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expectation will be included in the calculation of financial aid

ADMISSION eligibility for need-based aid or federal or private loans.
An undergraduate at Michigan State may choose a major field Information regarding specifications and options for systems
of study from among more than 140 programs. To earn a supported in the MSU environment may be found at
bachelor's degree, students must complete requirements pre- <<http://webtalk.msu.edu/compfaq.html>>.
scribed by the University, their colleges, and their depart-
ments. Careful planning of electives and choice of selectives
permit design of a program of study around the student's par-
ticular interests and abilities. UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION
In recent years many students entering the University as TO THE UNIVERSITY
first year freshmen have taken more than four years to com-
plete the requirements for the bachelor's degree. This is a na-
Admission Application Deadlines
tional trend in all universities and has many causes.
A list of programs of study, the degrees offered, and the or- Regular Applicants. Undergraduate applications for admis-
ganization of the instructional departments, schools and col- sion must be filed at least 30 days prior to the beginning of the
leges are shown in The Academic Program section of this semester in which the student expects to enroll. However, ad-
catalog. Some instructional units do not have programs which mission to any semester is subject to earlier closing without
lead to degrees for undergraduates, but offer courses, e.g., notice.
Aerospace Studies, American Thought and Language, Large If a person files an application for admission to an under-
Animal Clinical Sciences, Military Science, and Pharmacology graduate program at Michigan State University for a specific
and Toxicology. semester and is accepted but does not enroll for that semester,
Information relating to enrollment, payment of fees, credits, the application may be reactivated within a period of one year
changes in enrollment, the grading system, facilities, and subject to the deadline for filing applications for admission. If
other general information is given in the General Information after one year the person still has not enrolled at Michigan
section of this catalog. State, a new application for admission must be filed.

Student Computer Policy Application Procedure for High School Seniors

All undergraduate students who matriculate at the Admission to Michigan State University is open to all candi-
University with less than sophomore standing during or after dates on the basis of academic preparation and ability, and the
Fall 2001, and all undergraduate students who matriculate at availability of space in the desired academic program, and
the University with more than sophomore standing during or without regard to race, color, gender, religion, national origin,
after Fall 2003, will be expected to equip themselves with a political persuasion, sexual orientation, marital status,
computer that can be attached to the Internet at appropriate disability, height, weight, veteran status, age, or (in the case of
speeds. With the adoption of this policy, costs related to this U.S. citizens) financial need.


If you are a high school senior applying for entrance as a important way. Submission of an application authorizes the
freshman: University to investigate the accuracy of statements made
1. Complete the student portion of the application form. At- and data provided by the applicant and those who submit
tach your application fee1 in the form of a check or money materials or information on behalf of the applicant.
order payable to Michigan State University. Falsifications, misrepresentations or omissions in application
2. Give the application to your counselor, principal, or head- answers or supporting data may constitute grounds to deny or
master, so the remainder of the form may be completed. revoke admission to the University. Admission to the
Your school will mail the completed application to the Of- University may be denied or revoked if the University learns
fice of Admissions and Scholarships, Michigan State Uni- that an individual has engaged in conduct that indicates to the
versity. University that the individual is not ready to be a responsible
Refer to Costs in the General Information section of this catalog.
member of the University community.
The University urges every applicant to visit the East Lans-
ing campus, preferably in the early years of his or her high
Application Procedure for Transfer Students school career. Trained admissions counselors are available for
If you have had some college—level work and are applying as a consultation, and prospective students may visit the general
transfer student: campus facilities. The Office of Admissions and Scholarships,
1. Complete the student portion of the application form. In- Room 250, Administration Building, is open from 8:00 a.m. to
clude courses currently being taken under Item No. 19. 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00
2. Send the completed pages directly to the Office of Admis- noon on Saturdays (except holidays and during the summer
sions and Scholarships, along with your application fee1 in months). From September through January, group presenta-
the form of a check or money order payable to Michigan tions conducted by admissions counselors and campus tours
State University. are available on Mondays and Fridays. For appointments and
3. Request all of the postsecondary institutions that you more information on the group presentations, call (517) 355-
have attended to send a transcript of your record directly 8332. Information on MSU can be accessed at
to the Office of Admissions and Scholarships. <<www.msu.edu>>.
Refer to Costs in the General Information section of this catalog.
For every freshman applicant, Michigan State University re-
FRESHMAN ADMISSION quires scores from either the American College Testing Pro-
gram Assessment (ACT) or the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)
High school students planning to apply as freshmen should
offered by the College Board. The University will accept ACT
submit applications as soon as possible after completion of the
or SAT scores from tests taken during the high school junior
junior year. Applications for admission are available in secon-
year, or during the summer preceding the senior year.
dary school guidance and counseling offices or through the Of-
Information about the ACT is available from American Col-
fice of Admissions and Scholarships at Michigan State
lege Testing Program Registration, P. O. Box 414, Iowa City,
University and on the Web <<www.msu.edu>>. Each applica-
Iowa 52240. Information about the SAT is available from the
tion receives individual attention, and applicants who are
College Board, P. O. Box 592, Princeton, New Jersey 08540.
clearly admissible will be granted admission pending receipt
of their final year's grades. There are many advantages in ap-
plying as early as possible. Students applying for admission as High School Requirements
freshmen for the Fall Semester beginning in late August will Entrance Requirements: MSU continues to support a multi-
be best served if their applications reach Michigan State Uni- faceted approach to admissions where factors such as grades,
versity by late December of the preceding year. test scores, talent and experience are considered along with a
The University seeks to admit students who provide evi- critical component of specific course requirements. MSU rec-
dence of intellectual performance, good character, and poten- ognizes that there will be students who have potential for aca-
tial which will permit them to profit from programs of the demic success at Michigan State University, but who have not
academic rigor of those offered by Michigan State. The admis- precisely met the high school course requirements, e.g., high
sion decision takes into account all available academic data, achieving students, students whose high schools do not offer
including grades, test scores, caliber of high school program all of the appropriate courses, non–traditional students, and
and principal and counselor comments. The University may international students. The absence of any particular compo-
consider nonacademic factors in its admission decisions, in- nent of high school course work should not be an insurmount-
cluding information it receives on an applicant’s leadership able barrier to admission. Michigan State University urges all
qualities, exceptional talents, conduct and citizenship record. interested individuals to apply for admission.
Typically, the most important element in the admissions pro-
cess is high school academic achievement. Applicants who are High School Curricular Requirements: We recognize that
clearly admissible will be granted admission pending confir- adequate preparation for collegiate level programs demands
mation of satisfactory status with regard to final grades and comprehensive work in the academic subject matter areas and
other admission criteria. substantial training in writing. High school course work re-
Priority is given to applicants who have strong high school quirements provide the foundation on which university work
records supported by comparable test scores. The chief aca- is built by providing basic competencies in the following areas:
demic officer of the University has authority to grant waivers
of usual entrance requirements. English: Four (4) years of college preparatory composition
Admission to the University is conditioned upon the and literature courses. The ability to comprehend what is be-
applicant providing accurate and current admissions ing read and to read critically is fundamental for success in
information and upon the applicant updating such data if college. A student must come to college with the basic ability to
circumstances arise that make the previously provided recognize assumptions, to identify intentions, to recognize the
information inaccurate, misleading or incomplete in an various forms of literary expressions, and to understand and

react to the author's message. It is expected that a high school Recommended Electives: The courses noted above consti-
student is familiar with a wide range of literature represent- tute basic preparation for degree programs in the University.
ing all literary forms and drawn from a variety of cultures. To further broaden academic preparation, to enhance the
Clarity of expression is also important. College programs probability for success, and to maximize their educational op-
typically require the ability to organize, present and evaluate portunities at the University, students are advised to consider
information and concepts in written form. A student must be additional college preparatory electives in the fine arts (mu-
able to use the conventions of written English to convey ideas sic, art, drama), computer science, debate, English, history,
in an effective and efficient manner. The successful student journalism, foreign languages, mathematics, speech, statis-
will be able to write analytically and critically, to construct ar- tics and probability, biological sciences, social sciences, and
guments, and to see relationships between content and form, the physical sciences. Basic computer skills are important
while reorganizing, revising, and refining to achieve a logical complements to work in most disciples.
sequence of ideas leading to a conclusion.

Mathematics: Three (3) years of college preparatory mathe-

matics, including two years of algebra and one year of geome- Advanced Payments and Deposits
try. College bound students must understand the language, Refer to Costs in the General Information section of this cata-
notation and deductive nature of mathematics and be able to log for information.
express quantitative ideas with precision. They must have
skill in such basics as the solution of equations and inequali-
ties, and the simplification of algebraic expressions. Students
who take less than four years of mathematics in high school, or College Achievement Admission Program
who do not take mathematics in their senior year, often find it
The College Achievement Admission Program is an alterna-
necessary to make up a deficiency prior to beginning work in
tive admissions procedure for students who have academic po-
their major area of concentration. Students are strongly ad-
tential, but who, because of their economic, cultural, or
vised to pursue mathematics courses beyond the three–year
educational background or environment, would be unable to
minimum required for admission. In particular, it is recom-
realize that potential without special supportive services.
mended that a calculus preparatory course be included.
Michigan State University makes special services available to
disadvantaged students through the Office of Supportive
Biological and Physical Sciences. Two (2) years of college
Services, described below.
preparatory science courses from the areas of biology, chemis-
Students admitted to the University under the College
try, physics, and earth science. As science and technology be-
Achievement Admission Program should commit themselves
come increasingly important in everyday life, college bound
to reduced credit loads while completing required remedial
students, in particular, need an understanding of fundamen-
work and to regular, intensive use of the special services avail-
tal scientific concepts. They must know enough about labora-
able through the Office of Supportive Services.
tory and field work to ask appropriate scientific questions and
to recognize experimental approaches to the solution of such
questions. They should understand in some depth scientific
concepts and should have some experience in laboratory meth- Office of Supportive Services
ods. Additional science courses are highly recommended, par- The Office of Supportive Services (OSS), located in Room 209
ticularly if a student is considering a scientific or technical Bessey Hall, is an academic support unit specifically designed
field of study. for College Achievement Admission Program (CAAP) stu-
dents and other MSU students, who, for various reasons, have
History and the Social Sciences: Three (3) years of college not had sufficient opportunities to prepare for the rigorous de-
preparatory work in history and the social sciences with at mands of higher education.
least one year of history and one year of social sciences (from OSS assists students in developing their abilities and skills
such areas as anthropology, economics, geography, govern- and in planning intelligently to fulfill realistic objectives and
ment, political science, psychology or sociology). Through their goals. Special services designed to facilitate the development
study of history, college bound high school students should be of coping and self–management skills in students are avail-
able to recognize historical trends and relationships. Students able. OSS services include academic advising, tutorial assis-
should understand the interactions among peoples of different tance, skill enrichment workshops, social–counseling, career
civilizations, races, and cultures, and know the chronology of exploration, peer counseling, graduate study planning, and
major historical events or periods and social movements. It is orientation programs.
equally important to understand the underlying political, eco- Students are encouraged to utilize the intensive services
nomic, social, or psychological forces that shape those events. regularly until they have established satisfactory academic
Students should have basic factual knowledge of major social, progress and have made the necessary adjustments to the rig-
political and economic institutions within their historical con- orous demands of the University.
text, as well as introductory knowledge of the content and con-
cepts of the social sciences. A course which shows how the
Opportunities for High Achieving Students
scientific method can be utilized in the social sciences to exam-
ine major issues and to address problems will be particularly Unusual emphasis upon undergraduate teaching and re-
useful. search makes Michigan State a particularly appropriate insti-
tution for high achieving high school graduates. The special
Foreign Languages: Two years of college preparatory work in opportunities available to them, in addition to Advanced
a single foreign language. Students intending to major in ar- Placement shown in the next paragraphs, are described in the
eas that require foreign language are encouraged to complete Scholastic Honors section.
additional work.


