2301 11016
2301 11016
2301 11016
Abstract. The aim of the present paper is to provide a preliminary investigation of the
thermodynamics of particles obeying monotone statistics. To render the potential physical
applications realistic, we propose a modified scheme called block-monotone, based on a partial
arXiv:2301.11016v1 [math-ph] 26 Jan 2023
order arising from the natural one on the spectrum of a positive Hamiltonian with compact
resolvent. The block-monotone scheme is never comparable with the weak monotone one and
is reduced to the usual monotone scheme whenever all the eigenvalues of the involved Hamil-
tonian are non-degenerate. Through a detailed analysis of a model based on the quantum
harmonic oscillator, we can see that: (a) the computation of the grand-partition function
does not require the Gibbs correction factor n! (connected with the indistinguishability of
particles) in the various terms of its expansion with respect to the activity; and (b) the dec-
imation of terms contributing to the grand-partition function leads to a kind of “exclusion
principle” analogous to the Pauli exclusion principle enjoined by Fermi particles, which is
more relevant in the high-density regime and becomes negligible in the low-density regime,
as expected.
1. Introduction
In recent years, the investigation of exotic models has significantly increased in the hope
of making some progress in solving long-standing unsolved problems involved in the physics
of complex models. In this regard, we certainly must mention the question of providing a
satisfactory mathematical description of the quantum electrodynamics, which obtains predic-
tions via the renormalisation technique that are in surprisingly perfect accordance with the
Along the same line, we can identify the models which aim to study and unify the strong
interactions (i.e., quantum chromodynamics) with the electroweak ones. All these models
are called “standard” models and have the same strengths and weaknesses. That is, they
are in good accordance with the experiments but not satisfactory from the mathematical
point of view. The long-standing problem of unifying these three fundamental forces, which
are present in nature, with the remaining one, that is, the gravitation, which was recently
addressed through the use of the so-called noncommutative geometry (e.g., [1]), is very far
from being solved, even in a partial form.
We should also mention the potential relevance of the investigation of models enjoying exotic
commutation relations with some other disciplines, such as information theory and quantum
computing, both of which are connected with, and relevant for, concrete applications.
Among such models, S we can certainly find those associated with the so called q-particles,
or quons, q ∈ (−1, 0) (0, 1), from the perspective of the extension to the so-called anyons,
corresponding to the case when the parameter q assumes values in some roots of the unity,
and plektons.
Such exotic q-particles are naturally associated with the following commutation relations:
H being the one-particle space, where the creators and annihilators act on the corresponding
Fock spaces. The quons can certainly be seen as an interpolation between the particles obeying
the Fermi statistics (i.e., q = −1) and those obeying the Bose statistics (i.e., q = 1), passing
through the q = 0 value describing the classical particles and, thus, obeying the Boltzmann
statistics. We can observe that for q = ±1, the commutation rules (1) are reduced to the
well-known ones associated with the Bose and Fermi particles, respectively (see, e.g., [2]).
All such models are relevant to the so-called quantum probability. In fact, the Boltzmann
case q = 0, describing the statistics of classical particles concerning the physical meaning, is
also known as free because it naturally arises from a particular case of quantum probability
called free probability (see, e.g., [3]).
In the setting of quantum probability, the various generalisations of the commutation rules
(1) allow one to introduce and investigate exotic quantum stochastic processes (see, e.g., [4]).
As is well-known in the Bose and Fermi cases, all the above-mentioned commutation rules
naturally arise from the so called second quantisation, which is associated with the so-called
grand-canonical ensemble. The various functors of the second quantisation allow one to con-
struct the corresponding Fock spaces. The Fock space encodes the statistics that the involved
particles obey and allows the involved commutation relations to be faithfully represented.
We can also remark that the grand-canonical ensemble allows one to investigate one of the
most fascinating phenomena occurring in the condensate state of the matter, involving bosons,
that is, the Bose–Einstein Condensation in the fundamental state (see, e.g., [2, 5]). In [6], it
is shown that such a phenomenon of condensation also appears in the case of Bose-like quons,
that is, when q ∈ (0, 1].
