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Zionist Terror Network (Meir Kahane and The JDL

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The Zionist Terror Network : Background and Operations of the Jewish Defense League and other Criminal Zionist


by Mark Weber

Institute for Historical Review, Newport Beach, CA 92659, Completely revised 1993 edition


This booklet documents the background and criminal activities of Jewish Zionist terrorist groups, and especially the Jewish Defense Le
emphasis is given here to terror -- including murder -- against "thought criminals" who question the Holocaust story that six mi
systematically killed during the Second World War.

Zionist terrorists openly proclaim an arrogant Jewish-supremacist ideology and acknowledge their readiness to use violence against tho
with them. With a well-documented record of bigotry and crime, they pose a serious danger to our society, and to men and women
treasure freedom.

Meir Kahane and the Jewish Defense League

The most zealous non-governmental Zionist terrorist organization has been the Jewish Defense League. Its activists have been involved
of crimes, and the US Federal Bureau of Investigation has repeatedly cited it as a criminal terrorist group.

The Jewish Defense League was founded in 1968 by Rabbi Meir Kahane. Born Martin David Kahane in 1932 in Brooklyn, New York, h

Two of Jabotinsky's most fervent followers went on to gain notoriety as leaders of Zionist terror groups, and, later, as prime ministers of

For a time in the 1960s, Kahane led a double life. He lived and worked under the name of Michael King, keeping this identity secret ev

Posing as the non-Jewish Michael King, he had affairs with a number of young women he picked up in New York bars. One of them wa

Kahane's life changed dramatically in 1968, when he and several colleagues founded the Jewish Defense League. Brandishing guns and

Kahane and his new organization received important and probably crucial support from two powerful allies: Israel's right-wing Herut po
the New York Mafia.

Between December 1969 and August 1972, Kahane's JDL -- with important support and guidance from Menachem Begin's Herut party
On May 12, 1971, Kahane and a dozen other JDL members were arrested by federal agents for conspiracy to manufacture explosives. O

Kahane claimed to have spent a total of three years in American prisons as a result of his militant activities. (note 8) During the early
abandoned the JDL and moved to Israel -- returning on occasional visits to raise money. Building on the international notoriety he ha
leader, in 1976 he launched his radical Kach party. In 1984 he was elected to the Israeli Knesset (parliament) as his party's only deputy.
JDL's New York chapter collapsed, and splinter groups emerged with names such as the "Jewish Direct Action," the "United Jewish
"Save Our Israel Land," and the "Jewish Defenders." (note 9)

Kahane was assassinated on November 5, 1990, while addressing a meeting of supporters at a hotel in midtown Manhattan, New York C

Rabbi Kahane's Ideology

In numerous speeches and essays, and in several books, Meir Kahane preached an arrogant and even genocidal message of Jewish supre

Typical of his passionate and outspoken prose style is a representative essay by Kahane that appeared in 1980 in a leading Jewish comm

...Vengeance is a fundamental Jewish concept that is a precept, injunction, commandment for the Jew...Vengeance becomes, thanks
and perplexed era in which we live, a maligned thing...Let the government of Israel, which is responsible for the lives of its citizens, m
buses, shops and homes of the Ishmaelites [Palestinians] perpetual places of terror and stark insecurity...Wipe away the bitter degra
name that is symbolized by Arab refusal to bow to Jewish sovereignty. A truly Jewish government is one that understands the need
desecration by removing, burning out, the evil that is the Arab nation in our midst.

In another essay, this one published in 1973, Ka-hane emphasized Jewish invincibility. The day will come, he promised, when all non-J

The Jewish people cannot ever be destroyed, but rather they and their G-d of History will emerge in days to come triumphant ov
foolishness of all other nations. Zion will and must emerge as the mount to which all peoples will turn and the Jewish L-rd will be
Whom all knees bend...

In an essay published in 1982, Kahane stressed the pitiless, either-or, us-or-them, nature of the struggle between Jews and their "enemie

Let us look at events through Jewish eyes...Lebanon:...A war was begun [by Israel] against a "Palestinian" enemy -- an entire people -
wipe out the Jewish state and the vast majority of its Jews. It was...a war unto the death, the utter destruction of the enemy, the instill
terror, until he capitulates and acknowledges the L-rd.

Jewish and liberal democratic values are incompatible, Kahane often insisted: "I have said it a million times. Western democracy a
incompatible with Zionism...The idea of a democratic Jewish state is nonsense." (note 15) On another occasion he stated: "Democra
who don't have the truth. No earthly, temporal government has any relevance to the actions of the Jew when its orders and regulation
[Jewish] Torah law...Judaism has never been a democratic form of society." (note 16)

A virtual obsession for Kahane was the brutal wartime treatment of Europe's Jews. "Never Again," the JDL slogan, pointedly referred
experience. In Kahane's view, every non-Jew is a potential Nazi murderer. "As long as one gentile lives opposite one Jew, the possibilit
remains," he wrote. (note 17) The moral measure of every action, Kahane stressed, must be "is it good for the Jews?" Failure to act in
this principle, he emphasized, will lead to "a new Auschwitz." (note 18)
In his biography of Kahane, author Robert Friedman relates some of the quirkiness of the militant rabbi's personality. Recalling his first

Kahane publicly called Arabs "dogs," (note 20) and on at least one occasion promised to eliminate Arabs from Israel "like bug
cockroaches." (note 21) In numerous speeches, and in a 1980 book entitled They Must Go, Kahane outlined his plan for the forcible ma
"transfer") of Palestinian Arabs from the "Land of Israel" -- that is, "greater Israel" (including the West Bank territory seized by Israel in

Kahane's worldview was summed up in the "statement of principles" of the Kach movement, which he founded and headed. It begins w

the transfer of the Arabs from all parts of Eretz Israel [the enlarged "Land of Israel"]. The Arabs' presence in Israel ensures hatred, d
bloodshed. It is a time bomb, threatening the existence of the Zionist enterprise. The Arabs living in Eretz Israel must therefore be t
Arab countries.

Kahane and his supporters agitated for an Israeli law that would criminalize sexual relations between Jews and non-Jews. (At it is, Jews

Kahane and his sympathizers have never been particularly bothered by the parallels between his proposed law and Hitler's "Nuremberg

As Kahane and other hardline Zionists have persistently pointed out, Jewish religious law clearly forbids Jews to marry non-Jews. (no
Ka-hane never tired of citing Jewish religious scripture in support of his ruthless, uncompromising message. As American Jewish autho
has acknowledged, Kahane and his supporters are (note 26)

absolutely correct in insisting that Judaism was a tribal religion, replete with hereditary priests performing animal sacrifices. It was
Amalekites, and tried to do so toward the Canaanites. There was much else that was fanatic and racist.

