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Pelley William Dudley - Undying Mind PDF

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By William Dudley Pelley






A First Edition


In appreciation of their indefatigable
Loyalty and effort that have helped
Bring Soulcraft to its present success

Chapter I
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HE TIME has come, apparently, to write a book about you!

Millions of books have been written about every subject under the sun, from Aardvarks to
Zymotics , but no one has done a book about you as you are. I dont mean a biography,

although it would doubtless be quite as interesting as any other mortals biography. A biography is a
described roster of events in which a person has been implicated. Im speaking of a book that
discusses not who you are but what you are.
You would perchance declare, if the question were asked seriously and a serious answer
expected, that you were an adult human being, either make or female, weighing anywhere between
one hundred and three hundred pounds, white or black, rich or poor, educated or benighted, trying
to hold your place in an earthly society where there are 2,499,999,999 other human creatures more
or less like you. You might add your name, and your age, and a footnote that you have never been in
jail and your Federal income tax was paid. This, you would assume, would be telling what you are.
But I wish to go on record as declaring it is not what you are.
I declare you are something new in this world! Never since the daw n if time has there been
anybody exactly like you, and never again, throughout all the ages, will there ever again be
anybody exactly like you. More than that, while you may describe yourself to yourselfas a
human being, I make the sincerest observation that such term is meaningless. Do any of us
assuredly know what human beings are? Are they anything other than distinctive creatures? What
kind of creatures? Just distinctive. But distinctive in regard to what? We shall see.
A totally distinctive creature has attained to animate existence in this world of material substances
and is known as You. It is not attached physically to anything else. It can, by taking thought as we
say, put itself into spatial movement and convey itself where it will. It can, when it takes more
thought, stop such movement and remain in a state of rest for as long as it please. It can make
impersonal mental decisions apart from bodily movement, compare this with that, be aware of
shape, density and color without stirring from its place, know itself for an energy-wielding unit and

feel the emotions of anger, chagrin, pity, embarrassment and pleasure, purely from impressions
received through the so-called senses. Nobody actually knowsas I shall try to expound further
onprecisely what the senses are. But they do convey motivations to the observant and deciding
mind. As if this were not enough, this peculiar compilation of self -aware energy is marked
differently than any other peculiar compilation of self-aware energy in Cosmos. The outer
membrane of the physical self, that is to say the skin, has a tracing of tiny fleshly designs upon
certain parts of itthe feet, the palms, the toe and finger ballsthat are microscopically different
from the tracings on the membranes of the 2,499,999,999 other animate creatures of similar general
construction, and that unchangeably distinguish it so long as it exists. Lastly, Northrupp at Williams
College in 1938 established that it displaysor operates at an electrical rate or frequency that
is incontestably its own. Not a mothers son or fathers daughter of the other 2,499,999,999
so-called human beings on earth at the moment possesses exactly the same vibratory current. Every
one of us has his own, and you have yours.
Nature, or whatever cosmic cause brought your animate self into being, has gone to almost
unbelievable care to distinguish you as something special to yourself and this goes whether you
are a millionaire businessman living on Park Avenue with a liveried chauffeur to drive you to and
from the office or a bleary-eyed lout awaiting your turn at the Monday morning police line-upor
a salacious striptease artist disclosing your charms to an audience for a price or a plain-faced
mother on the side street of a Midwest small town, dividing her concernments between the rising
cost of Hamburg and her small frys croupy coughing. Nature, or whatever cause in Cosmos
brought your animate self into being, makes no distinction between millionaires and Lost
Week-Enders or glamorous demoiselles and care-distracted mothers. Each is a distinct product
with a distinct role and destiny. It may occur to you occasionally, poignantly enoughespecially in
times like the present when the whole world seems turning bottom side up and all the queer things
are coming to the top that the entire business of living isnt worth the effort; the race is one
gigantic dud anyhow and the mortal drama plunging toward a debacle. Strange as it may seem to
you for the moment, Im not going to combat you on that, although I by no means concur in it.
Before you reach that conclusion permanently, however, and maybe turn on all the gas burners, or
dive out the tenth story window, or spatter your grey matter over some landlords perfectly good
wall, I have the caprice to ask you to check over a lot of items about yourself, of which you may not
be consciously aware. I want you to consider the stupendous thing you may be that has never
occurred to you before, or been called to your attention since you have been born. Then if you wish
to t hrust your pate in the gas-oven, or open the tenth story window and imitate a wingless bird, or
spin the cylinder of your brother-in-laws revolver and pull the triggerwith nothing in front of it
but your own headgo ahead and exit.
I think the chances are, however, that you wont.

N THE FIRST place, there was more hard-headed sense than sentiment in Rabindranath
Tagores famous contention, Every child proves that God is not discouraged with Man. All

these political and economic troubles of the world have been going on for an interminable timeif
you dig deep enough and carefully enough into historyand will go on, undoubtedly, for an
interminable time to come, principally for the reason that they are all necessary conditions to mans
individual evolution. When I say individual evolution, I mean spiritual evolution, for no one man
can evolve biologically of himself.

In the second place, making yourself a stiffish yellow Something with a tag on a great -toe,
would be your way of saying that you know more about the worthlessness of being mortal than
Nature, who went to all the trouble of making just one distinctive personyourselfbefore you
had seen the finished product. Because youre not a finished product yet, by any manner of means, I
dont care what your ears or sex or race of troubles. Youre not a half or a quarter or an eighth or a
sixteenth of a finished product. You may not even come close to being a finished product for ten to
twenty thousand years yet. Imagine a five-year -old child blowing its brains out because it wasnt as
talented as Leonardo da Vinci, or as wise as Socrates or as cultured as Christ Jesus. That would be
you as a suicide when you say that your mortal life was positively not worth living.
You are an utterly distinctive cr eation in the universe, I say, with an individuality that must
possess its own definite significance. You have a bodily vehicle that looks different, and is different,
from any other bodily vehicle in mortality and even though you should have happened to be born
an identical twin, the statement still holds in some particular, if nowhere other than in your
fingerprints. Your spirit operates at an electrical rate possessed by no other soul in the known
universe. Even your voice is pitched at a distinct key that is all your own, since no two persons have
exactly the same voices just as no two persons have exactly the same identifications on the ball of
their fingers. In other words, your personality, no matter who you may happen to be, has Integrity.
Integrity in this sense means, unimpaired state, completeness, soundness.
You are doing an utterly distinctive job in the universe and that job is Yourself. Furthermore, it
commences to look to me, from all the researching Ive done, that youre tagged to identify by your
fingerprints and galvanic voltage so that fullest credits may accrue to you for the success you
eventually make of it.

ERSONALLY I have reason to believeas I shall expound in the proper placethat you get
a good many throws at it. You get dozens, scores, hundreds of throws at it if you want them,

I mean right here in this mortal world. Youve been the same sentient Thing you are now, maybe
dozens, scores, even hundreds of times before, and will e the same animate Thing dozens, scores,
and hundreds of times in futurewhich is where the phenomenon of Intelligence comes in, or
rather, from. You may spatter your aforesaid grey matter all over the aforesaid landlords perfectly
good wall but all youll really be doing is spoiling a set of perfectly good brains. You cant stop you
from living or thinking, or doing much more than escaping a temporary predicament. It would be
painfully similar to running a fine Rolls Royce off the pavement onto soft shoulder where the
offwheel spins in sand. You would get out with your chauffeur and say, I know how to get this
off-wheel out of soft shoulder. Heres twenty dollars. Go buy a quart of nitroglycerine and come
back with it. Well plant it under the chassis and blow the whole works to Tophet. That will get the
danged wheel out of soft shoulder. Exactly as sensible. Youll wait a while before doing more
traveling till you can buy or borrow another car but you certainly wont stay there by that spot of
soft shoulder throughout eternity merely because that off-wheel got stuck in it. Really wreck a
whole car with all its finely adjusted mechanisms and possibilities for further travel, would you,
just because an evil road bogged it? Thats suicideor at least one way to look at it.
I hope to show you how I myself, a somewhat smug and worldly newspaperman, raised up in
the orthodoxy of a Methodist parsonage, gradually came to realize the stupendous fact that all of us
have a good many throws at life before we truly qualify for heavennot just one cat-and-dog
existence, conditioned largely by the social state were born in, then Abracadabra! Up to

Elysium or down to Avernus according to what we did or didnt make of it.

However, Im writing a book about You! Whatever I happen to say about myself I offer as
evidence only that it may reasonably apply in your case as well as mine. You can never be me. I can
never be You! But if Ive broken trail a little in advance of you, I can certainly call back to you how
I discovering the going. If its not acceptable to you, reject it. Its quite possible that you, being
who and what you are, will insist on going to Avernus in a four-wheeled conveyance drawn by a
span of horses while Im as equally live my life nor ride in my vehicle. I dont have to ride in
yours especially if its Avernus-bound. If you insist on living the one mortal life and none other,
thats just daisy with me. But up ten thousand years I imagine Ill have the wisdom from experience
deriving from a couple of hundred display the increments from one shriveled little kindergarten life
that hasnt taught you to do much more than paw in earths sand pile and call it having fun, and I
congratulate myself Ill wash up with quite an edge of knowledge on you. Suppose we dont fight
about it, however. Just leave it till we come to it.

OU ARE a current human being, you say, with a name you dont likefor some odd reason,
no man or women ever lived who was completely satisfied with the name his parents

christened him and a face youd probably alter in a dozen places if you could. You were born of a
certain tandem of parents, made to toe the chalk mark or not toe it in your childhood as to obedience
in small matters., got a so-and-so education, married in result of supposed propinquity a susceptible
member of the opposite sex, and now find yourself the arbiter over young with bills to meet, a
daily or weekly roster of social or commercial appointments to keep, political candidates to vote for,
and your quota of taxes to pay in support of Great Britainyou being a good American in the
Twentieth Century, filing your place in society ably or terribly, wondering when and where the next
war is due to break out and whether or not youre due to end your days sitting on a cloud in your
birthday suit and watching the neighbors ride up on an atomic concussion to join you.
You are the great faceless Man or Woman who makes the statistics that make the census.
But youll have to excuse me, as I said in the beginning, if I dont care to agree with you. I say at
the risk of repetition that youre an animate creature distinct from all other animate creatures since
Time began, gradually evolving into something particularly special in Cosmosnecessitating the
peculiarity of your personal experiencesand what that particularly special Something is,
approximates a concernment so great youd better be giving it precedence over anything else in
your intellect. You maynt be able to discern it for a considerable time yet but at least you can take
more accurate and proficient note of what you are in the present and begin to get a motion of the
significance of that progression up the future. There wont be much room for inferiority complexes
in your system when youve begun to grasp the pattern of it.
However, there wont be much room for superiority complexes, either, truth to tell, because
youll begin to realize how little progress youve actually made beside the progress you
undoubtedly will make before you show semblance to what Cosmos intended when it started to
concern itself with making you at all.
So lets get down to tacks on this thing and check up on what facts may exist about you that
youre only half aware of, and other facts equally as vital you maynt be aware of at all. You
certainly cant form an estimate of yourself till you know all there is to know about yourself. Right
now I make the serious estimate that you know only about one fiftieth of what exists to be known
about you. And you think that one-fiftieth is all there is. Actually Ill bet you dont know enough

about yourself to tell what makes your fingers wiggle when you hold up your hand andas you
supposewiggle them. Im not referring to anatomical interplay of muscles and bones. Im talking
about the seemingly self-motivating Life-Principle that desire to see fingers wiggle, in consequence
of which, fingers do wiggle.
You dont know what your Soul is as a matter of face, if you dont know what it is, how do
you know youve got one at all? You think youve got the one body, and thats all youve got. If you
discovered you had more than one body, youd say someone was off their rocker and probably
thinking of two other fellows. You marry a wife and in due time she presents you with an exhibit
whose feet dont track and you havent the slightest notion how or why it apparently inherited
your own.
Youre probably the biggest mystery that exists in life todayas bid a mystery as the atomic
bomb, and, if the truth could be known, perhaps far more dangerous.
And you want to take lethal pellets or spoil the landlords wall because life isnt worth living?
Suppose you listen while I tell you all I know about you in a great many words

Chapter II
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UPPOSE, despite your occasional partiality for Pills that End Everything, you gibe twenty
minutes of analytical attention to the somewhat dumfounding thing that life is, of itself.
Does anybody know precisely is, of itself. Does anybody know precisely what it is? Do you

know what it is? I dont mean how it manifests. Any six-year -old Blessed Event can tell you how it
manifests. I mean, what is it of itself t hat it can puzzle the six-year-old what we might call six years
worth yet bedevil the oldest ten times as much at sixty? One would imagine that a compounding
familiarity with life would bring about an increasing interpretation of it, but actually, it appears, just
the opposite takes place. Putting it in another fashion, the more that consciousness endures, the
more the nature of it challenges. What other element in Cosmos breeds expanding mystery as we
progressively associate with it? Further, where should we begin at considering it?
The great 17 th Century philosopher, Descartes, thought hed come close to an answer when he
concluded, I think, therefore I am.
Descartes decided that life was a mere ability of a creature to entertain thoughts. He seemed to
overlook the circumstance that such a creature as the salt -water polyp shows no evidence of
thinking thoughts and yet no one can deny that this startling link between plant life and animal life
is alive. Plants are surely alive yet no one to date has attempted to chart their Intelligence Quotients.
Whole beehives of human beings appear physically animate, yet a real 200-watt thought doesnt
seem to issue from their intellects from New Years to Christmas. What Descartes probably meant
to express was, I am, in that I am conscious.
However, were not beginning this somewhat lengthy and heavyweight book on the Cosmic
Facts of Life to prove or disprove what a 17th Century philosopher meant or didnt mean. We want a
direct and appreciable declension for the eternal mystery of You! Rounding out my twenty-seventy
year of psychical exploration into the eternal veritiesin which I have talked clairaudiently with
some remarkable wits on Higher Planes as the record will showmy own 64-year -old observation
has it that anything is alive, man included, that manifests self-motivating energy!
This, it seems to me, is as apt a starting-point for what we have to discuss as anything
identifiable in Philosophy.
In this apparently simple Self-Motivating, we have the law and the prophets and in this day of
the strenuous life, the law and the profits.
What can we mean, self-motivating?

T MEANS , in elemental reasoning, spontaneity of action at ones free election, disregarding for
the moment any qualifications of limitation. Descartes should have written it, I demonstrate

myself at my own behest therefore I am my own evidence that life in my particular case exists.
Anything that demonstrates itself of its volatile behest is alive!
The whole universe, as we behold it, seems to be divided between the inanimate and the animate.
What we mean is, the whole universe is composed on the one hand of materials or substances
describable by form, amid which on the other hand myriads units of consciousness deploy and
perform at their independent behest. Both have the capability of altering position so long as no
stronger force counteracts them. But the inanimate move at the instance of poweror in result of
powerexternal to themselves, Mexican jumping-beans to the contrary notwithstanding. The
animate move as the result of power directed from within themselves. Mind you, I didnt say power
generated within themselves. I said power directed from within themselveswhich is where we
clamp a foot on the Mexican jumping-bean and put the modern motorcar out of the animate
category. Power directed from within. And directing implies a choice of election, to move or not to
I can move through my own power of choice, therefore I am alive, is an axiom to
remember in all the pages of enlightenment that are to come, always concerned directly with You!
When you cant move of your own election you are dead as Jobs Turkeyand this doesnt
make exception to total muscular paralysis, or being trussed with a cable till youre stiff as a billet.
You maynt be able to get u and do the Highland Filing but always theres some part of you
unparalyzed and untrussed that you can move of your own volition, though its no more than an
eyelid, a finger, or one note too, that theres never any such thing as being partially aliveor on the
other hand half dead. These are merely colloquial expressions applied to inadequately
functioning organism. Youre either alive or deadperiod!
You are selfdirecting and therefore alive. When you no longer are self-directing in any aspect,
you are dead. And how dead! In that item of being self-directing, apparently, we find the foetus or
embryo of the God-Idea. Self-motivation. Self -election. God breathed into mans nostrils the
breath of life (self-motivation or self-election) and man became a living soul, says Genesis.
God---without dipping as yet into religioncould be identified for present working purposes as
that principle in Cosmos that originates self-motivation or self-election. All other Principles are
non-self-motivation or non-self-elective pawns of external forces or laws governing forces.
However, dont run any spiritual temperature as yet as to whether God is this or that in His person.
Im merely using terms that well meet later in hypothesis. Well discuss the possibility and
character of Deity when we come to understand lesser matters
I can motivate myself from within myself and therefore Im alive and partake of a certain
characteristic of Holy Spirit. You can motivate yourself from within yourselfor at least I hope
and pray you can and thereby I recognize you as alive, whether youre a polyp, gorilla, or Fifth
Amendment congressional witness. Why should these two principles come into existence or
I contendwithout plunging too deeply into metaphysics at this point they served the purpose
of the Animate knowing itself for what it was, and is, and thus creating the item of identification
and making the phenomenon of Thinking a possibility.

N ORDER to exercise the thinking facultyif it can be called a facultythe things thinking
and the things thought about must both have identity. You cant think about anything until

youve identified what it is. If you believe you can, try it. Youll find yourself thinking of absolutely
nothing, and even in thinking of nothing youll at least be entertaining the idea mentally that you
are thinking of nothing. So youre actually thinking about something, though its Nothing as an idea.
You may think of a lot of things you dont know the accurate nature of, electricity for instance, but
first youll have prefaced such thinking by some aspect of identification even though its mainly
how the thing considered performs.
No, to think at all you must first identify. You dont thing until you do identify. So I contend the
basic identification of all identifications must ever be
I am the Thing that has the ability to motivate myself from Inside and am therefore Alive, and
these objects, articles, or substances surrounding me do not have such power and are therefore
inanimate or non-alive. Therefore I know myself for what I am, even though its no more than
distinguishing myself from what isnt aware of what it is.
That, indeed, must have been the very first thought that ever crossed the Mind of Thinking Deity,
or First Cause of our material worldmaking its self-activating nature apparent by creating a
universe that wasnt self-activating, and identifying one item by contrast to another.
The thing is really more profound and vital than appears at random glance. You may cry testily,
I know that Im alive and can identify myself, so lets get on with it. But dont you see, thats only
an observation. By no means does it identify what you are, excepting as exclaimer of an
observation. Its what you are behind all the observations of twenty million years that I want to get
at. Ill show you what I mean by doing some real thinking

ETS give ourselves and thinking a New Look.

Suppose that in so-called interstellat space there wasnt a single sun or star or

planetabsolutely nothing. Of course such a condition is inconceivable because nothing about it

can be identified, but you can first identify primordial Space by thinking of the astronomical
distances between the known heavenly bodies and then annihilating them utterly in imagination.
Suppose that in such omniversal Space without so much as a grain of mustard seed, there existed
just one Self-Aware Thought. Just one. You might say that couldnt happen because self-aware
thought would require a brain to think it, and such brain would be a thing. But I dare to tell you that
as we climb consciously up the many planes of cosmic consideration, the most shattering discovery
were due to make is the realization that Thought as Self-Awareness can exist and function without
any sort of mechanism thought. Enhousements and vehicles are truly only expedients for securing
some sort of external result or effect, as we shall see.
Suppose, to get on with it indeed, in such omniversal Space there was just one Self-Aware
Thought. If it could coil up and project just one atom of so-called Energy and identify it as such, it
would have solved both the riddle and the quandary of its own existence-identity. It could say, I
am the self-activating Thing that exerted energy out my mental self, congealed it into nuclear
pattern, and prescribed the conditions under which it operated in order to continue to be identified
as an atom. I will activate energywhich is only th ought external to myselfinto billions of
trillions of additional atoms. The more I thus activate, the keener will be the force of my own
thinking in respect to mine own identity. At the billions of trillions of such atoms were thus
integrated into the constellations and planetary systems the Omniverse as man knows it took

identifiable from.
Actually what was, and is, being identified is the Self-Motivating Consciousness that projected
However, we have all of us the tight to exclaim, where did the Self-Motivating mental Unit
come from in such primordial spatial isolation?
It isnt chasing the devil around the stump to consider that it didnt require to have a birth, since
anything truly self -motivating is eternal in both directions, one called the Past and the other called
the Future from our present stand points only. The act of considering events as occurrences in
between definite startings and finishings in other words, sequencesis a finite reflex utterly. This
lowest cosmic place called Mortality in which we are at present existing and performing in fleshly
vehicles as I shall show further on, is a place that features Beginnings and Endingsor it appears
so to usas a concept that permits the envisioning of eternality and limitlessness. If things didnt
appear to start and stop in this earth-world, our intellects couldnt grasp what was meant by
something going on forever. But the real matter on any plane would be the apparent proposition of
result of a cause, physically at least the cause being the procreational activities of his parents. This
very planet on which we live, love, and fight our battles is a resultof a cause unknown as to its
nature but which we can mark in astronomical time as 1,850,000,000 years in the past. Science
knows this from knowing the rate of radioactivity of certain minerals and estimating the time it has
taken them to exhaust themselves into transmutation. But how could any aspect of Thinking Entity
come in omniversal Space without a cause?
We are required to look upon it that Divine Spontaneity, seeming to be progenitor of all that
seems finite to us, is truly a condition within itself with Time but a hypothetical gauge b which we
measure event. Cause and Effect actually are but illusions of Time, in other words, consequential
series of events. Abolish or negate the capabilities of our own consciousness to measure in
Time-terms, or expand consciousnessin this case a consideration of limitationto encompass all
Time, no matter how many trillions of years, into the one electric instant of realization, and
self-realization is its own First Cause. I know this doesnt explain where God came from. But can
you dabble in Seventh-Plane thinking to the extent of grasping that perchance God couldnt have
come from anywhere because there was no place from which to come? Being all that is, we strive
mentally to conceive of Him or at least Holy Spirit by the fabrications and estimate-gauges of
our own Time-delusions. We want Him to conform to the limitations and Time novelties of this
very lowest phenomena-plane of all. And we cant so consider Him because Consciousness in the
abstract cant be comprehended in terms of the Finite. Really we look subconsciously for God to
have parents, and those parents to have forebears, and so back ad infinitum to what? I was reading a
psychical paper the other evening received from Britain, by the wayin which the Instructor
referred to mortal consciousness so developed and expanded that everything happening in half a
dozen worlds was known at once, in the electric instant of occurring. We poor little one-called
mortal mentalities, tiring out our tuppence worth of grey matter conjecturing on the beginnings of
God, are limited to thinking of only one thing at a time. Two things distract us, and three drive us
crazy. We say we cant comprehend them because their diversity distracts us. Really we mean we
lack the intellectual capacity to register them. But if all things actually are happening within Divine
Mind, then Divine Mind and the things that happen may be considered synonymous. The
happening is the registration in itself. Im coming back to this in many graver aspects.

HE ACT of considering events as occurrences in between definite startings and finishings is

a trick of the mortal Time-delusion, lets put it. And it seems to have derived from the

spasmodic progressions of so-called Evolution. Whatever has an end must have had a beginning.
Because of an apparent ending there must have been a beginning. One is corollary of the other. In
practical terms this is saying no broomstick could exist with only one endit would thereby be
something else. This introduces identity again. What we mean is, a one-ended broomstick would be
unthinkable, just as an unidentified object or condition is unthinkable in any aspect. God and
Holy Spirit, corollaries, are unthinkable because nonidentifiable, at least on this plane of
Time-delusion. We are solemnly assured that higher places of consciousness exist where God is
thinkable because identifiable.
However, when we say that a thing is nonidentifiable on this plane, what were truly saying is,
that nowhere in this world appreciable to our senses has an object or condition been intelligently
observed analogous to such phenomenon as puzzles us. Unless the mortal mind first finds some
item or condition in the natural world from, or by which, such comparisons can be drawn, the
nonidentifiable remains inconceivable. This is queer, when we truly stop to think of it.
No human intellect up the past 1,850,000,000 years of this planets Time-endurance ever
created of himself a truly original idea! What we call new ideas have been derivations of ideas
first projected by the Divine, or associations and combinations of them. This, for the reason that
ideas always are bound to concern things. And things have just one root, the Mind of Holy Spirit.
However, this is digression.
Mortal mind refuses to accept that Godallowing His existence as very realcould ever die.
Yet inconsistently it turns about and demands, If there be any God, what was His origin? If there
has been a Great First Cause, what existed before It happened? or it looks at human life in the
individual instance and says, Behold your broomstick with only one end: A man or woman
originates, soul and all, from the copulation between a given pair of parents. Having so originated,
such soul never perishes but goes on existing deathlessly throughout the millennial of eternity.
You and I both know what such acceptance is. It is the fundamental plank and platform of Christian
religious dogma. Every man and woman who marries, therefore, although admittedly finite in
themselves, set up in the domestic business of creating imperishable and infinite souls in the
children they produce. And this has been going on, apparently, for the last million years that the
human race in some form has been existing on earth. The broomstick with only one end to it the
beginning end God must have come from somewhere. Children originated by mortal
parents can live throughout eternity if theyre nice children and have gone to Sabbath School and
learned their celestial manners but it is their parents who thus start them off at the business of
living eternally. It seems to me that in considering the stupendous problem of what you are, and
where you actually did come from, its terribly necessary to try to unlink ourselves from this
dogmatic conditioned reflex of every object or occurrence requiring a beginning, whether or not
it has an ending, and considering God and the Omniverse as reaching back as birthlessly behind us
as we commonly accept its reaching deathlessly in front of us. Can we do it?
Probably not, because this is a world in which our thought processes operate from a basis of
everything that exists having derived from something else that previously existed, and thereby do
we get our identifications to think at all. Thinking, as we know it, I say again, is treating with
identifications, and identifications are recognizing and naming things according to how, and from
what, they originated.

In other words, everything that enters into thinking came from a parental something else. In the
finite or material world we trace this ancestral lineage back to the atomand identify a positive and
negative charge of electricity and little else. What a positive and negative charge of electricity may
be, we cant for the life of us explain, excepting that they seem to be the original substance out of
which solid matter derives. In the infinite or natural world we trace the ancestral lineage back to
the pre-Cambrian sand worms or the virus-polyp and say, There are the first creatures that give
evidence of being self-activatedly alive and so must be the ancestors of all animate things in our
universe as we know it. Then we ask, But a previous form of thinking intelligence must have
createdor begunthe sand worm or the virus-polyp and we postulate that Thinking Intelligence
by the convenient term God, a Being quite as unintelligiblebecause nonidentifiableto us as
electricity. So no matter whether we travel the material or spirituality. So no matter whether we
travel the material or spiritual route, we reach the same destination: Nothing, or in its elementary
meaning, No-Thing.

O W in considering the stupendous mystery of You, what you are and where You came from,
there are ways of identifying the original No-Thing for mental working purposes, the same as

there are ways of identifying nonseeable and nonhandlable atoms for chemical working purposes.
One is by observation and recording of their mass effects, or supposing then to be in existence as
we conceive them from mass effects.
Parents are only identifiable from the fact that they are adults who have created children. God,
or the First Cause, is only identifiable to us from the fact of His apparent creations. The
birthlessness of Godor the First Causecan only be grasped, or materially identified, by the
eternality of His No-Thing-ness transformed into a state that we can identify.
Now the eternality of the No-Thing-ness of Godby which we may reach the Some-Thing-ness
of Yousounds like mental nonsense until I call something that isnt nonsense to your attention.
Between the earth and, say, the moon theres an area known as Space, isnt there? Its always been
there, hasnt it? Fifty trillion years ago Space was still Space and had an uncreated existence before
the heavenly planets appeared to mark it off. Did anyone create Space? Was apace required to have
a beginning? It existed by the fact of itself, didnt it? It had an eternality of existence from the fact
of itself. And yet it couldnt be identified for the thing that it was until at least five heavenly
orbssuns, stars, planets, or meteorsappeared within it to give it three dimensions: two to mark
it for length, one in relation to the first two to mark it for width, and two others one placed above
and one belowfoe height and depth. Thereby Space became identifiable as the distances
contained within these five relationships. But the peculiarity of this geometrical arrangement was,
and is, that you as the observing entity must be inside the groupings to have them make sense to
you. Hypothetical points might serve as well as suns, stars, planets or meteors, to make Space
intelligible for what it was, and is, but actually you couldnt grasp the fact of width, length, and
depth unless you were inside the arrangement looking out toward the points. If you were outside the
arrangement they would always resolve to a meaningless flat place, just a five-pointed figure. You
couldnt appreciate Space as a something in which you could pilot an airplane. In face, you couldnt
identify it at all. You have to be in it, or as we say, incarnated inside it, to know of its existence. It
will have such existence without a begi nning or an ending. But reacting intelligence cant pick up
the fact of such existence until something expressive of the five aforesaid points is made apparent
and the observing consciousness enhouses in the midst of them. The five points may be great

constellations, or gnats winging in summer sunset, but they do make the eternal Space between
them intelligible to consciousness. All ten of them may cease to exist by reason of interstellar
holocaust and wouldnt cease to exist; only its identification sues by which consciousness grasped
the factuality of it.
So the eternality of seeming No-Thing-ness considered in terms of Space isnt such mental
foolishness after all. Real estate operators and landlords in lower Manhattan certainly dont think so.
Instead of being Nothingness, Space is so actual and tangible that the latter buy and sell it. In the
Berlin Corridor, Russia and the United States even warred about its reality.
So therefore do I declare to you that you can jump the gap from Nothingness to Somethingness
to get the first atom, because if you can materialize one atom out of Nothingness like Space, you
can materialize a billion trillion sextillion and get a solar system. You do by considering the
In the first place, what is Somethingness and in the second place what is Consciousness?

OMMONLY we would say that Somethingness is a state or condition containing two or

more identifiable items, presumably material objects.

Consciousness is the state of knowing ones own existence and directing ones personal
Somethingness depends on objective realities;
Consciousness depends on subjective awarenessin other words, you dont require objects to
be in front of you or about you to create the state of consciousness, you can be conscious that you
are yourself in the blackest void that ever existed and with no part of yourself in contact with
anything material. You can be hypothetically lifted a million miles into the darkness of interstellar
space, suspended there between the worlds in an utter static condition, and you would still
experience the realization that you were yourself. Time wouldnt enter into it because you might
hang thus for ten thousand years and only be aware of the present instants realizationthat you
were You! The present instants realization, I say. A billion years might be behind you and another
billion years in front of you, but they would really mean only so many words describing an interval
in which events might happen. You cant live Time that is already gone. You can only live and
realize the present electric instantwhich forever endures. You can remember events which
happened and registered upon your soul-mind, but the registration had to do with the events and not
with the Time that was spaced between them. Without an event of any nature either transpiring
about you or involving you, you have no way of remembering Time at all. The only thought you
can think is the one subjective thought, I am myself! You dont know where you are because
theres no occurrence to give you any identification of your location. Actually your whole
consciousness would consist solely of the thought, I am myself! It would be the only thought you
could think. Youd know of your own existence and your own mental processes, and thats all you
would know. You wouldnt be a thing that you were aware of, because you would have nothing to
which to compare yourself and thus identify yourself. If you werent a thing youd be
No-Thingin all logicor put the two words together and get nothing, the same as the Space
about you would be no-thing or nothing. Still the essential thought of yourself would be there I
am myself.
This isnt a mere word exercise, or didactic play on terms, and youll see the whole import of it
when we begin to consider the planes above Earth as places of Illusionsome of them or Pure

Thought. This is a serious attempt to get a new concept into your mind by means of a fantastic but
by no means spurious hypothesis. Of course you can come back at me with the purely mortal and
three-dimensional logic, Ive got to have a brain to think the I-am-myself thought, and a brain
means having a body, and having a body in such an interstellar situation means I wouldnt live ten
secondsId expire for want of o xygen or freeze into solid ice in the subzero temperature between
the worlds. So the notion is founded on a premise that couldnt exist and is spurious from scratch.
But wait a minute!
Maybe its not quite so spurious as it sounds. Ill refer you to cold scientific physicsand use
the fearsome reality of the atom to expound to you that the brain and the body on which you set so
much store, attesting to your materiality and therefore ineligibility for the interstellar predicament,
arent what you so easily assume them, take a long breath and hold on tightly, for were going into
strange precincts for a few minutes to get this mortal background of yours straightened out or at
least give you some entirely fresh thoughts to think concerning it. It was Ep ictetus who said a long
time ago that men are usually tormented more by the thoughts they think about things that is, their
opinions about thingsthan they are by the nature of the things themselves. You may be tormented
by my illustrationor the seeming lack of rationality in my illustration partly because of your
preconceived opinion of what your body is, and not by what it is actually. Let us see

MENTIONED the atom bomb.

My reason for making reference to the atom bomb isnt because I entertain any notion of

exploding one under your bedroom window and lifting you by force out into the aforesaid
interstellar predicament. Its because the atom bomb, by the very nature of its manufactureand
use at Hiroshimahas proven the actuality of the atom. Men have never seen one atom with the
naked eye although Dr. M.J. Buerger of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology photographed
atoms of iron and Sulphur as they arrange themselves in a crystal of marcasite Fe S2. He did this in
1950 with a microscope of his own devising, and Dr. Albert Cushing Crehore of Cleveland brought
the photographs to my attention. By reason of detonations and microphotographs therefore, men
know the atom exists and that its structure is what theyve conjectured it, because when they use
their hypothesis proves up, resulting in a bang so loud that the remotest government on earth hears
it and proceeds to Take Steps. Well, what is its hypothetical structure?
Even our school children are beginning to know, in this precocious age, that all Matter, organic
or inorganic, breaks down first into molecules which are the smallest particles of a given
substance you can determine and have it remain that substanceand below that, atoms, which are
three forms of electricity, Positively, Negative and Neutral. The Positive and Neutral in tight
association form the core or centrosome of the atom, called the Proton. The Negative aspects of the
same electric charge form the Electrons, which may move about the proton as planets swing about
the sun or fly off into Spacewhich weve already seen as Nothingnessand be permanently lost
to the Proton in the behavior known as Radioactivity. Queerly behaving little planetary systems, we
can call them, atoms, for literary working purposes. But planetary systems composed of what?
The physicist says Electricity. The chemist says Ether. Ask the physicist what electricity is, and
hell answer by explaining what it does. Anybody knows what it does. Whoever has toughed a live
wire on the vacuum cleaner knows what it does. We demand to know what it is. But we wont get
an answer because while electricity constitutes the basic form of all Matter, it doesnt seem to be a
material of itself. It is more what we might describe as an Energy form into pattern. But energy of

what? Well, energy of no-thing, or nothing. Energy of itself. Energy in the abstract.
Right there the attention of the average layman fizzles out. How can you have energetic human
male dressing with dispatch to keep a date with a girl. You can have an energetic rabbit darting
frantically about a moonlit prairies to escape the talons of an owl. But to have the energy of itself,
without the youth or rabbit, is manifestly an absurdity. Energy is the expenditure of force by which
something is moved or altered in location or condition. To have the energy in any appreciable form
of display, you must first have the something by which it is displayed. And right here you should
begin to get a wholly new slant on this business of the origins of realities. However, you probably
wont. Others may pull themselves u short and evidence enough grey matter to respond, That
maynt be strictly true. We can have energy without an instrument or medium as a property. Have
we anything in Nature that offers us an exhibition of Energy without so-called substance to produce
it or maintain it? Of course we do. Right away we run into an exhibition of it so obvious that all our
daily orthodox notions about Energy do a somersault. What about the common garden variety of
lightning-bolt in the ordinary summers thundershower?
Is it substance? Clouds may be heavily charged with electricity in unequal amounts. They
may relieve this lack of equilibrium by transferring some of it from clouds that have too much to
clouds that have not enough. The lightning-bolt is the equalization in the transfer. But it is no part of
the clouds themselves or the earth to which it sometimes travelswith the local fired apartment
summoned in consequential hurry. All the same, we know what happens if a human being or a
church steeple or a particularly lonely tree happens to be in the path of the adjustment. In the
fraction of second these can be annihilated. But by what? A material projectile of any sort? No,
by Pure Energy in the abstract.
In all of which I will agree with you as my adversary quickly lest you turn and rend me or the
readjustment rend both of us and leave no more to be said and no one to say it. But I go one step
further with your own example.
What are Light Waves but pure energy in the abstract? What are Cosmic Rays raining by the
trillions upon earth with each moment that passes and permeating through all substances, but pure
energy in the abstract?
So we do have the proposition to consider that Pure Energy though we dont commonly know
what it is at present may exist and demonstrate of its own integrity. And coming right down to it,
we quickly arrive at the conclusion that in common thinking were put the cart before the horse. It
isnt Matter which makes energy. Its Energy that makes Matter. The atom starts the build-up of
Matter is abstract energy harnessed into pattern.
We might say practically, to get an idea-image of the thing and thus identify it for thinking purposes,
that every atom is three varieties of miniature thunderbolt exercising in such a design of cohesion
that we can regard it as permanent unit.
If we have a central thunderbolt of positive and neutral energy with one thunderbolt of negative
energy playing about it, weve got an atom of hydrogen. Add five more central thunderbolts and
five more planetary thunderbolts and we dont possess an atom of hydrogen any longer, we possess
an atom of carbonwhich as everyone knows is the basic element of sugar, coal, graphite, and
even diamonds. From there on up, every time you add thunderbolts to proton or electrons, you get
what man terms in his three-dimensional consciousness, the chemicals, the fabrics, the metals, the
minerals. In fact, such is the difference between every material existent in the universe. Differences
in numbers of thunderbolts. Numbers of thunderbolts, or energy in the abstract, in continual

concussion and pattern of operation, are added or subtracted. And thats the world youre living in
mortally, which you consider so hard and reliable and permanent. Yet I ask you again and again,
thunderbolts or energy made of what?

IGHT here, again I say, the average layman gets all snarled up in his conditioned reflexes
respecting the nature and properties of Matter and can go no further. If Matter be compos ed

of atoms, which in turn are little thunderbolts of energy, and energy positive, neutral, or
negativejust abstract force of some kind, then hes being asked to believe that human beings and
all the objects and material furnishings of earth, and the suns and planets, can really have no
materiality and arent thee at all. The whole universe and everything in it, are actually composed of
nothing, just like the Space we considered at the outset. Any six-year-old child or sixty-year-old
moron knows factually that the universe and all its materialities are there and when either is hit by
an interstellar meteorite or speeding motorcar, the result is a long way from being struck by nothing.
Whats wrong then with our analysis, or, as we say, reasoning? We can prove the structure of the
atom by separating electrons from protons in the atomic bomb. We can prove that when solid
bodies are hit by meteorites or motorcars they certainly have been hit by something because always
theres a mess that requires cleaning up. How to reconcile these contradictions and paradoxes?
The cue to the solution was propounded as aforesaid by Epictetus in the First Century of our
so-called Christian era: Men are tormented by the opinions they hold about things and not by the
things themselves.
You hold opinions about the destructive solidarity of Matter because your consciousness is
operating on the same frequency of solidarity.
You find your consciousness captured, so to speak, in a presentation of cosmic affairs where
the vehicles which holds it or indicates its exercise, operates or exists on the same gradation of
atomic thunderbolts. Therefore you get the effect of solidarity of atoms which you have some to
name Realitythat is, substantiality.
If your consciousness oper ated at the cosmic ray frequency, it would behold the universe and
everything in it as porous or tenuous as a shape made of steam. You could walk through it as readily
and with no more destruction than a man going to the corner drugstore after a pack of cigarettes
through fog. Your whole self-realization could move through walls and solid substances as easily
as the sound waves from a broadcasting station enter an earthly residence of brick, stone or wood
with every door shut and every window licked. Dr. Milliken of Cal Tech, discoverer of cosmic rays
in the first place, shot them through forty feet of solid lead beneath the waters of Lake Arrowhead
and they never struck an atom; they were small enough and fast enough to penetrate through the
interstices between atomic units. But your consciousness or realization of your own existence and
mental processesdoesnt operate at cosmic-ray wavelength. It operates at the wave length of the
atomic materials in your accustomed physical self or the substantial world about you, through
senses that give peculiar and distinctive properties of that substantial world of little patterned
thunderbolts, and you accept the phenomena of their impacts as material reality.
You walk up and touch a table with your hand. You declare you feel the table. You aver from
such feeling that the table is solid is of such and such size and weighs such and such poundage.
The table is very real to you because of the manner or avenues by which you are considering it or
identifying it as a table. But the physicist would tell you that the feeling of substantiality you get
from touching the tables top is truly the impact of the woods electrons against the electrons in

your fingers. The atomic thunderbolts of patterned energy making the table are in a drumming
collision with the atomic thunderbolts of patterned energy making the protoplasmic sense-bearing
nerves of fingers, hands and arms. The energy in the tables materials is meeting the energy in your
organic materials and your sens e-mind registers Reality! Make the collision of one with the other
too violent and you shatter one or the other. You pound on the table or press upon it until you crush
it or your break the bones of your hand. Change the frequency of your consciousness to cosmic-ray
shortness and you poke your hand through the table as though it were tissue paper, or better, a piece
of mortal house furniture made of gale-blown snowflakes.
Now all of it may seem to have wandered quite a distance from our discussion of origins and
how Something can ever have evolved from primordial Nothing your spirit-soul, if youve got
one, as well as the Master Spirit -Soul we label Divine Consciousness. But pay very serious and
close attention to the rest of it

O ONE in his senses does make the claim that something has come from nothing and thereby
projected a universeof one atom or a billion-trillion -sextillion of atoms. What the sober

researcher into the eternal verities confronts is the gradual realization that no such thing as
Something has ever been created. All is still as much Nothing as primordial space ever was fifty
trillion years bygone or will be fifty trillion years in future. What does find itself in a state of
existence analogous to the accredited realities of Creatio n is abstract Consciousness and abstract
Energy the first the power of capability to direct such organizing and disbursing even when
theres nothing to be organized or disbursed, and the power or capability to complete such
organizing or disbursing in pattern and know what is meant by it in relation to the observant entitys
own integrity of creation. That may sound deep at first time reading it.
But stay with it. Youll get it.
Neither Energy nor Consciousness in such aspects are Things. Rather, theyre conditions of
apparency. When youve suddenly come into grasp of this, the whole material universe will reverse
itself for you, the horse will go in front of the cart where he properly belongs, and you will
necromantically as you thinkbegin to grasp why the great mystics have been uniformly ale to
do such remarkable things in, or with, consciousness all up the ages. Much of the puzzling
phenomena of psychical research will begin to make sense to you as well. In short, youll get a
wholly new concept of life and its miracles, not overlooking the greatest miracle of all, the miracle
of Evolutionwhich we are going to examine in considerable detail further along in this book.
True, youll find yourself thinking along different lines than your introvert fellow creatures
thereafter, but youll know compensations of intellect that must live whole cycles of experience to
But make sure you understand me here
Im certainly not going off the deep end and prating to you that the realities of the universe are
all illusion, that all youre doing is dreaming or imagining them, and all youve got to do to be
happy and avoid complication is withdraw into a small private Nirvana and blank yourself and the
universe smugly and completely from existence. In the first place, the so-called realities of this
universe are anything but illusionwhich means fabrication of the object or situation by the
imagination. In the second place, its doubtful that anybody could create a personal Nirvanaor
blissful nothingnessand get into it consciously without creating unconsciousness, which means

Nirvana means a static universe complete within yourself.

What Im trying to get across in a great many words, as I say, is this:
The state of Consciousness is a condition unto itself that came aboutand still comes
about ahead of the phenomena of atomic Matter as we know it by the implements or effects of
the senses.
Consciousness came first.
Matter deriving from patterned thunderbolts of energy came second.
Because both in their primordial states have no incidents by which to measure Timeany more
than Space, which we previously considered, has them both are timeless.
In seeking to solve the stupendous Mystery of You, what Im undertaking seriously and
logically to expound is, that your consciousnessthat is, the state of knowledge of your own
existence and mental processescame ahead, or existed ahead of whatever types of protoplasmic
or ectoplasmic vehicles it may ever have exercised to give you the impression that you were alive.
You are timeless because you may have antedated the earliest known forms of life on this or any
other planet, but it required a stupendous pageant of events happening externally to you to bring
you to entertain a sense of yourself. After all, what practical or esoteric difference does it make
whether youre a million years old or ten trillion years old? There doesnt seem to have been much
doing around the universe ten trillion years ago, although you never can tell. On the other hand,
slightly less than two billion years ago there was a whale of a lot doing in this particular planetary
department of the universe of I wouldnt be writing this book tonight and you wouldnt be reading
These are, of course, vest subjects to explore: saying that Consciousness came first and in
association with abstract energy wrought the tangible universe, as the common man knows it. What
proofs can sane people have offered them that consciousness could possibly exist outside of its own
particular physical vehicle, just as we may sensibly ask what proofs we could have offered that
Energy could possibly exist in the abstract?
Well, one objection at a time.

IRST we have to explore as comprehensively as we can just what Consciousness itself may be,
and what perhaps it isnt that we generally assume it is. Next we have to explore as

intelligently as we are capable just what Energy is, and how it gets its effects so that we can identify
it. But bear in mind throughout all of it that we can never for one instant go outside our own limit of
observation to make either deduction or conclusion.
Always we are like ants on the runningboard of an automobile, knowing we are being carried
some place and perhaps grasping some general idea of the vehicle doing the carrying. But thats all
we can know. Neither the experience of being transported nor the general motion of the vehicles
design, gives us the slightest linking of the mass production method in the Detroit factory that made
the car or the economic conditions throughout the world that have made the automobiles use so
readily universal. However, if were smart ants and endowed with reasoning talents, we can, from
the motorcars performance deduce some rather accurate conclusions about its probable creation.
So we swing back to the opening of this chapter again and make a fresh start in our observations.
If we see intelligence displayed in the functioning of this electrical world, we have the right to
conclude the intelligence existed or existsto put it into the shape in which weve found it. If we
see the electrical world of which were a part displaying the phenomenon of Energy, we have

reasonable license to assume that firsteither Energy came something, ofsecondEnergy is

something other than what Man commonly suppose it.
So in exploring You, we find ourselves face to face with the apparent enigma of how the
demonstrable universe came into such condition as to produce either one of us.
In exploring Mind and discovering its undying qualities, I want you to grasp as I can help you to
do so, why it could never be anything else than deathless. Thereat the Higher planes assume orderly
places, and all of a sudden you are a very learned person indeed, going to and fro in the earth with a
lot in your head which the average man lacks.
The difference between you and the average man will be, however, that hell always have that
secret apprehension about dying, while you will see Death for the stupendous thing it is and
well-nigh be eager to embrace it.
Not ahead of time, however. Thats almost as bad as being frightened witless about it. Ill make
the Why of this clear to you also, before Im done.
How did the demonstrable universe come into such condition as the produce either one of us?

