Local Complementarity of Wind and Solar Energy Resources Over Europe: An Assessment Study From A Meteorological Perspective
Local Complementarity of Wind and Solar Energy Resources Over Europe: An Assessment Study From A Meteorological Perspective
Local Complementarity of Wind and Solar Energy Resources Over Europe: An Assessment Study From A Meteorological Perspective
To assess the possibility of a combined use of solar and wind energy over Europe, a continental-scale
dataset, with high spatial and temporal resolution and covering three years of data (2012–14), is analyzed. The
100-m wind is taken from the ECMWF analyses/short-range forecasts. To obtain hourly values of potentially
generated electricity, wind is transformed into normalized electricity-generation data by considering a nor-
malized output function representing the most common wind turbines available in the European market. A
strong monthly variation is present, showing the maximum potential at high latitudes in winter and shifting to
specific areas in the Mediterranean Sea region in summer. Hourly data for solar radiation are extracted from
the satellite-retrieval scheme of the Satellite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring (CM SAF). The
energy output of photovoltaic systems is calculated by considering the amount of solar radiation that arrives at
the surface of the photovoltaic modules. Together with the main functional dependence on latitude, the
photovoltaic potential depends also on longitude, as a consequence of the average pressure patterns. Last, the
local correlation of wind and solar resources is assessed. For hourly data, a weak anticorrelation prevails in
the domain, suggesting a degree of local complementarity of the two sources in many regions. A strong effect
from the diurnal cycle is observed in some regions. Also, a significant dependence on the month (higher
absolute values in summer) and on the time scale (increase in absolute value with the extension of the time
window that is considered for the correlation) is apparent.
DOI: 10.1175/JAMC-D-16-0031.1
production to complement each other as much as pos- which in turn will have to adjust to a growing number of
sible to minimize energy storage or to avoid curtailment. sources of renewable energy.
If the total available energy is relatively constant and The study that is presented here provides a contribu-
predictable then the impact will be small, but if the en- tion in this direction. To broadly assess the combined
ergy production is highly variable and unpredictable availability of wind and solar sources, this work analyzes a
then the impact may be large. continental-scale wind and solar power dataset, with
The complementarity of wind and solar resources is a relatively high spatial and temporal resolution. Our study
key issue for overall energy generation (Gburcik et al. focuses on the general meteorological features that
2013). The independent use of these energy resources emerge from three complete years of data (2012–14).
cannot provide a continuous power supply; therefore an Because the current production of solar radiation and
optimally synchronized wind- and solar-based system wind energy depends heavily on the variability of mete-
should be implemented to provide more-even and less- orological conditions, wind speed and solar radiation
fluctuating production (Santos-Alamillos et al. 2012; fields are here analyzed over Europe as a whole (whereas
Monforti et al. 2014). Geographically dispersed wind previous studies have focused mainly on a limited num-
(St. Martin et al. 2015) and photovoltaic (PV; Perez and ber of specific sites or areas). To identify the intensity and
Hoff 2013) generators are more likely to provide a distribution of these two sources of energy and to con-
smoother supply, as a consequence of the effect of ran- sider their local complementarity in case of hybrid or
dom cancellation of fluctuations. Alternatively, hybrid nearby power plants, the anticorrelation of wind and so-
solar–wind power generation systems that integrate the lar resources is analyzed, allowing one to better tune the
two energy resources can partially overcome this problem need for flexibility in energy-storage/backup systems. The
(Dos Anjos et al. 2015). This solution improves the effi- complementarity between wind and solar power pro-
ciency of the system, improves the reliability of the en- duced in different geographical areas, which is also an
ergy supply, and reduces energy-storage requirements important aspect to be considered in planning strategic
relative to systems that use a single source. deployment of potential renewable energy production, is
The combined use of solar radiation and wind for not considered in this study.
generating large amounts of electricity has to be care- The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes
fully assessed to plan an increase in the exploitation of the data used for the calculation of wind and photo-
these two energy sources in the coming years. At the voltaic energy. Section 3 provides a description of the
same time, the ideal share of the different renewables wind energy potential in Europe over the three years
that guarantees a high efficiency remaining nearly con- considered, and section 4 analyzes the photovoltaic-
stant in time (adjusted to the energy demand) should be potential data. Section 5 addresses the local comple-
identified, together with optimal location and spacing mentarity of the two sources. Conclusions are drawn in
of energy plants. A comprehensive resource evaluation section 6.
(Jerez et al. 2013a), also considering a climate change
perspective (Jerez et al. 2015), should be pursued to
2. Data and method
achieve such goals.
