Graded Assignment 3
Graded Assignment 3
Graded Assignment 3
Johnneice C. Blyden
Tyrone M. Brown
“I’m reflective only in the sense that I learn to move forward. I reflect with a purpose”.
Kobe Bryant
consideration or an idea about something, especially one that is written down or expressed.
Reflection and reflective practices are common with in the workplace can have its advantages
and disadvantages. It is my hope that this essay will help the reader understand the ways in
which reflection and reflective practices are used at my institution and if they either promote or
hinder the process of reflection. Some of the ways in which reflective practice is promoted at my
institution are: - The weekly lesson plan evaluations done by teachers, bi monthly staff meetings
and staff professional development. Some of the ways that hinder reflective practice at my
institution are the beliefs and leadership style of the administrator, the division of staff between
teachers and teacher’s aides, teacher isolation and last but not least time.
For the purpose of this essay. I will focus on two areas that promote reflection and two
areas that hinder reflection at my institution. My institution is a small school with an enrollment
of about one hundred and sixty five (165) students with moderate to severe special needs. Most
of the teachers on staff are trained with advance degrees in Special Education. We also have
teachers’ aides that are non-instructional and assist students and teachers in the classroom and
institution. As an educator preparing a lesson plan is one of the most important ways in which a
teacher is able to reflect and evaluate teaching methods. After teaching a lesson a teacher is able
Graded Assignment 3: Essay3
to look back on the lesson and reflect on what could be done better in order to improve student
outcomes. By engaging in this type of reflection or evaluation the teacher is able to tailor the
lessons to the needs of her students for future reference. The teacher would be able to
incorporate the learning styles of the students and know what concepts they would need to spend
more time on. When reflecting the teacher would be able to adapt or change methods or even the
way in which the concepts were taught because the students didn’t grasp the concept. Ways to in
which to continue to promote reflective practices at my institution through weekly lesson plan
writing and evaluation are to encourage journaling. Teachers should be provided a lesson
journal where they are able to jot down and write down their thoughts after each lesson. The
meetings promotes reflective practice at my institution. Collaboration with others through staff
meetings and other professional development workshops helps teachers to look at other ways to
problem solve, use different mechanisms to attack a problematic situation as well as provide
insights that may not come from direct or self-reflection. One way in which we can continue to
where teachers can collaborate and discuss goals that and instructional practices that improve
institution would prefer to complete school related activities at school. Some teachers feel that
they do not have the time to do a proper reflection because it is time consuming and as they
would need to be in deep thought. They would always in my opinion find the easy way out
discussion. From participating in the course I must confess this was something I did. I would
just want to get the evaluation over and done with and a generic response is usually given, either
I agree, I disagree or all the objectives have been met. As a special educator a lot of paper work
in involved. You are no longer just teaching a group a students to achieve one goal, you are now
teaching a group of students to achieve different and individual goals specific to them for each
subject area. These goals have to be data driven. Besides the differentiated lesson plans,
individual educational plans (IEP) for each student, progress monitoring, data analysis, anecdotal
notes, meetings with the IEP teams, consulting with parents. For teachers it can feel that there is
not enough time in the day for reflection or evaluation and this is usually overlooked or not done
correctly. Because of this course I am now aware of how beneficial reflection is in education
institution as it relates to time is to add evaluation or reflective time into the teaching schedule.
There would be time allotted for teachers to reflect daily, weekly and by subject. Also, a form
can be created for ease of use with probing questions such as what went well today? What could
be done differently? What do you need assistance with? How can you use this information to
improve? What would you do differently if you have to do it again? Or even a rating scale with
spaces for comments based on whatever area is being evaluated. I feel that these simple steps
would help to mitigate the hindrance of time as a reason not to engage in reflective practices.
The beliefs and leadership style of the administrator hinders reflective practice at my
provides feedback weather positive or negative to staff members. Staff members are often
unaware of what their strengths and weaknesses are so they go throughout the year thinking that
they are doing well and then receive a sub-par score for end of year evaluations. When it comes
Graded Assignment 3: Essay5
to formal observations they are not done as they should be and are always informal. If there is
room for improvement there is never a follow up and modeling or mentoring does not take place
in most cases. If the head of the school is not the best reflective practitioner how can the staff
and teachers be? This is truly a hindrance. When questioned on if she would provide feedback
to a struggling teacher or model she would usually state that it would not make a difference in
the outcome. One way in which we can promote reflective practices at my institution is to build
practitioner come in and teach the staff what reflective practice is all about. Have the
administrator see how simple it is to implement reflective practices and the benefits to the school
It is my hope that the suggestions that I put forward in this essay can help me help
Borko, H. (2004). Professional Development and Teacher Learning: Mapping the Terrain.
Educational Researcher, 33(8).
Collaboration as a Reflective Practice for Teachers. (2016, May 18). Retrieved from