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Nigerian Journal of Rural Sociology Vol. 16, No. 2, 2015


Koyenikan, M. J. and 2Ighoro A
Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension Services, University of Benin, Nigeria
Department of Agricultural Extension and Communication Technology, Federal University of Technology,
Akure, Nigeria
Correspondent contact details: margaret.koyenikan@uniben.edu, 08142108098
Telephone-based services are becoming widespread and could be useful in agriculture and rural development
(ARD). This study assessed the use of mobile phone based services (MPBSs) among farmers in the northern
zone of Edo State. A multistage sampling procedure was used to draw a sample of 150 respondents. Data on the
objectives were obtained with structured questionnaire and analysed using frequency counts, percentages, mean,
Likert scale and Spearman rho correlation. Results show that majority of respondents were males (72.7%),
within the age group of between 51-60 years (53.3%), married (80.0%), had family size of 5-8 persons (62.0%)
and had telephones (94.7%). The frequently accessed and regularly used MPBS were phone calls (x̅=2.57; 3.39)
and SMS (x̅=2.28; 3.29).The ARD information frequently accessed using MPBSs included farmers’ meetings
(x̅=2.26), planting/breeding materials (x̅=2.17), community meetings (x̅=2.56), warnings and alarms (x̅=2.47)
and community projects (x̅=2.52). Constraints to usage of MPBSs included shortage of capital to recharge,
dearth of knowledge on application of MPBSs and poor electricity supply There was significant correlation
between respondents’ age (r=-0.401), education (r=0.413) as well as farming experience (r=-0.229) and
frequency of usage of MPBSs to access ARD information. It was concluded that access and usage of mobile
phone based services was low due to several constraints. ARD information should be disseminated using MPBS
and farmers’ sensitization and capacity building on MPBSs is necessary to improve extension delivery.
Keywords: Telephone services, Agricultural development information, Mobile phone based services.

INTRODUCTION different programmes and initiatives including the

The agricultural production system in Agricultural Transformation Agenda (ATA).
Nigeria is characterized by a disproportionately Osisioma (2012) summarized the transformation
large fraction of the agricultural output in the hands agenda as the process and program directed at
of smallholder farmers whose average holding is addressing government focus on the public service,
about1.86 hectares (Apata, Sanusi and Olajorin, security, law and order and agricultural reform.
2016). Also, there is very limited access to modern Under the Agricultural Transformation Agenda
improved technologies and their general (ATA) programme, different platforms were put in
circumstance does not always merit tangible place to facilitate the transformation: they are the
investments in capital, inputs and labour. Nigerian Incentive-Based Risk Saving System for
The bulk of the poor, some three-quarters Agricultural Lending (NIRSAL), marketing co-
according to a World Bank estimate, live in rural operations, Growth Enhancement Support Scheme
areas where they draw their livelihoods from (GESS), staple chops processing zones and
agriculture and related activities (Kotze, 2003). marketing co-operative.
Evidently, development, food security and poverty The process of communication which
alleviation will not be truly achieved without rapid involves the dissemination of innovation and social
agricultural growth. Assisting the rural poor to engineering is fundamental to extension training of
enhance their livelihoods and food security in a influencing desired behavior acquisition and
sustainable manner is therefore a great challenge. change. Communication is widely seen as a two-
Broadly put, increases in agricultural productivity way process in which the sender (source of
are central to growth, income distribution, information/message) and receiver of information
improved food security and alleviation of poverty are seen as active participants who are involved in
in rural Africa (FAO, 2002). The integration of ICT an exchange process
in agriculture therefore can be utilised for providing The global revolution in information and
accurate, timely and relevant information to telecommunication technology has created an
farmers’ thereby facilitating environment for opportunity to remedy the former state of
remunerative agriculture (Okeke, Nwalieji and information gap and to assist farmers, livestock
Uzuegbunam, 2015).Agriculture in Nigeria is producers, development practitioners, researchers
predominantly practiced in the rural areas; hence, and policy makers to make informed decisions and
there is the need to ensure that farmers in the rural identify appropriate choices and strategies to cope
areas get access to farm inputs such as fertilisers, with and mitigate the effects engendered by
seeds and information to enhance their constraints in the rural agricultural sector. Mao,
productivity. (2012) opined that information of adequate quality
Government has been trying to revive the is a necessary condition for improvement of all
agricultural sector through the introduction of areas of agriculture.