Chapter III
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? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

F COURSE, we might as well inquire where God came from, ad have done with it.
That would entail trying to answer what God is.
There are as many conjectures as to what God is as there are human intellects to do

the conjecturing. To the Mosaic Hebrew he was a sublimated patriarch-monarch, originally the
tribal deity of the Midianite clan that called Him EI Shaddeefrom which root, apparently, we
derive our word shadow. To Jesus the Christ He was the all wise and all-protecting Father. To the
modern scientist, regardless of religious belief, He is the original cause behind all natural
phenomena, who wound up the universe at His caprice untold millennia in the past, shook it close
to His car and set it down ticking. Its been ticking infallibly ever since. To the great rank and file of
modern mankind Hes whatever the nearest denominational priest or preacher says he is, with
social ostracism the penalty for dissension ad the brand of Atheist thrown in for good measure.
The New School of Transcendentalism, however, generally identifies God as the Great Principle
of the Miracle of Consciousnes s, knowing that out of consciousness must sprout and develop every
good thing commonly associated with the modern idea of Deity. Also, out of the Miracle of
Consciousness must have come every evidence weve ever met with, of the existence and exercise
of Energy in whatever aspect it chooses to assume for us. To use orthodox terms for the moment to
aid in our understandings of the subject, First, Divine Consciousness, then Divine Energy, then
Divine Intelligence, performed in the order named to give us the universe where we as human ants
ride haplessly on the running board and try to figure out the intricacies of the motorcar made in the
celestial Detroit. In other words, Divine Consciousness maneuvered with Divine Energy and
evolved a knowledge of Itself that resulted in a universe that is the epitome of Divine Intelligence.
Its logically doubtful that the development could have been otherwise. Divine Consciousness
could not have exercised Divine Intelligence and gotten Divine Energy because Intelligence is a
product of Energy, never the reverse. You dont make a man energetic by giving him intelligence;
you make him intelligent by giving him energy.
However, no more is to be gained by squabbling over such conjectures than is to be gained by
arguing how many angels can dance on the point of a pin. Angels dont dance, to begin with, and a
pinpoint would be a nonsensical place to try out the terpsichorean art, especially if the celestial
beings didnt happen to have on sandals. We do know weve got something that is to al appearances
and purposes a workable universe in which Consciousness deploys and gets self-beneficial effects.
We do know that we happen to be conscious units of it, and in it, and that it seems equally as
irrational to say it just happened as to say that General Motors factories throughout Michigan

just happened. It isnt chance that adds seven to eight and correctly announces the sum as fifteen.
It takes Consciousness to do thatand third grade intelligence. It likewise takes Consciousnes s and
Intelligence to formulate the conclusions that the whole is the sun of all its parts and things
equal to the same thing are equal to each other. Logical cause and effect never derive from blind
accident. The composition of what seems to us to be Matter in all its forms is Energy proscribed to
inviolate pattern. But the Energy had to exist before it could be proscribedthe proscribing by
means of laws being the demonstration of the existence of Intelligence. And Consciousness had to
precede both to project them into a performing process. The starry heavens couldnt have whipped
themselves into galaxies by chance and then consciousness come along and recognized their
cosmic propriety. If we want to ascribe any sort of Beginning to them we must antedate it with
some form of Thought exercising, which said, I Am Myself! That having been achieved, whether
it took twenty trillion solar years or two and a half minutes, the second Thought following the first
should have been, What can I do to prove it?
Because, in any form of life, it has to be demonstrated.
Mrs. Smiths new infant is yowling its lungs out in its new crib and Mrs. Jones next -door listens,
because she cant help it. She demands, What does ail that young one? Has it got a pin sticking in
it or does it want its dinner? but not a thing in particular ails it. The new Smith papoose has
suddenly gained to consciousness and is suddenly yowling, I Am Myself! all over the place.
Nobody gives a dam that it is Myself excepting itself and its doting parents. But consciousness is
certainly working in it according to Hoyle and the infant continues to advise the universe I Am
Myself! till the Joneses in concert with ten other neighbors band down their windows. Or lets say
that a Ctenocephalusflea to youfinds the philosophers fundament and bites it. The
philosopher heaves up, taking most of the bed clothing with him if he be retired for the night, and
proceeds to discuss Ctenocephali with the Creator. The flea has merely said to the philosopher, I
Am Myself and done something to prove it, the something causing the philosopher to scratch an
indelicate portion of his anatomy most of the remainder of the night and part of the succeeding day.
The philosopher may reply, All right, youre Yourself, but you neednt be so danged personal
calling attention to it. The flea merely hops to the philosophers wife and repeats its identification.
The philosophers wife is different from the philosopher. She blazes vocally, Joe, theres a flea in
this be d! and being sanitary-minded she gets up, light a lamp, and proceeds to search the bedding
for Ctenocephali lest she and her consort be labeled a perfectly lousy couple. She finds the creature
and presently its calling attention to itself has wrought its annihilation. Yet the principle of
Consciousness has manifested. Myself has identified itself by a demonstration or doing something.
We have, in demonstration of the fact of Master Consciousness, the demonstration of the
universe to attest to Its Myself ship. But for present working purposes we may look upon itand
upon ourselvesas a demonstration of Consciousness only, getting its results through energy to
give us the universe of Intelligent performance. Master-Consciousness, which may well have set
the pattern for Consciousness that is You, may have taken ten minutes or the equivalent of ten
trillion solar years to arrive at the solution of how to attest to its Myselfship. With all due respect, it
couldnt yowl, I Am Myself! as the Smith bambino yowls because who in the Great Universe
would hear it? It couldnt bite a philosopher in a personal place because at the time philosophers
hadnt been created and equipped with places to bite. Yet it had to do something to attest to its
existence. So the thing that It apparently did was to think up conditions With Itself, experimenting
with this or that design of self-realizing activity and creating the electrical mystery known as

Energy. When Energy was intelligently organized and exercised it began to produce atoms, which
in various combinations produced molecules, which in varieties gave us the substances and stuffs,
which we identify as materials of every nature and quality.
Without dealing in metaphysical cant or slipshod mysticism that sentimentally pass es all onus
for what cant be otherwise explained to Divine Mind, the self-evident nature of atomic materials
from which a well-nigh limitless universe is composed, seems to attest to this origin in the I Am
Myself demonstration of Divine Primordial Mind . For want of a better term we can adopt the
designation Cosmos-Consciousness to describe the originating Thought-Vibration that began to
propel atom-composing energy into the uncharted universe. Not Cosmic Consciousness,
Never mind how others may interpret the term, suppose we identify it not as the whole universe
being aware of its own existence and mental processes and indulging in exercise of thinking in its
own rightbecause its doubtful that the universe as a universe does the slightest bit of
thinkingsuppose we identify Cosmos -Consciousness as the original I Am Myself realization,
originating energy from within its own meditative or cogitative processes and rolling such energy
up into the electrical atoms from which our universe of seeming materials is derived and exhibits
daily about us.
Thus the universe wouldnt be the mind of God-Stuff so much as the demonstration and effect of
the Mind of God or the consciousness in which Cosmos displayed such features of Itself as could be
abstractly discernible to its sentiment parts. Thus the Divine Mind could have what we call
Individuality while at the same time we lived, moved, and had our being in the vibratory effects of
such mental processes.
Divine Self-Realization could produce the electrical energy that gives us atoms and we as
prototype of the same self -realization could use those atomic thought -products to get our own
expressions of the I Am Myself impulse.
On the other hand, it is equally as possible that each and every one of us as consciousness units
can do and do dothe same thing on a smaller scale as Cosmos-Consciousness has done, and
continues to do, on a universal scale.
Its no impiety to say that having had Cosmos -Consciousness breathe into our nostrils the breath
of life we ourselves may be embryonic divinities of a sort, and Im going to bring some remarkable
testimony of the possibilities of this to your attention as I continue the chapters of this book.
The fact does remain that Consciousnesseven the everyday human varietyis capable of
doing many things and displaying many attributes that can have no foundation in the careless and
callow assumption that it is the property of pure physical body only. Consciousness does manifest
through the human body and for that reason and to that extent people say that the human body is
conscious and alive. But the human body can also be alive when it certainly is not consciousas
happens every night when we fall deeply asleep or when we are knocked out by a blow on the jaw,
or when we take anesthetics for a surgical operation. Conversely, Consciousness can manifest apart
from the human body, as has been attested in thousands of instances duly authenticated by the
unchallengeable records of the American and European psychical societies, both during the life of
the body and after the bodys decease. Many of those instances I have not only investigated but
personally witnessed and even participated in, which in the proper place I shall describe in detail.
As if this were not enough, thousands of my readers will know of instances within their own
experiences when consciousness has similarly performed.

F CONSCIOUSNESS the state of knowing of ones own existence and mental

processingscan perform apart from the body in the slightest particular, it proves by such
performance that it cannot be a capability for which the body of itself is alone responsible. It must
be a capability independent of the body as to origin, though involving the body upon most
occasions in common exercise. It is in this ability to enlarge consciousness from the body and
operate apart from it that we get the richest material for our study of the Real You. Because our
conclusions attest that while You materially consist of the present body that you are occupying, the
latter is not all of You. Theres a tremendously big portion of You that must be extraneous to your
bodywhat I might call the nonperishable part. But to get back to Cosmos-Consciousness as the
background for all this
There must have been a Consciousness, which produced Cosmos because we do have Cosmos
or the factual universe before us, or about us, as its product. As a produce it indicates too many
features that could only have come into existence through a Performing Int elligence to declare the
whole thing the effect of chaotic happening. However, as a universe its only factual as its
perceptible to our own concurrent degree and frequency of consciousness, indicating but not
necessarily proving that our own origin and cultivation of consciousness maynt have been very fat
dissimilar to the Cosmos-Consciousness which found an intelligent way of compressing energy
into pattern to make the scheme of materials seem substantial. Its by no means an illusionary
universe, I say again, and yet the nuclear fission physicist knows there actually is nothing solid in
it anywhere merely an effect of energy, which gives a effect of solidarity when approached by
consciousness on a corresponding wave length.
Religious people uniformly apply the term God to this original Master-Consciousness that has
gradually thought all this orderly natural phenomena into perceptible reality. But God can as
readily be a Self-Expressing Condition as He can be a super-personality, and forfeit none of His
divinity. After all, the term Condition means only the state or mode in which a person or a thing
exist and Divinity means the quality or character of being divinethat is, pertaining to, or
proceeding from, or of, the nature of God or a god. Never forget that God or gods is only a concept
of personality-attributes superior to the human by contrast with the human.
When we speak of the divinity of God, therefore, were merely referring to the nature of God.
And we can only grasp His nature through His self-expressions, which in our own case and to
our own perceptions is the universe, which He produced and now sustains. We have no other way
of knowing the natures of Divine Providence. The theologian may seek to convince us that we
come to underst and Gods nature through the words of the Bible, but we dont know for certain that
the words of the Bible are Gods words. Gods alleged words in the Bible were not only written by
entirely mortal men telling us what they assumed God said to them but they ve been edited and
re-edited by scores of scholars and ecclesiastical councils up the course of history, translated from
one ancient language to another entoto five times and copied and recopied by monks who at their
own caprice could inert or delete as t hey pleased. The latest Biblical editing of Gods words has
even been done by modern scholars within the past five years. If Gods words have been infallible
from the first, why does a group of linguists require to assemble once every century and fix them
up authentically?
In one part of the Bible we have God presented as a divinity of wrath and jealousy and
vindictiveness, in another part Hes a divinity of Love, Mercy, and Eternal Patienceabsolutely

contradictory terms. At one place the Bible says that God came down into Eden and walked in its
gardens in the cool of the daya purely anthropomorphic exercisetalking with Adam, Eve, and
the serpent representing the Zoroastrian Devil. At another place we are most solemnly assured
that no man hath seen God at any time. Why hoodwink ourselves so illogically and childishly
about any infallibility of Holy Writ? Any intellect above eighteen years of age is capable of
recognizing that God has been presented throughout history as the people of any given period or
culture were capable of concerning Him.
So, in order that we dont fall into the same intellectual self -delusion, what can we say of God
from our own perspectives excepting what the ant on the autos running board might say about
Henry Ford He was the man who made this sort of machine, and by examining the machine he
was, and is, revealed as a human male of mechanistic creativeness, ingenuity, and organizational
capability, and not a druggist or schoolteacher or newspaperman or polar explorer. Looking up the
compiled facts about the necessary natures of motorcar manufacturers the general nature of the late
Mr. Ford comes clear. How he treated his wife, what he thought about Paul Revere, about
vivisection, about fluorine in drinking water, whether he wore purple socks inside brogans or
relished pepper on his ice-cream these were not discernible from the features of his product and
really were but incidental to his major personalitycreating a small, low -priced motorcar that
bumped Avernus out of the average American citizen throughout an earlier generation.
We know that our universe exists and performs in nonidentifiable Space. So it must have been in
nonidentifiable Space that it commenced to demonstrate. As it attests to intelligence in its structure
and performings, whatever caused it to demonstrate must have been intelligent. But when we
examine and analyze what it is composed of, bit by bit its substantiality refines down to naught but
patterns of congealed energy, performing in such a manner as to produce consistent effects on our
physical and mental senses. So, to furnish as simple and understandable a background as possible
for examining the phenomena of ourselves, we put together this equation
In the Beginningseeing we are mortal and three-dimensional and must have a beginning to
make things identifiable and thus think about themin the no-thingness of Space that was as black
and nonintelligible as it was limitless, what Genesis describes as primordial Void, and I Am
Myself essence began acquiring an awareness of Itself. What quantities of Time were involved in
this unknowable essence coming to the I Am Myself realization, we have no means of computing,
much less grasping. But apparently, logicizing from the product which is beneath our fingers, the
Primordial I Am Myself realization was the original display of the miracle of Consciousness. It
must have been unique and complete unto Itself as Consciousness and not the performance of an
enhousing brain or body because then we should have the right to demand where its materials
previously came from, and how and from what they were made, to compose such brain or body.
No, apparently and logically this primal display and performance of Consciousness was an
essence unto Itself, like unto nothing we can find or see nakedly evident in life or Cosmos at the
present time. As such, it is unknowable and hence nonthinkable to us except as an abstraction
conceived by its performance. There in the colossal void of limitless darknessand
nothingnessit must have put the inquiry to Itself, How do I know that I am Myself, and what can
I do to demonstrate it? And meditating on this challenge to Itself for tens of trillions of years, it
might finally have found its answer within Itself: I will project a form of seeming activity
extraneous to my self-consciousness and know that I am Myself by a phenomenon of objective
Movement. But what shall move? My self-conscious Thought, my Consciousness, shall move

external to itself. And when, and as, it moves it shall be known as Energy. I will therefore
experiment with such Energy and educate Myself from common self-realization into recognitions
of My inherent capabilities that shall be known as Intelligence. The more I learn about My inherent
capabilities to express My reality in terms of Movement known as Energy, the more intelligent I
shall pronounce Myself.
So the original and universal Consciousness thought the first Thought and spake the first
Worda la the Gospel of St. John puts it, and it s interesting in the light of our knowledge of
modern Science
In the Beginning was the Word (consciousness in the abstract, capable of making
pronouncements within and concerning Itself) and the Word was with God and the Word was God.
The same was in the Beginning with (or within) God. All things were made by Him (atomic
electro -energy as the base substance of all materials) and without Him was not anything made that
was made (in other words, nothing has reality not originating in this primal Cosmos-C onsciousness.)
In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. (In Him was all consciousness and the
All-Consciousness was the illumination of all human units in their smaller cosmic voids, giving
them their own cues as to what the I-Am -Myself principle can accomplish. And the light shineth in
the darkness (illuminates the voids of all conscious individuals) and the darkness comprehended it
not. (Void has no consciousness of itself to produce self-realizations; Consciousness is an essence
inviolate to itself in al its aspects and performings.)
so the first God Thoughtwhich when made articulate might have been identified as The
Wordwrought the phenomenon of Movement-within-Itself, the little planetary world of the first
atom or charge of positive electricity, a charge of neutral electricity and charge of negative
electricity. This was exactly one item of hydrogen and where in the vast and unknowable
universe it may be at this moment would be interesting to learn, because we seem to find it a truth
that nothing once created perishes to extinction, it merely changes the pattern of its energy and is
called something else. The whole process, from that first hydrogen atom to the billions of trillions
of atoms of God-Consciousness-Energy would up since, and composing the universe of seeming
reality, is merely one of patterned movement. The electric instant the movement should halt, the
universe vanishes as utterly as though the God-Consciousness had stayed witless from Its original

E MIGHT , to use another metaphor, compare the material universeor what seems to us

to be the universe of discernible materialsto the detonation of a mammoth gun. So long

as explosion and concussion continue, the substantial universe exists. Recall it or extinguish itin
other words, end itand presto! there is nothing! Not a constellation nor a star nor a sun nor a
planet nor an ounce of fabric, protoplasm, mineral or metal, anywhere in Cosmos. Everything
would be back precisely to where it was in primordial void. The essence of I-A m-Myself
consciousness would find itself cogitating in inky emptiness for another few trillion years, with not
even a calendar or clock to mark the sequence.
We may logically, and with respect for the latest findings of physics, provable say that while the
material universe isnt God literally for God in the foregoing sense has no literalityit is the
product of God thinking in terms of patterned Energy. Give it as many names as pleases you
according to your race, culture, or religion, the hypothesis remains the same from the tangible
resulting evidence in every square centimeter of space around us, away to measureless infinity.

God then, we may practically conclude, is truly the Essence of Consciousness that abides and
functions irrespective of materials, but that authors materials in order to make Itself discernible.
In the foregoing thirty words is a mighty principle for every self-aware intellect to assimilate
who happens to gain to the slightest solution of the mystery of himself.
It is Consciousness Itself, and of Itself in ability to recognize the I-Am-Myself thought, that is
hopelessly unknowable, not necessarily the processes by which it gets discernible effects. The only
proof we have that it exists at all is its manifestation in the item of each and every one of us.
Each and every one of us can think I Am Myself and now that it means. Even Ctenocephalus
in the philosophers bed knows what it means. And so long as there is no such thing as material in
the universe but only Cosmos-Consciousness Energy harnessed into patternwhich might perish
instantly if Cosmos-Consciousness stopped self-identificationwe can begin to entertain from
here on outward the somewhat awesome thought that Consciousness as an essence is the only real
and enduring element that exists in a so-called enduring world at all.
The principle of Awareness, either of ones own self or external objects and substances,
encompasses all other principles of which the Cosmogony is constituted, being the root and author
principle of them all. Theres nothing else matching it even in universe so far remote that light must
travel a million years at 186,000 miles per second to reach them.
Its the stuff that the real You and I are made of.
Its the actual You and Me.
Undoubtedly because it is the actual You and Me, and the basic motivation for all thats
discernible in our entirely atomic universe, its able to accomplish what it does, extraneous to these
protoplasmic bodies of ours in which we periodically find ourselves enhoused.
But well take those possibilities up when we come to them. Lets talk some more about God for
a time not to be overly curious or pious but to arrive at a clearer concept of the nature and
purpose of Yourself. I say again, were not galloping in all these Para physical terms merely to be
didactic or show what a marvelous command of the dictionary we may possess. Were engaged in
searching out the logical reasons why consciousness may do the things it ofttimes does, which has
no explanation in pathology.
Incidentally, dont forget that the nuclear fissionists are following not so very far behind us, because
every little while a truly learned scientist lifts his eye from his microscope and expresses his
concernment that in truly exploding the hydrogen atomcompletely exploding itwe may be
starting a chain reaction which triggers the universe into utter blank. What hes trying to say, of
course, is that in disrupting the ensemble of Gods First Thought of Energy, he may be calling a
stop to that display of titanic concussion that is the knowable universe in the formal sense. The
nuclear fissionist is tampering, in other words, with the formula set down by St. John as quoted
No, were not dealing in seven-pound words merely to be clever and display our erudition.
Were looking at Thought, as the denizens of a million worlds higher than ours perceive it.

Chapter IV
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?


? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

EN OF every age have been forcedas Voltaire once commentedto invent God in
some aspect or other in order to explain that which was otherwise nonexplainable in
Nature, holding them physically subservient. It was a logical conclusion that

whatever made a man-creature subservient was more powerful than he and should therefore be
respected, venerated, or propitiated. Natures physical domination of man thereby childishly
confused Nature and God in all the aspects he saw or experienced in the physical world about him.
I hazard the somewhat startling opinion that God may have no more responsibility for the
workings of Nature, insofar as they entail privation or mishap to man, than Henry Ford could have
been held responsible for the behavior of one of his Model Ts, that ran downhill and killed an old
maid schoolteacher in Appleton, Wisconsin, in 1911. God had postulated a universe in which
Energy is decreed to perform to a pattern. The result is a world in which Consciousness in the
so-called human microcosm can have a totality and uniformity of experiences and thus refine its
intelligence as Divine Intelligence becomes more and more refined in the celestial sense, and more
and more capable as the aeons transpire in the macrocosm. God isnt Nature, and Nature isnt God.
God is Energy -Sustaining Consciousness, and Nature is one of the aspects it takes to enlarge and
emphasize the I-A m-Myself concept into cosmic intelligence.
Everything goes back to the Enigma of Consciousness, both in the Macrocosm and Microcosm.
Endless development into uncircumscribed intelligence seems to be the whole import of it.
We have difficult, of course, grasping these two items. What could endless development be like?
Is there no limit to the extent or expansion of the intelligence we acquire?
Admitting each is so, the entire agenda of life amid the worlds makes sense.
People become bored with life and put ends to current earthly sojourns. They contend they
have nothing to live for. But unless they be sufferers from unbearable pain, the true reason life
bores them is largely because it is teaching them nothing worthy of the effort required to persist in it.
People undergoing experiences to great spiritual profit are never bored with life and never kill

themselves. Nothing is of greater experience-profit than a trip to Europe for the first time. Fancy a
man or woman of sense committing suicide because they were bored with life just as a great ocean
liner was about to disembark them at Cherbourg. The difference between interest and ennui is the
difference between learning something new and learning nothing whatsoever. That which implants
brand new facts in the head inevitably grips the attention. When existence is utterly sterile of
experiences that impart something the soul can use in development of intelligence, we feel we are
wasting time meanderig futilely about mortality. Show a disconsolate man that life has a pattern
that he can follow with profit, and he forgets his despondency. On the other hand, it is doing a man
a tragic injury to preach the vicious fallacy of Perfection as perfection. In the first place, youre
holding up a prospect of a preposterously static condition to him and assuming hell be interested.
In the second place, if a man actually could arrive at perfection, hed have ceased to be human. God
knows what he would be, since no such thing exists. Perfection suggests a state permanently arrived
at beyond which theres no more development nor enlargement. And youre a poor observer of the
character of human consciousness if you fail to see that men are basically intolerant of a state or
condition permanently arrived at. Man would not care to be perfect because there would lie no
achievement beyond it. Man ever wants and seeks to move onward and upward and outward. He
may have his periods of exhaustionor overtaxed resourceswhen he wishes to rest from moving
onward and upward and outward, and enjoy ease and tranquility, but thats chiefly to bring his
forces back into balance. Give him too much ease and tranquility and he either degenerates
mentally or physically or hes bored. To be always going on, climbing and expanding, growing
bigger and of wider cons equence, is mans interest, instinct, and aspiration. Instead of regarding it
as mischievous discontent with everything God has provided for him, we should awaken to the fact
that its the very essence of his divine consciousness by which he exists at all. Scientists today are
discussing more and more the probabilities of an expanding universe. Well, why not? Theres
endless space in which the universe can expand. But what they miss in all of it is the significance
that it isnt the universe thats expand ing as a gesture of its own. Its Cosmos-Consciousness thats
increasing, still assuming newer, vaster, and more intricate forms and seeming to make the universe
expand because of what ensues in result of it.
Which is precisely the principle expressing in Man the Microcosm.

XPRESSING and growing and attaining without ever arriving at, or embodying a
permanently reached status, is both macrocosmic consciousnessindeed, that is

consciousness in essence. Consciousness must ever be an expanding ad increasing awareness or it

becomes self-liquidating. Its the detonation of the massive gun increasing rather than diminishing.
To reach a final stopping place would mean instant annihilation, which would mean loss of identity,
the whole Cosmos reverting in a flash to the nothing that it is.
Consciousness, in short, must ever engage in the act of expanding movement or cease to be
itself. We have a homely illustration in the case of the active businessman who continues hale and
hearty and happy from success to success. But let him decide to retire and give up the thankless
struggle and he triggers his own physical and mental disintegration. He becomes bored and static
and crotchety and miserable, deciding the broader life-sense isnt truly a struggle at all. Actually its
the state of everlasting development. Consciousness, to perform at its best, demands employment at
constant activity or rather, consciousness is constant activity and nonactivity is death.
So Cosmos-Consciousnesslike its microcosmic prot otype, mortal consciousnessis geared

to the gun explosion which never ceases exploding. And the atomic universe with its manifestations
of Nature so often confused with Deity itself, is the mechanism by which Consciousness
increasingly demonstrates that it is conscious.
Thus are we guilty of committing a fundamental folly when we revert to the childish confusions
of the species and think of Nature and God interchangeably, or the behavior of the one being the
character expression of the other. Henry Ford wasnt a murderer, nor did he harbor the slightest
injurious intent, when he invented and constructed and sold the Appleton flivver that killed the
spinster schoolmaam. It was the car that did that, as an inanimate thing responding to the release of
a rusted brake-spring. By the same token, God isnt a murderer, nor unjust nor malicious, nor does
He probably have the slightest hand in it when one of His great rivers runs amok and drowns ten
thousand innocent sufferers in the springtime, or a portion of the plant moves to ease
surface-tension in response to laws of material stress, and a hundred thousand helpless people
perish in an earthquake. To call these happenings Acts of God is as blasphemous as its archaic.
Sir Thomas Huxley is said to have propounded a profound question when he asked his
biology students, Is the universe friendly or unfriendly to men? The universe is neither friendly
nor unfriendly. It is apart and dispassionate and impersonal to man because the universe is one
essence and man is another. The universe is macrocosmic consciousness in such demonstration
gives him power to comprehend reality. Both work out their own destinies in their own ways and to
their own purposes.
So God ceases to be an old man with a beardthe anthropomorphic notionor Nature in action,
either beneficent of disastrous. Yet He doesnt for one instant cease to be thinking and creating and
thus expanding Divine Intelligence. The one thing that He is, in fact, is Thinking and Creating and
Expanding Mind with a two billion year start, apparently, on all of us. And if this seems to eliminate
God as Divine Providence, dispensing special favors to preferred peoples or personages, it likewise
takes the stigma from Him for either ordering or permitting vast natural cataclysms that bring
heartbreak to millions.
When it comes to the matter of Divine Beneficence, Ill presently expound to you what I think
His methods and procedures are for taking care of us all in eternity, like the Father of Christs
cosmogony. What Im getting at for the moment, is a concept of God that aligns with the facts of
the universe and conscious life, as the ant on the running board of the speeding motorcar might try
for a concept of the late Mr. Ford, aligning the facts of the celestial machine with the major nature
and interests of the creator who brought it into being.
And yet, by the way, we have many more aspects of God presented by His universe than the ant
has aspects of Mr. Ford apparent in his auto product. And we havent tapped the biggest one
yetthe similarity of our own creative consciousness to the divine creative Consciousness and how
they hook together. As for God being our celestial police magistrate who gives a personal hearing
on the merits or transgressions of every physically deceased soul brought before Him, consider
these facts in cold common sense

HE mortality statistics of the worlds civilized countries alone, apprise us that human beings
diein normal timesall over the world at a rate of nearly one person per second, about 63

per minute, 3,780 every hour, 90720 every twenty-four hours, 33,112,800 every year, men, women
and children, every last one of which has just as much right as any other to a personal hearing and
Judgment from the Divine Potentat e as o whether he must spend eternity in the Biblical heaven or

This keeps up year after year with no let-up, the century around. Exclusive of China and India,
that record no such statistics, sixty-two billion, nine hundred and fourteen million, three hundred
and twenty thousand 62,914,320,000souls have presumable passed from the mortal scene since
the death of Christ. Exclusive of China and India, I say! What kind of a trial could any single sol
get in less than one second?
The Recording Angelif we want to accept the theological description of what
happenscouldnt even turn to ones name in The Book in less than one second, and you couldnt
answer to it. Saint Peter would have even less time to identify you. If you got even a bare thirty
minutes allotted to you, sealing your fate throughout eternity, you would have blocked traffic for
nearly two thousand new arrivals who had died since you entered the sacred courtroom. If the
Almighty decided you were important enough as a personage to consume two hours, the crowd of
new culprits in the anteroom would have swollen to seven thousand. Does the sheer physical fact of
it make sense or doesnt it?
If your name could be called, however, your identification established, good and bad deeds
described to His Honor and sentence pronounced on you in less than one secondin order to keep
the celestial corridors clearwhen would the Almighty have had time to attend to anything else?
The question is asked in all piety. Think of trying and sentencing 90,720 souls the clock around for
the calendar around, with no time off for eating or sleepingwhich God admittedly doesnt require
to do, anyhow. Even after one year in which Hed decreed the eternal locations for thirty-three
millions, one at a time, wouldnt you imagine Hed be somewhat fed up with it?
As a matter of fact, we know historically that the whole celestial courtroom fantasy was
appropriated by the Midianite Hebrews from the Osirian beliefs of the ancient Egyptians, when the
world was limited to a handful of small countries in Asia Minor. Yet today, four thousand years later,
unthinking millions witlessly subscribe to it, and go through of hell assuming it.
Orthodox fanatics are not lacking, however, who come forward with the solemn asseveration
that because with God all things are possible, the Divine Father has a different way of reckoning
time than we do. Somehow He would lengthen a second of our worldly time into two to six hours of
His celestial time, and the Judgment come off on schedule with no more solar time consumed than
is contained in nineteen hundred worldly years. They fail to explain why one time-reckoning
should be prescribed for the universe He has made and quite another for His own heavenly acts and
decreeing. Consummations of acts are consummations of acts, regardless of what place or
time-standard be involved. If the Judgment hypothesis is true, either sixty-two billions have been
judged or they have not been judged. We can throw the time-gauge out entirely. Granting it took six
billion years, the individual judging of sixty-two billion constitutes a formidable taskfrankly, too
formidable to make sense.

OMES then another sect in so-called Christian thinking if it is thinkingand gets around
the difficulty by maintaining that all these people have not been judged as yet at all; they are

asleep in Jesus At the sounding of the last trumpet by the Angel Gabriel they will resurrect in
reassemble bodies andas the Man in the Street would put itget the works! And where is all
this to happen? Why, right here no earth where they have died back over the past 19 centuries.
Sixty-two billions! Granted that each were allotted the more reasonable period of at least a half-day
at the Bar, Judgment on the old Midian Osirian basis would endure for eighty-eight million

yearssomewhat of a pintsized eternity in itself for a lot of folk whod left nice comfortable graves
to wait around for those half-day court sessions to arrive at them personally. And who feeds whose
sixty-two billion beings resurrected into such physical bodies, or shelters them from the freezing
weather of those eighty-eight million winters? The thing gets more and more absurd the longer you
regard it with a Remington-Rand compotator at your elbow.
Of course, the average dominieadmittedly sincerecutting his ecclesiastical suit to fit his
cloth, takes refuge, I say again, in the explanation that some way will be found to eliminate the time
element. But press him too hard with your technical data and he will start hating your immortal
vitals, declare you an atheist, or a free thinker, or a Higher Critic, and have you read out of the
Church as a dangerous stirrer-upper. Yet none of it will alter the grim certainty that his survival
hypothesis fails to make sense, no matter how you look at it. It is seeking to revert human thinking
and scientific knowledge to the ideology of the slaves who piled up stones for the celebrated
pyramids, when kings had personal effects moved into their tombs on the assumption that only
royalty was assured of life beyond the grave anyhow, and would need such household furniture for
comforts in new abodes.
It is something almost as fearsome as its ludicrous to crystallize religious thinking and keep it
static over hundreds and perhaps thousands of years, fitting beliefs to traditions and folklore by
main strength and clumsiness. Its fearsome because if you object or dissent, the prevailing
religionists must have you slain for your heresy, not being able to refute you. As I propose to show
you further along, one of the greatest jests in the higher echelons of spiritfor it seems that people
do have a sense of humor on higher echelonsare the fantastic absurdities of theologies regarding
what happens to people after dying physically, and what dogma would have enforced even though
the living dead know otherwise. Yet there is a tear behind such humor

CTUALLY there seems to be a simple, rational, equitable solution to the enigma of what
happens to a person at death and thereafter, but human kinds sacred reflexes are engraved so

deeply and its institutions become so scholastically impregnable, that it may be a long time yet
before the Egyptian -Osirian concept is effectively relinquished. What the simple, rational, equitable
solution is, has its basis in exactly the data we get in psychical research, when we communicate
with those whove personally Gone Onward and ask them how it has been with them, and how the
problem of Judgment is handled on the higher places of life and intelligence. They return us
answers that make for utmost logic, rationality, and respect.
Well, Im coming to the whole of it right in this present bookwhich has been my reason for
writing it. But Ive got to approach the matter circumspectly, making cosmic fundamentals clear
outside the scope of orthodox pathology that you may understand what Im talking about. Its not a
question that can be answered out of hand, by plunging into its middle. And getting straightened out
on Who and What the God Personage is, happens to be one of the best ways to approach it.
Man in the evolution of his own microcosmic consciousness first discovers the Universe; then
he discovers Deity; then he discovers himself. Youve heard me quote that statement before in
countless other writings. But discovering himself is by no means the end of such exploring. Theres
at least one thing more he findsand Ive also said this in a good many other places the Eternity
of His Own Spirit. Meaning his own imperishability, and the fallacy of death being the end of
Man, in other words, discovers Consciousness for what it is, not for what hes superficially

assumed it is, or accredits that it is, according to cues supplied by some theologian who draws his
information from a day when even the most erudite scholars contended that the earth was flat and
rested on the back of a turtle. Thereupon his whole philosophy concerning Cosmogony does a triple
somersault and he may land at last upon his intellectual feet. Up the past few thousand years hes
been landing on his head, losing God-knows-what from his intellectual pockets.
At the present juncture of earths affairs here at the cock-crow of real scientific research, society
is divided into two classes: those who by expansion of their consciousness have proven, or are
proving, that the facts of eternity are far more profound and rational than mankind to date has dared
to dream, and those who shy from the enigma of Life as from a bottomless crevice in terrain,
fearing that if they fall into it and go down, they may never climb back up. So the last remain quite
content to subsidize ecclesiastical experts to prescribe their faiths for them, no matter how sublime,
no matter how fantastic, no matter how ridiculous. These ecclesiastic experts, successors to the
shamans of the days of Nature superstitions, depict the Great Spirit according to the fancies of their
inherited creeds or temperaments.
The truth of the matter seems to be that actuality is so much finer and grander than anything
depicted in dogmas, temperaments, or superstition, that the sensation at abandoning the latter is one
of emancipation.
To adulate a God of wrath and jealousy is to say in substance that one must adulate, love, and
admire a nasty old man with a vile temper. To contemplate the phsntasmagoria of a fiery hell
presided over by the Zoroastrian Devil and all his angelswhere human souls burn without ever
being consumed, a combustible paradoxthen to be enlightened in what does take place and to
realize the justice, wisdom, and divine cleverness of it, is like receiving a reprieve from a horrible
legal sentence to death by monstrous torture. However, religions must go through evolutions the
same as organisms, species and cultures. Uniformly they are current mans concepts of
Omnipotence and nothing more. As mankinds thinking shows more and more intelligencebased
of course on the expansion of his mass consciousness as a species so his creed and his God reflect
more and more intelligence. But little of it has anything to do with getting at the truth of who or
what actually made the universe and still keeps it in operation. It is largely races fear, based on mass
ignorance, and race sentiment based on immutable tradition. We have no more licenses to castigate
or condemn the trilobite or the polyp, which have played their roles in biologic evolution.
Religions are truly processes or sequences of mass consciousness striving blindly to account for
its own origin and its own destinyand its own conduct withal in the light of both.

O WE apply ourselves to the quest of learning what may have become available for us to know
about our own origin and our own destiny and let those who are mortally and spiritually old

enough to get it, take it and profit by it. Squabbling with people over what may or may not be
religiously true is lifes supreme futility, because youre not squabbling with facts or intellect,
youre squabbling with tradition and sentiment, which like consciousness itself must remain
implacable in order to be what they are at all.
We contend that the only truly creative essence in existence is Consciousness activating itself
into the phenomenon known as Thinking and getting a product of Harnessed Energy known as
Atomic Material, and that this must be God because there is nowhere else the evidence of any other.
We say it is all-pervading wherever materials are apprehended and that it accounts for evolutionized
human creatures on this earth-planet quite as definitely as for the billions of trillions of atoms

making up a star-sun like Betelguesewhich is so gigantic that its bulk exceeds the orbit of our
whole solar system in its track around our sun. We maintain that it contains, or at least comprises,
all the intelligence and sagacity there is in the Omniverse because it is intelligence and sagacity in
its nature. The only thing lacking about it, for popular acknowledgment, is its seeming
impersonalitythat is, its want of presentation in terms of physical characterization. Childish
mankind does want its Deity to have those patriarchal whiskers. It wants to identify all intelligence
and all sagacity in aspects of the sublimated human being. It fails to grasp that the minute God
becomes such, He takes on limitation and the very essence of Cosmos -Consciousness is absence of
limitation. It is its very absence of limitation that makes Cosmos -Consciousness the creative
Phenomenon that It is. To personalize God is to present a paradox. It is to confine or embody
Limitlessness within Limitation. It just doesnt make sense.
Because and we encounter a great fundamental of Truth hereeach physical or personified
state we encounter is a tangible and perceptible arrestment of Consciousness within an organic
Time-State nothing else, in order to gain to an effect that the God Personality no longer requires,
having achieved what it has in order to be God at all.

EAD slowly here and strive to assimilate every word and thought of what Im now disclosing
to you

Residence of consciousness within a physical organism, whether the organism be human being
or trilobite, must by the very nature of its atomic enhousement be a subjective residence. Subjective
here means inside as counter posed to Objective or outside. It must, in other words, by the fact
of its peculiar physical ensoulment, compel self-awareness to function from within itself and
nowhere else. A concept of things objective is thus realized by finding itself in a state where it is
physically inhibitedmoving from New York to California in a moment for instance.
Physical enhousement is purposeful curtailment of spirits freedoms and capabilities, to make us
give thought to the nature of Consciousness itselfthe I Am Myself realization by curtailment
and denial. And its precisely this expedient that gives sense to mortality, as we shall examine more
and more specifically as we proceed with this work.
We progress in the neverending improvement of ourselves by unique spasms or
time-sequences known as mortal lives, from each of which we emerge with increased realization of
ourselves and our cosmic potentialities a little stronger grasped and absorbed.
Mortalities therefore, would seem to be exactly the opposite of what the old-fashioned and
inhibited religionist regarded them as being. They arent spiritual freedoms but spiritual
imprisonments The unit of Consciousness called Soul finds itself confronted by a million
activities it is prohibited from performing by the fact of its enhousement in a material body that is
called to obey first of all the laws governing materials. These make the soul look inward upon itself
and consider itself subjectively. We are doing precisely that at this instant.
What I started to say was, that Godor the All-Creating Cosmos-Consciousnesscouldnt
personalize Himself to His own laws regulating physical or material limitation. Hed cease to be
God objectivelywhich He most certainly is or we wouldntbecause we couldnthave an
atomic universe. Hed remain a Fod subjectively, thinking solely and selfishly of His own spirit as
w e humans are doing persistently in our flesh.
It would be like a great tonal symposium of Wagnerian operawhich can be broadcast by radio
and heard by millions from New Jersey to Californiasuddenly deciding it will personify Itself as

the reasonably talented first violinist. The first violinist might be more easily visualized because he
is a man, but visualizing men is one thing, and entering into the celestial harmonies of a great
masterpiece of operatic music is quite another. The latter takes in all the musicians making the
music, with the conductor and production staff as well, everything that enters into an opera
being identified as an opera. How childish to grouse: No, I refuse to believe that such a thing as an
opera exists unless you show me the first violinist as an actual man in a Tuxedo, sawing away with
his bow and something stringed thats held against his throat. And, by the way, I insist that he have
venerable whiskers as well, no mater how obstructive they may be while producing such music.
Personally, in my personal researches into the massive enigma of You, I havent the slightest
objection to God being a human being with whiskers so prodigious they require a couple of angels
to fly on either side of Him and hold them up so they dont become entangled in comets when he
moves about His I\universeif He does! My conception of it is, in all piety, that when you make
God venerable human so that you may thus visualize Him, you dont stop with his prodigious
whiskers in presenting Him with mortalities. You pile several vanloads of other strictly humanized
traits and features upon Himor stuff them inside Himwhich couldnt belong to God and still
have Him God. The strictly personalized and quaintly temperamental emotions, for instance, such
as hate, wrath, jealousy bigotry, pomposity, favoritism for certain races and personages, every last
one of which is but defect of truly noble character in some form, or at the most remissness in
For instance, it is a fundamental of psychology that you hate because you fear. Hatred is
unerringly the product of subconscious Fear. And tell me, please, why God need fear anything or
anybody? You are jealous due to your inferiority complex respecting a person whos cleverer or
more successful than yourselfand to what inferiority complex could God own, that anyone
existent was cleverer than He? You feel Wrath because you have arrived at a point where you are no
longer able to tolerate opposition, and propose to smash something vicariously to ease up nervous
tension. Does God require to get into such uncouth dither over anything in His self-created universe,
that He must resort to blind destruction to ease His emotions? So on down the line of entirely
human deficiencies that at once characterize God when you render Him anthropomorphic.
Did Christ, the acclaimed Son of God, show a trace of a single one of them?
Did Christ display a greater character development than the Divine Parent? People who demand
a humanized God seemingly insist He be crusty and passionate and throw Himself about like a
petty tyrant the morning after a night of banqueting alcoholism. And it not only misrepresents and
belittles God but drops sabots in the cogs of fine philosophical machineries producing greatness of
personal development.

NYHOW, the fact does remain unchallenged that no man hath seem God at any time
and probably up ten thousand millennia never wall see God at any time, because God in His

essence of purely abstract and omnipotent Consciousness isnt seeable. All-embracing, abstract,
and omnipotent Awareness, nearer than breathing and closer than hands and feet isnt going to
personalize because It couldnt do it without canceling out identity.
I submit incidentally, as an interesting sidelight, that even if God could and did personalize, He
still couldnt be recognized for Himself after the trillions of solar years Hes been in existence,
because He wouldnt present Himself as what the human race has gained, biologically, at this
particular point . Hed present Himself as what the human race would have evolved to, biologically

and organically, after trillions of years. Evolution is still going on in the human species, reflect, as
we shall see in our chapter on Evolution. Structure is altering with environment. Crania are
increasing in proportions. Excessive hirsute decoration is vanishing. A so-called patriarch of a
trillion years hence may truly enough appear what we would call a dazzling youth consisting
principally of skull but hairless as an egg.
No, sorry to say as we probe deeper and deeper into Biology and physics, God grows more
and more absurd to us as a sublimated Moses and more vital and graphic as the universal
encyclopedia of all Energy wedded to all Wisdom of which Great Cosmos has any evidence to date.
At which the poor little one-called mind of the orthodox illiterate protests, Youre taking away
from us the personalized Majesty of Divine Omnipotence and giving us what? dispassionate
Intelligence without the slightest concernment in human society and no interest in theological
affairs beyond seeing the organisms and materials stay in existence. I cant say my prayers to a holy
Encyclopedia Britannica!
Thats right, he cant. But suppose instead of saying prayers and thereby considering himself so
commendably devout, he tried mastering the Greater Concepts that revealed to him Divinity as it is.
So lets look at the poor little orthodox illiterate and consider what he is from the eternal Cosmic

Chapter V
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? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

S AN individual you are a unit, one unit, You are, in other words, all of the
Consciousness Essence that says in your particular essence, I Am Myself. But do you
realize what a mystery may be contained in the idea of a simple unit, the self-recognizing

and personalized Myself? Its truly something so profound as to give pause to all the philosophers
of the universe for the next thousand years.
Frankly, you as an individual are quite as nonexplainable in that respect as God is
nonexplainable in many respects.
Actually it appears that Youand each and every one of your fellow mortals are microcosms
of the Consciousness -Universe just as electronic atoms are the microcosms of the substantial
universe. The dictionary defines the Microcosm as the world or universe on a small scale, just as
the Macrocosm is the world or universe on its vast and total scale, the world or universe as it exists
and is perceptible to us. But that by no means declares that the universe of Cosmos-Consciousness
is literally the total of all the units of sentient life that may be existing anywhere within it. Weve no
proofs of such a thing or even indications of such a thing. Our individual units of Consciousness
may display all the attributes of Cosmos-Consciousness, and God only knows how many aeons of
solar time have been required for one to develop the consciousnessor intelligence or lack of
itto write this book or for you to read it. But any son may display many of his fathers attributes
and still not be his father. He may have come to maturity amid all the environmental experiences of
his father and still exist as a distinct personality. When it comes to taking his fathers place in the
world, or filling a similar role in society, that is quite something else.
Its easy to fall into sizable pitfalls here and say that as consciousness is Consciousness, if
anyone had had gods years and experiences, he could be God and many orthodox mystics do
exactly that, getting all the old ladies excited over the prospects of their becoming Mrs. Deity at
seven dollars the lesson. Im not an orthodox mystic. Im an author and publisher producing a book
on an interesting and vital subject in result of my unusual researches and observations. I wouldnt
know what I could be, if I had Deitys age and experiences, and I doubt if you would, either. Of
course there are whole cohorts of us who display some enigmatic traits, like writing and publi shing
books, or inventing gadgets that make windows open easier, or successfully influencing or bossing
the neighborsall embryonic duplicates of the celestial omnipotence as to assertion and creation
and supervision. Still, that doesnt make me my Divine Father literally. It may be pretty much of a
monkey-see, monkey -do imitation. What Im interested in learning in my dissecting of Yourself
as the supreme earthly mystery is, why should you be a unit?

Why arent you a whole flock of units?

Again, what makes a unit, anyhow?

ELL, Ill tell you what I thinkor surmisemakes a unit.

Its the smallest atomic part to which Consciousness may be resolved that contains no

contradictions of itself.
You dont exclaim, I Am Myself! with the frailest fragment of reservation that you arent
yourself. You dont say, I Am Myself today, and tomorrow I Am Part Bill Jones, or Part Lizzie
Smith. You are just Yourself and none other, day upon day, week upon week, year upon year amen.
And thank God for that, say both of us.
You think Me! Me! Me! and no other thought every second of every minute, day and
night, throughout twenty aeons, with the single exception Im going to crash into your ideology and
startle you with, in the following: That M e or Myself in your case, and my case, and every
body elses case, takes in our feminine component if were female, something you maynt have
been aware of to date but which youd better get aware of in a hurry if youre ever been annoyed or
puzzled by the phenomenon of sex and why literally theres just one entity of the opposite gender in
the universe you cant live without and be a whole individual. But this matter of the bisexuality of
the soul is a subject in itself and needs profound examination. You think Me, Me, Me, I say, every
second of every minute, right around the clock, three hundred and sixty-five days to every
yearand three hundred and sixty-six on leap yearthroughout twenty aeons, and even when you
and your sex component merge, you still think Me, Me, Me without qualification.
The phenomenon is significant.
Did the original cosmos -Consciousness contain contradictions or come to contain and think of
more than one Me that is, consist of more than one unit of self-realization, as it multiplied in
power of self-realization and expression? What difference does it make, sine the whole thing is as
indeterminable as it is hypothetical. Were off the subject of God now for several chapters and back
undistractedly on the subject of You. Were toldwith what truth I cant say that as we grow
spiritually we cease concentrating on the singleness of ourselves and begin to consider the equal
factors in reality or brothers, sisters, and neighbors. So the power of compounding
Cosmos-Consciousness may have been due to the contradictionsthat is, nonselfishness that it
developed as it got further and further away from the Me and caused God to think of Himself as Us.
Our present philosophy, at least, can postpone it

UNIT is the smallest mathematical quantity that cannot be once more divided and make two.

You are a unit of consciousness that cannot be divided and make two. In so far as you and

your sex-half are concerned, youre already been divided, aeons ago, so in your present status of
consciousness here in mortality youre still onethe Me that you find yourself and that you filling
around all over the place wherever anybody challenges the fact that you exist.
In other words, you are selfish, and have always been selfish, not to make yourself obnoxious
but because it was demanded of you in order to identify yourself as a component grain of Cosmos.
Selfishness, therefore, cant be exactly the sin that certain moralists contend, any more than
having distinct fingerprints is a sin, since it has served to your present point to keep you from
becoming confused with anybody else. You arent and havent been selfish from choice so much as
from obedience to a basic cosmic edict.

The edict, apparently, was the command to individuality.

Cosmos, and all your adventures in Cosmos called Experience, dont produce uniformity but
individuality. They seek to attain to separations and distinctions. The more distinctive you render
yourself, the more character youre reputed to displayand vice verseand the more influence it
gives you among your less developed fellows. The more experience you have, the more distinctive
you become.
In other words, while you become more social with your distinctions and development of
Character, at the same time you perform the antithetical miracle of becoming more and more
individualistic. Look at Christ, claimed to be the controversial perfect Msn and Son of God, and yet
the most distinctive, characterful and yet individualistic personality appearing on earth in the last
ten thousand years. Now what can Cosmos be driving at, to start you into self-awareness or let
you start your own self into self-awarenessgive you the solitary distinction Me, send you through
millions of spiritually educating experiences among the performings of atoms, and produce a
character as distinctive from all other characters as you may attain?
I suspect that Cosmos is up to its original mission of finding out every possibility in
Consciousness-Intelligence. Because that can only be done through instrumentality of Individuality,
never through uniformity. Uniformities tend to erase individualities that is a platitude. So
whatever tends to erase individuality and substitute uniformity must be working at cross-purposes
with the Great Cosmic Life Gesture. It is, in a manner of speaking, working against God.
Take notice, by the way, that wherever you find a state of society that attempts by force to make
all citizens uniformwhittle everybody down to the one common levelyou find a state of society
containing within itself in active form the seeds of its own disintegration. Life in such a state is
sordid and brutal, not to mention weary, stale, flat and unprofitable. Its death rate is grisly. It is, in
effect, a slave society, operating against Nature.
Nature not only strives for individuality, she practically commands it. Whatever, therefore, gives
you more individuality, helps you the more readily to fulfill your microcosmic destiny. The more
experiences your soul can encounter, and the more varied and even harsh, the more spiritual benefit
the macrocosm is conferring on you. Its busiest at the ob of making you as spiritually prominent as
possible to see how far and how high it can evolve you in any given social sequence. But were not
ready for the enhancements from all of it as yet. We dont want to know WHY so much as HOW.

