Bca Syllabus
Bca Syllabus
Bca Syllabus
The following is the syllabus of all the six semesters of BCA programme.
Block 4
Unit 19 : Descriptive composition-1, describing persons
Unit 20 : Descriptive composition-2, describing places and objects
Unit 21 : Descriptive composition-3, describing conditions and processes
Unit 22 : Note-taking-3,
Unit 23 : Writing reports-5, reporting experiments
Unit 24 : Summing up
2. ECO-01: Business Organisation 4 Credits
This course consists of five blocks containing 18 units in all. After studying this course, you
should be able to:
Explain the nature of business organisation and identify various forms of organisation learn
how business units are set up and financed
Under the ways and means of marketing the goods
Explain how aids-to-trade facilitate the business operations
Evaluation the role of government in business
BLOCK 1 : Basic Concepts and Forms of Business Organisation
Unit 1 : Nature and scope of Business
Unit 2 : Forms of Business Organisation – I
Unit 3 : Forms of Business Organisation – II
Unit 4 : Business Promotion
BLOCK 2 : Financing of Business
Unit 5 : Methods of Raising Finance
3. BCS-011: Computer Basics and PC Software 3 Credits
This is the first course in Computer Science for the BCA students; therefore, it deals with the
basic concepts of computers. It discusses about the computer hardware, its components and basic
computer architecture. The course also deals with the basic computer software including the
operating system and its concepts. This course also highlights some of the open source software
technologies. Finally, the course highlights the applications of computers that include web
applications, social networking and wiki.
Type of memories and their characteristics, What is the need of memory hierarchy?
Memory Hierarchy with examples of each level, Current trends in memory.
Different type of software and its evolution, System and application software, Utility
software, Perverse software, Open Source software.
Need and Functions, Type of OS starting from Batch, Multi-programming and real
time Network and distributed OS, Web OS, Examples of OS and their features.
Unit 3: Concept of Programming Languages
Some basic constructs, Editors, Compilers and interpreters, Assemblers.
Unit 4: Computer Applications
The primary objective of this course is to introduce students some of the mathematics through
which they can develop some mathematical maturity, that is enhance their ability to understand
and create mathematical arguments. The secondary objective of this course is to prepare students
for mathematical oriented courses in computer science such as discrete mathematics, database
theory, analysis of algorithms etc.
BLOCK-1: Algebra I
Unit-1: Determinants
Determinants of order 2 and 3, properties of determinants; evaluation of determinants.
Area of triangles using determinants, cramer’s rule.
Unit-2: Matrices-1
Definition, equality, addition and multiplication of matrices. Adjoint and inverse of a
matrix. Solution of a system of linear equations – homogeneous and non-
Unit-3: Matrices-2
Elementary row operations; rank of a matrix, reduction to normal form,Inverse of a
matrix using elementary row operations.
5. BCSL-013: Computer Basics and PC Software Lab 2 Credits
The main objectives of PC Software Lab course are to familiarize with basic operations of:
i) Operating systems such as Windows and Linux.
ii) Word Processor such as Open Office and MSWord.
iii) Workbook, worksheet, graphics and Spreadsheets.
iv) PowerPoint including animation and sounds.
v) Address book, Spam and Filtering in E-mail.
vi) Browsing, Search, Discussion forum and Wiki’s.
Section 1 : Operating System
Session 1 : Familiarization (Keyboard, Memory, I/O Port),
Session 2 : Functioning,
Understand the whole process of accounting;
Work out the net result of business operations by preparing final accounts for both trading
and non-trading concerns;
Appropriate special features of accounting fro consignments and joint ventures;
Describe different methods of providing depreciation, and
Explain the need for making provisions and various kinds of reserves.
BLOCK 1: Accounting Fundamentals
Unit 1 : Basic Concepts of Accounting
Unit 2 : The Accounting Process
Unit 3 : Cash Book and Bank Reconciliation
Unit 4 : Other Subsidiary Books
Unit 5 : Bills of Exchange
BLOCK 2: Final Accounts
Unit 6 : Concepts Relating to Final Accounts
Unit 7 : Final Accounts – I
Unit 8: Final Accounts – II
Unit 9: Errors and their Rectification
BLOCK 3: Consignment and Joint Ventures
Unit 10: Consignments Accounts – I
Unit 11: Consignments Accounts – II
Unit 12: Consignments Accounts – III
Unit 13: Joint Venture Accounts
BLOCK 4: Accounts from Incomplete Records
2. MCS - 011: Problem Solving and Programming 3 Credits
The course is aimed to develop problem-solving strategies, techniques and skills that can be applied to
computers and problems in other areas which give students an introduction to computer and analytical
skills to use in their subsequent course work and professional development. Emphasis of this course is
to act as an introduction to the thinking world of computers, to help students develop the logic, ability
to solve the problems efficiently using C programming. Knowledge in a programming language is
prerequisite to the study of most of computer science courses. This knowledge area consists of those
skills and concepts that are essential to problem solving and programming practice independent of the
underlying paradigm. The student will learn various concepts and techniques for problem solving and
will implement those ideas using C programs.
BLOCK 1: An Introduction to C
Unit 1: Problem Solving
Problems Solving Techniques, Steps for Problem – Solving, Using Computer as a
Problem-Solving Tool, Design of Algorithms, Definition, Features of Algorithm,
Criteria to be followed by an Algorithm, Top Down Design, Analysis of Algorithm
Efficiency, Analysis of Algorithm Complexity, Flowcharts, Basic Symbols used in
Flowchart Design.
Unit 2: Basics of C
What is a Program and what is a Programming Language? C Language, History of C,
Salient Features of C, Structure of a C Program, A Simple C Program, Writing a C
Program, Compiling a C Program, Link and Run the C Program, Run the C Program
through the Menu, Run from an Executable File, Linker Errors, Logical and Runtime
Errors, Diagrammatic Representation of Program, Execution Process.
Unit 3: Variables and Constants
Character Set, Identifiers and Keywords, Rules for Forming Identifiers, Keywords,
Data Types and Storage, Data Type Qualifiers, Variables, Declaring Variables,
Initialising Variables, Constants, Types of Constants.
Unit 4: Expressions and Operators
Assignment Statements, Arithmetic Operators, Relational Operators, Logical
Operators, Comma and Conditional Operators, Type Cast Operator, Size of Operator,
C Shorthand, Priority of Operators.
BLOCK 2: Control Statements, Arrays and Functions
Unit 5: Decision and Loop Control Statements
Decision Control Statements, The if Statement, The switch Statement, Loop Control
Statements, The while Loop, The do-while Statement, The for Loop, The Nested
Loop, The Goto Statement, The Break Statement, The Continue Statement.
