Test Disk
Bem-vindo ao Globetrotter TEST DISK. Ele traz para você questões, respostas e
comentários de diversas provas de vestibulares em vários pontos do Brasil. As
questões foram divididas em 3 seções: (1) Do these, uma série de questões para
você se preparar para os diversos tipos de perguntas freqüentes em provas de
vestibular; (2) Complement, questões extras para solidificar seu estudo e (3)
Challenge, uma seleção de questões de alto nível, para você se superar.
Bom trabalho e boa sorte!
2. In he passage, “some of them went up blind alleys” (line 7) means that some
scientists engaged in the decipherment of the Maya script:
a. gave up participating in the project.
b.failed to be on a par with the other scientists.
c. were the last to be convinced of their success.
d.failed to come up with useful results.
e.followed in Knorosov’s footsteps blindly.
Test Disk
Five years ago, intent on studying firsthand the strengths and weaknesses of computers
as amplifiers of learning, my colleague Ann Marion and I, in collaboration with the Open
School: Center for Individualization in Los Angeles, set up a research project called the
Apple Vivarium Program. We and the principal, Roberta Blatt, were not trying to improve
the already excellent school by introducing technology. We were trying to better
understand the value computers might have as supporting media.
We particularly wanted to investigate how children can be helped to understand that
animals, people and situations are parts of larger systems that influence one another. We
therefore focused much of our work in the study of biology and ecology. Studies of the
design and functioning of large cities also give children an awareness of such complexity.
(Scientific American, September 1991:104)
Test Disk
5. “Five centuries of permafrost had left the mummies astonishingly well preserved.”
Na frase acima, astonishingly significa que:
a. O estado em que estavam as múmias superou as expectativas.
b.As múmias encontradas por arqueólogos pareciam petrificadas.
c. Sítios arqueológicos são bem preservados.
d.É surpreendente o que se pode encontrar em sítios arqueológicos.
e.a preservação de sítios arqueológicos por cinco séculos é rara.
6. “The mummies may also provide anthropologists with new knowledge about
capac cocha, the Incas ritual sacrifice of children.”
O uso de may, na frase acima indica que o autor:
a.tem certeza do que afirma.
b.evita fazer afirmações categóricas.
c. pede permissão do leitor para fazer afirmações.
d.quer confirmar suas afirmações.
e.procura convencer o leitor de suas afirmações.
Test Disk comissárias de bordo tinham, em sua maioria, mais de trinta e dois anos.
Test Disk
If you are considering work as an au pair,
here are some common queries:
What is an au pair?
The word au pair comes from the French meaning at par, equal to, as they usually live in with the
family. Most au pairs are single, female and aged between 17-27. They help with children and light
housework and in return for these duties receive a small wage, full-board and lodging and their
own bedroom. A nanny is very different: a recognised nanny is formally trained in nursery nursing.
What is the family looking for?
As one experienced au pair claims, to do the job well you need a “sense of humour; the
patience of a saint, and a love for children.” There is, however, an increasing number of childless
families who want an au pair simply to help household chores. Families want someone who is
reliable and conscientious. They also need to trust their au pair – not just with their children, but
also with their valuables and money. Intermediate level English is usually a requirement. (...)
(From Speak up n.0 135)
Test Disk
(UFSE) Leia este texto com atenção para responder às questões de 15 a 19.
As for Pelé in football, sport brought fame and fortune to Muhammad Ali (Cassius
Clay). Through his boxing he became one of the most famous people in the world.
Here his mother looks back on how it all happened.
Mrs. Clay: “I remember when he was five or six years old. He always liked to play with
other children. He told them what to do and wanted to be their daddy. From the age of
twelve, he trained every day. Fred Stoner, his trainer, worked the children too hard.
He kept them up too late. He used to train them at night because I think he had
another job during the day. When he was twelve he said he would bring the Olympic
Gold Medal, and that he’d be champion of the whole world.”.
(Doug Case et. al. Life and Relationships, p. 114)
17. Assinale como VERDADEIRAS as frases que, de acordo com o texto, contêm
uma resposta possível à pergunta “Who remembers Clay?” e como FALSAS
aquelas em que isso não ocorre.
00 His mother does.
11 His mother is.
22 His mother.
33 His mother remembers him.
44 His mother was.
Test Disk
19. Assinale como VERDADEIRAS as alternativas que contêm uma pergunta correta
para a resposta “Fred Stoner trained them at night every week.” e como FALSAS
aquelas em que isso não ocorre.
