Wellbeing For Children by David Kam
Wellbeing For Children by David Kam
Wellbeing For Children by David Kam
Health Psychologist
2. Eating the good stuff (types of heart related issues but also against
cancer, dementia and vision loss which is related to age)
3. Relaxation techniques
4. Use of Humour
5. Recreational activities
6. Regular exercises
7. Interests/Hobbies/Travels
9. Change tactically
2. Recognise happiness traps (what are some traps that you thought
Is happiness – things you are chasing
5. Change one’s ACTIVITIES (What activities have you been doing over
the years? Change activity new experience & think differently)
(doing fun thing together/recreational time)
2. Sense of humour
4. Problem-solving skills
5. Communication skills
Others factors…
2. Hobbies
3. Female
5. Sociable
6. Autonomy (girls)
10. Committed mentor (or other person from outside the family)
12. Sense of mastery (know they can master things from young)
13. Self Efficacy (Belief that one’s own efforts can make a difference)
2. Enforce rules for children aged two and three (use removal of
privileges (child need to earn it) and other forms of discipline that
do not belittle, harm, or reject the child – harsh way child
become bitter)
3. Use limits, calming behaviours, and oral reminders (to help the
child manage and modulate feelings, especially negative feelings
and impulsive responses
7. Provide opportunities for the child (to practice dealing with problems
and adversities through exposure to manageable adversities and
2. The child does endearing things that make people like her/him.
6. The child feels that what she/he does makes a difference in how
things come out.
2. Courage
Bravery, perserverance, zest, energy, authentic, honest,
3. Humanity
Love, kindness, generosity, social intelligence (what others
feels, or what motivate others)
4. Justice
(Fairness, Teamwork, leadership)
5. Temperance
(Modesty, self regulation, prudence, caution and discretion,
6. Transcendence
(Appreciation of beauty and excellence gratitude, hope,
humour, religiousness)
7. Authenticity
3. Is cooperative
8. Is independent, self-assured