Unit 6: Arrays
Array Declaration, Syntax of Array Declaration, Size Specification , Array
Initialization, Initialization of Array Elements in the Declaration, Character Array
Initialization, Subscript, Processing the Arrays, Multi-Dimensional Arrays, Multi-
Dimensional Array Declaration, Initialization of Two-Dimensional Arrays.
Unit 7: Strings
Declaration and Initialization of Strings, Display of Strings Using Different
Formatting Techniques, Array of Strings, Built-in String Functions and Applications,
Strlen Function, Strcpy Function, Strcmp Function, Strcat Function, Strlwr Function,
Strrev Function, Strspn Function, Other String Functions.
Unit 8: Functions
Definition of a Function, Declaration of a Function, Function Prototypes, The Return
Statement, Types of Variables and Storage Classes, Automatic Variables, External
Variables, Static Variables, Register Variables, Types of Function Invoking, Call by
Value, Recursion.
BLOCK 3: Structures, Pointers and File Handling
Unit 9: Structures and Unions
Declaration of Structures, Accessing the Members of a Structure, Initializing
Structures, Structures as Function Arguments, Structures and Arrays, Unions,
Initializing an Union, Accessing the Members of an Union.
Unit 10: Pointers
Pointers and their Characteristics, Address and Indirection Operators, Pointer Type
Declaration and Assignment, Pointer Arithmetic, Passing Pointers to Functions, A
Function Returning More than One Value, Function Returning a Pointer, Arrays and
Pointers, Array of Pointers, Pointers and Strings.
Unit 11: The C Preprocessor
# define to Implement Constants, # define to Create Functional Macros, Reading
from Other Files using # include ,Conditional Selection of Code using #ifdef, Using
#ifdef for different computer types.
Using #ifdef to temporarily remove program statements, Other Preprocessor
Commands, Predefined Names Defined by Preprocessor, Macros Vs Functions.
Unit 12: Files
File Handling in C Using File Pointers, Open a file using the function fopen ( ), Close a
file using the function fclose ( ), Input and Output using file pointers, Character Input
and Output in Files, String Input / Output Functions, Formatted Input / Output
Functions, Block Input / Output Functions, Sequential Vs Random Access Files,
Positioning the File Pointer, the Unbufferred I/O - The UNIX like File Routines.
3. MCS-012: Computer Organisation and Assembly Language
Language Programming 4 Credits
In the modern era, Computer system is used in most aspects of life. You may use many different
types of software on a computer system for particular applications ranging from simple document
creation to space data processing. But, how does the Software is executed by the Computer
Hardware? The answer to this basic question is contained in this Course. This course presents an
overview of the Computer Organisation. After going through this course, you will not only
acquire the conceptual framework of Computer Organisation and Architecture but also would be
able to use the concepts in the domain of Personal Computers. In specific, you will be able to
design digital circuits; describe the functions of various components of computers and their
construction; and write simple assembly programs.
BLOCK 1: Introduction to Digital Circuits
Unit 1: The Basic Computer
The von Neumann Architecture, Instruction Execution: An Example, Instruction
Cycle Interrupts, Interrupts and Instruction Cycle, Computers: Then and Now, The
Beginning, First Generation Computers, Second Generation Computers, Third
Generation Computers, Later Generations.
Unit 2: The Data Representation
Data Representation, Number Systems, Decimal Representation in Computers,
Alphanumeric Representation, Data Representation for Computation, Error Detection
and Correction Codes.
Unit 4: Assembly Language Programming (Part – II)
Use of Arrays in Assembly, Modular Programming, The stack, FAR and NEAR
Procedures, Parameter Passing in Procedures, External Procedures, Interfacing
Assembly Language Routines to High Level Language, Programs, Simple Interfacing,
Interfacing Subroutines With Parameter Passing, Interrupts, Device Drivers in
Discrete mathematics, sometimes called finite mathematics, is the study of mathematical
structure that are fundamentally discrete, in the sense of not supporting notion of continuity. A
study of discrete sets has become more and more necessary because of many application of
Computer Science and various areas of engineering. Regarding computer science concept from
discrete mathematics are useful to study or express objects or problems in computer algorithm
and programming languages. For instance, to improve the efficiency of a computer programs, we
need to study its logical structure, which involves a finite number of steps each requiring a
certain amount of time. Using the theory of combinatory and graph theory, major areas of
discrete mathematics, we can do this. Therefore, a study of these areas would complement and
improve the understanding of courses based on algorithm and problem solving.
This course is designed to give basic concepts of propositions, predicates, Boolean algebra, logic
circuit, sets, relations, functions, combinatorics, partitions and distributions.
BLOCK 1: Elementary Logic
What is a Proof? Different Methods of Proof, Direct Proof, Indirect Proofs, Counter
Examples, Principle of Induction.
Unit 3: Boolean Algebra and Circuits
Unit 3: Some More Counting Principles
This course is aimed to develop the communication skills at the work place. In this course, we
concentrate on English at the workplace. You are probably wondering whether business English (as it
is also called) is a separate language to general English. Certainly not, business English is not a
separate language. It is English used at the workplace using specific vocabulary, and in certain
situations having a different discourse. Every profession uses a certain ‘jargon’ and the business
context in no different. While Business English is firmly rooted in general English, nevertheless there
are certain distinguishing features which are evident. In this course, you will learn some theoretical
inputs into the process of communication, its different types, the difference between written and oral
communication. We then concentrate on the structure of conversation – its characteristics and
conventions, effectively speaking over the telephone, preparing Curriculum vitae for jobs and
interviews, preparing and participating in the Group Discussions, presentation skills, making
negotiations and many more.
Warm up, Reading, Vocabulary: Apply for a Job, Curriculum Vitae, Language Focus:
Some Useful Words, Study Skills: Preparing for an Interview, Listening, Speaking,
Unit 4: Group Discussions
This lab course is completely based on MCS-012.The basic objective of the course is to provide
the hands on experience on Assembly language programming and improve the practical skill set.
Also to apply all the concepts that have been covered in the theory course MCS-012. The learner
will try to apply the alternate ways to provide the solution to a given problem. The learner will be
able to develop the logic for the given problem, recognize and understand the syntax and
construction of Assembly language code, gains experience of Assembly language programming,
know the steps involved in compiling, linking and debugging Assembly language Program.
Turbo Assembler (TASM)
Emu 8086
DEBUG Program
The objectives of the course include the enabling of learner to identify the Software projects in an
organization after studying various functionalities in the organization. Also, they should be able
to structure various requirements, do the design and select the best method to develop the system.