00 When did Fred Stoner train them?
11 What did Fred Stoner do at night?
22 Who trained them at night?
33 How often did he train them at night?
44 How far did he train them at night?
Test Disk
Test Disk
If education is any predictor of the future, fans of global capitalism may still have their
day. This past summer, as world markets wobbled and foreign money said adieu to
emerging economies, hundreds of thousands of young professionals from all over the
world mailed in their business-school applications.
Most of them went to the United States, _( I )_ a lucky hundred thousand students are
just starting their M.B.A. classes.
And many of them came from outside of America, _( II )_ free markets and large
bonus checks are, apparently, still something to strive for.
This year, as many as 30 percent to 40 percent of the students in America’s top
M.B.A. programs will be from outside the United States, up from the teens and
twenties 10 years ago.
Many more of them would like to attend but get turned down; the McLean, Virginia-
based Graduate Management Admission Council estimates that foreign students
comprise up to 65 percent of the total applicant pool to business schools.
Foreign university students in the United States are nothing new, of course. The total
number _( III )_ constant at about half a million since 1994. What _( IV )_ is their
preferred field of study – and _( V )_ they do once they get their degrees. A
generation ago the top choice was engineering, and many students hoped to stay on
to market their new skills in the United States. No more. Now the hot diploma is in
business and, having earned it, most students eventually head back home.
A lot of companies are sponsoring the education of their most promising young
managers. Twenty-nine-year-old Brazilian student Rodrigo Abreu is attending the
Stanford School of Business courtesy of his employer, Promon, a Brazilian telecom-
systems integrator. With the rapid deregulation of that country’s communications
industry, Promon must do battle with the likes of Lucent and NEC. The financial and
organizational skills that Abreu brings home from Stanford will help. “We were always
a company run by engineers,” says Abreu, _( VI )_ has an engineering degree
himself. “Now we are starting to get more into the business side of integration.” Abreu
and another Promon employee were the first to be sent for degrees in the States.
Eight others take videoconference courses in Brazil through a University of Michigan
Business School program.
(Adapted from Newsweek. September 28, 1998)
Test Disk
27. According to the text, if you strive for (paragraph 3) something, you:
a. just manage to survive and have a fairly satisfactory life.
b. complain a lot, because you are unhappy about it.
c. make a very great effort, usually over a long period of time, to get it.
d. move away from a person or a place.
e. go from one place to another or go to several places, especially in foreign
Test Disk
(UEPG) As questões a seguir (31 a 35) são somatórias, ou seja, a resposta a ser
dada é a soma das alternativas corretas. Leia o texto abaixo, para respondê-las.
Test Disk
31. Com relação às informações que este texto traz sobre o povoado italiano de
Campodimele, assinale o que for correto.
01. Sua origem remonta ao início da Idade Média.
02. É conhecido como o povoado europeu da eterna juventude.
04. Se situa no cume de uma colina.
08. O número de seus habitantes não chega a mil.
16. Do ponto de vista demográfico, a população de Campodimele se mantém
estável há muitos anos.
32. No que diz respeito às informações que o texto traz sobre os habitantes de
Campodimele, seu modo de viver e seus hábitos, assinale o que for correto.
01. Ainda que relativamente pobres, aos habitantes de Campodimele não faltam
os meios essenciais de subsistência.
02. A expectativa de vida dos habitantes de Campodimele é de 90 anos.
04. O habitante mais velho de Campodimele chama-se Corradino de Parolis.
08. Aos 93 anos de idade, um dos habitantes de Campodimele anda de motoneta.
16. A maior parte da população de Campodimele é composta de lavradores.
33. Com relação aos fatores que, segundo o Dr. Pietro Cugini, contribuem para a
saúde e a longevidade dos habitantes de Campodimele, assinale o que for correto.
01. O principal fator é o meio ambiente.
02. O segundo fator em importância é genético.
04. O pouco contato dos habitantes de Campodimele com o mundo desenvolvido
constitui um fator decisivo.
08. Através dos séculos, a malária instituiu um processo de seleção que criou
uma raça muito resistente de pessoas.
16. Todos os habitantes apresentam baixos níveis de colesterol.
Test Disk
Test Disk
Here’s a selection of opinions recently expressed in the international press on
the implications of cloning.
Texto 1
“Cloning – manipulating a cell from an animal so that it grows into an exact duplicate
of that animal – is the forbidden fruit of biotechnology.”
Text 2
“Within the next ten years, the 60,000 to 100,000 genes in the human genome will
have been fully deciphered. Long before then, this flood of genetic information,
combined with what biotechnology can do, will change the way we think about
ourselves and our children-to-be and challenge ethics, religion, social values,
personal privacy and legal protections.”
