Aexq1170 01
Aexq1170 01
Aexq1170 01
l oa d
co u n t s
Our experience building large earthmoving
shovels began more than 130 years
ago. Since that first steam shovel built
in 1882, we have focused on finding
new and innovative ways to improve our
products. Through different power sources,
applications and even company names,
the one common thread has been our
dedication to giving our customers
better and more productive digging
and loading tools.
Many of the large, steam-powered railroad shovels
This dedication has helped make mining of the 1800s were mounted on, or converted to,
shovels what they are today. We pioneered crawlers in the 1920s. The crawler mounting reduced
the average time for a shovel move from 9 minutes
the electric rope shovel for mining, building to 30 seconds. Steam shovels eventually fell out
of use in the 1930s with the development of more
the first all-electric AC-driven machine
economical diesel-powered shovels.
of its kind. We were one of the first
manufacturers to produce a fully hydraulic
mining shovel and in 1961 introduced the
first all-hydraulic fleet of mining shovels
in Europe. From improvements in handle
design and crowd technology to power and
locomotion, we have played an important
part in the evolution of this industry.
Enhanced visibility is a key safety feature
of the standard cabs in our electric rope shovels.
The floor window and windshield allow vertical
visibility from the crawler tracks to the boom
point sheaves.
p e r s o n
co u n t s
You’ve told us that keeping people safe for operator safety and comfort.
is your No. 1 goal. And we’re committed We were the first in the industry to
to doing all we can to help you in this introduce a three-seat cab, allowing an
effort. The safety of everyone who operator, trainee and observer to work
works in, on or around Cat equipment together. The trainer seat has a view
is our top priority. of the face, and the operator is not
required to turn around to communicate.
We strive to meet the industry’s most
With dual cab exits and powered,
rigorous safety standards. For example,
retractable ladders, we make sure
many of our Cat Hydraulic Mining
operators can quickly exit the shovel
Shovels are designed to meet the
in an emergency. Flat floors and the
Australian Division of Resources and
rear door also allow for easy stretcher
Energy’s Mining Design Guidelines,
access in the event that an operator
with standard features that provide
needs medical attention. We are
reduced fire risk, increased visibility
currently in the process of introducing
and operator comfort, and safer
many of these features as part of
maintenance areas.
our next-generation hydraulic mining
We also collaborate with our customers shovel cab, as well.
to gain critical insight that helps us
All of our hydraulic and electric rope
better understand how to minimize
shovels come with FOPS approved
health and safety risks. We embrace
cabs, and our hydraulic mining shovels
the design philosophies developed by
feature a roll-back limiter as part of the
the Earth Moving Equipment Safety
unique TriPower system, which prevents
Round Table, a group of our major
the bucket from dumping material back
mining customers that encourages
toward the cab. Multiple emergency
manufacturers to build safety into
stop buttons, conveniently located
equipment design.
throughout, allow for quick machine
Cat Electric Rope Shovels feature shut-down if necessary.
a standard cab that sets the bar
i d e a
co u n t s
Innovation has been the driving force shovels on generators when working
behind Cat mining shovels — from early without an electrical grid, saving time
models powered by steam, to today’s and money while keeping production
diesel- and electric-powered models steady. The system manages rope
with advanced hydraulics and dozens shovel power demand for maximum
of productivity-enhancing features. efficiency when working on and off the
grid throughout the dig and load cycles.
Cat Electric Rope Shovels incorporate
a number of design breakthroughs Our unique LatchFree Dipper System
to increase productivity and reliability. removes the most common cause
Like the all-new Cat Power Demand of maintenance downtime, the latch
Management System, which allows assembly, replacing it with a heavy
customers to more efficiently run rope duty holding link. And HydraCrowd,
Cat Mining Shovels incorporate a number of
advanced, productivity-enhancing features and
leverage the latest technologies to improve
safety, loading accuracy and overall mine
operations. Features like the unique
TriPower system, shown in the two photos
on the right, give our hydraulic front shovels
more stability and power when digging.
the industry’s first hydraulic crowd provide more power and stability We are also working to integrate our
system with a hydraulic cylinder inside when digging, as well as to prevent any mining shovels with Cat MineStar™
the tubular dipper handle, maintains rollback from dumping material on the capability sets, which can improve
all the benefits of the Cat front end cab. An independent oil cooling system safety and loading accuracy as well
while eliminating the need for routine allows controlled cooling whenever the as manage, track and assign machines.
crowd and retract rope replacements — engine is running, and the board control We currently offer Fleet, Terrain and
improving safety and cutting downtime system uses sensors throughout the Detect as retrofits, and are committed
by reducing maintenance events. machine to provide early warning of to further integration so you can get
potential errors. Our closed-loop swing the most out of your machines.
