Behrendt 2016
Behrendt 2016
Behrendt 2016
Health Policy
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Article history: Background: Public reporting of surgeon outcomes has become a key strategy in the English
Received 21 October 2015 NHS to ensure accountability and improve the quality of care. Much of the evidence that
Received in revised form 3 August 2016 supported the design of the strategy originates from the USA. This report aims to assess
Accepted 4 August 2016
how the evidence on public reporting could be harnessed for cross-country translation of
this health system strategy; in particular, to gauge the expected results of the UK surgeon
Keywords: outcome initiative and to propose criteria that elucidate that prerequisites and factors that
are needed to public reporting effective.
Outcome assessment
Methods: A systematic search of academic databases was followed by snowballing from the
Public reporting
Quality of health care reference lists. Only peer-reviewed articles and primary studies were included.
Quality improvement Results: 25 studies from the USA (n = 22) and the UK (n = 3) were included. Suggestive
Task performance and analysis evidence of a negative effect on access to surgery was found for high-risk patients and
non-whites; one survey indicated presence of gaming. There was anecdotal evidence of
quality improvement measures adopted by low-rated hospitals in New York. Most studies
reported only on the effectiveness of public reporting, rather than addressing how effects
accrue. This limits cross-country transferability of policy lessons. Based on our analysis,
we propose factors impacting on the transferability of the evidence underlying the public
reporting of surgeon outcomes, which may inform the adoption of this strategy in other
health systems.
Conclusions: There is some evidence that public reporting can be an incentive for low per-
forming surgeons to improve quality. Negative incentive on patient selection as suggested
in the USA have not yet been observed in the UK.
© 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
0168-8510/© 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article in press as: Behrendt K, Groene O. Mechanisms and effects of public reporting of surgeon outcomes:
A systematic review of the literature. Health Policy (2016),
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HEAP-3604; No. of Pages 11 ARTICLE IN PRESS
2 K. Behrendt, O. Groene / Health Policy xxx (2016) xxx–xxx
Please cite this article in press as: Behrendt K, Groene O. Mechanisms and effects of public reporting of surgeon outcomes:
A systematic review of the literature. Health Policy (2016),
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HEAP-3604; No. of Pages 11 ARTICLE IN PRESS
K. Behrendt, O. Groene / Health Policy xxx (2016) xxx–xxx 3
The initial results were screened according to their title The most frequent issue of PR addressed in the litera-
and potential relevance to PR. In a second step the abstracts ture is the potential detrimental effect of PR on access to
were considered. Of the remaining studies, the full text was surgery—the assumption that surgeons might reject high
retrieved if possible and pre-defined inclusion and exclu- risk patients because of the fear of becoming an outlier in
sion criteria applied (Table 1). To make sure all relevant the mortality statistics. All other themes were addressed far
studies would be included, even if not found in the system- less commonly, particularly those related to the assump-
atic search, reference lists of included studies were perused tions of “Offer 2”, namely that patients use the information
to find further relevant studies (snowballing). For the pur- to choose a surgeon or that GPs and purchasers use the
pose of this review, only primary studies were considered. reports to contract surgeons. Likewise, we did not find stud-
Literature reviews were excluded, but the reference lists of ies that describe the consequences of patients confronting
systematic reviews were used to further check that no rele- the hospital/surgeon and requesting, because of their out-
vant study was left out. To ensure the quality of the review, comes, a reassignment. Table 2 provides an overview on
only peer-reviewed articles were included. the studies included and on the outcomes of interest.
Adverse patient selection was the most frequently stud-
2.3. Quality assessment ied outcome of public reports. Of the studies included in
this review, 5 reported a positive or no effect on access to
Cochrane Effective Practice and Organisation of Care surgery, one a transient effect. The majority of the stud-
Group (EPOC) provides detailed guidelines on how to assess ies (n = 14) however reported a negative effect on patient
the quality of studies, mostly clinical trials [25]. Due to the selection, suggesting that surgeons were less likely to
diverse nature of the studies included, the tool was found accept high risk patients after the introduction of public
unfit to assess the quality of qualitative studies. To do jus- reporting.
tice to the different types of studies, a checklist developed Table 3 summarizes the result of the studies on adverse
by Hawker et al. [23,26] was used, which can be applied to selection as a consequence of public reporting of surgeon
studies with qualitative and quantitative methods. It has outcomes.
