HSeries 2008
HSeries 2008
HSeries 2008
ubmicronic contaminants blemishing in automotive
in compressed air systems finishing operations. Water left
plug orifices of sensitive in air lines can freeze during
pneumatic instrumentation, exposure to cold temperatures,
wear out seals, erode system blocking flow or rupturing
components, reduce the pipes. Compressor lubricant
absorptive capacity of desiccant not captured in a coalescing
air/gas dehydrators, foul heat filter will eventually collect in
transfer surfaces, reduce air tool pneumatic components, causing
efficiency, and damage finished premature component repair
products. The results include or replacement. Environmental
product rejects, lost production concerns will be raised if oily,
time and increased maintenance compressed air is continually
expense. For example, trace discharged into the atmosphere
amounts of submicronic oil through a pneumatic muffler. Finite filters are used everyday in
can cause serious fish eye food grade applications.
Typical Applications Four steps
(See Pages 4-5 for application and air cleanliness schematics)
to clean, dry
Coalescing (Oil Removal) compressed
Air dryer prefilter
Paint spray booths
air and gas.
Breathing air
Tool protection
Air valve protection
Step 1.
Air cylinder protection Determine your application,
Natural gas filtration media grade, media type
Technical gas filtration and end seal material.
Pages 4-7
Interceptor (Particulate Removal)
Desiccant dryer afterfilter
Prefilter for coalescer
Systems with high
Step 2.
concentrations of solid Choose your housing and
contaminant replacement elements.
Particulate protection for non- Pages 8-9
lubricated systems
Step 3.
Adsorber (Vapor Removal)
Odor removal
Breathing air
Choose your accessories. Find
Food packaging equipment out what's standard or choose
High purity laboratory gases what's best for your application.
Hydrocarbon vapor removal Page 9
Step 4.
How to Order. Build your own
part number here!
Sources of Contamination
Page 10
Compressed air and gas lines typically contain water, oil and
particulate contamination
The contaminants of effectively to remove water from brought into the system through
greatest concern in precision compressed air, they will not the intake.
compressed air systems are remove the second major liquid The third contaminant is
water, oil and solids. contaminant – oil. solid matter including dirt, rust
Water vapor is present in all Most oil comes from and scale. Solid particulates,
compressed air and it becomes compressor lubrication carry- combined with aerosols of water
greatly concentrated by the over, but even the air produced and oil, can clog and shorten the
compression process. While by oil-free compressors has life of air system components
air dryer systems can be used hydrocarbon contamination and can foul processes.
Compressed Air Standards and Applications
From aeration in International ISO Standards
pharmaceutical and chemical
processes to pneumatic power Notification as specified in ISO8573 - 1 (1991)
systems, the possibilities Class Maxi- Solid Water Oil
for applications are endless. Maximum Maximum Maximum
Finite has some suggested air Concentration* Pressure Concentration*
cleanliness standards that may
fit your needs. (µm) ppm mg/m3 o
F o
C ppm mg/m3
1 0.1 0.08 (0.1) -94 (-70) 0.008 (0.01)
International Standard 2 1 0.8 (1) -40 (-40) 0.08 (0.1)
ISO8573-1 has become the 3 5 4.2 (5) -4 (-20) 0.83 (1)
industry standard method 4 15 6.7 (8) 37 (+3) 4.2 (5)
for specifying compressed
5 40 8.3 (10) 45 (+7) 21 (25)
air cleanliness. The following
6 - - - 50 (+10) - -
diagrams describe various
systems in terms of their *At 14.7 psi (1 bar) absolute pressure, +70 F (+20 C) and a relative humidity of 60%.
o o
It should be noted that at pressures above atmospheric, the contaminant concentration is higher.
corresponding ISO
classification. 1. The quality of the air delivered by non-lubricated compressors is influenced by the quality of the intake air and
the compressor design.
Any compressor with aftercooler. Air intended for use with Any compressor with aftercooler and 2-stage coalescing.
lubricated air tools, air motors, cylinders, shot blasting, non- Air intended for use with lubricated control valves, cylinders,
frictional valves. parts blow-down, etc.
