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Evidence of A Master Conspiracy

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Evidence of a Master Conspiracy

By: William H. McIlhany -- Transcript of a Seminar (April 4, 1987) Individualist Research Foundation Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for coming today. We have a rather lengthy journey to embark upon, but I think we have some housekeeping details that I should mention first before we get underway. In the first place, most of you have found on your chair a summary outline and recommended reading list for this seminar. Next, I want to apologize for the fact that there is a lot of equipment between me and you. I think, however, it won't cause much of a problem because you're going to be much more interested in looking at the slides, which you will be able to see on the screen. And, you'll be able to see the TV monitor for something else we're going to watch a little bit later. This seminar is being professionally video and audio recorded and tapes are available from the Foundation. I certainly want to thank our hosts for making this seminar possible. To have such a wonderfully well-prepared, welleducated, well-informed group of people here for this seminar today. I guess it's proof that miracles can happen in Santa Monica. And, I would like to ask you if questions occur to you, just mark them down. We will have time for questions and answers, but even if we don't have time to get to all of them today, at least it will give me the opportunity of getting that information to you some other time. Our schedule today: we're going to go to about 10:30 then take a fifteen-minute break; then, we're going to go to noon, then come back after lunch. Then we will go until around 5:00 to 6:00 p.m., depending on the length of the material, some of which I'll be able to cover today that I didn't have time to cover at my first seminar last January. So, with that in mind, I want to thank you again for coming today and I hope we will all persevere well through the day. I gave a seminar like this about ten years ago the first time for members of the John Birch Society in the Detroit area, and my voice didn't give out until around the end of the ninth hour. So, I am hoping, with the help of the PA system, that I will be able to survive, and you will survive, until the end of the day. It did seem to work fairly well in that regard last January. Now, whenever we begin a discussion or whenever I make a presentation on a subject as complicated, as vast and voluminous, as the concept of conspiracy in history, I think it's very important and proper at the outset to define very carefully what I mean when I use that word. And, of course, if you do this in your discussions with other people, you will find that you can dissolve a lot of misunderstandings or potential arguments and objections right at the beginning by making very clear what you're talking about. First of all, in defining something we have to know what constitutes a definition. You can get a dictionary, look up a word, and see a string of words that are synonyms that mean the same, or almost the same, as the word you're trying to understand. That's not very helpful. That's not a definition. The father of logic and most western philosophy, Aristotle, formulated a method for a definition. Aristotle said any definition has to have two parts. The definition has to first name the genus of the subject you're defining. That's the broader class of concepts or things of which the subject you're defining is a member. And, then, after defining the broader class, you have to give what are called the differentia, that is, the essential characteristics which distinguish the subject you're defining from all the other members of that class. So, if we're defining conspiracy, where do we start? What is the genus? Is it an animal, vegetable, mineral, solid, liquid or gas? No, it's not a thing; it's an action.

It's an activity. And, it can be argued that it's a uniquely human activity. That's why we hear so little about dogs and cats conspiring. It is a human activity and we therefore must limit that by the right differentia, in order to complete the definition. It is an activity involving, first, more than one person, and the parties to this activity are advancing basically the same or common objectives. Third, they are advancing objectives which, by very reasonable standards, personally harmful, evil, or destructive. And, finally, they're doing all this either in secret or without fully advertising in advance what they're planning to do, and certainly not to their potential victims. Now that's really all that is essential to the concept of conspiracy. Throughout history there have been a lot of different conspiracies, large and small, everything from a couple of guys getting together to rob a bank all the way up to the sort of thing we're talking about today. And they have used a variety of organizational means and mechanisms. Some have had membership cards; others have used codes, telephone numbers, street addresses and issued uniforms. All of those things are optional. What I gave you as essential to the definition, however, was always present. And notice something about that definition. It says that the parties to a conspiracy are advancing or promoting essentially the same objectives. But please notice: not at all necessarily are they doing so for the same personal reasons and motivations. This is very important. You can see a number of the people involved in the historical events we'll be discussing. They have promoted the growth and concentration of power in the hands of a few, in particular the concentration of power into one central government and the eventual consolidation of power over everyone worldwide. You may wonder why are they doing this. Are they all powerlusters? Are they all seeking personal power, wealth or gain? Or are they all ideologically or idealistically committed to some totalitarian system? It really isn't necessary for them all to have the same motive or reason for what they're doing. It's very important to remember that people can cooperate in the promotion of the same destructive ends for a wide variety of reasons and motivations. If you keep that mind, it helps to understand and communicate much better a lot of what we will be reviewing. Also please notice that the central focus in identifying and evaluating conspiracy in history is on the actions of the individuals who choose to conspire. We identify and evaluate such people based on what they do as volitional, and therefore morally responsible, beings. The concept of conspiracy is based on and presupposes the same concept that morality, all belief in morality, presupposes: namely that human beings possess free will or some degree of control over their thoughts and actions. If we didn't have some control over our thoughts and actions, we would not be able to be blamed or criticized for taking a particular action because we would have no say in the matter. Any system of morality, and certainly one that is identifying evil, harmful, and destructive actions, not only assumes the validity of an objective morality, it also assumes that people normally have free will and therefore possess control over their thoughts and actions. In fact, you might even call the conspiratorial view of history the free will view of history." It assumes that people have choice over what they are going to do for whatever reason and, after they choose what they are going to do, over a long period of time, it fairly can be assumed that they intend the logical outcome of those actions. It's just applying the concept of free will and a proper moral perspective to observing historical events. Also notice that since we are paying crucial attention to individuals and their actions, what they say and what they do over a significant period of time, it is less important to notice or pay a great deal of attention to the organizations to which they belong. In other words, just because somebody belongs to organizations of varying degrees of conspiratorial nature doesn't mean he is actively conspiring as much as other people who may belong to that organization. Many such affiliations might be a more significant indication. It is, therefore, much more important to notice what they are doing as individuals.

And certainly, evaluating conspiracy has absolutely nothing to do with non-essential characteristics over which people have no choice or control such as a person's racial, religious, or ethnic background. We can hold people responsible only for those things over which they have choice or control as individuals. None of these other factors makes any difference because it's what they choose to do during their lives and what they make up their minds to do and what values they choose to uphold or reject that make all the difference. It really makes no difference where they came from ethnically, religiously or racially. It's only important what they do after they are old enough to make decisions for themselves. We can go a bit further with this analysis and find out why the conspiratorial view of history has been so unpopular in the academic world of professional historians, and why you sometimes run into opposition against this viewpoint when it is presented. If we consider what alternative views there are for explaining what happens in history "the cause of everything from a robbery in a bank to a world war" we have to examine the concept of causality or the causes of things. Aristotle said there are four basic causes which bring about every event. It's really hard to imagine any other way of analyzing causes except for these four. The first cause of any event and this can be anything from your coming to this seminar to something very earth-shattering and far-reaching is the event itself. Now this may seem redundant and isn't very instructive, but this is what Aristotle called the Formal Cause. In other words, the first cause of an event is the event itself which would not have been the way it was if it were something else. That's pretty hard to argue with, but it isn't very helpful. The formal cause is the event itself. The second causal factor is the material cause. The material cause includes all the previously existing circumstances and the environment where the event occurred. This would include, in the case of social or political events, the economic, social or political conditions that were leading up to the event taking place. Now, the third cause, which is most important from my perspective, is the efficient cause. The efficient cause is the agent which acts on the material cause to initiate the event. In the case of human activity, we are talking about the person who chooses to act and who causes the event: the guy who throws the bomb in the crowd producing injuries. The efficient cause in that case is the acting conspirator. Of course, there are lots of events like earthquakes, tornados, floods and other natural disasters which have efficient causes which are not volitional, that is, not human. Finally, there is one more cause and that is the final cause. This has to do with the motive or purpose motivating the efficient cause to bring about the event. In the case of a cataclysm or natural disaster, people in the past would say, according to various primitive belief systems, that the final cause of an event was some cosmic or teleological purpose (outside of human motivation), some divine plan or purpose behind the event, and they would apply this to any particular non-human activity that they observed. Pagan theologies would apply the intersession of the gods they believed in to various events of the day. In an event that involves human beings, the final cause is the motive in the mind of the efficient cause. The final cause is the reason or purpose the efficient cause had for acting. So, what two alternatives exist today? A concentration or emphasis on the efficient cause, the acting, responsible human beings who caused or initiated the event. That's the conspiratorial view of history. This is opposed by what we might call the popular social science or orthodox historiographic view or orthodox academic view of history which downplays the significance of influential acting individuals behind events and instead

attempts to explain events entirely in terms of the material cause or the prior social and economic conditions, the environment that existed before the event. In other words, they talk about social and economic factors or forces as if they're ghostly figures that are all-pervasive and animate everything, somehow operating people like marionettes and forcing them to make certain decisions. It's a deterministic view and flies fundamentally in the face of the reality of free will behind human behavior. Unfortunately it is what has been very popular in recent decades in the academic world in the teaching of history. As a result, if you go to graduate school in history and try to promote a conspiratorial view, you will find as I did that you will be accused of being a single-causationist. These people like to think of themselves as multiple causationists and they are going to criticize you for concentrating on the efficient cause, those acting, influential individuals who are so dreadfully significant behind most events. You can understand where they're coming from and the fundamental assumptions they are overlooking or avoiding if you understand that analysis of historical causation. In analyzing conspiracy or its record in human events, there is another important issue involved. Since the end of the eighteenth century much strict empirical methodology was introduced into historical study. It virtually prohibited bringing to historical study moral, philosophical or religious concepts. This was a trend which the Conspiracy was simultaneously promoting. We're talking about a system of categorizing historical evidence. It's not totally invalid; in fact, it's basically sound. It just needs to be put into the perspective of what we just talked about. This way of evaluating evidence is the categorizing of types of historical material and documents. First of all, the most important documents for historical study are called primary documents. If you're writing about a person who lived hundreds of years ago and you want to do a biography or survey of his or her professional career, you want to examine his letters, his correspondence, his papers, whatever diary he kept, his business papers, all of his tax returns (pardon the expression), all of his invoices, all of the checks that he wrote. That's all primary documentation. On paper, that's about as close as you can get to that person who is no longer living. In other words, the most immediate records of the person whom you are researching. These primary documents are the ones historians are most interested in finding. But, of course, when you're talking about conspiracy, we have the problem that conspiracy can only exist successfully in the dark, without public exposure. Because of that conspirators usually try harder than anything else to conceal their own activity; so often they try to avoid either creating these primary documents in the first place or leaving them around. But we're very fortunate to say that quite a number of them have been left around nevertheless and apprehended and are available. We'll be discussing them today. The second type of historical material is what's called contemporary sources. Contemporary sources are accounts written by a close friend, a contemporary, someone who lived at the same time as the persons they're writing about, someone who may have known them or observed them or had access to people who were close to them. It's something that was written fresh at the time of the events it is discussing and, therefore, lets us get more immediate access to the distilled essence of the subject, but still was written by someone else and incorporating their interpretation in the material. Those are called contemporary sources. The third category, which is mostly what we read today, are secondary sources. They include any history books, writings, biographies, studies, articles; anything that's written after the event has taken place and relies on a combination of primary and contemporary sources. The trouble with secondary sources is

that they really are no stronger than the primary or contemporary documentation they contain. If you're reading a book written by someone today about the French Revolution of over two hundred years ago, and it says that it was caused by some particular historical force or movement, you have no way of knowing whether that is true unless you can examine the evidence put forth for the claim. The fact that a secondary source makes a statement about something only proves one thing: that that book or article made that statement. If you want to be critical in your thinking (it's always good, as the Bible says, to prove all things and hold fast to that which is good), you certainly need to test anything which you encounter. One way of doing that is to know whether or not the secondary source has any documentation. When you get a secondary historical account what's the first thing you do? You can look to see if it has any footnotes or bibliography. One of the worst things for me is if it doesn't have an index, but that's not what we're talking about now. Check first to see if it has footnotes, bibliography, and see what they are. Is the book quoting simply from people who already agree with the thesis that the book is presenting or is it going back to more primary material? This is how you evaluate the strength of a historical thesis or argument about which you might not have any other basis for coming to a decision on its merits. We often have very accessible to us many secondary and some contemporary sources, but often the primary sources are not as available. This brings us to the reason for today's seminar. I was sixteen years old in 1967, growing up in Virginia, and I had joined the John Birch Society two years earlier. I met Robert Welch, the founder and late president of the Society. I said to him, I recall a speech you made a couple of years ago in which you said there was archival evidence to prove that Hitler and the Nazi movement had been put in power in Germany, on Stalin's orders from Moscow, by the German Communist Party. When are we going to see that evidence; when is somebody going to dig it out and publish it in book form?" Mr. Welch turned to me and said, Why don't you do it?" Needless to say, even though I had just met him, it took me a day or so to recover from that. Fortunately I had access to a wonderful gentleman whom I lost to cancer in 1976, my major coordinator in the Society, Bill Highsmith. Bill was already a very knowledgeable student of the history of the Conspiracy. I was fortunate to have access to someone who could direct me in beginning this study, at least initially, on World War II. As I collected some fundamental books on the subject, I found that those books had references to other interesting titles. I started collecting a few of those, and I found that it is an unlimited, bottomless pit of information. One subject leads to another and you just can't limit it. I mean you can limit the amount of room you have in your house for books, but you can't limit your interest in the subject because it is just endless. I decided to collect as much as I could on the earlier history of the conspiracy and fortunately, after finishing high school in 1969, I was able to go to the British Museum in London and had an opportunity to examine many of the sources used by the leading Twentieth Century historian on the Conspiracy, Nesta Webster. I began collecting the sources she used and many other sources she never had a chance to see. It grew and built like that. From 1975 to 1980, my first three books were published by Arlington House. Those books and the lectures I presented for the John Birch Society around the U.S. were primarily on more recent subject matter: the growth of Big Government, the resulting problems and dangers in the United States, the problems with U.S. foreign policy, and what could be done by a grassroots educational effort to reverse those trends. But I noticed something, particularly after 1980. Although we had a number of publishing companies in the 1970s and earlier that were publishing, to some extent, new, original, hard-core anti-communist, conservative and Americanist manuscripts, non-fiction studies on various subjects, after 1980 most of these publishing companies became inactive. That was a combination of a number of factors. Some of

them were not very profitable. They were closed down or sold or went into some other kind of book publishing. Also the increasing cost of hard cover books was discouraging the kind of sales they had hoped to get. And the general level of functional illiteracy caused by the public schools and TV wasn't helping either. Unfortunately, conservative, anti-communist publishing slowed down substantially after 1980. With the help of colleagues and associates around the country, I had collected much of the material you're going to see today. In 1986 I began discussing with some leading students of the subject matter that we really didn't know any other way to disseminate some of this material, which is very difficult to obtain today, except by establishing an organization for that purpose, a tax-exempt foundation to which people could contribute because it would deal with historical subject matter instead of contemporary political controversy. It could operate as a tax-exempt foundation and take donations to support things such as publishing a quarterly periodical, the Journal of Individualist Studies, and provide media such as this seminar, so that some of the information we have collected in recent decades won't just keep sitting on the shelf inaccessible but will be utilized. It is to that end that we are about to embark today, and I just hope you find it worthwhile and helpful. Down through the ages, there have been many conspiracies, many secret societies and clandestine movements that have had as their goals absolute rule of the world, overthrow of all existing governments, and the final destruction of all religious beliefs. It's possible with a good deal of study to trace the origin and development of many of these movements: the early anti-Christian mysticism of the Gnostics; the conspiracy against orthodox Islam and for world power that was founded by Hassan Saba in Persia in 1090 A.D. as the Order of the Assassins; the Catholic Order of Knights Templar which became a heresy warring within the Catholic church and which adopted the Assassin's system for the destruction of Christianity and brought that conspiracy, along with devil worship, back to Western Europe following their contact with the Assassins during the Crusades; the Knights of the Teutonic Order under Frederick Barbarosa and Frederick II, which was to conduct a campaign against the influence of the Catholic Church in Italy; the Congregarie de la Paix, or the Congregation of Peace, which in France about 1185 promoted ownership of all land by the people" and, being good pacifists, burned castles, monasteries and churches. During the 13th through the 17th centuries groups like the Luciferians, Rosicrucians, Levellers, and many others continued the war against Christianity that had begun in Europe with the Templars. It's even possible to trace more than a doctrinal resemblance between these organizations. Some of them actually had some lineage or successorship. But working with admittedly very fragmentary evidence in dark caves of history, it's difficult to come to the conclusion that there was any solid organizational structure from 1100 to 1700 A.D. in Europe that was engaged in a coordinated and centrally controlled plot for world rule and the destruction of monarchical and ecclesiastical power. By the middle of the Eighteenth Century, remnants of these various destructive movements and prior inspirations began to come together under a central group that was to plan and put into existence a continuing organizational structure which would some day, at least its founders hoped, rule the world after all religions and governments then existing had been destroyed. The philosophical base for this movement was to some extent laid by a number of French philosophers, members of the Paris Academy in the mid-1700s. These included Voltaire, who referred to himself as the greatest personal enemy of Jesus Christ; Rousseau; Diderot; and D'Alembert. Voltaire had a great influence over King Frederick of Prussia at this time and virtually recruited or inspired Frederick to become a revolutionary conspirator in

many ways, at least as long as the plotting didn't influence his own base of power in Prussia. The Paris Academy also spawned the publication of the first encyclopedia. The conspirators hoped that this encyclopedia would become a standard reference source where all literate people, certainly all scholars, would seek knowledge and answers on all subjects and thereby receive the propaganda against civil order and the Christian religion which was contained in the Encyclopedie. Inspired by this group of European philosophers, and probably tutored by a mysterious occultist from what it now Denmark, it was a Jesuit-trained Professor of Canon Law at the University of Ingolstadt who established a continuing organizational structure to direct the worldwide attack on religion and monarchy and the ultimate goal of world rule. [FIRST SLIDE] This, of course, was Adam Weishaupt and the organization he founded on May 1, 1776 was called the Order of the Illuminati. Weishaupt planned for the Order to maintain publicly the image of a charitable and philanthropic organization. It was this image that initially attracted many educators and Protestant clergyman in the German states. When they joined they were convinced that the goal of the Order was the purest form of Christianity, the making of all mankind one happy and prosperous family. But that was only the first contact. When the new initiate, who was called the Minerval, advanced to the rank of Illuminatus Minor -- and only those people who were trusted sufficiently after interview and examination were allowed to reach that level -- this person was told that the only obstacle which lay in the path of the Order's goal of universal happiness was the power being held by the existing religious and governmental institutions of the world which were just not going to allow such happiness to occur at their expense. After an initiate had proved himself to be totally devoid of traditional morality, he was allowed to advance to the level of Illuminatus Major, which was right under Weishaupt's position as Rex or king. Then he was told the real purposes of the Order. He was now required to take an oath which bound his every thought, action, and his fate to the administration of his superiors and the Order. He knew now that the real aim of the Order was rule of the world, to be accomplished after the destruction of all existing governments and religions. He was even required to learn how to write with both hands so that his handwriting would not remain the same and traceable if any correspondence he wrote were to be intercepted by civil authorities. The initiate's copy of the writings of the Order was to be kept in a special container in his home, which would ignite and destroy those writings if a non-member attempted to open it. The Order even devised facial creams and perfumes with deadly poisons in them. They were rather advanced in their amateur chemistry for that time. An elaborate spy network was set up so that all members would constantly be checking on the loyalty of each other. The organization was structured in the shape of a pyramid. Each initiate would have two novices under him, who would report only to him. The secret police of the Order killed anyone who tried to inform the authorities about the conspiracy. [NEXT SLIDE]

This band was known as the Insinuating Brethren and it had as its insignia an all-seeing eye. As I said, the structure of the Order was pyramidal with Weishaupt was at the top and three immediate subordinates, each of whom had three men under their orders, and each of those had three, and so on down the line. In their correspondence, the brethren were required to use false names for themselves, historical names of people, prominent in history, and they were to use the names of different ancient cities of Europe when they wished to refer to cities where the Order was active. Weishaupt called himself Spartacus. Others were Cato, Marius, Brutus, Pythagoras, Socrates and Hannibal. Much of the system of the Jesuits was adopted for the Order. Weishaupt had been educated by the Jesuits and had, early on, rebelled against them. He saw nothing to stop him from using those same institutions to destroy thrones and altars which the Jesuits had used to support them. As a reward for selling himself totally to the Order, the top level Illuminatus, and there were not very many of these, was granted all the material and sensual benefits that could possibly be obtained. Weishaupt intended that the power of the Order must be turned to the advantage of its members. All must be assisted. They must be preferred to all persons otherwise of equal merit. Money, services, honor, goods and blood must be expended for the fully-proved brethren." And these benefits, of course, playing upon other motivations than the long-term idealism of someone like Adam Weishaupt, encouraged people to remain enrolled in the conspiracy. Sometimes this policy became a necessity instead of a luxury. It seems that Weishaupt had gotten his sister-in-law pregnant. Her brother was Cato, or Xavier Zwack, a prominent attorney in Frankfurt. Weishaupt knew this was going to reflect badly on the public image of the Order. In one correspondence later intercepted, Weishaupt informs Zwack that the sister must have an abortion or she must be killed for the good of the Order. Of course Zwack enthusiastically had to agree. Sometimes the degenerate character of many of the members was quite an embarrassment to Weishaupt, particularly when prospective recruits were being convinced how saintly the Order was. How successful was the spread of the Order? They were not seeking any people from the working class, the agricultural working masses. They were seeking wealthy people from the aristocracy, from the nobility, professors, educated people, prominent influential persons as close as possible to the monarchy where they lived. Before 1789, the year of the French Revolution, it is estimated that there were at least 2,000 members of the Order in the German-speaking lands. Many of these were ministers, mostly Protestant, lawyers, doctors, and even a few princes. None were members of the lower classes. Weishaupt could boast, We have been very successful against the Jesuits and have brought things to such a bearing that their revenues are under the management of our friends. All the German schools and benevolent society are at last under our control. We have got several zealous members in the courts of justice, and we are able to afford them pay and other good additions. Lately, we have got possession of the Bartholomew Institute for Young Clergymen, having secured all of its supporters. Through this we shall be able to supply Bavaria with fit priests." The influence of the Order on German education and the German clergy were devastating. The original writings of the Order fell into the hands of the elector of Bavaria, Carl Theodore, in 1785 and again in 1786. Weishaupt was walking with another member of the Order, an extremely anti-Christian clergyman, just walking outside in the garden of the man's home at night. Suddenly this clergyman was struck dead by lightning. When the authorities investigated, they found sewn in a hidden pocket in his cloak his identification as a member of the Illuminati and information leading to the depository of the Order's documents for that area of Germany. That residence was

raided; the papers were captured and published. The elector of Bavaria was initially skeptical about the seriousness of this danger, principally, I think, because some of his associates were already members of the Order. But the eventual uncovering of the crimes involved in the conduct of a number of the members and recorded in these papers led, by 1786, to one of two efforts by the Bavarian government to outlaw the Order. The Order was outlawed officially by 1786 and historians conclude and want you to conclude that it ceased to exist. It had already spread its influence far beyond the town of Ingolstadt, Bavaria, the home of Adam Weishaupt. We know a great deal about the papers that were published because they appeared in English for the first time in 1797 in a book called Proofs of a Conspiracy by John Robison. Professor Robison was probably the outstanding author of physical scientist textbooks used in the English-speaking world. Proofs of a Conspiracy was extensively reprinted in England, distributed widely and reprinted in several editions in the United States from 1798 onward. It was reprinted in paperback in 1967 by Western Islands and it is available today. If you read the book, I would suggest skipping the first chapter, which deals with the various lodges of organized freemasonry in Germany and England and the various distinctions between them. Some people find the first 50 pages of the book to be quite like molasses because they do not relate to the subject matter. They are not very interesting unless you happen to be a mason yourself. But, still, I would suggest that you get this book. You will find it a little difficult to read because people were much more literate at the time it was written. Skip to the second chapter, which is on the Illuminati, and you will find it fascinating reading from that point on. And this was one of the places where the original papers and documents of the Illuminati first appeared. It was enormously influential in creating alarm and concern about the danger of the Order. [NEXT SLIDE] An even more important work is a four-volume study by a French priest, the Abb Augustin Barruel, called Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism. If you have read Robison's book and found it interesting, this is more than four times as interesting. The style is more lucid as translated from the French by Robert Clifford. It was published in 1798. Barruel and Robison were not working together on this project. They wrote almost simultaneously from two different parts of the world. Barruel is extremely persuasive. In fact, even people who do not accept the thesis of the Master Conspiracy have said that his style is most persuasive, and that Barruel has the remarkable ability to anticipate reasonable objections on the part of the reader and then answer them only a few paragraphs later. And it is incredibly detailed. It has much more information in it than Robison's book. In studying the French Revolution from a conservative viewpoint, most people read Reflections on the Revolution in France by Edmund Burke, a prominent British critic of the French Revolution. Here is a quote from a letter that Edmund Burke wrote to Barruel after he read the first volume and another after he read the third volume of Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism. This is Edmund Burke writing to Barruel: I cannot easily express to you how much I am instructed and delighted by the first volume of your History of Jacobinism. The whole of the wonderful narrative is supported by documents and proofs with the most judicial regularity and exactness. Your reflections and reasonings are interspersed with infinite judgment and in their most proper places for leading the sentiments of the reader and preventing the force of plausible objection." And he goes on to say that he can personally attest to statements made about individuals in the book whom he knew. That is rather distinguished praise for the work.

Unfortunately, this book is not readily available today. It is available in a few major libraries, on Readex microprint cards in a number of university libraries and in a French paperback edition. We really think that extensive portions of this should be reprinted in English, and it is one of the things that we hope to do. A very important source. [NEXT SLIDE] There have been two or three places where the papers of the Illuminati have been published in the twentieth century. First, in France in the International Review of Secret Societies through the 1920's and 1930's and very recently in this book published in Germany, the writings and papers of the Illuminati. This material is available. [NEXT SLIDE] Cataloging the correspondence and the admissions on the part of Weishaupt and the other conspirators. A great deal of it merits translation in English and assimilation. [NEXT SLIDE] This gentleman is Baron Adolf von Knigge whose name in the Illuminati was Philo." He was crucially responsible for spreading the influence of the Illuminati beyond Germany before it was outlawed by the Bavarian government. It was not until the summer of 1782, six years after the order was founded, that it really began to grow in power and influence. Weishaupt and his agents already contemplated the possibility of infiltrating freemasonic bodies in Europe and taking control of them. We are talking about previously existing lodges of freemasonry like the British and American freemasonic lodges that were created before the Illuminati was formed. Weishaupt and Baron von Knigge at last had their chance. That summer of 1782 leaders and delegates of the Continental European freemasonic lodges, not British and American freemasonry, were meeting at the town of Wilhelmsbad. Weishaupt and von Knigge presented quite an enticing promise of the secrets which the Illuminati had to offer. The response of many of the Italian, French, and German delegates was to join, and then they took the doctrines of the Order, its degrees and discipline back to their respective lodges. The two leaders of German freemasonry, Duke Ferdinand of Brunswick and Prince Karl of Hess, joined the order, thus bringing the whole of German freemasonry, the German Grand Orient, in particular, under the control of the Illuminati. Baron von Knigge is most interesting. He was not only very influential in spreading the Illuminati throughout Europe, but he also anticipated the anti-Jewish sentiments of Karl Marx that would be expressed decades later. I recently found a reference in a lengthy study to a document, a pamphlet he wrote, criticizing the influence of Jews in western Europe because they were so productive and industrious, critical of this entrepreneurial spirit very much like what you see decades later in Karl Marx's essays which have been published under the title A World Without Jews. Von Knigge, one of the leaders of the Illuminati, one of the most responsible people for spreading it around Europe, also wanted to eradicate Jewish economic and social influence this early on. [NEXT SLIDE]

Another important Illuminist at this time was the French Count Honore Mirabeau. Mirabeau was responsible for recruiting several of the most important leaders of different continental European freemasonic bodies and bringing them into the system. He also provided some documentation for what we are talking about. After it was outlawed by the Bavarian government, the Illuminati continued to exist, even publicly, in Germany under the name of the German Union. The German Union was formed by von Knigge and Karl Bahrdt, who was a very notorious and widely despised professor, prosecuted for writing some of the earliest pornography. He was looked down upon by most of his colleagues because of his personal conduct. He is also the subject of a recent study by a liberal historian. The purpose of the German Union was to control bookselling and publishing in the German lands, thus assuring that only those books on religion, philosophy, and politics that were acceptable to the Order would be available and would be read by the public. In Robison's Proofs of a Conspiracy, we have a little excerpt here that I want to read regarding the influence of the German Union. Expressing their goals, Karl Bahrdt said of his organization and the reading societies that he wished to establish: When these have been established in different places, we must endeavor to accomplish the following immediate plans: to introduce a general literary gazette or review which, by uniting all the learned brethren and combining their judgment and address all their talents and steadily proceeding according to a distinct and precise plan, may in time supplant every other gazette [in other words, they were seeking control of the media], a thing which its intrinsic merit and comprehensive plan will easily accomplish. To select a secretary for our society who shall have it in charge to commission the books which they shall select in conformity to the great aim of the association and who shall undertake to commission all other books for the curious in his neighborhood. If there be a bookseller in the place who can be gained over or sworn into the society, it will be proper to choose him for this office since, as will be made more plain afterwards, the trade will gradually come into the plan and fall into the hands of the Union." Their objective was not only the control of print media or early journals, periodicals and newspapers but the control of book publishing and, in effect, cartelizing it into a monopoly. At the same, in addition to spreading the Illuminati into other countries in Europe, their most important recruitment activity was bringing all of the French freemasonic lodges under their control. [NEXT SLIDE] Count de Mirabeau was influential in recruiting the leader of the French Grand Orient lodges. A close relative of King Louis XVI of France, his name was Louis Philippe Joseph, the Fifth Duke de Orlans. Mirabeau brought him into the Order and also recruited Brissot, Condorcet, Savalette, Grgoire, Garat, Ption, Babeuf, Barnave, Siys, Saint-Just, Camille Desmoulins, Hbert, Santerre, Danton, Marat, Chnier, and just about every other person who would play a leading role in the upcoming French Revolution of 1789. Other members included Herder, Goethe, the Marquis de Tallyrand and the Marquis de Lafayette, very briefly after he had played an influential role in helping George Washington win the war of American independence. In addition to spreading the Illuminati to France, Mirabeau conceived of a plan for infiltrating and taking control of freemasonry and using it as a launching pad or base of operations to start a violent revolution.

