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Liebherr The Smart Asisstant Tower Crane Litronic en

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Tower Crane

The Smart Assistant

Tower cranes

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The Smart Assistant

Modern construction in the 21st century is characterised by ever greater complexity
in less space, coupled with time and cost pressure. The demands on construction
machinery and its operators are growing, especially in the area of tower cranes. To
support crane operators in their work while boosting handling capacity, reliability
and safety, our control comes with a series of modern assistance systems.

2 Litronic

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Litronic 3

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Litronic – The Smart Assistant
06 08

Micromove Operating-range limiting system

Proven fine positioning mode – even This allows you to define the non-critical
for the heaviest components. working range with the highest precision.

14 16

Level luffing Full control lever distance

Work with the HC-L as with a trolley jib.

17 20

Oscillation damping system Tower Crane

Operating System

4 Litronic

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10 12

Load Plus Safety-monitored climbing

Ensures increased load capacities up to 20 % . Meet the construction site challenges.

16 17

Wind force moment control Slewing modes


Control stand

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The heaviest components can be moved into place
and positioned with millimetre precision. This en-
sures the greatest possible safety – for the building
site, components and construction workers.

6 Litronic

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Litronic lets you handle the
crane hook with finesse.
Brick after brick – this is fast becoming a thing of the past on today’s construc-
tion site. Prefabricated components, such as filigree concrete covers, have long
been part of everyday routine. Both cost and time pressure along with increasing
safety requirements mean loads have to be handled with particular care.

The Micromove function allows the crane operator to perform positioning with
sensitive precision.

To make work with critical components easier, Micromove Secondly, components can be kept suspended without the
fine positioning mode comes with two advantages: Firstly, brake taking effect. This guarantees a smooth and gentle
the workpieces can be placed down with the utmost care re­start.
and precision at micro-speed and full control lever distance.

So as not to disturb concentration

and avoid interruptions, the Micromove
function can be activated directly at
the control lever. No matter whether
via radio-control or in the cabin –
­Micromove is always just the touch of
a button away.

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Operating-range limiting system
The operating-range limiting system allows you to automatically exclude areas
­requiring protection. This enhances safety enormously and also lets you utilise the
free areas with metre precision – thereby boosting efficiency on the construction site.

8 Litronic

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Protects what’s important
to you and others.
Above all in inner cities, construction sites are often small in terms of
space and adjoin buildings that you need to avoid when slewing with
loads on the hook. In particular traffic routes such as rail tracks and
motorways as well as public facilities such as nurseries have to be kept
out of the working range. As every metre counts for you, the Litronic
operating-­range limiting system now offers even more teaching points.
This means you can define your working range with special precision.

The TC_OS allows erection en­gineers to delimit the precisely 3D ABB: By factoring in the lowering depth, the working
determined working area. An acoustic signal and display range limiting system becomes three-dimensional. This
­indicate to the crane operator when he is approaching such makes it possible to negotiate low protected buildings
an area, allowing the crane to stop automatically before and to reach working areas under protected structures.

20 polygon points for 10 polygonal A definable square: Program the four Three circle segments: For rapid
chains: Trace existing obstructions corners of a building – the system will ­ rogramming – define two points and
­ex­actly. Simply provide the corner automatically delimit a square. the system will map out the angles
points and the system will join these and radius in-between.
up auto­matically.

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Load Plus
The Load-Plus function lets you increase the lifting capacity of your
crane for individual hoisting. That means a smaller tower crane is of-
ten adequate with Litronic, as infrequent hoisting with heavy parts is
nevertheless possible.

10 Litronic

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Big power
from a small button.
A tower crane works at the limit of its lifting capacity for the shortest
time. The Litronic also enables additional power for certain individual
hoisting operations involving heavy loads. The hoisting load can be in-
creased by up to 20 % – at the press of a button.

To ensure a fast utilization, the Load-Plus function can be

acti­vated directly at the radio-control or control stand.

The speed of the crane movements has a major effect on

the maximum load capacity. To be able to increase this, the
activated Load-Plus function reduces the speed of the crane
drives. This means you can hoist up to 20 % more load.

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Safety-monitored climbing
The monitored system increases safety
during climbing. The clear release for the next
step prevents unnecessary interruptions.

12 Litronic

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So cranes can reach
for the sky.
Climbing is one of the greatest challenges in crane operation. The stability of the
construction is reduced and the wind-exposed surface area increased. Climbing
also involves many individual steps that need to function smoothly. The Tower
Crane Litronic allows you to control the climbing for each of these indi­vidual steps.

Activating climbing mode automatically limits crane opera- Besides operating the climbing equipment, the climbing
tion, converting it to a special climbing load curve. This ena- control panel lets you monitor the entire procedure. Visual
bles the climbing to be carried out safely, while reducing sig­nals provide information on the proper implementation
hazards due to improper actions. and enable the next climbing step.

Highly trained
Climbing trainings directly
at the manufacturer:

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Level luffing
The level luffing function makes the crane operator’s work easier, as he
does not have to readjust the height of the load manually. This allows
him to concentrate on positioning the load. That makes work on the con­
struction site more efficient and enhances safety for everyone involved.

