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CHT302 - Ktu Qbank

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PCC 3 1 0 4

Preamble: Objective of this course is to impart fundamental concepts of mass transfer

operations such as distillation, liquid extraction, leaching and membrane separation processes.
This course also explains how to quantify, formulate, and solve engineering problems involving
different mass transfer operations like distillation, liquid-liquid extraction, leaching and
membrane separation processes.

Prerequisite: Basic knowledge in Chemical Process Principles

Course Outcomes: After the completion of the course the student will be able to:
Explain boiling point diagrams, relative volatility and differentiate various types of
distillation techniques.
Design a fractionation column using McCabe – Thiele method and apply it for various
reflux conditions.
Apply Ponchon - Savarit method to determine the number of stages required for a given
CO3 separation in a fractionator for different reflux conditions and to understand
rectification in packed columns.
Explain the theory of extraction and design of single stage and multi-stage extraction
processes with an understanding of construction and working of extractors.
Explain the theory of leaching and design of single stage and multi-stage leaching
processes with an understanding of construction and working of leaching equipments.
CO6 Differentiate among various types of membrane separation processes.

Mapping of course outcomes with program outcomes

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
CO 1 3 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
CO 2 3 3 3 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
CO 3 3 3 3 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
CO 4 3 3 3 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
CO 5 3 3 3 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
CO 6 3 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Assessment Pattern

Continuous Assessment Tests

Bloom’s Category End Semester Examination
1 2
Remember 10 10 20
Understand 10 10 20
Apply 20 20 40
Analyze 10 10 20

Mark distribution

Total Marks CIE ESE ESE Duration

150 50 100 3 hours

Continuous Internal Evaluation Pattern:

Attendance : 10 marks
Continuous Assessment Test (2 numbers) : 25 marks
Assignment/Quiz/Course project : 15 marks

End Semester Examination Pattern:

There will be two parts; Part A and Part B. Part A contain 10 questions with 2 questions from
each module, having 3 marks for each question. Students should answer all questions. Part B
contains 2 questions from each module of which student should answer any one. Each question
can have maximum 2 sub-divisions and carry 14 marks.

Course Level Assessment Questions

Course Outcome 1 (CO1): Explain boiling point diagrams, relative volatility and differentiate
various types of distillation techniques.
1. Define relative volatility and explain its significance.
2. Define Differential distillation and derive the material balance equation for differential
3. Show that the relative volatility of an ideal binary system is equal to the ratio of vapor
pressure of two components.

Course Outcome 2 (CO2): Design a fractionation column using McCabe – Thiele method and
apply it for various reflux conditions.
1. A continuous distillation column is to separate 50 kmol/hr of feed mixture having 65%
Benzene (A) and 35% Toluene (B). Top product contains 95% Benzene and Bottom
product contains 95% Toluene (by mole). Feed is saturated liquid at its bubble point.

Average relative volatility is 2.44. If reflux ratio R= 2.25 Rmin, determine feed tray
location and number of theoretical stages by McCabe -Thiele method.
2. Define reflux ratio. Explain how to calculate the minimum reflux ratio when feed is a
saturated vapour.
3. Define constant molal overflow. Outline the McCabe-Thiele design method for obtaining
number of theoretical trays by graphical method clearly mentioning its assumptions.

Course Outcome 3 (CO3):Apply Ponchon - Savarit method to determine the number of stages
required for a given separation in a fractionator for different reflux conditions and to understand
rectification in packed columns.
1. Explain the various steps in determining number of stages in a distillation column by
Ponchon - Savarit method
2. Explain the concept of net flow and difference point
3. Explain extractive distillation with the help of an example.

Course Outcome 4 (CO4): Explain the theory of extraction and design of single stage and
multi- stage extraction processes with an understanding of construction and working of
1. Nicotine in a water solution containing 1% nicotine is to be extracted with kerosene at
250C. Kerosene and water are insoluble. Determine the percentage extraction of nicotine
if 1000 kg of feed solution is extracted in a single stage operation using 1500 kg solvent.
What would be the percentage extraction if three theoretical stages are used with 500 kg
solvent in each stage? Equilibrium data expressed as kg nicotine/ kg liquid are as follows:
X 0.001 0.0025 0.005 0.0075 0.00998 0.0204

Y 0.0008 0.00196 0.0046 0.0069 0.0091 0.0187

2. Explain different factors to be considered for selection of solvent in extraction operations.

3. Explain the principle and working of mixer settler cascade

Course Outcome 5 (CO5): Explain the theory of leaching and design of single stage and multi-
stage leaching processes with an understanding of construction and working of leaching
1. Oil seed containing 20% oil is extracted in counter current plant and 90% of the oil is
recovered to get a solution containing 50% oil. If the seeds are extracted with fresh
solvent and 1kg solution is removed in the underflow in association with every 2kg of
insoluble matter. Determine the number of ideal stages required.
2. Discuss the factors affecting leaching.
3. List out the applications of leaching.