[NEXT SLIDE] The first efforts they made to try out this overall subversive strategy were, of course, in 1789 the initial events of the French Revolution. I must say some things leading into this that are only clarified if you read a reliable and well-documented history like Nesta Webster's most important work, The French Revolution, A Study in Democracy. Not compared to our system of government today, but compared to all the other major monarchies, particularly Prussia, by 1789 the French monarchy was improving living conditions and was engaged in serious movements toward reform. Many of the prior abuses of the monarchy, many of the taxes levied to benefit the nobility and the aristocracy were being removed, and reform was underway. In other words, even according to visitors from England and the United States who later wrote memoirs and diaries that are now available, there was more chance for reform. Certainly King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette were more open to discussion of reform and were engaged in abolishing the abuses of the Old Regime. There really was less excuse in France than in many other monarchical European states to have any violent revolution or sentiment for it from the people. It had to be artificially engineered, and one of the people most responsible for this was the gentleman mentioned a moment ago, the Duke of Orlans, who was the head of the French Grand Orient and an active member of the Illuminati. Being very wealthy the one way the Duke was able to bring about discontent in the early months of 1789 and to create violence was first to create an artificial famine, at least temporarily an acute shortage of grain and food commodities in Paris itself. He did this primarily by buying up a lot of grain and storing it in his warehouses and secret locations while he sent out his emissaries to tell the people that the food had been taken by the King and the King had no compassion for their plight and misery. In fact, one of the eyewitnesses to this Orlans plot, the writer Bailey, stated very clearly, The parties who sought to bring about an insurrection, well realizing that there was no finer opportunity than the one of supplies, made every effort to make an unequal division either by pillaging our convoys outside the city or taking them by force from the bakers within or else by cornering the bread so that one should have too much and others should do without or in purposefully placing amongst the crowd assembled at the bakers' doors strong men who could ill-treat and injure the weak so as to make the people complain. When I passed in front of one of these shops and saw this crowd, my heart was torn, and I can still hardly see a baker's shop without emotion." So, actually by a number of means of interfering with the distribution of available grains and food commodities in France, an artificial famine in the early months of 1789 was engineered by agents of the Duke of Orlans, Philippe Egalite, the leader of the Illuminized Grand Orient lodges. It was out of these lodges, directly within their ranks, that came the organizations called the Jacobin Clubs. The Jacobin Clubs provided the direct leadership for the events of the French Revolution. The first event that is unfortunately romanticized so falsely by novelists like Charles Dickens and Victor Hugo was the siege of the Bastille which, tragically, has become a French national holiday, July 14th of each year. The Bastille was an old prison in Paris, a short distance from the Notre Dame Cathedral, overlooking the Seine. The prison no longer stands but the site is preserved as a national monument. In 1789 the revolutionists began to spread all kinds of propaganda about what a horrible place it must be, what torture must go on there, horrors occurring in the dungeons, how many poor souls were thrown in

there for lack of money, inability to pay debts, or for seeking reform or being opposed to the privileged position of the nobility, aristocracy or the monarchy. The facts were quite different and it was not possible at all to engineer any popular resistance against this prison or any other aspect of the Old Regime. It could only be done through deliberate deceit. It was just a couple of days before July 14, 1789, that members of the Orlans faction, Jacobin Club members who were French Illuminists already initiated into the conspiracy, put out the rumor that an insurrection was spreading from one part of Paris to the central area where the Bastille was located and that, in order to protect the monarchy, it would be necessary for a crowd of people to go to the Bastille where arms and ammunition were stored. In obtaining the arms and ammunition, the people, the mob who went to the prison, could then protect the monarchy and the existing civil order. An insurrection was triggered in one part of the city to emphasize the reality of this danger. It is estimated that perhaps one out of every eight hundred living in Paris -- there were an estimated 800,000 citizens -- participated in this march on the Bastille. As the crowd began to advance on the Bastille, there was no way for the guards stationed on the towers at the top of the structure to know why this large crowd of about a thousand people was approaching. There may have been false messages transferred to them also. They fired upon the crowd, thinking it was hostile, and then a number of very ugly atrocities were committed as the mob broke into the prison. Interestingly enough, when they broke into the Bastille, they did not find the torture dungeons and the horrible place that they had had described to them. Indeed, one of the members of the Illuminati was Jean Marat. He is the inspiration for the Marat-Sade play about his sexual proclivities and addiction to sado-masochism. In fact, the name the Marquis de Sade is very closely associated with him) had just been released from the Bastille about four days before the attack occurred and he had an entire floor of rooms given over to him for a brief stay. He had apparently committed some public disturbance or something and had been put in there very briefly. Anyway, when the mob reached the inside, they found only seven inhabitants in the entire prison, all living quite comfortably in this horrible monstrosity of despotism -- four forgers, two lunatics who were mad before they were imprisoned, and the Count de Solages, who was incarcerated for monstrous crimes" at the request of his family. That's it. There was no one else in the building. But, of course, because the misunderstanding occurred and because the mob retaliated against the soldiers who were stationed there, a lot of blood was shed and it is commemorated as an uprising of the downtrodden masses against the monarchy and its abuses but, of course, it wasn't that at all. That was must a masterful example of organized, stage-managed subversion and deception. It was at this time that the conspiracy first perfected a number of its strategies and techniques that have been used so successfully since that time. I want do digress just a moment because I think this will help illustrate some of the things we are talking about today. I am not a person who is particularly interested in dramatizations or fictional portrayals of what we are talking about because, in order to be entertaining, dramatizations or fictional portrayals always have to take license with the facts. I think the facts, as best we know them, are usually quite interesting in and of themselves. Still, about 1970, there was a television movie made for NBC which I thought contained a remarkable portrayal in contemporary mode of the way the Conspiracy operates in a number of capacities. It was a movie that some of you may have seen called Brotherhood of the Bell. This movie starred Glenn Ford as an alumnus of the College of St. George, going back for a twentieth anniversary reunion where he

participates in initiating a new young man into the Brotherhood of the Bell, into which he was initiated 20 years earlier by his superior, played by Dean Jagger. I am going to show you several scenes today from the film that I think are unusually illustrative of some of the things we are talking about. Certainly, in this first scene, the benefits that are made available to conspirators in reward for their cooperation in the efforts of the overall drive. In this scene, the initiation ceremony is over and Glenn Ford is saying farewell to his superior, Dean Jagger. While walking toward the parking lot with the young man who has now come under him in the chain of command, he speaks briefly with regard to the unlimited benefits that are available to all members in return for their affiliation and total obedience. [A portion of the film was shown at this point.] There are many interesting things about the French Revolution that are illustrative of the strategy that was being tried out for the first time during this period and perfected for later use by the Illuminists in France. There were a number of things that were simply talked about and were not tried. Robespierre became one of Girondin leaders of the Jacobin regime and helped administer the execution of an estimated 300,000 Frenchmen during the Reign of Terror, over 90 percent of whom were poor people who were supposed to be the beneficiaries of the Revolution. Most of the conspirators who actually helped engineer the French Revolution and remained on the scene were caught up and killed in the conflagration that got out of hand. At about the time of his death in 1794, Robespierre favored the policy of deliberately murdering 15 million Frenchmen so that the remaining food supplies would be adequate because during the Revolution, even in rural areas outside Paris, agricultural stores were burned and destroyed, stolen, confiscated and, just like in any other imposition of a Communist police state, production dropped off drastically. We might recall that the initial artificial famine of 1789 was a conspiratorial precursor of the Communist use of artificial famine, both during the consolidation of power in the Soviet Union and the destruction of seven or eight million human beings in the Ukraine during the 1930's under orders of Stalin and Khrushchev. Since 1974, among other places, in the nation of Ethiopia the Communist thug Mengistu has used artificially created famine and artificially worsened famine to consolidate control and eliminate opposition. During the French Revolution and Reign of Terror, it is interesting to note that the entire calendar was changed in France because it had religious significance. If you think about it, seven days a week, why? 1,794 years since what happened? The first conscription for military service was put into effect during this period, which I think is very interesting. The metric system was also adopted, not so much because of its inherent or alleged superiority, but because it would eradicate the monarchical, if not religious, origin of other systems of measurement. In effect, remember the conspiracy not only wanted to purge monarchs and priests, but they wanted to destroy the existing order and all references and parameters by which it was described. One of the important strategies that was perfected during this period was that of the manufactured smear. This, of course, has been used against enemies of the Conspiracy, including enemies of the Communists, very successfully since that time and there are quite a few outstanding examples we could discuss. But to understand perhaps its first successful application, we must note something called the Diamond Necklace Affair" in France which occurred before the Revolution began. [NEXT SLIDE]

You read about the details of the siege of the Bastille, the massacres of September and the other events of the French Revolution in Nesta Webster's magnificent historical study, The French Revolution. In her later works, Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette Before the Revolution and a subsequent volume, Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette During the Revolution, you read about the artificially engineered campaign of slander and smear directed at these two monarchs who, if anything, could only be faulted because of their innocence, their gullibility, their good intentions and their tendency never to distrust other people and to think that what they were about to face could never happen. But the Diamond Necklace Affair was actually a project of a leading member of the Illuminati from Italy, a Sicilian named Joseph Balsamo. A magician, a charlatan, who called himself the Count de Cagliostro, he was a very important roving ambassador for Adam Weishaupt, helping to organize the upcoming events of the French Revolution, and also spreading, along Mirabeau and Knigge, the Order beyond its original base. He was responsible for setting up the Diamond Necklace Affair deliberately to disgrace and embarrass the Catholic Church and the monarchy in France. It seems that the Cardinal de Rohan, who was the Bishop of Strasbourg, had fallen in love with Queen Marie Antoinette. She happened to despise him, so his chances were not very good. An adventuress of the court, the Countess de la Mothe and Illuminist Cagliostro informed Cardinal de Rohan that they possessed the means of winning Marie Antoinette's favor. The Cardinal, who was a handsome but very vain man, believed them. Cagliostro set up a nocturnal interview in a grove of the Palais de Versailles with a chambermaid. The chambermaid was apparently dressed in a dark cloak, her features were not easily recognized, and she kept her distance. Pretending to be the Queen, she begged the Cardinal to act as an intermediary between herself and two jewelers for the purchase of a magnificent diamond necklace worth $1.5 million, worth much more today, which she wished to procure secretly but in a way that would not alarm her husband, the King. The business was transacted; the necklace was delivered to the Madame de la Mothe and disposed of in London. When the request for payment of the first installment was sent in, the whole affair came to light. Louis XVI ordered the arrest of Rohan, Cagliostro, the Countess and their accomplices. If Louis XVI had been a brutal authoritarian monarch, he would have punished them very severely. He would have sent the Cardinal to a monastery from where he would never have been heard again. Instead, Louis XVI, generous to a fault, was nice enough to send him for trial before the Parliament. The trial was long and scandalous. While he was given a fair trial, the court factions intervened in favor of the accused in order to humiliate the Queen and, possibly by that time, enough Illuminists were involved in the proceedings to worsen them. This event was a contrived, artificial hoax. It never involved the intentions, desires or interests of the Queen or the Church. But the Illuminists issued very scurrilous, slanderous tracts, letters and handbills that were distributed throughout France implying that the Church was a means of procuring fabulous gifts at the expense of the poor and the Queen was a lady who would sell herself for a diamond necklace. Of course, this was a disgraceful slander on both institutions, but it fueled the propagandists who were bringing on the revolution. Webster's two-volume work is the best source available on that subject. [NEXT SLIDE] This is a wood-cut engraving of Joseph Balsamo, the Count de Cagliostro, about this period of time. [NEXT SLIDE]

Of course, during the Reign of Terror the regicides occurred. Both Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, after being held prisoner, humiliated and intimidated for a long period of time, finally were sent to the scaffold along with Robespierre, the Duke of Orlans and so many of the other people who had triggered the events. Out of this chaos that had been produced in France, many of the Illuminists felt that a solution might be at hand. One notable example was a leading emissary of Weishaupt, Francois Noel (he called himself Gracchus") Babeuf. He was a very bright, long-term visionary who was in the leadership of the Illuminati in France. [NEXT SLIDE] This solution would be some sort of man on a white horse. He would intervene amid the chaos of the Reign of Terror, the tremendous loss of life, the sewers of the city running red with blood, and would restore order. Then he would launch a campaign to establish some sort of military supremacy over, not only France, but more of Europe, consolidating power, and maybe establish the Universal Republic, the world government which was the Illuminati's original objective. The order that they would establish, the solution they would provide to the chaos they planned, provoked and engineered, could thereby be quickly brought about. This possible solution was a young Corsican military officer who came to be known as Napoleon Bonaparte. It is very interesting that there is good quality documentation that as early as 1794, 1795, by the very beginning of the Reign of Terror, Napoleon Bonaparte, a young man at this time, was initiated on at least three occasions into the Illuminati through French lodges under its control. [NEXT SLIDE] The evidence you are looking at is the reference to documents on his initiation which appeared in an article in a very important periodical that is virtually unknown to the public and all but a few historians. It's called the Transactions of the Quator Coronati Lodge, or the Ars Quator Coronatorum. This is a lodge or branch of British freemasonry. It's a small lodge that has published a journal for over 100 years, but you don't find them anywhere except Masonic libraries. They are open to the public and you can go and read them. In this journal, mostly retired British, American and some European freemasons have done a tremendously detailed amount of research on every aspect of the history of secret societies, freemasonry, and anything concerned with the subject. In one article on Napoleon I and freemasonry that appeared quite a number of years ago, these documents were reproduced. They demonstrated that Napoleon was indeed initiated into the Illuminati and brought under their control. Some of you remember from your own study of history that, after coming to power, Napoleon became somewhat uncontrollable. Although Napoleon certainly began the process of consolidating the expansion of power as an initiate and subservient member of the Illuminati, he began to spread his power throughout Europe and consolidate more of it under his own dominion, nominally the French Empire. At the same time, he grew to enjoy the imperial power that he held in his hand. He enjoyed his ability to take his relatives and move them around like pawns on a chessboard and place them in power in various principalities, monarchies, duchies and little states, then replace them at will, conquer them or just become their sponsor and support them. In effect, I think he graduated beyond his subservient responsibility to the Illuminati. By 1810 it seemed already some of the latter battles in which his forces had suffered European defeats were the result of deliberately false information provided by lieutenants and counselors around him.

By the time he was at St. Helena, Napoleon seems to have been very apprehensive in his writings that he was not only being betrayed, not only being punished by people who had previously been his benefactors and helped him attain his position of power, but that he was in danger of being murdered. It was only in the last 20 years that some European, primarily Scandinavian, scientists were able to obtain genuine hair samples of Napoleon, do hair analysis testing to determine that yes, indeed, he was poisoned with arsenic. This research was published in a book by David Hapgood called The Murder of Napoleon. [NEXT SLIDE] I want to discuss a few examples of the primary evidence on the Illuminati's survival, transition and continuity up through the French Revolution and the Napoleonic period. You are looking at the Marquis de Luchet's Essay on the Sect of the Illuminati, probably the rarest item I have in my library. This was written and distributed as a pamphlet in Paris in early 1789 by someone who had been initiated into the Illuminized lodges of the French Grand Orient and who knew of the oncoming plans of the Orlans faction for bringing about the events of the revolution. He was warning the public about these events months before they occurred. This goes beyond the objection we sometimes receive from orthodox historians who say, Well, you people who believe in a conspiracy, look at an event like the French Revolution many years later and impose your interpretation on the events and describe them as a conspiracy." This document is an admission from someone on the inside that this revolution was being planned and the warnings in it are remarkable. Not only does de Luchet discuss the satanic idealism of the top level Illuminati, but he frankly warns his readers what is going to happen. One quote is illustrative: Deluded people learn that there exists a conspiracy in favor of despotism, against liberty, of incapacity against talent, of vice against virtue, of ignorance against enlightenment. This society aims at governing the world. Its object is universal domination. This plan may seem extraordinary, incredible, yes, but not chimerical. No such calamity has ever yet afflicted the world." This was a warning from someone on the inside several months before the events began to occur. [NEXT SLIDE] Another interesting book written by an ardent participant in events of the Revolution, the author of the famous Oath of the Tennis Court, J. J. Mounier, On the Influence Attributed to Philosophers, Freemasons, and to the Illuminati on the Revolution in France. This book was written to criticize the moral judgment of authors like Robison and Barruel and to defend Mounier's own participation in initial events of the revolution. He later became a critic of the way the Girondin faction took severe control of France at the beginning of the Reign of Terror and he was a critic of Robespierre. But he was defending his participation in the early events of the revolution. This is an interesting source. It has been reprinted by an academic press for libraries. In the book, while still idealistically committed to the revolution, he admits the degree to which this group of people I've been discussing were responsible for engineering it. Although he is defending what he and others did, he is admitting my thesis concerning those responsible for doing it. [NEXT SLIDE] You can also read other sources on Napoleon. One is Monsignor George Dillon's The War of Anti-Christ With The Church and Christian Civilization, which has been reprinted under the title Grand Orient Freemasonry Unmasked. In that book you will find a very interesting description of the sabotaging of

Napoleon toward the end of his military campaigns. Illuminists such as the Marquis de Tallyrand, a prior supporter, tutor, and assistant to Napoleon, were probably involved in bringing him down after he had served his purpose or had become unmanageable. [NEXT SLIDE] This is a very important document because Mirabeau was a leading French organizer of the events of the revolution. This is the man who recruited the Duke of Orlans, the leader of the French Grand Orient. In this way he brought the lodges under the control of the Illuminati. Those lodges spawned the Jacobin Clubs and provoked the revolution. In this document Mirabeau is admitting his entire grand scheme. This is the equivalent of a Carroll Quigley-type admission from a much higher level or source, and it is a very important document that we hope to publish and make available in the future. [NEXT SLIDE] Then there is the issue raised frequently by historians as to whether or not the Illuminati survived its outlawing by the Bavarian government and what was Weishaupt doing after he was driven out of Germany. He went to another German principality and, later, to one of the Italian principalities and was guest of an initiated noble who had property there. But he was active until his death in 1830, corresponding and meeting with other Illuminist emissaries and agents he had sent out for various purposes to different countries. Some of the correspondence between them and Weishaupt or in reference to Weishaupt from 1789 to 1814, was published in 1913 in France in this book which was largely the personal correspondence of a member of the Illuminati in France, the Marquis de Chefdebiand d'Amand. [Benjamin Fabre, Un Initi des Socits Secrtes Suprieures Franciscus, Eques A Capite Galeato" 1753-1814, Portrait et Documents indits Nombreuses reproductions en Photogravure, Preface de Copin-Albancelli (Paris: La Renaissance Franaise, 1913)] All of his correspondence was published, a good deal of it is photographically reproduced -- the original handwritten letters reproduced in the book -- and these are correspondence with reference to the activities of Weishaupt and his supervision over the Illuminati's activities for decades after it was outlawed and before his death. [NEXT SLIDE] These are just some samples or pages from that correspondence. [NEXT SLIDE] The Illuminati spread to other countries and one of the first it came to was Ireland. By 1798, French agents had gone to Ireland, a couple of the ones already mentioned travelled there and to other parts of the British Isles. They saw an opportunity for accomplishing several purposes. First of all, creating a revolutionary movement in Ireland would contribute to the gradual destruction of the British Empire, starting a movement that would eventually break away a section of the Empire from British dominion. The second objective, of course, would be the tactic of creating hatred and dissension along religious lines, dividing the people along religious lines, and inflaming, worsening, and making use of religious tensions that may have existed culturally or historically prior to that time. In 1798 French soldiers landed at Bantry Bay in Ireland and expected to be received by the organization the Illuminati

had already established there. It was called the United Irishmen and was a very small group planning to get the local peasantry to rise up and produce another French Revolution on Irish soil. When the French troops landed, they were attacked and subdued by Irish residents. The plans were unsuccessful. There was no basis for popular support of any kind at this time. The United Irishmen, as you can see in this book on the subject, was modeled on the original pyramidal structure of the Illuminati, a copy of the Illuminati's organization operating in Ireland. It was set up initially in the Catholic community and recruited members of Catholic extraction, but the leaders of the organization were not religious at all and were committed to creating racial hatred and violence toward a revolution. It was out of the United Irishmen that all of the subversive movements in Ireland during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries came. These included the Irish Republican Brotherhood in the mid-nineteenth century, the Sinn Fein, the Clan-Na-Gael and numerous other secret societies which gave birth to the twentieth-century Irish Republican Army, by 1920 the partitioning of Ireland and creation of the Republic of Ireland and, finally, the KGB-directed terrorism that exists in that unhappy country in recent years. [NEXT SLIDE] There is a magnificent book on this subject, written by former Chief of Police of Ireland, Hugh Bertie Campbell Pollard in 1920, The Secret Societies of Ireland. This book traces everything going on in Ireland up through the independence warfare and the partitioning of the country in 1920 directly back to the United Irishmen and the Illuminati. It is very well documented but quite rare. This is the sort of material that we think, at least to some extent, would be worth reprinting today to understand better what has been going on in that country for 200 years, that it has nothing to do with conflicts between Protestants and Catholics. And, of course, the same deliberate agents of provocation have been working in the Protestant community in Ireland to create hatred against Catholics and violence also in response. We will see some parallels to that later on. [NEXT SLIDE] Another country that was already infiltrated and a fertile area for development of revolutionary activities was Russia. By 1815 Russia had been prepared for French revolutionary activity by the influence that French revolutionists had in the Czarist court of the Romanoffs. Catherine the Great, in the late eighteenth century, declared herself the protector of freemasonry, and in 1784, the Imperial Lodge was formed at St. Petersburg. In 1792 it was discovered that the Grand Master of Russian Freemasonry, Prince Novikov, had initiated the Grand Duke, who later became Czar Paul I. Novikov was thrown into in the fortress at Schsselburg, and the Princes Leopuchian, Troubetskoy, and Turgenev were exiled to their estates. At the turn of the nineteenth century, the nobility involved in freemasonic activities were temporarily punished. But, by this time, Paul I succeeded Catherine. He favored freemasonry and released Novikov, but, in 1797, he was still pressured to close the lodges and to exile most of the dangerous initiates. The next Czar, Alexander I, was unfortunately influenced by the Illuminati from his youth. Remember the Illuminati sought to place their members as tutors and to the sons of the very wealthy and powerful, to young princes who would later be in a position to rule over countries. Frdric Csar Laharpe was one of those French Illuminist professors who was to send to tutor future Austrian heads of state and young Alexander I and tried to indoctrinate them with revolutionary doctrine. Alexander I was, unfortunately, surrounded from the beginning.

Other lodges were established by this time. I was in the Soviet Union for eight weeks in 1969. Right in Leningrad in the Winter Palace Square where the Bolsheviks seized power in the fall coup of 1917, there is a marble column on a black granite base, the Alexandrine column that was built in honor of Alexander I about 1815. Right on the base of the monument is the Illuminist eye above the triangle, commemorating the fact that already the French troops invading Russia during the Napoleonic Wars had brought the Order in and it penetrated into the imperial court through a number of influential people. There were other Illuminati in the court at that time. [NEXT SLIDE] This is Baroness Julie de Krdener, a celebrity, so to speak, around the court because she was sort of a fortune teller, a seer, a mystic, someone supposedly who had psychic powers. She was very close to members of the court of Alexander I for a while. The only problem was, being a German Illuminist herself; she tipped her hand one time when she said she had a vision that someone she identified was going to poison Alexander I. On investigation it was discovered that Baroness de Krdener had asked this someone to do so. So, she fell into disfavor, but she was an example of an Illuminist who was very close to Alexander and spread Illuminist influence in the court. By 1825, young Alexander had grown to middle age and became so interested in what we might call meditative contemplation and spiritual growth" of some sort that he decided to retire from being czar. Many people believed that he died in 1825. There is some controversy about this. He actually went away to a monastic order and lived as a monk for a number of years. This created a problem. His death" was announced in 1825. He died" childless, and the law of succession of 1797 dictated that he should not be followed by his brother, Constantine, who had held the post of commander-in-chief of the Polish Army after 1815. Constantine did not want to be czar, and knew that the law of 1797 would prevent his children from coming to the throne because he was married to a Polish lady. Constantine was in Warsaw, and Alexander's other brother, Nicholas, was in St. Petersburg. [NEXT SLIDE] This is Alexander's other brother, Nicholas I, who became the czar at this point. Nicholas and Alexander both knew in 1823 that Alexander had prepared a manifesto confirming the refusal of Constantine to be czar and appointing Nicholas. After the news of the czar's death" reached St. Petersburg on December 8, and Constantine again told Nicholas he did not intend to become the emperor, Nicholas chose December 26 to be the day when he would be given the oath of czar. By this time the Illuminati had formed organizations in Russia, particularly the United Slavs. These were, of course, populated by Illuminist members of Grand Orient Freemasonry, nobility and aristocracy in the Russian military and the court. The plotters spread rumors among the regiments that Nicholas's move was illegal and he was usurping Constantine's rightful claim. They planned to mutiny on December 14, and one of them, Prince Troubetskoy, was appointed to be the temporary ruler-in-waiting of the country. It was ironic that the prince never appeared on the 14th and later remarked that the revolt had set back the cause of reform in Russian by 50 years. It came to be called the Decembrist Revolt. One Frenchmen who visited Russia shortly thereafter wrote his memoirs. The Marquis de Custine, A Journey Through Russia, describes very briefly what he learned about the Decembrist Revolt of December 1825. He wrote this: The means the conspirators employed to arouse the army was a ridiculous lie. They spread the rumor that Nicholas was usurping the crown, opposing his brother,

Constantine, who was advancing toward St. Petersburg to defend his rights, arms at hand. Such were the means they took to persuade the rebels to cry under the windows of the palace long live the Constitution.' " The leaders had told the troops that the word Constitution" was the name of the wife of Emperor Constantine. When they said in Russian, long live the Constitution," the troops thought they were referring to the wife of Alexander's brother, Constantine, who they thought was the lawful new ruler being usurped by Nicholas I. You see that loyalty was in the hearts of the soldiers, the ones who revolted and they could not be led to rebellion except by a fraud, once again deliberately tricked, stage-managed into provoking violence. After a number of hours of patient pleading with the rebels to surrender and at great personal risk to his own life, as one Russian officer who approached had been mortally wounded, Nicholas was forced to fire upon the square, breaking the group and arresting the people who were responsible. In doing so they discovered a great deal of additional evidence. Nicholas spent a lot of time very carefully investigating the subject and became an authority on the subversion that was underway. For his wisdom and his efforts of deal with it decisively, he is condemned by most contemporary historians. If you read about the nineteenth-century Russia, they are usually most critical of Nicholas I. [NEXT SLIDE] It was obvious that some of the people involved in this conspiracy, members of the United Slavs, Count Paul Pestel (pictured here), were only the tools of the Illuminists who were even operating this artificial insurrection from outside Russia. It is very probable that Pestel realized all too late that he had been merely a tool of the dark forces, made use of by savage and envious men. In connection with his observation that the Russian secret societies were branches of the Illuminati network, the Russian author, Merejkovsky relates a curious statement made by Paul Pestel shortly before his execution: Our aim is the same and our forces are yours on the sole condition that you submit yourself absolutely to the Sovereign Duma [or governing body] of the Society of the South [that was the inner core of the United Slavs]. What Duma? Where is it, and who belongs to it? According to the rules of the Society, I cannot reveal it ... but look!' He took a pencil and piece of paper, drew a circle, writing within -- Sovereign Duma,' tracing rays from it, at the extremity of which he drew other smaller circles. [Pestel added:] The great central circle ... is the Sovereign Duma; the lines from the circle are the intermediaries, and the little circles the districts which communicate with the Duma, not directly, but by intermediaries.' He was referring to a structure that was already being installed throughout Europe, a continuation of the Illuminati but under a new name. Its leadership was given the name Alta Vendita, the Haute Vente Romaine, or the highest lodge of the Italian Grand Orient or the Italian Carbonari. [NEXT SLIDE] One of the people who provided some interesting testimony about that Illuminist tutor to Alexander I, Frederick Laharpe, was to become Austrian head of state. He was Clemens von Metternich. As a young man he was also subjected to attempted indoctrination by this fellow. As head of state of Austria in the early to mid-nineteenth century, he was probably the leading articulate opponent of the conspiracy's plan of furthering revolutionary purposes in Europe. He was trying very hard to put Europe back

together again from the disorder that it had suffered. I want to read a letter that he wrote an Austrian representative or associate in London in 1832. Germany has long suffered from the evil which has now spread over the whole of Europe. In some sense the evil may be said to have been in existence there previous to the outbreak in France in 1789. The sect of the Illuminati, the first Radical association, owed its existence long before that time to the weakness of the Bavarian government and the complicity of several men who were among its members from the first. This sect, in spite of all endeavors on the part of the same government to put it down by the severest measures of repression has never ceased to exist from that time forward and has assumed in turn, according to circumstances and the requirements of the moment, the names of Tugenbund, Burschenschaft, &c." The Tugenbund or the league or band of virtue was the name of the Illuminati organized in the German-speaking lands. [NEXT SLIDE] As Metternich said, the influence of the Illuminati went back to the end of the eighteenth century. Among the German-speaking states, Prussia was during this period the leading competitive opponent and enemy of Austria. Prussia's king, Frederick the Great, had virtually become an Illuminist by the time the French Revolution occurred. This is a drawing of Frederick the Great participating in an Illuminized freemasonic lodge ceremony. [NEXT SLIDE] After the defeat of Napoleon, Germany went back to the status it had been before 1789. The Germanspeaking lands were a confederation, a loose grouping, an alliance of 37 separate little monarchies, duchies, principalities, minor states with kings, princes and royal courts. It was very difficult for the Illuminati to penetrate all of these, seize and maintain control efficiently over them and their royal families. It would be much easier if it were possible to consolidate all the German-speaking lands into one central government, to create what France and England already had -- a nation state. This was to become the project of the Illuminati for the nineteenth century but was stated considerably earlier. A very important Illuminist who was the recruit of Mirabeau and Knigge, the Marquis de Constanza, said, In Germany there must be only one or two princes at the most, and these princes must be illuminized and so led by our adepts and surrounded by them so that no profane man may approach their persons." This was the reason the Illuminati formed student societies. I said earlier that the German Union was formed to control the media, publishing, and book distribution. They also founded university organizations and fraternities in the German-speaking lands to promote the idea of German unity and, eventually, one central government. Why was this so popular at the time? Simply because these people could say, Look, we've just managed to throw off the French rulers. We've just managed to stop this maniac, Napoleon, this mad Frenchman from taking control of Europe and from abolishing German culture. We almost fell prey to total dictatorship by the French because we were not united. We were all divided, separate little states involved in our little petty affairs. The only way we can prevent another Napoleon is to be united and strong and have a central government with some national purpose and destiny." Already the rhetoric that would serve the Nazi movement, which came out of these secret societies a century later, was being created in what is called the Pan-Germanic movement and through the Tugenbund and Berschenschaften.

Those of you who have read about the Skull and Bones Club, the fraternity at Yale that has been the subject of a number of provocative books by my former colleague, Anthony Sutton, may be interested to know that the connection between the Illuminati and Skull and Bones was through the Tugenbund and Berschenschaften. The Skull and Bones Club at Yale is actually the Russell Benevolent Trust Association, and it was founded by a student named Russell who visited for a brief period of time in some of the German universities in the 1830's. He matriculated through the Tugenbund and Berschenschaften, became an initiate of those organizations, picked up the Illuminati's spooky rites, ceremony, regalia, and brought them back to Yale. They became the ornamental trappings of the Skull and Bones Club and, hence, the superficial interesting resemblance between the two. Other than that, there isn't much direct connection with the Illuminati, but it was through this period of organization in the German states toward a German unification movement that that secret society was the inspiration of someone temporarily visiting there who took it back to Yale University. [NEXT SLIDE] This is Baron Karl Fredric von Stein, who was very important. He was both an enemy of Napoleon and someone who built the Tugenbund and Berschenschaften movements primarily on the basis of it preventing future dangers from the French. He was an active conspirator in helping to bring Napoleon down after he had served his purpose and was no longer useful. Stein, educated in law, was appointed Director of Mines by his native German monarchy, Prussia, in 1778 when he was only 21 years old. He spent the next 10 years in various administrative and ambassadorial positions. In 1786 he began a year's stay in England, ostensibly to study British mining techniques. He began organizing Illuminist activities there. In 1807 Stein became Prime Minister of Prussia, six years later he was made head of a council which divided and awarded Prussian lands reconquered from Napoleon. He was instrumental in fomenting the 1825 Decembrist Revolt in Russia while he was an emissary from Prussia to the Russian court. He was a very influential Illuminist, multi-national conspirator and a leader of the early PanGermanic movement. [NEXT SLIDE] This is one very important source published in Paris in 1819, the History of the German Secret Societies and Their Work in Other Countries [by Lombard (Vincent) de Langres]. It provides some early documentation on that subject. [NEXT SLIDE] But it was in the Italian-speaking lands on the Italian peninsula that the same strategy was most obviously initiated after 1810. And this was a situation similar to the German lands. All of today's Italy was a loose federation of separate duchies, principalities, small monarchies, with the Catholic Church, the Vatican and the Papal States (principalities under the Church's direct control) leading the Catholic life and culture of the Italian people. This was something that the Conspiracy could not tolerate as opposition as they spread their conquests throughout Europe. They set up a campaign in Italy which came to be known as the Risorgamento or the campaign for Italian unification. From 1815 to its success in 1870, almost simultaneously with the

unification of Germany, the Italian campaign was aimed not only at replacing all of the separate monarchies with one central government. They planned that government to be anti-Catholic, devoid of any clerical influence culturally and educationally, turning the Church and its properties into a surrounded fortress. They also wanted to establish a dictatorial socialist government that, along with the imperial German government after 1870, could be manipulated into a world war which was already being planned during the mid-nineteenth century. The organizational structure established in Italy for this purpose by the Illuminati after 1800 was called the Carbonari. The name means charcoal burners" and it is an organization that existed in, perhaps, some other forms or had some historical antecedents prior to the Illuminati's organization. But the structure of the Illuminati in Italy as the Carbonari was unmistakable. The pattern, the degrees, all of the structure of the organization was copied from Weishaupt and was under the control of his representatives and emissaries. [NEXT SLIDE] The leader of Italian Grand Orient Freemasonry, the leader of the Italian Illuminati for most of the period 1820 to 1870 was Giuseppe Mazzini. He was also the leader of the Italian unification campaign, the Carbonari and a public organization of support called Young Italy. [NEXT SLIDE] It is very interesting to study the Carbonari because we find some other things historically growing out of it. The Carbonari, as originally organized, had three departments. One of the three divisions was the Turba or the mob." It was probably the least important in terms of authority and was designed for collecting wealth through criminal activities, and using this money for revolutionary purposes. It gave birth to another organization you may have heard about called the Mafia. The antecedents of the Mafia were originally a branch of the Carbonari initially designed for fundraising purposes and which later grew into, shall we say, a freelancing, entrepreneurial activity all their own. [NEXT SLIDE] One of the leaders of the Italian Carbonari was Felice Orsini. He was a lieutenant directly under Mazzini in the gradually strengthening and growing military campaign to consolidate power over Italy. In the German campaign Prussia took the lead and the princes in Prussia rode the wave of expediency in supporting the German unification movement. Most of the headquarters and organization of the German unification was in Prussia. In Italy it was in the Kingdom of Piedmont, under the administration of the court of the House of Savoy and, particularly during this period, King Victor Emmanuel II. But Felice Orsini was one of the travelling emissaries and early terrorists of the Conspiracy. In the early 1850's a nephew of Illuminist Napoleon Bonaparte, Louis Napoleon Bonaparte came to power in France and soon proclaimed himself the new Emperor of France, Napoleon III. Although a member of the Carbonari in his younger days, he felt out of favor with the conspirators and became a target for Orsini's bombs. [NEXT SLIDE]

There was an attempt on the life of Louis Napoleon or Napoleon III on January 14, 1858. This is a drawing of the incident. Orsini was killed but Louis Napoleon managed to survive this attempt on his life. [NEXT SLIDE] Other leaders of the movement in Italy were, of course, Giuseppe Garibaldi, who joined the Grand Orient in Italy in the 1820's. Pictured here as a principal military commander in the later seizures of Rome, this picture of Garibaldi was taken late in his life when he had retired to Milan. [NEXT SLIDE] One of the beneficiaries of the Illuminati's campaign in Italy was Francesco Crispi. He was an Italian prime minister for two terms of office in the 1880's and his career illustrates the way in which the Illuminati controls someone like a head of state, a politician, who they have helped put in power, who has benefited from their support and who then does something that displeases them. They have several choices: this person can meet with a fatal accident or can come under severe discipline. Until 1861, as a member of the Young Italy movement and the Carbonari, Francesco Crispi cooperated wholeheartedly with the revolutionaries. They also were making use of King Victor Emmanuel II of the House of Savoy in the Kingdom of Piedmont to give some legitimacy to their campaign as being a patriotic Italian movement. But, at this time, Crispi did not know what was going to happen. He was not sure whether Mazzini or King Victor Emmanuel II would emerge as the recipient of power in the new united Italy. So he had a private interview with the King and offered his personal services, offering to defect from Mazzini and to support Victor Emmanuel II. Around 1860 there were already some grumblings going on: You know in the united Italy we can't have kings and what would be the place of a Victor Emmanuel?" So there was already a little dissension after Victor Emmanuel II had served much of his purpose. Crispi's attempt to affiliate with the king was discovered by Mazzini's spies and Crispi found himself facing death for treason for having done that. Early in April, 1862, Crispi attended a dinner of the Emancipation Association at Turin. Suddenly he felt ill, very ill. A fire seemed to be burning him. He was in the throes of the most appalling agony. Instead of offering assistance, the other guests began to laugh, and one of them, rising, spoke to him severely in the following terms: Francesco, you went to visit King Victor Emmanuel without telling us of your intention. You offered him your secret services. You let him know that you were ready to go over at the first opportunity. Until then you opinions had been Republican. Well, that is treason. We have condemned you. You are poisoned. You are a dead man." The way we know what was said is because people who were there wrote accounts of this later. The poison had indeed been administered in the bread. Among the organizers of the banquet was a baker who had formally contributed to the expulsion of the Grand Duke of Tuscany, one of the Italian states, when the Illuminati's power was being consolidated there, and who became a member of the radical directing committee. On this occasion the baker had kneaded the bread himself. Each guest found his place at the table marked by a small roll bearing his name traced on the crust in white dough. All the guests, agreeably surprised, congratulated the baker for his delicate attention to detail, but the piece of bread marked Crispi" had been separately kneaded and contained the poison.

