A Robust Composition of Polymers and Fly Ash
A Robust Composition of Polymers and Fly Ash
A Robust Composition of Polymers and Fly Ash
A new polymer concrete with the compound poly-buta-di-ene binder
(Rub Con) was investigated for its chemical resistance. Few problems which are
important for corrosion attack are discussed which are based on a set of experiments.
Mechanism of relationship between the organic & inorganic aggressive medium and
Rub Con is analysed. The elevated temperature and corrosive environment
exposition’s influence is also revealed. Application of special activating agents like
Altax, sulfur + tiuram- D, TiO2, BaSO4 has a positive effect on the chemical resistance
of the Rub Con. When the chemical resistance of Rub Con and ordinary Portland
cement concrete is compared, the chemical resistance of the Rub Con is found very
high and it even surpasses the chemical resistance of the polyester, poly-e-poxy and
vinyl ester polymer concrete.
1.1. General
In today's world, a lot of steel is used to strengthen the concrete structures in
the form of inserted rods hence the life of those embedded rods bear a persistent
problem of corrosion and therefore is a cause of concern for scientists and engineers.
Corrosion of reinforcing bars embedded in concrete is the most common cause of
deterioration of concrete structures in aggressive environments (Jones A.E.K., 1997).
Corrosion of steel reinforcement results in cracking and eventual spalling of concrete.
In general, good quality concrete provides excellent protection for steel
reinforcement. Due to the high alkalinity of concrete pore fluid, steel in concrete
initially and, in most cases, for sustained long periods of time, remains in a passive
state. Initiation of corrosion occurs either due to reduction in alkalinity arising from
carbonation or the breakdown of the passive layer by the attack of chloride ions. The
time to initiation of corrosion is determined largely by the thickness and the quality of
concrete cover as well as the permeability of concrete. High quality and durable
concrete is required to reduce the rapid deterioration of concrete under severe
environmental conditions. In this context, the beneficial effects of alternative
cementing materials should be considered. When alternative cementitious materials
such as fly ash is used in concrete, not only reduced the porosity but also the pores
become finer and the change in mineralogy of the cement hydrates leads to a
reduction in the mobility of chloride ions(S. Li & Roy, 1986). If the steel which is
present in concrete corrodes an expansive force is generated due to increase in the
volume of steel which can rupture the concrete. If a crack is being formed due to this
expansive force in the structure then the rate of corrosion of steel starts even more
rapidly leading to the complete failure of the structural member involved. Therefore
worldwide, the chief concern is the early deterioration of reinforced concrete
structures which is induced due to corrosion of the embedded steel. The prevention of
the steel corrosion can be done by providing a waterproof coating which prevents the
entry of salt, water and air.
Developments in civil engineering and industrial growth have created a continual
demand for building materials with new and improved performance attributes.
Polymer concretes (PC) appear to offer possibilities for meeting these new
requirements. By polymer concrete is meant a polymer composite with a polymer
matrix and sand and rocks, like those used in Portland cement concrete, as inclusions.
Service conditions often dictate specific material requirements that may be met by PC
when several composite properties are considered simultaneously. Advancements in
PC materials have slowed over the past 25 years as compared to the rate of
advancements in the 1970s and 1980s. The knowledge base in concrete polymer
materials has matured as many products have been made commercially available.
There are now many polymer-based construction materials that have been shown to
perform very well for their intended purposes: concrete spall repair, crack repair,
concrete overlays, and precast concrete components. The cost of polymer-based
systems is high relative to conventional Portland cement concrete materials, and it is
necessary to demonstrate the improved durability, reduced thickness/size, ability to be
placed in difficult environmental conditions, and/or the fact that other non-polymer
materials will not work. There are many situations for which concrete polymer
materials prove to be the most appropriate materials for the intended application.