Nigerian Journal of Rural Sociology Vol. 16, No. 2, 2015

Growth Enhancement Support Scheme on the constraints to usage of MPBSs needs to be

(GESS) as a component of ATA, was designed to answered. Empirical evidence on ownership of
enhance agricultural productivity through timely, mobile phones by farmers, their usage of MPBSs
efficient and effective delivery of yield-increasing and use of the services for ARD information also
farm inputs; is also aimed at subsidizing the costs becomes relevant.
of major agricultural inputs, such as fertiliser and The main objective of the study is to
seedlings for farmers. It provides a unique assess the use of mobile phone based services
connecting link as it targets the farmers directly (MPBSs) for accessing agricultural and rural
with critically needed modern farm inputs on real- development (ARD) information in Edo state
time basis. As part of the GESS scheme, the Nigeria.
Federal Ministry of Agriculture led by the Minister, Specifically, the study;
Akinwumi Adesina, equipped millions of farmers 1. described the socio-economic characteristics of
in the rural areas with mobile phones to link farmers in Edo State;
farmers directly to government. This was expected 2. examined mobile phone based services usage
to opportunity to monitor the progress of farmers, by farmers;
as well as disseminate valuable information to 3. ascertained the use of MPBSs to access ARD
them. The e-wallet, the phone-based component of information ;
the project, was to serve as an avenue to educate, 4. identified the constraints to the use of mobile
inform and communicate with farmers in rural phone services in ARD
areas across the country on the latest and best The study hypothesis, stated in null form, is as
agricultural practices, as well as the current prices follows;
of commodities in the market. There is no significant relationship between
In their various designs and capabilities, farmers’ socio- economic characteristics and use of
mobile phones can be found in the pockets of the mobile phone based services to access ARD
wealthy and poor alike. Even in rural areas, information.
mobiles are growing in number and sophistication
(The Economist, 2010). The right use of mobile METHODOLOGY
phone in agriculture and any other aspect of The study was carried out in Edo State
livelihood may be attributed its characteristics, which share boundaries with Delta State on the
(Donovan, 2012). Mobile phone has found south, Ondo on the West and Kogi on the North
applications in the agricultural sector and this east. Edo state consists of 18 local government
includes, mobile phone application, mobile-phone- areas. The main towns in the state are Benin which
based Money Transfer, weather forecast, short is the capital [ancient city of Benin kingdom],
message services (SMS), Unstructured Esan, Ora, Estako, Igbanke etc. The major
Supplementing Service Data (USSD), Interactive occupation of the people includes farming,
Voice Response (IVR), General Packet Radio handcraft and trading. The major crops grown by
Services (GPRS), Mobile Wireless Application the people include yam, maize, cocoa, rubber, oil
Protocol (WAP), Multimedia Messaging Service palm and cassava. Edo North was chosen because it
(MMS), Mobile Web, etc. All these services have has more rural communities than the other zones in
been used in many ways in improving agricultural Edo state.
production. A two stage sampling process involving
Due to the rapid development in the IT random sampling technique was used to select three
industry, different facets of life including health, local government areas from eight in Edo North
technology and agriculture are affected. In 2013, Senatorial District, Owan, Etsako and Akoko-Edo
the Federal Government introduced the use of and five (5) communities were selected from each
mobile phones to farmers in the rural areas as part local government area to give 15communities and
of the transformation agenda in the agricultural 10 respondents were selected from each community
sector. This initiative covered the entire country. making a total of 150 respondents in all. Data were
The extent to which farmers enjoyed the free collected using structured questionnaire and
mobile phone is relative. However, mobile phones analysed using descriptive and Spearman rho
have been acquired by all strata of the society Correlation.
which is expected to contribute to development. It The respondents’ use of mobile phone
is also expected to present both opportunities and services was measured using 3point scale; highly
challenges, especially for critical sectors such as used=3, used=2, not used=1.
agriculture. Personally acquired or government The respondents level of usage of mobile
distributed mobile phones are expected to serve the phone services measured were using 20 items on a
owners and contribute to their livelihood and 4-point likert scale, 1 = not used, 2 = slightly used,
wellbeing. It could not be categorically stated that 3= moderately used, 4 = highly used. A mean score
farmers in Edo North zone used the phone based of 2.5 and above indicates the use of mobile
services to obtain ARD information. The question service. The minimum score=20 and maximum= 40

