Riad074 048
Riad074 048
Riad074 048
S2 ii39
of implementation uptake. Prescribing data was then administration of intravenous diuretics, which demon-
analysed by BNF chapter at the identified thresholds to strated a reduction in hospitalisation, however the reasons
determine how this variation was represented clinically. for not implementing this service model more widely re-
Dispensed medicines data (Jul-Sept 21, North of England main unknown.
(NoE)) was also reviewed by pharmacists at presentation Aim: The aim was to explore the qualitative views on the
level for appropriateness as an eRD item (excludes patient enablers and barriers for implementation of an outpatient
level considerations). The items considered prescribable intravenous diuretic service across NHS Greater Glasgow
by eRD were tagged and the data re-run to estimate the & Clyde.
maximum %eRD that might have been achieved. Methods: This study was qualitative in design and partici-
Ethical approval was not required for this study as it pants were recruited by convenience sampling from three
utilised non-patient identifiable population level primary professional groups: doctors, nurses and pharmacists.
care prescribing data. Inclusion criteria stipulated at least 10 years of profes-
Results: There were 8 thresholds (changes in rate of im- sional practice and current experience within cardiology.
The study highlighted the importance of promoting more than 70% spent 1-3 hours per week dealing with
innovation, as the results may narrow the evidence gap them. The majority of the respondents (93%, n = 93)
in the formation of future care pathways. Data emerging indicated that drug shortages were a problem for them
from research may empower healthcare providers to and sixty one (n = 100) respondents reported that they
apply innovation to deliver person-centred care in accord- had worsened since the start of the pandemic. In add-
ance with national priorities. ition, sixty five (n = 100) respondents believed that drug
Limitations included small study sample, however the shortages had had an impact on patient care. How the
sampling strategy allowed diversity of opinions. Analysis respondents dealt with prescriptions for drugs that were
continued until last interview to form the framework, in shortage varied with a third (34%) responding they
which was not limited by pre-existing models. would contact the prescriber and suggest an alternative.
The respondents suggested ways for improving the man-
Keywords: Heart failure; diuretic; outpatient/ambulatory agement of drug shortages including giving pharmacists
more legal power to change prescriptions, increasing the