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भारत सरकार

Government of India
विद् युत मंत्रालय
Ministry of Power
उत्तर क्षेत्रीय विद् युत सवमवत
Northern Regional Power Committee

िं: उ.क्षे.सव. ./प्रचालन/106/01/2022/ सदनािंक: 20.06.2022

विषय: प्रचालन समन्वय उप-सवमवत की196िी ं बैठक की अतररक्त काययसूचीI

Subject: Additional Agenda of 196th OCC meeting.

प्रचालन मन्वय उप- समसत की 196िी ं बैठक का आयोजन वीसियो कॉन्फ़्रेंस िंर् के माध्यम े सदनािं क
22.06.2022 को 10:30 बजे े सकया जायेर्ा I उक्त बैठक की कायग ूची उत्ति क्षेत्रीय सवद् युत् समसत
की वेब ाइट पि उपलब्ध है I

बैठक में म्मिसलत होने के सलए सलिंक व पा विग भी दस्ोिं को ई-मेल द्वािा प्रदान सकया जाएर्ा।

कृपया बैठक में उपम्मथित होने की ुसवधा प्रदान किें ।

196th meeting of the Operation Co-ordination sub-committee will be conducted

through Video Conferencing on 22.06.2022 from 10:30 Hrs. The additional agenda of
this meeting has been uploaded on the NRPC web-site

( ौसमत्र मजूमदाि)
अधीक्षण असभयिंता (प्रचालन)

सेिा में : प्रचालन समन्वय उप सवमवत के सभी सदस्य।

To : All Members of OCC

18-ए, शहीद जीत स िंह मार्ग, कटवारिया िाय, नई सदल्ली- 110016 फोन:011-26513265 ई-मेल: seo-nrpc@nic.in वेब ाईट: www.nrpc.gov.in
18-A, Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg, Katwaria Sarai, New Delhi-110016 Phone: 011-26513265 e- mail: seo-nrpc@nic.in Website: www.nrpc.gov.in
खण्ड-क: उ.क्षे.वि.स. Part-A: NRPC

AA.1. Issue of Deemed Availability Certification for shutdowns availed by

POWERGRID for shifting of transmission lines for NHAI Projects
AA.1..1. Ministry of Power vide letter dt. 31.08.2021 requested CERC to suitably modify the
CERC (Terms and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations, 2019 so that RPC Sectt can
issue deemed availability certificate for the shutdown period availed by
transmission licensees for shifting of their transmission lines in NHAI projects,
provided that transmission customers are not affected by the shutdown of the line.
AA.1..2. The issue was deliberated in 47th TCC/49th NRPC meetings, it was decided that
deemed availability for the shutdown period availed by transmission licensees for
shifting of their transmission lines in NHAI projects may be provisionally allowed till
Commission takes final call on Tariff Regulations. Accordingly, deemed availability
for the shutdown period availed by transmission licensees for shifting of their
transmission lines in NHAI projects is being given since October, 2021 after
consulting with concerned beneficiaries.
AA.1..3. Recently, a meeting was held on 02.06.2022 under the chairmanship of Secretary
(Power), MoP to discuss policy on shifting of transmission lines by transmission
licensees for other infrastructure projects. The MoM were issued vide letter dated
13.06.2022. (copy attached as Annexure – AA.I) The para 3 (iv) of MoM states as
“CEA informed that Northern Regional Power Committee had considered the
applications for deemed availability from the date of decision i.e. 11.08.2021
and past cases were not considered. The Chair advised that all applications for
deemed availability may be considered irrespective of date of application.
However, settled cases may not be reopened.”
AA.1..4. Further, a meeting was held by NRPC with POWERGRID, NRLDC and CEA
wherein it was decided that presently diversion cases of NHAI for the FY 2021 –
22 may be taken up first for the certification of deemed availability and it may be
confirmed if beneficiaries are not affected due to these shut downs.
AA.1..5. The list of outages taken by POWERGRID for diversion cases related to NHAI from
April, 2021 to September, 2021 and February, 2022 to April, 2022 are attached as
Annexure – AA.II.
AA.1..6. Utilities are requested to confirm whether they were affected or faced any
transmission constraint due to outages of POWERGRID (copy attached at
Annexure – AA.II) taken for shifting/diversion works of transmission lines for
different projects of NHAI.
Members may kindly confirm.