Course Outcome 6 (CO6): Differentiate among various types of membrane separation

1. What are the advantages of membrane separation processes over conventional separation

2. Enlist the factors affecting membrane performance.

3. Write a note on ultrafiltration.


Model Question Paper

Reg No: ______________Name: ______________
Course Code: CHT302
Max. Marks: 100 Duration: 3 Hours

Answer All the Questions (10 x 3 = 30)
1. The relative volatility of a binary system is 4.13. Find out x – y data.
2. Derive Rayleigh equation for a binary mixture.
3. Define reflux ratio and differentiate between minimum reflux ratio and total reflux ratio.
4. Derive q-line equation for feed tray location.
5. Differentiate between Packed Towers and Tray Towers.
6. Define selectivity of solvent used in liquid extraction.
7. Explain briefly the system of three liquids with one pair partially soluble in case of liquid
8. List out the various factors which limit the rate of solid-liquid extraction.
9. Write a short note on heap leaching.
10. Outline the industrial applications of leaching.

Answer one full question from each module (5 x 14 = 70)
Module 1
11. (a) A liquid mixture containing 40 mole percent of n-heptane and 60% n-octane (α =
2.16) is subjected to differential distillation at atmospheric pressure with 60% (mole) of
the liquid distilled. Compute the composition of the Distillate and Residue.
(b) A fractionation column has been installed to distillate 5000 kg/hr of a mixture of 50 %
methanol & 50% water (by weight). The overhead and bottom products are found to
contain 95 % methanol and 1 % methanol respectively. Carry out material balances.
Data: Mol. wt. of methanol: 32 and Mol. wt. of water: 18. (7+7 = 14 Marks)
12. (a) Define relative volatility and explain its significance.

(b) Define Differential distillation and derive the material balance equation for
differential distillation.
(c) Show that the relative volatility of an ideal binary system is equal to the ratio of vapor
pressure of two components. (3+6+5 = 14 Marks)

Module II
13. (a) Derive Fenske’s equation for the minimum number of theoretical stages.
(b) Define reflux ratio. Explain how to calculate the minimum reflux ratio when feed is a
saturated vapour. (7+7 = 14 Marks)
14. A continuous distillation column is to separate 50 kmol/hr of feed mixture having 65%
Benzene (A) and 35% Toluene (B). Top product contains 95% Benzene and Bottom
product contains 95% Toluene (by mole). Feed is saturated liquid at its bubble point.
Average relative volatility is 2.44. If reflux ratio R= 2.25 Rmin, determine feed tray
location and number of theoretical stages by McCabe -Thiele method. (14 Marks)

Module III
15. (a) Define an azeotrope. Explain the advantages, disadvantages and industrial application
of azeotropic distillation with suitable example.
(b) Explain the concept of net flow and difference point (8+6 =14 Marks)
16. Explain the various steps in determining number of stages in a distillation column by
Ponchon - Savarit method. (14 Marks)

Module IV
17. (a) Explain with neat sketches any two extraction equipments used in chemical industries.
(b) Explain different factors to be considered for selection of solvent in extraction
operations. (8+6 = 14 Marks)
18. Nicotine in a water solution containing 1% nicotine is to be extracted with kerosene at 25
0C. Kerosene and water are insoluble. Determine the percentage extraction of nicotine if
1000 kg of feed solution is extracted in a single stage operation using 1500 kg
solvent.Calculate the percentage extraction if three theoretical stages are used with 500
kg solvent in each stage. Equilibrium data expressed as kg nicotine/ kg liquid are as
X 0.001 0.0025 0.005 0.0075 0.00998 0.0204
Y 0.0008 0.00196 0.0046 0.0069 0.0091 0.0187
(14 Marks)
Module V
19. (a) Explain the working of Shank’s system in detail with schematic diagram.
(b) Enlist the advantages of membrane separation processes over conventional separation
processes. (7+7 = 14 Marks)

20. (a) Oil seed containing 20% oil is extracted in counter current plant and 90% of the oil is
recovered to get a solution containing 50% oil. If the seeds are extracted with fresh
solvent and 1kg solution is removed in the underflow in association with every 2kg of
insoluble matter. Determine the number of ideal stages required.
(b) Enlist the factors affecting membrane performance. (9+5 = 14 Marks)


Module 1 (8 Hrs.)
Distillation- Vapour-Liquid Equilibria, boiling- point diagram and equilibrium curves,
relative volatility, application of Raoult’s law. Distillation methods- flash distillation, Simple
distillation or Differential distillation, Binary distillation, Steam distillation, Problems.

Module 2 (10 Hrs.)