Crispi realized quite well at this point that all was lost; he knew there was no escape. All exits to the banquet hall were closed, and he was too weak to fight. Without recrimination and in the throes of acute pain, he dropped into a chair upon which, writhing in agony, he awaited a lingering death. The others surrounded him, watching. Suddenly a curtain parted, someone entered the room. It was Mazzini. Poor wretch," he said to the dying man. I pity you." At these words, Crispi looked up, his dim eyes gleamed; suddenly he murmured feebly, Yes, ambition made me betray, it is true; I was going to sell myself, but I die. Don't insult my agony. Don't mock me. I suffer too much." Mazzini responded, I do not speak to you in derision, Francesco. I forgive you. Drink this and you are saved. You will be reborn." So saying, he forced the man's lips apart and administered an antidote. After his last words, Crispi had collapsed. Sometime later he came to. He opened his eyes and said, Where am I?" Mazzini said, You have returned from the realm of the dead." Crispi responded, Oh, yes, I remember now. Please have mercy. Am I really living, or is this a dream?" And this is what Mazzini said, which I think is very significant: You live. Yes, Francesco, but henceforth you are more completely enslaved than the last of the Negroes for whose freedom they are fighting over there in America. You live again, and your ambition will be gratified. You will be minister, minister of the monarchy, and you will hold in your hands the reins of government, but you will do so without betraying us, without selling yourself. You will part from us not privately but publicly. We will denounce you, and while denouncing you, we will push you to power. It is the monarchy that you will betray by executing our orders when we shall have made you minister to the crown. And you will obey us in all things, even should the orders we give you seem contradictory, even should their execution cause you to pass for a madman in the eyes of Europe. Yes, Francesco, from this day forward, you belong to us. For you must never forget that should you place us in a position where it might be expedient to cut short your own existence a second time, no power in the world could save you from the death, the sufferings of which you have known today. Live then for the Grand Orient, fight royalty and the Church. You will be the gravedigger of this House of Savoy. It is only an instrument for us, and we have condemned it to disappear after it has served our purpose." And it was carried out. In 1864, Crispi became a royalist and attacked Mazzini publicly. In subsequent decades, he became Prime Minister of Italy for two separate terms, from 1887 to 1891, then from 1893 to 1896, finally falling from power in the midst of the scandal of the Banco Romana, his own Watergate. [NEXT SLIDE] This is King Victor Emmanuel II who, out of expediency, supported and then found himself being disposed of, by the Conspiracy's consolidation of power in Italy. [NEXT SLIDE] This is Adriano Lemmi, the Grand Orient member who replaced Mazzini after 1865 as the leader of the campaign for Italian unification. And this is a map showing the organization of the Grand Orient lodges in the Italian peninsula after 1820.

[NEXT SLIDE] This is King Humbert I of the House of Savoy who was King of Piedmont following the death of Victor Emmanuel II. He was also most expediently involved in trying to curry favor with the revolutionists. In 1884, Humbert was initiated into the Grand Orient as a Knight Kadosch in the Lodge of the Savoy Illuminati that was founded in his honor. King Humbert was assassinated by the Illuminists in 1901. [NEXT SLIDE] This is a book published in London in 1821 with the original papers of the Carbonari, their writings, their initiation documents, their certificates, a very rare book, but one that is available. We would like to reprint some of that original documentation. [NEXT SLIDE] This is probably the most important book on the subject of the Illuminati's direction of the consolidation of power in Italy. Cretineau-Joly reproduces in this book lengthy transcripts from the permanent instructions issued to the Illuminists after 1820 for all of the nineteenth century. We are going to read from some of those, and I think you will be amazed to see how they mirror strategies that you have seen carried out much more recently. We have covered the attempted assassination of the head of state in Italy (Crispi) and the result of bringing that person effectively under control as a puppet. We will shortly review the way that was done, most probably, with an American president during the nineteenth century. [NEXT SLIDE] This is a book published in France in the 1930's, discussing the development of the Carbonari and how the Mafia derived from it as an organizational branch or affiliate. [NEXT SLIDE] This is the source of that information on Francesco Crispi, one of a series of very controversial books published in Paris from 1885 to 1897 by a group of authors who were affiliated with this particular author. Her name was Diana Vaughan, an American lady who had become a leader of the satanic circle that directed the French Grand Orient. [NEXT SLIDE] This is the only known photograph of Diana Vaughan in the ritual costume of what was called the New and Reformed Palladian Rite. At the top of the Grand Orient there was a small inner core of membership that served as a continuing directorate from Weishaupt's original inner circle. Later we will talk more about the historical development of the Authority level of the Master Conspiracy, the Satanic hierarchy level. The very top level of the Illuminati, from Weishaupt onward, has always been formally Satanist in its convictions, not atheistic, not materialistic, but religiously Luciferian or Satanic in its religious idealism. The top level at the end of the nineteenth century which had been so responsible for helping to direct the Italian unification was within the Italian Grand Orient and called the Palladian Rite. Diana Vaughan

was a member, indeed, a celebrant, an officer in this devil-worshipping circle that had a number of highly influential political personalities in Europe as its members and initiates. In the Palladian Rite she had a leadership dispute with Adriano Lemmi, Mazzini's successor, and she first decided to set up her own rival organization. Then she finally, after contacts with Catholic authorities, decided to make a conversion to Christianity and publish accounts of her experiences within this top level. They were shocking, lurid accounts of heads of state and prominent political people who were involved in this conspiracy. In the early 1890's, the story of Diana Vaughan, an American girl who had gone to Europe and gotten involved in these things, the controversy of the Palladian Rite, became in France the equivalent of Watergate or Chappaquiddick in America during the late 1960's and mid-70's. It was a horrendous scandal. And the Catholic Church, of course, was very eager to have this information because it was helpful in exposing what had been happening. There was a tremendous amount of public interest in the scandal. I have collected part of the literature that came out of this period, altogether probably 20,000 to 30,000 pages of small print of different material that was published and circulated in France. Finally, in 1897, one of the principal authors of the material, Gabriel Jogand Pages was requested to produce Diana Vaughan publicly for an interview. Vaughan had naturally become a target of assassination and had gone into hiding. Pages were requested by sympathetic friends to produce her at an anti-Masonic congress that was being held in Trent. Someone stood up at that meeting, claimed to be Pages, and said he had made all of this up. He said it had all been a gigantic hoax to embarrass the Catholic Church, and none of what he wrote was true. And Diana Vaughan did not exist. He said the photograph was his secretary and that he had greatly enjoyed making fools of devout Catholics. The matter did not rest there. A couple of weeks earlier, eyewitness testimony was recorded about a Diana Vaughan, matching the description of this photograph and having proof of her identity, who was seen entering a convent under the protection of a Catholic order. After that, we know very little about what happened to her, but it is known that she and the Palladian Rite did exist and she did enter the Catholic order before the conference was held at Trent. Although Pages may have been a double agent, or he may have been impersonated by someone else at that conference, there were other authors writing on this subject, associates of Diana Vaughan in the Palladian Rite such as Domenico Margiotta, pictured here, whose writings were never called into question. [NEXT SLIDE] This is an area that requires very careful, critical, scholarly investigation, but there is a tremendous amount of real information under the surface of the controversy which was regarded by most historians after the turn of the twentieth century as a gigantic hoax. [NEXT SLIDE] At this point I would like to show you another excerpt from Brotherhood of the Bell. Remember, the character played by Glenn Ford came back to his college to initiate a young man into the Brotherhood, a young man who would be under his protection and assistance. Glenn Ford's character had never been asked to carry out an order from the Brotherhood, as required by his solemn oath and obligation. Now he is given instructions to do so. One of his colleagues at the institute where he works (which remarkably resembles the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions at Santa Barbara), is Hungarian Professor Horvathy, who has just received a prominent academic appointment. The

Brotherhood of the Bell is anxious for one of their members to obtain this appointment but must get Professor Horvathy to decline the offer, which is the climax of his academic career. The assignment given to Glenn Ford's character is to force his good friend of many years' standing to reject this very important opportunity. [EXCERPT FROM FILM IS SHOWN] I would also like to give you a little information that was some of the most significant on the nineteenth century, most of which was from documents in the Vatican archives that were prepared in the 1820's at the beginning of the Italian unification campaign and were published in Cretineau-Joly's book The Roman Church Against the Revolution, some of which is quoted in Nesta Webster's World Revolution. These documents provide insight into the motivation of the agents and representatives of Adam Weishaupt as they communicated their plans for the rest of the nineteenth century. Two of these people, Count Nubius, and his associate, who called himself the little tiger," Piccolo Tigre, talked about the various motivations that they could enlist in their common effort. One of these communications reads as follows: In the impossibility in which our brothers and friends find themselves, to say as yet their last word it has been judged good and useful to propagate the light everywhere and to set in motion all that which aspires to move. For this reason we do not cease to recommend you to affiliate persons of every class, to every manner of association, no matter of what kind, only provided that mystery and secrecy shall be the dominant characteristics." And he goes on to say, Under a pretext the most futile, but never political or religious, create by yourselves, or better yet cause to be created by others, associations having commerce, industry, music, fine arts, or other cultural interests for objectives." They were willing to enlist people with quite a variety of different motivations. There were two important emissaries of Weishaupt in the 1820's who created permanent revolutionary organizational structures in France, Germany, and England. One was the Frenchman Louis Auguste Blanqui. The other, active in France and also in Italy, was Filippo Buonarroti. He prepared some permanent instructions in the 1820's that amplified on the strategy first perfected during the French Revolution, the manufactured smear. And he says: Now that we are constituted in an active body and that our order begins to reign as well in places most remote as in those that are nearest our center, one great thought arises, a thought that has always greatly preoccupied the men who aspire to the universal regeneration of the world. That thought is the liberation of Italy. [By that he meant the consolidation of Italy under their control.] For from Italy shall one day issue the freedom of the entire world, a republic of fraternity, harmony and humanity. This great idea is not yet comprehended by our brothers of France. They believe that revolutionary Italy can only plot in the shade ... And in the midst of anxieties, which agitate the most vigorous spirits of our society, one that can never be forgotten, the Papacy, ever exercises a decisive influence over the lot of Italy. Our final aim is that of Voltaire and of the French Revolution, the complete annihilation of Catholicism and ultimately of Christianity. ... Such a state of things must not remain. It is necessary to seek a remedy. Very well, a remedy is at hand. The Pope, whoever he may be, will never enter into a secret society. It then becomes the duty of the secret society to make the first advance to the Church and to the Pope with the object of conquering both. The work for which we gird ourselves up is not the work of a day nor of a month nor of a year. It may last for many years, perhaps for a century. In our ranks the soldier dies but the war is continued. We trust that we may yet attain the supreme object of our efforts, but when and how, the unknown cannot yet be seen. Nevertheless, as nothing should move us from our mapped out plan, we must labor at our newly commenced work as if tomorrow was to crown it with success. We wish in this Instruction, which should be kept concealed from those simply initiated, to give advice to the rulers of the Supreme

Vendita [the Haute Vente Romaine] which they, in turn, shall inculcate to the brethren by means of Insegnamento, or Memorandum." We see from that statement they had a fanatical idealism that would cause them to strive and devote their lives to this project beyond the expectation of ever seeing it achieved while they were on earth. In other words, they had a religious idealism. That religious idealism we have mentioned before, from the Illuminati onward, was a formal Satanic belief, Luciferianism or devil-worship. Theologically, the best name for that system of belief is called Manichaeism, a dualistic system of theology which goes back to the heretic Manes during the Middle Ages who tried to undermine Catholic doctrine. Similar to Zoroastrianism, Manichaeism holds that there are two Gods. One god is the god of the Christians and the Jews and that is the evil god. That is the God that must be opposed. That is the God of the existing order, keeping everyone from a state of universal happiness and brotherhood. And then there is the good God, the good deity whom the Christians and the Jews call Satan or Lucifer, who is really the angel of light. This is almost a mirror-image of Judeo-Christian theology, Jehovah or the Christian triune God placed in the position of Satan or Lucifer, and vice-versa. And that is the formal doctrine that motivated these people. It allowed them to commit themselves to something well beyond their lifetimes. But what would they do about entrenched opposition during the nineteenth century, largely in the form of the Catholic Church? The permanent instructions continued: Little can be done with old cardinals and with prelates of a decided character. Such incorrigibles must be left to the schools of Consalvi and in our magazines of popularity and unpopularity we must find the means to utilize or ridicule power in their hands. A well-invented report must be spread with tact among good Christian families. Such a cardinal for instance is a miser; such a prelate is licentious; such an official is a freethinker, an infidel, a Freemason [in other words, accuse them of being almost as bad as the accusers were]. These things will spread quickly to the cafes, thence to the squares, and one report is sometimes enough to ruin a man. If a prelate or bishop arrive in a province from Rome to celebrate or officiate at some public function, it is necessary at once to become acquainted with his character, his antecedents, his temperament, his defects, especially his defects. If he should be our enemy, [they give several examples] at once entrap him, entangle him in all the nets and snares you can. Give him a character which must horrify the young people and the women. Describe him as cruel, heartless, and blood-thirsty. Relate some atrocious transaction which will easily cause a sensation amongst the people. The foreign newspapers shall learn and copy these facts which they will know how to embellish and color according to their usual style. The foreign newspapers shall learn and copy these facts which they will know how to embellish and color according to their usual style. For respect due to truth show, or better still quote, some respectable fool, and having quoted the number of the journal in which is given the names, acts, and doings of the personages. As in England and in France, so also in Italy, there will be no lack of writers who well know how to tell lies for the good cause, and have no difficulty in doing so. One newspaper publishing the name of a Monsignor Delegate, His Excellency or Eminence or Lord Justice will be quite sufficient proof for the people. They will require no other. The people here around us in Italy are in the infancy in liberalism. At present they believe in the liberals. After a little they will believe in anything." This was the top activist directorate of the Master Conspiracy, communicating to the cadre one or two decades into the nineteenth century. By 1850 France had gone through several more changes of government. After the defeat of Napoleon, the Bourbon monarch Louis XVIII was restored to the throne by the 1815 Congress of Vienna. Successor

in the family of the martyred Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, he remained in power less than a decade. He was replaced by Charles X who remained in power for less than five years. In 1830 a socialist regime replaced him which came to be known as the July Monarchy. It was just one violent turmoil after another, and the Illuminati was training its insurrectionist cadre in quite a system of organizations. [NEXT SLIDE] The history of these Illuminist organizations in France leading up to 1848, the year they triggered simultaneous revolts and insurrections throughout much of Europe, is told very well in this book by a French police agent. It is called The Cradle of Rebellions: The History of the Secret Societies of France. It was out of a number of these societies that the Communist movement came, both directly and indirectly. [NEXT SLIDE] This is Wilhelm Weitling, one of the early leaders of an organization called The League of the Just. Weidling was, by the 1840's, a second generation disciple of Adam Weishaupt. He was certainly a follower of Filippo Buonarroti who wrote the instructions I read, and he so admired Francois Babeuf of the Napoleonic period, that many years later he named one of his sons after Babeuf. Wilhelm Weitling was operating in Germany and was in the group of revolutionary socialists who were responsible for the 1848 uprisings in various German capitals. He also worked with Buonarotti's organization, the Sublime Perfect Masters and Louis August Blanqui's Society of the Seasons. By the mid-1840's, out of those groups they formed the League of the Just. Even though a number of these people were German, the organization was first active in Paris and then in London. In 1846, the League of the Just included a number of other people. Moses Hess was a person of Jewish extraction who was leading what was the early Reform Movement among Jews. The movement was designed to undermine, water down, eradicate and destroy orthodox Jewish faith and Biblical teachings. During the nineteenth century and in Germany particularly, in the Jewish community the Reform movement was the equivalent of modernism in Protestant denominations, the influence of the National or World Council of Churches undermining traditional Protestant faith or the equivalent of the influence of someone like Teilhard de Chardin in the Catholic Church. The questioning, the criticism, the breakdown, the destruction of traditional orthodox Jewish faith was really a primary activity of this very aggressive militant socialist, Moses Hess, who was an associate of Weitling and Karl Marx. At this time, 1846, Karl Marx was a 28-year-old hack newspaper writer, writing freelance stories, mostly for New York newspapers controlled by Horace Greeley. Marx had not originated anything. He had managed to avoid working for a living most of his life and he would almost starve his three children to death, depriving his family of their most basic needs. Marx was a freelance journalist and, perhaps, demonically inspired as indicated by some very occult writings. We do not know if he was initiated above the ideological or expedient activist level. Marx was hired in 1846 by the League of the Just to rewrite the original program of the Illuminati and update it in the context of a rapidly industrializing British economy. The organization published what he had written as the Communist Manifesto, although his name never appeared on a printed edition of it for 20 years, even after he finished Das Kapital. After publishing the Communist Manifesto the League changed their name to the Communist League. This was when the Communist movement was formed.

[NEXT SLIDE] If any of you are interested in the transition, the direct organizational continuity between Adam Weishaupt and Karl Marx and the Marxian socialist movements, the documentation is very much available. The connection from Marx, through Weitling and Friedrich Engels, through the League of the Just, going back to Adam Weishaupt and the organizations he spawned, is given in, among other sources, a biography of Wilhelm Weitling, The Utopian Communist by Carl Wittke, published by Louisiana State University Press. [NEXT SLIDE]. This is a biography of the youngest of Karl Marx's three daughters, Eleanor Marx Aveling, who is principally remembered for the miserable life that led to her suicide. She and her notorious husband were very close to Olive Schreiner, regarded by many a founder of the Communist movement in South Africa, as was J.C. Juta, Karl Marx's brother-in-law. [NEXT SLIDE] I am now going into the American period, the Illuminati's spread to the United States and subsequent results. You must understand that by 1800, the Illuminati had set up or taken control of perhaps 300 lodges on American soil. At the time the Illuminati was trying to undermine European monarchies, the first constitutional republic was being formed. And the Illuminati were also trying to destroy or seize control of our infant republic. The Illuminati began to spread influence in the United States through a number of means. One was through official diplomatic contact. In the 1780's, the period of the Articles of Confederation before the Constitution was ratified, the United States had as its representatives to France, immediately prior to the French Revolution, two outstanding American founding fathers, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson. As masons they were invited to participate in ceremonies of the French Grand Orient lodges. They saw much Masonic symbolism including, perhaps, the eye above the triangle which was representative of the Insinuating Brethren branch of the Illuminati and which would in the 1930's become the reverse side of the Seal of State. By 1784, Benjamin Franklin had become very well initiated in the lodges of the Grand Orient. I think that Benjamin Franklin's principal motivation for, not just being a freemason, but for joining the Illuminati's lodges and attending them was his enjoyment of the nightlife that was available. He was a rather mischievous person to put it mildly, and he enjoyed all of the frivolity and misbehavior that went on at these nightly affairs. This portrait of Franklin is significant. This is Franklin in a coonskin cap which was at that time in France a symbol of revolutionary solidarity. There is an amusing anecdote regarding it. Louis XVI befriended Franklin during the American war for independence when the French government was so helpful to the American cause. The king admired Franklin, but thought he a harmless eccentric, his affiliations with the philosoph and others who were forming the Illuminati in France perhaps something immature, irresponsible, but certainly not dangerous. This portrait was painted in 1777 and copies circulated in France. Louis XVI gave a chamber pot to one of the noble ladies of the court who was a particular admirer of Benjamin Franklin. The pot had this portrait of Franklin on the inside bottom surface. That was, I think, a tribute to the sense of humor of King Louis XVI. I think it's a remarkable story.

Franklin had established his personal reputation earlier in England when he was an ambassador to England when some historians believe he became a secret agent of influence for England by his membership in the early 1770's in the British Hellfire Club. [NEXT SLIDE] The Hellfire Club was organized in London several decades before Benjamin Franklin participated in it. The club was directed by a man named Lord Dispenser, who was better known under his previous title as Sir Francis Dashwood. He was briefly the British Chancellor of the Exchequer. The club was a group of people who got together and had what we might call satirical or fanciful Satanic rites if there can be such a thing. The entertainment of the night was rather scandalous at their meetings and parties. Franklin was an enthusiastic celebrant in the Hellfire Club in England. It is strongly believed that the Hellfire Club remained in existence, perhaps into the twentieth century, for the benefit of some higher level Illuminists in England who were rewarded by being able to be a member and participate in the unfortunate activities of which they were so fond. [NEXT SLIDE] I believe personally that Benjamin Franklin's interest in communicating with the Illuminists in France was primarily the nightlife and his personal immorality. There does not seem to be any other motivation at work. He did participate in one rather unfortunate ceremony in the lodge of Nine Sisters in which he was so active France. He participated in an Apotheosis ceremony which was a symbolic deification of the philosopher, Voltaire, who was then recently deceased. Voltaire was the one who regarded himself as the greatest personal enemy of Jesus Christ. So it was a rather unfortunate, although popular, memory for Franklin to be commemorating. One of the reasons the Illuminists were not successful in spreading a French revolution to our shores is that by 1800 most literate people knew all about it. As I told you earlier, Proofs of a Conspiracy was published and extensively distributed in the United States from 1797 to 1798. President George Washington, although a Mason, was very much aware of the attempts of the French Illuminists to come over here, set up their own organizations and lodges, infiltrate Freemasonry and use it for revolutionary purposes as they had done in France. In the last year of his life, President Washington received and read a copy of Robison's Proofs of a Conspiracy and wrote letters indicating how accurate he felt the book was and how fortunate he felt -and it was true at the time -- that the Illuminists' success in penetrating American Freemasonry had been virtually nil. But, in 1794, during the administration of President Washington, the nation was almost overthrown by an insurrection, a rebellion that was fomented exclusively by agents of the French Illuminati and lodges they established in the counties of western Pennsylvania. It is something that is wrongly called the Whiskey Rebellion in your history books. It had nothing whatsoever to do with taxation. It was an attempt to start a rebellion in what was then a far west territory, the western edge of Pennsylvania. It was planned to spread into a movement for secession, to set up a separate country potentially in that region or to declare independence. It was fomented entirely by the Mingo Creek Democratic Society that was established by Edmond Charles Genet, an Illuminist who was then French envoy to the United States. President Washington had to come out publicly and denounce the influence of the French Illuminists who were operating in our country. Although no lives were lost, he had to put

down the rebellion and it cost the government a million dollars to raise the troops and quarter them temporarily. In some of his correspondence at the end of the Whiskey Rebellion, President Washington said, I consider this insurrection as the first formidable fruit of the democratic societies brought forth I believe too prematurely for their own views which may contribute to the annihilation of them." It didn't take much more than President George Washington, as tremendously respected and revered as he was at this time, to come out openly and publicly against them and create a tremendous public climate of awareness and resentment. Others sounding the alarm at this time were the presidents of Harvard and Yale, influential writers such as Jedediah Morse (the father of Samuel F.B. Morse) who gave the national Thanksgiving Day sermon in Congress. Morse wrote and gave speeches documenting the spread and activity of the Illuminati in our country. It was very well known at that time. And it was because of that, I think, that they were so unsuccessful. With regard to the secret societies behind the 1794 revolt, Washington said, These self-created societies which have spread themselves over this country have been laboring incessantly to sow the seeds of distrust, jealousy and of course discontent, thereby hoping to effect some revolution in the government. This is not unknown to you. That they have been the fomenters of the western disturbances admits of no doubt in the mind of anyone who will examine their conduct but fortunately they have precipitated a crisis for which they were not prepared and thereby have unfolded views which I trust effectuate their annihilation sooner than might otherwise have happened." There was only one problem that President Washington had in putting down the attempt by French Illuminists to foment the Whiskey Rebellion, and that was his Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson. I am very sorry to say that Jefferson tried every way he could possibly do to influence Washington not to come out publicly against the democratic societies that had led this insurrection. It is known that Thomas Jefferson was very sympathetic, perhaps naively so, to the French Revolution and to the Illuminati and Adam Weishaupt at this time. He was perhaps sincerely naive about this. Remember this is when Thomas Jefferson was Secretary of State. This is prior to his own presidency. And this by no means detracts from his contributions to the establishment of American Constitutionalism. As a result of the Whiskey Rebellion, Edmund Charles Genet, the French organizer of Illuminist lodge here, was recalled. In other words, our government requested the French government to replace him. He was replaced by Fauchet, another roving ambassador for the Illuminati, and he continued the work. Because Thomas Jefferson was Secretary of State, it was his office that had to issue the request for recall. That was just a matter of protocol. He was in charge of foreign affairs. Genet must have resented the part that Jefferson had taken, notwithstanding their cordial intimacy, as Washington Irving, in his Life of Washington states. In this regard, Genet wrote to Thomas Jefferson when he was forcibly recalled to France: Whatever, Sir, may be the result of the exploit of which you have rendered yourself the generous instrument, after having made me believe you were my friend. After having initiated me in the mysteries which have influenced my hatred against all who aspire to absolute power." Now what does this mean? I don't know. But, in effect, Genet seems to be saying, Hey, you were the boss. You're the one who initiated me. You were telling me what to do. We were working together and now you're having me recalled." I don't know whether that's the case or not, but it's a remarkable letter. Genet certainly didn't have anything to gain by writing it at this point, because he was on his way back to France. It's an interesting piece of correspondence in Jefferson's papers that really begs for some explanation. [NEXT SLIDE]

This is one of the letters that President Washington wrote regarding the Illuminati, its early influence in the French Revolution and the relatively low level of influence it had at this time in American Freemasonry. [NEXT SLIDE] This is a very important book, Proofs of the Real Existence and Dangerous Tendency of Illuminism, written in 1802 by Rev. Seth Payson on the spread and influence of the Illuminati and the number of lodges and amount of activity it has organized in the United States by the turn of the nineteenth century. [NEXT SLIDE] This is a recent study, about 20 years ago. It is an academic title, initially published by Johns Hopkins University, and it is written by a liberal" historian who is very sympathetic to the revolutionaries he is talking about, but the importance of Vernon Stauffer's New England and the Bavarian Illuminati is that he shows you what a huge controversy this was early in the history of the United States. At this time, during the Washington Administration and during the first two or three presidential administrations, we really didn't have political parties in the United States. We had factions. Those factions later evolved into modern-day political parties, directly and indirectly. On one side were the Federalists: including John Adams, Alexander Hamilton and, to some extent, George Washington. They were opposed by the Democratic-Republicans of Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and Edmond Randolph. Contrary to modern accounts, their dispute was not just over central government authority, not primarily over the power of the Executive branch versus Congress, and certainly they were not at this time arguing over whether they were going to borrow money from the Bank of England. Those were not the significant controversies. It is true, however, that Alexander Hamilton was probably working as an agent of influence for England at this time to secure closer financial ties. But he was probably doing so to increase British influence in the United States to offset the French revolutionary influence that was already here and threatening revolution. I believe that the bulk of the controversies between those factions that led to political parties were the issue of French revolutionary influence in the United States at this time. Stauffer's book shows you how important that was, how well-known it was, and why it took the course it did. It's very useful. [NEXT SLIDE] Also by 1800 another lodge of the Illuminati was organized in Virginia. As I said, there were almost 300 of them that were known to exist and these were very small numbers of people in individual lodges, often in rural areas. Several were organized in New York State, but one in particular called the Columbian Lodge was exposed by John Wood, a very prominent political writer, in this tract written about 1805. It is significant because of a very prominent New York state politician who came out of this particular lodge. His name was Aaron Burr and he belonged originally to the Federalist faction, later switching over to the Democratic-Republicans. [NEXT SLIDE] A very expedient Richard Nixon-type politician, Burr was willing to ride any wave or prostitute himself and join up with any cause or any possible kingmaker, foreign or domestic, to accelerate his rise to

power. And in the duel between him and Alexander Hamilton, which resulted in Hamilton's death, I think there were rival European factions at work behind opposing American representatives. Certainly Burr was trying to expand the effort, first attempted in the Whiskey Rebellion, to start a secessionist movement, to break away part of the new country and form an independent, rival base of power. From 1801 to 1803, Burr was actively organizing contingents of unemployed men, previous soldiers from the revolutionary period, other persons who were available for hire, and forming very rough military encampments and informal garrisons of private troops up and down the Mississippi River, then the western boundary of the thirteen original states. Burr was telling these people that he and his fellow conspirators would be able to start an insurrection and break away that western portion of the country. Remember, this is about the time that President Jefferson enacted the Louisiana Purchase and added a tremendous amount of uncontrolled territory to the United States. Burr was thinking that, if he could start an insurrection and a secessionist movement, a lot of this territory would break away and maybe some foreign troops from England, France, Spain -- he didn't care as long as they were supporting him -- could come, either through Canada or Mexico and Aaron Burr could be the new emperor of North America. He was actively plotting and planning the very early stages when elected representatives, congressmen and even local officials in these western areas where the organizing was going on, began to hear about it and demanded that the federal government do something. Burr's principal co-conspirator was a revolutionary war officer who had fallen from grace. His name was Col. James Wilkinson. But they had a hidden partner, according to Walter Flavius McCalleb's The Aaron Burr Conspiracy and A New Light on Aaron Burr, probably the outstanding historian on the subject. He assisted them, advised them, approved of what they were doing, gave them reassurances of support and a lot of valuable information, sat back with his hands folded and let them get away with what they were doing until it became too much of a public scandal, and he was finally forced to arrest and prosecute Burr. He was President Thomas Jefferson. Aaron Burr was the expedient politician, perhaps not quite as ruthless as Wilkinson and others with whom he was associated. Aaron Burr is the one who took the rap, received the disgrace, and was put on trial. Incidentally the prosecutor in the trial of Aaron Burr was William Wirt, decades later the presidential candidate of the Anti-Masonic Party, a very interesting historical coincidence. Burr was arrested, put on trial and retired in disgrace. My personal feeling is that, if Burr was conspiring in a way that would have been detrimental or destructive to the future of the United States or had jeopardized our form of government at that time, Thomas Jefferson was doing so quite equally but Jefferson was fortunate enough not to be stained by it. But the evidence is very clear that they were working together and that Burr took the rap, or Burr, like Nixon, was Watergated by other, more ruthless people around him. [NEXT SLIDE] One of the principal incidents of the first two or three decades of the nineteenth century in the United States was the murder of William Morgan. Morgan was a person about whom very little is known. He was a resident of Batavia, New York, who in 1826 published a book called Illustrations of Masonry in which he purported to reveal the ritual and degrees of American Freemasonry and he stated that he would very soon be revealing additional material. At this time New York Governor DeWitt Clinton was the leader of the Columbian Lodge of the Illuminati and was no doubt frightened or intimidated about the potential exposure, particularly if Morgan could show something beyond purported rituals and degrees of freemasonry, publish something about any alliance with French Illuminists that might produce another Whiskey Rebellion or something worse.