OTHER SPECS MET: Compressed Air & Gas Institute: OTHER SPECS MET: Mil. Std. 282 H.E.P.A., U.S.P.H.S. 3A
CGA – G7.1 (Grades A & Ba1) Accepted particles for milk
ISO Class 1 1
Point-Of-Use Air
Compressor Room (Source) Preparation Equipment:
Air Preparation Equipment:
Dew Point
100° F 64° F
Use media
grade 6C
Aftercooler Deliquescent
Compressor Auto Dryer Auto Regulator
Drain Drain
Use media Use media
grade 6C grade 3P
Any compressor with aftercooler, 2-stage coalescing and deliquescent dryer. Air intended for use with general pneumatic sys-
tems, body shop spray painting and components sensitive to high moisture content.
OTHER SPECS MET: Compressed Air & Gas Institute: CGA – G7.1 (Grade C)
ISO Class 1 4 1
Compressor Room (Source) Air Preparation Equipment:
Air Preparation Equipment:
Dew Point
100° F 40° F
Use media
grade 6C
Aftercooler Refrigerated
Compressor Auto Dryer Auto Regulator
Drain Drain
Use media
grade 6C
or 7CVP
Any compressor with aftercooler, 2-stage coalescing and refrigerated dryer. Air intended for use with air-gauging, air conveyors,
spray-painting, food processing, instrumentation, blow molding, cosmetics, film processing, bottling, pharmaceuticals, dairy,
breweries, medical, robotics and close tolerance valves.
SPECS MET: CGA – G7.1 (Grades D & E), ISAS7.3 Fed. Std. 209 (Class 100)
ISO Class 1 4 1
Compressor Room (Source) Air Preparation Equipment:
Air Preparation Equipment:
Dew Point
100° F 40° F
Aftercooler Refrigerated
Compressor Auto Dryer Auto Regulator
Drain Drain
Use media Use media Use media
grade 6C grade 6C grade AU
or 7CVP
Any compressor with aftercooler, 2-stage coalescing, refrigerated dryer and carbon absorber. Air intended for use as industrial
breathing air and decompression chambers. CAUTION: Always use high temperature synthetic lubricants and monitor (alarm for
carbon monoxide concentrations). This system will not eliminate toxic gases!
OTHER SPECS MET: O.S.H.A. 29CFR 1910.134
ISO Class 1 2 1
Any compressor with aftercooler, two-stage and double coalescing and a regenerative-type desiccant dryer. Air intended for
use in applications involving rapid expansion of compressed air, critical instrumentation, high purity gases, computer chip
drying, etc. CAUTION: This air is too dry for respiratory use.
SPECS MET: CGA – G7.1 (Grade F)
Step 1. Determine your application,
media grade, media type and end seals.
Find your (or similar) application from the descriptions below, from the basic application circuits
on the previous page, or consult a Finite application engineer. Determine media grade, media type
and end seal required. If your application requires a coalescing element, use the information listed
below. For other media types, please see the following page.
This coalescing element This coalescing element Media type D elements Finite’s 7CVP media type consists
is made with our special is composed of an epoxy are composed of a micro- of two filter layers between
UNI-CAST construction. saturated, borosilicate glass glass coalescer, utilize a metal retainers. The outer layer
Composed of an epoxy micro-fiber media, and is special high temperature removes aerosols while the
saturated, borosilicate glass also made with our special UNI-CAST formulation, inner layer traps solid particles,
micro-fiber media, this UNI-CAST construction. but are surrounded by protecting and extending the life
media is used in applications This media type has a built- inner and outer diameter of the outer layer. 7CVP elements
requiring the removal in pleated cellulose prefilter metal retainers. These are used in bulk liquid coalescing
of liquid and particulate as the inner layer. As with metal retainers, coupled applications or when relatively
contamination. The outer the C and I media types, the with a glass drain layer, high efficiency and low pressure
synthetic fabric layer allows outer synthetic fabric layer make this an extremely drop are required. A special
swift removal of coalesced aids in the swift and efficient robust element designed to 7DVP media is constructed the
liquids. removal of coalesced liquids. remove both solid and liquid same way, however it allows for
contaminants at elevated higher temperature applications.
