ ૛
൘ࡷ ି૚ ൘ࡷ ି૚
1+ 3൭ࡷ࢖ ࢈
൱ φ+ቌ૜ ൭ࡷ࢖ ࢈
൱ +∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙ቍ ࣐૛
൘ࡷ ା૛ ൘ࡷ ା૛
Jeffrey [14] Spherical particle
࢈ ࢈

1+൬ ࢖൘ࡷ ൰ ࣐ + ࢈࣐૛

Lu-Lin [15] Spherical and non-spherical particle

ࡷ࢖ࢋ ା૛ࡷ࢈ ା૛൫ࡷ࢖ࢋ ିࡷ࢈ ൯ሺ૚ିࢼሻ૜ ࣐

ࡷ࢖ࢋ ା૛ࡷ࢈ ି൫ࡷ࢖ࢋ ିࡷ࢈ ൯ሺ૚ାࢼሻ૜ ࣐
Yu and choi [12] A modified Maxwell and Hamilton Crosser
Model respectively

ሺ૚ି࣐ሻା૜࣐ ‫׬‬૙ ࡷࢉ࢒ ሺ࢘ሻ࢔ሺ࢘ሻ/[ࡷࢉ࢒ሺ࢘ሻା૛ࡷ࢈ ]ࢊ࢘

ሺ૚ି࣐ሻା૜࣐ ‫׬‬૙ ࡷ࢈ ሺ࢘ሻ࢔ሺ࢘ሻ/[ࡷࢉ࢒ሺ࢘ሻା૛ࡷ࢈ ]ࢊ࢘
Wang et al. [16] A fractal model based on effective medium
Approximation and fractal theory
ቀ૚ − ቁ +

ࢻ ૛ࡷࢋࢌࢌ ାࡷ࢈
Xue and Xu [17] A modified Bruggeman model including effect of
࣐ ൫ࡷࢋࢌࢌ ିࡷ૛ ൯ሺ૛ࡷ૛ ାࡷ૚ ሻିࢻሺࡷ૚ ିࡷ૛ ሻሺ૛ࡷ૛ ିࡷࢋࢌࢌ ሻ
ࢻ ൫ࡷࢋࢌࢌିࡷ૛ ൯ሺ૛ࡷ૛ ାࡷ૚ ሻା૛ࢻሺࡷ૚ ିࡷ૛ ሻሺ૛ࡷ૛ ିࡷࢋࢌࢌ ሻ
Interfacial shells
૛ࢨ૛ ࣐૛ ࢀ
૚ + ૜ࢨ ࣐ࢀ +
૚ିࢨ ࣐ࢀ
Xie et al. [18] Includes effect of nanolayer

࣋࢖ ࣐࡯࢖
࢑࢖ା૛࢑࢈ି૛ሺ࢑࢈ି࢑࢖ሻ࣐ ࡷ ࢀ
࢑࢖ା૛࢑࢈ାሺ࢑࢈ି࢑࢖ሻ࣐ ૛࢑࢈ ࢉࣁ
Xuan et al.[20] . Includes effect of the random motion of

Suspended nanoparticles as well as Interfacial interactions
૛ࡷ࡮ ࢀ ࢿ࢘࢈
࣊ࣁࢊ૛ ࡷ࢈ ሺ૚ିࢿሻ࢘࢖
Kumar et al. [21] Includes particle size, concentration,
And temperature
ࡷ࢈ ࡾࢋࢊ࢖ ૛ ࡼ࣐࢘
Jang and Choi [22] Kb(1 −φ) +kP+3C Four modes included

(1+ Aࡾࢋ࢓ ࡼ࢘૙.૜૜૜ ࣐)[ ]

Prasher [23] Effect of convection of the liquid near the
Particle included
+ ૞ × ૚૙ ࢼ࣐࣋ࡼ ࡯ࡼ ට
ࡷࢋࢌࢌ,ࡹࢇ࢞࢝ࢋ࢒࢒ ૝ ࢑ࢀ ࢌሺࢀ,࣐ሻ
ࡷ࢈ ࣋ࡼ ࡰ ࡷ࢈
Koo and Surrounding liquid motion with randomly
Kleinstreuer [24] Moving nanoparticles considere


The enhancement in coefficient of heat transfer gives better described phenomenon than enhancement in thermal
conductivity because of its relation to size of equipment. Increment in coefficient of convective heat transfer is because
of presence of dispersed nanoparticles, which intensify the turbulence of the base fluid. Buongiorno [25] developed a
two component four-equation correlation non-homogeneous model for mass, momentum, and heat transfer in
nanofluids. Buongiorno finally concluded that only Brownian diffusion and thermophoresis are important
characteristics in nanofluids. The random motion of nanoparticles causes slip velocity between solid and liquid layer.
Pak and Choi [8] did the experiment on turbulent heat transfer of nanofluids by using Al2O3 and TiO2 dispersed

ISSN: 2319-1120 /V5N1: 39-45 © IJAEST

IJAEST, Volume 5, Number 1

nanoparticles in water. Xuan and Li [9] did theoretical study on single-phase flow for the turbulent and developed the

