Iot Syllabus
Iot Syllabus
Iot Syllabus
'I' – Scheme
V– Semester Course Curriculum
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a course about the new paradigm of objects interacting with
people, with information systems, and with other objects. The focus will be more on the
possibilities offered by the different technologies, and on the creative thinking techniques to
find innovative applications of combinations of such technologies in real- life scenarios.
Some presentations will also be scheduled in which people from industry will make
presentations about selected topics related to the IoT.
The aim of this course is to help the student to attain the following industry identified
competency through various teaching learning experiences:
Apply knowledge of technology for creative thinking and real-life problems in
Unit 5
UO (4a) Explain applications
building blocks of
Unit 4 IoT devices
IoT physical
device and end UO (5b) Explain home
PrO14 Design
point automation with one
application for
example Unit 6
PrO11 Design automation. Ethics in
application using CO (d) IoT
Arduino or Demonstrate
CO(e) Design PrO15 Design
application of IoT IoT application
Raspberry-Pi for different platforms
UO (3c) and their
for agriculture.
4 Digit 7 segment
Demonstrate IoT interfacing.
LED display UO (6a) List differed
device integration
CO (c) CO(f) Apply characters of IoT
Integrate IoT Competency Apply
Apply knowledge of
ethics in IoT
hardware and technology for creative
components. thinking and real-life PrO2 Demonstrate working of
problems in various components used in
industry. open-source prototype board and
CO(a) Identify another microcontroller used in
different basic your lab.
PrO7 Design smart blocks of IoT
anti-theft CO (b) Use hardware and
application using IoT components. UO (1b) Explain
microcontroller and different
Unit 3 shields or breakouts.
Designing and protocols
PrO5 Write program by
development if using sensor and LED
IoT systems
ADO 2 Practice
UO(2b) List different sensors Unit 1 Housekeeping
ADO 1 –
to IoT
specificatio Unit 2
ns Working with sensors
and h/w platforms
S. Practical Exercises Unit
No. (Learning Outcomes in Psychomotor Domain) No.
Observe operations of USB cables, Wires, Power Supply Units,
Transistors, Breadboards, Relay, Multimeter, Tester, Soldering
1 I 02*
Kit, Wire cutter, Hot glue gun and other components required for
designing of IoT available in your lab.
Demonstrate working of various components used in open-source
2 I 02*
prototype board and another microcontroller used in your lab.
Identify different types of sensors and their working, input output
3 II 02
pins available in Lab.
Observe response of microcontroller by connecting different
4 sensors on breadboard with any microcontroller available in your II 02*
5 Write program by using sensor and LED II 02*
MSBTE/I - Scheme/Mechatronics/2019-20
Internet of Things (IoT) Course Code: ................’
i. A suggestive list of PrOs is given in the above table. More such PrOs can be added to
attain the COs and competency. A judicial mix of minimum 12 or more practical needs to
be performed, out of which, the practicals marked as ‘*’ are compulsory, so that the
student reaches the ‘Precision Level’ of Dave’s ‘Psychomotor Domain Taxonomy’ as
generally required by the industry.
ii. The ‘Process’ and ‘Product’ related skills associated with each PrO is to be assessed
according to a suggested sample given below:
The above PrOs also comprise of the following social skills/attitudes which are Affective
Domain Outcomes (ADOs) that are best developed through the laboratory/field based
a. Follow safety practices.
b. Practice good housekeeping.
c. Practice energy conservation.
d. Demonstrate working as a leader/a team member.
e. Maintain tools and equipment.
f. Follow ethical Practices.
MSBTE/I - Scheme/Mechatronics/2019-20
Internet of Things (IoT) Course Code: ................’
The ADOs are not specific to any one PrO, but are embedded in many PrOs. Hence, the
acquisition of the ADOs takes place gradually in the student when s/he undertakes a series of
practical experiences over a period of time. Moreover, the level of achievement of the ADOs
according to Krathwohl’s ‘Affective Domain Taxonomy’ should gradually increase as planned
‘Valuing Level’ in 1st year
‘Organizing Level’ in 2nd year
‘Characterizing Level’ in 3rd year.
Equipment Name with Broad Specifications PrO. No.
USB cables, wires, power supply units, transistors, breadboards, relay,
1 All
Multimeter, Tester, Soldering Kit, wire cutter, Hot glue gun.
Sensors: Temperature, Light, Ultra-Sonic, Humidity, Water Detector, PIR
sensor, Pressure Sensor. IR sensor, Touch Sensor, Color Sensor, Humidity
2 3,4,5,
Sensor, Tilt Sensor, Flow and Level Sensor, Smoke, Gas and Alcohol
Shields: Ethernet and Wi-Fi networking, Bluetooth, GSM cellular
3 networking, motor control, RFID, Audio, SD Card memory, GPS, sensors, 6,7
color LCD screens,
4 Any Open-Source Prototype Board Available in Market 2,9,10,11,12,13
MSBTE/I - Scheme/Mechatronics/2019-20
Internet of Things (IoT) Course Code: ................’
Note: To attain the COs and competency, above listed UOs need to be undertaken to achieve
the ‘Application Level’ and above of Bloom’s ‘Cognitive Domain Taxonomy’
MSBTE/I - Scheme/Mechatronics/2019-20
Internet of Things (IoT) Course Code: ................’
MSBTE/I - Scheme/Mechatronics/2019-20
Internet of Things (IoT) Course Code: ................’
S. Contact
Name Institute Email
No. No.
Marathwada Mitra Mandal
Mr. V. S. Solanke
1 Polytechnic, Thergaon, 9890055381
Mr. P. B. Khatkale Sanjivani K. B. P.
2 9975717140
HOD Polytechnic, Kopargaon
MSBTE Mentor
MSBTE/I - Scheme/Mechatronics/2019-20