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Farmer AA

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KisanVikas – Android Based ICT Solution in Indian

Agriculture to Assist Farmers

Arpit Narechania1
BTech Final Year Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Mandi, H.P.,
India, e-mail: arpitnarechania@gmail.com

Abstract. Agriculture accounts for ~15% of the Gross Domestic Product

(GDP) of India but employs close to 50% of the working population. Average
yield in India is quite low compared to other countries. Advances in
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and the government
initiatives in e-governance are only promoting e-agriculture in India. This can
not only improve the condition of Indian agriculture but also the life and
working conditions of the farmers. This paper proposes KisanVikas (Farmer
Development), a mobile application, using ICT and promoting e-governance
by provide continuous information pertaining to agriculture- weather forecast,
crop prices, news, government helplines, and an inventory database manager.
The mobile application also connects to an Arduino based wireless sensor
network (WSN) comprising soil moisture, pH and temperature sensors to
control water pumps for watering small fields, irrigation over the Global
System for Mobile communication (GSM) and Bluetooth networks.

Keywords: e-agriculture, ICT, (WSN) wireless sensor networks, mobile

application, android

1 1ntroduction

Agriculture, “The backbone of Indian economy” as quoted by MK Gandhi is defined

as an integrated system of techniques to control the growth and harvesting of animal
and vegetables. It is an uncomplicated endeavor comprising of technical and practical
processes that helps in the maintenance of the ecological balance and protects human
resources; most importantly it is a viable food production system (Agro Products
2015). In 2012-13 agriculture contributed to 13.9% of the total GDP (Economic
Survey & CSO 2014, p. 23), and employed 47% of the total workforce population
(World Bank 2014). The combined efforts of Central Government, State
Governments and the farming community have succeeded in achieving a record
production of 264 MT of food grains during 2013-14 (Economic Survey & CSO
2014, p. 19). This record production has been achieved through effective transfer of
latest crop production technologies to farmers under various crop development
schemes being implemented by the Department of Agriculture & Cooperation backed
by remunerative prices for various crops through enhanced minimum support prices.

As Indian economy has diversified and grown, agriculture's contribution to GDP has
steadily declined from 1951 to 2014, yet it is still the largest employment source and
a significant piece of the overall socio-economic development of India. Crop yield
per unit area of all crops have grown since 1950, due to the special emphasis placed
on agriculture in the five-year plans and steady improvements in irrigation,
technology, application of modern agricultural practices and provision of agricultural
credit and subsidies since the Green Revolution in India. However, international
comparisons reveal the average yield in India is generally 30% to 50% of the highest
average yield in the world (Economy of India 2014).
There are 38 crore mobile telephones in rural areas, 9 crore farm households and
Internet penetration is currently at 5% but improving (TRAI, GoI 2014). Rural India
leads a record 35% surge in use of e-governance. Of the 3.5 billion electronic
transactions reported in 2014, 50% of them were from rural areas, which were
responsible for only 20% of e-transactions in 2013 (Patil, 2015). This increasing
penetration of mobile networks in India therefore presents an opportunity to make
useful information more widely available. This could help agricultural markets
operate more efficiently, and overcome some of the hurdles faced by it.
Mobile or smart phones are becoming an essential device for all types of users
irrespective of the age group. High resolution cameras, high definition video with
huge amount of memory; internet browsing through your handset and 3G and
Wireless LAN connectivity; hardware like GPS, accelerometers, gyroscopes,
Bluetooth are common to find on smart phones these days. Android, the open-source
mobile operating system developed by Google, is quickly becoming the smart phone
operating system choice for all. As of June'14 there were 57,380,000+ Google
Android and 4,854,000+ Apple iOS users in India [Webenza Survey 2014].
The Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India, started various schemes in the
interests of the farmers for mobile phones. The mKisan Portal (Ministry of
Agriculture, GoI 2014) inaugurated in July'13 by Honorable President of India has
received as of 1,85,40,07,285 messages, 5,74,40,63,746 and 237,777 advises as of 8th
April'15. The weekly/ daily stock availability with dealers of seeds and fertilizers
was made available at Rs. 5/month/dealer. USSD (Unstructured Supplementary
Service Data), IVRS (Interactive Voice Response System) and Pull SMS provide
broadcast messages – to get web based services on mobile without internet, in their
language and voice messages for the illiterate. Based on NSS (National Sample
Survey Organization) 59th Round Survey (cited by Singhal, Verma & Shukla 2011)
the information regarding seeds was the most inquired information followed by the
mandi (market) prices by the farmers. Based on the survey, the most important
requirements of the farmers were divided into 3 broad categories -know-how about
seed varieties to use; contextual information for weather, local soil conditions; and
market information about commodity prices.
According to Saravanan R. (2014), there are many mobile advisory services in
India, both by private as well as public sectors. Most of these are however regional
services offered by the state governments directly or by the center for a particular
region. Because of this, there is not only discontinuity in services across the nation
but also a language barrier for out-of-state people.
Some initiatives in the public sector are Kissan Helpline (Farmer helpline), Mandi
on Mobile Service by BSNL, Kissan Kerala, vKVK (Virtual KrishiVigyan Kendra),

