Datasheet Data Sheet enUS 102660825099
Datasheet Data Sheet enUS 102660825099
Datasheet Data Sheet enUS 102660825099
The NBE-7702-ALX is an extremely robust bullet most demanding outdoor applications, including
camera for mission-critical applications. The traffic monitoring, critical infrastructure, and
ruggedized and stable design has exceptional perimeter security.
corrosion resistance for use in any outdoor
application. Functions
Using 1/1.8" sensors with HD 1080p resolution, the Starlight X - Next level starlight performance
NBE-7702-ALX provides the perfect balance between Starlight X technology combines the latest high
high resolution and extreme low light sensitivity. performance, large pixel sensors, optics, improved
Starlight X and HDR X technology combined with image processing and noise suppression, resulting in a
powerful intelligent IR illumination ensure highly 5.5x improved sensitivity compared to the standard
detailed images even in the most challenging starlight camera.
The cameras have a powerful, embedded processor HDR X - High Dynamic Range
with dedicated hardware to support advanced HDR X is a new technology that combines unique
machine learning and deep neural network-based sensor functionality and advanced algorithms. It is a
Video Analytics. huge leap forward in capturing high quality video of
Built-in Intelligent Video Analytics Pro (IVA Pro) moving objects in scenes with a large dynamic range.
enriches full situational awareness and triggers It also allows HDR imaging at lower light levels in
relevant alerts. which traditional HDR technologies are non-functional.
With the combination of the robust housing, This is possible because the HDR X - Motion optimized
exceptional image quality, and the powerful video mode takes two different readouts from one exposure
analytics, the NBE-7702-ALX is the ideal choice for the to capture details in both the highlights and shadows
of the scene, instead of blending multiple exposures
like standard HDR technologies. Blending multiple
Video - NBE-7702-ALX Bullet 2MP HDR X 4.7-10mm IP66/67 IK10 2|8
The design of the camera focuses on robustness and – Mirrored, for redundant storage
stability. A patented optimized swivel design further – Failover, for extended service intervals
helps with the ease of installation.
The swivel has a big-ball joint for optimal stability. – Extended, for maximum retention time
When combined with electronic image stabilization, • Industrial microSD card support allows for extreme
this helps to ensure stable images in challenging lifetime
environments, such as traffic monitoring. • Health monitoring of industrial microSD cards
The camera features a short housing and a big swivel, provide early service indications
to ensure maximum stability.
Cloud-based services
While positioning the camera with the one hand, a
The camera supports time-based or alarm-based JPEG
locking ring can be tightened with the other hand
posting to four different accounts. These accounts can
without using a tool. The camera will stay in position
address FTP servers or cloud-based storage. Video
while the swivel can be locked with a locking screw.
clips or JPEG images can also be exported to these
Once the locking screw is tightened, the locking ring
can no longer be untightened by hand.
Alarms can be set up to trigger an e-mail or SMS
The camera features a punch down connector for
notification so you are always aware of abnormal
network connection. This helps directly connect
bigger cables directly to the camera.
For standard cables, an RJ45 connection is available. Bosch Remote Portal
For CAT-7 or bigger cables, it is possible to directly With the secure cloud infrastructure, Bosch Remote
punch down the cable on a special connector. Portal, you can manage your connected Bosch
The punch down connector eliminates the need for an devices. From the Bosch Remote Portal you can:
external cabinet, where the large diameter cable can • Complete initial configuration of your connected
be connected to a small patch cable that, in turn, Bosch devices (online or offline).
connects to the camera. The large diameter cables • Update firmware for single or multiple devices.
can now be directly connected to the camera. • Manage certificates.
The camera is compatible with the Bosch electrical
• Monitor the health of your connected Bosch
boxes accessories, including a double gang box and a
4 inch square junction box.
