Global Citizenship
Global Citizenship
Global Citizenship
Global Citizenship
Importance of Global Citizenship
Examples of Global Citizenship
History of Global Citizenship
Concept of Global Citizenship
Global Citizenship Education
Categories of Global Citizenship
Global Citizen
Qualities of a Global Citizen
Becoming Global Citizen
Responsibilities of global citizenship
Benefits of Global Citizenship
Citizenship implies the status of freedom with accompanying responsibilities. In some countries,
citizenship can mean a citizen has the right to vote, the right to hold government offices and the right to
collect unemployment insurance payments, to name a few examples. Living in a country does not mean
that a person is necessarily a citizen of that country.
Global means concerning or including the whole world.
Global Citizenship
Global citizenship is the umbrella term for social, political, environmental, and economic actions
of globally minded individuals and communities on a worldwide scale.
UNICEF defines global citizenship as persons who understand interconnectedness, values and
respects diversity, takes action in meaningful ways, and has the ability to challenge injustice.
“Global citizens act without limits or geographical distinctions and they do so outside the
traditional spheres of power.”
Global citizenship is how we talk about the social, environmental and economic actions of people
and communities who know that every person is a citizen of the world. It is about how decisions
in one part of the planet can affect people living in a different part of it. And about how we all
share a common humanity and are of equal worth. It means being open to engaging positively
with other identities and cultures and being able to recognize and challenge stereotypes. It is also
about how we use and share the earth's resources fairly and uphold the human rights of all.
Global citizenship means an awareness of the interconnectedness among people, societies and
environments around the globe. It emphasizes responsibilities and contribution to a global society
and economy.
Importance of Global Citizenship
Global Citizenship is important or essential for people to gain the skills, attributes, and knowledge, to be
successful for the progress and development of a fairer and protected world. Global citizens believe that
all people are equal. They do not think of some groups or individuals as superior or inferior to others.
Global citizens accept differences and do not react with hostility to people who are different from them.
Global citizens are willing to help and cooperate with others.
Exploring local and global connections and our views, values and assumptions.
Exploring issues of social justice locally and globally.
Exploring the complexity of global issues and engaging with multiple perspectives.
Applying learning to real-world issues and contexts.
Opportunities to make informed, reflective action and be heard.
Reason Why Global Citizenship is Founded: Global Citizen, also known as Global Poverty
Project, is an international education and advocacy organization working to catalyze the
movement to end extreme poverty and promote social justice and equity through the lens of
Global Citizenship Education
Global Citizenship Education (GCED) aims to empower learners of all ages to assume active
roles, both locally and globally, in building more peaceful, tolerant, inclusive and secure
GCED is based on the three domains of learning - cognitive, socio-emotional and behavioral:
Cognitive: knowledge and thinking skills necessary to better understand the world and its
Socio-emotional: values, attitudes and social skills that enable learners to develop affectively,
psychosocially, and physically and to enable them to live together with others respectfully and
Behavioral: conduct, performance, practical application and engagement.
Political global citizenship is related to citizenship as political status and is manifested in a global
governance system that promotes democracy and the utilization of international organizations in
maintaining a well-organized world society.
Moral global citizenship is based on shared understanding of a universal moral code, with
particular emphasis on human rights.
Economic global citizenship focuses on economic international development, and the effects of
free markets and corporations.
Cultural global citizenship encompasses exposure, awareness, and cultural competence in regard
to diverse groups and values.
Social global citizenship focuses on a global civil society and advocacy for one's freedom of
Critical global citizenship is based on activism that challenges oppression and focuses on
breaking down oppressive global structures.
Environmental global citizenship advocates changes in the treatment and responsibility of humans
to nature.
Spiritual global citizenship focuses on the transcendent bond between individuals and society,
encompassing caring, and spiritual connections between humans.
Global Citizen
A global citizen is someone who is aware of and understands the wider world – and their place in it. They
are a citizen of the world. They take an active role in their community and work with others to make our
planet more peaceful, sustainable and fairer. Global citizenship can live in anyone, everyone, no matter
where or who they are. We all have the ability to feel connected to everyone else in the world, our shared
humanity and our shared planet providing life.
Citizens of the world are independent-minded and are never afraid of exploring the unknown .
They take time to learn about different cultures and tradition as they realize that knowledge can
help them better understand the people and places they experience.
They are compassionate and do not let borders stand in the way of caring for people all over the
They keep an open mind and recognize that it is more important to understand one another than
to agree on everything.
They tend to choose experiences over possessions and are always eager to broaden their minds
through new experiences, which tend to last longer.
They aren’t afraid to think big and work well with others. Citizens of the world belong to an
emerging global community and they recognize that while this is a privilege, it is a
responsibility. They embrace this role by understanding how their actions help shape our world.
In conclusion, global citizens have the capacity to change the world because they interact within and care
about the whole world and its entire people which can lead to peace, an end to world-hunger,
environmental sustainability and global quality of life.