randomly selected from each of the LGAs in Katsina and Kaduna, and 10 from the most
densely populated Kano state. Data were collected using a pre-tested structured questionnaire
and summarized using frequency counts, percentages and mean. Though most frequently
used mobile applications include voice call app (mean value of 1.410), SMS app (0.932 mean
score) and Opera with 0.640 mean value, weighted mean values showed that all the apps were
rarely being put to use by the farmers, indicating generally low frequency of usage. NBRM
Keywords: analysis results showed that educational attainment, knowledge, phones farmers operate well,
Frequency of
app usage;
phone as information garget, app store, social media and agencies as sources of apps
mobile phone positively influenced the frequency of mobile apps usage. A well guided effort through
apps; farmers; appropriate policies that would encourage the frequency of mobile phone usage by farmers
North West for information accessing, should be put in place by major stakeholders of rural and
Nigeria agricultural development in the area.
1. Introduction
Information is crucial and an important means of enabling farmers to benefit from agricultural inventions and
innovations. It is through information that adoption of the new innovations and inventions is made possible. The role
of information becomes more significant in a developing economy like Nigeria that is characterized by very poor
literacy levels and high rate of poverty, mainly in rural neighborhood (Olojede et al., 2013).
In Nigeria, as in many African countries like Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania there are obvious potentials for
development in the use of ICTs. The arrival of mobile phones in the late 90s and early 2000 brought new possibilities
to the continent of Africa in general and Nigeria in particular (Aker & Mbiti, 2010). Mobile phones, as the focus of
this study have, in the last decade, bridged the urban-rural and rich-poor divides by connecting individuals to
individuals, passing information about markets and services. The use of mobile phone technology in diverse
agribusiness sub-sectors has recorded immense growth in Nigeria and many other developing nations because it
82 The Estimation Model of Determinant of Mobile Phone Apps’ Usage Khidir et al
provides different opportunities to transfer knowledge and information among players in the agribusiness value or
supply chain, including government (Osadebamwen and Ideba, 2017). Despite mobile phone being mainly used by
urban dwellers, Aker and Mbiti (2010) found its social and economic usefulness for the rural inhabitants in terms of
the assembling of vital data on weather, market, and other related concerns. Consequently, the Nigerian government
in recognition of the importance of communication devices in agricultural activities, established policies and projects
in this regard; among which were the launching of the Global System of Mobile (GSM) communication-making phone
lines more accessible nationwide and the Growth Enhancement Support Scheme (GES), which was created to directly
provide farmers with government subsidized farm inputs via their cell phones (Ebgule et al., 2013). Extension agencies
can adequately serve the farmers with needed agricultural information in case ICT component such as mobile are
employed in real time.
With the current state of rural transformation, the evolution of cellphone is inspiring a revolution in rural
connectivity for small-holder farmers and other small-scale rural producers in developing countries (Osadebamwen
and Ideba, 2015). Given the rapid expansion in infrastructural networks, the mobile phone is enhancing
communication, information exchange, and innovation in service delivery among larger part of the rural populace
(Donner, 2008). In addition, Qiang et al (2011) posited that Mobile phone-based services have proliferated in recent
years, providing new and better pathways of accessing price and market data, and coordinating input/output resources
that also include transport, logistics, finance and production methods. Therefore, it can be argued that the need for
better information through mobile phones can be considered as the prerequisites for the farmers to benefit from using
mobile communication technologies to improve need access (Niemi et al., 2015) as well as a tool for development at
local and community levels (Amir et al., 2016). Hence, using modern technologies is considered as an appropriate
medium to meet farmers' information needs and increase in out-put (Shaukat et al., 2013), as these approaches increase
farmer's basic knowledge and ability to make their own choices and decision on particular technologies (Sousa et al
2016). This implies that as the rate of apps’ usage by farmers increase, the rate of information flow and access followed
suit. This is evident from the findings of Xioalin and Shaheen (2012) that showed that as a result of introduction of a
mobile phone based e-Extension intervention programme by the UK E Engineering and Physical Science Research
Council (EPSRC) tagged Knowledge Help Extension Technology Initiative (KHETI) project in India for rural farmers,
extension activities increased speedily as it was reported that the average estimated quality index (QI) rose from 0.57
prior to the intervention to 0.92 after the intervention with a 61% gain above the previous services. Similarly, Raj et
al (2011) reported that the introduction of mobile phone based intervention technologies (SMS and interactive voice
response system) among farming communities in India led to improvement in cultural practices among farmers in the
intervention farming communities and an appreciable reduction in the cost implications of production activities which
resulted increase in net income for the farmers that adopted the technology by an upward difference of over 15%
above non-adopters; as well as reduction in farming expenditures and securing good market for their farm produce
because they were able to frequently access information and were always up-to-date. This implies that the more an
enabling condition to frequently use mobile phone apps is created for farmers, the more they are likely to use mobile
phone apps at their disposal and the more they are properly guided to make a better decision for an enhanced farm
production, increased income and improved socio-economic status.
