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Biological Forum – An International Journal 15(10): 1547-1553(2023)

ISSN No. (Print): 0975-1130

ISSN No. (Online): 2249-3239
Influence of Weather Parameters (Epidemiology) on Powdery Mildew Disease
Development caused by Leveillula taurica
Vineeth M.1*, M.D. Thabrez2, Aaqib Ayub3, Laxman Navi4 and Manoj M.5
Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Plant Pathology, UAS, GKVK, Bengaluru (Karnataka), India.
Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Plant Pathology,
Sher-e-kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Jammu (J&K), India.
Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Vegetable science,
Sher-e-kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Jammu (J&K), India.
Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Agronomy, UAS, GKVK, Bengaluru (Karnataka), India.
Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Agricultural Microbiology, UAS, GKVK, Bengaluru (Karnataka), India.
(Corresponding author: Vineeth M.*)
(Received: 25 August 2023; Revised: 26 September 2023; Accepted: 08 October 2023; Published: 15 October 2023)
(Published by Research Trend)
ABSTRACT: Chilli (Capsicum annum L.) is a well known commercial crop in the centre of the world. It is
an important spice in developed and developing nations because of its pungency and taste it makes even in
household. The current research was conducted at College of Agriculture, Shivamogga, during Rabi 2020-
2021 to create a prediction model for chilli powdery mildew disease on susceptible cultivar Byadagi Kaddi
with suggested package of practises except for powdery mildew disease management. Prediction of
powdery mildew was made one week well in advance. The simple regression equation for 2020-21 was ŷ =
8.32 + 0.95x with R = 0.95741 and R2 = 0.9166. However, it is important to note that the disease was
influenced by various weather factors. The studies on effect of weather factors on development of disease
revealed that, 5th standard week was highly favourable for initiation and further development of disease
and the biggest challenge is to predict the favourable weather conditions and time of appearance of disease
and this was employed successfully here.
Keywords: Powdery mildew, Leveillula taurica, Area under disease progress curve.