Cat Hydraulic Mining Shovels also
circuit feeds kinetic energy captured
feature a number of innovations,
during the swing motion back into
including the unique TriPower system.
the hydraulic system, producing less
TriPower uses triangular rockers to
heat and providing greater efficiency.
co u n t s
In the mining industry, a high degree
of productivity is the key to a profitable
operation. That’s why we do everything
we can to make sure you get maximum
production from your primary loading tools.
co u n t s
Mining operations come in all shapes and
sizes. Depending on the material, deposit
size, infrastructure, accessibility — and
numerous other factors — your equipment
fleet can range from one small shovel and
a few haul trucks to hundreds of machines
working in tandem to remove ore and
overburden. That’s why we strive to
provide the right digging and loading
tools to meet any need.
D ay
co u n t s
Reducing costs is a key focus of today’s
mining operations. Beyond the initial
purchase price of a piece of mining
equipment, maintenance costs and lost
productivity due to downtime can add
up quickly and hurt the bottom line.
That’s why Cat mining shovels strive
to lower your total cost of ownership.
Global Dealer Network
We’ve built an extensive network of nearly 200 locally
owned businesses in over 200 countries. So wherever
you operate, there is a dealer nearby to provide world-
class service and support for your Cat equipment.
To locate a dealer, visit
co u n t s
Loading tools are the primary tool
on a mine site. When they are down,
production comes to a standstill. You
need a support system that can deliver
reliability and availability to ensure
you meet your production goals.
co u n t s
We know that you’re committed to Our electric drive machines also help
operating with a sense of responsibility, decrease your operation’s impact in
recognizing the impact your actions have a number of ways. These machines
on the world in which we live. Social and produce less emissions, heat and
environmental responsibility is a key part sound, and avoid the disposal and
of who we are at Caterpillar, too. From replenishment of engine oil and
designing and engineering our products oil filters.
to manufacturing and distributing them,
One of our most sustainable activities
we focus on the impact our operations
is the remanufacturing of parts. This
have on people and the environment.
process restores old parts to like-new
That’s why we’re continually working condition instead of fabricating new
on ways to ensure our diesel-driven ones, which conserves raw materials
hydraulic mining shovels comply with and the energy expended during
the latest emissions standards. We also manufacturing. For our mining shovel
build our machines to last longer, saving line, we’re currently reviewing and
the materials, energy and emissions that prioritizing to ensure the best service
manufacturing a new one would require. options are available for these key
KEY FEATURES payload 50 tons / 45.4 tonnes
• Ideal for long life mines with bench heights of dipper capacity 25-50 yd3 / 19.1-38.3 m3
52 ft (about 16 m)
operating weight 1,740,000 lbs / 789 251 kg
• Optimum pass match capabilities with Cat 785D
and 789D trucks Ground bearing 53.9 psi / 372 kPa
• S
afety as integral part of machine design, with
excellent visibility, non-slip stairs, platforms and drive AC IGBT drive system
walkways, as well as stored energy signs
VOLTAGE 3 phase, 50 / 60 Hz
• Over 30 years of experience commissioning more
than 200 machines worldwide, with a reliable and
System voltage 50/60 Hz / 7200 V
simple AC system (nominal)
• R
obust front end design with a free-floating handle,
which eliminates torsional loading average 15-minute 538-753 kW
• M
aintenance-friendly, deck-mounted crowd
machinery, which reduces front-end weight peak power 2,152 kW
payload 70 tons / 63.5 tonnes KEY FEATURES