Media type I is constructed temperatures.
similarly to the C media Finite’s ME media type are
but also includes an inner mist eliminator elements that
retainer intended for are constructed similarly to
additional strength where the 7CVP, but offer even higher
reverse flow is likely. filtration efficiency for more
critical compressed air quality
Water Separator Element Interceptor Element Adsorption Element
(removal of bulk liquids) (removal of solids) (removal of odor)
This rolled stainless steel mesh Finite’s 3P pleated cellulose This hydrocarbon vapor removal
element has ID and OD metal element removes solid element consists of an ultra-fine
retainers with rolled stainless contaminants, with a 3 micron grained, highly concentrated,
steel mesh in between. It is an absolute rating. Because this activated carbon sheet media.
extremely robust design. With a element is designed to flow from Because these elements are
nominal rating of 100 micron, this its outside to the inside, it has a designed to flow from the outside
media is used for the reduction strong inner retainer that gives to their inside, they have a strong
and elimination of excess liquids this element added strength. 3P inner retainer giving this element
in gas streams. It also would particulate “Interceptor” elements added strength. This media type is
be a good choice as a prefilter are used where very high dirt used to remove hydrocarbon vapor
for coalescing grades 6 and 10 loading is expected but a relatively and is often used to remove the
when extreme volumes of liquid fine pore structure is required. smell or taste of compressor lube
contaminants are present. It is also used as a prefilter to a oil from breathing air.
coalescing filter in systems where
a lot of solid contamination exists.
Step 2. Determine your housing
Find your desired flow rate under the appropriate media grade column. For pressures other than 100 PSIG
or temperatures other than 70°F, please see Alternate Housing Selection Chart, Step 2a, on following page.
Note: The housing assembly part numbers below have a NPT connection. For BSPP, insert F in place of N. For BSPT, insert T in place of N.
Housing Port Grade 4 Grade 6 Grade 7CVP Grade 8 Grade 10 Grade 3PU Grade 100WS Grade A
Assembly Size Coalescer Coalescer Coalescer Coalescer Coalescer Interceptor Water Adsorber
(Standard) (or ME Media) Separator
HN1S 1/4" 11 (19) 15 (26) N/A 20 (34) 25 (43) 25 (43) 50 (85) 15 (26)
HN15S 3/8" 15 (26) 20 (34) N/A 27 (46) 33 (56) 33 (56) 66 (112) 20 (34)
HN2S 1/2" 19 (32) 25 (43) N/A 34 (58) 42 (71) 42 (71) 83 (141) 25 (43)
HN1L 1/4" 23 (39) 30 (51) N/A 41 (68) 50 (85) 50 (85) 50 (85) 30 (51)
HN15L 3/8" 30 (51) 40 (68) N/A 55 (94) 66 (112) 66 (112) 66 (112) 40 (68)
HN2L 1/2" 38 (65) 50 (85) N/A 68 (116) 83 (141) 83 (141) 83 (141) 50 (85)
HN3S 3/4" 61 (104) 80 (136) N/A 109 (185) 133 (226) 133 (226) 133 (226) 80 (136)
HN4S 1" 76 (129) 100 (170) N/A 136 (231) 166 (282) 166 (282) 232 (394) 100 (170)
HN4L 1" 106 (180) 140 (238) N/A 191 (325) 232 (394) 232 (394) 232 (394) 140 (238)
HN5S 1¼" 190 (323) 250 (425) 415 (706) 330 (461) 415 (706) 415 (706) 415 (706) 250 (425)
HN6S 1½" 260 (442) 350 (595) 600 (1020) 465 (791) 600 (1020) 600 (1020) 600 (1020) 350 (595)
HN8E 2" 260 (442) 350 (595) 600 (1020) 465 (791) 600 (1020) 600 (1020) 600 (1020) 350 (595)
HN8S 2" 340 (578) 450 (765) 750 (1275) 600 (1020) 750 (1275) 750 (1275) 750 (1275) 450 (765)
HN8L 2" 470 (799) 625 (1063) 1035 (1760) 830 (1411) 1035 (1760) 1035 (1760) 1035 (1760) 625 (1063)
HN0L 2½" 600 (1020) 800 (1360) 1330 (2261) 1060 (1802) 1330 (2261) 1330 (2261) 1330 (2261) 800 (1360)
HN12L 3" 750 (1275) 1000 (1700) 1660 (2822) 1330 (2261) 1660 (2822) 1660 (2822) 1660 (2822) 1000 (1700)
Gas Specific
Air 1
Ammonia 0.58
Flow Rate: Pressure: Temperature: Specific Gravity: Adjusted Flow
(See chart above) Rate:
(100 PSIG + 14.7 PSIG) (System Temp. °F + 460°F) _____SCFM
System X (System Pressure (PSIG) + 14.7 PSIG)
X 70°F + 460°F
X = @ 100 PSIG,
Flow Rate
Information Given:
Flow Rate = 136 SCFM (100 PSIG + 14.7 PSIG) (100°F + 460°F)
Pressure = 150 PSIG 136 SCFM X X X 1 = 100 SCFM
Actual Temperature = 100°F
(150 PSIG + 14.7 PSIG) 70°F + 460°F
Note: Auto drains require a minimum operating pressure of 10 PSIG to seal.