INTRODUCTION (Chilli Mosaic Virus) and Root knot nematode by

Meloidogyne incognita.
Chilli (Capsicum annum L. and Capsicum fruitscens) is
Leveillula taurica (Lev.) Arn. causing powdery mildew
a popular commercial horticulture crop cultivated for
of chilli is one of the most dangerous chilli diseases,
domestic and international markets. It belongs to the
causing 14 to 30 per cent production losses due to
family Solanaceae. Chilli is composed of an alkaloid
severe defoliation and reduction in photosynthesis, size,
called Capsicin and found rich in vitamins which are
and quantity of fruits per plant (Gohokar and Peshney
Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Thiamine, and Riboflavin. The
1981). Powdery mildew of chilli is an endemic disease
nutrients which includes 1.9 g of protein, 5.3 g of sugar,
that has become a severe limitation to chilli output in
8.8 g of carbohydrate, and 534 μg of beta carotene per
India (Singh and Lodha 1985).
100 g of edible chilli and is used for medicinal and
Yellowing on the upper surface of the leaf is
health purposes (Panda et al., 2010; Saleh et al., 2018).
accompanied by a whitish powdery mass on the bottom
China, India, Mexico, Morocco, Pakistan, Thailand, and
surface, which is characteristic symptom of the
Turkey are well famed to be the world's top chilli
powdery mildew. The powdery mildew fungus is
producers and exporters (Lakshmi et al., 2014).
ectophytic in nature. A white mass forms on both
Chilli crop is susceptible to various diseases caused by
surfaces in extreme instances, resulting in premature
fungus, bacteria, viruses, and nematodes which lower
defoliation (Jharia et al., 1978). Powdery mildew
yields. Damping-off is the most common disease in
infection usually shows up first on older plants and
nursery caused by, Pythium aphanidermatum. In field
lower leaves. Greenhouse pepper producers must
crop Leveillula taurica causes powdery mildew (Lev.),
implement a comprehensive disease prevention strategy
Anthracnose (Colletotrichum capsici (Syd.)),
to ensure that powdery mildew does not become a
Cercospora leaf spot (Cercospora capsici), Rhizoctonia
problem (Bettiol et al., 2008).
solani causes dry root rot, Xanthomonas campestris pv
Powdery mildew is difficult to manage after it has
vesicatoria Kuhn causes bacterial leaf spot, Chilli Leaf
affected chilli leaves, and if left untreated, it might
Curl (Tobacco Leaf Curl Virus), and Chilli Mosaic
completely ruin the crop (Abdel Kader et al., 2012).
The chilli pathogen Leveillula taurica's powdery
Vineeth et al., Biological Forum – An International Journal 15(10): 1547-1553(2023) 1547
mildew is an obligatory parasite that requires live host R = Co-efficient of correlation
tissue to develop and propagate. Endoparasitic fungi Weather parameter correlation and regression with
live in plant leaves, entering through stomata and per cent disease index (PDI). During 2020-2021,
forming haustoria through which they feed on (Clerk epidemiological research was conducted at College of
and Ayesu-Offei, 1967). L. taurica conidial Agriculture, Shivamogga. The powdery mildew
germination occurs at temperatures ranging from 10 to susceptible cultivar Byadagi Kaddi was selected for this
37°C (optimal 20°C). research. Ten plants with age of about 45 days were
During adverse environmental circumstances, the chosen at random and labelled to monitor the
pathogen might persist in many forms. In order to development of powdery mildew disease on leaves.
properly control the disease, the pathogen's survival and At weekly intervals of standard MW, observations were
dissemination mechanisms must be found out to delink made by following 0-5 scale. During the crop season,
the infection chain at the right moment. The most meteorological factors such as rainfall, maximum and
practical, realistic, and cost-effective technique of plant minimum temperatures, and morning and evening
disease control is host plant resistance. relative humidity were all recorded on a weekly basis.
This research on powdery mildew with respect to The weekly average of weather parameters was
variation among isolates in connection to environmental computed. A correlation matrix was devised. Multiple
conditions will aid us in quantifying the correlation and regressions with the aforesaid factors in relation to PDI
variability between the many independent variables like were also performed.
variety, temperature, humidity, location, rainfall, wind Apparent rate of infection (r) and Area Under
speed etc. Disease Progress Curve (AUDPC) for powdery
mildew. For the study, 10 plants were randomly
selected at flowering stage and tagged from the
Prediction model for powdery mildew. The current powdery mildew susceptible cultivar Byadagi Kaddi.
research was conducted at College of Agriculture, On these plants, the disease severity was measured on a
Shivamogga, during Rabi 2020-2021 to create a scale of 0 to 5. The Wheeler formula was used to
prediction model for chilli powdery mildew disease on compute the PDI (1969). Van der Plank (1963a)
susceptible cultivar Byadagi Kaddi with suggested formula was used to determine the rate of disease
package of practises except for powdery mildew development ‘r' at different intervals, and Wilcoxson et
disease management. al. formula was used to get the Area Under the Disease
A simple regression equation was used to study the Progress Curve (1975).
development of powdery mildew disease in relation to Rate of disease spread (r)
the severity for the initial occurrence of the disease. 2.3 X2 X1
Starting from the earliest appearance of disease through r = --------- (log 10 ---------- - log 10 ----------)
the end of the crop, the powdery mildew disease was t2 – t1 1 – X2 1 – X1
recorded on 10 randomly selected plants using a 0-5 Where, r = Apparent rate of infection
scale at seven-day intervals. The per cent disease index X1 = PDI at time t1
(PDI) was determined according to Wheeler (1969). X2 = PDI at time t2
Later, disease was predicted using a simple regression t2 – t1 = Time interval in days between the two
equation that was developed based on the onset and consecutive observation
progression of the disease. Area Under Disease Progress Curve (AUDPC)
The relationship between disease development and K
week of beginning of disease was shown to be in the AUDPC =  ½ (Si + Si – 1) (t2 – t1)
order of in a simple regression equation. i=1
Ŷ= a + bx Where,
Where, Ŷ = Predicted PDI Si = Amount of disease at ith time
X = Previous week PDI Si-1 = Amount of disease at (i – 1)th time
b = Co-efficient (slope) t2 – t1 = Number of days between two observations
a = Constant K = Number of successive evaluation of disease
1/n  xy – xy Observations recorded
b = ------------------ Per cent disease index (PDI). The severity of the
1/n  x 2 – y 2 disease was determined by rating each of the 10 plants
a = Ŷ – bx on a scale of 0 to 5 (Gawande and Patil 2003). The PDI
R value can be calculated by was also computed using the aforementioned scales and
the Wheeler formula (1969).