Please cite this article in press as: Behrendt K, Groene O. Mechanisms and effects of public reporting of surgeon outcomes:
A systematic review of the literature. Health Policy (2016),
Table 2
Included studies and outcomes of interest.
Name Year Country Identified in Study Patient Complementary Gaming Surgical Discuss Discuss Organisational Intrinsic Caseload/ Leaving
systematic type selec- treatments train- data data with changes moti- volume profes-
review or tion ing with GPs and vation sion
snoballing patients CCGs
K. Behrendt, O. Groene / Health Policy xxx (2016) xxx–xxx
Chassin [49] 2002 USA, NY Sys Q x 19
Dranove et al. [32] 2003 USA, NY Sys DID x x 28
Dziuban et al. [48] 1994 USA, NY Sno C x 23
Glance et al. [31] 2007 USA, NY Sno C x 35
Hannan et al. [45] 1995 USA, NY Sno C x x 34
Hannan et al. [30] 1997 USA; NY Sno C x 34
Hannan et al. [27] 1997 USA, NY Sys Q x x 30
Jha and Epstein [51] 2006 USA, NY Sys Q x 25
Joynt et al. [44] 2012 USA, NY Sno ITS/DID x 34
Khan et al. [70] 2007 UK Sys ITS x 31
Kolstad [50] 2013 USA, Sys ITS x 29
Li et al. [35] 2009 USA, Cal Sno BA x 34
Maytham and 2010 UK Sys Q x (x) 29
Kessaris [39]
Moscucci et al. [33] 2005 USA, NY Sno C x 26
Mukamel et al. [38] 2006 USA, NY Sys C x 26
Narins et al. [28,40] 2005 USA; NY Sys Q x x 29
Omoigui et al. [45] 1996 USA; Sno ITS/CBA x 33
Peterson and DeLong 1998 USA; NY Sno ITS x 27
Romano et al. [36] 2011 USA, Cal Sno BA x 33
Schneider and 1996 USA; Sno Q x 32
Epstein [29] Penn
Sherman et al. [71] 2013 USA Sys Q x x 31
Werner et al. [37] 2005 USA; NY Sys ITS/DID x 32
NY = New York; Penn = Pennsylvania; Mass = Massachusetts; sno = snowballing; sys = systematic review; ITS = Interrupted time series; Q = survey or interview; C = cohort study; CC = case-control study;
DID = difference-in-difference analysis; CBA = controlled before-after study; CR = case report; BA = before-after design
Table 3
Patient selection and access to care.
Author Apolito et al. [43] Bridgewater et al. Burack et al. [46] Dranove et al. Glance et al. [31] Hannan et al. [30] Hannan et al. [27] Joynt et al. [44] Kolstad [50] Li et al. [35]
[42] [32]
Year 2008 2007 1999 2003 2007 1997 1997 2012 2013 2009
NY + Mass + Penn
Level Pat Hosp Sur Hosp, Pat Pat Sur Sur Pat Sur Pat
Results ↓ Rates of ↑ Numbers and 70% reported no ↓ Relative illness High risk CABG No sign of limited 38% NY ↓ Likely to get PCI Komplex 27% less patients
coronary percentages of change in severity among patients were access to surgery cardiologists with acute MI, economic model, underwent CABG
angiography for low, high and practice, but 64% PR patients, as found to be more or gaming stated the report especially with in which there in 2006 than
patients with very high risk claimed to have well as ↓ in the likely to recieve had an influence ST-elevated MI or was a minor 2003; the case
shock and acute patients refused at least within-hospital surgery from a on their referral cardiogenic effect of mix stayed
MI; ↑ waiting significantly one CABG patient heterogeneity of high quality practice, but only shock or cardiac low-performing unchanged
times CABG. ↑ increased because of PR. AMI patients. ↑ surgeon 6% said they arrest. ↔ Overall surgeons to avoid however.
