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CET 307 Syllabus

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CET Category L T P Credit
RESOURCES Introduction
ENGINEERING PCC 4 0 0 4 2019

Preamble: The general objective of this course is to expose the students to the fundamental concepts of
surface and groundwater components of hydrology and basics of water resources engineering. The
course aim to impart the knowledge on the availability of water on hydrosphere, its distribution and
quantification, scientific methods for computing irrigation water requirements, reservoir engineering and
river engineering

Pre-requisite: NIL

Course outcome

After the course, the student will be able to:

Describe and estimate the different components of hydrologic cycle by processing hydro-
meteorological data
Determine the crop water requirements for the design of irrigation canals by recollecting
the principles of irrigation engineering
Perform the estimation of streamflow and/or describe the river behavior and control
Describe and apply the principles of reservoir engineering to estimate the capacity of
reservoirs and their useful life
Demonstrate the principles of groundwater engineering and apply them for computing the
CO5 yield of aquifers and wells

CO - PO Mapping

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
Water Resources
Hydrology and

CO1 3 3 1 1

CO2 3 3 1
CO3 3 2 1
CO4 3 3 1
CO5 3 3 1

Assessment pattern

Continuous Assessment Tests

Test 1 Test 2 End Semester Examination
(Marks) (Marks) (Marks)
Remember 5 5 15
Understand 10 10 15
Apply 20 20 40
Analyze 15 15 30

Continuous Internal Evaluation Pattern:

Attendance : 10 marks
Continuous Assessment Test (2 numbers) : 25 marks
Assignment/Quiz/Course project : 15 marks
Total : 50 marks

End semester examination pattern – There will be two parts; Part A and Part B. Part A
contain 10 questions with 2 questions from each module, having 3 marks for each
question. Students should answer all questions. Part B contains 2 questions from each
module of which student should answer any one. Each question can have maximum 2 sub-
divisions and carry 14 marks.

Course Code: CET 307

Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering
(Course Level Assessment Questions)

Describe and estimate the different components of hydrologic cycle by processing

hydro-meteorological data
1 Differentiate rainfall mass curve and hyetograph
2 Explain the use of double ring infiltration for infiltration measurement
3 Explain any three methods for baseflow separation

4 Explain the limitations of unit hydrograph theory

A storm with 10 cm of precipitation produced a direct runoff of 5.8 cm. The duration of the
5 rainfall was 16 hrs and its time distribution is given below : (10 Marks)

Time from 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
start (h)
Cumulative 0 0.4 1.3 2.8 5.1 6.9 8.5 9.5 10
Determine the φ -index of the storm.

The ordinates of a 4-hour unit hydrograph for a particular basin are given below.
Determine the ordinates of the 6-hour unit hydrograph.

Time 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
6 (hrs)

Discharge 0 25 100 160 190 170 110 70 30 20 16 1.5 0


Determine the crop water requirements for the design of irrigation canals by
CO2 recollecting the principles of irrigation engineering

1 Explain the factors affecting duty. Explain how can you improve the duty
2 Define duty and delta. Obtain the relation between the two
3 Define the different types of irrigation efficiencies
The following data pertaining to healthy growth of a crop: Root zone depth = 75 cm Field
capacity = 27 %, Wilting point=14 % Dry density of soil=1500 kg/m3. Daily consumptive
4 use =11 mm. Assuming 80 % depletion of available moisture as an indicator for
application of water, determine how long the crop survive without irrigation

The CCA for a distributary is 15000 ha. The intensity of irrigation for Rabi is 40 % and for
Kharif is 15 %. If the total water requirement of the two crops is 37.5 cm and 120 cm and
5 their periods of growth are 160 days and 140 days respectively, determine the design
discharge at the outlet.