Total sum of numerical rating

Per cent Disease Index (PDI) = ×100
No. of leaves observed × Max. grade value

Vineeth et al., Biological Forum – An International Journal 15(10): 1547-1553(2023) 1548

RESULTS disease index were increased by 0.86, 0.83, 0.57, 0.13
and 0.52 units. Similarly, when there was increase in
Role of environmental factors on the development of
one unit of minimum relative humidity the per cent
powdery mildew. During 2020-2021, the impact of
disease index was decreased by 0.014 units
weather factors on the degree of powdery mildew
respectively. The weather factors influence the powdery
growth in the sensitive cultivar Byadagi kaddi was
mildew incidence in Byadagi Kaddi to the extent of 60
studied at College of Agriculture, Shivamogga. As
per cent.
indicated in "Material and Methods," the severity of
Prediction model by ‘Simple regression’ method on
disease was recorded at weekly intervals, and the data
powdery mildew disease development was done. The
were analysed using simple correlation and shown in
powdery mildew incidence was recorded at seven days
Table 2 and Fig. 1.
interval during 2020-21, by using 0-5 scale and
No powdery symptoms were reported till the 28 th of
converted to per cent disease index (PDI). Further,
January, according to the data (4th MSW). Powdery
disease development was predicted using the simple
mildew initially appeared on the 29th of January through
regression equation methods as explained in “Material
the 4th of February, with a PDI of 2.86 per cent. The Per
and Methods” observed and predicted values of PDI,
cent disease index (PDI) rose from 2.86 to 60.1 per
obtained are presented in Table 4 and Fig. 2.
cent, with a peak in the 11th MSW (12th March to 18th
The predicted values were ranged from 8.32 PDI to
March 2021) before gradually declining.
64.80 PDI. The difference between observed and
Through correlation and multiple linear regression, the
predicted PDI was maximum at 7th MW (8.11), the
relationship between weather parameters such as
predicted PDI values were almost on par with observed
maximum and minimum temperature, maximum and
PDI values during 6 and 10 MW.
minimum relative humidity, and rainfall with the per
Disease progression and apparent rate of infection
cent disease index of disease in susceptible cultivar
on Chilli powdery mildew. During 2020-2021 at
Byadagi Kaddi was found.
College of Agriculture, Shivamogga, the sensitive
During 2020-2021, the relationship between powdery
Byadagi Kaddi cultivar was used to assess disease
mildew (PDI) and weather factors (Table 1) were
progression and apparent rate of infection (r). From the
revealed a positive correlation between all weather
beginning of the disease to the conclusion of the crop,
parameters, with the minimum temperature showing a
disease incidence was reported at weekly intervals. In
negative correlation coefficient -0.014).
addition to the PDI, apparent rate of infection (r), and
The multiple linear regression between PDI of powdery
AUDPC were computed over two weeks and are shown
mildew and weather parameters during 2020-21 (Table
in Table 5 and Fig. 3. The disease began with a 2.86
1) indicated that, the regression coefficients for
PDI in the fifth meteorological standard week (MSW),
maximum temperature, minimum temperature,
steadily grew, and peaked at 60.10 per cent in the
maximum relative humidity, minimum relative
eleventh MSW of March 2021. On April 22nd, the PDI
humidity, rainfall and were found to be 0.86, 0.83, 0.57,
dropped to 35.75 per cent at 16th MSW.
-0.014, 0.13 and 0.52 respectively.
After three weeks of first infection at 7 th MSW, the
The multiple linear regression equation was fitted to the
maximum apparent rate of infection (r) (0.154) was
data and equation is Y = -96.73 + 1.38X1 + 5.71X2 +
recorded. The disease progressed steadily from the time
0.19X3 -1.05X4 + 0.35X5 -0.08X6. Where, X1 = Max.
of infection, with the highest AUDPC value (400.54)
Temperature (°C), X2 = Min. Temperature (°C), X3 =
which was recorded on the 18th of March 2021 (11th
Max. RH (%), X4 = Min. RH (%), X5 = Rainfall (mm)
MSW) and the lowest (10.01) recorded was on the 4 th of
and X6 = Wind speed.
February 2021 (5th MSW). The total or cumulative
This revealed that when there was increase in one unit
AUDPC obtained, on the other hand, was 1201.41 (Fig.
of maximum and minimum temperature, maximum
4 and Table 5).
relative humidity, rainfall and wind speed the per cent

Fig. 1. Influence of Weather Parameters on Chilli Powdery Mildew during 2020-21.