Mounting brackets available: BK-M (1/4" - 1/2" connections); BK-3 (3/4" - 1" connections).
Step 4. How to Order
Use the steps below to build your own part number.
For any permutation not mentioned below, please consult factory at 1-800-521-4357.
H N 1 2 L - 6 C U G
Series Port Type Port (Connection) Bowl Element Element End Seal Accessory Designator
Name Size Grade Type for preinstalled accessories
N - NPT S - Standard 4 C Blank = No end seal, A - Auto Drain
F - BSPP 1 - 1/4" L - Long Standard on 1/4" to D - DPI Indicator
S - SAE* 15 - 3/8" E - Economy 6 G - DPG Gauge
1" connection sizes
T - BSPT 2 - 1/2" (short bowl)* (Standard on 3/4" & up)
8 U = Urethane, Standard on
3 - 3/4" J - High Temperature (450°F)
*SAE-32 *Economy bowl 1¼" to 3" connection
4 - 1" 10 N - No Accessories
2" connec-
is only available sizes
5 - 1¼" on 2" connection P - 1/8" Differential (3/4" & up)
tion only S = Molded Silicone Rubber
6 - 1½" size.
Sensing Ports
V = Fluorocarbon, Available
8 - 2" Note: Bowl Note: Grades V - Fluorocarbon O-rings
length is are
available 1¼" to 3"
0 - 2½" W-A+D
determined by on
element connections only
12 - 3" the flow rate type C, Q, X- A+P
required. See D and I. For Y- A+G
page 8, Housing 7CVP, 7DVP, Q U = Urethane, Standard all
Selection Chart, ME, 3P, Note: For max. pressures and
for flow rates.
100WS and connection sizes
temperatures related to Accessories,
A, leave this S = Molded Silicone Rubber please see chart on previous page.
V = Fluorocarbon, Available
1¼" to 3" connections only
Drawings, Dimensions & Specifications
F ¼" to 1" Port Size Housings
C Specifications
Max. Pressure: 500 psig (34 bar)
Safety Factor: Max. operating to burst 4:1
A Max. Temp.: 175oF (79oC) with option to 450oF (232oC)
Seals: Nitrile Std./Fluorocarbon optional
Materials: Aluminum - 380 Die cast heads;
6061 Drawn bowls
D Coatings: Chromated heads and bowls;
H Powder painted exterior
Design: In-line threaded bowl to head
1¼" to 3" Port Size Housings
Max. Pressure: 500 psig (34 bar)
Safety Factor: Max. operating to burst 4:1
Max. Temp.: 175oF (79oC) with option to 450oF (232oC)
A Seals: Nitrile Std./Fluorocarbon optional
Materials: Aluminum - 356 Sand cast heads;
6061 Drawn bowls
Coatings: Chromated heads and bowls;
Powder painted exterior
D Design: In-line threaded bowl to head
North America Europe Asia Pacific
Engine Filtration Engine Filtration Parker Hannifin Corporation
Parker Hannifin Corporation Parker Hannifin Corporation Shanghai Co. Ltd.
Racor Division Filter Division Europe 280 YunQiao Road
JinQiao Export Processing Zone
Worldwide Manufacturing Locations
3400 Finch Road Shaw Cross Business Park
P.O. Box 3208 Churwell Vale Shanghai 101206 China
Modesto, CA 95354 Dewsbury, WF12 7RD England phone +86 21 5031 2525
phone 209 521 7860 phone +44 (0) 1924 487000 fax +86 21 5834 3714
fax 209 529 3278 fax +44 (0) 1924 487038 www.parker.com/china
www.parker.com/racor www.parker.com/eurofilt
Parker Hannifin Corporation
Singapore Pte Ltd.