They should be able to implement and maintain the system. The learners should also get
acquainted with different quality standards as well as learn about Management Information
Why do Businesses need Systems Analysts? Users, Analysts in various functional areas,
Systems Analyst in Traditional Business, Systems Analyst in Modern Business, Role of
a Systems Analyst Duties of a Systems Analyst, Qualifications of a Systems Analyst,
Analytical Skills, Technical Skills, Management Skills, Interpersonal Skills.
Systems Development Life Cycle, Phases of SDLC, Project Identification and Selection,
Project Initiation and planning, Analysis, Logical Design, Physical Design,
Implementation, Maintenance, Product of SDLC Phases, Approaches to Development,
Prototyping, Joint Application Design, Participatory Design, Case Study.
Design Principles, Top Down Design, Bottom Up Design, Structure Charts, Modularity,
Goals of Design, Coupling, Cohesion.
BLOCK 3: More Design Issues and CASE Tools
Unit 8: Forms and Reports Design
Forms, Importance of Forms, Reports, Importance of Reports, Differences between
Forms and Reports, Process of Designing Forms and Reports, Deliverables and
Outcomes, Design Specifications, Narrative Overviews, Sample Design, Testing and
Usability Assessment, Types of Information, Internal Information, External Information,
Turnaround Document, General Formatting Guidelines, Meaningful Titles, Meaningful
Information, Balanced Layout, Easy Navigation, Guidelines for Displaying Contents,
Highlight Information, Using Colour, Displaying Text, Designing Tables and Lists,
Criteria for Form Design, Organization, Consistency, Completeness, Flexible Entry,
Economy, Criteria for Report Design, Relevance, Accuracy, Clarity, Timeliness, Cost.
Unit 9: Physical File Design and Database Design
Introduction to Database design, Flat files vs. Database, Steps in Database Design, E-
R model to Database Design, Inputs to Physical Database Design, Guidelines for
Database Design, Design of Data Base Fields, Types of Fields, Rules for Naming
Tables and Fields, Design of Physical Records, Design of Physical Files, Types of
Files, File Organization, Design of Database, Case Study.
Unit 10: CASE Tools for Systems Development
Use of CASE tools by organizations, Definition of CASE Tools, Use of CASE tools
by Organizations, Role of CASE Tools, Advantages of CASE Tools, Disadvantages
of CASE Tools, Components of CASE, Types of CASE Tools, Classification of
CASE Tools, Reverse and Forward Engineering, Visual and Emerging CASE tools,
Traditional systems development and CASE based systems development, CASE
environment, Emerging CASE Tools, Objected oriented CASE tools, Creating
documentation and reports using CASE tools, Creating and executable prototype
using Object Oriented CASE tools, Sequence Diagrams.
BLOCK 4: Implementation and Security of Systems & MIS
Unit 11: Implementation and Maintenance of Systems
Implementation of Systems, Conducting System Tests, Preparing Conversion Plan,
Installing Databases, Training the end users, Preparation of User Manual, Converting
to the new System, Maintenance of Systems, Different Maintenance activities, Issues
involved in Maintenance.
Unit 12: Audit and Security of Computer Systems
Definition of Audit, Objectives of Audit, Responsibility and Authority of the System
Auditor, Confidentiality, Audit Planning, Audit of Transactions on Computer,
Transaction Audit, Audit of Computer Security, Audit of Application, Benefits of
Audit, Computer Assisted Audit Techniques, Audit Software, Test Data, Audit
Expert Systems, Audit Trail, Computer System and Security issues, Analysis of
Threats and Risks, Recovering from Disasters, Planning the contingencies, Viruses,
Concurrent Audit Techniques, Need for Concurrent Audit, Techniques, An
Integrated Test Facility, Techniques, The Snapshot Techniques, SCARF, Continuous
and Intermittent, Simulation Technique.
Unit 13: Management Information Systems
Role of MIS in an organization, Different kinds of Information Systems, Transaction
Processing System, Management Information System, Decision Support System,
Expert System.
2. MCS-021: Data and File Structures 4 Credits
The learner should be well versed with the fundamentals of Algorithms, learn various data
structures, should be able to use them appropriately as per need during development of programs.
Also, the learner should know different sorting and searching techniques so that correct
techniques can be used in different programs so that the complexity of the program does not
increase due the sorting/ search technique employed. The learner should have the knowledge
about file structures and finally, s/he should also know the concepts of advanced data structures.
BLOCK 1 : Introduction to Algorithms and Data Structures
Unit 1: Analysis of Algorithms
Mathematical Background, Process of Analysis, Calculation of Storage Complexity,
Calculation of Run Time Complexity.
Unit 2: Arrays
Arrays and Pointers, Sparse Matrices, Polynomials, Representation of Arrays, Row
Major Representation, Column Major Representation, Applications.
Unit 3: Lists
Abstract Data Type-List, Array Implementation of Lists, Linked Lists-
Implementation, Doubly Linked Lists-Implementation, Circularly Linked Lists-
Implementation, Applications.
BLOCK-2: Stacks, Queues and Trees
Unit 4: Stacks
Abstract Data Type-Stack, Implementation of Stack, Implementation of Stack using
Arrays, Implementation of Stack using Linked Lists, Algorithmic Implementation of
Multiple Stacks, Applications.
Unit 5: Queues
Abstract Data Type-Queue, Implementation of Queue, Array Implementation,
Linked List Implementation, Implementation of Multiple Queues, Implementation of
Circular Queues, Array Implementation, Linked List Implementation of a circular
queue, Implementation of DEQUEUE, Array Implementation of a dequeue, Linked
List Implementation of a dequeue.
Unit 6: Trees
Abstract Data Type-Tree, Implementation of Tree, Tree Traversals, Binary Trees,
Implementation of Binary Tree, Binary Tree Traversals, Recursive Implementation
of Binary Tree Traversals, Non Recursive Implementations of Binary Tree
Traversals, Applications.
BLOCK 3 : Graph Algorithms and Searching Techniques
Binary Search Trees, Traversing a Binary Search Trees, Insertion of a node into a
Binary Search Tree, Deletion of a node from a Binary Search Tree, AVL Trees,
Insertion of a node into an AVL Tree, Deletion of a node from and AVL Tree, AVL
tree rotations, Applications of AVL Trees, B-Trees, Operations on B-Trees ,
Applications of B-Trees.
Unit 8: Graphs
Unit 9: Searching
Internal Sorting, Insertion Sort, Bubble Sort, Quick Sort, 2-way Merge Sot, Heap
Sort, Sorting on Several Keys.
Database systems are pervasive. They are present in every segment of commercial, academic and
virtual world. They are required as the backbone of any information system, enterprise resource
planning, research activities and other activity that require permanence of data storage. This
course provides the basic introduction to database system technologies; and concurrency,
security and recovery issues of database management systems.
