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Digest 1

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Issue No. 6

WELCOME Chairperson's Message

The Forum presents the sixth

 Shri S.P.S. Parihar assumed charge as
issue of FoR Newsletter as part of
Chairperson, Madhya Pradesh Electricity
Regulatory Commission on 15th July, 2020. its continued efforts to reach out to
the stakeholders with updates on

 Shri Lokesh Dutta Jha assumed charge of regulatory developments in power

Chairperson, Joint Electricity Regulatory sector.
Commission for UTs of J&K and Ladakh on
28th August, 2020. During the period of publication ,the Forum met
thrice through the virtual mode due to the ongoing
 Shri D.K. Sharma assumed charge as pandemic situation in the country and discussed
Chairperson, Himachal Pradesh Electricity issues wrt provisional tariff on account of FGD by
Regulatory Commission on 26th September,
thermal power plants, implementation of e-court,
issues w.r.t. Standard bidding document on Medium
Term, Trading margin charged by power traders
 Shri Kumar Sanjay Krishna assumed charge
as Chairperson, Assam Electricity Regulatory like NVVNL and SECI, Draft Power Market
Commission on 04th January, 2021. Regulation, Consumer protection, Draft
Electricity(Rights to Consumer) Rules 2020, Draft
 Shri Shishir Sinha assumed charge as Electricity (Amendment) Bill, 2020 etc. In the
Chairperson, Bihar State Electricity forthcoming meetings, the Forum is expected to
Regulatory Commission on 19th January,
deliberate upon a host of crucial issues relevant to
the sectoral growth

We value your feedback and contributions in the

form of updates on the activities of SERC / JERC,
issuance of Regulations etc. We look forward to
your responses
Issue No. 6

FOR Meetings

71st FOR Meeting held on 11th, 15th and 18th May and 2nd June, 2020 via video

Some of the issues discussed were as under:

 Draft Electricity (Amendment ) Bill 2020

 Capacity Building Programs and Studies proposed to be conducted in the financial year
2020 – 2021
 Request for reduction and waiver of membership fees – Reference from TERC
 Reference from Ministry of Power regarding investment approval/provisional Tariff on
account of FGD by thermal power plants
 Updates on the following –

a. Implementation of E-Court in SERCs/JERCs

b. Working Group of FOR in the context of Standard Bidding Documents for
procurement of power for medium term.

72nd FOR Meeting held on 17th August, 2020 via video conferencing.
Some of the issues discussed were as under:

 Annual Audited Accounts of Forum of Regulators for 2019-20

 Trading margin charged by NTPC/SECI in long term contracts – Reference from PSERC
 Draft CERC Power Market Regulations, 2020
 Draft report of FOR study on Consumer Protection


73rd FOR Meeting held on 21st and 29th September, 2020 via video conferencing.

Some of the issues discussed were as under:

 Membership fees of Forum of Regulators for FY 2020-21 and FY 2021-22

 Budget for FY 2020 – 21 and FY 2021-22
 Draft Electricity (Rights of the Consumers) Rules 2020, issued by the Ministry of Power

Issue No. 6


CERC and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission signed an MOU on 19th January 2021 for
a 5 year period, through virtual mode. The MOU envisages cooperation in development and
oversight of power markets and related issues; Regulatory initiatives for facilitating
investment in the power sector; Integrating energy from renewable sources into the electricity
grid; Pricing of transmission services; Regulatory oversight of grid reliability; Technical
training in relevant areas; and Regulatory practices and functioning.

CERC- FERC MoU being signed

by Shri P.K. Pujari, Chairman, CERC

Commissioner Mr. Neil Chatterjee, FERC

signing the CERC – FERC MoU
Issue No. 6

Regulations at a Glance

CERC Regulations/Orders

Date of
Name of Regulation Link address
 Notification

(Payment of Fees) (Second
 13.04.2020 http://cercind.gov.in/2020/regulation/157-Reg.pdf
Amendment) Regulations, 2020

 (Sharing of Inter-State Transmission
 Charges and Losses) Regulations, 01.07.2020 http://cercind.gov.in/2020/regulation/158-Gaz.pdf
 2020
 (Terms and Conditions for Tariff
 determination from Renewable 23.06.2020 http://cercind.gov.in/2020/regulation/159_reg.pdf
 Energy Sources) Regulations, 2020

(Terms and Conditions of Tariff)
 (First Amendment) Regulations, 25.08.2020 http://cercind.gov.in/2020/regulation/160-Reg.pdf
 2020

