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Texair Catalogue 2022-12 en

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Textile Based Ventilation

PDF edition, Dec. 2022

All information in this catalogue belongs to TEXAIR.

It may not be copied or used for any other purpose without the written consent of TEXAIR.

Published by: 118, 157, Kr. Valdemara street, Riga, Latvia

phone +371 67 270 580 (Office)

website www.texair.eu
email order@texair.eu

About TEXAIR........................................................01
Air Ducts................................................................05
Primary Advantages.............................................09
Air Distribution......................................................14
Calculation and Design.........................................16
Fabric Duct Matching............................................18
Shaped Elements..................................................24
Material Selection.................................................25
Working Drawings.................................................29
Technical Service and Guarantee........................31
Reference List.......................................................34
Special Solutions..................................................36


The Latvian TEXAIR Company specializes in the production of air Meanwhile, particular characteristics of materials are taken into
distribution textile systems (textile ventilations) for all types of air account, such as air flow placement, means of air distribution, air
heating, ventilation, and conditioning (HVAC). flow remoteness, temperature difference, and other parameters.
Based on the calculations, we’ve obtained, we design the optimal
The use of cutting-edge production technology combined with air duct system for the customer that will allow us to achieve the air
our extensive experience operating in the HVAC sphere (Heating, exchange system that the facilities require. As a result of these air
Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) has provided us a means to socks, TEXAIR achieves a unified air distribution system.
manufacture high-quality products. We also are constantly striving
to improve our textile duct systems and integrate ever newer front- Having our own engineer-technician base, high-tech production,
running technical solutions into our manufacturing process. modern equipment, and laser machines provides us the basis to
offer European-quality products at a lower price.
With a laboratory equipped with high-precision control equipment
at our disposal, we are studying the distribution of air flow
under various conditions and modes of air distributor operation.


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In the food industry, the primary requirements stated for A particular feature of ventilation in sports facilities is that such
the ventilation system fall under sanitary and hygienic halls are often used for sessions of intense workouts which
requirements. For this reason, the ventilation systems must may be categorized as heavy-duty physical exertion. This, in
be easy to clean. The air socks satisfy this requirement with turn, calls for a particular approach to the ventilation systems’
ease, since they can be cleaned in washing machines. The use design. Air socks allow for the necessary mobility in the air that
of antibacterial fabrics helps avoid the spread of germs on the is desirable in facilities used for health and exercise as well as
walls of the ducts. an even distribution of air all around the sports hall, ensuring
that any no flow areas are missed.


Warehouses are usually distinguished from other facilities Today, the development of the greenhouse business is
by their large areas and high ceilings. Air heating is currently undergoing a new growth phase. This is not only facilitating
one of the most efficient solutions for such a type of facility. constant demand for fresh fruits and vegetables, but also
Meanwhile, nothing can achieve this objective better than the advent of new technology for the construction of
air ducts. They allow for air to travel at the necessary speed similar facilities and solutions for creating a microclimate in
throughout the work area in spite of the great height at which greenhouse facilities. One such novelty is the use of air socks in
they are installed. Even air distribution ensures a constant air heating systems for greenhouses. Ducts are usually stored
temperature, which is a necessary condition for storing various in the lower section of greenhouses in order to ensure that as
types of products. much heat as possible is transferred to the plants. Air socks can
also be used for an even supply of carbon dioxide to feed the




Air socks, unlike metallic ducts, feature a much greater variety One of the main requirements stated in regards to malls are
of color and shape, which allows them to be used in office the high fire-safety requirements they have. For this purpose,
facilities where requirements for their appearance are often of TEXAIR Company offers materials made from a material
the utmost importance. The nature of air ducts’ material allows resistant to burning. The ducts may be manufactured out
for various images to be printed on them. With the use of of different colors of materials, which is an unmistakable
TEXAIR’s air ducts, even the ventilation system may feature the advantage they present over traditional systems. Meanwhile,
corporate color and the customer’s company logo. the ability to distribute air all throughout zones will come in
handy at such venues, for instance, as grocery cooling sections.


The cooling of products at food production sites is a crucial part TEXAIR fabric ducts are also used at various industrial
of the production process. Most commonly, products are cooled production sites, each of which entailing its own unique
following pre-packaging or heat processing. As a rule, cooler characteristics. There are large heat flows present at many
rooms used for storing food products are compact, but are filled companies, related to technological processes. The use of air
up will a large amount of products, so in order to ensure that socks allows for additional air flows to be directed into these
the cold air is distributed evenly throughout the cooler room, zones to compensate for the heat flows; meanwhile, the
companies often choose to use air ducts. This solution helps TEXAIR-S unified tool helps calculate them precisely.
ensure even cooling or freezing for products, no matter how far
away they are set from the air cooler.