Despite the high diffusion rate of mobile phone technologies among farmers in Nigeria, and the study area in
particular (Yusuf, Abdullahi and Haruna, 2015; Ekpa, 2017), reported minimal usage of these technologies by farmers
in the area; as a result, the desired impact on the socio-economic condition of rural farmers in the study area has always
remained a mirage, given the prevalence of high incidence of endemic poverty that has remained a glaring feature of
rural communities in the study area. Such apps are not popularly being engaged by farmers in the study area as
evidenced from previous study (Abdullahi et al., 2019) for farming activities and as a result, the technology is making
minimal impact on their production evidenced by the persistence low agricultural production despite the high farmers’
population and vast arable land. More so, extension activities in the area has remained very poor despite the upsurge
in technological breakthrough in virtually all spheres of human endeavour as evidence by the wide spread and diffusion
of ICTs tools and gadgets like the mobile phone technology. In light of these unhealthy scenarios despite the healthy
diffusion of mobile phone technology in the area, this study was informed and sorts to investigate the determinants of
frequency of mobile phones apps’ usage by farmers in North West Nigeria using Negative Binomial Regression Model
(NBRM). In addition, despite NBRM popularly recommended for nonnegative digits, this has not been used to
determine the frequency with which farmers use mobile phone apps in the North West Zone of Nigeria. This study is
intended to fill this gap. To achieve this, the study is guided by the following objectives:
Agricultural Extension Research and Liaison Services (NAERLS), Zaria and Kano stations while secondary data were
collected from NAERLS, and available works of literature. Data collected from NAERLS include data on extension
activities in the zone covering a population of farmers in each state of the zone, number of farms, farmers/extension
agent ratio, number of subject matter specialist and extension agent visits while that from the service providers include
mobile phone apps in the region and the ones commonly used as well as rate of usage. The frequency of usage of the
apps is dependent variable measured using perceptional responses of the farmers on 17 mobile apps at farmers’
disposal based on a 3 point Likert-type corresponding to use for: ‘all activities’ (AA) – 3, ‘most activities’ (MA) – 2
and ‘few activities’ (FA) – 1. These apps were arrived at based on literature reviews and reconnaissance survey of the
Based on the highlighted scales, the frequency of usage of the apps by farmers was considered using the likert
model specified as follows:
ẌW = [n3 (3) + n2 (2) + n1 (1)] ÷ n …………………………………………………… (1)
ẌW = Weighted Mean Score; n = No. of farmers/respondents
ẌS = Smax + Si + ……………..Smin ÷ N............................................................................. (2)
Where ẌS = Score Mean; Smax = Maximum scale value; Smin = Minimum scale value;
Si = other scale values; and N = Number of the scale points.
Using an interval of 0.05, the cut points will be:
Minimum cut point = ẌS – 0.05…………………………………………………………... (3)
Maximum cut point = ẌS + 0.05………………………………………………………….. (4)
Decision rule:
If ẌW < Minimum cut point, the result is low i.e. rarely in use;
If ẌW > Maximum cut point, the result is very high i.e. frequently in use;
If ẌW ≥ minimum cut point < maximum cut point, the result is moderate, that is, occasionally in use.
With an interval limit of 0.05, a mean below 1.95 out of the actual mean of 3 was adopted to identify apps that
were rarely being put to use; mean between 1.95 and 2.05 was adopted to identify apps that were occasionally being
used; and mean above 2.05 was adopted to identify apps that were frequently being put to use.