Fractionation of binary mixtures, Principle of fractionation, Fractionation in plate columns,
condensers and reboilers. Material and energy balance, Design of fractionation columns by
McCabe - Thiele method - basic assumptions, feed quality and feed line, number of plates, feed
plate location, total reflux, minimum reflux , optimum reflux, plate efficiency, cold reflux and
open steam.

Module 3 (8 Hrs.)
Enthalpy composition diagrams, Concept of net flow and difference point, Ponchon–Savarit
method– material and enthalpy balance, number of plates, feed plate location, minimum reflux
conditions. Rectification in packed columns, height of packed towers.
Azeotropic and Extractive distillation (qualitative treatment only).

Module 4 (10 Hrs.)

Extraction –applications, ternary equilibria on triangular coordinate system,mixer rule,
distribution curve, selectivity, choice of solvent. Single-stage and multistage extraction
operations - Calculations for immiscible systems and partially miscible systems.
Construction and working of mixer -settler cascades, sieve-tray columns, agitated towers, pulse
columns and centrifugal extractors.

Module 5 (9 Hrs.)
Leaching – Rate of leaching, factors affecting rate of leaching. Working principles of leaching
equipment- Shank’s system- thickeners, classifiers and moving bed leaching equipment.
Leaching equilibrium - constant underflow - variable underflow Single stage and multistage
Membrane separation processes – classification – types of membranes: flat, spiral wound, hollow
fibre -concentration polarization – ultrafiltration.

Text Books:
1. Treybal R.E., Mass Transfer Operations, McGraw Hill.
2. Binay K Dutta, Principles of Mass Transfer & Separation Processes, PHI Learning
Private Limited.

Reference Books:
1. K.V. Narayanan and B. Lakshmikutty.Mass Transfer-Theory and Applications,CBS
2. N. Anantharaman and K.M.Meera Sheriffa Begum, Mass Transfer-Theory and Practice,
PHI Learning Private Limited (2011) New Delhi.
3. McCabe W.L., Smith J.C. &Harriot P., Unit Operations in Chemical Engineering,
McGraw Hill.
4. Geankoplis C.J., Transport Processes and Unit Operations, Prentice Hall India
5. Coulson J.M. & Richardson J.F., Chemical Engineering, Vol. II, ELBS, Pergamon
Course Contents and Lecture Schedule:

No. of
No. Details
1 Module 1 8
Introduction to distillation, Vapor-liquid equilibrium, T-x-y diagram,
1.1 2
bubble and dew point calculations
1.2 Relative volatility, equilibrium curves - application of Raoult’s law 1
1.3 Ideal and non -ideal solutions, azeotropes 1
1.4 Batch distillation and equilibrium flash vaporization 2
1.5 Steam distillation 1
1.6 Differential distillation 1
2 Module II 10
2.1 Fractionation - plate columns for distillation –condensers – reboilers 1
2.2 Principles of rectification - material and energy balance 1
Design of fractionation columns by McCabe - Thiele method - basic
2.3 1
assumptions - feed quality and feed line
Design of fractionation columns by McCabe - Thiele method -
2.4 2
number of plates- feed plate location.
Design of fractionation columns by McCabe - Thiele method -
2.5 2
number of plates - total reflux&minimum reflux.
Design of fractionation columns by McCabe - Thiele method -
2.6 2
number of plates - optimum reflux, plate efficiency.
Design of fractionation columns by McCabe - Thiele method - cold
2.7 1
reflux, open steam.
3 Module III 8
Enthalpy – composition diagrams, Ponchon–Savarit method– difference
3.1 2
points and reflux ratio
3.2 Ponchon–Savarit method - number of plates, feed plate location, 3

minimum reflux conditions.

3.3 Rectification in packed columns - height of packed towers 2
3.4 Azeotropic and extractive distillation (qualitative treatment only). 1
4 Module IV 10
Extraction - applications - ternary equilibria on triangular coordinate
4.1 2
system, single stage extraction
4.2 Mixer rule -distribution curve – selectivity, choice of solvent 1
Single-stage and multistage extraction operations - Calculations for
4.3 2
immiscible systems.
Single-stage and multistage extraction operations - Calculations for
4.4 3
partially miscible systems.
Construction and working of mixer - settler cascades, sieve-tray columns,
4.5 2
agitated towers, pulse columns and centrifugal extractors.
5 Module V 9
Leaching -factors affecting rate of leaching.
5.1 Leaching equilibrium - constant underflow - variable underflow Single 4
stage and multistage leaching.
Working principles of leaching equipment- Shank’s system- thickeners,
5.2 2
classifiers and moving bed leaching equipment.
Membrane separation processes – classification – types of membranes:
5.3 flat, spiral wound, hollow fibre -concentration polarization – 3

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