SERC Regulations/Orders
Arunachal Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Electricity Supply Code) Regulation, 2020
Date of Notification : 01.04.2020

Assam Electricity Regulatory Commission

(Payment of Fees etc.) Regulations, 2020
Date of Notification : 28.07.2020

Bihar Electricity Regulatory Commission

(Intra-state Availability Based Tariff and Deviation Settlement Mechanism) Regulations, 2020
Date of Notification : 03.06.2020

Gujarat Electricity Regulatory Commission

Licensee Power to Recovery of Expenditure incurred in providing supply and other miscellaneous Charges
(Second Amendment) Regulations, 2020
Date of Notification : 24.06.2020
[DP] Tariff framework for procurement of power by Distribution licensees from wind-solar hybrid Projects
and other commercial issues for the state of Gujarat
Date of Notification : 27.08.2020
Issue No. 6

Himachal Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission

(Power System Development Fund) Regulations, 2020
Date of Notification : 22.08.2020

Haryana Electricity Regulatory Commission

(Single Point Supply to Employers’ Colonies, Group Housing Societies and Residential or Residential
cum Commercial/ Commercial Complexes of Developers and Industrial Estates/ IT parks/SEZ)
Regulations, 2020
Date of Notification : 22.04.2020

(Standards of Performance of Distribution Licensees and Determination of Compensation) Regulations,

Date of Notification : 24.04.2020

(Communication System for Intra-State transmission of electricity) Regulations, 2020

Date of Notification : 08.07.2020

(Terms and Conditions of License for Deemed Licensee) Regulations, 2020

Date of Notification : 18.09.2020

Madhya Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission

Balancing and Settlement Code, 2015 (First Amendment) 2020
Date of Notification : 02.06.2020

(Recovery of expenses and other charges for providing Electric Line or Plant used for the purpose of
giving Supply) Regulations (Revision–I), 2009 (Seventh Amendment) 2020
Date of Notification : 07.09.2020

Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission

(Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum & Electricity Ombudsman) Regulations, 2020

Date of Notification : 21.09.2020

Meghalaya State Electricity Regulatory Commission

(Intra-State Essential Reliability Services Operations) Regulations, 2020
Date of Notification : 31.07.2020
Issue No. 6

Odisha Electricity Regulatory Commission

(Compensation to Victims of Electrical Accident) Regulations, 2020
Date of Notification : 14.08.2020

(Terms and Conditions for Determination of Generation Tariff) Regulations, 2020

Date of Notification : 26.08.2020

Punjab State Electricity Regulatory Commission

(Deviation Settlement Mechanism and related matters) Regulations, 2020
Date of Notification : 10.09.2020

(Electricity Supply Code and Related Matters) (7th Amendment) Regulations, 2020
Date of Notification : 18.09.2020

Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission

(Service) (Sixth Amendment) Regulations, 2020
Date of Notification : 11.05.2020

Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission

Amendment to Sub-regulation (1) of regulation 3,clause (ii)(c) of sub-regulation (2) of regulation 5 of
supply code
Date of Notification : 09.06.2020

Notice under Smart Metering scheme

Date of Notification : 27.06.2020

Simplified procedure for shifting of existing agricultural service connection

Date of Notification : 16.07.2020

Amendment to sub-regulation (1) of regulation 26 of Distribution code

Date of Notification : 09.06.2020

RPO growth trajectory for the financial years 2019-2020, 2020-2021,2021-2022

Date of Notification : 24.07.2020

Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission

(Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum & Electricity Ombudsman) Regulations, (Second Amendments) 2020
Date of Notification : 26.08.2020
Issue No. 6

Multi Year Tariff Distribution (First Amendment) Regulations, 2020

Date of Notification : 05.06.2020

(Fees & Charges of State Load Despatch Centre and other related matters) Regulations, 2020
Date of Notification : 14.05.2020

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission

(Guidelines for Establishment of Forum for Redressal of Grievances of Consumers and Time and Manner of
Dealing with such Grievances by the Ombudsman) (First Amendment), Regulations, 2020
Date of Notification : 019.05.2020

The Decisions of APERC on Tariff for FY 2021-22

APERC in Retail Supply Tariff Order for FY 2021-2022 has introduced fixed charges @
Rs.10/kW/Month for LT Domestic consumers in place of minimum charges. APERC held that till now all
other categories of consumers except Domestic and Agriculture are being levied the fixed charges apart
from minimum energy charges being levied on certain Industrial and Commercial category consumers.
The tariffs for an overwhelming majority of domestic consumers are very low which are less than the cost
of service. The proposal of levy of fixed charges at as low as Rs.10/kW appears to be reasonable, more so
as the same is in lieu of payment of minimum charges.