The actual strategies on renewable energy production Wind and solar power datasets are analyzed here
in Europe unfortunately suffer from being adapted to at continental scale using high-temporal-resolution
specific national requirements. As a consequence, the and high-spatial-resolution operational and climate-
possibility for transnational cooperation is still limited at monitoring data. The purpose of this effort is to study
present, although the need for integration of national the local complementarity of these two renewable en-
resources from different countries is growing. ergy sources in Europe. The time complementarity is
A fundamental step toward a closer integration of evaluated here by means of correlation coefficients at
renewable energy production among European coun- different time scales (hourly, daily, and monthly) for a
tries would be the implementation of a high-resolution fixed point, supposing that the solar and wind plants are
continental-scale wind and solar power database that is close to each other. The study is performed using data of
able to provide information on the average production solar radiation and wind speed that cover a period of
from the two sources and on their temporal fluctuations. three years (2012–14). The correlation is calculated only
This information would allow one to quantify the need over the common geographical area of the two datasets,
for balancing the renewable energy sources in terms of extending approximately from 308 to 608N and from
volume and time and would support the large-scale in- 158W to 458E. The exclusion of the northern part of the
tegration of wind and solar power, which is particularly continent from the analysis is not relevant for the pur-
important for the future European electricity network, poses of this study, considering that solar energy
FIG. 3. The 100-m wind speed (m s21) at 0000 UTC 16 Jul 2012. FIG. 4. Sum of normalized wind energy (kW h kW21), averaged
The values above 13 m s21 are shown in yellowish-reddish color to over all three years. The color scale nearly obscures the changes at
highlight the plateau in the power curve in Fig. 2; the values below the lower end of the range to highlight the regions with higher
4 m s21 are in white to identify the wind speeds from which almost energy potential.
no energy can be extracted.
FIG. 5. Wind energy capacity factor, averaged over all three years, in (a) December, (b) March, (c) July, and (d) October. The maximum
values achieved among the three years range from 0.90 to 0.92 kW h kW21 in December, from 0.88 to 0.99 kW h kW21 in July, and from
0.81 to 0.92 kW h kW21 in October; the maximum value is constant at 0.88 kW h kW21 in March. The minimum is 0 kW h kW21 in all
years. The thresholds in the color bar at 0.4 (from blue to cyan) and 0.7 (from yellow to orange)—with rapid changes within this range and
more uniform shades outside this range—are chosen to highlight the regions with low and high capacity.
smaller than that over the sea, is over Iceland, the British which is representative of the energy distribution in the
Isles, and Denmark and is elongated along a narrow four seasons. The capacity factor is the ratio of actual
strip extending from west to east across central Europe. energy output to the output if the wind turbines pro-
Areas with high energy potential can be also identified duced at their nominal power at all times. The theoret-
in the interior of northern Africa and the Middle East. ical maximum is therefore equal to 1 kW h kW21.
Other local spots of high wind energy potential are A strong variation is apparent. In December, the
present across the domain. Because of the coarse reso- maximum values (up to 0.86)2 are observed over the
lution, the role of the orography cannot be correctly Atlantic Ocean and the North and Baltic Seas. At lower
detected, although it should significantly modulate the latitudes, high potential (higher than 0.6) is present in
wind speed at local scale. As a consequence, minima the northwestern Mediterranean, associated with the
occur over major mountains such as the Alps while, for mistral, which is persistent throughout the winter sea-
instance, effects due to wind channeling in deep valleys son, extending partially inland along the Garonne and
are not visible at the given resolution. Rhone Valleys (identified by the two relative maxima in
From the perspective of determining whether an area southern France). Some meso-b-scale features, such as
can be considered to be favorable to wind energy pro- the outflow across the Ebro Valley in Spain (Mazón and
duction, it is important to determine not only its annual- Pino 2013a) and the bora wind in the northern Adriatic
average potential distribution but also how it changes
on a monthly scale. Figure 5 shows the wind energy ca-
pacity factor in December, March, July, and October, For brevity, we will omit the units in the following discussion.
FIG. 8. PV energy potential, shown as the average monthly capacity factor, for (a) December, (b) March, (c) July, and (d) October. The
maximum (minimum) values achieved among the three years range from 0.21 to 0.22 (from 0 to 0.006) in December, from 0.28 to 0.29
(from 0.05 to 0.06) in March, from 0.32 to 0.34 (from 0.10 to 0.13) in July, and from 0.23 to 0.26 (from 0.025 to 0.03) in October. Also shown
(bottom) are the monthly values averaged over the domain (308–608N, 158W–458E).
