STS Notes
STS Notes
STS Notes
THE PHILIPPINE GOVERNMENT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY - They interpreted the movements of heavenly bodies
AGENTS to predict seasons and climates, and in organizing
days into months and years.
Pre- Spanish Philippines:
- Scientific knowledge; planted their crops, in taking
- Had their own belief system and indigenous care of animals, and for food production.
knowledge system. - Preparing the soil for agricultural purposes
- Discovered the medicinal uses of plants.
- They developed tools for planting, hunting, cooking, Human resources
and finishing; for fighting their enemies during war Economics
or tribal conflicts. Politics
- Developed technologies in creating musical
instruments. External Influence
Offering funds basic research and patents related to science and technology.
Scholarship for undergraduate and graduate studies of students in the field of science and technology
Expanding more branches of the Philippine Science High School System
Teaching Science
Learning Science
- Includes complex arrays of knowledge, expertise, practices and representations that guide human societies in their
enumerable interactions with the natural milieu; agriculture, medicine, naming and explaining natural phenomena, and
strategies for coping with changing environments (Pawilen 2005)
Indigenous beliefs also develop desirable values that are relevant or consistent
scientific attitudes, attitudes in science, and attitudes to
science identified by Johnston (2000), namely:
- Motivating attitudes
- Cooperating attitudes
- Practical attitudes
- Reflective attitude
3 Points of Happiness
Pleasure Achievement
Feeling good Functioning well
Positive emotions Meaning- serving a purpose beyond the self
Maximizing enjoyment Engagement- flow, playing to strengths, realizing
Subjective well-being potential
Peak moments of happiness Effort into meaning = fulfillment
Short term Deeper happiness
Education is concerned with exposing children to good, to - From tekton, we infer “techne” which refers to the
truth, to beauty, to honesty, to love, to compassion, to skills of every kind involving the process of
integrity. These are qualities which must inspire education: production
- Can refer to “craftsmanship” and “skills” of any kind
- It is only possible to know about these qualities of
or ability to create a machine
life when we have experience of them.
- Experiencing music, the arts, the beauty of science,
and the joy of learning are enriching parts of life.
1. experiencing pleasure
2. Seeking self-development
Happiness as the Goal of Life In terms of human flourishing, matter is what makes
us attain happiness. Material wealth is the primary
- John Stuart Mill – declared the greatest happiness
source of the meaning of their existence.
principle by saying that an action is right as far as it
maximizes the attainment of happiness for the 2. Hedonism – led by Epicurus
greatest number of people.
- He said that individual happiness of each individual They see the end goal of life in acquiring pleasure
should be prioritized and collectively dictates the For them life is about obtaining and indulging
kind of action that should be endorsed. pleasure because life is limited
- When an action is affirmative then the action is Their mantra is:
deemed ethical (meant to lead us to the good and “Eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die”
happy life.) They don’t believe in the notion of afterlife
1. Materialism (led by Democritus and Leucippus) For them, to generate happiness, one must learn to
distance oneself and be apathetic (from the world
Their primary belief is that the world is made up of apatheia which means, indifferent, or feeling of no
and is controlled by the tiny invisible units in the interest, enthusiasm or concern)
world called atomos or seeds. That the world and This shows that some things are not within our
human beings are made up of matter. control and the sooner we realize this, the happier
we can become.
Care about only those things you are in control of. Man is literally the captain of his own ship
Leave the rest behind. They believe that they are not just the stewards of
the creation but as individuals who are in control of
4. Theism
themselves and the world outside them.
They find the meaning of their lives using God as the Started and turned to technology in order to ease
fulcrum of their existence. the difficulty of life which were all undertaken in the
People base their life goals on beliefs that hinged on hopes of attaining the good life.
some form of supernatural reality called heaven
To Conclude:
The ultimate basis of happiness is the communion
with God Man is constantly in the pursuit of the good life
Science and Technology has been for the most part,
5. Humanism
at the forefront of man’s attempt at finding this
The freedom of a man to crave his own destiny and happiness
to legislate his own laws, free from the shackles of a
God that monitors and controls.