Capital Budgeting Theory
Capital Budgeting Theory
Capital Budgeting Theory
Dr. Suchita Shukla
Assistant Professor
Devashish Shukla
PGDM 2nd Year
This research on the theory of financial management offers insight into the roles of stockholder
wealth maximization, the risk-return tradeoff, and agency conflicts as they apply to major topics
in finance. The current article investigates capital budgeting. Much literature addresses this topic,
with a number of articles challenging accepted theories, some investigating agency problems,
and a few empirically testing the relationships taught in most managerial finance classrooms.
Keywords: capital budgeting; agency theory; stockholder wealth maximization; discounted cash
This research is designed to combat the tendency of most current managerial finance books to
cover the technicians of financial management while neglecting the conceptual connections of
that bulb-and-light content to the stockholder wealth maximization, risk and return, and agency
constructs; to that end, the research offers brief articles to supplement the introductory finance
course. To date, the series has offered an introductory article as well as essays covering financial
analysis, leverage, the valuation of stocks and bonds, and capital structure.
It is now time to turn to the topic of capital budgeting to address questions such as:
1-Why is capital budgeting important?
2- What approaches to capital budgeting exist?
3- What theories prevail?
4- What agency conflicts do financial managers face?
5- What aspects of capital budgeting have researchers investigated, and what are their findings?
As with past articles, we review the mechanical and conceptual framework commonly presented
in books, look at how risk and return and agency problems interface with stockholder wealth
maximization, review the literature related to capital budgeting, and conclude by offering advice
to the financial manager for tackling the important assignment of implementing the firm‘s capital
budgeting process.
The IRR model uses the initial outlay and the expected future cash flows to solve for the
discount rate that would equate the two, the internal rate of return in present value terms.
Acceptability of projects then depends on whether or not that internal rate of return equals or
exceeds the ―hurdle rate‖ (typically, the WACC, but more on that later). Projects can be ranked
from highest to lowest IRR, with the highest being considered superior. The reinvestment rate
assumption constitutes a drawback of this approach, as it assumes that every time a cash inflow
occurs it can be reinvested to earn the IRR for the remainder of the project‘s life. Sometimes this
is an unrealistic assumption, especially for high-IRR projects. Thus many contend that the NPV
approach is superior, as described blew.
In contrast to the IRR model, its close cousin the NPV approach assumes AS the discount rate
for future cash flows the hurdle rate (or WACC) in determining the total present value of those
future cash flows. From this value the outlay is subtracted to calculate the net present value with
the following decision rule: If the NPV is greater than or equal to zero, accept the project.
Essentially, if the project‘s risk aligns with the risk of the firm‘s assets, a zero NPV would
maintain the value of the firm; positive NPV projects would increase firm value. A variant on
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this model, the NPV index approach would ―standardize‖ projects of different size by dividing
the NPV by the outlay required, with projects ranked from highest to lowest based on the size of
this index.
Because of their general reliance on estimated future cash flows, each of the models above can
be effective only insofar as those projections are accurate. These represent the returns, and
financial managers‘ability to estimate them constitutes a big part of the risk profile. The
following section addresses the relationships among risk, return, agency conflicts, and
stockholder wealth maximization
Managers often can find a number of acceptable projects and secure funding for them but cannot
launch them due to constraints associated with personnel. Projects require managerial expertise
and time to oversee them; sometimes the projects outnumber the available managers. This can
result in theoretically indefensible capital rationing. New managers should be hired to carry out
the projects, surmounting this constraint. In reality, projects often are rejected despite the fact
that the benefits of the related growth would accrue to the stockholders.
Capital budgeting can occur in a centralized setting in which top management controls the
allocation of investment dollars or in a decentralized setting in which divisional managers vie
against one another for capital project funding. While the former alleviates agency costs, it also
results in less commitment from divisional managers than the approach in which they become
responsible for finding and approving specific projects. The challenge is to find the appropriate
balance between the benefits of decentralization (responsiveness to customers, suppliers, and
employees, faster decision making, increased motivation, etc.) and the potential costs of such
independence (suboptimal decision making, focus on the subunit, duplication of output and
activities, etc.) [Horngren, 2012, pp. 777-78].
Textbooks often comment that firms do a better job of finding, funding, and running projects
than they do in judging after the fact whether or not the estimates that led to acceptance were
realized. This review process is referred to as a ―post audit,‖ and (theoretically) it should be
used as an instrument to ensure learning over time— accepting better and better projects and
improving future estimates. Post-investment audits help protect against managerial tendencies to
promote projects by over-stating potential cash flows. Such audits can also ―help alert senior
management‖ to ―implementation problems‖ (weak project management, poor quality control,
or inadequate marketing‖) [Horngren, 2012, p. 756]. Some of the literature indicates that these
audits do, in fact, take place [See Klammer, Wilner, and Smolarski, 2002, as cited in Koch,
Mayper, and Wilner, 2009, for a report on the extent of this activity.]. Perhaps because no formal
cash flow reporting for individual projects is required, those of us external to the firm simply do
not see this post audit information. A final weakness of the audit process is the apparent
disconnect between the use of discounted cash flow to accept projects and the use of accrual-
based accounting, including losses on sale, to judge managerial performance. This tempts
managers to make capital budgeting decisions based on (inappropriate) measures.