Mortality among More high risk High risk patiens were very much mortality in high-risk Observed MR
NY patiens who patients were attending influenced by the reporting and patients but this was lower in the
K. Behrendt, O. Groene / Health Policy xxx (2016) xxx–xxx
were not refused CABG teaching reports non-reporting only accounted high-risk
revascularized surgery than hospitals. ↑ states. In for 5% of the quartiles in 2006
surgery for aortic Waiting times for Massachusets, imporvement of than 2003. All 4
dissection, which CABG and PCI. odds of recieving quality outlier surgeons
is not publicly Increased PCI ↓ after PR had of 2006 met the
reported expenditures for begun expected MR in
AMI and CABG 2006
Effect — + − — + 0 − – − 0
Author Maytham and Moscucci et al. Mukamel et al. Narins et al. Omoigui et al. Peterson and Romano et al. Schneider and Sherman et al. Werner et al. [37]
Kessaris [39] [33] [38] [28,40] [45] DeLong [34] [36] Epstein [29] [71]
Year 2010 2005 2006 2005 1996 1998 2011 1996 2013 2005
Level Sur Pat Pat Sur Pat Pat Pat Sur Sur Pat
Results ↓ Surgeons ↓ Patients with Whites were >79% agreed that Patients referred A smaller High-mortality 59% of Majorities show Before PR was
claiming they AMI and more likely to (1) knowledge of from NY had a percentage of hospitals cardiologists concern with introduced,
will avoid cardiogenic have access to RAMR PR were sicker; ↑ patients from NY operated on found it more or surgeons white patients
high-risk shock underwent low-RAMR influenced average yearly recieved CABG slightly less much more refusing were more likely
patients, ↑ PCI, ↓ rates of surgeons. Level decision to volume of surgery outside high-risk difficult to found high-risk to recieve CABG
claiming they comorbidities. of access also perform referrals from of NY (from patients (25% a surgeon to patients, that than black
will not change Unadjusted MR ↓ dependent on angioplasy, (2) NY, while other 12.5% to 11.3%). decrease in operate on a high risk patients patients. In the 9
practice, ↑ but after health insurance patients might referrals ↓, from After PR was expected severly ill might be shifted years following
thinking PR will adjustment the type (for HMO not get it due to 1989 MR among introduced, the mortality) patient; 66% of to safety-net the first PR, the
improve difference not patients worse PR RAMR; (3) NY referrals ↑ odds of an older cardiac surgeons hospitals racial disparities
outcomes significant any than for FFS RAMR PR than from other patient with AMI were less or were wider. Then
more patients) influences states or Ohio to recieve much less willing it got back to
decision on surgery increased to operate on pre-PR level
wether to significantly severly ill
intervene on patients
patients with (compared to 3
high expected years earlier
Effect − – − — — + − − − ±
NY = New York; Penn = Pennsylvania; Mass = Massachusetts; IL = Illinios;sno = snowballing; sys = systematic review; ITS = Interrupted time series; Q = survey or interview; C = cohort study; CC = case-control study;
DID = difference-in-difference analysis; CBA = controlled before-after study; Case = case report; BA = before-after design; Pat = patient; Sur = surgeon; Hos = hospital; RAMR = risk-adjusted mortality rate.
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HEAP-3604; No. of Pages 11 ARTICLE IN PRESS
6 K. Behrendt, O. Groene / Health Policy xxx (2016) xxx–xxx
3.3. Adverse selection as a potential consequence of of comorbidities in AMI patients, while Omoigui et al.
public reporting [45] found that patients referred from NY to Ohio were
sicker than other referrals or patients from Ohio itself.
Of the studies addressing adverse selection, quality and Glance et al. Hannan et al. and Peterson et al. on the
strength of evidence varied considerably: For example, other hand could not identify such effects in their studies
Hannan et al. [27] reported a minor effect of PR, with [30,31,34].