Nunf=hnf d/Knf=0.0059൫1.0 + 7.6286߮ ଴.଺଼଼଺ ܲ݁ௗ ଴.଴଴ଵ ൯ܴ݁௡௙ ଴.ଽଶଷ଼ ܲ‫ݎ‬௡௙ ଴.ସ (3)
heat transfer correlation from the experimental data is as follows:

Nunf=hnf d/Knf=0.4328൫1.0 + 11.25߮ ଴.଻ହସ ܲ݁ௗ ଴.ଶଵ଼ ൯ܴ݁௡௙ ଴.ଷଷଷ ܲ‫ݎ‬௡௙ ଴.ସ
For laminar flow Xuan and Li [15] also provide a correlation:
The Peclet number, Pe describes the effect of thermal dispersion caused by micro-convective and micro diffusion of
the suspended nanoparticles. forced convective heat transfer depend on Reynolds and Prandtl’s numbers, temperature
, vol. fraction (particles), the dimensions and shape of nano-sized particles. Xuan and Roetzel [26] proposed the
following function for calculating Nusselt number:
௄௡ ൫ఘ௖೛ ൯೙
Nunf=݂ ቈܴ݁, ܲ‫ݎ‬, ௄௙ ൫ఘ௖ , ߮, ‫ݏ ݈ܽܿ݅ݐݎܽ݌‬ℎܽ‫݁݌‬, ݂݈‫ݕݎݐ݁݉݋݁݃ ݓ݋‬቉
೛ ൯೑
Generally two correlations are used to find out the Nusselt number as a function of Reynolds number and prandtl
Nunf=0.086Re0.55Pr0.5 for constant wall flux. (6)

The given correlations are valid for Re ≤ 1000, 6 ≤ Pr ≤ 753, and ߮ ≤ 10%. Wongwises et al. [27] did an experiment
Nunf=0.028Re0.35Pr0.36 for constant wall temperature. (7)

using TiO2-water nanofluids under turbulent flow conditions. He used a horizontal double-tube counter flow heat
exchanger. They observed increment of (6– 11%) heat transfer coefficient for the nano-fluid (TiO2-water) compared
to pure water. Heris et al. [6] also gave a result of increment of heat transfer coefficient (40%) for the nanofluid
(Al2O3/water).For fully developed laminar flow under constant wall temperature boundary condition:
Nunf=hnf d/Knf=3.657 (8)

ఓ್ ௡
And for the turbulent flow, the Petukhof–Krillov [28] correlation
ቀ ቁ
భ మ ఓೢ
Nunf=hnfd/Knf= (9)
೑ మ
ଵ.଴଻ାଵଶ.଻ቀ ቁ ሺ௉௥ య ିଵሻ

f = (1.82logଵ଴ ܴ݁ − 1.64)-2.
Where n = 0.11 for Tw˃Tb, n = 0.25 for Tw<Tb, and n = 0 for constant properties of gases with

Above correlations show good agreement with experimental results within the boundary conditions. The convective
heat transfer coefficient increases with increase in Reynolds number, because of the increase in the flow velocity
causes an enhancement in the motion of the dispersed nanoparticles. The increase in particle volume fraction in the
base fluid, there is increment in the convective heat transfer coefficient. This may be because of more inter particle
collisions and enhanced surface area of heat transfer, with theincreased volume fractions.
Table 2: Models of effective heat transfer coefficient
Investigator Nano-fluids Correlations
Pak and Choi [8] Al2O3-water, TiO2-water,Turbulent Nunf=0.021Re0.8Pr0.5

Das et al. [29] Al2O3-water, pool boiling Nunf=CRemPr0.4

Xuan and Li [9] CuO-water, turbulent Nunf=0.0059(1+∅૙.૟ૡૡ૟
࢖ ࢖ࢋ૙.૙૙૚
࢖ )Re0.9238Pr0.4

Analysis of viscosity is required to determine behavior of heat transfer fluids. Einstein [10] calculated the effective
viscosity of solution having spherical solid particles in the base fluid using hydrodynamic equations. He derived the
following equations:
μeff =(1+2.5φp)μb (10)
This formula has some limitations, It does not include structure and particle-particle interaction and limited to a certain
particle concentrations. Mooney [21] suggested a model for higher concentrations of interacting spherical solid
particles suspensions is as follows:
ቀ ቁ
μnf/μb=݁ భషೖക (11)

ISSN: 2319-1120 /V5N1: 39-45 © IJAEST

Thermo-Physical Properties of Nano Fluids- A Review

Where k is self-crowding factor. Batchelor [30] modified Einstein’s viscosity equation by introducing Brownian

μnf / μb=(1+2.5 ߮ + 6.5߮ ଶ)

motion effect. He suggested a model by considering isotropic suspension of rigid and spherical nanoparticles.
If the particle volume concentration (߮) is increased then the nanofluids with bigger size particles shows higher
viscosity than the smaller size particles based nanofluids. Almost every research showed that addition of nanoparticle
even at a low volume fraction in the base fluid has significant influence the viscosity.
Brinkman [31] modified Einstein’s equation for the use of particle concentration up to 4% and developed a formula:
μnf / μb=(1-߮)2.5 (13)
This formula generally used is to calculate effective viscosity. Pak and Cho [8] developed a viscosity model based on

