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Generation of spatial Bessel beams using

holographic metasurface

Ben Geng Cai, Yun Bo Li, Wei Xiang Jiang, Qiang Cheng, and Tie Jun
State Key Laboratory of Millimeter Waves, Department of Radio Engineering, Southeast
University, Nanjing 210096, China
∗ tjcui@seu.edu.cn

Abstract: We propose to use backward radiations of leaky waves

supported by a holographic metasurface to produce spatial Bessel beams in
the microwave frequency regime. The holographic metasurface consists of
a grounded dielectric slab and a series of metal patches. By changing the
size of metal patches, the surface-impedance distribution of the holographic
metasurface can be modulated, and hence the radiation properties of the
leaky waves can be designed to realize Bessel beams. Both numerical simu-
lations and experiments verify the features of spatial Bessel beams, which
may be useful in imaging applications or wireless power transmissions with
the dynamic focal-depth controls.
© 2015 Optical Society of America
OCIS codes: (090.2910) Holography, microwave; (160.3918) Metamaterials; (240.6690) Sur-
face waves; (050.6624) Subwavelength structure.

References and links

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#227195 - $15.00 USD Received 16 Dec 2014; revised 28 Feb 2015; accepted 2 Mar 2015; published 16 Mar 2015
(C) 2015 OSA 23 Mar 2015 | Vol. 23, No. 6 | DOI:10.1364/OE.23.007593 | OPTICS EXPRESS 7593
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#227195 - $15.00 USD Received 16 Dec 2014; revised 28 Feb 2015; accepted 2 Mar 2015; published 16 Mar 2015
(C) 2015 OSA 23 Mar 2015 | Vol. 23, No. 6 | DOI:10.1364/OE.23.007593 | OPTICS EXPRESS 7594
1. Introduction
Bessel beam is a typical non-diffracting beam, which was firstly proposed as a special solution
of the Helmholtz equation [1]. Considering that the Bessel beam could be taken as the Fourier
transform of a ring, it could be generated by using an annular slit placing in the focal plane of
a lens due to the Fourier transforming property [2]. Viewed as a superposition of plane waves
whose wave vectors lie on a cone, Bessel beams could also be generated using axicon [3, 4] or
binary holograms [5] illuminated by Gaussian beam. In radio frequencies, based on the similar
mechanism, some approaches like the axicon [4,6], binary hologram [7,8], localized modes [9],
guided modes [10], metallic subwavelength apertures [11–13] and metasurfaces [14–16] have
been used to generate the Bessel beams.
Theoretically, any conical beams having a diamond-shaped overlapping region can form a
pseudo Bessel beam. For leaky waves [17], these conical beams would be in backward di-
rections. The conical beams have been thoroughly studied in many earlier works on leaky
waves [18–21]. However, the Bessel beams interfered by backward leaky waves, either uni-
form or periodic, were seldom discussed. Recently, the generation of Bessel beams using leaky
radial waveguide has been investigated [15,16], which could be considered as an uniform leaky-
wave antenna. The reflection on the edge forms standing waves, meeting the requirement of a
Bessel function distribution. The work on periodic subwavelength metallic aperture [11] is actu-
ally a period leaky-wave structure. Meanwhile, the leaky-wave radiations based on sinusoidally
modulated impedance surface have been investigated [22–24], which has even been used in
designing a tunable graphene leaky-wave antenna [25]. However, to our best knowledge, the
Bessel beam based on holographic metasurface has not been investigated.

Conical Beam

Bessel Beam
y W rd

Ba y W

ak wa

ck av

wa es
Le ack


Outward Surface Wave


Fig. 1. The conical beam generated from leaky waves by the holographic metasurface.
The TM surface wave is excited by a monopole located in the metasurface center. The
metasurface is modulated by the sinusoidally surface impedance to radiate backward leaky
waves, which are interfered with each other to form a Bessel beam.

In this work, we propose a conical beam shaping by using holographic metasurface to gener-
ate spatial Bessel beam, in which a monopole located in the metasurface center is used to excite
the surface wave. As reference wave, the surface wave is then modulated by the holographic
metasurface, and the conical backward leaky wave is radiated as the object wave. Due to the cir-
cular symmetry, these conical leaky waves are interfered with each other to form a Bessel beam
in near fields, as shown in the diamond-shaped overlapping region in Fig. 1. It should be noted
that leaky-wave antennas in [15, 16] are uniform, however, in the current work, metasurface is
sinusoidally modulated.