After the book was published, Morgan was taken out by a gang of people and executed. It was strongly believed and the subsequent trial testimony revealed that a British mason conducted the kidnapping and muder. Unfortunately it isn't clear what William Morgan was planning to expose. This is really the only problem with the subject. No doubt he had additional material, but all we know is that he published the book and was killed. But as a result of his murder, a lot of articles and books were written about it and the AntiMasonic Party, a short-lived political movement in the United States, was formed. This was one of the earliest third-party movements. Actually it held the first national nominating convention of any political party in the United States. It was active in the decade following Morgan's murder and, I strongly believe, the Anti-Masonic movement forced American Freemasonry seriously to examine itself and to purge itself of Illuminist influence. Another reason I think the Anti-Masonic movement subsequent to the murder of William Morgan probably purged any French revolutionary influences from American Freemasonry is the subsequent work of Albert Pike. He would soon head the southern jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite in the United States. Pike was an Illuminist and probably a member of the Satanist Palladian Rite, but he and his fellow conspirators were more concerned and preoccupied with what the Master Conspiracy was doing in Italy to destroy the influence of the Catholic Church and consolidate power there. They were overwhelmingly preoccupied with activities in Europe and were not able, even in the context of the upcoming American Civil War, to produce similar events here at home. In the case of Albert Pike, all he managed to accomplish was a very brief and scandalous career as a Confederate officer. At the Battle of Pea Ridge, he was using some Cherokee Indian troops. When they captured Union soldiers, they scalped them. Since this was considered abusive of prisoners of war, Pike was relieved of his command. But as a retired military officer and a fervent racist, he operated a post-war Ku Klux Klan almost entirely out of his residence in Arkansas. In fact, his position was Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Arkansas Ku Klux Klan. [NEXT SLIDE] This is a drawing from one book of the period of the assassination of William Morgan. [NEXT SLIDE] These are just a few of the many books about Morgan's murder. Were freemasons responsible? The transcripts of the trial, various editions of Morgan's book, a great deal of literature on this subject. But inconclusive with regard to what Morgan was about to expose. And also interesting, I might say, is the fact that Governor DeWitt Clinton managed the investigation of Morgan's murder quite well, even though he was potentially subject to exposure if Morgan had revealed much additional information. One story that is of interest to me during this mid-nineteenth century period is the building of the Washington Monument. It was primarily a project planned and supported by American Freemasons. They were to the Washington Monument what Lee Iacocca was to the restoration of the Statue of Liberty. The Pope at that time, Pius IX, was the greatest opponent of the Master Conspiracy in Europe during the consolidation of power over Italy. Pope Pius IX also wrote Qui Pluribus, an encyclical issued November, 1846, which condemned Communism as an evil organized revolutionary movement at work in the world two years before it was invented" by Karl Marx. Read the encyclical. Obviously, it wasn't invented then. It was already well under way, as we said earlier. Pius IX was a liberal and very reformminded in the early stages of his papacy. He was very unsuspicious of the revolutionary movements of

the prior decades. When he witnessed the simultaneous stage-managed revolutions in various European cities in 1848, he really got an education as to what was going on. From that understanding he appreciated the fact that George Washington was in the line of fire against this revolutionary movement in his time also, leading the opposition to it so successfully. To express his admiration Pius IX sent a marble plaque to Washington, D.C. in tribute to the memory of George Washington. It was mounted on the inside wall about halfway up the many flights of stairs in the monument. It disappeared three days later. The Potomac was dredged, but it was never found. [NEXT SLIDE] Following in the footsteps of Aaron Burr, the Whiskey Rebellion and earlier attempts to foment insurrection and secession, the Illuminati formed an organization, first in South Carolina and then throughout the southern states called Young America. Remember in Italy during the Italian unification, the public organization that the Carbonari controlled was called Young Italy. There was a Young Germany, a Young Switzerland, a Young England and a Young France. These were the public outer edges of organizations that were primarily underground and paramilitary. They were actually a public relations or propaganda arm. The man seated in the middle of this photograph is George Nicholas Sanders of Kentucky who led Young America, which was nothing more than an American branch of the European network of the Master Conspiracy. It was formed at South Carolina College, now University of South Carolina at Charleston, in the 1830's. Young America advocated extending American territory and slavery all the way to the Pacific and then all the way southward, not only through Texas but through Mexico. This meant a military conquest of Mexico, driving any remnants of Spanish authority out of the area, and then carrying the drive through Central America to Cuba, and forming what they called the Empire of the Golden Circle. The center of the circle was somewhere in the Midwestern United States, the radius of the circle would go to Havana, Cuba. All of this territory in the North American continent and through Central America would become American territory with slavery. This grandiose plan wasn't popular for several reasons. Already slavery was proving itself to be an economic liability for the South and was not a popular institution for expansion by any grassroots movement. The people of the South had the system and didn't know how to abolish it immediately and deal with the consequences. But they certainly were not advocating the expansion of slavery. That was never a popular goal, as historian Otto Eisenschiml shows in his book Why the Civil War? You certainly could never have had a civil war over expansion or elimination of slavery because there was no popular support anywhere for expansion. There were some organized movements that were campaigning for it, but they were artificially created and had little support even in the South. George Sanders wanted to promote the expansion of slavery into new territory for one reason. Just like the Louisiana Purchase, if you added a tremendous amount of territory to the United States, say to the Pacific Ocean or southward through Cuba, you would have a huge area annexed theoretically. If I was suddenly appointed emperor of the moon, I really wouldn't be able to defend my newly claimed territory. I wouldn't have the resources. I wouldn't be able to manage, subdue or police it. It might just be mine in name only. Sanders' plan would have created a tremendous power vacuum: suddenly U.S.annexed territory, perhaps with slavery being an additional irritant thrown in to create dissension and

hostility. A vast, ungovernable territory that would be added to the United States, which French or English troops could invade through the perimeter of Mexico or Canada and use this as a launching base for an attack on the East Coast to retake the North American continent. It certainly would have satisfied that military objective. But Young America was quite unsuccessful initially in getting support. They supported and helped engineer the Mexican War to expand territory this way, but there was much opposition to the expansion of slavery. Other conspirators based in England were funding and organizing hate the South" propaganda campaigns called abolitionist movements" which is ironic since there was no popular support for the expansion of slavery or its maintenance. Young America had a lot of influential politicians. President Franklin Pierce was a member. Stephen Douglas was a member. They had a lot of influential people in the Democratic Party helping them, but they were not able to make their goals become American foreign policy. There were a number of presidents who simply would not cooperate. [NEXT SLIDE] They had to change their strategy in the 1850's and form their own underground army. Instead of being able to annex all this territory and have foreign troops invade, they decided that it would be easier to break off an existing part of the United States, form a warring confederacy, declare independence and use this secessionist area as a base for foreign troops to enter and start their campaign to retake the North American continent. And that underground military arm of the European-based conspiracy, which had its American branch as Young America, was called the Knights of the Golden Circle. You are looking at a picture of its founder and leader, George Washington Lafayette Bickley. He was a native of southwest Virginia. He spent a turbulent youth pursuing such diverse vocations as medicine and medical publishing, founding an historical society, authoring a novel, working in various fraternal and political associations. We don't know much about his life during this period, nor do we know any justification for his calling himself General Bickley after 1859. There is no doubt that he was a man of unusual imagination and energy. He would have to be to do what he managed to accomplish. In the 1850's Bickley was undoubtedly influenced by the trends which Young America introduced into national politics and which were identical with KGC objectives. The United States and Mexico were quarreling over boundary disputes and issues. There were a number of wild men like William Walker; a KGC member who organized what were called filibustering campaigns. Now that doesn't mean making a long speech in the Senate. A filibustering campaign is a military adventure or excursion into hostile territory for purposes of conquest or expansion of power. There were a number of these raids launched into adjacent Mexican territory with the view in mind of starting a popular movement to annex these areas. The policies of American presidents prior to Lincoln had been to oppose this campaign. It seemed as though the Empire of the Golden Circle would be established, not by the White House, but rather by some military means. By 1859 public opposition to the spread of slavery into new territories prompted Republican senators to defeat some initial proposals of the White House in this direction. The campaign for the annexation of the Mexico by the United States continued on the pages of many southern newspapers influenced by Young America. Sam Houston, as Governor of Texas, was prepared to lead the charge. It was out of these organized schemes begun by Young America that George Bickley and his associates organized the KGC, using the organizational structure of the Illuminati. Conceiving it as a secret military fraternity, Bickley advertised it as a means of protecting the agricultural class interests of the South against the exploitation of the capitalistic industrial North, the same Marxist explanation modern

textbooks sometimes use to account for the Civil War. The KGC's general" was a strategist worthy of the morality exhibited by so many of today's politicians. He told his soldiers We are at all times determined not to be found in conflict with our country's laws yet to avoid them requires politic action and skillful management." Such skillful management would be necessary if Bickley was to be successful in separating southern portions of the United States and accomplishing the KGC's plan to merge them into a new political entity with Mexico and other lands for the South. He made it clear that if the United States would not annex Mexico for the spread of slavery, he would create a new confederacy that would do so. While the KGC were planning to do all this, the southern newspapers under their influence were filled with accounts of the menace the region faced at the hands of the northern abolitionists. In other words, the artificially financed and engineered abolitionist campaign was working hand in hand with this movement to contrive dissension and conflict between the North and the South. Antislavery propaganda from the North and the writings of KGC spokesmen worked together, fueling each other. The abolitionist agitation foreign conspirators organized and supported became an effective weapon for the disunionists. It is also worthy of note that one of Bickley's main concerns was his desire to see Benito Juarez come to power in Mexico in the 1850's. This is significant because the Juarez regime was the first power Grand Orient freemasons achieved in Mexico. In early 1860, the New Orleans Courier was very open in exposing all of this. Bickley organized a clandestine network of lodges throughout Texas by 1859. In the 1860 elections the KGC were able to conduct such a fear and intimidation campaign throughout Texas that no votes were recorded for President Abraham Lincoln throughout the entire state. It was apparent to numerous observers at the time that the Knights, to quote one observer are the secessionists proper and their history is the history of secession from a small insignificant band of kidnappers and filibusterers, they generally increased their numbers until they are to be counted by the thousands in the southern states of the Union and by dozens in the border free states they are the most dangerous of enemies." Their campaign of intimidation in Texas was described this way: They hold in subjection the sentiments and conduct of the entire population of the state. At their organizing meetings, reports are made in regard to individuals, their conduct and opinions are transmitted for final action and investigation to the headquarters." The KGC proceeded energetically after Lincoln's election. As the letters I have just quoted indicate, that event was immediately announced to be sufficient cause for secession. All who opposed this course were denounced as abolitionists or submissionists. Vigilante committees were formed to lynch those people who stood in the way. A secession convention was called at Marshall, Texas, on November 24th. The people assembled on that occasion under the Lone Star flag, their symbol of secession in Texas, but did not succeed in getting it off the ground. They heard claims that Lincoln's election would destroy the Constitution and must be resisted by force. One KGC leader promised to send his Texas volunteers to South Carolina if that state rebelled against the Union. The call for another convention was repeated at Austin in early January, 1861, and a majority of those who issued it were definitely Knights of the Golden Circle. One witness noticed that the people were either deceived into secession, lied into it, or driven into it." He wrote of the way the KGC spokesman would ring the Southern heart" to arouse popular emotion. An election was held to select the delegate to the secession conclave, but with the KGC running the polls; no serious challenge rose against their man, Richard Coke, who later became governor of Texas and a U.S. senator. During this rigged election, a contemporary quipped, No man ventured to tender his ballot without being prepared to defend it with the pistol or the Bowie knife." So, it's no exaggeration to say that the Knights of the Golden Circle forced the people of Texas into appearing to support secession in 1861, and that certainly gave impetus and support which made successful similar movements in South Carolina and Virginia and led to the creation of the Confederacy.

I'm a native of Virginia and a graduate of Washington and Lee University. Colonel Robert E. Lee was president of Washington College after the Civil War when he had been deprived of his citizenship. Washington College was founded as Liberty Hall Academy by George Washington. It is now called Washington and Lee University. It's interesting to me that Robert E. Lee was a colonel in the U.S. Army in 1859, stationed at Fort Mason in Texas, observing in that part of the state this campaign of terror and intimidation to promote secession. He had a terrible choice placed before him. He was invited to command the Union armies to put down the rebellion which he had witnessed personally. His other choice was to stay at home and defend the lives and property of his family, friends, and loved ones and seek an honorable and just peace as soon as possible. Of course, that latter painful alternative is what he chose to do. The Knights of the Golden Circle tried several other things. [NEXT SLIDE] These are the original papers, rules and regulations, some of the documents of the Knights of the Golden Circle which have been reprinted in part in a number of other sources. Another project the KGC planned was to form several more confederacies. In addition to the southern confederacy which was formed, they wanted Texas to be a separate nation. They wanted to take the northern mid-west, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and have this area break away and form what would have been called the Northwest Confederacy. There was a very ambitious movement underway, filibustering campaigns, demonstrations, propaganda, in those states to push for secession. They were ultimately unsuccessful because the Lincoln became aware of the extent of this plot and began to use the new U.S. Secret Service and military might against it. The scheme involved a number of things. Setting up an artificial campaign for peace" at the beginning of the war in the northern mid-west and using the Democratic Party to push for what they called a movement for peace without victory during the Civil War. This defeatist movement was very active politically. Another project involved armed raids by confederate commandos across northern lines, attacking U.S. fortifications or aiding KGC agents already there in an attempt to capture the areas. Extensive plans were drawn for the burning and seizure of major cities such as Chicago. The colorful raids of Colonel John Hunt Morgan in Ohio and the campaigns of General Sterling Price to conquer Missouri were parts of this program. A major concern of the conspiracy was to enlarge the Confederacy during the war and to move it all the way to the Pacific. There was a plan underway to create a Pacific Coast Federation of States. This was quite a project. California was a new state in the Union. In addition to California, Oregon and Washington territories were to form this new nation. This project was launched in California during the process of California's admission into the Union. California's first two U.S. Senators, William Gwin and Milton Latham, were deeply involved in the Knights of the Golden Circle's plans to separate the new state from the United States and form a Pacific Coast Federation of States. During the war, Senator Gwin travelled to France to seek the help of the Conspiracy's former operative, Napoleon III. Gwin wanted Bonaparte to grant him territory in Mexico for a proposed state of Sonora under the protection of Napoleon's representatives, Emperor Maxmillian and Carlotta, who briefly maintained an imperial regime in Mexico until they were overthrown. Gwin envisioned himself as the Duke of Sonora and the region as a safe and comfortable haven for KGC members should the Confederacy be defeated. Some KGC members retired in Mexico on palatial estates that were preserved for this purpose after the war, because they were subject to potential prosecution

if they stayed in the United States. Although the KGC ranks were enormous in California during the war, the Lone Star California Republic, a motto still emblazoned on the State flag, was not successful. [NEXT SLIDE] Probably the best book on the Northwestern Confederacy which you can find in any library and many used bookstores is James Horan's Confederate Agent. Dee Brown, who wrote the unfortunate, mythmaking book, Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, has also written a novel, Conspiracy of Knaves, on the Northwest Confederacy and Thomas Hines, the principal historical figure discussed in Horan's book. I would much more recommend a documented account like Confederate Agent. Remember that Horan's book details the effort for the Northwest Confederacy out of context of the rest of what I am presenting. It is a very interesting accurate view of the material up close. [NEXT SLIDE] This is an article that appeared in the Southwestern Historical Quarterly in 1953 about the organizing activities of the Knights of the Golden Circle in southern California and the effort to form the Pacific Coast Federation of States. [NEXT SLIDE] As you can see here, just as they used the song Dixie" as their battle cry in the South, the Bear flag of California was their battle emblem for breaking away California and forming a separate nation. [NEXT SLIDE] We know a great deal about these activities prior to the Civil War. The Secret Service was formed primarily to deal with counterfeiters. In 1861 there was an attempt by members of the KGC to blow up a train that President Lincoln was on when he was travelling through Baltimore. This caused him to pay attention to what was going on and the Secret Service infiltrated the KGC and its affiliates. A number of the agents who were able to assist Lincoln in stopping this organized conspiracy to destroy the Union later wrote books. These were usually quite self-serving and romanticized, but very readable and exciting accounts. They are the only record we have of first-hand participation by Secret Service agents who penetrated these organizations and some have been reprinted. [NEXT SLIDE] These are a couple of studies: One recently reprinted book about the defeatist movement to sow disunity in the northern states, Elbert J. Benton's The Movement for Peace Without a Victory During the Civil War, and another book, Orville J. Victor's History of American Conspiracies, which was written at the end of the Civil War providing background on some of what I am discussing. A number of individual studies on the aspects of what I am talking about were published at this time. It is important to remember that this was the recognized interpretation: the Knights of the Golden Circle had created the Confederacy and caused the war. President Lincoln went to war to save the Union from this organized rebellion. That was the standard interpretation of the Civil War in practically all books published at least in the north up until the early 1900s, when socialists took over the publication and writing of history books.

[NEXT SLIDE] In 1865, there was only one thing the conspirators could do, namely seek vengeance on the man who defeated them. I think this was their principal, if not their exclusive, motivation for killing President Abraham Lincoln. During the 1930's, the granddaughter of John Wilkes Booth, Izola Forrester, went to the War Department archives in Washington. She wrote a book, This One Mad Act, based on what she found there. The personal identification, badges, and insignias, proving that her grandfather had been an agent of the Knights of the Golden Circle, so ordered by them to carry out this ultimate act of revenge against the President. [NEXT SLIDE] You can see the conclusion she stated there that Lincoln's assassination was instigated by men high in order of the Knights of the Golden Circle, said to have been a branch of Freemasonry flourishing in the North as well as in the South." I have never found any indication that the KGC used American Freemasonry as a structure or as a means of recruitment, but some of the members associated with Booth happened also to be masons. The book contains a couple of other unrelated, but interesting, things about Booth. This was primary documentation, in addition to evidence presented at the trial of the assassins, that this was an act of revenge against the President for defeating their progress in destroying the country. [NEXT SLIDE] These are some of the items that Izola Forrester found among the property of John Wilkes Booth that were KGC insignia and identification. [NEXT SLIDE] As I said, some of the KGC leaders of the Confederacy escaped to retirement in Mexico. The archives and personal papers of the Confederacy's president, Jefferson Davis, somehow ended up in the Bank of Montreal, unavailable to U.S. officials. For some reason Jefferson Davis was not prosecuted for treason. A number of the principal conspirators were not punished after the war, which has led some people to believe that there were agents within the Lincoln Administration, perhaps some of them even involved in the assassination. The evidence with regard to Secretary of War Stanton and others is not conclusive. [NEXT SLIDE] These are a few of the Confederate generals, including one of the famous filibusterers, Sterling Price, who led military campaigns into Mexico and Missouri. They were given special places of protective retirement in Mexico for the service they had rendered. [NEXT SLIDE] One of the best accounts of a Secret Service agent who penetrated the Knights of the Golden Circle was this book, History of the Plots and Crimes of the Great Conspiracy to Overthrow Liberty in America. John Smith Dye was one of the founders of the Secret Service and he had written a previous book about the war against counterfeiting. This later book is most interesting and it was reprinted. It was originally

published a year after the assassination of President Lincoln. But what is so remarkable is that it gives evidence that President Lincoln was not the first President assassinated by these people. According to John Smith Dye, the Conspiracy's first White House victim was President William Henry Harrison, who died in office on April 4, 1841, one month after his inauguration. President Harrison clearly represented an obstacle for Young America. He stood strongly against an armed conquest of Mexican territory, including Texas. On the March 17, 1841, the President issued a proclamation convening Congress in an extraordinary session for May 31. At this time Harrison was enjoying his usual good health. To quote Mr. Benton, an historian of the period: President Harrison did not live to meet Congress which he had convoked. Short as the time was that he had fixed for its meeting, his own time on earth was still shorter. In the last days of March he was taken ill. On the 4th day of April, he was dead. There was no failure of health or strength to indicate such an event or to excite apprehensions that he would not go through his term with the vigor he had commenced it. His attack was sudden and evidently fatal from the commencement." -- Benton's Thirty Years, Vol. II, 210. Mr. Benton evidently intended the above remarks to convey to posterity that General Harrison did not die of natural disease -- no failure of health or strength existed -- but something sudden and fatal. He did not die of Apoplexy; that is a disease. But arsenic would produce a sudden effect, and it would also be fatal from the commencement. This is the chief weapon of the medical assassin. Oxalic acid, prussic acid or salts or strychnine, would be almost instant death and would give little advantage for escape to the murderer. Therefore, his was not a case of acute poisoning, when death takes place almost instantaneously, but of chronic, where the patient dies slowly. He lived about six days after he received the drug." That was the conclusion of Secret Service officer John Smith Dye. After Harrison was out of the way, President John Tyler was in office. The plans of John C. Calhoun, who was subsequently appointed Secretary of State, were free from any presidential opposition. The probability that William Henry Harrison was the Conspiracy's first presidential victim stands in very sharp contrast to the relative unimportance given this man quite superficially by contemporary historians. The Conspiracy's war with Mexico produced an outstanding military hero, General Zachary Taylor, who was elected President and inaugurated on March 5, 1849. With Texas conquered from Mexico, it was a preliminary step toward extending the future Confederacy southward. The Conspiracy then turned its campaign in another direction. The vast territories of New Mexico and California had been growing in population since the beginning of the Gold Rush. Their admittance to the Union as states became President Taylor's immediate concern during his first few months in the White House. An uncompromising patriot, he was determined that they should not serve as additional areas for the expansion of slavery. The Conspiracy was equally determined at that time to make them slave states in order to ally them with the Confederacy during the war that was already being planned. But President Taylor would not budge. He would not even support any suggested compromise in which the new territories would become states, some slave and some free, thus balancing voting power in the Senate between north

and south. By such firmness, it is very probable that President Taylor, also given little credit by American historians, had signed his death warrant. John Smith Dye writes of Taylor's death on July 9, 1850. In the enjoyment of the most perfect health, the 4th being on Friday, he was taken sick in the afternoon about 5 o'clock, and on Monday evening at 35 minutes past 10 o'clock, he was dead. He died from the effects of the same kind of drug as was given to President Harrison. The symptoms in both cases were the same -- inward heat and thirst, accompanied by fever. They were both well and hearty at the time the drug was given, and both died within a few days after taking it. Mr. Benton, speaking of the occurrence, says that he sat out all the speeches, and omitted no attention which he believed the decorum of his station required. The ceremony took place on Friday and on Tuesday following he was a corpse. The violent attack commenced soon after his return to the Presidential Mansion.' Page 763, Vol. II." Specifically, on the symptoms of President Zachary Taylor's death, one of the attending physicians made this statement: I do know that the symptoms were admitted by several medical attendants on that occasion at the White House, to require the most energetic treatment for poison. I recollect perfectly well that diagnosis of the case was advanced, referring the symptoms to the presence of lead, in some form, either as an oxide or an acetate, as accounting for the peculiar character of the disease which resulted in the death of President Harrison .... On the 4th of July 1850, President Taylor attended the inauguration of the Washington Monument, and after sitting out the speeches and ceremonies of the occasion, returned to the White House between 4 and 5 o'clock p.m. One of the attendants of the White House stated to me at that time, that immediately after arriving home, President Taylor partook of a dish of cold boiled cabbage, of which he was very fond. Soon after he was taken ill with severe vomiting, which continued until his death.' The matter thrown from President Taylor's stomach, as was the case with President Harrison, showed every appearance of poison, according to the best concurring evidence which I could obtain on the spot at the time of the death." That is the testimony of one of the attending physicians. Your history books and encyclopedias say that both these men died of sudden, unexplained illnesses shortly after entering office. [Note: In 1991, in response to a book manuscript which presented evidence for Taylor's poisoning, his remains were exhumed and examined. Although the media delighted in making light of the story and announcing that he was not" poisoned, the examination did find traces of arsenic" and did not test for other poisons then in use (Who's News," USA Weekend, August 30-September 1, 1991). Apparently they expected to find arsenic as potent as it might have been 140 years ago.] But there is another case that I think is even more interesting because it reminds us so much of what happened to Italian politician Francesco Crispi, and what may have happened to other public figures in subsequent years. A strange parallel to this policy of use of poison in Europe is the case of the third American president prior to 1860 who became a target for murder, and this was President James Buchanan, immediately prior to Lincoln. After Zachary Taylor's death, the Conspiracy managed to get what it wanted from its agents or sympathizers, Presidents Millard Fillmore and Franklin Pierce. Pierce, you recall, was a member of Young America. Slavery was extended in Kansas and further designs against Cuba were encouraged. California entered the Union under the Compromise of 1850, designed by Young America member Stephen A. Douglas. The

Young Americans had every reason to believe that Buchanan would advance these policies as he entered office, and immediately began to pressure him for the payoff. The outbreak of fighting in Missouri and the repeal of the Missouri Compromise were viewed by the Conspiracy as an opportunity for a president under their influence to expand the reach of the future confederacy. Buchanan quickly resisted this attempt to control him and appointed to his cabinet men who were steadfastly opposed to these plans. On the 22nd of February, 1857, Buchanan made public his opposition to the Conspiracy. On the following day at a prominent Washington hotel, he was poisoned. Once again quoting from John Smith Dye: The plot was deep, and planned with skill. Mr. Buchanan, as was customary with men in his station, had a table, or chairs, reserved for him and his friends. The President was known to be an inveterate tea-drinker; in fact, Northern people rarely drink anything else in the evening. Southern men mostly prefer coffee. Thus, to make sure of Buchanan, and cause as many deaths in the North as possible, arsenic was sprinkled in the sugar bowls containing the tea or lump sugar, and set on the table where he was to sit. The pulverized sugar used for coffee sitting on the table was kept free from the poisonous drug by deep-laid strategy; thus, not a single Southern man was affected. Fifty or sixty persons dined at different intervals at that table that evening; and as near as we can ascertain about thirty-eight died from the effects of the poison." President Buchanan was poisoned, but physicians managed to save his life. He was brought very close to death. This was reported and discussed at some length because it was unmistakably more than coincidence, and a lot of papers in the North discussed it. A modern account of this incident illustrates the way in which contemporary historians will bend over backwards to try to discredit a conspiratorial explanation of an event. In the early 1970's, Yale historian David Brion Davis, wrote The Slave Power Conspiracy and the Paranoid Style, a brief book written to try to discredit the thesis about the Knights of the Golden Circle. By all means read it. Read Frank Clements' The Copperheads in the Middle West. That's another book written to discredit what I have just told you, in general, and they do not succeed in doing so. David Brion Davis, with whom I corresponded, discussed particularly John Smith Dye's account of the poisoning of President Buchanan, and he said it was obviously due to the fact that a rat or some other infected animal somehow got into the plumbing of the hotel and that this was the result of the poisoning which sickened or killed several dozen legislators. The only question remains is how the poison in the water could selectively invade the tea and not the coffee. I really do not understand that. I never could get a straight answer from Professor Davis on that point. But, still, this is a probable case of President Buchanan being poisoned and, believe me, following the poisoning, he certainly got the message. He was far more cooperative and did not not oppose the Conspiracy's plans. It was left to President Lincoln to do that and win the War of the Rebellion. To paraphrase the title of my book, it was not a civil war at all. [No Civil War At All: Eighty Years of Conspiracy to Destroy the United States, 1790-1870, is serialized in the Journal of Individualist Studies beginning with Vol. 1, No. 1, Winter, 1992.] As some of you know, one of the things that allowed President Lincoln to win the war was the foreign assistance he had in guarding East Coast ports. At this time, the Knights of the Golden Circle were conducting draft riots and insurrections in major cities like New York and Baltimore. There was a lot of insurrection being artificially promoted. President Lincoln had to blockade the Confederacy and protect the naval integrity of the East Coast. To starve the Confederacy of important supplies coming from England and other European sources, Lincoln had to place a line of boats from Maryland to Mexico. To do so he commandeered not only all

the available naval vessels, but everything down to a rowboat. There just were not enough boats to accomplish this, and it left major ports like New York and San Francisco vulnerable. Russian Czar Alexander II, successor to Nicholas I, freed the serfs in Russia in 1861, four years before President Lincoln freed the slaves in the United States. The great emancipator of the Russian people sent his imperial navy warships to San Francisco and New York harbors to help Lincoln guard those positions. From a strategic standpoint, he contributed substantially to winning of the war. Exactly a year to the day after President Lincoln was assassinated, someone threw a bomb that almost killed Alexander II. At the trial, it was proven that this man was an agent of a secret society united to the same central network that the KGC and John Wilkes Booth were serving. It was less than two decades later that another bomb was thrown, destroying a carriage in which Alexander II was travelling. The czar got out of the carriage to attend to some of the wounded. The assassin threw another bomb at the czar's feet and mortally wounded him. They managed successful revenge on the czar within a couple of decades after he helped President Lincoln preserve the Union. [NEXT SLIDE] How well is all of this known? I said it was the standard thesis about the origin of the war in the North after the war up to the beginning of this century. In December 1983, I was travelling back from Phoenix on Southwest Air Lines, and I picked up their inflight magazine. Here was an article about how the Knights of the Golden Circle set up the Confederacy and caused the war. So if Southwest Air Lines knows about this, obviously it is no big secret. An inflight magazine, not the American Historical Review. It is a remarkable summary and encourages me that we can get this revised and accurate historical view of very important events across to the public. [NEXT SLIDE] This is the assassination of Czar Alexander II in 1881, a drawing of the czar getting out of his carriage to help the wounded prior to the second bomb that was thrown. [NEXT SLIDE] That is a picture of Czar Alexander II, the monarch who freed the serfs in Russia in 1861. During the 1870's and 1880's, a number of other ad hoc activities of the Conspiracy in the United States were underway. The group of secret societies formed by the Illuminati in Ireland, originally the United Irishmen, gave birth to a revised form of an older organization, the Ancient Order of Hibernians or the Ribbon Men. They migrated about 1800 to the United States and formed a division of the Ribbon Men called the Molly Maguires. You may have heard about that organization. It was a radical syndicalist movement in the anthracite coal-mining region of western Pennsylvania. They were responsible for a lot of violence, assassinating landowners, destroying property in the 1870's and 1880's. Most of it was investigated and exposed by detectives who were working for Allen Pinkerton. This famous detective, during his earlier life in Scotland, had been a socialist revolutionary. After he became the head of a prominent American detective firm, his views became much more traditional. Pinkerton's detectives infiltrated the Molly Maguires. Historian Wayne Broehl admits in a leading account, The Molly Maguires that their organizational structure was identical to the Illuminati and Carbonari. They were simply a new

generation of the United Irishmen. There are a number of older works that had been reprinted on the Molly Maguires. [NEXT SLIDE] July 2, 1881. Charles Guiteau assassinated President James Garfield. Guiteau is pictured in this transcript of the trial. For six years earlier in his life, Guiteau was a resident at the Oneida community, which was established in 1848 in Madison County, New York, by utopian socialists closely affiliated with the European leadership of the Carbonari. That leadership included the Marquis de Lafayette. In his retirement years Lafayette was a roving ambassador for the Carbonari and he came to the United States in the 1820's to organize activism that would lead to Young America. The people who set up the Oneida community were very closely affiliated with Lafayette and his mistress, Francis Wright. We don't know the extent to which Guiteau was a disciplined agent of theirs, but he was definitely recruited into a utopian socialist settlement for over six years. [NEXT SLIDE] Perhaps the most dramatic event of this period is the Haymarket Square bombing in Chicago May 4, 1886. As a result of this bombing eight policemen were killed and dozens of others were injured. The anarchists who were responsible for throwing the bombs, making the weapons and distributing propaganda, were affiliated with an organization led by a German anarchist named Johann Most. He was a member of one of the Illuminati's divisions going back to 1848 and the simultaneous revolutions that had been triggered throughout Europe. We know so much about the Haymarket Square bombing and its Illuminist roots because of a magnificent study that was published two years later. [NEXT SLIDE] The police chief of Chicago, Michael Shaack, wrote Anarchy and Anarchists, a massive, incredibly detailed study of that bombing atrocity, the investigation and the conspiratorial background. This book has recently been reprinted and is available in university libraries. It is a masterful study. All such incidents deserve the amount of study and documentation that was put into this particular work. It is a magnificent tribute to the victims of that atrocity and also to the work of Captain Shaack. [NEXT SLIDE] This is Leon Czolgosz, who assassinated President William McKinley, September 6, 1901. He said that he was acting on orders of an anarchists' circle which had definite eastern European affiliation to the remnants of the Carbonari and the United Slav movement. [NEXT SLIDE] I would like to share another excerpt from Brotherhood of the Bell. After provoking the suicide of Constantine Horvathy, Glenn Ford is overcome with guilt and sets out to expose the Brotherhood and its power. He fails to get the authorities to listen and finally decides that he is going to have risk his own prosecution by going public on the matter.