Understanding of the nature of PC is necessary for the design of the most cost-
effective PC composites and to produce materials with desired properties. Polymer
concrete is usually used in severe conditions in industrial and public buildings as well
as in transportation and hydraulic structures. The main uses are repairing
strengthening, and corrosion protection of concrete structures. The main advantages
of polymer concrete over ordinary concrete are improved mechanical strength, low
permeability, and improved chemical resistance. The main limitation is their relatively
high material cost. This is why it is important to find the optimum technical/economic
compromise. To solve this problem, it is necessary to formulate a reliable predictive
mathematical model of polymer concrete material properties. One of the new kinds of
the structural polymer building materials created recently is rubber concrete based on
polybutadiene binder (is short for RubCon). The idea of using liquid rubber as the
binder for polymer concrete was the first time put forward by Prof. O. Figovsky [1].
RubCon is noted for its effective operational characteristics: the highest chemical
resistance and some physical-mechanical properties, adaptability to manufacture,
small shrinkage etc. [2]. Application of RubCon in practice of construction allows
solving a problem of corrosion, negative influence of temperature, degradation of a
material at raised UV - exposure, radiation and other adverse natural and technogenic
factors, to increase the between-repairs period, reliability and durability of buildings
and structures, especially at the action of aggressive environments. It is necessary to
note, that RubCon is cheaper in comparison with other corrosion resistant polymer
composites. The complex of physical-mechanical, heat-physical and technological
properties of RubCon, its behavior in conditions of influence of a broad aggressive
environment spectrum, problems of durability and reliability are studied, pilot test of
RubCon as new structural building material at the enterprises of various industries is
made [2,4-9].
The development of manufacture of diene oligomers belonging to a liquid
rubber class with viscous liquids consistence allowed creating a new class of
conglomerate polymer composite materials- rubber concrete (RubCon). Rubber
concrete is the advanced constructional material created for last years. It is polymer
concrete with a unique set of physical-mechanical, chemical and technological
properties which allow to obtain highly effective building structures and products on
its basis [2]. RubCon contains no cement as a binder; its matrix is polybutadiene — a
polymer from the liquid rubber family so that RubCon has elastic properties and it is
extremely resistant to aggressive chemicals, highly repellant to water and has the
highest compression strength. RubCon does not exhibit the common failure
mechanisms of conventional concrete, such as cracking and flaking, freeze and thaw,
and it resists vibrations, making it an ideal pad material for pumps and compressors.
Furthermore, it coats reinforcing bars making the bars impenetrable to water, hence
arresting corrosion. The strength and durability of concrete depends upon the
variation of particles and the binder used with its fabrication. RubCon is applied in the
same manner as conventional concrete, formulated first from a component mixture
into a liquid and then cured for 12 - 48 hours for hardening. The initial binder
components are formulated off-site into a mixture. The component mixture consists of
a single component package for hot curing (150º to 180º C) with a shelf life of three
months (in a closed container), and a two component package for cold (20º to 25º C)
and semi-hot (70º to 100º) curing with a shelf-life of six months. For the preparation
of RubCon mix fine (quartz and stream sends, fly ash) and coarse (different kinds of
chipping and gravel) aggregate were used (Fig. 1). The components of the mix can be
easily formulated onsite in a nontoxic and completely safe manner. It will be noted
that RubCon binder is easily applied and will adhere to metal or glass reinforcements.
After two days, RubCon binder may be walked upon and after seven days, it is ready
for work loads. With the use of special adhesives it can be applied over existing
concrete flooring.
Naik et al, (1994) evaluated the effect of adding of a class C fly ash on the
permeability of concrete by replacing cement with fly ash in the range of 0-70% by
weight in the concrete composites. For the test results of air permeability, they have
concluded that at lower ages up to 28 days, the concrete having high volume of fly
ash showed higher levels of ingress of air relative to the normal Portland cement
concrete. On water permeability test results, they have reported that concrete water
permeability decreased with age. All three of the concrete mixes indicated fair
resistance to water permeability up to the ages of 14-40 days. At 91-day age, the high
volume (50%) fly ash concrete showed lower water penetrability to that of normal
Portland cement concrete. They observed that chloride penetrability reduced with age.
The 50% fly ash concrete showed the lowest permeability to chloride ions amongst all
the mixture tested. The concrete composites with 50 and 70% replacements of cement
with fly ash were better compared to the no fly ash concrete at 91 days with respect to
w.r.t chloride-ion permeability.