dipper capacity 27-73 yd3 / 20.7-55.8 m3 • Ideal for long life mines with bench heights of
56 ft (about 17 m)
operating weight 2,600,000 lbs / 1 179 340 kg
• Optimum pass match capabilities with Cat 789D,
Ground bearing 52.5 psi / 362 kPa 793F AC and MT4400D AC and MT5300D AC trucks
• S
afety as integral part of machine design, with
drive AC IGBT drive system excellent visibility, non-slip stairs, platforms and
walkways, as well as stored energy signs
VOLTAGE 3 phase, 50 / 60 Hz
• Over 30 years of experience commissioning more
than 200 machines worldwide, with a reliable and
System voltage 50/60 Hz / 7200 V
(nominal) simple AC system
• R
obust front end design with a free-floating handle,
average 15-minute 777-1,087 kW which eliminates torsional loading
• M
aintenance-friendly, deck-mounted crowd
peak power 3,106 kW machinery, which reduces front-end weight
7495 hd
KEY FEATURES payload 90 tons / 81.8 tonnes
• Ideal for long life mines with bench heights of dipper capacity 36-79 yd3 / 27.5-60.4 m3
59 ft (about 18 m)
operating weight 2,880,000 lbs / 1 306 346 kg
• Optimum pass match capabilities with Cat 793F AC,
795F AC, MT4400D AC and MT4300D AC trucks Ground bearing 58.1 psi / 401 kPa
• S
afety as integral part of machine design, with
excellent visibility, non-slip stairs, platforms and drive AC IGBT drive system
walkways, as well as stored energy signs
VOLTAGE 3 phase, 50/60 Hz
• Over 30 years of experience commissioning more
than 200 machines worldwide, with a reliable and
System voltage 50/60 Hz / 7200 V
simple AC system (nominal)
• T
he only 90-ton (81.8-tonne) AC machine available
in the market average 15-minute 832-1,165 kW
• R
obust front end design with a free-floating handle,
which eliminates torsional loading peak power 3,330 kW
• M
aintenance-friendly, deck-mounted crowd dumping height 34 ft 10 in / 10.6 m
machinery, which reduces front-end weight
maximum cutting 56 ft 10 in / 17.3 m
payload 120 tons / 109 tonnes (max) KEY FEATURES
7495 hf
KEY FEATURES payload 120 tons / 109 tonnes (max)
• H
igh-flotation undercarriage custom designed for dipper capacity 40-82 yd3 / 30.6-62.7 m3
soft ground conditions
operating weight 3,167,000 lbs / 1 436 500 kg
• B
est-in-class operator’s cab, equipped with industry-
leading visibility, dual egress, ergonomic and fully Ground bearing 35.8 psi / 247 kPa
adjustable operator’s seat with custom designed
drive AC IGBT drive system
• Unrivaled training with an adjacently positioned
trainer seat and an elevated observer’s work station VOLTAGE 3 phase, 50/60 Hz
• C
at exclusive LatchFree dipper system (optional), System voltage 50/60 Hz / 7200 V
which avoids the leading cause of unplanned rope (nominal)
shovel downtime by removing the maintenance-
intensive latch bar assembly average 15-minute 926-1,297 kW
• C
at exclusive HydraCrowd hydraulically driven crowd
system (optional), which extends maintenance peak power 3,706 kW
intervals and increases uptime by eliminating the
need for crowd and retract rope replacement dumping height 33 ft 0 in / 10.1 m
• S
afety as integral part of machine design,
with excellent line of sight, 45-degree rear-facing maximum cutting 58 ft 5 in /17.8 m
boarding stairs, platforms and walkways, as well
as stored energy signs
maximum cutting 82 ft 8 in /25.2 m
• Over 30 years of experience commissioning more radius
than 200 machines worldwide, with a reliable and
simple AC system clearance radius 30 ft 8 in / 9.34 m (max)
(revolving frame)
• R
obust front end design with a free-floating
handle, which eliminates torsional loading 3-pass load 360 tons / 327 tonnes
• M
aintenance-friendly, deck-mounted crowd 4-pass load 400 tons / 363 tonnes
machinery, which reduces front-end weight
hydraulic mining shovels
6015 / 6015 FS
face shovel 13.8 tons / 12.6 tonnes
• T
op choice when customers want a front shovel standard backhoe 11.9 tons / 10.8 tonnes
in this backhoe-dominated size class