What you are about to see is the press conference he schedules. He has discovered that his father-inlaw is a member of the Brotherhood. I think you will appreciate the way in which his superior in the Brotherhood, Dean Jagger, handles questioning by the press. Glenn Ford's appearance on a TV talk show is a vivid portrayal in the way racism, anti-Semitism and other false doctrines to confuse people about the nature and history of this Conspiracy. This combines with the media's sarcastic and irresponsible treatment of the subject. For that reason, I think it is by far the best scene in the film. The talk show host, played by William Conrad, further baits Glenn Ford into getting angry. They start physically struggling and Glenn Ford is arrested. He is bailed out of jail by the director of his institute who, in the course of observing these events, has come to the conclusion that there must be some truth to Glenn Ford's story. During the course of their visit, Glenn Ford gets the inspiration that he could possibly save the young man he recently initiated into the Brotherhood. If the young man is willing to leave the Brotherhood and work with him, maybe together they could do something about it. So he goes back to St. George and confronts the young man. Initially, he is terrified at the prospect of leaving, having just taken the oath; hesitant to leave because of the potential rewards and benefits he stands to gain. Glenn Ford, resigned to failure, leaves for the airport when the young man comes running down the walkway. He has decided to join forces. The film ends at that point, begging for a sequel. I am very tempted to write one. It has a very hopeful ending. It was a remarkable dramatization. Let's move now into the World War I period. [NEXT SLIDE] This is a picture of the late historian Carroll Quigley, his 1966 work, Tragedy and Hope, that many of you are no doubt familiar with, some personal correspondence he wrote to a researcher, and an article that Quigley wrote in the Canadian Historical Review in 1962. The article on the Round Table groups in Canada gave the first documentation for Quigley's thesis in Tragedy and Hope which had no documentation. After it had come to the attention of Gary Allen and American Opinion magazine, the book went out of print and the publisher, MacMillian, would not reprint it in the face of substantial demand. It was illegally reprinted in the Los Angeles area. Quigley was so surprised that MacMillian was not willing to reprint the book that he made a deal with the man who had counterfeited his book. The book became available and, after Quigley's death in 1977, a posthumously published volume which was even more valuable, a summary of the important material from Tragedy and Hope, a little updating and sufficient referencing was published called The Anglo-American Establishment. That book is by far the best of the Quigley material. [NEXT SLIDE] What we are talking about is the secret society that was formed about 1901 by the very wealthy British industrialist and diamond magnate, Cecil Rhodes. That secret society or circle of initiates was created February 5, 1891, and incorporated in this passage of Rhodes's will. It also formed a public organization at the turn of the century. Very shortly, we will be discussing the continuity between the nineteenth-century Illuminati and the Cecil Rhodes Round Table group. Before we do that, let's consider who was involved in this particular movement. The leadership of the secret society was principally transferred to Rhodes by a prominent journalist, William T. Stead. Stead was an early leader of the Fabian Socialist movement in England in the 1880's. He brought introduced Rhodes to such Oxford and Cambridge luminaries as Arnold Toynbee,

Alfred (later Lord) Milner, Arthur Glazebrook, George Parkin, Philip Lyttelton Gell, Henry Birchenough, Reginald Baliol Brett (Lord Esher), Sir John B. Seeley, Albert (Lord) Grey, Edmund Garrett. In the secret society, the leadership consisted of Rhodes and an executive committee of Stead, Brett and Milner. Lesser mystically titled posts were held by Arthur (Lord) Balfour, Sir Harry Johnson, Lord Rothschild, who was very soon replaced by his son-in-law, Lord Rosebery, and Albert (Lord) Grey. Milner, Parkin, Grey, Escher, Stead, and Flora Shaw (later Lady Lugard) took over control of activities after Rhodes' death in 1902. The activities of this group, known as Milner's Kindergarten until 1910, included a number of things like financing the Bolshevik Revolution from both New York and London, and intervention on behalf of Bolshevik leaders which secured their success, both before and after November, 1917. Other projects included the establishment in Chicago of a radical center for Fabian socialist agitation known as Hull House. This group deliberately caused most of the diplomat ruptures, crises, and clashes between Germany and Great Britain that led up to World War I in 1914. In other words, there was no basis for such hostilities. The heads of state of both Germany and England were close relatives. These disputes had to be deliberately engineered beginning with the Jameson Raid in South Africa December 29, 1895. Another result was the creation of groups in Great Britain and the United States which would become the foreign policy establishments in those governments. Offshoots of the Round Table were the British Royal Institute of International Affairs and the Council on Foreign Relations, established in New York at the end of World War I. They also created a group in twelve countries holding territories in the Pacific called the Institute of Pacific Relations. The IPR was used to influence those countries' policies on the Far East toward the position desired by the Conspiracy and was later found by United States Congressional investigative committees to be operating during the 1930's and 1940's as an agency of Soviet espionage and propaganda. [NEXT SLIDE] These people were first brought together at Oxford and Cambridge. Rhodes was originally under the influence of occultist and poet John Ruskin. Ruskin was promoting the idea that no longer should the British Empire voluntarily absorb colonial areas that wanted the advantage or benefit of British dominion and protection from other predatory powers. It was now necessary as a crusading imperative, Ruskin argued, to spread British dominion, aggressively by force if necessary into other parts of the world and, thereby, provoke potential crises with other colonial powers like Germany. [NEXT SLIDE] This is a page from a book called Milner's Young Men, The Kindergarten in Edwardian Imperial Affairs by Walter Nimocks, which gives information on additional initiates who were members of this group, including H. G. Wells, the famous socialist and science fiction author, and Sir Edward Grey, who was the principal diplomatic architect of the European war in 1914. One of the experts on this organization, Carroll Quigley, said in Tragedy and Hope: The power and influence of this Rhodes-Milner group in British imperial affairs and in foreign policy since 1889, although not widely recognized, can hardly be exaggerated. We might mention as an example that this group dominated the The Times from 1890 to 1912 and has controlled it completely since 1912 (except for the years 1919-1922). Because The Times

has been owned by the Astor family since 1922, this Rhodes-Milner group was sometimes spoken of as the Cliveden Set,' named after the Astor country home where they sometimes assembled." During the 1930's, they generated a lot of initial support behind the scenes for Adolf Hitler. Quigley goes on to show that this group has really been the controlling directorate behind the scenes of world affairs, at least in terms of foreign policy throughout the present century. And they were not merely trying to establish a joint British-American or European regional government, but ultimately wanted to merge this aggressively expanded British Empire and the United States under one central authority or world government. The best way to do that though was through a world war. A European war in which the United States could be placed through the influence of the Rhodes-Milner group on President Woodrow Wilson. After the war had begun in Europe, that influence was exercised through foreign policy advisor and master manipulator, Colonel Edward Mandell House. [NEXT SLIDE] With regard to the Rhodes-Milner group and, particularly Alfred Lord Milner, supporting the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, one of the best sources is the book British Agent written by an agent of British Intelligence who was principally working for Lord Milner during this period, Robert Bruce Lockhart. It is a remarkable account of Milner's participation in helping to organize the Bolshevik coup in Russia. The war would so weaken an expendable ally, Russia, that the first geographical base could be acquired for the Bolshevik striking edge of the Conspiracy. To accomplish this, they needed the help of allied conspirators in Germany, such as Count Brockdorff-Rantzau, German Foreign Affairs Minister before Versailles, who was part of a faction of German aristocrats at this time who would conspire after World War I for a secret German-Moscow alliance, and even a Russo-German regional government after World War II, but that is getting ahead of ourselves here. Milner contributed 20 million rubles to the overthrow of the czar and had British agents like Lockhart in Petrograd, leading the attacks on the Winter Palace. Jacob Schiff at this time was a leader of Reform Judaism which was the movement established by Illuminists in the eighteenth century deliberately to destroy orthodox Jewish faith. Jacob Schiff contributed about $20 million and a relative, Max Warburg in Germany, was using his position of influence in the German government heavily to assist the Bolsheviks. Colonel House even prevailed upon President Wilson to force Canadian authorities to release the boat they detained in the spring of 1917 which carried Trotsky and a band of followers from New York to meet Lenin in Switzerland. House also got Wilson to work against Japanese efforts at the end of World War I to purge the Communists from Russia. Besides the goal of grabbing Russia, the Conspiracy saw the outcome of the First World War as a chance for the United States to join a world government structure which would usurp American sovereignty and independence, thereby accomplishing the ultimate goal of the Conspiracy. This world government would pose as a confederation or League of Nations, united to arbitrate peacefully their differences and prevent any future destructiveness. But that was not its real purpose. It would eventually be a means of consolidating power internationally, even beyond the reach of the Communist movement. It is significant that the proposal for the League of Nations was embodied as the final point in Wilson's Fourteen Points speech, drafted for him by Colonel House.

[NEXT SLIDE] Many of you know that Colonel House confessed his personal faith in socialism as conceived by Karl Marx in a novel he wrote anonymously in 1912, Philip Dru, Administrator. House was a Kissinger-type advisor to President Wilson, who was effectively in control of his domestic and foreign policy. You are looking at books (The Thousand Year Conspiracy and The Mystification of the Allied Peoples) which claim that the Pan-Germanic movement in the German government was responsible for aggressive, imperialistic policies prior to World War I. These books are not particularly persuasive. They are primarily dealing with geopolitical maneuvers and they do not discuss the occult or Grand Orient angle which we will get to in a moment. [NEXT SLIDE] This is the constitution of the Unification or Death secret society, the Serbian secret society, whose agent, Gavrilo Princip, fired the shot that triggered the European war in 1914, the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. This is from a book called Black Hand Over Europe by Henri Pozzi. The documents and organizational structure of this group confirm its lineage back to the Illuminati. [NEXT SLIDE] This is a later document published in Germany regarding a subsequent Serbian assassination by that group and provides some evidence about the lineage back to the Illuminati. [NEXT SLIDE] This is probably the most interesting book on the international Grand Orient direction of the war against the monarchical central powers, The Occult War by Copin-Albancelli. That's the Spanish edition of it. [NEXT SLIDE] After the war Kaiser Wilhelm, the leader of the defeated side of the war, in his memoirs published in 1922, made a very interesting statement, and you see it there before you. I have been informed that an important role was played in the preparation of the war directed against the monarchical central powers by the policy of the international Grand Orient lodge, a policy extending over many years and always envisaging the goal with which it was aimed. The German Grand Lodges, I was furthermore told, with two exceptions in which non-German financial interests are paramount and which maintain secret connection with the Grand Orient in Paris, had no relationship to the Grand Orient. [Here the Kaiser is just referring to the fact that there was freemasonry in Germany that had nothing to do with the Grand Orient.] According to the assurance given me by the distinguished German freemason who explained to me this whole interrelationship which, until then, had been unknown to me, they were entirely loyal and faithful. He said that in 1917 an international meeting of the lodges of the Grand Orient was held, after which there was a subsequent conference in Switzerland. There, the following program was adopted: dismemberment of Austria-Hungary, [During the nineteenth century, as I mentioned when we discussed Metternich, Austria-Hungary, next to the Vatican itself, was the principal physical obstacle in the path of the Conspiracy in Europe.] democratization of Germany, elimination of the House of Hapsburg, abdication of the German emperor, restitution of Alsace Lorraine to France, union of Galica with Poland, elimination of the Pope and the Catholic Church, and elimination of every state church in Europe."

Those were the objectives which Kaiser Wilhelm found out after the war was over were behind the events leading up to the war of which he was unknowingly a controlled entity. It is interesting that the League of Nations was even specifically proposed by the French Grand Orient in their documents and resolutions prior to the outbreak of the war. I was amused to see an article on the Round Table published in The Round Table in 1969, after attention given it by the late authors Carroll Quigley and Gary Allen. The article's author, David Watt, said there was a tendency among contemporaries and subsequent historians to sniff out a conspiracy' ..."Can you imagine that? Also, I think it is important to point out that not only was the Bolshevik Revolution, the November (depending on which calendar you are referring to, the October or November, revolution when the Bolsheviks seized power) artificially engineered from outside Russia, but also we have evidence that the prior revolution that year had ties to the occult level of the Conspiracy. It seems that the leaders of the Alexander Kerensky or February Social Democrat revolution, at which time the czar abdicated the throne, was led by members of Russian political freemasonry who were affiliated with lodges under Illuminist direction or heritage. This was exposed in a 1967 study by historian George Katkov, Russia 1917: The February Revolution. This book received a lot of criticism from orthodox academic historians for its conspiratorial" thesis. It is a remarkable indication of the influence of clandestine Masonic lodges in Russia at that time. The February revolution and the Kerensky government were not successful in consolidating control in the midst of the post-war events. So the Conspiracy seized power with its Bolshevik agents. [NEXT SLIDE] Here you see President Wilson and Colonel House. That picture was taken in 1915. [NEXT SLIDE] This is a most important book, Michael Kenny, No God Next Door: Red Rule in Mexico and Our Responsibility, which I recommend on the Wilson Administration's installation of Communist power in Mexico under dictators Calles and Carranza, officially with military support and assistance of the Wilson Administration. This was documented in a series of books which showed how a Bolshevik regime was put in power at the end of World War I in Mexico. It began to expropriate the property of the Catholic Church, persecute and martyr priests and clergy, commit quite a number of cruel atrocities against religious people in Mexico, consolidate power and eradicate as much as possible the influence of the Catholic Church in the life of the Mexican people. This book, written by an outstanding Jesuit scholar in 1935, is the best of the accounts. Also, Francis McCullagh's Red Mexico is a very good book on that period. This is a fascinating study, The Strangest Friendship in History, on the relationship between House and Wilson, by George Sylvester Vierick. Vierick was a public relations representative of Germany during World War I and suffered much abuse from the fanatical slander campaign that was waged by the government and media against the imperial German government. He survived that period, still very controversial into the 1930's, to write this account of the relationship between House and Wilson. If you can find it, it is one of the best studies of the way House controlled Wilson. This is another book, a little

harder to find, Jennings C. Wise's Woodrow Wilson: Disciple of Revolution, which shows the difference between Wilson's patriotic, constitutionalist rhetoric and the very revolutionary idealism that Colonel House was applying to expand government power through his presidency. [NEXT SLIDE] This is, of course, the original 1912 edition of House's novel, Philip Dru, Administrator, a story of the future in which a character Philip Dru (House thinly veiled) becomes dictator, imposing a new system on the United States, implementing most of the ten planks of the Communist Manifesto in the process. [NEXT SLIDE] House tells us, on the whole, Philip Dru, represents both my ethical and political faith." This is from The Intimate Papers of Colonel House. And what he was referring to is on page 52 of Philip Dru: socialism as dreamt of by Karl Marx." [NEXT SLIDE] These are other books on the installation of communist power in Mexico with the assistance of the Wilson administration and subsequent events. Jorge Vera Estanl, Carranza and His Bolshevik Regime and Francisco Bulnes, The Whole Truth About Mexico, President Wilson's Responsibility. They are all recommended, but are rather hard to find. This is one subject, like the Irish story, that I think is particularly worthy of some updating and reprinting. [NEXT SLIDE] While visiting a Guadalajara museum I saw a painting of this cleric portrayed as looking to the sky for inspiration, in the painting there is the eye within the triangle as his source of inspiration. This was already in Mexican art before the turn of the twentieth century. It recalls the early nineteenth century founding of the Grand Orient in Mexico and the influence it had on the Benito Juarez revolt of the 1850's. [NEXT SLIDE] All of this, of course, contributed to the encrusted socialism and Communist power behind the scenes in neighboring Mexico. This produced the stagnant economy, corruption and devastation which is threatening to turn Mexico into another Nicaragua or Cuba. As we move into the World War II material, the first important subject matter is the way in which the Nazi movement was created by organizations that came directly out of the Illuminati. Primarily those that were led were utilized during the nineteenth century in the Pan-Germanic movement to promote a unified dictatorial central government for the German states. These were the Tugenbund and affiliates. They spawned secret societies in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. The German Order was founded in 1912 to unite all the various anti-Semitic groups and clubs which proliferated in the pre-war years. At the meetings of the German Order in Berlin in December 1918, it was agreed to form a German socialist party. The initiative was then taken by the Bavarian representative of the Order, Rudolph von Sebottendorff, who, in May, 1919, established a German socialist workers society. The organization publicly was called the Thule Society. It was a front for the Bavarian headquarters of the German Order.

The Thule Society had already assisted in the formation of a German workers party on January 5, 1919. Three early members were journalist Karl Harrer, railway workshop employee Anton Drexler and an army officer named Adolf Hitler. In other words, the handul of founders of the German National Socialist Workers Party, the Nazi movement in Germany, were all members of the Thule Society, which was a front group for the secret, satanic German Order. [NEXT SLIDE] Most of this early period is beginning to come out through orthodox historiography. I was just quoting from a book by Jeremy Noakes, The Nazi Party in Lower Saxony, 1921-1933. The history of Sebottendorf and the Thule Society giving rise to the Nazi movement is well known today, as well as the fact that the Vlkischer Beobachter, the Nazi Party's periodical, was originally the Thule Society publication. The German Order, in addition to being an anti-Semitic organization with some very strange beliefs, was an organization which also had definite designs for the future. [NEXT SLIDE] Here you see a picture of the swastika, the symbol of the Thule Society in 1919. Anton Drexler, pictured in the middle, one of the founders of the Thule Society. Rudolf Hess, pictured above, who was also one of the original founders of the Nazi Party, coming out of the Thule Society. It is interesting to read the writings of some of the people who were influential, satanic occultists in this group at that time. The Nazi poet, Dietrich Eckart, announced from his deathbed in December 1923, Follow Hitler. He will dance but it is I who have called the tune. I have initiated him into the secret doctrine." Hitler, in turn, crowed that Dietrich Eckart is a man I greatly admire. He appears to know the real meaning of hatred and how to demonstrate it." Hitler also praised Eckart in Mein Kampf, written two years after his death. In fact, the second volume of Hitler's book is dedicated to Eckart. One business executive who had lengthy conversations with Adolf Hitler and later published them was Hermann Rauschning. Hitler said to Rauschning: Well, I am a politician, and as such, I also need something enabling me to do away with the established order of things in the world and to overcome history by destroying it. Do you understand what I am getting at? The world must be freed from its historical past." Hitler went on to say, Taking as its starting point the principle of nation,' France pushed its great revolution beyond its frontiers. With the notion of race, National Socialism will use its own revolution for the establishing of a new world order." [NEXT SLIDE] A lot of the material about this early period, details the role of Dietrich Eckart, the tutoring given to Hitler early on by people like Karl Haushofer of the Thule Society, a master German geo-politician pictured on the lower left, his son, Albrecht, pictured on the lower right. This information has been best researched by French scholars of the Conspiracy, and some of it has been translated and published. [NEXT SLIDE] One of the most interesting books on this subject to come out in the early 1970's was The Spear of Destiny by Trevor Ravenscroft. The title refers to the Spear of Longinus, the weapon that was used by the Roman soldier to pierce the side of Christ at the crucifixion. This spear was a religious relic which showed up in medieval churches and museums, sometimes simultaneously in different parts of the

world. This book by Trevor Ravenscroft results from his relationship with Dr. Walter Johannes Stein, a German professor who became an instructor to Ravenscroft after World War II. From Stein, who died in 1957, Ravenscroft learned that this occult group fascinated Adolf Hitler by taking him to museums and showing him what was believed to be the spear of Longinus and other relics and artifacts that were supposed to have some sort of magical power. Stein told Ravenscroft that, as a member of the Thule Society himself, he was aware that this movement had controlled Hitler and created the Nazi movement. It was tremendously influential in the Nazi hierarchy behind the scenes up through the war. And so two questions immediately come to mind: If Stein had this information, why wasn't it released and why did Ravenscroft wait so long after Stein's death to publish a book on the subject? Because the condition under which Stein revealed this information was that it never be revealed. Stein was an advisor to the British government during World War II on the occult influences on Hitler. He was expressly forbidden by British authorities to ever reveal this information, and personally forbidden to ever reveal it by none other than Winston Churchill. [NEXT SLIDE] These are several other books that have come out on the subject, one by two benevolent occultists from France who write under a pen name, Jean-Michel Angebert, The Occult and the Third Reich. This was translated and published here in 1974 and may still be available in paperback. This is perhaps the best book available because, in terms of ideology and inspiration, it traces much of the Thule Society and its responsibility for the Nazi movement back to the Illuminati. On the right you see a book by Dusty Sklar, Gods and Beasts: The Nazis and the Occult, which is a very derivative work and there are a number of those. [NEXT SLIDE] Another book by Kenneth Walker, I Saw Hitler Make Black Magic. Walker, an American soldier in World War II, claims to have witnessed black mass ceremonies taking place in Hitler's mountaintop retreat. It's unsubstantiated testimony, so I don't know how serious it is. [NEXT SLIDE] But what is significant to me is that we are not depending on the posthumous testimony of somebody like Dr. Stein or uncorroborated testimony by individual eyewitnesses. At the end of World War II, the Allied armies captured all the German Hauptarchiv documents and they are all on microfilm at the Hoover Institute at Stanford. They are a massive source of material on the Thule Society and it giving birth to the Nazi movement and include a copy of the autobiographical history of the Nazi movement, written by the Thule Society's Sebottendorf, entitled Before Hitler Came. Thus the subject matter is able to be independently corroborated through that archival material. There have been articles written about this archival material in mainstream historical periodicals and it is generally acknowledged and being increasingly accepted today. But it is usually presented in a vacuum without the antecedent continuity of the organizations that gave rise to it. Why would the Conspiracy create the Nazi movement? Remember, the League of Nations, the proposed world government following World War I, was unsuccessful. The United States never joined the League of Nations. It was necessary therefore to arrange and eventually provoke diplomatic crises which justify

another even more devastating war, an equally unnecessary war once again, deliberately contrived to provide excuses for a more effective, if not irresistible world government structure. The problem remained: putting this created movement (the Nazis who would be the cause" of the planned war) in power. The Conspiracy gave the Nazis a weapon for popular support in the Peace Treaty that was imposed on Germany at Versailles. It punished the German people for losing the war and had the unprecedented audacity of making the German leaders sign, on behalf of the German people, that Germany was exclusively responsible for World War I, which was totally untrue. British diplomacy was almost exclusively responsible for World War I and it was directed by the Rhodes-Milner group. But not only that humiliation. The treaty reduced Germany's size by one-eighth and its population by 6.5 million. It took away all of Germany's colonies and overseas investments, sold one-sixth of its farmland, oneeighth of its livestock, one-tenth of its factories, cut down Germany's merchant fleet, abolished its navy, and limited its army to about the size of the Belgian army. In other words, the German people were crushed, humiliated and punished for losing the war. An economic depression was created in the country that was absolutely devastating. To understand how the Nazis came to power, we have to go back to the period of 1932 to 1933, in the midst of the German depression, and understand what was happening at that time through the eyes of a major eyewitness who survived to tell the world about it. [NEXT SLIDE] His name was Richard Krebs, and he wrote under the pen name Jan Valtin," and this is his master work, a bestseller in 1941 entitled Out of the Night. It is one of the great literary experiences you can enjoy. In secular literature, if you read Witness by Whittaker Chambers, if you read Solzhenitsyn, you have undergone tremendous emotional experiences you will never forget. This is another one of them. And this book is available. You can find it in many used book stores. I think it sold 700,000 copies. It is a magnificent book. In 1940, a tall and, at that time, very nervous young man arrived in New York and established contact with a small circle of anti-Communists there. He had to assume another identity, Jan Valtin, under which he wrote this and subsequent books in order to avoid being murdered by both the Gestapo and the KGB, at that time called OGPU. The Soviet Secret Police and the Gestapo were both gunning for him in the United States. He had to remain under an assumed identity, living on Staten Island, until about 1969 when he died. To avoid deportation from the United States due to his status as an unauthorized alien and due to the extensive Communist propaganda campaign that was immediately waged against him, Krebs offered his services to U.S. Navy Intelligence, enlisted for active duty and served honorably in the Pacific. This man was regarded as one of the literary giants of the 1940's. In Chapter 24, entitled The Shadow of the Swastika," he tells how the German Communists, acting on orders from Moscow, put the Nazi Party in power. How was this done? In 1932, in that year's elections, the party with the greatest amount of previous electoral support, the party that was destined to win, was a coalition of German social democrat groups called the Iron Front. The Nazis were second in electoral strength and the Communists were third. Prior to that time, roving gangs of Nazi and Communist thugs had been beating and killing each other in the streets as rival collectivists seeking the same base of power. But in early 1932, some unexpected orders came to the leadership of the German Communist party: the Communists were to leave the Nazis alone in that year's election and to attack the social democrats. It was very successful. In fact, about these orders from Moscow, from D.Z. Manuilsky,

under Stalin's authority, Jan Valtin wrote: Manuilsky's voice was the voice of the Kremlin. To communists the world over, it was law. It created a hideous confusion among the leaders of the German Party. Sickly half-measures were the result, a swinging between extremes which ranged all the way from outright co-operation with the Hitler movement to murderous ambushes against isolated storm trooper detachments.... Hitler's finest involuntary allies were we, the communists. Our rank and file, in its largely instinctive struggle against the Nazi advance, was checked almost weekly by the infallibles in our high councils in Moscow and Berlin. How often was I admonished by my superiors, and admonished in turn to comrades working under my direction: Don't concentrate your efforts on Hitler; hew to the Line; we must deliver our hardest blows against the Social Fascists' -- the Social Democratic Party! They and their trade unions must be smashed if we are to win the majority of the workers for the Dictatorship of the Proletariat.' And that's how Hitler and his followers won a chancellorship and increased their electoral hold on the German people through the 1932 election. Of course, this was admitted by other people. One scholarly authority on the subject, very close to the German Communist Party at that time, Dr. Karl August Wittfogel, engaged in many discussions about the German situation with top Communist officials in Moscow during the summer months of 1932. He later stated that he was told by second echelon leaders of the Cominterm that Hitler must and should come to power even if 20,000 of the best labor leaders in Germany will have to be killed." Continuing, he testified, The Comintern engineered the fight between the German Communists and the social democrats ... to bring Hitler to power, not because they were political perverts, but because they wanted a big war in the West .... They would have preferred a military conservative government. They took Hitler. He was the lesser evil. I myself thought at first the Russian communists were just dumb. Gradually, I realized myself that this was a very big strategy to get one of the great wars of modern times going. This took some time, but it succeeded in 1939." [NEXT SLIDE] This is a very interesting book, The Russian Face of Germany by Cecil Melville. It exposed the plans of conspirators like Brockdorff-Rantzau in Germany who worked with the Kremlin to forge some long-term alliance prior to 1939 between the two dictatorships for the purpose of joint administration of Europe, a regional government in Europe to expand beyond that point. But it was a strategy that would not be implemented. [NEXT SLIDE] It did lead, of course, to the 1939 Soviet-Nazi Non-Aggression Pact and the joint Soviet-Nazi invasion of Poland which began World War II in Europe. One of the great revisionist historians, relatively unknown, Professor David Hoggan wrote a doctoral dissertation at Harvard in 1948 called The Enforced War, which went beyond the work of revisionist historians like Harry Elmer Barnes and established something most important. Hoggan's books, unfortunately, have not been published in English and are only available in a German. You can come reasonably close by reading A.J.P. Taylor's Origins of the Second World War. It's vastly inferior to Hoggan, but it certainly has some of the same material in it. The important point here is that the war in 1939 in Europe was totally avoidable and was artificially engineered primarily by one British conspirator [along with Winston Churchill].

This conspirator had been instrumental earlier in the anti-colonialist crusade waged against Britain. He is mentioned in that context in Nesta Webster's Surrender of an Empire, which is her book on the dismantling of the British Empire up to 1932. But he later became British Foreign Minister by 1939 and deliberately set Poland up to be the excuse for a new European war. That was Earl Lindley Wood or Lord Halifax. [NEXT SLIDE] In September, 1939, the gentleman in the picture, Tyler Kent, was the code clerk at the American Embassy in London. Winston Churchill was the First Lord of the British Admiralty, a naval officer but not yet Prime Minister. He was a bureaucrat with a failed career. For months Tyler Kent had been decoding cabled messages that were passing between Winston Churchill, who described himself as Naval Person," and President Franklin D. Roosevelt. These messages were setting the stage for a European war in 1939, with the goal of bringing the United States into that war as soon as possible. In fact, the communications that Tyler Kent intercepted and more recently declassified documents that were made available in 1972 and reported in the media, indicated that Churchill and Roosevelt were actively planning to bring on the war. One of the communications going between them had Churchill saying to Roosevelt, I'm half American. I am the natural person to work with you. Together we can control the world." Tyler Kent took this information to a number of patriotic British army and navy officers who had served with merit in World War I. They were opposed to the war plans and they took this information to Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain. These disclosures led to the arrest of Tyler Kent and his unprecedented incarceration in a British prison for the next five years -- for simply trying to stop this war from taking place. Then U.S. Ambassador to England, Joseph Kennedy, tried to intercede on behalf of Kent, he was kept in prison. Only in recent years has he been willing to talk about this. A good source of information on Tyler Kent and what happened to him is John Toland's Infamy, the best account of the Roosevelt Administration's responsibility for Pearl Harbor as an excuse for America entering the war. [NEXT SLIDE] This is an older source, The Case of Tyler Kent by John Snow. It may be out of print, but it's more available than some other sources. [NEXT SLIDE] This is Edward Lindley Wood or Lord Halifax, British Foreign Minister in 1939. As David Hoggan documents in The Enforced War, one month prior to the joint Soviet-German invasion of Poland, Lord Halifax was going (remember, he was a member of the Round Table group) to Poland to tell the Polish government to resist any revision of the Versailles treaty, any return of the German city of Danzig, any negotiations for a corridor through Poland to aid the German minority in that country. These were the revisions of the Versailles Treaty Hitler wanted and for good reason. Halifax was telling Poland to resist all moves by Germany in this direction. We will back you to the hilt. Within a few weeks, he would go to Berlin and tell Hitler, We think that the Versailles Treaty is unjust, outmoded and needs revision. We will back you. Maintain your posture, and you will probably be able to

get these initiatives through very soon." So he was encouraging Hitler to form this alliance in 1939 with Russia forcibly to revise the Versailles Treaty. Hitler's objective had been to revise it peacefully. At the same time, Halifax was setting up Poland as a sitting duck for the invasion by urging them not even to negotiate any of those disputes short of war. This man was the principal diplomatic agent responsible for the European war in 1939. The beneficiary of that policy, the new Prime Minister in the spring of 1940, was Winston Churchill. They worked very well together. [NEXT SLIDE] This is the ultimate book on Winston Churchill, The Churchill Legend by Francis Neilson. I am sorry that it's unavailable, but it is the equivalent of Robert Welch's The Politician, on Winston Churchill. [In 1989, a much better work was published by an outstanding British historian. This work is strongly recommended as superior to Hoggan and Neilson: David Irving, Churchill's War, New York: Avon, 1991.] [NEXT SLIDE] Francis Neilson was the outstanding British revisionist historian on both World Wars I and II and the conspirators in British diplomatic circles who contributed so substantially to engineering the events in complete consistency with the Conspiracy's purposes. This is a picture of Francis Neilson around the turn of the century. The Churchill Legend is a masterpiece on Churchill, his career, his personal character, and he does not survive the inspection at all. Neilson also wrote several other very important books. [NEXT SLIDE] Neilson's book on World War I and Edward Gray's responsibility for triggering the diplomatic crises leading up to 1914: How Diplomats Make War. There is also Lord Loreburn's How the War Came. There are a number of other good books on World War I. Of course, you know about Colin Simpson's The Lusitania on the contrived excuse that Colonel House used, working very cooperatively with Winston Churchill at that time, to bring the United States into the war in 1917. Neilson's work on World War II, The Makers of War. He actually wrote the most monumental revisionist work ever prepared, a daily diary World War II, a five-volume, massive work, called The Tragedy of Europe. It is a daily review of events, duplicity, strategy and conspiracy throughout all of World War II. Very rare today, and certainly someday should be available once again. [NEXT SLIDE] This is the next part of the story. After the war was underway, as you can read in John Toland's Infamy, the Roosevelt Administration lied to the American people and sacrificed 3,000 American lives to provoke the attack on Pearl Harbor. The 7th Fleet was deployed to Pearl Harbor from San Francisco to be a sitting duck. The Roosevelt Administration knew ahead of time that attack was coming, encouraged it and guaranteed that it would happen so that there was an excuse to put the United States into the war on Stalin's side and for Stalin's purposes. That information is available in John Toland's book Infamy in virtually any bookstore or library. After the war was underway, it was necessary to control its outcome. In other words, Hitler had served his purpose. It was only necessary to secure the defeat of Germany and expand the Conspiracy's international power.