This course also provides the basic conceptual background necessary to design and develop
simple database systems. The major focus in this course is the Relational database model;
however, it also discusses about the ER model and distributed databases. This course enables you
to write good queries using a standard query language called SQL.
BLOCK 1 : The Database Management System Concepts
Unit 1: The Basic Concepts
Need for a Database Management System, The file based system, Limitations of file
based system, The Database Approach, The Logical DBMS Architecture, Three level
architecture of DBMS or logical DBMS architecture, Mappings between levels and
data independence, The need for three level architecture, Physical DBMS
Architecture, DML Precompiler, DDL Compiler, File Manager, Database Manager,
Query Processor, Database Administrator, Data files indices and Data Dictionary,
Commercial Database Architecture, Data Models.
Unit 2: Relational and ER Models
The Relational Model, Domains, Attributes, Tuple and Relation, Super keys
Candidate keys and Primary keys for the Relations, Relational Constraints, Domain
Constraint, Key Constraint, Integrity Constraint, Update Operations and Dealing
with Constraint Violations, Relational Algebra, Basic Set Operation, Cartesian
Product, Relational Operations, Entity Relationship (ER) Model, Entities, Attributes,
Relationships, More about Entities and Relationships, Defining Relationship for
College Database, E-R Diagram, Conversion of E-R Diagram to Relational Database.
Unit 3: Database Integrity and Normalisation
Relational Database Integrity, The Keys, Referential Integrity, Entity Integrity,
Redundancy and Associated Problems, Single-Valued Dependencies, Single-Valued
Normalisation, The First Normal Form, The Second Normal Form, The Third
Normal Form, Boyce Codd Normal Form, Desirable Properties of Decomposition,
Attribute Preservation, Lossless-join Decomposition, Dependency Preservation, Lack
of redundancy, Rules of Data Normalisation, Eliminate Repeating Groups, Eliminate
Redundant Data, Eliminate Columns Not Dependent on Key.
Unit 4: File Organisation in DBMS
Physical Database Design Issues, Storage of Database on Hard Disks, File
Organisation and Its Types, Heap files (Unordered files), Sequential File
Organisation, Indexed (Indexed Sequential) File Organisation, Hashed File
Organisation, Types of Indexes, Index and Tree Structure, Multi-key File
Organisation, Need for Multiple Access Paths, Multi-list File Organisation, Inverted
File Organisation, Importance of File Organisation in Databases..
BLOCK 2: Structured Query Language and Transaction Management
Unit 1: The Structures Query Language
What is SQL? Data Definition Language, Data Manipulation Language, Data
Control, Database Objects: Views, Sequences, Indexes and Synonyms, Table
Handling, Nested Queries.
Unit 2: Transactions and Concurrency Management
The Transactions, The Concurrent Transactions, The Locking Protocol, Serialisable
Schedules, Locks. Two Phase Locking (2PL), Deadlock and its Prevention,
Optimistic Concurrency Control.
Unit 3: Database Recovery and Security
What is Recovery? Kinds of failures, Failure controlling methods, Database errors,
Recovery Techniques, Security & Integrity, Relationship between Security and Integrity,
Difference between Operating System and Database Security, Authorization.
Unit 4: Distributed and Client Server Databases
Need to Develop the Hospital Management System (An HMS), Creating a Database
for HMS, Developing Front End Forms, Reports, Using Queries and Record set.
BLOCK 4: Study Centre Management System: A Case Study
The object oriented programming paradigm is one of the popular programming paradigms of
today. Due to its characteristics object orientation has added new dimensions in the software
development process. In this course concept of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is
introduced and for this purpose C++ programming language is being used. C++ a very powerful
general purpose programming language, which supports object oriented programming paradigm.
This course covers basics of C++ programming language which includes data types, variables,
operators, and array and pointers. Also object oriented features such as class and objects,
inheritance, polymorphism are covered in this course. Finally exceptions handling, I/O
operations and STL are explained.
BLOCK 1: Basics of Object Oriented Programming & C++
Genesis of C++, Structure of a C++ program, Data Types, Operators and Control
Unit 3: Objects and Classes
Unit 4: Constructors and Destructors
This lab is based on the courses MCS-021. This lab course involves the development of the
practical skills in Data structures using C programming, Theoretical aspects were already
covered in the respective theory courses.
This course is an attempt to upgrade and enhance your theoretical skills and provide the hands on
experience. By the end of these practical sessions of this course, you will be able to write
programs using basic data structures such as Arrays etc. as well as advanced data structures such
as trees etc.
SECTION 1: Data and File Structures Lab Manual
Linked Lists
Advanced Trees
Unit 2: Probability Concepts
Preliminaries, Trials, Sample Space, Events, Algebra of Events, Probability Concepts,
Probability of an Event, Probability of Compound Events, Conditional Probability and
Independent Events.
Unit 3: Probability Distributions
Random Variable, Discrete Random Variable, Continuous Random Variable, Binomial
Distribution, Poisson Distribution, Uniform Distribution, Normal Distribution.
BLOCK 2: Statistical Inference
Unit 4: Sampling Distributions
Population and Samples, What is a Sampling Distribution, t-distribution, Chi-Square
distribution F-distribution.
Unit 5: Estimation
Point Estimation, Criteria For a Good Estimator, Interval Estimation, Confidence
Interval for Mean with Known Variance, Confidence Interval for Mean with Known
Variance, Confidence Interval for Proportion.
Unit 6: Tests of Significance
Some Basic Concepts, Tests About the Mean, Difference in the Means of Two
Populations Test About the Variance.
Unit 7: Applications of Chi-Square in Problems with Categorical Data
Goodness-of-fit, Test of Independence.
BLOCK 3: Applies Statistical Methods
Unit 8: Analysis of Variance: One-Way Classification
Analysis of Variance: Basic Concepts, Source of Variance, One-Way Classification
Model for One-Way Classification, Test Procedure, Sums of Squares, Preparation of
ANOVA Table, Pairwise Comparisons, Unbalanced Data, Random Effects Model.
Unit 9: Regression Analysis
Simple Linear Regression, Measures of Goodness of Fit, Multiple Linear Regression,
Preliminaries, Regression with Two Independent Variables.
Unit 10: Forecasting and Time Series Analysis
Forecasting, Time Series and Their Components, Long-term Trend, Seasonal Variations,
Cyclic Variations, Random Variations/Irregular Fluctuations, Forecasting Models, the
Additive Model, the Multiplicative Model, Forecasting Long-term Trends, The Methods of
Least Squares, the Methods of Moving Averages, Exponential Smoothing.