Advanced Placement Program similar quality is eligible to apply for admission to Michigan
Credit or advanced standing may be granted to students who State University.
have participated in the College Board Advanced Placement Admission to the University is conditioned upon the appli-
Program in their high schools. On most Advanced Placement cant providing accurate and current admissions information
Examinations a score of 3 or better will earn waivers or aca- and upon the applicant updating such data if circumstances
demic credit for equivalent courses. Students who intend to arise that make the previously provided information inaccu-
enter the University under this program should arrange to rate, misleading or incomplete in an important way. Submis-
have their Advanced Placement Examination records sent to sion of an application authorizes the University to investigate
the Office of Admissions and Scholarships. the accuracy of statements made and data provided by the ap-
plicant and those who submit materials or information on be-
half of the applicant. Falsifications, misrepresentations or
College–Level Examination Program omissions in application answers or supporting data may con-
The College Board has examinations designed to assess com- stitute grounds to deny or revoke admission to the University.
petence usually attained by taking beginning college–level Admission to the University may be denied or revoked if the
courses. Students who have matriculated at Michigan State University learns that an individual has engaged in conduct
University are not eligible for this program. The Office of that indicates to the University that the individual is not
Transfer Admissions in the Office of Admissions and Scholar- ready to be a responsible member of the University commu-
ships has additional information about the program. nity.
Transfer applicants must provide transcripts from all
International Baccalaureate Program higher education institutions attended. Acceptance is deter-
mined in the light of the applicant's previous academic record
Michigan State University accepts the results of the Interna- and his or her proposed program. Falsifications, misrepresen-
tional Baccalaureate Examination for placement and credit tations or omissions in application answers or supporting data
determination. Specific score requirements may be obtained may constitute grounds to deny or revoke admission to the
from the Office of Admissions and Scholarships. University. Out–of–state students must have an academic
record that is above average. An international student must
Opportunities for High Achieving High School Students present an academic record equal to a minimum cumulative
grade–point average of "B" (3.00) or better. The chief academic
Talented high school juniors and seniors may receive permis- officer of the University has authority to grant waivers of
sion to take one course each semester (two courses during usual entrance requirements.
summer session) at Michigan State University while pursuing Students admitted from institutions whose entrance re-
their normal high school programs. quirements, programs, and grading systems are equivalent to
A student must complete the Application for Admission for those of Michigan State University may receive full credit for
High Achieving High School Student, submit the minimum their past work. See Credits in the Undergraduate Education
high school achievement record, and be recommended by the section of this catalog.
high school counselor or principal. A student is granted per- However, the students must take such courses in their pro-
mission to enroll only in those courses which clearly represent grams as have not been covered by equivalent work. An
advanced study for the student. evaluation of transfer credit will not be made until a student
Students who enroll in a course are charged regular course has been admitted to the University and assigned to an Aca-
fees and receive MSU credit for each course successfully com- demic Orientation Program. Credits in which grades were
pleted. Students are subject to all University rules and regula- earned of any designation less than "C" (2.0), such as C minus
t io ns w h i c h a ppl y to r eg ul a r l y enr ol l ed s t u d e n t s . (less than 2.0), are not acceptable in transfer unless the stu-
Coordination of high school class schedules with enrollment at dent has a cumulative grade–point average of at least 2.00
MSU, transportation arrangements to and from the Univer- from the transferring institution.
sity, and parental approval for participation if required by the Students from two–year institutions such as community or
high school are the responsibility of the student and the high junior colleges may present a maximum of one–half the
school. number of credits required for the bachelor's degree at Michi-
gan State University. Usually 60 semester credits (90 quarter
Pre–Matriculation Dual Enrollment credits) are the maximum allowed. The University strongly
High school students who dually enroll for courses at post- urges students to complete courses that satisfy the Integra-
secondary institutions of recognized standing may receive tive Studies, Mathematics, and Tier I writing requirements
credit for work taken at these institutions for courses that and prerequisites to courses in the major prior to transferring.
have been recognized for transfer to Michigan State Univer- Students beyond sophomore standing may not earn
sity. Performance must be documented with course title and credit in two–year institutions for transfer to Michigan
grade on official transcripts from the institution. No individ- State University.
ual courses with grades below 2.0 are eligible for transfer. To Selected correspondence and extension work up to 30 cred-
qualify for application to University–level requirements, such its may be applied toward a Michigan State degree, provided
courses must be defined as direct equivalents of the MSU the credit is earned at an institution recognized by Michigan
courses. Students may check course equivalencies on ACTS IV State University. The University will grant credit for certain
at <<www.admis.msu.edu>>. college–level U.S. Armed Forces Institute courses which are
recommended by the American Council on Education. Credits
are not granted for achievement on the General Educational
Development tests.
Although acceptable courses and credits earned at another
An undergraduate student with above average grades in an- institution are recorded on the student's permanent academic
other accredited institution or international institution of record, grades are not transferred to this record. Only grades
and grade points earned at MSU appear on the Michigan
State University academic record. Thus only work completed

at this University is included in the Michigan State University 2xx: one additional course from the areas of history,
grade–point average. However, credits accepted from another literature, philosophy, religion, music or art ap-
institution are included on the Michigan State University preciation, music or art history.
transcript as part of the student's total credits earned. To be 5. Mathematics (3-5 credits)
eligible for graduation with honor, transfer students must Completion of college algebra and finite mathematics or
earn a minimum of 50 semester credits at MSU. college algebra and trigonometry, or precalculus, or calcu-
Credits Students intending to transfer to MSU may consult the
Web-based transfer equivalences (ACTS IV) for their institu-
Courses at Michigan State are given on a "semester" basis, tion through <<http://www.admis.msu.edu>>.
and credits earned are semester credits. To convert semester 1
credits to the “term” or “quarter” basis employed in certain MSU students are not covered by the full set of arrangements below. MSU students may
only transfer courses defined as direct equivalents. Consult with Transfer Credit Evalua-
other institutions, multiply by 3/2. To convert term credits to tions in the Office of Admissions and Scholarships.

semester credits, multiply by 2/3. 2

A number of science-based programs require alternate tracks with specified disciplinary
courses. Consult requirements for the major or contact the Office of Admissions and Schol-
arships. Effective Fall 2002, all incoming transfer students must complete 8 semester
Integrative Studies, Mathematics, and Writing Requirements credit hours in Integrative Studies-General Science. To meet the new requirement, stu-
dents must complete a biological science class, a physical science class, and a minimum of

Transfer students are expected to meet Michigan State Uni- one laboratory class for a total of 8 credits.
versity's Integrative Studies, Mathematics, and Tier I Writing Completion of this set of courses also completes the Tier I Writing requirement.

requirements which are similar but not identical to general 4

Mathematics requirements for certain majors are more extensive than the University re-

education requirements elsewhere, either by completing ap- quirement. Consult requirements for the major or contact the Office of Admissions and
propriate MSU courses or by transferring courses and credits
which are evaluated as acceptable equivalents for MSU
courses. Michigan State University is a consenting institution
of the Michigan Association of Collegiate Registrars and Ad-
missions Officers (MACRAO) general education agreement. Michigan State University is authorized under immigration
Students transferring after earning an appropriate associate regulations to enroll nonimmigrant students and welcomes
degree from one of the consenting MACRAO public junior or applications from such persons. An international student is
community colleges in Michigan will be deemed to have com- defined as a person holding a nonimmigrant visa.
pleted the Integrative Studies, Mathematics, and Tier I Writ- A prospective student should write for instructions and ap-
ing requirements for a degree at MSU IF THEY HAVE plication forms to the Office of Admissions and Scholarships,
SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED THE SPECIFIC COURSES Administration Building, Michigan State University, East
MUTUALLY AGREED TO BY THE TWO INSTITUTIONS. Lansing, Michigan 48824–1046, at least one year before the
Students anticipating transferring to MSU should secure a anticipated semester of enrollment. Applications must be re-
current curriculum guide from their adviser or request one ceived at least 90 days prior to the beginning of the semester in
from the MSU Office of Admissions and Scholarships during which the student expects to enroll. If the application is ap-
the early stage of their academic work. proved, a certificate of acceptance to the University and a
Form I–20 will be mailed. No prospective international stu-
dent should plan to enter the United States before receiving
both a certificate of acceptance and an I–20. It will be neces-
Evaluation of Credits for Transfer Students for Michigan State sary to present the I–20 upon application for a student visa,
University Integrative Studies, Mathematics, and Tier I Writing and again upon arrival in the United States. Students apply-
Courses1 ing for a J–1 Exchange Visitor visa will need to present a Form
Courses from accredited colleges which are acceptable equiva- IAP–66 to obtain a visa. This form is available from the stu-
lents that may be used by transfer students for MSU Integra- dent's sponsor or the Division of International Students and
tive Studies, Mathematics, and Tier I Writing courses include: Scholars. The Office of Admissions and Scholarships remains
1. Tier I Writing, (4 credits) in direct contact with each applicant.
May be satisfied by completion of the English composition Students from abroad educated in academic systems whose
requirement at another institution. requirements are the same as 12 years in an elementary and
2. Integrative Studies in Biological and Physical Sciences, secondary college preparatory education program in the
(7 credits)2 United States may apply for admission. An applicant's aca-
May be satisfied by a combination of one biological science demic record should be equal to a cumulative grade–point av-
and one physical science course, one of which must in- erage of "B" (3.00) or better earned at an American secondary
clude a laboratory experience. school. Individual colleges and departments may require a
3. Integrative Studies in Social, Behavioral, and Economics higher grade–point average.
Sciences, (8 credits) Admission consideration is based on academic subjects
200 level: one course from the disciplines of cultural an- only; technical–vocational subjects are not considered. The
thropology, economics, human or economic geography, po- chief academic officer of the University has authority to grant
litical science, psychology, sociology. waivers of usual entrance requirements.
300 level: Community college transfers must complete All records of any previous schooling (mark sheets, tran-
this requirement through MSU. Interdisciplinary social scripts, diplomas, certificates, etc.) must be submitted as offi-
science courses from four-year institutions may be trans- cial documents directly from each institution. These records
ferable. must show courses taken and grades earned, and must be
4. Integrative Studies in Arts and Humanities, (8 credits) translated into English if the original records are in another
201: one course in American history plus completion language. If a translation is supplied, it should be certified as
of one year of composition.3 accurate and correct by an appropriate public or school offi-
cial, or sponsoring agency or government. The original record
should also be included.