The annual solar irradiation and, hence, the PV en- Europe. This rises to 4%–6% in most of central and
ergy yield will vary from year to year. A recent study northern Europe, with values slightly higher only in a
(Huld and Trentmann 2015) calculated the variability of few areas, such as the Scandinavian mountains.
the annual totals of global horizontal solar irradiation In our limited dataset extending over three years, the
from 31 yr of satellite-based solar radiation data. The interannual change appears to be significant in a limited
results show that the annual solar irradiation varies area separating the Mediterranean countries from cen-
with a standard deviation of 2%–3% in southern tral Europe: in particular, southern France, northern
Italy, the Balkans, and southeastern Europe received Ntot (where Ntot 5 26 304 is the total number of hours
significantly less irradiation in 2013 than in 2012. This contained in the three analyzed years), the correlation
can be, to a first approximation, explained in terms of coefficient for the hourly data is provided by
the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index. The nor- sh,WS
malized NAO in winter (December–March) 2012/13 Rh (x, y) 5 , (1)
[(sh,W )(sh,S )]1/2
was 22, whereas in winter 2011/12 (and in winter 2013/14)
it was positive, at approximately 13 (Hurrell and National
Center for Atmospheric Research Staff 2016). Positive
(negative) values of the NAO index are also associated Ntot
with stronger-than-average (weaker than average) sh,WS 5 å f[Wh (x, y, t) 2 W(x, y)][Sh (x, y, t) 2 S(x, y)]g,
westerlies over the midlatitudes, more intense weather t51
systems across Europe shifted to lower latitudes in sh,W 5 å [Wh (x, y, t) 2 W(x, y)]2 , and (3)
winter 2012/13, producing more persistent cloud cov-
erage and reducing irradiation in southern Europe
with respect to winter 2011/12. The strong signature of
sh,S 5 å [Sh (x, y, t) 2 S(x, y)]2 , (4)
the NAO on renewable energy resources is consistent
with the results of Jerez et al. (2013b) for southwestern where W(x, y) and S(x, y) are the 3-yr averages of the
Europe and Pozo-Vázquez et al. (2004) for the Euro- hourly wind and solar potential, respectively. The cor-
pean Atlantic region. relation coefficients for daily (Rd) and monthly (Rm)
energy potential can be calculated similarly, but the time
series of daily-averaged (for t 5 1, 1096) and monthly-
5. Complementarity of wind and PV energy
averaged (for t 5 1, 36) wind and PV energy potential
and their averages are used instead of the hourly values.
A comparison of Fig. 6 with Fig. 8 reveals an apparent Note that, although the above description is given in
complementarity of wind and solar resources, showing terms of spatial points (x, y), the wind speed and solar ra-
that the two distributions are out of phase on monthly diation data are aggregates over areas covering the size of
basis. In the following, the correlation coefficients are the spatial resolution of the respective datasets. Therefore,
calculated in a pointwise fashion, with the field with the correlation calculated between wind power and solar
higher resolution (solar radiation) being sampled at the power should be considered to be the correlation between
grid points given by the wind field. An analysis of the the combined wind and solar power output of a represen-
complementarity among different locations is not con- tative selection of wind turbines and PV systems within
sidered here. It is clear that solar and wind energy pro- each spatial cell in the domain common to the two datasets.
duction should be as complementary as possible to For the hourly correlation Rh, the inclusion in Eq. (1) of
assure smooth and efficient electricity generation. nighttime data, during which time the irradiation is con-
Such a property has been analyzed from different per- stantly zero, should be properly interpreted. From the
spectives; for example, in the Iberian Peninsula (Jerez point of view of the optimization of energy resources,
et al. 2013a,b), Italy (Monforti et al. 2014), Brazil (dos including nighttime values is meaningful only when the
Anjos et al. 2015), Britain (Bett and Thornton 2016), wind speed is large enough to compensate for the absence
Serbia (Gburcik et al. 2013), southern Australia of PV production. Only in this eventuality will negative
(Mosadeghy et al. 2016), China (Liu et al. 2013), and values of correlation correspond to an effective comple-
Canada (Hoicka and Rowlands 2011). mentarity of the resources and to a possible reduction in
For the calculation of correlation, we consider hourly energy storage. From the mathematical definition of
data, daily averages, and monthly averages to assess correlation, the inclusion of nighttime values in Eq. (1)
the local complementarity at different time scales. The has two effects relative to the case in which only daytime
wind–solar correlation coefficients are calculated at the values are considered: it reduces S(x, y) (e.g., for a day
points of coordinates (x, y). Since the solar radiation and with equal duration of daytime and nighttime, the mean
the wind speed data have different spatial resolution, the PV would be halved), and it contributes with negative
solar radiation data are sampled at the grid points de- terms Sh(x, y) to the sum in Eq. (2). These factors can
termined by the wind data, with no spatial averaging of significantly modulate the intensity of the correlation. For
the solar data. Given the time series of wind Wh(x, y, t) example, for a region with a prevailing wind circulation
and PV potential Sh(x, y, t) calculated at the hours t 5 1, having strong diurnal variability—for example, a sea
FIG. 10. Hourly correlation over the whole 3-yr period for (a) December, (b) March, (c) July, and (d) October.
