Social Signals
Social Signals
Social Signals
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: What Are Social Signals?
Chapter 3: What Google Says About Social Signals
Chapter 4: How Does Google Gauge Your Website’s Social
Chapter 5: Who Are the People That Can Impact Your Site
Chapter 6: How People Can Recommend Your Site
Chapter 7: The Problems with Managing Social Profiles
Chapter 8: What is Taleout?
Chapter 9: How Taleout Can Help You with Your Profiles
Chapter 10: Conclusion
In the beginning there was darkness, and developers shed forth light
through building websites. These websites just stayed in cyberspace
until someone shared them or visited by those who know the address.
All this changed when search engines like Google came into the scene,
and they all work based on one main principle: The more links a
website has leading to it, the more popular it must be, and these
websites are up there in the search ladder.
Those were simple times back then, and search engine optimizers just
scattered links to their website as much as they could, while filling all
their content with keywords.
This eBook will guide you through the process of using your social
Chapter 1
If you have any idea on how search engine optimization (SEO) works,
I am pretty sure you have come across the term ‘backlink.’
For all you newbies in the realm of SEO, you may be unfamiliar with
the term and probably unaware of its importance. Backlinks have
earned a reputation for being one of the most important elements of
SEO, and considered to be an integral part of the whole process.
All of this has changed, however, and search engines have developed
more complex algorithms for more sophisticated methods of website
optimization. Being more relevant has become more of a big deal for
SEO, forcing optimizers to use more fitting keywords in their content.
This has transcended from quantity to quality, and the phrase
‘content is king’ the one thing still constant in the race for search
engine supremacy.
Google has since been on a quest to find websites with fresh and
relevant content through their leading search engine. Even during its
early years, the company has stressed how finding fresh results was
important to their service. Up until now, Google continues to stress
how important it is for them to find fresh content, making it vital in
search engine optimization.
These are called ‘social signals,’ and making use of these is now the
easiest and most popular method of directing people to websites,
increasing traffic, and at same time search ranking.
Chapter 2:
What Are Social Signals?
It’s probably safe to say that Facebook is one, if not the most popular
social media platform used today. It has an immense user base and
claims top spot in popularity rankings. While it may not be regarded
as a very effective means of directing traffic towards your website, the
possible social signals it offers are worth considering.
Google Plus
Google Plus is the most recent social media platform among the three,
and its association with Google gives it more importance above any
existing social media networks out there. With the rate how its user
base quickly expanded, it is unwise to disregard the search giant’s
own social media platform.
There are other social media networks out there, but the popularity of
these three trumps everything else. Although, there are niche social
media websites where you can focus some amount of effort. LinkedIn
has proven its worth to business users and professionals alike, while
Flickr and YouTube are perfect platforms for their respective themes.
The newest kid on the block Pinterest has also covered some
significant ground, and has proven invaluable in marketing,
especially in search engine optimization campaigns.
Chapter 3:
What Google Says About Social
Google introduced its Social Search feature back in 2009. It’s the
search giant’s added service that provides views of customized search
results on people in your social network.
Over time, search engine optimizers are learning what works and
what doesn’t. At this point, we already have a good idea on how social
signals work in Google’s search algorithms. This is pretty exciting
stuff for the field, because Google has once again leveled the playing
field by making sure that you can be rewarded by creating high
quality content on your website.
Producing the right kind of content, one that can be shared, is what
counts. People will want to share them, regardless of where it came
from. And through sharing, content can become viral.
The sharing starts with one person, and people in the network will
read and some will share until the number of shares exponentially
increases, giving the needed traffic to the website containing the
content. It’s that simple.
Always keep in mind that the better the content, the higher the
possibility it’s going to be shared, so it doesn’t really matter if your
website just went live yesterday. If you can create high quality content
that’s worth sharing, it’s easy to get a huge number of visitors in a
Chapter 4:
How Does Google Gauge Your
Website’s Social Signals?
After Google launched its Social Search feature and Facebook decided
to jump into the search business with its Graph Search, it seems like
the time of social search engine optimization, or social SEO, is at
Keep in mind that although social signals won’t be able to put you on
top of the rankings, effectively using them as part of a larger content
strategy can result to wider exposure, linking more people to your
content. This process will inevitably help you be on top in Google
search rankings.
Tweets, Google +1’s and Facebook Likes are social signals that can
help you become visible in search engine results and get your website
content indexed immediately. This type of online social activity can
direct organic search towards your website and increase traffic.