Support for Kahane and the JDL

Few prominent Israeli or American Jewish community leaders were ever willing publicly to support Kahane, and major American Jewis

At the conclusion of an address given in 1971 at a prosperous synagogue in Potomac, Maryland, during which the JDL leader praised t
of a car, the well-to-do congregation gave Kahane a standing ovation. (note 28) Jackie Mason, a prominent American comedian, pu
Kahane and performed at a fund-raising benefit for the JDL in early 1972. "Democratic principles shouldn't apply to Israel like they
explained Mason (like Kahane, an ordained Rabbi). (note 29) At a single fundraiser dinner in Boston in 1986, more than $20,000
collected for Kahane. (note 30)

An indication of Kahane's acceptance by even major American political figures came in 1972, when the JDL leader was invited by U
"Scoop" Jackson to stand together with him on a New York City stage. This was during the powerful politician's campaign for the De
presidential nomination. (note 31) Another prominent JDL supporter was US Congressman Mario Biaggi, who represented the Bronx
(note 32)

A leading Jewish community paper, the sensational Brooklyn-based weekly Jewish Press (with a circulation of 130,000 to 160,000), too
America's most influential daily paper, the (Jewish-owned) New York Times, gave Kahane a measure of respectability and legitimacy b

American television, newspapers and magazines never subjected Kahane to even a fraction of the criticism and contempt they so
against non-Jewish militants in groups such as the Ku Klux Klan, the "Aryan Nations" or "The Order," which preached comparab

In Israel, Kahane won support and even a measure of fanatical devotion from many "ordinary" Jews, particularly "Sephardic" Jews from

His appearance was enough to heat up the atmosphere and incite the curly-haired young people on the street corners, who see each Ar
threat to their social standing.

Those on the street corners shouted "Kahane the savior!"' They attacked Arabs, both from within Israel [proper] and the [occupied] terri
to Afula to work. They threw stones at Arab cars ...

They looted shops. The mob continued to shout "Kahane, Kahane! Death to the Arabs," sweeping before it everyone it encountered ...

His [Kahane's] distorted face was seen by millions of viewers in Israel and throughout the world as he shouted, "The only answer is to
out. I want the Arabs out, out, out!"

The city was a volcano. Kahane had set the tone from afar, and fear and hatred were rampant. Passions ran high. The Arab was t
Kahane, the racist who had come to Israel from the United States, had lit a fire.

Kahane is dead, but the flames of bigotry and fanaticism he worked so hard to fan still burn. Indeed, recent surveys show that ever m
support, or are at least willing to seriously consider, the most brutal measures against the Arabs living under their control, including g
mass expulsion from the land of "greater Israel."

Zionist Criminal Activities: A General Overview

Over the years, Zionist militants have carried out hundreds of illegal actions against real or imagined "enemies," including many acts o
harassment, and countless threatening phone calls. What follows here, though, are details about some particularly spectacular crim
While JDL responsibility for many of them has been conclusively established, in some cases precise responsibility could not be establis

On January 26, 1972, a JDL team firebombed the New York City offices of a US-Soviet cultural exchange agency. Killed in the fire was

In May 1972, ten JDL thugs broke into the Austrian consulate in Washington, DC, and beat Austria's ambassador to the US, Karl Grube

In May 1974, JDL members attacked Arab-American community activist Dr. Mohammed Mehdi with a lead pipe, sending him to the ho

On February 21, 1975, a US federal court found Kahane guilty of violating terms of a probation stemming from his 1971 felony convict
In 1975, 21-year-old JDL member David Kamaiko hijacked an executive helicopter in New York City, demanding $2 million ransom to
In 1978, Canadian JDL leader Joseph Schachter bombed the home of right-wing activist Donald Andrews. (note 41)

On April 11, 1982, JDL member Allan Goodman opened fire with a machine gun at a Muslim house of worship in Jerusalem, killing tw

In 1987, three members of the Jewish Defense League were arrested for their involvement in at least six bombing attacks carried out the

FBI officials believe that the JDL was behind the bomb blast in mid-August 1985 that killed Tscherim Soobzokov in Paterson, New Jer

In January 1991, Kurt Haber -- identified in newspaper reports as a "Jewish Holocaust survivor" -- was charged with making criminal th

Alex Odeh Murder

Perhaps the most widely-publicized crime in which the JDL has been implicated is the murder on October 11, 1985, of Alex Odeh, Wes

An FBI official announced in 1985 that the Jewish Defense League was believed responsible for the murder of Odeh and at least tw
incidents on the East Coast. "We are attributing the three bombings to the JDL," said FBI official Lane Bonner. (note 47) Similarl
released in July 1986 cited "elements" of the Jewish Defense League as responsible for the murder of Odeh. (note 48)

Three JDL members were identified by US federal investigators in 1988 as the perpetrators of the bombing that took Odeh's life. The ac
who were born in the USA but fled to Israel to avoid punishment, are Keith Fuchs, Andy Green and Robert Manning. (note 49) L
officials in Los Angeles and New York have named Robert Manning -- an important Jewish Defense League activist -- as a suspec
political bombings in 1985, including the one that killed Odeh. Manning, authorities said, had a two-decade history of violent ac
included threats against producers of a television show. (note 50)

After joining the southern California chapter of the Jewish Defense League as a charter member in 1971, Manning quickly earned a
particularly tough street fighter. JDL chief Irv Rubin praised him as a "pretty strong boy. I've seen him fight. We tangled with Nazis in t
in the streets. He was a real active guy." (note 51) In a 1988 court document, a federal prosecutor wrote: "It became known that [M
purporting to act on behalf of the Jewish cause, on several occasions placed or threw explosive devices at locations of Arab antagonists

The Israeli government sought to obstruct the FBI's investigation of the Odeh slaying, the federal agency charged in November
Manning himself tried to evade extradition by claiming heart trouble, by taking 20 sleeping pills, and by charging that he was b
persecuted simply because he is a pious, orthodox Jew. In spite of all this, Manning was finally extradited to the United States in July 1

Official Confirmation of JDL Terrorism

The US Justice Department's Federal Bureau of Investigation has repeatedly characterized the JDL as a terrorist and criminal organizati

