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Physics Waec Syllabus 2023

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Waec Syllabus

Below is this year’s Waec Syllabus for Physics.

Note that this syllabus is for both Internal and

external candidates.

This WAEC syllabus for Physics evolved from the
Senior Secondary School teaching syllabus and is
intended to indicate the scope of the course for
the Physics examination.

It is structured with the conceptual approach. The

broad concepts of Matter, Position, Motion and
Time, Energy, Waves, Fields, Atomic and Nuclear
Physics, and Electronics are considered. Each
concept forms a part on which other sub-
concepts are further based.

Download Waec Syllabus for Physics PDF here

The aims of the WAEC syllabus for Physics are to:

(1) acquire a proper understanding of the

basic principles and applications of Physics;
(2) develop scientific skills and attitudes as
pre-requisites for further scientific activities;
(3) recognize the usefulness, and limitations
of scientific method to appreciate its
applicability in other disciplines and in
everyday life;
(4) develop abilities, attitudes and skills that
encourage efficient and safe practice;
(5) develop attitudes relevant to science
such as concern for accuracy and precision,
objectivity, integrity, initiative and

The following skills appropriate to Physics will be

(1) Knowledge and

Candidates should be able to demonstrate
knowledge and understanding of:

(a) scientific phenomena, facts, laws,

definitions, concepts and theories;
(b) scientific vocabulary, terminology and
conventions (including symbols, quantities
and units);
(c) the use of scientific apparatus, including
techniques of operation and aspects of
(d) scientific quantities and their
(e) scientific and technological applications
with their social, economic and
environmental implications.

(2) Information
Handling and Problem-
Candidates should be able, using visual, oral,
aural and written (including symbolic,
diagrammatic, graphical and numerical)
information to:

(a) locate, select, organise and present

information from a variety of sources,
including everyday experience;
(b) translate information from one form to
(c) analyse and evaluate information and
other data;
(d) use information to identify patterns,
report trends and draw inferences;
(e) present reasonable explanations for
natural occurrences, patterns and
(f) make predictions from data.

(3) Experimental and

Candidates should be able to:

(a) follow instructions;

(b) carry out experimental procedures using
(c) make and record observations,
measurements and estimates with due
regard to precision, accuracy and units;
(d) interprete, evaluate and report on
observations and experimental data;
(e) identify problems, plan and carry out
investigations, including the selection of
techniques, apparatus, measuring devices
and materials;
(f) evaluate methods and suggest possible
(g) state and explain the necessary
precautions taken in experiments to obtain
accurate results.

Examination Type
There will be two papers, both of which must be
taken for a total mark of 160. Candidates will be
allowed an extra 15 minutes to read Paper 1,
during which they are not expected to write

Paper 1 will be a practical test lasting 2¾ hours
comprising three questions, out of which
candidates will answer any two to score a total
mark of 50.
The paper will be taken by school candidates
only. Each question in this paper will have two
Parts: A and B.

1. Part A

Part A will be an experiment for 21 marks.

Candidates will be required to state the
precautions taken during the experiments and the
reasons for such precautions.

2. Part B

(2) Part B will consist of two short-answer

questions that are related to the experiment for 4


Paper 2 will consist of two sections: A and B,

which will last for 2¾ hours.

Section A

Section A will comprise 50 multiple-choice

objective questions drawn from the common
areas of the syllabus. It will last for 1¼ hours for
50 marks.

Section B

Section B will last for 1½ hours and will comprise

two parts: I and II.

Part I will comprise ten (10) short-structured

questions drawn from the portions of the
syllabus peculiar to the different countries
such that candidates from each member
country will be able to answer five (5)
questions for 15 marks.
Part II will comprise five (5) essay-type
questions drawn from the common areas of
the syllabus. Candidates will be required to
answer three (3) questions for 45 marks.

Paper 3 will be an alternative test to Paper 1 for
private candidates only. It will be a Test-of-
Practical work lasting 2¾ hours for 50 marks.

This will be tested by a practical examination
based on the syllabus.
The objective of the practical examination is to
test how well the candidates understand the
nature of scientific investigation. And also their
capability to handle simple apparatus in an
experiment to determine an answer to a practical
question. It is also to determine their competence
in demonstrating their understanding of some of
the principles involved in a small-scale laboratory
The practical test will contain enough instructions
to enable candidates to carry out the experiment.
Even when standard experiments, such as the
determination of focal lengths or specific heat
capacities, are set, candidates will be told what
readings to take and how to calculate the result.
Therefore, it should not be necessary for
candidates to learn by heart how to perform any
In addition to experiments on the topics in the
syllabus, candidates may be asked to carry out,
with the aid of full instructions, variants of
standard experiments. Candidates should be
trained to take as varied a set of readings as
possible and to set out the actually observed
readings systematically on the answer sheet. The
experiments may require a repetition of readings
and an exhibition of results graphically and their

It is important that candidates are involved in
practical activities in covering this syllabus.
Candidates will be expected to answer questions
on the topics set out in the column headed
The ‘NOTES’ are intended to indicate the scope
of the questions which will be set, but they are
not to be considered as an exhaustive list of
limitations and illustrations.

N.B. Questions will be set in S.I. units. However,

multiples or sub-multiples of the units may be

1. Concepts of matter


The simple structure of matter should be

The three states of matter, namely solid,
liquid and gas.
Evidence of the particle nature of matter
e.g. Brownian motion experiment, Kinetic
theory of matter.
Use of the theory to explain: states of
matter (solid, liquid and gas), pressure in a
gas; evaporation and boiling; cohesion,
adhesion, and capillarity.
Crystalline and amorphous substances are
to be compared (Arrangement of atoms in
crystalline structure not required.)

