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I think what I was most surprised by
when I launched this test back in April
2018 was how easily people accepted it
into the personality test world. Many
people were confused by what their
results meant, yes, but the format of the
test was never fundamentally called into
question—at least, not in any way that
impacted how widely the test was
I bring this up because this test has
more layers than would initially seem. I
think a typology veteran well aware of
what the cognitive functions are would
easily recognize the basic format of the
test: a 96 question test that asks 12
questions to test for each of the eight
functions. The mystery, it would seem,
is at the very end—when everything
finally gets calculated and the test gives
you a few types.
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Ni (introverted intuition) 29
Se (extraverted sensing) 22
Si (introverted sensing) 29
Te (extraverted thinking) 24
Ti (introverted thinking) 33
Fe (extraverted feeling) 27
Fi (introverted feeling) 26
ESFP 45.75
ISFP 50.25
ENTJ 50.75
ESTP 51.75
ESTJ 52.1
ENFP 52.5
ENFJ 52.75
ISTJ 53.9
ESFJ 54.1
INFP 54.3
INTJ 55.25
ISFJ 57.9
ISTP 58.25
ENTP 58.5
INFJ 59.25
INTP 62.3
Type descriptions
INFJ (59.25)
In your early childhood, you were
drawn to develop your inner sense of
creativity. You might have had an
imaginary friend with whom you
spent time in dreamy silence. Few
close friends were allowed to share
with you your world of imagination.
You were a big daydreamer, and
teachers constantly reminded you to
pay attention. You don't remember
the details of this time period very
well, as they had not piqued your
interest then—but you do remember
the atmosphere and ambience of the
feelings you'd had felt back then.
Around the age of twelve, you
became aware of a desire to express
yourself through a mode of feeling,
even though you maintained your
predominantly intuitive disposition.
You became more aware of the
needs of others, looking to help the
poor, the suffering, and the
underdogs. You may have joined
groups committed to being of service
to others, and you found it difficult
to find time for yourself.
At twenty, you experienced a new
desire to become more independent,
searching for autonomy as you
became critical of your previous
submission to others. Because this
attitude emerged internally, you
found it difficult to express to others
how you wished to shape yourself,
and they may have been surprised
or offended by the change. Despite
perhaps feeling that this attitude
had been developing poorly, you
decided to hone it and allow you to
eventually grow; rather than
returning to submissiveness, you
wanted to grow further into your
You now began to experience your
last function—sensing—as you
started to notice details around you
that you'd left unacknowledged. For
the first time, you'd begun to take
pleasure in exercising your senses,
whether it be through playing an
instrument, learning a craft, or
collecting objects. You'd engaged in
these activities with a newfound
precision that contradicted the
disorder you'd been used to, which
you now grew impatient with.
ENTP (58.5)
As a young child, you were absorbed
in the world of imagination,
stimulated primarily by the social
world rather than in solicitude. If
you were an only child, you might
have had an imaginary friend. With
other children, you were often the
one who stimulated them with new
and exciting activities, being easily
bored by routine, whether in play,
work, or study. You may have been
urged to be brought back down to
the real world, and you might have
been scolded for your disorderliness.
Even as you did today's tasks, you
would have your mind what it would
bring tomorrow.
Around the age of twelve, you began
looking inward, becoming more
reflective and turning to the world
of logic. You often had difficulty