In FBI terrorism analyses published since 1981, responsibility for 18 terrorist incidents has been attributed to groups seeking to pu
present injustices suffered by the Jewish people. While claims for some of these acts have been made in the names of the "Jewish Def
Jewish Underground," and "Jewish Direct Action," 15 of the incidents were attributed to the Jewish Defense League (JDL), by far the m
of these groups.
Also in 1985, the FBI named the Jewish Defense League as the second most active terrorist group in the United States. (Only Puerto
were more active during this period.) The FBI linked the JDL to 37 terrorist attacks carried out from 1977 to 1984. (note 56) Two yea
announced that Jewish extremist groups had carried out 24 terrorist acts from 1981 through 1986, 17 of which were the work of the
League. (note 57)

Another US federal government agency, the Department of Energy, similarly characterized the JDL in a report issued in 1986: (note 58)

For more than a decade, the Jewish Defense League (JDL) has been one of the most active terrorist groups in the United States. A
maintains that it is a political action group concerned with dramatizing the plight of Soviet Jewry and, in more general terms, prot
Jewish interests worldwide, the FBI has long classified it as a terrorist organization.

...The underlying purpose of the JDL is to reverse the mythical image of the Jews as victims. This militancy also fuels the anti-S
designed to create and foment new sources of tension in Soviet-American relations ...

The JDL, however, has also attacked Arab, Iranian, Iraqi, Egyptian, Palestinian, Lebanese, French, and German targets in the United S
[for example], Egyptian diplomats were targeted...Attacks have also been staged by League chapters in France, Britain, Italy and Israel.

In more recent years, the official report went on,

The JDL has pursued a dual-track strategy of acts of civil disobedience and generally peaceful protest, along with acts of outright terro
is the JDL's favorite tactic, accounting for 78 percent of all JDL incidents. Shootings are next, accounting for 16 percent, followed by a
and kidnaping, accounting for one percent each ...

Since 1968, JDL operations have killed seven persons and wounded at least 22...Sixty-two percent of all JDL attacks are directed aga
percent against businesses; four percent against academics and academic institutions; and two percent against religious targets.

Typically, an anonymous caller will claim responsibility for a specific terrorist act for either the JDL or one of its alleged subgroups,
official spokesman for the JDL deny the group's involvement the following day.

In the past, although the JDL was among the most active terrorist organizations in the United States, the threat it posed appeared
symbolic...Recent events, however, suggest that this view requires revision. The increase of militant Jewish terrorism represents not on
of violence, but a significant change in targeting patterns, as well as a dramatic shift in tactics.

...The group appears to be concentrating its efforts on persons and institutions it considers to be enemies of Judaism and Israel. The tar
include alleged former Nazis and war criminals; Palestinian and Arab individuals and institutions; and persons and so-called
promoting views about the Holocaust that minimize the dimensions of Jewish suffering.

Perhaps the most far-reaching change, however, is the increasing use of assassination, both to draw attention to the terrorists' causes
perceived enemies of the Jewish people and Israel.

Mordechai Levy and the Jewish Defense Organization

Besides Kahane, two of the most prominent JDL activists have been Irv Rubin and Mordechai Levy. Each has been repeatedly arres

Until 1982 or 1983, Mordechai (Mark) Levy was one of the most active of Jewish Defense League activists. (note 59) Among his nume
one in 1981 as a suspect in a car bombing. (note 60) On one occasion he dressed up in a full regalia Nazi uniform to apply for a parade
at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, apparently in an effort to alert the local Jewish community to the "dangers of neo-Nazism." (note
After leaving the JDL (supposedly because it was not "militant enough") he founded the Jewish Defense Organization. He claimed that
in New York City, had more than 3,000 members. (The real figure was probably no more than a few dozen.) In the years that followed
Zionist militant Irv Rubin engaged in increasingly bitter feuding.

In August 1989, Levy was arrested following a dramatic night-time confrontation with Rubin and other JDL members. Fearing that Rub
kill him, Levy went to the roof of the building where he lived and began spraying the lower Manhattan street with semiautomatic rifl
an air-conditioning repairman as he sat in his parked van. (note 62) Levy was later sentenced to four and a half years imprisonment for
year-old repairman. (note 63)

On April 22, 1993, Jewish Defense Organization members attacked demonstrators who had gathered in Washington, DC, to protest the

One of the victims was David Willcox, a 52-year-old employee of the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission. He was standing o
when three men wearing black "paramilitary" uniforms and skull caps with the Star of David attacked, beating him on the head and
pipes. Willcox required hospitalization and 12 stitches in his head.

Two JDO members later confirmed the attack against Willcox. JDO spokesman Michael Schneider told a reporter that his group woul
"whatever is necessary " to "defend" Jews, including attacking "enemies" in the street. The FBI said that it is investigating the attack ag
a possible act of "domestic terrorism," while city police announced that they were looking into the incident as a possible "hate crime
press, though, no arrests have been made.)

Irv Rubin

Since the early 1970s, Irv Rubin has been perhaps the most prominent Jewish Defense League activist and spokesman. After a time as l

In March 1992, Irv Rubin was arrested on suspicion of conspiring to commit murder. He was released a few days later after the Los Ang

In August 1992, Rubin's JDL succeeded in forcing a Los Angeles restaurant and nightclub, the Largo, to cancel a concert on behalf of th

Violence Against Holocaust Revisionists

Among the most persistent targets of Jewish terrorists in recent years have been those who reject the generally accepted Holocaust story
Jews were systematically murdered in Europe during the Second World War.

In recent decades, a growing number of scholars have been citing an impressive body of evidence that raises serious doubts about m
well-documented aspects of the Holocaust story. These "Holocaust revisionists" include acclaimed best-selling British historian Davi
professor Dr. Robert Faurisson and Dr. Arthur Butz of Northwestern University. (For more about Holocaust revisionism and th
revisionist historians, write for a catalog of books, tapes and other material from the Institute for Historical Review.)