Project Assistant app
Data security
As the camera is equipped with a USB-C port for a
Special measures have been put in place to ensure the
wireless USB dongle (sold separately: NCA-WLAN-EU,
highest level of security for device access and data
NCA-WLAN-NA), the installer can easily perform the
transport. The three-level password protection with
initial configuration wirelessly. Using a mobile device
security recommendations allows users to customize
with the Bosch Project Assistant app, you can do
device access. Web browser access can be protected
initial set-up and lens zoom-focus to find the right
using HTTPS and firmware updates can also be
scene. Simply connect the wireless USB dongle and
protected with authenticated secure uploads. The
go to the Bosch Project Assistant app, available for
cameras have built-in Secure Element (SE) hardware
iOS, Windows, or Android.
providing main Trusted Platform Module (TPM)
functionality to ensure the highest levels of data Regulatory information
security and privacy protection. Together with Public
Key Infrastructure (PKI) support, superior protection Type Standard
from malicious attacks is guaranteed. With future
firmware updates, it will also support RSA encryption Emission EN 55032 (Class B)
key lengths of up to 4096 bits, ensuring data safety EN 50121-4
beyond 2030. 802.1x network authentication with EN IEC 61000-6-3
EAP/TLS will also be added. The advanced certificate
handling offers: EN IEC 61000-6-4
• Bosch origin device certificate pre-installed CFR 47 FCC part 15 (Class B)
• Self-signed unique certificates automatically ICES-003 Issue 7
created when required
• Client and server certificates for authentication Immunity EN 55035
• Client certificates for proof of authenticity EN 50130-4
• Certificates with encrypted private keys EN 50121-4
Advanced edge recording EN IEC 61000-6-1
Advanced edge recording provides the most reliable
EN IEC 61000-6-2
storage solution possible due to the combination of
the following functionalities: EN 61000-4-2
• Dual microSD cards that can be set up as either:
Video - NBE-7702-ALX Bullet 2MP HDR X 4.7-10mm IP66/67 IK10 4|8
Power consumption VAC (VA) (typ- 12 VA – 25 VA Distance 940 nm invisible IR (op- 60 m | 197 ft
ical – maximum) tional)
Power consumption VAC (W) (typ- 7.10 W – 13 W Illumination intensity Manually adjustable; Intelligent in-
ical – maximum) tensity
Power consumption VDC (W) (typ- 7.50 W – 16 W
ical – maximum) Firmware
Effective pixels (H x V px) 1920 x 1080; Video compression H.264 (ISO/IEC 14496-10); M-
2.9 μm JPEG; H.265/HEVC
Total sensor pixels 2.10 MP appr. Sensor modes 25 fps, HDR X, 1920 x 1080 (2.1
Sensitivity 30 fps, HDR X, 1920 x 1080 (2.1
Low light technology starlight X 50 fps, 1920 x 1080 (2.1 MP);
60 fps, 1920 x 1080 (2.1 MP)
Sensitivity 30 IRE
Streaming 4 configurable streams in H.265;
Color (lx) (sensitivity measured ac- 0.0061 lx; H.264 and M-JPEG; Configurable
cording to IEC 62676 Part 5) framerate and bandwidth; Bosch In-
telligent Streaming (available with
Monochrome (lx) (sensitivity meas- 0.0010 lx (0 with IR); future firmware update)
ured according to IEC 62676 Part 5)
Camera processing latency <67ms (60 fps)
High Dynamic Range (HDR) (dB) 144 dB
Shutter modes Automatic Electronic Shutter (AES); Additional functionalities Tamper detection
1/15,000 max; Default shutter;
1/1.5625 min Supported analytics (license) IVA Pro Traffic
Camera functionality Backlight compensation (BLC); Con- Industrial SD cards Extreme lifetime and health monitor-
trast enhancement; Sharpness en- ing support that provides early ser-
hancement; Brightness vice indication
White balance (K) 2300 K – 10000 K Dual SD-card slot configurations Mirror (redundant storage); Failover
(extended service interval); Extend
White balance modes Basic; Standard; Sodium vapor; (maximum retention time); Auto-
Manual mode; Hold mode; 3 auto- matic Network Replenishment
matic modes
Inputs and outputs
Number of privacy masks 8