HE BIG question that immediately interests me at first meeting you is: How many

experiences have you had, making you the totality of character that stands before me? This
may be another way of asking how many hundreds, or thousands, or millions of years old your soul
may be as a self-aware unit. We know geologically that this earth planet, where both of us are
located at this moment in the Macrocosm, is about two thousand millions of years in age. At just
about what period do you suppose your life-consciousness force began to exercise in
self -awareness and started wrapping atomic covering about it to function organically for its
subjective-observation sequences?
Its something to think about.
I have the cold presumption to tell you that in your primordial potential of consciousnessyour
undeveloped capability for registering I Am Myselfyoure almost as old as the Master
Cosmos-Consciousness. But from motivations beyond the grasp of any of us, the Master
Cosmos-Consciousness awakened fires. When you realized what probably could happen within

yourself, you personally follow suit. And all that youre doing today, in mortal sequence after
mortal sequence or in the sequences youll gradually reach on those planes of life above earth, is
going along with this process of awakening more and more as new atomic combinations and
complications bring out reactions in you.
In such respect, we might say, not without some proximity to truth, that we of the Microcosmic
Consciousness are the reactive corollaries of the Macrocosmic Consciousness. Let the thought
germinate. What destiny we may have in such role cant become discernible for a considerable time
yet, so we dont need to pressure it.
Undoubtedly the first form of wrapping undertaken, to place about yourself to enter an
enhousing limitation and thus commence the sequences of objective observation of the Me in you,
may have been the lowest, simplest form of what the biologists have come to label cellular marine
life. Which bring us up without further ado to the fecund discussion of so-called Evolutionwhat it
is and what it isnt

HE AVERAGE mortal creature today, when the subject of Evolution comes to his attention,
conjures up the haphazardly understood notion of human descentit ought to be

ascent from monkeys, the theory of Natural Selection and Survival of the Fittest. I say its time to
renovate our brains and rid our intellects of tons of pure rubbish about the whole of it. Because
common sense, not to mention the latest findings of Science, can poke as many holes in it as the
Day of Judgment hypothesis.
Darwin, of course, back in 1858, was the first to put biologic evolution forward as the probable
explanation for living species as we find them. As a working thesis for the scientifically illiterate,
Ill describe Evolution as the theory that one species issued or evolved out of some previous species
as response to the transmission of certain hereditary traits that by the accidents of happy chance
gave the issued species a compatibility with the conditions of natural environment that allowed it to
survive. Aeon by eaon the happy accidents repeated, executing more and more complex forms until
finally the most compatible with all vicissitudes of environment was the anthropoid ape, of which
man is the highest developed specimen.
Of course the church people raised merry hob to have this startling hypothesis dumped among
them, crassly refuting the claims of Mosaic Writ that an anthropomorphic God made the various
species as separate and distinct jobs in the first great nonunion work-week in history. But the
trouble with the church folk was that they raised merry hob for reasons of tradition and sentiment,
keeping Cosmic Intelligence in the background.
Now it may come to some in the nature of sentimental relief to be told that no truly learned
biologist today concurs that Man ever ascended from an ape. Ape and Man may have had a
common ancestor but how it was is the mystery. There are no identified fossil remains of it. So the
next time you read a story in the Sunday papers that traces of the Missing Link have been
uncovered in some distant country, put it down that the reporter didnt know what he was talking
about. Monkeys are more likely a degenerate species of the strain that gave us organic
man--- nothing more. But that Cosmos -Intelligence did perfect the present human envelopeor
organismfrom long biologic experiment, is a certainty. Lets see t he meaning of the difference
Its scarcely likely that we shall ever identify the original organic form in which anybodys
microcosmic consciousness first sought material expression. But the most reasonable conjecture
has it that some species of the din flagellates might have come close to it. These algae, invisible to

the naked eye, are plentiful in most stagnant waters but revealed by microscopes as being agile
acrobats. They swim rapidly, leap and turn with the aid of long supple tails. Their cellular bodies
inflate and deflate as though breathing and they have a single red point on them sensitive to light
which is reasonably a rudimentary eye.
Such minute creature has persisted through thousands of centuries and exists today in much the
same form that it did 600 million years ago. Why?
Why didnt the whole species evolve into the next higher form a la streamline evolution?
Why did some evolve that is, change into more complicated specimensand others continue as
they originally were, all environmental conditions being equal? We know that we have them with
us today in the nearest woodland pool without a change in their make-up in six million centuries.
Can it be that microscopic units of consciousness are still coming into realization of themselves
and using time honored forms to start vehicular expression?
Many biologists, by the way, are perplexed as to whether the dinoflagellates are really
animals or plants? They are single-celled organisms containing chlorophyll, covered with a
cellulose membrane often beautifully intricate. They feed on minerals in solution in water and on
atmospheric gaseswhich no true animal is capable of doing.
Digressing a moment, by the way, in this Ladder of Life development, its too little known today
that twenty years or so before Darwin rocked the religious world, another British scientist made the
churchmen turn handsprings when it seemed as though hed stumbled upon the very creation of life
itself. His name was Andrew Crosse and it happened in 1836. Briefly, he was experimenting on
artificial formation of crystals by means of various electric currents, when his solutions
inexplicably turned up insects of the type known as acari or mites. These tiny creatures, observed
under the microscope, lived, moved, ate, excreted and bred. It seemed they had a complete plan of
life all thought out and perfected. Crosse had been trying to make silica crystals by allowing fluids
to seep through porous stone kept electrified from batteries. The fluid was a mixture of
hydrochloric acid and a solution of silicate of potash.
On the fourteenth day from the commencement of this experiment, he related in his memoirs,
I observed through my lens a few small whitish excrescences or nipples, projecting from about the
middle of the electrified stone. On the eighteenth day these projections enlarged and stuck out
seven or eight filaments, each of them longer than the hemisphere on which they grew. On the
twenty-sixth day these appearances assumed the form of a perfect insect, standing erect on a few
bristles forming its tail. Till this period, I had no notion that these appearances were other than an
incipient mineral formation. On the twenty-eighth day these little creatures moved their legsafter
a few days they detached themselves from the stone and moved about at pleasure.
These acari were formed inside a poisonous solution; eventually they climbed out but were
immediately killed if they happened to tumble back. Crosse is reported to have formed many
hundreds of them without ever being able to explain how he did it. After a time the cry against him
died down and he retired into obscurity, hurt and bewildered by the animosity his innocent
experiments had aroused. A mere mortal chemist, s the conclusion had it, had produced life and
thus trespassed on the divine prerogative. But had he?
We know from our contacts with the Higher Wisdom today that hed done nothing of the sort.
Hed hit by accident on certain chemical conditions or combinations where such minute life
unitsentering from another dimension or frequency of atomic mattercould flourish and
propagate. This shuts the biologic scientist up, because he knows nothing of any such higher

frequency of matter and brands as charlatan anyone who affects to do so, nevertheless, given the
correct chemical relationships, the vehicular demonstration of life is automatic, but none of it
means that the Life Principle itself is manufactured synthetically.
Again and again in the higher psychical communicatings, we hear references made to The
Order of Creational Prescribersseemingly a caste of inventive intelligences on the very loftiest
planes whose job is ever to fashion new and different life-forms, from the simplest to the most
complex, that units of microcosmic consciousness may find new experiences in expression. That
the practical species proceed according to fixed standards is now suggested as bei9ng demonstrated
by Space Visitors from neighboring planets who not only seem to be true biologic men by every
standard but in many cases appear to be far advanced over the same species on this Earth Planet.
We shall come to this later.

N THIS Cyanophyceae of blue algae that also exist today, no chlorophyll is present. Instead, the
pigment is phycocyanin. These plants resemble bacteria by their tubular or spherical form and

asexual methods of reproduction. They have a nucleus, which divides when it comes to maturity
and makes two, and these divide at maturity and make eight, and if they were not checked by some
environmental factor would soon bury the earth under their inexorable mass.
But how can these evolve into higher from b natural selection when theres no mating by
make and female?
Page Mr. Darwin, if you can find him amid the two and a quarter billions of souls supposed to
have gone to the orthodox heaven since 1882. of you cant find him, try the other place.
At any rate, after exercising your I Am Myself realization as a dinoflagellate, its barely
possible that you next experimented as an annelidwhich conical shell, articulated trilobite or the
various orders of Crustacea. This was back in the pre-Cambrian word, remember, which even then
was a very old world. Yet not a trace of terrestrial vegetable was found in it anywhere, only
indications of a very elemental marine flora.
By the primary Silurian Period the seas held elaborate ganoid fish, protected by a powerful bony
armor. The evolutionist would argue in substance that you got it because your loving mama,
whatever or whoever she was, grew a crust about herself, no relishing Life with Father, ad passed it
on to you. Thus you survived and passed it along to someone else through genes in your
eggs assuming you laid eggs. Its a convenient hypothesis to explain how the various species
acquired their distinctive features, but what could it avail Nature, or Cosmos-Consciousness, to
protect a few million ganoid fish with bony plates if in the end the whole contraption was discarded?
Didnt Nature, or Cosmos-Consciousness, know what it was about in all these eccentric
meanderings? If you say it did, then why all these freakish, temporary, elementary or transitional
forms at all? If you say it didnt, I submit the fact that Nature or Cosmos-Consciousness is ignorant
and doesnt know what it can do until it tries. If Cosmos-Consciousness and God be synonymous,
and God doesnt know what He can do until He tries, then how can he be the all-wise potentate over
the Omniverse for which we adulate Him?
The Soulcraft theory would have it that the Cosmic Potentate does know, in the sense that all
ultimate are in His consciousness, but that processes are but demonstratings by which His
concluding are arrived at. Thus the whole macrocosmic universe is in the ceaseless throes of
proving up whats in the Divine Consciousness. The discoveries thus made, when realized and
remembered, constitute that mental achievement known as Intelligence. There is no other analysis

of Intelligence.
That Is Intelligence.

HE BONY plates of the ganoid fish might have been transmitted to a few million immediate
progeny but they werent incorporated into the anatomical ensemble of any superior

succeeding being. No creature of any consequence excepting the armadillohas them today. All
the bony plated creatures have gone as though theyd never been created. Climatic conditions didnt
account for such perishment, in fact when they lived; climatic conditions werent half so hostile to
brute life as conditions, which came after such animals lost their plates. If Nature and Natures God
were all-wise and all -intelligent, wouldnt wither know that plated creatures would by no means
survive because of their places? If either did know and yet experimented with them, no useful
purples was served and the experimenting were gestures in capricious fut ility. If they didnt know, I
say again, then Nature and Natures God cant be quite so omnipotent in wisdom as religionists
But heres another way to look at it
When youre experimenting in any common laboratory or hobby shop, you have an ultimate
objective in mind that you yearn to create, or an effect you want to produce, and you experiment
in this or that material or operation to settle the quandary of how best to accomplish it. You dont
know how to arrive directly and readily at the object or effect you want, so the number and size of
the trial-and-error attempts you make will be in direct ratio to the extent of your ignorance. When
youve experimented extensively and found out all there is to know about the production of a given
object, substance mechanism or effect, and succeeded or failed in gaining your wanted end, you say
that you publish the result of your findings which, after a fashion, becomes a literature upon the
subject. Thereafter, whomsoever reads up on your literature becomes as wise as yourself without
going to the trouble and labor of your search for methods or processes. Youve added that much, we
say, to the store of general intelligence. And this store of general intelligence contains quite as
much data about what not to do as it contains data about what you should do.
Im maintaining that Divine Consciousness had to create Intelligence and Wisdom as it created
or originated everything else under the sun, and that these apparent biologic progressions were
intelligence and wisdom in the process of getting created and forming a literature upon the
subject of themselves for the enlightenment of those who came after. It wasnt a question of Gods
original ignorance. It was a question of finding a formula for perfecting Intelligence in life forms
that might be sentient millions of years later. Intelligence of the spirit essences that proved up the
Life Principle was the thing being sought and arrived at. To fashion a given vehicular form and let
self -awareness occupy it for a given reaction on spirit, no matter how elementary spirits occupying
development, gave sense to each of these eccentric fauna that featured the natural world that had
It wasnt a question of Gods ignorance, I say again, but compiling a literature on the subject of
spiritual enhousement in atomic materials and how it might be done to serve continuing
advancements of spirit. The biologist makes a fetish of the various natural accoutrements that they
were on common sense when such survival was only in the individual instance and for an utterly
limited period, with nothing of enduring nature accomplished. Today, on the other hand, modern
mans spirit expands in its comprehension of the great background of the past, contrasts itself
against it or alongside it, and gains to fresh incentive to seize on still vaster and more grandiose

Microcosmic Consciousness avails itself of such literature, I say, in its own climb to become
macrocosmic consciousness. It is spirit that is ev olving, not organic mechanism in ten million
instances. Organic mechanism perishes the instant the life-essence departs; its evolution means
nothing. Arctic weathers might cause polar bears to grow thicker or heavier coats of fur, but its the
animals spirit that profits from the longer or more comfortable pelt. The polar cub born with a thin
coat has no less self-awareness than a shaggy parent, but if it cant grow to maturity and produce
young in turn, the bear mechanism for spirits experience becomes that much limited. However,
back to Evolution itself

HE GENERAL idea has it that he fishes grew boy structures inside themselvesthat is,
became vertebrates and crawled out on land, to live for a time as amphibians, half-marine

and half-terrestrial, and air-breathing creatures. Finally they decided in favor of the land exclusively,
gave up water residence, and became the progenitors of the monster reptiles that seem to have filled
the earth from the Devonian to the late Permian or the early Triassic periods. Biology would indeed
be a delight if the progression were thus simple. As a matter of fact, progression is so
complicated as scarcely to be progression at all.
There has been no evidence that terrestrial vertebrates were the progeny of marine vertebrates.
Actually the terrestrial or land vertebrates are found in fossil deposits showing that they came
ahead of many fishes having true skeletons. So what becomes of your evolutionary theory in the
face of that? There is no evidence that physical or organic man ever had the monster reptiles as his
forerunners, or even the forerunners of his alleged primate ancestry. For 175 million years there
were no other forms of life on this globe but fish, crustaceans, insects, and monster reptilesand
175 million years is a considerable time to consume or expend creating a literature of intelligence
that came to the conclusion that none of them really served any useful purpose and wiped out the
sturdier specimens almost without a trace. The master reptiles were cold-blooded creatures who
propagated by laying prodigious eggs for the sun to hatch or for Roy Chapman Andrews to
discover in the northeastern Gobi. Man, when he arrived with the placenta animals 50 million down
to 10 million years ago was a warm-blooded creature hatched from eggs that were incubated inside
the abdomen of his female. His young were nurtured on milk manufactured within the glands of
this same body. He ran neither to bulk nor to armor plate but to acrobatic agility and later,
intellectual cunning. Today his species dominates the earth and everything experimental has been
junked or sidetracked, although how long itll last, now that he possesses the atom bomb with
which to annihilate himself, can more accurately be answered by the year 2,000.
This queer, bifurcated, furless creature, with a thumb on his front paw to grasp and wield a tool,
and a jaw and larynx and tongue to supply him the mechanism for speech, declares himself in his
bigotry of ignorance the Ultimate Effectwhich Macrocosmic Consciousness started out to
Evolution as an hypothesis. Well, well!
Granting for the moment that perchance it might be so, what sort of sense has been exhibited,
laboring so long and so ardently to obtain such a product? Mans body as an ensemble is a
marvelous and magnificent compilation of organs and functions, but considered as a body, how is it
any more marvelous than that of the Diplodinium, where in a single cell Nature has successfully
incor0porated an elementary digestive system, with esophagus and tubular rectum, a nervous
system foreshadowing that of multicultural organisms including a rudimentary brain and a

complicated excretory system of contractible vacuoles. All the fundamental physiological problems
were set and partially solved in this simple cell, 500 million years ago! Why then, the need for any
Evolution of species from the biologic Darwinian standpoint? It can almost be contended that the
broad lines of Evolution had already been actualized in the Algonkian Era, namely that which
extended between the Archaen and pre-Cambrian and the Paleozoic. Almost half a billion years
bygone, at the end of the Cambrian period, the fundamental mechanisms of Evolution had resulted
in astoundingly complex and varied beings, admirably adapted to their environment and with
physiological functions essentially those of animals living in our current day.
What then, I ask you, in the mere perfecting of animal bodies as the end and aim of Evolution
has Nature accomplished thats worth a kopeck of actual value to anyone or anything but the
I-Am -Myself consciousness thats periodically enhoused inside it?
Nobody gives a tinkers toot whether the earth is dominated by algae, fleas, lobsters, ganoids,
pterosaurians, chimpanzees or Rotariansaside from these self-realizing creatures themselves.
Only the units-of-consciousness that reside within these, profit. The entire creation otherwise is
But all these forms and orders and species and individuals were certainly not meaningless to the
microcosmic granules of the I-Am-Myself principle they have served, or serve at present. So if
theres no meaning to them otherwise thats remotely discernible, and every apparent meaning
when theyre considered as vehicles for Consciousness, why in all philosophy and logic and
intelligent common sense shouldnt we be rationally justified in concluding that its consciousness
as a principle apart and to itself thats being served and not a singles purpose otherwise.
Obviously, it seems to me, the materialist-biologist who treats of consciousness as a mere
phenomenon of chemical reaction, denying it has consequence, either hates his own life so much he
wants to deny himself out of existence or hes in such a maze of self-evident realization that he
cant see the forest for the trees. Hes queer bird, the materialist-biologist, at most. From
somewhere he seems to have taken aboard a sense of shame that any such things
spirit-consciousness should exist or even be accredited, and hes deprecating his own
intelligencehe implies when he departs one hairs breadth from the assumption that the whole
material creation came about otherwise than by chance. Although hes a conscious being himself
and should have proof enough to satisfy him n his own realization of himself is one of those cosmic
accidents and not much besides.
Well, perhaps he is!
Anyhow, I know Im writing this book to expound the opposite and to bring individuality and
intellect up to the dignity and prestige that it merits. And I shall present ly call up in support of my
contention, examples of the fact of the survival of consciousness and its perpetuation from form to
form and from body to body, showing that it and it alone is the substantial and significant factor in
the whole of it.
Revolutionary as it may seem to some, I contend that abstract inhabiting Consciousness has
been the true deciding factor in the multiplicity of successive organic forms as those organic forms
served the purposes for which they were inhabited.

Chapter VI



AM PERFECTLY aware, in all of what Ive said to this point, that the adept Soulcraft
student has been asking himself foe the past half-hour, If all of this so-called evolutionary
business up through fossilized forms is something to be seriously considered by todays men

and women, how can it square with what weve had expounded in the Golden Scripts and
elsewhere about earth not being the original home of humanized consciousness but the temporary
educational locale for the hordes of spirits described in Star Guests as comprising the Great
The point is well taken.
However, will the adept Soulcraft student try to understand that what were considering here in
these pages of UNDYING MIND is the standardized processing which Consciousness follows
apparently in any planetary system, obtaining a vehicle for objective expression in any world of
materials. Were not picking out the planet Earth solely, and saying this is whats happened here and
nowhere else. Were putting Earth in the category of all planets on this rate of atomic vibration,
giving us Substance and substances as we identify them. Probable it is that as interplanetary travel
becomes more and more common we shall find other solar satellites inhabited by creatures almost
identical with ourselves anatomicallyas may already have been indicated by alleged contacts
made to date with Venusians and Martians. These would imply similar processes f evolution to
produce the humanized species.
That hordes of such spirits made the transition from other planets to this planet back in Miocene
timesadmittedly of a higher spiritualized development not unlike that of the Venusians and
Martians of the presentinterbreeding with indigenous earth-forms, should be regarded as an
episode in interplanetary history, not as data in terrestrial biology. The Migration, and what ensued
from it, is a separate line of inquiry from the subject were seeking to examine I this book: how
Consciousness in the abstract obtains the material or vehicular effects that it does.
In other words, here in UNDYING MIND were regarding functional Consciousness in the
omniversal sense and discerning as we may, exactly how it has gotten its effects and why?
Its Consciousness in manifestation that were running down to find out what we as humanized
displays of it may be composed of, and why we behave as we do. What purpose did the Creator
have in view at all, by permitting units of His own Cosmic Intelligence to start with a planetary
scheme and work its way up through the various planes to final God-consciousness?
Consciousness itself, as we saw in Beyond Grandeur, is Holy Spirit in minute and unique
displays of unitsconsidered as items of animal and moralized intelligenceand were making an

hypothesis of all displays of it in such forms as we encounter it.

Actually, Consciousness has other attributes and capabilities than merely occupying or
activating some peculiar vehicle of materials to get stronger and more effective realization of itself.
It can, among other things, identify itself unquestionably after it has ceased to occupy bodily
vehicle. It can likewise spread itselfto use such termso that it observes and thinks in more
than one place or area at once.
Nothing is any more grippingly of interest than cataloguing some of the unbelievable stunts
which Consciousness can do, apart from physical enhousement.
Listen to this
If a discarnate soul, by taking thought, can alter or mold the shape and appearance of any
physical vehicle it occupies, however briefly, why should it not have done as much for the
physiological features of the species-forms it occupied through a vest sequence of geologic periods
as it gained I intelligence of its own powers? I dont say its happened. I say, why should it not have
been so?
You say to me, some of you, But we have no proof theres any such thing as a discarnate soul,
otherwise your argument might hold.
I say to you, Thats what you think! How much investigating or researching have you done
before determining theres no proof of the souls existing apart from some sort of physical body?
Youre forced to admit you cant have done any, or youd never make your qualifying statement
in the first place. Without trying to belittle you for lack of erudition, I have made much such
investigation and researches twenty-seven years of them and arrived at the same conclusion as
such great scientific men as Flammarion, the French astronomer, Sir William Crookes and F. W. H.
Myers, British physicists, and Sir Oliver Lodge, whose knowledge of psychical phenomena was
only exceeded by his knowledge of the vagaries of lightningthat survival of personality and
continuity of consciousness outside of and above the body are no longer to be regarded as the
theories of alchemists.
I throw this out for you to think about slightly in advance of my main themethe Total Mystery
of You

UPPOSING a young man had been killed stone dead physically in a motorcar crash, his
mutilated body embalmed, a funeral held, and his corporeal remains interred in a grave.

Supposing his conscious soul-spirit refused to accept that it had perished and wanted to prove it
to his surviving relatives? Supposing by the influence of his continuing mental processes, he caused
his adult sister to fall into a trance, during which he took chemical essence from her living body to
mold a replica of his etheric hand. Suppose he plunged this materialized etheric hand into a bowl of
water so scalding hot that no normal human hand could endure it without serious burns, and pressed
his materialized fingertips on a lump of red dental Kerr at the bottom of such bowl filled with
scalding water. Suppose the water was then drained out, the fingertip impressions slowed to cool,
then examined under a microscopic by fingerprint experts. Supposing in every last ridge, valley and
island, the fingerprints of the dead man thus demonstrating corresponded exactly with his
fingerprints left behind on toilet articles hed used in life. Supposing not a single set of prints were
thus taken and examined but seventy-two with never a mistake, oughtnt such concrete proof of
survival and identification to convince the most skeptical? Hasnt it long since been scientifically
established that fingerprints cannot be fabricated? And yet sane people pooh-poohed all of it.

All these suppositions were irrefutable fact in the instance of one Walter Stinson, ate about 25
years, killed in a motor accident in Swampscott, Mass. In 1922, with such etheric fingerprints
verified and authenticated by the Boston Police Department, Fingerprint Division, and completely
annotated by officials of the American Society of Psychical Research. Yet when Dr. Hugo
Munsterberg traveled back to Harvard University on a streetcar with a colleague after witnessing a
evenings profs of Walters aliveness, a friend of mine asked him
Doctor, how are we going to rationalize from the scientific angle what weve witnessed this
Whereat the great German -American psychologist answered, Were not! to attempt to
rationalize or ratify what weve seen tonight would mean wed have to rewrite all our textbooks.
That, of course, if an impossibility. Besides, the churches would never stand for it.
Thus does society grope forward in error, ignorance, or bigotry? Textbooks sustain tradition.
Tradition cannot be tampered with; the churches wont stand for it. I claim the Doctors comment is
eloquent as to why you and your family and your neighbors never hear of the proofs that are in
existence that human life and evolution isas it has always beensomething far different than
man has accepted under the censorship of autocratic ecclesiasticism.
I have no fight to pick with the churches, staffed a s they are by tens of thousands of earnest men
who must subscribe to archaic doctrine in order to pursue their goodly moral and sociological
works at all. But I do have a fine brawl up my sleeve for the materialist scientist with a shame
complex for his own consciousness, who would rather ignore great and vital truth than rewrite his
textbooks because it would stigmatize him as a dealer in intangibles. What about his own electronic
atoms that he makes such a pother about in this world of the present? By the terms of his own
analysis, what are they but intangibles? But first lets talk some more about Evolution

ARTHLY time has been divided by geologists into epochs.

According to most recent and trustworthy sources, or particular star-sun is approximately

5000 million years old. Professor Eddington, the famous physicist of Cambridge University,
England, whose remarkable book on atomic phenomena, The Nature of the Physical World,
everyone interested in these subjects should read even though it may be a quarter-century old,
declares that it seems likely that the ages of all the systems of stars, clusters, and galaxies which
means of course all suns with their planets anywheregoes back at least 10,000 million years. So if
we want to gauge the Cosmos-Consciousness by its atomic pulsations, God is presumable about
one hundred million centuries old.
But here is something we shouldnt overlook and which gets little attention in books on
Cosmogony. We are











Cosmos-Consciousness. We are, in fact, on the far outer edge of it.

If our solar system is from three thousand million to seven thousand million years younger than
its cosmic heart, however, we may ask ourselves whether new exhibits of Consciousness are
creating or organizing all the time in so-called Eternity, or if this is an expanding universe, whether
or not, we are a very old collection of solar bodies being pushed out from center in the vanguard of
such expansion? The mat ter cannot be, however, of any great practical importance. What does seem
important is the thought that if there actually be four hundred mullion other worlds with sentient
beings on them who live and die and require to be judged by God Almighty a la the
old-fashioned theology, the quantities of court hearings mount into absurdities. Or shall we say that

only within this particular solar system are there sinners requiring judgment?
However, having located the site of our system in respect to other units in Cosmos, and
estimated its age, we can follow its sequences of life progression by planetary epochs. We can tell
how old the earth is that is when the first of the epochs started by measuring certain elements
that are subject to spontaneous radiation and disintegration. Certain atoms expel portions of
themselves continually, acquiring a new personality differing from the earlier one by mass or
electric charge or both. About twenty such atoms are known where the process is natural. In
spontaneously radioactive atoms the point of departure of these disintegrations is an almost stable
element so that the performance is very slow and only an infinitesimal fraction of the atoms present
in a given quantity of matterstay in radium, actinium, or thoriumdis seminates in a year. Pierre
Curie, husband of Madame Curie, discoverer of radium, perfected methods sowing that heavy
uranium loses spontaneously out atom per year out of 6,570 million, light or active uranium one out
of 1,030 million, and thorium one out of 20,000 million. The resulting atoms are much more
unstable than their parents and go through a long series of transformations before becoming the
stable nuclei that are all three the isotopes of lead. These alterations follow each other in a
positively known rhythm and their speed cannot be changed by any external influence such as
pressure or temperature.
If then, uranium has been imprisoned in a mineral for a billion years, about 14 per cent of the
atoms at its origin will have been lost, and an equal number of atoms of lead will have been
substituted. The older the sample, the more lead there will be. The ratio between the quantity of
radium found and the quantity of lead present indicates or clocks the time elapsed since the rock
came to existence. Its through this calculation that we can determine the epoch when our earth
began to acquire its crust. The figure runs about 1,800 million years. When we say earth is almost
two billion years old, we allow a margin of 200 million years when it scarcely had a crustwhen it
was probably in much the same condition that our sun is today.
As the crust gradually began to form, however, it left stratum of materials piled on stratum, and
as we dig down through then now to sink our wells or lay foundations for our modern buildings, e
know approximately how long each epoch lasted while such stratum was being laid. If we find
fossilized remains of creatures in the various layers, we know in what periods the forms of early
life appeared, and what forms. The method is not accurate, as the radioactivity clocking is active,
but it serves for working purposes to recognize what happened.
In so far as we know that is, have traces in the stratathere was no evidence of creative
consciousness of any sort until the so-called Cambrian epoch. Everything before that, the
Archezoic or Proterozoic, was in too fiery a condition for organic life to exist. Sometimes we refer
to this non-organic period as the pre-Cambrian. Anyhow, some 500 million years agowhen the
earth had been in existence some 1,300 million to 1,500 million years, rememberwe begin to find
first traces of organic life that had shells about it to protect it, appearing in the lowest Cambrian
stratum. The creatures were a simple armored crustacean known as trilobites. If there were softer
bodied forms prior to that, as there probably were, we know nothing about them because they
possessed no features that could fossilize.
Now we could stay right here in the Cambrian epoch for several chapters, pursing the or ganic
origin of You, if more recent and complicated manifestation of You werent demanding our
attention. But lets ask ourselves this

HAT causes animate organic life to appear on any planets cooling surface?
If I understand the materialist-scientist aright, he says chance chemical combinations

and he points to apparent transmutations of the recently discovered viruses to sustain his
theorymineral crystals of a sort that seem to change into animate bacteria. I introduce the more
probable possib ility based on my observations of what abstract human consciousness can do with,
and in, Matter, that Consciousness Itself caused animate organisms by discovering ways, after
millions of years of contemplation of Itself, to wrap radioactive atoms about Itself and produce a
condition of limitation for Itself that we commonly know as having a body.
Looking at the proposition objectively, as we commonly do from our position within our own
bodies, we get the illusion that it is the bodies themselves that are the source of life, because they
unceasingly respond so facilely to consciousness. We acquire a conditioned reflex, as the
psychologists say, accepting the evidence of our senses that its so, regardless of the fact that its
the operation of the sens es necessitated by our organic confinement that produces the illusion. In
the closing chapters of this book Ill endeavor to demonstrate that this is so. This isnt the place for
it, because you havent yet had the factors explained to you which enter into it. But youll generally
agree with me, I think, that inasmuch as the senses themselves cant see abstract consciousness but
can see atomic organic life, the performance of the one taken for the performance of the other could
seem entirely logical without being accurate. Let me refer to a concrete instance of what happens
when the powers of thought are directed on the fabrication of organism. Ive told this anecdote in
other writings but it belongs in this present record for better preservation.
Twenty years or so ago I had a medical doctor associated with early Soulcraft affairs who had
been acquainted with the Walter Stinson of previous thumb-print mention, before Walter had died.
After Walters death, Dr. Hardwick was sitting one late afternoon in his living room in Niagara
Falls, N. Y. with his wife Katherine and an elderly woman relative, when they fell to discussing
young Stinsons uncanny demonstrations. Suddenly Walters audible voice sounded in the room,
directly behind and above the Doctors chair. Later it was determined that Walter got such effects
by forming an ectoplasmic voice-box from the odic force of some person present, ands using it as
synthetic larynx.
Ho-ho, Doctor, the young man cried from his higher dimension, You think what I did
through my sister Madge wonderful? You might be surprised at what I could do with that
magnificent yellow aura of yours.
The startled medico cried in answer, All right, what?
Walter said, so that all three of them heard, Have Katie think up the thought-form of any type
or variety of bird that pleases her, and imagine it perched on the left -hand corner of the upright
piano. Ill coat it with ectoplasm from your aura and give you a demonstration you wont forget.
These details were repeated t o me in the identical room where the phenomenon followed. I chanced
to be visiting the Doctor in his Niagara Falls home before he joined our staff in the South. I had
noticed and commented on a particularly exquisite porcelain vase on the piano -top that had
obviously been broken at some period but expertly reassembled and mended. The anecdote came
out in explaining the mishap. The piano stood against the north wall of the room. I was seated
facing it. The Doctor lounged in an easy-chair at my right and his wife sat on my left. She
completed the recital.
None out of ten people, she chuckled, would probably have thought up a canary or a dove.
But something prompted me to be distinctive. The most peculiar bird Id ever seen had happened to

be a small sp arrow hawk that my brother had bagged alive when I was a little girl. My mind hit on
that sparrow hawk. I imagined it was loose right there in the room, perched for the instant on the
piano-top corner. To the stupefaction of Mrs. Greenleaf and myselfbecause almost as quickly as
Walter ceased speaking, Henry appeared to drop to sleep there came into reality an utterly
tangible sparrow hawk, with its arched head and wicked little beak. Even while we blinked at it in
incredulity, it took to wing, knocking off and smashing that vase. Three times around our living
room it fluttered on its stubby little wings, and as abruptly came to light on Mrs. Greenleafs head.
Mrs. Greenleaf screamed and put up her hands involuntarily to dislodge it. Whereupon Walter cried
loudly, Dont touch it! Dont touch it! But he spoke too late. Mrs. Greenleaf had touched it. Later
she said that it had felt like cool menthol.
I wanted to be informed what had become of it.
It swooped twice more about the room, the Doctors wife declared, then suddenly made a
fast dart at my calf. It buried its sharp little claws in the fleshly part of my led above the ankle. I
screamed and tried to kick it off. Walter cried, This has gone far enough. Ill take the ectoplasm off
your thought -form. Well, that impish bird simply dissolved from my leg as it clung there. I tell you
it vanished. But not the scars on my flesh where its tiny talons had gone in. they were running blood
and later took a week to heal. I recall Walter remarking as a parting injunction, Now will you
believe that your thoughts can be real when somebody has atomic covering to make them

MIGHT have been inclined to accept the recital as merely an interesting psychical anecdote, if
I hadnt within my own experience beheld a whole dog brought to life under similar

conditions where chicane would have been impossible. The only thing I since have questioned
about the sparrow hawk demonstration was whether or not Walter or the Hardwicks could have
projected t hat sparrow hawks consciousness. Our human consciousness customarily demonstrates
in a bodily vehicle of some sort that I might describe as a plastic shape made from
God-knows-what, if its made of anything. If a dead man possesses such capability, could a
thought-form sparrow hawk? Well take it up later when we come to discuss the structure and
composition of You in its solely conscious state. But applying the principle performing in the
sparrow hawk episode to the initiation of animate life in a chemico-atomic universe, why shouldnt
consciousness itself have had as much, if not everything, to do with the various forms and species
that life has taken since earth conditions after the Cambrian permitted the operation of material
enhousements at all? The question would be, whose?
When I can split my own personal consciousness and project an intelligent part of it two
thousand miles distant in a twinkling, so as to witness what is taking place there, even to having
such aspect of myself seen by those who happen to be in such spot as Ill give you a full
description of, in its placeI know that similar demonstrations of consciousness in others arent
necromancies. Were treating with something too actual to be comfortable, certainly too actual to
be ignored.
You may ask, If what you say is true, why doesnt it happen to everybody? I answer you that
history is full of it. How did Count de Foix know in Bearn the defeat of John, King of Castile, at
Juhberoth, the next day after it happened, there being neither telegraphs nor radio back in the 15th
Century? Why did Pope Honorius, the same day that King Philip Augustus died at Mantes, perform
the public obsequies at Rome and command the like throughout Italy? Why does Plutarch tell us he

knew of certain knowledge that in the time of Domitian the news of the battle lost by Anthony in
Germany was publicized at Rome many days journey from thence and dispersed throughout the
whole world the day it was fought? What of Swedenborg, the great Swedish mystic, knowing
twenty-four hours ahead of time of the great fire that destroyed Copenhagen? History indeed!
Im no monster and not particularly a mystic but I know what stunts my own consciousness has
been capable of doing. And having gained a tuppence worth of publicity from my writings on the
subject, I have additionally had scores of quite normal people seek me out as one having
understanding and relate their own experiences in confirmation of my own. What chemical, atomic,
even anatomical basis could exist in the following lengthy anecdotes in which I was on the
receiving end of the experience?
In 1928, I published in The American Magazine a frank and detailed account of an adventure I
had undergone in California the previous year when I had apparently succeeded I severing my
consciousness from my atomic-material self and penetrating discarnately into a more complicated
dimension of space and time. Many of my present readers will recall that monograph, called My
Seven Minutes in Eternity and the sensation it aroused, published from the pen of an author of
prestige in a great national periodical. However, I described it exactly as it happened and the editors
wanted to publish it. But it did prove to be the switch thrown in my successful lifes affairs,
carrying me off upon strange rails. In consequence my career turned entirely to supra-normal
explorations with disastrous personal effects when I incurred the frightened ire of Franklin D.
Roosevelt, who ordered me legally prosecuted for knowing too much about what was transpiring
within his administration to what I contended was the countrys detriment.
However, I underwent this initial hyperdimensional excursion while living in a bungalow in
Altadena, California, up near the foot of Mount Lowe alone excepting for a mammoth and
celebrated police dog. Summoned permanently to Manhattan, in result of the activity produced by
the article, I closed and sold the Altadena property and took an apartment in West 53rd Street, to
which I shipped all my household effects.
The magazine containing Seven Minute had been upon the newsstands about a month and I had
scarcely gotten my transferred household arranged, before my doorbell buzzed one rainy evening
and I admitted a middle-aged man who announced he had journeyed all t he way up from Texas to
consult with me. He was an honest-looking, laboring type of strange in his forties and gave a name
which Ill write as John Lawler. He declared himself to be a railroad man whos gotten a
leave-of-absence from his job to make the New York trip and relate to me by word of mouth
something that had happened to him in result of reading Seven Minutes. In due course I took his
rain-soaked hat and coat and set him down in front of my apartment fire for an evenings visit. This
is what he related
He was separated from his first wife and prior to getting a divorce and marrying his second, he
was living at a boardinghouse near the railroad yards that constituted the eastern limit of his run.
The landlady was a subscriber to The American. The week the magazine containing Seven Minutes
was distributed, hed come home one noontime for lunch, eaten it, gone out upon the front veranda
and found the periodical lying face down in the porch-swing, opened to my article. Having naught
else to do, hed read it, first in a desultory way, then with electric interest. Death, or at least
disoccupancy of the body by consciousness, wasnt a case of mental blank-out then? Lawler said he
finished the article and dropped the magazine on his chest, cogitating the significance of the
experience I reported.

I must have dozed off a minute, he narrated, because the next thing I knew, it felt as though
my nose was rubbing against some hard, wooden surface and I opened my eyes. I was looking at
something flat and blue, so close to my face. I put up my hands, to push it away for a better look at
it. But It wasnt a flat, blue object. Know what it was? It was the ceiling of the veranda to which the
porch hammock was hung. I was floating up there against it but could push myself around. Yes, sir,
Im telling you solemnly and honestly, I wasnt dreaming, as I first thought, because there were two
of me. One was floating up against the ceiling of the boardinghouse veranda, the other was lying
down there in the porch swing under me, on its back with its eyes shut and that copy of The
American dropped across its chest. Funny thing, I was in a duplicate body up there, too. I certainly
had hands and feet and a head, so there must have been plenty of me in between, although I didnt
stop to consider much of it at the time. There were just two of me, and that was that. I wasnt naked.
I seemed to be wearing the same clothes as the other me in the hammock below me. But I was all
flirty. I didnt have much weight. I remember I got down from the veranda ceiling by taking hold of
the chain that held one end of the hammock and drawing myself down hand under hand and
wherever I left off moving myself, thee I stayed, even if It was mid air.
Did you think you were dead? I asked him.
I didnt know what to think, he answered, principally because the neighborhood around the
front of the boarding house was all different. The railroad yards to the south were gone and a little
ways off everything looked misty. But what interested me more was the appearance of a small,
brown cottage a distance across the street Id never seen beforea sort of a Queen Anne cottage, a
story and a half high, covered with shaggy brown shingles. It had a small lawn in front of it with a
traprock driveway along the right hand edge and a row of popular trees bordering the outer side of it,
back to a garage that was the same design as the house.
I began to pay attention. Lawler was accurately describing my Altadena bungalow in which my
Seven Minutes experience had occurred. I knew, of course, anyone might visit Altadena and see the
physical layout of my property and so describe it. But much more startling and puzzling
information was to come.
What did you do? I asked.
Do? I felt an urge to cross the street and investigate this fantastic cottage that hadnt been there
the day before and had no business being there, anyhow. It was like there was something inside it I
should see. Anyhow, I remember getting down from my boardinghouse veranda and crossing the
street through the pearly mist. And as I came up in front of it, or reached the lawn, the strange house
grew solid-like, and it was my boardinghouse Id left behind that seemed unreal. I remember
crossing a good piece of lawn with a row of bushes and a rock-pile at my left and climbing the front
steps. There were about five of them, that led up to a sort of sunken porch with the top of it a
half-rounded arch and the numbers 3336 fixed against the shingles that made the front wall.
What were the steps made of, I inquired, cement?
No, sir. As I remember, they were red brick.
This too was correct. So I said. Go ahead, what did you do?
Well, I climbed those red brick steps and was almost trying to ring the doorbell when I think to
myself, What am I going to tell whoever answers the bell, about reasons why Im here? What do I
want here, anyhow? I felt funny about it all. And yet for some reason I should see the inside of this
house. I didnt ring the front bell, therefore. I went back down the red brick steps and turned the
front corner of the house toward the garage at the back. There was another set of steps at the side of

the house on my left

Brick too?
John thought a moment as though searching his memory.
No, they were whitelike cement now you mention it.
Okay. Go ahead.
Well, I went up these side steps too and looked for a bell to ring. There wasnt any bell so I
tried to knock. Thats when I learnt I couldnt knock. The door was too flimsy sort of to knock
on. I could shove my hand and arm right through it and yet without making a hole or changing its
shape. Yes, sir. So the result was, I shoved my whole self through and moved inside without
opening the door.
Lawler waited for me to challenge this, but I challenged nothing. I wanted to hear him describe
the interior of my dwellingif he could. I knew he never could have been inside it in the flesh.
What did you see? I prompted him.
Well, he explained, learning forward in his chair and picking at his work-calloused hands, I
found myself in a little side entry way with a white enameled kitchen to my left and an archway to a
small dining room to my right. There was nobody in the kitchenor in the dining room eitherbut
opening out of the left-hand side of the dining room was another arch into a bid room with a main
window that ran to the ceiling and a red brick fireplace opposite. It was furnished with a heavy blue
rug on the floor, wined brocade drapes at the windows and books on shelves about that run almost
to the ceiling. At the far end of the room from the dining room arch was a flat-topped desk, facing it,
with a swivel chair behind, and in front of it, asleep on the floor, a big grey police godand I mean
Laske, the police dog I owned at the time and that lived inside the house with me the clock
around, was frequently mistaken for the movie dog Rin-Tin-Tin, when I took her over to
Hollywood in the rumble seat of my roadster. She was a granddaughter of Pearys lead dog when
hed discovered the North Polehalf-Alaskan husky and half-German 0pllice hound. I had
mentioned her prominently, by the way, as being in my bedroom during the Seven Minutes
What else was in the room? I asked Lawler.
Well, not much, he answered correctly. A big round table before the main window. A radio
cabinet. A few lounging chairs. The biggest lounging chair was beside the window -table and had a
foot -rest. You were sitting in it, reading a book!
All right. So what? Did you know it was I?
No, I forgot everything for the minute because your pooch was raising such a shindy. The
minute I came in from the dining room, it woke up with a start and must have seen me where you
couldnt. Anyhow, every hair on its back and tail had bris tled straight upwards. It sprang to its feet
and begun a crazy barking, getting behind the desk and snarling at me around the corner of it. Then
I heard you say distinctly, Laska, what he devils the matter with you? Lie down and keep
Right there Lawlers side of the discarnation checked with my own part of the experience.
I distinctly recalled the morning I was sitting in my study when the dog sprang from sleep and
began her hysterical antics. And I said to her precisely what Lawler had described. It was at least
an hour before the dog quieted down.
Did you try speaking to me at all? I asked.

Yes, but you paid me no attention. I realized then you couldnt see me.
How was I dressed?
You had on, as I remember it, a black silk dressing gownor maybe it was dark blueand
blue and white striped pajamas under it.
Lawler was scoring accurately in every detail.
What did you do when you realized I couldnt see you?
WellI wanted to see the actual room, I guess, where youd had your experience. Soif
youll forgive me now for being noseyI went upstairs.
Thereupon he described the geography of the second floor as correctly as he had the first.
What color wood was my bedroom set?
Id say a sort of silver ivory.
Check! He even told me what pictures I had hanging on bedroom walls.
And how did the experience end for you?
WellId seen what Id come to see, you might say. So I went back downstairswith your
dog acting up again the minute I came in-and went through the east wall but onto the patio and into
the garden at the back. You had a splashing stream of water falling over a rock-pile into a rock basin
holding goldfish. In your garage you had a slate-colored Jordan roadster. In a corner of your ga rden
you had an avocado tree with small green fruit on it. At the back of the garden was a low masonry
Check, check, and double check.
When you were in my living room, what was the picture hung above the mantel?
A painting of ship in full sail.
What sort of chair was I sitting in?
Lawler frowned a moment. Come right down to it, it was a chair practically the twin of the one
youre sitting in this moment.
It was the identical chair, which Id had shipped East with my goods for the apartment on 53rd
And how did you finally get back into your body?
Well, Lawler said, too readily to be concocting the recital, I seemed to reverse everything Id
gone through up till then. Id seen all I come to see, including yourself, so I finally went back out
the trap rock driveway. I went back through the mist to where my boardinghouse was across the
way only it seemed now a terribly long wayand up the steps and lay down, sort of, on top of my
body just as Id left it in the hammock, and fell into it and woke upthats the best way I can
describe itSo I got thinking it over, and the more Ive thought about it since, the stronger I felt I
ought to come and see you and tell you what happened, to find out if what I saw was accurate.
Brother, I said, you don't know how accurate! When were you last in California in the
Once when I was a kid. My folks took me to Los Angeles for a couple weeks visit, but we
didnt go anywhere near Pasadena.
My bungalow, by the way, had only been two months built when I had started living in it.
However, Lawler wasnt fabricating.
Here then was a man who had either gotten out of his body in Texasor at least extended his
consciousness out of itgone my private hom e and scared my dog in an incident that I in my own

turn could check on. I knew he had never been in my bungalow in the flesh whilst I was there, and
if he had gotten in physically during my absence, he had come all the distance up to New York to
confess to his unlawful intrusion in my absencesomething novel in the behavior of Santa Fe
railroad men turned trespassers. But how had he known the garments I had been clad in the day, or
how Laska had suddenly pounced from sleep and started acting so unnaturally? Throughout the
whole evening of our visit I piled him with questions about the utmost details of my home and he
never missed once.
He went back to Texas next day and has remained my good correspondent and friend ever since.
This may appear a strange place to insert the description of John Lawlers experience but when I
say Consciousness may operate apart from literal physical brain and in violation of assumed laws
governing materials, I have concrete instances to support it. John Lawlers is merely one of dozens.
Flammarion the astronomer, who turned psychical researcher in the closing years of his life, wrote a
book called Phantasms of the Living in which he described the supernatural details of over a
hundred cases he reviewed. Smile all the fishy smiles you want to smile, the thing is done! And I
contend if its done in just one instance irrefutably, were wrong, wrong, all wrong in our
acceptances of the laws of nature and human mentality. Why doesnt it happen to more people so
to gain general acceptance? That I cant tell you. Why arent all of us astronomers or kleptomaniacs
or experts on the piccolo or flying trapeze? Some people so perform from no known motivations.
What interests us in the Lawler case particularly, however, is this
Lawler said he was conscious of having some sort of body, that was the prototype of his physical
self left lying in the hammock. He got this second body out of his first body without taking
conscious thought, and it subsequently contained his conscious I Am Me essence. But realizing
something of the nature of light, I have to reflect that he must have required an eye retina to catch
light -rays and form images so he could see my bungalow and my dog, and he had to have ear
tympanums to catch sound waves and hear me tell Laska to lie down and hush her barking. These
he did have, to all intents and purposes. And yet suppose he hadnt chosen to go back to Texas and
fall into his inert physical body? Suppose hed elected to stay right there in my bungalow
permanently and live with meobserving every situation and act of a private nature that went on in
my homethen I suppose sooner or later they would have held a funeral and interred his distant
Texas corpse with Lawler a resident of my bungalow, although invisible and intangible to me. My
place would have acquired the reputation of being haunted
Thats all the most terrifying ghost is, anyhow, the consciousness of some person who has
vacated his previous or original physical envelope and continued on indefinitely hanging around
without John Lawlers decency to depart whence he came. Well go into this in deeper aspects later.
Faugh for ghosts!
Consciousness in the original instance of early speciesyour consciousness, if you
pleasemight have operated at first at the strength of one-algae power, and you considered it
sufficient to your purposes at the time. Then it might have operated at one annelid power, or one
trilobite powerand so on up to one dinosaurus power as natural conditions dictated the physical
forms that could maintain on the planets surface, conditions being what they were. Now youre
reached the place where youre operating at one man or one woman power and you still think it
currently sufficient to your purposes, that is, your mental development. You are apparently learning
as you go along how to complicate yourself as to purposeful organs. But you are really no more
complicated as an animate being than Coenocytes or Mycetocytes, if you function for the purposes

for which Consciousness grows its envelope.