Unit 11: Statistical Quality Control
Concept of Quality, Nature of Quality Control, Statistical Process Control, Concepts of
Variation, Control Charts, Control Charts For Variables, Process Capability Analysis,
Control Charts For Attributes, Acceptance Sampling, Sampling Plan Concepts, Single
Sampling Plans.
BLOCK 4: Sampling
Unit 12: Simple Random Sampling and Systematic Sampling
Today almost every branch of computer science is feeling presence of object- orientation. Object
oriented technology is successfully incorporated in various fields of computer science. Since its
arrival on the scene in 1995, the Java has been accepted as one of the primary programming
This course is designed to give you exposure to basic concepts of object-oriented technology.
This course will help in learning to write programs in Java using object-oriented paradigm.
Approach in this course is to take Java as a language that is used as a primary tool in many
different areas of programming work.
Introduction To Java, Basic Features, Java Virtual Machine Concepts, A Simple Java
Program, Primitive Data Type And Variables, Java Keywords, Integer and Floating
Point Data Type, Character and Boolean Types, Declaring and Initialization
Variables, Java Operators.
Unit 4: Expressions, Statements and Arrays
I/O Basics, Streams and Stream Classes, Byte Stream Classes, Character Stream
Classes, The Predefined Streams, Reading from, and Writing to, Console, Reading
and Writing Files, The Transient and Volatile Modifiers, Using Instance of Native
Unit 3: Strings and Characters
Fundamentals of Characters and Strings, The String Class, String Operations, Data
Conversion using Value Of ( ) Methods, String Buffer Class and Methods.
Unit 4: Exploring Java I/O
Java I/O Classes and Interfaces, I/O Stream Classes, Input and Output Stream, Input
Stream and Output Stream Hierarchy, Text Streams, Stream Tokenizer, Serialization,
Buffered Stream, Print Stream, Random Access File.
BLOCK 4: Applets Programming and Advance Java Concepts
Unit 1: Applets
The Applet Class, Applet Architecture, An Applet Skeleton: Initialization and
Termination, Handling Events, HTML Applet Tag.
Unit 2: Graphics and User Interfaces
Graphics Contexts and Graphics Objects, Color Control, Fonts, Coordinate System,
User Interface Components, Building User Interface with AWT, Swing-based GUI,
Layouts and Layout Manager, Container.
Unit 3: Networking Features
Socket Overview, Reserved Parts and Proxy Servers, Internet Addressing: Domain
Naming Services (DNS), JAVA and the net: URL, TCP/IP Sockets, Datagrams.
Unit 4: Advance Java
Java Database Connectivity, Establishing A Connection, Transactions with Database,
An Overview of RMI Applications, Remote Classes and Interfaces, RMI
Architecture, RMI Object Hierarchy, Security, Java Servlets, Servlet Life Cycle, Get
and Post Methods, Session Handling, Java Beans.
3. BCS-041: Fundamental of Computer Networks 4 Credits
This course introduces the basics of data communication and networking. Students will develop
an understanding of the general principles of data communication and networking as used in
networks. It also includes an activity of setting up a small local area network. The goal of this
course is that the student will develop an understanding of the structure of network, its elements
and how these elements operate and communicate with each other.
BLOCK 1: Concepts of Communication and Networking
Unit 1: Basics of Data Communication
Concept of communication system, Analog and Digital Communication, Data
communication modes, Synchronous and asynchronous transmission, Simplex, half-
duplex, full duplex communication, Networking Protocols and Standards, Layering,
OSI reference model, encapsulation, End-to-end argument. Protocol design issues,
Unit 2: Modulation and Encoding
Analog Modulation (AM, FM, PM), AM Demodulation (one technique only),
Advantages and Disadvantages of each., Analog to Digital (Digitization), Sampling,
Quantization, Digital to Analog, Digital Modulation (ASK, FSK, PSK, QPSK).
Unit 3: Multiplexing and Switching
Concept, FDM, TDM, SDM, Multiplexing Applications, Circuit and Packet Switching.
Unit 4: Communication Mediums
Digital data transmission, Serial and Parallel Transmission, Guided and Unguided
mediums, Wireless Communication, Coaxial Cables, Twisted Pair Cables, Fiber
Optic Cables, Connectors.
BLOCK 2: Networks and Devices
Network Concept, LAN overview, LAN Topologies, LAN access methods, Network
Types based on size like PAN, LAN, MAN, WAN, Functional Classification of
Networks, Peer to Peer, Client Server. Wide Area Network, WAN Topologies, WAN
Access Methods.
Unit 2: OSI and TCP/IP Models
Introduction of OSI Model, Need of such Models, Basic functions of each OSI layer,
Introduction to TCP/IP, Comparisons with TCP/IP layers. (At the beginner’s level).
Unit 3: Physical and Data link Layer
Network Interface Cards, Modems, Repeaters, Hubs, Bridges, Switch (L2 and L3
differences) and gateways.
BLOCK 3: Network, Transport and Application Layer
Addressing and multiplexing, Flow control, congestion control, data transport, Port
numbers, service models, Intro to reliability, QoS.
Unit 3: Application Layer
Unit 3: Introduction to Wireless and Mobile Networks
Introduction to wireless communication systems, modern wireless communication
systems and generations, Introduction to cellular mobile systems, CDMA, cellular
system design fundamentals.
Unit 4: Network Security
Introduction to computer security, Security services, Authentication and Privacy,
Block and Stream Ciphers, Public and Private key Cryptography, Introduction to
RSA, MD5 and DES at the beginner’s level.
4. BCS-042: Analysis and Design of Algorithms 2 Credits
To learn about properties of algorithm and how to design an algorithm, discuss asymptotic
notations, Design and measure time complexity analysis of searching, sorting and Graph
traversal algorithms. Make comparison of different type of algorithm likes Linear, Quadratic,
Polynomial and Exponential, Describe how greedy approach facilitate solving the problem.
Discuss Divide and Conquer approach for solving the problem.
BLOCK 1: Introduction to Algorithm
Unit 1: Basics of an Algorithm
Definition and Example of an algorithm, Characteristics of an algorithm, Steps in
Designing of Algorithms, Growth of function, Recurrence, Problem Formulation
(Tower of Hanoi), Substitution Method, Iteration Method, Master Method.
Unit 2: Asymptotic Bounds
Asymptotic Notations, Concept of efficiency of analysis of an algorithm Comparative
efficiencies of algorithms: Linear, Quadratic, Polynomial and Exponential.
