[w.e.f.2013-2014 (i.e. candidates admitted to the course
from the academic year 2013-14 onwards ) ]
Semester Subject Total Credits
measurement and calculation, factors affecting viscosity, viscosity
in every day life.
4.2 Solid State and Liquid Crystals (15 hrs)
Classification of solids, isotropic and anisotropic crystals,
representation of planes, Miller indices, space lattice,unit cell, crystal
systems, packing of ions in crystals {CCP andHCP}. X-ray
diffraction-derivation of Bragg’s equation, discussion of structures
of NaCl, CsCl and ZnS, determination of Avogadro’s number. Liquid
crystals-introduction to liquid crystals.
Unit- V (20 hrs)
5.1 Chemistry of Alkanes and Cycloalkanes : Petroleum ;sources
of alkanes, pyrolysis of alkanes. Conformational analysis of ethane
and n-butane. Aromatization of cycloalkanes, Baeyer’s strain theory.
Conformational analysis of cyclohexane (chair,boat and skew boat
forms), methyl cyclohexane and dimethyl cyclohexane (1,2; 1,3 and
1,4) [3D visualization through computers].
5.2 Alkenes, Alkynes and Dienes: Preparation of alkenes
(dehydrogenation, dehydrohalogenation and dehydration),
preparation of alkynes(dehydrohalogenation, dehalogenation).
Addition (with mechanisms) of H2, X‚ ,HX,HOX,B‚ H6 and O3 to
alkenes and alkynes. Additional of HBr (peroxide effect; free radical
reaction mechanism)to alkenes and alkynes. Syn Dihydroxylation
of alkenes with OsO4. Allylic substitution of alkenes by NBS. Dienes-
types, stability; preparation of- 1,3-butadiene,isoprene, and
chloprene. Reactivity: 1,2- and 1,4- additions to butadane. Diels-
Alder reaction. Introduction to Polymers: Polymerisation- types,
natural rubber.
Textbooks :
Puri, B.R., L.R. Sharma and M.S. Pathania. Principles of
Physical Chemistry, 44th ed., New Delhi, Vishal Publishing
Co., 2009.
Puri, B.R., L.R. Sharma and K.C. Kalia. Principles of Inorganic
Chemistry, 30th ed., New Delhi, Milestone Publishers and
Distributors, 2009.
Soni, P.L., and H.M. Chawla. Textbook of Organic Chemistry,
29th ed., New Delhi, Sultan Chand & Sons, 2007.
Reference Books
1. Lee, J.D. Concise Inorganic Chemistry, 5th ed., Blackwell
Science, 2005.
2. Soni, P.L. and Mohan Katyal. Textbook of Inorganic
Chemistry, 20th ed., Sultan Chand & Sons, 2006.
3. Liptrot, G.F. Modern Inorganic Chemistry, 2nd ed., The
English Language Book Society and Mills & Boon Ltd.,
4. Glasstone Samuel. Textbook of Physical Chemistry, 2nd
ed., Macmillan India Ltd., 1990.
5. Soni, P.L., O.P.Dharmarha and U.N.Dash. Textbook of
Physical Chemistry, 23rd ed., New Delhi, Sultan Chand &
Sons, 2011.
6. Negi, A.S. and S.C. Anand. A Textbook of Physical
Chemistry, New Delhi, New Age International Pvt. Ltd.,
7. Graham Solomons, T.W. Organic Chemistry, 3rd ed., John
Wiley & Sons.
8. Morrison, R.T. and R.N. Boyd. Organic Chemistry, 6th ed.,
Pearson Education, Asia, 2002.
9. Carey Francis A.Organic Chemistry, 7th ed., New Delhi,
Tata MacGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd., 2009.
10. Mukherji, S.M and S.P. Singh. Reaction Mechanism in
Organic Chemistry 3rd ed., Macmillan India Ltd., 1994.
• To enable learners to understand the chemistry of p-block
• To facilitate them with concepts in colloids.
• To provide them with a better understanding of mechanisms
of substitution and elimination reactions.
Unit-I Chemistry of p- Block Elements [15 hrs]
1.1 Group VA elements : General characteristics of GroupVA
elements; chemistry of H2N-NH2, NH2OH, HN3 and HNO3.Chemistry
of PH3,PCl3,PCl5,POCl3,P2O5 and oxyacids of phosphorous.
1.2 Chemistry of Halogens: General characteristics of halogen with
reference to electro-negativity, electron affinity, oxidation states and
oxidizing power. Peculiarities of F. Halogen acids, oxides and
oxyacids. Inter-halogen compounds, pseudo halogens and basic
nature of Iodine.
1.3 Noble gases:Position in the periodic table. Prepation, properties
and structure of XeF2, XeF4,XeF6 and XeOF4; uses of noble gases.