Canadian students and students in American dependent Minimum Scores for Provisional Admission
schools, U.S. overseas schools, and similar institutions will International applicants who have acceptable academic cre-
have enrolled in programs essentially parallel to those in the dentials may be admitted to MSU on a provisional basis with
American educational system. Students who have completed scores between 450 and 550 (paper version) or 133 and 213
only Form V ("0" level work) are not eligible for admission to (computer version) on the TOEFL or between 60 and 83 on the
Michigan State University. MELAB or between 60 and 80 on the English Language Cen-
International students must provide evidence of financial ter Test.
ability to meet their educational and maintenance expenses Provisionally admitted students must take classes at the
for each year of proposed study at MSU before the certificate of English Language Center, and restrictions are placed on the
acceptance to the University will be mailed. The University number of academic courses that they may take. Any interna-
may require advance deposit of funds from students whose tional student admitted provisionally because of an English
countries are experiencing severe economic problems or place language deficiency must correct the deficiency within one cal-
tight restrictions on exchange of currency into U.S. dollars. endar year.
Students should not expect financial aid from the University.
Students who enter the United States with a Form I–20
from another institution should be aware that they must en-
roll at that school before they are eligible to transfer to Michi- Required English Language Center Attendance
gan State University. Such transfers require both formal
admission to the University and approval of the U.S. Immigra- As the language requirement is a University policy, a decision
tion and Naturalization Service. by the English Language Center for a student to enroll in its
program is binding and is not negotiable by the student. Stu-
Advanced Standing
dents who are required to attend ELC classes are obligated to
show good class attendance and make an earnest effort to re-
Forms of education beyond 12 years of elementary and secon- move the language deficiency as soon as possible. The ELC
dary school in the United States may be recognized. For exam- program must be satisfactorily completed before regular ad-
ple, students completing Form VI ("A" level work) may apply mission status may be granted.
with the expectation of receiving advanced standing credit for See Costs in the General Information section and the Eng-
academic courses. lish Language Center in the College of Arts and Letters section
of Academic Programs for additional information.
English Language Proficiency Requirement
All international applicants for undergraduate programs
whose first language is not English must be able to demon-
strate their English language proficiency. Undergraduate stu- International Student Accident and Health Insurance
dents may be admitted on regular status or on provisional International students are required to have health and acci-
status. Those applicants who do not demonstrate English lan- dent insurance. Students are required to purchase the MSU
guage proficiency must fulfill the requirements stated below Student Accident and Health Insurance Plan unless they have
as part of the admissions procedure. evidence of alternative insurance equal in benefits and provi-
sions to the MSU plan. Fees for the student's insurance are in-
Minimum Requirement for Regular Admission cluded with the bill for tuition and fees during registration.
Waivers to allow purchase of alternative plans must be ap-
All international applicants are required to be proficient in proved by the Benefits Office, 140 Nisbet Building.
English as a condition for regular admission to MSU. Appli-
cants will be required to demonstrate their proficiency by
meeting certain minimum standards on any one of the follow-
ing tests:
1. Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) (Educa-
tional Testing Service, Box 899, Princeton, New Jersey
08549, USA). A total score of 550 (paper version) or 213 Any undergraduate student whose enrollment at this Univer-
(computer version) or above with no subscores below 52 sity is interrupted for any reason so that he or she is not en-
(paper version) or 19 (computer version) is required. The rolled for three consecutive semesters, including the Summer
official report must be received by the English Language Sessions, or who was recessed or dismissed from the Univer-
Center directly from the Educational Testing Service. sity, or who has completed prior courses of study, should ob-
2. Michigan English Language Assessment Battery (ME- tain an application for readmission from the Office of the
LAB) (Testing and Certification Division, The English Registrar, 150 Administration Building. This application
Language Institute, The University of Michigan, Ann Ar- should be completed and returned to the Office of the Regis-
bor, Michigan 48109, USA). An average score of 83 or trar at least one month prior to the beginning of the semester
higher with no subscores below 80 is required. The official in which the student expects to resume studies. The applica-
report must be received by the English Language Center tion also can be submitted through the University's website,
directly from the University of Michigan. <<www.reg.msu.edu>>.
3. English Language Center Test (English Language Center Students applying for readmission after academic recess or
[ELC], Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michi- dismissal should refer to the section on Readmission After
gan 48824–1035, USA). An average score of 80 to 85 with Academic Recess or Dismissal.
no subscores below 80, or an average score above 85 with
no subscores below 78, is required.

Academic Orientation

ACADEMIC ORIENTATION der to fulfill the University graduation requirement in mathe-

matics or degree program requirements, will complete Mathe-
matics 1825. For additional information, refer to the
statement on Remedial–Developmental–Preparatory Courses.
ACADEMIC ORIENTATION PROGRAMS Students who have questions about their placement should
consult with the Mathematics representative during the
All new freshman and transfer students are required to attend Academic Orientation Program (AOP).
an Academic Orientation Program (AOP). Freshmen who en-
ter Fall Semester attend a one and one–half day Academic Ori-
entation Program in the summer. Transfer students who Foreign Language
enter Fall Semester attend a one–day Academic Orientation A student who has studied a foreign language in high school
Program in the summer. Students who enter Spring Semester and (1) wishes to enroll for a course in the language or (2)
or Summer session attend a one–day Academic Orientation wishes to use it to meet the graduation requirement in an aca-
Program immediately preceding the first day of classes for demic program must take a placement test in that language.
that semester. However, all students who have studied foreign language in
During the Academic Orientation Program students take high school are encouraged to take the relevant placement
academic placement tests, visit with staff and faculty mem- test. Students transferring college credit in a foreign language
bers from the college of their declared major preference or ma- are not required to take a placement test.
jor, see academic advisers, receive additional information Language placement tests in French, Spanish, and German
concerning their transfer credit evaluations (transfer stu- are given during the Academic Orientation Program. Web-
dents only), receive assistance in preparing class schedules, based versions are anticipated within the next few years. For
and enroll for classes. further information contact the appropriate department: Ro-
All freshman and transfer students are required to submit mance and Classical Languages, 256 Horticulture Building;
Reservation Request Cards to indicate that they will attend an or Germanic, Slavic, Asian and African Languages, A614
Academic Orientation Program or are exempt from required Wells Hall.
attendance. Students who do not submit Reservation Request
Cards as required will have their admission to the University
cancelled. Students will receive Reservation Request Cards REMEDIAL—DEVELOPMENTAL—PREPARATORY
when they receive information concerning the Academic Ori- COURSES
entation Programs.
The policy governing remedial–developmental–preparatory
types of courses was established to protect the academic stan-
ACADEMIC PLACEMENT TESTS dards of Michigan State University undergraduate degrees
while at the same time reinforcing the University's commit-
Each entering undergraduate student will take one or more ment to assist students in remedying their academic deficien-
placement tests depending on the nature of the student's pre- cies in fundamental skill areas. The policy serves to motivate
vious academic program and intended academic program at students to overcome their deficiencies while ensuring that all
MSU. The results of these tests will be utilized by the student students complete a minimum of 120 credits of college level
and the academic adviser in the development of an academic work as a condition of graduation.
program. Following is a brief explanation of the use of the vari- The five types of remedial–developmental–preparatory
ous placement tests: courses are described below:
Type I: Single courses designed to remedy deficiencies identified by MSU
placement test scores. The removal of any such deficiencies, either by one retest
English Composition or by passing the course, is required as a condition for graduation. Credits
Placement in English Composition (ATL) is determined based earned are included in all University computations except the total number re-
quired for graduation.
on relevant ACT or SAT scores or by writing samples. There Type II: Course sequences designed to remedy deficiencies identified by
are three levels of placement in American Thought and Lan- MSU placement test scores. The removal of any such deficiencies, either by one
guage: Honors (ATL 195H); regular (ATL 110–150); and de- retest or by passing the courses, is required as a condition for graduation. More
velopmental (ATL 1004/0102). Students placed into ATL than the usual number of contact hours may be required. Credits earned are in-
cluded in all University computations except the total number required for
1004/0102 subsequently enroll in any ATL course numbered graduation.
110–150. Type III: Courses designed to remedy deficiencies identified by MSU place-
ment test scores. The removal of such deficiencies, either by one retest or by
passing the course, is required only as a condition for entry into some degree pro-
Mathematics (Algebra) grams, and is required as a condition for graduation only for students in those
programs. More than the usual number of contact hours may be required. Cred-
All freshmen are required to take the Mathematics Placement its earned are included in all University computations and are included in the
Test. Those transfer students who must take introductory total number required for graduation .
mathematics or statistics courses to meet University or pro- Type IV: Courses that students place into because of inadequate scores on
gram requirements are required to take the placement test. MSU placement tests that identify relevant skill deficiencies, although they do
not measure knowledge in the course material. The removal of skill deficiencies
Students who are transferring specific college course credit is not part of the course objectives. It is expected that students will be enrolled
should enroll in the next level course, as appropriate to their concurrently in Type I and/or Type II and/or Type III courses for purposes of
program. remedying those deficiencies. More than the usual number of contact hours may
Students are urged to take the test via the Web before Aca- be required. Credits earned are included in all University computations and are
included in the total number required for graduation .
demic Orientation preferably before May 15th. The test can be Type V: Courses that may be required by departments or colleges for some
accessed through <<http://www.mth.msu.edu>>. However, a students. The course may be designed either to prepare the student to handle
student who wishes to complete the University mathematics the subject matter of a required entry level college course, or to improve his or
requirement by waiver must complete the test in a proctored her study skills or ability to make productive use of University offerings in gen-
eral. More than the usual number of contact hours may be required. Credits
setting to be eligible for the waiver. earned are included in all University computations except the total required for
Each student whose score on the mathematics test shows a graduation .
deficiency, and who is required to remove that deficiency in or-
Academic Orientation