Unit 3: Analysis of simple Algorithms
Euclid’s algorithm for GCD, Horner’s Rule for polynomial evaluation, Simple
Matrix (n x n) Multiplication, Exponent evaluation e.g. a n, Searching, Linear Search,
Sorting, Bubble sort, Insertion Sort, Selection sort.
BLOCK 2: Design Techniques
Unit 1: Greedy Technique
Elements of Greedy strategy, Activity Selection Problem, Continuous Knapsack
Problem, Coin changing Problem, More Examples.
Unit 2: Divide and Conquer Approach
General Issues in Divide and Conquer, Binary Search, Merge Sort, Quick Sort,
Integer Multiplication, More Examples.
Unit 3: Graph Algorithm
Representation of Graphs, Adjacency Matrix, Adjacency List, Depth First Search and
Examples, Breadth First Search and Examples.
5. MCSL-016: Internet Concepts and Web Design (Lab Course) 2 Credits
The main objective of the course is to introduce the whole range of web technologies starting from
HTML, DHTML, Java Script, VBScript, and Dreamweaver. It also gives a brief description on
Internet. Through the various examples the course will describe how to design specific page,
dynamic web page, forms and frames. It also focuses on the practical aspects of these technologies.
BLOCK 1: Scripting Languages
Unit 1: The Internet
Classification of Networks, Networking Models, What is Packet Switching,
Accessing the Internet, Internet Protocols, Internet Protocol (IP), Transmission
Control Protocol (TCP), Internet Address, Structure of Internet Servers Address,
Address Space, How does the Internet work, Intranet & Extranet, Internet
Infrastructure, Protocols and Services on Internet, Domain Name System, SMTP and
Electronic Mail, Http and World Wide Web, Usenet and Newgroups, FTP, Telnet,
Internet Tools, Search Engines, Web Browser.
Unit 2: Introduction to HTML
What is HTML, Basic Tags of HTML, HTML Tag, TITLE Tag, BODY Tag,
Formatting of Text, Headers, Formatting Tags, PRE Tag, FONT Tag, Special
Characters, Working with Images, META Tag.
Unit 3: Advanced HTML
Links, Anchor tag, Lists, Unordered Lists, Ordered Lists, Definition Lists, Tables,
TABLE, TR and TD Tags, Cell Spacing and Cell Padding, Colspan and Rowspan,
Frames, Frameset, FRAME Tag, NOFRAMES Tag, Forms, FORM and INPUT Tag,
Text Box, Radio Button, Checkbox, SELECT Tag and Pull Down Lists, Hidden, Submit
and Reset, Some Special Tags, COLGROUP, THREAD, TBODY, TFOOT, _blank,
_self, _parent, _top, IFRAME, LABEL, Attribute for <SELECT>, TEXTAREA.
Unit 4: Introduction to JavaScript
JavaScript Variables and Data Types, Declaring Variables, Data Types, Statements
and Operators, Control Structures, Conditional Statements, Loop Statements, Object-
Based Programming, Functions, Executing Deferred Scripts, Objects, Message box
in JavaScript, Dialog Boxes, Alert Boxes, Confirm Boxes, Prompt Boxes, JavaScript
with HTML, Events, Event Handlers, Forms, Forms Array.
Unit 5: VB Script
What is VBScript? Adding VBScript Code to an HTML Page, VB Script Basics,
VBScript Data Types, VBScript Variables, VBScript Constants, VBScript Operators,
Using Conditional Statements, Looping Through Code, VBScript Procedures,
VBScript Coding Conventions, Dictionary Object in VBScript, Methods: VBScript
Dictionary Object, VBScript Dictionary Object Properties, Err Object, Methods:
VBScript Err Object, Properties: VBScript Err Object.
Unit 6: Dreamweaver
Using Dreamweaver, Create a Site Home Page, Design a Page in Layout View, Insert
Images, Insert Text, Work in Standard View, View the Site Files, Link your Documents.
BLOCK 2: Lab Manual
Section 1: HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
Basic of HTML
How to Create HTML Document
Steps for Creating a Simple HTML Program
Section 2: Advanced HTML
Advanced Topics of HTML
Section 3: JavaScript
Script Basics
Incorporating JavaScript into a Web Page
Section 4: VBScript
VBScript Basics
Incorporating VBScript into HTML Page
Section 5: Dreamweaver
How to Work in Dreamweaver??
How to save your file?
Adding Layers to the Timeline and Giving Motion to the Layer
Inserting Scripts
Inserting External Media in the Web Page
Adding SSI(Server-side include to the Page)
Adding CSS Style to your Page
Adding XML Files to your Page
To Export a Dreamweaver Document as XML File, checking entries, working in
frames, windows control, the Java script URL.
6. BCSL-043: Java Programming Lab 1 Credit
This lab is based on the course MCS-024. This lab course involves the development of the
practical skills in Java Programming. Theoretical aspects were already covered in the respective
theory courses. This course is an attempt to upgrade and enhance your theoretical skills and
provide the hands on experience in Java programming. By the end of these practical sessions of
this course, you will be able to write programs using java programming language.
SECTION 1: Java Programming Lab
This lab course will provide opportunity to the learners to implement the concepts and
techniques learned in Statistical Techniques course in C/C++ Language and/or in MS-Excel.
Session wise coverage:
Session 2,3, 4 : Hypothesis testing, t distribution, chi square distribution of distribution, normal
Session 5 : Regression and correlation coefficient-univariate, multivariate.
This course will cover practical implementations of several algorithms covered in BCS-042
b) Know various Function and Object oriented modeling & design techniques;
BLOCK 1 : Development of SRS
Unit 1: Characteristics of SRS
Completeness, Unambiguity, Inconsistency, IEEE SRS.
Unit 2: Function oriented Modeling
DFD, ERD, Structure Chart, SRS, Data Dictionaries.
Unit 3: Object Oriented Modeling
UML Introduction, Use Case Diagrams, Class Diagrams.
BLOCK 2 : Design and Testing
Unit 1: Function Oriented Design
Constructing solution to problem, Identifying components and their interaction,
Visualizing the solution, Characteristics of a good function oriented design (Coupling,
Cohesion etc.).
Unit 2: Object Oriented Design
Identification & Specification problem domain static objects, Working out the
application logic objects, Identification of necessary utility objects, Methodology of
identification of objects, Case Study.
Unit 3: Testing Techniques
Different testing techniques with examples.
Unit 4: Development and Execution of test cases
Debugging, Testing tools & Environments, Types of test cases and test plans.
BLOCK 3 : Software Engineering Concepts
Unit 1: Software Development Models
Program vs Software, Definition of Software Engineering, SDLC models.
Unit 2: Software Project Management Concepts
Planning, Execution, Monitoring, Control of Software Projects, Software Metrics,
Application of PERT and GANTT charts.