Returning to exotic commutation relations and their applications in quantum probability,
we can cite the Boolean and Monotone ones. As in the case of all the models mentioned above,
they satisfy commutation relations falling into the general form described in [7], (Corollary 3.2),
and are therefore associated with a suitable Fock space. The Boolean Fock space is the simplest
non-trivial example of second quantisation, because only one particle can be created and/or
annihilated. In fact, it describes the absorption of a single photon, at most, from an apparatus
(see [8]).
The monotone statistics of particles, independently introduced in [9,10], do not seem to have
any evident physical application. The arising Fock space is easily constructed, as described in
Section 2, using the monotonic prescription induced by a totally ordered orthonormal basis of
the one-particle Hilbert space.
Now, we can also point out the well-known deep connection between the second quantisation
scheme and the equilibrium statistical mechanics (see, e.g., [2, 5]). Indeed, starting from a
Fock space constructed by taking into account the statistics of the involved particles, we can
compute, at least in principle, the so-called grand-partition function. Such a crucial function
is supposed to encode all the thermodynamic properties enjoyed by a large number (of the
order of the Avogadro number NA ∼ 1023 ) of involved particles. This is certainly true for
the Bose and Fermi cases and also, due to its simplicity, for the boolean one, in which the
indistinguishability of the particles plays no role.
Due to the Gibbs paradox (cf. [5]), the computation of the grand-partition function in the
Boltzmann case, in terms of the associated full Fock space, deserves a suitable correction due
to the supposed indistinguishability of the involved particles (see below). The general case of
the quons (i.e., q ∈ (−1, 0)∪(0, 1)) is differently solved in [11], since the necessarily “deformed”
statistics that such exotic particles obey are completely unknown.
The case of non-interacting particles obeying monotone statistics, simply called monotone
particles in the following pages, is unclear for two reasons. The first one is that the concrete
physical applications of such a model are completely unknown. The second one is that we do
not know whether the monotone scheme directly encodes the principle of the indistinguishabil-
ity of particles, the latter being a fundamental prescription for the development of equilibrium
statistical mechanics.
Taking into account all the previous considerations, it becomes natural to address the
investigation of the thermodynamic properties of particles obeying the monotone prescription,
which are encoded in the monotone Fock space. Unfortunately, since there is no natural,
total order of the one-particle subspace on an orthonormal basis, this investigation deserves
an appropriate preliminary analysis.
A simple one-particle physical system confined in a finite volume is essentially described
by a Hamiltonian H, which is a self-adjoint positive operator with compact resolvent acting
on a separable Hilbert space H. The statistics (i.e., Bose/Fermi or Boltzmann) of very large
systems formed of a number of the order of the Avogadro number of non-interacting particles
is encoded in the corresponding Fock space.
Since there is a natural order of the eigenvectors of H induced by the corresponding eigen-
values (i.e., the energy levels of the system under consideration), one is tempted to use such
an order to implement the monotone scheme for models of statistical mechanics. This can be
carried out only when the eigenvalues of H all have a multiplicity of 1 or, in simple terms,
when any energy level of the model is non-degenerate.
Unfortunately, this is not the case for all concrete models when the degeneracy of all the
energy levels increases to infinity in the thermodynamic limit (i.e., when, in particular, the
volume of the system tends to occupy the whole environment), in which case the so-called
“passage to the continuum” can be performed (see, e.g., [5, 12]).
The passage to the continuum is the fundamental tool used to investigate the thermody-
namic properties of more realistic models in which the one-particle Hamiltonian has a contin-
uum spectrum, such as a free particle living in R3 .
In the present paper, we propose a method that can be used to overcome this basic diffi-
culty and, thus, take into account the possible degeneracy of the energy levels. Indeed, we
simply generalise the monotone prescription to index sets, which are merely partially ordered
according to those arising from the spectrum of a positive, compact resolvent Hamiltonian
with possible degenerate energy levels. This model, called block-monotone in the following
pages, which is expected to be more suitable for physical applications, is described in Section
Since the grand-partition function of a system associated with (block-)monotone particles
is not directly computable in most infinite dimensional cases, the remaining part of the paper
is devoted to a detailed analysis of a simple model formed of infinite uncoupled quantum
harmonic oscillators. Since the corresponding Hamiltonian has non-degenerate eigenvalues,
such a computation falls into the monotone scheme. The grand-partition function for such a
model is computed in Section 4.