Perform the estimation of streamflow and/or describe the river behavior and control
CO3 structures

1 Explain Meandering. What are the causes of meandering ?

2 Explain the objectives of providing river training works

3 Enlist the factors affecting the selection of site for stream gauging station

The data pertaining to a stream gauging operation at a gauging station are given below.
The rating equation of the current meter is v = 0.32 N s + 0.032 m/sec where Ns is the
number of revolutions per second. Compute the discharge in the stream by area velocity

Distance from 0 2 4 6 9 12 15 18 20 22 23 24
left water edge

4 Depth (m) 0 0.5 1.1 1.95 2.25 1.85 1.75 1.65 1.5 1.25 0.75 0

Revolutions of 0 80 83 131 139 121 114 109 92 85 70 0

current meter
kept at 0.6

Duration of 0 180 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120

5 Describe with sketches different type of groynes

Describe and apply the principles of reservoir engineering to estimate the capacity of
CO4 reservoirs and their useful life

1 Define safe yield, secondary yield and design yield of reservoirs

2 Explain mass inflow curve and mass demand curve

3 Explain with a neat sketch the zones of a storage reservoir

4 Explain the procedure for estimating the life of storage reservoir

The average annual discharge of a river for 11 years is given below

Year 1960 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

5 Discharge 1750 2650 3010 2240 2630 3200 1000 950 1200 4150 3500

Determine the storage capacity of a reservoir required to meet a demand of 2000 cumec
throughout the year by mass curve method.

Demonstrate the principles of groundwater engineering and apply them for

CO5 computing the yield of aquifers and wells

1 State Darcy’s law and its limitations

2 Enlist the assumptions in the derivation of Dupuit’s equation
3 Differentiate perched aquifer and leaky aquifer

4 Describe the working of strainer type tube well with a sketch

Pumping at the rate of 1500 litres per minute from a 30cm diameter well of depth 60m in
an unconfined aquifer gives a drawdown of 2m and 1.1m in observation wells located
at distances 120m and 160m respectively from it. Calculate the drawdown of the pumping
well and the coefficient of permeability of the aquifer.
During a recuperation test conducted on an open well in a region, the water level in the
well was depressed by 3 m and it was observed to rise by 1.75 m in 75 minutes.
6 (a) What is the specific yield of open wells in that region (b) What will be the yield from a
well of 5 m diameter under a depression head of 2.5 m ? (c) What diameter should be the
diameter of the well to give a yield of 12 l/sec under a depression head of 2 m ?

Course Code: CET 307

Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering

Module I

Hydrologic cycle-precipitation-mechanism, types, forms and measurement using rain gauges ;

Optimum number of rain gauges, representation of rainfall data-mass curve and hyetograph,
computation of mean precipitation over a catchment, Design rainfall - probable maximum
rainfall; IDF curves (conceptual idea only). Infiltration-measurement by double ring
infiltrometer, Horton’s model, infiltration indices. Evaporation –measurement and control

Module II

Runoff-components of runoff- Hydrograph analysis-Hydrograph from isolated storm-Base flow

separation. Unit hydrograph – uses, assumptions and limitations of unit hydrograph theory.
Computation of storm/flood hydrograph of different duration by method of superposition and by
development of S– Hydrograph; Floods-methods of design flood estimation –Empirical methods;
SPF and PMF, Return period (conceptual ideas only)

Module III

Irrigation– Necessity, Benefits and ill effects. Types: flow and lift irrigation - perennial and
inundation irrigation. Soil-water –plant relationships. Irrigation efficiencies, Computation of
crop water requirement: depth and frequency of Irrigation. Duty and delta, duty-factors affecting
and method of improving duty, Computation of crop water requirement by using the concept of
duty and delta

Module IV

Streamflow measurement-area velocity method of stream gauging, selection of site for stream
gauging station, Stage-discharge curve, flow duration curve-uses and characteristics. River
training works-types; Meandering and meander parameters; Reservoirs- types, zones, yield of
reservoir; determination of storage capacity and yield by mass curve method; Reservoir
sedimentation and control- trap efficiency- computation of life of reservoir

Module V

Vertical distribution of ground water- classification of saturated formation (review) Aquifer

properties, Darcy’s law, Well hydraulics-Steady radial flow into a fully penetrating well in
Confined and Unconfined aquifers; Types of wells, Types of tube wells; well losses; Yield of
open wells-pumping test and recuperation test