You are looking at a man named Alexander Foote, a British citizen who stated that he never belonged to any Communist party but was recruited as an agent of the Communist underground at the time of the attempted Communist takeover in Spain in 1936. That takeover was overthrown within three years by Franco and his heroic troops and Spain was saved from Communism. By 1938 Foote was operating in Switzerland, sending radio communications to Moscow. Beginning in 1939, he transmitted, together with other espionage reports, information delivered to him through an elaborate series of coded cutouts by a man named Rudolf Rssler, a German who operated a liberal Catholic publishing house called Vita Nova. This information obviously came from one or more members of Hitler's most trusted circle of advisors. It included all the plans for the German invasion of Russia in 1941, reports giving the strength, size, location, and movements of all German armed forces, the overall strategic plans of the German high command, and summaries of the operations and reports of German intelligence, including its conclusions concerning Russian forces, positions, and plans. All of this Foote communicated to the Kremlin, and his source must have included someone very close to Hitler who was not suspected of being involved in the July 20 plot (an attempted assassination of Hitler in 1941) since the flow of information continued uninterrupted after that event. The information about this man and his work was published in The Man Called Lucy and subsequent Ultra Secret books by Winterbottham, Chapman Pincer and other espionage historians. The Ultra Secret books have given merely additional corroboration on these points. One of the possible sources was the head of the German Abwehr or Naval Intelligence, Admiral Wilhelm Canaris. Possibly Martin Bormann also. Halder, a German officer, Canaris, Colonel Hans Oster under Canaris, all survived the executions by the Gestapo of those involved in the July 20 plot. Canaris and Oster are believed to have been executed by the Gestapo in April, 1945. Halder and Dr. Hjalmar Schacht survived to stand trial at the unprecedented and grossly unjust proceedings called the Nuremberg Trials. At that time, Dr. Schacht said that he had been initiated" into the July 20 plot. Admiral Canaris is still the most interesting and important of the traitors. He was one of the few opposition collaborators with the Soviets whom Heinrich Himmler and the SS protected from death until the very end of the war if, indeed, we can trust the witnesses to their execution. Himmler was a member of the Black Order, the German Order, the occult level of conspiratorial control in the Third Reich. According to Halder's testimony at Nuremberg, Canaris's object as one of Hitler's most trusted sources of intelligence information was as follows: To represent Great Britain to Hitler and to the German Command as secretly, but formidably, prepared to repulse an invasion at a time when there were only eight anti-aircraft batteries for the defense of London. To represent Soviet Russia, on the contrary, as unable to defend herself for more than a few weeks." Of course, although this information was fed to Hitler, exactly the opposite was true. England was very poorly fortified at time and Stalin had plenty of time, since he was either transmitting this false information or he ordered its transmission, to vastly fortify the western borders of Russia. When Hitler was tricked by this method, instead of invading England Germany invaded Russia. They not only ran into bad weather and terrain, but also much more defense than they anticipated. [NEXT SLIDE] But the plan was unsuccessful because, initially, the Russian people welcomed the German army as liberators from Communism. In other words, they refused to fight the German army. There were massive desertions from the Soviet Army, going over to the German side. The Conspiracy had another

problem: how to secure the defeat of Adolf Hitler now that he is no longer needed, when his army is meeting no resistance in invading Russia? To accomplish this, leaders of the Thule Society in the hierarchy of the SS, such as Himmler and Alfred Rosenberg, sent orders to the German SS units in the western borders of Russia that they begin enlisting Russian peasants into forced labor. If any of these peasants resisted, they could use corporal punishment and imprisonment against them. So very soon, a deliberate campaign of brutality caused some of the Russian people to muster some resistance, realizing that other dictators had arrived who were really no different that the ones they had been suffering from. So they had to do all this to secure the final defeat of the German forces in Russia. That was done primarily through the satanic level of the Conspiracy, operating a separate administration within the hierarchy of the Gestapo, that was separate from, and obviously unknown to, most of the other German military and civilian bureaucracy and authority. [NEXT SLIDE] As I said, the Nuremberg trials were unjust. That's putting it mildly. I say that not because I think there were no German war criminals who had committed mass atrocities. Of course, there were. That's not the point. What I'm objecting was the subject of extensive criticism by international experts on jurisprudence. Except for the treatment of Germany after World War I, the Nuremberg trials set a precedent of punishing the defeated party in a war, that is, the civilian and military leadership simply because they were defeated. Also, putting them on trial by their accusers, which is fundamentally unjust. Not only that, but if you were going to put war criminals on trial, you would have put Winston Churchill on trial for the bombing of unarmed civilian areas such as the cultural city of Dresden in Germany. You would have put former President Eisenhower and former Prime Minister Anthony Eden on trial for the mass atrocity known as Operation Keelhaul. I am sure some of you are aware of the murder of between two and five million Russian and Eastern European nationals who were forcibly repatriated under the worst possible conditions to certain execution or imprisonment in the Soviet Union at the end of World War II. Needless to say, some of the major war criminals were never put on trial. And, with the exception of Himmler and Rosenberg, the majority of German officials who were prosecuted at Nuremberg, were not the real conspiratorial masterminds behind the Third Reich. The best example is Martin Bormann. Former West German Chief of Intelligence Reinhard Gehlen believed Bormann was a Soviet agent during the war and lived and died in the Soviet Union. People like that disappeared. People like Canaris are rumored to have been hanged, with very little corroboration. Many of the real conspirators, with the exception of Himmler and Rosenberg, were not even prosecuted. And Himmler cheated the gallows by taking poison. Little justice was meted out in the proceedings. The worst example of injustice was the prosecution of Rudolf Hess. In 1941 Hitler became aware of the extent to which he had been used to bring on the war. He authorized his deputy Hess to fly to the British Isles to seek a separate peace with England and stop the war. This was contrary to the Conspiracy's plan to consolidate Communist power in Eastern Europe after the war. The war had to be maintained to achieve those purposes, to get Soviet troops into position to justify their staying there. So the war had to continue. That is why I feel that Rudolf Hess has been kept in Spandau Prison on the insistence of the Soviet Union with the cooperation of Great Britain and the United States. He will remain there until his death in spite of the objections of civil libertarians worldwide. Hess, as a founding member of the Nazi Party, as a member of the Thule Society, was in a position to tell the whole story. I think the Soviets and the Conspiracy above them do not want Rudolf Hess to tell that story.

[NEXT SLIDE] Books on the injustices of the Nuremberg trials and the precedent they set are F.J.P. Veale's Advance to Barbarism. A prominent British legal expert, Veale also wrote War Crimes Discreetly Veiled, discussing many of the allied war crimes that were never brought to trial. There are a number of other good books on this subject. [NEXT SLIDE] One thing that interests me much is the way the Communist agents inside the Axis governments surfaced and became the new administrators of post-war Germany and Italy. In Europe after World War II, a program was conducted by the Allies called denazification" or purging Nazi influence and this was conducted largely by members of the German Communist Party who had been Nazis during the war. They suddenly switched. Many of them had been Communists during the war, posing as Nazis. There are eyewitness accounts by George Kaft-Ostrikov, a Soviet agent in Germany who was arrested by the Gestapo, thrown into the Dachau concentration camp and put in a special building where other captured Communist agents were being kept. He could witness daily the herding of the Polish and Jewish inhabitants of the camp to the gas chambers, but none of the Communists in the camp were mistreated. They were all taken care of and given good food and wine daily. By the end of the war, the Communist prisoners were placed in administrative authority by the S.S., they were operating the camps. When the Allied armies approached to liberate the camps, the Communists ran outside, pretended to be escaping and joined the Allies in a final military assault, firing on the camp personnel that remained. There is eyewitness testimony published after the war to that effect. Some of the war crimes and atrocities in the concentration camps were committed, not by German personnel, but by Soviet and German Communist underground leadership that had been temporarily incarcerated in, and ended up running, those camps. That is a very little known, but well-documented story. This is a gentleman from Denmark I met in recent years. He is an anthropologist, a prolific writer and attorney in Denmark. His name is Jon Galster. During World War II Denmark was under German occupation. He was working for the Danish telephone company and listening in on conversations for the German authorities. He found out that the people who were running the occupation government and collaborating with the Nazis were the same Socialist Party leaders who were put in charge of running post-war Denmark. He began to collect this information and, in the early 1950's, he presented it publicly. He was prosecuted and put in jail for exposing this information. That was in the mid-1950's. This is his picture when he was released from prison. His memory and documentation is quite good today. He wants to publish some of the documentation in English. Of course, all we are talking about is just a big bunch of socialists collaborating with each other. [NEXT SLIDE] Now we want to move into the top authority level of the Conspiracy. I think you can extrapolate beyond the conclusion of the war to the formation of the United Nations. I think most of this group is familiar with the way in which Communists in the U.S. State Department, most notably Alger Hiss, were responsible for designing the United Nations to support international Communism and making sure it would function at American taxpayers' expense.

By the end of World War II, we suddenly had these atomic weapons. Of course, we weren't told that the Japanese were desperately trying to surrender on our terms, namely unconditional surrender, as early as February, 1945, six months before the bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing hundreds of thousands of Japanese people unnecessarily. There were even diplomatic efforts as early as the previous fall of 1944 to offer unconditional surrender terms. Why were these offers not accepted? Why were the bombs dropped? The way the Japanese were communicating with Washington was through their unofficial ally, the Soviet Union. Although the Soviet Union was our" ally in the war, the Molotov-Matsuoka Non-Aggression Pact between Russia and Japan made them virtual allies right up to the last six days of the war. Finally, the pact is broken. Stalin invades Sakalin and the Kurile Islands, becomes our ally in the Pacific for the last six days of the war and is given territorial concessions and additional aid for that participation" in the war. It is very interesting that these Japanese offers for unconditional surrender were going through the Soviets to Washington. Perhaps the messages were not delivered. More likely is the fact that the Truman Administration knew Stalin wanted the war in the Pacific to go on as long as possible so that Japan would be crushed and no post-war barrier to the expansion of Communism in the Pacific (as Anthony Kubek has demonstrated in How the Far East Was Lost). One good book on that is Frazier Hunt's The Untold Story of Douglas MacArthur. The last substantial section today is about the continuity of the top Authority or Satanic level of the Conspiracy. Remember, from the Illuminati onward, the top leadership has been formerly Satanist in its religious idealism. This is what we call the Authority level. These people are engaged in the long-term planning, setting goals, objectives, communicating discipline to the expedient political figures, the financial activists, the ideological proponents and participants in the Conspiracy's activities. We've got two levels. One Authority level, not always public figures, but formal Satanists, trendsetters at the top who do long-term planning and communicate those goals to willing, expedient activists. Then we've got a much larger layer of activists, ranging from banking, financial, political, pragmatic and expedient types, businessmen that want government favors, media elite who will parrot any line given to them, all the way down to Marxist-Leninist demonstrators and activists in the street. A whole range of motivation at the activist level, subservient to the direction ultimately of this top Authority level. Sometimes people in the Authority level get involved in carrying out the activism, but usually not. Overwhelmingly they are in the background communicating these trends, rewarding and disciplining major activists who are their beneficiaries as they obey or get out of line. The first continuity issue that I told you earlier I would discuss deals with the continuity of the Conspiracy from the mid-nineteenth century in Europe up to the Round Table groups that were established with Cecil Rhodes. The continuity goes in this direction. One of the participants in Mazzini's campaign for Italian unification in Italy was Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, the founder of the occult Theosophical Society. She fought in the Battle of Montana near Rome on November 3, 1867, along with a large number of other female sympathizers. She was seriously wounded in the exchange of gunfire there. Out of this initiation in the Carbonari, Blavatsky set up a transmission belt for the Conspiracy's leadership through the Theosophical Society which she formed in subsequent decades. It is today primarily a Gnostic religious cult. In the nineteenth century, the Theosophical Society had an affiliate called the Order of the Round Table. This is decades before the Rhodes-Milner Round Table was organized. They also had a division called the Order of the Swastika.

[NEXT SLIDE] Blavatsky's successor, Annie Besant is pictured at the left. Blavatsky is pictured below with Colonel Henry Olcott, a Spiritualist medium who was one of her supporters in the early Theosophical movement. Besant became a leader of the Fabian Socialist movement in the 1870's and 1880's when she was running the Theosophical Society. She was a leader in promoting the anti-colonialism movement in India and other British colonial possessions, and a very adamant writer of socialist propaganda at that time. Annie Besant, a member of this occult level, manipulated occultist, socialist, journalist William T. Stead who introduced Cecil Rhodes to his associates at Oxford. Later they formed the Round Table groups. The lineage is from the Carbonari directly through Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society, her successor and follower, Annie Besant. They formed the group that actually gave birth to the Round Table with the assistance of Stead and Rhodes. [NEXT SLIDE] Annie Besant's socialist writings were reprinted in 1970 in a scholarly facsimile edition. The history of the Theosophical movement by Rene Guenon available in French. In some biographies of Blavatsky, you have her early career in the Carbonari spelled out remarkably well. [NEXT SLIDE] During the 1880's in France a portrait of this top level Satanic leadership behind the French Grand Orient was given in a book by Joris-Karl Huysmans, a very eccentric novelist of this period, about the black mass ceremonies being performed in France by apostate priests and clerics who had joined a secret society devoted to devil worship. Two of his novels have been reprinted. The one on the left, L-Bas, or Down There, gives a detailed description of the black mass ceremonies of the top level leadership of the Conspiracy. Subsequent historians on this subject and related topics have actually been able, they think, to identify the particular individuals who are portrayed in this novel under a very think veil of fiction. If nothing else, L-Bas, which is available today, will give you a remarkable picture of the depravity of the Authority level's religious idealism. [NEXT SLIDE] The Martinist Order that was temporarily brought under the control of the Illuminati by Mirabeau and maintained its activity as part of the Grand Orient structure in the late nineteenth century in France. The Martinist Order was under the leadership of Alphonse Louis Constant, who used the pen name Eliphas Lvi. This book, Eliphas Lvi and the French Occult Revival by Christopher McIntosh, is one of a number of recent studies generally favorable to their subject matter, but very detailed and providing insight into another portion of the Conspiracy's Satanic directorate in France in the late nineteenth century. [NEXT SLIDE] Francis King (Ritual Magic in England) is an outstanding historian of the Satanic level and, particularly, its activity in England. These organizations, the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia and the Golden Dawn had public and private components. They were fraternities, what might be called clandestine lodges, that practiced forms of ritual magic and had very bizarre, occult ceremonies. They were open to some extent at various times to influential people who were interested in supernatural powers or just plain eccentric.

But the Golden Dawn possessed an inner core of Satanic initiation. It was this inner core that contained most of the leadership of the Authority level of the Conspiracy in England at the turn of the twentieth century. Closely allied with the Golden Dawn in England was the Ordo Templi Orientis, or the Order of Oriental Templars, directed first by Karl Kellner and then Theodore Reuss in Germany. It is very significant that while their two countries were being manipulated artificially at a much lower activist level into warfare, we have communication and correspondence proving cooperation between German and English members of the Satanic level. [NEXT SLIDE] This is one of the most depraved people of the twentieth century. Aleister Crowley called himself the successor to Adam Weishaupt and a leader of the Illuminati in the United States. He was actually director of the American branch of the Ordo Templi Orientis, the German equivalent of the Golden Dawn. He was active also in the British Golden Dawn. He was one of the most influential practitioners of Satanism in the twentieth century. Crowley attracted a number of very influential initiates and contacts. One was the leading British military historian and distinguished military officer, Major J.F.C. Fuller. If you are interested in military history, you know Fuller's name. He was a recruit of Aleister Crowley. It's interesting that the leader of the German-based group he belonged to, Theodore Reuss, had in the 1880's joined the Socialist League, just as Besant in the Theosophical movement was supporting the Fabian Socialist movement in England. Reuss also did what he could to prevent Karl Marx's children from starving to death. So there was still another link between the Authority and activist levels. [NEXT SLIDE] The picture on the left is Aleister Crowley in Golden Dawn ceremonial garb about 1899. On the right is the only photograph of S.L. MacGregor Mathers, who was head of the Golden Dawn in England. [NEXT SLIDE] One of the most celebrated members of the Golden Dawn and a practicing Satanist was the outstanding British poet, William Butler Yeats. There are studies discussing Yeats's participation in the Golden Dawn. You may wonder how all of this information was kept secret for so long. [NEXT SLIDE] This is Dr. William Wynn Westcott, a London coroner, who was the director of the Golden Dawn and the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia, successor to MacGregor Mathers. Westcott was asked this question about the secrecy of the order. It may be asked how it is that the [Order's] secrets have not been revealed, either by accident or treachery. As to the first hypothesis, I have only heard of some of the contents of two MSS. [manuscripts] escaping from the Order; one copy is so elementary as to be practically useless, and moreover is full of errors; the other has been so perverted as to be simply dangerous to the user. Doubtless the Higher Chiefs take means of removing any important MSS. from those they see about to be incapacitated by illness or death. As for treachery, it is not likely that any very important secrets would be given to a member until his fidelity was thoroughly assured, and every initiate of an Occult Order knows that his willful perjury would be followed by unpleasant consequences, possibly a coroner's inquest ..." Of course, Westcott might have intended some humorous self-reference since he was a coroner.

I have given you the names of some of the Authority level organizations at this time. They had a public and a private component. Today many people are interested in the influence of Gnostic cults that have survived into the twentieth century and constitute much of what is called the New Age movement. I think that the outer periphery of Gnostic and Satanic organizations, particularly in England, attracted a majority of disciples who were more interested in ritual than the long-term goals of the Conspiracy. Some people were more interested in deriving a sense of importance (or the substitute for genuine selfesteem) that these mystical practices seemed to provide. Some broke away, formed rival organizations, and many of these came down to the public level and developed as Gnostic cults in opposition to traditional Judeo-Christian theology. [NEXT SLIDE] I think it is significant that Blavatsky stated her intention in setting up the Theosophical Society as primarily the destruction of Christianity and its historic," as opposed to its eternal," form. Certainly there is a definite link in terms of leadership between Blavatsky, Besant, Aleister Crowley and the leadership of the Golden Dawn and the Ordo Templi Orientis. This is correspondence between Theodore Reuss, leader of the German O.T.O., to which Crowley belonged, and Dr. Westcott, proving that there was cooperation between the two Authority level groups prior to World War I which we would expect. [NEXT SLIDE] Does the Golden Dawn still exist today? These are artifacts of Golden Dawn ritual found on a beach in England in 1967. [NEXT SLIDE] The Grand Orient, as we mentioned earlier, was that organization brought under the Illuminati's control in 1782, which created the Jacobin clubs that provided the leadership for the French Revolution. What about the Grand Orient subsequently? There is one magnificent study on the history of the Grand Orient and its control over French foreign policy and politics from 1850 up through 1930. It was published by Johns Hopkins University, French Freemasonry and the Third Republic by Mildred Headings. This is a book of documents from 1924, A.G. Michel, Dictatorship of Freemasonry Over France, showing that policies of the Grand Orient were immediately implemented by the French government. And, of course, if you know something about the influence of the Grand Orient in France, that seems rather automatic or second nature. [NEXT SLIDE] These are studies written in subsequent years about the Grand Orient's influence in France, unfortunately only available in French. A parallel structure of the Authority or Satanic level of the Conspiracy in France is the Synarchie of Agarttha or the Technocratic movement, founded by St. Yves d'Alvedre, a French literary figure at the turn of the twentieth century. Why is this significant? Because this is the means by which most of the Grand Orient's long-term Satanic objectives are communicated to followers in Europe, in terms of governmental policy of any kind. The Synarchie or Technocratic movement is responsible for that, particularly in France.

[NEXT SLIDE] We know a great deal about the Synarchie because many of its documents were seized during World War II and subsequently published. [NEXT SLIDE] If you want to read about the Golden Dawn at the turn of the century, the leadership of those groups, the cooperation, influence and relationship they had to other levels of the Conspiracy, there is nothing better than James Webb's two books, The Occult Underground and The Occult Establishment. They are not critical in tone toward their subject matter, but they are very interesting if you can find them. [NEXT SLIDE] We have almost finished this last substantial body of material and the final few topics will be much briefer. I did discover something the other day I thought you would find very interesting. We are always curious to find examples, not only of the persistence of the Satanic level after World War II, but also any connection that it has with the Communist movement or the KGB. This is a book, High Treason, written in 1936 by a former officer of the Czarist Russian secret police prior to the Communist takeover in 1917, Colonel Victor Kaledin, former member of the St. Petersburg Personal Court Branch. Kaledin recounts in great detail the case of uncovering in Russia in 1912 and 1913 a Satanic black mass society that was practicing in a very rural, remote area of Russia. He says this: As chief among the officers attached for training to the St. Petersburg General Staff, I was transferred in November, 1913, to a Baltic Intelligence Bureau. It was there that I completed the report on the Illuminati; the Satanists under the leadership of General Schuman, alias Master of the Order of Euchites. The report was a lengthy document, with appendices by General Alexander Micheef, Viceroy of Caucasus, and was signed by the Chief who then submitted it to the Sovereign [the czar]. The national festivities organized on the occasion of the three hundredth year jubilee of the Romanoff dynasty were at that time in full swing, and the Tzar merely ordered the immediate exile of General Schuman, Father Benedictus, and a certain Captain Nikoulin and his wife. The rest of the persons involved were advised to travel abroad. In conclusion it is interesting to note that in January, 1914, a rumor reached the Personal Court Branch, to the effect that Father Gregory Rasputin [the mysterious grey eminence and psychic figure in the Court of Nicholas II] was in the possession of the Hannula Album.' [This was the corpus of writings of the black mass group that the Czar's Secret Service in Russia had uncovered about a year before.] The damning piece of evidence Rasputin had obtained from a certain exalted personage, later to be executed by the Moscow Revolutionary Tribunal in 1918. This rumor in due course became a certainty, when the Assistant Chief returned from a private audience with His Majesty the Tzar. It was not long, therefore, before the Man of God" [Rasputin] -- the ex-horse thief, who played so sinister part in the twilight of old Imperial Russia's history -- himself resorted to high treason upon a grand scale." Now, appended to this account of uncovering this devil worshiping clique in Russia in 1912 is this statement from Ferdinand Ossendowski's book, The Shadow of the Gloomy East. I think this is amazing. In St. Petersburg and Moscow, several people were known as priests and priestesses of the Devil worship' (Diabolism). Amongst them were two Orthodox priests, several men of letters, three variety artistes and a General S(c)human. Strange tales were told of the abomination of the black mass' and the diabolic orgies of the Satanists, similar to those recounted about the Club of Sixty-nine Ladies,' the intimate rendez-vous of ladies and gentlemen on Odd Thursdays or innocent Mondays,' about a whole

series of psychological and psychic groups, clubs, societies, and gatherings. Opium, hashish, cocaine, alcohol were all indulged in; religion was the worship of spiritual disease, as it is before the downfall of nations and empires.... In Russian towns -- from Petersburg and Moscow to the most obscure little provincial townships -everywhere one can find -- now, during Soviet dictatorship -- the newly found worship of the Devil. Unofficially, this worship was fostered by Soviet authorities and certain private groups. Its aims are comprehensible: the crushing of Christianity, the destruction of the Church of the old worships based on ethical foundations, so utterly hostile to the rationalistic ideology of Communism. Black Masses were said at which Communion was administered in the form of human blood and other elements of the body, in an atmosphere of ghastly moral (sic) depravation." I think that is an interesting account of the influence of this sort of personality in Russia at that time. [NEXT SLIDE] The final account in this category is something that occurred much more recently. I think it reveals the hand of the Authority level today. In the early-to-mid 1980's, we began to hear about a scandal involving the Vatican Bank, the Banco Ambrosiano and its affiliated financial interests in the United States, the Franklin National Bank. By 1982, Franklin became one of the major bank failures in this country and a major scandal in the financial markets affecting many other institutions. The scandal in Italy was engineered by people operating in the Vatican Bank and the Sindona enterprises. It was initiated and directed by an Italian freemasonic lodge called the Propaganda Due Lodge, or the P2 lodge. David Yallop's book, In God's Name, claimed that Pope John Paul I, who died so quickly after entering the Papacy, had been assassinated by the P2 and that P2 was a secret, neo-fascist, branch of freemasonry. Subsequently the revelation of some documents from intelligence sources published in a very important book, The Brotherhood by Stephen Knight. The Brotherhood is a fascinating account of the P2 lodge scandal which cost the Vatican over $250 million. This case involved assassination and ritual murder. I strongly recommend you read The Brotherhood for the evidence it gives from intelligence sources that the P2 lodge was an operation, freelanced out to the KGB by Grand Orient Freemasonry in Italy. It was a joint operation between the Soviet KGB and the Grand Orient, a remarkable example of a cooperative working relationship between the Satanic and activist levels. Knight died shortly after The Brotherhood was published at a very young age. Now I want to discuss briefly some other books. This is a book published in France in 1910 Masonic Infiltration of the Catholic Church, about 300 pages in small print, detailing the extent to which the Grand Orient had penetrated the Catholic Church by that time. [NEXT SLIDE] There was a communication in August, 1949, from the Synarchie movement's Jacques Weiss. A letter was written to the man who was then president of Columbia University, expressly great admiration for this man and, by implication, offering him a leadership post in the Synarchie movement if he would but accept it. That letter was published in Jacques Weiss's book, Synarchie, and has been translated into English. The virtual invitation into the Satanic level of the conspiracy was given in writing to thenColumbia president Dwight David Eisenhower in 1949. We do not have any record of a written reply.

[NEXT SLIDE] This is the French text of that communication. [NEXT SLIDE] This is a picture of the late Fred Zeller, a contemporary French painter who was in recent years president of the French Grand Orient. You are looking at one of the present-day members of the Satanic level of the Conspiracy. You probably have never heard of him. You would have to be a student of contemporary French art to know his name. Some of the people who are in the Authority level are not generally known or public figures. [NEXT SLIDE] On April 5, 1953, the drowned body of a beautiful 21-year-old Italian girl, Wilma Montesi, was found on the beach in Italy. The investigation revealed that a black mass ceremony had been conducted for sometime in which she apparently expired from overindulgence. The black mass took place at the Casa de la Terra, which was a favorite resort of King Victor Emanuel of Italy, formerly the King of Piedmont. This is significant because he and his family supported the Conspiracy's drive for Italian unification. A number of Italian civil servants and officers were arrested at that time and implicated in the investigation. It was an example of a Satanic ceremony, like the Palladian Rite, occurring in the early 1950's and involving leadership of the Italian government. [NEXT SLIDE] On the infiltration of Protestant churches, this is my favorite anecdote. You are looking at a picture of the late Bishop William Montgomery Brown, a Communist and simultaneously an Episcopal priest in Galion, Ohio. He was also a millionaire and contributed the money to build the Galion Memorial Hospital. He is very popular in that Ohio community. He wrote many books, one of them Communism and Christianism. You can see the motto banish gods from the skies and capitalists from the earth." He was excommunicated from the Episcopal Church in the 1930's. At that time they actually excommunicated people like this. He became a Communist hero worldwide and retired to his very impression mansion in Galion where he lived out the rest of his days. When I was speaking for the John Birch Society in Galion, I was able to tell the local press that I saw in 1969 displays in tribute to Bishop Brown and leaders of the National and World Council of Churches in the Soviet Union's Museum of the History of Religion and Atheism in Leningrad, an anti-religious museum that occupies the Kazan Cathedral. [NEXT SLIDE] One of the Birch members who sponsored my speech in Galion, Ohio, is a homebuilder there. He had done some repair work at the home of Bishop Brown. He had a key to the property, so we took a tour of Bishop Brown's home decades after his death. We saw the hammers and sickles that were carved into the stonework of the house. [NEXT SLIDE]

We saw the magnificent interior of the home. [NEXT SLIDE] We even found that may well be Bishop Brown's teeth still there in the house. We were thinking about taking it with us, but we left it there. We found in an adjacent storage building on the property the remaining inventory of Bishop Brown's many books and publications. He must have written 30 or 40 books and pamphlets, all promoting Communism and glorifying the Soviet Union. For research purposes only, you understand, just so that I would be prepared today to discuss the subject for your benefit, we expropriated a couple of complete sets in the name of the people. [NEXT SLIDE] We now come to the subject of the deliberate campaign to destroy orthodox Jewish faith. I mentioned that since the time of the Illuminati, the Conspiracy organized among Jewish communities, originally in Germany, the Reform movement in Judaism, to water down orthodox Jewish faith. At the same time, through the Marxist movement, primarily, but through other offshoots, such as the Nazi movement in Germany, they promoted organized anti-Semitism as a divisive and destructive force. This book, A World Without Jews, is a compilation of Marx's essays on eradication of Jewish economic, social and cultural influence from Europe, somewhat echoing Baron von Knigge, one of Weishaupt's personal assistants from the late eighteenth century. [NEXT SLIDE] This is one of the principal sources on the history of the Conspiracy that I have managed to collect, a masterful journal published by Jesuit scholars in Paris from 1912 to 1940, the International Review of Secret Societies. It's a literal goldmine of evidence on the history of the Conspiracy. Every aspect of it, every historical subject in minute detail, almost more than you would ever want to know about each subject. It is a magnificent work of scholarship. One of these issues about 1912 quoted Grand Orient authorities predicting that the Archduke Franz Ferdinand would be assassinated, as he was two years later, that being the triggering incident for initiating the war in Europe in 1914. [NEXT SLIDE] Another important source is the equivalent of an American Opinion or Review of the News or New American for Great Britain from 1919 to 1959, a weekly periodical called The Patriot. Nesta Webster and other excellent writers during this period chronicled the growth of socialism and the deliberate, internal destruction of the British Empire as well as much material on the occult level and secret societies. I have been able to obtain a complete set, and there is much that's deserving of reprint. [NEXT SLIDE] As are Webster's other books that are not in print today. By 1959, the year before her death, she had published Spacious Days, the first volume of her autobiography, which takes us up through the period of her writing The French Revolution in 1919, but does not go into the period of her most important books on the history of the Conspiracy and the opposition and persecution she received for her fine work. The

second volume of this manuscript has, I fear, been lost, stolen or destroyed and may never see the light of day. [NEXT SLIDE] These are charts you may have seen from World Revolution in which Webster traced the history of the Conspiracy. That book is most important as a survey history up to 1920. World Revolution was revised by Webster before she died. Her honest errors and misperceptions were clarified and corrected in that revised edition which, unfortunately, now is out of print. [NEXT SLIDE] This is the chart of the Fabian Socialist movement in England from her 1924 book, The Socialist Network. It looks like a circuit diagram for an electrical appliance because there is so much detail involved. It's an excellent history of the Fabian Socialist movement. She was a meticulous scholar. [NEXT SLIDE] In the 1970's I was able to contact someone in England who had worked with Mrs. Webster and who had in his possession all of her personal notebooks, the ones she had at the British Museum and the Bibliotheque Nationale when she did her research, particularly for The French Revolution. I managed to borrow those notebooks and xeroxed them, all 7,000 pages. So I have the only copy of Nesta Webster's research notes in the United States. I am, therefore, able to go back and, shall we say, verify the quality of her research. [NEXT SLIDE] In 1953 there occurred one of my favorite examples of a confession on the part of someone involved in the Conspiracy at a high activist level. Due to the funding of Communist activities in prior years, a second Congressional probe was underway in the Fall of 1953 to investigate organizations like the Carnegie, Rockefeller and the then recently formed Ford Foundation, because a number of these foundations had been using their funds, not for philanthropic purposes, but to promote organizations and activities of individuals openly affiliated with the international Communist movement. Rather than charity, they also consistently promoted the political objectives of big government and world government. In November, 1953, the research director of the Reece Committee in the House of Representatives, the late Norman Dodd, who later became a close friend of mine, went to see the then-president of the Ford Foundation, Rowan Gaither. Dodd told Gaither that all we want to know back in Congress is why you have been giving all of this money to left-wing and pro-Communist causes, and why the other foundations have been doing so. [NEXT SLIDE] And Rowan Gaither answered that question as follows, and I quote: Most of us here were, at one time, active in either the O.S.S. [forerunner of C.I.A.], the State Department, or the European Economic Administration [Marshall Plan]. During those times, and without exception, we operated under directives issued by the White House, the substance of which was to the effect that we should make

every effort to so alter life in the United States as to make possible a comfortable merger with the Soviet Union." This appears in my 1980 book, The Tax-Exempt Foundations, in a chapter on the Reece Committee. Needless to say, Norman Dodd was amazed. He said, Why don't you just come out and tell the public this openly? We don't have to have the investigation." Gaither responded, This we would not think of doing." A remarkable confession which has stood the test of time and certainly indicated a policy at work in that sort of organization. [NEXT SLIDE] In the category of racism and anti-Semitism, one of the best case histories became the subject of my first book, Klandestine, in 1975. It was the story of the White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan in Mississippi and a good friend of mine, a member of the John Birch Society, Reverend Delmar Dennis. A Protestant minister at the age of 14, Dennis became the principal FBI undercover operative within that most secret and violent of about fourteen different klan organizations operating during those years. Leaders and members of this klan were responsible for killing a number of people, including the three civil rights workers, Schwerner, Goodman and Chaney, who were killed and buried in a pond dam in Philadelphia, Mississippi, in 1964. Delmar Dennis, at great risk to himself, penetrated the organization and got the crucial evidence necessary for prosecuting and convicting the murderers in that case. [NEXT SLIDE] This was the building in Meridian, Mississippi, where the introductory recruitment meeting was held when Delmar Dennis was tricked into joining the klan. They tricked many people into joining through a method I have outlined in my book. It was also in this building that the murder of Schwerner was planned. Goodman and Chaney were killed because they were accompanying Schwerner. [NEXT SLIDE] The Imperial Wizard of this klan who went to the federal penitentiary for ordering the crime, Sam Holloway Bowers, Jr. He told Dennis and other klan officers, but not his members, in 1964 the reason he was ordering these crimes to be committed, creating this violence against black and white Americans in Mississippi. He said he wanted to create so much turmoil that the federal government would have to intervene, enters the state and impose martial law over Mississippi. This would be the result of what he said he was doing. It was also exactly what Martin Luther King said would be the result of what he was doing in an article in Saturday Review in April, 1965. Dennis and the other lieutenants asked Bowers, Where did you get this idea? How did you learn of this?" Bowers said he learned it when he was a student at University of Southern California in 1947, when he said he first joined the Communist Party. Now that's just his statement that he had been a Communist and had learned this strategy at that time. So I went a little further. [NEXT SLIDE] This is a photograph reprinted in a book in 1947, Behind the Red Mask by Gregory Bern. Jewish fraternity house at U.S.C. are hit by mysterious klan cross-burnings and racist symbols painted on their walls. The police investigated these activities at U.S.C., found no organized Klan activity at all, but discovered that members of the American Youth for Democracy, the name of the Young Communist