In this order, the licensees have also been directed to constitute a round the clock monitoring cell which
shall monitor the market trends 24X7 and buy / sell power intraday without violating merit order
despatches, time block wise. This is an innovative step initiated to bring in more accountability and
transparency in the matter of power purchases by the licensees.

The APERC in this Tariff Order also withdrew load factor incentive to Industry General-HT category for
FY 2021-22. In this regard, APERC held that a consumer can consume only up to his requirement and
just to avail the incentive he will not consume energy which he otherwise does not require to consume.
Conversely, if the consumer requires a certain level of consumption, he will not refrain from consuming
up to that level merely due to absence of incentive. Hence, the Commission does not find the necessity of
continuing load factor incentive and accordingly, decides to withdraw the Load Factor for the FY 2021-

The APERC removed fixed charges for function halls under LT category keeping in view the COVID-19
Pandemic situation. The APERC included Merchant Plants / IPPs which do not have PPAs with the
DISCOMs under start-up power category.

Issue No. 6

RERC Suo Motu Order 1891/2021 dated 25.03.2021- Solar Power Systems at Schools of
State Government

State Government Schools where there is no electricity connection, solar power systems with
appropriate battery storage may be installed, and such schools may avail the electricity from such
systems. The solar power systems with integrated battery storage may be funded either by the State
Government or may be funded by the Corporates which may or may not be designated as obligated
entities for complying RPO mandated under the Regulations issued by the Commission under the
Electricity Act,2003. the maintenance of the solar systems installed in the schools as above for first
ten years will be carried out by the respective Agency who funded such solar systems. Thereafter the
system will be handed over to the respective school.

The solar power systems with integrated battery storage of an appropriate size can be installed by the
Corporates defined as obligated entities for the purpose of meeting through their Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) funds or through their internal accruals. Such solar systems can be installed by
the obligated corporates at the multiple schools of the cumulative capacity corresponding to their
average shortfall of previous three years in meeting their respective RPO. State Discoms may
themselves also consider funding expenditure on such solar systems initially through their investment
plan and generation from such systems will be counted towards fulfillment of their RPO. The above
modes are initially for places where electrical network is not available and network extension for
Discoms is costly. Once the electrical network reaches to such schools, the existing arrangements
may be converted into Net Metering arrangement.

Issue No. 6

Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission (MERC) order 134 of 2020

MERC its Order dated 22.03.2021 in Case No. 134 of 2020 has allowed all consumers (Extra High
Voltage, High Voltage and Low Voltage) in Maharashtra an option of sourcing all its power requirement
through renewable energy sources by paying ‘Green Tariff’ of Rs. 0.66/kWh which is over and above
regular tariff approved in respective tariff order.
The petition was filed by Tata Power Company Ltd (TPC)under Section 86 (1) (k) of the Electricity Act,
2003 (EA, 2003) read with Regulation 92 and 94 of Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Conduct of Business) Regulations, 2004 seeking approval for supply of Renewable Energy (RE) to
consumers for meeting their requirement of utilizing 100% green energy for their entire demand.
In order to meet requirement of the consumers seeking 100% green energy TPC has proposed as follows:
a. Permission to procure additional renewable power to meet the demand of consumers, over and
above its RPO requirements.
b. Such procurement will form part of the power purchase requirement of TPC and may be utilized
to meet its RPO requirement as well in case of shortfall.
c. TPC will issue a monthly certificate to the consumer stating that 100% of their power
requirement has been met through green energy.
d. The above proposal would be voluntary in nature and will provide a choice to the consumer to
opt for green energy.
e. For the efforts required to enable this requirement of 100% green energy, TPC proposes levy of
“Green Power Tariff” from such consumers.
f. The additional revenue on account of Green Power Tariff shall be accounted as other business
income of TPC-D, which will reduce the overall ARR of it as specified in the MYT Regulations,

MERC in its order also stated that revenue earned through Green Power Tariff shall be treated as
tariff income of Supply Business and thereby be fully accounted for reduction in ARR of supply
business and may take overview of the scheme at the time of mid-term review proceedings.