#227195 - $15.00 USD Received 16 Dec 2014; revised 28 Feb 2015; accepted 2 Mar 2015; published 16 Mar 2015
(C) 2015 OSA 23 Mar 2015 | Vol. 23, No. 6 | DOI:10.1364/OE.23.007593 | OPTICS EXPRESS 7595
The paper is organized as follows. Firstly, we introduce the design flow of holographic meta-
surface for conical beams and its relationship with leaky wave. Then to confirm the direction of
conical beams, a conical beam with 15-degree polar angle is validated by the corresponding ra-
diation patterns from both simulations and measurements. After that, the near field of a smaller
holographic metasurface is scanned to verify the existence of Bessel beam, along with Bessel-
function-like curves of field distributions from both simulations and measurements. Such Bessel
beams may be useful in imaging systems or wireless power transmissions with dynamic focal-
depth controls.

2. Theoretical foundation and the design process

The holographic metasurface composed of modulated surface impedance is actually a peri-
odic leaky-wave antenna accompanied with a perturbation [22]. Hence the radiation condition
for only one spatial harmonic should be chosen when using the holographic metasurface to
shape conical beams. Suppose that the metasurface is located in the x-y plane, where a small
monopole is placed at the center, the distribution of surface impedance for conical beams is
then written as [23]

Z(ρ, θ ) = j[X + M cos(knρ ± kρ sin θ )], (1)

in which X is an averaged value of inductive reactance, M is a modulation depth, n is the effec-
tive index of refraction for surface wave, ρ is the radial distance, k is the free-space wavenum-
ber, and θ is the polar angle of the conical beam in spherical coordinates. In particular, “−”
represents the forward leaky wave, while “+” denotes the backward leaky wave. As the period

p of Z(ρ, θ ) is equal to k(n+sin θ ) for the backward leaky wave , the first spatial harmonic would
be [17]

k−1 = nk − = −k sin θ , (2)
which means that −θ is exactly the polar angle for the holographic design. Since the Bessel
beam could be explained as superposition of all possible plane waves with wave vectors lying
on the surface of a cone, only the conical beams composed of backward leaky waves would
interfere with each other, as illustrated in Fig. 1. From the diamond-shaped overlapping region,
we note that the propagation length of the Bessel beam is Zmax = R/ tan θ , in which R is the
radial length of metasurface, or the central spot size of the Bessel beam.
To realize the surface impedance distribution of the metasurface described in Eq. (1), we use
square metallic patches array. A unit cell is illustrated in Fig. 2(a), which is a square metallic
patch based on a 1.57mm-thick substrate with dielectric constant 2.2 and lattice constant d.
Considering that the unit cells of the holographic metasurface are sinusoidally modulated and
the size of adjacent unit cells varied little by little, we set periodic boundary conditions for the
unit cell to calculate the surface impedance, as shown in Fig. 2(b). Changing the gap (g = d − a
) from 0.2 to 1mm, the dispersion diagram between phase and frequency is calculated by using
the Eigenmode Solver in the commercial software, CST Microwave Studio. Note that the phase
is equal to kt d , where kt is the tangential component of wavenumber for the surface wave. From
the dispersion diagram we can determine the tangential wavenumbers kt for different g of the
unit cells at 17GHz. Once kt is determined, the inductive surface impedance Z under transverse
magnetic (TM) surface wave is then calculated by [26]
Z = Z0 1 − t2 , (3)

#227195 - $15.00 USD Received 16 Dec 2014; revised 28 Feb 2015; accepted 2 Mar 2015; published 16 Mar 2015
(C) 2015 OSA 23 Mar 2015 | Vol. 23, No. 6 | DOI:10.1364/OE.23.007593 | OPTICS EXPRESS 7596
(a) (b) (c)

d 1.0

Period 0.8
boundary z

gap g [mm]

a X

patch Dielectric 0.2

160 180 200 220 240

[ ]
Surface Impedance Z j
g=d-a Ground

Fig. 2. (a) The unit cell of a square metallic patch with the lattice constant d = 3mm , the
patch size a, and the gap between adjacent metallic patches g = d − a. (b) The boundary
setting of the unit cell in the CST Microwave Studio. (c) Curve fitting for g(Z) after getting
different value of surface impedance Z in 17GHz by changing g from 0.2mm to 1mm in

