Airforce Knowledge
Airforce Knowledge
Airforce Knowledge
T he past 75 years have been an eventful journey for the
Indian Air Force (IAF) – from a flight of ‘Wapitis’ in 1932,
to the fourth largest, professionally acclaimed, strategic Air Force
responsible for guarding Nation’s vital interests. From 1948
to Kargil, the IAF has always fielded winning capabilities. IAF’s
professional and prompt operations in peace time, at home and
abroad and in peacekeeping, have earned many accolades.
5.1 In recent years, IAF has enhanced interests, necessitate a transformational
cooperation with Air Forces of other modernization.
countries and exercised with some of the
best, to hone skills, assimilate ‘best practices’
and strengthen ties of friendship all over the 5.2 Hawk AJT : The manufacture of
World.Today, the IAF has formal cooperation HAWK AJT aircraft has commenced in
with six nations and exchanges with many UK. Four aircraft have been delivered
others. There are IAF teams and missions by December 2007 and the deliveries of
in 10 countries and four widely appreciated remaining aircraft will be completed by
UN missions in Congo and Sudan. To remain February 2008. The Hindustan Aeronautics
competitive and credible, it is imperative Ltd. (HAL) license-built HAWK AJT will be
delivered by May 2010.
that the IAF imbibe modern technologies
to achieve long-reach, precision, networked 5.3 Aircraft for Special Operations
and space-enabled force capabilities. The (C-130 J) : The IAF is in the process
changing global environment, Regional of procuring C-130 J aircraft for special
military capabilities and vital national operations.
5.4 Advanced Light Helicopter 5.11 Induction of MLH : The IAF is
(ALH) : Procurement of ALHs from HAL in the process of acquiring Medium Lift
as a replacement to its Chetak/ Cheetah Helicopters from Russia.
fleet as a utility helicopter is in progress.
5.12 Modularisation of Load : The
5.5 VVIP Helicopter Replacement: transport fleet of the IAF intends to
To replace the ageing VIP helicopters as mechanize and modularize the load for air
well as to increase the strength to meet the transportation. Under the scheme, IAF
operational and security requirement for proposes to acquire indigenous containers
VVIP operations, a case for global RFP was and pallets.
floated for procurement of VVIP helicopters. UPGRADES AND INDIGENISATION
5.6 Su-30 MKI : The state-of-art Su-30 5.13 Fleet Upgrades : In an attempt
MKI aircraft have been inducted in IAF. to keep pace with rapid development in
5.7 Multi Role Medium Range aviation technology, the mainstay aircraft
Combat Aircraft (MMRCA) : As a long of transport fleet viz. AN-32 and IL-76/78
aircraft, are planned for composite avionic
term strategy, IAF is planning to reduce the
and communication equipment upgrade.
varied types of fighter aircraft that it has
on its inventory. This would result in better 5.14 Aircraft Upgrade : MiG-27 aircraft
fleet management. IAF is in the process and Mi-17 helicopters are being upgraded by
of acquiring Medium Multi Role Combat HAL in order to optimise their utilization.
5.8 Fifth Generation Fighter
Aircraft: An Inter Government Agreement 5.15 Accident Statistics: The accident
(IGA) has been signed with the Russian rate of the IAF has shown a steady decline
Government on October 17, 2007 for joint from 1.48 per 10,000 hours in 1971-72 to
development of ‘Fifth Generation Fighter 0.34 in 2006-07. The rate has further gone
Aircraft’ by HAL and Russians (SDB). down to 0.31 per 10,000 hours in the
current financial year (from April 1, 2007
5.9 AWACS : The airborne warning to November 21, 2007). This feat has been
and control system (AWACS) are being achieved by instituting various proactive
procured from Israel to meet the long felt measures by the IAF to avoid/ minimize
need of the IAF. accidents, combined with a whole hearted
and synergic effort by its personnel.