Incidents of violence against revisionist "thought criminals" have included:

George Ashley, a high school history teacher and supporter of the IHR, has been the target of several terrorist attacks because of his re
In April 1982, two bricks were hurled through the front window of his suburban Los Angeles home. One month later, two gasoline
thrown against the front of his house, and in December of 1982, JDL criminals ransacked Ashley's home, causing an estimated $26
(note 68) Mordechai Levy later boasted: "We warned him [Ashley] that if he continued his activity, he would pay a consequence...We w
school board does not stop Ashley, we would stop him." (note 69)
In July 1984, Ashley received repeated telephone calls from someone who threatened to bomb his home. A JDL member identified by p
recordings of the threats was later arrested. (note 70) In August 1984, JDL member Michael S. Canale was arrested on suspicion of
threat against George Ashley. (note 71)
In May 1985, Ashley's home was the target of a another bomb attack, in which no one was hurt. The letters "JDL" were spray-painted
leading to Ashley's front door. (note 72) This attack was cited in a January 1986 federal government report: (note 73)

The following month [May 1985], the JDL claimed credit for bombing the house of George Ashley, Los Angeles-area high school teach
students that the number of Jews killed by the Nazis during World War II was considerably less than the commonly accepted figure of
that not more than a million Jews perished during the war.

Dr. Charles Weber, a contributor to the IHR's Journal of Historical Review, had his car vandalized in two separate incidents during the m

Dr. Reinhard K. Buchner, a professor of physics at California State University, Long Beach, and a member of the IHR Editorial Advisor

German-Canadian publisher Ernst Zndel, a prominent revisionist activist, has been repeatedly attacked by the Jewish Defense Leagu
1983, JDL thugs beat him on the steps of Toronto's Old City Hall. The JDL carried out another attack against him on February 6, 1984.
In September 1984, Zndel's home in Toronto was damaged in a pipe-bomb attack. A group calling itself "The People's Liberation Arm
Defense League" claimed responsibility in a phone call to a local television station. In January 1985, a JDL mob attacked Zndel, hi
Christie and Christie's female legal secretary at the entrance to a Toronto courthouse.

The office of a German-American group was set on fire in 1985, apparently because of the organization's skepticism about Holocaust cl

Target: Institute for Historical Review

Since its founding in 1978, the Institute for Historical Review has been the leading American publisher of books and other materials qu

During the course of a JDL demonstration in front of the IHR office on March 19, 1981, Mordechai Levy and other JDL protesters attac

A few weeks later, on April 5, 1981, JDL hoodlums staged another violent demonstration outside the IHR office, during which an IH
thrown to the ground and beaten.

In the early morning hours of June 25, 1981, came the first firebombing attack against the IHR office. Fortunately, the arson device -- si
The second arson attack against the IHR office came on April 25, 1982, in which a copy machine, a few pieces of furniture and some re

In an attack on September 5, 1982, the IHR office was riddled with gunfire, demolishing two windows and damaging the front door. Ad

Fire-Bombing Arson Attack

This terror campaign culminated in a devastating arson attack on the Institute's offices and warehouse in Torrance on July 4, 1984 -- the

In a special edition of the IHR Newsletter (August 1984), IHR Director J. Marcellus summed up:

As a physical entity, the Institute for Historical Review has virtually ceased to exist. Ninety percent of our book and tape invento
collection of revisionist historical literature to be found anywhere -- has been wiped out. Every last piece of office equipment a
including desks, chairs, files and shelves -- lay in charred heaps of useless, twisted scrap. Manuscripts, documents, artwork, galleys an
-- products of more than six long years of a tough, dedicated effort to bring suppressed historical data to people the world over -- no lo
of thousands of books...estimated at over $300,000 in value, are gone...More than 2,500 square feet of space that was once th
controversial publisher lies blackened in chaos and total ruin.

Two days later, JDL leader Irv Rubin showed up at the site of the gutted IHR offices to publicly praise the arson attack. The JDL, he dec

Although no one was ever arrested in connection with the 1984 firebombing, the sophisticated nature of the attack suggests that it cou
work of trained operatives of a foreign governmental agency.

Apart from local news coverage, American newspapers and television reported almost nothing about this act of criminal "book burning.

The outfit in the United States that does publish material belittling generally accepted accounts of the Nazi extermination of the Je
Institute for Historical Review. I don't recall much fuss when its offices in Torrance, California, were firebombed in July 1984. Perh
Mailer meant by "sophistication" in handling such heterodox opinion.

At the same time, though, a few prominent voices courageously spoke out against the attack. American historian John Toland -- who rec

When I learned of the torching of the office-warehouse of the Institute for Historical Review, I was shocked. And when I heard no cond
act of terrorism on television and read no protests in the editorial pages of our leading newspapers or from the halls of Academe, I w
incensed...I call on all true believers in democracy to join me in public denunciation of the recent burning of books in Torrance, Californ

British historian David Irving, author of numerous acclaimed, best-selling works of history, declared: "I was deeply shocked to hear
attack on your premises."

JDL Harassment of IHR Conference

In mid-February 1989, Jewish Defense League intimidation brought on the cancellation of a three-day Institute for Historical Review c
hotel sites in southern California.

Arrangements had been made months in advance to hold the Ninth IHR Conference at the Red Lion Inn hotel in Costa Mesa. Several d
to begin, the hotel received the first of a barrage of telephone threats warning that if it permitted the IHR gathering to take place as
would be large, disruptive demonstrations in front of the hotel. It didn't take many such threats to persuade general manager Russell C
the Zionist group, and to cancel the hotel's contract with the IHR. Cox then added insult to injury by permitting JDL chief Rubin
conference" in the hotel lobby.

Arrangements were then hastily made to relocate the IHR gathering to a nearby Holiday Inn hotel. However, just hours before it was
and as attendees were arriving -- the Holiday Inn likewise cancelled out, bowing to JDL threats similar to those made against the Red L

At this point, and with help from former US Congressman John Schmitz, IHR Director J. Marcellus made emergency arrangements wit

JDL Thugs Attack Young Jewish Revisionist

On January 22, 1992, revisionist activist David Cole was attacked by JDL thugs at a meeting held at the University of California at Los

The tumult was recorded on videotape by a camera crew of the CBS television news program "48 Hours," as well as by news crews of t

Violence in Europe

The Murder of Franois Duprat

In France, Franois Duprat -- a gifted young historian, educator, and prolific writer -- was murdered in 1978, thereby becoming the first

As a result of such activism, the 38-year-old teacher was assassinated on March 18, 1978, when the car he was driving was blown up in

The Israel Connection

It is no secret that Israel provides training and weapons for local "Jewish defense groups" in the United States and many other countries
responsible for setting up Jewish defense groups, called "frames," or misgerot, all over the world, now including some parts of the Unit
anti-Semitism is regarded as a threat ... The main job is to help the leaders of Jewish communities outside Israel plan for their own secu
is done through the hets va-keshet, or "bow and arrow," Israel's paramilitary youth brigades.