where Z0 is the impedance of free space. Similarly, the effective refractive

p indexs n for different
unit cells will be calculated from the relationship n = kt /k = 1 − (Z/Z0 )2 , where k is the
free-space wavenumber at the working
p frequency 17GHz. For the averaged value of inductive
reactance Z = jX, we have n = 1 + (X/Z0 )2 .
In the simulation, a series of Z from min(|Z|) = 245.70Ω to max(|Z|) = 163.38Ω at 17GHz
is calculated when g changes from 0.2mm to 1mm with a step size of 0.1mm. The relationship
between g and Z for different patches is shown in Fig. 2(c) by curve fitting. The function g(Z)
is given by
g = (−1.3360 × 10−6 )|Z|3 + (9.2688 × 10−4 )|Z|2 − 0.2189 × |Z| + 17.84, (4)
which can be used to calculate the sizes of metallic patches quickly. For covering all the surface
impedances ranging from min(Z) to max(Z), we let the averaged value of inductive reactance
X = (max(|Z|) p + min(|Z|))/2, M = (max(|Z|) − min(|Z|))/2, and then the effective index of
refraction n = 1 + (X/Z0 )2 can be obtained. Finally, we get X = 204.54, M = 41.16 and
n = 1.1377.
We have calculated surface impedance of metasurface by solving the dispersion diagram
[26], which is accord with the impedance boundary condition [27, 28] as analyzed in [24]. An-
other alternative method, the generalized sheet transition conditions (GSTC) can also be used
to analyze the surface impedance [29]. Here, since the simulation and calculation of dispersion
diagram is accurate enough, equation (4) is used in following simulation verifications.

3. Simulation and measurement results

3.1. Ensure the direction of conical beam with far field pattern
By combining Eq. (1) and Eq. (4), we can realize a holographic metasurface with the backward
leaky waves of polar angle θ = 15◦ , as demonstrated in Fig. 3(a). The fabricated holographic
metasurface is based on a commercial substrate (F4B) with the dielectric constant 2.2 and
tangent loss 0.001. The upper surface is covered with differently-sized metallic square patches
to form the holographic pattern, which has a size of 408mm×408mm in the x-y plane. The TM
surface waves are generated by a monopole using a SubMiniature version A (SMA) connector
in the center of the metasurface.

#227195 - $15.00 USD Received 16 Dec 2014; revised 28 Feb 2015; accepted 2 Mar 2015; published 16 Mar 2015
(C) 2015 OSA 23 Mar 2015 | Vol. 23, No. 6 | DOI:10.1364/OE.23.007593 | OPTICS EXPRESS 7597
To ensure the desired polar angle θ = 15◦ for conical beams at 17 GHz, the corresponding
normalized two-dimensional (2D) radiation patterns of the metasurface by both numerical sim-
ulations and measurements are illustrated in Figs. 3(b) and 3(c), respectively. In the simulations,
the main lobe has a polar angle around 17◦ at 17 GHz, which shows good agreements with the
desired polar angle θ = 15◦ . The polar angle changes to 20◦ at 16.5 GHz and 14◦ at 17.5 GHz,
showing the beam scanning characteristics of backward leaky waves. The side-lobe level (SLL)
is about -13.22 dB, which ensures that the edge diffraction is small since the leaky waves decay
exponentially along the surface due to the leakage loss. In the experiments, the holographic
metasurface was fixed on a 2D rotating platform in the anechoic chamber, in which the x-z
plane corresponds to the horizontal plane and a 360-degree horizontal radiation pattern can be
measured. Figure 3(c) shows the measurement result with SLL under -10dB, which coincide
with the simulation results very well except a slight asymmetry due to the surface flatness prob-
lem of fabricated metasurface.

o o
0 0
(a) (b) -30

(c) -30

o o o o
-60 60 -60 60

-30 -20 -10 0 o o -30 -20 -10 0 o
-90 90 -90 90

Y X o o o o
-120 16.5GHz 120 -120 16.5GHz 120
17.0GHz 17.0GHz
17.5GHz 17.5GHz
o o o o
-150 150 -150 150
o o
180 180

Fig. 3. (a) A portion of the fabricated holographic metasurface with the size of
408mm×408mm to generate the backward conical beam at θ = 15◦ . (b) The correspond-
ing 2D radiation patterns simulated by CST. (c) The corresponding 2D radiation patterns
by measurements.