bucket capacity*
• Simple and robust design
face shovel (heaped 2:1) 9.2 yd3 / 7.0 m3
• Popular in CIS countries standard backhoe 7.8 yd3 / 6.0 m3
• S
ingle-engine design (C18 Engine) with lengthwise (heaped 1:1)
installed drivetrain for superior accessibility operating weight
• Largest cab in its size class for added operator face shovel 231,260 lb / 104 900 kg
comfort standard backhoe 233,910 lb / 106 100 kg
bucket capacity • Only hydraulic mining shovel in its size class offered
face shovel (heaped 2:1) 13.1 yd3 / 10.0 m3 with AC drive and dual engine
backhoe (heaped 1:1) 13.1 yd3 / 10.0 m3
• M
ost powerful engine output in its class, translating
operating weight to fast loading cycles
face shovel 404,320 lb / 183 400 kg • T
op choice when customers want a front shovel
backhoe 410,060 lb / 186 000 kg in this backhoe-dominated size class
engine output • Independent oil cooling system, which is void
2 x Cat C18 ACERT 1,150 hp / 858 kW of return oil and provides more efficient cooling,
ensuring oil remains within the optimal viscosity
working / digging ranges range to support extended life of vital components
face shovel
• C
losed-loop swing circuit, which provides greater
Max digging height 43 ft 4 in / 13.2 m efficiency by transferring kinetic energy generated
Max digging reach 42 ft 4 in / 12.9 m during the swing motion directly into the hydraulic
Max digging depth 7 ft 7 in / 2.3 m system when counteracting swing breaks are
Max digging depth 27 ft 11 in / 8.5 m
Max digging reach 51 ft 2 in / 15.6 m
Max digging height 43 ft 4 in / 13.2 m
digging forces
face shovel
Max crowd force 204,500 lb / 910 kN
Max breakout force 164,050 lb / 730 kN
Max tearout force 121,350 lb / 540 kN
Max breakout force 114,610 lb / 510 kN
KEY FEATURES payload 24 tons / 22 tonnes
• S
tate-of-the-art operator’s cab, which enhances operating weight
both safety and productivity backhoe 247 tons/ 224 tonnes
• C
ab floor window and large front and side engine output
windshields for class-leading in-pit visibility Cat C32 ACERT 1,043 hp / 778 kW
• S
pacious walk-through engine module for easy
working / digging ranges
serviceability and component accessibility
• Modular design, which enables fast field assembly Max digging depth 26 ft 7 in / 8.1 m
• Independent oil cooling system, which optimizes Max digging reach 52 ft 2 in / 15.9 m
hydraulic oil temperature and cooling flow control Max digging height 45 ft 7 in / 13.9 m
6030 / 6030 fs
(6030 AC/6030 AC FS)
payload 34 tons / 30 tonnes KEY FEATURES
6040 / 6040 fs
(6040 AC / 6040 AC FS)
KEY FEATURES payload 44 tons / 40 tonnes
• E
asy-to-access components, including engine engine output
module, pump bay, oil cooling system, radiator 2 x Cat C32 ACERT 2,023 hp / 1516 kW
fans, boom-mounted main valve block
working / digging ranges
• Independent oil cooling system, which is void
face shovel
of return oil and provides more efficient cooling,
ensuring oil remains within the optimal viscosity Max digging height 47 ft 3 in / 14.4 m
range to support extended life of vital components Max digging reach 50 ft 6 in / 15.4 m
Max digging depth 8 ft 6 in / 2.6 m
• Closed-loop
swing circuit, which provides greater
efficiency by transferring kinetic energy generated backhoe
during the swing motion directly into the hydraulic Max digging depth 23 ft 0 in / 7.0 m
system when counteracting swing breaks are Max digging reach 58 ft 1 in / 17.7 m
applied Max digging height 55 ft 1 in / 16.8 m
digging forces
face shovel
Max crowd force 388,780 lb / 1730 kN
Max breakout force 269,680 lb / 1200 kN
Max tearout force 229,220 lb / 1020 kN
Max breakout force 251,700 lb / 1120 kN
6050 / 6050 fs
(6050 AC/6050 AC FS)
face shovel 52 tons / 47 tonnes KEY FEATURES
backhoe 55 tons / 50 tonnes
• An industry benchmark, with a reputation for
bucket capacity reliability and productivity within its size class