As we go back in human history behind the Stone Age about thirty thousand years backwe
find some sort of sub man existing on earth who lived throughout the Pleistocene Period, which
goes back 500,000 years. But behind the Pleistocene, the Pliocene Period ran back for ten million
yearsquite a respectable space of time in which the various branches of homo sapiens were
developed. What this animal ancestor was, we have no way of knowing. The apes must have come
from him and gone in one direction, and present anatomical man come from him and gone in
another. Before the Pliocene we had the Mioceneseventeen-and-half million years ago. Fifty
million years ago, when the ancestors of the modern horse were no bigger than foxes, the period
was the Eocineand the placenta animals, who were gestating their young internally and feeding
them in their first years on mothers milk, were just getting under way. But the birds are the oldest
of any terrestrial creatures, having appeared in the Cretaceons and Jurassic Periods, 175 million
years ago. Before that, we have the age of the giant reptiles in the Triassic and Carboniferous eras,
the age of the insects in the Devonian, the age of the Fishes in the Silurian, back to the first
vertebrates and trilobites in the Cambrian, the last four eras going back 500 million years. And yet
for all this remote time, remember the earth was already three-quarters its present age. If we
compare the planets age with the 70-year life span of man, conditions werent ripe for
Consciousness to wrap itself up in atoms called bodies until the man-earth was 52 years
oldthree-quarters of seventy. But consider another phase of it, and to my way of thinking the
all-important phase
If by an averaging of statistics over given periods of years, we estimate that 62 billions of human
beings have lived and perished since the time of Christ, think of the incalculable numbers of human
beings and sub-human beings who must have lived and perished back through the Pleistocene,
Pliocene and Oligocene eras to the Eocinefifty million of years instead of two thousand. It is
simple third grade arithmetic to compute that if 62 billion humans have lived and perished since A.
D. 30one trillion, six hundred twenty-five billion humans and sub-humans must have known
earthly life since the Eocene Period when the horse was no bigger then our present day foxor
1,625 with twelve ciphers after it. of course you may protest that the mortality statistics couldnt be
anywhere bear such astronomical totals because the earth wasnt populated in those times so
heavily as it is at present. Perhaps your contention is right. Maybe instead of nearly one and
three-quarter trillion, only a trillion have lived and died. Just a mere trillionthe figure cut nearly
in half.
Then what Im waiting to ask you sensibly is this: If consciousness has no existence or
continuity unto itself, if it be merely a condition arising from chemical animation, what earthly
purpose has been executed or what cosmic increment can have resulted from such titanic wastage
of life and experience and sensation? Say a trillion human creatures have been on this earth since
the close of the age of reptilesstruggling and hoping and fearing and loving, meeting their
problems and solving them or succumbing to themall to what end? To produce civilizations and
customs that havent endured, whose very tenets have become ridiculous to those who followed
after? Here is something we must face. It is the very essence of this chapter and this book. The
materialist-scientist asks us to believe that a certain number of electric atoms formed molecules and
resulted in an organism and thereby became aware that it was itself. This awareness persisted
throughout the life of the organism. When the heart stopped beating the consciousness stopped
realizing and life in so far as the individual was thereafter concerned became an utter nihility. All

that mattered to a man living in Egypt five thousand years ago was the handful of limited
experiences he had for forty or fifty years while being that man. All that mattered to a Neanderthal
sub-human woman fifty thousand years ago was scraping skins about the tribal cave or squatting
place, having her offspring, being knocked around generally from thirty to forty years and then
snuffing out as though she had never existed. Dont you see how such a philosophy places value
only on the trillion physical bodies that have lived within such time-span? Dont you see it argues
that all the generations that have gone before have only been eugenic experiments or biological
try-outs for the millions of today as the heirs of all their hereditary traits without a single reason
existing in logic why the people of today should merit such heritage, and which each individual
wont live any longer to enjoy than the 5,000-year-ago Egyptian or the 50,000-year-ago
Neanderthal woman who helped create the heritage? Dont you see that if conscious life is merely a
chemical reaction, there isnt a lick of sense and absolutely no justice nor justification in the whole
of it and Nature is merely an automatic futility? But if Consciousness does persist and uses these
earthly organisms and enhousements for some purpose of its own let alone what the purpose
islife from the end of the Eocene Age right down to this present noontime not only makes the
profoundest sense but puts value and significance into the whole cosmic process! Of course this
isnt scientific proof that Consciousness does exist as a thing apart from organism but it goes a long
way in making its abstract existence probably in a world where everything else seems directed by
intelligence, but where the scientific materialist wants us to desist from crediting intelligence when
we come to consider life as a project unto itself.
How strange that we should place such tremendous value on Consciousness functioning in the
organism and yet declare it means absolutely nothing when the organism no longer functions? We
spend millions for the Red Cross, for great civic medical centers, for life extension efforts, for the
control of fatal diseases. One small child contracts a malady in an isolated place and thousands
follow breathlessly the fight of a place rushing serum against time to save its lifeto save
something that science is equally willing to say doesnt exist as soon as the heart halts. All this
pother about a scientific nothing! About a mere chemical or electronic reaction! A living body
is worth so much that to kill it means to forfeit your own, but the same body without a p ulse in it is
worth about 98 cents in chemical values, and we say the heck with the 98 cents and bury it in a
$2,000 funeral. Apparently if we dont credit the perpetuity of consciousness, what we are valuing
is physical organismwhich is no good of itself without Consciousness in it. Consciousness is a
mere reaction of chemical juxtapositions, ay the scientists or ask us to believe itand yet the
human organism is valueless without it. Where does it get anybody? Nowhere. So, scientifically
speaking, the whole universe of animate life is one vast futility, without purpose or objective. All
because our materialistic man of science starts his explorations into the Life Mystery in the wrong
place; the organic matter that results from Consciousness, instead of t he Consciousness that results
inor at least utilizesorganic matter.
Go to a man of sciencethe average biologist or physicistand ask him why he doesnt probe
the phenomenon of Consciousness with the same assiduity that he probes the construction and
performings of matter, and he will exclaim, Because I cant get it under my microscopes.
Consciousness is an intangible and Im concerned with tangibles. Theres no way to prove
Consciousness exists anyhow, excepting through activity of biological organisms. Ask him how he
knows without having tried to prove it and hell tell you to go find a nice sharp tack and sit on it,
hes a busy man with a reputation at stake for practicality. Take him into a Consciousness

laboratory, show him abstract consciousness in demonstration, and then ask him what he thinks,
and hell say he couldnt have seen and heard what he did see and hear, or granting he did, it would
mean the re-writing of all our scientific textbooks. Which of course means quite something else,
because all our scientific textbooks are re-written every five to ten years anyhow. What he truly
means is, he would have to admit that hes started exploring his science from the wrong end and
hasnt the moral courage to admit it and start from the right end. Having educated the great mass of
the public to believe in and support the materialistic premise of life, he cant turn about now and ask
it to believe in and support the Spiritualistic premise without getting himself laughed at as Sir
Oliver Lodge and Sir William Crookes got themselves laughed at. Its his professional reflexes he
cant alter without imagining hell cease to be a scientist.
So instead of hunting for the great mystery of You and your origin in the fact of your physical
birth some forty or fifty years ago, Im more interested in studying the probable commencements of
your Consciousness forty or fifty million years ago, watching what youve been doing since, and
how you managed it, and toward what objective.
I say your body isnt you, any more than the suit of clothes or the frock youre wearing at this
momentor the pajamas or nightgown youre wearing at the moment if youre reading in bedis
you. The basic and essential you is a clot of undying mind. It never came to life because it never
was dead in the first place, it existed potentially like macroscopic mind or occupational space and at
the proper time started to function in so-called materials when macroscopic mind had shown how
materials could be had. You are an imperishable creature because you cant think yourself out of
existence; you can only think yourself into various forms of vehiclesand this you have been
doing as ideas for forms were either evolved by you or suggested by natural conditions prescribed
by the Macrocosm.
Now what do we mean, you can only think yourself into various forms of existence?
Lets try to understand it by keeping to creditable episodes in Consciousness itself

Chapter VII



ELL, let me supply an illustration of what I mean by something that creditably

In the early spring of 1932, I delivered a series of lectures on these subjects in the

city of Detroit. After one evenings talk, a personable elderly lady with a crisp, professional manner
came up and asked me if I would give her an interview next day at my hotel.
I believe I have some information to give you, said she, that will clarify some of the points
you tried to make tonight about the souls taking possession of as infants body. I went through such
an experience and want to describe it to you.
I set the appointment for next day at one oclock and she came to my room with a woman
I must tell you first of all, she announced when the amenities were over, that Im Dr. Schmidt
on the surgical staff of a nearby lying-in hospital. And I know that conscious discarnation can
beand isa fact because I recall the circumstances under which I came into life.
My visitor was maiden lady, obviously about 45 years old, and her face, personality and speech
attested to her intelligence and integrity. She did exhibit, however, a certain masculinity in her
severity and dress and way of carrying herself. Her companion, as I recall, was one of the head
nurses at the institution with which she was connected.
I wouldnt disclose this to you, she went on, if I wasnt assuming youd interpret it correctly.
But in the past few lives Ive lived, Ive always been a man and a physician. Actually I know Im a
man in a womans body, but thats neither here nor there excepting as it has bearing on the unusual
circumstances of my birth. I took possession of a girl infants body after it had been still-born. And
I did it more or less out of sentimentsentiment and impulse
My present mother had been a relative of mine in a former life and I lived her very dearly for
former associations with her. Shed married a fine man in this present lifeand they both wanted
children. But every infant shed conceived and carried had died in delivery. Time after time shed
gone through the distress of nine months of pregnancy and the pain of deliverywith nothing to
show for it but heartbreak, and a childless home. This last time Id made it a point to be on hand
when the delivery occurred and do everything within my power to aid the attending physician and
bring the baby out alive
What do you mean, I interrupted, aid the attending physician?
My dear man, Doctor Schmidt assured me, looking as though I should have sense enough not

to ask so silly a question, arent you aware that no child is ever born, or for that matter, no major
surgical operation ever takes place, without the presiding surgeon having a whole group of invisible
discarnate helpers standing by to assist him as they can by watching the internal condition of the
patient and telepathing their suggestions on what to do as the operation progresses? And thats
doubly and triply true in the matter of childbirth. In the invisible theres a great host of obstetricians
who do nothing else but attend on physical births. Conscious life in the organic form is considered
the most valuable process of consciousness in the universe because the organic world is the truly
educating world, while the discarnate world is the objective and reflective world. At any rate, Id
come there to my mothers home to be present and help the mortal doctor make a successful
delivery of a baby for her at last. And there wasnt a single reason why the fine baby girl shed been
carrying shouldnt be normally born if a pelvic strangulation could be avoidedAnyhow, I got to
the house a full half-hour before the actual delivery began and sauntered invisibly around among
the family members awaiting the blessed event. I took note of the conversation, was present at the
arrival of the nurse and heard the doctors conversation with her while our patient was in
laborWell, the long and short of it was, the baby came at last and the doctor swung it u by the
heels and spanked it to make it draw the first breath of life. But the infant stayed silent. The doctor
said, dismayed, Too bad! Too bad! Another one and dead! He gave it over to the nurse and
attended to saving the mother who had begun to have the usual bad hemorrhagesI did some fast
thinkingThat poor woman didnt deserve such a perfectly rotten break, as plucky as shed been
and after what shed gone throughI had it within my power to reduce my size discarnately and
take possession of that infants body from which the soul it was intended for, had defected. Why
shouldnt I save this final baby for the mother seeing she might never have anotherand have a
mortal span as a woman? What I did was done on impulse perhaps, yet Ive never regretted it. I
reduced my etheric size to that of the infant, got on its physical vibration, and went into the body.
The instant Id managed it, the nurse cried, Doctor, youve made a mistake! This baby isnt
dead! Whereupon the household went into a sort of domestic pandemonium, that my mother
had actually brought through a live baby at last.
Remember it wasnt any metaphysical fanatic who was attesting to this experience but a woman
of mentality, character and professional position. I had a sense of conviction that I was listening to
the report of a bona fide happening, if only from observation of the personality relating it.
And you resumed your profession of obstetrician, I suggested, When you grew to maturity as
a woman?
After one devil of a childhood, my caller laughed. You see, I never suffered the sense of
mental blackout that results from the average persons dwelling several months in the maternal
organic interim. I kept my discarnate stream of consciousness through into the carnate without a
break. Of course I couldnt rattle off a discourse on obstetrics to the physician and nurse the very
first night of my new incarnation, because it took a reasonable time for my new organism to grow to
a status where I could use it efficiently, where, in other words, I felt fully oriented to it. But you can
imagine what a sensation I subsequently made in my family as a tiny child with an adult mentality.
As soon as Id grown the teeth to talk intelligently I startled my poor father and mother especially
my poor motherinto parental fits by relating to them the events that had occurred in the
household the night of my birth before Id actually made my physical appearance. I recounted
exactly what the conversations had been between the members present. I told the doctor what hed
said to the nurse on her arrival about my mothers condition as a patient. I even took a pencil on one

occasion when I was three years old and drew a design of the lace my mother had worn on her
nightgown the night of delivery. Of course my wholly orthodox parents, whod forgotten all their
own discarnate experiences long since, were quickly persuaded the devil himself must have been
responsible for my birth. All through my childhood they named me the Little Witch. I knew
everything an adult person knew, without being tutored, and they couldnt account for it. I never
had to go through school because I was already fully educated. College and medical school, when I
became old enough for them, were colossal jokes, because I knew more about practicing obstetrics
than my professors. My poor perplexed mother, right up to the time of her death a few years ago,
never did get straight in her mind just what sort of prodigy her onlysuccessfulmaternity had
brought into the would and whether it wasnt some sort of belated heredity concentrating in her
ultimate achievement all the intelligence that should have been distributed among all the babies that
hadnt survived. I soon caught on that it would get me in serious complication to go about
informing ordinary mortalsor I should say, mortals inducted into life in the ordinary
fashion that I wasnt a little girl at all, but a professional male obstetrician from discarnate life,
whod taken the organism of a female by a sort sentimental fluke. So I learned to shut up about it
and let people believe what hey wished. But for my last half-dozen lives Ive been an obstetrical
surgeon and even if I were encased in a womans body, Ive gone right along with my profession.
Actually I cant say Ive ever regretted the decision I made for its been rather uniquebeing a
male and yet living the past forty odd years as a human female, and my visitor went on the
describe her career and achievements as a woman medico.
Well, we visited thus most of the afternoon and she answered scores of questions I put to her
about conditions of life in the discarnate, and the process of passing from one expression of
consciousness to the other. She made it plain to me what Id previously suspected, that the so-called
etheric body in which consciousness resides on quitting the purely mortal body, was utterly at the
behest and command of the deliberating will-power. In other words, as I hope to describe in our
ensuing chapter on Possession, Consciousness can command its Thought -Body to as sume what
shape it pleases if the motive be strong enough and the pattern conceivable, just as in this mortal
phase a person may don whatsoever costume he pleases, a man may trim his whiskers to look like
William Cullen Bryant or Joseph Conrad or the late Kaiser Wilhelm, or a woman may use
cosmetics to make up like Eleanor Roosevelt, Rita Hayworth or Cleopatra and no one can prevent
them excepting a psychiatrist.
We might almost paraphrase the axiom, As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he, applying to
the mortal aspects of consciousness, to as a man thinketh in his head, so is he applying to the
nonmortal aspects of consciousness.
You shape an organic thing in your consciousness and your consciousness appears as that
organic thingthat would seem to be the grist of it, necromantic as it seems.
If you shape your thought presence as the etheric body of an infant and achieve the exact
electrical vibration of the organic infant, you can animate the organism and will become the
infants soul just as Dr. Schmidt had become the soul of the apparently dead baby that the
mortal doctor had handed to the nurse. And what do I mean by the exact electrical vibration? Well,
a few minutes ago while writing these lines, I felt a chill that made me sneeze. I sneezed with a ling
ker-choo! Four feet sway from me stood a pressed-iron chair, made of indestructible garden
purposes, I suppose. It was one of those resonant iron chairs. Anyhow, the instant of my loud tonal
ker-choo! the inanimate metal in that chair started ringing, the same principle that will start the

steel cords in a piano ringing when a tuning-fork is struck in their vicinity. The tonal effects being
electrically exact cause them to sound, to activate, to vibrate in unison. Somehow there is an
analogy to it in discarnate consciousness getting on the correct vibration with the unborn infants
organism and animating it. Consciousness, in such even, is the animation.
Let no one confuse himself with the fixation that consciousness must have a givenor
standardphysical size in order to function. Apparently it can function in any size comparable to
the growth of the organism to be animated.
Allow me to embark, in illustration of what I mean, on the narration of one of the most
significant demonstrations that has come to my attention. I didnt see the demonstration myself, but
a physician, whose word I credit, also told it to me and more than all else, I have seen
demonstrations so similar with my own eyes that I find nothing to question in its dramatic

NEW England medico whom I will call Dr. Denton, came with is wife to pass his annual

vacation with me in the summer of 1932 in the southern city where I was then located. He

took a house near mine and seized every opportunity to put himself in my company to learn as
much as possible about the operations of consciousness as I had explored them in my researches.
One August evening as we sat on a jasmine-scented veranda in southern moonlight, I suddenly
asked, Howd you first become interested in these supra-physical matters, Doctor? Youve never
told me.
No, I havent, he replied, I rarely tell anyonefor the simple reason that few people would
credit it. But I had an experience the first year I was married that altered my whole thinking about
the physical body and practice of medicine. I saw a woman create herself before my eyesnormal
sizeand then reduce to six inches tall. Does that sound crazy?
Not to me it doesnt. Tell me the details.
Well, said Denton, stretching his legs comfortably on the footrest of his chair and drawing
on his cigar, I met Anne, my wife, while I was doing my internship at Massachusetts General
Hospital up in Boston. Shed started a career at nursing but we fell in love and were married. But
we hadnt been living together very long before I noticed that every Thursday evening she made
some sort of excuse to leave our apartment and slip off by herself without telling me where or why
or how she went. Naturally I became suspicious and in a fashion jealous. When I asked her about it
and she evaded explaining, I determined to shadow her the following Thursday night and discover
what she did. When she left the house the next Thursday evening therefore, I slipped out behind her
and follow ed her across the streets of Back Bay till she reached a sedate-looking residence on
Huntington Avenue. I saw her go up the steps of this residence, ring the bell, and get admitted. And
she stayed inside three hoursI know because I spent those same three hours in a dither outside
awaiting her reappearance. If she were making a bona fide social call on friends, why should she
shrink from telling me who they were, or taking me with her? Anyhow, when she finally came out, I
confronted her with demands for a reasonable explanation.
It so happens, she told me, that for years Ive been interested in subjects which you as a
hard-headed doctor and biologist wouldnt understand or credit. Every Thursday night I go to a
meeting of people in that house interested in those subjects with me. Ive said nothing to you about
it, and havent invited you along because I didnt want you to believe youd married a

What subjects? I insisted she tell me.

Ill will not spoil them, she answered, by trying to describe them in advance. Next Thursday
evening, if youre so minded, you can go with me and see with your own eyes why Im so
Well, throughout the week she teased me with suspense, and when Thursday evening came I
was eager to set out. We went back to the Huntington Avenue residence together and were admitted.
We were taken to a large, plain room on the second floor, where fifteen to twenty men and women
had assembled and seemed to be awaiting us. They were well-dressed, intelligent and
affluent-looking people. They sat in a big circle in the otherwise empty room, men and women
alternating. We werent introduced but nobody questioned my being there. For a moment, when I
noticed all the electric light bulbs in the place were red, I jumped to the conclusion that Anne
belonged to some freak esoteric cult that played about with diabolism. But how explain the soft
sacred music coming from a victrola in a corner?
Well, the circle being completed by Annes and my arrival, we sat listening to the strains of
Lead Kindly Light, Abide With Me, and Jesus, Lover of My Soul, coming from the gramophone, and
seemingly waiting for something to happen. Presently the music ended and we sat in expectant
silence. I felt rather like a fool, wondering why Id come there and what it was all about. But I soon
enough learned.
We had our plain wooden chairs in what I might call the southwesterly segment of the circle,
Anne on my left. I had hold of her hand. I had also been invited to take the hand of the elderly lady
on my right. Suddenly Anne began to sway as though her chair were rocking under her and she was
having difficulty keeping her seat. I looked down to see what could be moving her chair and beheld
what resembled a huge chaotic mass of vaporous snow that was twisting and heaving inside the
chairs lower rungs. Remaining seated was impossible with that tempestuous thing under her, and
Anne got up with a little squeal. She lifted up the chair, permitting the mass to roll into the circle
about four feet in front of me. There I beheld it writhe and contort and increase in sizeor
quantitytill an eerie unsteady pillar of it had been built up in sight of all of us. No word had been
spoken throughout all this, and no sound uttered excepting Annes squeal. Then abruptly as I started,
wondering what in Gods name I was looking at, the thing gave a shuddering spasm and right there
before my eyes became a living woman!
She was a good-looking girl in her early thirties, Id have said, with soft chestnut hair, dressed
in a plain white frock. I could see her in more detail than I can see you now in moonlight. She stood
there before me in the ruby light with her hands on her hips and regarding me amusedly.
Well, Doctor, she laughed, do you believe the evidence of your sense? She stood looking at
me, awaiting reply.
I didnt know what to believe. I was certainly talking to a substantial living woman. She
couldnt have come up through any trap door in the floor because the floor was covered by a big
garnet -colored rug that stretched undamaged beneath Annes chair. She couldnt have sneaked in
and done an acrobatic stunt beneath the chair because at first there hadnt been space enough
between the rungs of Annes chair to contain the bulk of an adult person. Yet there she was before
me, hands on hips and enjoying my discomfitureand I wasnt hypnotized nor drunk nor doped.
I said, Might I ask you who you are? or some similar inquiry. Id wanted to phrase it, Might I
ask what you are?
She laughed her audible rippling laugh again and answered, It would scare the professional

daylights out of you, I suppose, if I told you that youre looking at, and talking with, a
so-called dead woman?
I said, to make conversation as I couldfor Id never seen anything like this before, You look
anything but a dead woman to me!
Im as dead, she responded, as anyone ever gets, in a discarnate condition. Ive simply taken
ectoplasmic material from all you folks and used it to coat my soul -body so to make myself
substantial to you. Get up. Anne, and let me sit down beside him. Hell learn Im real enough.
Anne vacated her seat and this materialized girl sat down beside me. She took my hand which
Anne had been holding and it was as real and substantial as Annes had been, although it felt cooler
in temperature.
Well, in the next few minutes, with more than a dozen people watching and listening, she told
me who she was and how shed come by her death and what her experiences and sensations had
been since pulling out of her original body.
Do you mean to tell me, I asked her, that people when they die dont go off anywhere into
heaven and meet God and the angels like the Bible tells us, but stay instead right here on the earth in
an invisible state?
I cant speak for everybody, this new acquaintance informed me, but my funeral was held
two years ago February and if youll go out to West Newton Ill tell you where to find my grave, but
I havent set eyes on God or an angel yet. I was thirty-three when my mortal self was buried. I made
the discovery Id really been existing in what you might call a soul-body that fitted exactly into my
physical body, duplicating every physical organ and arrangement, or rather, it must have been the
other way out, My physical body had grown and developed according to the exact pattern of my
soul -body. What my soul-bodys made of, I don't know. I only know Ive got it and have always had
it and it will respond as I wish it to, to the thoughts I think. Anyhow, dying was nothing but
removing this finer and more responsive soul-body from the envelope of my physical self. The
soul -body simply came out of the physical self with the thinking me inside it. And I found the
earth was actually swarming with millions of people in similar bodies in a similar conditionwhat
you people in your heavy physical condition call Discarnate.
She went on then to tell me what her life in the physical state had beenall of which I checked
up on later with her relatives and found to be correctcontrasting it with her life in her discarnate
condition. Apparently she lived an entirely normal life in this discarnate society, which seemed to
be based in the main on mortal society. Finally I became so professionally curious about her
materiality that I said to her, You know Im a professional physician and Anne here is a registered
nurse. Would you be willing to prove all youre telling me by permitting me to take you into this
little room I see opening here on our right, and let me make an internal examination of you, to
satisfy myself youre an organically formed woman and not some sort of illusion?
Well, the long and short of it was, she reluctantly consented to it, but she did consent. Im
saying I took her into the side room, had Anne clear off the library table that was in it, and assisted
the patient up unto it precisely as we might have done to a patient on the examination table in my
office I took ten to fifteen minutes to establish that she was act ually as substantial and normal
internally as she was externally. Speaking clinically, had she been impregnated by a mortal husband,
she was fully capable of bearing a childhad she been equally capable of keeping her substantial
covering on her soul-body. I remember that, once having her thus alone, I examined the fabric of
the peculiar dress she was wearing with no under garments. Holding it up between my eyes and the

nearest ruby light, I made the discovery that it couldn't have been cloth because it had no weave in
it. Yet it was silken soft and beautiful. It bore a lot of resemblance to the sheerest membrane of a
bats wingif youve ever felt a bats wing. I had to take her back to the group and announce that in
so far as we could determine, she was a wholly normal and perfectly formed adult, both inside and
But heres what happened, as my reason for recalling the experienceshe sat down beside me
again in Annes chair and continued to answer such questions as I could call up about her mode of
practical life in discarnation. But as I continued to converse with her I began to realize she was
diminishing in size. She was telling me how people in pattern bodies or some bodies could
perform independent of the laws commonly governing atomic materials, when I noticed she had
begun to swing her feet that were no longer resting on the floor. She was in fact, reversing the
process of physical growth and becoming child-size even as I watched. Only she wasnt altering in
appearance. She remained the same perfectly formed and perfectly proportioned adult person to the
end. Only the top of her head scarcely came to my shoulder.
What are you doing to yourself? I demandedwhen I really meant, What are you doing with
yourself? because she was certainly losing bulk, weight and volume.
Showing you, she laughed, the power of Consciousness to control everything in the
immaterial world and the material world as well, if youve got the Thought -Force, and she
jumped down off the seat of Annes chair before it became too high from the carpet for her to get
down of herself.
Well, to conclude the episode, the end came sooner than I cared to have it come. She was still
standing there talking to us when she was no more than two feet high, not shriveled or altered in the
slightest from what shed been as five feet high. Where her excess material was going, what had
happened to it, I havent been able to explain to this day. I didnt see it go anywhere, at least. It was
more as though the substance of her compacted uniformly so that when she was down to about a
foot in height she was a perfect miniature of the adult woman wed recently examined in the room
at the right. Of course, when shed reduced to that Lilliputian size we could no longer distinguish
what she was sayingher larynx wasnt powerful enough, apparently, to create sound-tones to
reach our eardrums. Finally, when shed reduced to the height of a lead pencil, she seemed to give a
queer little twirl of her figure and was gone. She wasnt in the room with us physically any longer. I
saw that thing happen, and Anne here saw it happen, and she can correct me in any detail Ive
described inadequately or incorrectly. How about it, Anne?
His wife by the veranda railing confirmed all that the Doctor had related. He relighted his cigar.
I found out once, Denton concluded, that the group of which Anne had been a member for
some time, was quite celebrated in national psychical research circles for its explorations and
examinations into supra-physical phenomena and of course I joined it along with Anne and became
engrossed in its investigationsIve made up my mind the human race is on the verge of
discovering and proving the fallacy of so-called Deathits next truly great scientific and cultural
achievement. But dont miss the significance of that discarnate girls control of her pattern or
soul -body by the power of thought. She couldat least she didmake it any size she pleased.
Shed first made herself five feet high. Then shed reduced herself without the faintest alteration in
her appearance to a final five inches high precisely like Alice in Wonderland eating the cakes
before the diminutive door to the Queens Garden. I have no doubt, I would have found a woman as
perfectly formed and organized as at five feet high, and certainly she must have remained as real to

herself. Physical size is purely a relative thing, anyhow. If you want to see how small you are, lie
down beside an elephant; if you want to see how bog you are, lie down beside a puppy. So I say,
why mightnt that girlor any discarnate soulhave reduced her size to an item as small as the
growing foetus in a mortal womans body and locked herself into it and been born again physically
as the soul of that infant? To my way of reasoning ti out, we dont have to hazard any wild
hypothesis about possibilities of rebirth, and living more than one life mortally on this earth. All we
need do is observe the capabilities of consciousness in its discarnate state to realize that we could be
reborn or not be reborn, according as it pleased us. Of course there are probably people so fed up
with the complications of worldly life they never want to think of returning to it, but thats not
saying it couldnt be possible if the late Miss Maynard up in Boston could project herself as five tall
at one time and five inches tall twenty minutes later. If she could reduce her conscious body or
astral organismto five inches tall, why couldnt she reduce it to the size of a mouses eyeball, as
the biological human foetus is for size when it first begins to display a heart-beat? After all, even
when no bigger than a mouses eyeball, its still millions of times bigger than any molecule or atom
giving it apparent substance. I dont suppose God Almighty forces anyone to have a soul, or be a
thinking consciousness unit, against his will, but obviously its not necessary. Billions and trillions
of consciousness units want to be souls, by the very fact of their having become souls. Anyhow,
since Ive come face to face with the higher and deeper facts of life, existence has suddenly begun
to make sense to me and I consider Im a more intelligent and competent medical man for having
had the contact.
Dr. Denton must have been correct in this last, because I understand that at present he holds an
authoritative position as a biologist at the Rockefeller Medical Center in Manhattan. Again I say,
these arent metaphysical fanatics from whom I have derived the examples of supra-consciousness
described in this book. They are hard-headed and responsible persons of affairs, and yet strangely
enough when I stop to think of it, a majority of them are derived from the medical profession.
Perhaps we shouldnt wonder at it, since the members of that profession treat most intimately with
organic life in its physical animations.
But what truly do we have in Doctor Dentons narrative of the materialization of the Maynard
Conscious life, we might put it, once it has come into recognition of itself, cannot die to
extinction, because there is nothing to kill it excepting itself!
If it can survive right here on this plane of material existence, as psychical research seems to be
proving it does survive, then it can by its own inherent powers, enter into new developing
organisms and get born for as many worldly lives as it elects.
In other words, the proof of survival of consciousness is the proof of the possibility of
successive earthly livesand reincarnation doesnt have to remain some fantastic mythical
doctrine imported from the East. It would be a natural and logical exploit of the disembodied soul
in itself.
The astute logicianand God knows theres room for plenty of them in the psychical
fieldwill declare that this is equivalent to saying that the person who doesnt think hes got a soul
probably hasnt got a soul, if the soul is the embodied ability to think. I say to a degree, hes right.
Just as you can take the zero temperature from water you swim in, in January, by refusing to
recognize or admit to yourself how cold it is, so you can withhold recognition in your mind from
the realization or recognition of your own existence. In that sense you wont have a soul, because

always remember thinking is function. But we dont need to take up that argument now. Im trying
to explore what you might have done from time to time, and from sequence to sequence up the ages,
to perfect your consciousness of yourself to its present capability to consider yourself abstractly.
Lets take another view of it this business of conscious and nondrying personality seizing
possession of animate organism

OU recall Dr. Hardwick who narrated to me his experience with Walter Stisons sparrow
hawk. I told you he became my medical assistant in a clinic for examining these matters in

North Carolina in the summer of 1932. Well, one afternoon a toil-worn and earnest lady nearing her
fifties sought an audience at our headquarters. Ill call her Mrs. Hunter.
Mrs. Hunter told us she had arrived that morning from a small town in northern Texas bringing
with her a 24 -year -old son whom purblind alienists had declared insane and wanted confined. She
had left him with a sister at a local boardinghouse, while she sought us out to solicit our aid.
Thomas is not crazy, she declared with all her fierce mother -loyalty. Hes a fine intelligent
boy, but his trouble is, as Ive figured it out, his soul has too loose a hold on his body to keep control
of it, and the souls of other people without bodies of their own, get into him and take it over.
Dr. Hardwick asked her what gave her that idea.
Because when theyre into him they speak foreign languages that my Tommy never learned or
heard in his life. You cant speak a language fluently without having learned it, can you? Besides, in
times when theyre out of him and he can use his own equipment, he tells me they shove his soul
out and take over. Theyre stronger than he is, and he cant help it. When hes in charge of his own
body, hes no more crazy than anyone of the three of us.
I asked her how shed heard of our clinic that shed brought him to us.
Tommy told me himself, she answered. When hes in command of his own brain and body he
has what the doctors call his lucid spells. And in one of them he says to me, Mother, take me up to
North Carolinatheres some men up there who know all about these things and they can help me.
And he supplied your names and told what it was known in the discarnate world you were doing for
Well, I had executive duties that prevented me from following the case personally but Dr.
Harwick went back with the mother and spent all he remainder of the afternoon with the crazy
boy. He came back and reported
Damn the plain orthodox ignorance of these dumb psychiatrists! Its as positive a case of
possession as Ive ever been up against. The boy has five discarnate soldiersphysically killed in
the 1917 warpushing him around and taking over his organism any time they choosethree
French poilus, a Belgian and a German. I dont understand Bel gian but I do know French and
German, so I had a long talk with four of them. Theyre angry and terrified at not knowing what
state theyre in and intolerant of anyone whos discarnate, telling them. They refuse to admit
theyre dead because theyve got etheric bodies that seem real to them. But theyve found this poor
kid Tommy Hunter whom they can make vacate his organism and give it over to them to use, and
get physical expression in this atomic world. So they take over sometimes all together and the result
is what these dumb psychiatrical clucks called insanity. Insanity, apparently, is anything they
cantor dont understand, because they refuse to admit the existence of consciousness apart
from body. Body or brainmust make consciousness, they think, so Tommy must be aberrantly
doing all of it.

Well, I asked, whats to be done for the lad?

Ive arranged for Mrs. Hunter to stay around town a couple of weeks while I have ten or a
dozen sessions with those poor addled soldiers and get it through their heads what an injustice
theyre doing Tommy by appropriating the organic body that belongs to him rightfully. I think I can
make it plain to them the true condition theyre in and persuade them to either find a pregnant
woman and reincarnate their consciousness, or look up their own dead relatives on higher levels
of thought and get themselves oriented to being actually discarnate.
For at least ten afternoons, therefore, Dr. Hardwick visited the Hunters and conversed with the
four dead boys in French or Germanand they translated for the Belgian. Sometimes, Dr.
Hardwick told me, they could follow what was happening. At length they saw the light on the
whole of it and gave Tommy Hunters organism back to him unreservedly. Mrs. Hunter4 took her
son back to Texas permanently cured of his insanity.
Now them, what have we presented to us in the Hunter case?
Five different men, each with his own personality, his own language, his own mental ensemble,
could seize upon the entire mental and neurotic equipment of the body that was Tommy
Hunters a body, take note, that was living animatedly of itself as an organism during the various
spiritual occupancies and in an instant of time substitute the contents of their own cerebral
cortexes at the time of their death in battle for the contents of Tommy Hunters cerebral cortexes
that existed in his own body in Texas twelve to fourteen years later.
To me we are presented with the demonstration that discarnate consciousness can occupy and
manifest in any bodily equipment or mechanism it discovers physically alive and intact, and
available for its personalized expressions. By that same token, you as a man or woman soul today in
the Twentieth Century of the Christian era could have animated and doubt less did animateany
of the ten thousand or a million types of species that fitted the status of your intelligence as your
Consciousness was developing into full-fledged recognitionnot to mention realization of itself.
You couldn't have had present mans degree of both when the highest forms that had developed on
the terrestrial stage to date were annelid or Brontosaurus. But you went into the highest forms and
kept going into the coming out of the highest forms until you developed along with similar granules
of consciousness into sub-man and finally the human species of the present. By the same practice
you will continue to go along into the highest and most evolved forms until you leave microcosmic
consciousness entirely and begin to approximate forms of macrocosmic consciousness. Which we
are no more able to understand today than Brontosaurus could have understood a development
like Eddingtons or Millikens or Einsteins of the present.
What I am trying to say is, the earths evolving forms are prob ably consciousness merely finding
material or organic animations that best express itself in the atomic manner for further
self -realization and performance. And this process is perpetual and never ending. If we dont do it
on this planet, the universe is now expansive enough to do it on some other planet, or perhaps exert
out own collective energy and project our own universe in Cosmos to gain to even higher and
greater attainments.
Viewed from this angle, all life has meaning and all life has sense. Furthermore, all the varied
forms and gradations of intelligence you witness in the organic and human worlds about you have
significance and purpose. The strictly materialistic and mechanistic hypothesis for animation and
intelligence make no sense whatsoever and present the whole universe as a titanic futility. Which do
you prefer? We can prove the first constantly from demonstration of phenomena. You cant prove

anything from the second except that various things do seem to happen spontaneously and beyond
it is no thinking

Chapter VIII



VERY little while I receive a letter from a Soulcraft reader comments in substance, In a
way, this Science of Soul which youre proclaiming, puzzles me. You say that this Unit of
Spirit, this God-essence in me that I identify as my self-aware personality, may be tens of

thousands of years oldperhaps hundreds of thousands of years old. Whether it is or not, I cant
say, inasmuch as I only recall with vividity the memory of incidents that have made up this, my
current life. You assert that my character isnt a matter of inherited traits but the accumulate
acknowledgement of experiences Ive had in all past lives, regardless of race, locality, or social
situation. Yo u lay heavily on the constantly reiterated truth that my temperamentmeaning my
demonstrated personality with all its resultant eccentricitieswill survive all the bodies I may
occupy up ten thousand, or perchance a hundred thousand, years in future. What Id really like to
have you explain to me is the permanent worth of knowing all these more or less historical facts
about myself, and what practical use I can make of such knowledge in my day-to-day affairs of the
present. After all, I can only live one life at a time, can I not? Of all the years and months and days
and hours of that life, its only the present moment that counts. Ill subscribe to the readily. But
what good does it do to be well-nigh an adept in metaphysical erudition, and not be able to make a
living, not be able to control my son and daughter who seem to be succumbing to most of the ills or
excesses of a decadent era through which our nation is passing, not to be able to raise myself by my
own bootstraps to any particular prestige or influence that makes this current earthly sojourn the
most profitable Ive ever lived? Its recognized and appreciated advancement right here and now,
this present twenty-four hours that truly interests me. Having reasonable peace of mind from
learning how to be philosophical about the plights of my life is one thins; making me an
acknowledged success in the economic and civil way is the thing Id the better appreciate and thank
you for. Im a manor womanwith Problems. Its aid in solving them, meaning more strength,
intellect, or financial power to apply in dissolving my quandaries, that Im truly searching for and
would be everlastingly grateful to get. Im reasonably healthy, so the healing phases of esoterics
dont overly appeal to me. I have no incons olable grief because Ive lost a wife, husband,
sweetheart, lover, child or parent, so proving that they hover about me in invisibility is only a
synthetic consolation at the best. The real thing Im hoping to turn up somewhere along the line of
all this Soulcraft reading is the magic formula for achieving to distinction within a specified
timeand if ninety-five percent of your audience were truly honest, theyd be expressing the same
thing. Science of Betterment. On such a basis of understanding, can Soulcraft deliver to me or can it

Strange to say, Im never offended or dismayed at receiving this sort of challenge to the
enlightenment, which has done so much for me in my own case. I fell an odd sympathy for the
communicating of such candor, or rather for the persons who express it. Further, I fell no urge to
attempt to equivocate in replying to it. But I do have a concernment about whether or not Im
capable of making such replies understood

OU SEE, there are exactly two ways of looking upon this Science of Soul, two and none
other. The first is objectively, and the second is subjectively. As preciously stated, the term

Objectively means strictly within the Inner Self, with exterior conditions disdained. And people
who write me as Ive set down, are regarding spiritual enlargements in the objective or abstract,
something apart from their present moment personalities, something to be attained like an award of
merit. They havent yet developed spiritually to the point where they are capable of gr asping that
true Soul Science, effectively mastered or its increments acquired, so changes the quality of their
consciousness in their inner beings that the fact of current penuries almost never occurs to them. A
different plane of ideology has already opened to them and they are hour by hour living it. True
advancements in soul quality are not something bought in ten easy lessons, as a suit of new raiment
in ten easy payments with carrying charge included. They were a certain sort of persons yesterday,
they are a different sort of persons today, they will be something else tomorrow, and next month or
next year or next life. But when you are a thing, you take it for granted. Or rather, it doesnt occur to
you to question it. Take this matter of Life Knowledge, to illustrate
Regarding it objectively, as the average neophyte does in so far as his selfish interest carries, he
envisions himself as a given personage in the present dissatisfied with his life situation, eager to
acquire Enlightenment like an amulet, to flash on contemporaries in some inexecrable dilemma of
life and have it work a miracle of its own potentials. Hes more or less like the hypochondriac, or
person who loves to be sick, who drinks bottles of nostrums assuming theyre going to work
some wonder-cure on his recalcitrant insides instead of realizing the supervisory power of his mind
or Spirit Intellect and causing it to order his body to get over its pathological tantrums and behave.
Wanting the Science of Soul to equip his with magical formulas in the spiritual sense, he waits to hit
on a necromantic combination of words, which he can chant in a peculiar tone and have the
elements obey him in consequence, the elements in such case being the winds of good fortune or
seas of material resource that float treasure-chest shoreward. He forgets, or overlooks, that he does
not want to change in the item of himself; he really wants to stay precisely the person hes always
been but have the increment arrive as some scintillating bequest.
But the subjective student regards the increment differently, assuming, as I say, he regards it at
He has difficulty regarding it, being it.

E IS , first of all, highly intrigued by learning all he can about his private soul-origin because
out of fullest knowledge of such origin he may gauge its capabilities. Hes eager to see

himself in fullest light against the background of the Omniverse because by its vastnessor
comprehensive grasp of its vastnesshe discerns his probable destiny. He wants to know the
fullest capabilities of his consciousnessor what consciousness has demonstrated to be able to do
for others in that his first duty to himself is to live his life, any life, to its fullest possibilities to

assure himself of adequate compensations for the energies and distresses of living it; unless he does
that, hes merely cheating himself at spiritual solitaire. He wishes to become apprised of all that
exists to know about the perpetuity of consciousness that he may avoid and avert the distractions of
inconsolable grief or live immune from constant and continual perturbations at occasional
supernatural phenomena. He wants an intimate acquaintance with intelligent life in higher spiritual
aspects that he may discern clearly what states are awaiting him as the vital forces of physicality
run low or universal menace panics his neighbors.
Exploring these great departments of life for their own sake, being adept in knowledge of them,
it usually escapes him that his personality is changing. Matters that exercise the ignorant man, he
comes to regard as strange childish humors. His whole sense of worldly values is altering. He
comes to appreciate intuitively why other people behave as they do. Experience or ordeals that
numb or wreck the objective student ru n off him like water off a duck. Coming to grasp as by an
instinct the perpetuity of personality, nothing that life can turn up shows as very tragic.
He becomes, in short, a superior person, standing head and shoulders above the crowd of
mediocrities. Nothing seems to upset him inwardly because he truly discerns little or nothing in the
ordinary run of humanitys distresses to become overly wrought up about. Perhaps, faced by some
vital decision that would cower or paralyze the Little Man, he withdraws into as calm a reverie as
hes capable of commanding only to hear sedate and instructive wisdom spoken to him, which
he does not excitably exclaim about; he understands what it is and whence it comes, and he accepts
it as a feature of the cooperation, which Wisdom invites from lifes higher echelons. When the
crowd becomes excited, his reaction is insouciance. When the crowd is struck silent, it is his voice
that speaks. And by reason of the inner guidance hes cultivated, he says something.
To think of annexing this character expansion that has come to him well-nigh unnoted, by
answering some cult advertisement dispensing formulas for money, occasions a variety of humor
within him. Almost we might classify it as in a category with buying a beloved mothers virtue for
money. Ones mothers virtue is taken for grantedamong respectable people. Ones character
expansion is likewise taken for grantedamong erudite people.
Actually, regarding soul science objectively, much less acquiring it objectively, carries a certain
ribaldry that only the subjective scientist can estimate.
All of which, boiled down, is saying that you cant possess yourself of all the knowledge that
exists to be known about the soul, and stay the same person who earlier began it. Your viewpoint is
so broadened that your psychology is transformed. You dont see the world through new eyes; you
see it suddenly from a mature and not adolescent temperament, because such knowledge has aged
you. Instead of donning Wisdom like a suit of clothes for an East parade before your fellows, you
are Wisdom itself in its decisions and performings.
Your consciousness has entered into a higher phase of operation.
You have suddenly become big without grasping the proportions of it.

O WHEN people write letters to me declaring, What Id really like you to explain to me is the
permanent worth of knowing all these spiritually historical facts about myself, and what

practical use I can make of such knowledge in my day -to-day affairs of the present , I sometimes
feel like the wise old academic savant asked by the impertinent freshman, Do you mind explaining
to me just what value I may expect to derive from spending four years at this college or university?
Unless Im guaranteed that on graduation Im going to make a million dollars, or be immediately

appointed as Ambassador to Patagonia, or have books written about my life as scientist or

philanthropist, I doubt very much that Ill waste the time or put myself to the financial expense. Of
course, if you can arrange it for me to get the whole college course by reading the pamphlets a week
apart, such would be the happier solution to my current predicament of ignorance and indolence.
But on the whole, its what I am in the present electric instant that counts. What I may be in middle
life or old age is all conjectural.
The professor who would pause to discuss Education with such a brains-trapped tadpole
certainly could be classified as not competent to instruct him, because hed be operating on a
similar level of ideology.
What Im trying to get across to all such correspondents by the books Im creating in this series
is as enticing a prospectus as possible of the advantage of expansion of the Intellect of Spirit.
Because thats all Mind is, when you come right down to it, as Ive delineated in much greater
detail in Beyond Grandeur. Spiritual Intellect! It permits you to operate as a total personality on a
loftier and vaster level of consciousness.
Putting it in another way, we might describe it that you live automatically in whatever
intellectual zone youre capable of inhabiting. Different gradations of intellect, in fact, are what
create and maintain the zones in the first place.
The laborer existing from year to year in the shanty across the tracks looks upon the aristocratic
family motoring out of its driveway up on the Avenue, with liveried chauffeur behind the wheel,
and is envious only of the worldly affluence displayed by them. He fails to grasp factually that
possessing such affluen ce is synonymous with possessing the higher and wider exercise of
consciousness, thinking more cultured and consequential thought, owning to the acumen to
associate with wits on similar strata. The laborer cries in bitterness, I have a physical body that
feels heart and cold, or knows hunger or satiation, precisely as do these favored foundings of
fortune. Because I feel similar organic distress, why am I not entitled to all their enjoyments? there
is rarely the right person nearby to answer, because youre only equipped physically to sense
them. Become equipped spirituallynot to mention intellectuallyto live a life of aristocracy, and
the spiritual or mental equipment bears you automatically up to it.
But of course lacking such development, the laborer does not get it. There is ever a demagogic
politician about to entice his vote with promising that its all a matter of whos in office, and if the
demagogue be so elevated hell make it his business to wrest from the rich and give to the poor.
What Holy Spirit is doing amid it all is to lift the laborers quality of consciousness through
experiences so that up further lives hes eligible to such materialistic largess.
But the laborer by no means assimilates that. He wants his avenue mansion and Rolls-Royce
right now, purely from the circumstance that he and the aristocrats both feel hunger or chill with
equal distress. That its the hunger or chill thats activating the laborer to bestir himself and acquire
a more fitting quality of consciousness so as to function properly as a resident of the Avenue, is
only known to the metaphysical analyst. And that as well is a role demanding more than an average
I. Q.
Oh well, generations ago the savants coined the adage, You cant make velvet purses out of
sows ears. But they were by no means right. You can make purses out of human sows ears, if you
expose the sows ears to enough refining experiencesat least thats the way its regarded
But learning to expand the consciousness in ten easy lessons, contained in ten pamphlets sent for

ten weeks at a cost of ten dollars total, is expecting one can filch Wisdom without exerting ones
self to acquire it.
A sort of digression chapter, this, to clarify First principles in the minds of the nondiscerning.
The Spiritual Intellect of Man is a nonperishable principle that qualifies for cosmic progression
by the mere fact of exercising. Wisdom spreads the entire canvas of attainment for the sodden,
handicapped, or discouraged traveler along lifes Low Road. Really get through ones head that
Spiritual Intellect is nondrying and the true significance of the whole trek changes.
But rarely is the traveler aware of the change in the electric instant that it happens. Its usually in
retrospect that realization of it comes to him. Yet why should that bother him? The point is, it
And thats all God cares about, from the standpoint of Infinity. Now lets proceed with our