Unit-II Colloids and Nanomaterials [20 hrs]
2.1 Colloids [15 hrs]
Definition, types , preparation and purification of colloids, properties-
kinetic, optical and electrical stability of colloids, gold number,
associated colloids. Emulsions-types, preparation, properties and
applications. Gels-types, preparation, properties and applications.
Donnan membrane equilibrium. Osmosis, reverse osmosis, dialysis
and desalination. Macromolecules- determination of molecular
weight by osmotic pressure method and light scattering methods.
2.2 Nanomatrials [5 hrs]
Elementary concepts of nanomaterials: Nanoparticals of Au, Ag and
TiO2 –preparation, properties and uses.
Unit-III Nucleophilic Substitution and Elimination Reactions
[10 hrs]
3.1 Nucleophilic substitution : SN1,SN2,SNi reactions-mechanisms,
effect of solvent, structure of substrate, nucleophilicity of the reagent
[nucleophile] and nature of the leaving group.
3.2 Elimination reactions: E1 and E2 reactions and mechanisms:
Hofmann and Saytzeff’s rules. Elinination vs Substitution.
Unit-IV Benzene and Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons
[15 hrs]
Aromaticity-Huckels rule with respect to benzene, naphthalene,
anthracene and phenanthrene; electrophilic substitution in aromatic
compounds-general mechanism; nitration, sulphonation,
halogenations, Friedel-Crafts alkylation and acylation.
Orientation[directive influence} and reactivity in mono substituted
benzenes. Polynuclear hydrocarbons-naphthalene, anthracene,
phenanthrene-preparation, properties and uses.
Unit-V Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds [15 hrs]
Stereoisomerism - definition, classification into geometric and optical
Optical isomerism — Optical activity, asymmetri centre(chirality),
symmetry elements ( σ n ,Sn and i), meaning of (+) or d and (-)orl
and D and L notations, concept of enantiomerism and
diastereoisomerism; Racemisation – methods of Racemisation (by
substitution and tautomerism), Resolution – methods of resolution
(by mechanical, seeding and biochemical), Walden inversion.
Projection formulae- Fischer, flying wedge, Sawhorse and Newmann
projections, notation of optical isomerism:- Cahn-Ingold and Prelog
rules, R and S notations for one and two chirality (stereogenic)
cemtres, erythro and threo representations.
Geometrical isomerism: cis – trans; syn – anti; E – Z descriptors.
[3 D visualization through computers]
Textbooks :
Puri, B.R., L.R. Sharma and M.S. Pathania. Principles of
Physical Chemistry, 44th ed., New Delhi, Vishal Publishing Co., 2009.
Puri, B.R., L.R. Sharma and K.C. Kalia. Principles of Inorganic
Chemistry, 30 th ed., New Delhi, Milestone Publishers and
Distributors, 2009.
Soni, P.L., and H.M. Chawla. Textbook of Organic Chemistry,
29th ed., New Delhi, Sultan Chand & Sons, 2007.
Reference Books
1. Lee, J.D. Concise Inorganic Chemistry, 5th ed., Blackwell
Science, 2005.
2. Soni, P.L. and Mohan Katyal. Textbook of Inorganic
Chemistry, 20th ed., Sultan Chand & Sons, 2006.
3. Liptrot, G.F. Modern Inorganic Chemistry, 2nd ed., The
English Language Book Society and Mills & Boon Ltd.,
4. Glasstone Samuel. Textbook of Physical Chemistry, 2nd ed.,
Macmillan India Ltd., 1990.
5. Soni, P.L., O.P.Dharmarha and U.N.Dash. Textbook of
Physical Chemistry, 23rd ed., New Delhi, Sultan Chand &
Sons, 2011.
6. Negi, A.S. and S.C. Anand. A Textbook of Physical
Chemistry, New Delhi, New Age International Pvt. Ltd.,
7. Graham Solomons, T.W. Organic Chemistry, 3rd ed., John
Wiley & Sons.
8. Morrison, R.T. and R.N. Boyd. Organic Chemistry, 6th ed.,
Pearson Education, Asia, 2002.
9. Eliel, Ernest L. Stereochemistry of Carbon Compounds, New
Delhi, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd., 1989.
10. Agarwal, O.P. Organic Chemistry Reactions and agents,
Meerut, Goel Publishing house 2005.
11. Raghavan, V.R. Materials Science and Engineering, prentice
Hall (India) Ltd., 2001
12. Nanomaterials – An introduction to synthesis, properties
and applications, D. Vollath, Wiley, 2008
13. Nanomaterials : A Sojourn (2006)
details/ost-engineering-nanomaterials (free download)