AA.2. Third party protection audit at PTCUL sub-stations (additional agenda by UJVNL)
AA.2.1. DPR has been prepared and submitted to NLDC for renovation and up-gradation
of protection system (stage-II) of various substations / switchyards in Uttarakhand
for funding of approx. Rs.120 Cr. This DPR covers upgradation of 02 nos. of 400

अतरिक्त कायग ूची:उ.क्षे.सव. .की प्रचालन मन्वय उप- समसत की 196वीिं बैठक
पृष्ठ - 2 of 3
kV S/s and 08 nos. of 220 kV S/s, having served more than 10 years. Replacement
of old protective equipment’s (CM, CT, CVT, C&R Panels etc) has been proposed.
New and modern technology tools and testing equipment as well as online
moisture management system at old transformers has also been proposed. As per
the conditions of PSDF funding, third party protection audit is mandatory for
approval and grant of funds.
AA.2.2. This agenda was discussed in 182nd OCC meeting and it was decided that experts
in the field of protection may be selected for third party protection audit of 400kV
Rishikesh S/s and 220kV S/s at Rishikesh / Haldwani.
AA.2.3. Similar matter, pertaining to other UJVNL substations or switchyards, was
deliberated in 193rd OCC meeting and the OCC forum constituted Protection Audit
Team for carrying out Third Party protection audit for 10 nos. of 132/220 kV S/s or
switchyard of UJVN.
AA.2.4. UJVNL has now requested to constitute third party audit team for 400 kV / 220 kV
S/s of Rishikesh / Haldwani, so that the desired Audit Report may be submitted to
PSDF-NLDC for the approval of project.
Members may kindly deliberate.

खण्ड-ख: उ.क्षे.भा.प्रे.के. Part-B: NRLDC

AB.1. Mock testing of 765 kV Agra-Gwalior SPS conducted on 27.04.2022

The mock testing of 765 kV Agra-Gwalior System Protection Scheme (SPS) was
conducted on 27th April 2022 in line with the decision of 193 rd Operation Coordination
Committee (OCC) meeting of Northern Region. Before the testing as well as during
the testing a high level of support and coordination was extended by all the
stakeholders. A brief report on the SPS testing has already been shared with all the
stakeholders. The testing of the scheme was satisfactory with few observations. SPS
load groups also to be finalized/revisited with the input of all the concerned
stakeholders. Utilities are also requested to take-up various issues as detailed in the
report with POWERGRID and go ahead with rectification of the same.
Members may like to discuss.

अतरिक्त कायग ूची:उ.क्षे.सव. .की प्रचालन मन्वय उप- समसत की 196वीिं बैठक
पृष्ठ - 3 of 3

F. No. 34-3 I 1 812O22-T rans

qRd g*FTt / Government of lndia
ff{g.d d7rm{T / Ministry of power
(tntqur qr{rq, tf Division)
,rq qrfr rrrFf, ret qFf, T{ ffi-
1 1ooo1
Shram Shakti Bhawan, Rafi Marg, New Delhi-l10001

frqis'r 13 qt, 2ozz


Subject - Minutes of the Meeting held on 02.06.2022 to discuss poticy on shifting of

transmission lines by transmission licensee for other infrastructure projects

The undersigned is directed to fonrvard herewith Minute/of the meeting held under
the chairmanship of Secretary (Power), Ministry of Power on 02.06.2022 it Og:gO ptvl
through Video Conference to discuss framing of a policy on shifting of transmission lines by
the transmission licensees, for other infrastructure projects for iniormation and necessary

2. lt is requested to furnish Action Taken Report (ATR) on the decision taken in the

Encl.: As above

( Goutam Ghosh)
fttgro, r{r{flgrirTt,
tfrfuq: 23sz sz4z
{-tgr transdesk- mop@ n ic.in
1. Chairperson, CEA, New Delhi
2. Secretary, CERC, New Delhi
3. Member Secretary, ERPC / NRPC / NERPC / SRPC / WRPC
4. CMD, POWERGRID, Gurugram
5. COO, CTUIL, Gurugram.
Copy to:
1. Member (PS), CEA, New Delhi
2. Director (Project), POWERGRID, Gurugram
3. Chief Engineer: PSPM / PSETD / CE!, CEA, New Delhi
4. Dy. COO, CTUIL, Gurugram.
Gopy to: ST.PPS/PPS/PS to Secretary (Power) / JS (Trans) / Director (Trans), Ministry of

Minutes of the Meeting held under the Chairmanship of Secretary (Power), Ministry of
Power on 02.06.2022 through Video Conference to discuss framing of a policy on
shifting of transmission lines by the transmission licensees, for other infrastructure

A meeting was held under the Chairmanship of Secretary (Power), Ministry of Power on
02.06.2022 through Video Conference to discuss framing of a policy on shifting of
transmission lines by the transmission licensees to discuss framing of a policy on shifting of
transmission lines by the transmission licensees for other infrastructure projects. List of
participants is attached at Annexure-l.