Chapter IX


OVE! What is love between a man and a woman and how and when does it enter into
the great cosmic progression in our enlargement of Consciousness. Let us see.
We know that the first forms of animate life were what we give the term asexual. And

what does asexual mean? It means more than self-propagating or even self-generating. It means
survival by splitting. That is to say, in the truly elementary forms of animate consciousness we have
the dinoflagellates Ive already mentioned that are practically one-cell animals that propagate by
separating. Strictly speaking, of course, a cell that breaks apart, with each half growing into a whole
and that breaking again into halves, isnt propagating at all. Its merely finding a way of achieving
immortality so long as the whole species isnt exterminated by natural conditions. The original cell
in a diversity of separations or break-ups, is forever in existence. But in this program, take note,
nothing by way of improvement can be added that wasnt in the original unit. There can be no
inheritance of traits or improvement through offspring by asexual increase.
However, asexual forms of cell life are the first forms of animate consciousness we seem to
encounter in nature and the original cells have been splitting throughout millions of years. But in
the occupancies of these forms by evolving units of consciousness that down some far day must be
men and women, we suddenly encounter a revolutionary change in the propagation of the vehicles.
Generation happens through function of organism that we call sex. Biological life divides into male
and female. The medium for the transmission of the species pattern generation by generation is the
egg. The female originates the protoplasmic or cellular unit within her person which the male finds
a way to fertilize or plant the consciousness-germ in. an egg, in other words, doesnt become
alive or contain a life-granule until it has received an ingredient that comes from a male. This
reception may take place outside the females body in some species, as well as inside in othersthe
higher developed types where the need of preserving them from damage or destruction is greater. In
some species of marine forms the female may deposit her eggs in great quantities in some breeding
place whereupon some male who has never seen the egg-laying female may come along and
excrete upon them what they require to make them animate vehicles for subsequent consciousness.
But as organic life climbs higher and higher up the scale of organic complication, the male sperm is
injected into an orifice in the females body, encounters the egg, fertilizes it, and imparts its own
qualities to the creature it becomes. The female retains the fertilized egg and develops it within
herself till the creature is recognizable as a new unit of her own species. Thereupon she subjects it
and a new unit of increase is added to the world population of that species. Now its that
revolutionary shift in technique of reproduction that were interested in at the moment from the

asexual to bisexual. What event took place, and what condition or intelligence directed it, which
reshaped this vital process so drastically? This is worth exploring.
For it couldnt just happen. From our point of view, Consciousness made it happen, as I
maintain consciousness causes every process and alteration in process to happen in the organic
world. Something was needful in the biological program that asexual increase couldnt furnish.
I contend that consciousness, that is, original self-awareness, wanted to express more than the
mere phenomenon of spontaneous aliveness by manifesting in atoms. It wanted to increase and
expand itself by retaining the effects of its atomic experience, or the effects of atomic activity upon
itself. So it used asexual cell-growth to build up associations of such cells into purposeful patterns
and thenceforth inhabit not the cells but the patterns of the cells in association. These cellular
patterns in functioning formation we today call organs. Many interrelated organs constitute a body.
All cells in living organisms, considered as cells alone, are asexualthat is, they split to obtain
increase. They do it today on a colossal scale in the human body. Consider how fast the embryonic
babe grown in the mothers uterus from the asexual reproduction of cells from the instant that
sperm and ovum meet. Now those cells are alive but they dont have consciousness. Dr. Alexis
Carrel kept the cells of a chicken heart alive and renewing themselves for years, but they had no
consciousness. Hitch a big conglomeration of them together in a functionary pattern, however, and
consciousness can get into it and dominate it. It can use it to create a performing vehicle as we
say, for itself, such as the human body controlled by a nervous and muscular system and offering
such features as legs for moving about terrestrially, or hands for wielding tools or weapons.
It is wrong to say therefore that consciousness abandoned the asexual process of reproduction.
Because it didnt. when cells got into conjunction to make the muscular mechanisms known as
organs, a way had to be found to reproduce as one unit not only the cells themselves but the cells in
assembled pattern. Or better still, the pattern of cells had to be projected as a utility for
consciousness, considered as a pattern. Right there we encounter the phenomenon called a body.
We get the word from the old Anglo-Saxon term bodig meaning a collection of persons, things,
facts, or the like, as a whole. What we commonly speak of, as the human body is actually the whole
body of its organs making it a completed ensemble. Asexual cells considered of themselves would
permit of no variety in progeny every dinoflagellate must be like every other dinoflagellate
because the last one to split is essentially the same as the first one that split. But when it came to
these in assemblyjoined together in a patternthey could be as varied as consciousness could
conceive patterns for them to follow in such groupings.
Consciousness must therefore have asked itself, How can I arrange a method or process by
which these various body-patterns integrate from the self-splitting asexual cells of which theyre
built up. Asexual cells split automatically so long as there is chemical nourishment to sustain them
and supply them with substance for their growth. But I cant have the pattern units of cells in
functioning association doing that. Pattern bodies, or pattern groups, of cells mustnt be allowed to
increase automatically. There must be a make-and-break system in the process of creation. Pattern
bodies of cells together must only be created from motivating causes so they never come into
existence without the cause in consciousness being present, or theyd soon overrun the earth as
rapacious automations. Suppose I solve the quandary by dividing myself into halves, one-half to
occupy one form of pattern body of assembled cells and the other half to occupy another formthe
two pattern bodies being so designed that reproduction takes place only when they come into
contact. Reproduction then occurs reactively, but not spontaneously. Suppose I divide myself as to

qualities within my own complete unit. Suppose I p ut all my aggressive, bellicose, rapacious traits
into one organism and call it male, suppose I take all my passive, docile, conserving and
ministering traits into a twin organism and call it female. The aggressive part of myself will seek
out and subdue the docile, ministering part and enact a process of conjugation. When the two halves
thus join their organisms I will cause forces to be set in movement that start the assembly of
automatic asexual cells to build a new pattern ensemble and thus the creation of new
pattern-ensembles will always remain an act of deliberation between my two halves. Furthermore,
size being no factor in microcosmic life except in the eye and estimate of the abstract beholder in
comparison with his own completed form, suppose I project the pattern design I want the cells to
take in the literal spermatozoa that passes between such male and female organisms in contact.
Thus I can keep a species constant until I, as occupying consciousness, have no further need of it in
my own development.
Now whether microcosmic life thought out the foregoing or whether it received its cues from
macrocosmic life that had perfected them first in other universes than ours, isnt germane to the
realization that some such thing must have happened.
Sex was a sharp dividing of the character of the consciousness just as it was a dividingor
pairingof the functions of physical procreation. Males and females of all species think by similar
processes and to the unified objective. But what they thinkthat is, their viewpointsare as
antipodal as light and darkness, day and night, positive and negative. The male fights, the female
conciliates. The male projects, the female gestates. With the exception of some species of spiders,
where the females are the battling and consuming Amazons and only use males for conjugating
purpose and then devour them, this division of qualities of consciousness maintains in all species.
That isnt to say that a male wont do an act of gentleness or mercy or a female wont battle when
sufficiently provokedwhen her young are endangered, for instance. But in the main these are
acquired characteristics. Generally speaking and not so general eitherthe male and female of
any species taken together make a completed and balanced soul, composed of all attributes.
Any soul, without all its attributes or qualities, cant be called complete. So long as it is deficient
in some major attributes it is only certain portions of a soulthose that display within it. if the
missing portions be elsewhere, then it is only logic that the soul must be called divided, one section
of it in one place, one section in another. If one section enters into a body pattern of cells and
functions therein, then there may be a twin display of the same consciousn ess, but we are
compelled to consider them together to visualize the soul in entirety.
If therefore we have the soul attributes of aggression, bellicosity, self-assertion, exploration,
experiment, resolution, acquisition, incarnated in an exposition of soul consciousness that we term
the masculine, and the attributes of cooperation, concord, pacification, leniency, obedience,










soul -consciousness that we term the feminine, the two in conjunction would present a soul in
That is saying in effect that a man or woman, considered of and as his or herself cannot embody
a unit of spiritual consciousness in totality, since each lacks by the essence of his sex the antitheses
of his basic character. It takes a representative man and representative woman in balanced
conjunction to form the perfectly totaled soul.
It is not so much of a platitude as it sounds, to say that a given soul cannot be very masculine of
temperament and very feminine of temperament at the same time. But when a very masculine man

loves and weds a very feminine woman we commonly declare that the match is ideal. Why is it
considered ideal? Because between them they express all the spiritual attributes of which
consciousness is capable. They make a completed microcosm.
The hypothesis them, that it requires the full quota of the spiritual attributes to compose the total
soul, should imply in practical aspects that if consciousness did split into its antipodal traits in each
microcosmic instance back over the generations, and each male set of traits proceeded to function
in the male-pattern of atomic organism and each female set of traits in the female-pattern, then
every living male should have his personal female somewhere in Cosmos who is actually as much a
part of him as he is part of her, and as they contact and weld and function they are the one hundred
percent spirit unit in operation.
Acting in conscious unison they display the original unit of consciousness in its highly evolved
form evolved at least up as far as the present.
The most potent thing engaging us is the mystery of the origin of sex, the perpetuation of sex,
and the love which male and female uniformly possess, or generate, for one another. What is this
unfailing sex attraction?
The physiological expounder of love will tell us that men and womenas well as all the
mammalian animalspossess certain protoplasmic sacs in their organic selves which fill up with
secretions t hat are basically chemical, inciting the sac nerves or ligaments and demanding discharge.
They dont tell us why whose sacs fill up or why the sensation of discharge fills the whole nervous
system with ecstatic reaction. It is another of those provisions of nature that just happened in the
course of evolution. Love, they say, is merely the anticipation of feeling the blissful reaction of sac
deflationimaging conjugation in advance and desiring it realized. They ignore so many
controversial factors in this explanation that we can without great mental effort reduce it to the
status of a chocolate pie that some person has inadvertently stepped in. all mammalian animals
have their periods of sac distension and deflation, but how is so brash as to call bestial rutting by the
name of love? Tens of thousands of men and women have loved each other who have found
themselves incapable of conjugation. Millions of marriages founded on nothing but physical sex
have quickly gone to pieces whereas millions more of marriages have reached their sweetest and
finest stages when the necessity of sex intimacies has been merely out -lived. These three points
alone dynamite the theory of love being constant anticipation of amativeness.
No, love is something far more significant and profound than reproductive utility of the sex
equipments. More rationally we might describe it as the fundamental urge in either man or woman
to coalesce with the antipodal traits distinguishing the other sex as a sex, and present to the world a
completed and balanced unity by the fact of association. It is what society clumsily describes as a
perfect mating.
However, dont misunderstand me. Im by no means suggesting that the happy marriages come
from men and women marrying their opposites in temperamentquite the reverse. Temperament
seems to be the collective reaction of a personality to its condition, and physical factors can
determine it quite as much as spiritualthe temperament of a cripple or a blind person or a blind
person for instance being vitally keyed to the handicap. Temperament, in other words, has little or
nothing to do with sex and cant be classed as a sex trait, or even soul trait, in any aspect. Im
speaking of something that treats with a different classification of values, something we might best
describe as Sex Personality. It is something that transcends temperament or dispositionand
partakes of the division of fundamental consciousness. Perchance we havent ever coined precisely

the right term to identify it. Masculinity and femininity come nearest to it, considering descriptions
of the soul halves separately.
Whence, I ask you, comes the universal acceptance in the human heart, male or female, that
somewhere in Cosmos exists the perfect complement to itselfthe amative person who uniformly
fits every specification, every complex and reflex, spiritual as well as physical, that is instinctively
conjectured by the first? Is it another of those mercurial fancies that just happen, born of
dissatisfactions with sex realities that have been encountered? Is the whole world then, dissatisfied
with its love mates?
We know well enough it isnt. We know beyond all peradventure of doubt there are millions of
quite normal men and women who have eventually come face to face with exactly the right
person they have longed to meet and marry, who have recognized each other as mates practically
at first sight, who have joined themselves legally and spiritually to each other and barring
ephemeral annoyances or distractions, have composed together the ideal spiritual unit. Millions of
such marriages are of record, I say, but being so tranquil and natural they occasion no episodes to
make us take note of them. Literally there are millions of happily married people but the unhappily
married peoplepeople who have married spiritual complements that dont belong to themstir
up such an ungodly rumpus in result of it that we overlook the great majority that life upon life does
connect with its separated sections and for the balanced whole, each couple to itself.
There is a vast literature to be explored herewhat causes people to marry separated sections of
other peoples consciousness that in nowise belong with them? It has been treated in an earlier book
Know Your Karma. We are interested at this juncture merely in determining as we may why you
have discovered yourself in mortal life as a man or woman, masculine or feminine. It doesnt
appear that we are going far wrong, examining the Cosmic Evolutionary picture, to deduce that in
the original cleavage of your microcosmic conscious unit, you are the sum and substance spiritually
of those particular elements designating your sex. We know that consciousness must have divided
because we do have sex and we do have the antipodal spiritual attributes denoting masculine and
feminine. We know there is the universal urge in each sex to complement itself with the other, to
weld itself as closely s possible to the other. We know there is such a thing as the right men and
women coming together and forming ideal matings, which no amount of worldly ordeal or
vicissitude can disruptindeed, ordeal and vicissitude endured together only weld these true
spiritual halves the closer to each other so that instances have been known where the mortal death
of one caused the mortal death of the other within a few hoursor days or weeks. The hypothesis is
more than hypothesis that when two people the one very masculine and the other very
femininelook into each others eyes or enwrap themselves in one anothers arms and whisper
we belong to each other, they are speaking the literal truth. They started out as the one souls in
the cosmic beginning, divided their antipodal attributes, incarnated as the biological sexes, and
have been mating with each other on and off, life upon life, generation upon generation, era upon
era, right down to the present. And in a corner of the park in summer night, in the shadows behind
the bandstand, theyre at it again, God loveem, because they are what they areincomplete of
soul until their lives amalgamate. Theyll marry and go through hell for and with each other with
nothing but mortal death itself truly capable of prying them apart. They may not either one of them
be outstandingly handsome or beautiful. He may look like Ichabod Crane and she may resemble a
mattress tied with a bookstrap but their hearts beating as one is no idle clich. They are serving
notice on the universe they together compose the basic spiritual unit. They utterly gratify and

satisfy one another because they are in totality one complete cosmic person.
The Bible describes the splitting of consciousness into masculine and feminine, apparently, by
the Adam and Eve mythGod putting Adam to sleep in Eden, taking a rib from his anatomy and
shaping it into a second living human, which He called a woman. The trouble with the Adam and
Eve myth is, it makes woman appear to be something of an accessory or appendage to man, a
masculine aftermath, something still idling around as a sub-masculine species of merely allied
importance, whereas the truth seems to be that woman spiritually is exactly as important and
original as man is. Both are fashioned from the same cosmic stuffconsciousnessin equal
amounts, but one is merely the obverse of the other, and neither is complete without the other any
more than a coin with only one side to it can be conceived as complete. Cosmically speaking men
and women are absolutely equal, only they represent different fundamental soul-elements. They are,
in other words, coequal halves of the same thing antipodally expressed.
There is, it would appear, an Eve for every Adam in this universe just as there is a Jack for every
Jill. Which, incidentally would seem to account for the well-recognized fact that in the main the
numbers of males in the world total the numbers of females. Every man in the world wants his
woman, just as every normal woman wants her man, and wont be completely satisfied till she finds
him no matter how many trips to Reno are involved. Once found correctly, however, he will stick
with her and she will stick to him, beyond all explanations in law or reason. What does he see in
her? is a comment heard universally enough when some handsome male seems eager to ally
himself with some poor little wench with nothing more to recommend her, apparently, than the
devotion in her eyes. But its not what he sees in her, its what he senses in her. She happens to be the
sex embodiment of all his souls elements that departed from him back in the evolutionary Eden of
pre-Miocene days and he is merely saying, Well, here we go again, Funny Face. Hang on tight!
And she hangs on tight. God knows she hangs on tight. Shes got no other place to hang in the
whole galaxy of Cosmogony, bless her dear heart! All of which is as it should be and the devil with
the neighbors.
What indeed can all the classical romances of antiquity have been but this complementing
principle of the soul-halves in process of separation and reunion, even back in the morning dawn of
human association. But God didnt make men and women in pairstheres the differenceHe
made them in halves, so that together they constituted one flesh, as Holy Writ expresses it
figuratively, when brought into union.
True romantic love then, isnt the anticipating how it would feel physically to go into privacy
with someone specified from the opposite sex. It is the spiritual expectation of locating and welding
with the obverse traits in your deficient half-soul and knowing the ineffable satisfaction of feeling
yourself all in one piece again in conjugal union with what you belong to. The zest of romance lies
in the blind instinctive search for the absent half of yourself. The woman looks at every man she
meets, asking herself, Is this he? the man appraises every woman with the query, Are you the
filly Im searching for, to pull double harness with me, or are you not? But that by no means
signifies the questions are satisfactorily answered at first sight or first contact. Many a man has
worked side by side with some plain-faced and unimpressive female for years, to glance at her
drawn face and tired back some rainy afternoon and exclaim in shock, My God, I love this woman
more than anyone else on earthshes a literal part of mewhere have my brains been? Many a
woman has suddenly come to herself in some high voltage sequence of life and cried to the dumb
male eyeing her like an expiring calf with its mouth full of mush, When I first met you I thought

you were just another drink of male arsenic, but Ive decided I want to stay w ith you because youre
so childishly helpless without me, a womans way of saying, I belong to you, you dope, get
busy and do your stuff before I scream.
And the proof whether or not the right connection has been accomplished? Well, if you love
your Agnes or your Bill to the degree that theres something the least bit repulsive in being intimate
with any other specimens of the opposite sex while your own halfs mortally available, the chances
are you've crashed head to head and heart to heart with the coequal section of yourself youve been
knowing as twin consciousness since the days when you said, Lookit, Funny Face, lets quit being
a single cell dinoflagellate and become two people, just for the heck of it! Then you can chase me
down the fen or I can chase you, and if I catch you, well find a nice dark cave and shack up.
Youre still chasing each other through the fens of the universe but finding its nice dark caves and
shacking up is second business monkey business, if you ask me. In other words, in sunlit fens or
nice dark caves, youd rather be with your Agnes or your Bill than any other cock-eyed,
knock-kneed, splay -footed creature in Gods Cosmosthen youve found whom you belong to, all
right, and the less said about it the better.
Now the question will naturally arise among thinking people, if every man and every woman
has his or her polarity in an individual of the opposite sex, who had his or her cosmic beginning in
the same unit of consciousness, how does the pair of them locate each other? Obviously thirty to
seventy years of life would be too short foe two people to hunt through the earths two and a half
billion population with any serious hope of singling out and confronting one another, particularly if
theyre not consciously aware of what each other looks like, physically.
That, of course, introduces the vest subject of memoryand prenatalor before physical
birthmemory, in particular.

Chapter X




HE PHYSIOLOGICAL psychologist, authorities like William James for instance,

build the whole structure of their 0particular scholasticism on their premise that brain and
mind are practically the same thing, that we are conscious because we possess

protoplasmic brains, and that nothing can come out of the brain by way of a memory that hasnt
first gone into it by way of a present -life experience.
The explanations for prenatal talents, prior life recollections, or extra-sensatory knowledge, are
frequently so warped and far-fetched as to approach the absurd. But absurd or not, the phenomena
is self-evident and has to be accounted for. Let a twenty-year -old parlor maid start speaking ancient
Hebrew and the solution is offered that she once worked in the household of a clergyman who knew
ancient Hebrew and subconsciously heard him talking it while she dusted the room adjoining. This
solution takes into no account the fact that clergymen dont rattle off ancient Hebrew while parlor
maids are dusting roomsnot to proficiency where the maids can carry on spontaneous
conversations in it several years later. Let a four-year-old Mozart play the piano without prior
instruction and begin composing sonatas, and although he couldnt have acquired such proficiency
by merely overhearing, like the parlor maid, he nevertheless inherited itthat is, got it form his
ancestors. You cannot only inherit blue eyes, yellow hair, buck teeth and ingrowing toenails from
your ancestorswho may never have had them but a genius for piano playing, or working
crossword puzzles, and a weakness for caramels. From a sac of microscopic genes in the mortal
ensemble all these fearful and wonderful traits are passed along to you, though where your
forebears in turn got them for purposes of transfer, your erudite professor doesnt make clear. As a
matter of fact, if his theory were sound, that fearful and wonderful pair in the Garden, Adam and
Eve, must have contained every eccentricity and talent that has distinguished untold billions of
human beings since. Chemically, of course, we can credit the laws of physical hereditythe
Mendelian lawsbecause the body as an instrument is a chemical thing: eighty-six percent water,
six percent carbon and eight percent minerals and salts. But spiritually and mentally we come to
elements in a wholly different category. Common sense should tell us that the parlor maid spoke
Hebrew because something down here in modern times reminded her of a language shed spoken
throughout a lifetimeperhaps a series of lifetimesand she simply recalled and practiced it. The
infant Mozart sat down to a piano at four and played it proficiently because he recalled having been
a finished musician in a previous existence and the piano keyboard was occultly familiar to him.
But no, in the face of common sense and overwhelming evidence we must seize on the long
upward flowering of the individual consciousness and cram it by violence into the petty infantile

experiences of this present life, and what it wont contain must derive from our ancestors. Our
psychologist professor absolutely refuses to permit us a soul. Our organism is a mechanism and our
self -aware spirit a chemical reaction. We started our existence the electric instant of parental
copulation and we shall end it with our final heartbeat. Nothing else to it. a volume four inches
thick would be required to answer the inanities and inaccuracies of the physiological psychologists
who have built from the premise that the soul is nothing but an academic postulate. They cant put it
beneath the microscope and study its wiggling when tortured by a pin-point, so it doesnt exist.
They cant put electricity beneath the microscope either and study its wiggling when tortured by a
pinpoint, but they certainly know they've got hold of something when they pick up a wire charged
with 20,000 volts; so they do concede that electricity exists. The soul, however, is a reflective
instead of a dynamic agency. It doesnt make a human pinwheel of them when they reach out and
touch something containing it the nearest living human body for instance. So it has to take its
place among the intellectual debatable. We have to go into the Mazes of Memory to prove up and
identify the soul. And that is precisely where we do go, and where we do find it. The soul seems to
be little else than the ability of a unit of Consciousness to personalize through the reactions from
objective or external experience. Having no inclination to write a four-inch book on the inanities
and inaccuracies of psychologistswhich no one would read anyhow I want to discuss the
Mystery of You from the standpoint of your Memory and see where it carries us. Because I contend
that one of the major evidences of finding and recognizing your personal soul-comp lement in the
opposite sex is the phenomenon of prenatal memory. If you are a man, you make a date to meet
your dear Funny Faceapproximately in a given locality and periodbefore either of you reduce
your discarnate sizes and take over embryos to acquire your imminent bodies. If you are a woman,
you retain a sort of Subconscious Memory of where and when your personal male was supposed to
meet you, and you contrive to get yourself in that locality at the time appointed and start looking
about. She or he may not be identifiable by a red carnation worn on the left shoulder, but theyre
identifiable just the same. Memory does it through feelingthrough extrasensory perception of a
sort. The eternal movie story plot of Boy Meets Girl is nothing but Male Memory saying to Female
Memory, Hello, Funny Face! What detained you? This is our premise. Lets see if it makes
sense from evidence.
The psychologist says Brain is the organ of Consciousness. Without some sort of brain you
simply cant be conscious. I say Intellect is organ of Consciousness and between Brain and Mind,
as much difference exists as between a telephone switchboard and the person originating or
receiving the message that goes through it. you dont do your thinking with your brain; you do it
wit h intellect. Theyre two separate instruments. One is physical, the other etheric. One you can put
beneath the microscope and dissectthe same as you can a pound of sausage. No one has ever put
Mind beneath any microscope because its not molecular or atom ic, that is, made of molecules and
atoms. It is, so to speak, Consciousness itself, proving its existence by self-expression.
The psychologist of the William James school says: I can prove brain is everything, because I
can clamp a living creature on an operating table, cut away a portion of the brain and thereafter it
cant walk, or see, or eat, or conjugate the Latin verb Amo, amas, amatI love, you love, he love.
Doesnt that prove the brain is everything? I answer, All it proves is, that you and your scalpel
have damaged a perfectly good piece of cranial machinery for manipulation of the physical body.
You might as well go into a telephone exchange, rip out a third of the wires in the switchboard and
cry in your analytical wisdom, See, I have blanked out the telephone service in the whole north

eastern part of town. Doesnt that prove theres nothing to telephony but the switchboard?
I contend the brain is a great concentration of never gangliaboth the cerebellum and the
cerebrum cortexthat translates sense impressions or atomic energy reactions to Soul-Intellect,
and all your conditionary reflexes to get habit-grooves worn in mentality on the one hand and
vivid-section experiments to produce moribund monkeys on the other, are nothing but monkey
foolery with the wires of the neurotic switchboard. Certainly a brain tumor may eat into the cells of
a human brain and drive that person crazy. Just so a blowtorch thrust into a switchboard will fuse all
the wires and have fifty strange people all jabbering back and forth in a wild bedlam of converse.
What does it prove excepting in both cases the machinery is damaged? But where is the
psychologist or vivisectionist bold enough to say he can cut away a portion of the brain and remove
that persons proportionate ability to think? He can cut away a portion of the brain that stops a
person from manipulating a bodily member or a tool. He can stop him from distinguishing certain
objects or certain colors, or from showing certain reactions to stimuli. What hes done is to interfere
with the neurotic-physical functions. Your psychologist can even inject sodium-penthathol into the
blood steam and obtain total unconsciousness, or anesthesia, in a happening so sudden the patient
isnt aware of its occurring to him. What is it but the complete shutting off of all physical sensation
and possibility of material reaction, and islanding the mentality strictly within itself, giving it
neither stimulus nor opportunity for exercise? The patient, it is states, literally knows nothing
during the period of the anesthesia. What actually happens, of course, is a condition where the
functioning of consciousness is at absolute zero while still imprisoned in the physical equipment.
Let the heart stop beating during the operation and the imprisonment ends and consciousness or
mind spring electrically into functioning awareness of materials or energy in some form again and
the personality resumes albeit without the enhousing body. Consciousness isnt destroyed but
merely suspended, as we say, during the period of the anesthesia. Memory isnt destroyed because a
person comes from the anesthesia recalling precisely who he is, and all the events that have made
up his life before he went under the influence of the drug. If it be argued that this is because the
cells of the brain holding the memories havent gone out of existence, I come back with the demand
to know how, under certain forms of anesthesiacatalepsy for instancethe patient knows facts
and memories of experiences and whole vocabularies that never have been in his brain cells to
begin with? You cant have it two ways. You cant work both sides of the street in this brain-cell
psychology business. Either your brain knows all that you know, or it doesnt. of you regain full
consciousness, and function normally again because your brain cells havent gone out of existence,
why does a corpse stay dead with all its brain cells intact there in the cranium as they have always
been, and in perfect functioning order but with heart stopped and spirit-soul departed?
I contend from my psychical contacts with persons who have obviously abandoned their earlier
physical vehicles that it isnt consciousness that blanks out under anesthesiaor sleep, or drug
surfeit, or fainting spellsanyhow. Consciousness simply disconnects itself form the physical in
order not to receive any more sensatory impressions from it of any nature. In other words, it finds
itself in a status where its performance in reactions from external energy of any sortexternal to
itself, that isis reduced to zero. So we paradoxically declare that consciousness is unconscious or
nonconscious. It would be easy to reason wrongly from this then, that consciousness, in order to be
consciousness, has to be performance of some sort. But does it? Does energy have to be always in
performance to be energy? Does electricity have to be always turning a dynamo or knocking down
church steeples in thunderstorms to be electricity? Those arent essences. They are displays of

characteristics that supply means for material identification.

In anesthesia the I Am Me thought may still maintain but not exactly in the same state or
manner of performance that it maintains when comparing itself knowingly with materials or in
material situations. In blank -outs of consciousness, so -called, we may have inability to recall any
memory at will. But the fact remains that when the anesthesia period is over, all memory troops
back, just as all recollections of the previous days activities return the morning after a sound
nights slumber. Therefore, if memory functions again, naturally and normally, how can we
logically claim it has ever been any place? It is right where it always was: the great bedrock of the
I Am Me phenomenon, only needing an objective stimulus to bring it into action. When in the
great basic transition form the discarnate to the incarnate, we seem to have a complete blank-out of
memory on entering our mothers womb and taking possession of the foetus or embryo that will
subsequently furnish us with a new body for a fresh earthly life-span, we never lose the I Am Me
realization although we have shut ourselves off from our previous memories of experiences in
former bodies. However, we do encounter a great mystery here that e have by no means fathomed
as yet and to which e shall make reference again and again before the end of their book. How
happens it that we blank out memoryif we do, and as it seems commonly that we do to go
through the experience of mortal birth, and yet retain our knowledge of the piano if we be a Mozart
or memory of the grammatical terms and construction of ancient Hebrew if we be the servant girl
dusting the parlor next to the clergymans study? How happens it that practically one hundred
percent of us have known presentiments of certain localities or individuals that were utterly familiar
to us although we realize consciously wed never been in the one nor met the other physically in
this life? I knew a New York businessman, never out of the United States, who went to Glastonbury
Abbey in the wake of the 1918 armistice and found himself on such familiar ground he was able to
reconstruct the ruined portions from memory. I knew a 24-year-old Hartford, Connecticut
bookkeeper who was born with such a knowledge of ancient Mayan that he could speak the
tongue and read the inscriptions on the monuments and who eventually joined natural history in a
highly compensated consultant capacity, because he was so proficient and hed never been
outside the United States in his 24 years nor met any second person who understood the language. I
will tell you more about this phenomenal case greater length a little later. I know a woman who
reached out to touch a circlet of jewelry on the neck of another woman lately returned from the
Mediterranean, crying angrily, Where did you get my beads? She was unable to accept that they
had been acquired in a Cairo museum, found in a nearby pyramid tomb. She told the name of the
royal jeweler who fashioned them, and the name of the long-dead husband who presented them to
her. I know a respectable matron living above Ossining, New York, who walked for the first time in
her life into the old Roman Forum and announced, My body was buried alive under that stone on
which Mr. Jones is standing, when I was a vestal virgin here and defected in my oath. And Jones
was so interested and had such drag with Mussolini that he got permission to have the stone lifted.
Under it was discovered a small crypt containing the skeleton of a young woman, with the masonry
indicating shed been entombed alive.
Why take up space here recounting perhaps fifty such episodes of people Ive met who've told
me the circumstances of their memories lifting and of remembering back consciously to events
theyd lived as previous persons. Almost one hundred percent of people feel an uncanny and
unexplainable affinity for certain countries or periods, as against other counties and other periods
that they can by no means account for by present -life memories. Heredity cant be responsible

because it may be a country or a period with which ones forebears have had nothing to do. More
likely it is that where you fid a person with instincts so marked for a particular country or a
particular period, you are merely confronting a soul who spent several successive lives in such
country at such period and has brought through a sense of culture, language and outstanding
experiences. And the proof of this, to my mind, lies in the fact that when you select some person
who has a strong leaning toward some special country or culture, put him into deep cataleptic
slumberwhere his mind can be completely divorced from all sensation hooking him to his present
bodyhe will not only speak the language of that country or culture volubly but tell you his name,
place of residence, and approximate experiences as a citizen of that country, all taken out of
prenatal memory. I have seen or heard this happen so many times that, again speaking personally, it
holds no more novelty. I am obliged to believe in serried earthly birth from experiences I have had
with various people whose cosmic memories have thus been unlocked. I contend that rain and
intellect are two separated entities because mind holds memories that brain does not. Brain only
takes the physical and sensatory perceptions of this one current life and transmits them to mind,
which is the real receptacle retaining them. And mind goes with us from life to life.
In illustration of exactly what Im speaking to expound, let me take half a dozen pages and tell
the story in full of my first convincing contact with the phenomena of unveiled prenatal memory.
Its typical not only of dozens of similar cases Ive witnessed since but it may serve as back-log for
other phenomenal I want to examine before Im finished.
In the winter and spring of 1931-32 I lived in Washington, D. C. The office of my publishing
company was located at 1019 15 th., N. W., where I had the two upper floors of a long, narrow,
three-story building. The second floor was given over to executives and clerks. The third floor was
given over to my large private office at the front and the office of my elderly secretary at the back.
The place had no elevator. A wide set of stairs connected the two floors in twin hallways along the
buildings north side.
One morning in April the receptionist called up the announce that two young men were waiting
below, who had traveled down from Connecticut to see me, bringing letters of introduction from Dr.
Hardwick of previous mention. They were after jobs in my publishing organization. I told her to
send them up.
One of themI am going to call him Matt for purposes of this anecdotewas a 24-year-old
bookkeeper and accountant. At the instant of opening my door and entering from the hall, he gave a
slight start, stared at me, and seemed on the point of saying somethingbut kept it repressed. I
wondered what had bothered him in that initial instant, but it was several weeks before he
He was a well-built, intelligent boy, especially fitted for the position he wanted and after a
half-hour chat I gave him the job. We did only executive and clerical work on the premisesno
printingand Matt took his place as our chief mail clerk, opening and sorting Incoming letters.
One morning he brought up to me a sheet of paper, which had been sent me by a patron of ours,
covered with strange hieroglyphics that I was asked to identify and translate if I could. They had
been written rapidly by a woman in trance under such circumstances that they seemed to be bona
fide. They meant nothing to me, however, and I told Matt to return them to our correspondent and
tell her so. But Matt lingered a few minutes. The question of hieroglyphics written in trance
introduced a subject hed wanted to discuss ever since the first morning Id seen him.
Chief, he inquired, would you think me balmy if I said something to you in a foreign tongue

and asked if you recognized it?

Of course I wouldnt think you balmy, I answered.
Thereupon Matt seriously spoke a couple of lines of utter jabberwocky to meentirely
meaninglessbut in the sing-song consonance of some dialect like Chinese.
Recognize it? he asked.
Could t truthfully say no? The language sounded as familiar to me as English but entirely
unintelligible. I had a moment of mental distress. What was I trying to remember?
I recognize the language but not the meaning. I said finally. What language is it and what
does it say?
Thats just the point, my employee returned. I want to know, myself.
You mean youre speaking a language without knowing what it is?
He nodded dubiously. Ive spoken that language while asleep, on and off, ever since I was a
childyou can ask my mother. And the other morning when I came up here with Don to get this
job, I had an overpowering impulse to say to you what youve just heard me say. May I tell you
I said, Tell all you please. Im listening.
Well, ever since childhood Ive had a recurrent dream that never alters in the slightest particular.
Im going through a lightly wooded country with a small band of men, of whom I seem to be leader.
It seems to be hostile country because ever so often I lose a man by arrows shot from ambush. At
last six or eight of us survivors come up to a village made of curious hutsapparently the end of
our journey. The huts are constructed of dried mud, wattles and thatch and the occupants are
semi-savage. They seem to be white people but dressed mainly in skins of animals. I sense in my
dream that Ive got some sort of message in the girdle about my waist that I must deliver to their
head man. Accordingly Im escorted through the village to what seems to be the entrance to an
underground passageway arched over with rocks. There are stone steps leading down into a short
tunnel with light at the further end of it. the light comes from apertures in rocks making the roof of a
semi-circular cavern, where a man in a helmet and long golden beard sits eating at a table. I walk up
to him and am about to address him and deliver my document when I hear mad cries at the top of
the steps Ive just descended and know my men Ive posted there are in some sort of trouble. I dash
back without addressing the man in the helmet and leap up the steps. Getting back into daylight at
the top I dont see my companions but some fifty feet form me I do see a villainous fellow with
matted hair and beard and skin about his middle, with bow raised and arrow on the string pointed in
my direction. Im about to cry out to him, when the arrow lets fly. Then I feel a bump above my
heart as though a rock had struck me. I look down at my left breast and see the shaft of the arrow
vibrating. Next instant with an ungodly sear of pain my mind blanks out.
Matt stopped, and I said, So what?
Well, he smiled wryly, I never did get to say to the man in the helmet what Id started to say
to him, not until five minutes ago.
What do you mean, five minutes ago?
I mean, the instant I walked into this office the first time and came face to face with you, I
recognized you as the man in the helmet with the beard. I wanted to say to you what Ive finally
said to you just now, hoping you could translate it for me.
I repeated that I couldnt, although it sounded painfully familiar. Evidently what Matt depicted
to himself as a recurrent dream had actually been a snatch of vivid memory of some former life that

had ended tragically. But I still couldnt help him and we went along with the days work. It was at
that time only an interesting anecdote and nothing more
A month went past. Matts work suddenly began to suffer. He was becoming restless and
discontented. I wondered what ailed the lad and whether my inability to help hi with his prenatal
recognition had anything to do with his worried hectic conduct. Making discreet inquiries I
discovered something that seemed then to have no bearing on our relationship.
Matt was having girl-troubleserious girl-trouble.
A young lady hed previously known up in Connecticut had suddenly appeared in Washington
and was making his life miserable by demanding that he marry her. And Matt didn't want to marry
Hang it! he cried, when I got him in consultation about it. Why should I marry her? I give
you my word of honor Ive never in my life had illicit relations with her. I met her up north at a
party and almost the first night she caught sight of me she attached herself to me and seemed to
think I had obligations toward her to love her and take care of her. If shes going to have a baby, Ill
tell the world its not mine. In fact, I came down here to get from her, suspecting she might break
out with some such charge.
I told him I hadnt heard of the girl making any such charge but I regretted the distraction she
was causing because Matt had been becoming a most valued co-worker.
Im just being put on the spot by that little tomato, he groused. Shes a nice kid and all that,
but marrying her and living with her all the rest of my life I cant see foe snake-bite.
Was it merely a girls capricious infatuation, I wondered? But why was she so piteously insistent
that Matt owed her his time, money and affection?
This was the state of affairs when I was unexpectedly favored by a visit from an erudite old Scot
physician in New York who had formerly been a member of the Medical Corps of eh British Army
in India where hes had time and opportunity to study esoterics and the occult under genuine Hindu
pundits. Ill call him Dr. Garland. Hed come down to see me about some articles on Extra-Sensory
Perception Id recently published and we were back in my office still talking after dinner when
Matt came in. knowing Dr. Garland to be an accomplished linguist I introduced the boy.
I wonder, Matt, I said, if you could recall and repeat for Dr. Garland the jabberwocky you
gave me the other morning when you told me the story of the man in the helmet.
Matt sat down and blinked to recall the queer speech. Finally he spoke something that was utter
Nothing doing, Matt, I said. Thats not what sounded so familiar to me last month. Youre
making that up.
I chanced to glance at Garland. His china-blue eyes under his bald forehead were staring at Matt
in stupefaction.
Whered you learn Second century Gallic? he demanded of Matt. Then to me, Making
nothing up! Lets hear some more of that.
Matt gave him more.
Whats he saying? I demanded.
Garland said, Hes telling me about his life in southern France down near the Spanish border
and how the Roman troops confis cated his property and ruined him. Do you recognize what youre
saying, young man?
Matt said he didnt. He was merely speaking familiar sentences in some tongue that seemed

natural to him.
What I want, I insisted, is the statement he made to me t he other morning that I recognized
but couldnt translate.
Matt seemed discomfited and tried again. The speech seemed changed but I still shook my head.
Thats still not it, I objected.
Good Lord, hes talking Spanish Basque, cried Garland.
Matt made several attempts to repeat his statement to me of the recent morning. Suddenly I
Thats it! I cried. Say it again, Matt.
Matt said it again.
What is it, Doctor? I asked.
Sounds to me like Ninth Century Saxon, Garland replied. He had Matt repeat it several times.
Translated it means in substance, Well, my chief, I join you again, although my delay was not of
my choosing, or as wed say it today, Better late than never. Body, how many other languages
have you got locked up in that cranium of yours?
Matt shrugged his shoulders.
Suppose, Garland proposed, I put you into cataleptic sleep and opened up that prenatal mind
of yours? ever been hypnotized?
Matt said he hadnt been.
Want me to do it?
Sure. Im willing.
Stretch out full-length then, on this office divan.
Matt composed himself for as strange an episode as Id witnessed up till then in my experience.
Making cabalistic passes with his remarkable surgeons hands over the lads forehead and body, I
saw Matt in the next ten minutes go so soundly asleep he resembled a corpse. All Garland said to
him was
I want you to go back into your memory life by life before your present birth and see how far
back in time you can remember. Try to recall the language you spoke in each life and repeat it to me
as you go back, back, back. Recall your station in life, your name if you can, your dress and natural
costumes. Remember all of it so that when you come back into your life up here in the Twentieth
Century you can tell us about your past lives in detail.
Matt stayed under that strange cataleptic trance for an hour and twenty minutes. In that time he
talked Greek, Persian and Egyptian. With absolutely no cues or promptings form Garland, he
described the lives hed led in each of these civilizations. Then he plunged into languages where
Garland was unable to follow him.
At length he seemed to be in distress. He uttered guttural cries of distress. His body on the couch
seemed to contort as in nightmare. He groaned and whimpered and tried to avert his face by rolling
his head frantically from side to side.
Garland asked in English, Where are you, Matthew?
Matt answered in a tongue that jolted the Doctor badly. To my own amazement Garland himself
started asking sharp questions in that tongue.
What is it, Doctor? I demanded.
Ancient Mayan, he replied in an aside, keeping his eyes steadfastly on the distressed lads

You know ancient Mayan? I exclaimed.

I spent two years with the Lake Titicaca expedition, he declaredas though I should
understand that this explained everything. Im going to pull this boy out of it now. Hes suffering
too much to let him go ahead with it.
He awakened my employee and brought him back into the present. Matt sat up. H blinked at the
desk lamp, he blinked at the Doctor, he blinked at me. Suddenly his face went forward in his hands.
My God! he cried poignantly, What people wont do in the name of religion!
Kindly I asked, What do you mean, Matt? What happened to you, anyhow?
It was several minutes more before he was composed enough to tell us the story. Then to me he
cried tragically, his face ravaged
You remember what I told you the other night about Ruth?
I nodded sympathetically. Ruth was the girl whod followed him down from Connecticut.
At last I know what her claim is on me!
Dr. Garland wanted to know who Ruth was, and I told him.
Matt went on, I had an affair with her down in Maya centuries ago. I wanted to get rid of her
when Id tried of her. II fixed itI had the influence to fix itso shed be chosen as offering in
the annual sun sacrifice. Ivejust livedthat sacrifice sceneover again! Oh Christ!
Doctor and I had a sick boy on our hands for the next quarter-hour
This was the long and complicated narrative he subsequently related
He described ancient Maya and its sacrificial solar religion to us in a way that Garland said was
technical perfection. He described the sun temple, the numbers and attire of the priests, the
choosing of the female victim who was to have her living heart cut form her body on the sacrificial
altar in sight of the chanting thousands. He recited the hymn to the sun to us in that long-dead
They brought Ruth in, he narrated, still in misery, Stripped nude before the multitude. She
had her hair dressed in special fashion for the sacrifice. There were five priests for the temple ordeal.
They laid her spread-eagled on a block of black marble that was hollowed out to receive the pattern
of her body. It worked on a swinging pivot, so that by depressing her feet they could bring the body
into upright view in the wake of the sacrifice. She had a priest at each foot, a priest at each hand, a
priest at her head. They fastened her body to the stone by a wooded yoke pressed across her
Hes absolutely right, Garland whispered to me. That yoke depressed a nerve in her throat
and anesthetized her for the heart-cutting ceremony.
When the rites began the great black stone with here white bare body fastened upon it, lay flat
like a table. The roof of the sun temple had a slit in it up near the eaves. As the sun climbed
higherwith the thousands of worshipers chantingthe sunbeam glinting through the slit traveled
lower and lower down the head, the face and the throat of the girl. Finally it reached her breasts. At
the exact instant it touched the nipples of her breasts the head priest gripped a wicked knife that was
handed him, and made two expert slashes, laying her beating heart bare. Another slash loosened it.
He cut it free, still throbbing, and tossed it upon a sacred platter held by another priest how lifted it
high for the multitude to see. At the same instant the two priests at the girls feet depressed the black
stone and brought the mutilated body upward, showing the bloody cavity from which the heart had
come. I stood there and watched all of it! Oh, Oh, Oh!
Garland said to me, He might have read a book about the Mayan sun sacrifice somewhere. But

I know something about the Mayan sacrifice not printed in books. Heres where I check up on
himMatthew, did you notice anything peculiar about the salver that received the beating heart?
Yes, Matthew had. The peculiar side holes in the rim through which the priest thrust his thumbs
to hold it securely.
Had he noticed anything about the sacrificial blade?
Yes, the peculiar carving upon its queer-shaped handle.
Hes right! Garland said beneath his breath.
When you called me back into my life of the present, Matt concluded, I had the sensation of
going upward I an express elevator, and each floor that I passed was a life I had lived till the car
came to rest on the top floor my life of the present. And Ruths up there with me in this lifeand
somehow or other Ive got to square it with her for the awful trick I played on her!
If the story stopped there, it would be a dramatic anecdote but little more. However, it didnt
stop there.
Garland had removed t he veil from Matts prenatal memory and it didnt drop back. At least not
at once. We of the publishing office there in Washington, D. C. witnessed this thing happen
When Matt came to work in the days and weeks ensuing, he continued talking Mayan without
being aware of it. He would think a thought in English but speak it in Mayan. It not only became
embarrassing to have him going about talking Mayanit became a confounded nuisance. We were
getting fed up with asking him a straight business question in modern English and getting an
answer in an ancient tongue that couldnt be understood.
Dr. Garland had bong since returned to New York and from there sailed home to Scotland. But
we had this boy with a lifted memory how was beginning to get his lives of the past and present
hopelessly jumbled. Actually, its largely for that reason that consciousness blanks out between one
life and another, commonly, so we dont get these serried lives of ours hopelessly jumbled.
At any rate, the time soon arrived in the course of business when Matthew was handling so
much incoming money in the daily mail that I thought it best for all concerned that he be bonded. I
agreed to pay the premium on a common surety bond and phoned a local agency to send over a man
to writ e it.
The man arrived. Ill call him Packard.
Ushered into Matts little rear office by our receptionist, Matt looked up form his work and
Okay. Be with you in a minute.
A few minutes later an angrily puzzled receptionist sought me out in my upstairs office.
Theyre down there together, Chief, she snapped, talking that crazy language to each other
that Matts started speaking since Garland was here.
Talking it together! I cried.
Uh-huh. Talking it together. This man Packard arrived and I took him back to Matt who said,
Okay, be with you in a minute. Only he said it in Mayan, and Packard answered, Quite all right.
Take your time, only he said it in Mayan too.
How do you know? I demanded of the girl, You cant speak it, can you?
No, but Don can. Hearing Matt speak it has waked his memory up to it, he says. Don was the
son-in-law of the Dr. Hardwick of previous mention in these papers. Don had apparently recalled a
previous life of his in ancient Maya and the language had come back to him.

ATTS bond was duly executed but Packard by no means went out of his life. The two
became fast friends with their common prenatal background, for speaking the tongue took

the veil completely off Packards memory.

The next to awaken to it was Dons wifeDr. Hardwicks daughter. She heard Don and Matt
speaking it and started replaying in kind.
Frequently I stood by while Don called her on the phone and carried on a conversation with her
in that ancient speech, when he had something to impart he wanted kept confidential between
The next development was Matts coming to me and announcing he wanted to give up his
Dont you like it here? a asked.
Its not that, Chief. The fact is, Ive been up to New York over Sunday andIm going to
South America.
Why, for the Lords sake?
Ive got a berth with the Museum of Natural History as interpreter of the Mayan language and
Mayan monument inscriptions on an expedition theyre sending down there to investigate the ruins
Charles Lindbergh saw as he flew over the jungle in his last Pan -American tour. Its too big a thing
to pass up. I can read Mayan fluently because I remember the language so welland I proved it to
them so positively they gave me the berth at more money than you can ever hope to pay me.
So Matt sailed away to South America.
He made two trips on the famous expeditions, although the impenetrable jungles defeated them
form reaching the ancient Mayan cities.
All from a chance sentence spoken in my office in result of what a 25-year-old bookkeeper
called a recurrent dream.
I never have learned how he squared accounts with Ruth.
When esoteric illiterates therefore look at me fishily and declare, There cant be any thing to
this recurrent earthly birth thing, because if Id lived before, Id remember it, a score of such
episodes as Matts arise in my mind and make me stand by my convictions derived form such
experiences. People, who say and teach that nothing comes out of the brain without first going into
it, simply dont know what theyre talking about.
Listen to another episodein which I found myself involved to a more embarrassing degree

WENTY years or more ago, when I first began my psychical researches, I was invited one
night to the home of a lady friend who was one of the editors of a great national magazine.

I want you to meet a most remarkable girl, Mary said, whos got powers you must witness
for yourself. Ill not tell you much about her in advance. Come up to the apartment tonight at 7:30
and Ill have her there. You can estimate her psychical talents for yourself.
I went up that evening to Marys apartment in the West Fifties.
Sitting near the fireplace in the library as I came through the door, I saw a short, plump woman
in a simple white dress with her hair braided like a girls. I thought at first glance she must be in her
twenties until we were introduced and she raised her eyes to mine. Then I knew she was older.
But she acknowledged the introduction with a look so peculiar I thought she was about to faint.
We murmured the conventional inanities, and then almost at once she excused herself and went into
a nearby chamber. We supposed shed gone to get a handkerchief perhaps left in her handbag, so we

sat awaiting her return. Ten minutes passed. Fifteen. Mary drew worried.
What on earths happened to Hazel? she cried, leaving me with the woman friend Id brought
along and going to investigate. Presently she was back. Good Lord, Hazels gone! she cried.
The maid says she caught up her hat and wrap and left through the servants entrance. Now thats
strange behavior. She mustnt have been feeling well.
So the visit as a visit didnt come off as planned. The next day before noontime Mary called me
Ive just heard from Hazel, she announced. She was taken ill. She was taken ill over you.
Dont tell me! I jested, I make women sick.
I dont know what happened, Bill, but I wish youd investigate. Hazels up in her apartment on

57 Street, in bed, and had her maid phone for you to come up and see her. Shes claiming she
recognized you.
I said, Ive never set eyes on your Hazel in my life.
Not in this life, perhaps. But she claims shes known you in a previous life and if I were you,
Id go up.
Well, driven by curiosity I called the woman-friend of the precious evening and went to the
address furnished me by Mary.
A colored maid admitted us to a modest three-room apartment. The lady I had brought for
chaperone waited in the living room while I went into Hazels sleeping chamber. The girl lay
beneath the coverlets of an immaculate bed, on her back, two long chestnut braids resting straightly
down her bosom. I was a man of forty or more at the time, a quasi-bachelor, with an income that
would delighted the present -day Bureau of Internal Revenue. Having strange ladies become ill and
send for me to make bedside visits aroused a natural caginess in me at the motives behind the
summons. Later I found it groundless. No sweeter or more honest and artless person have I known
than Hazel. She reached out and took my hand, searching my face with her strange agate eyes.
Dont you remember me? she asked earnestly.
I had to confess that I didnt. Twenty years bygone I was merely feeling my clumsy and
somewhat nervous way among those strange matters.
I remember you so well, hazel declared in a dreamy, listless voice. You wee a little bit taller
than you are in this life, and your eyes were brown instead of grey. But youre exactly the same
personality that kept me for so long in the little room behind the temple altar.
Kept you where? I cried skeptically.
Thereat, gradually, the tale unfolded as she contended she recalled it. Three thousand years or so
it went back, to a time when she claimed Id been an Osirian prelate in ancient Memphis and had
her as priestly concubine, using her strange occult powers to bastion my position and influence
before court and people. Even then, thirty centuries ago, Hazel possessed the same out of this
world capabilities that later I saw her display in New York City of the current era. She made no
claims to having been young and beautiful, and she didnt try to make me out as wicked and
dashing. I was, as she recalled me, a somewhat fatherly person with a beard, and the relationship
was one currently accepted by the times in which we lived. She endured her role of psychical
menial out of affection more than romantic love and did y mediumistic work for me faithfully and
obediently. After sundown, if I desired a paramour, she accommodated. She was, so to speak, an
agreeably versatile person to have around the place. But trouble came in the court to which I was

A certain young warrior, a captain of the guard, beheld my concubine and fell in love with her
himself. Jealousies followed. When I discovered what was happening I scuffed off to the king and
began to raise the devil, demanding his royal highness do something drastic to break up the liaison
and threatening to fill the court with red, white and blue crocodiles wearing straw hatsa la my
psychical magicif his royal highness didnt. His royal highness got a violent attack of the
heebie-jeebies and asked what I wanted specifically. I said I wanted the yond captain of the guard
dispatched so far away it would cost ten shekels to send him a postcard. The upshot of the rumpus
was that Hazel got spanked and locked up with a chain around her ankle and the captain got his
orders to hie him down into Nubia and carry on a little war for a change, instead of hanging so
much around the court and making with the sweeties of powerful prelates. The mission on which he
was dispatched was, it appeared, somewhat of a suicide expedition. No one at court expected him to
come back, and that was that.
As Hazel lay there recounting all these personal details, I thought to myself, Doesnt she give
me credit for being familiar with the lot of Verdis opera Aida? Evidently not. Here it was all over
again, apparently, and this strange girl was trying to convince me she and I had played such roles
three thousand years ago come Michaelmas. It all stacked up as so tall at the time, it wasnt hard
to become facetious about it. But Hazel was pitifully in earnest.
The young captain of the guard hadnt taken it lying down, of course. He vowed it should be
anything but a suicide expedition, laid his plans with unusual care, and instead of being wiped out
and ceasing thereby to be an upstart young fly in the butter of my priestly happiness, hed thrashed
the colored element and come back conqueror. Straight up to court he marched his captives amid
the plaudits of the hysterical multitude, and said to the king: Any other little odd war-job you want
settled around here? Im you man to do it. The king was so overcome at his success that he
haplessly promised to fulfill any request in the reward line he might have caprice to make. Okay,
your majesty, the captain replied, if you actually mean business, I want the head of that old
priestly goat on a platter with no human body walking around underneath it. Well, that was that.
The king had given his word and had to make good on it. The hero-worshipping populace wouldnt
have stood for shenanigans anyhow. A goon-squad came for me one sunset, loped off my cranium
just under the hairline, put it on salver and bore it off to court. The useless main part of me was
tossed to the royal crocodilesand they werent tying on red, white and blue straw hats to make a
pious hamburg of me, either. Hazel claimed she felt so bad over the mess theyd made of me on the
nice, clean temple tiles that shed had a reversal of affectionswomen do that sometimes she
assured me followed out to waterfront and did a voluntary swan dive down the hungriest
crocod iles subway entrance. That seemed to fix everything. The captain had my head and his own
glory, but precious little satisfaction for all his effort. What became of him after that, Hazel hadnt
been around to learn. Anyhow it made a good operatic plot or a story for a comely woman to tell a
susceptible bachelor form a bed of a weekday morning in New York of the present. Hadnt I the
slightest recollection of any of it? No, I hadnt, and anyhow what did she expect me to do about it,
granted I did remember it?
Hazel didnt go into details about what she expected me to do. Btu she claimed when Id walked
in from Marys hallway the previous evening everything had come back to her in a composite
revelation of memory and even after the slight interval of thirty centuries, she recognized me
instantly. Shed relived the episode of the goon-squad decapitating me and her subsequent jumping
off amid the clawing crocodiles. All of which had caused her to go home in a hurry and here she

was, the following morning, lying abed still upset and telling me all about it. but where, I wondered,
had she cribbed such marvelous and intimate details about the life and customs of the period, the
geography of the ancient city and court and temple, the descriptions of the minute events in the
drama? Strangely too, I felt no romantic designs for Hazel. Certainly I had no intent of resuming
romantic relations with her, regardless of the fact we were both matrimonially free to do so.
Frankly, at the time I put down the whole thing as the dramatic composition of a highly
imaginative woman and let it go at that. Later I discovered that Hazelalthough a high-salaried
executive in a downtown cosmetics concernhad a memory of ancient Egypt so perfectly
recovered, she had on several occasions been called in by the officials of the Museum of Fine Arts
to settle controversies over Egyptian objets dart, all of which is alien to my story. I treated her
tactfully and considerately, she recovered from her stricture at renewing acquaintance wit h me, and
from that memorable evening and morning we became good friends and colleagues. I could easily
fill the remainder of this volume with narrations of my psychical experiments and adventures with
Hazel. However, after a year of it we drifted apart. She had to leave New York for a tour of radio
stations where she was broadcasting for her cosmetic concern and for almost two years I didnt see
her again. Not having the slightest recollection of such Egyptian sequence, I dropped it out of mind.
Then somet hing happened out of a clear sky that brought it all back and left me seriously
Making a moving picture in a Long Island studio one week in the second year of my separation
from Hazel, I became acquainted with a character -actor in the cast who was interested in these
deeper esoteric subjects and I extended an invitation to him come over to my 53rd Street apartment
and spend an evening with me. The mana former professor of mathematics in a school in
Hawaiiwas delighted at the opportunity to relate some of his own occult experiences to me but
asked if he might bring a lady -friend with him. At eight oclock that night I answered my door
buzzer to admit them up the stairs and into the same apartment where John Lawler had told his
strange story of visiting my California bungalow. The actors name, as I now recall after the passing
of twenty-six years, was Thompson. And he had not only a lady-friend with him but also a young
man in his twenties. The lady was a portly and personable businesswoman who ran a literary and
actors agency in Madison Avenue, whom I came to know well as Maggie Brooks. The younger
was a clean-cut fellow with literary aspirations, visiting in New York from Cleveland, Ohio, while
Maggie tried to find a publisher for a novel hed written. Hed happened to be in the Madison
Avenue office that day when Thompson had invited Maggie to accompany him that evening and
anxious to meet a literary celebrity hed invited himself along. The lads name was Dan something
or other. At any rate, here the three of them were, and any chance of a private and personal session
with Thompson had gone glimmering. We grouped ourselves about my first, with a decanter of port
on the taboret before us. And the talk turned to psychics.
The boy Dan, however, was puzzling me by his behavior. He was acting not unlike I have
hereinbefore described the Connecticut fellow Matthew when he first entered my third floor office
in Washington. What I first supposed to be plain shyness or stage fright at meeting a professional
writer whose name was appearing on half a dozen magazine covers a month at the period was
developing into something deeper and more personal. But an hour had passed before I learned its
We talked different phases of psychical research and told strange experiences in our lives having
no rational explanation, and drank the port. Finally Maggie turned to Dan and said

Suppose you relate that story of your recurrent dream, Dan, that you told me yesterday at the
office. Turning to me Maggie observed, Id like your opinion whether its a dream or fragment of
lifted memory.
Dan was now looking at me in a sort of terror.
Whats the matter with your? I laughed.
He found his voice with difficulty.
The last time I saw you, he said from arid lips, I brought about your death. Ihad you
This statement, of course, produced the sensation it merited.
Maggie cried, You mean you recognize Mr. Pelley as the high priest. Dan?
Yes, the boy nodded. Only his eyes were brown instead of grey, he was a little taller and he
wore a priestly beard.
I pricked up my ears at that. These words were familiar. Where had I heard them?