Remedial–developmental–preparatory courses may not carry numbers sisting with existing options and building strong learning
above the 100 level and may not be offered under variable content numbers.
The removal of academic deficiencies, which would preclude graduation from
communities throughout the residential system. See also Liv-
Michigan State University, should have the highest priority in student program ing and Learning at <<http://www.admis.msu.edu>>.
planning. Drops from Type I and Type II courses should not normally be proc-
essed except to facilitate transfer between sections. If a course overload requires
that a student drop one or more courses in a specific semester, courses in the
regular program of studies shall be dropped in preference to those designed to STUDENT RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES
remove deficiencies.
The University Committee on Curriculum controls the number of remedial- Refer to the statement on Student Rights and Responsibilities
developmental–preparatory courses and assures conformity of such courses in the General Information section of this catalog.
with existing policy.
Upon recommendation by the University Committee on Curriculum, the
Academic Council approves remedial–developmental–preparatory courses by
type. Such courses are identified by an Arabic numeral immediately following
the three–digit course number.
Office of the Provost

HOUSING INFORMATION Bonita Pope Curry, Director

Information regarding University housing is sent to each All undergraduate students who have been admitted to Michi-
freshman and transfer student entering Fall Semester with gan State University with fewer than 56 credits are enrolled
the letter of admission. Information regarding University in the Undergraduate University Division (UUD), with the ex-
housing is sent to each freshman and transfer student enter- ception of lower division students who are enrolled in James
ing Spring Semester or Summer session after the letter of ad- Madison College, the College of Nursing, and Lyman Briggs
mission has been issued. Former students may apply for School. The academic responsibility for all students who are
housing after their applications for readmission have been ac- enrolled in the UUD rests solely with the UUD. Academic re-
cepted. All returning students will be accommodated in on- sponsibility includes such functions as monitoring students'
campus housing as space is available, regardless of their class academic progress and making decisions concerning retention
standing. See University Housing Policy in the General Infor- and recess or dismissal. All students who are enrolled in the
mation section of this catalog, and visit the University Hous- UUD must select and be accepted for admission to a degree-
ing website <<www.hrs.msu.edu>>. granting college by the time they reach junior standing (56
The mission of the UUD is to help undergraduate students
LIVING AND LEARNING COMMUNITIES to achieve their academic goals at MSU. The services of the
Michigan State University pioneered the model for living and UUD are provided by the Student Academic Affairs unit and
learning communities. The Brody complex, East Campus, and the Learning Resources Center. The staff in these units pro-
South Campus halls were originally designated as living- vides personal attention to students in assisting them to maxi-
learning complexes when established in the 1960's. In addi- mize their potential and achieve academic success.
tion to the usual facilities of traditional residence halls, each
complex includes classrooms, lecture halls, faculty offices, an
Undergraduate University Division advising office and a ENROLLMENT IN THE UNDERGRADUATE
Learning Resources Center Evening Tutoring Program. UNIVERSITY DIVISION
Each complex provides an opportunity for students to relate
to a smaller unit of the University and to participate in various Many students come to the University uncertain as to a pre-
social and cultural activities. A range of University courses is ferred area of academic interest. Many other students find
scheduled in each living–learning complex, facilitating stu- that their academic interests shift or expand as they are intro-
dent and faculty interaction outside the classroom. Living- duced to the many and varied academic experiences associ-
learning is based on the premise that the cultural and ated with attendance at the University. Students who are
intellectual life of the student is enhanced when the educa- undecided about their fields of study may select the No-
tional process extends beyond the classroom into the total en- Preference option at the time of admission or at a later time.1
vironment of the residence halls. Students with interests in specific fields of study may declare
Students in the Honors College have the opportunity to se- major preferences related to those fields.
lect honors–only floors. James Madison College and the Ly- The No–Preference option allows students to investigate the
man Briggs School remain highly visible four–year wide variety of majors available at MSU. Advisers in UUD's
residentially based academic programs. In addition, a range of Student Academic Affairs unit serve as the advisers for stu-
new, shorter–term options addressing student academic in- dents who select the No–Preference option. The advisers as-
terests have merged. These include ROSES, for students in- sist students with major and career advice and course
terested in the sciences, engineering, or agriculture; RISE, for selection.
students interested in the study of the environment; and Students who declare major preferences are assigned to aca-
ROIAL, for students devoted to the arts and humanities. demic advisers in the colleges of their major preferences.
Entering students may elect placement in classes shared by However, UUD advisers are also available to these students.
others in their residence hall to facilitate study groups as well 1
Certain major and degree programs specify the completion of particular courses or se-

as to forge personal relationships. Residence Life staff are quences of courses during the freshman and sophomore years. Students who have not
completed such courses or sequences early in their programs of study may need additional
committed to enhancing the living–learning experience by as- time to meet the requirements for those programs.

Academic Advisement


The advisers in UUD's Student Academic Affairs unit assist
and guide students to the selection of a major, monitor their
academic progress, provide academic advising, guide students ACADEMIC ADVISEMENT
toward activities that are designed to enhance their personal
and professional growth, and make appropriate referrals to Each student is responsible for knowing University, college,
enable students to take advantage of all of the other resources and department or school requirements as stated in the cata-
and services that the University offers. Students are assigned log and in college and department or school printed materials.
advisers as they enter the University. The advisers are read- To assist the student in interpreting policies and require-
ily accessible in designated residence halls, as well as in the ments, academic advisement is provided through the colleges
central classroom buildings listed below: and the Undergraduate University Division. Each college will
provide students with information about its advising system.
170 Bessey for students living off–campus or in Phillips, Students are strongly encouraged to consult regularly with an
Snyder, Mason, Abbot, Williams, Yakeley/Gilchrist, adviser. Students may also check progress to their degree by
Campbell, Landon, Mayo, and Shaw residence halls. Call using Degree Navigator, available through the MSU com-
355–3515. puter labs.
The advising programs in the several colleges vary in spe-
229 East Akers for students living on the East Cam- cific details. Each student is assigned to an adviser, or to ad-
pus–Akers, Fee, Holmes, Hubbard, and McDonel resi- visers in an advisement center, for academic advice and
dence halls. Call 353–6387. educational and career planning within the area of his or her
field of study. A No–Preference student is advised in a Student
109 Brody for students living in the Brody Complex –Arm- Affairs Office of the Undergraduate University Division. See
strong, Bailey, Bryan, Emmons, and Rather residence the Undergraduate University Division and the Admission to
halls. Call 353–3863. a Degree College sections of this catalog for further informa-
S–33 Wonders for students living on the South Cam- Academic advising in all colleges is a continuing process in
pus–Case, Wilson, Wonders, and Holden residence halls. which a student and adviser discuss possible options, first, in
Call 353–1660. the student's total educational program; second, in specific
fields of study; and third, in potential careers, in order that the
For additional information, email uud@msu.edu or visit student may make intelligent choices. Academic advising also
<<www.msu.edu/unit/uud>>. includes interpretation of the MSU catalog and printed guid-
ance materials provided by the student's college and depart-
ment or school and referral to other University resources for
academic, vocational, and personal assistance as needed.


LEARNING RESOURCES CENTER Students may be admitted as freshmen to James Madison Col-
The Learning Resources Center (LRC) offers one-on-one lege and Lyman Briggs School. Students who have completed
course specific tutoring, study skills related seminars and the prerequisite courses for admission to the College of Nurs-
workshops, and a fully equipped computer learning lab. The ing may apply during the freshman year for subsequent ad-
LRC's goal is to assist students in developing strategies and mission. Any student who has reached junior standing by
techniques essential to becoming successful students. LRC earning 56 credits must be admitted to a degree–granting col-
services are available at the main office in 209J Ernst Bessey lege to continue as a student at Michigan State University.
ACCEPTANCE BY A DEGREE COLLEGE . A student will be ac-
Hall, the Computer/Learning Lab in 204 Ernst Bessey Hall
and three offsite locations: 140 Akers Hall, 144B Brody Hall cepted by a degree college provided he or she:
and Classroom 1, Wilson Hall. 1. Has earned a minimum of 56 credits,
Services available at the main office include: 2. Is in good standing,1
1. On-on-one course specific assistance with trained tutors. 3. Has the required grade–point average in designated com-
2. Registration for workshops and seminars. binations or sequences of courses within the 56 credit
At the Computer/Learning Lab, students may: minimum (see Requirements for Admission to the College
1. Use interactive study support software to enhance and de- as a Junior in the appropriate college section of the cata-
velop skills. log), and
2. View classroom materials placed on reserve by 4. Is selected for admission by the duly established selection
instructors. committee in any department, college, or school where a
3. Use online computers with laser printing and scanning specific limitation on enrollment has been established.
TEACHER CERTIFICATION . For information about teacher
At the residence hall locations, the following services are certification opportunities, options, and requirements, refer to
available: the statement on Teacher Certification in the Department of
1. One-on-one course specific tutoring on a walk-in basis. Teacher Education section of this catalog.
2. Evening workshops on study skills related subjects of-
fered through the Residence Hall Association. who fail to meet the requirements for admission to the degree
For additional information, or to schedule appointments or college of their choice but have earned a minimum of 56 credits
make seminar and workshop reservations, call 355-2363 or and are in good standing1 may:
visit <<www.msu.edu/~lrc>>. 1. Apply immediately for acceptance by another degree col-
lege, or

Academic Advisement

2. Transfer to an appropriate program in the College of Arts ter excluding credits for any course carried as a visitor. Stu-
and Letters, Social Science, or Natural Science. dents should determine the specific requirements from the ap-
Refer to the statement on Academic Standing of Undergraduate Students for additional
propriate agency or contact the Office of Financial Aid.
information. Credit equivalents of non–credit courses and credits for any
course carried as a visitor are included in the total credits with
respect to fees and maximum credit load permitted.