... Often youths from other countries are brought over [to Israel] to spend the summer learning about security, picking up such skil
obstacle courses, pitching tents, and learning how to use a sniper rifle and Uzi assault rifle. Still others learn upgraded security skills
build a slick, for hiding weapons or documents, when and how to do security checks, as well as fundamentals of investigation

Israel provides weapons for the many "Jewish defense groups," confirms Ostrovsky, indirectly through known arms dealers.


In Europe the most important Zionist terrorist group is Tagar, the youth (or "student") branch of the radical Zionist movement Betar. Th

Tagar activists have often boasted of their determination to "strike" against anyone who "denies the Holocaust." Tagar admitted res
physical assault against French revisionist historian Olivier Mathieu during a television interview in February 1990. Three months la
sacked the "Ogmios" bookstore in Paris (which carried revisionist titles).

Tagar/Betar activists receive combat training along military lines from Israeli army officers. Tagar members wear paramilitary blue unif

Tagar activists have operated in France under other names, including "Jewish Defense Organization" and "Jewish Combat Organization

Tagar has also been active in the United States. In February 1992, the "Tagar Student Zionist Organization at the Ohio State University"

Robert Faurisson

Dr. Robert Faurisson -- Europe's most prominent Holocaust revisionist (and a member of the Editorial Advisory Committee of the IHR'

After spraying a stinging gas into his face, temporarily blinding him, three assailants punched him to the ground and then repeatedly k
face and chest. The 60-year-old scholar, who had been out walking his poodle in a park in his home town of Vichy, suffered a broken
head injuries. Physicians operated for four and a half hours to repair his jaw and treat a broken rib and badly swollen face.

A group calling itself "The Sons of the Memory of the Jews" claimed responsibility for the savage attack. In a statement, the g
"Professor Faurisson is the first, but will not be the last. Let those who deny the Shoah [Holocaust] beware." (note 97) While French
would acknowledge only that "three young Jewish activists from Paris" had carried out the assault, the attackers are strongly suspect
with the Tagar/Betar organization. (note 98)

Prominent individuals and organizations in France, along with the country's most influential daily newspaper, Le Monde, condemned th
While the September 1989 attack against Faurisson was the most vicious, it was neither the first nor the last. Between November 1978

Other Terrorist Incidents in Europe

On November 5, 1980, an arson attack destroyed the office, warehouse and printing plant in Sussex, southern England, of the firm tha
Million Really Die? and other revisionist publications of the Historical Review Press. Damage was estimated at 50,000 pounds. A
Manny Carpel, was found guilty of the crime, and sentenced to two and a half years imprisonment. (He served only a little more than a

In January 1984, in Cologne, Germany, Professor Hermann Greive, a non-Jewish authority on Jewish religious writings, was shot to dea

On February 10, 1988, terrorists set fire to the automobile of German historian Ernst Nolte while it was parked at the Free University in

On April 20, 1991, Betar/Tagar thugs carried out a violent attack against several persons who were to attend a conference in Paris on the
A bookstore in Paris had to be shut down for good in 1992 after repeated violent attacks by Jewish militants. The bookstore was targete
revisionist titles and was operated by revisionist publisher Pierre Guillaume.

On October 19, 1992, a team of about 30 Betar activists shoved and insulted pedestrians, smashed automobiles, and threw tear gas at po

In December 1992, the chief of the Jewish Defense League in Israel announced that he was sending teams of killers to Germany to mur
Every German who cries "Heil Hitler," or otherwise identifies himself as a Nazi, declared 33-year-old Rabbi Baruch Ben-Joseph (Bar
target for death. (note 105) Prominent German far-right political figures are not the only persons on the Israel JDL's hit list, confided on
"Persons behind the scenes are often more important, such as the professor who denies or whitewashes the Holocaust in a book." (note


As this report shows, non-governmental Zionist terrorism has been a problem for more than twenty years. It remains a serious problem

Espousing Jewish supremacy, the Zionist terrornetwork operates internationally, linking Israel, Europe and the United States. In
suffering and destruction resulting directly from its many crimes, the network's campaign of bigotry fosters a dangerous climate of hate
Through intimidation, threat and violence, Jewish-Zionist terrorists have succeeded in silencing numerous voices. Many others have
out of fear that they might likewise become victims.

Particularly alarming is the important support provided to these criminal groups by the government of Israel. This official collaboratio
not only to the freedom and security of individuals in many countries, but to the very freedom and sovereignty of nations.

At the same time, though, the danger should not be exaggerated. Zionist power is formidable but not limitless.

For one thing, Jewish militants are often so inept and mutually suspicious that they squander much of their energy on attacks against ea
Moreover, the number of individuals and organizations that Zionist militants perceive as "anti-Semitic enemies" has increased so dram
years that any one person or group is less likely to be singled out for attack. (Even the much-feared "anti-Semite" epithet has lost much
1991, an Israeli government cabinet minister denounced President George Bush as "anti-Semitic" because he wasn't acting quickly enou
a $10 billion loan guarantee to Israel.)

The readiness of Zionist militants to use violence against those whose views they reject is an implicit admission of moral and intellectu
resorting to violence against Holocaust revisionists and others, Zionist fanatics inherently acknowledge their inability to discredit t
arguments in free and open debate. Each new act of intimidation and violence only serves to further underscore this intellectual impoten

In the long run, ideas and arguments cannot be destroyed by violence. Holocaust revisionism, in particular, has made such strides in so
in recent years that it can no longer be effectively suppressed.


