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The Bear

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Iatroductionto Dramg
There are 2 types of drama:
Comedy - Comic

.dience iS- the mgin thing in dramas - trogic
. Lnthe
biginings , Content tor
Bible. [Miracles of Chrama was
christl. taken from
n irches dlevel
were tne Tist Stoges toopment
act them un
Then, midieval plays were
introduced,They ontained
Enqlish renai5Sonce had brought an era for the
'Flowering of dramo
.Greek is the birth place of drgma.
.Birth of Shakspere made ieth century as golden.
.Dram means action, performance.

" Performonce of written dialogue and stoqe action
" It's aliterary gere that allows actors to act out
writer's ords drectly to aud1ence
The wod drama comes froma qreek oord meaning
'acti on" ,wwhich is derived from I do.

-TIE BEAR Anton Che khov

Written by
Date premiered October 28 ,1889
Moscow ,Russig
orig1nal languoge
. Farce come dy
-Julius West
Translated by

Note on the author

Pavio vich ChekhoU was born on 29 Jonunr:
I860 in Russia playwrig
" He is considered to be one of the qreatest
Story writer of ail time.

Pend Ivanovna Popovg, a landowning little widow

dimples on hercheeks.
Grigory Stepanovitch Smirnov, G middle aged Iandouc
.Luka,popoUas ged foot man.

Nichoiai Minailovitch, husban d of Popoua

The Scuffixes such as:
- QvnC for women
- vitch - tor men
are addec oith landowners' name in Russia

(omedy and its types

* Comecy isa literory genre &atype of dram t
work that is dmusnq and satrical in its tone,
mostly hauing a cheerful ending
*Comedly has ut1ple sub qenres depending upon ttc
Source of the humor, Context in which ih author
delivers cliclogues. Sdelivery methods , which
Farce,sotire & urlesque
" Ln theatre, a
force Is a Comedy that aims..
entertaining the audience through
that are highly excgerated,extravggent e
thus impro babie
IH's also characterized by physical
USe ofdeliberate absurdity or nonserse, e
broadly stylized performan ces
They are written for Stage film

Exomple for farce in the text

The play opens with the emotional remarksS of
Popova uho s voing to stay between uall
of her hC use She is mou ring Over the deoth
Of her late husbd nd wno died Sixn onthsoço
2.She clecides to remain In mourning & met

goaanaic ledhui
MOnolcgue - An extended speech byone charcic ter.
Soliloquy -An extended SpeeCh by one cha acter,
alone on stage .
Soliloquies are used toexpress the
private thoughts of one character.
3.Aside -Achaacter's direct address to the
audience, which is not heard by the
othercharacters .
4 Similies and Metophors.:

Only you Sit in this rcom all day, as if thiscuas
aconvet, and don't take anypleasure
2. We live,50 to Speak. ike spIders, and never see
the ight
3 In ten years' time you'll want to be a pea hen
Yourse if Gmong the otficers.
, I loved him pass10ncrtely with all mybeing, as
only Qyoung and imaq1naiti ve woman can love
5I WOrshipped him 0s 1f L were aheQthen
6 There ivcs the mysterious Tcimara who,
tor the love cf he: late hus bond
used to chatter ike a
R emani
You' re patboort
a monsterl
ion. a
agpie about
coarse bear ia bourbn.
9. Just
because you re apoetic
yo u Can iosalt me
oith Creature
io- TII bring her down likeimpuity?
H AAreal
but fre
woman! Not a sou toced je lly bu
,qunpowdei, C
12T don't ore about thisrodkctI softer SQeb
5. Farcical elements
when Popova is mcutong for her deod huga
The way how Luy ka aduCes her is absurd.
He qives the example cf cats and midges
Qnd spiders
2 Popova calls her hucband 1a the
0s bad chid.
The most exciting port of the Stoy.
Events lead1ng
to the end
where the
main Ch aracter
faces a
series of
ction Falir \li ng Df the
confl? Resolution
End of the Story

Despercately - Used to emphasize the extreme degree
of Something
2- Dead -beat - Hauing no energy left /
Some one who owes moneyorhas other
finaniol oblgation and does ntneet
3 Versts - ARussign measure of length (k)
4Distinctly -Cleorly