Link: https://www.merc.gov.in/mercweb/faces/merc/common/outputClient.xhtml#
Issue No. 6

Ministry of Power News

The Ministry of Power issued draft standard bidding documents (SBDs) on 22nd
September, 2020 for privatisation of distribution licensees. The SBDs comprise of a
guidance note, a draft request for proposal (RfP), draft shareholders, draft share
acquisition agreements, draft transfer scheme and a draft bulk supply agreement.
As per the standard bidding documents, assets of the existing distribution licensee,
other than land, would be transferred to the new entity at SERC approved Net Asset
Value. Land owned or in possession of the existing distribution licensee would be
provided to the successor entity on a right to use basis at nominal charges. PPAs of
existing distribution licensees would be transferred to the successor entities and the
successor entity would be provided with a clean balance sheet free of accumulated
losses/ unserviceable liabilities.


The Ministry of Power issued the draft Electricity (Rights of Consumers) Rules,
2020, on 9th September 2020, specifying the standards of performance for
distribution licensee and rights of consumers and prosumers. As per draft rules,
DISCOMs to supply 24 x 7 to all consumers, however, SERC may specify lower
hours of supply for some categories of consumers. SERCs would specify reliability
standards to be maintained by DISCOM as SAIDI/SAIFI per consumers in year.
Minimum outage time shall be considered for SAIDI/SAIFI. SERCs would also
specify Standard of Performance (SOP) as per Section 57 (1) of Electricity Act
2003 and compensation amount to be paid to consumers for violation of SOP.
Issue No. 6

The Ministry of Power issued draft for amendment to the Electricity Act, 2003
on 17th April 2020. Key amendments include introduction of distribution sub-
licensee (Section 2); Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) (Section 62 &65); Setting up
of Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority (ECEA) (Section 109); Unified
selection committee for appointment of Members and Chairpersons of ERCs,
APTEL, and ECEA (Section 78); Proposal to have minimum percentage to be
purchased from hydro energy (Section 3A); NLDC to monitor grid operations
and ensure grid stability (Section 26); Payment Security for scheduling or
dispatching of electricity (Section 26 &28); State Commission to have up to four
and APTEL to have minimum seven members (Section82).


MoP Guidelines for procurement of RTC Power

Ministry of Power issued guidelines for tariff based competitive bidding process
for procurement of Round-The Clock power from grid connected renewable
energy power projects, complemented with power from coal based thermal
power projects. The highlights of the guidelines are mentioned below:

• The guidelines mandate new RE capacity to be combined with existing

thermal power capacity.(Minimum 250 MW of RE could be tied with
multiple thermal capacities).
• 51% supply must come from RE and the balance could be provided
from a thermal power source.
• 85% availability should be maintained annually as well as during peak
hours by the developers. The generators may combine storage for
maintaining the said availability of 85%.
• The generation schedule (RE + Thermal) cannot be more than the
contracted capacity in any time block.
• A single composite tariff to be quoted at the CTU interconnection point.
25% of the the composite tariff shall be indexed to domestic or imported
coal as notified by CERC.
• Total generation from RE sources shall be must run and thermal power
would follow MOD based on its variable charge.
• DSM shall be applicable as per prevailing regulations.
Issue No. 6

CEA (Central Electricity Authority) Related

Report of Standing Committee of Experts on Failure of 220 kV & Above

Voltage Class Substation Equipment (Date of Issue – 25th June 2020)
A Standing Committee comprising experts in the field of design and operation of EHV
Substations from CEA, various power utilities and research/academic institutes was constituted
under Section 73 (1), of the Electricity Act, 2003, to investigate the failure of 220 kV and above
voltage class substation/ switchyard equipment such as Power/Generator Transformer, Circuit
Breaker (CB), Instrument Transformer [i.e. Current Transformer (CT), Potential Transformer
(PT)& Capacitor Voltage Transformer(CVT)],Surge Arrester (SA), Isolator etc. and recommend
measures to avert recurrence of such failures in future. As a part of such activity, CEA has been
receiving reports of failures of various substation/ switchyard equipment from power utilities.

The report stated that the failures are primarily due to reasons such as Normal Ageing, Failure
of Insulation system for CB/CT/PT/CVT/SA, Failure of Insulation system & Bushing for
Transformers & Reactors, Lack of prudent maintenance practices and Frequent System Faults
and transient over voltages generated by the system.

The report recommended measures suggested by the Committee for the Utilities to improve
performance of equipment and to use modern diagnostic tools for condition assessment so as to
keep substation equipment healthy for long trouble-free and reliable operation.