Unit 3: Software Engineering Fundamentals
Software Configuration Management, Software Maintenance, Software Quality
2. BCS-052: Network Programming and Administration 3 Credits
TCP/IP Layer and Protocols, Network Access Layer, Internet Layer, Need for IP
Address, Classes of IP Address, Special Meanings, Who Decides the IP Addresses,
Internet Protocol, Address Resolution Protocol (ARP),Reverse Address Resolution
Protocol (RARP), Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), Transport Layer,
Transmission Control Protocol, User Datagram Protocol (UDP), Application Layer,
Electronic Mail, Domain Name System (DNS), How does the DNS Server Works?
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), Remote Login: TELNET, World
Wide Web: HTTP, Networking Example.
Unit 2 : Internet Protocol
Overview of Internet Protocol, IP Header, IP Address, IP Address Classes, Subnet
Masks and CIDR Networks (Classless IP Addresses), Internet-Legal Versus Private
Addressing, IP Routing, Routing Protocol, Routing Algorithms.
Unit 3 : Transport Layer Protocols
Overview of TCP, Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), TCP Header, TCP
Connection Establishment and Termination, TCP Connection Establishment, TCP
Connection Termination, User Datagram Protocol (UDP).
Unit 4 : Application Layer Protcols
Domain Name System (DNS), Hierarchical Name Space, Domain Servers, How does
DNS Work in Internet, Domain Name Resolution, Messages Used in DNS, Dynamic
DNS (DDNS), Electronic Mail, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP),Message
Transfer Agent, User Agent, Post Office Protocol (POP), Internet Mail Access
Protocol (IMAP),Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME), Telnet , File
Transfer Protocol (FTP).
BLOCK 2: Fundamentals of TCP/IP Programming
Unit 1: TCP/IP Programming Concepts
Client Server Communication, Designing Client/Server Programs, Socket Concepts,
IP Address and Ports, Byte Ordering, Sketch of Networking Connection, Active and
Passive Sockets, Socket Fundamentals, Networking Example.
Unit 2: Socket Interface
Elementary Socket System Calls, Socket System Call, Bind System Call, Connect
System Call, Listen System Call, Accept System Call, Elementary Data Transfer
Calls, Closing a Socket, TCP and UDP Architectures, Networking Example.
Unit 3: Socket Programming
Advance System call, Data Transfer, Byte Operations and Addressing, Socket
Options, Select System Call Raw Socket, Multiple Recipients, Unicasting,
Broadcasting, Multicasting, Quality of Service Issues.
BLOCK 3: Network Administration Using Linux
Unit 1: Introduction To Network Administration
Role and responsibilities of Network Administrator, Linux and TCP/IP
Internetworking concepts, Using Network Clients, Understanding System
Initialization, Use Remote Administration Services and Tools.
Unit 2: Network Administration Activities
Managing software packages and File systems, Managing users, System and kernel
management, Basic Troubleshooting.
Unit 3: Network Configuration and Setting
Configuring Networks, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, Domain Name
System (DNS), Network File System (NFS), Web Server (Prefer Samba Server).
Unit 4: Network Management and Security
Networks and Security, User Security Management, Disk Security Management,
Security Configuration and Analysis, Account Policies, Permissions and Restrictions,
Configuring Network Settings, Advance Troubleshooting.
3. BCS-053: Web Programming 2 Credits
After going through this course a student should be able to:
Use XHTML tags to create simple static web pages;
format a simple Web page using Cascading Style sheets;
state the concepts applicable to web programming;
create an interactive and dynamic Web site using JavaScript;
represent data over the Web using XML;
appreciate the use of Ajax and Rich Internet Applications, and
perform server side scripting using Java Server Pages (JSP).
BLOCK 1: Client Side
Unit 1: Web 2.0 and XHTML
What Is Web 2.0? Introduction to Web 2.0 terms: Search, Content Networks,
Blogging, Social Networking, Social Media, Rich Internet Applications (RIAs), Web
Services, Mashups, Widgets and Gadgets, Introduction to XHTML and WML,
Syntactic Differences between HTML and XHTML, Standard XHTML Document
Structure, An example of XHTML covering Basic Syntax, Images, Hypertext Links,
Lists and Tables, Creation of an XHTML Form, Internal Linking and Meta Elements.
Unit 2: Using Style Sheets
CSS: Inline Styles, Embedded Style Sheets, Linking External Style Sheets, Style
Specification Formats Selector Forms, Colour, Property Value Forms, Font
Properties, List Properties, Alignment of Text, The Box Model, Background Image
,The <span> and <div> Tags.
Unit 3: Introduction to XML
XML Basics, XML Document Structure, XML Namespaces, Document Type
Definitions, XML Schemas, Displaying XML Documents.
Unit 4: Programming with Java Script – DOM and Events
WAP and WML Basics, WML formatting and links, WML input, WML tasks, WML
timer, WML variables, Example.
BLOCK 2: Server Side
Server side scripting and its need ,Two-Tier, Three-Tier, N-Tier and Enterprise
Architecture, Various Languages/ Technologies for server scripting ,HTTP Methods
(such as GET, POST, HEAD, and so on) , Purpose ,Technical characteristics,
Method selection, Use of request and response primitives, Web container – Tomcat.
Unit 2: JSP – Basic
Basic JSP Lifecycle, JSP Directives and Elements, Scriptlets, Expressions, Action
Elements, Standard Actions, Comments and Template Data, JSP variables, The out
Object, Request, response, sessions and application objects.
Unit 3: JSP – Applications
Exceptions and exception handling using JSP, Cookies and sessions, Managing
Email using JSP.
Unit 4: JSP Application Development
Example applications using JSP, What is JDBC? Need for JDBC, Database Drivers,
Connection using JDBC API, Application development and deployment.
4. BCS-054 : Computer Oriented Numerical Techniques 3 Credits
Introduction and Objectives: In today’s world the practical problems are quite complex and it
may not be possible to find their analytical solutions. Hence we have to resort to computer
oriented numerical methods for solving them. Numerical analysis provides knowledge of various
techniques to get mathematical entities involved in solving the problems.
BLOCK 1: Computer Arithmetic and Solution of Linear and Non-linear Equations
Unit 2: Solution of Linear Algebraic Equations
Unit 1: Operator
Initial Value and Boundary Value Problem, Euler’s Method, Improved Euler’s
Method, Runge Kutta (R-K) Methods (of Order 2 and 4).
Making students aware of difference between oral & written communication.
Facilitating understanding & practice of in company and external business correspondence.
Dealing with requirements of effective reports & proposals.
Unit 3: Getting Ready for the Job Market and Organising a Portfolio
Preparing a Portfolio.