similar to that shown for Rd in Fig. 11a but with a very (20.23), with a secondary peak in October. In fact, as
large (in absolute value) correlation in extensive re- shown in Figs. 13b–d, the latter two months are char-
gions. The increase in absolute value with the extension acterized by a limited extent of areas with positive cor-
of the time window that is considered for the correlation relation, mainly confined to near the mountains and
is consistent with previous results (Widén 2011; eastern Europe, whereas the anticorrelation is dominant
Monforti et al. 2014) and is, in most of the domain, an in most of the continent, reaching its maximum on the
indication of windy winters alternated with calm west coasts of the Iberian Peninsula, Scotland, and
summers. Norway (and on the eastern Mediterranean coast). The
Figure 15 summarizes the variations of Rh and Rd average monthly MSLP maps (not shown) suggest that
averaged over the domain in the different months. The the largest anticorrelation corresponds to areas charac-
monthly variation is smooth from winter to summer terized by calm and sunny days (e.g., the Iberian Pen-
months, and a steeper jump is observed from August to insula under the direct effect of the Azores high) or by
September. As shown in the previous figures, Rh is windy and cloudy days (in the areas of strong pressure
generally less negative than Rd, with averages of 20.07 gradient, directly exposed to the Atlantic frontal sys-
and 20.15, respectively. In particular, the monthly tems on the western coasts of Scotland and Norway).
fluctuations in Rh appear to be limited, ranging from
approximately 20.04 in June to 20.09 in September and
October. For Rd, the weakest anticorrelation is in July
(20.06) and the minimum value is reached in March
FIG. 14. As in Fig. 9a, but for monthly values. Note that the color
scale extends further than in the previous figures. FIG. 15. Monthly variation of Rh and Rd.
6. Conclusions
The analysis of data of wind and solar energy on dif-
ferent scales, both in time and space, is an important
component for energy production. Indeed, the comple-
mentarity of the two sources can modulate the needs for
energy storage in systems incorporating both sources.
The highest complementarity should be searched for to
assure continuous coverage and, at the same time, to
avoid production that is higher than demand.
In this work, the local complementarity of wind and
PV energy over Europe is analyzed at different time
scales, studying the role of monthly variations and geo-
FIG. 16. (a) Variation of Rh with hour (UTC) and hourly correlation
maps at (b) 1000 and (c) 1600 UTC. graphical effects over a 3-year period. In particular, we
found the following:
Figures 10 and 13 have shown that the variations d A strong monthly variation of wind potential in terms
during the year can be very different depending on the of location and intensity exists. The maximum averaged
region, for both hourly and daily data. Therefore, it is potential is offshore at northern latitudes, and in summer
important to see how the monthly fluctuations change the peak is observed in the Mediterranean, associated
among different subregions, suggesting different strat- with intense and nearly persistent mesoscale patterns.
egies of energy storage depending on the area. This is The ECMWF operational data used for the 100-m wind
left for future studies. Here, we note only that locally the are appropriate to represent wind patterns at continental
hourly correlation averaged during the three years can scale: they are able to identify synoptic-scale features,
be as low as 20.36 and that the average during summer which determine the position of the frontal systems
months can reach 20.71. This confirms that the com- moving along the Atlantic Ocean, and meso-a-scale
plementarity of the two renewable sources can be locally features; they cannot represent properly the flow over
important and economically feasible. and around the orography at smaller meso-g scales
Last we consider the variation of the domain- (Smith 1979; Miglietta and Buzzi 2001, 2004).
averaged correlation with time, which is also essential d There is a significant dependence of solar energy not
information for the energy community, taking into ac- only on latitude but also on longitude, associated with
count the diurnal variability of demand. Analyzing the the presence of persistent large-scale pressure pat-
data for different hours (including only the period from terns; in contrast with wind data, irradiation data can
0600 to 1600 UTC, when most regions receive solar ra- properly represent the expected distribution near the
diation during most of the year),5 we see that the mountains, having horizontal resolution of 3 km.
