Ochsner Journal (C. 12, No. 1, Spring 2012, Huey P. Long's Last Operation-When Medicine and Politics Don't Mix)
Ochsner Journal (C. 12, No. 1, Spring 2012, Huey P. Long's Last Operation-When Medicine and Politics Don't Mix)
Ochsner Journal (C. 12, No. 1, Spring 2012, Huey P. Long's Last Operation-When Medicine and Politics Don't Mix)
Huey P. Longs Last Operation: When Medicine and Politics Dont Mix
Michael C. Trotter, MD, FACS
Delta Regional Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, Greenville, MS
Ochsner has a rich historical heritage in the Gulf South, Louisiana,
and New Orleans. It is therefore not surprising that connections
exist between Ochsner and one of the most important events in
Louisiana history in the 20th century. This article examines the
medical care Huey P. Long received after a gunshot wound in
1935 and the circumstances that may have ultimately led to his
demise, as well as the important questions of whether the care he
received was consistent with standards of the time and whether
the best available surgical team participated in his care. Politics
and medicine were intertwined in this incident, and the Ochsner
connections are worth examination in this context.
One of the most important events to occur in
Louisiana history in the 20th century was the shooting
of US Senator Huey P. Long on September 8, 1935,
and his death 2 days later.1 The cause and effect of
this event have been, and continue to be, debated.2
Long was a prominent and controversial political
figure in Louisiana and the United States in the 1920s
and 1930s. He has been accurately described as a
polarizing figure. His fatal injury and the medical care
he received are a noteworthy example of politics and
medicine being intertwined and inseparable, with
untoward consequences. Not until 1979-1980 when
the medical care of the Shah of Iran and its political
ramifications played out on an international stage did
we see a similar medical controversy as detailed in
Morgensterns excellent article.3 Situations such as
Address correspondence to
Michael C. Trotter, MD, FACS
Delta Regional Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery
1705 Hospital St.
Greenville, MS 38703
Tel: (662) 347-9588
Fax: (662) 335-6705
Email: mdatrotter@gmail.com
Senator Huey P. Long (D-LA), age 42, sustained a
gunshot wound to the right upper abdomen at close
range just before 9:30 pm on September 8, 1935.6
Whether the shooting was an assassination attempt
by Baton Rouge physician Carl A. Weiss or an
accident by one of Longs bodyguards remains
definitively unanswered to this day despite a range
of opinions. The injury itself is best described in New
Orleans surgeon Frank L. Lorias case report:6-9
The bullet which struck Senator Long entered just
below the border of the right ribs anteriorly,
somewhat lateral to the midclavicular line. The
missile perforated the victims body, making its
exit just below the ribs on the right side posteriorly
and to the inner side of the midscapular line, not
far from the midline of the back.
The penetrating injury has been described as being
caused by a .22 cal., a .32 cal., a .38 cal., or a .45 cal.
weapon, or by a combination of 2 of them.6-8
Immediately after receiving the injury, Long managed
to move 40 feet down the hall and then down 4 flights
(28 steps) of stairs. He met an associate and was
brought by private car to Our Lady of the Lake
Sanitarium, approximately one-quarter mile away.6,9,10
The author has no financial or proprietary interest in the
subject matter of this article.