From above discussion, we have demonstrated that the backward leaky waves in circular
symmetry could be designed along the pre-appointed polar angle.The beam scanning charac-
teristics also confirms the leaky waves radiate in the backward direction. The conical beam
in the far-field region could be used in frequency-scanning antennas [18–21]. Here the main
focus is to illustrate the Bessel beams interfered by the conical beams (or the backward leaky
waves) in the near-field region. The maximum measurement range in experiments for near-field
is limited in an maximum area of 200mm×200mm. In numerical simulation, for a holographic
meatsurface with an area of 408mm×408mm and a polar angle θ = 15◦ , the mesh generation
for numerical simulations would be more than 400 million while the computer memory and the
computing time are all limited. So we design and fabricate a smaller holographic metasurface to
verify the Bessel Beam in near field. The smaller metasurface has an area of 254mm×254mm
and a polar angle θ = 45◦ for the radiation conical beams. The propagation length of corre-
sponding Bessel beam is Zmax = R/ tan θ = 126/ tan 45◦ = 126mm at 17 GHz. Thus the smaller
metasurface with bigger polar angle has a smaller area of 2R × Zmax for the near field to monitor
in CST simulations, and a mesh number, about 60 million. Meanwhile, it is also suitable for
measurements in a 2D near-field microwave scanning system having a measurement area of
200mm×200mm, as illustrated in Fig. 1, the Bessel-beam region is included in a smaller area
of R × Zmax .

#227195 - $15.00 USD Received 16 Dec 2014; revised 28 Feb 2015; accepted 2 Mar 2015; published 16 Mar 2015
(C) 2015 OSA 23 Mar 2015 | Vol. 23, No. 6 | DOI:10.1364/OE.23.007593 | OPTICS EXPRESS 7598
3.2. Verifying the Bessel beams in near field
To verify the phenomena of Bessel beams with beam scanning characteristics, a region from
z = 0 to z = 252mm in the x-z plane are monitored for the z-components of electric fields (|Ez |)
by CST Microwave Studio, and the simulation results are demonstrated in Figs. 4(a)-4(c) for
16.5, 17, and 17.5GHz, respectively, in which a narrow pseudo-Bessel beam in the center along
the normal direction of the metasurface is clearly observed by interference of backward leaky

252 252 252

(a) (b) (c)

Z [mm]

Z [mm]
Z [mm]

0 0 0
-126 X [mm] 126 -126 X [mm] 126 -126 X [mm] 126

200 200 200

(d) (e) (f)
Z [mm]

Z [mm]
Z [mm]

0 0 0
-100 X [mm] 100 -100 X [mm] 100 -100 X [mm] 100

Fig. 4. The |Ez | distributions in the near-field region (from z = 0 to z = 252mm in the x-z
plane) of the holographic metasurface. The metasurface is located in the x-y plane with the
size of 252mm×252mm, where a pseudo-Bessel beam above the x-y plane is interfered
by the backward leaky waves with θ = 45◦ . (a)-(c) The simulation results at 16.5, 17 and
17.5GHz. (d)-(f) The measurement results at 16.5, 17 and 17.5GHz. We remark that the
measurement area is limited in a size of 200mm×200mm due to the experiment constraint,
which is also marked in (a)-(c) with dashed lines. In (b) and (e), the non-diffraction range
is drawn in solid lines. The propagation distance of pseudo-Bessel beam is changed due to
the beam scanning characteristics of backward leaky waves.

Meanwhile, the normalized near-electric-field distributions at the same frequencies are meas-
ured in the 2D near-field microwave scanning system. An automatically controlled 2D trans-
lation stage has been used to scan the maximum area of 200mm×200mm in the x-z plane. As
shown in Fig. 5(a), the holographic metasurface is fixed upon the 2D translation stage which
moves in the x-z plane. The fabricated metasurface has the same size as that in simulations.
To generate the TM surface wave and leaky waves, a SMA connector is welded in the center
of metasurface as a monopole. To measure the near fields of the pseudo-Bessel beam, a small
monopole probe along the z direction is fixed before the metasurface, and connected through a
coaxial cable. The probe is composed of an extending section of copper core. To measure the
z-components of electric fields, the extending section was bent toward the z direction while the
coaxial cable was still fixed along the x direction. Both the SMA connector and probe are con-
nected to the Agilent vector network analyzer (N5230). As the holographic metasurface moves
in the x-z plane by the 2D translation stage, the electric fields |Ez | in the near-field region over
an area of 200mm×200mm are measured by the probe.