Selection of a field of study as a major preference may be made
ENROLLMENT at the time the application for admission is submitted. Any
student entering the University with fewer than 56 credits
Enrollment is the selection of courses for a semester schedule may choose to enter without a major preference, No-
from the student's Academic Progress Plan previously devel- Preference. A No–Preference student defers declaring a major
oped but continually reviewed with the academic adviser. preference or major until there has been an opportunity to
sample courses from a variety of fields under special academic
advising directed by a Student Affairs Office of the Under-
CLASSIFICATION OF STUDENTS graduate University Division. A major must be selected bef-
ore junior standing (56 credits) is reached.
For purposes of enrollment, and determining eligibility for Certain academic programs which specify particular
certain student activities, a classification of students by year courses or sequences of courses during the first two years may
is made by the Office of the Registrar at the end of each semes- require more than eight semesters for completion of the de-
ter on the basis of the number of credits earned and according gree program.
to the following schedule:
Credits Earned Class
less than 28 Freshman CHANGING A MAJOR
28 to 55 Sophomore
FRESHMEN AND SOPHOMORES . Undergraduate University Di-
56 to 87 Junior vision students with 55 or fewer credits initiate changes of ma-
88 and above Senior jor preference either in the office of the assistant dean of the
college major or in the appropriate Undergraduate University
Division Student Affairs Office noted above.
REGISTRATION JUNIORS AND SENIORS . A student wishing to change a major

Registration is the process of securing classes for which one in one degree college to a major in another degree college (or
has enrolled by payment of charges due. Completion of this within the same college) must initiate the change in the office
process generates official University and class records for use of the assistant dean of the college to which the student wishes
by faculty and staff. to transfer. If the change is approved, it becomes effective at
the beginning of the next semester.
The student must meet the requirements for graduation
given in the catalog current at the time the change is effective.
PERIOD COVERED BY REGISTRATION Twenty credits must be completed while enrolled in the major
Refer to the statement on Period Covered by Registration in in the college in which the degree is to be earned.
The Academic Program section of this catalog.


SEMESTER CREDIT LOAD MSU students may attend other institutions as Guest Stu-
All undergraduate programs of study require a minimum of dents or Non–matriculated Students for short periods, either
120 credits. Most programs are designed so that a student during the regular academic year or in the summer, for the
starting a program as a freshman may finish it in 8 semesters purpose of earning credit for transfer to Michigan State Uni-
by satisfactorily completing an average of 15 credits a semes- versity.
ter. In practice, students usually carry from 12 to 18 credits a Students planning to attend accredited Michigan institu-
semester depending on personal circumstances and the cho- tions should use the Michigan Uniform Undergraduate Guest
sen program of study. Students with less than a 2.50 grade–- Application form which may be obtained from the host institu-
point average (GPA) the preceding semester should not enroll tion, from the Undergraduate University Division at MSU, or
for more than 15 or 16 credits except when required by the spe- from the Office of Transfer Admissions in the Office of Admis-
cific program. Only under unusual circumstances will a stu- sions and Scholarships at MSU. Students who wish to attend
dent be permitted to carry more than 20 credits. non–Michigan institutions should obtain application forms
A student with less than satisfactory academic performance from the host institution.
may be required to take a reduced credit load as a condition of The Michigan Uniform Undergraduate Guest Application
continued registration in the University. form must be completed and signed by the student's academic
Students must carry at least 12 credits a semester in order assistant dean if the student has a cumulative grade–point av-
to: erage of less than 2.00. Following approval by the assistant
1. Participate in intercollegiate athletics. dean, the application form must be checked in the Office of the
2. Qualify for the Dean's Honor List for the semester. Registrar where the seal of the University will be affixed. If
Most scholarships, awards, and financial aids are limited to the student has a minimum GPA of 2.00, the guest application
undergraduate students carrying at least 12 credits a semes- is processed entirely in the Office of the Registrar.

Academic Opportunities

A student wishing to take courses at another Michigan insti- chased in most bookstores. The prelaw student is urged to
tution should consult an academic adviser or the ACTS IV study that handbook carefully and to discuss it with an ad-
co u r s e e q u i v a l enc y table on the Web viser in the college of his or her choice.
<<http://www.admis.msu.edu>>. Although the Handbook does not single out specific courses
A student desiring an advance evaluation of the transfer- or majors as being especially suitable for prelaw studies, it
ability of specific courses and credits from an out–of–state or does call attention to certain skills and insights which the stu-
international institution may contact the appropriate aca- dent should seek to develop, and which the LSAT attempts to
demic student affairs office and request that a Michigan State measure. These are the ability to think carefully and criti-
University Guest Course Approval form be processed. cally, to comprehend the thoughts of others and express one's
Credits for courses in which passing grades were earned of own with accuracy and clarity, and to understand critically
any designation less than "C" (2.0), such as C minus (less than the human values and institutions with which the law deals.
2.0), are not acceptable in transfer unless the student has a cu- The development of these abilities is not the monopoly of
mulative grade–point average of at least 2.00 from the trans- any one subject area, department, or school. While the Prelaw
ferring institution. This applies also to MSU–sponsored Study Handbook does discuss specific areas of study and the poten-
Abroad programs that are not taught by MSU faculty and for tial contribution each can make to prelaw education, it pref-
which courses are designated as transfer courses. aces its discussion by insisting on the importance of a prelegal
Michigan State University students beyond sophomore education of the broadest scope. Thus, a prelaw student may
standing may not earn credit in two–year institutions for trans- major in virtually any discipline, provided that the major is
fer to Michigan State. made part of a rigorous and broad education.
The following colleges at Michigan State University have
defined prelaw programs and advisers: Arts and Letters,
Business, Communication Arts and Sciences, James Madison,
and Social Science. Page references to these programs may be
found in the General Index. Additional information may be ob-
ACADEMIC OPPORTUNITIES tained from the office of the assistant dean of these and other


Michigan State University offers more than 150 study abroad
The ROTC programs provide preprofessional preparation for programs in over 50 countries including Australia, Ecuador,
future Army and Air Force officers. They are designed to de- France, Kenya, Nepal, Singapore, Thailand and Zimbabwe
velop men and women who can apply their education to their with programs ranging from two to six weeks to a semester or
initial assignments as commissioned officers. In order to re- an academic year. The programs are offered every session, in-
ceive a commission, ROTC cadets must complete all requisites cluding winter break. In many instances, costs do not exceed a
for a degree in accordance with University requirements, as semester's study on campus.
well as complete certain courses specified by the Department MSU sends the highest number of students abroad from any
of Military Science or the Department of Aerospace Studies. single campus in the United States (based on 1997-98 data).
Depending on the student's program of study, such courses For many students from various types of backgrounds, study
may supplement or serve as electives with the approval of the abroad at MSU is quickly becoming a normal and integrated
appropriate academic unit. part of the undergraduate experience and a common compo-
For details on the Air Force or Army ROTC program, refer to nent of today's higher education experience.
Department of Aerospace Studies or Department of Military Programs are offered in academic disciplines traditionally
Science in the Other Departments and Offices for Research and underrepresented in study abroad including engineering,
Services section of this catalog. communication arts and sciences, natural science and veteri-
nary medicine. Studying abroad helps students develop the
academic/intellectual, professional, personal, and intercul-
POLICY ON RESEARCH WITH tural skills and attitudes necessary to become effective and
HUMAN SUBJECTS competitive in today's increasingly interdependent world.
For additional information, visit <<www.isp.msu.edu>>
Refer to the statement on Policy on Research with Human and see Guest Status at Another Institution in the Under-
Subjects in the General Information section of this catalog. graduate Education section of this catalog.


The Prelaw Handbook, the official law school guide published AND INSTITUTES
by the Association of American Law Schools, emphasizes that The Common Market of Courses and Institutes (CMCI) is
there is not a prescribed course of study which can be recom- sponsored by the Big Ten Universities and University of Chi-
mended to all students seeking to enter law school. The two cago through the Committee on Institutional Cooperation
most important law school admission criteria, according to the (CIC). The CMCI is a mechanism for joint enrollment and re-
Handbook, are the student's undergraduate grade–point aver- imbursement by which the CIC universities can share knowl-
age and his or her score on the Law School Admission Test edge and expertise that is difficult to find and keep, and that
(LSAT). The admission policies of various law schools, and the cannot practically be maintained by more than a few universi-
degree to which they utilize other criteria as well as the above, ties.
are described in the Prelaw Handbook which may be examined Via the CMCI, students have access to unique, specialized
in the University Library or the Counseling Center, or pur- instructional resources from throughout the consortium. For

Academic Opportunities

example, the CMCI enables students to acquire seldom-

taught foreign languages for use in their research, to take part ACADEMIC STANDING
in seminars with leading researchers in their fields, and to add
subspecialties to their majors, using courses from several CIC
CIC institutions may designate summer institutes, and STUDENTS
courses or sequences of courses that are available to students
at multiple CIC campuses, as “CIC Common Market Offer-
ings.” The Common Market Institutes component requires
students to travel to the institute site. The Common Market The statement on ACADEMIC STANDING OF UNDER-
Courses component is delivered to students at locations re- GRADUATE STUDENTS (ASUS) was designed to create an
mote from the instructor, through the use of various technolo- early warning system to prevent students from getting too
gies. deeply into academic difficulty. The University requires a cu-
To participate in a Common Market Course or Institute, a mulative grade–point average (GPA) of 2.00 or above for
student must be enrolled in a degree program at a CIC institu- graduation. The statement on ASUS establishes a system
tion. The appropriate academic and administrative authori- whereby at the end of any semester that a student's cumula-
ties at both the student’s home institution and the host tive GPA falls below 2.00, the student is assigned to a warning
institution must approve a student’s enrollment in a Common status designated as probation.
Market Course or Institute. The host institution gives stu- Under the statement on ASUS, the term "probation" is the
dents from other CIC institutions first priority to fill available functional equivalent of an academic warning. Students
spaces in a Common Market Course or Institute. placed on probation retain the right to participate in all Uni-
The student enrolls at the home institution and pays regu- versity activities and retain all of the rights and privileges
lar tuition. For each Common Market Course or Institute, the available to any student who is not currently subject to aca-
offering institution sets a “CIC Common Market Program Fee” demic recess or dismissal.
to be charged and billed to the home institution of a student
who enrolls in the course or institute. A home institution may Good Standing
add a surcharge to meet any difference between tuition and
the Common Market Program Fee. A student is in good standing if the student is a new student, or
For information on CMIC offerings, call University Out- the student's cumulative grade–point average is at least 2.00.
reach (517-353-8977) or send email to outreach@msu.edu.
A student is on probation if during the most recent previous
semester in attendance, the student had been in good stand-
ing, but at the end of that semester the cumulative
grade–point average was below 2.00. Grades of I and ET are
not considered in computing this grade–point average. The pe-
CIC TRAVELING SCHOLAR PROGRAM FOR riod of probation is one semester. (If in the special case that
HONORS UNDERGRADUATES there are grade changes during that semester which result in
The Traveling Scholar Program for Honors Undergraduates is the student's cumulative grade–point average increasing to at
sponsored by the Big Ten Universities and University of Chi- least a 2.00, the student is returned to good standing.)
cago through the Committee on Institutional Cooperation Students on probation may be required to see an academic
(CIC). Juniors and seniors who are members of the honors pro- adviser. If they do not, a hold may be placed on their registra-
grams at CIC universities or, where no formal honors program tion. If at the end of that semester, the cumulative grade–-
exists, are performing at an honors level, may apply for admis- point average is at least 2.00, the student is returned to good
sion to the program. The program enables selected students to standing. If not, the student will be put on final probation or
take advantage of special educational opportunities available recessed.
on the campus of one of the participating universities, but not
on the home campus. Such opportunities include special Final Probation
course offerings, library collections, and facilities. Students A student is on final probation if during the most recent pre-
participating in this program are limited to two semesters or vious semester in attendance, the student was on probation
three quarters on another campus. and at the end of the semester the cumulative grade–point av-
Qualified undergraduate students at Michigan State Uni- erage was still below 2.00 and the semester grade–point aver-
versity are eligible to apply for admission to the Traveling age was at least 2.00. (Students with fewer than 30 credits
Scholar Program for Honors Undergraduates. A CIC traveling earned at MSU must have a semester grade–point average of
scholar from Michigan State University will be registered on 1.5 or higher.) Grades of I and ET are not considered in com-
the MSU campus, and fees will be collected and kept by this in- puting the cumulative or semester grade–point average. The
stitution. No additional fees will be charged. Credit for work period of final probation is one semester. (If in the special case
taken will be accepted at this University. there are grade changes during that semester which result in
Members of MSU's Honors College who are interested in the student's grade–point average increasing to at least a
this program should contact the Director of The Honors Col- 2.00, the student is returned to good standing.)
lege for additional information.