Nigerian Journal of Rural Sociology Vol. 16, No. 2, 2015

Information/technology accessed-this was were within the age group of 51 – 60 years (58.6
measured on 3-point scale of highly accessed=3, %). Family members could serve as sources of
accessed=2, not accessed=3 for 20 items. information on the use of mobile phone services
especially youth and children. Orojobi and Damisa
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION (2007) reported that household size is crucial in
Socioeconomic characteristics of respondents agriculture, where the main source of labour is the
Table 1 shows that majority of the family in developing countries like Nigeria. Most
respondents were males (72.7%), within the age of the respondents can at least read and write.
group of 51-60 years (53.3%). Married people were Farmers with at least primary school education will
80.0% with 62.0% having family size of 5-8 be able to operate a mobile phone and access some
persons. The mean farm size was 2.33ha, mean basic services. Majority of the respondents were
farming experience of 15.02years while 34.7% primarily farmers (57.3%). Ownership of phone of
attended secondary school and 94.7% had 94.7% of the respondents is an indication that
telephones. The implication is that there were more MPBSs have potentials of being used to access
males than females. Majority of the respondents ARD information.

Table 1: Socioeconomic characteristics of Respondents n = 150

Variable Frequency % Mean
Age range
30 & below 9 6.0
31-40 16 10.7 50.64 years
41-50 45 30.0
51-60 80 53.3
Family size range
1-4 39 26.0
5-8 93 62.0 6persons
9-12 16 10.7
>12 2 1.3
Marital status
Single 13 8.7
Married 120 80.0
Divorced 17 11.3
Non formal 12 8.0
Primary 47 31.3
Secondary 52 34.7
Tertiary 39 26.0
Major occupation
Farming 86 57.3
Civil servant/Entrepreneur 32 21.4
Trading 30 20.0
Other 2 1.3
Farm size range
1 & below 34 22.7
1.1-1.5 53 35.3 2.33 ha
1.6-2.0 49 32.7
>2.0 14 9.3
Farming experience range
10 – 20 34 22.7
20 – 30 53 35.3 20.02 years
30 – 40 49 32.7
40 > 14 9.3
Mobile phone ownership
Do not own 8 5.3
Own 142 94.7

Nigerian Journal of Rural Sociology Vol. 16, No. 2, 2015

Respondents’ frequency of using mobile services information and technologies were only accessed
for agricultural and rural development through phone calls and SMS since other MPBSs
information were rarely used. It is also an indication that
Table 2 shows that mobile phone call and respondents owned phones but underutilised the
short message services were used to access ARD services/applications they could benefit from.
information (̅ =3.39) and (̅ =3.29) respectively. Information might not have been disseminated via
The result agrees with the findings of (Falola and MPBSs
Adewumi, 2012). The implication is that ARD

Table 2: Respondents’ use of mobile phone-based services for agricultural and rural development
Variables Mean SD
Mobile phone application 3.39* 0.94
Short message services (SMS) 3.29* 1.01
Mobile Web 1.99 1.24
Weather forecast 1.97 1.31
Unstructured Supplementary Services Data (USSD) 1.79 1.13
Mobile Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) 1.69 1.12
General Packet Radio System (GPRS) 1.66 1.08
Interactive Voice Response (IVR) 1.65 1.11
Multi Messaging Service (MSM) 1.60 0.93
Mobile phone based money transfer 1.27 0.67
* Frequently used (mean > 2.00)

Respondents’ access to agricultural and rural projects (̅ =2.52) seedlings/planting (̅ =2.44)
development information using mobile phone and fertiliser application (̅ =2.11). Considering the
services commonness and high ownership level of mobile
Results in Table 2 shows that the most phones in the study area, it will be expected that
accessed information using phone based services most of the farmers will use them for accessing
were on farmers’ meetings (̅ =2.26), ARD information. It could also be that most of the
planting/breeding materials (̅ =2.17), community information were not available or disseminated
meetings (̅ =2.56), community security warnings through phone services.
and alarms (̅ =2.47). Others include community