40% of NY cardiologists influenced by PR, but only 6% Results from California are mixed: Li et al. [35] and
claiming to be strongly influenced. Narins et al. [28] and Romano et al. [36] found no evidence of risk selection
Schneider and Epstein [29] both reported a majority of when they looked at patient case mix, but argue that high-
cardiac surgeons being less likely to accept a high risk mortality hospitals might have avoided high-risk patients.
patient. Hannan et al. [30] and Glance et al. [31] found in Moreover, Werner et al. [37] found a transient negative
a sample of 31 hospitals and 87 surgeons that high risk effect on access to CABG surgery for African American
patients were less likely operated on by surgeons with patients, as they were less likely to receive CABG surgery.
high performance. This is consistent with the findings of In the consecutive year (1996), Mukamel et al. [38] found
Dranove et al. [32], we found that the relative illness sever- that non-whites are more likely to receive surgery from
ity among AMI patients in NY and Pennsylvania declined, low-quality surgeons. Overall, although study results are
Moscucci et al. [33] who detected a decline in the rates contradictory in details, there was some evidence that PR
Please cite this article in press as: Behrendt K, Groene O. Mechanisms and effects of public reporting of surgeon outcomes:
A systematic review of the literature. Health Policy (2016),
G Model
HEAP-3604; No. of Pages 11 ARTICLE IN PRESS
K. Behrendt, O. Groene / Health Policy xxx (2016) xxx–xxx 7
reduced access to surgery for very sick patients and patients support staff was identified, the other two identified the
from different ethnic backgrounds. approach to the treatment of emergency cases as the cause
However, adverse selection is a topic that is difficult of the high mortality rate. Strikingly, Dziuban reported an
to assess, prone to a number of biases, and vulnerable increased team cooperation as one of the salient positive
to the availability of high quality data. Maythams and outcomes of the investigation into the high mortality rate.
Kessaris study [39] suffered from potential responder bias The reports demonstrate that the reasons for high MRs are
due to low response rate of 50%, and, generally, the sur- complex and may not only be attributable to the surgeons
veys conducted represent weaker evidence due to social themselves.
acceptability bias. Narins et al. [40] reported that 88% A proposition put forward by the proponents of public
agreed or strongly agreed that “physicians may report reporting is that learning about their performance com-
higher risk conditions to improve their outcomes”, while pared to peers might lead to increased intrinsic motivation
57% of respondants in Brown et al.’s study felt that sur- of surgeons to perform better as opposed to extrinsic moti-
geons and hospitals can manipulate the data [41]. Further, vation due to remuneration. We did not find research to
studies fail to clearly attribute exposure or provide con- support this proposition. Economic models exist to demon-
trol groups [42], suffer from missing data [43] or were strate the influence of intrinsic motivation on surgeon
conducted based on patient [44] or provider subgroups performance [50], however, such models rely on a large
[45]. Moreover, even if adverse selection took place, this number of assumptions. A more pertinent implication of
may not necessarily suggest lower quality of care: it has surgeon reports might be that low-performing surgeons
been suggested that the less invasive percutaneous coro- cease practicing. Jha et al. [51] and Hannans et al. [47]
nary intervention (PCI) might be a substitute treatment studies indicate that a larger percentage of bottom quartile
for CABG patients being considered too sick to be offered surgeons stopped practice in NY than top quartile. Simi-
surgery. Dranove et al. [32] looked at PCI as a substitute for larly, in Hannans study, the decline in mortality rate was
CABG in NY, where only CABG outcomes were reported. partly attributable to low-volume surgeons with high mor-
They also found that percutaneous transluminal coronary tality rate that ceased to practice [47].
angioplasty (PTCA) procedure numbers decreased and that
hospitals might have taken general measures to avoid 4. Discussion
high risk patients. Their dataset was, however, restricted
to Medicare claims. Consequently, because of the diverse The aim of this study was to assess the international
nature of study designs applied, systems and patient groups evidence on public reporting with a special focus on the
studied, the evidence of consequences of public reporting two contrasting theses surrounding the introduction of
is limited and its impact on quality of care outcomes needs the UK surgeon-level outcomes public reporting initiative:
to be interpreted with great caution. improved quality through better reflection on outcomes by