Volume 12, Number 1, Spring 2012
shirt were cut off.9,10 Arthur Vidrine, MD, superintendent of Charity HospitalNew Orleans (CHNO) and a
Long political appointee, happened to be in Baton
Rouge on business related to appropriations for his
hospital.1,11 He was present at the hospital and took
charge as the admitting physician.1,6,9-11 On examination Long was fully conscious and very nervous.6,9,10 His pulse volume was weak, faint, and
rapid.6,10 Blood pressure (BP) was low.10 The entrance wound was located just below the border of
the right rib cage anteriorly, lateral to the midclavicular
line, and vertical with the nipple.7-10 The exit wound
was posterior below the ribs on the right side in the
midscapular line near the midline.7-10 Long was given
caffeine and 2 cc sodium benzoate by hypodermic
needle.6 William H. Cook, MD, Baton Rouge general
surgeon and former CHNO house surgeon, was called
and arrived at the hospital.1,6,9,10
Vidrine examined Longs wound, typed and crossmatched him for a blood transfusion,9 cleaned the
wound, and at 9:45 pm Long was taken to Room 314, a
private room reserved for Catholic bishops. Longs BP
and pulse were taken every 15 minutes, and the foot of
the bed was elevated.6,10 He was given morphine
sulfate, gr 1/6, by hypodermic needle for pain.6 Long
reportedly demonstrated profound shock and clinical evidence of internal hemorrhage.7,8 Long received
a transfusion of blood donated by Lieutenant Governor
Jimmy Noe.6,9,10 He was diaphoretic and nauseated
and asked for and received ice.6,9,10 Cecil Lorio, MD, a
Baton Rouge pediatrician, was present.1,6,10 Longs
systolic BP was reported to be approximately
90 mmHg, and his pulse was above 110 bpm.9 Long
was in a cold sweat and received external heat.6,9,10 At
this point, Vidrine advised Long that surgery was
needed; the patient agreed.6,9
The decision to operate was made by committee,
including Longs aides and assistants, a variety of
medical consultants, and interested parties. Vidrine
called for assistance from experienced surgeons
locally and regionally.6 Long himself requested renowned New Orleans surgeon and chairman of
surgery at the Louisiana State University (LSU) School
of Medicine Urban Maes, MD.9,11 Long also requested Russell Stone, MD, another prominent New
Orleans surgeon.9-11 Maes was delayed when his
car, driven by resident James D. Rives, MD, was
involved in a minor accident just outside of New
Orleans.6,9 Others from New Orleans and Shreveport
set out for Baton Rouge, including CHNO residents
and Longs personal physician and political appointee
as superintendent of Charity HospitalShreveport,
E. L. Sanderson, MD.9,10
The decision was made to proceed with the
available manpower because of Longs deteriorating
As author Ed Reed notes, Longs surgery was
one of the most bizarre and unreal operating room
settings that one could possibly imagine. Spectators,
bodyguards, and medical professionals elbowed each
other for space in the operating room.10 Long
biographer T. Harry Williams called it one of the
most public operations in medical history,11 and
Cecil Lorio described it as a vaudeville show.9,10
Although Vidrine was the surgeon of record,
assisted by Cook and Lorio, Pavy reported that Cook
actually did most of the surgery.1 Many nonmedical
individuals involved in the consensus decision for
surgery were present in the operating room as
spectators.1,6,9,11 Some wore surgical gowns; others
remained in street clothes.9 The scene has been
described as chaotic and frenzied9 as well as
strange.6 Ether and N2O anesthesia were first administered at 10:51 pm, and antitetanus serum was given.
Surgery started at 11:22 pm.6,10 Vidrine stood on the
left (traditionally the first assistants position) and
Cook on the right (traditionally the surgeons position).6 An upper right rectus splitting (paramedian)
incision was made, incorporating the anterior bullet
wound. Abdominal exploration revealed very little
free intraperitoneal blood. The liver, gallbladder, and
stomach were not injured. The small bowel mesentery
had a silver-dollar-sized hematoma, and there was a
small in-and-out colon perforation at the hepatic
flexure with minimal spillage.6-9,11
Clarence Lorio, MD, brother of Cecil and Longs
personal physician in Baton Rouge as well as a close
friend, arrived after the surgery had started and
offered his assistance, taking Cooks place.1,9,10
The colon wounds were primarily sutured, and the
abdomen was closed in layers. Records showed that
anesthesia ended at 12:14 am and surgery at 12:25
am.6 Pulse readings during anesthesia were recorded
as between 104 bpm and 114 bpm.6,10 After surgery
The Ochsner Journal
Trotter, MC
Postoperatively, the patient did not do well. He
was taken to Room 325 (or 314; reports differ), and
the foot of the bed was elevated.6,10 He may have
been catheterized at this point with no hematuria