BLOCK 2: Interviews
Preparation for business travel, International travel, do’s and don’t of business travel,
how to avoid travel related problems, travel itineraries, making arrangements
What are business events, the importance of business events, planning for business
events, vocabulary associated with business events, polite expressions, writing an e-
mil to expo organizers
Introduction to C.
Lab Sessions.
Session 2 : Creating Style Sheets for the web pages created in session.
Session 4 : WML.
Session 5 and 6 : Using and writing JavaScript in web pages, including events and Ajax.
Session 9, 10 : Writing simple applications using JSP and JDB and deploying it.
8. BCSL-058: Computer Oriented Numerical Techniques Lab 1 Credit
This course is based on Computer Oriented Numerical Techniques.
This lab course will provide opportunity to the learners to implement the concepts and techniques
learned in course Computer Oriented Numerical Techniques in C/C++ Language and/ or in MS-
Excel/Any Spread Sheet.
Session wise coverage:
The Objectives of the Course are:
1. To make the student aware about the basics of E-commerce, its processes and some of the
services/products supporting these processes.
2. After studying this course, the students shall be able to understand the basic related business
processes like B2B, C2B & B2C involved in the area of E-Commerce with an overview of
the technical support for the processes.
BLOCK 1: E-Commerce Concept and Models
Unit 1: Introduction to E-Commerce
Definition and scope of E-Commerce and M-Commerce, E-Commerce trade cycle,
Electronic Markets, Internet Commerce, Benefits and Impacts of E-Commerce.
Unit 2: Elements of E-Commerce
Various elements, e-visibility, e-shops, Delivery of goods and services, Online
payments, After - sales services, Internet E-Commerce security.
Unit 3: EDI and Electronic Payment Systems
Introduction and definition of EDI, EDI layered Architecture, EDI technology and
standards, EDI communications and transactions, Benefits and applications of EDI
with example, Electronic Payment Systems: credit/debit/smart cards, e-credit
accounts, e-money.
Unit 4: Introduction to EC models
Inter-organization and intra-organization E-Commerce, E-Commerce Models: B2B,
B2C, C2B, C2C, G2C, C2G.
BLOCK 2: Practices in E-Commerce
Unit 5: E-Business
Introduction to Internet bookshops, Grocery Suppliers, Software Supplies and
support, Electronic newspapers, Virtual auctions, Online share dealing, e-diversity.
Unit 6: E-Security and Legal Issues
Security concerns in E-Commerce, Privacy, integrity, authenticity, non-repudiation,
confidentiality, SSL, Digital Signatures and fire walls, IT Act 2000,Cyber crimes and
cyber laws.
Unit 7: Mobile Commerce and Future of E-Commerce
Introduction to Mobile Commerce, Benefits of Mobile Commerce, Impediments of
M-Commerce, M-Commerce framework, Emerging and future trends.
Unit 8: Case Study
Physical Connection, Transmission Media, Connecting Devices, Repeaters, Hubs,
Bridges, Routers, Gateways.
Unit 4: Internetworking: Concept, Architecture and Protocols
Architecture and Protocols, History of internetworking, Packet Switching,
Internetworking Concepts, Internet Addresses Object-Based Programming,
Configuring IP Addresses, TCP/ IP, Additional TCP/ IP – Related Protocols,
Application Layer Protocols, File Transfer Protocols, Trivial File Transfer Protocol
(TFTP), TELNET, Remote login, Electronic Mail (Email),World Wide Web, Domain
Name System, SNMP and UDP.
Unit 3: Advanced Windows 2000 Networking
Windows 2000 Domains, Workgroups & Trusted Relationships, Concept of Domains,
Trust Relationships, Building Domains, User Administration, Remote Access.
Unit 4: Windows XP Networking
Introduction to Windows XP Networking, TCP/IP Protocol Setting for Windows XP,
To Select a Network Protocol, Virtual Private Networks and Remote Networking,
Windows XP in File System, Sharing Network Resources in Windows XP, Sharing
Files in Windows XP, Sharing Folders in Windows XP, Sharing Drives in Windows
XP, Enabling Offline File Features.
BLOCK 4: Security and Management
Unit 1: Security Concepts
Goals of Computer Security, Integrity, Confidentiality, Availability, Security Problem
and Requirements, Identifying the Assets, Identifying the Threats, Identifying the
Impact, Threat and Vulnerabilities, User Authentication, Security System and Facilities,
System Access Control, Password Management, Privileged User Management, User
Account Management, Data Resource Protection, Sensitive System Protection,
Cryptography, Intrusion detection, Computer-Security Classifications.
Hardening Operating System and Application Code, Hardening File System Security,
Hardening Local Security Policies, Hardening Services, Hardening Default Accounts,
Hardening Network Activity, Malicious Code, Firewall, Fault Tolerant System,
RRAS, RADIUS and IAS, IPSec, Encrypting File System Management, Encrypting
File System (EFS), EFS and Users Management, Data Recovery Management, EFS
Cryptography Management.
This lab is based on the course MCS-022. This lab course involves the development of the
practical skills in OS and Networking. Theoretical aspects were already covered in the respective
theory courses. This course is an attempt to upgrade and enhance your theoretical skills and
provide the hands on experience. By the end of these practical sessions of this course, you will be
able use Unix and Linux OS commands, write scripting and Installation and Configuration of the
networking services like TCP/IP, DNS, DHCP, FTP, SMTP etc.
The objective of the BCA project work is to develop a quality software solution by following the
software engineering principles and practices. During the development of the project the students
should involve in all the stages of the software development life cycle (SDLC). The main
objective of this project course is to provide learners a platform to demonstrate their practical
and theoretical skills gained during five semesters of study in BCA Programme. During project
development students are expected to define a project problem, do requirements analysis,
systems design, software development, apply testing strategies and do documentation with an
overall emphasis on the development of a robust, efficient and reliable software systems. The
project development process has to be consistent and should follow standard.. For example
database tables designed in the system should mach with the E-R Diagram. SRS documents to be
created as per IEEE standards.
Students are encouraged to spend maximum time of the sixth semester working on a project
preferably in a software industry or any research organization. Topics selected should be
complex and large enough to justify as a BCA final semester project. The courses studied by the
students during the BCA Programme provide them the comprehensive background knowledge
on diverse subject areas in computer science such as computer programming, data structure,
DBMS, Computer Organization, SAD, Software Engineering, Computer Networks etc., which
will be helping students in doing project work. Student will receive Project Guidelines along
with their 5th semester course material. Students may also download Project Guidelines from
IGNOU Website. Students should strictly follow and adhere to the BCSP-064 project