Section 5 is then devoted to the explicit computation of the statistical weights appearing
in the expansion of the monotone grand-canonical partition function and to a refined study of
the high- and low-density regimes. Such an investigation leads to the following relevant facts.
First of all, the computation of such statistical weights suggests that the Gibbs correction
factor n!, connected with the indistinguishability of particles in the various terms of its ex-
pansion with respect to the activity, directly appears in the low-density regime, that is, when
the temperature of the system becomes increasingly higher. This suggests that the monotone
scheme directly encodes the indistinguishability of the involved particles.
Secondly, the decimation of the terms contributing to the grand-partition function provides
a kind of “exclusion principle” analogous to the Pauli exclusion principle observed for Fermi
particles. Such an exclusion principle appears to be more relevant to the high-density regime
and becomes negligible in the low-density regime, as expected.
The last part of Section 5 is devoted to a refined comparison between the grand-partition
functions relative to the Boltzmann and monotone models, allowing us to estimate the correc-
tion of the relevant thermodynamic quantities, such as the average number, in the low-density
To conclude the present introduction, we point out that this preliminary investigation seems
to provide a promising perspective concerning the potential physical applications of the block-
monotone scheme, which we plan to return to in a future work.
2. Preliminaries
One-particle Hamiltonian. We start with a system whose Hamiltonian H is a self-adjoint
positive (i.e., σ(H) ⊂ [0, +∞)) operator with compact resolvent, acting on a separable Hilbert
space H, called the one-particle space.
In such a situation, the spectrum σ(H) is formed of isolated points, accumulating at +∞
if H is infinite dimensional. In addition, the multiplicity g(ε) of each eigenvalue ε ∈ σ(H) is
P In summary, by considering the resolution of the identity of H, we obtain I ≡ IH =
ε∈σ(H) Pε ,
H= εPε , and g(ε) = dim Ran(Pε ) < ∞ .
Let kB ≈ 1.3806488 × 10−23 JK −1 be the Boltzmann constant, and β := kB1T the “inverse
temperature”. Assuming that e−βH is trace class for each β > 0, we can define the partition
function ζ := Tr(e−βH ).
The grand-partition function. Here, we define the the grand-partition function in a
relatively general framework relative to a gas comprising non-interacting particles obeying
rather general statistics and thus potentially suitable for physical applications. The knowledge
of such grand-partition functions plays a crucial role in the so-called equilibrium statistical
mechanics. The standard method for such an analysis is the so-called second quantisation,
(see, e.g., [2, 5]).
Indeed, for the one-particle Hilbert space H, we define the so-called full Fock space F0 (H) ≡
F , given by
F := H ⊗ ·{z
·· ⊗ H,
n=0 n-times
with the convention that H ⊗ · · · ⊗ H := C ≡ CΩ, where Ω is the so-called vacuum vector.
| {z }
The number operator N has a clear meaning (see e.g., [2]).
For a linear operator A with domain D ⊂ H, we define
dΓo (A)dD⊗···⊗D :=A ⊗ I ⊗ · · · ⊗ I + I ⊗ A ⊗ · · · ⊗ I
+ · · · +I ⊗ · · · ⊗ A ⊗ I + I ⊗ · · · ⊗ I ⊗ A ,
and extend it to the whole Fock space by linearity. If A is self-adjoint, the closure dΓ(A) of
dΓo (A) will still be self-adjoint (see, e.g., [2]). Note that dΓ(IH ) provides the number operator.
Now, let P be a self-adjoint projection acting on F . For a fixed positive operator H (i.e.,
a Hamiltonian) and the parameters β > 0 (the inverse temperature) and µ ∈ R (the chemical
potential), such that P e−βdΓ(H−µI) P ≡ P e−β(dΓ(H)−µN ) P is trace class, we define the grand-
partition function as
The most important cases, describing the thermodynamics of Bose and Fermi gases, are
those when P is the self-adjoint projections onto the completely symmetric and antisymmetric
subspaces (with respect to the natural action of the permutations on F ), respectively.
