Blais 2008 B
Blais 2008 B
Blais 2008 B
8 853
1 author:
Rod Blais
The University of Calgary
All content following this page was uploaded by Rod Blais on 03 June 2014.
1 Introduction
On the spherical Earth as on the celestial sphere, array computations can be done for
regional and global domains using planar and spherical formulations. Spherical quad-
ratures and least-squares estimation are used to convert continuous integral formula-
tions into summations over data lattices. Spherical topologies are quite different from
planar ones and these have important implications in the computational aspects of
array data processing.
Spherical geocomputations for regional domains of even continental extents can be
reduced to planar computations and under assumptions of stationarity or shift invari-
ance, discrete array computations can be optimized using Fast Fourier Transforms
(FFTs). Specifically, convolution operations for filtering and other data processing
applications thereby require only O(NlogN) instead of O(N2) operations for N data in
one dimension, O(N2logN) instead of O(N4) operations for NxN data in two dimen-
sions, and so on.
For global appplications, Gaussian, equiangular and other similar regular grids can
be used for spherical quadratures and discrete convolutions. Various quadrature
strategies are available in the literature going back to Gauss and Neumann, in addition
to least-squares estimation techniques (e.g. [8, 16]). Other approaches have also been
M. Bubak et al. (Eds.): ICCS 2008, Part II, LNCS 5102, pp. 638– 645, 2008.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2008
Discrete Spherical Harmonic Transforms 639
used for discretization and analysis of functions on the sphere using triangular and
curvilinear tesselations based on inscribed regular polytopes (see e.g. [2]). Depending
on the applications, these strategies may be preferable to the equiangular ones which
will be discussed in the following.
The associated Legendre functions for high degrees and orders are computationally
very challenging. Without any normalization, one can hardly compute SHTs of de-
grees and orders over 50 or so in REAL*8 or double precision arithmetic. With proper
normalization such as the geodetic one used in the following computations, one can
achieve degrees and orders to around 1800 in REAL*8 or double precision arithmetic
[4] and over 3600 in REAL*16 or quadruple precision arithmetic [5,6]. With latitude-
based preconditioning, [13,14,19] achieved about 2700. With Clenshaw’s approach,
similar results can be achieved for appropriately decreasing spectral coefficients such
as with the EGM06 model coefficients of degree and order 2190 [7,13].
The following shows that with proper numerical preconditioning independent of
the latitude, the Legendre functions can be evaluated reliably for degrees and orders
over 3800 in REAL*8 or double precision arithmetic. This is demonstrated explicitly
in synthesis and analysis computations using unit spectral coefficients with equiangu-
lar grids that do not include the poles. In order words, the previously published re-
sults [5,6] using Chebychev quadrature and least squares can be extended to degrees
and orders over 3800 working in REAL*8 or double precision arithmetic. This is
very important for numerous applications in geocomputations for ground resolutions
of about 5 km.
using colatitude θ and longitude λ, where the basis functions Ynm (θ, λ ) are called the
spherical harmonics of degree n and order m. In particular, the Fourier or spherical
harmonic coefficients appearing in the preceding expansion are obtained as inner
with the overbar denoting the complex conjugate with dσ denoting the standard rota-
tion invariant measure dσ = sin θ dθ dλ on S2. In most practical applications, the func-
tions f(θ,λ) are band-limited in the sense that only a finite number of those coefficients
are nonzero, i.e. f n,m ≡ 0 for all degrees n > N and orders |m| < n. Hence, using the
regular equiangular grid θj = jπ/J and λk = k2π/K, j = 0, …, J-1, k = 0, …, K-1, with J
and K to be specified later on, spherical harmonic synthesis can be formulated as
N −1
f (θ j , λ k ) = ∑ ∑ f n,m Ynm (θ j , λ k ) (3)
n = 0 |m|≤ n
640 J.A.R. Blais
and using some appropriate spherical quadrature, the corresponding spherical har-
monic analysis can be formulated as
J −1 K −1
f n ,m = ∑ ∑q j f (θ j , λ k ) Ynm (θ j , λ k ) (4)
j= 0 k = 0
⎧cnm ⎫ 1 ⎧cos mλ ⎫
⎨ ⎬= ∫
⎩ s nm ⎭ 4π S2
f (θ, λ) ⎨ ⎬ Pnm (cos θ) dσ
⎩ sin mλ ⎭
with the geodetically normalized Legendre functions Pnm (cos θ) expressed in terms of
the usual spherical harmonics Ynm (θ, λ ) (see e.g. [11] and [3] for details). The tilde
“~” will be used to indicate geodetic normalization in the following.