Report on Nineteenth Electric Power Survey of India Volume- III (Date of Issue -
18th August 2020)
The 19th EPS Committee, constituted by the CEA in June 2015, has decided to carry out Electric
Power Survey of Mega Cities also. Accordingly, this volume III of Electric Power Survey of
Mega Cities has been prepared. It was envisaged to include 45 Mega Cities.
In this report, the Partial End Use Methodology (PEUM) has been used to forecast electricity
demand. The electricity demand forecast for each Mega City has been carried out by considering
electricity consumption under various categories of electricity consumers viz. Domestic,
Commercial, Public Lighting, Public Water Works (LT, HT < 1 MW, HT >1 MW), Irrigation,
Industrial (LT, HT < 1 MW, HT >1 MW), Railway Traction & Bulk Supply (Non- Industrial
Consumers & Licences).
The input data for this study comprises of the category wise data of all Mega Cities from the year
2003-04 to 2018-19. Based on these input data, the year-wise electricity projection has been
carried out for each Mega City for the year 2019-20 to 2029-30 with the year 2018-19 being
taken as the base year.

Issue No. 6

MNRE (Ministry of New and Renewable Energy) Related

1. MNRE Issued Guidelines for Implementation of Off-grid Solar Power Packs/Plants in


Guidelines have been issued by MNRE with an objective to ensure proper repair and
maintenance of the off-grid solar power plants to be installed under the program and promote
efficiencies in operation. It envisages to introduce RESCO model for such systems. The plants
would be eligible for CFA at 90% of the benchmark cost. This CFA provided by the MNRE
would reduce the financial burden to a significant level, which otherwise results in very high tariff
in per unit terms due to smaller size of plants and requirement of storage batteries. Under the
program, off-grid solar power plants can be installed in areas where the grid power is not
available and areas where grid power though available but not reliable.
Link: https://mnre.gov.in/img/documents/uploads/file_f-1595421753108.pdf

2. MNRE Issued Guidelines for procurement of blended wind power from 2500 MW ISTS
connected projects

MNRE has issued guidelines for tariff-based competitive bidding process for procuring power
from 2.5 GW of the interstate transmission system (ISTS) connected wind projects blended with
solar power. SECI will act as the nodal agency for the implementation of the program. The rated
power capacity of the wind project should not be less than 80% of the total contracted capacity
blended with 20% of solar power.
Link: https://mnre.gov.in/img/documents/uploads/file_f-1593132038861.PDF

3. MNRE extends Biomass based Cogeneration Scheme

MNRE extended the Biomass based cogeneration scheme namely “Scheme to Support Promotion
of Biomass Based Cogeneration in Sugar Mills and other Industries (up to March 2020) beyond
31.03.2020 till 31st March 2021 or till the date the recommendations of 15th Finance Commission
come into effect.
Link: https://mnre.gov.in/img/documents/uploads/file_f-1598492901930.pdf
Issue No. 6

FOR Study Reports

FOR Report on Intra-State Reserves and Ancillary Services For Balancing – SANTULAN

The report emphasizes the need for Essential Reliability Services for functioning of the power system and
electricity market. It provides a roadmap for assessment, creation, arrangement, dispatch and settlement of
reserves in the grid. The report draws learning from international / national experience on ancillary
services and the recommendations have been compiled through a consultative process involving
representatives from CERC, SERC, SLDCs, RLDC, NLDC and Academia. The report also includes a
Model Regulation on intra-state Essential Reliability Services that could be adapted by the SERCs.

Link: http://www.forumofregulators.gov.in/Data/Reports/SANTULAN-FOR-Report-April2020.pdf

FOR Report on Consumer Protection in Electricity Sector in India

FoR has undertaken the study for status review of Consumer Grievance Redressal and Consumer
Protection. In this report, various aspects have been reviewed and analyzed, broadly classified under three
main heads i.e. Consumer Rights, Consumer Protection Mechanisms and Consumer Advocacy. The report
also suggests measures for further improvement on these aspects by review of international best practices
as well as practices followed in other sectors.


For complete repository of FOR

information, kindly visit

Please send your feedback at

Forum of Regulators, 1st Floor, Chanderlok

Building, 36 Janpath, New Delhi 110001

Email: secyskj@gmail.com

Disclaimer: Contents of this Newsletter are prepared taking references from various resources available
in public domain. The contents of the Newsletter may be considered as indicative references only and
respective organizations may be contacted for accuracy of data or information. The contents do not
necessarily reflect the views of the Forum of Regulators or its Member Organizations. The Forum of
Regulators does not guarantee the accuracy of data or information included in this publication and accepts
no responsibility for any consequence of their use.

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