Academic Standing

Students on final probation may be required to see an aca- Recess

demic adviser. If they do not, a hold may be placed on their reg- 1. If in any semester a student receives all semester grades
istration. At the end of the semester on final probation, the of 0.0 or I where numeric grades have been given and
cumulative grade–point average must be at least 2.00 or the there are at least 6 credits of 0.0, the student will be re-
student will be recessed. An exception to this can be made for cessed unless there are compelling reasons certified to the
students with 30 or fewer credits earned at MSU. If such a stu- record by the assistant dean of the student's college. If re-
dent has shown substantial progress during the semester and cessed, the student must remain out of MSU for at least
the evidence suggests that the student would attain good one full academic year.
standing in one more semester, the student may be granted 2. If at the end of a semester during which the student was
one additional semester on (extended) final probation at the on probation the cumulative grade–point average is still
discretion of the assistant dean of the student's college. below 2.00 and the semester grade–point average is below
2.00 (1.5 for students with less than 30 credits earned at
Warning for Repeats MSU), the student will be recessed. The student must re-
At the discretion of the assistant dean of the student's college a main out of MSU for at least one full academic year.
student is normally put on warning for repeats after repeating 3. If at the end of a semester during which the student was
between 10 and 14 credits . Students on warning for repeats on final probation the cumulative grade–point average is
may be required to see an academic adviser before enrolling not at least 2.00, the student will be recessed. The student
for any subsequent semester. If they do not, a hold may be must remain out of MSU for at least one full academic
placed on their registration. At the end of the semester in year.
which 21 or more credits have been repeated, the student is 4. If a student has previously been put on warning for lack of
dismissed. satisfactory progress in the major and at the end of any
subsequent semester the student is not making satisfac-
tory progress, the student will be recessed (with the possi-
Warning for Lack of Satisfactory Progress ble exception as noted in the section on warning for lack of
Toward the Bachelor's Degree satisfactory progress.) A student recessed for lack of satis-
The expected time frame for full–time undergraduate stu- factory progress in the major must remain out of MSU for
dents to complete a bachelor's degree is 12 semesters except in a least one full academic year.
extenuating circumstances. For each semester in which an un- After a recessed student has been out of MSU for the pre-
dergraduate student enrolls for fewer than 12 credits, that se- scribed period, the student may be readmitted to MSU at the
mester will count toward the 12 semester limit as follows: discretion of the appropriate assistant dean. If readmitted,
9–11 credits count as 3/4 of a semester; 6–8 credits count as 1/2 the student will be put on probation, final probation, or warn-
of a semester; fewer than 6 credits counts as 1/4 of a semester. ing for lack of progress as appropriate, and the assistant dean
Minimally, full–time enrolled students are expected to pass 18 may impose specific conditions in writing that must be met. A
credits during two consecutive semesters as a measure of nor- second recess is dismissal.
mal progress toward the degree. If at the end of two consecu-
tive semesters a full–time student has not completed a total of Dismissal
18 credits with passing grades or pending grade markers, the
student will be placed on warning for lack of satisfactory prog- 1. If a student has previously been recessed or dismissed, re-
ress by the appropriate assistant dean. It is expected that admitted, and again meets one of the criteria 1–4 for re-
part–time students will pass 75% of the credits taken over the cess or has failed to comply with the specific written
past four semesters of enrollment. Students who fail to meet conditions imposed at the time of readmission, the stu-
any of the above criteria must be given a written statement of dent will be dismissed.
the criteria they must satisfy to progress satisfactorily. 2. At the end of a semester in which 21 or more credits have
been repeated the student will be dismissed.
Students who have been dismissed must remain out of
Warning for Lack of Satisfactory Progress in the Major school for at least two years. After that period, they may be re-
If at the end of a semester an upper division student is not admitted only if a convincing case can be made to the assistant
making satisfactory progress toward the degree requirements dean of the admitting college that circumstances have
stated in the catalog (e.g., a student is not taking courses in changed so that there is a reasonable probability of success.
the student's major or the student's grade–point average in Students will be readmitted on probation, final probation,
courses in the major is below the required major grade–point warning for repeats, or warning for lack of progress in the ma-
average), or the student's semester grade–point average is be- jor as appropriate, and specific conditions in writing will be
low 2.00, the student may be put on warning for lack of satis- imposed.
factory progress in the major at the discretion of the assistant
dean of the student's college. Such students must be given a
written statement of the criteria they must satisfy to progress READMISSION AFTER ACADEMIC RECESS
satisfactorily. Students on warning for lack of satisfactory OR DISMISSAL
progress in the major may be required to see an academic ad-
viser before enrolling. If they do not, a hold may be placed on
After Academic Recess
their registration. If a student has been on warning for lack of
satisfactory progress and is not making satisfactory progress The recessed student is normally allowed a second chance to
in any subsequent semester, the student will normally be re- demonstrate satisfactory academic performance. Therefore,
cessed. However, if lack of satisfactory progress is due to poor he or she may apply for readmission to be effective at the con-
grades in the major courses and the student is otherwise in clusion of the specified period of recess. The student may be re-
good standing, the student would be permitted (even encour- quired to submit a report of activities during the period of
aged) to remain at MSU if the student changed to a more ap- recess. The report may be used as one kind of evidence regard-
propriate major. ing readiness to return. If the student has attended another

Academic Standing

institution while on recess, he or she must submit an official more than 120 credits. See program degree requirements
transcript and have earned at least a 2.00 grade–point aver- for specific totals.
age (GPA), or its equivalent, to be considered for readmission. 1
For students who are enrolled in Lyman Briggs School, the completion of Lyman Briggs
School 117 or 118 satisfies the University mathematics requirement.
After Academic Dismissal For additional information, refer to the statement on the Mathematics placement test.
Mathematics 114 is the same as the course previously designated as MTH 104. Mathemat-
Academic dismissal does not imply future readmission nor ics 103 and 114 combined are equivalent to Mathematics 116. The completion of Mathe-

does it mean that the person is forever barred from enrollment matics 103 and one of the courses referenced in item 5.b.(1) may satisfy the University

at Michigan State University. After a period of at least two mathematics requirements.

years, a student dismissed for academic reasons may apply for

readmission. The applicant must be prepared to submit evi-
dence of growth in maturity and responsibility indicative of ca- Writing Requirement
pacity to perform university level work. Declarations of good Each student must complete the University's writing program
intentions are not sufficient. Each application will be consid- requirements1 as follows:
ered on its merits. If the student has attended another institu- 1. The Tier I writing requirement1 that consists of either:
tion while on dismissal, he or she must submit an official a. one 4–credit Tier I writing course2 during the first
transcript to be considered for readmission. year, or
For additional information, see Readmission Procedure in b. the developmental writing courses (American
the Undergraduate Education section of this catalog. Thought and Language 0102 and 1004)3 and one 4-
credit Tier I writing course2 during the first year.
A student who completes the Tier I writing course with
a grade of 0.0 must repeat the course. A student who com-
GRADUATION pletes the Tier I writing course with a grade of 1.0 or 1.5
must enroll in the 2–credit writing tutorial (AL 201) con-
REQUIREMENTS currently with IAH 201.
2. The Tier II writing requirement for the student's aca-
demic major and degree program. This requirement in-
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS volves writing in the student's discipline and is met by
FOR A BACHELOR'S DEGREE completing either:
a. one or more 300–400 level Tier II writing courses as
To be recommended for a bachelor's degree, a student must: specified for the student's academic major and degree
1. Complete one year's work, normally the year of gradua- program, or
tion, earning at least 30 credits in courses given by Michi- b. a cluster of 300–400 level courses that involve writ-
gan State University. A senior who has earned sufficient ing experiences and that are approved as the Tier II
credits from this University and met the minimum re- writing requirement for the student's academic ma-
quirements as stated below, through prior arrangement jor and degree program.
with the assistant dean of the college and the registrar, 1
New freshmen who have taken the College Board Advanced Placement Examination in
may be permitted to transfer not to exceed 10 of the last 30 English should consult the statement on Academic Placement Tests. Transfer students

credits from an accredited four–year college or university. 2

should consult the statement on Transfer Student Admission.

2. Earn at least 27 credits on the East Lansing campus after For students who are enrolled in James Madison College, the completion of James Madi-

reaching junior standing. son College 111 and 112 satisfies the University Tier I writing requirement. For students
who are enrolled in Lyman Briggs School, the completion of Lyman Briggs School 133 sat-
3. Complete at least 20 credits at Michigan State University isfies the University Tier I writing requirement. The other Tier I writing courses are listed

while enrolled in the major in the college in which the de- below:

gree is to be earned. American Thought and Language: 110, 115, 120, 125, 130, 135, 140, 145, 150, 195H.