2. Fundamental and
derived quantities and
(a) Fundamental quantities and units
(b) Derived quantities and unit


Length, mass, and time as examples of

fundamental quantities and m, kg and s as
their respective units.
Volume, density and speed as derived
quantities and m3, kgm-3 and ms-1 as their
respective units.

3. Position, distance
and displacement.
(a) Concept of position as a location of
point–rectangular coordinates.
(b) Measurement of distance
(c) Concept of direction as a way of locating
a point – bearing
(d) Distinction between distance and


The position of objects in space using the X,

Y, and Z axes can be mentioned.
Use of string, metre rule, vernier callipers
and micrometer screw gauge.
Degree of accuracy should be noted.
Metre (m) as the unit of distance.
Use of a compass and a protractor.
Graphical location and directions by axes to
be stressed.

4. Mass and weight

Distinction between
mass and weight


Use of lever balance and chemical/beam

balance to measure mass and spring
balance to measure weight.
Kilogram (kg) as the unit of mass and
newton (N) as the unit of weight

5. Time
(a) Concept of time as an interval between
physical events
(b) Measurement of time

The use of heart-beat, sand-clock, ticker-
timer, pendulum and stopwatch/clock.
Seconds (s) as units of time.

6. Fluids at rest
(a) Volume, density and relative density
(b) Pressure in fluids
(c) Equilibrium of bodies

(i) Archmedes’ principle

(ii) Law of flotation


Experimental determination for solids and

Concept and definition of pressure.
Pascal’s principle, application of the
principle to the hydraulic press and car
Dependence of pressure on the depth of a
point below a liquid surface.
Atmospheric pressure.
Simple barometer, manometer, siphon,
syringes and pumps, determination of the
relative density of liquids with U-tube and
Hare’s apparatus.
Identification of the forces acting on a body
partially or completely immersed in a fluid.
Use of the principle to determine the relative
densities of solids and liquids.
Establishing the conditions for a body to
float in a fluid. Applications in hydrometers,
balloons, boats, ships, submarines etc.

7. Motion
(a) Types of motion: Random, rectilinear,
translational, rotational, circular, orbital,
spin, oscillatory
(b) Relative motion
(c) Cause of motion
(d) Types of force:
(i) Contact force
(ii) Force Field
(e) Solid friction
(f) Friction in fluids (Viscosity)
(g) Simple ideas of circular motion


Only qualitative treatment is required.

Illustrations should be given for the various
types of motion.
Numerical problems on co-linear motion
may be set.
Force as the cause of motion. Push and pull.
Electric and magnetic attractions and
repulsion; gravitational pull.
Frictional force between two stationary
bodies (static) and between two bodies in
relative motion (dynamic).
Coefficients of limiting friction and their
Advantages of friction, e.g., in locomotion,
friction belt, grindstone.
Disadvantages of friction, e.g., reduction of
efficiency, wear and tear of machines.
Methods of reducing friction. Use of ball
bearings, rollers and lubrication.
Definition and effects. A simple explanation
as extension of friction in fluids.
Fluid friction and its application in
lubrication should be treated qualitatively.
Terminal velocity and its determination.
Experiments with a string tied to a stone at
one end and whirled around should be
carried out to
(i) Demonstrate motion in a
vertical/horizontal circle.

8. Speed and velocity

(a) Concept of speed as the change of
distance with time
(b) Concept of velocity as the change of
displacement with time
(c) Uniform/non-uniform speed/velocity
(d) Distance/displacement-time graph


Metre per second (ms-1) as the unit of

Ticker-timer or similar devices should be
used to determine speed/velocity.
Definition of velocity as ds/dt.
Determination of instantaneous
speed/velocity from distance/displacement-
time graph and by calculation.

9. Rectilinear
(a) Concept of acceleration as the change
of velocity with time.
(b) Uniform/non-uniform acceleration
(c) Velocity-time graph,
(d) Equations of motion with constant
(i) Gravitational acceleration as a
special case.
(ii) show the difference between
angular speed and velocity.
(iii) show centripetal force. The
banking of roads in reducing sideways
friction should be qualitatively


Unit of acceleration as ms-2.

A ticker timer or similar devices should be
used to determine acceleration.
Definition of acceleration as dv/dt.
Determination of acceleration and
displacement from velocity-time graph Use
of equations to solve numerical problems.

10. Scalars and vectors

(a) concept of scalars as physical quantities
with magnitude and no direction
(b) concept of vectors as physical quantities
with both magnitude and direction.
(c) Vector representation
(d) Addition of vectors
(e) Resolution of vectors
(f) Resultant velocity using vector


Mass, distance, speed and time as

examples of scalars.
Weight, displacement, velocity, and
acceleration as examples of vectors.

11. Equilibrium of forces

(a) Principle of moments
(b) Conditions for the equilibrium of rigid
bodies under the action of parallel and non-
parallel forces.
(c) Centre of gravity and stability


Use of force board to determine the

resultant of two forces.
Obtain the resultant of two velocities
analytically and graphically.
Moment of force/Torque.
Simple treatment of a couple, e.g., turning
of water tap, corkscrew, etc.
Use of force board to determine resultant
and equilibrant forces. Treatment should
include resolution of forces into two
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perpendicular directions and composition of

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