2. Chief Engineer (PSETD), Central Electricity Authority made a presentation highlighting

present provision/procedure for shifting of transmission lines by the transmission licensees
for crossing of other infrastructure projects mainly road and railways, supervision charges
levied for shifting, certification of deemed availability for the shutdown period by the
Regional Power Committee, provided beneficiaries are not affected due to shut
down. Copy of the presentation is at Annexure-ll.

3. During discussion, following points emerged:

(i) CEA informed that Regulation 63 of the Central Electricity Authority

(lt/easures relating to Safety and Electric Supply) Regulations,2010 as amended, already
have the provisions for shifting of lines during "Erection or alteration of buildings, structures,
flood banks and elevation of Roads". The Regulations provide for intimation to the owner of
the line and Electric lnspector for shifting of lines, examination of drawing and submission
of cost estimate, dispute resolution for cost estimate etc.

(ii) On the issue of deemed availability for the shutdown period availed by the
transmission lines for NHAI works, CEA informed that based on discussion in the meeting
taken by Secretary (Power) on 11.08.2021, lVlember Secretaries of RPCs are issuing
provisional deemed availability certificate for the shutdown period availed by transmission
licensees for shifting of their transmission lines, provided that transmission customers are
not affected by the shutdown of the line. However, CERC is yet to issue amendment in the
relevant clauses related to deemed availability in the CERC (Terms and Conditions of
Tariff) Regulations 201 9.

On a query regarding any pending cases for deemed availability, CNID,
POWERGRID informed that POWERGRID had raised the issue of not getting Deemed
Availability certificate in the Northern Region during the PMG Projects review meeting taken
by the Chair on 19.05.2022.

(iv) CEA informed that Northern Regional Power Committee had considered the
applications for deemed availability from the date of decision i.e. 11.08.2021 and past
cases were not considered. The Chair advised that all applications for deemed availability
may be considered irrespective of date of application. However, settled cases may not be

(v) Joint Secretary (Trans), MoP informed that CEA has been requested to frame
a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for shifting of Transmission line indicating how to

apply, examination of application and cost estimate with time lines for each activity etc. He
informed that once cEA submits the same, it will be put up in the file.

(vii) The Chair enquired whether CEA is monitoring the shifting of transmission
Iine by private developers. Member (PS), CEA informed that in this regard, the meeting was
taken last on 25.05.2022, which was attended by NHAI, POWERGRID as well as by Private
Developers, wherein, 120 issues were discussed. lt is found that issues are pending mostly
with NHAI. He also presented the status of pending issues. He informed that status in this
regard will be shared with Ministry.

3. After deliberations, following decisions were taken:

(i) The issue of deemed availability certificate in Northern Region as requested

by POWERGRID may be resolved by NRPC/CEA within 10 days and the same may be
apprised to the Ministry.

(ii) A consolidated Standard Operating Procedure for shifting of Transmission line by

transmission licensees for other infrastructure projects shall be prepared by CEA and
submitted to the Ministry. The same will be put up for approval of the Competent Authority
in the Ministry.

(iii) CERC shall be advised to make necessary changes quickly in the CERC
(Terms and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations to enable declaration of deemed availability
certificate by Regional Power Committees for shifting of transmission lines for other
infrastructule. projects, provided that transmission customers are not affected by the
shutdown of the line

4. The meeting ended with thanks to the Chair.

* ** ******

Annexure - l

List of Participants

S. No. Name of the Designation Ministry/ Department /

Participant State / Organization
1 Alok Kumar Secretary (Power) Ministry of Power
2 Ghanshyam Prasad Joint Secretary firans) Ministry of Power
3 Goutam Ghosh Director (Trans) Ministry of Power
4 Goutam Roy Member (PS) CEA
5 V K Singh cE (PSPTU) CEA
7 Ramesh Kumar CE (CEI) CEA
8 Harpreet Singh Pruthi Secretary CERC
I N S Mondal Member Secretary ERPC
10 Naresh Bhandari Member Secretary NRPC
11 B Lyngkhoi Member Secretary NERPC
12 Asit Singh Member Secretary SRPC
13 Satyanarayan S. Member Secretary WRPC
14 K Sreekant CtUD POWERGRID
15 A Choudhary Director (Project) POWERGRID
17 Sunil Aggarwal ED (CP) POWERGRID
18 P C Garg coo CTUIL
19 Ashok Pak Dv COO CTUIL