ORTHWITH the boy launched haltingly and with much prompting and coaxing, into
precisely the tale that Hazel had recounted only told from the standpoint of the captain of the

guard! He had loved my paramour whom I kept secluded in an apartment behind the altar. Her
priestly owner had discovered it and gone to the king. The monarch had dispatched him on a
military expedition up the Nile to exterminate him. Frantic at his dilemma, he had turned the
expedition into a victory, come back to receive the plaudits of the multitude, gotten the promise of
the king he should be given any reward he named, and stated he wanted the high priests personal
noggin. In scarcely a single particular did he deviate from Hazels narration. I sat appalled for a
time as I listened to his account of my head being borne in on a trencher while my body was thrown
to the royal crocodiles. Then when his vengeance was sated and hed gone looking for the maiden
responsible for the feud, hed found to his horror shed destroyed herself.
Have you ever met a woman in this life named Hazel White? I demanded.
Dan thought a moment. I know a girl named White out in Cleveland but her first name isnt
The boy wasnt deceiving me. I could tell from his manner.
Are you familiar, I asked, with Verdis Aida?
Dan claimed he wasnt, had never heard it, and again I believed him. Hed lived the whole
sequence over night upon night like a sort of dream he explained, ever since hed been a small.
Taking my cue solely from Hazels previous narration and not from anything within my own
memory, I decided to have a little grim sport with the boy. I said
So you remember the night, I suppose, when I practically trapped you in the stone passageway
under the altar as you were escaping
I didnt finish.
White-faced with panic, Dan sprang to his feet, caught up hat and topcoat form a nearby
chairback and went down my front stairs three at a time. We heard the street door thump.
Exit young Dan and Ive never seen him since.

ELL, there it was. Two people, as I cogitated over it afterward, had exactly the same

prenatal memories of a high voltage and tragic happening thirty centuries bygone, and both
were carrying it about in their subconscious recollections, each apparently unaware that the other

was carnate again in the modern scene. Almost a year later I had a final dinner with Hazel at a new
apartment of hers in the Bronx. I asked her as casually as I could if she had ever met or known of a
Cleveland chap by the name of Dan so-and-so? She claimed that she hadnt and asked who he was.
But I kept my own couns el. If Hazel, wherever she may be, gets to read this book, I daresay it will
be the first time she will have heard about this confirmation of her one-time acquaintance with me
when I played the role of corpse in life-drama. As for Dan, he got out of town t hat night. Not even
Maggie ever learned where he went. Obviously his memories were so keen that he looked upon
himself as a murderer whod come on his victim face to face. Maybe its just as well theres such a
thing as the memory veil dropping between our life sequences. If each one of us recalled all the
tragic roles wed played I past life dramas, we might find it difficult, forsooth, falling peaceably
asleep at night.
Ming you, this isnt a tract soliciting you to believe in reincarnation. Its merely a record of my
own actual experiences that cant seem to be explained by any other theory but that mind itself is
personal and undying, and continues along consciously from life to life carrying its load of
memories that make each of us what we are. And it doesnt depend on what goes into the cerebral
cortex to give it full contents. Additional reactions from experiences go into mind, or become a
permanent part of it, through the instrument of brain and the cerebral cortex, but again that makes
brain the central nerve switchboard for taking, not for storing up, message.
How strange it is, incidentally, that the orthodox Christian, how wants to fight the doctrine of
serried rebirth most fanatically, subscribes to the hypothesis of nondrying mind without stopping to
realize it. He is certain that his soul is going to quit his body as a definite thinking entity, and
ascend to heavens of bliss or sink down to abysses of purgatory on physical demise. But ask him
what shape his soul is going to take to reach such destinations and he is mentally at sea. He hasn't
stopped to think it out. If his priest is going to pray him out of purgatory an arm or a leg at a time,
according to his purses ability to pay for masses to achieve it, a literal body of some sort must be in
existence to have such exercise performed in respect to it. Where does he get that body? His mortal
self has been buried in a grave, and yet he admits that a body with a brain and senses and physical
members must enwrap his souls somehow, else he never could know the torments of Avernus.
Again I ask, to be enlightened, form whence does he derive it?
The average dominies logic on the subject stacks up to me as unsatisfying as the ministers
repay to the old lady whod listened intently to his sermon on Hell. She went up to him afterward
and inquired
Pastor, you say that after Im dead, I run the risk of going to the place where there shall be
weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth?
Thats quite correct, the clergyman nodded.
But how can that be, when I havent had any teeth for forty years?
Madam, he said with dignity, teeth will be provided!

N INETY-nine percent of orthodox Christians accept unthinkingly that bodies will be provided.

But if they subscribe to the cerebral cortex theory, they wont be the same bodies, so they wont
have the same cerebral cortex, so they wont have the same memories, so they wont be the same
people. They'll be people without recollection of deeds done in the flesh, because on the bas is of
modern psychology the cerebral cortexes containing those memories will be physically

disintegrating somewhere in an earthly grave, and they wont have the slightest notion what theyre
receiving sentence for or being rewarded for. They cant put up any defense for their earthly
conduct in any divine courtroom and have Christ intercede for the because occupying new bodies
with new blank cerebral cortexes, they wont be able to remember what theyve done.
I say in all reason that if your soul goes to an orthodox heaven or an orthodox hell, it must have a
vehicle to wear, as it had in this world, and it must be a duplicate of the physical body youve had in
this world on account of your memories making you what you are. So by the pure logic of the
circumstances, you orthodox Christians already must subscribe to my contention that there is a
pattern body in which your mindyour I Am Me consciousnessresides, that must derive from
your physical self in some shape and continue onward experiencing sensations and storing up the
reactions from sensation that we know as the memory that makes for self -identity. But if its
nonmaterial, I ask you in equal logic why it needs be destined for your heaven or your hell? Whos
going to conduct it to either place? You cant put handcuffs on a spirit or hit it over the pate with a
blackjack. Those old Dore prints of Dantes Inferno, showing naked people, male and female, being
driven along down unearthly precipices to serve eternity in the hot place, show them not as spirits
but as physical people. Very good. Where does Dante claim they obtained those nude bodies? A
free spirit once disembodied, can apparently pop anywhere in the material universe it wishes to pop.
It doesnt require to join a celestial chain gang. It looks to mewith increasing convictionthat
the whole thing is a gigantic piece of allegory and clerical wish fulfillment concocted by men who
knew nothing about spiritual material composition. And in place of it we of the Twentieth Century
are beginning to compile our researches into psychical science and find out exactly what does
happen by logical and sensible experiment and demonstration.

ONSCIOUSNESS is a primal element of Cosmos in the firth place. It finds ways to educate
and expand itself through occupying patterns of electric atoms for stated intervals

called lives. It seizes on these body-patterns and possesses them, accumulating the roster of permanent
sensations known as memories. A peculiar and individualistic coagulation of these constitutes a given
personality with power to recognize itself subjectively. And once these self -recognizing memories begin
to coagulate and fuse, nothing external can disintegrate them. They can and doliterally lived forever.
If theyre silly enough to want to incarnate in a sheep or a frog while there are higher forms available,
undoubtedly they could do it because whats to stop them? But it seems to be a rule or law of
consciousness performance to want to get possession of the highest and most capable organism available
or obtainable. Nothing but a dog consciousness would want to incarnate as a dog. Once having attained to
human consciousness, the soul who recognizes the advantages of being human would sensibly want to
incarnate as a human, and in the highest stratum it could reach.
People will cry, I can't accept such a doctrine because I never would deliberately choose the
role Ive had to play in this life. Id have gotten myself born on Park Avenue, the heir to plenty of
money, with social prestige assured me; not out here on this Iowa farm where theres nothing but
work, work, work around the clock. But the fact seems to have it, all elements considered; they
took the best role they could get in order to return in physical form at all. There simply wouldn't be
roles enough available in Park Avenue or monied families for all the souls whos want to incarnate
so by choice, in order to live lives of opulence. Viewing all mortality form the discarnate state the
normal soul seems to say to itself, What difference does it make to me were I get my start or where
I live physically? If its money I want, or social or commercial prestige, I can get myself born on an

Iowa farm and make my own as I go along. The thing is to get into the atomic world with a material
body as an instrument of accomplishment, to get myself physically born, in other words.
And if the truth could be fully known, there are unquestionably tens of thousands more people
getting real spiritual profit out of existence on Iowa farms than in Park Avenue apartments. The
discarnate soul, able to pop around anywhere between physical lives and observe everything, sees
that station in life isnt the important thing. Its circumstances, which provide testings for the
spiritual stamina that truly are of consequence. And north, south, east, or west, those circumstances
are equally abundant and potent.
But the big thing exercising us here for the moment resolves again to this: Assuming the
nondrying soul remembers all the experiences that have resulted in its current quality of
consciousness, how far back do those memories literally extend? Well, lets look at that.

OMMON SENSEwould suggest to us that the reason the earth continues to retain and breed
the lower orders is because new units of consciousness are assembling and coagulating all the

time. All people alive today, either incarnately or discarnately, couldnt have been projected into
self -realization all at once, a billion years bygone. Consciousness in each case is a process of long,
slow development by the route of experience. Time is merely a mortal and solar conceptin
infinity. The annelid worm in your garden turned up an hour ago by your spade, may rightfully be
conjecturing as the Einstein of civilization another billion years hence, when its gone through
enough educating experiences to make it correspondingly aware of itself. Einstein a billion years
hence maynt be able to conceive of himself as a human man of eh Twentieth Century after Christ,
his development having become as much of an advance on present man as present mans is an
advance on the annelid worms. Because there will be a Cosmos a billion years hence, just as there
obviously was a Cosmos a billion, two billion, twenty or a hundred billion years behind us.
Evolut ion must encompass everything, in order to be evolution. The world, and Cosmos, exists
atomically to provide a constantly expanding vehicle for Consciousness as it goes on and on
developing into we know not what. To say we descendedor ascendedfrom apes, is to put pegs
into our evolution in retrospect. We have the right then to inquire what the ape in turn descended, or
ascended, form anything anatomical. Consciousnesseither dour own form or some other that had
taken the way before ushad experimented with protoplasmic patterns until it had constructed
those most capable of adaptation to environment and forthwith entered into and used them to get
the effects of sensation that increased the realization of itself.
The anatomist or embryologist tells us that every human babe in foetus goes through the tadpole
to fish to mammalian stages that biological life has known up through the succeeding geological
periods. What if Consciousness, with an existence unto itself, entering into and possessing each
new embryo, merely recapitulates within itself the stages by which it has gained to its realization of
what it is? I advance it as a suggestion. Perhaps for some reason not entirely apparent to us, such
recapitulation is necessary to disclose what it is, each time, to itself. Consciousness may even be
required, each time it takes biological pattern, to re-live briefly or in the foreshortened form the
whole agenda of its material progression in order to confirm itself and go on into the new and
higher succeeding stage at bodily birth. This of itself would be a form of remembering back to
the very beginnings of its experiences in protoplasm. Why should it be necessarywe have no
means of telling, unless to be Consciousness it must continually view itself as a whole, the entire
program of its progression as one exercise, so to speak. Of course the developing babe in the

mothers womb doesnt recapitulate every form of organic life consciousness has embraced to
reach its present exercise. The embryo doesnt succeed from the tadpole or fish form to becoming a
chitonous insect or saurian reptile or primeval bird. Yet there does seem to be a progression in those
organic features that culminate most directly in man as he finds himself patterned physically at
present. It is as though consciousness said each time it acquired a fresh physical vehicle, This is
the method by which I have traveled to attain to my present organic envelope. I havent attained to
it through my excesses, over -specializations or mistakes. I only recap itulate on my successes.
Having recapitulated or started from scratch in each instance, I will now go one microscopic step
further quitting my mothers body and have another life as an organic free agent. The period of
gestation therefore is merely the biological progression of myself to the moment reenacted in
compressed capsule pattern to keep one forever grasping the whole fact of myself.

AYBE, in other words, consciousness cant grasp itself in segmentsor intervals of

awareness called livesbut must at all times have the whole pattern of itself in front of its

own mental eye. If you say to me that all this is pure abstraction and assumption, I insist that you
tell me how otherwise so many people can and do have the experience of lifted memories, carrying
recollections of their adventures and vicissitudes, their language, customs and acquaintanceships
from one organic sequence to another organic sequence? We have cause to believe from irrefutable
demonstrations that something carries over. What is it?
Up in Westchester Country, New York, one rainy Sunday morning, the four-year-old girl child
of a magazine editor friend of mine leaned on her daddys knees as he read his Sunday paper and
studied his features.
Youre better-looking this time, arent you, Daddy, than you were the last time we were all
together? she remarked.
The startled father asked, All together where, Gertrude?
Where we were before we all got together with each other here.
How do you know, Gertrude?
How do I know! the surprised and puzzled little girl exclaimed. Why, because I remember it.
Dont you remember it, Daddy?
Gertrude, youre talking nonsense. Of course I dont remember it and neither do you remember
it either.
But Daddy, I do remember it. I remember it plain as anything. Mamas hair was yellow instead
of brown, and we lived in a house like a castle and Tommy was older than me instead of being a
baby and you were very short and ugly. But well all belong together just the same as we do now.
Only all of us loosed different
The capricious ravings of the childs imagination? Maybe not. Maybe that father had a golden
opportunity to probe into the fundamentals of life-mystery but being orthodox and stupid, he
merely reminded his child that if she didnt stop telling lies he would box her ears. He pulled the
veil back over the little girls memory with his threat of chastisement.
I claim that little Gertrudes opening observation, Daddy, youre better-looking, arent you,
than you were before, must have been prenatal memory because the nature of the statement was
without a motive that was personal to Gertrude. Psychologically considered, it might have been
imagination if shed said, Youre uglier, arent you, than you were before? because shed have
been working off in wish -expression a small grouse of her own. By calling the fathers attention to

the improvement in his looks, she was trying to justify her memories with his current appearance;
thereby indicating her memory was actual. However, thats another matter. There are tens of
thousands of Gertrudeschildren back close to the birth-portals who remember events just on the
other side. But with what?
I take the position that Consciousness is an element in the universe exactly the same as Space
and Energy. Space, Energy and Consciousness result in matter, so-called, by atomic integration.
You cant put Space beneath a microscope, but its there all the same. You cant put Energy beneath
a microscope, but its there. You cant put Consciousness beneath a microscope, but its there.
When we pull out of the old sterile grooves of thoughtthat life is some sort of chemical reaction
from mysteriously activated protoplasmand begin to get a concept of life being eternal
consciousness in energetic display in organic combinations, we turn the whole biological universe
around and seem to get answers that are out of this world.

T GOES without argument, I think, that the hardpan on which our entire biology of the present
is built, is the phenomenon of protoplasm. The dictionary defines Protoplasm as the substance

that forms the principal portion of an animal or vegetable cell. At the present time biology is the
study of the properties of protoplasm, because to it, in the last analysis, the multifarious activities of
animals and plants must be referred. The biologist says, Since I am only familiar with life as a
demonstration of protoplasmic activity, the problem of the origin of life naturally reduces into the
problem of the origin of protoplasm. In other words, because you as a person are dressed in a
certain suit of clothes that move about with every movement of your body, it is obviously
impossible to discuss the origin of your soul and individuality without an insight into whether your
clothes are made of cotton or wool, and who tailored them, and how much they cost. Because your
clothes move and have every appearance of animation while whey are covering your limbs, they of
course account for the living person inside them, and whoever may smile at it is not scientific.
Woodruff of Yale is fair enough to say, From one point of view it is impossible to analyze
protoplasm, because the least disturbance of its fundamental organization results in a cessation of
those phenomena characteristic of life, leaving matter in the nonliving state before us. However,
since in the transformation of matter from the living to the lifeless condition there is certainly no
loss of weight, it follows that the complete material basis of protoplasmic organization remains for
examination, and we may assume as a working hypothesis, that the properties of protoplasm are a
result of the properties of its constituent elements. But it may be noted in passing that an analysis of
the debris from a destroyed factory probably would give one very little insight into the modus
operandi of creating its product.
Where I take issue with the orthodox biologistsand have the demonstrations of discarnate
phenomena to back my objectionsis that stupid and apparently erroneous assumption that the
properties of protoplasm are a resultant of the properties of its constituent elements. Who said so?
Where and why did that idea get started? It is saying in so many words, the boy runs because he has
muscular limbs to convey him over the ground, not because he has an angry dog behind him
nipping at his heels. He is a boy because he runs. Q. E. D. I have proved what the boys life is, and
thereby proved what all boys are: creatures capable of self-locomotion and beyond that is no
I say beyond that theres a whale of a lot of thinking, if youll pardon my French. However, lets
consider protoplasm even as the biologist sees it for a moment

IVING protoplasm ordinarily appears under a moderately high-powered microscope as a

viscid granular fluid. When studied under such magnifications, usually after being killed and
colored it often exhibits an extremely complex structure. Most frequently it seems to present a
foamlike appearance, due perhaps to closely crowded minute drops of a liquid alveolar substance
suspended in a continuous interalveolar substance, also liquid but of a different physical nature. But
it seems clearagain according to Woodruff, because its certainly not at all clear to you and me,
since studies of protoplasmic structure have by no means revealed a complete correlation between
its morphological organization and its activitiesthat the key to the matter must lie in an
ultra-microscopic architecture whose varying phases are reflected in the changing picture which the
microscope is capable of resolvingthe chemical picture which the microscope is capable of
resolving. Chemical analysis shows that protoplasm is a colloidal complex comprised chiefly of the
elements carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sodium,
chlorine, iron, and magnesiumall of which are commonly found in the inorganic world. Indeed,
there is no chemical element present which is peculiar to living matter. But there are combinations
of elements, which are distinctly characteristic of protoplasm, not being found in nature except as
the result of protoplasmic activity. These chemical combinations are the proteins, carbohydrates
and fats, and of them the proteins are the most significant because they are universally present as a
part of all living matter and form quantitatively its chief organic element.
Now this, I concede, may be getting some place in a way, but the question is, what way, and to
what purpose? To me it says simply, in order to get material for my suit of clothes that goes around
my sentient soul I must have fiberscotton or wool or protein as the case may be. Those fibers
cant be procured unless my molecules combine in a way that makes fiberscotton or wool or
proteinand naught else. Again all it proves is, that without the molecular combinations to make
the fibers there is no cloth, hence no clothes, hence no vehicle that makes my soul-consciousness
tangible in a material world.
You see, in all these biochemical explanations for lifeand I mean conscious life in a highly
evolved stateI have to bear in mind something the biologist ignores: namely, that I cam
confronted by overwhelming manifestations that life exists and functions in other aspects than the
biochemical. Remember Munster bergs alleged comment, If we propose to credit what weve
witnessed tonight it means we must rewrite all our textbooks. Woodruff and other celebrated
biochemists are seeking the phenomenon of life strictly according to what present textbooks report
from micr oscopic observations of chemical activity. Theyre resolutely ignoring as nonscientific
what they cant pick up in the lenses of their microscopes. Theyre learnedly examining the fibers
of the coat and the weave and the color to get at the self-conscious marvel of the man inside it.
When I can split or divideor expandmy own consciousness and project it three thousand
miles away, taking something with it as an enhousing vehicle that looks enough like me to be seen
and recognized by disinterested personsas I shall relate in my next chapterwhile my entire
living body is sitting in a chair in a New York apartment, what has the living body and conscious
part of me that had gone to England got to do with Woodruffs proteins? I ask it, not to be
precocious nor impertinent, but because Im as serious as he is at wanting to know.

Chapter XI



HIS is a truthful and non -exaggerated account of a conscious levitation through Time and
Space, which Ive never set down on paper completely before, but which in many aspects
transcends even my epochal adventure described in Seven Minutes in Eternity. Unlike

Seven Minutes the Blackmoor Heath Experience had disinterested witnesses at both ends of it, to
attest to the facts.
Understand me, none of what follows makes any attempt at self-explanation. I simply state that
it happened, and I have spectators to attest to it. But it always comes into the forefront of my
thinking when I hear the biochemists advancing protoplasmic galvanism as the origin of life and
I have hereinbefore stated that early in 1929 I moved my personal residence from California to
New York, shipping my household effects East and taking a walk-up apartment on the second floor
of 56 West 53rd Streetthe apartment in which I received John Lawler, the actor Thompson, and
others who figured in my psychical researches of that period. It consisted of two large
high -ceilinged rooms with a kitchenette between and a bathroom off the chamber at the back. The
front room was my living room and library. The rear room was my writing room and sleeping
chamber. It had high southern windows reaching to the ceiling and my writing table stood against
the western wall in the southwest corner. It was a long narrow table holding books and my
typewriter. I worked in a swivel chair with a table behind me for reference books and an easy chair
beside this table where I sometimes received my intimate callers. Looking down on both tables was
a tall, standard floor-lamp with a big old-rose shade.
As the summer of 1929 worked along toward the epochal stock market crash ushering in the
Great Depression, I began gathering about me in New York a little group of intimates who were
uniformly interested in practical aspects of metaphysics, and they dropped up to hits apartment at
all hours of day or evening. Among them was my attorneywhom Ill designate as ConradHazel
White, the cosmetics chemist of the Egyptian episode, Mary, the magazine editor, and various
others whom Ill introduce as I describe other manifestations of note, further along in this volume.
But Ive always had the thought that the Blackmoor Heath Experience truly began with Attorney
Conrad. He w as a highly intellectual personage, with the head and profile of a Roman senator, and
he often came up to pass an evening when I had guests of note. He came up one evening in late July
and fell into a discussion with me concerning the possibility of the miracles and manifestations of
the Christ.
What Id like to have explained to me, he declared at one point in our discussion, is this:

Christ might have been a man or he might have been a godbut we have to acknowledge that
during His life among men, He was definitely physical. He was crucified, died, and was buried.
Religious history declares that the third day He arose from His tomb, moved about among His
disciples in semi-materialized form, and eventually ascended into realms of Pure Spiritgranted
we can conceive what Pure Spirit is. Well, from time to time since, weve had what is commonly
accepted to be manifestations of Christ. He was heard by Saul on the road to Damascus, and Saul
became St. Paul in consequence. All up the centuries since, various sincere and rational people have
claimed theyve seen Himat sick beds of sufferers, wandering among the wounded on earthly
battlefields, or giving personal counsel to the distressed and unfortunate all over the world. Granted
its true. But how could the Christor even the Spirit of the Christexist in two places at the same
time? If a sick farmers wife implores Him for aid in Minnesota, what happens to the poor devil
dying in the Philippines who swears he has a manifestation of Christ at the same instant? I aught
what Conrad was driving at. We discussed it. Neither of us had an explanation for it and gradually I
forgot it.
a month or so laterthe 26th of August, 1929, to be exactHazel White came up to my
apartment. Since her recovery from her indisposition of our first meeting we had become good
platonic friends as I increasingly discovered her remarkable capabilities. A stout, comely girl about
five feet four inches in height, seeming at first glance to be in her late twenties or early thirties,
actually she was a spinster of fifty with the strangest blue-grey eyes I had ever seen in a womans
countenance. They were at once the eyes of a Madonna or a Dore angel out of the Pit. For some
reason private unto herself she had never married, although in my long and friendly association
with her I never learned of any reason why she shouldnt have married. Perhaps her extrasensory
perceptions had something to do with it. At any rate, two hundred years ago Hazel would have
been burnt at the stake as a wit ch. I should have relished hearing Woodruff or Mnusterberg explain
her out of this world powers on any basis of biochemical protoplasm. She couldand did sit
quietly in a room for fifteen or twenty minutes and leave it surcharged with a mystical, in
describable force with which one could achieve several varieties of most remarkable phenomena,
particularly clairvoyance or clairaudience. She belonged to that extraordinary clan of natural
mystics known too as healers. The mere application of her warm, sisterly hands on the flesh of an
ailing person would start recovery in an instant with no word being spoken. When she was present,
you had the presentiment that the room also contained large numbers of invisibles whose
presences you could feel although too intangible to touch. If, as she claimed, I had kept her as a
personal temple paramour three thousand years bygone, to bastion my religious prestige with her
occult powers, she had apparently lost few of them in the centuries intervening. I am not sketching
the character of a fictional person in writing this. Dozens of people living in Manhattan of the
present, who were acquainted with my 1930 psychical research group, can be summoned to attest to
Hazels super-mortal talents. And at time I mentionAugust of 1929she had acquired a habit of
dropping up to my apartment at the close of the workday for a chat on her way to her own
apartment four blocks north. She did it perhaps twice a week.
As an illustration of her powers, she would sink into the easy-chair in my writing room beside
my reference table and stare for a time at the high blank wall above my typewriter. Thereupon she
proceed to recount to me what I ad been writing since morning on the novel Golden Rubbish. I was
then composing. She would describe my characters and the action I had carried them through in
the plots unfoldment. Frequently she would give me long sequences of their dialoguewithout

ever looking at a typewriter line I had that day produced. How on earth do you do it? I would
repeatedly ask her for she never missed an episode or made an error in her descriptions. Simply
and tolerantly she would answer, I see it all up there on the wall above you head, as on a moving
picture screen.
I could take it or leave it. That was her explanation.

OW IT so happened on this particular afternoon of August 26 th I had two other callers

preceding Hazel. One was a woman acquaintance from Pasadena who was spending a

fortnight in New York and had looked me up; the other was a Los Angeles newspaperman who had
come to do a publicity job for my publishers. He met the Pasadena girl and started escorting her
about to see the city. For the purpose of identifying them in what subsequently occurred, let me
name them as Minna and Herbert. They had preceded Hazel by about an hour and while waiting for
me to terminate my writing activities for the day and go out to dinner with them, had ensconced
themselves in m y front living room where they had turned on the radio. When Hazel arrived she
hadnt cared for the radio and had come out into my rear writing room where she rested as usual in
the chair beside my reference table. We chatted a few minutes of noting in particular. Hazel hadnt
removed her hat. She sat relaxed in the heavy Cogsewell chair with handbag and small parcels on
her lap. I tiled back in the swivel chair before my writing table, conversed with her, and relaxed as
well. The summers day had been perfect. As twilight stole over the softly throbbing city, I let the
room darken in afterglow. From the front living room beyond the intervening kitchenette came the
dreamy strains of music to which Minna and Herb were listening. The exact time, as they later
established it, was five minutes to seven oclock.
I had been gently rocking in my swivel as the room had darkened, rubbing my eyes and forehead
with my left hand. I had no premonition of doing anything outstandingly psychic. Nothing in my
conversation with Hazel had suggested it. It had been an ordinary writing day with me. I was
dressed in soft white shirt with black bow tie, a pair of brown plus-four with a small
diamond-shaped plaid in them, golf socks and tennis shoesthe costume I often affected for a
days quiet writing in my apartment. I leaned back, I say, and rubbed my tired head.
Suddenly something occurred.
A clear and distinct scene began to take proportions in the eye of my mind. I say eye of my
mind because I seemed to be viewing it in the background of my own head. I was seeing a
beautiful white birch forest lit by mottled sunshine, with a light summer breeze wafting the leaves
of the trees. It was not unlike a memory picture that one might recall of some spot of woodland one
had known as a child; only instead of remembering how it looked I was actually looking at it with
eyes. I cried out at the subjective illusion I was apparently witnessing.
Hazel, I exclaimed, my eyes softly shut, Im seeing something Ive never seen before. Im
moving above a forest of beautiful white birches with summer wind riffling them and making their
leaves turn over to show me the silverNo, wait a minute! The whole scene is dissolving into
another equally as clear and detailedIm seeing an old English manor house or country innIts
got lovely odd casements and a shaggy roofTheres a dilapidated fence around it and a wooded
hill behind it with a road going up the gradeAt the top theres an old lightning-blased treeWhat
on earth am I looking at, and how can I be seeing it? Wait, wait! The scene is fading again and
another scenes coming
Thereupon I described this third scene. I saw a great spread of what seemed to be prairie with

blue mountains in the distance. The rolling land was heavy with gorse and lavender-colored flowers.
Here and there naked rocked-ledges poked through, or what I took to be aged stumps of felled trees.
Hazel, Im moving out onto it! I cried. Great heavens, its three dimensional and Im in
it! Im traveling across it along the tips of grass and flowers!

N NONE of the descriptions I gave that twilight was I once aware that I heard Hazel answer me.
I became too engrossed in the strange phantasmagoria I was entering. Strangely enough, as I

write these lines some twenty-six years after, I still find my memories vivid of the details of the
scene and my reactions to the whole of it. It might have happened last evening, so graphic do I
recall that sensation of moving along the top of the gorse, even though the lips and tongue of my
relaxed living body were recounting the adventure to a listening woman in an ap artment in New
York. I could look ahead and see the outline of those mountains. I dont recall, however, that I once
looked down. I was much too occupied in nothing where I was traveling
Suddenly again, the whole visual phenomenon was disrupted. A series of flashes, as of alternate
light and dark, engulfed me. I recall they compared to the stagger one sometimes sees in the
action on a movie screen when the projection shutter slows down and the animated pictures are
interspersed with flashes of darkness.
But when the projection was flickering smoothly again, my three-dimensional environment
seemed altered. For one thing, the sun had gone and the landscape was grey. There was no longer
gorse or lavender flowers spread beneath me. I might have been astride the nose of a jet plane that
was climbing swiftly up a ravine in wild mountains, with closely packed undergrowth on all sides
around me. At the bottom of the ravine a mountain river was tumbling. Ahead of me up the canyon
I beheld a single-arched, stone bridgered stonespanning from side to side directly in my path.
All this I described swiftly and audibly to Hazel.
Im going to crash into that bridge! I cried in loud alarm. Im not high enough to clear it. I
cant raise myself higher!
But I didnt crash into the bridge. Gaining to the top of the ravine I saw a space between the span
and the top of engulfing shrubbery. I shot into this space, went under the bridges arch and out upon
the opposite side. Here a small lake of water greeted me, its shores wrapped in mist, mountains
everywhere about me. Swiftly I rode across this lake just above its surface
My writing room was lighted; Minna, Herbert and Hazel were bending over me; Herbert was
stupidly shaking me. Their faces held fright. It took a moment to orient myself.
For pitys sake! I cried wanly, I never had an experience like that before. Who lighted the
floor lamp?
I did, Hazel said. We thought you were going to have apoplexy. You were twisting and
straining so!
Tw isting and straining! I echoed. I glanced out the southern windows into full night. A
moment ago it was sunset, I remarked. What time is it, anyhow?
Herbert looked at his wrist watch. Twenty minutes to eight, he said.
Twenty minutes to eight from five minutes to seven meant I had been out exactly forty-five
minutes. Yet it seemed no more to me than the time I have taken to write the foregoing.
What kind of a mental brainstorm have you been having anyhow? my practical newspaper
friend demanded. You feel all right now?
I said of course I felt all rightmentally and physically at any rate. Inwardly I was boiling that

they had disrupted the experience by the thoughtless lighting of the floor lamp. That sudden
explosion of illumination had translated to my highly attuned super-senses as the thunder -crash,
Anyhow, we sat and discussed it. Herb was of the opinion after my Seven Minutes experience I
was a psychopath on principle. Minna was willing to allow Id been somewhere out of my body.
Hazel held to the opinion that the experiencewhatever it had beenwasnt without significance
that would subsequently become known to us. Anyhow, we all agreed that we were three-quarters
of an hour late for dinner and wed better go out and eat.
Which thing we did.
That was on the evening of August 26 th , I say. We all of us marked the date in case anything
happened to shed light on the meaning of it. Both Hazel and Minna, I recalled, made noted about it.
I got them to agree, however, to say nothing about the occurrence to anyone. By keeping it private
to ourselves we would forestall any crank or fanatic bobbing up with attempts at explanation from
secular sources. And this point is important: I know they kept their words. Minna and Herbert
departed New York soon after, she to Boston, he to Atlanta. When the next year I saw both of them
and asked if theyd mentioned the affair to anyone, they contended they hadnt and I believed them.
Hazel departed Manhattan also for a radio program in Milwaukee and I moved to Washington and
North Carolina. It would be difficult to separate four people more completely.

EPTEMBER came and passedOctober, November and December. Within a month the
experience had gone out of my own mind, excepting when some allied psychical subject

recalled it. Fair enough! Then on the Sunday evening between Christmas and New Years I was
invited to deliver a public address on extrasensory perception before a New York audience in
Engineers Auditorium. And by noon the next day I had an answerer to what had happened in my
apartment the previous August.
By October my mail upon these subjects had become so heavy that I had taken a business office
in the Putnam Building in West 45 th Street and installed a secretary to handle it. When I went to my
office the morning following my lecture, Charlotte announced
A Mrs. Chapman was in your audience last night and shes rung up twice on the phone this
morning. She wants a talk with you and she wants it badly. She says you made some statement in
your last nights talk that led her to realize she should have looked you up at once last summer on
her return from England. She says to tell you she saw you one day last August on Blackmoor Heath,
and wants to check with you about it.
I started to reply that I hadnt been in England the previous August, Id been right there in
Manhattan. Then a queer shudder went through me. Could she possibly be referring to August 26th ?
I got in touch with Mrs. Chapman immediately. Chapman wasnt and isnt her name, but it must
answer for this narrative to save her from publicity. I found her a pleasant, intelligent, little
white-haired widow who made her living handling the business investments of operatic stars and
superintending their engagements. She had an office nearby. I went over at once. She dismissed her
secretary and threw the lock on her door.
Now Im going to tell you something, she began, that you must hear to the end without
interrupting me, if you can help it. After Im done you can ask all the questions you please, but I
dont want you putting suggestions in my head till Ive gotten my story outThis past summer I
took a long-planned walking trip through England with a lifelong Scottish friend of mine, Annie

Mac Tarvish. Im Scot myself and we intended to start in at London and walk to Little Rannock in
Scotland where my forebears came from. It was a pretentious trip and it cost me plenty but most of
the fun was taken out of it by Annies behavior after we got started. As a traveling companion she
proved to be a first-class tomato. Nothing suited her and when her feet began to tell on her, she
developed a Disposition. This past August 26th as we started to traverse Blackmoor Health she had
one of her sulking spells and I laid down the law to her. If she didn't want to be companionable, she
could go back to London and take a train for Scotland. About 2:30 in the afternoon we left a
beautiful copse of white birch woods and started across the heath when Annie got cantankerous
over something and stalked ahead alone. I sank down disgusted and not a little heartbroken amid
the gorse and heather on a stone that offered, and tried to decide whether to abandon the trip or not.
Annie strode ahead and finally sat down on a stone against the sky. All of it was childish but there
we were. A beautiful summer afternoon. Exquisite country all around us. And a trip being ruined by
one womans disposition. I was still undecided what ultimatum to deliver to her on coming up with
her when I saw to my sudden consternation a hatless man move out of the white birch woods from
which wed just emerged ourselves.
Well, it wasnt altogether a comfortable predicament to be in, seeing that Annie and I were two
lone women with nobody else in sight, and I looked quickly around to see if she were within her
former hailing distance. I saw her plainly enough but her face was turned away from me. I looked
back to the man to see if he actually were following us and my blood promptly jelled. He was
almost upon me. Never could he have covered such a distance in so short a time if hed been
traveling on ordinary human legs. He was moving in one piece so to speak, over the top of the
heather. And I was directly in his pathway! He was a man of about forty, I should have judged, in
soft white shirt with black bow tie, and brown plus-four with golf socks. The trousers had a sort of
white plaid design, diamond-shaped, woven into them. Then before I could scramble form his
pathway, he went right over meor through meat least he touched me and I touched him. And at
the moment of contact I knew his identity. I knew he was William Dudley, Pelley, a New York
magazine writer and author, and I knew everything that was in his mind.
Now hold tight. Well check on it

HE FIRST part of Mrs. Chapmans recital that then followed was the irrefutable proof that
she hadnt gotten her information about the New York end of the episode from Hazel or

Minna or Herbert. Neither of these three knew anything of the utterly confidential matters that Mrs.
Chapman thereupon proceeded to disclose to me. She knew all about details of matters I was
concerned with at the time with my first wife over our divorce. She knew of personal worries I was
having about friend whod gone out to Iowa to have a gall bladder operation. She knew the size of
my bank account and difficulties I was in with a certain motion picture over a movie script. In short,
she knew so much about my intimate personal self that I stopped her. It was growing too
All right, you knew everything that was in my mind, I conceded. What happened then? After
Id touched you, where did I go?
I dont know, Mrs. Chapman said. I thought you went toward Annie and then passed out of
sight. But I couldnt be sure. Annie declared she hadnt seen you and called me balmy. No, I aid, I
dont know Mr. Pelley and have only heard of hi by reputation. But when we get back to New York,
Ill lay you a wager we hear news of his death on this afternoon of August 26th and for some

unexplained reason I had a view of his ectoplasmic spirit after it had left his body. But theres
more to come, wait! Annie and I broke up that day at the inn we reached at nightfall. It was a
quaint old place, but I wont go into its description
I think Ive seen it, I contributed. It had a broken fence around it, didnt it? And was
located in the lee of a hill with a road up the aide and a lightening-blasted tree at the summit?
Mrs. Chapman stared. Exactly! she nodded. Then I wasnt wrong about having seen you?
Go ahead with your story, then Ill tell you mine.
Well, Annie went back to London and waited there for me while I made a trip up to Loch
Rannock by train. I had some relatives up there I wanted to visit. And up at Ranncok I saw you
again. That was about two weeks later.
About two weeks!
Two weeks! Fourteen days and nights later! I thought of the queer hiatus of lights and shadows I
had encountered as I had moved across the heather, the stagger of the motion picture projector
shutter. Had those strange flashes been the passings of days and nights? I had to put aside the
consideration of Time as a factor in all this and the moment in order to pay attention to the
remainder of the story.
I got up to Rannock in the middle of a murky afternoon two weeks later and went to the inn.
Little Rannock, not far from where my forebears came from, isnt very large but its one of the
prettiest lakes in Scotland. It lies at the head of a deep ravine into which it spills on the south. The
inn is located on the southeast shore. It has a bridge almost in front of it across the head of the
I know. A single-arched bridge made of reddish stone.
Mrs. Chapman nodded. And theres a foot -path worn by sightseers around the west side of the
smaller lake to a spot on its northern shore. My relatives couldnt come and get me until late
evening so while it was still daylight I decided to take a stroll and see the lake and district. I put on
an old raincoat and galoshes, crossed the red bridge and sauntered around the loch, up the western
shores to the point. I found an old log there and sat down to rest. I hadnt met anyone since leaving
the inn. No one was in sight. The time I should judge was between four -thirty and five oclock of
September ninth or tenth. I sat looking across the lake toward the in and listening to the uncanny
quiet of those Killecrankie mountains. It seemed as though I would have heard a dog barking five
miles away, but I scarcely heard a sound. Gradually as it neared twilight a bank of mist rolled down
from the eastern heights and screened my view of the inn. It came almost like a cloud, caroming
along the waters surface. I lost sight of the opposite bridge as well and decided Id better return
while still able to see the shore-path. I give you my word the last thing in the world I was thinking
about were you. The thing that suddenly puzzled me was a series of tiny twinkling lights like boat
flares that had mysteriously appearedor were appearingout upon the lake down close to the
water. They couldnt be flares of any fishermans boat because the loch had been wholly clear of
craft before the mist fell. What on earth was I seeing? Well, I dont know to this moment what it
was I saw. All I can do is describe it. The lights werent stationary. They rose and fell as a knot of
fireflies at night might rise and fall. Then as I watched worriedly, wondering how fishermen could
have gotten out upon the lake in the brief time since the mist had descended, I saw them begin to
build up in a great horseshoe pattern. They made a sort of huge arch in the mist. Thenyou can
believe this or notyour moving figure appeared in the center of those lights as though it might
have come from under the bridge, crossed the lak e magnified in size by the mist, and went past me

on my left at express-train speed.

I didnt touch you this second time?
What did you do?
I got out of therefast! And when I say fast, I mean fast. Why should you ectoplasm be
haunting me so? Id never met you, didnt know you and had never had anything to do with you.
Never in my life had anything like it happened to me before, and its never happened since. My
relatives came for me and I told them about it and Ill give you their names and address if you wish
and you can write them for confirmation of what Im telling you. I began to get nervous about you
and wonder if you were going to appear to me so, every time I sat alone in the open. Of course you
didnt. Those two occasions wer e the only times I saw you. but you can judge my feelings on
reaching New York in late September to discover you were not dead but every much alive, and
going up and down the country lecturing on Seven Minutes. What on earth had happened to me in
England and Scotland? I decided to go slowly in looking you up, and telling you what had
happened. You might think me a crank or at least a celebrity-baiter trying to scrape an acquaintance
with you. Besides I might get myself branded as mentally irresponsible to relate such a thing
generally, so I kept it to my self. When I saw the announcements of your last nights lecture, I
determined to go and make certain from seeing you close at hand on the platform that you were the
same person Id met so weirdly overseas. When you told the story of John Lawler from the
platform as proof of the expansion of consciousness regardless of worldly time and space, I decided
Id made an error in not consulting you immediately on returning to New York. So thats why I got
in touch with your publishers this morning and learned you had an office in West 45th Street and
phoned your secretary. Now you tell me your side of the happeningfor I see you must have one.
First, I asked, do you know or have you talked witha person named Hazel White about
me in any particular?
No, said Mrs. Chapman frankly, and I give you my word of honor Ive only mentioned what
I saw to Annie Mac Tarvish and my relatives in Scotland.
I had to believe her. She wasnt the type to fabricate or deceive in such a matter. She was as
earnestly interested as myself in getting at the truth behind the episode.
So I told her what had happened in the apartment on West 53rd Street on the evening of August
26thall of it, as I have already set it down. At the end of it she leaned her elbows forward on her
desk and blinked bewilderedly.
But Mr. Pelley, she protested, the time is altogether at sixes and sevens in this thing.
I know, I nodded. Dont you imagine Ive been considering that while you were talking?
Theres a five to six hour time difference between New York and the British Isles. Im
absolutely certain I saw you in the English part of the adventure about two-thirty in the afternoon of
August 26thI mean Im certain about the date. You say you sat talking to your friends, telling
them what you were experiencing, from five minutes to seven in the evening until twenty minutes
to eight of August 26 th , and youre equally sure about the date. That means that when you sat in
your writing room recounting to your friends what you were undergoing, it was between midnight
and one in the morning of August 27th on Blackmoor Heath. In other words, in actual realistic time,
I saw you five to six hours before you had the extension of consciousness and were aware of it in
your apartment. Actually and in realistic time, if Id seen you simultaneously with your awareness
of the experience, you'd have had to be sitting with your friends in the New York flat at around nine

in the forenoon!
Exactly, I agreed.
Then take the Scottish part of the experience. You say you rode up the ravine, went under the
single-arch bridge and northward across the surface of the lake at the same period seven to eight
oclock of that same August 26th. You did it, then, two weeks before I got the visual angle on it in
Assuming were both of us sticking to the literal truth in our stories, I smiled.
But why in the world should I come back here and tell you a cock-and-bull story out of my
imagination? Ive nothing to gain by pulling any hoax on you, and a lot of prestige to lose if my
clients ever heard of it and decided I was slipping in my brains.
She had me there. Later when I came to know her better I found her to be an entirely honest and
dependable person as sincerely interested in running the mystery to its bottom as I. And one of the
most certifying features of the enigma was this
Suppose we concede, for the sake of skeptical persons, that she was deceiving me, that she had
talked with Hazel or Minna or Herbert and suddenly decided to play a role of overseas observer of
the phenomena from the details one of them could have supplied her after hearing my account in
the apartment. Very good. Then explain two things. Explain how she came by the private and
personal knowledge of all that had been troubling my mind that August eveningthe difficulties
with my first wife, the operation being performed that week on the friend in Iowa, the size of my
bank account, the worried I was feeling over supplying a story order from a certain New York editor.
Nobody on earth but myself knew of these privy concernments. Secondly, how was Mrs. Chapman
supplying details of her reactions to the adventure, which I recalled as being correct which I had not
bothered relaying to Hazel, Minna and Herbert in oral narration? True, I hadnt seen Mrs. Chapman,
nor had I been aware of touching any human woman sitting on a rock amid the heather below me.
But how was she able to describe the peculiar signboard on the inn where she had quarreled and
separated from Mrs. Mac Tarvishthe inn beneath the hill with the blasted tree on the summit,
which she did accurately, giving the hostelrys name that I hadnt disclosed to my three New York
I came away from Mrs. Chapmans office facing the circumstance that apparently my
consciousness had projected itself three thousand miles distant in a matter of seconds, conveying a
prototype form of my clothed physical body, and that it had traveled across Blcakmoor Heath five
hours and that it had traveled across Blackmoor Heath five hours after Mrs. Chapman had beheld it
in the first episode, and two weeks before Mrs. Chapman had beheld it in the second episode.
Question: Is timechronology the simple one-two-three progression of events we assume it?
Question: What, if anything, could professor Woodruffs biochemical protoplasms, that were in
the accumulate my New York body, have had to do with my traveling through a white birch copse
three thousand miles away or seeing an inn with a certain shaped signboard or being fearful of
crashing into a red atone bridge in middle Scotland but contriving to pass beneath its arch and zoom
off across a lake of water where I was seen and recognized?
Question: How could I be conscious of locations and happenings in England and southern
Scotland and with the retina of what literal eyes did I behold themwhile I was simultaneously
able to work the tongue and larynx of a sentient physical body sitting in a chair in a New York flat
with listening friends about me?
Viewed in one basic aspect, my adventure with Mrs. Chapman fell in the dame category with

John Lawlers adventure with me and my police dogthe sole differences being that I had
somehow made myself visible or tangible to Mrs. Chapman while Lawler had not done so to me,
and, further, I had sensed no experience of departing my bona fide physical self as he had done,
turning and regarding my corporeal person objectively. I had gone instantly, so to speakor
discovered myself thereand returned instantly when Hazel pulled the cord of the floor-lamp.
But I had to face the realization in both happenings that Consciousness could and did act
independently of the molecular protoplasms at times.
If it could act independently even one time, then the mere galvanism of the protoplasmic cell
wasnt life in its absolute essenceit was life in display of its energy protoplasmically. In other
words, merely in such aspect. If life had, or has, still other aspects, isnt it time we explored them?

HAT IF a New York earthquake had happened and crushed the building in which I sat with

Hazel and Minna and Herbert while I was moving up that Scottish ravine toward the red
stone bridge? Is anyone prepared to say that consciousness that was beholding a physical landscape
in England or Scotland would have been blotted out instantaneously with my corporeal self in
Manhattan? Suppose, as I implied, John Lawlers physical body had been shot dead as it slept in
that Texas hammock, could his consciousness not have remained in sentient form to haunt my
bungalow with his invisible presence? Couldnt each of us have gone on being alive in the
vehicleswhatever they werethat we had temporarily disassociated from our protoplasmic
selves? Who says with aut horityand proofthat we could not, or that this isnt what actually
does happen each time human person is allegedly overtaken by death? We do have the evidence
of the conscious souls operating discarnately regardless of what Woodruff or any other scientific
man says to the contrary. No one can argue that Sir William Crookesthe inventor of the Crookes
tubeor Sir Oliver Lodge werent scientific men. And when both undertook to explore phases of
consciousness extraneous to molecular protoplasm, they publ icly avowed their convictions
concerning its existence.
There was an aftermath to the Blackmoor Heath levitation, however, that I havent yet related.
As I went along into deeper and deeper aspects of psychical research and perfected my own
clairaudient capabilities there came a night when I could audibly ask an invisible mentor to explain
if he could the August 26th experience.
Do you recall the night, he responded, when your lawyer-friend Conrad sought
enlightenment as to how the consciousness of that greatly advanced Personage the Christcould
literally exist in two or more localities or situations in the same instant? Some of us were present
with you that evening and overheard your discussion. We decided to give you a demonstration of a
sort in your own right by finding a New York woman at a distance whom you could contact, and
who could return to New York and attest to it, while you yourselfyour literal physical selfwere
present with three friends in the seclusion of your apartment. You werent aware you were having
help to do what you did that evening; all the same you were getting itYou as a man in your
current state or stage of development were able to project your consciousness in a replica of
yourself and contact a lone woman of a similar state or stage sitting on a rock in England or a tree
trunk in Scotland, so that she knew everything in your mind. By the same token and the same
phenomenon, the Christbeing the developed form of consciousness He is, may project fifty such
replicas of Himself in fifty different places and contact fifty different persona at once, so that they
too know everything that exist in His consciousness, and every replica will be a true one because

the true Christ Consciousness will be contained in it!

AKE what you will of it, thats the explanation I received. But I never did get elucidation
of how a conscious demonstrationor a demonstration of consciousnesscould go at will

and random backwards or forwards in time.