League at that time, had done this deliberately to foment racial tensions. That's exactly when and where Sam Bowers said he learned the strategy. [NEXT SLIDE] The Ku Klux Klan has been used by the Communists for quite some time. This is a page from the St. Joseph, Michigan Herald-Press, August 23, 1922. The lead story announced the raid in nearby Bridgman, Michigan, on the secret meeting of the Communist Party. All the documents about the plans of the Communist movement and underground in our country were exposed, leading to the publication of R. M. Whitney's Reds in America. You can see down at the bottom of the front page that these documents revealed that one identified Communist leader was actually running a klan organization for Communist purposes at that time in 1920. I think it is a strategy that has been used for quite some time. Indeed, there is evidence that after the original Ku Klux Klan, an 1866 fraternity of Confederate war veterans, was permanently disbanded by its leader, General Nathan Bedford Forrest in 1869, what persisted as the Klan after that and into the 1920's bore substantially the mark of the Knights of the Golden Circle. [NEXT SLIDE] These are two books that are most important on understanding the organized effort of the Conspiracy to destroy Judaism. I recommend strongly Rabbi Marvin Antelman's, To Eliminate the Opiate, a very important study on the setting up of phony movements among Jewish communities in Europe and the United States to destroy Jewish faith. The accompanying book, Perfidy by Ben Hecht, is the only accurate book on the real founding fathers of the present-day state of Israel. It tells the truth about the anti-communist, Herut Zvai Leumi, the Jabotinsky Zionist revisionist faction of Zionism. Zionism is not a unified movement at all. It is two movements that are totally opposed to each other and they have killed each other in the past. Not because they are rivals, but because they have entirely different objectives. The founding fathers of the state of Israel were members of anti-Communist, devoutly Jewish, pro-free enterprise, pro-western faction of Zionism. This was led by Menachem Begin. This book by Ben Hecht, in addition to Begin's own account of the period, The Revolt, shows how the socialist, phony, conspiratorial wing of Zionism (the Labor Party), that unfortunately has ruined Israel's economy, conspired with Fabian socialists running the British government to destroy the state of Israel before it even got off the ground. Perfidy was published in 1964. Try to find a copy of Perfidy in your local library. You may have to go to a bookstore, have it located, and pay about $50 for it. That book is uniquely accurate in covering that period. Both of those books are extremely important, not only to understand how the Conspiracy has been working to destroy Orthodox Judaism, but also to emphasize the importance of anti-Semitism as a weapon in their arsenal. [NEXT SLIDE] Today there are three excellent accounts available in French on the Grand Orient and left-wing infiltration of the Catholic Church. Documents published in Italy in 1978 detail the identification of secret freemasons in Catholic lay and clerical hierarchy positions, including sensitive Vatican posts. Subsequent exposures have identified more highly placed Grand Orient members who have managed to infiltrate and attain positions in the Catholic structure. But this infiltration has been conducted of necessity within Catholic ranks over a very long period of time. Remember, Weishaupt said that the

Conspiracy must use these institutions against their enemies and slowly gain these people over to their cause or replace them. The biggest indication of that is what has happened to the leading elite opposition to the Conspiracy during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, namely the Society of Jesus or Jesuit Order. Malachi Martin's book, The Jesuits, The Society of Jesus and the Betrayal of the Roman Catholic Church, is not a perfect book. From a Catholic traditionalist standpoint, there were many things wrong with it, but I really believe it will open up public discussion about the way in which the Catholic Church's greatest defenders have been transformed into instruments of the Church's destruction from within and the destruction of faith and tradition. It even discusses the issue of rapprochement between Jesuits and freemasons in recent decades as illustrating the much deeper conversion internally that has happened to the leadership of that Catholic order. And, of course, the same thing is true of other orders in the Church in their leadership today, most notably in Central and South America. [A much better work has been published and is strongly recommended: Mary Ball Martinez, The Undermining of the Catholic Church (Published by the author, second edition, address: Amsterdam 99-501, Mexico, D.F., 06100, Mexico, 1991). $12.50 plus $2.50 postage.] Malachi Martin's previous work, The Final Conclave, was very interesting, at least the first 100 pages which reviewed some of the reign of Pope Paul VI and its policies. [NEXT SLIDE] This is a very important recent book. It was published in 1984 and has been reprinted. New Lies for Old by Anatoliy Golitsyn. This is the ultimate textbook on Soviet disinformation. Golitsyn was the most important defector from Soviet intelligence in recent decades. Golitsyn and two other defectors from Soviet intelligence provided the C.I.A. with the evidence that the K.G.B. had infiltrated western intelligence services, including the C.I.A., and were actually influential in effecting U.S. foreign policy by that means. Golitsyn was the most important of those defectors. One of the many revealing things the book exposes in detail is the phoniness of the so-called Sino-Soviet split and the way the Communist movement has used pretended antagonism between the Soviet Union and Red China for propaganda advantage and so that the U.S. Government would have an excuse to fund either side of the staged conflict. A very important book that also tells the same story regarding the alleged split between Tito's Yugoslavia and the Soviet hierarchy in recent decades. I cannot overemphasize its importance on the subject of disinformation and foreign policy. [Just how important this book would prove to be was made clear after 1989. See Appendix to this Transcript.] [NEXT SLIDE] An extremely important book, Henry Pike's History of Communism in South Africa, (Christian Mission International of South Africa, address: P.O. Box 7157, Primrose Hill, Germiston, South Africa 1417, 1985). A massive study, over 600 pages, detailing the history of the Communist movement in South Africa. It goes back to when Karl Marx's relatives first established it there in the 1850's. It traces the development of the South African Communist Party, the ANC and all the events leading up to the imminent Soviet conquest of that part of the world. This book has a wonderful moral tone. It is well documented, lavishly illustrated, and exposes a couple of other things that I think are interesting. Before his career in India as the anti-colonialist leader who helped to break India away from the British Empire and install socialist stagnation in that unhappy country, Mahatma Ghandi was a Marxist organizer in South Africa. This book discusses his early Bolshevik career. Also in this book we learn that the early petty apartheid laws, the black-white separation laws and policies were first instituted by the Marxist labor movement. Early in this century the socialists in South Africa wanted to keep cheap, competitive, Indian labor out of the

country. [See also: Walter Williams, South Africa's War Against Capitalism] And that is one thing the book exposes beautifully, the socialist origin of the racist, petty apartheid system in that country. [NEXT SLIDE] Stephen Knight's earlier book, Jack the Ripper, the Final Solution, has a very interesting thesis, which was partially fictionalized in the movie, Murder by Decree, adding Sherlock Holmes to the story. Knight claimed that Prince Edward Albert, son of King Edward VII, at the turn of the century, had impregnated a prostitute in London. Several very prominent freemasons wanted to protect him from public scandal. They committed ritual murder on a number of prostitutes in London, trying to eliminate the one with whom he had the affair. The murders were blamed on Jack the Ripper" who was never caught or identified. Stephen Knight makes a remarkable case here. I don't know that it's conclusive, but those are controversies beyond the scope of this seminar. [NEXT SLIDE] Two interesting books relating to the KGC and the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. I don't think either one is available. Jesse James Was One of His Names by Los Angeles Herald-Examiner writer, Del Schrader, and The Reincarnation of John Wilkes Booth. Both of these books are, needless to say, seriously flawed. The central thesis of both books have been thoroughly discredited. The Reincarnation of John Wilkes Booth is automatically discredited. What interested me in these books is that they put forth the thesis of the Knights of the Golden Circle being behind the Civil War and the Lincoln assassination, but that's not the central thesis of either book. They interested me for apparently providing some independent corroboration about the KGC. [NEXT SLIDE] This is a book I was asked to comment on earlier, Michael Baigent, et. al., The Holy Blood and The Holy Grail. I don't think I can do much better in commenting than to read a brief review. The thesis of the book is simple. Jesus was married and, after staging a fake crucifixion, lived on until at least 45 A.D. His wife and children escaped to Marseilles in the south of France. There they multiplied and prospered, so much so that their descendants became the early French kings, the Merovengians, who reigned from 500 to 751 A.D. Although the Merovengians finally were deposed, their royal claim has been kept alive by various occult associations down to the present day. The secret of Christ's true history, although kept from the public, was known to such notables as Sir Isaac Newton, Victor Hugo and Pope John XXIII." Yes, the Vatican itself is in on it! That's from the Associated Press. And, another review (Washington Post): Once upon a time, according to the authors of this book, a young rabbi named Jesus, a descendant of King David, set out to regain the kingdom of his ancestors. He set up a small secret society, faked a few miracles, staged an imitation crucifixion, and then perhaps took off for Cashmere. His wife, Mary Magdalene, and their children left for the Riviera, where they settled." Somebody came to me with this book and I said, "Here's the Hugh Scofield, Passover Plot, blasphemy all over again." But it goes way beyond that. It incorporates a lot of the Gnostic and Manichaean groups over the centuries in the supposed lineage of this thousand year conspiracy, the people who are still supposed to control the world behind the scenes. If this was a serious piece of research relating to the real Master Conspiracy, you would expect them to discuss, or refute, much of the body of evidence we have surveyed today. None of it is mentioned in the

book. So, in addition to its outlandish and blasphemous thesis, I reject the book as virtually worthless, not even good fiction. [NEXT SLIDE] If you wondered about critics of the Master Conspiracy thesis, here are three of them. David Brion Davis compiled an anthology, The Fear of Conspiracy, excerpts from conspiratorial writings with brief introductions. There is no central thesis to the book other than an introduction that says that, although these things are untrue, they are interesting culturally, so let's examine them. Architects of Fear by George Johnson, a recent book that received very little attention, substantially the same. If you want to read the ultimate book written by a British historian to refute what I presented today, it is J.M. Roberts' rapidly forgotten book, The Mythology of the Secret Societies. I remember one of my skeptical European history professors in college referring me to this book when it was published, saying, O.K., McIlhany, here it is. You are in trouble." To be very honest with you, you should get the book. The most crucial material relating to the subject matter Roberts discusses, after assuming in advance that the conspiratorial view is false, the crucial documentation that would be his responsibility to refute is not even mentioned in the book. So it is not even a challenge, but it is the most ambitious attempt that anyone has written and, for the sake of objectivity, if you want to read the other side of what you've heard today, you should find Roberts' book. [Next slide] As I said to someone earlier today, I am not an expert on symbology and in recognizing or interpreting ancient symbols, Christian or anti-Christian, in contemporary events, clothing, architecture or the designs of streets. I havent discussed symbology today, not because it is unimportant. I think symbology, as a study of taking symbols that have definite historical contexts and significance and trying to identify them in contempory form, is a very hazardous task. Often we see something that resembles an historical symbol. It may have that meaning to its contemporary user, but then again it may not. Symbology is like examining ancient ruins from Greece and Rome and using them to prove that flying saucers landed in ancient times. You are dealing with a very small bag of bones from which to build a dinosaur. [Next slide] Any sort of study like this, and the effort that would lead me over the course of two decades to share this seminar with you, has to have some personal inspiration. If it hadn't been for Robert Welch, founder and President of the John Birch Society, I don't know that any of us would be here today. The John Birch Society, through his leadership from 1958 to 1983, bought us a lot of time to learn more about this Conspiracy, to accumulate more information, and also to gain time by organizing exposure and mounting in many areas some substantial, informed opposition, influencing trends and political outcomes in remarkable ways at least in the aggregate sense over the last 28 years. If it were not for Robert Welch, we might not even know about this. I doubt that I would know about it today. There were people prior to the John Birch Society who were discussing this subject matter but I don't think anyone else would have gotten off the ground a grass-roots educational movement, make it so influential and successful. Before I got to know and became close to Robert Welch, the man who was my strongest personal inspiration was Bill Highsmith, my Major Coordinator for the southeastern United States, whom I lost to cancer in l976. He was one of my closest personal friends as he was to Larry McDonald. Bill was largely responsible for Larry McDonald. As he was for me, Bill was Larry's mentor and helped

build the base of understanding in Larry's area that made possible his eventual election to Congress. If it had not been for the John Birch Society, we might not be free today to study and learn more. Certainly it is not necessary to learn everything about the detailed history of the Master Conspiracy to expose effectively what it's leading activitists are doing today, planning for the future and thereby destroy the Conspiracy. All we have to do is expose what the activists are doing today. By doing so we can make it no longer expedient to promote big government and world government. Then, perhaps, the Satanic Authority level could continue weaving their long-term plans, projecting their goals for the future, remaining in their private debauchery, without any activists left to carry out their work. Thats the way I would see it coming to a happy conclusion. I don't ever expect to recruit people from that level, or rarely from the activist level although it happens. Certainly we can encourage the activists to abandon the Conspiracy by sufficient exposure of its strategies and deceptions. The John Birch Society has the correct analysis of this subject matter and a proven record of applying proper strategy to expose and destroy this Conspiracy. The Society's action programs should be well known to you. These include nationwide grassroots letterwriting campaigns on important legislation and the publishing and distribution of Congressional voting records to keep the pressure on the House of Representatives which must authorize all the federal expenditures, including those which finance the Conspiracy. If you are really serious about freedom in your future, you have a moral obligation to get actively involved in these action programs as a member of the John Birch Society and do it right away. The Society has been fighting an uphill battle since 1980 because the pressure to advance big government and world government has come from supposedly conservative" Republican Administrations. Here and there we have lost some ground and the Conspiracy is accelerating its pace in completing its final goals. But the Society's understanding and strategy is still entirely correct and will succeed if enough well informed people will just do the job. I hope you will make that your first priority. I also think it is important to study the history of the Master Conspiracy because these same strategies have been repeated over and over again. The more you know about the Conspiracy's past, the better you will understand its activities today, and thereby, the better you can inform others about what is happening right now. Also, some people would like to have access to the kind of archival research material we have discussed today, either activists and students needing alternative bibliographical resources or wishing to evaluate this evidence for themselves, and private schools seeking alternative curricula and library resources. For that reason I established the Individualist Research Foundation, to make available such collected research material directly and in the form of a quarterly Journal of Individualist Studies which will reprint primary source documentation, including translations, and publish important new studies on all related subject matter. The Foundation will also offer seminars such as this one and briefer versions, as well as video and audio recordings of the seminars and other programs. If you are interested in having access to this research material, we welcome your participation and support.
[The seven-hour Evidence of a Master Conspiracy Seminar is available on video and audio cassettes. The suggested minimum donation for tapes is: Video (VHS or Beta II) $100; Audio $35. The tapes are shipped with the special update report on world events, 1989-1992, which appears as the Supplement to this Transcript and is available separately for $3. The audio cassettes are included with a 4-issue subscription to the Journal of Individualist Studies which contains detailed documentation and reprinting of original source materials. The suggested minimum donation for the 4-issue subscription is $100. Excerpts of the 1970 TV movie, Brotherhood of the Bell, are shown during live presentation of the Seminar which may be scheduled in your area. This movie is not available on video

but is still shown on television. For persons new to this subject, we offer another, more professionally produced program, Introduction to Evidence of a Master Conspiracy Seminar, which is two hours and twenty minutes long. It is divided into two parts and contains most of the slides from the Evidence Seminar. It is more suitable for private showings and public access TV. It also includes the update report on 1989-1995. The suggested minimum donation for Introduction to Evidence is video: $50, audio: $10. The suggested minimum donation for this Printed Transcript is $10 per copy. All suggested donations include postage. Please make checks payable to: Individualist Research Foundation, P.O. Box 7486, Beverly Hills, CA 90212.]

Recommended Bibliography Evidence of a Master Conspiracy Seminar (April 4, 1987) The following books are outstanding among those recently in print or available from libraries or used bookstores. Inquire on available titles: General Birch Services Corp., P.O. Box 8040, Appleton, WI 549138040. More detailed and specialized bibliographies will be published in the Journal of Individualist Studies. Books
Jean-Michel Angebert, The Occult and the Third Reich, New York: Macmillan, 1974. Marvin Antelman, To Eliminate the Opiate, New York: Zahavia, 1974. A. Ralph Epperson, The Unseen Hand, Westlake Village: American Media, 1985. James D. Horan, Confederate Agent, New York: Crown, 1954. Clarence Kelly, Conspiracy Against God and Man, Boston: Western Islands, 1974. Stephen Knight, The Brotherhood, New York: Stein and Day, 1984. Rose Martin, Fabian Freeway, Boston: Western Islands, 1966. William H. McIlhany, Klandestine, New Rochelle: Arlington House, 1975. William H. McIlhany, The ACLU on Trial, New Rochelle: Arlington House, 1976. William H. Mcllhany, The Tax-Exempt Foundations, Westport: Arlington House, 1980. Henry R. Pike, A History of Communism in South Africa, Primrose Hill: Christian Mission International, 1985. Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope, New York: Macmillan, 1966. Carroll Quigley, The Anglo-American Establishment, New York: Books in Focus, 1981. John Robison, Proofs of a Conspiracy, Boston: Western Islands, 1967. Colin Simpson, The Lusitania, Boston: Little-Brown, 1972. Alan Stang, The Actor, Boston: Western Islands, 1968 Antony Sutton, Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development, 1917-1965, Stanford: Hoover Institution, 3 vols., 1968-1973. Antony Sutton, Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, New Rochelle: Arlington House, 1974. Antony Sutton, Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, Seal Beach: 76 Press, 1976. A.J.P. Taylor, The Origins of the Second World War, New York: Atheneum, 1962. John Toland, Infamy, New York: Doubleday, 1982. Jan Valtin, Out of the Night, New York: Alliance, 1941. James Webb, The Occult Underground, La Salle: Open Court, 1974. James Webb, The Occult Establishment, La Salle: Open Court, 1976. Nesta Webster, The French Revolution, London: Constable, 1919. Nesta Webster, World Revolution, Boston: Small, Maynard, 1921. Nesta Webster, Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, London: Boswell, 1924. Nesta Webster, The Surrender of an Empire, London: Boswell, 1931. Robert Welch, The Politician, Belmont: Belmont Publishing, 1964.

Periodicals The New American (American Opinion Review of the News) Journal of Individualist Studies Topic Outline I. Introduction II. The Conspiratorial View of History III. The Order of the Illuminati & The French Revolution IV. 19th Century European Revolution V. Italian and German Unification VI. Illuminists in America VII. The War of the Rebellion and Presidential Assassinations VIII. World War I IX. World War II X. The Satanic Authority Level XI. Other Recommended Sources XII. The Solution 1987 Seminar Supplement: International Events, 1989-1995 by William H. McIlhany, Copyright 1995, Individualist Research Foundation, P.O. Box 7486, Beverly Hills, CA 90212 Introduction Since 1989 the world has witnessed a series of events which are now constantly described by the media as the death of Communism" and the collapse of the Soviet Union." Politicians and journalists of all stripes parrot this conventional wisdom and argue whether we need more national defense capability or any at all. Even some leaders of conservative and antiCommunist organizations (who should know better) appear to believe that some real changes have occurred. Prior to 1989 we heard much talk in the Soviet Union about glasnost" and perestroika." But in 1989 the Polish Communists suddenly legalized their hated opposition," the Solidarity union, negotiating with them in March, holding multiparty democratic elections in June, and ultimately allowing Solidarity to lead a non-Communist" coalition government. Later that year Hungary's Communists had abandoned their name and allowed" themselves to be voted out of power in subsequent democratic" elections. East Germany began allowing its citizens to escape, followed by mass demonstrations in East Berlin, the opening of the Berlin Wall, democratic elections, and reunification with West Germany. Faced with growing street protests, the Czechoslovak Communists simultaneously resigned their posts in November of 1989, with their opponents" winning democratic elections the next month. A violent revolution in Romania ended with the execution of the Communist dictator, Ceausescu.

In April, 1990, the Bulgarian Communist Party also changed its name, and won continued power in multiparty elections. Democratic revolution" has also overturned" Communist regimes in such countries as Mongolia, Nicaragua and, more recently, Albania. A civil war" has been underway in Yugoslavia and that nation has split into several warring ethnic states. But most dramatically, the rulers of Soviet Union, the media would have us believe, voted themselves out of power, granted independence" to most of their captive states and reorganized what was left of the Soviet Union as the Commonwealth of Independent States." In the midst of these incredible events, Soviet President Gorbachev, the father of glasnost" according to the media and the Reagan-Bush Administrations, led the movement for reform," survived a comic-opera reactionary" coup, 1 gradually lost credibility with Russians who expected to see change and lost power to his opponent" Russian market reformer" Boris Yeltsin. In spite of the media's constant repetition of this set of assumptions, very little has changed in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. Despite the appearance and election" of new leadership, the monstrous Communist-run bureaucracies remain in place. Despite the legalization" of private property, the massive system of regulations and controls preserve defacto totalitarianism and continue to worsen the daily life of all citizens. 2 This increasing economic disintegration has two benefits: the Communists claim widespread discontent over the new market" reforms (which were only pretense all along) and Western politicians rush to provide massive subsidies to the new Soviet rulers to prevent Communism and the Cold War from returning again." 3 No doubt the enslaved peoples of these countries had their hopes raised by all the talk and commotion since 1989, but most have already realized that it was overwhelmingly show business. And, in the midst of all the wild stories about the new KGB," nothing has been said about the massive network of 1,976 Soviet concentration camps and 358 prisons with their millions of prisoners which was documented by Avraham Shifrin (The First Guidebook to Prisons and Concentration Camps of the Soviet Union (New York: Bantam, 1982). Are we to believe that those hellish facilities and their multitudes of victims just disappeared? Quite the contrary. The world has witnessed the most massive and successful execution of Soviet disinformation strategy in history. In fact it was simply a renewal of a strategy used by the Communists during five earlier periods since 1917, a strategy that always resulted in the Communists consolidating their power and liquidating their opposition. And we have that startling truth from an inside authority. The Golitsyn Story Anatoliy Golitsyn was the most important KGB defector to the West in the past three decades. His importance was based on his revelations to the Central Intelligence Agency concerning KGB penetration of the CIA and other western intelligence agencies. A Ukrainian born in 1926, Golitsyn joined the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in 1945 as he prepared to become a military officer. This launched him into several years of training in intelligence and a position in the KGB by 1948. By the early 1950s, he had become important enough to co-author a plan

for restructuring Soviet intelligence, which brought him into direct contact with Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin and other top officials. Four years of study at the KGB Institute in Moscow brought Golitsyn closer to the inner circle of Communist power during the late 1950s. He then worked until 1960 as a top analyst for the KGB in its Moscow headquarters. The secrets he encountered while relatively young disillusioned him so severely that he resolved to warn the West. Having managed reassignment to Finland with his immediate family, Golitsyn suddenly presented himself at the U.S. embassy a few days before Christmas, 1961, to announce his defection. Within three days, the U.S. Air Force flew the KGB major and his family to West Germany. After passing all lie detector tests and having provided many bits of information that could be independently confirmed by the CIA, Golitsyn was transferred to the United States for extensive debriefing. The message he brought was more powerful than anyone could have expected. Since its creation in 1947, the intelligence wing of the CIA had operated under the assumption that the primary objective of the KGB and other Communist bloc intelligence agencies was espionage. According to this view, the KGB was playing a cat-and-mouse game with Western intelligence, trying to steal our secrets while preventing us from stealing theirs. For the CIA, the game was therefore the same: KGB defectors would be recruited to stay on the other side and provide information secretly, while KGB personnel in Soviet diplomatic and trade missions to the West would be identified and monitored. But Golitsyn revealed a different strategy to his new handlers in the Soviet Bloc Division of the CIA. For over a year after his defection, he was pumped only for information that would help identify KGB sources for stealing secrets. He became impatient with this treatment, insisting he had much more important information to divulge. Golitsyn wanted to warn American leaders that they were severely misguided in believing the KGB was primarily into espionage. He desperately tried to tell the CIA that the purpose of the KGB was to manipulate the political decisions of the West, using a process known as strategic deception to achieve surrender to a future world Communist government. The Soviets intended to allow the West to acquire carefully prepared disinformation about Communist goals and methods, including sending phony defectors to make the deceptions more believable. To complement this, Golitsyn warned that the Soviets had not only penetrated the leading intelligence services of the West, but had maneuvered their moles" into top policy-making positions where they could easily mislead the West. The Golitsyn revelations shook the CIA to the core. If he was right, the apparent successes of the CIA in getting information about the Soviet bloc were actually victories for the Communists in deceiving the West. To accept his disclosures, CIA officials had to admit the extent to which they had been deceived. Many CIA personnel refused to listen to an increasingly frustrated Golitsyn since his message underscored their ignorance and the triviality of their accomplishments. But James Angleton, head of the Counterintelligence Division, recognized his importance, and had Golitsyn transferred to his authority in 1963.

Golitsyn told the CIA officers that the Soviets had placed KGB officers in the French intelligence agency (SDECE) as a spy ring code-named SAPPHIRE. Two top French intelligence officials came under strong suspicion and were removed from their posts, but no serious investigation was ever pursued by the French government. According to Golitsyn, Soviet control over French intelligence was so complete that he predicted the KGB would use SDECE to spy on American nuclear capabilities. Within just a few months, such a secret order actually was issued inside French intelligence. The information supplied by Golitsyn also revealed a powerful spy ring of five Soviet agents operating at the highest levels of the British Ministry of Intelligence. Three had already been exposed, and a fourth was revealed in subsequent years. Based on additional evidence provided by Golitsyn, some members of the British MI5 created an investigative committee which concluded that the fifth man" of the Soviet ring was none other than Sir Roger Hollis, the director of MI5. One MI5 officer tried to warn the prime minister, but was fired. Hollis himself was never fully investigated. Golitsyn brought evidence of extensive Soviet penetration of intelligence services throughout the Free World, ranging from Germany to Canada, and many others. But his most important spy revelations concerned infiltration of the CIA itself. One lower-level Soviet mole in the CIA was uncovered with Golitsyn's help, but his more important information pointed to at least one mole at the highest levels of the CIA. Indeed, the reports Golitsyn had seen while in Moscow could not have come from a single agent, leading him to conclude that many such agents permeated the CIA. Much of the evidence indicated that several of the moles were operating in the Soviet Division the CIA branch entrusted with handling defectors. Investigations of several officers in the Soviet Division were conducted, and some reshuffling of positions followed, but the leaks continued. In 1962 Soviet military officer Colonel Oleg Penkovsky secretly provided the CIA with information that helped President Kennedy confront the Soviets and demand the removal of their newly-placed missiles from Cuba. Golitsyn, however, demonstrated that Penkovsky had to have been under the control of the Soviets when he supplied the secrets." According to Golitsyn and Angleton, the Soviets gave the United States carefully selected information to convince us that we had won the Cuban missile crisis, while the Soviets had planned from the beginning to back down as part of a deal to win American acceptance of the Communist regime in Cuba. The Soviet government sentenced Golitsyn to death after his defection, but given the difficulty of caring out that order, other means of neutralizing him had to be found. Upon his arrival, Golitsyn predicted that the Soviets would send false defectors to contradict his information. In early 1962 two Soviets stationed at the United Nations suddenly offered to work as double agents for the FBI, which code-named them FEDORA and TOP HAT. One was from the KGB, the other from the GRU, Soviet military intelligence. Shortly after that a KGB officer named Yuri Nosenko contacted the CIA in Switzerland and offered his services as a double agent. Within months of Golitsyn's prediction, U.S. intelligence had suddenly received a flood of Soviet contacts. Considered victories by many intelligence officers, these three double agents all gave information that contradicted Golitsyn. Among other things they tried to convince the Americans that

the Soviets had directly stolen secrets, rather than receiving information from high-level moles, which they argued did not exist. They also consistently gave the impression that Soviet intelligence was only interested in espionage. Nosenko even claimed that Lee Harvey Oswald, President Kennedy's assassin, had never worked with the KGB, despite Oswald's close contacts with the KGB while in the Soviet Union. Intelligence data gathered by U.S. agencies began to show many of Nosenko's claims to be false. These included his position in the Soviet Union and other important details. Nosenko also turned out to be ignorant of information he should have known, and was caught many times contradicting himself. When confronted with these inconsistencies, Nosenko called them errors. However, some of his false claims were supported by his KGB documents which meant his errors" came from a KGB script. With the emergence of data showing these three Soviet defectors" to be phony, several CIA officers in the Soviet Division maintained an ongoing investigation of Nosenko until 1966. During this time an internal war was escalating. On one side were intelligence officers who supported Golitsyn and distrusted Nosenko. On the other were officers angered by the search for Soviet moles. Golitsyn's supporters generally agreed that deception was a major goal of the KGB, whereas his opponents wanted to believe that the Soviets were merely interested in espionage. Changes in 1967 brought the first sign that Golitsyn's opponents would soon win full control in the CIA. On orders from above, many personnel in the Soviet Division were replaced by officers from other CIA sections, many of them just back from Vietnam. A report proclaiming Nosenko as genuine was immediately issued. The exposures also created tensions between the CIA and FBI. FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, infuriated by the allegations that his FEDORA and TOP HAT contacts were phony, even fired his own assistant director for participating in the investigations. By 1978, however, even the FBI had concluded that FEDORA was not genuine, and he suddenly returned to the Soviet Union to receive an official promotion. The internal fighting reached a climax in 1972. The CIA was temporarily headed by William E. Colby, previously an agent of the Covert Action wing in Vietnam. A confidential investigation had revealed a secret contact in Vietnam between Colby and a suspected KGB agent, but this was ignored. Colby issued orders permanently changing the operational methods of the CIA. Any information provided by defectors was henceforth to be accepted, so long as it was basically consistent with CIA assumptions and approved sources. Thus Nosenko, FEDORA, TOP HAT, and others were legitimized. The new policy officially assumed that the Soviets do not send false defectors. Moreover it held that the Soviets primarily engage in espionage, not in strategic deception. Even the word disinformation" was redefined as merely placing propaganda in mass media sources. And all searches for Soviet moles were ended. Colby became CIA director several months later, and in 1974 fired Angleton. Dozens of staff members under Angleton were forced out within days. Golitsyn himself had already been effectively removed by 1969. Nosenko was then hired to train the new personnel replacing Angleton's staff. The new CIA policy remains in effect today. This complete purge left Golitsyn in the futile position of trying to attract the attention of uninterested American policymakers. Unable to make any headway, and troubled by events unfolding during 1979 and 1980, he decided to revive and update a manuscript he had first developed during the