Ha et al, (2005) investigated the influence of fly ash on the rusting performance of
steel in concrete and mortar by some accelerated short-term techniques in NaCl
solutions. The various techniques adopted for determination of durability
enhancements were weight loss method, OCP (Open Circuit Potential) measurements,
impressed voltage and anodic polarization technique. Apart from this macro cell
corrosion studies, pH measurements and approximation of free chloride content were
also performed. The replacement of fly ash up to 30% level helped in improving
corrosion resistance properties of the steel in concrete, improved the permeability
characteristics, delayed initiation time of corrosion and decreased the rate of
M. Criado et al, (2012) examined the inhibitive consequence of two mixes of organic
composites, disodium β-glycerol phosphate or GPH with sodium 3-aminobenzoate
(3AMB) and glycerol phosphate with sodium N-phenylanthranilate (PhAMB), on the
rusting of carbon steel reinforced bars implanted in carbonated chloride-polluted OPC
and alkali-activated FA (fly ash) mortars. At room temperature and at 65% relative
humidity, the carbonation in the mortar was achieved by keeping them in the CO2
maintained chamber for 60 days. The mixture of PhAMB with GPH exhibited the
utmost protective properties.
M. Kishore Kumar et al, (2012) studied the reinforced concrete durability w.r.t
rusting of reinforcement. The initiation time and the time for cracking are determined
by change in the slope of the specimens for different grades of concrete. For 30%
replacement of cement with fly ash the initiation time of M25 grade was around 54
days as compared to other % of replacements. For 30% replacement of cement with
fly ash the initiation time of M30 grade was around 63 days as compared to other %
of replacements. For 30% replacement of cement with fly ash the initiation time was
maximum in both grades of the concrete. For 30% replacement of cement with fly ash
the compressive strength of the concrete specimens is higher in both grades of the
concrete at 90 days of curing.
Rob B. Polder, (2012) reviewed the long lasting performance when the concrete was
made with blast furnace slag and also fly ash linked to chloride induced reinforced
steel corrosion. The penetration of chloride was deeper and faster in case of Portland
cement concrete. According to the analysis of chloride profile for slag and Portland
cement, the chloride surface fillings was similar, whereas the dispersal coefficient was
consistently lower for slag cement in comparison to Portland cement. Compound
cements with fly ash and slag at about 25% clinker replacement each behave
similarly. Critical (corrosion initiating) chloride contents appear comparable for all
cement types mentioned both fly ash and slag concrete show improved behavior
compared to the Ordinary Portland cement in aggressive environments, in particular
where penetration of chloride presents the risk of reinforcement corrosion.
Replacement of clinker with slag at high-level (50 – 70%) and fly ash at intermediary
level (20 – 30%) produces high chloride penetration resistance and high electrical
resistivity, overall decreasing the risk of rusting in chloride corrupted environments.
Ana María Aguirre-Guerrero et al., (2016) tested the performance of 2 hybrid kind
geopolymer mortars made of alkaline-activated FA and MK (Metakaolin) as
defensive coatings against the chloride-induced rusting in reinforced cement concrete.
In both cases, the coated, Portland cement (OPC)-based concretes (substrates) were
subjected to accelerated techniques such as impressed voltage and wetting/drying
cycles in the company of 3.5% NaCl solution.
3.1. Introduction
This chapter plots the experiment program, anticipated for present examination. The
goal of the present examination has been sketched out in Chapter1. To accomplish the targets,
a trial program was wanted to examine mechanical and durability properties of concrete.
Change of test specimen mass
m = (m1 –m0)*100/m0 (3)
Here Rc0, E0, m0, Rc1, E1, m1 - compressive strength, modulus elasticity and mass
of specimen correspondingly before and after corrosive media attack during one year
of exposure.
Temperature Influence on Chemical Resistance of RubCon
In earlier investigation of RubCon, we have studied its
behavior at the elevated and negative temperatures in conditions of the no aggressive
environment operation [7]. Continuation of these researches became the examination
of RubCon resistance in liquid corrosive environments at elevated temperatures,
which visually demonstrated a destruction of the material. Joint influence of
temperature and corrosive medium was determined by the test of RubCon specimens
in the size 4x4x16 cm. Experiments were performed in 10% -solution of caustic soda
and 30% solution of sulfuric acid environments at temperatures +40ºC and +60ºC. It
can be seen that the elevated temperature reduces the chemical resistance of RubCon
samples and leads to their destruction due to the acceleration of chemical reactions
between the corrosion environment and the material.