When P is the identity operator I ≡ IF , the corresponding grand-partition function will
describe the thermodynamics of classical particles, that is, those obeying the Boltzmann sta-
tistics. Unfortunately, this is not the case, as explained in [11, 13]. Below, we outline how it
is possible to recover such a grand-partition function in the Boltzmann case.
We can also remark that the q-deformed Fock space Fq (H) (e.g., [4] and [14] for the arising
ergodic properties) could be used to compute the grand-partition function for the so-called
quons and, thus, their thermodynamics. Unfortunately, in this case, too, the second quantisa-
tion method does not work. The grand-partition function for the free gas of quons is entirely
computed in [11] without using the q-deformed Fock space.
The so-called Boolean (e.g., [15]) and monotone (see below) models might also be described L
as outlined above. This is certainly true for the Boolean case, in which Fboole (H) = C H
and, thus, there is no question about the indistinguishability of the particles. We will see, in the
forthcoming analysis, that this is also the case for the monotone model and its generalisations
addressed in the present paper.
Monotone Fock space. For the reader’s convenience, we outline some basic facts regard-
ing monotone Fock spaces and their fundamental operators (see [9, 10, 16] for more details).
Here, we define a generalisation of the monotone particles which is suitable for physical appli-
cations. However, as a particular case arising directly from quantum physics, we study, in some
detail, the thermodynamics of a simple model satisfying the monotone statistics/commutation
relations. For the interested reader, we point out the existence of new investigations concern-
ing exotic commutation relations that are related to those previously mentioned and might
have potential physical applications (see [17]).
For k ≥ 1, denoted by Ik := {(i1 , i2 , . . . , ik )|i1 < i2 < · · · < ik , ij ∈ N, j = 1, . . . , k},
the class of all the ordered sequences of natural numbers are of length k. For k = 0, we
take I0 := {∅}. If k ≥ 0, the Hilbert space Hk := l2 (Ik ) is called the k-particles space. In
particular, the 0-particle space H0 = l2 (∅) is identified with the complex scalar field C. The
monotone Fock space is then defined as Fm := ∞
k=0 H k .
With any increasing sequence α = {i1 , i2 , . . . , ik } of natural numbers, we canonically asso-
ciate the vector eα , which, for all such sequences α, provides the canonical basis of Fm . For
each pair of such sequences α = {i1 , i2 , . . . , ik }, β = {j1 , j2 , . . . , jl }, we state that α < β if
ik < j1 . By convention, I0 < α for each α 6= I0 .
In other words, if {en | n ∈ N} is the canonically ordered basis of `2 (N) (or any ordered
basis of a separable Hilbert space), the n-particle space is generated by the vectors eα ≡
ej1 ⊗ ej2 ⊗ · · · ⊗ ejn whenever α = {j1 , j2 , . . . , jn } with j1 < j2 < · · · < jn . If we relax the
last condition by merely assuming that j1 ≤ j2 ≤ · · · ≤ jn , we will obtain the so-called weakly
monotone Fock space (see, e.g., [16]). Note that Fm and Fwm are the range of the self-adjoint
projections Pm and Pwm acting on the full Fock space F :
Even if this is not used in the forthcoming analysis, we can report the structure of the mono-
tone creation and annihilation operators and the generating commutation relations, which are
nevertheless useful for application to quantum probability. Indeed, the monotone creation and
Indeed, given that K acts as the Hook strength of the spring and m as the mass of the
involved particle, it is well-known that the spectrum of the Hamiltonian of this model consists
of non-degenerate eigenvalues, given by:
n o
(7) σ(H) = ~ω(n + 1/2) | n ∈ N ,
where ω := K/m is the given frequency.