Sr. Restoration Date Outage

Element Name Outage Date Time Outage Reason
No. Time Hours
S/D by NR-I for diversion of line
400KV MEERUT- due to construction work of Meerut-
1 01-04-21 00:00 04-04-21 23:01 95:01
BAREILLY-I Bulandshahar NH-235. Out since
1050hrs dt-17.03.21.
S/D by NR-I for diversion of line
400KV MEERUT- due to construction work of Meerut-
2 01-04-21 00:00 04-04-21 22:49 94:49
BAREILLY-II Bulandshahar NH-235. Out since
1050hrs dt-17.03.21.
S/D by NR-I for diversion of line
3 05-04-21 10:14 17-04-21 22:16 300:02 due to construction work of Meerut-
Bulandshahar NH-235.
S/D by NR-I for diversion of line
4 05-04-21 10:16 17-04-21 22:17 300:01 due to construction work of Meerut-
Bulandshahar NH-235.
S/D for diversion work between
Aug-21 5 09-08-21 09:12 19-08-21 19:27 250:15 tower 385-393D and 344-400A, for
NHAI project.
Shutdown for diversion work for
400KV BHIWADI- NHAI due to infringement in
6 14-09-21 08:38 27-09-21 23:14 326:36
GURGAON construction of their NH148N road
Shutdown for diversion work for
400KV BLBGRH- NHAI due to infringement in
7 14-09-21 08:37 27-09-21 22:45 326:08
GURGAON construction of their NH148N road
Shutdown for diversion work by
8 20-02-22 09:20 04-03-22 10:25 289:05 NHAI due to construction of Delhi-
Vadodara Expressway (NH148N).
Shutdown taken for diversion of line
9 07-02-22 08:16 17-02-22 00:25 232:09 due to construction work of Outer
Ring Road by NHAI.
Shutdown taken for diversion of line
Feb-22 10 07-02-22 08:49 17-02-22 00:26 231:37 due to construction work of Outer
Ring Road by NHAI.
Shutdown taken for diversion of line
11 20-02-22 09:41 04-03-22 21:26 299:45 due to construction work of Outer
Ring Road by NHAI.
Shutdown taken for diversion of line
12 20-02-22 09:41 04-03-22 20:19 298:38 due to construction work of Outer
Ring Road by NHAI.
400KV AGRA- Shutdown for line diversion works
13 20-03-22 09:22 04-04-22 17:30 368:08
JAIPUR(S)-I for NHAI road project.
400KV AGRA- Shutdown for line diversion works
14 20-03-22 09:23 04-04-22 18:11 368:48
JAIPUR(S)-II for NHAI road project.
Shutdown for diversion work by
NHAI due to construction of
15 07-03-22 08:41 22-03-2022 17:38 368:57 ISMAILABAD-NAURNAL
(NH152D). Under Bharatmala
Shutdown taken for diversion of line
Mar-22 16 06-03-22 09:02 14-03-22 20:11 203:09 due to construction work of Outer
Ring Road by NHAI.
Shutdown taken for diversion of line
17 06-03-22 09:01 14-03-22 19:25 202:24 due to construction work of Outer
Ring Road by NHAI.
S/D taken for diversion of Line due
18 30-03-22 09:02 08-04-22 22:37 229:35 to construction of Outer Ring road
by NHAI.
S/D taken for diversion of Line due
19 30-03-22 09:02 08-04-22 22:35 229:33 to construction of Outer Ring road
by NHAI.
SD taken for NH-152 D Ismailabad-
Narnaul diversion works under
20 KURUKSHETRA-JIND 15-04-22 10:29 05-05-22 17:54 487:25:00
Bharatmala Project at Loc. No. 174-
SD taken for NH-152 D Ismailabad-
Narnaul diversion works under
21 KURUKSHETRA-JIND 15-04-22 10:30 05-05-22 17:55 487:25:00
Bharatmala Project at Loc. No. 174-
- II
Shutdown taken for diversion of line
22 01-04-22 09:53 17-04-22 13:09 387:16 due to construction work of Delhi-
Vadodara Expressway by NHAI
Shutdown taken for diversion of line
23 01-04-22 09:49 17-04-22 12:50 387:01 due to construction work of Delhi-
Vadodara Expressway by NHAI
765KV ALIGARH- Shutdown taken for diversion of line
24 30-04-22 08:57 13-05-2022 17:18 320:21
JHATIKARA due to construction work by NHAI

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