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Early ↑

17TM century

James Iskoçya ve
İng"lterey"b!rleşt!rmek "sted". Tek b"r krallık adı altında.

James d"ed and Charles Santa geat!. Tens"ons pers!stant. C"v"l war started bet-

ween the
k!ng's forces and arm"es
He was the most "ndependentofEl!zabethan poet.
He a"med at
real!ty ofthought and v"r"dness
He "s cons"dered the master
ofmetaphys!cal conce"ts.

Paradoxes Rel!g!on
Bel!ttl!ng forces Death
cosm"c and

Metaphys!cal Mean?
After the phys!cal. It deals w"th quest!ons that cant be expla!ned by sc"ence.

Metaphys!cal "s about explorat!on and ph!losophy.

AWhat's metaphys!cal
They are all
h!ghly !ntellectual!zed, use rather strange !magery, use frequent
paradox, conta"n extremely compl!cated thought. The theme "s pecul!ar.

Metaphys!cal Conce!t(!deal
Comb!nat!on v"olence that "s susta"ned
ofheterogenesus "deas
yoked together by
throughoutthe poem.
apparently unt"ne or
self-contrad!ctory statement or c"rcumstance that proves true

upon reflect!on or when exam"ned "n another


Donne seems to be
speak!ng to an
"mag"ned heaver, ra"s"ng the top"c and
try!ng to

persuade. forms force the

The poems reader to trace the
argument throughout the ent"re


John Donne "s famed for 3 th!ng

2- A
great v"s"tor
2- A great frequenter ofplays
3- A
great wr"ter ofconce"ted verses

GENDER RELATIONS (Unconstant woman)

two qu!te d"fferent prose genres.

Rhetor!cally flashy polem!cs argued often "n a sp!r!t ofw!tty

retor"cal thatfemales worthless that
gamesmansh!p, e"ther were or
they were

super!or to men.

2-sober treat"ses of domest"c managementadv"sed readers how to choose a

spouse and order a household.

Swetnam'a ver"len
yout:Black mouth
Her strategy re!nterpret!ng controvers"al b"bl"cal textto y!eld more equ"table

concept ofgender of female !nfer!or!ty.

challeng"ng the
John M"lton

Soc"al Background
1- The weak"ng ofthe t"e between monarchy and
2.The Clashes between the K!ng and Parl"ament
3. The outburst ofthe
Engl"sh Revolut"on
1- The spl"tw"th"n the
revolut"onary camp
5. The the Restorat"on
bourgeos d!ctatorsh!p

The Revolut"on
Engl!sh and Prutan"sm

engl"sh revolut"on was carr"ed out under a
rel"g"ous cloak.
The Pur!tan Movement a"med to make man honest and to make man free

·Worldly pleasures were condemned as harmful.

The ofPur"tan"sm under Cromwell, laws
tr!umph severe were passed.

L!terature ofthe Revolut"on Per"od General character"st"cs (Age of M"lton)

Pur"tans bel"eved "n s!mpl!c!ty ofl"fe. They d"sapproved ofthe
sonnets and the love poetry wr"tten "n the prev"ous per"od
L!terature "n the Pur"tan Age expressed age and sadness. Even "ts br"ghtest
hours were followed by gloom and pess"m"sm.
-Romant!c ardor can't be found "n the l"terature of
the Pur"tan Per"od.

The form of the per"od

l"terary poetry.



Cyc!das: Sorun ş""rler"n en sonunda

yer alır. Emot"onal problem
n the
morn"ng of Chr"st's Nat!v!ty: Elements;prophet"c vo"ce
Parad!se Lost:M!lton's
Long Ep!c
One ofthe
greatest poems.
Tells the b"bl"cal story of the fall from
grace of Adam and Eve. (cennetten at"lmas)

Parad!se Lost:Adam and Eve

Parad"se Lost "s an Ep"c Poem, "t has many ofthe elements that def"ne ep"c form:
· It "s a
long, narrat"ve poem;
It follows the explo"ts ofa hero; Conclus!on:The "mportance ofObed"ence
· It "nvolves warfare and the supernatural; to God


⑪sta. everts!tedede ·

John am Sen e
KremLeg -
H!stor!cal events

change "n L!terature

Bacon advocated root!ng out ofthe m"nd all the !ntellectual pred!lect!on that

had made the old "deas so attract"ve;love

of!ngen!ous correlat"ons, reverence

for trad"t"on, and a pr!or! assumpt"ons about what was poss!ble "n nature. Instead

he argued, groups ofcollaborators ought to des!gn controlled exper"ments to

the truths ofnature by emp!r!cal means.

The ma"n features of metaphys!cal poetry

W"t or conce"t "s commonly used, but the w"tor conce"t "s so odd that the reader
usually loses s!ght ofthe th!ng to be "llustrated.
The "s pecul!ar. The theme "sn't decorated
by convent"onal compar!sons.
Instead, "t "s "llum"ned or emphas!zed
by fantast!c metaphors and extravagant
Sensual!ty "s blended w"th
ph!losophy, pass"on w"th "ntellect, and contrar"es are

"nto the other.

mov!ng one

Complex rhythms are used.

Sey Terms
Metaphys!cal Conce!t: Comb!nat!on ofheterogeneous "deas
yoked together
by v"olence that "s susta"ned throughout the poem.
Complex:It makes demands upon the reader and challenges them to make "t

out. Meantto make th"nk.

paradox: An apparently untrue or
self-contrad!ctory statement or c"rcumstance

that proves true upon reflect"on or when exam"ned l!ghter

"n another
posed as an
argument: He seems to be speak!ng to !mag!ned heaver, ra!s!ng

the top!c and

try!ng to persuade, conv"nce or upbra"d h"m. Argument "s cont"nuous
throughout the poem.
We see Engl!sh prose develop!ng remerkable styl!st!c range: somet"mes ep"gramat"c,
somet"mes homely and vulgar, somet"mes w!tty. Wh"le s!xteenth-century prose

typ!cally employes long sentences w"th complex patterns ofsubord"nat"on and para-

Hel!sm, early seventeenth-century prose favors broken rhythms, "rregular

phras!ng, and more loosely organ!zed sentences.

Report!ng the news

1620's and 1630s a few enterpr!s!ng "nd"v"duals prov"ded "corantos"handwr!tten

reports ofcourtgo!ngs-on, to wealthy "nd"v"duals "n the prov"nces. The"r format var"ed

but typ!cally they were

e!ght-page cheaply pr!nted pamphlets, "ssued weekly. Most
wr"ters and comp"lers rema"ned
anonymous, though "n some cases the
!dent!ty of
the authors open secret. The newsbooks
was an
encouraged an unprecendentedly
w"de and deep sense
ofc"v"c "nvolvement, and arguably also had the
effectofharden!ng fact"onal d"fferences.

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