Any person who has taken an introductory course in economics is familiar with the term ―sunk
costs‖— costs that are irrelevant to decisions because they cannot be changed and will not differ
among future alternatives. However, in reality, managers can fixate on a past decision and allow
this to interfere with judgments related to capital budgeting. For example, consider the manager
who has underestimated demand and purchased a semi-automatic machine that is more costly to
run for the production levels that have materialized. Replacing the machine with an automatic
counterpart might make good sense (might pass all the discounted cash flow hurdles) but would
require recognizing a ―Loss on Sale‖ from the old machine, which would dampen current
earnings per share. Though not a ―cash flow‖ and not relevant to the current proposal to
purchase a better, faster, more efficient machine, the manager in all likelihood will take actions
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to avoid the ―loss,‖ perhaps even hiding the issue entirely by not proposing a machine purchase
at all. This ―two-wrongs-does-not-make-a-right‖ behavior will fail to maximize shareholder
wealth, though it may well lead to a better bonus for the manager if bonuses are a function of
earnings per share in the division.
One way external parties can detect the existence of ill-advised investments is by monitoring free
cash flow—the residual remaining after subtracting from operating cash flows the capital
investments and payments to those financing them (interest and dividends). Good financial
managers will recognize their duty to return excess funds to the stockholders who can invest
them in other companies earning suitable returns on their projects. Of course, this requires a tacit
admission by the financial managers that they have failed to find such projects, a dilemma for
most humans. As this section has suggested, the academic approaches and those of practitioners
don‘t always coincide, and the following section offers coverage of some pertinent capital
budgeting literature that underscores that fact.
The capital budgeting literature is vast, but several articles since 2000 give a good idea of how
researchers have treated some of the ideas presented in the current paper. This section groups
those articles into two categories: Capital budgeting approaches and principal-agent challenges.
Capital Budgeting Models
While some researchers focus on the cost of capital input into the discounted cash flow (DCF)
capital budgeting models, others debate the relative strength of the different models themselves.
Because the estimation of the cost of capital determines project acceptability in the DCF models,
mistaken estimations can cause poor accept-reject decisions. The Capital Asset Pricing Model
(CAPM) takes center stage in the literature as one technique for estimating the cost of the equity
component of the weighted average cost of capital, but the model has received much criticism
over the past decades [See Laux, 2010 (d) and Laux 2011 for coverage of some of this literature.]
In ―Toward an Implied Cost of Capital,‖ Gebhardt, Lee, and Swaminathan [2001] offer a model
to the financial manager for approximating the firm‘s cost of capital. The authors suggest that a
firm‘s cost of capital ―…is a function of its industry membership, B/M ratio, forecasted long-
term growth rate, and the dispersion in analyst earnings forecasts‖ (p. 135). Jagannathan and
Meier [2002] question whether we even need CAPM for capital budgeting, contending that
capital rationing exists to such an extent that misestimates of the WACC based on CAPM don‘t
really matter—most projects actually undertaken have internal rates of return in excess of that
measure anyway.
Academics consider the NPV approach superior, and Ryan and Ryan [2002] find that, over time,
practitioners have come to agree. However, discounted cash flow models, while considered more
sophisticated than those that do not consider the time value of money, still have their detractors.
Adler [2006] argues that the assumptions of DCF capital budgeting models are so unlikely to
hold in reality that business schools do a disservice by even teaching them. Capital budgeting
projects tend to be so complex that data are not available for the most essential parameters
required by DCF models. Adler cites the following limitations: ―…narrow perspective,
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addition, managers are subject to risk aversion (or risk taking) behaviors that can impede their
ability to achieve this assumed goal. The literature offers a look at several of these aspects.
Corporate socialism and the free rider problem represent themes in three articles. In ―Green
with Envy: Implications for Corporate Investment Decisions,‖ Goel and Thakor [2005]
investigate how the utility gained by managers when their consumption exceeds that of their
reference group affects investment in centralized versus decentralized capital budgeting systems.
Centralized environments can lead to corporate socialism (wherein CEOs award projects to
satisfy disgruntled managers), and envy can lead to overinvestment as it ―creates a natural
propensity for managers to overinvest so as to hoard resources and deny them to others in the
organization‖ [Goel and Thakor, 2005, p. 2260]. Of course, both outcomes reduce firm value.