The best indicator that you’re doing a good job in effectively utilizing
social media to send your social signals is how engaged the people are
regarding your shared content. A steady increase of Facebook Likes,
comments, favorites, retweets and + 1’s indicate that your content is
of high quality and interesting, your website is ideally optimized for
sharing and you’re promoting to engaging, quality readers.
One other way in which Google gauges a website’s social signal is via
traffic provided by social referrals. By promoting your content
through various social media, you get to increase the social signals of
your website. This can be done by a promotional tweet from an
influential user with many followers, which will surely bring more
traffic to your website. Google gives more weight to this kind of social
Chapter 5:
Who Are the People That Can Impact
Your Site Traffic?
The people who can impact your website traffic can be classified into
two types: first are the targeted visitors from first-time visits, and
second are those persistent or regular website visitors. In the world of
social media, influence it what drives traffic to your website.
You may own the most impressive and most useful website out there,
but if people don’t know about it, all the effort you put in creating it
will be useless. You need to reach out to your target audience. There
are a few methods to do this, but first, you need to identify your target
There is no doubt about it that social media has a huge impact in
driving traffic to websites. This makes the people in your social media
circles valuable resources and, of course, a primary target. Facebook
friends and Twitter followers are the most important people to send
out the essential social signals regarding your website.
Experts say that if you aren’t social online, you won’t be getting any
business. According to Facebook statistics, there are 665 million daily
active user accounts as of March 2013, making it a goldmine for
website traffic.
People in the same niche or interest your website is about can also
have a huge impact on your website traffic. They are the people that
are most compelled to move that pointer and click on the link going to
your website.
If you blog about food and travel, it would only be right to seek out
the people who are into the same interest as yours: backpackers and
foodies. Drum up interest in your website to get their attention, and
post quality content to lure them all in and gain both new audience
and a regular following.
Chapter 6:
How People Can Recommend Your
There are many ways how people can recommend your site to drive
more traffic into it. Thanks to social media, it is now a whole lot easier
to do this, helping your reach a larger audience that may include a
number of influential users.
Facebook Likes
Facebook has become the pinnacle of online marketing, transforming
it into a tool unlike anything we’ve ever seen. The one thing that sets
it apart from other social media is the positivity it entails in online
A Facebook ‘like’ is one of the best and easiest way people can
recommend a website, and this carries a positive branding that can
easily translate to others. The act of liking has a huge and deep
impact, with a quantifiable effect on your website’s traffic.
Twitter Retweets
Another easy way how people can recommend your website is
through a retweet. Twitter is probably the second most popular social
media platform next to Facebook, and has the most influential active
users to date. Retweeting is a great way to share and recommend
information, ideas and websites, bringing in a good amount of traffic
to your website.
Traffic can be gained by just a simple retweet. The best way to achieve
this is by tweeting your website link to one influential Twitter user
with a huge following. Make sure your tweet can spark interest and is
worthy of a retweet. If you get a retweet and it is seen by the
influential user’s followers, imagine the spike in the number of visits
you get to your website.
Google +1’s
Not to be outdone, the search giant’s own social network included an
affirmation and recommendation of posts on its pages. Similar to
Facebook’s ‘like’ feature, Google Plus’ +1 works the same way, with
the company including this in its algorithm to impact search ranking
metrics. The same content requirement is needed for people to
recommend your site and gain a +1: make it interesting, relevant and
The same goes for social blogging sites like Tumblr. Remember, if it’s
worthy of recommendation, it is going to be shared by any means
Chapter 7:
The Problems with Managing Social
As with any functional tool, issues may arise regarding its use or
misuse. The increasing popularity of social media presents interesting
issues for people who want to use them for personal and professional
First of all, social media users should be familiar on how it works. The
improper use of social media can lead to disastrous consequences.
Take the case of former US Rep. Anthony Weiner. He had a fairly
large following on Twitter, letting us assume he knows how to handle
the medium.
To those who are not familiar with the incident, Mr. Weiner took a
racy photo of his private region in a certain state of arousal and sent it
to a female follower on Twitter. He had the intention of sending the
photo as a private message using Twitter’s ‘Direct Message’ feature.
Unfortunately, he pressed the wrong button and sent the photo
publicly for all his followers to see. The consequences were nothing
short of catastrophic.