Parker Hannifin Corporation Compressed Air Treatment Lot 558A, Jalan Subang 3
Racor Division Parker Hannifin Corporation
P.O. Box 6030 Off Persiaran Subang
domnick hunter industrial operations
Holly Springs, MS 38635 Sungai Penaga Industrial Park
Dukesway, Team Valley Trading Estate
phone 662 252 2656 47610 Subang Jaya
Gateshead,Tyne & Wear
fax 662 274 2118 Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
England NE11 OPZ
www.parker.com/racor phone +60 3 5638 1476
phone +44 (0) 191 402 9000
fax +60 3 5638 1527
fax + 44 (0) 191 482 6296
Parker Hannifin Corporation www.parker.com/malaysia
Racor Division
302 Parker Drive Parker Hannifin Corporation
Parker Hannifin Corporation
Beaufort, SC 29906 Thailand Co. Ltd.
Parker Hiross S.p.A.
phone 843 846 3200 1023 3rd Floor, TPS Building
Strada Zona Industriale, 4
fax 843 846 3230 Pattanakam Road
35020, S. Angelo di Piove(PD), Italy
www.parker.com/racor Suanluang, Bangkok 10250 Thailand
phone +39 049 9712 111
phone +66 2717 8140
fax +39 049 7001 111
fax +66 2717 8148
Compressed Air Treatment www.dh-hiross.com
Parker Hannifin Corporation
Filtration and Separation Parker Hannifin Corporation
Parker Hannifin Corporation
Balston Operation ZANDER Aufbereitungstechnik GmbH
Korea Ltd.
242 Neck Road Stammhaus Essen/Headquarter
777 Jung-Ri
Haverhill, MA 01835-0723 Germany, Essen
Dongtan-Myeon, Hwaseong-City
phone 978 858 0505 Im Teelbruch 118
Kyunggi-Do, 445-813 Korea
fax 978 858 0625 45219 Essen
phone +82 31 379 2200
www.parker.com/baltson phone +49 (0) 20 54 93 40
fax +82 31 377 9710
fax + 49 (0) 20 54 93 41 64
Parker Hannifin Corporation www.zander.de
Filtration and Separation
Finite Filter Operation Hydraulic Filtration Latin America
500 Glaspie Street Parker Hannifin Corporation
Parker Hannifin Corporation
P.O. Box 599 Comercio Ltda. Filtration Division
Hydraulic Filtration Division Europe
Oxford, MI 48371-5132 Estrada Municipal Joel de Paula, 900
Stieltjesweg 8, 6827 BV Arnhem
phone 248 628 6400 Eugenio de Melo, Sao Jose dos Campos
P.O. Box 5008 6802 EA, Arnhem
fax 248 628 1850 CEP 12225-390 SP Brazil
Arnhem, Holland
www.parker.com/finitefilter phone +55 (12) 4009 3500
phone +31 26 3760376
fax +55 (12) 4009 3529
fax +31 26 3643620
Parker Hannifin Corporation www.parker.com/br
Airtek Division
4087 Walden Avenue Parker Hannifin Corporation
Lancaster, NY 14086 Finn Filter Operation
phone 716 685 4040 Salmentie 260
fax 716 685 1010 FI-31700 Urjala as Finland © 2008 Parker Hannifin Corporation
www.airtek.com phone +358 20 753 2500 March 2008 / Bulletin 1300-993C/USA
fax +358 20 753 2501
Hydraulic Filtration www.parker.com/fi
Parker Hannifin Corporation
Hydraulic Filter Division Parker Hannifin Corporation
16810 Fulton County Road #2 CMC Operation Parker Hannifin Corporation
Metamora, OH 43540-9714 Brunel Way
phone 419 644 4311 Thetford, Norfolk IP 24 1HP England Finite Filter Operation
fax 419 644 6205 phone +44 1842 763299 500 Glaspie Street
www.parker.com/hydraulicfilter fax +44 1842 756300 Oxford, MI 48371
www.parker.com/cmc phone 248 628-6400
Process Filtration fax 248 628-1850
Parker Hannifin Corporation Process Filtration
Process Advanced Filtration Parker Hannifin Corporation www.parker.com/finitefilter
2340 Eastman Avenue domnick hunter process division
Oxnard, CA 93030 Durham Road, Birtley
phone 805 604 3400 Co. Durham, DH3 2SF England
fax 805 604 3401 phone +44 (0) 191 410 5121
www.parker.com/processfiltration fax +44 (0) 191 410 5312