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CS F212 (Database Systems) Handout

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Course Handout Part II

Date: 09-01-2024
In addition to Part-I (General Handout for all courses appended to the time table) this portion gives further
specific details regarding the course.
Course No. : CS F212
Course Title : Database Systems
Instructor-in-Charge: Jabez Christopher(jabezc@hyderabad.bits-pilani.ac.in)
Instructors : Prof. Gururaj, Prof. SubhrakantaPanda.
The scope of this course includes- Data modeling, database design theory, data definition and manipulation
languages, relational data model, relational algebra and relational calculus, SQL, functional dependencies
and normalization, storage and indexing techniques, query processing and optimization, transaction
management - concurrency control and crash recovery.

Course Objectives:
 To enrich the skill and competency of students in Modeling and Design of relational Database
Systems using ER modeling technique.
 To learn Formal and Commercial query languages like- Relational Algebra and SQL for Relational
 To learn the concepts related to indexing, hashing and Query processing for relational databases.
 To understand transaction processing, concurrency control schemes and database recovery models
for relational databases.
 To impart practical knowledge in SQL and PL-SQLwith hands on experience.

T1.Elmarsi R, & Navathe S B,Fundamental of Database System, Seventh Edition, Pearson Education.

Reference books:
R1.Silberschatz, Abraham, Henry F. Korth& S.Sudarshan, Database System Concepts McGRAW-
HILLS, 7th ed., 2017.
R2.Ramakrishna R. & Gehrke J, Database Management Systems, 3e, Mc-Graw Hill, 2003.

Course Plan:
Lecture Learning Objectives Topics to be covered Chapter in the Text
No. Book
1-2 To get the context for this Introduction to Database System Concepts T1-Ch.1&2; Class
course and introduction to – data models ; architecture; components Notes
basic concepts of Database of DBMS.
3-5 To understand the essence Relational Data Model concepts; T1-Ch.3
of Relational data model. Constraints.
6-10 To learn and practice SQL SQL – DDL and DML Commands T1-Ch.6&7
query operations
11-14 To understand the Formal Formal QLs for Relational Model; T1-Ch.8
query language operations Relational Algebra; Operations;
for relational model. introduction to Tuple Relational
15-17 To learn modeling Database Design by ER-and EER; T1-Ch. 8, 9
Databases at Conceptual Mapping from ER/EER to-Relational
level Schema
18-22 To understand the basics of Relational Database Design: Functional T1-Ch. 14, 15
database design concepts Dependencies and Normalization ,
Decomposition rules
23-25 To understand Data storage Disk Storage, File/Record organization T1-Ch.16
mediums and File
organization for databases
26-30 To learn Hashing and Indexing- Primary; Secondary; multilevel; T1-Ch. 16 & 17
Indexing schemes for B+ Trees .
Database Systems Hashing – Static and Dynamic hashing
31-32 To understand the Transaction Processing – States; T1- Ch.20
Transaction Model Schedules
33-35 To understand concurrency Concurrency Control Techniques – Lock- T1-Ch.21
control mechanisms based and Timestamp based schemes
36-37 To learn the fundamentals Database Recovery Techniques- Log- T1- Ch.22
of Database recovery based and Shadow paging schemes
38,39 To know the basicsof SQL Query Processing &Optimization-Query T1- Ch.18, 19
Query Processingand trees and OptimizationHeuristics;
Optimization and Database tuning strategies
Database tuning
40-41 To know more about recent Temporal, spatial, multimedia Databases; T1- Ch.28,29
database models, systems Data Mining & Data Warehousing.
and applications
42 Conclusion

Evaluation Scheme:
S No Evaluation Component Weightage Date& Time Nature of Component
1 Mid-semester Test 35% 14/03 - 4.00 - Close Book
2 End-sem Lab-Exam 10% 27, April-2024, Open Book
1:30PM to 6:00PM
3 Mini-project (5% evaluation 10% TBA Open Book(take-home)
before mid-semester grading)
4 Comprehensive Exam 45% 14/05 AN Close Book

Make-up Policy:
Make-up may be given for genuine caseswith prior permission by the IC.
Course Notices
All notices pertaining to this course will be made available on the CMS.
Chamber Consultation: To be announced.
Academic Honesty and Integrity Policy: Academic honesty and integrity are to be maintained by all the
students throughout the semester and no type of academic dishonesty is acceptable.

Jabez Christopher

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