Department of Botany Govt.Vidarbha Institute of Science and Humanities, Amravati – 444604 (M.S.), India.
The investigation constitutes of the post harvest fungal diseases of vegetables and fruits. A survey of post harvest
diseases of different vegetables and fruits were carried out from the study site of a village There were 10 fungal
diseases reported on different vegetables like Onion, Tomato , Potato and Carrot. The vegetable diseases were
found caused by fungal pathogens like Aspergillus, Fusarium, Botrytis, Pythium, Sclerotium, Helminthosporium
etc. The study of post harvest diseases of fruits like Citrus, Mango, Banana and Papaya were reported in the study.
The fruits diseases was found caused by fungal pathogens like Penicillium, Alternaria Colletotrichum, Aspergillus
,Fusarium , Erwinia etc. The symptoms of post harvest diseases were also observed and reported.
pathogens were made on the basis of somatic structure 1) Grey mold disease
fruiting bodies, asexual and sexual reproductive It is a post harvest disease caused by a fungal pathogen
structures. The keys was used for identification of fungal Botrytis cinerea. The disease develops during the
pathogens. processing of vegetables and fruits .The condition of
rain, heavy dew or fog are responsible for disease
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION initiation and development The symptoms of the disease
are seen in the form of watery lesions with light brown to
In the present investigation a survey of postharvest
tan coloured central region which contains dark brown
diseased vegetables and fruits were carried out. The
specks..The affected area is converted into a soft watery
vegetables like Onion, Tomato, Potato and Carrot was
mass .The greyish mycelium and spores were observed
screened for the fungal infection and symptoms
in the infected tissues.
developed thereof (Table 1).The symptoms of different
diseases and their causal organism were recorded as
2) Black mold disease storage condition The disease shows dry and dark spots
This disease is caused by a fungus Aspergillus niger The on the peel or skin which later becomes sunken and
fungal pathogen potentially produces toxins in the wrinkled with irregular concentric rings. These spots
produce. The black powdery mass of spores is produced shrinks and brusts out.The internal tissues become brown
on exterior part of onion bulb and among the scales of with cavities filled with white tufts of mycelium. The
bulbs. The infection affects on the scales and that rotting progress into the whole potato tuber and become
becomes dry and papery. dry, hard and shrivelled.
A survey of postharvest diseases of fruits was carried out found affected with blue mold, green mold brown mold,
in the study area. The diseases of fruits like Citrus, Anthracnose, crown rot and black rot (Table 2). The
Mango ,Banana and Papaya were studied The fruits were symptoms and causal organism were studied as follows.