In this way, the partition function is given by:
+∞ β~ω β~ω
− β~ω
−β~ω n
e− 2 e 2 1
ζ ≡ Tr e =e 2 e = −β~ω
= β~ω = β~ω
1−e e −1 2 sinh
n=0 2
After taking into account the Gibbs correction (e.g., [5, 11, 13]), for the grand-partition
function, we obtain:
+∞ n nβ~ω
X z e 2 1 n
Z0 = e = .
n! eβ~ω − 1
3. Block-Monotone Particles
The present section is devoted to a generalisation of the monotone prescription for the
statistics of the particles which, on the one hand, is more suitable for potential physical
applications and, on the other hand, is always different from the weak monotone scheme
briefly outlined above.
For such a purpose, we consider an index set I, being necessarilyFfinite or countable, which
is a finite or countable disjoint union of finite sets. Indeed, I := +∞ j=0 Ij , where |Ij | < +∞,
j = 0, 1, . . . . The set I is naturally partially ordered, because if kj , lj are in the same subset
Ij , there is no pre-assigned order between them. Conversely, if k1 ∈ Ij1 and k2 ∈ Ij2 , then
k1 ≺ k2 ⇐⇒j1 < j2 .
Such a picture is suggested by the potential physical applications. In fact, a positive Hamil-
tonian H with compact resolvent acting on a separable Hilbert space H, as described in Section
2, induces a natural order, as shown above, on the natural basis of H, formed of the eigen-
vectors associated with the eigenvalues {εj } of H, where the finite cardinality of the involved
subsets are given by the degeneracies gj of the eigenvalues εj . The picture arising from this
analysis is defined as block-monotone. The corresponding block-monotone Fock space Fbm
and the relative creation and annihilator operators are easily constructed as follows below.
Let {ej | j ∈ I} be an orthonormal basis of H equipped with the previously described partial
order. Typically, such a partial order is induced by a positive Hamiltonian with compact
resolvent. As noted above, Fbm is a subspace of the full Fock one F ≡ F0 , and on the
n-particle subspace, the n-particle block monotone subspace is generated as follows below.
Such an n-particle subspace is generated by all the sequences of the elementary (orthonor-
mal) tensors ek1 ⊗ · · · ekn with the condition k1 < k2 < · · · < kn relative to the partial order
defined above. The block monotone creator and annihilator operators assume the same form
as in (3) and (4), respectively, according to the above partial order.
We denote Pbm as the self-adjoint projection acting on the full Fock space projected onto
Fbm . This allows us to compute the grand-partition Zbm according to (2). We can now
explicitly compute such a grand-partition for the simplest non-trivial finite dimensional case,
where H is generated by the orthonormal basis {(e1 , e2 ), e}, the eigenvalues of a Hamiltonian
whose eigenvalues are h, k, with a multiplicity of 2 and 1, respectively. We express such a
grand-partition function in terms of the activity z = eβµ .
In this simple situation, the block-monotone Fock space Fbm ends with the two-particle
subspace and is given by:
Fbm = C Ce1 ⊕ Ce2 ) ⊕ Ce C(e1 ⊗ e) ⊕ C(e2 ⊗ e) .
In the forthcoming analysis, we study, in some generality, a non-trivial situation of this kind.
Conversely, the block-monotone scheme is never comparable with the weakly monotone one.
Indeed, the weakly monotone version of the last example provides five additional elements on
the basis of the two-particle subspace plus non-trivial contributions involving all the n-particle
subspaces. Indeed,
Zwm (z, β) =1 + z 2e−βh + e−βk + z 2 4e−2βh + 2e−β(h+k) + e−2βk
+ z n an (h, k, β) .
and, thus,
Y 1 1
0≤ ≤ n .
ekβ~ω −1 n! e β~ω −1
Therefore, Zm ≤ Z0 < +∞.
Concerning the first half, taking into account the exclusion rule arising from the monotone
assumption, it is straightforward to verify that, for the contribution relative to the n-particle
subspace, n ≥ 1,
+∞ +∞
− nβ~ω
−βdΓ(H) k1 β~ω
Tr Pm e Pm d H ⊗ · · · ⊗ H = e 2 e ek2 β~ω
| {z
} k1 =0 k2 =k1 +1
+∞ n
X nβ~ω Y 1
······ ekn β~ω = e 2 .
kn =kn−1 +1 k=1
ekβ~ω −1
Now, we can compare both grand-partition functions Zm and Z0 . Indeed, after defining
Z# = a(#) n
n (β)z ,
# standing for “0” and “monotone”, we can address two physically interesting, cases, β ↓ 0
(high-energy/low-density regime) and β ↑ +∞ (low-energy/high-density regime).