anticorrelation prevails at all times, being at a max- d An apparent complementarity of wind and solar re-
imum in the morning (at 0800 UTC) and decreasing sources on the annual time scale, since the two distri-
butions are out of phase, was observed. Hourly data
and daily- and monthly-averaged values are used to
The period of light time in northern Europe is limited to a few assess the local complementarity at different time
hours in winter, and therefore the correlation refers mainly scales. Correlation values are modulated by the month
to summer. (higher absolute values in summer) and the considered
time period, with an increase in absolute value associ- TABLE A1. Coefficients used for the PV performance model given
ated with the extent of the time window. A significant in Eq. (A1).
variation occurs during the year, with a diffuse anti- Coef Value
correlation widespread across Europe while large areas
k1 20.017 24
of positive local correlation are present, especially in k2 20.040 47
summer near the mountains and along the coastlines, k3 20.0047
that are mainly associated with a strong diurnal cycle. k4 1.49 3 1024
d The PV potential reaches its least variability when k5 1.47 3 1024
k6 5.0 3 1026
it is strongest, and wind power behaves in the
opposite way. Thus, for both renewable sources,
the minimum variability is in summer, suggesting
In other terms, we plan to extend the assessment
that in that season the interannual variation is more
study from a single point analysis to analysis over an
limited and that the local complementarity changes
extensive domain.
less from year to year.
2) The second is to simulate a generation system that is
The extent of the 3-yr period analyzed in this study de- composed of both wind and solar installations at
pends on the limited availability of the 100-m ECMWF different points that are randomly distributed
wind field. Such a period is small for assessing interyear (using a Monte Carlo method) all over Europe. Such
variability; from our limited dataset, we can see that for results will extend to a continental scale the results
PV potential the fluctuations are relatively small, that were obtained for Italy by Monforti et al. (2014).
whereas they are larger for wind energy (see also Fig. 2
in Gisinger et al. 2013). We think that such variations do
Acknowledgments. We gratefully acknowledge ECMWF
not affect the generality of our conclusions.
for the operational analyses. Richard Rotunno (NCAR)
A limitation of this work is the use of specific devices for
is gratefully acknowledged for proofreading the type-
energy production. To evaluate how this constraint may
script. The views expressed in this paper are purely
modify the results, the analysis was repeated by using an
those of the writers and may not in any circumstances be
older type of wind turbine (Vestas V90 with a rated
regarded as stating an official position of the European
generation of 2000-kW; red dashed line in Fig. 2): the
changes were limited to a few percent in winter months,
and the results remained nearly invariant in summer. The
limited difference in response is related to the similar APPENDIX
functional dependence of the normalized output, in par-
ticular in the high wind range from which most of the
PV Performance Model Overview
energy is extracted. Nevertheless, the wide applicability of
results is still limited by the fact that, in both cases, the The instantaneous power output of PV modules de-
possible influence of other meteorological parameters pends on a number of factors apart from the impinging
such as turbulence or wind shear on the efficient conver- solar irradiance. Among the most important factors are
sion of wind speed into power has not been investigated. the following:
A more important factor of uncertainty is the represen-
d The reflectivity of the PV module surface depends on
tativeness of the ECMWF analysis for near-surface wind
the angle at which the sunlight hits the module surface.
data: the difference with observations can be large, espe-
The angle of incidence of the sunlight depends on the
cially in the presence of circulations of meso-g scale or
location and module inclination and varies with time.
smaller. Also, following von Bremen et al. (2006), the
In this study, this angle is found by using the model of
largest forecast error should be expected for intermediate
Martin and Ruiz (2001). Using this model, Huld and
wind power values, whereas for high and low wind power
Gracia Amillo (2015) found that this effect contrib-
productions the error should be comparable: since wind
utes to a fairly constant loss of about 3% in Africa.
power and error are uncorrelated, the range of high wind
d The PV module efficiency depends on the module
speed corresponds to the same wind nominal power (Fig. 2).
temperature and irradiance, generally decreasing with
Two follow-up steps are planned to complete the work
increasing temperature and decreasing irradiance.
that was presented here:
d The PV module temperature in turn depends on the
1) The first involves evaluation of the possible comple- in-plane irradiance, air temperature, and wind speed.
mentarity for complex generation systems covering d The efficiency depends on the solar spectrum, which in turn
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