and Mobile based Agro-Advisory System in North-East India (m4agriNEI). Private
sector services include Fasal (crop), Awaaz de (voice it), Videokheti (video farming),
Mandi Bhav (market price).
Extensive research has taken place in this field of using information and
communication technology for agricultural purposes. Prabhakar, Jamadagni, &
Sudhangathan, (2013) write about a ‘datamule’ which captures data from sensors like
soil moisture in the field and is communicated over WiFi network to a mobile phone.
Wilton, Hans and Carlos (2014) propose a telemetry system to record soil moisture,
temperature data and store into a database for future diagnosis. Ariff, and Ismail
(2013) have proposed an android application to maintain a database of various
information related to the livestock in the farm. Singhal, Verma, and Shukla (2011)
have developed an android application which provides information in the form of
crop prices, weather information, farmer loan schemes, etc. to the user.

2 Objectives

As discussed earlier, there is a need to exploit the advances in ICT to foster e-

governance which is important as the farmers need to work in tandem with the
government and take full advantage of the services provided by it. The proposed
mobile application acts as a farmer’s assistant in the field. It provides essential
agriculture related information like government helplines, weather forecasts, news,
mandi (market) prices of crops to the farmer. There is also an in-built database in
which the farmer can keep a track of his inventories, harvests, seeds and fertilizer
purchases, vehicles and equipment, etc. He can also document the crop cycle by
taking snapshots of the map of the field (displayed within the app) at regular
intervals. To reduce the amount of field work for the farmer the application also
offers wireless switching on-off of pumps for watering, irrigating. Wireless sensor
network of soil moisture sensor, soil pH sensor and soil temperature sensor is
connected to an Arduino Mega 2560 microcontroller board. The android application
controls the pumps over GSM network via SMS (which enables pump control over
long distances) and Bluetooth (when in close proximity for real time diagnosis of the
sensor readings). We shall next see each feature of the application in detail.

3 Software Features

1: Language support: The application is offered in 8 regional Indian languages

namely Hindi, English, Marathi, Bengali, Urdu, Kannada, Tamil and Telugu. The
user has to choose his preferred language as soon as the application is started.
2: Sign in and Registration: The app requires the user to sign up with his mobile
number, a 4 digit numerical password. The user is verified by sending a SMS to this
number (i.e. itself) and detecting it. Upon successful verification, the registration
details are written through a PHP script and HTTP Client Server APIs into a MySQL
database at a remote central server. The database table returns JSON data every time

the user attempts a sign in which is parsed to allow further access or not. The
registration system architecture as well as the recorded user database table are shown
in Figure 1.

Fig. 1. Registration and Sign-in architecture

3: Weather Forecast: A HTTP Connection is made to the OpenWeatherMap Web

service over WiFi/ GPRS which queries the data from servers. The data which the
client gets regarding forecast is in the Extensible Markup Language (XML) and
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) formats. XML provides a language which can be
used between different platforms and programming languages and still it can express
complex messages and functions. JSON is used primarily to transmit human-
readable text consisting of attribute–value pairs between a server and web
application. Figure 2 shows the architecture of retrieving information as well as the
weather data, which is in the form of XML and is parsed before being displayed in
the application screen. User can search based on current GPS location or directly by
city name; the 16 days’ forecast includes information about – weather type, image,
min-max temperature, pressure, wind speed, humidity, clouds; graphical trend over
the next week of various parameters are also available in the app for visual aid
[Figure 3]. These data will enable the farmer to better plan his actions during the
agricultural cycle like taking precautionary measures over a predicted hailstorm, and
hence safeguard his interests.

Fig. 2. Process of retrieving weather data from server; the response in JSON format

Fig. 3. Screenshots: various weather parameters; graph of min-max temperature

4: Commodity Market Prices: Agricultural commodities are traded in mandis

(markets) at the district level. The government sets support prices to stabilize the
prices but the Mandi prices are dynamic. The farmer, to access these prices enters the
date, crop name and the Indian state. The application uses APIs provided by Open
Government Data (OGD) – Platform India to make HTTP requests to the Agmarket
Portal servers from where data in XML format is received, which, after formatting, is
made available on the app in a human-readable form. The result table contains
information about market (district name), arrival quantity (in MT), origin, variety,
grade, minimum price, maximum price, and modal price (in Rs. / quintal) [Figure 4].
With a rough idea about the prices, the chances of a farmer being exploited and
cheated are minimized.

Fig. 4. Process of retrieving crop prices from server; the app screenshot with results

5: Agricultural News: Keeping oneself updated about the happenings in and around
the world is essential in taking precautions or planning for a better produce. An
HTTP Connection is made to the database/ web server over WiFi/ GPRS which gets
the data from AgriFeeds and indiaTogether websites. The data, in the form of RSS
Feeds is parsed and then displayed in viewable form. News are obtained using RSS
feeds on 82 topics globally, national (pertaining to India) or regional (state-wise
news). Clicking on the headlines enables reading of the complete article [Figure 5].