Vineeth et al., Biological Forum – An International Journal 15(10): 1547-1553(2023) 1549
Table 1: Effect of weather parameters on severity of chilli powdery mildew caused by Leveillula taurica (Lev.)
Arn. during 2020-2021.
Meteorological Temp. (°C) RH (%) Wind
Standard Week Speed
Months PDI Max. Min. Max. Min. (mm)
(MSW) (km/hr)
Jan 22nd - 28th 4 0 31.8 14.06 82 34.3 0 2.7
Jan 29th - Feb 4th 5 2.86 31.1 15.11 68.3 36.7 0 4
Feb 5th - 11th 6 5.15 31.2 13.03 65 28.9 0 3.7
Feb 12th - 18th 7 11.15 31.1 15.29 83.6 33.6 0 4
Feb 19th - 25th 8 26.9 31.2 18.43 80.7 45.7 0.1 4.4
Feb 26th - Mar 4th 9 41.18 34 19.26 88.7 34.9 3.9 5.4
Mar 5th - 11th 10 54.34 34.6 18.46 87.4 27.6 0 3.7
Mar 12th - 18th 11 60.1 34.5 20.77 84 36 0 4.1
Table 2: Correlation matrix of epidemiological factors and chilli powdery mildew disease severity during
TEMP (°C) TEMP RH (%) RH (%) Rainfall Wind speed
Characters PDI (%)
max (°C) min max min (mm) (km/hr)
PDI (%) 1
0.855119671 1
(°C). max
0.834479936* 0.832127832 1
RH (%).
0.567003923 0.517945253 0.53888412 1
RH (%).
-0.01393158 0.045754544 0.42740813 0.0925649 1
0.126429131 0.106795925 0.17797411 0.2833663 0.1966909 1
0.515703855 0.628026808 0.64472878 0.3318972 0.3702411 0.377671713 1
Note: * indicates significance at 5 per cent level
Table 3: Multiple linear regression analysis for influence of weather parameters on chilli powdery mildew
Constant X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6
-96.726 1.387 5.711 0.198 -1.055 0.357 -0.075
Regression equation R2 Multiple R
Y = -96.726 + 1.387 X1 + 5.711 X2 + 0.198 X3 – 1.055 X4 + 0.357
0.872 0.934
X5 -0.075X6
X1- Max. Temperature X2- Min. Temperature X3- Max. RH
X4- Min. RH
X5- Rainfall
X6- Wind speed.
Table 4: Observed and predicted PDI values by using simple regression equation for chilli powdery mildew
progression during 2020-21.
Meteorological Previous
Observed PDI Predicted PDI Difference (y-
Dates Standard Week week PDI
(Y) (ŷ) ŷ)
(MSW) (X)
Jan 22nd -28th (2021) 4 0 2.86 8.32 -5.45
Jan 29th - Feb 4th 5 2.86 5.15 10.9984 -5.85
Feb 5th - 11th 6 5.15 11.15 13.151 -2.00
Feb 12th - 18th 7 11.15 26.9 18.791 8.11
Feb 19th - 25th 8 26.9 41.18 33.596 7.58
Feb 26th - Mar 4th 9 41.18 54.34 47.0192 7.32
Mar 5th - 11th 10 54.34 60.1 59.3896 0.71
Mar 12th - 18th 11 60.1 55.58 64.804 -9.22
PDI = Per cent Disease Index
Simple regression equation ŷ = 8.32 + 0.95x Co-efficient of correlation R = 0.95741
R2 = 0.9166

Vineeth et al., Biological Forum – An International Journal 15(10): 1547-1553(2023) 1550

Fig. 2. Observed and predicted PDI values as per the simple regression equation for chilli powdery mildew
progression during 2020-2021.
Table 5: Apparent rate of infection (r) and Area Under Disease Progress Curve (AUDPC) for chilli powdery
mildew during 2020-2021.
Dates Standard Cumulative PDI r value/week
Week (MSW)
Jan 22nd - 28th (2021) 4 0 - - -
Jan 29th - Feb 4th 5 2.86 10.01 10.01 0.087
Feb 5th - 11th 6 5.15 28.035 38.045 0.12
Feb 12th - 18th 7 11.15 57.05 95.095 0.154
Feb 19th - 25th 8 26.9 133.175 228.27 0.092
Feb 26th - Mar 4th 9 41.18 238.28 466.55 0.076
Mar 5th - 11th 10 54.34 334.32 800.87 0.034
Mar 12th - 18th 11 60.1 400.54 1201.41 -0.026
PDI = Per cent Disease Index
AUDPC = Area Under Disease Progressive Curve
r = Apparent Rate of Infection

Fig. 3. Apparent rate of infection(r) of chilli powdery mildew during 2020-2021.