For this research work, mainly fly ash was used as a pozzolanic material . In different
weight fraction (0%, 10%, 15%, 20%) to cement it was used in M25 grade of concrete
and study the 7 days and 28 days compressive strength, Durability test and flexural
strength of concrete to that of normal concrete with maintaining the water cement
ratio in the range of 0.50.
It is evident that RubCon is corrosive stable structural material because its
chemical resistance coefficient during 10 years operating in aggressive environments
exceeds 0.5. Obtained data allow to appoint the thickness of the concrete cover of a
reinforced RubCon structure.
the additives in the RubCon composition was obtained by two-factor experiment. In
this case, dosage of the additives was varied parameter and with its compressive
strength of RubCon test specimens was efficiency function. In Fig. (3) is showed the
efficiency function surface for RubCon samples in 36% solution of a hydrochloric
acid depending on quantity of additives: sulfur + tiuram-D (x1) and altax (x2).
Regression formula of relationship between RubCon compressive
strength R and quantities of additives (x1- sulfur + tiuram-D and x2- altax).
Compressive strength of the RubCon samples after 90
days exposition in 36% solution of HCl peaks at x1 =__ And x2 =__. As this took
place, coefficient of chemical resistance was increased from ___ to ____; after one
year exposition in the same corrosive environment from ?. Introduction of other
additives into the RubCon mix also make possible to raise its compressive strength.
Our experiments have shown that addition of 2.3% TiO2 or 3.6% BaSO4 allows to
increase compressive strength of the RubCon samples after 90 days exposition in 36%
solution of HCl up to 11÷12% (Table 5). As illustrated in Fig. (4), growth of
compressed strength R of RubCon operated in no aggressive environments (line 1) is
connected with increase of the TiO2 doze since oxide of metals are activating agents
of vulcanization process. After 90 days exposition into 36% solution of HCl and
quantity of TiO2 more 2.3% chemical resistance coefficient Kcr and compressive
strength R are decreased (lines 2, 3). We attribute this phenomenon to intensive
formation of soluble compounds resulting in the production of micro cracks.
3.3. Materials
3.3.1. Cement
All materials that go into concrete blend are necessary, concrete is all the time
the most critical in light of the fact that it is generally the sensitive connection in the chain.
The capacity of concrete is as a matter of first importance to tie the sand and stone together
and second to top off the voids in the middle of sand and stone particles to frame a
conservative mass. In spite of the fact that it constitutes just around 20 for every penny of the
volume of concrete blend, it is the dynamic bit of restricting medium and is the main logically
controlled element of concrete. Any variety in its amount influences the compressive quality
of the concrete blend. In the present examination, Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) of 43
Grade was utilized for all concrete blends.
3.3.2. Aggregates
The agglomeration is the network or vital structure comprising of moderately idle and
coarse particles. The coarse agglomeration is utilized principally with the end goal of giving
mass to the concrete. The most critical capacity of fine agglomerations is to help with
delivering a workable and a uniform concrete blend. The fine agglomeration likewise helps
the concrete glue to hold the coarse agglomeration particles in suspension. This activity
advances versatility in the concrete blend and anticipates isolation of the glue and coarse
agglomerations amid its transportation. The agglomerations give around 75 for each penny of
the group of cement and consequently their impact is critical. The properties of these particles
enormously influence the execution of cement.
The coarse agglomeration utilized were washed and kept in water for 24hr's to expel clean
and earth and were dried to surface dry condition.
3.3.5. Natural Coarse Aggregate
Crushed granite with ostensible sizes of 10 mm and 20 mm were utilized as
characteristic coarse agglomeration.