For the high energy case,
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
(8) a(m)
n (β) = · · · + o ≡ + o ,
(~ω)n β 2β nβ βn n!(~ωβ)n βn
which leads to
(9) a(0) (m)
n (β) = an (β) + o , for β ↓ 0 .
Remark 2. Equations (8) and (9) explain that, in some sense, at least in this simple case of
the harmonic oscillator, in the limit of high energies (i.e., β ↓ 0), the monotone grand-partition
function Zm behaves, term-by-term, in the same way as Z0 , corresponding to classical particles.
In the next section, we provide a more refined analysis concerning this fact.
For the appearance (i.e., (8)) of the Gibbs correction term n!, we can immediately argue that
the monotone Fock space will naturally take into account the indistinguishability of particles.
Now, we move on to the limit of low energies (typically when dealing with the so-called
ground states) β ↑ +∞. Indeed,
Y 1 1 n(n+1)
≈ Pn = e−β~ω 2 ,
ekβ~ω −1 eβ~ω k=1 k
and, thus,
X n2 β~ω
Zm ≈ z n e− 2 .
Relative to the Boltzmann partition function, according to the reasoning above, we obtain:
+∞ n
X z nβ~ω
Z0 ≈ e− 2 , for β ↑ +∞ .
Now, using the Stirling formula, when n ↑ +∞ and β ↑ +∞, retaining only the leading
terms, we obtain:
−n(β~ω/2+ln n) −n 2 β~ω/2
(10) a(0)
n (β) ≈ e , whereas a(m)
n (β) ≈ e .
Remark 3. In the high-density regime described by β, n ↑ +∞, that is, when the state of the
matter is very condensed, the monotone particles obey a kind of exclusion principle analogous
to the Pauli exclusion principle for fermions. The heuristic Formula (10) seems to confirm the
existence of such a principle.
z 2 eβ~ω
0 ≤ f (β, z) ≡ ≤ (z 2 /4)1−γ → 0 ,
4(eβ~ω − 1)
when z and, necessarily, also β in the chosen region change to 0.
Thus, we prove the following:
Proposition 5. For each fixed 0 < γ < 1 and (z, β) in the region R delimited by 0 ≤ z < 2
and by the condition
β~ω > − ln 1 − (z/2)2γ ,
we obtain
Zm (β, z)
lim = 1.
(β,z)→(0,0) Z0 (β, z)
Concerning the low-density regime, Proposition 5 has the following meaning. Indeed, for
β, z ≈ 0 in the region defined by (16),
where the minus sign is explained in Remark 3 as an analogue of the Pauli exclusion principle
for monotone particles. Such a monotone exclusion principle tends to become very relevant in
the high-density regime (β ↑ +∞, see Remark 3), whereas it tends to vanish in the low-density
regime (Proposition 5). In the latter case, the function 1 − f (β, z) provides the correction for
the thermodynamic potentials relative to those of the monotone case, compared with the
analogous ones relative to Boltzmann case.
Moreover, using (17), we can determine that the average number of particles is
∂ ln Zm (β, z) ∂ ln(1 − f (β, z))
Nm (β, z) =z ≈z + N0 (β, z)
∂z ∂z
z 2 eβ~ω
=N0 (β, z) − ,
2 (eβ~ω − 1) − (z/2)2 eβ~ω
where the second addendum in the last member is, indeed, negative because of (16).
We conclude by noting that Proposition 5 allows one to compute the asymptotics of Connes’
spectral action (cf. [1]), associated with the average number of monotone particles, as described
in [19] for q-particles, but with the condition described in (16). We postpone the investigation
of this aspect for a forthcoming analysis.
