Liebherr The Smart Asisstant Tower Crane Litronic en
Liebherr The Smart Asisstant Tower Crane Litronic en
Liebherr The Smart Asisstant Tower Crane Litronic en
The Smart Assistant
Tower cranes
2 Litronic
14 16
17 20
4 Litronic
16 17
Control stand
Litronic 5
6 Litronic
The Micromove function allows the crane operator to perform positioning with
sensitive precision.
To make work with critical components easier, Micromove Secondly, components can be kept suspended without the
fine positioning mode comes with two advantages: Firstly, brake taking effect. This guarantees a smooth and gentle
the workpieces can be placed down with the utmost care restart.
and precision at micro-speed and full control lever distance.
Litronic 7
8 Litronic
The TC_OS allows erection engineers to delimit the precisely 3D ABB: By factoring in the lowering depth, the working
determined working area. An acoustic signal and display range limiting system becomes three-dimensional. This
indicate to the crane operator when he is approaching such makes it possible to negotiate low protected buildings
an area, allowing the crane to stop automatically before and to reach working areas under protected structures.
20 polygon points for 10 polygonal A definable square: Program the four Three circle segments: For rapid
chains: Trace existing obstructions corners of a building – the system will rogramming – define two points and
exactly. Simply provide the corner automatically delimit a square. the system will map out the angles
points and the system will join these and radius in-between.
up automatically.
Litronic 9
10 Litronic
Litronic 11
12 Litronic
Activating climbing mode automatically limits crane opera- Besides operating the climbing equipment, the climbing
tion, converting it to a special climbing load curve. This ena- control panel lets you monitor the entire procedure. Visual
bles the climbing to be carried out safely, while reducing signals provide information on the proper implementation
hazards due to improper actions. and enable the next climbing step.
Highly trained
Climbing trainings directly
at the manufacturer:
Litronic 13
The level luffing of the Litronic control system for HC-L luffing jib cranes enables straight
load transport and highly precise positioning.
14 Litronic
Litronic 15
16 Litronic
Litronic 17
18 Litronic
20 Litronic
Litronic 21
22 Litronic
Control lever
The control levers, which have been designed jointly with
customers and users, ensure access to all essential crane
functions. In addition to all crane drives, the special func-
tions Micromove and Load-Plus can also be activated during
ongoing operation. This keeps the workflow as smooth as
Litronic 23