Fly Ash:
Fly ash is finely divided residue resulting from the combustion of powdered
coal and transported by the flue gases and collected by electrostatic precipitator. Fly
ash is the most widely used pozzolonic material all over the world. In the recent time,
the importance and use of fly ash in concrete has grown so much that it has almost
become a common ingredient in concrete, particularly for making high strength and
high performance concrete. To use fly ash as a supplementary cementitious material
extensive research has been done on the benefits that can be achieved by using fly
ash. All over the world high volume fly ash concrete is becoming the subject of
current interest as the use of fly ash as concrete admixture not only extends technical
advantages to the properties of concrete but also contributes to the environmental
pollution control. In India alone, we produce about 75 million tons of fly ash per year,
the disposal of which has become a serious environmental problem. The concrete
technologists and government departments are taking serious considerations on fly
ash due to its effective utilization. The tests on fly ash were carried out as per IS:
1727-1967. The specific gravity of fly ash is 2.25 and fineness is 8 % (by dry sieving
3.3.8. Water
For the most part, water that is reasonable for drinking is agreeable for use in concrete. Water
from lakes and streams that contain marine life likewise typically is reasonable. At the point
when water is gotten from sources specified over, no testing is essential. When it is suspected
that water may contain sewage, mine water, or lavish from modern plants or canneries, it
ought to be utilized as a part of cement unless tests demonstrate that it is attractive. Water
from such sources ought to be maintained a strategic distance from since the nature of the
water could change because of low water or by irregular release of hurtful lavish into stream.
The water utilized was the consumable water as provided in the structures research facility of
our establishment. Water utilized for blending and curing ought to be perfect and free from
damaging measures of oils, acids, alkalis, salts and sugar, natural materials or different
substances that might be pernicious to concrete. According to May be: 456-2000 consumable
water is by and large viewed as tasteful for blending and curing of cement. In like manner
consumable water was utilized for arrangement of every single concrete example.
3.8.1. Compressive strength test
By definition, a definitive compressive quality of a material is the estimation of uniaxial
compressive anxiety achieved when the material fails totally. The compressive quality is
normally gotten tentatively by methods for a compressive test. The mechanical assembly
utilized for this test is the same as the utilized as a part of a ductile test.
A pressure test decides conduct of materials under pulverizing loads. The example is packed
and distortion on different burdens is recorded. Compressive anxiety is ascertained and
plotted as an anxiety strain outline which is utilized to decide versatile point of confinement.
The test was led on cubes of size 100mm 100 mm. Examples were taken out from curing tank
the age of 7,28,60 and 90 days. Surface was then permitted to trickle down. Examples were
then tried on 200 tones limit pressure testing machine (CTM). The position of 3D Square
while testing was correct points to that of throwing position. Pivot of examples was
painstakingly lined up with the focal point of push of the circularly seed in addition to.
The load was connected step by step with no stun and expanded consistent rate of 3.5 N/mm2
until the point when disappointment of example takes and the run of the mill setup of pressure
machine is appeared in Fig 3.1. The average of three specimens was taken as the agent
estimation of pressure quality for each bch of cement. The compressive quality was figured
by partitioning the greatest compressive load by the cross sectional range of the 3D cube
examples. In this way the compressive quality of various examples was gotten.
3.8.3. Initial surface absorption test
The Initial Surface Absorption Tests (ISAT) was directed as per BS 1881: Part 208:
1996 (20) on all examples following 2 months from the date of throwing. The Initial Surface
Absorption test was executed as a pointer for the durability of the blends. The concrete cubes
were at first broiler dried. A top was connected to the concrete surface. This top was
associated with a store with a water weight head of 200 mm. The top was likewise associated
with an even slim tube. Water was permitted to infiltrate the concrete surface from the
repository into the top. Toward the finish of 0, 30, 60 and 120 minutes, the store stream was
shut and the water was permitted to enter the concrete surface from the narrow tube and the
setup is appeared in Fig 3.3. The test gives the water stream (M1/M2.sec) into the surface of
the dry 3D cube example utilizing the adjustment of the hair like tube.
Fig 3.4. Cubes under acid testing and the PH meter.
Table 4.2. Slump values for different concrete mixes
Mix Slump (mm)
From Table 4.2, it can be seen that the slump esteem is reducing with
increment in the reused concrete rate in the blend. This is on the grounds that the
reused agglomerations assimilates more water than the ordinary agglomerations as a
result of the nearness of tidy and the mortar on the surface of reused agglomerations.