detected.10 Many people went freely in and out of his
room, and most were nonmedical personnel.6 Longs
vital signs continued to deteriorate, and he never
regained full consciousness.6,9,10
Maes and Rives arrived at approximately 1:00 am,
and Rives described the situation as nothing short of
chaotic.6 Stone arrived somewhat later.6 Stone and
Vidrine discussed the operation, and Vidrine stated
that the right kidney was injured and bleeding.6,10
Stone asked if Vidrine had seen the kidney, and
Vidrine replied that he had only felt it.6 Apparently an
argument ensued regarding the cursory nature of the
operation; Stone eventually returned to New Orleans
without examining Long,1,6,10 and he estimated
Longs chances of survival at 50:50.10
At 2:00 am, an optimistic update on Longs
condition was issued from the hospital. At 2:40 am,
systolic BP was 96 mmHg and pulse was 140 bpm.10
In a 5:15 am bulletin, Vidrine noted that considerable
hemorrhage from the mesentery and omentum had
been observed intraoperatively.1,10 At 6:00 am, BP
was 82/63 mmHg, and pulse was 154 bpm. A blood
count indicated the presence of infection and that
Long was losing blood.10 At 6:40 am, (9 hours
postinjury and 6 hours postoperative), Stone7-9 or
Rives6 suggested urinary catheterization.10 The catheterization detected significant hematuria.6-10 Stone
felt this confirmed the major renal injury, and he and
Maes feltand all senior physicians agreedthat
Long was too unstable to withstand reoperation.6,9
Years later, some junior physicians present that night
questioned this decision given the patients steadily
declining course.1,10 Throughout the morning, Long
received intravenous (IV) injections of glucose, sucrose, and saline solutions, as well as adrenalin and
morphine for pain.10
At 1:00 pm, Long received a second transfusion from
one of his bodyguards. His BP rose from 105/78 mmHg
to 115/80 mmHg, his pulse rose to 140 bpm, and his
temperature increased.10 An hour later, Long received
a rectal instillation of laudanum, aspirin, brandy, and
saline. Vital signs were recorded as a pulse of 148 bpm,
less labored respirations, less cyanosis, and temperature of 103uF 4/5 axillary. The patient was noted as
being quieter.6,10 However, his BP fell to nearly
undetectable levels several times and was recorded
in the early afternoon as 92/82 mmHg, at which time
Volume 12, Number 1, Spring 2012
The multiple attempts to clarify the situation have
been hampered because no autopsy was performed.
Medical records are missing or unavailable, and
eyewitnesses and direct participants were unwilling
to speak. The stories that were recorded were often
Trotter, MC
Alton Ochsner, MD (1896-1981) (Figure 1). In
1935 Alton Ochsner was a leading academician in
surgery and chairman of surgery at Tulane.15 He had
experience in and published about abdominal surgery
and caring for surgical patients.16 He also had a
history of conflict with Long and Vidrine.1,11,13,15
As noted, Vidrine played a key role in the effort to
save Longs life in that he was the physician in charge.
His background6,9,10 is important to an understanding
of the events during those days. He graduated from
Tulane University School of Medicine in 1921 and had
been a Rhodes scholar.10,15 Following an internship at
CHNO,10 Vidrine worked as a general practitioner in the
small south Louisiana town of Ville Platte, where he
championed the Long cause.6,13,15 He held the position
of chief surgeon and administrator at the Eunice
Sanitarium until 1926. Long appointed him superintendent of CHNO in 1929. Vidrine was largely considered a
political physician and Long political ally.10
When the chair of Tulane Universitys Department
of Otolaryngology became vacant, Vidrine asked the
dean of the Tulane Medical School, C. C. Bass, for the
position. Bass pointed out that Vidrine had not
specialized in otolaryngology, and Vidrine replied that
Volume 12, Number 1, Spring 2012
Thomas Edward Weiss, MD (1916-2004) (Figure 2). Tom Ed Weiss had a long and distinguished
career in internal medicine and rheumatology at
Ochsner from 1947 until his retirement in 1984. He
served as head of the Section of Rheumatology until
1977. He published nearly 60 articles and exhibits
between 1941 and 1981. In 1974, he served on the
Executive Committee of the Ochsner Board of
Trustees along with physicians William Arrowsmith,
Paul T. DeCamp, Merrill O. Hines, John C. Weed, C.
Thorpe Ray, and William D. Davis, Jr.4 Following his
retirement, Weiss was instrumental in the organization
and development of the Fellows Alumni Association
(now the Ochsner Alumni Association). I knew him in
this capacity during my tenure as president of the
Ochsner Alumni Board, 1999-2002. We developed the
annual Outstanding Alumnus Award, he was the first
recipient, and the award was named in his honor. He
treated generations of New Orleanians and was held
in the highest esteem by his patients (Charles J.
