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Human Behavior and Victimology

Module 3
Human Behavior
and IV. Aspects of Behavior
V. Determinants of Behavior



Human Behavior and Victimology

• belief is an idea that a person holds as being true, e.g., base

from mathematical principles
• values are stable long-lasting beliefs about what is important
to a person; belief will develop into a value
• attitudes are the mental dispositions people have towards
others and the current circumstances; formed their attitudes
from underlying values and beliefs
• behavior are actions of an organism or in response with
other organism’s action; are how these internalized systems
(attitudes, beliefs and values) are expressed
• ethics are often used to describe attitudes and behaviors
specific to an organization 4

The brain……


Human Behavior and Victimology Human Behavior and Victimology

What influences human behavior? What influences human behavior? (cont’n…)

Behavioral Science: the study of human behavior 1. understanding consumer behavior
• indispensable, behavioral science is a vital across societal • commitment to understanding its consumers’
contexts psychological processes
e.g., can help promote sustainable spending and • fails to speak to customers’ inspirations, fears and
encourage businesses to adopt more environmentally perceptions, then its messaging
friendly practices or products • e.g., in COVID-19 pandemic, 75% of consumers in
• crucial, useful in organizational decision-making the United States tried a new store, brand or way of
e.g., can help to motivate employees and better shopping, according to McKinsey and Company
understand workplace structures and interaction
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Human Behavior and Victimology Human Behavior and Victimology

What influences human behavior? (cont’n…) What influences human behavior? (cont’n…)

2. understanding behavior in organizations 3. applying behavioral science to real-world situations

• by attending to the human needs of employees, • applying what’s been learned through research to
business partners and community stakeholders, drive positive outcomes both internally with
organizations employees and externally with consumers
• can increase morale and satisfaction
• thus improving overall productivity

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Human Behavior and Victimology

IV. Aspects of Behavior

• intellectual aspect – pertains to our way of thinking,
reasoning, solving problem, processing information
and coping with the environment
• emotional aspect – our feelings, mood, temper and
strong motivational force
• social aspect – pertains to how we interact or relate
with other people
• moral aspect – refers to our conscience and concept
on what is good or bad


Human Behavior and Victimology Human Behavior and Victimology

IV. Aspects of Behavior (cont’n…) IV. Aspects of Behavior

• psychosexual aspect – pertains to our being a man or Where:
a woman and the expression of love C – Crime/Criminal behavior (the Act)
• political aspect – our ideology towards society/ T – Criminal Tendency (Desire/Intent)
government S – Total Situation (Opportunity)
• value/attitude – pertains to our interest towards R – Resistance to Temptation (Control)
something, our likes and dislikes By: David Abrahamsem, Crime and Human Mind, 1945

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Human Behavior and Victimology

Reasons why studying the way humans think, feel and act
1. understanding motivation
• intrinsic and extrinsic motivators drive people in
different ways
• e.g., a greater sense of purpose and fulfilment
(intrinsic) or getting a raise (extrinsic)
• understanding the interplay of both can help us grasp
how to motivate them (and ourselves)


Human Behavior and Victimology Human Behavior and Victimology

Reasons why studying the way humans think, feel and act (cont’n…) Reasons why studying the way humans think, feel and act (cont’n…)

2. increasing productivity 3. creating high performing teams

• to understand how people think, act, and feel can • communicating clearly and collaborating effectively in

help create a healthy and productive work teams is essential to creating successful teams that
environment thrive
• Ubuntu is an African philosophy, “I am, because you
are” - means that a person is a person through other

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Human Behavior and Victimology Human Behavior and Victimology

V. Determinants of Behavior V. Determinants of Behavior

• why people are heterosexual and some homosexual, some are alcoholics and criminals
• why people are heterosexual and some homosexual, 2. environmental factors
some are alcoholics and criminals • anything around the person that influences his
1. heredity (biological factors) action
• refers to genetic influences, the characteristics of a a. family background – where an individual first
person acquired from birth experience how to relate and interact with one
• explains our emotional aggression, intelligence another; the cradle of personality development
and physical appearance, diseases b. childhood trauma – the experiences, which affect
• the idea concerning criminal behavior the concept the feeling of security of a child undergoing
that ‘criminals are born’ development processes
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Human Behavior and Victimology Human Behavior and Victimology

V. Determinants of Behavior V. Determinants of Behavior

• why people are heterosexual and some homosexual, some are alcoholics and criminals
• why people are heterosexual and some homosexual, some are alcoholics and criminals
2. environmental factors
2. environmental factors (cont’n…) c. pathogenic family structure – families associated with high frequency of
c. pathogenic family structure – families associated problems, such as:

with high frequency of problems, such as: 3. the discordant/disturbed family

• non-satisfaction of one or both parent from
1. the inadequate family – inability to cope with
the ordinary problems of family living; lacks the relationship that may express feeling of
resources and psychological in meeting the frustration due to value differences as sources
demand of family satisfaction of conflict
2. the anti-social family – espouses unacceptable 4. the disrupted family
• incompleteness whether as a result of death
or divorce 22

Human Behavior and Victimology

V. Determinants of Behavior
• why people are heterosexual and some homosexual, some are alcoholics and criminals

3. other factors
a. institutional influences such as peer group,
church, school
b. socio-cultural factors such as war and violence,
employment, social changes
c. nutrition or quality of food that a person intake;



Introduction to genetics . . . Introduction to nervous system. . .

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