1960s, in the hope of alerting America to the imminent danger. Published in 1984 by Dodd, Mead under the title New Lies For Old, the book was an overview of Communist bloc plans for a long-term deception strategy against the West. The response to this landmark work was astonishingly silent. Those few reviews that did appear were often hostile. Foreign Affairs, published by the Council on Foreign Relations, brushed off the book and suggested that readers not consider it seriously. The Library Journal, which reviews new books for librarians, gave Golitsyn's book an almost unprecedented not recommended" rating. Even the conservative" magazine National Review tried to make fun of the book, without specifically answering its points. In the first section of New Lies for Old, Golitsyn recounts a series of important changes that occurred at the highest levels of the Communist Party during his rise in the KGB. The death of Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin in 1953 left a vacuum, largely because he had managed to consolidate most power in his own hands by severe persecution of his Communist rivals. Facing an explosively unstable situation, his successors decided to reinstitute Lenin's concept of democratic centralism," in which no single individual held the fulcrum of power. The Communists hoped that rebuilding of oligarchical rule by an all-powerful committee would facilitate a renewed aggressiveness in their strategy for world conquest, which under Stalin had lapsed into espionage abroad and maintaining control at home. Forces aligned with Nikita Khrushchev decisively beat rival factions in 1957. Coordination between Communist governments was immediately re-established, and various studies of deception methods were begun. During 1959, a secret team of KGB officers was formed to design a new long-term deception plan that would manipulate the West into helping the Communists achieve world domination. One of those officers was Golitsyn. Disinformation and the KGB The period of 1958 to 1960 was marked by radical restructurings in the Soviet government. Because of the inevitable leaks that would occur from defections and espionage, the KGB was reorganized into an outer" level composed of personnel whose work might bring them in contact with the West, and an inner" level, known as Department D. The members of this special department planned disinformation strategies, but all knowledge of these operations was denied to the rest of the KGB. This 1959 creation was subject to the direct authority of the Communist Party Central Committee, and was empowered to coordinate all other government agencies for disinformation purposes. This new plan was secretly organized and set in motion in late 1960 at a Moscow Congress of 81 Communist parties from around the world. Golitsyn states that all factions, splits, and power struggles within the Communist bloc were completely ended at that meeting, From that point forward, any such infighting between Communists, or any popular resistance against Communism, would be artificial and under the full control of the extensive secret police networks permeating societies under Communist rule. The purpose of this massive deception strategy was to trap the West in something the KGB terms the scissors strategy." The concept is derived from Karl Marx's dialectical materialism, which allows Communists to achieve victory by creating phony struggles in which they control both sides, so

that the victim plays into their hands regardless of which side he allies himself with and is caught between two sides he thinks are opposed to each another. The Earlier Glasnosts The new strategy of the KGB in 1959 was largely based on the experience of the New Economic Policy of the 1920s, which had been a spectacular application of dialectical strategy. Faced with a collapsing economy and growing opposition by 1921, the Communists began allowing private ownership of many businesses and some freedom of speech for dissidents. At the same time, a number of supposedly dissident Soviet officials secretly informed the West that an extensive opposition group known as the Trust, was organizing inside the Soviet Union and preparing to seize power from the Communists. To establish its credibility, the Trust was able to secure secret Soviet documents for the West, smuggle people out of the Soviet Union, and escort exiles into the country to witness attacks on government installations and police forces. Western nations began sending money to the Trust, allowed hundreds of companies to rebuild industries in the Soviet Union, and waited for the Communist regime to fall. But several years later, the Trust was suddenly abolished. Many of its members were executed, the dissident press vanished, the secret documents were revealed as disinformation, all vestiges of the free market disappeared, and the Communist government emerged stronger than ever. The primary former leader of the Trust then defected to the West, demonstrating convincingly that he had organized the opposition group under orders from the Soviet secret police that is today the KGB, and that his fellow leaders in the Trust were also agents of the Communists. The group had enticed anti-Communist Russians into the open so they could be identified and liquidated, thus consolidating Communist power. It had also fooled the West into believing the Soviet Union had changed, resulting in Western aid for the Communists. The formula was repeated after World War II in Eastern Europe. In 1948 the CIA learned of a supposedly anti-Communist Polish underground organization known as WIN. The group provided evidence of serious fighting it was carrying out against Soviet troops, and stole secret documents for Western intelligence. The CIA provided WIN with money, weapons, equipment, and intelligence data. But by 1952, people entering Poland to help WIN were disappearing and its information was becoming less reliable. Late that year the underground was suddenly disbanded and a radio broadcast by the Polish Communist government proved in detail that WIN had been created by the Soviet secret police and had received Soviet help in fooling the West. The documents given the CIA had been disinformation, the program had been financed with CIA money, and the episode had distracted all effective efforts to undermine the Communist regime while it was consolidating power. Because the New Economic Policy served as the model for the renewed deception plan begun in 1959, and based on some information to which he had access while in Moscow, Golitsyn has been able to analyze the modern plan in terms of three phases. The first involves creating false images for consumption by the outside world. The second uses these images to gain help from non-Communist nations, including diplomatic recognition and economic aid. The third phase would consist of a disinformation offensive aimed at maneuvering the non-Communist world into merger with the Communists under a world government. The entire deception is based on creating an image of what Golitsyn calls weakness and evolution." Through the 1950s, the Communist bloc was clearly seen by the rest of the world as a

dangerous monolithic entity. To remedy this, the disinformation program was designed to engineer stage-managed dialectical factions among the Communists. Various Communist governments would coordinate splits" between them, while hardline" and reformist" factions would be created within certain Communist parties. Limited freedom of speech would be allowed at selective times, especially for dissidents" under the influence of the Communists. Treatment of individuals and movements dissenting against their Communist regimes would periodically include pretenses of persecution, to convince the outside world of the dissidents' authenticity. In the final phase, controlled democratizations" could be implemented in Communist nations, persuading the West that the badly fractured Communist world was finally collapsing. The Phony Splits" Golitsyn discusses in his book the major dialectical splits already existing between Communist countries. The originally minor, but genuine, rift of 1948 between the Tito's Yugoslav Communists and Stalin was dissolved in 1957 after Khrushchev's consolidation of power. A series of secret meetings between the two countries formed an agreement to coordinate disinformation. This led to the phony public arguments between the two Communist governments from 1958 to 1960. The false renewal of a healed schism helped disguise the reconciliation between those countries. It also laid the foundation for Yugoslavia's future alliances with Western European labor unions and various Third World nations, with Yugoslavia portraying itself as anti-Soviet and moderate. The next major split was fabricated between Albania and the Soviet Union, with the two ending diplomatic relations in 1961. The image was generated of Albania remaining Stalinist, thereby painting Khrushchev as a genuine reformer who could more easily be worked with by the West. This deception also served to test the potential success of the next phony split." Almost as soon as the Albanian dispute heated up, the first rounds of a split" between the Soviet Union and Red China were displayed. Unlike Albania, diplomatic relations were never broken. However much hostile rhetoric and a tiny conflict at the border have convinced outsiders that a genuine split existed between the two countries. The Soviets have nevertheless continued providing Red China with intelligence, economic and military aid. This major deception over the last three decades has created many successes for the Communists that were often perceived by the outside world as failures. For example, Pakistan fought India over disputed territory in 1962. Soviet support for India and the phony split" encouraged Pakistan to align itself more closely with Red China. Similarly the Soviet-oriented Vietnamese Communists in 1980 invaded Thailand, causing that country and other Asian nations to abandon their previous opposition to the Chinese communist threat and pursue friendly relations with Red China. The SinoSoviet split has also enabled both Communist governments alternately to receive economic aid from the United States, depending on which is perceived as the more moderate at any given time. The other major type of disinformation Golitsyn exposed is the appearance of liberalization" within Communist countries. Part of this involves organizing controlled dissident movements inside and outside the Communist parties. One clear example of a phony dissident exposed by Golitsyn is Soviet nuclear physicist Andrei Sakharov, supposedly subjected to internal exile for years. But Sakharov's 1968 book, Progress, Coexistence and Intellectual Freedom, reveals where he truly stood. Sakharov emphasized that he was

not opposed to socialism, but rather to the worst aspects of the police state. Indeed, Sakharov called for a convergence" between Communist and non-Communist nations into a socialist world government. Golitsyn notes that the steps and timing proposed by Sakharov closely match those of the Communist long-term plan. The apparent persecution of Sakharov not only reinforced the belief in the weakening of the Soviet political system, but also helped popularize the convergence idea. When Sakharov died in late 1989, the Soviet hierarchy honored him with spectacular tributes. The Phony Liberalizations" Golitsyn exposed the liberalization" of Czechoslovakia in 1968 as a trial run to see if the West would actually believe that a totalitarian Communist nation could spontaneously turn to democracy. The transition itself was simple enough for the Communists, who had by that time penetrated all sectors of society and had created their own opposition." This particular experiment was planned in the late 1950s while Golitsyn was still in Moscow. In order to end the experiment without revealing the pretense of the democratization," the Soviets staged an invasion" of Czechoslovakia, although no violence occurred and the supposed Communist reformers" such as Dubcek, were given comfortable jobs after the crisis ended. By the early 1980s, Golitsyn concluded that the KGB had completed its objectives for the first and second phases of the strategic deception, and was preparing to move into the third and final phase. This prompted him to publish his 1984 book, New Lies for Old, in which the last section specifically forecasts all the major events we have witnessed since 1989 and are still watching unfold. He laid out in detail the likeliest strategic options the Communists would implement. Beginning in the very near future, he warned, the Communists would implement a wave of renewals," or false democratizations," in Eastern Europe. These changes would not hurt the Communist power structures in those nations, since they would be implemented using the vast infrastructures of control that permeate Communist societies. They would, however, appear spontaneous and spectacular to the West, and would allow unification of Eastern and Western Europe into one socialist state or regional government. With the Western Europeans caught off guard, the Communists would be able to use their strategic positions within the united Europe to convert the new European government into an overt Communist state. The threat of this Euro-Soviet bloc would be used to drive the United States into a closer alliance with Communist China, effectively dividing the world into two power blocs, both heavily influenced or dominated by Communists. This dialectic would allow the Communists to compete" for domination over the Third World. The phony split" between the Soviet Union and Red China would be widened, probably even into military hostilities secretly coordinated between the two governments. Finally, with the United States completely isolated and strategically compromised, the entire Communist bloc would suddenly unite, dropping all pretenses of splits and democracy, and would demand the surrender of the United States to the new world government. Part of this scenario was predicted by Andrei Sakharov as early as 1968, with Communist victory to be complete by the year 2000. Golitsyn accurately foresaw many specific developments that have now occurred. He correctly predicted that Soviet dictator Yuri Andropov would be followed by a man with a more liberal image, a perfect description of Mikhail Gorbachev. In amazing detail, Golitsyn described a political restructuring process that would be carried out. Under the name perestroika," virtually every expected point has materialized.

He correctly emphasized that Solidarity would be legalized in Poland and allowed to form a coalition government with the Communists after multiparty elections." He also foresaw, with astonishing precision, democratization" in Czechoslovakia, with the return of former Communist dictator Dubcek and close allies; the opening of the Berlin Wall and the reunification of Germany as the core for a United Europe; the German-Soviet friendship treaty signed November, 1990; the implementation of democracy" in such countries as Romania and Hungary; the end of the Warsaw Pact and NATO; and the efforts of these Eastern European governments to join the European Community as a prelude to unification with the West. Golitsyn even correctly stated that these changes would begin during the five years following his 1984 book, from Gorbachev's appointment in 1985 to the renewal" in Eastern Europe since early 1989. Change of Names Only The evidence clearly supports Golitsyn's contention that the Communists have not lost any power in Eastern Europe, but are well underway with a new phase of aggressive consolidation. The elections" in Bulgaria and Albania brought victory to the Communist parties in those nations, although the Bulgarian Communist Party has changed its name. In both cases, the only significant opposition groups have been formed under the domination of students and intellectuals, the sectors of society most thoroughly intertwined with the Communist power structure. Thus the Communists can bring about their own defeat" at any time without losing control. Democratic Forum, a group praised by the Hungarian Communists as early as 1988, was made the electoral victor in that nation in 1990. The group has received crucial help from various top Communists, including two powerful members of the Politburo, Imre Pozsgay and Miklos Nemeth. Democratic Forum's spokesman, himself a prominent faculty member at Karl Marx University in Budapest, has admitted that many former" Communists are leaders, not only of his group, but other opposition" groups as well. Poland is today dominated by the Solidarity labor union. Anna Walentynowicz, founder of the organization, has recounted in the December 4, 1989, issue of New American, how the Communist government gave their agent, Lech Walesa, control over Solidarity within days of its founding. By 1981 one million Communist Party members also belonged to Solidarity, including several dozen Central Committee members. Several of these Communists have been leaders in the group and aides to Walesa. Since Solidarity has been little more than a front organization for the Polish Communists, it was allowed access to state media and other resources needed to win popularity in the West. No genuine opposition would have been allowed to function, much less be granted such favors. The deliberately unsuccessful crackdown" on the group in 1981 further convinced the world of its legitimacy. Once that had been accomplished, the Communists were able to legalize it again and allow it to win elections. Yet the new Solidarity government, through mid-1990, had appointed Communists to command the secret police, the military, the judicial system, and all other central posts. Since then, several of those Communists have been replaced, either with other Communists or with people carefully selected by the Communists. The democratic" government of Poland has stated that even restrictions on freedom of speech will be lifted very slowly, and various anti-Communist organizations, including some under the Solidarity banner, remain illegal and have not been allowed on election ballots. A startling BBC documentary broadcast in May, 1990, made a compelling case that the street demonstrations and conflicts resulting in the 1989 democratization" of Czechoslovakia were carefully

planned and staged by both the KGB and the Czech Soviet secret police (STB).4 The new president is playwright Vaclav Havel, years ago a co-founder, along with several Communist Party members, of the dissident" organization Charter 77. Although allegedly persecuted" by the Communists in the past, Havel was given open access to the West of the sort given Soviet dissident" Andrei Sakharov. The transition of government was accomplished in 1989 with the election of Havel by the Communist members of the parliament, who also gave former Communist dictator Dubcek an official position, precisely as predicted by Golitsyn. Since 1989 Communists, former" Communists and agents of the STB have been put in such important positions as the foreign ministry, the military and economic planning. Even the prime minister is a former" Communist strongly supported by Vaclav Havel. An article from a French magazine, quoted in the July, 1990, issue of Soldier of Fortune, reviews evidence that the 1989 Romanian revolution was entirely coordinated by the KGB, with the help of the Romanian Securitate or Secret Police and the military. 5 The country is now dominated by the National Salvation Front, which was organized by the KGB and is almost entirely led by current or former" Communists from the highest levels of the former Ceausescu regime. The new president of that nation is Ion Iliescu, previously a member of the Communist Party Central Committee, and the prime minister is long-time Communist Petre Roman. The renewal in East Germany was officially prompted by New Forum, a dissident" group formed in September, 1989, by former" Communist Party members, along with academic and other officials with close ties to the party. 6 The transition of government was begun by a transfer of power to Stasi, or Soviet secret police head, Egon Krenz, who was subsequently replaced by Communist Party official Hans Modrow. The elections that followed made Lothar de Maiziere the prime minister of East Germany until the recent unification with West Germany. De Maiziere has been unable to shake allegations that he has been an agent of the Stasi, the East German secret police. His party, the East German Christian Democrats, was part of the ruling Communist coalition for over 40 years, and de Maiziere has been active in this party since 1957. The newer Social Democratic Party, formed in 1989, was headed by Ibrahim Boehme until he resigned over revelations that he was also a Stasi agent. Boehme had openly been a long-time Communist Party member. Among the other East German parties, three had been part of the Communist dictatorship for decades, alongside the Christian Democrats. Most of the world, including the West Germans, now believe that German reunification has ended the Communist foothold in East Germany. But while a united Germany flies the West German flag, the Communists are actively expanding their control over the entire nation. Although the Stasi has been officially disbanded, the closing of its headquarters means little. Since the early 1950s the Stasi has built a vast network of operatives, both in East and West Germany, with up to two million agents and full- or part-time informants. Before unification, the East German official in charge of ending the Stasi network appointed Stasi agents to supervise the process. Since unification, many of the Stasi files have disappeared, most of the rest are locked away, and the investigation is being closed without major results. Of the 5,000 Stasi agents thought by West German intelligence to have penetrated important West German offices before unification, only some 200 have surfaced.

The unification itself has undoubtedly brought many thousands of new Communist agents into the German government. Apparently in anticipation of the planned renewal in Eastern Europe, the Stasi in 1986 dispersed over 2,000 of its top agents throughout high offices in East Germany, and sent 500 additional agents to West Germany. Most of these still unidentified agents have infiltrated united German institutions and are waiting for future orders from their controllers. The united German military is incorporating thousands of East German officers, virtually all of them former" members of the Communist Party. The West German Social Democratic and Christian Democratic Parties are merging with their East German counterparts, thereby bringing in untold numbers of unknown Communists. De Maiziere, for example, was named deputy chairman of the united Christian Democrats. And the former" Communists from the East German parliament have been taken into the all-German parliament. Altogether the probable number of Communist agents permeating Germany may already be sufficient for a complete takeover. Evidence has recently surfaced that the Soviet KGB has taken operational control over these Stasi agents, and German intelligence has found a sudden reactivation of espionage, now coordinated from Soviet military bases in East Germany. Hundreds of millions of dollars have mysteriously disappeared from government accounts. A wave of assassinations has killed five prominent German leaders during the last eighteen months, with the Red Army Fraction, a Communist terrorist group controlled by the KGB and Stasi, claiming responsibility in at least two cases. Golitsyn explained in his book that assassination is an important method used by the KGB for advancing its agents in Western governments by eliminating their competitors. German intelligence also admits that Stasi has hidden vast stores of weapons for future use. Keep this in mind as you hear the media talk about about the rise of new, so-called extreme right-wing" parties in Germany and other European nations. Changes in the Soviet Union are also completely under Communist control. The independence movements of the Baltic States are officially led by the Communist parties of those nations, and growing evidence shows that the Soviet Communists incited and armed the violent riots in Azerbaijan. Renewals in other countries, including Mongolia and Nicaragua, are equally controlled. In Nicaragua, for example, President Violetta Chamorro was herself an original member of the dictatorial Sandinista junta. She has left virtually all economic, political, military, and police power in the hands of Sandinistas, and such Communist countries as the Soviet Union continue to send military aid. Golitsyn also predicted a possible renewal in Cuba as part of the global deception and the media is now beginning to tell us all about that. The major objective of the renewals, as Golitsyn pointed out, is convergence with the West. Various leaders of both Western and Eastern Europe are now using the German example to call for the political unification of all Europe. Remember that the Communists are masters of using dialectical strategy to win full power over nations in which they become coalition partners in the government. This is the method they now hope to use, assuming Western Europe will agree to the merger that began in 1992. The Soviets are fully prepared to assist in the takeover. Tens of thousands of Soviet troops remain in Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary, while over 300,000 Soviet troops are being maintained in East Germany at German expense. Meanwhile, as Jane's Military Information Group and other

sources report, the Soviet Union is using the new economic aid it is receiving to carry out its largest military buildup in over two decades. The armies in Poland and Germany are not scheduled to leave until late 1994, long after unification of Western, possibly with Eastern, Europe. If NATO troops largely withdraw by that time, the Communists may well be able to seize sufficient power in all of the United States of Europe to allow the Soviet divisions to stay permanently, and even to occupy the rest of that continent. Golitsyn warned that if this is successful, all pretense of democracy will be rapidly abandoned. European citizens will no longer be allowed to leave, genuine anti-Communists and dissidents will be executed, large numbers of prisons and concentration camps similar to those still fully operating in the Soviet Union will augment campaigns of random mass murder, and a communist state will be established openly and peacefully." Appendix / New Lies For Old Golitsyn outlined, among many other things, everything the world has witnessed: Gorbachev's role, the independence" of the new democratic" satellite states, the removal of the Berlin Wall, the reform" of the KGB, the death" World Communism and the former" Soviet Union's new name, the Commonwealth of Independent States." On pp. 348-350, Golitsyn wrote of the spread of Glasnost" and the role Mikhail Gorbachev would play: Another important factor in the selection of Andropov [former KGB Director and Soviet] was his leadership role in the preparation for the Czechoslovakian liberalization" in 1967-68 and the liberalization" in Hungary, which took place when he was the head of the Central Committee's department responsible for relations with communist countries until mid-1967. Therefore, the timing of the release of the Solidarity leader [Walesca] and the news of the appointment of Andropov confirm another point in the book: that the liberalization" will not be limited to the USSR, but will be expanded to Eastern Europe and particularly to Poland. The experiment with renewal" in Poland will be repeated again. This time, however, it will be with full strategic initiatives and implications against Western Europe and NATO. The appointment of Andropov, the release of the Solidarity leader, and the invitation to the Pope to visit Poland in June 1983, made by the Polish Government, all indicate that the communist strategists probably are planning the reemergence of Solidarity and the creation of a quasisocial democratic government in Poland (a coalition of the communist party, the trade unions, and the churches) and political and economic reforms in the USSR for 1984 and afterward. The coming offensive of the communist strategists will pursue the following objectives: The establishment of a model government for Western Europe, which will facilitate the inclusion of the so-called Euro-communist parties into government coalitions with socialists and the trade unions. The dissolution of NATO and the Warsaw Pacts, the neutralization of Western Europe, and the Finlandization of Western Europe in general, through the advocacy of European collective security. The provision of a broader basis and impetus for expansion of the antimilitary movement by a more active involvement of Catholics and other believers in the West, thereby forcing the United States into a disadvantageous disarmament. Influencing the 1984 United States presidential election in favor of candidates who are more likely to deal with the leaders of the liberalized" regimes in the USSR and East Europe and are more inclined to sacrifice the US military posture.

The dialectic of this offensive consists of a calculated shift from the old, discredited Soviet practice to a new, liberalized" model, with a social democratic facade, to realize the communist planners' strategy for establishing a United Europe. At the beginning they introduced a variation of the 1968 Czechoslovakian democratization." At a later phase they will shift to a variation of the Czechoslovakian takeover of 1948. Developments have accurately confirmed the prediction that the communist strategists would undertake the political initiative on disarmament, particularly against West Germany. The trip of Gromyko to Bonn, the invitation of social democratic opposition leaders to Moscow, and the statements of Andropov on missile concessions (made to influence the West German elections) are all clear indications of such a political initiative. As expected, the communist initiative revealed that its main target was the socialist parties. It also showed that there are elements in their leadership who are vulnerable to such an initiative, especially those in the West German social democratic party who have anti-NATO and anti-US views, or who like Brandt and Sweden's social democrat Palme are ready to embrace Rapacki's idea of a nuclear-free zone in Central Europe. The initiative increased also the pressure on the US for concessions to the USSR. In the opinion of the author, however, the communist initiative has not yet reached its peak. How will the Western German social democrats respond when the communist regimes begin their liberalization" by making concessions on human rights, such as easing emigration, granting amnesty for the dissidents, or removing the Berlin wall? One can expect that Soviet agents of influence in Western Europe, drawing on these developments, will become active. It is more than likely that these cosmetic steps will be taken as genuine by the West and will trigger a reunification and neutralization of West Germany and further the collapse of NATO. The pressure on the United States for concessions on disarmament and accommodation with the Soviets will increase. During this period there might be an extensive display of the fictional struggle for power in the Soviet leadership. One cannot exclude that at the next party congress or earlier, Andropov will be replaced by a younger leader with a more liberal image who will continue the so-called liberalization" more intensively. Concerning the recent collapse" of the Soviet Union and its reorganization, the following is from pp. 338-350: The suggested European option would be promoted by a revival of controlled democratization" on the Czechoslovak pattern in Eastern Europe, including probably Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union. The intensification of hard-line policies and methods in the Soviet Union, exemplified by Sakharov's arrest and the occupation of Afghanistan, presages a switch to democratization" following, perhaps, Brezhnev's departure from the political scene. [The following observations were made prior to Brezhnev's death. They are followed by comments on developments subsequent to that event, beginning on page 347.] Brezhnev's successor may well appear to be a kind of Soviet Dubcek. The succession will be important only in a presentational sense. The reality of collective leadership and the leaders' common commitment to the long-range policy will continue unaffected. Conceivably an announcement will be made to the effect that the economic and political foundations of communism in the Soviet Union have been laid and that democratization is therefore possible. This would provide the framework for the introduction of a new set of reforms." The Brezhnev regime and its neo-Stalinist actions against dissidents" and in Afghanistan would be condemned as Novotny's regime [in Czechoslovakia] was condemned in 1968. In the economic field reforms might be expected to bring Soviet practice more into line with Yugoslav, or even, seemingly, with Western socialist models. Some economic ministries might be dissolved; control would be more

decentralized; individual self-managing firms might be created from existing plants and factories; material incentives would be increased; the independent role of technocrats, workers' councils, and trade unions would be enhanced; the party's control over the economy would be apparently diminished. Such reforms would be based on Soviet experience in the 1920s and l960s, as well as on Yugoslav experience. The party would be less conspicuous, but would continue to control the economy from behind the scenes as before. The picture being deliberately painted now of stagnation and deficiencies in the Soviet economy should be seen as part of the preparation for deceptive innovations; it is intended to give the innovations greater impact on the West when they are introduced. Political liberalization" and democratization" would follow the general lines of the Czechoslovak rehearsal in 1968. This rehearsal might well have been the kind of political experiment Mironov had in mind as early as 1960. The liberalization" would be spectacular and impressive. Formal pronouncements might be made about a reduction in the communist party's role; its monopoly would be apparently curtailed. An ostensible separation of powers between the legislative, the executive, and the judiciary might be introduced. The Supreme Soviet would be given greater apparent power and the president and deputies greater apparent independence. The posts of president of the Soviet Union and first secretary of the party might well be separated. The KGB would be reformed." Dissidents at home would be amnestied; those in exile abroad would be allowed to return, and some would take up positions of leadership in government. Sakharov might be included in some capacity in the government or allowed to teach abroad. The creative arts and cultural and scientific organizations, such as the writers' unions and Academy of Sciences, would become apparently more independent, as would the trade unions. Political clubs would be opened to nonmembers of the communist party. Leading dissidents might form one or more alternative political parties. Censorship would be relaxed; controversial books, plays, films, and art would be published, performed, and exhibited. Many prominent Soviet performing artists now abroad would return to the Soviet Union and resume their professional careers. Constitutional amendments would be adopted to guarantee fulfillment of the provisions of the Helsinki agreements and a semblance of compliance would be maintained. There would be greater freedom for Soviet citizens to travel. Western and United Nations observers would be invited to the Soviet Union to witness the reforms in action. But, as in the Czechoslovak case, the liberalization" would be calculated and deceptive in that it would be introduced from above. It would be carried out by the party through its cells and individual members in government, the Supreme Soviet, the courts, and the... Needless to say, if you have any hope of understanding what has happened since 1989 and informing the majority of your media-deceived fellow citizens, you must own and read this book very carefully. Another crucial book is: Edward J. Epstein, Deception: The Invisible War Between the KGB and the CIA (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1989). Epstein's book is next in importance to Golitsyn whom he interviewed. He reviews the revelations in New Lies for Old (you still must read both books) and provides much past and recent corroboration for virtually all of Golitsyn's thesis. Needless to say, both books were ignored by the media and received little bookstore distribution. Compare that treatment with the media promotion and distribution given Tom Mangold's Cold Warrior, James Jesus Angleton: The CIA's Master Spy Hunter (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1991) and a 1991 PBS Frontline documentary" based on the book. Mangold's book smears Golitsyn (whom he never met) and Angleton, his CIA ally. A stunning example of Mangold's deliberate dishonesty is found in the Epilogue of Cold Warrior. On pp. 355-356, he writes:

History has dealt harshly with Anatoliy Golitsyn the prophet. Jim Angleton once described Golitsyn as a true scholar ... [and] a man with one of the finest analytical minds.' But as a crystal-ball gazer, Golitsyn has been unimpressive."Mangold then paraphrases a few predictions" from pp. 89-90 of New Lies for Old, quoting these passages out of context, to suggest Golitsyn anticipated after 1984: the political and economic strengthening of communist regimes and the Soviet bloc, the formation of a world federation of Communist states, the isolation of the US from its allies, the dissolution of NATO, a Soviet alliance with Western Europe and Japan, a decisive shift in the balance of political and military power in favor of the Communist world, ideological disarmament of the West and the convergence of East and West on Communist terms. Mangold's purpose was to make New Lies for Old seem so discredited by events since 1989 that no one would care to read it. Not only did Mangold carefully avoid the stunning post-1984 predictions quoted earlier in this article, but those he selected were actually a summary of objectives the KGB formulated in 1958-1960 to begin in the early 1980s." Needless to say, he hoped no one would read the portions quoted in this article which precisely predicted how the KGB since 1989 has advanced those same objectives. Anyone who reads Mangold after reading Golitsyn and Epstein would honestly conclude that Mangold's book was produced to discredit any influence of the other two and that Mangold's book is an inaccurate and very dishonest packaging of the disinformation line peddled jointly by the KGB and the post-Angleton CIA. And another disinformation package has just been published: David Wise, Molehunt: The Secret Search for Traitors That Shattered the CIA (New York: Random House, 1992). The fact that this scantily documented book has been so warmly reviewed by Soviet apologist Seymour Hersch, former CIA director William Colby and, shamelessly, Tom Mangold, might hint of its contents. A 1992 CBS 60 Minutes segment also spread its message. An example of Wise's equally dishonest rehash of Mangold is their treatment of Edward J. Epstein's Deception. Both authors briefly mention Epstein's 1978 book, Legend: The Secret World of Lee Harvey Oswald, regarding the TOP HAT and FEDORA affair. Avoiding any discussion of content of Deception and the overwhelming case it makes for Golitsyn's revelations, Mangold simply lists it in his bibliography and Wise (p. 261) refers to it as Epstein's later book."7 Needless to say, if Mangold and Wise were sincerely convinced that their thesis is correct, as investigative reporters" they would have examined and answered Deception at length. But it is obvious they had a different purpose in mind. The author acknowledges Bryan Ellison who permitted extensive use of the unedited manuscript of his excellent article, Behind the Facade," published in New American, May 16, 1991. For price and availability of New Lies for Old and Deception, contact: General Birch Services, P.0. Box 8040. Appleton, WI 54913.

1. The Coup Makers' Secrets," Newsweek (September 9, 1991), pp. 25-27, reports that coup-plotter" Valery Boldin was Gorbachev's closest personal aide. One associate said, He had Gorbachev in a stranglehold." After his arrest, his collection of rare books" was discovered. Bound in fine-tooled leather, they dealt with convoluted Masonic conspiracies like those favored by right-wing extremists." 2. George Melloan, Who's Afraid of the KGB? We May Soon See," Wall Street Journal, January 5, 1991. Peter Gumbel, Document Outlining Soviet Party Reform Is Full of Confusion and Contradictions," Wall Street Journal, February 14, 1990, exposes myth of private property." Lucy Komisar, No Place for Raging Capitalism," Los Angeles Times, January 2, 1990. Rone Tempest, French Socialist to Lead Capitalist Charge into Eastern Europe," Los Angeles Times, June 3, 1990. Jacques Attali, who directed Mitterrands nationalization of industry and banking in France, is president of the new European Bank for Reconstruction and Development which will privatize" Eastern Europe. Forbes, January 7, 1991, reported that the KGB has been financing Pamyat, a nationalist group that foments anti-Semitism." A sample Pamyat slogan: The transition to a market economy is a Zionist conspiracy.' " 3. John Harwood and Gerald F. Seib, Bush Asks Congress For Fast Approval of Aid to Russia," Wall Street Journal, April 10, 1992. $24 billion in aid from U.S. and allies. David Lauter, New Germany Need Not Be in NATO, U.S. Says," Los Angeles Times, February 6, 1990. 4. Czech Revolution: A Secret Police Plot?" Los Angeles Times, June 1, 1990. 5. Eric Micheletti, Puppet Revolution: Soviets Pull Strings Behind Romanian Upheaval," Soldier of Fortune, July, 1990. Peter Keresztes, Darker Forces Behind Romania's Front," Wall Street Journal, May 18, 1990. 6. Enno von Loewenstein, East German Communists Are Still in the Catbird Seat," Wall Street Journal, January 16, 1990. Former Prime Minister Kazimiera Prunskiene, a leader of Lithuania's drive for independence has been exposed as a KGB agent: Stephanie Simon, Ex-Lithuania Leader Called KGB Informer," Los Angeles Times, September 15, 1992. 7. Another KGB-CIA disinformation package is: James Adams, Sellout, Aldrich Ames and the Corruption of the CIA (New York: Viking, 1995), which apes Mangold and Wise (p. 296), omits New Lies for Old from its bibliography (p. 310) and actually blames (pp. 37-42, 93-94) Angleton and Golitsyn for the Ames affair!

In 1991 there was published a booklet which substantially supports Golitsyn's position. Despite some confusing verbiage, there is enough additional evidence to make reviewing it quite worthwhile: Andrei Navrozov, The Coming Order: Reflections on Sovietology and the Media, available from Claridge Press, 6 Linden Gardens, London W2 4ES, or Box 420, Lexington, Georgia 30648. On pp. 25-27, Gorbachev and Stalin are compared: For now, one need only recall that here the parallel with Stalin is obvious: even in Russia, Stalin's launch of what he called perestroika in 1932 earned him the reputation (among Russian writers and artists, for instance) of a liberator (from, for instance, Russophobic communist' activists in charge of culture, forcibly promulgating literary experiment and abstract art), indeed a saviour (Socialist Realism', unveiled along with other cultural reforms in Eastertide, was viewed as a return to the freedom of conventional self-expression unfettered by modernist mandate). In the West such enthusiasms were common well into the late 1930s, as these were further fuelled by Stalins Constitution', with its guaranteed delivery of ballot-boxes to the bedside of the infirm and related paraphernalia of political reform which by then had an equally enthusiastic reception inside Russia only because already accompanied by mass terror). Meanwhile, the new General Secretary's presumed opponents within the Soviet oligarchy seemed to encroach on his power publicly only to be beaten back, just as publicly, to the satisfaction of Western observers now increasingly committed to their key assumptions: that (l) Gorbachev was well on his way to having absolute power, like Stalin, and that (2) absolute power would not corrupt him

absolutely, because (3) unlike Stalin he was not a Communist' dictator. As we shall see, all three of these assumptions were flawed, but by the time Ronald Reagan visited Moscow to sign the INF treaty endorsed by a majority of U.S. Senators before they had read it, glasnost, perestroika and demokratizatsiya on everyone's lips were widely perceived as sufficient evidence of both Gorbachev's power and his intent to use it for the good of mankind. The words in question, however, had been first used publicly to denote policy initiatives subsequently associated with Gorbachev exactly three years before I sent off my article: in November 1985, in a Kremlin speech on the anniversary of its Great October Socialist Revolution' dominating the next day's edition of Pravda. Mikhail Gorbachev, General Secretary since March, sat in the audience, applauding dutifully in all the right places. The speaker was Viktor Chebrikov, head of the KGB. Chebrikov's speech passed unnoticed in the Western press because few outside the very centre of power in the Soviet oligarchy could have known that November how great a role the concepts Chebrikov was introducing would play in years to come. Gorbachev, for one, did not know it or knew it only in the vaguest possible sense: neither glasnost nor any other buzzword of today is to be found in the index to the 1986 edition of his collected articles and speeches, approved for publication in December 1985. In fact, as even Western observers now reluctantly acknowledge, many of his pronouncements during his first year in power' as General Secretary would have qualified him a year later as a die-hard Kremlin conservative'. It was not until 1986 that Gorbachev became, in the eyes of hopeful West, the dominant liberal' of his administration', perpetually fighting a Conservative opposition in the Kremlin', an opposition always losing yet never fully defeated. In retrospect, the verisimilitude of that public performance may be said to have owed something to the underlying reality of power play. At the time. However, the only relevant reality -- and the only one ignored by Western observers as their Kremlinological' theories grew more convoluted -- was that while the Mutt-and-Jeff routine did indeed star Gorbachev, this twoheaded figurehead was in the employ of a higher authority, which had devised and subsequently sponsored the performance. Why this is so must be self-evident a priori. Every trial lawyer knows better than to ask a witness in court a question the answer to which he has never heard. Every totalitarian oligarch knows better than to engage in public debate without the tacit consent of whoever is actually in power. Thus as StalinZinoviev-Bukharin rallied against Trotsky, Stalin-Bukharin rallied against Zinoviev, and Stalin rallied against Bukharin accused of supporting Trotsky-Zinoviev, to the outsider it might have seemed that the struggle evolved spontaneously; yet Stalin remained a constant of power throughout and is understood to have devised and subsequently sponsored the entire performance as only real power can. Despite this, in the mid-1930s as in the mid-1980s, the West found itself dependent, intellectually and politically, on the course of a public performance whose outcome had in reality been predetermined a decade earlier." A far more important source of commentary on events in the former" Soviet Union and its satellite countries since 1989 is the highly recommended Soviet Analyst, edited and published by Christopher Story ($325 for 10 issues per year, from: World Reports Limited, 108 Horseferry Road, London SW1P 2EF, phone 071-222-3836, fax 071-233-0185. This periodical contains detailed analysis of Soviet disinformation strategy written from the perspective of Anatoliy Golitsyn and has included articles by Golitsyn and excerpts from his second volume, The Perestroika Deception, published in May, 1995. This book is available for $19.95 plus $2 shipping from: General Birch Services Corp., P.0. Box 8040. Appleton, WI 54913. The reader is strongly urged to purchase and read this book very carefully.

Overall, Soviet Analyst under Story's editorship has been the best source of information since New Lies For Old and Deception. Excellent summaries of this information (with some speculation by Don McAlvany not derived from Golitsyn) have appeared in The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor (P.O. Box 84904, Phoenix, AZ 85071): particularly March, 1995; January, 1994; and September/October, 1991. Also on video or audio cassette: The McIlhany Report, Glasnost: The KGB's Master Deception/The Conspiracy to Destroy Israel (interviews with Bryan J. Ellison), please specify VHS or Beta II, ($21.95 video/$10 audio) postpaid from Individualist Research Foundation, P.O. Box 7486, Beverly Hills, CA 90212).

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