With the aid of Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS 14.0 specifically) the data collected were sorted
and analyzed while the regression component was sorted out using STATA 13; and the data summarized using
frequency counts, percentages and mean. The factors influencing the extent of mobile phone apps usage by the farmers
in the area were computed using Negative Binomial Regression Model (NBRM). The explicit form of the model in
line with Greene (2008), is specified as:
E(yi/ xi) = exp(α +X' β + ε) …………………………………………………………………(5)
E(yi/xi) is the use intensity of the mobile phone app; X’ is a vector of explanatory variables that, according to
Samson, Julius and Noel (2011), include farmer socio-economic specifics, mobile phone use specifics etc (i.e. X 1=
Age, X2= Sex, X3= Educational attainment, etc); α is the dispersion parameter (Greene, 2008); β a vector of
unidentified coefficient; and ε an error term. The dependent variable for frequency of mobile phone apps’ usage by
farmers is taken as total of farmer’s usage of app measured on scale 1 for few activities, 2 most activities and 3 for all
activities. This is specified as:
Ti= [A3+A2+A1]1 + ………….. [A3+A2+A1]j ........................................................................ (6)
Ti is the use total for respondent T for ith app; A3, A2 and A1 correspond to scores recorded by the farmer for the i th
app under consideration base on the usage scale stated above.
Table 1. Extent of Mobile Phone Apps’ Usage by the Farmers in the Study Area (n=385) *
Mobile Apps All Activities Most Activities Few Activities Mean Remark
Call app 14(3.6) 151(39.2) 199(51.7) 1.410 Rarely used
SMS app 5(1.3) 53(13.9) 238(61.8) 0.932 Rarely used
Facebook 0(0) 15(3.9) 105(27.3) 0.351 Rarely used
WhatsApp 0(0) 12(3.1) 71(18.4) 0.247 Rarely used
Opera 0(0) 1(0.3) 61(15.8) 0.640 Rarely used
Flash share 0(0) 0(0) 38(9.9) 0.099 Rarely used
Bluetooth 0(0) 3(0.8) 78(20.3) 0.218 Rarely used
Tubenet 0(0) 0(0) 1(0.3) 0.003 Rarely used
Imo 0(0) 0(0) 2(0.5) 0.005 Rarely used
E-mail 0(0) 2(0.5) 31(8.1) 0.091 Rarely used
Instagram 0(0) 0(0) 5(1.3) 0.013 Rarely used
E-Wallet 0(0) 1(0.3) 10(2.6) 0.034 Rarely used
WhatsApp Youth and 0(0) 1(0.3) 0(0) 0.005 Rarely used
Educated Adult
Mobile banking app 0(0) 0(0) 4(1) 0.010 Rarely used
Bank payment code 0(0) 0(0) 8(2.1) 0.021 Rarely used
Bank transfer code 0(0) 0(0) 3(0.8) 0.008 Rarely used
FarmerHelpLine 0(0) 0(0) 4(1) 0.010 Rarely used
*Figures in parentheses are percentages
3.1 NBRM Estimation of Determinants of the Frequency of Apps’ Usage by the Farmers
Table 2 reveals that the likelihood ratio statistics as shown by the chi-square value are highly significant at 1
percent level of significance (p < 0.000) indicating that much of the variability on the dependent variable is explained
by the included covariates, which suggests that the model has a strong demonstrative impact and well fitted.
Furthermore, the adjusted R-square value of 0.1901 revealed that 19.01% of the variation in the frequency of Apps’
Usage by the Farmers can be explained by the explanatory variables included in the model, implying that the model
has a strong inferential influence. Ten factors were found to significantly determine the frequency with which
smallholder farmers use mobile phone apps in the area. These variables were: age (Z= -0.012); educational attainment
(Z= 0.086); Knowledge on the use of mobile phones (Z= 0.030); type of phones farmers can operate very well (Z=
0.215); amount farmers are willing to pay for apps (Z= 0.060); mobile phone as source of apps for farmers’ use (Z=
0.183); app store as source of apps for farmers’ use (Z= 0.311); social media as source of apps (Z= 0.170); agency as
farmers’ source of apps (Z= 1.079); and association as source of apps for farmers (Z= -1.109).