4. Remove any deficiencies identified by MSU placement 3

Arts and Letters 192 and 192H.

test scores, as described in the Academic Placement Tests Based on the English placement mechanism, a student may be required to complete the

and Remedial–Developmental–Preparatory Courses sec-

developmental writing courses prior to enrolling in a Tier I writing course. The develop-
mental writing courses are administered by the Department of American Thought and
tions. Language. For additional information, refer to the statement on Academic Placement

5. Complete the University mathematics requirement1 ei- Tests.

ther by:
a. Waiver through a proctored placement examination
yielding a score which would result in placement in
Mathematics 132 (calculus);2 or Integrative Studies
b. Completion at MSU or transfer equivalent of either: A University education is designed to prepare students for
(1) One of the following courses: Mathematics lifelong learning and development. Thus, it consciously incor-
106, 110, 116,3 124, 132, 152H, 201; or Statis- porates an understanding of the major areas of knowledge
tics and Probability 200, 201 that are universally shared by educated people.
(2) Mathematics 103 and 114.3
6. Complete the University writing requirement, as de- Integrative Studies at Michigan State University are an es-
scribed below. sential complement to students' major fields of study. The pro-
7. Complete the University Integrative Studies require- gram provides students a liberal general education through a
ment, as described below. core curriculum to supplement specialized work in a major or
8. Complete satisfactorily an approved program of study in a majors. Students are required to study in three broad knowl-
college. edge areas – the arts and humanities, physical and biological
9. Complete a minimum of 120 credits with at least a 2.00 sciences, and social, behavioral and economic sciences. Inte-
grade–point average. Note that certain programs require grative Studies courses emphasize modes of inquiry and criti-
cal analysis including scientific reasoning, normative

Graduation Requirements

reasoning, and interdisciplinary approaches. They focus on in- DUAL ENROLLMENT

ternational and multicultural experience and national diver-
sity, promote understanding of the natural world, enhance
Undergraduate and Graduate
historical consciousness, and explore issues of values and
judgment. For information, refer to the Dual Enrollment by Undergradu-
The goals of integrative studies include helping students be- ates statement in the Graduate Education section of this cata-
come more familiar with the multiple ways of knowing charac- log.
teristic of intellectual activities in the arts and humanities,
sciences, and social sciences. They also challenge students to
grow in a range of intellectual abilities, become more knowl- ADDITIONAL MAJOR
edgeable about the past, present and future, develop apprecia-
tion of the roles of knowledge and values in addressing With the permission of the relevant department and college, a
problems, and become more aware of the opportunities of student who is enrolled in a bachelor's degree program may
democratic citizenship. elect to complete the requirements for an additional major. An
additional major may be completed within the number of cred-
its required for the student's bachelor's degree program or
Requirements for the Integrative Studies Program with only such additional credits necessary to satisfy the re-
The completion of a minimum of 26 credits1 in Integrative quirements for the additional major. The additional major
Studies is required for each student. consists of the specified requirements of the major and, where
Each student must earn at least the specified number of In- required, of the college.
tegrative Studies credits in each of the following three areas: A student who is interested in completing an additional ma-
(1) Arts and Humanities (8 credits); (2) Biological and Physical jor should contact the department that administers the in-
Sciences (8 credits); and (3) Social, Behavioral, and Economic tended additional major. The department completes a

1. In the Arts and Humanities area, students must com- JOR form.
plete a sequence of two courses: Integrative Studies in The completion of the additional major will be noted on the
Arts and Humanities (IAH) 201 and one other IAH course. student's final transcript. Only the primary major of the stu-
Completion of a Tier I writing course is a prerequisite for dent's bachelor's degree program will be designated on the
IAH 201. IAH 201 serves as the prerequisite for all other student's diploma.
IAH courses.
2. In the Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences
area, students must complete a sequence of two courses: TIME LIMIT FOR COMPLETING
one 200–level course and one 300 level course. The A BACHELOR'S DEGREE
200–level course is the prerequisite for the 300–level
course. There is no time limit for the completion of the bachelor's de-
3. In the Biological and Physical Sciences area, each gree. For students who have been admitted to a major, prog-
student must complete 8 credits. The 8 credits consist of 3 ress toward the degree shall be evaluated on an individual
credits in Biological Sciences, 3 credits in Physical Sci- basis after an assessment of the student's academic record
ences, and a 2–credit laboratory experience, taken concur- and degree requirements. The student shall be informed of the
rently with one of the courses. Completion of a defined remaining requirements for graduation at the time of admis-
level of mathematics is a prerequisite for courses in both sion or readmission to the major and encouraged to complete
the biological and physical sciences. his or her degree.
3.1. The Biological and Physical Sciences requirement Requirements for a major or degree program may be up-
may be met by alternative courses approved for spe- dated through the appropriate University processes. Changes
cific academic major and degree programs for stu- in a major or degree program shall be implemented in a man-
dents enrolled in those programs. ner which will not delay the graduation date or significantly
3.2. A student who changes from a major having approved alter the program of a currently enrolled student who is mak-
alternative courses in Biological and Physical Sci- ing normal progress toward the degree.1
ences to a major which requires the regular Integra- 1
Michigan State University must reserve the right to modify or eliminate programs that
tive Studies sequence will be given credit for the are described in this publication. In the event such an action is taken, students affected

alternative courses already completed. will be advised by their units of the options available to them to complete their degrees.
Every reasonable effort will be made to permit students to complete these programs or
Many of the courses in the Arts and Humanities area and in similar programs.

the Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences area, empha-

size national diversity (designated "N" at the end of the course
title), or international and multicultural diversity (designated REQUIREMENTS FOR A SECOND
"I" at the end of the course title). Some courses emphasize both BACHELOR'S DEGREE
national diversity, and international and multicultural diver-
sity (designated "D" at the end of the course title). Students To pursue a second bachelor's degree, a student must be ad-
must include at least one "N" course and one "I" course in their mitted to the second bachelor's degree program. To be granted
Integrative Studies programs. A "D" course may meet either a second bachelor's degree, a student must earn at least 30
an "N" or an "I" requirement, but not both. credits in residence in addition to the credits required for the
1 first degree and meet the specified requirements of the second
The disposition of 2 of the 26 credits is currently under discussion. Until a decision is
reached, students may use these as elective credits. college and major. A student who completes the requirements
for a second bachelor's degree will receive two diplomas, one
for each major.

Scholastic Honors

SCHOLASTIC HONORS The policy for granting graduation with honor as estab-
lished by the University Academic Council provides for honor-
ing at each graduation approximately 20 percent of the
Information on scholarships for students will be available students who have earned the highest grade–point averages.
through the MSU website <<http://www.msu.edu>> begin- Approximately six percent receive the degree With High
ning September, 2000. Honor and about 14 percent receive the degree With Honor.
The current minimum grade–point averages to achieve the
target percentages are:
Academic Opportunities for High Achieving Freshmen
With High Honor 3.80
A number of special academic opportunities are provided for
With Honor 3.50
entering freshmen of superior abilities.
Advanced placement or credit may be granted to students However, the specific minimum grade–point averages re-
who have participated in the College Board Advanced Place- quired are determined by the Office of the Provost following a
ment Program in their high schools and score sufficiently well review of the standards by the University Committee on Aca-
on the AP examinations to warrant either waiver or credit. demic Policy. The grade–point distributions of each year's
Students may substitute other courses for certain courses graduates are used as a base for establishing new grade–point
that are specified in a degree program and may complete cer- average standards to maintain the percentage of students to
tain courses via credit by examination. be honored at 18 to 20 percent.
On the basis of high school records and the results of the Graduation with honor is based on the entire academic per-
University placement tests, several departments and schools formance at Michigan State. However, recognition of gradua-
invite a number of entering freshmen to enroll in special hon- tion with honor in the commencement program is based on
ors courses and honors sections. grade–point average of all work at MSU completed prior to the
opening of the semester of graduation. Transfer students
must earn a minimum of 50 semester credits at MSU to be eli-
The Honors College gible for graduation with honor or recognition in the com-
The Honors College was created to encourage the development mencement program. Graduation with honor is indicated on
and achievement of undergraduate students of superior aca- the student's permanent academic record and on the diploma.
demic ability. Members of the Honors College are given the op- Lists are also released to the press with appropriate designa-
portunity to develop, with the assistance of specially chosen tions.
academic advisers, individualized programs of study reflect-
ing their own particular aptitudes and interests. See The Hon- Board of Trustees' Awards
ors College section of this catalog for additional information.
Awards are made at Fall and Spring commencements to the
six graduating seniors who achieved the highest cumulative
The Faculty scholarly records at the close of the preceding semester. At
In addition to the more formal programs designed specifically least three–fourths of the credits for the degree must be
to encourage high scholastic achievement and intellectual de- earned at Michigan State University with numerical grades.
velopment, individual faculty members recognize and encour- The President of the University acts for the Board in deter-
age the able student as part of their responsibilities as faculty mining the recipients of the awards.
of the University. Faculty may offer independent study in top-
ics or at levels not represented in the regular curriculum, su-
pervise research projects, provide opportunities to assist in
laboratories, and provide special mentoring and advising. FINANCIAL AID for
The Dean's Honors List UNDERGRADUATES
The Dean's Honors List honors all full–time undergraduates
in the University who earn a 3.50 or better grade–point aver- A comprehensive and coordinated program of financial aid to
age for the courses totaling 12 or more credits for a given se- assist qualified students who have limited funds and re-
mester and for which grades have been recorded under the sources is available to Michigan State University undergradu-
numerical grading system. The list, prepared each semester, ates in the form of scholarships, educational grants, loans, and
is placed on display in the MSU Union Building and on the web jobs.
<<http://www.esp.msu.edu>>. Applications for financial aid are processed in the Office of
Financial Aid, 252 Student Services Building. The Student
College Honors Awards Employment Office, 110 Student Services Building, assists
students who are granted work–study eligibility in procuring
Several of the colleges present students with awards at special
occasions such as honors banquets or award receptions.
When an application for financial assistance is made and
the extent of the financial need is determined, the student is
Awards and Prizes considered for any of the scholarships, grants, and loans for
A variety of awards and prizes in recognition of special talents which he or she is eligible. The financial aid package is pre-
and achievement are available. pared to assist in meeting the financial need of the student.
This package may include any combination of scholarship,
grant, loan, or job.
Graduation Honors Most of the educational grants require that financial need
Honors College students and students who graduate with be demonstrated. Many of the scholarships and grants are
honor or high honor are recognized in the commencement pro- limited to Michigan residents.