Text Books:
1. Modi P. N. Irrigation, Water Resources and Water Power Engineering, S.B.H
Publishers and Distributors New Delhi 2009.
2. Punmia B.C. Ashok K Jain, Arun K Jain, B. B. L Pande, Irrigation and Water
Engineering, Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd. 2009

3. VenTe Chow. Hand book of Applied Hydrology, Tata McGraw Hill, 1988
4. Todd D. K. Ground Water Hydrology, Wiley, 2005.
5. H.M Raghunath. Groundwater. New Age International New Delhi 2007
6. G.L.Asawa. Irrigation and Water Resources Engineering New Age International New
Delhi 2008
7. Garg S. K. Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering, Khanna Publishers New Delhi
8. Garg SK, Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures Khanna Publishers New Delhi
9. Subramanya K. Engineering Hydrology, Tata McGraw Hill, 2013.
10. Raghunath H.M. Hydrology: Principles, Analysis and Design. New Age International
New Delhi 2006.

Course Code: CET 307

Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering
(Course plan)
No of
Module Topic outcome
Module I (11 Hours)

1.1 Hydrology-Hydrologic cycle CO1 1

1.2 Precipitation- mechanism, types, forms CO1 1
1.3 Measurements of rainfall- Use of rain gauges CO1 1
Representation of rainfall data-Rainfall Mass curve, hyetograph;
1.4 CO1 1
Optimum number of rain gauges
1.5 Estimation of missing precipitation CO1 1
1.6 Computation of mean precipitation CO1 1
1.7, 1.8 Problems CO1 2
1.9 Design rainfall - probable maximum rainfall; IDF curves CO1 1

(conceptual idea only).

Water losses-Infiltration-measurement by double ring
1.10 CO1 1
infiltrometer, Horton’s equation; concept of infiltration indices
Evaporation-measurement by IMD land pan, control of
1.11 CO1 1
Module II (9 Hours)
Runoff- Components, factors affecting runoff, Computation of
2.1 CO1 1
runoff by different methods.
Runoff computation by rational formula and from infiltration
2.2 CO1 1
Hydrograph analysis-Hydrograph from isolated storm-Base
2.3 CO1 1
flow separation
2.4 Concept of unit hydrograph-assumptions, uses, applications CO1 1
Computation of storm/flood hydrograph ordinates of different
2.5 CO1 1
duration by method of superposition
Computation of storm/flood hydrograph ordinates of different
2.6 CO1 1
duration by development of S– Hydrograph
2.7,2.8 Problems CO1 2
Floods-methods of design flood estimation –Empirical methods;
2.9 CO1 1
SPF and PMF, Return period (conceptual ideas only)
Module III (7 Hours)
3.1 Irrigation-Benefits and ill effects, lift and flow irrigation CO2 1
3.2 Types of irrigation, Irrigation efficiencies CO2 1
3.3 Soil water plant relationships CO2 1
Computation of crop water requirement: depth and frequency of
3.4 CO2 1
3.5 Duty and delta-Factors affecting and method of improving duty CO2 1
Estimation of crop water requirement by using the concepts of
3.6 CO2 1
duty and delta
3.7 Problems CO2 1
Module IV (11 Hours)
4.1 Streamflow measurement- measurement of stage and velocity CO3 1
Stage-discharge curve- Selection of site for stream gauging
4.2 CO3 1
4.3 Computation of discharge (Area-velocity method)-problem CO3 1
4.4 Flow duration curves-uses and characteristics CO3 1
River behavior-meandering-meander parameters, Objectives
4.5 CO3 1
of river training
4.6 Types of river training works CO3 1

4.7 Reservoirs- types, zones, yield of reservoir CO4 1

4.8 Storage capacity and yield-by mass curve method CO4 1
Reservoir sedimentation-control of sedimentation, trap
4.9 CO4 1
4.10 Useful life of reservoir-computation. CO4 1
4.11 Problems CO4 1
Module V (7 Hours)
Vertical distribution of ground water - classification of
5.1 CO5 1
saturated formation (Review)
5.2 Aquifer properties- Darcy’s law CO5 1
5.3 Steady radial flow to a well-unconfined aquifers CO5 1
5.4 Steady radial flow to a well-unconfined aquifers CO5 1
5.5 Problems CO5 1
Types of wells-open wells and tube well, Types of tube wells
5.6 CO5 1
- description
Estimation of yield of an open well- pumping test and
5.7 CO5 1
recuperation test