Ethernet Shielded RJ45;
Display stamping Name; Logo; Alarm message; Time Punch down connector
Scene modes with scheduler Standard; Sodium lighting; Vibrant; Audio line in 10 kOhm typical; max. 1 Vrms
Sports & gaming; Retail; Fast move-
ment; Sensitivity boost; Color only; Audio line out 1.5 kOhm typical; 1 Vrms
LPR; Backlight
Alarm inputs 2;
Video content analysis Dry contact;
5 - 40 VDC;
Analysis type Intelligent Video Analytics Pro: IVA 2.2 K end-of-line resistor
Pro Buildings; Intelligent Video Ana-
lytics Pro: IVA Pro Perimeter Alarm outputs 1;
max 30 VAC;
Alarm triggers Any object; Object in field; Line +40 VDC;
crossing; Enter / leave field; Loiter- 0.5 A;
ing; Follow route; Idle / removed ob- continuous 10 VA
ject; Counting; Occupancy; Crowd
density estimation; Condition Power output 12 VDC, max 50mA
change; Similarity search; Flow /
counter flow; Objects stopping or Surge protection 1 kV; 1 kA to ground (8/20 µs)
starting to move
Video - NBE-7702-ALX Bullet 2MP HDR X 4.7-10mm IP66/67 IK10 7|8
USB 2.0 Type C, for use with wire-
less USB dongle for setup and com-
Material Housing: Aluminum with dehumidify-
missioning (sold
ing membrane and waterproof con-
separately) nection area
Fiber optics (sold separately) The Fiber Optic Ethernet Media Con- Dimensions (Ø x H) (mm) 148 mm x 115 mm
verter kit (VG4-SFPSCKT) installed
inside a Surveillance Cabinet Dimensions (Ø x H) (in) 5.82 in x 4.52 in
(NBA-7070-PA0, NBA-7070-PA1 or
NBA-7070-PA2) provides the fiber Weight (kg) 2.95 kg
optic interface to the mounted cam-
era Weight (lb) 6.50 lb
Compression and sampling rate AAC-LC 48kbps 16 kHz Mounting type Surface-mounted
Audio streaming Full duplex; Half duplex Operating temperature (°C) -40 °C – 60 °C PoE;
-50°C - +60°C 12VDC/24VAC;
Network Up to +74 °C according to NEMA TS
2-2003 (R2008), para us-
Protocols / standards IPv4; IPv6; UDP; TCP; HTTP; HTTPS; ing fig. 2.1 test profile
ICMPv6; RTSP; FTP; ARP; DHCP; Operating temperature (°F) -40 °F – 140 °F PoE;
APIPA (Auto-IP, link local address); -58°F - +140°F 12VDC/24VAC;
NTP (SNTP); SNMP (V1, MIBII); Up to +165 °F according to NEMA TS
SNMP (V3, MIBII); DNS; DNSv6; 2-2003 (R2008), para us-
DDNS (,, ing fig. 2.1 test profile; SMTP; iSCSI; UPnP
(SSDP); DiffServ (QoS); LLDP; Storage temperature (°C) -30 °C – 70 °C
SOAP; CHAP; Digest authentication
Storage temperature (°F) -22 °F – 158 °F
Ethernet type 10/100BASE-T
Cold start temperature (°C) -40 °C
Conformity ONVIF Profile S; ONVIF Profile G;
ONVIF Profile T; ONVIF Profile M Cold start temperature (°F) -40 °F
Ordering information
NDA-U-PMAL Pole mount adapter large
Universal pole mount adapter, white; large
Order number NDA-U-PMAL | F.01U.324.944
NDA-U-CBB Conduit back box, 148mm
Outdoor conduit back box, 148mm, IP66 rated
Order number NDA-U-CBB | F.01U.394.006
NCA-WLAN-EU Wireless installation dongle EU
Wireless installation dongle for wireless commissioning
Order number NCA-WLAN-EU | F.01U.405.793
NCA-WLAN-NA Wireless installation dongle NA
Wireless installation dongle for wireless commissioning
for North America
Order number NCA-WLAN-NA | F.01U.405.794
64 GB industrial microSD card with health status
Order number MSD-064G | F.01U.394.680
128 GB industrial microSD card with health status
Order number MSD-128G | F.01U.394.681
256 GB industrial microSD card with health status
Order number MSD-256G | F.01U.394.682
NPD-3001-WAP Portable installation tool
Bosch camera portable and wireless installation tool
Order number NPD-3001-WAP | F.01U.353.329
NBA-7070-LI Illuminator module invisible 940nm wide
Invisible light illuminator module, 940 nm, wide
Order number NBA-7070-LI | F.01U.395.469
Software Options
Video analytics software based on deep neural network
technology for traffic monitoring and Automatic Incident
Order number MVC-IVA-TRA | F.01U.409.538
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Data subject to change without notice | 202305182307 | V4 | May 18, 2023 © Bosch Security Systems 2023