Although authors Scharfstein and Stein [2000] also believe that corporate socialism exists, they
explain it differently, and once again the CEO and managers play the role of the primary culprits.
The CEO, in an attempt to get the manager to turn away from wasteful rent-seeking behavior to
more productive work, allocates more non-cash resources than capital budgeting models would
dictate—an action not easily tracked by stockholders whose wealth is being reduced. In addition,
the greatest inefficiencies occur ―when there is a great deal of divergence in the strength of the
divisions‖ (p. 2540). Finally, de Motta [2003] suggests that ―…corporate headquarters‘
informational advantage, while improving the allocation of resources, might have adverse
consequences for managerial incentives [because] each division manager takes the external
perception of the whole firm as a public good and is tempted to free ride‖ (p. 1212); with no
external eyes evaluating his/her own division, the divisional manager has no incentive to
maximize the value of the whole firm—others will do this for him or her. Thus, the centralize-
versus-decentralize choice assumes some importance. So, too, does information asymmetry, as
external investors lack access to divisional profitability and therefore cannot judge managerial
efficiency at that level.
Two articles hone in on the issue of decentralization. Baldenius [2003] argues that
decentralization promotes empire building, a negative activity that can be offset by applying a
higher required rate of return for capital budgeting projects. In short, ―…the hurdle rate is
always higher under delegation than under centralization‖ [Baldenius, 2003, p. 911, italics
deleted]. Thus, the author makes a case for alternative forms of hurdle rates. Marino and
Matsusaka [2005] find that both centralized and decentralized schemes have their drawbacks.
―Processes that delegate aspects of the decision to the agent [decentralization] result in too
many projects being approved, while processes in which the principal retains the right to reject
projects [centralization] cause the agent to strategically distort his information about project
quality‖ (p. 301); the latter results in ―an inefficiently large capital allocation‖ as well (p. 320).
Finally, emotions provide the focus of a number of articles investigating capital budgeting
behavior. In ―The Impact of Affective Reactions on Risky Decision Making in Accounting
Contexts‖ [2002], Moreno, Kida, and Smith contend that emotions, even when based on data,
counteract (and can even overcome) classical prospect theory, which says that decision makers
tend to be risk averse in settings with potential gains but risk taking in loss settings. This
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―normal‖ setting only applies in the absence of other decision-relevant characteristics. Because
managers are human and are ―likely to reject decision alternatives that elicit negative reactions
and accept alternatives that elicit positive reactions‖ (p. 1333), their affective reactions
(evaluations, moods, and emotions) can ―negate prospect theory‘s predictions, resulting in risk
taking in gain contexts and risk aversion in loss contexts‖ (p. 1336), sometimes resulting in the
choice of alternatives with lower economic value.
Risk-taking/risk-avoidance also relates to a manager‘s job security and compensation. Bernardo,
Cai, and Luo [2004] focus on the compensation mechanism that best promotes truthfulness in
information that managers provide in capital requests. They suggest that ―compensation
schemes such as shares in the firm…or stock options…are likely to provide powerful incentives
for managers to report truthfully their private information and allocate efficiently the resources
under their control‖ (p. 758). Dutta [2003] investigates the problem of managerial mobility and
suggests that the owner can counteract the manager‘s urge to go elsewhere by reducing the
hurdle rate required to approve investment projects for these mobile managers. ―Green with
Envy…‖ (cited above) also highlights some findings related to compensation: ―…the average
compensation of managers in a conglomerate exceeds the average compensation of similar
managers in single-segment firms [and] the cross-sectional variation in wages among managers
in a conglomerate is less than that across managers in separate single-segment firms; that is,
there is wage compression in conglomerates‖ (p. 2261). The implication is that envy raises its
ugly head in a more pronounced fashion in the conglomerate environment, and perhaps because
it is harder to monitor individual performance in that environment, all managers partake (in
roughly even manner) in the higher wages. The bottom line, of course, is that all of this imperils
stockholder wealth maximization in the capital budgeting arena.
This literature review charts a difficult course for the financial manager with respect to capital
budgeting activities. How can managers combat the uncertainties and human frailties associated
with this important activity?
What advice can we offer financial managers who find themselves on the journey? The next
section outlines some potentially enlightening questions.
or above? (No)
If the financial manager can answer these questions honestly and let the answers drive proper
action, the stockholders‘chances for maximized long-run wealth should be enhanced.
This article has raised some hard questions about the capital budgeting assignment. In fact,
capital budgeting has implications for another major assignment, dividend policy, because
whatever is not invested in long-term projects will be retained or paid out as dividends. Thus,
dividend policy naturally assumes its rightful position as the next topic in this series.
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