5 Violent row-Showing very Strong angry emotion

6 Bowels - The intestine.
1 Swine --AApig
P Cuserirg - Tremplng shakng wtha sight
rapit motion
q Kvass -A fermented dunk, low in
made from ye tlou or bread uM alcohl,
lo Silly femin ine lagic -Essentialy. temale lgc
to do whatever you wgnt nd then
justify it with ümel ated bulcbt
excuses fter the fact. It's axbally
teverse locci C
It Widous weeds - Mourning
weed- garment (archaic English.

i: Money
The effect of money in humun behaviour.
2. Infidelity.
Popova reverls ab0t her ate husbgrd's
reiationship wnh other u omen
3 Emancipation of women
Smirnov is taken cback by fbpova's bolds
4 Irconsistenciy of human behaviour.
Popova's sSmirnov's qttrtudes towards
Cach other change rop1dly.
< Conditjon of the women in Russi an
b Love and taithfulpess.
1 Loneliness and Companionship.

Why does PopoVg cqll Smirnov a beqr?

He hasa poor opinion of women in generql.
He accuses popova bfdressing in
in Order to impress those who pass by her
"Rude behauiour Tuggd langucge of Sminov

Misogynist - A person oho dislikes, des pises
or Strongly prejudicd against

o Alqzons -Cne of the 3 Stak chgracters

nationahty of the author
I What is the
Paulouitch Chekhoy
R Full na me. .
: Popva's drauing ro om
3-Setting :Landlords peri od
4 Social bockground
Popoua ,Smirnov, Luta
5 Mgin charac ters.
droma Comic
1 Type of
Is the translatorin Engiish
& who
Julius West
q +he cot played wth
where haue the maid sevvantS qone
For frit plucking
word 'irch' is not ccded with Lu
r why the
He isn't a land Dwner.
12 uhat is a con vent
A holy pnce of 0ns
Nome of Popoua's hutrdo
Ncholai Mirau louitch
lu was
Hoocan you proe that this drama peracb
written before the revo|ut ioncry
Lonlorde penod
women ineqlity
Model Question - 1.
create humour in
'The sudden and dramatic changes in the two main characters
the drama, The Bear, Discuss with examples.
works of
"The Bear," which is a classic one-act play written 1900, is one of the great
Anton Chekhov. It is very much about a widow. The Bear can be regarded as a comedy
since it tries to give the audience entertainment and amusement. This comedy reveals
the fine line between anger and passion. It is about a strange beginning of love
between Mrs. Popova and Smirnov. It demonstrates that love can change all things it
touches. Dialogue of the characters, the action of the characters, and the characters
themselves shape the theme. Unbelievable actions and change in mood on the part of
the characters show that love can sometimes come from an odd turn of events.

Christine is presenting
Vou may have buried yourseli alve, but you havent forgotten to powder your

herself lives the mysteriousTamara who, for the love of her husband, buried
between four walls." We know these games!"

He speaks against women and uses insulting words. "all women, great or little, are
insincere, crooked,backbiters, envious, liars to the marow of their bones, vain,
trivial merciless, unreasonable, and, as far as this is concerned [taps his forehead
excuse my outspokenness, a sparrow can give ten points to any philosopher in
petticoats youlike to name! You look at one of these poetic creatures.""It is also
very rude to challenge awoman to fight aduel. He threatens that he will chop Luka int
Picture Shapes Teat Arrange Sta
SrmwrtAt Box STYS

No doubt, the end of the play "The Bear is very sudden and unexpected. We see that
both Smirmov and Popova have revolvers in their hands. They are going to fight a duel
and tó killeachother but suddenly they decide to marry. This is unexpected. However WRITE THE
when we go through the play, we find that this sudden and unexpected end has many
reasons. Iam going to discuss them one by one. The reason of Popova's change of mi
was that Popova had been mourning the death of her husband for the last seven REMAINING
months She had been leading alonely and sad life since then. Seven months was a
long period. Now time had conquered her grief. Inwardly, she wanted some change in
her life. She did not want to continue this mourning any more. Besides, it s human
psychology that man gets sick and tired of doing thesamething for along tme. but
shall be true till death, and show him howican love. There, beyond the grave, h
sbefore hérdeath
Christine is presenting You ehrist pthers

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