1. Probably the most useful books about Kahane and the JDL are: The False Prophet: Rabbi Meir Kahane: From FBI Informant to
(Chicago: Lawrence Hill Books, 1990) by American Jewish journalist Robert I. Friedman; and, Heil Kahane (New York: Adama, 1
investigative journalist Yair Kotler
2. . Avishai Margalit, "The Violent Life of Yitzhak Shamir," The New York Review of Books, May 14, 1992, pp. 18-24.; Lenni Brenne
Age of the Dictators (1983), pp. 266-269.; L. Brenner, Jews in America Today (Lyle Stuart, 1986), pp. 175-177.; Sol Stern, L. Rapopo
of the Shadows," Village Voice (New York), July 3, 1984, pp. 13 ff.; Israel Shahak, "Yitzhak Shamir, Then and Now," Middle East Poli
3. R. Friedman, The False Prophet (1990), pp. 4, 61-63, 68, 78, 82.
4. Yair Kotler, Heil Kahane, pp. 27-29.; R. Friedman, The False Prophet, pp. 71-75.; J. Kifner, "Meir Kahane," The New York Times,
B 13.
5. R. Friedman, The False Prophet, pp. 85-98.
6. R. Friedman, The False Prophet, pp. 87, 105-108.
7. Y. Kotler, Heil Kahane (1986), pp. 46-51.; R. Friedman, The False Prophet, pp. 121-127.
8. Geoffrey Wigoder, Dictionary of Jewish Biography (New York : Simon & Schuster, 1991), p. 250.
9. "JDL is the second most active terrorist group, FBI says," Orange County Register (Santa Ana), Nov. 19, 1985.; Robert I. Friedma
Boys with Bombs: The Return of the JDL," Village Voice (New York), May 6, 1986, pp. 21, 22.
10. New York Times, Nov. 6, 1990, pp. A1, B13.
11. Y. Kotler, Heil Kahane (1986), pp. 184-185.
12. M. Kahane, "Vengeance," The Jewish Press (Brooklyn, NY), June 13, 1980, pp. 36D, 46.
13. The Jewish Press (Brooklyn), Nov. 9, 1973.
14. Jewish Press (Brooklyn), Oct. 1, 1982. Quoted in: Lenni Brenner, Jews in America Today (1986), p. 297.
15. Quoted in: J. Kifner, "Meir Kahane," New York Times, Nov. 6, 1990, p. B 13.
16. Quoted in: B. Lynfield, "Meir Kahane: The Battle Ahead," Midstream, February 1986, p. 18.
17. Meir Kahane, The Story of the Jewish Defense League (1975), p. 5. Quoted in: G. Cromer, "Negotiating the Meaning of the Holoc
and Genocide Studies (Britain), Vol. 2, No. 2, 1987, p. 290.
18. M. Kahane, Our Challenge: The Chosen Land (1974), p. 137. Quoted in: G. Cromer, "Negotiating the Meaning of the Holocaust,
Genocide Studies (Britain), Vol. 2, No. 2, 1987, p. 291.
19. R. Friedman, False Prophet, p. 1.
20. J. Kifner, "Meir Kahane," New York Times, Nov. 6, 1990, p. B 13.
21. The Washington Post, August 27, 1985.
22. Y. Kotler, Heil Kahane, p. 195.
23. Y. Kotler, Heil Kahane (1986), pp. 153, 198-212.; See also: Gerald Cromer, "Negotiating the Meaning of the Holocaust," Holocau
Studies (Britain), Vol. 2, No. 2, 1987, pp. 292-294.
24. See: Lenni Brenner, Jews in America Today (1986), p. 298.
25. See, for example: Genesis 28:1, 6; Deuteronomy 7:1-3; Leviticus 20: 2, 26; Ezra 9:1-2, 12; Nehemiah 13: 23-30.
26. L. Brenner, Jews in America Today (Secaucus, N.J.: Lyle Stuart, 1986), p. 301.
27. R. Friedman, False Prophet, pp. 115-116, 222-224.; R. Friedman, "Inside the Jewish Terrorist Underground: In the Realm of Perfec
Voice, Nov. 12, 1985, p. 19. ("Among the wealthy Jews who have supported the JDL, is Reuben Mattus, the founder and president of H
28. Evening Star (Washington, DC), March 1, 1971.
29. R. Friedman, False Prophet, pp. 222, 269-271.
30. R. Friedman, "Nice Jewish Boys with Bombs: The Return of the JDL," Village Voice (New York), May 6, 1986, p. 26.
31. R. Friedman, The False Prophet, p. 147.
32. R. Friedman, The False Prophet, pp. 125, 185.
33. Y. Kotler, Heil Kahane, p. 33.; R. Friedman, False Prophet, pp. 64, 76, 77, 85, 86.
34. See, for example, Kahane's essay, "The 'Guilt' of Jews Threatens Israel," in the New York Times of April 7, 1989.; Kahane's essay
Imperiled? Yes, by Liberal Jews," appeared in the The New York Times of Dec. 20, 1985. Quoted in: L. Brenner, Jews in America Tod
n. 25.; Kahane's essay, "Enough Lamentation," apparently appeared in the New York Times of November 2, 1972. Source: The Jewish
A Cult of Racism and Terror, and a Threat to Arab-Americans, ADC Issues [report] No. 9, published by the American-Arab Ant
Committee, Washington, DC (1982?).
35. Y. Kotler, Heil Kahane, pp. 10-11.
36. R. Friedman, The False Prophet, pp. 142-145.; The Jewish Defense League: A Cult of Racism and Terror, and a Threat to Arab-A
Issues [report] No. 9, published by the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, Washington, DC (1982?).
37. Los Angeles Times, May 9, 1972, p. 5.
38. Alfred M. Lilienthal, The Zionist Connection (1979), p. 395.
39. R. Friedman, False Prophet, pp. 178-180.
40. The Jewish Defense League: A Cult of Racism and Terror, and a Threat to Arab-Americans, ADC Issues [report] No. 9, published b
Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, Washington, DC (1982?).
41. Vancouver Sun, July 3, 1978.
42. Washington Post, April 12, 1982.; Village Voice, Oct. 2, 1984.
43. H. W. French, "3 J.D.L. Members Seized in Bombings," New York Times, May 9, 1987.; L. Buder, "Prison for Ex-J.D.L. Chief in
York Times, Oct. 27, 1987, p. B3.
44. D. Palermo, "FBI Links JDL to Bomb Death of Arab Leader," Los Angeles Times, Nov. 9, 1985.; A. Dawson, "Terrorism experts p
finding," Orange County Register (Santa Ana), Nov. 13, 1985, pp. B1, B6.; See also: Robert I. Friedman, "Nice Jewish Boys with Bom
of the JDL," Village Voice (New York), May 6, 1986, p. 24.
45. K. Reich, "Holocaust Survivor Arrested After Alleged Threats," Los Angeles Times, Jan. 30, 1991.
46. D. Palermo, "FBI Links JDL to Bomb Death of Arab Leader," Los Angeles Times, Nov. 9, 1985.
47. D. Palermo, "FBI Links JDL to Bomb Death of Arab Leader," Los Angeles Times, Nov. 9, 1985.
48. D. Palermo, "FBI Report Links 'Elements' of JDL...," Los Angeles Times, July 3, 1986.; See also: L. Sasaki, "FBI Attributes Fatal B
Ana to 'Extremists'," Los Angeles Times, July 17, 1986.; S. Engelberg, "Official Says F.B.I. Has Suspects in Blasts Laid to Extremist J
Times, July 17, 1986.
49. R. Friedman, False Prophet, pp. 239 ff., and 248.; R. Friedman, "Did This Man Kill Alex Odeh?," Village Voice, July 12, 1988, pp.
50. K. Reich, "Mail-Bomb Suspect Sent Back to U.S.," Los Angeles Times, July 19, 1993.
51. G. Dillow, "Mail-Bombing Suspect a Man of Many Faces," Los Angeles Times, August 5, 1993.; K. Reich, "Mail-Bomb Suspe
U.S.," Los Angeles Times, July 19, 1993.
52. "Mail-Bombing Suspect...," Los Angeles Times, Aug. 5, 1993.
53. "FBI Memo: Israelis Hampering Probe," The Washington Post, Nov. 19, 1987, p. A 19.; "FBI Memos Accuse Israel...," Los Angele
County ed.), Nov. 19, 1987, p. II/1.;