The results further show that the coefficient of educational attainment, knowledge of mobile phone usage, type of
mobile phones farmers can use very well, amount farmers are willing to pay for apps, mobile phone as source of apps,
app store as farmers’ source of apps, social media apps source for farmers and agencies as source of apps were positive
meaning a direct relationship with the dependent variable. These indicate that as the farmers advances in educational
attainment, acquire prerequisite knowledge of mobile phone apps technologies usage, master the use of any type of
mobile phone, secure favourable price for apps, have access to apps on their cell phones, able to access apps in app
store, secure apps from social media and agencies, the higher the likelihood that the farmers would frequently use
mobile phones apps at their disposal. These imply that educational exposure facilitate frequency of apps usage because
education expands one exposure, contacts and needs for information. In addition, proficiency of an educated person
is more enhanced and encourages frequent use of available technologies like mobile phone. Furthermore, farmers in
the study area are not opposed to monetary values attached to acquisition of apps, provided it is affordable. These
results correspond to the findings of Samson et al (2011) and Biswajit et al (2017) who also recorded and established
direct relationship between farmers’ educational status and frequency of mobile phone apps’ usage, signifying that as
farmers advance in educational level, the rate at which they use mobile phones’ apps is also likely to increase. This is
because education facilitates exposure to more apps and knowledge of phone usage usually encouraged through more
network of social setting and engagements. More so, the findings according to Shawn and Nilesh (2016) showed that
most farmers are not disposed to high cost of apps, implying that the more favourable the cost implications of apps
are, the high probability that farmers will regularly use the apps as established by the direct relationship between cost
of apps and frequency of apps’ usage contained in the results of these findings. In addition, the results showed direct
link between access to apps via app store, social media, agencies and regular use of mobile phone applications,
implying that the easier it is for farmers to access apps from these sources, the high the likelihood that the rate at which
they use the apps will increase; and could be inferred that this is so because apps through these routes are often obtained
freely and in some cases fundamental information about the benefits of the apps are made available to the users through
relevant agencies.
On the contrary, the coefficient of age and association as source of apps were negative indicating an inverse
relationship with the dependent variable. These imply that an increase in the parameter of these variables decreases
the likelihood of the farmers to frequently use cell phone mobile applications. Biswajit et al (2017) in India equally
established inverse relationship between farmers’ age and the frequency with which they use mobile phone apps. This
suggests that as farmers in remote areas advanced in age, the rate at which they use mobile phone apps drop, perhaps
because as the farmers become aged, they are likely to have develop unique input and output flow channel that would
require minimal contacts and communication; or constrained by huge financial burdens such as increased household
size, need for expansion in housing space and capacity implying huge cost burden etc. These tend to usurp the ability
of the farmers to bear cost implication of regular apps’ usage. Furthermore, the negative coefficient recorded with
respect to association as source of apps, indicates that the more farmers are made to rely on farmer association or
group, the less the likelihood that farmers in the study area will frequently use mobile phone apps probably because
the more they intimate together through group formation, the more they share information directly and less the need
to make calls to source for information.
Table 2. NBRM Estimation of Determinants of the Extent of Apps’ Usage by the Farmers in North-West Nigeria.
Description Z(SE) t-stat P>/t/
Age -0.012(0.0051) -2.25 0.024**
Education 0.086(0.0331) 2.59 0.010*
Knowledge 0.030(0.0053) 5.68 0.000*
Phones farmers operate well 0.215(0.0505) 4.27 0.000*
Mobile phones as source 0.183(0.0855) 2.14 0.032**
App store as source 0.321(0.1007) 3.19 0.001*
Social media as source 0.170(0.0809) 2.10 0.035**
Agencies as source 1.079 3.20 0.001*
Association as source -1.109(0.4931) -2.25 0.024**
Constant -0.305(0.4556) -0.67 0.503
Number of Observation 385
Pseudo R2 0.1901
LR chi2(35) 300.08
Prob > chi2 0.0000
Log likelihood -639.40434
Source: Computation from Computer Printout of Negative Binomial Regression Model Analysis. Note: *, ** and
***means 1%, 5% and 10% level of significance respectively
I wish to acknowledge my supervisor, Prof Oladele for the guidance and support throughout the research and North
West University for providing me enabling environment to successfully actualize the study.
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