μnf / μb=(1+3.99 ߮ + 533.9߮ ଶ )

particle volume fraction taking room temperature as reference.
Table 3: Models of effective viscosity

μeff / μb = (1 + 7.3 ࣐ + 123 ࣐૛ )

Models Effective Viscosity Remarks

μeff / μb= (1 + 5.45 ࣐ + 108.2࣐૛ )

Maiga et al. [32] Al2O3- water, dp = 28nm
Buongiorngo et al. [25] TiO2 – water, dp = 27nm
μeff / μb = (1+0.025࣐ + 0.015࣐૛ )
μeff / μb = (1 + 23.09 ࣐ + 1525.3࣐૛ )
Nguyen et al. [33] Al2O3- water, dp = 29nm
Khanafer et al. [34] Al2O3- water, dp = 13nm
Nguyen et al. [33] μeff / μb = (1.475 - 0.319࣐ + 0.051࣐૛ + 0.009࣐૜ ) CuO – water, dp = 29nm

Effect of temperature and volume fraction on effective viscosity

࣐ = ૚%, Al2O3- water
࣐ = ૝%, Al2O3- water
Nguyen et al. [33] μnf / μb= (1.125 – 0.007×T)
μnf / μb= (2.1275 – 0.0215×T + 0.0002×ࢀ૛ )
Palm et al. [35] μnf / μb = (0.034 – 2 × ૚૙ି૝ T + 2 × ૚૙ି૝ T2) ࣐ = ૚%,Al2O3- water

μnf / μb = (1.0226 + 0.0477 ࣐ – 0.0112࣐૛ ሻ

Namburu et al. [36] lnμnf=A+B/T CuO-ethylene glycol - water

࣐ ≤ ૛%
Duangthongsuk and TiO2 – water, , dp = 21nm
Wongwises [27]

Density of any nanofluid is directly related to particle volume fraction (߮). It increases approximately in linear manner
with fraction volume. Density decreases with increase in temperature of fluid in non-linear manner. The basic reason
behind non-linear trend is difference in the coefficient of thermal expansion in base fluid and Nano particles. The density
of nano-fluids, ρnf can be simply estimated as:
ρnfcp,nf=(1-ϕ)ρfcp,p + ϕρpcp,p (15)
ρnf=mnf/vol.nf = (mf+mp)/(volf+volp) = (ρfvolf+ρpvolp)/ (volf+volp) (16)
The density may be determined from a simple rule of mixtures given by Pak and Choi (8)
ρnf=(1-ϕ)ρf+ϕρp (16)
Where ϕ is the volume fraction of dispersed phase, ρf is the density of the base fluid And ρp the density of nanoparticles.


Specific Heat is a measure of heat energy that directly influences the heat transfer rate of Nano-fluids. For a given
volume concentration of Nano-particles in the base fluid, the specific heat can be found using a parallel mixture
ρnfcp,nf =(1-ϕ)ρfcp,p+ ϕρpcp,p (17)
Hence the specific heat capacity may be determined as
Cnf=Xnf/ρnf = (1-ϕ)ρfcp,p + ϕρpcp,p/ (1-ϕ)ρf+ϕρp (18)
Where Xnf = (ρc)nf
Gherasim et al. [37] discuss an alternative formulation, from the mixture formula:
Cnf = (1-ϕ)Cf + ϕCp (19)

ISSN: 2319-1120 /V5N1: 39-45 © IJAEST

IJAEST, Volume 5, Number 1

The specific heat of nanofluids decreases with increase in the fraction volume of nanoparticles and also it increases
with increase in the nanofluids temperature.
Table 4: Typical thermal parameters for nanoparticles and base fluids.

Substance Density Specific heat Conductivity

(kg/m3) (J/kg-K) (W/m-K)
Al2O3 4000 880 30
Copper 8920 390 401
Water 998 4190 0.58
Ethylene Glycol 1110 2470 0.258

Thermophysical characteristics of nanofluids and their role in heat transfer enhancement are reviewed in this work.
General correlations for the effective thermal conductivity, viscosity, heat transfer coefficient, density and specific heat
capacity of nanofluids are provided. It can be said that nanofluids have greater heat transfer capability than those of
conventional heat transfer fluids. There is also effect on thermal conductivity, density, viscosity, heat transfer coefficient
and specific heat capacity of base fluid by adding Nanoparticles in base fluids. But there is pressure drop at the time of
addition of nanoparticles. It can be observed that thermo physical properties of nanofluids are dependent on the
nanoparticles size, shape, and volume fraction. The increment in the values of thermal conductivity, heat transfer
coefficient is up to a certain limit. Experimental results and the theoretical understanding of the mechanisms of the
nanoparticles are needed to justify for the heat transfer and fluid behavior of nanofluids. Further work is also needed
for the treatment of nanofluids as a two-phase flow since slip velocity between the particle and base fluid plays important
role on the heat transfer performance of nanofluids.

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ISSN: 2319-1120 /V5N1: 39-45 © IJAEST

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