All slump esteems were kept up in the middle of 90-110mm by differing the dose of
super plasticizer.
Table 4.3. Compressive strength (M Pa) values of all mixes at different curing ages
Mix Mix Description Compressive Strength (M Pa)
From the above test outcomes and the graphical variety as appeared in Fig 4.1,
it was watched that the compressive strength results of the M2, M3 and M4 are
similar with the blend M1. This demonstrates the compressive strength of reused
agglomeration cement with up to 30% supplanting of natural agglomerations with
reused agglomerations gives similar esteems when contrasted with the typical
agglomerations concrete or customary cement. The rate misfortune in quality from
0%RA blend to 30%RA blend was 5.30% following 90 days, and at 28 days the loss
of quality from M1 to M4 is 1.15%. After 30% substitution i.e., 40% and half
supplanting of NA with RA demonstrates the sporadic conduct in compressive quality
esteems at both 28 days and 90 days. At early time of curing i.e. 28 days, the
distinction in compressive quality of M1, M2, M3 and M4 is less, though at 90 days
the distinction in compressive quality of M1, M2, M3 and M4 is extensive. So it was
watched that the ideal level of supplanting of NA with RA is 30%. Past 30%
substitution the outcomes indicating Reducing pattern as far as compressive quality at
all curing ages.
Table 4.4.Split tensile strength test (M Pa) values of all mixes at different curing ages.
From the above test outcomes and the graphical variety as appeared in Table 4.4 and Fig 4.2,
it was watched that the split rigidity consequences of the M2, M3 and M4 are practically
identical with the blend M1. This demonstrates the split elasticity comes about of reused
agglomeration cement with 30% supplanting of natural aggregates with reused
agglomerations gives similar esteems when contrasted with the typical agglomerations
concrete or traditional cement. After 30% substitution i.e., 40% and half supplanting of NA
with RA demonstrates the sporadic conduct in split rigidity esteems. The rate misfortune in
quality from 0%RA blend to 30%RA blend was 5.01% following 90 days, and at 28 days the
loss of quality from M1 to M4 is 0.7%. So the ideal level of supplanting of NA with RA is
Past 30% substitution the outcomes demonstrating Reducing pattern as far as split
rigidity. The most elevated estimation of split rigidity was watched for blend with 0% reused
agglomerations at both introductory stage and later phases of curing. The most minimal
estimation of split elasticity was watched for blend with half reused agglomerations at both
introductory stage and later phase of curing. The lessening in the split pliable estimation of
reused agglomeration cement from one blend to other is high in the underlying stages i.e. 7,
14, 28 days, while the reduction in split ductile incentive at 56, 90 days is uniform this can be
unmistakably appeared in the graph. Along these lines, reused agglomeration cement
performed preferred with less over 30% substitution in the underlying stages.
The assimilation of water or stream of water reduced with time. This was on the grounds that
the rate of ingestion of water turns out to be less as time increments when the external zone of
the surface is soaked and it is more troublesome for water to be consumed by the internal
pores. It was discovered that the stream information at interim of 10 minutes give a more
agent pattern of the surface ingestion attributes. Stream rate at less than 10 minutes won't not
speak to a steady and consistent stream of water into the concrete, and the stream rates at 30
and 60 min. interims would not be reasonable since the concrete surface would as of now be
in an immersed state and the information acquired won't be appropriate for relative purposes.
at 10 min.
56 days 90 days
The underlying surface ingestion esteems (ISAT) for 10 min, 30 min and 60 min of different
blends at various curing ages is appeared from Table 4.5 to Table 4.7. From the qualities it
can be seen that the assimilation Reduces with increment in curing time.
Table 4.5 to Table 4.7 demonstrates the outcomes got from the ISAT test performed on 6
blends at 56 days and 90 days of curing age. The most minimal esteem was recorded as 0.124,
0.107 ml/(m2.Sec) for blend 100%NA+0%RCA for 56 and 90 days at 60 min individually.