Table 3: Respondents’ access of technology/information with phone-based services

Information Mean SD
Farmers’ meetings 2.26* 0.52
Planting/breeding materials 2.17* 0.35
Fertilisers and application 2.11* 0.29
Land preparation 1.83 0.27
Tractor hiring/mechanisation 1.21 0.95
Irrigation/dry season farming 1.07 0.79
Weather forecast 1.99 0.66
Health and nutrition 1.99 0.69
Agro chemicals 2.02* 0.83
Modern tanks 1.67 0.72
Pumping machine 1.62 0.75
Environmental management 1.57 0.65
Livestock rearing 1.54 0.97
Marketing 1.01 0.73
Storage 1.85 0.41
Processing 1.57 0.92
Trainings and workshops 1.74 0.68
Community meetings 2.56* 0.57
Community projects 2.52* 0.49
Community security warnings and alarms 2.47* 0.53
* Accessed (mean > 2.00)

Nigerian Journal of Rural Sociology Vol. 16, No. 2, 2015

Constraints to the usage of mobile phone electricity supply (̅ = 3.40) and low level of
services in ARD information (̅ = 3.12) among others. The enormity
From the result presented in Table 4, all of the constraints could have seriously prevented
the constraints were very serious among which the farmers from optimizing MPBS for ARD
include, insufficient capital (̅ = 3.65), erratic purposes.

Table 4: Constraints to the usage of mobile phone services in agricultural and rural development
Variables Mean Standard Deviation
Inadequate Capital to recharge credits 3.65* .66
Erratic electricity supply 3.40* .92
Low level of information 3.12* .93
Bad communication network 2.87* .89
Complexity of technologies 2.71* 1.03
Unable to apply technology to local condition 2.59* .99
High cost of technology 2.55* 1.22
Government policies 2.31 1.05
* Have access (mean > 2.50)

Relationship between farmers’ socio-economic probability. The negative coefficient of age

characteristics and use of mobile phone-based indicates that younger people frequently access
ARD services mobile phone services among the respondents in
Table 5 shows the relationship between the study area, than the older population which
the farmers’ socioeconomic characteristics and the could relate to the fact that younger people have
use of mobile phone services using Spearman rho more access to mobile phone. Those with higher
correlation. The table indicates that age (r = - level of education, larger farm size used mobile
0.401), education (r = 0.413), family size (r = services to access ARD information more.
0.211), farming experience (r = -0.229) and farm However, respondents with less farming experience
size (r = 0.166) were all significant at 5% level of used mobile phone services more.

Table 5: Relationship between farmers and use of mobile phone for ARD services (Spearman rho
Independent variables Coefficient ( rho ) p-level
Age -0.401* 0.000 Significant
Education 0.413* 0.000 Significant
Family size 0.211* 0.009 Significant
Faming experience (years) -0.229* 0.005 Significant
Farm size (ha) 0.166* 0.043 Significant
Sex -0.003 0.972 Not Significant

CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS information dissemination for easy access by

The study concludes that majority of the using phone based services;
respondents owned mobile phone however, only 3. Public, private and community efforts should
calls and SMSs were the mobile phone services be harnessed to address the identified
used to access ARD information due to constraints constraints especially in the area of improving
such as inadequate capital to recharge, bad network reception at the communities and
network, poor and erratic electricity supply, poor addressing erratic power supply.
knowledge of application and low level of ARD
information dissemination with telephone. REFERENCES
Based on the findings of this study, the Apata, T., Sanusi, A. and Olajorin, V. (2016).
following are recommended; Small farms and agricultural productivity
1. Sensitisation and capacity building for farmers in Nigeria: Empirical Analysis of the
by Edo State Extension service and mobile effects of Land tenure, fragmentation and
service providers on the use of mobile phone property rights. Annual World Bank
based-services will be necessary. This will Conference on Land and Property,
expose farmers to the relevant knowledge to Washington DC, March 14 – 18, 2016.
optimally utilise their mobile phone services; Damisa, M.A. and Yohanna, M. (2007). Role of
2. Public, private and NGO development rural women in farm management decision
institutions should create platforms for ARD making process: Ordered profit analysis.

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