5.10 Additional DO-228 Aircraft
Induction : Considering the increased 5.16 Anti Bird Measures : Various bird
training requirement of growing transport control measures adopted in the IAF have
fleet and the aircraft utility as a short haul shown encouraging results. Detailed survey
communication platform, additional DO-228 of birds at flying stations by professionals,
aircraft are being procured from HAL. both inhouse as well as external (like
Bombay Natural History The accident rate of 5.19 Conduct of IFSCON:
Society etc.) have resulted the IAF has shown a International Flight Safety
in bringing down bird steady decline from Conference-2007 (IFSCON-
hit accidents from three 07) was conducted in October,
1.48 per 10,000 hours
in 1971-72 to nil in 2007 with professionals from
in 1971-72 to 0.34 in
2006-07. 31 countries as well as Indian
stake holders attending it. The
5.17 Vermiculture : In order conference gave an opportunity
to scientifically dispose off the garbage at to interact with aviation experts from
the Air Force Stations and thus manage countries across the globe with an aim to
bird activity, IAF launched a Zero – Garbage derive maximum benefit for the cause of
Scheme for its bases. A team formed by aviation safety in the IAF. IFSCON -07, apart
DG (I&S) has suggested modalities for from giving significant impetus to aviation
its implementation. Under this scheme, safety in India, also contributed to fostering
the garbage is segregated at source into mutually beneficial cooperation amongst
bio-degradable and non-degradable the participating nations and enhanced the
garbage. The biodegradable garbage is country’s international image.
then taken to the Vermiculture site, where
it is converted into eco-friendly vermin
compost with the help of worms. The 5.20 Ex Indradhanush with UK : IAF
non degradable garbage is disposed off at participated in Exercise Indradhanush
a place determined by the local municipality. during June/ July 2007 at RAFB Waddington.
This scheme has been implemented at all Primarily a fighter exercise, the IAF
major Air Force Stations and it has made contingent consisted of six Su-30 and one
the environment cleaner and reduced the IL 78 MkI aircraft. The Indian elements
bird activity. (comprising one IL -78 and two SU-30 MKI)
were also included in the static display and
5.18 Solid Waste Management:
were declared as the best display in the
Effective management of solid waste at
show. Exercise Indradhanush was the first
IAF flying stations as a part of anti bird
joint exercise of IAF in UK.
measures is under progress. In 2001, IAF
initiated a bird survey. The Solid Waste 5.21 Ex Indra 07 in Russia : IAF along
Management Scheme was conceptualized with the Indian Army conducted a Joint
and was envisaged to be completed in Airborne Exercise with the Russian Airborne
two years (2003-2004) with 100% central Forces from September 11-20, 2007. The
assistance. An amount of Rs 99.35 crores exercise was code named Exercise Indra 07.
had been earmarked towards the same. At In addition to ferry of equipment and troops
present the project has been completed and for the exercise, IL-76 aircraft for the first
commissioned and functioning successfully time airdropped Indian paratroopers over
at two airbases i.e. Sirsa and Jodhpur. Russian soil in a combat manoeuvre. The
Ex Indradhanush: Su-30 with RAF Fighters
exercise was a sequel to Exercise Indra 05 has enabled the defence forces of these
which was held in India in 2005 along with countries to become increasingly self-reliant.
the visiting Russian contingent. The theme
of the exercise was based on common IMPROVED MANPOWER
enemy i.e. terrorism. INDUCTION AND PUBLICITY
5.22 Training of Foreign Personnel in
India: The training of personnel of friendly 5.24 Short Service Commission in
foreign countries in the IAF is done in co- Flying Branch for Men and Women :
ordination with MEA as part of International The Short Service Commission Scheme for
Technical and Educational Cooperation flying branch has been revised to include
Programme. A total of 158 foreign personnel both men and women. Graduates or B.E.
have been trained in IAF establishment (in any discipline, having passed Maths
during 2006-07. A total of 129 vacancies and Physics at 10+2 level) are permitted
had been allotted for training of foreign
to apply till the age of 23 years (as on
personnel for the year 2007-
commencement of training).
08 out of which 25 personnel The training of
The revised scheme is
have completed their training. personnel of friendly
foreign countries in effective from January, 2008
5.23 IAF Training Teams the IAF is done in co- with 14 years as term of
Abroad : The IAF also ordination with MEA their engagement.
has four training teams in as part of International
Botswana, Mauritius, Namibia Technical and 5.25 Fast Track
and Zambia. The presence Educational Cooperation Selection (FTS) : Fast
of these training teams Programme. Track Selection (FTS) for
Engineering graduates, for January 2008 “Sadbhavna” formed during the current
course, was conducted at 14 IAF Stations in year at all AF Stations, as a step to improve
the month of August/ September, 2007. quality of life of air warriors, provides
administrative assistance at a single point
5.26 Image Projection of Armed to an air warrior who arrives at his new
Forces: unit on being posted out. This cell helps
(a) IAF participated in “Swasraya Bharath the air warriors in settling down at a new
– 2007” at Kochi from October 9 to place expeditiously and also coordinates his
15, 2007 showcasing Technical Displays arrivals/ clearance formalities.