patients, GPs, CCGs or managers and adverse consequences
3.4. Use of data by providers to improve quality of care of public reporting on patient selection.
We found a substantial literature assessing potential
A key claim of “Offer 2” is that public reports could be and observed adverse consequences of public report-
used by the public to choose a provider, by GPs to inform ing and less literature addressing the mechanisms that
referrals and by commissioners to contract for outcomes. translate public reporting into quality improvement initia-
This review found limited evidence for such interactions tives, with the largest effects to be expected amongst the
in health systems with a history of surgeon reporting. lowest performing providers. The findings need to be inter-
Two surveys assessed the usage of the data in interactions preted with great caution. The variety of methodological
between surgeons and patients. Burack et al. found that approaches (design with/without control group or surveys
29% discussed the dataless than weekly with their patients with risk of bias) make it difficult to reach a final conclu-
and 44% frequently (less than weekly) with colleagues sion on the presence and extent of adverse selection of
[46]. Moreover, the study suggests that understanding of patients according to risk [8]. Questions have also been
the methods underlying the published outcomes was lim- raised concerning the reliability of underlying data sources,
ited amongst the surgeons. In the study by Hannan et al. the extent and impact of missing data, the comparabil-
[47], 22% agreed that they routinely discussed the infor- ity of clinical and administrative sources, and variations
mation in the report with their patients. Based on the in approaches to coding the data. Moreover, the mortality
literature, only a minority of surgeons seem to discuss risk of a patient is influenced by the patient (e.g. sever-
their outcomes with patients on a regular basis. It has to ity of illness or comorbidities) as well as the treatment.
be taken into account that all these studies were surveys Since the beginning of PR, the appropriateness of the risk-
from the USA; there was no data available yet from UK adjustment procedures has been questioned and criticized.
since the introduction of “Offer 2”. However, investiga- The NYCS has updated their risk-adjustment several times
tions and organizational changes amongst hospitals with [52,53] but research suggests that different methods of risk
suspicious surgeon outcomes could be a relevant implica- adjustments will lead to different results [54,55].
tion of public reporting. Dziuban et al. [48] and Chassin More fundamentally, however, is the question to what
[49] interviewed staff from hospitals which were published extent the literature (mostly derived from the experience
as having high mortality rates. All hospitals were sub- of public reporting of cardiac surgeon outcomes in NY state)
jected to special measures and required to undergo a case supports a generalizability of the findings to the UK context.
review. In two cases a lack of dedicated cardiac surgery In the US healthcare system with its many health insur-
Please cite this article in press as: Behrendt K, Groene O. Mechanisms and effects of public reporting of surgeon outcomes:
A systematic review of the literature. Health Policy (2016),
G Model
HEAP-3604; No. of Pages 11 ARTICLE IN PRESS
8 K. Behrendt, O. Groene / Health Policy xxx (2016) xxx–xxx
ances and where surgeons are not necessarily employed of more than 5000) who were found to be negative out-
by a hospital [56], PR might offer a stronger incentive for liers in the UK so far faced an individual review as well
patient risk selection than in the UK, where surgeons are as a review of their whole unit [62]. Organizational mea-
less dependent on the market. Thus, this evidence might sures were taken rather than re-training of the surgeon
not be applicable to the UK NHS (the only UK study about [63–65]. On the other hand, a clear accountability can also
patient access to care could not found evidence of gaming). be considered as a requirement to improve team efforts
In order to assess the transferability of the results, the pro- [66].
cesses through which public reporting should lead to the The absence of controlled studies means that is dif-
desired effect will be elucidated in more detail below. Sub- ficult to separate the effect of public reporting from
sequently we will present some factors that policy makers other strategies. There is also evidence that non-PR
may consider when devising a surgeon outcome initiative feedback can improve quality as well: in New England
in their own country. outcomes feedback, hospital visits and training in qual-
Whether public reporting can be an incentive for qual- ity improvement were combined. The mortality rate went
ity improvement can not be easily answered. From a down as various measures were taken at the hospi-
behavioural economics perspective, PR data can be seen tal level—multiprofessional reviews on clinical processes,
as a ‘nudge’ [57], that means providing feedback to intrin- protocol implementation, reviews of deaths, hiring dedi-
sically motivated surgeons, who will then act accordingly cated cardiac surgery staff, training and implementation
and try to improve [58]. Kolstad’s study showed a higher of checklists [67]. This then also raises the question of
impact of intrinsic motivation on NY surgeons’ quality whether an individual surgeon represents the right unit
improvement than their revenue had [50]. In fact surgeons of analysis. In the USA, where surgeons might not be
were willing to forego parts of their revenue to improve employed by the hospital, and in cardiac surgery where
quality. An alternative behavioural economics mechanism procedure volume is high, the answer might be different
for public reporting to drive quality improvement is via from in the UK, and for a different procedure (say, upper
cognitive bias that can come into play leading individu- gastro-intestinal surgery, with its much lower caseload
als to fear deviating from accepted standards more than per surgeon). Whether the statistical power is sufficient
appreciating the potential to improve their care [59]. The to detect variations in quality outcomes is an issue we
prospect of being ‘named & shamed’ might lead surgeons to have raised previously, and a prerequisite for public reports
change their choice of patients in order to avoid becoming to unfold their effects [68]. This depends mostly on the
an outlier, as discussed above. According to Kolstad, moti- expected outcome, the volume of cases per surgeon and
vation is highest when expected and observed performance the number of surgeons performing the operation. These
are far apart, whether better or worse than expected, yet seemingly technical details are a good example to illustrate
the UK PR data as presented online mainly distinguishes the limitations of transferring research evidence from one
between ‘OK’ performance and ‘negative outlier’. As the setting to another.
