Whitepaper What Is SAF 1
Whitepaper What Is SAF 1
Whitepaper What Is SAF 1
does it matter?
Table of contents
Executive Summary 03
Strength In Numbers 10
About SkyNRG 11
Flying has become an indispensable part of modern life.
But as the aviation industry grows, so do its emissions.
To meet climate targets, the aviation industry needs to
become more sustainable. Significant advancements in
alternative modes of travel, electric and hydrogen air-
craft, and equipment optimization show that the indus-
try is headed in the right direction. But, apart from flying
less, most solutions to reduce emissions in aviation rely
on future technology. To tackle the problem today, and
in the future, Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAFs) are key
to making aviation more sustainable. Before we under-
stand why we need SAF and how it can benefit you, we
need to first understand what it is, and why it matters.
Time to get onboard
A Hard-to-Abate Sector
A Hard-to-Abate Sector
A Comparisation
Fuel Type Same engine Same aircraftE nergy densityF reeze point Available today
Aviation Fuel
There are many ways to make sustainable aviation fuel. Currently, there are 9 different
certified SAF technology production pathways. This means there are 9 different tech-
nologies capable of producing SAF that meet strict technical requirements to be used
in commercial aircraft. In addition to these 9 pathways, many more feedstock/tech-
nology combinations for SAF production are currently under development and in the
process of getting ASTM certification. This ASTM certification provides international
recognition for the SAF to be used in commercial aviation.
Each technological pathway differs vastly. They differ in feedstock, carbon reduction,
sustainability, and whether they compete for other uses. Because of these differenc-
es, the percentage in which they can be blended with fossil kerosene can be as low as
10% to as high as 50%. Tests to fly commercial aircraft on 100% SAF are underway and
showing promising results.
The different pathways can be broadly categorized under first-generation biofuel, sus-
tainable aviation fuel: second-generation biofuel, sustainable aviation fuel: power-to-X.
A technology being certified does not mean that the fuel is also produced on a com-
mercial scale. Currently, HEFA-based fuel is the only product that is commercially avail-
able today. HEFA refines fats, vegetable oils, waste oils, or greases into SAF through
a process that uses hydrogen (hydrogenation). Out of the 9 certified technologies for
commercial use, it has powered over 95% of all SAF flights to date.
Both the technology and feedstock affect how sustainable the SAF will be. But, with so
many case-specific combinations possible, how do we ensure sustainability?
Fossil kerosene First-generation biofuel second-generation
Sufficient raw
No conflict
of use
In the last years, we see both the introduction of SAF policies and mandates
and a return to travel. This puts pressure from governments, individuals, and
corporates on the aviation industry to become more sustainable. Along with
this pressure, comes a renewed interest in sustainable aviation fuel. Airlines,
airports, and corporates are announcing their commitment to fly on SAF. With
more choices than ever on where to turn to, it is important to remember the
most important quality of SAF: its sustainability. SkyNRG ensures the sustain-
ability of its fuel, with an approach to sustainability that is much more than
avoiding harmful impacts.
For SkyNRG, a sustainable feedstock must NGOs and scientists. They advise on all aspects
meet three requirements. related to social and environmental sustainability.
• First, higher-value applications such as living, food • Second, by certifying our operations by the Round-
production, and high conservation areas should not table of Sustainable Biomaterials (RSB), a worldwide
be displaced. multi-stakeholder initiative concerned with ensuring
• Second, the side effects of the SAF must also be far the sustainability of sustainable biomaterials.
less negative than the usage of fossil fuel. • Third, by tracking the latest developments and
• Finally, food security, environment, and biodiversity thinking through a global NGO network.
cannot be sacrificed, and preferably, should even be • And lastly, by becoming a certified B Corp, SkyNRG
enhanced. signals to the industry that SAF can become a force
for good.
SAF still makes up less than 0.1% of all aviation fuel
used. To successfully decarbonize the aviation industry,
production capacity needs to increase drastically. There
are positive signs that the SAF market is growing. New
mandates, policies, subsidies, SAF-dedicated plants,
announcements of SAF research projects, and programs
designed to help airlines pay for SAFs are all exciting de-
velopments on the horizon. Add to this that corporates
and governments are signaling the importance of SAF
through substantial commitments, and it is becoming
clear that SAF is the way to go. While SAF is no longer
confronted with the challenge of creating demand, it
is now facing and even greater one: assuring enough
supply to meet it.
Challenge 1. Supply Challenge 2. Policy
There a very limited SAF productionin the world. Scale is Stable policy to support SAF market development is a
needed to meet global demand, stimulated by ambitious cornerstone to help it grow. While some governments
policy. in Europe and the US are pioneering in their supporting
of the SAF market, much still needs to be done. Current
Solution. policies tend to push for other end markets, such as road
Acknowledging this challenge exists is the first step fuels.
towards stimulating the development of SAF-dedicat-
ed plants. Several SAF-dedicated plants have been Solution.
announced in recent years. Some will build on pre-estab- Upcoming blend mandates will be the biggest driver in
lished technology, like SkyNRG’s SAF production plant increasing SAF use. Currently, SAF production and use
in Delfzijl. This SAF plant will rely on HEFA technology, is limited because airlines can voluntarily choose to buy
which uses waste oils as its feedstock. Others, like Syn- SAF or not. Thanks to recently-announced blending
kero, will be a first-of-its-kind commercial scale synthetic mandates, which put an obligation on the production
SAF production plant, making SAF from the combination and use of SAF, the sector is expected to take off fur-
of CO(2) and green hydrogen, through the Power-to-Liq- ther. 2021 has been a year of strong SAF policies, with
uids (PtL) process. Government support and innovative Europe and the United States taking a leading role. On
SAF programs, such as SkyNRG’s Board Now program, one side of the Atlantic, ReFuelEU is enabling a SAF
that go beyond providing SAF in the short term but focus market in Europe. On the other, the Sustainable Skies
on increasing production of SAF plants are key in over- Act was proposed in the US, fueling a more sustainable
coming this challenge. future for aviation. Individual countries within Europe
are also playing their part and introducing more am-
bitious national mandatesl. These national mandates
or ambitions are expected to increase demand further
compared to the European SAF mandate alone.