Pages: 3

Model Question Paper

Reg No.:………………….. QP




Course Code: CET 307

Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering

Max. Marks: 100 Duration: 3

Part A
(Answer all questions; each question carries 3 marks)
1. Explain the different forms of precipitation
2. What are the methods of control of evaporation from water bodies?
3. Define unit hydrograph. Explain its uses
4. State the limitations of rational formula for runoff estimation
5. Explain irrigation efficiencies
6. Define duty and delta. Obtain the relation between the two
7. Enlist the factors to be considered in the selection of site for a stream gauging
8. Explain meandering of rivers
9. Define (i) Storativity (ii) Transmissibility
10. Explain well losses

Part B
(Answer one full question from each module, each question carries 14 marks)
Module I
11 (a) Explain the working of a Siphon type rain gauge with a neat sketch (5 Marks)

(b) The average rainfall of 5 rain gauge stations in the base stations are 89, 54, 45, 41 and 55
cm. If the error in the estimation rainfall should not exceed 10 %, how many additional
gauges may be required to be installed in the catchment? (9 Marks)


12.(a) Compare different methods for determination of mean precipitation from a catchment
(6 Marks)
(b) Explain the use of double ring infiltrometer for the measurement of infiltration. How will
you develop Horton’s model? (8 Marks)

Module II

13.(a) The rates of rainfall for the successive 30 min period of a 3-hour storm are:1.6, 3.6, 5.0,
2.8, 2.2, 1.0 cm/hr. The corresponding surface runoff is estimated to be 3.6 cm. Estimate
the φ -index (7 Marks)

(b) Explain the characteristics of a single peak hydrograph from an isolated storm. How will
you separate the base flow? (7 Marks)


14. Find out the ordinates of a storm hydrograph resulting from a 9 hr storm with rainfall of
2, 5.75 and 2.75 cm during subsequent 3 hr intervals. The ordinates of 3hr unit
hydrograph at 3 hr intervals are 0, 100, 355, 510, 380, 300, 260, 225,165, 120,85, 55,30,
22, 10, 0 (cumecs). Assume an initial loss of 0.5 cm and φ -index of 2.5 mm/hr and
abase flow of 10 cumecs. (14 Marks)

Module III

15. (a) Differentiate lift irrigation and flow irrigation. (4 Marks)

(b) Estimate the frequency of irrigation required for certain crop for the following data:
Root zone depth = 90 cm Field capacity = 22 %, Wilting point=12 % Dry density of
soil=1500 kg/m3. Daily Consumptive use =22 mm. Assume 70 % depletion of available
moisture as an indicator for application of water (10 Marks)


16. (a) Explain the benefits and ill effects of irrigation (4 Marks)

(b) What are the factors affecting duty? How can you improve the duty of water.

(10 Marks)

Module IV

17 (a) Explain the use of current meter for velocity measurement in streams (7 Marks)

(b) Explain the method of determination of useful life of a reservoir. (7 Marks)


18 (a) Explain the features of different types of groynes (8 Marks)

(b) Explain the types of storage reservoirs (6 Marks)

Module V

19 (a) State Darcy’s law and its limitations (4 Marks)

(b) The following observations were recorded during a pumping out test on a tube well
penetrating fully in an aquifer: Well diameter: 25 cm, Discharge from the well: 300
m3/hr, RL of original water surface before pumping started: 122.000, RL of water in the
well at constant pumping: 117.100 , RL of water in the observation well: 121.300, RL of
impervious layer: 92.000, radial distance of observation well from the tube well: 50 m.
Determine : (a) field permeability coefficient of the aquifer (b) radius of zero drawdown.
(10 Marks)


20.(a) Explain the method of determination of yield of an open well (7 Marks)

(b) Explain the working of a strainer type tube well with a sketch (7 Marks)

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