Fig. 4. Area Under Disease Progress Curve (AUDPC) for Chilli powdery mildew during 2020-2021.
DISCUSSION the current study. Below is a basic regression equation
for 2020-21.
Epidemiological studies
ŷ = 8.32 + 0.95x R = 0.957 R2 = 0.916
Prediction model for powdery mildew. A simple
regression equation was used to predict the
Y = Observed PDI
development of powdery mildew in chillies. The PDI
X = Predicted PDI
was calculated using a simple regression technique in

Vineeth et al., Biological Forum – An International Journal 15(10): 1547-1553(2023) 1551

With correlation coefficient of R = 0.957 the predicted Disease progress and apparent rate of infection on
powdery mildew varied from 8.32 to 90.32. The chilli powdery mildew. The apparent infection rate (r)
difference between observed and predicted was is computed using Van der Plank's (1963b) formula,
maximum at 1st MSW (11.91). The predicted values with the ‘r' value changing with time. They didn't stay
were almost on par with observed values during 50, 2 consistent for certain cultivars, and this has been
and 3 MSW. However, the results of chilli powdery frequently utilised to identify cultivars with a delayed
mildew during 2015-16 are in accordance with rate of disease development.
Amaresh and Nargund (2002) in rust of sunflower and On the other hand, the Area Under Disease Progress
also Nargund (1989) in leaf rust of wheat. Curve (AUDPC) value, which is a summation of values
During 2020-21, the powdery mildew symptoms were calculated at several intervals during the disease
first observed on 5th standard week. The severity progression and was compared by Wilcoxson et al.
increased slowly and reached the upto 60.10 per cent (1975), who used the AUDPC value to compare the
during 11th MSW of 2021. During the previous week, development of stem rust in different varieties, is
maximum temperature of 34.6°C and minimum probably a better epidemiological concept.
temperature was 18.46°C with maximum relative As a result, the apparent rate of infection (r) and Area
humidity of 87.4 per cent and minimum relative Under Disease Progress Curve (AUDPC) were not
humidity of 27.6 per cent followed by 0 mm rainfall utilised on powdery mildew growth on Byadagi Kaddi
and a windspeed of 3.7 km/hr. susceptible cultivar during 2020-21.
The favourable conditions such as no rainfall with The apparent rate of infection (r) and the values of the
minimum temperature of 20.77°C and maximum Area Under the Disease Progress Curve (AUDPC) were
temperature of 34.5°C, maximum relative humidity of crucial epidemic metrics. The greatest rate of infection
84 per cent and minimum relative humidity of 36 per (0.154) was found between the 7 th and 8th
cent and windspeed of 4.1 km/hr prevailed during that meteorological weeks in 2020-21. The 5th MW had the
week. Generally, the optimum temperature required for lowest AUDPC value (10.01). AUDPC values grew
the growth of chilli powdery mildew was 15°C to 20°C, steadily over the crop growth period, peaking at
optimum relative humidity was 80 per cent to 85 per (400.54) on the 11th MW of 2021, then gradually
cent (Elad et al., 2007). As the minimum temperature decreasing to (262.265) on the 16th MW of 2021. The
during 8 to 11 Meteorological standard weeks was in results were in accordance with Jharia et al. (1978).
the range of 18.43°C to 20.77 °C and relative humidity There was a substantial difference in ‘r' values per unit
range was 80.70 per cent to 88.70 per cent. Thus, due to per day for powdery mildew development. Changes in
the favourable weather factors in experimental field, a climatic circumstances, the quantity of powdery mildew
high disease severity was observed which were in lesions on the leaves, or plant growth might all affect
accordance with Nargund (1989). the rate of disease development.
Later a gradual reduction in disease severity was also
observed due to fluctuations in temperatures, relative
humidity, rainfall and wind speed i.e., deviated from the Prediction of powdery mildew was made one week well
optimum conditions for the growth of powdery mildew. in advance. The simple regression equation for 2020-21
In general, when comparatively high relative humidity was ŷ = 8.32 + 0.95x with R = 0.95741 and R2 =
is associated with warm weather then, the powdery 0.9166. However, it is important to note that the disease
mildew pathogens spread most rapidly. The ability of was influenced by various weather factors. The studies
the powdery mildew to spread under humid climatic on effect of weather factors on development of disease