(Indigenization) and Career Publicity 5.29 International Society for
Stalls (Officers and Airmen). Aerospace Medicine Conference :
(b) IAF participated in Tri-Services Publicity ISAM, the 47th International Society for
Image Projection drive at Allapuzha, Aerospace Medicine Conference was held
Kerala on October 16 and 17, 2007. A during October 30 to November 2, 2007
good number of prospective candidates at Institute of Aviation Medicine (IAM)
visited the IAF Publicity Stall. Bangalore. 46 scientific papers and two
orations were presented by medical officers
(c) As a part of Induction Publicity in
of all the three services and civilian doctors.
North Eastern region IAF image
projection campaigns were held 5.30 ISO Certification : As a recognition
at Imphal, Agartala and Kohima to maintenance of highest standard ISO
on December 19, 21 and 24, 2007 9001:2001 certification has been awarded to
respectively. the Air Force Central Medical Establishment,
Air Force Group Insurance Society, AF
5.27 Summer Training of NIT
Bal Bharati School and AF Golden Jubilee
Students: In our continuing efforts to
Institute during the year.
target better quality intake and talent from
premier educational institutes, a special 5.31 Canberra : On May 31, 2007 at
drive was launched to conduct summer AF Station Agra, the IAF bade Adieu to
training for 8 weeks for the NIT (National Canberra bomber at an impressive and
Institute of Technology) students at IAF touching ceremony. The bomber retired
BRDs all across the country. 51 Engineering after completing 50 years of glorious service
students from 11 NITs participated in with the IAF.
summer training camp held from May 16 to
July 9, 2007. 5.32 Platinum Jubilee Parade : The
IAF celebrated its platinum jubilee year by
5.28 Formation of ‘SADBHAVNA’ organizing a number of events all over the
Cells: Administrative help cell named country. Para drop display by 75 sky divers,
release of commemorative postage stamp 5.34 Round the World Expedition : As
and coins, aerobatic display by Surya Kiran a part of the Platinum Jubilee Celebration
and Sarang (helicopter) team were the the IAF organized ‘Round the World
highlights of the spectacular parade reviewed Microlight Expedition’. The Microlight was
by the Chief of Air Staff on October 8, 2007 piloted by Wg Cdr R Monga and Wg Cdr
at Air Force Station Hindon. Anil Kumar. It covered a distance of 40,497
kms in 80 days flying over 19 countries,
5.33 Air Force Platinum Jubilee
including China and Pakistan. The duo
Tattoo : Air Force Platinum Jubilee Tattoo
established a new world record by traveling
was held on March 17 to 18, 2007 with
around the world in 80 days, adding a new
bands from Sri Lanka, Singapore, Thailand,
feather in the IAF cap.
US and the three Services participating in
the event. A road show for the public was 5.35 Fleet Review : After a gap of
also held at the India Gate on March 17 and 31 years, the third Fleet Review of the
18, 2007. IAF by His Excellency President of India
was carried out on March 7, 2007 at (b) Night Vision Devices (NVDs) : A
AF Station Chandigarah. During the total of 173 NVDs have been procured
Fleet Review, the President’s Colours/ and are in use at Stations for security
duties. Procurement of additional 900
Standards awarded to various squadrons/
NVDs is in final stages.
units of the IAF were paraded and flying
and static display of various types of (c) Interactive Fire Arm Training
Simulator (IFATS): Twelve IFATS
aircraft in the IAF inventory was also
have already been procured and
conducted. installed at Stations, enhancing
the marksmanship of Air
INFRASTRUCTURE procurement. Additional 50 IFATS
have been planned to be procured
5.36 Modernisation of Security during 11th and 12th five year plans.
Infrastructure : Following security
(d) Smart Power Fence:
equipment have already been inducted/ Procurement of smart power fence
planned to be inducted in order to beef up for four AF bases in J&K sector is
security measures of AF Stations.- in the final stage.