The Manning case was the subject of two revealing articles in the influential Jewish community weekly Jewish Press (Brooklyn), Ju
first, "Israel's Chief Rabbinate: Torah Law Forbids Extradition of Mannings" (p. 2), reported that leading Israeli rabbis had declared tha
of Robert Manning and his wife from Israel to the United States would be a violation of Jewish "Torah Law," or Halacha. The article
Shaul Yisraeli, a prominent member of the Chief Rabbinate, said that he always had opposed the extradition agreement Israel has with
because it is contrary to Torah Law." The second article, "More On the Mannings: What the Feds Are Really After" (p. 56C), related
Shulchan Aruch and the Rambam state explicitly that it is absolutely forbidden to send a Jew into the hands of a Gentile. In the words
'It is forbidden to send a Jew into the hands of the Gentile, be it his money or his body...one who does so has no portion in the World to
54. K. Reich, "Mail-Bomb Suspect Sent Back to U.S.," Los Angeles Times, July 19, 1993.; M. Parks & E. Malnic, "Israel Orders
Returned to L.A. for Trial," Los Angeles Times, August 17, 1993.

One condition for Manning's extradition to the US was that he would not be charged or prosecuted for his role in the Odeh killing. In
federal jury in Los Angeles found Robert Manning guilty of complicity in the 1980 bomb death of a secretary at a computer comp
Patricia Wilkerson. See: "Ex-JDL Activist Guilty of Bomb Death," Los Angeles Times (Orange County edition), Oct. 15, 1993, pp. A1,
55. US Dept. of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Terrorist Research and Analytical Center, Terrorism Section, Criminal Invest
FBI Analysis of Terrorist Incidents and Terrorist-Related Activities in the United States (1985), pp. 16-18. Quoted in: Issa Nakhleh, ed
of the Palestine Problem (New York: Intercontinental Books, 1991), Vol. II, pp. 862, 867.
56. "JDL is the second most active terrorist group, FBI says," Orange County Register (Santa Ana), Nov. 19, 1985.
57. "FBI Memo: Israelis Hampering Probe," The Washington Post, Nov. 19, 1987, p. A 19.
58. US Dept. of Energy, Terrorism in the United States and the Potential Threat to Nuclear Facilities (R-3351-Doe, January 1986), pp
in: Issa Nakhleh, ed., Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem (New York: Intercontinental Books, 1991), Vol. II, pp. 862-864, 867-68.
An analyst for the Rand Corporation confirmed in 1984 that the Jewish group pursues "a dual-track strategy alternating between civil d
generally peaceful protest to vandalism and outright acts of terrorism." (Source: "JDL is the second most active terrorist group, FB
County Register [Santa Ana], Nov. 19, 1985.)
59. R. Friedman, False Prophet, pp. 232-233.
60. "JDL wasn't militant enough for Levy," New York Post, August 11, 1989, p. 5.
61. R. Friedman, "Oy Vey, Make My Day," Village Voice, August 22, 1989, p. 15.
62. New York Daily News, August 11, 1989, pp. 1, 4, 5.; New York Post, Aug. 11, 1989, pp. 1, 5.; See also: "Man Charged in Bleecker
New York Times, Aug. 11, 1989, p. B3.; R. Friedman, "Oy Vey, Make My Day," Village Voice, August 22, 1989, pp. 15 ff.
63. "Jewish militant gets 4 1/2 yrs. in shooting," New York Post, April 12, 1990 (?).

64. L. Goodstein, "Holocaust Museum Protester Later Beaten," The Washington Post, April 29, pp. C1, C2.; L. Kellman, "Hate crimes
of museum," The Washington Times, April 24, 1993, p. A 11.; L. Kellman, "Beating outrages Jews: The Washington Times, April 29, p
Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, June 1993, pp. 50, 51, 108.; For more on the April 22, 1993, demonstration, see: The Jour
Review, July-August 1993, pp. 2-3, 17.; The New York Times informed readers that "attempts were made to interrupt the [Holoc
dedication on April 22." (NY York Times, "Book Review" section, July 11, p. 1.) This is not true. The demonstration, which took pl
supervision some distance from the dedication ceremony site, was entirely peaceable. The only "interruption" connected with the d
violence committed against peaceful demonstrators.
65. The Jewish Defense League, ADC Issues [report] No. 9, published by the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, W
66. "JDL Chairman Rubin Released in Murder Case," Los Angeles Times, March 11, 1992.
67. P. M. Twair, "Freedom of Speech Only a Memory in Gang-Ridden Los Angeles," The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, O
55, 85.
68. IHR Newsletter, June 1985, p. 10.
69. Daily News (Los Angeles), Dec. 9, 1982, p. 10.
70. Daily Breeze (Torrance), Sept. 1, 1984.
71. R. Varenchik, "Man who calls Holocaust a lie reports threat; JDL figure held," Los Angeles Daily News, Aug. 21, 1984, pp. 1, 8.
72. A. Jalon, "Bomb Hits Home of Holocaust Doubter," Los Angeles Times, May 16, 1985.
73. US Dept. of Energy, Terrorism in the United States and the Potential Threat to Nuclear Facilities, R-3351-Doe, January 1986, pp. 1
Issa Nakhleh, ed., Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem (New York: Intercontinental Books, 1991), Vol. II, pp. 862-864, 867-68.
74. Tulsa Tribune, April 12, 1985, and information from Dr. Weber.
75. IHR Newsletter, June 1981, p. 4.; IHR Newsletter, May 1983, p. 6.; Information from J. Marcellus.