Fig. 5. Screenshots: News headlines as a list; redirection to complete news article

6: Farm Manager (Inventory management): The application has an in-built farm

manager module with which the user can better manage his field and crops. The
farmer can keep a track of his assets, inventories and also his cropping cycle.
1: Vehicles and attachments – name, id, purchase date, cost, last, next servicing dates
2: harvested crops – name, quantity, harvest date, amount unsold and check date.
3: seeds and fertilizers - name, quantity, purchase date, cost, quantity remaining.
The app also generates alarms based on these dates to remind the farmer about
upcoming servicing, maintenance dates. A SQLite database for android is used to
manage (insert, edit, delete, view) the data. The SQLite database is exported to the
more common Microsoft Excel format (.xlsx) using Android APIs [Figure 6].

Fig. 6. App UI to insert data; snapshots of the databases into excel format

7: Map of Field: Google Maps V2.0 API was used to display the area around the
farmer’s current position (supposedly near his field). The map features the terrain,
normal, marker only views. The farmer can insert any markers to mark his field
boundary. There is also a map screenshot option to take timely snapshots during the
crop cycle [Figure 7] to monitor his crop for healthy growth.

Fig. 7. Map of the farmer’s field; list of snapshots of the field taken during the agricultural

8: Farmer Helplines: As stated earlier, the Indian government comes up with time to
time schemes and farmer assisting centers fostering e-governance. The Indian
government has come up with Kisan Vikas Kendras (KVK), and Kisan Call Centres
(KCC) as advisories to respond to issues raised by farmers instantly as well as
continuously in their local languages. There is a toll free helpline of the KCC set up
by the government at the farmers’ disposal. The application provides the state wise
addresses and contact information of the various KVKs and KCCs in the country.

Fig. 8. Result of KCC contact information for Maharashtra, Goa, Daman, Diu region; Result
of KVKs based in the state of Gujarat

4 Wireless Pump Operations

The mobile application is designed to establish a dual communication with an

Arduino microcontroller controlled wireless sensor network and water pump. 2 types
of wireless networks, namely GSM and Bluetooth [Figure 10], were used to establish
this communication channel. 4 sensors measuring soil moisture, soil temperature, soil
pH, and air humidity respectively are connected to the microcontroller and they send
their data to the android application for diagnosis as well as appropriate decision
making on operating the pumps. The system architecture is shown in Figure 9.

Fig. 9. Architecture of the mobile (android) - microcontroller (arduino) interface with the
sensor-actuator networks.

• Over GSM: The merit of using this communication channel is that it can be
operated over long distances too. An Arduino GSM shield with a SIM card was
connected to the microcontroller and the wireless sensor network. The farmer
queries for the status of the sensors before taking a decision. The SMS received
from the microcontroller contains the current pump status and the sensor
readings at that very instant. Taking stock of these readings farmer can remotely
switch on-off the water pumps by setting the target soil moisture parameter. The
pump will be switched ON till the farmer specified soil moisture value is
• Over Bluetooth: When the farmer is at his field, he can directly connect the
android application with the wireless pump system over Bluetooth. A HC-05
Bluetooth module was connected to the same microcontroller to establish a
duplex communication channel between itself and the android smart phone. Data
is encrypted, for example, into strings like <!“data”\n!> where “data” is the
actual data for example – start; '<' is the start bit, '!' is the start confirm bit, ‘\n’ is
the end of data bit. Similarly, '!' is the end bit and '>' is the end confirm bit. This
encryption is necessary to avoid any noise (fuzzy data) collected by the sensors
from the environment. For example: The string value for retrieving the sensor
information is <!“57”,“69”,“24”,“8.2”\n!> which has the various sensor readings
in the order of moisture, humidity, temperature and pH. Because this is a real
time connection, there is continuous exchange of data at a high rate. The
application records the sensor readings every 2 minutes and graphs all the sensor
readings over time for diagnosis. The readings are also saved in a local sqlite
database table only to be exported to the excel format later [Figure 11].

Fig. 10. Pump operations over GSM; Bluetooth

Fig. 11. Real time sensor data in a graph when connected over Bluetooth; sensor data tabulated
every 2 minutes and exported into Microsoft Excel format

5 Conclusion

The mobile application was tested by some local residents of a village and they
expressed an interest to really use the technology. The fact that it was also offered in
multiple regional languages made it easier for them to learn its operation. An
agricultural field setup was made on a table with soil all over. The small submersible
pumps along with the moisture and pH sensors were put in a fixed place with a small
container with mini pipes acting as the water tank. The mobile phone successfully
switched the pumps on and off based on the moisture and other readings, thereby
irrigating the field. The mobile application will truly serve as a great assistant to a
farmer by providing continuous real time information as and when required.
Productivity will increase and a farmer’s time on field or going to nearby cities will
considerably decrease. This ICT revolution promoting e-governance will lead to
more enthusiasm among farmers fostering the need for more information for better
decision making. In the long run, this will lead to overall development in India in the
agricultural sector. The wireless sensor network system is to be made more robust
and self-sufficient by installation of solar panels in the field and housing the
electronic components in proper casings. More features providing information on
availability of seeds and fertilizers, farmer loan and credit schemes will be
incorporated into the application.


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