While the most elevated esteem was recorded as 0.475, 0.445 ml/(m2.Sec) for blend
50%NA+50%RCA for 56 and 90 days at 10 min separately. From the Fig 4.3 and 4.4 it can
be seen that the expansion in reused agglomeration rate in the blend is the purpose behind
more ingestion. This is a result of the nearness of mortar and clean on the reused
agglomerations and is additionally permeable, so reused agglomeration cement assimilates
more water. Additionally the underlying esteems i.e. 10 min esteem is more than the rest of
the 30 min and 60 min, after 10 min of persistent supply of water the concrete 3D cube gets
soaked so it won't retains more water after 10min. From the above outcomes slant it can be
watched that the ISAT esteem is expanding with the expansion in the level of reused
agglomeration substance in the blend. It can likewise be watched that the ingestion is more in
the 56 days test time than contrasted with the assimilation in 90 days test time. Along these
lines, with increment in curing time we can reduce the assimilation limit of cement.
Fig 4.5 Acid tested specimen and normally cured specimen.
From the test outcomes, unmistakably the concrete arranged with reused aggregates
demonstrated moderately higher mass change. Albeit both control blend and reused aggregate
concrete blend endured slight mass, the general misfortune in mass of reused aggregate
cement was significantly higher. The greatest decrease of mass is gotten at half substitution of
reused aggregates i.e. 5.35%, and decrease of mass in the control blend is 1.5%. Every
concrete example get influenced by basic analysis. The rate contrast in compressive quality
for 0% RA is less contrasted with half RA blend and the pattern is appeared in table beneath.
Along these lines, it can be presumed that the impact of Acid expanded with the expansion in
the reused agglomeration rate in the blend.
The impact of alkaline solution on compressive quality and the outcomes are appeared in
Table 4.9 and the tried examples were appeared in Fig 4.6
From the Table 4.9, it can be watched that every one of the examples demonstrated increment
in the weight after expulsion from the alkaline solution tank. This is a direct result of the
nearness of salts in the arrangement. These salts collect in the pores of the concrete examples,
so the weight is expanded by a maximum estimation of 0.58% by weight of 3D square. So it
can be watched that every one of the examples demonstrated higher resistance towards
alkaline solution contrasted with Acid arrangement. The weight contrast after the test on
concrete with alkaline solution is less contrasted with Acid arrangement test. The compressive
quality misfortune additionally watched less in alkaline solution contrasted with the quality
misfortune in acid arrangement. It can likewise be watched that the quality misfortune and
weight reduction increments with increment in the reused material in the concrete blends. The
quality misfortune and weight reduction in basic arrangement is less and all blends performs
well in alkaline solution.
5.1. Introduction
In this examination, the mechanical and durability properties of cement arranged with reused
agglomerations were explored. In light of the results of this trial study, the accompanying
conclusions can be drawn.
5.2. Conclusions
RubCon offers the universal chemical resistance many times higher than ordinary Portland
cement concrete and surpasses of chemical resistance of polyester, polyepoxy and vinyl este
polymer concrete.
• The most intensive decrease of RubCon strength occurs during the first 6 months of the
corrosion environments exposition.
• Destruction of polybutadiene under the action of inorganic acids is caused by oxidation of a
macromolecule of polymer and depends on the speed of this process course. In other word
cross-section links of a spatial composite network formed by vulcanization process ar
• Elevated temperature (up to 60°C) insignificantly reduces the chemical resistance of
RubCon samples and leads to their destruction due to acceleration of chemical reaction
between the corrosion environment and a material.
• Chemical resistance coefficient of RubCon operating in aggressive environments during 10
years exceeds 0.5. Obtained data allow appointing the thickness of the concrete cover of a
reinforced RubCon structure.
• Additives make possible to improve physical mechanical properties of RubCon and its
resistibility to the corrosive medium Optimum quantity of the sulfur + tiuram-D and altax
additives in the RubCon composition is 4.45% and 0.28%, correspondingly. Optimum
quantity of the TiO2 or BaSO4 additives in the RubCon composition is 2.3% and 3.6%,
• Fiber reinforced RubCon is chemical resistance material.
• RubCon, displays universal chemical stability and keeps it after -radiation exposure
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