Financial Aid for Undergraduates

Entering freshmen who are Michigan residents and are ap- Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan
plying for scholarship aid are expected to participate in the The Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan, also called
State of Michigan competitive scholarship program, adminis- the Direct Unsubsidized Loan, is not based on need. Loan capi-
tered by the Michigan Higher Education Assistance Authority. tal is provided directly to student borrowers by the federal
Students may obtain information about applying for aid at the government rather than through private lenders. Payment on
Office of Financial Aid, 252 Student Services Building. the principal is deferred while the student borrower is en-
rolled at least half time. Interest is paid by the student bor-
rower through quarterly payments, or if a student desires it
STUDENT LOANS can be added daily to the principal, to be repaid when the stu-
dent ceases to be enrolled. The variable interest rate is based
University Short–Term Loan Program on the 91–day Treasury Bill rate plus 3.1 percent, but will not
exceed 8.25 percent. The rate is adjusted once a year on July 1.
The Short–Term Loan Program at Michigan State University A 3 percent loan origination fee is deducted from each loan dis-
is designed to help students meet emergency situations and bursement.
should not be regarded as a means of financing a college educa- Completion of the FAFSA is required for participation in the
tion. Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan program.

Federal Perkins Student Loan Program

This low interest loan program was established by the federal Annual maximums for the Direct Unsubsidized Loan are:
government in an agreement with Michigan State University.
All awards are based upon the availability of funds. Dependent Freshman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,625
Loans must be used for legitimate educational purposes Dependent Sophomore. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,500
such as room, board, tuition, and books. Eligibility is deter- Dependent Junior/Senior. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,500
mined by a uniform method of needs analysis through the sub- Independent Freshman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,625
mission of a federally approved financial statement. Independent Sophomore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,500
Automatic consideration is given to financial aid applicants Independent Junior/Senior . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,500
who demonstrate financial need. Students must be enrolled on Graduate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $18,500
a full–time basis to receive a loan. Medical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $38,500
Note that the maximums include both subsidized and unsubsidized
loans. For example, an independent freshman who receives a $2,625
Health Professions Loans subsidized loan can borrow no more than $4,000 in unsubsidized loan.

Human Medicine, Osteopathic Medicine

and Veterinary Medicine
Students who have been admitted to a professional program in Lifetime loan limits for all Direct Subsidized and Direct
medicine are eligible to apply for this low interest student Unsubsidized Loans are:
loan. A financial aid application is necessary. Parental income
and asset information must be provided on the financial state- Dependent undergraduate . . . . . . . . . . . . $23,000
ment for Health Professions Loan consideration. Independent undergraduate . . . . . . . . . . . $46,000
Graduate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $138,500
Federal Direct Stafford Loan Medical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $189,125
The Federal Direct Stafford Loan, also called the Direct Subsi- (The graduate and medical debt limit includes loans received
dized Loan, is based on demonstrated need. Loan capital is for undergraduate study.)
provided directly to student borrowers by the federal govern-
ment rather than through private lenders. While the student
is enrolled at least half time, payment on the principle is de- Federal Direct PLUS Loan
ferred and the federal government pays interest. Interest will
begin to accrue when a borrower enters repayment. The vari- The Federal Direct PLUS Loan Program (Parent Loan for Un-
able interest rate is based on the 91–day Treasury Bill rate dergraduate Students) is for parents of dependent under-
plus 3.1 percent, but will not exceed 8.25 percent. The rate is graduate students. A credit check is required and will be
adjusted once a year on July 1. A 3 percent loan origination fee conducted by the government loan servicer. The maximum
is deducted from each loan disbursement. amount that can be borrowed is the lesser of the cost of educa-
Completion of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid tion or the difference between the cost of education and any
(FAFSA) is required for participation in the Federal Direct outside resources and/or financial aid received. Under the Di-
Stafford Loan Program. rect PLUS Loan program, loan capital is provided directly to
parent borrowers by the federal government rather than
through private lenders. The interest is a variable rate and is
Annual maximums for subsidized Federal Direct based on the 52–week Treasury Bill rate, plus 3.1 percent, but
Stafford Loans are: will not exceed 9 percent. The rate is adjusted once a year on
Freshman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,625 July 1. A 4 percent loan origination fee is deducted from each
Sophomore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,500 loan disbursement. Repayment begins 60 days after the loan
is fully disbursed. Completion of the FAFSA is not required for
Junior/Senior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,500
participation in the PLUS Program. If you choose not to com-
Graduate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8,500
plete a FAFSA, contact the MSU Office of Financial Aid for
Medical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8,500 further information or to request a PLUS application form.

Financial Aid for Undergraduates

STUDENT EMPLOYMENT ment as missing in action in a foreign country, may be eligible

for educational assistance under this act. Inquiries and appli-
The Student Employment Office provides resources for stu- cation should be made with the Michigan Veterans' Trust
dents seeking part–time and summer employment opportuni- Fund, Ottawa Street Building, N. Tower, P. O. Box 30026,
ties throughout their careers at Michigan State University. Lansing, Michigan 48909.
Various types of positions are available, both on–campus and
off–campus. Students interested in employment after gradua-
tion will find assistance through Career Services and Place-
Students who qualify for financial aid through the federal Police Officer's and Fire Fighter's Survivor Tuition Act
and state Work–Study Programs will find job opportunities Public Act 195 of 1996
listed in the Student Employment Office for jobs located both Public Act 195 of 1996 provides for the waiver of tuition at pub-
on–campus and off–campus. Students interested in the lic universities for the surviving spouse and children of Michi-
Work–Study Program should contact the Office of Financial gan police officers and fire fighters killed in the line of duty.
Aid for information. Tuition will be covered for eligible survivors enrolled in an un-
A student who plans to work will need to provide identifica- dergraduate degree program. Inquiries and application
tion and an original Social Security card in order to complete should be made with the Michigan Law Enforcement Officers
the W–4 and I–9 forms to comply with federal laws. A complete Training Council, Michigan Department of State Police, 7426
list of acceptable documents and more specific information is North Canal Road, Lansing, MI 48913 or call (517) 322–1034.
available at the Student Employment Office, 110 Student
Services Building, 355-9520, extension 480.
Besides listing job opportunities, the Student Employment
Office offers many other services and resources to students
during their careers at MSU. Services include workshops of- Michigan Veterans Trust Fund
fered throughout the year to aid students in their job searches, Michigan veterans who are enrolled full–time and can demon-
resume critiquing, advising about specific aspects of jobs strate financial need may borrow up to $600 for six months
searches and employment, a career–related referral service without interest. Additional information is available at the
for paid internships, on–campus interviewing for summer po- Michigan Veterans' Trust Fund, Ottawa Street Building, N.
sitions, and a Summer Employment Fair, held every Febru- Tower, P. O. Box 30026, Lansing, Michigan 48909.


OF FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Michigan Rehabilitation Services
Financial assistance to persons who have a disability that has
These programs are not administered directly by Michigan
interfered with or may interfere with the individual's job per-
State University. However, the University will on request,
formance should contact the Michigan Rehabilitation Serv-
certify students receiving awards under these programs with
ices, State Department of Education, Box 30010, Lansing,
the appropriate agency.
Michigan 48909.
Brief descriptions of the programs are given below and addi-
tional information can be obtained from the agency indicated
or from the Veteran Certification Section, Office of the Regis-
trar, Room 150, Administration Building.
Michigan Adult Part–Time Grant
State of Michigan
Adults who are residents of Michigan and are enrolling for 3 to
11 credits in an undergraduate program may apply for a grant
Michigan Indian Tuition Waiver using a special application available from the Office of Finan-
To qualify a student must be 1/4–quantum blood North Ameri- cial Aid.
can Indian, as certified by the appropriate Tribal Association,
and a legal resident of the State of Michigan for not less than
12 consecutive months. This program covers only tuition for
any postsecondary–level course work, part–time or full–time.
Michigan Educational Opportunity Grant (MEOG)
Further information concerning qualifications and applica-
tion procedures is available by contacting the Office of Finan- Michigan residents who are undergraduates or who are apply-
cial Aid. ing for admission as undergraduates will be considered for an
MEOG by applying for financial aid.
Michigan Public Act 245 (as amended)
A person not under 16 and not over 22 years of age who has
been a resident of this state for 12 months and who is the child
of a Michigan veteran of the armed forces of the United States Michigan College Work–Study
who was killed in action or died from other causes during a war
Based on financial need, Michigan College Work–Study em-
or war condition in which the United States has been, is, or
ployment is awarded to Michigan residents applying and
may hereafter be a participant, or who as a result of wartime
qualifying for financial aid. Recipients work part–time for
service has since died or is totally disabled, or who as a result
qualified employers and earn income to be used toward meet-
of war time service was totally disabled before death from any
ing educational expenses.
cause or who is officially listed by the United States govern-
Financial Aid for Undergraduates

United States Government the Veteran Certification Section, Office of the Registrar,
Room 150, Administration Building.
Veterans Educational Benefits
Veterans who have served on active duty for at least 181 days
and who have been separated from active duty for less than 10 Education Loans (Department of Veterans Affairs)
years; or if less than 181 days, have been discharged or re-
leased for a service–connected disability, may be eligible for Tutorial Assistance for Persons Receiving
Department of Veterans Affairs Educational Benefits. In addi- Veterans Educational Allowances
tion, 6–year reservists with 180 days of service and a high
school diploma may be eligible for Department of Veterans Af- Eligible persons under Chapters 30, 32, 35 and 106 may re-
fairs benefits while in pursuit of their first undergraduate de- ceive up to $100 a month up to a maximum of $1,200 for special
gree. Students approved for educational assistance tutoring if deficient in a course or courses. The student should
allowances should personally contact the Veteran Certifica- contact the Veteran Certification Section, Office of the Regis-
tion Section, Office of the Registrar, Room 150, Administra- trar, Room 150, Administration Building.
tion Building.
Department of Veterans Affairs Work–Study Allowance
Dependents of Veterans' Educational Benefits Eligible veterans under Chapters 30, 31, 32, 35, 106 and 903
A dependent (child, spouse, or widow or widower) of a veteran may apply directly with the Department of Veterans Affairs
who died of a service–connected disability, or who has a total for the VA Work–Study Program. If selected, a veteran may be
disability permanent in nature, or is listed as missing in action awarded payment for up to 350 hours per semester at a rate
may be eligible for educational benefits. Students approved for equal to the hourly minimum wage in effect at the time of pay-
educational assistance allowances should personally contact ment.


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