Privacy has also been a hot issue since the inception of social
networks. For personal accounts, it is important that people only post
appropriate information on any type of social network. This covers
not posting those photos from last night’s frat party and not tweeting
anything when in a foul mood.
Right now, managing your social profile has become even more
relevant, with survey results suggesting that your profile can affect
your chances of employment.
For good social profile management, there are a few rules you need to
follow to avoid any unfortunate incidents. In using Facebook, it would
be safe not to post anything embarrassing.
This goes the same way for business or blog profile accounts. To draw
traffic to your website, positivity always rules.
The best way to work around this is to toggle the privacy controls, so
you can choose which certain groups of people can view all your
The bottom line is, decide on the purpose of your social media
account. In doing this, you can also decide on who can access or view
all your social media activities and who can interact with them.
This frees you from totally sanitizing everything you post, because
doing so takes away the creativity and personality from your profiles.
Always remember to try to be positive in managing your profiles and
everything will work in your favor.
Chapter 8:
What Is TaleOut?
Now that we know how much of a huge impact social signals are to
increase the ranking of your website, there are ways to use them to
your advantage. What better way to make good use of these social
signals than by exploiting them? But how can you manage your social
media accounts the right way to boost your rankings?
Facebook likes and shares help you get higher ranking in search
results. This means that the more likes and shares you have, the
higher your ranking goes. This rings true not only on Facebook, but
also on other social media networks like Twitter, Google Plus and
If you optimize your social media updates so you could gain the most
shares and likes, you will have to do all this on all your accounts when
posting your website links. TaleOut does this for you.
But first, the facts:
Many online marketers and SEO experts agree that social signals are
now at the forefront of search engine optimization, taking the place of
backlinks as a search factor. Google has even confirmed this little
piece of information. However, generating social signals is a lot
harder than you think.
Yes, it can be time consuming and a lot of hassle, and you’re not even
sure if you’ll be getting a boost in your social signals.
Don’t hesitate to ask fellow users for a like, +1, retweet or share.
Going straight to the point works wonders.
Short posts can be more attractive to other users, and this is the
reason why Twitter is so successful.
These essential tips are pretty good, and they can surely help you
generate social signals for your site. And what’s better is all this can
be done by TaleOut without doing much because it’s all automated.
You’ll be getting traffic from your social networks and direct it to your
website real quick and easy. All you have to do is download the
plugin, connect your website to all your social networks, sit back,
relax and have fun while you reap its benefits.
You decide which social networking sites you connect to your website
and choose which of your posts go where. You can customize the
settings accordingly, so you have total control over all your posts. This
helps you organize what you put on your social networks and avoid
unrelated topics.
Exclude the social media accounts you don’t want your content
to be posted.
As you can see, everything can be done automatically. This makes the
job easier, helping the users get optimum results on their social signal
Chapter 10:
It’s conclusive that the importance of social signals is now the new
‘links,’ revolutionizing how search engines rank websites in their page
One has gained the upper hand in the battle between quantity and
quality, with quality gaining supremacy. This has turned SEO
strategies into a totally different ballgame, with small businesses
being forced to make a few changes.
There are more, but you only need to sign up for a few with the most
quality users. Keep in mind that the most important social network is
Google+ for obvious reasons.
Many might say the search giant would want to have total control
over your content, but if you think about it, Google just has better
access to all the data on their own sites and services than any other.
But just to be safe, go for Google+ and other sites, too. Either way, all
your social media will be tracked and count them as social signals.
Once you have existing accounts for your website on the essential
social networking sites, you may start generating your own social
signals. You can do this by engaging in interesting exchanges or
starting conversations about topics related to the industry of what you
are trying to market.
Always keep in mind that social media platforms are not used simply
to advertise your website; it is an avenue where you must engage and
interact with other users by productive interaction through
conversation, being helpful, opening yourself to comments or
feedback and positively responding to them, and sharing your
content, ideas, products or services.
It’s just like doing good business and establishing strong networks in
real life and translating them in the virtual world.
With all the work a user has to do to generate social signals,
technology has catched up to make life easier for them. TaleOut’s
services have the necessary features to cover all bases, and all can be
done automatically. With a central ‘command center’ installed as a
plugin to your WordPress website, users can control everything, and
post certain content to selected social media websites.
I hope that this book has given you a head start on getting started
with social sites and to have great success with using them in your
business endeavors.
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