6. Conclusions
The previous analysis concerning monotone models suggests that their potential applica-
tions to physics appear to be meaningful and fruitful, even if the explicit computation of the
thermodynamic quantities seems to be rather complicated. Therefore, it is natural to system-
atically address the investigation of the statistical properties of monotone systems, even if the
involved grand-partition function is not completely computable for most infinite dimensional
systems. We thus list some natural questions which could be addressed in future investigations
The first one concerns the models in which the involved energy levels are degenerate. A
simple example to address is the case when the degeneracy of the energy levels is uniform. A
concrete but more complicated example is the isotropic harmonic oscillator in a d-dimensional
environment, d > 1. Such a degeneracy is not uniform but can easily be computed, obtaining:
ε = ~ω (ni + 1/2) , ni ∈ N, i = 1, 2, . . . , d ,
g(ε) = , n ∈ N.
The second natural question to be addressed is the investigation of the free gas formed
of monotone particles. This is connected with the degeneracy and can be addressed either
by considering the free particles confined in a box and then “passing to the continuum”, as in
Sections 4 and 5 of [19], or by removing the harmonic potential (i.e., performing an appropriate
limit as the Hook constant changes to 0). For d = 1, the second approach seems to be directly
applicable because, as pointed out above, the energy levels are non-degenerate, whereas the
first approach already involves a non-trivial degeneracy in the case d = 1.
The third but not least significant question is the systematic investigation of the statistical
properties of monotone systems, with particular attention given to low- and high-density
regimes. As explained above, the detailed investigation of the low-density regime also involves
the explicit computation of the asymptotics for β ↓ 0, which is connected to Connes’ spectral
action (e.g., [1]) for monotone systems and, thus, to noncommutative geometry.
The study of the high-density regime, particularly at zero temperature (i.e., in the limit
β ↑ ∞), could explain the quantitative effect of the decimation induced by the monotone
prescription. This is simply the effect that we previously called the “monotone exclusion
principle”, that is, the analogue of the Pauli exclusion principle occurring in the case of fermions
at zero temperature.
For example, we can argue that the statistical properties of the (block-) monotone systems
might have reasonable applications to complex systems which are absorbing (or emitting)
quanta of energy. The system that we have in mind is an atom which is capturing a photon
and then passing into an excited state or even emitting, again, a photon reaching a more
stable state. Another example concerns the nuclei of fissile material (such as uranium U92 235 )
in a nuclear plant which are capturing thermal neutrons and undergoing nuclear fission. In
both cases, the relevant subject might not be the absorbed particles (bosons in the former
case and fermions in the latter case) but the complex system which is absorbing (or emitting)
the energy, according to the order of the eigenvalues of its Hamiltonian. These considerations
might suggest that the block-monotone prescription has some role in the investigation of such
complex systems from a statistical point of view.
We conclude by pointing out that such a monotone exclusion principle should not allow
for the occurrence of the condensation phenomena of monotone particles in the fundamental
state. It would interesting to provide a rigorous proof of this conjecture for the free gas of
Appendix A.
The main aim of the present work is to investigate whether particles obeying the monotone
prescription have potential physical applications. For this reason, we did not pursue the proof
of Proposition 4 in much detail in this stage. In particular, in the sketch of the proof, we
used the negativity condition of the second derivative of the ∆n (x) for n = 2, 3, . . . and for all
x > 1. Even though this property is reasonable and intuitive, it is complex to provide analytic
proof of it. For this reason, we numerically computed such a second derivative for different
values of n, reporting their plots in Figure 1.
On the other hand, while it is easy to see that ∆0n (1) = n(n−1)
4 , in order to estimate the last
n (1)
addendum in (13), we fitted 2 with a polynomial of degree 4 in the form
p(n) = b4 n4 + b3 n3 + b2 n2 + b1 n + b0 ,
b0 ≈ 0, b1 ≈ 0.09028, b2 ≈ −0.13542, b3 ≈ 0.07639, b4 ≈ −0.03125 ,
with negligible errors (see Figure 2).
n (1)
Figure 2. Fit of 2 .
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Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Via della Ricerca Scientifica,
1, I-00133 Roma, Italy
Email address: fidaleo@mat.uniroma2.it