Maybe Woodruffs biochemistry could explain it. it affects to explain what life is, because it
causes animated squirmings of a bit of jelly in a pool.
Dr. Denton described his having seen a fully organized human woman materialize form under
his wifes chair in the first psychical clinic he attended in Boston. I havewithout meaning to
sound bombastic or precocious seen nearly a thousand such fully organized people from time to
time over twenty-seven years in the clinics I have attended. I have talked with them, touched them
and had them touch me, asked them questions, gotten answers, seen them perform apparent
miracles before my eyesall in the presence of corroborating witnesses sometimes in the privacy
of my own home where trickery would have been impossible, even stood near a piano and joined in
a duet with them, when their voices out -sang mine in volume, and ten minutes afterward seen them
disintegrate to noting in plain view in the center of the rug. Much as I respect the erudition of the
biochemists and biologists, when the Dr. Woodruffs try to explain to me that all of it rests on the
wigglings of protoplasm, I am forced to listen patiently and then leave them to their microscopes. In
all sympathy and tolerance I merely say that my researches have gone beyond theirs and into a
different mediumregardless of the absence of letters of degrees after my name.
Life is before matter, and consciousness cause matter, not the reverse.
You were a soul before you were a dinoflagellate.
So, lets look at this thing named Soul

Chapter XII


O GIVE us a new working concept of a very old subject, I submit that a soul is the
aggressive and conservative aspects of one unit of consciou sness, identifiable by

Put it, if you wish, that a soul is the male and female attributes of one unit of consciousness,

recognizable by their behavior in association.

Im not splitting hairs here. Already Ive told you that a unit of consciousness lacking fifty
percent of the qualities that manifest in consciousness would be only half an entity. Bring fifty
percent and fifty percent together and youve got one hundred percentwhich forms a completed
subject in any medium. But lest you think Im still trying to be philosophically clever, remember
that one male and one female of any species and particularly the human speciescan attain to
degrees of performance that neither can reach alone and which, suggestively enough, one male
cant achieve with two females or one female only dilutes or debauches in trying to align herself
with a score of males. One normal male and one normal female, adequately mated, compose a
balanced unit that has strength and capabilities peculiar to its balance and not found elsewhere or
otherwise. I deem this fact to be of epochal significance.
One male and one female in normal and legitimate conjugation may have physical issue
numbering anywhere from one to twenty in one mortal lifetime. But the performance is a purely
physicalor biologicalphenomenon. It can be done by any half-unit if both the half-units be
sexually adroit. A man may have twenty to thirty children employing four or five women as the
gestating mediums. But what the common herd doesnt know is, that when the specific two
half-units unite that originally separated from one another back at the beginning of the dual
operating of consciousness, they have potentials for accomplishments that can only be experienced
to be grasped, and which can be negotiated by no other combinations of living personalities. They
become a unit so compact that neither earthly nor cosmic force can separate them, they make a
completed circuit for the induction and employment of psychical energies that have no counterparts
in material formations, and they exert a creative force as a unit that transcends the physical and
manifests in the realm of the so-called supernatural. They may, so to speak, well-nigh order the
procession of events in their unified career. This last is breaking into a domain of mysticism of
which it is almost verboten to speak, at least in descriptive detail.
For instance, I know of a man and a woman so perfectly matched and so mystically united, back
in New York about twenty years ago, that whatever they wished to have materialized in their
practical affairs they had merely to will as one mind doing an orgasm of affinity and energies were

projected by them into the astral world that appeared to force such issues to come to material reality.
Needless to say they were surpassingly wealthy. Mid-two Manhattan, I believe, holds a celebrated
skyscraper that was erected on the increments form such psychical polarities.
The average conjugal incident is one of bodily properties only. The unity attains to a sensual
delight and there it halts. In psychical ignorance both parties accept there is no more to the
performance than the universal organic ecstasies, followed by dual lassitude not unmingled with
spiritual disgustand perchance impregnation that results in organic development of progeny. That
a man and a woman in perfect unity and dual capabilities might be anodes for creative forces
transcending the organic, only occurs to the exceptional couple who may have attained to the
distinction. I say again it is something that must be experienced to be credited. The man married to
one woman and the woman married to one manso intimately and exquisitely that they think
alike, feel alike, and react alike, with their individualities each completely submerged in the other,
so that any sort of dissension between them would be an abnormality, and unthinkableare
unconsciously in command of powers unknown to the ordinary Jack and Jill who stupidly accept
that physical union is the only union that exists and conjugation commands infants into being and
naught else. But you cant tell the ordinary Jack and Jill that, or theyd cease at once being ordinary.
Certainly you cant tell it to them by instructions from a book. They have to gain to it as a matter of
spiritual becoming. All of which is a separate subject belong to psychical eugenics. I started to
discuss the constituents of soul.
Soul is the aggressive and conservative aspects of one unit of consciousness, identified by
performance. What enters into the unit to give it completion is an alien consideration. You may be a
half-unit of consciousness or if you have found and are joined to your correct soul-mateyou
may together be a full unit of consciousness and capable of doing the abnormal and seemingly
miraculous things that really are quite common to a full unit of consciousness. But because you are
capable of performing as an isolated galvanism of consciousnesslacing your own shoes, ordering
what you particularly relish at a restaurant, crossing or not crossing a given street against the traffic
lightdoesnt necessarily mean you are a soul in your own right.
If youre a man, what about the woman who symbolically speaking came out of your side
back in your evolutionary Edenic state of consciousness? If youre a woman, what about the man
who you know in your heart of hearts completes you and whose all-enfolding interest and
affection declare youre the whole worksand your woman or your man is merely a comforting
or sustaining accessory? If so, by what right or what process, are you entitled to such accessory?
Why should you ever require such accessory or find it utilizable or agreeable?
Please believe me, Im not striving to propound any new or eccentric doctrine here. Im only
looking to the order of life as we find it behind the scenes of organic mortality and thereby gaining
to an understanding of why organic or human existence becomes what it does. Youre going
through earthly life perplexed and handicapped and lonely perhapsas millions are doing all about
youstruggling to fathom what its all about and why life should be what youre finding it. And
ten to one the basic thing wrong with you s your amative incompletion. Youre not the fully
composed soul youve been told to believe by stupid philosophers and stupider religionists. You're
actually one member of a partnership, and without your fellow partner the firm that is the soul is
having trouble doing its business efficiently. You in your own lack of wisdom are thereupon taking
the whole complication of the firm upon yourself, castigating yourself for not acting with sufficient
cleverness for both partners and sweating cold perspiration at the bankruptcy court of the perdition

youve been persuaded yawns for you because youre not two people. Wheres your woman or your
man whos the other draft animal to the team? Stop tormenting yourself, or letting the philosophers
or religionists torment you, because you lack all the strength necessary to pull the load alone. When
the other proper half steps up and puts his or her head into the harness beside you, the load will go

GAIN referring to religious symbols, the Bible says that a man shall cling unto his wife and
they shall be one flesh and let no one put the asunder. I tell you the translation might more

accurately and intelligently have been a man shall cling unto his wife and they shall be one soul.
Because one flesh, in all common sense and observation, is precisely what theyre not. To coin an
expression, theyre always and forever two fleshes, and never can be anything otherwise on this
plane of life. Being two fleshesdifferentiatedis what makes them what they are. But
considering them one spirit one soulis something else again, and rational and understandable.
Of course, we shouldnt jump from symbolisms to realisms at our caprice in all this. However,
the same Hebraic scripture has already stated that God breathed into mans nostrils the breath of
life and man became a living soul. In other words, the soul of man is Gods breath in his organic
self. But if woman was then within man because she was later taken out of himshe must have
been a part of Gods breath as well, since her livingness was derived from mans livingness. So
even scripturally and symbolically and without attempting to perform much sleight of hand in
symbolisms, woman came from Gods breath as much as man came from Gods breath, and shares
that same with him. It them becomes a point for the theologian whether each share the same soul or
whether each is a section of the same soul. We dont need to waste much time over it because it
offers no practical enhancements.
But I do ask you to give thought to something at this point that perhapsnot knowing much
about scientific physics you havent given proper consideration before.
This conscious soul were talking so much about and making such a general pother over, is a
thing without size.
Try to get that.
It should give a new veer to your thinking.

HE SOUL has no size. Ordinarily in day-to-day physical life, by the common contacts
between one another in society, we come to build up the reflex that to be a man or woman in

current adult form, we must each of us be above five feet in corporal height and over one hundred
pounds in weight. The average man at 35half his allotted span of three score years and
tenshould stand 5 feet 7 inches tall and weigh 152 pounds. The average woman of the same age
should stand 5 feet 6 inches and weigh 144 pounds. Furthermore, we carry around the subconscious
acceptance t hat the soul of each should be of similar dimensions. It is something, we imagine, that
fills that whole of the physical insides of us. Actually, of course, we come by our heights and our
weights strictly from terrestrial conditions. An organic being of mans dimensions gets them from
the size and density of the earth mass that keeps his body attached to it at its spherical surface. Soul
has nothing to do with it. The molecules and atoms of mans physical self find equilibrium in
association at what we call a given density of mass. But right there we run into another
generalization of physics that means next to nothing. Professor A. S. Eddington, celebrated world
physicist at Cambridge University in England, makes this arresting statement in the first chapter of

his book, The Nature of the Physical World

The atom is as porous as the solar system. If we eliminated all the unfilled space in a mans
body and collected his protons and electrons into one mass, the man would be reduced to a speck
just visible with a magnifying glassThe accepted conclusion at the present-day is, that all
varieties of matter are ultimately composed of two elementary constituentsprotons and electrons.
Electrically these are the exact opposites of one another, the proton being a charge of positive
electricity and the electron a charge of negative electricity. But in the other respects their properties
are very different. The proton has 1840 times the mass of the electron so that nearly all the mass of
matter is due to its constituent protons. The proton is not found unadulterated except in hydrogen,
which seems to be the most primitive form of matter, its atom consisting of one proton and one
electron. In other atoms a number of protons and a lesser number of electrons are cemented together
to form a nucleus; the electrons required to make up the balance are scattered like remote satellites
of the nucleus and can even escape from the atom and wander freely through the material. The
diameter of an electron is about 1/50,000 of the diameter of an atom; that of the nucleus is not very
much larger. An isolated proton is supposed to be much smaller still.
This is telling us in cold physics that the proton and electron of the hydrogen atom constitute
2/50,000ths of its bulk, leaving 48/50,000ths of its bulk pure apace. Remember your body is 86
percent water and water is composed of two parts hydrogen to one part oxygen, so roughly
speaking, even in the water content of you, youre about 54 percent hydrogenmore than half your
bulk and weight. And even that one-half-plus is 48/50,000ths pure space. So eliminate all the space
in all your atoms and you could barely be discerned beneath a magnifying glass.
Whats become of the size of your soul in such analysis?
Obvious it cant have anything in common with your atomic-material physical selfat least for
sizeor your spirit as well, if compressed to protons and electrons without interstitial spaces, could
scarcely be seen under a magnifying glass. Which way will you have it? Youve got to have it
one-way or the other.
If your soul is to be thought of as a thing of material dimensions, you must logically ask
yourselfas I remarked earlier in this volumewhether the thing you know as your consciousness
is residing in the compacted protons and electrons or in the interstitial spaces between them? And
look at the predicament youre in. if you say the spaces between the protons and electrons then
youre conceding your soul is something that can live consciously in space without need of protons
and electronsin which event it should be able to exist consciously in free space anywhere and is
something independent of a body needed for existence. By such reasoning, discarnation stands
proven by scientific physics. If you say consciousness lives in the combined field of force or energy
operation made by the existence and performance of the atoms then youre merely subscribing to
my second postulate anew: that consciousness can exist withinor at least across a field of
atomic performance. Which means it can live in free space providing the space is bounded by the
outermost layer of performing atoms.

HE BIOLOGIST-physicistif there be such a creaturedoesnt seem to realize that

whichever end of the yard stick he tries to consider the life mystery of consciousness, hes

defeating or contradicting himself with his own science. The biologist says early chemical forms in
combination produced the phenomenon of self-recognizing galvanic life. The physicist comes
along and says, chemicals out of which you pull your self-recognizing galvanic life are

49,998/50,000ths pure space and the other 2/50,000ths are positive and negative electrical activity
in ether. Comes the Einstein school of scientists that says, we have no way of proving that ether
exists excepting for what seems to happen in it. Where the devil are we at, and isnt one mans
suggestion as good as anothers? Excepting that each and every one of us knows that the atoms
exist and electrons can be separated from protons because of the way theyre doing it on Bikini and
making the whole world look for cover.
The soul, however, I submit in all seriousness, isnt something of a given material or a given size.
It doesnt fill our whole bodies excepting as we have spatial bodies created for us that we all alive
throughout because of cellular and nerve activity. Youre not conscious, however, in your hand or
your foot. Youre only conscious as to your head with brains in itassuming youve got
themand even your brain can be tampered with and operated upon in every part without death
resulting, excepting for the pineal gland. That cant be touched or plus!you're gone. By such
induction we might claim that conscious self-recognition was matter of the pineal gland. And yet I
recognized consciously Mrs. Chapmans red stone bridge 3,000 miles away in Scotland while my
pineal gland was assumedly in my skull in a body in a chair in a New York apartment two weeks
before my giving visual evidences of it to Mrs. Chapman.
What does such a snarled-up mess of contradictory evidence attest?

CLAIM it attestsfrom this and a score of similar phenomena I might describethat

consciousness is something as elemental as electrical automacy and that while it may manifest

in an area of atoms called the field of the cellular body in order to get certain enhancements from
such instrument, actually its independent of materials as to essence.
Following through this reasoning, soul is merely individualized consciousness or the capability
of consciousness to operate as a unit separate and distinct from every other unit. And if it so
operates within a spatial body atomically derived, its sound science to say that it may operate with
equal facility outside a spatial body or outside the cellular interplay of atoms.
In this latter sense, the soul must be imperishable as regards atoms, and personality must survive
physical demise because personality is merely a collective aggregation of memories derived from
experiences in atoms. Without atoms the souls could have no formal experiences, hence its
confusing association with atoms, either inside them in organic performingsthat is,
subjectivelyor outside them in the state called Discarnationthat is, objectively.
Accepting that consciousness is an elemental essence dependent on these two states, a lot of
mysteries begin to clear up which have to remain mysteries, so long as we look at life as basic
biochemical phenomena.
We are all of us as old as the eternal hills because we are derived in the individual instance
from the universal consciousness that wound up the atoms that made the eternal hills. We secured
out individualized consciousness as we progressed up through the biological forms dictated by
terrestrial conditions in the various epochs, and we secured our personalized consciousness as we
traveled up through the physical patterns of genus home into our anthropoidal designs of today.
What we shall be 50,000 or one million years hence. One thing seems certain, the nature and
composition of atoms wont alter without the universe itself altering and becoming something else.
If its been what it has been the past two billion years, and the same for this earth as for the star-sun
Sirius, 50 billion miles away in the southwestern heavens, the chances are that the universe isnt
going to be what alters. But consciousness as consciousness may alter stupendously.

When you ask me therefore, what soul is, I can tell you in understandable logic but when you
ask me what consciousness is, youre asking of me a paradox: the unknown which is knownor the
known which is unknown.
We know, each one of us, what consciousness is because were conscious. But beyond that we
know nothing, and probably never can know anything because its shapeless, sizeless and
substanceless. Its a condition, not a commodity. And being the only condition of its kind in
universality, we have nothing with which to compare it.

OWEVER, why worry about it, if we know what we do know of it by experiencing it? The
man or woman Im writing for at the moment is the confused, life-battered, desolate

individual who cant make head nor tail of the whole mortal parade and feels he or she mightnt be
courting much major loss by jumping off the nearest roof or taking an overdose of sleeping pills to
get the error rectified. What hed get, of course, would be a new shuffle of the factors of lifeas
Im going to show him when I get to suicidebut after Ive told him a few major things he
probably doesn't know about this life, maybe he wont want the reshuffle anyhow.
The trouble with the people who want to call quits on this life is mainly its sterility. Theyve
stopped learning new facts. People, who truly know the life fundamentals, realize that every life is
pretty much life every other life only in some lives we learn more. Ill talk about all that, I say,
when I come to the matte of Suicide. We know what consciousness is because were conscious.
Were in the condition.
No one has to describe it for us. How we got conscious is something else, and what weve done
and are doing with consciousness is still something else. I claim its not important how we got
conscious any more than its important to know how electricity got electrified. It might be
interesting to know as a lay exercise in intellect, but supposing we did know, what difference would
it make and what good would it do us? Since we know the steps to take and the processes to
negotiate to obtain an electric current in a wire, any inquiry beyond that is purely academic. What it
is, in other words, is meaningless because meaning always boils down to some problem in utility.
We know what consciousness is by living it, and the consciousness and living are synonymous.
Since it is doubtful that consciousness once individualized or personified can ever cease to exit, and
since we can create what seem to be new consciousness units for all practical purposes in the
abstract every time we males cause our females to become fertile, the what of consciousness
becomes as meaningless as the what of electricity
Im not writing these volumes for intellectual exercise either for you or for myself. Im writing
these volumes to give you what new light I can on the eternal verities as they apply to, or affect, you
and me. Im interested in the origin of you merely as the background for you as you stack up to me
at present and as we any stack up to each other another million years hence.
Your soul is a sprouting from the universal consciousness state that first became individualized
and personalized. Its the I Am Me realization made unique by its reactions to experiences, which
could only come to it by subjective or objective relations to patterned fields of atoms. Patterned
fields of atoms were necessary to give experiences to you seedling consciousness and thus provide
it with realizations that it was what it was. As it passed through the experiences these realizations
stayed with it, or in it, and became memories that made it individualistic because no two seedlings
of consciousness could have precisely the same adventures in the great entropy of cosmic
complication. As these memories gradually classified through the epochs, they fused into major

significances and little else, gradually becoming what we today call instincts. Finally as the
seedling consciousness became more and more distinctive and developed intellect, becoming
animate in anthropoid physical forms, we began the hectic and arduous task of creating
personalitywhich accelerated sharply when human speech developed human culture and human
Today, at the current point in our progression of personalized consciousness, we have in a
measure ceased relying on species to provide us with instruments for experiences and begun to rely
on varieties of intellect developed in the anthropoid species. But even for all of our consciousness
expansion we are still, as Emerson phrased it, only in the cockcrow and morning star of the real
achievements of consciousness. We are still operating mainly in daily practice on our species
instincts. We arent even over the state yet in which we credit that consciousness itself has an
integrity unto itself and isnt a product of the vehicles we have employed to fetch it up thus far. Our
fused species instincts still persuade us that because the vehicles we have inhabited have been so
real to our senses, because we have had out truly educating experiences while inside them, they are
the cause of our animations instead of their product.
Bodily enhousement is so real to us that we look to the enhousement as a structure as the reason
for the people living in the house, instead of people living in the house to accomplish an end or
serve a purpose. We look through the windows occasionally and see tenantless persons moving
around outside and we cry out in a sort of terror that they are spooks and supernatural. They
arent real because they have no roofs over their heads or walls around them, we chatter, and call
anybody who tries to persuade us they are people exactly like ourselves, charlatans and spiritualists
and crackpots. Of course, we get that way from the illusion that comes to us from forever being
imprisoned in our own four walls, that being imprisoned is the only true form of existence.
Furthermore, because only that which hurts or inhibits, teaches, we forget our own periods between
tenement-dwellings when we are discarnate ourselves, and declare that illusion is the notion we
might be anything other than enhoused.
Of course there are literally thousands of cases when we do rememberjust as young Matt
remembered Guatemala, and the Daniels girl remembered Greece and Egypt, or Hazel and the Ohio
boy remembered experiences with me in Memphisbut when we hear of such instances we squirm
and contort and try to think up some rational explanation whereby they could have happened.
None of it seems to alter the fact, however, that our personalized seedling of consciousness has
grown a long way from its primordial realizations that it was an I Am Me entity, to gain to a life
and humanized body up here in the world culture of the Twentieth Century. I say again, no biologist
to say believes that we humans descended or ascendedfrom apes. But all of us must have
ascended physically from long antedating species and forms that in one branch of sidereal
development resulted in the apes. The problem that arrests us here for the moment is how these
early seedlings from the Master Consciousness found their organic vehicles life upon life when
consciousness itself was too weak and dim to know one form from the other. The need for atomic
forms both organic and inorganicto give us experiences that made consciousness
self -recognizing isnt so difficult to understand. However, lets dwell on it a few moments to make
certain we have a clear conception of it

UPPOSE, by way of illustration, you were a one-cell potential of consciousness, the only one
in the whole universe, come into realization of yourself in an utterly empty Cosmos empty,

that is, of atoms in patterns of forms. Your condition would be similar to that of a shapeless creature
suspended in utter darkness between the worlds. You couldn't fall because there was no place to
land. You couldnt see lights of any stars or suns because no dust existed around you to reflect light
rays and make them visible. You couldnt name where you were because a locality must forever be
identified with some previous or adjacent locality in order to be understandable or describable.
Your condition would be one of simple enduring and naught else beside. You would merely be
enduring in respect to yourself. And because you cannot die, in that your consciousness isnt
situated inside any physical body, you begin to consider what you could do to expand and develop
Well, you brood on your predicament and finally hit on a scheme to put yourself through a series
of happenings called experiences. But you couldnt have adventures all by yourself in utterly empty,
timeless, and unidentifiable space. Adventures must commonly be objectivethat is, happen to
you from origins outside yourself. The only subjective experience you could possibly have would
be to split yourself into two halvesmale and femaleso to have a seemingly separate companion
and one portion talk to the other portion of yourself. But that would come later after you had
provided objective conditions to give you an arena of performance for the two sections of you. You
say to yourself: I cant have adventures making for memories that will gradually individualize and
them personalize me, form formlessness. First I must manufacture shapes in this awful void to give
me a sense of things. Each shape must stand for a thing and each thing must have a shape. How am
I going to get things with shapes that shall come to represent idea? And after I get them, where am I
going to locate them? I have this engulfing void as an arena of performance but what I need within
it is a stagea platform to dramatize this production of my self-development. I have it! I will wind
up atoms made from electrons spinning at incredible rates around prot onic cores. I will create such
a sizable dust-cloud of these minute spinning units that I will form a sphere. This sphere shall be so
sizable that when I use more atoms to create an organic body for myself and place that body for
myself and place that body on the surface of the sphere, I shall lose my realization of its spherical
form and think of it in terms of flatness with the arc of the horizon so imperceptible that I seem to
be operating on a more or less level floor. Then upon this floor as it cools and hardens from the
igneous heat of its own specific gravities I will employ other atoms in combination to make the
shapes of things or things of shapeintend to use to dress the platform on which the coming
twin parts of me shall have their adventures. I will make water for great seas and racks for greats
continents. I will make vegetation to bedeck the continents. I will use other atoms to create a great
dust-cloud in the air envelope around my vast spherical stage so that vibrations coming from far
distant spheres in this void shall be refracted into the phenomenon known as Light and thus locate
my planetary platform so I can recognize the objects dressing it. so I shall have my platform for
adventures, the thousand and one natural features furnishing it, my light to perceive them by and
identify my position in universal space, and my organic self in which to enhouse myself and give a
sense of realism to myself in juxtaposition to all these illusions of atomic realism all about me. Now
what shall my adventures consist of, upon this vast spherical stage, where I am projecting my
similar atomic body built up of my various organs?
Well, first I will split myself into antipodal partsmy male and female selvesand my male
part shall squabble with, and chase my female part about and cause her organic self call our
offspring. That will introduce sex and the adventures attendant on sex reproduction into my
program of increased consciousness. I will play cops and robbers with natural conditions and dare

natural forces to seize on my organic vehiclesand the vehicles of our offspringand destroy
them. Sometimes I shall win and sometimes I shall lose but the exercise of winning or losing shall
give us agility of both consciousness and organs and make us realize stronger and stronger that we
are ourselves. I shall inject the condition known as pain into our organic selves when we lose, in
order that by the imprints of our bodily distresses on consciousness we may begin to compile what
shall be species -memories, making for self-preservation and the survival of the fittest. Gradually as
consciousness individualizes stronger and stronger I shall make improvements in my enhousing
organisms, adapting them the more adroitly to terrestrial conditions and the laws of entropy,
causing them to become ever more complicated. But this shall be my guiding principle in all of it:
That which seems to distress me most shall educate or develop me most.
Of course distress as a program must be interspersed with sequences of delight els e I would
soon lose the distress-sensationI must contrive to preserve the severity of it by continual
contrasts of delights and distresses, happiness and sorrows, lights and shadows, melodies and
discords. Gradually as my masculine sector shall come into perfect equilibrium with my feminine
sector, and as my game of cops and robbers with terrestrial conditions shall have proved my own
invincibility, intellect shall begin to take the place of organism for its own sake. My progeny by
then shall have become so numerous as to project conditions known as society and economics and
politics and even my educating adventures shall be intellectual. I shall attain them to
personalization, all the time growing more and more aware of the tremendous possibilities within
myself and exerting more and more phenomenal efforts to show what I an do in pure consciousness
without the need for organics. But beneath and behind all of it the primal scheme shall be
adventuresincarnate or discarnatethat cause me to produce more and more out of myself,
which from the objective and organic viewpoint shall appear to be growth. Actually it wont be
growth. It will be becoming. I will become this or that as I succeed at increasing the potentials
within myself to realize this and that. And I shall always go on doing this and it shall be known as
my existence, existence and performance being synonymous.

OW ALL this isnt an impertinent attempt to displace God by any effort of the seedling will.
It isnt exactly an account of what happenedthat we have proof of. It is an exposition of a

hypothesis of consciousness development, illustrating cosmic mechanics of a sort and the stage by
which consciousness arrives through organism to individuality and personalization.
Place, and light, and objects, and opposition, and reaction, and contest, and ordeal are al
requisite to the greater and greater becoming of consciousness, and without them consciousness
is mere witless endurance in cosmic void, existent but nonfunctioning. Patterned atomsthat is,
electrical impulses formed into shapes that have a constant identity and become recognized as
different thingspermit of the items known as Ideas. Ideas give birth to memories and memories
give birth to comparisons. Comparisons gestate logic and logic gestates the creation o intellect, or
adroitness in thinking from the concrete picture images of things to the abstract considerations of
them. When that point is reached, Consciousness is in full function, growing stronger and more
potent with, and by, each succeeding exercise.
When we take such view of the Life Plan we begin to clear up one mystery after another.
Evolution begins to make sense and coordinate with the organization of symbolisms identified as
religion. The mathematical precisions of physics fit into the picture. So as well do prenatal
memories and the accomplishments of psychics. A big and beautiful dramatic harmony begins to

appear behind the seeming incongruities and exigencies of animate existence.

The universe has some head and tail and rhyme and reason to it.

SAY that behind the great enigma of you there is a stupendous cosmic history. There is

overshadowing all, the crowning feat of your own Soulcraft. You have done a bigger and vaster

job than you truly have the faint est conception of, browbeaten and harassed as you are by the
inhibitions and limitations set for you in narrowness, stupidity and bigotry by the little brain
strapped lives around you, I dont care who you are or what your role in the current act of the
consciousness drama. Christ Himself declared, according to His word come down to us in John
10:34, I say ye are gods, and it doth not yet appear what ye shall be
What could He been referring to but exactly what Im herein sketching for you?
You see, Im earnestly making you a great cosmic character instead of a little temporary
accident of mortal birth sandwiched in between the past and the future and doomed to death and
extinction when your physical heart quits beating. I say youve got capabilities and potentials
proving these things, which you dont dream you possess, and which dogmatized theology frowns
on your realizing you possess.
Its my personal contentionand you can believe it or not that no matter what your race, creed,
color or political or social belief, if you could be subjected to Matts experience at the hands of the
erudite Doctor in my third-floor office on 15th Street in Washington, D. C. in 1931, youd fess up
and lay everything open and bare about your past sequences of consci ousness in mortal bodies, the
countries youve lived in, the various tongues youve spoken, the great world dramas you may have
played a role in, perhaps the illustrious deeds youve performed that the memory-veil has been
temporarily dropped upon. And Im not writing this merely to make you feel you may truly be
somebody in this harsh world after all, and acquire a benevolent sensation toward yourself and
toward me, but because of the self-evident fact that you possess the intelligence to live in this
Twentieth Century and read and reasonably understand this book.
You simply couldnt be the personage you are, unless youd served something of the aforesaid
Intelligence, I maintain is a development, an unfolding, a flowering, a becoming if you please,
not a second-hand inheritance, I dont care how many hot and cold sliding staircases your ancestors
had in their patrician apartments or how many or how few collegiate degrees your parents or
grandparents had after their names. And Im not exactly a novice in my knowledge of the laws of
biology and heredity, as Ill undertake to convince you before these volumes are finished.
Weve merely gotten twisted up on these laws of biological inheritance because weve
overlooked the great fund amental in this animate world that like attracts like. Your grandparents
and parents genes may have prescribed the wave of your hair, the color of your eyes and the
graceor clumsinessof your bodily movement. That I grant. But the intellect that has appeared
with the arrival of your specific consciousness upon this mortal scene, I contend is yours alone. You
suffered to obtain it and attain it and no one brand of intelligence, your quality of consciousness,
your exhibits of individuality and personality are the record of your own distinctive and private
craft of soul in reaching the point in earthly Cosmos youve attained in this lifeand all honor to
you for the heroic record.
You see, I appreciate you even if your wife or husband or family or neighborhood doesntand
again I say, Im looking at you as an arrived Product, not merely striving to win friends and

influence people. Im asking you in return to think as much of yourself as Im forced to think of you
because of what your intellect demonstrates, as one who knows more of the pathway youve come
up by than the average theologian, sociologist or psychologist. You see, Ive specialized in the
discarnate performings and exhibitings of Cosmos and the theologian, sociologist or psychologist
has merely specialized in the tenets, which his textbooks have taught himwritten by authorities
as circumscribed as himself.
I declare, youve got to get outside of life to see it clearly and see it whole. You must, in other
words, get outside the enhousement of your own organism to appreciate the agilities and triumphs
of your own Soulcraft.
Its no new doctrine Im preaching. Its a very hoary and trite old doctrine. But Ive observed
and discovered a lot of phenomenal evidence bearing upon it that gives it new significance,
symmetry and sense.
To be thorough, however, lets go back apiece and look to these early organic forms of
consciousness in the possible hope that we say distinguish how you in your early forms transported
yourself from organism to organism and epoch to epoch

Chapter XIII



HERE have been many theories advanced for the appearance of life on this planet and
some of them we should know about, if only to use them for more significant deductions.
The first is Vitalism.

Vitalism goes back as far as the history of science is recorded. It gained to its most concrete

formulation during the early part of the Eighteenth Century. The Vitalists at that period abandoned
attempts to explain life processes on a physico-chemical basis almost entirely and assumed that an
unknown and unknowable, all-controlling, mystical, hyper mechanical force was responsible for all
living processes. Of course, such an assumption in such a form is a negation of the scientific
method and removes the problem from the realm of scientific investigation altogether. However,
taken by and large, all biologists of the present admit that, however erudite, they are utterly unable
to give an adequate explanation of the fundamental life processes in terms of physics and chemistry.
In ultimate analysis everything is incomprehensible and the whole object of science is to
reduce the incomprehensibilities to the smallest number.
Vitalism, as you can discern, isnt far removed from the explanations of revealed religion,
only in place of the hyper mechanical force, religion puts the designation, God. Lets leave it for the
moment. Well come back to it.
Next to consider is the Cosmozoa Theory. This rests on the materialistic assumption that only
life itself can create life, that you cant get animated consciousness from nonliving ingredients and
that if life appeared on this earth while it was c comparatively new planet, it never originated here
but came from somewhere else. Living germs starting the organic evolution must have reached
earth after long journeys through interstellar space inside meteorites, despite incredible experiences
with heat and coldor they might have been swept up by the new planet as it hurtled through
cosmic dust-clouds and presenting favorable terrestrial conditions, gave such living germs the
chance to generate as earths flora and fauna. This theory merely passes responsibility for the
creation of life to some foreign planetary system or condition, and reduces the life phenomenon
mostly to an item of transportation.
Pflugers Theory faced the question of the chemical basis for life squarely. He was the first to
call attention to the fundamental difference in the nitrogenous radicals of what he termed dead
proteinsan egg albumenand living proteins taking an active part in the economy of
protoplasm, since the nitrogenous decomposition products of the latter contain either the cyanogens
radical or can be artificially produced from compounds of cyanogens by atomic arrangement. This
suggested to Pfluger the probability that the cyanogens radical is an integral part of the molecular

complex of living proteins, and since in the formation of cyanogens a large amount of heat is
absorbed, it follows this radical possesses a large amount of internal energy and thus with it there is
introduced into the living matter energetic internal motion.
Pflugers suggestion that the protein molecules of living protoplasm owe their diagnostic
characteristics in particular their liabilityto cyanogens is supported, he believes, by certain
analogies between cyanogens compounds and living proteins. Indeed, he claims, the similarity
is o great that I might term cyanic acid a half-living moleculewhen we think of the beginning of
organic life, we must not think primarily of carbonic acid and ammonia, for they are the end of life,
not the beginningThe beginning lies rather in cyanogens. Pointing out that cyanogens and its
compounds arise only in incandescent heat, he holds that life is derived from fire and its
fundamental conditions were laid down at a time when the earth was still an incandescent ball.
Thus living material owes its genesis to cyanogens compounds, which, on account of their tendency
to decomposition, entered into relations with carbon compounds arising at similar temperatures.
When the temperature conditions of the earths surface permitted the precipitation of water, this
with the salts and gases in solution joined the growing cyanogens-carbon complex and gave rise to
the highly labile protein molecules so characteristic of protoplasm. Thus, according to Pflugers
hypothesis, arose a relatively simple, homogeneous material from which has been evolved the
highly differentiated protoplasmic masses or cells of organic life today.
There is sound chemical sense in much of Pflugers argument, but take note that while it essays
to explain protoplasmic animation, it doesnt explain consciousness. It doesnt account for the
formation of memory or the moral attributes that contribute to a high degree of the I Am Me
phenomenon. Why should protoplasmic animation have the ability to remember? What has
cyanogens to do with the apparent fact that I can stretch my sense of self -awareness three thousand
miles eastward from New York, back four hours and ahead two weeks in terrestrial time?
Moore comes forward with a different presentation of suggestions. He proposes the origin of life
from the inorganic elements of the cooling earth by a continuation of the slow process of
complexification, which he sees inherent in matter. This note, he says, cannot be too strongly
sounded, that as matte is allowed capacity for assuming complex forms, those complex forms
appear. As soon as oxides can be there, oxides appear: when temperature admits of carbonates.
Then carbonates are forthwith formedNext in order of development prior to life, inorganic
colloids begin to show in solution, or suspension, in the waters of the cooling globe. Alumina and
silica, deposited in colloidal form, are seen in many sedimentary rocks. Single molecules existing
in solution and capable of forming colloids, with alterations in temperature and in chemical
reaction of environment, begin to form complexor solution aggregates in which the unit of
chemical structure passes from the atom to the molecule. Moore then states in a general way as a
law universal in its application to all matter, although varying in intensity in different types of
matter, and holding throughout all space as generally as the law of gravitationa law which might
be called the Law of Complexity: the matter so far as its energy environment will permit, tends to
assume more and more complex forms in labile equilibrium. Atoms, molecules colloids and living
organisms arise as a result of the operations of this law, and in the higher regions of complexity it
induces organic evolution and all the many thousands of living forms.

ERY INTERESTING. Only in practical life it seems to be the rule that the more complex a
thing is, the less efficient it shows itself because the parts require the consumption of so much

energy required to produce the product. Besides, complexity without intelligences is mere
heterogeneous mass, and from whence was derived the intelligence to make complexity
efficient? from the complexity itself? Allen comes forward with a theory that life in its earliest
stage wasnt organic at all, only diffuse substances trading in energy and at all, only diffuse
substances trading in energy and Froland would wrap the later life phenomenon about the
It would seem to the most open-minded individual that what all these chemists and biologists
are saying is, I have caught a bug and got him on his back. Now its up to me to explain why he
moves his legs. And they start the great chemical search into bug anatomy while any schoolboy
could explain that the bug moves its legs because the bug is mad at being turned upon its back and
greatly wants to get over on its legs to move into a nice dark crack with maximum dispatch.
The chemical and biological scientists, in other words, are researching in alien media for the life
secret. Life isnt animation; life is consciousnessalthough we commonly say of a moving
automobile that it is a live car. Consciousness is self-realization; able to function subjectively
though it never moves a muscle outwardly or commits one act objectively. Thousands of hapless
folk have suffered what the medicos term complete paralysis, unable to move a muscle, even to
wink an eyelid, yet they have been alive and conscious of the sensation of enduring. You say, Well,
the heart and bloodstream moved at any rate else death would have been automatic. But don't be
too certain of that. Im not at all sure theres any such thing as automatic death; Im not at all sure
there maynt be case where the sentient or conscious spirit is still in the body for hours after the
heart has quit and the bloodstream ceased. Tell me there the spirit resides during suspended
animation? What about people who have been resuscitated by artificial respiration after drowning,
or given injections of methylene blue?
The scientist can tell me how to build a bridge and of what stress to carry a crack passenger train,
or how to make fifty-two synthetic products from the humble peanut. But life that rides in the train
or consumes the peanut is an element in another domain of inquiry. Would you, or would you not,
call in a taxidermists to operate on Aunt Sallys gall stones merely because the taxidermist treats
commercially of anatomy?
In a sense, I suppose, we ought to be honest enough to label ourselves Vitalists of a new school,
only we cant plead that as scientistsor at least researchersin consciousness our subject is
unknown or unknowable. Each and every mothers son and fathers daughter of us is a living
attestment that consciousness is both known and knowable. How it started isnt so important as
what it has done and what it can do. Perhaps it never did start any more than electricity started.
Given right conditions for it, it manifested. In this sense, the first set of right conditions might be
said to have marked the start of consciousness, but who or what postulated the conditions? We
are chasing the devil around the stump to make him divulge, which came first, the chicken or the
egg? Maybe the first egg wasnt an egg that came from a mother fowl, anyhow. Maybe it was a
manifestation of Allens diffuse materials trading in energy.
What concerns us is the expansion of consciousness that results to us from going
amongand in and out of atomic patterns to us from going amongand in and out of atomic
experiences and collecting memories that we can use to construct more and more capable
personalities. In this we may disclose ourselves as being more philosophical than scientific, but
whether we come to know ourselves from philosophy, science, or membership in the Ku-Klux-Klan,
the gesture is to know ourselves past and present for the sake of what we shall presently be in the


AKE NOTE in all of that Im not striving to prove my point of nondrying mind by any
extensity compilation of psychical research anecdotes or happenings at sances that would

unquestionably seem or prove survival. Books of communication episodes are a dime a dozen in
any Spiritualistic library, and while the individual may be convinced from a given demonstration
that Uncle Tom or Aunt Mable are still around, though their physical remains may be out in the
cemetery beneath a headstone, such proofs are forever personal. Narrations of major happenings
like the Mayan experts lifted memory or the Experiment with Time in the Blackmoor Heath
experience have been introduced and told at considerable length to validate the capabilities of
Consciousness more than its survival. My object in adding this particular volume to the Soulcraft
library is to show through logic that the Psychical Vitalists can make out a better case accounting
for mortality than the biologists and chemistswho can make out practically none whatever.
Always and forever, in my own mind, when thinking of the rationality of ego imperishability, its
Eddington and not Darwin or Huxley who presents the most sensible hypothesis for the perpetuity











999,999,999/1,000,000,000ths free space, yet my consciousness is functioning within the ensemble

of its atomic residue. If it can do so in the free space inside my physical self at the moment, whats
to stop I from functioning in free space universally? If I can expand my consciousnesswhatever
that term impliesfrom a chair in a New York apartment to manifest for a lady seated amid heather
three thousand miles eastward, why do I require the body in the New York flat at all? If Jack Lawler
could know what I said to my dog Laska one morning on an Altedena hilltop while his body lay in a
San Antonio hammock, how was his mental return so essential? If young matt could recall a
sun-sacrifice in Maya back over a couple of thousand years, by what argument would he be unable
to recall all of todays experiences in flesh in the year 3,000 A. D.? Such episodes are
demonstrations of the capabilities of self-awareness under natural conditions, regardless how
In short, its what Consciousness can do by examples of what it has done, that are the essential
factors in our equation, not whether or not we may be certain of personal survival because at last
nights sance a spirit calling himself Cousin Harry recalled an incident at Lake Hathaway when the
Jennings girl rocked the boat and got a good wetting and what her comments were when Cousin
Harry rescued her. When prolonged study of thousands of psychical cases turn up more or less
similar results, we can base soul survival on what become well-nigh laws of the process. Already I
perceive that Im by no means going to be able to expound all these laws of the process in this
one volume, considering my material, but at least making continuity of the personality reasonable,
should score where dozens of circumstantial episodes do not. The skeptic cant personally check on
the circumstantial episodes but he should be able to check on logic premised on natural science.
Know what the soul is, in so far as mortal limitations permit us to grasp it, and its more
extraordinary escapades do not seem so extraordinary.

ERALDING Cummins in the remarkable story of her psychical recordings, Unseen

Adventures, remarks on the British scientist who called on her one rainy afternoon when she

was ill and sought to cheer her by exclaiming, How little each individual matters! After all, what
are you? Merely a slowly decaying bit of fungus on a fifth-rate planet! She declares she preferred

the intellectual honesty of Dr. J. B. Rhine who asked, What are we human beings, you and I? No
one knows.
Rhine is right, up to a point. Identification of any sort is arrived at by comparing one thing with
other things, perhaps equally unknowable. But its not identifications academically that we want.
We want recognitions.
Each and every one of us is a self -aware principle in Nature that can expand to infinity in
capabilities by undergoing experiences. Can we even define God Himself as being more? And after,
what would it matter? Were not in existence to draw personal comparisons alongside Deity
because, come right down to it, nobody knows what God is, either. Were in existence to discover
our own capacities and capabilities for maximum awareness of reactions to circumstances. Its
forever a self-exploration, so long as the ingredient of progressive growth is in us. The eternality of
the soul is merely a feature of such growth limitlesslythough it requires a separate book to
describe it.
One of the most sterile oversights, which man can make is the assumption that because the
world of life is what we behold it today, it has always been so, that the present is but the past on a
vaster scale and that a thing created progresses in a straight course to some aspect of completion.
Our considerations, however, take for granted that the instants inspection of the thing is all that the
thing comprises. A thing begun has not has not revealed the entirety of its purpose. A thing
completed is no longer before us for consideration at all. So we are always looking at things in the
middles of their exhibiting and accepting that their appearances fully inform us of their natures. We
do not grasp that nothing in current aspect can be looked at for what it is, with any hope of truly
understanding it, because in proceeding toward completion it is ever in a state of change. And
particularly must this be true of man himself. God does not judge him, the Bible tells us, till the end
of his daysthat is, for what he indicates as a totality after all expression has ended its performance.
By the same token, we are only limiting and handicapping ourselves when we decide that man in
any development of mortality is this or that. How do we know till we behold what his completion
represents? So to attempt any understanding of what mans completion is to be, we should take as
many cues as possible from his myriad commencements. You, yourself, do not know exactly what
you are, because you are by no means completed as yet. And maybe, who knows, you are of an
essence that never SHALL be completed?
One thing we can assure ourselves of, and small room for contradictionassuming you pursue
these studies to some profundity. That one thing is the fact, attested by ten thousand episodes, that
the laws of Consciousness transcend practically every law applying to, or governing, atomic
materials. Such being so, the material scientist rules himself out of any quest for the secret of Life.
No one in his sense seeks to classify conditions of delimitation by conditions that exist only by
reason of limitation.
Of course the scientific specialist in limitation does arrest us with one point of challenge
when he demands, If the soul and self -aware consciousness be synonymous when exploring in
delimitation, how can you rationalize the fact that Consciousness is not perpetual? The normal
human being is certainly not conscious while conscious while sleeping, nor while undergoing an
anesthetic, nor when knocked senseless by a blow on the chin or solar plexus. Dont try to argue
you can be conscious and nonconscious at the same time. If you fall asleep for half an hour, during
which you know nothing, why cant you fall asleep for twenty thousand years and know nothing?
And in such even, why havent you perished? Particularly if you concede youve vacated and

abandoned your body?

Well, I don't propose to equivocate in facing it. Actually the question of Self-Effacement, known
popularly as Suicide, is a phase of it. So lets explore that next, together with the subconscious
and the super conscious. Then in my final chapter, I want to talk a few pages about Soul Traits in

Chapter XIV



SAID, some two hundred and seventy-four pages back, that you were something new in this
world, that never since the dawn of Time had there ever been anot her exactly like you and
never again throughout all the ages of the future would your like be precisely duplicated.

When you really face this thought, and fully assimilate it, life itself alters decidedly for you.
The Almighty, or whatever the First Cause has been behind Nature, must have had a particular
purpose in mind when He or It projected the thinking unit thats yourself and put all the millions of
years that may lie behind you into producing exactly the Soul that you are at this moment. Im
serious about this. Deprecating yourself, as the cynic perpetually persuades you to do, that youre
only a bit of rotting fungus on a fifth-rate planet, probably spawned by Chance and scarce meaning
a thing in the vast congregate of omniversal affairs, not only libels you as a creation but libels as
well your Creator. It implies that Divine Providence gives Its august intellect to projecting
nonessentials. Moreover, it discounts and invalidates all your potentials.
The cynic might think twice about your importance to the universe if youd managed to
accumulate fifty million dollars or gotten your name for some activity in all the more expensive
encyclopedias. Hed forget all about the probabilities of your being fungus in his eagerness to get a
ten thousand dollar loan from you, or hed send his children to the same college attended by your
children, that they might brag in later years in their eminent collegiate associations. But what my
higher friends tell me, of the more consequential import is, that Cosmos regards each one of us for
our potentialsthat is, what we have within us thats capable of somewhat breathless development.
What are we being shaped for, by experience, in the great celestial end, in other words? Jesus seems
to have been engaged in the self-same thought when He remarked on a certain occasion that not a
sparrow falleth to the ground without your Father knowing, and verily the hairs of your head are all
numbered. Why bother to number the hairs on the head of a bit of inconsequential decaying
fungus providing thats what each of us is and no more? When I started this volume Id hoped to
go extensively into a delineation of what our celestial potentials are, but I see I can't do it. The data
of our cosmic backgrounds, quite as essential, has been too heavy, granting Ive only scratched the
surface of it. What I need is another book, predicated on this book, that teats strictly of the Soul in
its significance of eternalityyet in which every anecdote Ive touched upon, comes in for
pertinent classification.
This future of the individual soul isn't so veiled or enshrouded in philosophical mystery as the
psychical illiterate assumes. The number and allocation of the Planes succeeding earth-life are
known, and much of their increments from experience on each one is known. Granting that some of

it is temporarily nonunderstandable in our physical limitations, that alters not the facts of
The average spiritual illiterate, progressed no higher in celestial wisdom then concepts of the
orthodox Heave with its pearly gates and jasmine streetsassumes that he arrives there, if hes
lucky, and stays there through all eternity. Apparently he does nothing of the sort. He finds himself
in a condition where its equally as necessary for him to have character-developing experiences as
upon this plane of mortality. The earth-plane is merely the lowest, slowest, and grossest vibration of
Matter. Each higher plane is comparable to the mortal condition, in that it contains situations in
which the individual is involved, expanding the quality of his consciousness and teaching him
discrimination and acumen. Theres the great Summerland plane, as the Spiritualists describe it,
where the vast rank-and-file of mediocre personalities congregate, the Plane of Illusion, the Plane
of Color, then the Plane of Flam. The soul may tarry for ten thousand years in each one, time being
no factor in eternity, but always theres the tug of Progression annoying him. There are higher
reaches of spiritual activity into which his friends, relatives or associates are disappearing one by
one. His curiosity is whetted and he aspires to climb higher. Of course he cant do it unless the
capabilities of his character cause him to merit it, because without a character developed to exist on
those planes, he simply wouldnt stay long.
According to the remarkable data being dispatched back to terra firma by no less a scientist than
F. W. H. Myerswho during his mortality was one of the leading lights of the British Society for
Psychical Research along with A. Conan Doyle and Sir Oliver Lodgefrom the Plane of Flame,
individual soul-units proceed to incarnate in universes, which is a trifle incomprehensible to us,
but which nonetheless find authentication in certain mystical passages of the Golden Spirits of
Soulcraft. The Elder Brother, in explaining the constituency of The Host tells about vast
concourses of souls who have surmounted the educational experiences of all planes under them
but not yet equipped themselves to incarnate in universes. These, in orthodox biblical
phraseology, constitute the Angelic Host of folklore and allegory. But what does He mea,
incarnate in universe?
Apparently Hes referring to Consciousness expanding to such a degree that it can assume
supervision as a sort of sub-god over whole planetary systems in Cosmos and be equipped to
supervise and direct heir manifold activities. Myers goes so far as to intimatefrom what hes
learned as a scientist since attaining to the loftier levels that each soul in its Upward Progression
has an experience coming to it of associating its psyche with the destiny of some stellar assembly
far out in uncharted Space, where it dwells for an unmarked period of time as the
group-consciousness of all living beings exercising on those multiple stellar orbs. When Soulcraft
refers to the speakings of the Master in respect to The Host, its covering the same subject that
Myers referred to in Beyond Human Personality when he said, All the germinative and formative
processes go on during a materialized existence on some blazing star. The prevalent conditions,
under which the roots of plants, and of all vegetation exist during winter, are creative and are going
on the whole time. Equally the life of solar man is formative and m ay be said to be creative of
cosmic personality. No sudden leap can be made from the Fourth to the Fifth plane, from an
enlarged eternalized human personality to that grander, more sublime conception, the Cosmic Self.
There must be this second experience in matter, the struggle to break from these last confining
bonds of the material worlds, the final resurrection when the freed psyche soars into these lofty
regions wherein the beings finds the full comradeship of all those others who belong to his spiritual

family, to his psychic tribe. At last he is able to bid farewell to Form as a necessity, to color and to
feeling as a certainty, a condition of life, and he seeks his true home in SpaceThe travail of that
objective solar period might be likened to the process I have described as the Breaking of the Image!
He enters for a while into that condition of cosmic harmony, which Christ has described by saying
The Kingdom of Heaven is within you. He seeks and finds the Holy Spirit and is enfolded into Its
serene tranquility. But the road still lies before the traveler from valley to hill, from lesser peak to
loftier summit. Forced by his own ethical and ascetic yearning, he must still journey on, facing
stress and struggle for the sake of the victory, with the triumphant reward of harmonized cosmic
relationship with his MakerHe begins to know gradually the meaning of the Many in One.
He perceives and registers instantaneously numerous thoughts, feelings, and fields of vision,
whereas a human being only registers one at a time. How may I explain to you all that it means to
register numbers of things, not in sequence but in this cosmic manner, together, as one act of
imaginative thought? It is indeed essential for the soul to have the actual experience of this
widening of being before any conception can be framed of its extraordinary and altered character,
of the glimpsing of wide horizons thereby and of the infinities that can gradually be envisaged, or
of what it means to understand such external universe and to enter into the mighty kingdom I have
named the memorial life of the group -soul and psychic tribeThe aspirant, seeking initiation into
the full consciousness of the Fifth Plane, scans the past experiences that were the lot of his many
comrade souls; they make for him a present, and part of that present are the experiences of all the
Terrene world inspired by his groupthose discarnate beings who are living on various levels of
consciousness in the Afterlife, those solar men who play out their drama within the deeps of the
skies, in the very core of the universe. He must learn to witness and to experience gloriously all
these manifestations of imagination, all loneliness and isolation, and integral harmony with the One
Supreme IdeaThrough such manifold labor he finds himself at last. He becomes a spiritual being
and is continually conscious, though I use the term advisedly. It has a far deeper, grander
significance than any of the Wise men of earth have ever attributed to it in transcendent imaginary
Soulcrafts compatriot, Geraldine Cummins of London, took a whole book of such material
from Myers in 1935, which Soulcraft may yet publish in America, giving this great scientists
delineation of the heights hed learned that mans soul reaches in the Ultimate. Its so far above any
churchs grasp of the magnitudes of spiritual attainment as to make the New Testament a piece of
Mother Goose folklore in its so-called celestial delineations.
My purpose at the moment, however, as I near the end of this present Soulcraft volume is to jolt
the average man and woman out of his phelgmatism, in assuming the Afterlife is as simple as he has
always had portrayed to him, and disclose to him that when Jesus remarked, Hath it not been said
in your law ye are gods? He was talking about a literal happening in the present human instance

E ARE all Christs in kindergarten, when we come right down to it.

