Fig. 4. Area Under Disease Progress Curve (AUDPC) for Chilli powdery mildew during 2020-2021.
DISCUSSION the current study. Below is a basic regression equation
for 2020-21.
Epidemiological studies
ŷ = 8.32 + 0.95x R = 0.957 R2 = 0.916
Prediction model for powdery mildew. A simple
regression equation was used to predict the
Y = Observed PDI
development of powdery mildew in chillies. The PDI
X = Predicted PDI
was calculated using a simple regression technique in
How to cite this article: Vineeth M., M.D. Thabrez, Aaqib Ayub, Laxman Navi and Manoj M. (2023). Influence of Weather
Parameters (Epidemiology) on Powdery Mildew Disease Development caused by Leveillula taurica. Biological Forum – An
International Journal, 15(10): 1547-1553.