media focuses on the negative outliers, this is a plausi- Ideally, in order to appraise research evidence to sup-
ble mechanism for PR functioning. Chassin showed that port translating a health system strategy from one setting
low performers are more likely to leave the practice, so to another one should a-priori consider the key factors
the PR might indeed have had an effect [49]. Transparency that determine the translation. At the conceptual level (as
and consumer choice are also often mentioned as rea- reflected in the “generic quality criteria for cross-country
sons to justify PR efforts [6]. Some doctors go as far as comparisons of health systems and policies”), this implies
claiming that consent to a procedure can only be given, appropriate use of theory, explicit selection of country
and be valid, if the patient is aware of the surgeon’s per- comparator, rigour in the comparison design, attention to
formance [60]. Survey results from the USA suggest that the complexity of the cross-national comparison, rigour of
mortality data is not often discussed between doctors and the research method and a clear contribution of knowledge
patients. This finding is in line with other research that for both theory development and policy learning [69]. In
shows that patients found it difficult to understand out- the context of public reporting of surgeon outcomes, we
come measures and value more highly recommendations have outlined in this review a wide range of the factors
from family and friends [10]. In the UK, where patients underlying the effectiveness of public reporting, a diverse
traditionally have less choice, data usage might be even set of theories to postulate the expected results and to
less significant and, should this be the case, PR a weaker formulate the implicit causal pathways, all of which will
incentive. determine to what extent the published evidence is appro-
An assessment of whether public disclosure of surgeon priate to justify the proposed health system strategy, in this
outcomes can be translated to other settings also needs case the formulation of “Offer 2”.
to consider the health care delivery system in which the Based on the published literature and our analysis pre-
surgeon operates. In this sense, public reporting can be con- sented here, we suggest specific criteria for cross-country
sidered as a complex improvement intervention of which learning from public reporting initiatives, which may sup-
the active ingredient is not well understood. For example, port other countries to assess the potential impact of public
case studies of US hospitals that faced high MR show evi- reporting of surgeon outcomes and to devising a public
dence that the published outcomes are rarely attributable reporting strategy. These criteria cover health system fac-
to the surgeon alone. Organisational structures and a lack of tors, surgeon factors, data related factors, patient factors,
dedicated staff and procedures can also have a large impact and organizational factors (Box 1).
on patient outcomes [61]. Similarly, the three surgeons (out
Please cite this article in press as: Behrendt K, Groene O. Mechanisms and effects of public reporting of surgeon outcomes:
A systematic review of the literature. Health Policy (2016),
G Model
HEAP-3604; No. of Pages 11 ARTICLE IN PRESS
K. Behrendt, O. Groene / Health Policy xxx (2016) xxx–xxx 9
Please cite this article in press as: Behrendt K, Groene O. Mechanisms and effects of public reporting of surgeon outcomes:
A systematic review of the literature. Health Policy (2016),
G Model
HEAP-3604; No. of Pages 11 ARTICLE IN PRESS
10 K. Behrendt, O. Groene / Health Policy xxx (2016) xxx–xxx
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Please cite this article in press as: Behrendt K, Groene O. Mechanisms and effects of public reporting of surgeon outcomes:
A systematic review of the literature. Health Policy (2016),