76. Source: US Dept. of Energy, Terrorism in the United States and the Potential Threat to Nuclear Facilities, R-3351-Doe, January
Quoted in: Issa Nakhleh, ed., Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem (New York: Intercontinental Books, 1991), Vol. II, pp. 862-864, 86
77. IHR Newsletter, August 1984.; Letter by IHR Director Marcellus to US Senator Jeremiah Denton, July 20, 1984.; Informat
78. Daily Breeze (Torrance), March 20, 1981, p. 1.; Information provided by J. Marcellus.
79. "Terror Comes to the IHR," IHR Newsletter, July 1981, p. 2.
80. "Arsonists hit Institute for Historical Review office," Daily Breeze (Torrance), July 5, 1984, p. A3.; IHR 1982 Annual Report [I
December 1982, p. 2.
81. "Nazi Holocaust Doubters Target of Jewish Group," Los Angeles Times, August 1, 1985, p. B 1.; IHR 1982 Annual Report [I
December 1982, p. 2.; Information provided by J. Marcellus.
82. "Arsonists hit Institute for Historical Review office," Daily Breeze (Torrance), July 5, 1984, p. A3.
83. "JDL applauds blaze at Torrance institute," Daily Breeze (Torrance), July 7, 1984, pp. Al, A6.; In the wake of the fire-bombing, th
again from a makeshift new office in Torrance. In 1985, Rubin announced a JDL campaign to force the IHR out of the city. ("Nazi Hol
Target of Jewish Group," Los Angeles Times, Aug. 1, 1985, p. B 1.)
84. A. Cockburn, "Beat the Devil," The Nation, March 20, 1989, p. 366.
85. The statements of Toland and Irving appear in the IHR Newsletter, October 1984, p. 1.
86. IHR Newsletter, April 1989.
87. IHR Newsletter, February 1992, p. 5.; IHR Newsletter, April 1992, p. 1.
88. In 1992, Cole conducted a videotaped interview with the curator of the Auschwitz State Museum. A VHS videotape casset
Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper," is available from the IHR for $49, plus $2.50 shipping.
89. Philip Rees, Biographical Dictionary of the Extreme Right Since 1890 (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1990), pp. 106-107.; R
Journal of Historical Review (IHR), Winter 1988-89, pp. 417 f.
90. Le Monde (Paris), March 19-20, 1978, p. 24, and March 23, 1978, p. 7. See also: "Quinze ans de terrorisme," ("Fifteen years o
Choc du Mois (France), June 1991, p. 7.; M. Weber, The Journal of Historical Review, Summer 1988, pp. 180, 184.
91. Victor Ostrovksy and Claire Hoy, By Way of Deception (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1990), pp. 291-292.
92. R. Hemeaix, "Btar: la mauvaise toile de David" ("Betar: The evil star of David"), Le Choc du Mois (France), July-August 1990
also: "Quinze ans de terrorisme," Le Choc du Mois (France), June 1991, pp. 7-13.
93. R. Hemeaix, "Btar: la mauvaise toile de David," Le Choc du Mois (France), July-August 1990, pp. 37-38.
94. Le Monde, March 7, 1986, p. 8.; "Quinze ans de terrorisme" ("Fifteen years of terrorism"), Le Choc du Mois (France), June 1991
milices juives qui sment la terreur" ("Those Jewish militias that sow terror"), Le Choc du Mois, April 1992, pp. 37-39.; R. Hem
mauvaise toile de David," Le Choc du Mois (France), July-August 1990, pp. 37-38.;
See also: "Une communaut otage de ses extrmiste," Le Choc du Mois (France), June 1991, pp. 14-17.; "Carpentras: L'effet Boome
June 1991, pp. 18-20.; F. Chesnay, "Toute censure est un aveu," Le Choc du Mois (France), June 1991, pp. 21-22; D. Barney, C. C
Lavirose, La nouvelle Inquisition: Essai sur le terrorisme intellectuel et la police de la pense (Paris: 1993).

95. A copy of a leaflet issued in Feb. 1992 by the "Tagar Student Zionist Organization at the Ohio State University" (Columbus) is on fi
96. "L'agression contre M. Robert Faurisson revendique par 'Les fils de la mmoire juive'," Le Monde, Sept. 19, 1989, p. 14.; Su
(London), Sept. 24, 1989.; "Historian severely beaten for disputing Holocaust," Reuters dispatch, Philadelphia Inquirer, Sept.
Newsletter, October 1989.; M. Weber, Christian News (New Haven, Mo.), Oct. 16, 1989, p. 22.
97. Le Monde, Sept. 19, 1989, p. 14.; Sunday Telegraph (London), Sept. 24, 1989.; Christian News (New Haven, Mo.), Oct. 16, 1989, p
98. Letters by R. Faurisson to the IHR of June 16, 1992, October 24, 1992, May 28, 1993, and September 14, 1993.
99. Le Monde, Sept. 19, 1989, p. 14.; Sunday Telegraph (London), Sept. 24, 1989.; Christian News (New Haven, Mo.), Oct. 16, 1989, p
100. Letters by R. Faurisson to the IHR of July 15, 1993, September 14, 1993 and Nov. 27, 1993.;
In Stockholm, Faurisson has been attacked twice. The first attack, on March 17, 1992, was reported widely in the Swedish press. The s
May 22, 1993, also received coverage in Swedish newspapers.; The attack against Faurisson in Paris on May 30, 1993, was reported
incident au cours de la Runion de la Tribune des athes," Libration, (Paris), June 1, 1993.
101. Le Figaro (Paris), January 26, 1984, p. 4.
102. "Attack Against Auto of German 'Revisionist' Historian," IHR Newsletter, July 1988, p. 5.
103. "Un commando sioniste s'invite au meeting no-nazi," Libration, April 22, 1991, p. 28.; "Ces milices juives qui sment la terre
Mois (France), April 1992, pp. 37-39.
104. H. de Bresson, "L'quipe sauvage du Btar Rostock," Le Monde (Paris), Oct. 21, 1992, p. 4.
105. "Extremisten aus Israel: Jagd auf Neonazis in Deutschland?," Berliner Morgenpost, December 11 [or 12?], 1992.; Frankfurter Allg
Dec. 12, 1992, p. 6.
106. Michael Kneissler, "Tod den Nazis," Playboy (Deutschland), February 1993 (2/93), pp. 47-54.
107. R. Friedman, "Nice Jewish Boys with Bombs: The Return of the JDL," Village Voice (New York), May 6, 1986, p. 21 ("... Mem
time plotting against each other than against their gentile enemies.")


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