International Herald Tribune
Texto 3
“Cloning humans from adults’ tissues is likely to be achievable any time from one to
ten years from now.”
Text 4
“Even if governments ban human cloning outright, it will not be easy to police what
goes on in private laboratories that don’t receive public money – or in pirate ones
tissues – tecidos
achievable – alcançável, realizável
flood – enchente
challenge – desafiar
ban – banir
outright – completamente
offshore – no exterior
Test Disk
The American fast-food culture dates back to the period after the Second World War. During the
War, the Americans had developed the production of dehydrated, tinned and powdered food on
an industrial scale; most of this was sent abroad to feed troops at the front.
When the War ended, the USA found itself with a massive production potential for this type of food
but no starving soldiers to eat it – so the manufacturers began to market it to the general public.
Housewives started baking cakes out of packets and made sure they kept up their stock of
powdered milk.
The present scenario is well known: American fast food and fizzy drinks like Coca-Cola and Pepsi
are being successfully exported to countries around the world.
(Adapted from: Speak Up – no 143. Abril 1999. Insert p. IV)
Test Disk
41. Read the following propositions. Some make sense and some don’t.
Select the one(s) that MAKES(MAKE) SENSE, according to the text.
01. As soon as the Second World War ended, the Americans sent their troops
02. Starving soldiers didn’t eat fast food because they were not sufficiently
04. Nowadays American fast food is sold all over the world.
08. Housewives refused to use powdered food, therefore they started baking
cakes out of packets.
16. The producers of dehydrated, tinned and powdered food decided to market
their products to people in general, when they realized that with the end of the
War there would be no starving soldiers to eat that kind of food.
42. Identify the proposition(s) which contains (contain) the CORRECT explanation for
the expressions from the text.
01. tinned food – food that has been preserved by being sealed in a can.
02. powdered milk – a product from which water has been eliminated through
04. fizzy drinks – they are full of little bubbles of gas and make a hissing sound.
08. fast food – food that is already prepared and so is served quickly.
16. massive production – the process of making goods in small quantities.
32. industrial scale – a system in which products are made on a very restricted scale.
43. Read these short descriptions of certain kinds of food and choose the
proposition(s) in which the name of the food CORRESPONDS to the description.
01. A food made from flour, water and usually yeast. The mixture is baked in an
oven. It is often cut into slices and eaten with butter, jam, etc...
Food being described: corn.
02. They are eaten in many countries around the world. They grow in the ground,
are round and have a thin skin. They can be cooked in many different ways –
boiled, fried or baked.
Food being described: potatoes.
04. They are small, round and juicy, green or dark purple in color. You can eat
them raw or use them to make wine.
Food being described: grapes.
08. This is the seed of a plant grown in warm, wet places. You boil it in water and
eat it usually with meat or vegetables. It is eaten everywhere in the world, but
particularly in China, Japan, and other Asian countries.
Food being described: rice.
16. They are really a fruit although many people regard them as a vegetable.
They are soft, juicy, red and round. They have a lot of seeds and you can eat
them raw in salads, or cooked as a vegetable or in sauces.
Food being described: apples.
Test Disk
44. A expressão to have a go at (3º parágrafo) pode ser entendida como _________.
a. confessar
b. delatar
c. humilhar
d. reagir
e. trair
Test Disk
who later introduced them in their colonies in Sicily and continental Italy. The Greeks
endeavored to ensure the face value of their coins, by maintaining their safety and
Alexander the Great, king of Macedon and conqueror of Asia, seems to have been the first
ruler to have his own effigy on coins, in the 4th century B.C. The use became widespread,
but in some cases the glory was short-lived: for example, when the Roman emperor
Caligula was assassinated, the coins he had minted were retrieved and melted in an
attempt to erase forever his name and effigy.
Forgery and fraud have proven difficult to prevent. A number of coins circulated in 17th-
century Europe, many of them in rather poor shape and enfeebled by changes in their
value and shape.
The stage was set for a revolution. In 1661, the Swedish Bank of Stockholm first issued
paper money. The event was contemporary with the thriving trade in goods from the newly
discovered Americas. After paper bills came checks and credit cards – plastic money. Now
humankind is diving head-on into the age of virtual money, of smart cards.
(Adaptado de Ícaro, 168: 50–52, August 1998.)
48. Na frase "... metal disks now used as means of exchange may disappear from
everyday life." (paragraph 1), a expressão destacada indica:
01. uma certeza.
02. uma alternativa.
04. uma dúvida.
08. uma possibilidade.
16. uma restrição.
32. uma afirmação.
Test Disk