Challenge 3. Price Solution.
The green premium is the additional cost of choosing for Going beyond governmental incentives, customer pro-
a sustainable option over an unsustainable one. Sustain- grams, like SkyNRG’s Fly on SAF solution for travel com-
able aviation fuel’s green premium is then the additional panies and airports, help co-fund the price gap over fos-
cost of choosing SAF over fossil jet fuel, where the latter sil jet fuel, allowing individuals to purchase SAF directly.
has a significantly longer carbon cycle. SAF’s premium SAF is more expensive than fossil jet fuel and therefore
has reduced drastically since the first flight in 2009. But airlines will currently not buy SAF to completely replace
the remaining price gap could inhibit large-scale uptake its fossil jet fuel. When individuals and corporates step
of SAF. in to pay a part of this premium, to also reduce their own
emissions from flying, SAF suddenly becomes much
more attractive for the airlines. These solutions enable
further uptake of SAF.
Airlines and OEM’s partner, ready to facilitate the transition from fossil jet
The aviation industry is facing increasing pressure from fuel to sustainable aviation fuel.
governments, mandates, internationally recognized
organizations such as IATA, and the public to transition Airports and Travel Companies
to a more sustainable future. Net-zero targets in the Travelers are growing more conscious of their carbon
industry are setting the deadline in 2050. To reach this footprint day by day. This brings an increase in aware-
goal, the aviation industry needs more than new technol- ness from travelers about the negative environmental
ogy and future innovations, it needs to start investing in impact of flying. With travelers turning to eco-conscious
sustainable solutions today. choices, airports and travel companies that provide
them these options set themselves apart.
How SAF can help you
Sustainable aviation fuel provides a solution that can be How SAF can help you
implemented immediately to reduce emissions substan- Providing SAF to your travelers can help mitigate
tially, without modifying aircraft engines. SAF provides concerns about their environmental footprint related to
an in-sector solution and goes beyond reducing only flying. By presenting your travelers with the opportunity
carbon emissions. SAF tackles other polluting particles to fly on sustainable aviation fuel during their booking
too, further reducing the environmental impact around process, they are given the chance to reduce their
airports. emissions directly. This way, your travelers now have
the choice to go beyond offsets, empowering them to
Strong policy, corporate and individual SAF programs, address their flight-related emissions in-sector. Airports
and an increase in supply all help in reducing the price and travel companies that give their travelers the agency
difference between fossil jet fuel and SAF. Cooperating to reduce their emissions through SAF, can benefit from
with SkyNRG guarantees sustainability throughout the this unique competitive advantage.
SAF supply chain; it also assures a knowledgeable SAF
Solutions such as SkyNRG’s Fly on SAF solution, provide How SAF can help you
a climate API that can be tailored to your branding and Sustainable aviation fuel provides corporates the oppor-
seamlessly integrated into your booking process. It’s as tunity to finally address their flight and freight-related
quick and easy a process for airports and travel compa- emissions directly, in-sector. By making a commitment
nies to implement into their existing services, as for their to flying on SAF through a corporate SAF program,
customers to purchase SAF. such as SkyNRG’s Board Now program, corporates take
Solutions such as SkyNRG’s Fly on SAF solution, provide responsibility for their business travel and freight-related
a climate API that can be tailored to your branding and emissions.
seamlessly integrated into the booking process. It’s as
quick and easy a process for airports and travel compa- Not only does joining a corporate SAF program help
nies to implement into their existing services, as for their businesses get one step closer to achieving their net
customers to purchase SAF. zero targets, but it helps the SAF market develop. On one
hand, you help signal demand to investors and govern-
Corporates ments, validating the viability of developing future SAF
Corporates are going full steam ahead on sustainabili- production plants. On the other hand, SkyNRG’s Board
ty. But, to achieve those ambitious net-zero targets, all Now program focuses on more than just short-term SAF
emissions need to be addressed. Most corporates first commitments, and is instead geared towards long-term
focus on their Scope 1 emissions, those emitted directly, commitments that help fund SAF production plants.
and Scope 2 emissions, emissions from purchased en- Lastly, by helping to co-fund the green premium, corpo-
ergy. For corporates that rely heavily on business travel rates financially alleviate airlines, aiding in reaching man-
or freight, these flight-related Scope 3 emissions can dated SAF targets. financially alleviate airlines, aiding in
be sizeable. Options until now were limited, with many reaching mandated SAF targets.
relying on carbon offsets to address them.
And while carbon offsets indirectly reduce a businesses’ Ultimately, flying on SAF shows a pioneering role in cor-
impact on the climate, it is still an out-of-sector solution porate sustainability.
that does not address these emissions directly.
Since 2009, SkyNRG has been building up SAF capacity
and production for the industry to meet its 2050 net zero