These worlds of matter are the slow motion of the universe. This earth-plane where we

expend ourselves in this and that, is really the lowest of all the planes of Consciousness that divine
spirits inhabit in their celestial curriculums, and its about time we grasped it. When Our Lord said,
when I asked Him what we could put forth as the epitome of His teachings, the fact that every
soul, no matte how tragic, no matter how broken or thwarted, has a meaning and an Inner Glory and
is precious in My sight, He was giving away the whole secret of terrestrial identity of godhood.

When Prof. J. B. Rhine declared that nobody knew what men and women were, he was saying
the same thing in a different aspect. They are divine beings, starting their cosmos-long programs of
tutelage to bring out their mighty and even omnipotent potentials for ruling over solar systems not
yet created. Being such, their consciousness element cannot suspend, cannot arrest, and cannot
abdicate. You and I, each of us, are composed of the same cosmic eternalities of which God
Himself is composedwhich Christ displayed before us as the highest exhibit of attainment, which
the earthly classroom is capable of turning out. Would Jesus make a loud hoot of derision if
someone happened to remark in His hearing that He was obviously divine? Why do we do it in
respect to ourselves when someone says the same of us?
Get your thinking up onto this rarified octave, and what are picayune bumps and bruises and
dilemmas and predicaments, which you and I encounter in day-t o-day living? Our name is John
Smith or Mary Jones, and we live on a side street in a house with a leak in the west roof, and the
youngest child is growing adenoids, and the breaks are loose on our motorcar ad we havent the
money to get them repaired, and the oldest boy has started going with a girl who we suspect to be a
mopsy, and business is rotten, and is the increasing pain in mothers side a cancer, and what did the
boss at the shop mean Thursday afternoon when he said, There ought to be more efficiency around
this joint, and if it doesnt develop pretty quick somebody is going to get fired and not hired over
again? That these are all picayune complications to cultivate the solar man within us doesnt occur
to us in a month of Sundays. And yet thats what were headed for, up ten million years. Its al too
mammoth for our baby intelligences to grasp, and yet Life Itself proposes to take care of that and
see that through manifold experience we do come into mentality to get it.
We are all Christs in kindergarten, true enough. And all these are kindergarten bickerings and
complications affecting us now. Soulcraft breaks through the crust of your phlegmatism and cries,
Listen! Youre a god! For heavens sake, be a god and not a sniveling apology for a mere
human being!
All of which brings me to mention a matter Ive wanted to talk about for a half-dozen
chaptersthe people who get so crossed up in their own littleness that the suddenly throw up their
hands and say, Ive had enough of it. I want to quit and be a cipher!
I mean the spiritual failures who resort to what we term Suicide

UICIDE, actually, is slapping the Divine Father in the face and declaring, I havent the
slightest desire to attain to Your stature. Im sick of the whole program before its begun.

Please include me out! You put something high and difficult in my pathway to make me cultivate
the spiritual muscles to jump over it, and you shouldnt have done that. You should have made
things easy for me, because Im very frail and delicate and ought to be pampered in this Long
Climb up the worlds ahead of me. The fact that I got the equations all out of balance in my life
through my own infantile ignorance and perversity, brought me to a situation where I had no
alternative but snuffing myself out. I wanted no more of this education that would possibly make
me a Christ up ten millions years, so I took the whole box of the sleeping pills at one gulp to end it.
Coming right down to it, what an asininity!

VE HAD a lot of suicided souls get into post mortem communication with me up across the

twenty-seven years Ive been exploring the psychical research, and do you know what one and
all say to me as having happened to them?

Well, first, they found themselves in a massive void, without a single clue anywhere to indicate
where they where or what was due to happen to them next. The very thing theyd hoped to have
happen to themutter blankout of consciousnesswas exactly the thing that hadnt happed to
them. All theyd destroyed by their suicidal act had been organic vehicles and sense of location.
They still could think. That meant they still had all their problems.
But theyd destroyed voluntarily the very instrumentalities by which they might have solved
those problems.
One woman in particular whod snuffled herself out by the sleeping-pill route, said that she
woke up in the blackest void shed ever supposed possible, and felt herself in the center of it
without a single unit of intelligence with whom she might communicate within a distance of
fifty-five miles. Nobody wanted to contact her because shed made it plain by her act of
self -destruction that she henceforth wanted no communication with anybody. Well, shed gotten her
She was five or six days in that Stygian black, without a glimmer of light in any direction. Shed
arisen into that p lane directly next to slow-motion earth-life known as Hades to the ancients. The
Catholic Church calls it Purgatory. As she got to her feet in her etheric body, she didnt know
whether she was due to bump into an iron wall three feet from her or step over a yawning
abyss-edge that might plunge her two miles downward. She groped and sobbed and blundered
about this locality for an indefinite period before she faintly perceived at a great distance the figure
of her beloved mother striving to locate her. From her mother, it was, she learned the enormity of
what she had committed.
The consciousness shed hoped to blank out was the one thing she never could blank out,
because it was the very God-essence of her as an individual. Shed had a war to flight with Destiny
but of her own volition shed maliciously wrecked and ruined and destroyed her arsenal of weapons.
What suicide had done for her was to render her helpless.
Gradually she learned what constituted the enormity of her offense. No God awaited her
appearance before Him anywhere, at which He should pronounce her anathema and order the
manhole cover to be taken off hell and her living body shoved down the aperture to fall into eternal
fires. What shed done was to make a complete and irretrievable mess of ten thousand splendorful
appointments that had been scheduled for her up the normal years of her life, short-suiting herself
of all the indescribable increments that were otherwise to accrue to her soul in result of them. Shed
literally applied the stigma of Cosmic Slacker to her personality, that she wasnt a person to be
trusted in the making of karmic appointments, that she didnt have what it took to battle her way
upward into celestial attainments that would have made her a princess in her own right over tens of
millions who might otherwise have loved and venerated her.
The thing I did, she reported to me, was actually as insane as grabbing up an iron fork and
plunging its tines into my eyeballs, destroying my God-given sight merely because my glasses
fitted poorly and sometimes tickled my nose.
Of course the benighted pray that such an erring one may be forgiven. But what is there to
forgive? The subject has done a certain thing unto himself. He is the one to suffer the penalties
from denying himself the vehicular instruments of improvement and progress. If youre flying in an
airplane through storm, does forgiveness enter into your lighting a stick of dynamite and exploding
your plane around you because you dont relish the noise the thunderbolts?
My lady-communicant said that she simply had to work the whole thing over again from scratch.

She had to posses herself of the cosmic fundamentals applying to her predicamentwhich had
largely been one of self-ostracism fro her kind, and spend innumerable years persuading friends and
colleagues that, given a second opportunity to meet them in earth-life and work out her
soul=dramas with them, she positively would not defect on them. What she met in the great cosmic
scene however, was the jeering taunt, Prove itthen Ill trust you with my life and destiny a
second time. You see, vast numbers of souls with whom we have karmic adjustments, go into life
along with us each time were born, and its no joke to them if we suicide some rainy aft ernoon and
leave them in the lurch.
Incidentally, I cant subscribe to the fantastic story originating somewhere that suicides are
committed to a frigid existence on the dark side of the moon. Why drag the moon into it? The Dark
Side of Human Repudiations is a bad enough predicament. We ask for social ostracism from our
kind, and we get it. Whereat we discover that its not what we supposed it. Whereat we discover
that its not what we supposed it. we want back in to the normal and loving relationships with our
group souls, but weve forfeited our rights to them by demonstrating were moral and spiritual
weaklings. It takes us a long, long time to fight back. Millions do make it, but they are forced to live
with their own consciences the while.
I had a compassionate lady in the Midwest write me not so long since: My darling brother
committed suicide a year ago, what in the world can I do to help extirpate his crime of
Frankly, there almost nothing one can do. Suicide is murder committed with premeditation and
malice aforethought against the self. Its well-nigh a repudiation of ones own godhood, serving
notice on the Almighty that one doesnt approve of His world and the methods prescribed in it for
growing strong, fine, resolute and dependable Character that lifts one up into the Higher Heavens
and Planes of Color radiance and Stellar super-Consciousness. Granted its consummated in
ignorance and desperationwhat excuse is that for shutting the intellect to Cosmic Consciousness,
by destroying the poor atomic vehicle that provides our elementary tutelage? So when next your
entertain the secret wish that you could end it all, ask yourself this
What opinion would you have entertained of the character of Jesus if Hes privately urged
Simon Peter to go get him a razor that last night in Gethsemane, in order to slash His throat from ear
to earthat the pain of the nails of next days cross might not hurt Him so much?
Remember this always:It takes master-courage to be a Christ.A nd you cant cheat or ingratiate
yourself into the master-consciousness of the Solar Man or Solar Woman you will one day be, with
anything short of the simon -pure stamina that evolves from passing the tests of experience with
triumphant verve.
The one great thing you cant do, being the embryonic god that you are, is to obliterate
Consciousnesswhich the suicide generally hopes to do by swallowing the lethal pills or turning
on the suffocating gas. The very essence of Consciousness itself is You! You are eternal as the hills
and the worlds and the constellations are eternal. Could you destroy the Andromeda Nebula by
quaffing a phial of arsenic?
We are each of us eternal particles of Holy Spirit, imperishably going on! Consciousness is the
insignia of our Godhood.
You are never going to die! could be emblazoned as a tattoo on the foreheads of the human
race for all those born up the next million years.
Suppose we actually came to believe it! Would we be caterwauling as we are, because tonights

news carrier didnt leave the evening paper?

Fie on us as gods! Why not concede were just drooling infants in celestial cribs, gurgling at
toys dangled before us and disgustingly and heedlessly wetting our diapers.
Yet we are seedling gods!

Chapter XV


KNOW its unthinkable, in your present state of progression toward Cosmos-Consciousness,

to entertain any fantasy that such a thing is either possible or likelyincarnating your
personality as any stellar luminary in, say, the Milky Way. You would cry to me from the

limitations of mortal ideology, What sort of an existence would that be? How could I, as a star,
ever caress my wife or drink a glass of cosmic oval tine before retiring for the night? You are, of
course, thereby casting your concepts within the mold of the mortally organic, ignoring the fact the
higher and further states of consciousness might dictate vehicles for self-awareness having no
relation to those of terra firma. If, in the higher worlds, you exercised self-awareness solely by
organic vehiclethe anthropomorphic aspect in some form dont you see that Consciousness and
its activities would be ever qualified by vehicle, or instrument , and never much beside, any
differences being confined to alternation in vehicle-pattern instead of essence? What Im truly
opening for you now as new mental horizon, is Consciousness in an altered essence instead of
Consciousness as intellectual supervisor over some form of executing mechanism. Well see just
how good your imagination is, to conceive it. All of which brings us to consideration again of what
Consciousness may be when it isnt consciousas I previously implied yet without proposing
any paradox.
The question arises from the first to bedevil the layman researcher in these eternal verities, Is
Consciousness ever truly unconscious? In other words, what of Consciousness during application
of anesthetic to the vehicle, or during periods of fainting or blanking-out due to sudden blows on
the chin or solar plexus?
Well do we know how the secular psychologist gets around the aforesaid paradox by declaring
that there is a foreconscious and a subconscious. Each is accredited in its particular role; it seems,
only in relation to its exercise in respect to activity of vehicle. But both become incomprehensible
in relation of exercise in respect to sentiency.
As I come to grasp it, Consciousness is only secondary when considered as having supervisory
exercise over vehiclethis whether the vehicle be bifurcated human body or solar satellite. If the
vehicles be varied, there is bound to exist an electric instant when consciousness as such transfers
from one to the other, if we wish to consider it abstractly, and knows an experience of being utterly
detached from both. What then is it, considered abstractly, in and during such electric instant?
Would it not be the same essence that truly functions when it most seems not functioning at allas
in faint ing, anesthesia, or common slumber?
In other words, may it not be true that unconsciousness as the secular psychologist regards it is

by no means the same thing that the spiritual researcher regards it? The first is regarded strictly in
effect on vehicle while the second is regarded as fundamental element for Cosmos but varied in
objective demonstrations.
It resoles to the query as to whether any of us can say correctly that awareness of self actually
and completely suspends at any time, no matter what the circumstances. May it not be a fact that
what seems to us like total suspension of consciousness is actually a complete hiatus in respect to
externally originated sensation? The self-awareness is no less active excepting that it is receiving
no sense stimuli to make reminder of itself concurrently positive. And chief among such sense
stimuli seems to be any galvanism that results in intellectual appreciationmeaning
measurement of Time.
Isnt it true that ninety-nine out of a hundred of us define Consciousness anyhow as the
intellectual capability for estimating Time passage, events occurring in such Time passage being
synonymous with it? Refer back a moment to my Blackmoor Heath Experience

ONSCIOUSNESS , even in the intellectual exhibiting, obviously blanked out for me, in that I
apprehended no hiatus in moving my angle of observation from Manhattan to mid-Britain in

what I called an instantin other words, my immediate sensation had it that I actually was
functioning in the observing way in both places at once. Wasnt this really because the Time
element had been subtracted or defected? Was Consciousness as consciousness any less potent
because it, the Time element, had done so? What we would otherwise identify as this Time element
would be tantamount to proper allowance of period for my physical self to traverse the oceanic
distance between New York and England whether by boat or plane? In fact, wasnt I almost making
a sort of super plane journey, where the intervening terrain failed to figure because it was negotiated
with such swiftness of locomotion? Thus Time and Distance were corollaries, but only in my
mortal fixations or reflexes. I find myself seeking a more convenient example of the relations
between Consciousness and Time in an experience Ive not hitherto mentioned in this booka
major surgical operation which I was called to undergo in Gallinger Hospital, Washington, D. C. of
an afternoon in October, 1945.
I was conveyed to Gallinger Hospital operating room about 1 p. m. Physically readied for the
ordeal, I lay affixed to the operating table awaiting the arrival of my surgeon. Hed specified he
would begin operating precisely at 1:30 but up the 1:20 by the clock on the operating room wall I
had not set eyes on him. I knew that he must be about, however, because the anesthetizing assistant
not only assured me of it but begun proceedings of administering the anesthetic. This latte was
sodium-penthol injected intravenously from a container on an iron standard at my right shoulder.
T he young doctor, with whom I was intimately acquainted, jested with me as he opened an
artery in my arm, inserted the needle and wrapped the whole with adhesive. The moments ticked
away, with a periodic drop of the penthol adding to my bloodstream. Still, Dr. Herbst did not appear
and I fretted. Suppose Dr. MacDonald got me unconscious and an outside delay prevented the
surgeon from getting there at all?
I next remember an electric instant when all the lights in the hospital went out. I supposed,
naturally, that a master-fuse had blown somewhere in the basement. What would become of my
operation if the surgeon were denied illumination in such a critical period? Im told I indulged in
profane speech at such an occurrence. Fine way to run a hospitalto let a fuse blow out as an
expert surgeon was about to proceed with a most delicate and dangerous piece of surgery.

Oh, forget it, Bill! Dr. MacDonald counseled me. Youre all right. Cant you see that the
lights are burning? And he pointed to a cluster of bulbs in the ceiling. They were burning. I raised
my head and scowled at him.
He wasnt Dr. MacDonald, he was Dr. Strong and the sodium -penthol equipment was nowhere
in evidence.
Wheres Mac? I demanded.
Strong said, Off getting his dinner. He hadnt been here for hours.
Hours! I bellowed. Whata you mean, hours? What time is it, anyhow?
Strong raised his wrist. Twenty minutes after seven oclock, he responded. And he tested an
intravenous needle he was about to shove into my leg.
Lookit, I said, when do I get my operation?
Get it? Youve had it you had it six hours ago. Now stop distressing yourself by thrashing
Six hours! Id undergone a major abdominal operation, the sheer knife-work of which had
consum ed forty minutes, and hadnt been conscious of a single thing happening to me. Actually
when my senses came back to me Id been five or six hours convalescing, with the whole episode
a complete success. It was another twenty0four hours before I saw Dr. Herbst.
Cogitating on the experience as I did many times in the eighty-five days before my removal was
permissible, I realized that what the penthol had done was insulate me from every environmental
sensation. My consciousness hadnt really been anywhere. All environmental sensation had merely
ceased for me. Thus did I have it brought home to me that when environmental sensation totally
suspends, the self-awareness takes note of no factor external to itself. Commonly this is expressed
as unconsciousness. But is it?
Isnt it a fact that our foregone acceptance of the circumstance of ourselves has become so
automatic that we confuse it with absence of environmental stimuli and say both are the same? But
both may not be the same at all. They may only seem the same in reactions on the ego.
Perhaps in the mortally organic enhousement were incapable of disassociating our
self -awareness from reactions to environmental stimuli in some aspect, because habit has
hypnotized us into accepting we cant have one without the other.
In other word, it may make the profoundest sense that we can be conscious without being
conscious of being conscious.
If you tell me that doesnt make logic, I answer that what youre attesting is your complete
acknowledgement of intellectual limitation peculiar to consciousness as enhoused in a vehicle.
Consciousness knows just two things, therefore. It knows the fact of its own existence,
and it knows its reactions to environmental stimuli. But the fact of its own existence and the fact
of environmental stimuli dont register in identical manner. In fact its reality to itself doesnt
register until environmental stimuli enters the equation in some aspect. What we call the
foreconsciousness therefore isnt really consciousness as total, its merely the acknowledgment of
itself to itself in result of such stimuli, what we might call the act of focusing attention on the fact of
its being.
When we get to such point in our intellectual pursuit of the subject, we may realized in no
small shock that the act of focusing may be everything in identifying Consciousness for what it is.
Environmental factors cause you to do this focusing in the ordinary instance of a days activity, and
you declare, I am alive! You focus on a scene in England or India, and you declare, I have

transferred myself across two oceans in twinklingdone the stunt called Levitation. Maybe thats
not so, fundamentally considered. Environmental stimuli react on spiritual intellect from a plane
higher than earth, causing Consciousness to take note of itself, and you declare, I have died out of
earth life and happily find myself in heaven. Yet what if you do the focusing without your physical
self -ceasing to be animate, as I performed unwittingly in my Seven-Minutes-in-Eternity
When you Break the Image of the vehicular reflex, as F. W. H. Myers through Geraldine
Cummins terms it, you may even be surprised to have demonstrated what Consciousness can
perform. It all seems to repose in how much were willing to concede we can get Consciousness to
so in this activity of focusing. What does the East Indian yogi do out of what he terms his occult
adept-ship but become expert at such focusing?
What does the so-called Clairvoyant person do but focus Consciousness on transactions of
the future as to Time? What, conversely, is this much-vaunted Lifted Memory but focusing
Consciousness on the past, in respect to Time?
Do you not begin to grasp what a truly mammoth phenomenon you are, that you as a divine
Unit of Consciousness are only limited in your capabilities of performanceeven omnipotent
performanceby your expertness in various manifestations of focusings? And dont you grasp as
well that such focusing are only inhibited by your complexes and reflexeshow much youre
willing to concede you can do, or not do, according as youve been previously convinced by society,
always graded by its limitations of knowledge or common practice?
The divine unit that is you says to itselfbut speaking it aloud so that the next man hears
itI will tonight in sleep focus my consciousness on the beloved wife or husband I assume I lost
last August. But instead of going ahead and performing that act, you listen to the screechings of
the ignorant or purblind scientist or alienist at your elbow, that convey to you the admonition,
In a potatos eye you will! Go announcing such things and I will have two white coated guards
seize you by the elbows as an abnormal personality that may next announce that itll set off a stick
of dynamite under the Public Library! Ask why any white-coated gentlemen need be
commandeered and the scientist or alienist will say, Because such things arent commonly done by
humanitys rank-and-file. So don't you start talking about attempting them. You may protest, But
thats limiting what I may be able to do by what John Q. Public may not be able to do! The
ignoramus with the assorted alphabetical degrees after his name will make response, Positively!
You are so right! You can make demand as to why you should be so handicapped till youre blue in
the face, but youll be made to grasp in the end that not transcending the norm of public intelligence
is the exploit of keeping normal. And youll like it or ultimately find yourself restrained in your
liberties. The world may have explorers do trail=blazers in Knowledge, but Knowledge taken of
itself is merely now much information on a hidden subject has been accredited en masse by hoi
polloi. Otherwise youre queer

UT to get back to Undying Mind.

The Soul entering mortality for a fresh organic sojourn, focuses Consciousness on the

embryo and keeps it so focused in a concentration thats perpetual. We say that Mrs. Geiger counter
has a new baby; born this morning at Mercy Hospital, weight seven and a half pounds, mother
doing well. The soul proceeds to focus on itself in relating to environmental stimuli in the biologic
body for sixty-five years, eight months and nine daysevery night altering its focus on a thousand

different places, on this place and other places, in the phenomenon Known as Slumberwhen it
transfer attention permanently to the astral, Hades, or Summerland places immediately above the
slow -motion of mortal materialism, and its slow -motion vehicle is interred in a cemetery. After
perhaps ten thousand years of suffering the environmental stimuli from the higher planesduring
which it occasionally comes back down onto the slow -motion plane to adjust ethical obligationsit
reaches the Light Plane, the Solar Plane, and ultimately gets ready for Consciousness in an entirely
new relationship, fusion with its soul-half, and from there fusion with Creative Wisdom Itself.













progression Consciousness IS, receiving the stimuli from ten thousand environments, with
Birth and Death only alterations in the adept-ship of focusing. To the exact degree that
Consciousness comes into recognition of its own nature and capabilities, it displays or
demonstrates its inherent divinity, for ALL-Consciousness must display and demonstrate
Its when you begin to get these truths so thoroughly saturated into your system that you
acknowledge them intuitively that you start performing in a manner that would make the world call
out a couple of thousand white-coated guards to subdue youif it dared.
The miracle of self-recognizing and self-focusing Consciousness is the beginning and end of all
mysticism, if the truth could be appreciated. The esoterists talk glibly about Mortal Mind and
Divine Mind labels given to different aspects of Consciousness in its omniversal sense. Mind
in either aspect is the mere intellect of Spirit but there are different degrees of intelligence in
different classifications of souls. What have mere labels to do with your consciousness penetrating
different planes and returning to your corporeal self, if the essential you retain memory of your
inter-plane experiences?
People write to me from time to time begging me to advise them how they can increase the
quality of their Consciousness? One gets the implication that if I would I might send them some
mimeograph brochures containing printed abracadabra that would enable them to become all wise
and all adept by the time the last page is read. I try to explain to these inquirers as patiently as
possible that anything mystical I have to propound is presented frankly and freely in the pages of
these books, but that by accrediting many of their own psychical potentials and becoming utterly
familiar with the great wealth of psychical and spiritualistic information that abounds today, they
can begin entirely harmless practices with their own Consciousness and all too frequently produce
somewhat breathless results. It had taken me the better part of twenty-seven years, the transcribing
of five million words of instruction, and holding of seventy-five or more sances not to mention
the reading of every important book by contemporaries that I have been able to procureto arrive
at the degree of my own efficiency and skill that I can compose the recommendations of these
Soulcraft books from something other than hearsay. The trouble with the average layman is his
neophyte impatience over taking proper time for his own personal development. He reads one or
two Soulcraft books, witnesses a psychical sitting or two, and forthwith grows excited about
becoming a Master. Of conditions outside the body, particularly on the loftier planes of
Consciousness, he knows poignantly nothing. Hes never visited one of them and wouldn't identify
any one if he would. What he does do, in his spiritual recklessness, is get some familiar discarnate
character attached to him who ultimately disillusions him and mocks him. Whereat he comes
running back to me for aid in dismissing him.
Im not interested in the slightest in making great masters of mystical erudition out of

housewives and garage mechanicsand I say this in all kindness. What I am interested in doing is
bringing the light of a Great Illumination to tens of thousands of earnest souls who may see life
darkly, as through a glass, and get them to accredit that by no means am I talking fantasy when I tell
them Ive ample reason for suspecting that their consciousness is cut from the same celestial fabric
as the very God whom men worship, that right this moment theyre living in quite as much eternity
as theyll ever know, and that the greatest bugbear panicking the human race is the bugbear of
The average housewife or garage mechanic may retort, Me a goddes s or a god? Thats a
laugh! Ill trade my whole celestiality right now for chairmanship of my bridge club or nomination
for dogcatcher. At least the first qualification for a goddess or god ought to be the ability to make a
prosperous living, and keep out of debt. And with derisive jeers, they settle down comfortably into
their acceptance of the rotting fungus-on-a-fifth-rate-planet philosophy and hope against hope their
life insurance payments are going to be paid when they come to make the Passing. But mightnt
they be surprised if the next time they head into town, a battery truck disputes the right of way with
them and they find themselves precipitated into the next dimension in one grand windshield crash.
Theyre in a great dimness suddenly not necessarily a blackness like our suicideutterly
unlettered in whats happening to them or what they should do next. If theyve got affectionate and
vigilant relatives to come to their assistance, fair enough. But if theyve entertained not a single
vestige of information about the higher planes, its going to be a distressing time before they come
to accredit they've truly made the Passing, when they might have been excellently oriented in a
If the average housewife, or mechanic, arrived in such dilemma, says to himself, I know just
whats happened to me, and where I am. I learned it all in Soulcraft! hes due to find his
surroundings getting lighter and brighter by the minute, until all is almost a radiant glory. He meets
those hes loved and lostonly theyve never been lost!and takes his place in the Higher Society
without a single pause or a fumble. Thereat he starts in truly learning what an affinity exists
between his late mortal consciousness and Holy Creative Consciousness. And his hyper
dimensional experience is enhanced a thousand fold with no lost time or vain regrets
What I really had in mind to say was, that the scoffer at such eternal verities respecting his own
divine identity may discover himself in my own mortal predicament so me twenty to thirty years
ago when I confess to having taken down a prophetic clairaudient paper listing the main
developments and events of the coming thirty years. The date specifically was July 2, 1929. The
paper began by apprising me that in the ensuing October the stock-market was due to crash and
precipitate a Depression across the bourses of the world that was no last for nearly a dozen years
and be finally terminated by another world conflict. The communication told me all about the
Austrian paperhanger who was coming to the head of the Germanic people, his rises and fall. The
course of Bolshevism was depicted, my own battle with its political infiltrations in this country, and
the penal sentence I must pay for striving to counteract its evil designs on our own Christian
Republic. I must sacrifice seven and a half years of my freedom for spear-heading this struggle
against the Reds. During the course of the Depression, however, the Republican Hoover was due to
lose the forthcoming election and a long Democratic regime come in. the establishment of the
stamped world super -governmentcalled in my transcript the fifty Nationswas described,
andthen came the parts at which I hesitated. In the denouement of national political and
economic affairs in the closing years of my life, when Constitutionalism was due to hang by the

frailest of threads, something I wrote or uttered was suddenly to be picked u by the nations
pressI should go to bed with the cares of the nation on my shoulders, to arouse in the morning
and discover the country behind me to a man. And it would be the recommendations I made in that
period of influence that should bead our beloved America up and out of the lowlands of subversion
and despair.
Again and again my incredulous stenographer cried, Chief, are you sure youre hearing right?
I told her to go ahead and get the whole message down in pothooks. The next day would be time
enough to resolve the intelligence into rationalities.
But to my everlasting shame and regret, next day when she started to read back the intelligence,
I facetiously scoffed at what had been committed to manuscript. Copy such preposterous
megalomania? Not I! Page after page of the more extravagant parts I ripped to flakes and
dropped into the wastebasketwhi ch is the similar gesture that many of my readers will make
symbolically at what Im trying to impart to them now concerning their own divinity. What was my
chagrin at my colossal stupidity years later when every prediction offered in that message came true
I circumstance o the dot? In striving to keep a level head Id been too clever for my own profit.
Today Id swap a hundred-dollar banknote for every one of those destroyed pages, holding minutest
data of whats still to happen before this century runs
No, sometimes it doesnt pay to be too skeptically level-headed
What if the intelligence transmitted be bona fide and accurate?
Of course, the fact that I once tore up priceless prophetic communications back in New York in
the late 1920s by no means proves that something I happen to be writing in a book up here in 1955
is equally reliable. In the current case, however, I have a lifetime of assurances from Great Wits in
higher dimensions to ballast my whole symposiumthat the notion that earthly men and women of
the present are seeding gods, is by no means imagination or public flattery. And further massive
confirmation of it lies in the enlightenment coming down to us from such psychical scientists as F.
W. H. Myers through such adept clairaudi ents as Geraldine Cummins, that intellects on the loftier
octaves of discarnate consciousness are apprised in cold fact whats ahead for the average soul
beyond the peradventure of all doubting.
Losing the physical vehicle doesnt disrupt Consciousness,

or the sensation of

self -recognitionevery man and woman on the planet continues to think, and to identify himself
and herself. When a person has been reasonably decent, altruistic, and receptive to lifes spiritual
reactions, related to persons of his ilk whove made the Passing before him, hell be met at his exit
of self-awareness from the physical organism by loving individuals wholl take him in charge,
convey him up and across the forbidding darkness and confusions of the Hades plane, into what
amounts to the Summerland of the Spiritualistswho, by the way, have the program prescribed in
m0ore accurate form than any other class of religionists in the earth-scene of the present. There in a
condition of life not greatly different from the situations of earth-residence, hell carry on the
program of his personality-development. Hell see souls quitting their mortal bodies and
proceeding at once still higher than what hes attained without giving very much thought to it, and
hell be told that its because their trials, sufferings, persecutions and ordeals of earth-life enhanced
them spiritually to such a degree that theyve qualified themselves to proceed at once to those
loftier echelons of merit. People arent rewarded ads to after-life location by the whim or caprice of
a celestial potentate. Theyre destined for certain levels of higher consciousness because theyve
earned them through spiritual increments while enduring in flesh.

Very good! Still higher up are the places of Illusion, the Planes of Color, the Planes of Flame, the
Plane of Light, and Out Yondet the planes of Timelessness and Celestial Amalgamation. Its in
the Planes of Flames and Light that the solar existence is pertinent. All of these are planes beyond
all possibility of Reincarnat ion, where the humanized spirit gradually goes through metamorphoses
that bring it close and intimately to its Maker. Speaking bluntly, God Himself is up thereor rather
Out There, and all facetious incredulities regarding Him are forgottenin the breathless
tranquilities of Divine Realities.

OU GET such ideology staunchly into your philosophy and for one thing you make the
discovery that you never lose it, its in that cranium of yours to stick for all time. Think then,

when you contemplate the splendorous massiveness of it, how petty and kindergartenish are these
little passing trials and tribulations of the slow motion earth world, the lowest of the Planes.
You are a god in school! Such planes are your classrooms! When I talk and write about
Undying Mind, therefore, Im talking about the eternal perpetuity of You, scheduled to know the
whole grand curriculum without a break. Its the same Consciousness as an elemental phenomenon
that you exercise up all these worlds, in absolute distinctiveness because no one among all the
billions who have climbed the great Ramp of Eternity before your, can ever have had precisely your
experiences, making you what you are. You are just as great and valuable, because of the eternal
God Spark that is in you, as any hu man being who is ever trod terra firma in all the aeons preceding
your appearance. Conversely, nobody can ever go higher in the Ultimate than you are slated to go,
by the very nature of your individuality. You can walk the street a little prouder; hold your head a
little higher, when the eternal certainty of what I am saying really breaks through to you and you
believer it!
Merely repeating to yourself, Im a son or a daughterof God, is a platitudinous banality as
orthodox ecclesiasticism portrays it to you. But suddenly getting it into your consciousness that the
reason why you are down here on the surface of the planet earth is to give you your first tutoring in
focusing of Consciousness, that instead of having three mouths to feed and progeny to care for, the
days coming when you are going to have three billion, that the time is ahead for you when other
billions will be childishly worshiping you as a sort of deity, you began to revise this canvass of your
earthly vicissitudes and decide you may be praying the best prayer of your character when you cry,
God make my future HARD! You equip yourself fastest for true godhood the more youre called
to endure or contest with. You learn to meet any situation head on, and not be blanched by it. You
have all the answers within your own intellect.
And you should suicide out of such a trek of flaming triumphal dominance!

HE TROUBLE with the average layman today is the wicked sterility of his sources of
spiritual information.

See the whole vast skyward concourse of the cosmic program, catch the unutterable majesty of
it in fulfillment, then go back down to the poor, distraught, discouraged, misguided, whimpering
and terrified child-heart at the bottom and beginning of the omniversal gesture, and cry out to him,
Its your enemy and your despoiler who seeks to deceive you by counseling you that you are a
worm of the dust, a bit of rotting fungus entrapped by accident on a fifth-rate planet. You are a
fledging deity learning your own ultimate majesty preserving through cataclysm. Get your chin up
and your head back. The epitome of all Love and Paternal Pride in divine genealogical Quality

waits for you at the apex of your karma. This great illumination of Soulcraftthe craft of your
spirit in attaining those peakscomes to you as a Baedeker from those who have long since
climbed in valor far out of your sight. Hey send you back word not to be afraid, not to be
discouraged. Theyve learned from their personalized experience, that its better and better the
higher you climbthat it gets more endurable the further you proceed.
Listen to the voice of Myers again; from far, far up the bright heights ahead

N THE FIFTH Plane the journeying soul must learn, if progress is to be made, that ultimate
reality does to belong to a condition of existence known to it when it remained within the

bonds of human personality. This eastern concept may be held by the soul so long as it belongs to
the Third and Fourth Planes of consciousness. Actually, on the Fifth Plane, the psyche experiences
a gradual unfoldment and expansion, and in order to achieve complete cosmic personality, it had to
lean that ultimate reality may not be resolved into matter and motion that is its life. This erroneous
hypothesis can only be associated with finite ideas, and is one of the illusions related to human
Try to imagine manifestations of Cosmic Wisdom, worlds within worlds that may not in any
sense of the word be resolved into matter and motion, such supreme revelations are not to be found
within the material rhythm known to man. They are not associated with your solar system, with the
Milky Way, the Nebulae, or any portion of the visible universe. I can scarcely describe them as
inner universes; the term does not convey correctly the nature or character of these transcendent
realms. No words in any terrestrial language can describe the conditions so wholly apart from those
under which the human being exists.
In these sublime kingdoms you will search in vain for material repres entations, those
appearances in which all seem to obey the laws that rule the visible cosmos, but here the
group-souls that are gathered up wholly on to the Sixth Level of Consciousness can find reality in a
state other than matter or motion. They are thus breaking free from the last finite imaginings and
have reached the very threshold of Divinity. They may, if fully emancipated, them pass Out
Then indeed do they know duality in more than one sense? They hold both inner and outer
universes within their conceptions. They, as one with their creator, can bind the two togetherthey
can make the one Whole.
Thus they come, through creative spiritual life, to acquire the Truth and know the Ultimate

NDYING mind, indeed!

You go out under the starlight heavens of a summers night and look up into the great

dome of stellar splendor. You think to yourself, Where, beyond the whole of it, is God? Maybe
you likewise feel a sense of your infinitesimal inferiority and smallnessone little throbbing heart
down close to the Earths mundane surface, beset with human problems and contradictions. You
marvel as to what it is all about. But you entertain not the slightest concept of the number of
celestial universes you may be looking THROUGH, in signing Mars or Betelguese or the Pleiades.
All that meet your vision are the worlds vibrating on the same material frequency as your plane of
Actually, the trouble with most of us human beings in such moments is the circumstance,

scarcely envis aged, that we are only lately emerged, each one of us, out of the Incubator of Divinity.
We shall proceed up There ultimately and gradually, and do our parts toward controlling all
that. We shall be even greater part and parcel of it than we frailly dream of being at present.
Knowing good and evil!
Only the Great Heart, the stout heart, can face the prospect of Upward with a thrill. There is
much to be learned. There is even so much still to be experienced. What of the fretting infant in t he
lighted gable? What of the wrack and contest of empires and the casting of dice with Destiny as to
which suzerainties shall survive and which shall perish?
Can we hear within our Inner Consciousness in such starlit moments, the tender whisper of the
Giver of All Good, Great Heart, Im waiting for Your Up Here. Make Haste. Join me. Reach
What sterling joy it is to start form the very bottom of the ladder, the lowest of low points in the
grade, and climb the Whole Way, knowing the heritage awaiting in the End!
We seem to ourselves now to be just mediocre men and women, turning our hands and our heads
to the immediate task that beckons. Illusion, Delusion, all of it! Seedling gods, I ay we are, knowing
all worlds for the sheer joy of knowing them, conquering them, loving them for the most savage of
the gashes which they inflicted on us.
Is it any wonder that Christ, having attained to the Realization of the Ultimate Significance,
loved the world for the crucifixion, which it inflicted up on His physical vehicle? Verily, I have
cause for telling you that He got more out of Calvary than any distraught human involved in its
Myers concludes
The universe had a beginning. It will have an endwhen the light of the Eternity
Spiritwhich contains all our centers and psyches withdraws wholly form it, ceases to inspire,
and suffers Night to enshroud and obliterate. Thus, inevitably, the universe becomes stagnant and
inert. For Mind, the animating principle, no longer g9iudes, and, pouring life into the contact, sets
all the works in motion. The Last Judgment may be summarily described as the withdrawal of
Eternal Spirit from the universe.
Heaven and earth shall pass away but My words shall not pass away!
Thus Christ declared a truth still hidden from able thinkers. The Word, the Logos, continues
ever. Only the heavens and the earth pass away. But who can recall what heavens, what greater
worlds are yet unborn, though all are now in embryo, within God? Who can say what mighty
universes are evolving, growing, and what may be their conditions, laws, tenderness, loveliness and
glories? We can only echo in perfect assurance and faith the words of the prophet, and thus gain our
Be still and know that I am God!

ELL, Soulcraft comes like a series of majestic echoes down the steep Ive pained for
you, This is the Way, the Truth, and the Light, walk ye in it, and it shall not fail

In the black, not unlike the pall on the great Hades plane, where only the searching mothers
loving Light is discernible but far, far in distance, the full Great Book of wisdom and counsel is
opened for those of us who will read it.

Its not exactly accurate to say that our beloved Elder Brother came unto the world, and the
world received Him notthe world but wanted a little period to gather its wits, to focus on its due
appreciation of His significances. The world did receive Him, the world is receiving Him now as
never mans imagination pictured. Across the vast void of Hades dark, His aura shines piercingly.
And a sobbing and bedeviled universe holds out two billion and half hands to It.
Thus does He draw ever closer, in response to that heart cry?

ES, I am go on and develop this whole splendorous theme in Soul Eter nity. Human beings
must have brought home to them the appalling responsibility thats theirs, in each and every

instance, to arouse and awaken to their own personal godhood, and refurbish a world appropriate to
the divine breed that essay to learn in it.
I have tried, in the massive agenda of the literature of Soulcraft, to bring the whole colossal
panorama down to your understanding. Consciousness as a fundamental element of the universe,
ever escapable from the microscopes lens, is the key to the wonders.
In the 82nd Psalm, verse 6, the sweet singer sang: I have said ye are gods; and all of you are
children of the Most High. Shall we accept it as a pretty figure of speech or shall we concur in it
literally? Twice in Holy Writ do we have the same thing said to us? Yet I maintain that biology,
chemistry, and philosophy subscribes to the same lambent utterance. Isnt it about time we awoke
from this hypnotic slumber of materialism and laid claim to our heritage?
You can do things with your Consciousness right this moment0if youd give serious attention
to it and not try it as a childish larkconfirming this assertion of Holy Writ that your partake of
Divinity. However, Im not conducting a class in occult antics. Im appealing to your Higher Sense,
asking you to know the whole sweep and scope of Soulcraft and grasp that you corporeal residence
is merely a temporary affair and that as you rise superior to the slings and arrows of its outrageous
fortune, you commence to display your inherent divinity in your character.
Its a long and arduous way that most of us have traveled to arrive at this priceless moment. The
trek has been murky, with precious few lamps and signals to show us we were following the proper
turnpike. Yet from the Beginning theres been a Divine Something flaming within us that
perpetually advised, Press on! And on, and on, and on!
But try this experiment and observe what comes out of it. Begin to birth as a continually
recurrent thought within yourself, I am a Christ in my own right, with a date to keep up a hundred
million years with a Sacred Travail in a Garden not yet created. Will I pray in that Great Moment,
Father, may Thy will, not mine, be done?
Conduct yourself like a Christ, even in these sordid moments amid a world of turmoil and
alarms, and see what revelations of supernatural occurrences appear in your affairs.
Surely enough, the large still squirm out in the garden pool tonight, as they squirmed in that
antediluvian fen back in pre-Cambrian days. The terrain world holds myriad life forms where
consciousness in evolution gains wider and wider experience in the vehicles provided by the
Prescribes of Creations. But now the Space Men alight on our planets surface form neighboring
worlds, regardless of the fact that the light reaching us in tonights garden form Polaris began its
trek to us as the antiquated Mayflower pushed its prow away from the Plymouth docks for the
founding of a new order of freemen in the area called North America.
Truly, we are denizens of the Omni verse!

E HAVE these course of our lives to go through, s we have set for ourselves, true enough.
Crisis involving us merely means that one we were weak and desired to be strong. Very

good, what then is keeping us from being strong? Thus is the travail shortened, and we arrive on the
apex of accomplishment the sooner.
I contend we are possessors of Undying Minds. Consciousness we have forever with us. Various
vehicles, some of them seemingly grotesque, have we bethought to occupy in the upward spiral,
fetching us to this electric moment. Why upbraid ourselves through our instincts, for that?
Simply say to ourselves, No situation, which earth can provide, am I subservient to, in
character. One day, the prototype of my particular temperament will cast its magnificent shadow
over a whole planetary worldor series of planetary worlds. Therefore at the moment am I given
an indication of tomorrows Cosmos, in so far as I take part in it. it is an awesome thought. Stars
shall be but grubs of my designing to me, in that future aeon. Shall they make war in that distant
day against butterflies? What a blasphemy! Yet how am I prescribing otherwise this most recent
moment in my animus against my brother?
It is well to provide against future Armageddon in advance. All the same, cosmically considered,
what can they be but pools of dust in a corner of worlds garden?
Betelgeuse will hang out no candles whether our particular Armageddon be won or lost.
We have to bring this whole inter-solar problem down to the tempers in each mans personal
nature. Because, I repeat, we are gods in school. We are the planets, whereupon wars are featured
tomorrow. How shall we conduct them?we who cannot conduct a households at the moment
without our sweet consort bawling out the windows for sympathy from the neighbors.
My underlying purpose, I concede, is to make you think, to divorce you from complacency. I
would jolt you with grotesque statements perhaps at times, but bring the whole worlds of
principalities and powers into your shoe when the garden dust sifts into it. For worlds and solar
systems are ever framed to a pattern. Size is minor consequence. What we most wonder at is
They tell me that the major jest engaging our friends on the summits of lifes rainbows is the
lambent absurdity that life outside of earth is perversely conjectural. We ask in the seriousness of
our littleness, Should we believe in ghosts? Ghosts by the myriads guffaw at the query, Should
we beings on the resplendent echelons believe in Men?
It causes much merriment.
Each plane adulates its own realities and deprecates competition. Yet the Oversoul knows all.
Thought is the thing. Galvanism manifests and action is continual. Action is great or smallwho
shall be the judge of it? God is the ability to say, I propose to be Myself! shall it happen inside a
peanut -shuck or upon the prairies of Orion?
Try focusing your attention on this or thattruly focusing it. if you find yourself moving out of
your organic mechanism, do not be afraid. The organic mechanism has only been your servant.
Mayhap you shall be able to demonstrate your universality while still confined to biceps.
I go back in closing to the observation of the poet
We are spirits clad in veils,
Man by man was never seen,
All our deep communing fails
To remove the shadowy screen
Demonstrate your godhood and men will take it for granted. Verily they may fall down and worship

you. But how will you feel about it? Can you stand to be worshiped? Would you not forever be
asking yourself, For what?
Well, Ill tell you for what It will be for the cruel wound you received when one whom you
loved misunderstood your motive and rebuffed your gesture to assuagement. It will be for the gift
you gave that caused you more than your purse could afford. It will be for the dramatic moment that
you pour forth invective. It will be for the still small voice that came to you when the pathway was
inky and said, Go this way, and only Faith caused you to do it, because Reason dictated otherwise.
It will be for telling the truth as you see it, and having men cry in consequence, Crucify him!
Crucify him! and those whom you wished most to liberate from thralldom piled the hammers that
drove the spikes in your palms.
I have finished my book but not my message.
There is greater diagramming of Destiny still to come. But we can take it in stride. The lamps of
Eternity often burn dim but they would not be lamps if they succumbed to gusty darkness.
So I riffle back through my pages and realize with a sigh how little can be told when there is
Much to Be Said

ARTLY man was staggered by the magnitude of matter. Modern man is staggered by its
minuteness. The vast size of the universe is a less appalling idea than the inconceivable

littleness of the material out of which it is built up.

Men spend their days searching out the mysteries of the solar systems. Btu all of them do not
look at the night skys stars. Some of them probe into the solar systems of the mighty atom. For
every atom is itself a solar system with sun and whirling planets.
It would take a hundred million atoms to form a straight line if placed, like a row of peas, across
a penny. Take an ordinary light bulb, which is a near vacuum, and make anywhere upon its surface,
a tiny hole. Let this hole be no bigger than a common pin makes in piercing a bit of cardboard. Then
start a projection of atoms through this hole. Send them through at the rate of a million a minute. It
would them take a hundred million years to fill that bulb with atoms!
What makes these microscopic planets whirl about their tiny suns? What force holds the atoms
together? Where does it get its terrific energy?
Take a glass of water. It represents energy. You pour it into the toy boiler of a model ship and she
steams across a model-yacht pond. Heat has been applied to the water until the waters electrons
have flown wide. We say they have expanded. But take the same energy imprisoned in the same
glass of waters atoms and release it and you have power not for the model ship but for an Atlantic
crossing of a modern ocean liner.
Imprisoned in the atom is energy so vast that its release and harnessing would make an end of
nearly every problem that vexes the spirit of man. We should possess inexhaustible supplies of
power so that every material need could be satisfied. We should no longer need coal. Petrol, or any
sort of fuels. Already it is known that when the atom is split, its energy flies forth into the infinite of
space at terrific velocity. It is not generally known that Science labels such energy, Rays.
Investigators have catalogued the rays that come from the sun. but behind and beyond all rays
that come from sun and stars they have found rays of shorter length that emanate, so far as Science
can determine, from no known source within our solar system. They are called Cosmic Rays. And
they fall like invisible rain upon the earth from some source far out in the eternal night of the
Universe. But specifically where do they originate?

Man is a creature steeped in the psychology of his physical littleness. He imagines that he is
small because he sallies forth beneath the stars and regards his gnat -like allocation upon a gnat-like
planet. But the Science, which theologians disdain, in that it offers them such vicious competition,
is summoning man to regard his own bigness.
What about the hundred trillion solar worlds composing the atomic structure of his own body?
What of his Spirit, which rules over these? If a separate sensate spirit, possessing consciousness,
could incarnate in a microscopic organism upon any one of the atomic worlds that go in assembly
to make up mans heart, lungs, liver, spleen, or vertebrae, would not such an incarnating spirit
preach unto his progeny the holiness and omnipotence of the vast directing Consciousness over all
such worlds, centered in the brain?
How long must we struggle with the realization that there is neither smallness nor bigness
except by comparison with something external to the unit indicated? There is only Reality in the
essence of assembly by which creation manifests.
Who, therefore, is the man who is big of concept? Is he the man who figures out that it would
take a modern train fifty billion years to travel to Arcturus? Is he not rather the man who says: Yon
vagrant, rooting in the alleys trash can, is Lord God in essence to more galaxies of worlds within
himself than are visible to human eye when they eye scans the universe from a hill in October
It s something to think about! Each mortal man is a universe unto himself. Why then bother with
perpetual externalities? If physically enhoused Spirit is Lord God now over the hundred trillion
worlds composing its enhouement, why should it not also have capabilities to rise to omnipotence
over a hundred trillion worlds visible ten trillion year hence from man y mundane hilltops?
We are all infantile Gods! We are given passing jurisdiction over atomic universes now, that we
may be facile down some future aeon in helping clear the traffic up the Milky Way. Yet, after all,
what matters it? Size is only relative. The universe is identifiable only by comparisons.
Can you be a God in your spirit at this moment? The denizens of the worlds that make up the
atoms of your left fingernail believe so!
I say, your failure to keep faith with them is your damnation of yourself!

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