Tle CSS Reviewer
Tle CSS Reviewer
Tle CSS Reviewer
What equipment is used for drying sweaty hands while working on electronic device?
a. Face Mask b. Hand Towel c. Lab Coat d. Wristband
What is referred to the skill of dismounting the computer parts?
a. PC Assembly b. PC Building c. PC Disassembly d. PC Mounting
What is the first thing you do in performing personal computer disassembly?
a. Unplugging b. Plugging c. Opening d. Closing
How many screws are there at the back of the system unit?
a. 4 b. 6 c. 8 d. 2
What is referred to a screw that you can unscrew by hand?
a. Medium Knob Screw b. Large Knob Screw c. Small Knob Screw d. Knot Screw
What part in the system unit is located right on top of the CPU heat sink?
a. CPU Screw b. CPU Heat Sink c. CPU Fan d. CPU
What is the minimum processor requirement in installing Windows 7 OS?
a. 1 GHz b. 1 MHz c. 1 KHz d. 1 THz
What is the minimum memory requirement in installing 64 bit Windows 7 OS?
a. 1 GB b. 2 GB c. 1 MB d. 2 MB
What is the minimum disk space requirement in installing 64 bit Windows 7 OS?
a. 10 GB b. 20 GB c. 10 MB d. 2 MB
What key is pressed to enter the system BIOS?
a. F10 b. F8 c. F2 d. F12
What key is pressed to save the configuration in system BIOS?
a. F12 b. F6 c. F4 d. F10
What is referred to the way a system is set up or the assortment of components that make up the system?
a. Configuration b. Confirmation c. Conjugation d. Construction
What does BIOS stand for?
a. Basic Input/Output System b. Basic Input/Output Security
c. Based on Input/Output System d. Based on Input/Output Security
What is referred to a software stored on a small memory chip on the motherboard?
Where does a BIOS be accessed and configured?
a. BIOS Window b. BIOS Help Menu c. BIOS Setup Utility d. BIOS Config
Which of the following is/are things that you can do in BIOS?
a. Change the Boot Order b. Change the Hard Drive Settings
c. Change the CPU Setting d. All mentioned
What removable storage device retains data without electrical power?
a. Flash Drive b. Anti-static Wrist Strap c. Wire Stripper d. Crimper
What device is used to safely ground a person working on very sensitive electronic equipment?
a. Flash Drive b. Anti-static Wrist Strap c. Wire Stripper d. Crimper
What tool is used to make cold weld joints between Ethernet cable wire and RJ45 plug?
a. Flash Drive b. Anti-static Wrist Strap c. Wire Stripper d. Crimper
What small, hand held device used to strip electrical insulation from electric wires?
a. Flash Drive b. Anti-static Wrist Strap c. Wire Stripper d. Crimper
What tool is used to drive or fasten positive slotted screws?
a. Ethernet Cable Tester b. Philip Screw Driver c. Computer Network d. RJ45
What electronic device used to verify the electrical connection in an Ethernet cable?
a. Ethernet Cable Tester b. Philip Screw Driver c. Computer Network d. RJ45
What equipment is used for protecting the eyes form dust, excessive light and wind?
a. Goggles b. Rubber Sole Shoes c. Apron d. Gloves
What equipment is used to prevent electric shock and for waterproofing and insulating purposes?
a. Goggles b. Rubber Sole Shoes c. Apron d. Gloves
What garment is worn over the front of the body as a protection for one’s cloth?
a. Goggles b. Rubber Sole Shoes c. Apron d. Gloves
What equipment is used to cover and hand protection?
a. Goggles b. Rubber Sole Shoes c. Apron d. Gloves
What equipment is used for protecting the area surrounding the eye in order to prevent particles, water or chemical
from striking the eye? a. Face Shield b. Safety Glass c. Head
What is referred to two or more computers that are linked in order to share resources?
a. LAN b. Network c. PAN d. MAN
What network is for interconnecting devices centered on individual’s person’s workspace?
a. LAN b. Network c. PAN d. MAN
What network is confined to a relatively small area?
a. LAN b. Network c. PAN d. MAN
What network interconnects users with computer resources in a geographical area?
a. LAN b. WAN c. PAN d. MAN
What network connects large geographical areas?
a. LAN b. WAN c. PAN d. MAN
What is referred to a small, simple and inexpensive device that joints multiple computers together?
a. Hub b. Ethernet Switch c. Bridge d. Routers
What device gathers signals from devices that are connected to it and generates a new copy of each signal?
a. Hub b. Ethernet Switch c. Bridge d. Routers
What network device filters data traffic at a network boundary?
a. Hub b. Ethernet Switch c. Bridge d. Routers
What is referred to a small physical device that joins multiple networks together?
a. Hub b. Ethernet Switch c. Bridge d. Routers
What is referred to an internetworking system capable of joining together two networks that is use different base protocol?
a. Network Interface b. Network Gateway c. Network Firewall d. Modem
What device connects a client computer, server, printer or other components to your network?
a. Network Interface b. Network Gateway c. Network Firewall d. Modem
What device translates digital signals from a computer into analog signals?
a. Network Interface b. Network Gateway c. Network Firewall d. Modem
What system guards an internal computer network against malicious access from outside?
a. Network Interface b. Network Gateway c. Network Firewall d. Modem
What networking device amplifies signals it receives so that the signal can cover longer distance?
a. Access Point b. Repeater c. Bridge d. Router
What networking device is used to create a wireless local area network?
a. Access Point b. Repeater c. Bridge d. Router
What electronic apparatus provides emergency power to a load when the input power source or main power fails?
a. External DVD ROM b. UPS c. Printer d. AVR
What device is used to regulate the voltage?
a. External DVD ROM b. UPS c. Printer d. AVR
What removable USB type disc drive uses laser light as part of the process of reading data to or from optical disc?
a. External DVD ROM b. UPS c. Printer d. AVR
What hardware produces a paper copy of the information generated by the computer?
a. External DVD ROM b. UPS c. Printer d. AVR
What equipment is used for covering part of the face to prevent inhaling or absorbing dust and other chemicals?
a. Face Shield b. Safety Glass c. Head Band d. Face Mask
What equipment is used for the entire face from hazards such as flying objects and debris, chemical splashes or
potentially infectious materials? a. Face Shield b. Safety Glass c. Head Band d. Face Mask
What fabric is worn around the head around the head to keep the hair or perspiration off the face?
a. Face Shield b. Safety Glass c. Head Band d. Face Mask
What fabric is worn on the wrist used to absorb and wipe sweat instead of handkerchief while working?
a. Face Mask b. Hand Towel c. Lab Coat d. Wristband