Moves loads in a straight line.

Precise movement of loads is indispensable for efficiency and safety on the construction
site. Filigree prefabricated building elements, the use of glass or light alloy components,
concreting work under time pressure and the ever smaller construction sites are challenges
that need to be mastered by crane operators.

The level luffing of the Litronic control system for HC-L luffing jib cranes enables straight
load transport and highly precise positioning.

14 Litronic

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If the assistant is activated when moving the jib, the control The level luffing can be used flexibly. Depending on the type
system automatically readjusts the hoist gear. The exact of hoisting, the crane operator can decide whether to use
cal­culation means the load can be moved along a horizontal the assistant or not. The level luffing can also be activated
line. Such precise work is possible with concreting work or deactivated during hoisting.
in particular.

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Safety and comfort

Full control lever distance Precision in

available at all times the wind
Heavy loads call for careful work in particular. That entails Wind on the construction site is a crucial factor in crane op­
special challenges for the crane and operator. The Litronic eration. To enable the highest level of safety and precision
control system means the full control lever distance is al- at all times, Litronic cranes are equipped with wind force
ways available, irrespective of the potential speed – so you mo­ment control. The control registers the movements of the
can master this perfectly. You can therefore use the drive jib via high-resolution sensors and counteracts the move-
speed reduction to handle heavy loads with special care. ments caused by the wind. In this way, the effect of the
wind can also be reduced with large-area loads. As a result,
safety and precision are increased on the construction site.

16 Litronic

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Keep your load Slew however
under control you wish
High-speed slewing and braking manoeuvres can cause Every manufacturer follows their own philosophy for the
loads to swing. The integrated oscillation damping system crane control. That’s especially noticeable when a crane op-
compen­sates this automatically – a major step forwards for erator changes the type and requires a longer familiarisa-
site safety since it increases the crane operator’s control of tion time. The Litronic consigns this problem to the past.
the load.
Every crane operator can opt for one of three slewing modes
and adjust these to his situation, without the need for a ser-
vice technician. That allows crane operators to adapt the
slewing behaviour of the cranes to personal preferences.

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Large construction sites demand
team work
The smart assistants of the Liebherr Litronic enable
such a hazard-free and productive cooperation.

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Human-machine interface

20 Litronic

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Tower Crane
Operating System
The new tower crane operating system has primarily been optimised in terms of usability.
Just a few finger taps lead to the desired setting. The always visible menu ribbon ensures
easy navigation. Long training and familiarisation times are significantly reduced thanks to
the simple user interface, which has been adapted to the needs of different users.

Scaling assistant Targeted relocation

Scaling is one of the most important processes in the safe The TC-OS is a useful tool when positioning loads. As well
commissioning of a crane. The newly developed scaling as- as displaying the trolley position, it allows up to five refer-
sistant offers service technicians predefined screens for ence points to be defined and clearly named. This means
this process. The system requires Just one piece of informa- that the crane can return to a specific handling point time
tion from the user per screen and a progress bar aids and again.
During servicing
The control system automatically adopts the right load The display also helps to prevent downtimes. It shows
curve and correct setting values. A logic check of the set- warn­ings and error messages in plain text. This allows you
tings runs in the background at the same time. Using the to re­spond right away and avoid potential interruptions in
scaling assistant makes scaling much easier and even safer advance.
than before, including in challenging conditions.

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Control stand

22 Litronic

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Ergonomic control stand
23 High strain during crane travel and long sitting mean you position and best view at all times. It also enables custom-
can often lose concentration. To help the crane operator re- ised con­trol levers and armrests, allowing you to retain sen-
main concentrated and retain a high level of work perfor- sitivity over the course of a long day. A sophisticated heat-
mance, the Liebherr cabin contains a control stand that sets ing and air-conditioning system rounds off the equipment in
new benchmarks in the field of ergonomics. The seat can be the cabin.
adjusted in various directions so as to ensure the correct

Control lever
The control levers, which have been designed jointly with
customers and users, ensure access to all essential crane
functions. In addition to all crane drives, the special func-
tions Micromove and Load-Plus can also be activated during
on­going operation. This keeps the workflow as smooth as

Radio control Hook camera

Besides controlling the crane from the cabin, we also pro­ You can keep the load in view at all times on the screen in
vide radio controls for all crane models. These have the the operator’s cabin thanks to autofocus and zoom. The bat­
same functions as are familiar from the cabin. Feedback teries are charged automatically to ensure that the camera
from the crane is also shown on the radio control display. system is always available.
This allows the crane operator to move freely on the con-
struction site, so as to avoid visual impediments for

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Want to master working with the Tower Crane Litronic?
The training centre at Liebherr-Werk Biberach GmbH
offers diverse trainings regarding all aspects of control
and work with cranes.

More information at:


This information is supplied without liability. Subject to technical modifications.

Printed in Germany by leR • For Sale Services GmbH • LBC-842-10.22_de

Liebherr-Werk Biberach GmbH

Memminger Straße 120 • 88400 Biberach an der Riß, Deutschland
Telefon +49 7351 41-0 • info.lbc@liebherr.com • www.liebherr.com

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