conditions may be largely due to the capacity of their revealed that, 5th standard week was highly favourable
conidia to germinate at higher humidity than most (Elad for initiation and further development of disease.
et al., 2007, Kumar and Chandal 2018). There was a positive correlation between the disease
Correlation and multiple linear regression analysis incidence and all weather parameters except for
between severities of powdery mildew in relation to minimum relative humidity. The multiple linear
weather parameters. Through correlation and multiple regression equation was fitted to the data and the
linear regression analysis, the researchers were able to equation arrived for all the weather parameters is Y = -
establish a link between meteorological variables and 96.73 + 1.38X1 + 5.71X2 + 0.19X3 -1.05X4 + 0.35X5
the per cent disease index of powdery mildew in the -0.08X6.
extremely sensitive chilli variety Byadagi Kaddi. With The apparent rate of infection (r) and Area Under
the exception of minimum relative humidity, the Disease Progress Curve (AUDPC) values were
correlation between powdery mildew PDI and important criteria of epidemics. During 2020-21,
meteorological variables in 2020-21 revealed a positive highest rate of infection (0.154) was observed between
relationship (Elad et al., 2007; Saini, 2019; Kumar and 7th meteorological week. Lowest AUDPC value (10.01)
Chandel 2018) found similar results. was obtained in the 5th MSW. During crop growth
The multiple linear regression equation was fitted to the period, AUDPC values increased gradually and reached
data and the equation arrived for all the weather maximum (400.54) on 11th MSW of 2021 and further,
parameters during 2020-21 is Y = -96.73 + 1.38X1 + gradually reduced and reached (262.265) on 16th MSW
5.71X2 + 0.19X3 -1.05X4 + 0.35X5 -0.08X6. Hence, of 2021.
the weather factors influence the disease severity for
2020-21 to the extent of 60 per cent.
Vineeth et al., Biological Forum – An International Journal 15(10): 1547-1553(2023) 1552
FUTURE SCOPE Leveillula taurica powdery mildew of sweet pepper.
Phytopathol., 97(7), 813-824.
Based on the present results obtained, it is necessary to Gohokar, R. T. and Peshney, N. L. (1981). Chemical control
focus on the following aspects to understand the of powdery mildew of chilli. Indian J. Agric. Sci., 51,
powdery mildew in better way. 663-665.
1. Seasonal prediction model evaluation is necessary. Jharia, H. K., Khare, M. N. and Chand, A. (1978). Chemical
2. Investigations on the pathogenic variability of control of powdery mildew of chillies. Current
isolates at the molecular level is needed. Research, 7, 46-48.
Kumar, V. and Chandel, S. (2018). Effect of epidemiological
3. Determination on the severity of the disease on
factors on percent disease index of rose powdery
different planting dates is required. mildew caused by Podosphaera pannosa (Wallr.) de
4. Study and identification of bio-chemical compounds Bary. J. Crop Weed., 14(2), 137-142.
that confer resistance to chilli powdery mildew disease Lakshmi, S. U., Deepthi, S., Peddakasim, R., Suneetha, D.
Acknowledgements. The authors thank Keladi Shivappa and Krishna, P. M. S. R. (2014). Anthracnose, a
Nayaka University of Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences, prevalent disease in capsicum. Res. J. Pharm. Biol.
Shivamogga for grant in aid through staff research project, Chem. Sci., 5, 1583-1604.
providing necessary facilities and farmers for their support Nargund, V. B. (1989). Epidemiology and control of leaf rust
during sampling. of wheat caused by Puccinia recondite f. sp. tritici
Ethical approval. This article follows experimental Rob. Ex. Desm. Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. Agric. Sci.,
guidelines and this research does not involve any human Dharwad.
participants or animal performed. Panda, R., Panda, H., Prakash, K. and Panda, A. (2010).
Conflict of Interest. None. Prospects of Indian chillies. Science Tech
Entrepreneur., p 8.
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How to cite this article: Vineeth M., M.D. Thabrez, Aaqib Ayub, Laxman Navi and Manoj M. (2023). Influence of Weather
Parameters (Epidemiology) on Powdery Mildew Disease Development caused by Leveillula taurica. Biological Forum – An
International Journal, 15(10): 1547-1553.

Vineeth et al., Biological Forum – An International Journal 15(10): 1547-1553(2023) 1553

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