Explicitly, using the geodetic formulation and convention, one has for synthesis,
N −1 n
f (θ, λ) = ∑ ∑ [c nm cos mλ + s nm sin mλ] Pnm (cos θ) (7)
n =0 m=0
in which the Synthesis is only partial, i.e. in the Fourier domain. Notice that in gen-
eral for band limit N, N rows of equilatitude data are required with LS while 2N rows
of equispaced equilatitude data are required with the CQ, and at least 2N equispaced
data are required for DFT per parallel (see e.g. [5,6] for more discussion).
Discrete Spherical Harmonic Transforms 641
Furthermore, for data grids with Δθ = Δλ which are often required in practice, such as
{(qj, lk) | qj = jp/N, lk = kp/N; j = 0, 1, …, N-1, k = 0, 1, …, 2N-1}
for LS, or
{(qj, lk) | qj = jp/2N, lk = kp/2N; j = 0, 1, …, 2N-1, k = 0, 1, …, 4N-1}
for CQ, the poles can be excluded with a shift in latitude
{(qj, lk) | qj = (j+½)p/N, lk = kp/N; j = 0, 1, …, N-1, k = 0, 1, …, 2N-1}
and correspondingly,
{(qj, lk) | qj = (j+½)p/2N, lk = kp/2N; j = 0, 1, …, 2N-1, k = 0, 1, …, 4N-1}
which allow the use of hemispherical symmetries in the associated Legendre functions
Pnm(cos (π – θ)) = (-1)n+m Pnm(cos θ)
Notice that these data grids with Δθ = Δλ have Nx2N and 2Nx4N quantities and N2
spectral coefficients for band limit N. More details with simulated results can be
found in [5,6].
4 Numerical Experimentation
To test the numerical preconditioning procedure, consider the following
{c nm + is nm } ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
→ {u m (θ) + iv m (θ)} ⎯⎯⎯⎯
CQ or LS
→ {c′nm + is′nm }
for 2N isolatitudes with Δθ = π/2N for CQ and N isolatitudes with Δθ = π/N for LS.
In longitude, 2N equispaced points with Δλ = π/2N for both CQ and LS in the follow-
ing experimentation. A shift in latitude of the grids by half Δθ has been implemented
to exclude the poles.
The Chebychev quadrature is as follows
2N −1
c′′nm + is′′nm = ∑ q (u
j= 0
j jm + iv jm )Pnm (cos θ j ) (13)
N −1
n =m
nm (cos θ j ) (c′′′nm + is′′′nm ) = u m (θ j ) + iv m (θ j ) (15)
with isolatitudes
θ j = ( j + ½ )π / N = (2 j + 1)π /2N for j = 0,1,..., N − 1 .
The least-squares computations for c′′′nm + is′′′nm per degree m are obviously very
demanding and roughly O(N4). The elements in the corresponding normal matrices
can be evaluated using the Christoffel-Darboux formula as shown in [18, Appendix
B] based on [12], but this has not yet been implemented in the code yet.
Starting with simulated unit spectral coefficients, the reconstructed coefficients are
compared with the input coefficients and Root-Mean-Square (RMS) values are com-
puted for various degrees and orders using both CQ and LS. The key results, all ob-
tained in REAL*8 or double precision arithmetic, are shown in Table 1 for degrees
and orders to 3800. The results for degrees and orders to 1800 or so agree exactly
with those REAL*8 or double precision results published in [5 and 6]. The second
column of Table 1 are the RMS results on a Notebook (NB) while the third column
are the RMS results on a desktop PC, both with AMD Athlon64 Dual-Core Proces-
sors. The RMS decreases to E-04 for 3900 with CQ but the situation is better using
LS with E-13 for 3900 and E-09 for 4000. The numerical stability exhibited in Table
1 for synthesis/ analysis for degrees over 3000 has not previously been seen anywhere
else in the literature.
Table 1. Numerical RMS Results for SYNTHESIS/ANALYSIS with simulated unit spectral
coefficients on AMD64 NB and PC in REAL*8 or Double Precision arithmetic
5 Concluding Remarks
Considerable work has been done on solving the computational complexities, and
enhancing the speed of calculation of spherical harmonic transforms for different
equiangular grids. The numerical problems of evaluating the associated Legendre
functions for very high degrees and orders have been solved using numerical precon-
ditioning in terms of the EXPONENT of the corresponding variable. Explicitly, using
644 J.A.R. Blais
simulated unit spectral coefficients for degrees and orders up to 3800, partial synthe-
sis and analysis lead to RMS errors of orders 10-12-10-13. When starting with simulated
spherical harmonic coefficients corresponding to 1/degree2, the previously results can
be expected to improve by a couple of orders of magnitude, as experienced in previ-
ous experimental work [4, 5, 6]. The latter simulations would perhaps be more indica-
tive of the expected numerical accuracies in practice.
As enormous quantities of data are involved the intended gravity field applications,
parallel and grid computations are imperative for these applications. Preliminary ex-
perimentation with parallel processing has already been done [17] and these REAL*8
or double precision results can readily be duplicated in parallel environments.
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