#227195 - $15.00 USD Received 16 Dec 2014; revised 28 Feb 2015; accepted 2 Mar 2015; published 16 Mar 2015
(C) 2015 OSA 23 Mar 2015 | Vol. 23, No. 6 | DOI:10.1364/OE.23.007593 | OPTICS EXPRESS 7599
Metasurface 1.0

Normalized |Ez|



Foam 0.0
Coaxial Cable 2D Translate Stage -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60
X [mm]

Fig. 5. (a) The measurement platform of the pseudo-Bessel beam, in which the 2D trans-
lation stage moves in the x-z plane. (b) The Bessel-like distributions of |Ez | fields along a
line from x = −63mm to x = 63mm in the x-z plane with y = 0, z = 63mm.

The measured electric field distributions are illustrate in Figs. 4(d)-4(f) at 16.5, 17, and
17.5GHz. Comparing with Figs. 4(a)-4(c), we observe very good agreements between the sim-
ulated and measured results. The propagation distance of the pseudo-Bessel beam varies when
the frequency changes, which is due to the beam scanning characteristics of leaky-waves. The
dynamic focal-depth control provides a promising option in applications, as discussed in details
later. At 17GHz, Figs. 4(b) and 4(e) show a propagation length of about 126mm along the z
axis in a diamond-shaped area, which is consistent with the radial length of 126mm along the
x axis as θ = 45◦ (see Fig. 1).
To verify the Bessel-like distribution in the transverse cross section of the diamond-shaped
area in Figs. 4(b) and 4(e), the normalized |Ez | distributions at 17GHz along a line from x =
−63mm to x = 63mm in the x-z plane (y = 0, z = 63mm), are extracted and plotted in Fig. 5(b),
for both simulations and measurements. From Fig. 5(b), we observe clearly the Bessel-like
distribution in the transverse direction.
The above simulated and measured results demonstrate that spatial Bessel beams could be
generated by the holographic metasurface. Bessel beam with a focus depth of 126mm is gener-
ated at 17GHz by setting R = 126mm and θ = 45◦ as illustrated. A larger propagation distance
of Bessel beam could also be generated, by using a bigger holographic metasurface with a
smaller polar angle, for example, θ = 15◦ . The feasibility has been proved by the radiation
patterns as shown in Figs. 3(a)-3(c).
Comparing with the Bessel beams in the millimetre waves (30-300GHz) and terahertz fre-
quencies (300GHz-1THz) generated by utilizing quasi-optical property [4, 6–8, 39–41], the
Bessel beams in microwave (1-30 GHz) are usually analysed with distribution of electromag-
netic fields due to low frequency [11–13, 15, 16]. The focal depth of the proposed Bessel beam
could be changed by frequency due to leaky-wave characteristics. The exponential decay of
leaky-waves could be described by an attenuation constant, if the leaky-waves decay to a neg-
ligible value more quickly, Bessel beams will be produced in a smaller diamond-shaped area,
and vice versa.
The proposed Bessel beams in the radio frequency may be used in the imaging systems [30–
33], detection [13], and wireless power transmissions [34]. The dynamic focal-depth control
may be useful in some dynamic focusing imaging case [35], or adaptive scanning imaging with
sweeping frequency in detecting irregular objects [36–38].

#227195 - $15.00 USD Received 16 Dec 2014; revised 28 Feb 2015; accepted 2 Mar 2015; published 16 Mar 2015
(C) 2015 OSA 23 Mar 2015 | Vol. 23, No. 6 | DOI:10.1364/OE.23.007593 | OPTICS EXPRESS 7600
4. Conclusion
In summary, the holographic metasurface is used to generate spatial Bessel beams in the mi-
crowave frequency, and the leaky-wave characteristics of the Bessel beams are analysed. Both
numerical simulations and experiments verify the feasibilities. The generation of Bessel beams
in the microwave frequency with dynamic focal-depth control may provides more freedom in
application of the near-field probing, wireless power transmission, and medical imaging.

This work is supported in part by the National High Tech (863) Projects under Grant Nos.
2012AA030402 and 2011AA010202, in part by the National Science Foundation of China
under Grant Nos. 60990320 and 61138001, and in part by the 111 Project under Grant No.
111-2-05, and the Natural Science Foundation of the Jiangsu Providence BK2012019.

#227195 - $15.00 USD Received 16 Dec 2014; revised 28 Feb 2015; accepted 2 Mar 2015; published 16 Mar 2015
(C) 2015 OSA 23 Mar 2015 | Vol. 23, No. 6 | DOI:10.1364/OE.23.007593 | OPTICS EXPRESS 7601

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