face shovel (heaped 2:1) 34.0 yd3 / 26.0 m3 • Extensive and proven global installed base
backhoe (heaped 1:1) 36.6 yd3 / 28.0 m3
• E
asy-to-access components, including engine
operating weight module, pump bay, oil cooling system, radiator
face shovel 1,163,150 lb / 527 600 kg fans, boom-mounted main valve block
backhoe 1,183,870 lb / 537 000 kg • Independent oil cooling system, which is void
of return oil and provides more efficient cooling,
engine output
ensuring oil remains within the optimal viscosity
2 x Cummins K1500E 2,520 hp / 1880 kW
range to support extended life of vital components
2 x Cummins QSK38 2,520 hp / 1880 kW
• Closed-loop
swing circuit, which provides greater
working / digging ranges efficiency by transferring kinetic energy generated
face shovel during the swing motion directly into the hydraulic
Max digging height 50 ft 2 in / 15.3 m system when counteracting swing breaks are
Max digging reach 53 ft 2 in / 16.2 m applied
Max digging depth 7 ft 10 in / 2.4 m
Max digging depth 30 ft 2 in / 9.2 m
Max digging reach 64 ft 0 in / 19.5 m
Max digging height 55 ft 1 in / 16.8 m
digging forces
face shovel
Max crowd force 433,730 lb / 1930 kN
Max breakout force 343,840 lb / 1530 kN
Max tearout force 247,200 lb / 1100 kN
Max breakout force 271,920 lb / 1210 kN
5-PASS LOAD 250 tons / 227 tonnes
6060 / 6060 fs
(6060 AC / 6060 AC FS)
digging forces
face shovel
Max crowd force 505,640 lb / 2250 kN
Max breakout force 391,030 lb / 1740 kN
Max tearout force 247,170 lb / 1220 kN
Max breakout force 278,670 lb / 1240 kN
bucket capacity • W
orld’s largest hydraulic mining shovel, offering
face shovel (heaped 2:1) 68.0 yd3 / 52.0 m3 high production capability
operating weight 2,160,510 lb / 980 000 kg • Only hydraulic mining shovel capable of 4-pass
loading 400-ton (393-tonne) trucks, like the
engine output Cat 797F
2 x Cummins QSK60 Tier 2 4,500 hp / 3360 kW
• S
tandard diesel drive model designed in accordance
working / digging ranges with the principles of Australia's Mining Design
Max digging height 66 ft 11 in / 20.4 m Guidelines
Max digging reach 63 ft 0 in / 19.2 m • Independent oil cooling system, which is void
Max digging depth 8 ft 2 in / 2.5 m of return oil and provides more efficient cooling,
ensuring oil remains within the optimal viscosity
digging forces range to support extended life of vital components
Max crowd force 694,420 lb / 3090 kN
Max breakout force 543,850 lb / 2420 kN
• C
losed-loop swing circuit, which provides greater
efficiency by transferring kinetic energy generated
during the swing motion directly into the hydraulic
3 -pass load 325 tons / 290 tonnes
system when counteracting swing breaks are
3/4-pass load 345 tons / 313 tonnes
Pas s m at c h g u i d e
777G 785D 789D 793F MT5300D AC 795F AC 797F
MT4400D AC
6015/6015 FS* 8
6030/6030 FS 3 4 6
6040/6040 FS 4 5 6
6050/6050 FS 3 4 5 6 6-7
6060/6060 FS 3 4 5 5-6 6
6090 FS 3 3 3-4 4
7295 3 4
7395 3 4
7495 HD 3 4 4
7495 3 3 4
7495 HF 3 3 4
*Smaller off-highway trucks offering 3-5 pass match capability with 6015 / 6015 FS and 6018 / 6018 FS are not shown on chart
Conditions Favorable to Front Shovel Configured HMS
• Selective digging
• Multiple face heights
• Tight load areas
• Tough digging
• Can work in poor floor conditions
Caterpillar is committed to being the valued partner our
mining customers need — providing the machines and
technologies built to help you achieve long-term
success; delivering the world's best parts, technical,
sales and service support; and working alongside you
to help you operate safely, sustainably, productively
and profitably — wherever you are in the world.
m i n i n g . c at . c o m
© 2014 Caterpillar CAT, CATERPILLAR, BUILT FOR IT, their respective logos, ”Caterpillar Yellow,” the ”Power Edge” trade dress as well
All Rights Reserved as corporate and product identity used herein, are trademarks of Caterpillar and may not be used without permission.