LeDoux, MD, personal communication, August 29,
2010). He was kind, compassionate, and a true
The Weiss family has a long history in the medical
profession. Tom Ed was the brother of Carl A. Weiss,
MD, the individual accused of shooting Long, who
was immediately gunned down by Longs bodyguards. Their father was a noted Baton Rouge
physician. Tom Ed, an LSU college student at the
time of Longs fatal injury, was at the scene minutes
after the shooting and developed his version of the
events over the years while burdened by history and
the task of building a medical career for himself. He
maintained his brothers innocence and spoke openly
about it (Ranel Spence, MD, personal communication,
June 27, 2010).1,7,9 His beliefs were given voice in
1963, 1986, and 1999 in books by Zinman, Reed, and
Pavy, respectively.1,9,10 The family has continued this
Rudolph Matas, MD (1860-1957) (Figure 3).
Rudolph Matas, renowned and revered New Orleans
surgeon, was succeeded by Alton Ochsner as
chairman of surgery at Tulane in 1927.15,17 Subsequently, the two men had a close relationship for
30 years until Matass death.20
After his retirement from Tulane, Matas maintained
a vibrant and undiminished private practice. In 1935,
he was an active 75 and had developed a consuming
hatred for Long; his feelings were not subtle.17 Matas
detested political interference in medical matters,
such as Longs establishment of the new LSU School
of Medicine that many considered to be done out of
spite toward Tulane.17 Alton Ochsners ban from
CHNO further cemented Matass distaste for Long.
Nevertheless, as with Ochsner, Matass humanism
Although the death of Huey P. Long will continue
to be the subject of research, debate, speculation,
and controversy, Long was clearly a victim of timid
medical care when he needed aggressive and
purposeful treatment. Alternate history is interesting
to contemplate in this case. The most obvious
speculation is what would have happened if Maes
and Rives had arrived in time to operate? What if
Rudolph Matas had been called for advice? What if
Alton Ochsner had been called and successfully
operated and took charge of Longs care? Was
Ochsner not considered for consultation because of
politics, or was it just an oversight because of the
chaos of the situation? Clearly Long would have
benefitted from the talents of a surgeon such as
The Ochsner Journal
Trotter, MC
Figure 2. Thomas Edward Weiss, circa 1950s [L] and 1990s [R]. (Photos courtesy of the Ochsner Medical Library and Archives.)
Pavy DA. Accident and Deception. The Huey Long Shooting. New
Iberia, LA: Cajun Publishing; 1999:9, 28-29, 51-55, 57-58, 61, 81-83,
151-155, 157, 168.
White RD. Kingfish: The Reign of Huey P. Long. New York, NY:
Random House, 2006:265-267.
Morgenstern L. The Shahs spleen: its impact on history. J Am Coll
Surg. 2011 Feb;212(2):260-268. Epub 2010 Dec 30.
Caldwell GM. Early History of the Ochsner Medical Center.
Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas; 1965:13.
Wilds J. Ochsners: An Informal History of the Souths Largest
Private Medical Center. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State
University Press; 1985:35, 204.
16. Trotter MC. Alton Ochsners card file: A profile of medical history.
Ochsner J. 2010 Fall;10(3):217-221.
17. Cohn I. Rudolph Matas: A Biography of One of the Great Pioneers in
Surgery. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, Inc.; 1960:377,
18. Riddick FA Jr. Ochsner in literaturenonfiction. Ochsner J. 2007
19. Dr. Carl Weiss, Jr. The shooting of Huey Long. Foundation for
Historical Louisiana. August 28, 2010. http://www.c-spanvideo.
org/program/297015-3. Accessed 27 May 2010.
20. Ochsner A. Rudolph Matas: scientist, scholar, and humanist.
J Cardiovasc Surg. 1962 Jan;3(1):3-11.
21. Trotter MC. Rudolph Matas and the first endoaneurysmorrhaphy:
a fine account of this operation. J Vasc Surg. 2010
Jun;51(6):1569-1571. Epub 2010 Mar 27.
22. Loria F. Visceral injuries in gunshot wounds of the abdomen. New
Orleans Med Surg J. 1927 Nov;80(5):283-289.
23. Loria F. Prognostic factors in abdominal gunshot injuries. New
Orleans Med Surg J. 1930 Dec;83(6):393-400.
24. Loria FL. The influence of haemorrhage in abdominal gunshot
injuries. Ann Surg. 1932 Aug;96(2):169-178.
25. Wright CD. Historical perspectives of The American Association for
Thoracic Surgery: Richard H. Sweet (1901-1962). J Thorac
Cardiovasc Surg. 2011 Jul;142(1):18-19.
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