Textile air ducts | Engineering | Production | Sales


Anyone who is running a flower business has the necessity to store Ice arenas are the areas where a lot of people spend some
his or her flowers, which means that he or she will need a cooler nervous moments, being as a sportsman or public. So they
room. It provides flowers the ability to reside under the conditions needs to have enough quality air for feeling good. From the
that are most comfortable for them to survive. However, simply different points of view, textile air socks are the best solution
their storage alone in a cooler room does not ensure that they will for this purpose.
remain well-preserved, since a strong flow of cool air may cause
the plants to become overdried. Air socks help to distribute cool
air flow equally and at a low speed throughout the room, which
ensures as comfortable conditions as possible for flower storage
and helps them retain their appearance for a long time.


Air Ducts
Air socks’ (textile air ducts) use in the world began quite a long time ago. One of the first mentions of it was the integration of an air
distribution textile system in 1973 at a slaughterhouse in Denmark. This technology provides a means to replace the traditional metallic
ducts for textile counterparts with varying cross sections. TEXAIR Company produces air socks for the worldwide market since 2015.


Facility ventilation: no draft even under conditions of very high Light-weight: of the system thanks to the light weight of the
air exchange intensity (air is distributed through air permeable or textile sleeve as well as the intricate manufactured elements
microperforated fabric). made from the same material.

High level of intermixture: of the supplied air with the air located Quick installation: and dismantlement. Thanks to a system of
in the facility (as air is distributed through an enormous amount light attachments snapped onto a cable or inserted into a groove
of small holes). of the installation section.

Washable: in an ordinary industrial washing machine No noise during: operation due to a property of the textile
for maintaining the necessary cleanliness (may also be materials that they do not transfer sound waves well.
Original appearance: the ability to select an appropriate color
No duct corrosion: due to the chemical resistance of the (company style).
materials used against most bonds present in the air.
Low cost: the total combined cost of the ducts, installation
No risk of condensate formation: on the surface of the air expenses, shipping expenses, and finishing works turn out about
distribution system (with the use of air permeable fabric). 1.5 to 3 times cheaper.

Textile air ducts | Engineering | Production | Sales


TEXAIR’s system of round and semi-circular ducts are made
Two trends may be discerned regarding the use of air socks (fabric of air permeable fabric, perfect for climate control systems
air ducts): industrial and public. used for cooling. A distinguishing characteristic of TEXAIR’s air
permeable fabric is the constant air permeability value of its
The benefit of their use in the industrial sector is that the even fabric under a certain pressure. The air permeability of the fabrics
distribution of air and maintenance of the necessary temperature allows the air to be distributed at a low temperature without
marks an unmistakable advantage that air socks have over other the risk of condensation formation. TEXAIR’s ducts are equally
systems. efficient with the use of large and small volumes of supplied
air – air distribution is accounted for individually in each facility.
In all industrial facilities, whether textile, chemical, or food
Depending on the required climatic conditions, TEXAIR experts
facilities, a great number of facilities exist which are rather
select one of eight types of fabric for the customer’s particular
difficult to scheme for with the large amount of production
pipes, cables, and other elements that impede the installation of
metallic (traditional) ducts. That is where air socks come in handy
with their light weight, which allows them to be snapped in at any
location without overburdening the construction. AIR NON PERMEABLE FABRIC
In accordance with the particular aspects characteristic of the TEXAIR’s ducts are produced out of air-impermeable fabrics as
food industry, all equipment used in operation must ensure that well. The air supply occurs through calibrated perforation along
the food products are preserved and correspond to needs for the entire duct, which allows it to be used both in ordinary and
easy and efficient cleaning. The air socks fully satisfy this need very high facilities.
considering that they may be cleaned in a washing machine
without impeding the factory’s operating processes using the The scheme programs developed by TEXAIR engineers allows
necessary disinfection remedies. for the necessary perforation angle, size, and number of holes
to be calculated for each duct segment. This allows for precise
In the public sector, air ducts can provide air distribution in air distribution to be achieved in facilities. Depending on what
accordance with the specific conditions needed for particular one’s needs are, one can use materials with various additional
zones. This type of air distribution is considered lower cost, since characteristics – augmented durability, fireproofness, chemical
air ducts function simultaneously both as ducts and diffusers. resistance, etc. These air socks are supplied with in a broad color
Fabric ducts are offered with the choice of a broad color range, range as well.
so they enjoy great demand in such public facilities as cafes,
restaurants, supermarkets, public pools, and fitness clubs. TEXAIR’s system of round and semi-circular ducts are made of air
permeable fabric, perfect for climate control systems used for
It is also worth noting that air ducts are easily installed means of cooling. A distinguishing characteristic of TEXAIR’s air permeable
air conditioning, ventilation, or air heating systems, which allows fabric is the constant air permeability value of its fabric under a
them to be used at exhibitions and other temporary events. certain pressure. The air permeability of the fabrics allows the
air to be distributed at a low temperature without the risk of
condensation formation. TEXAIR’s ducts are equally efficient with
the use of large and small volumes of supplied air – air distribution
is accounted for individually in each facility. Depending on the
Air socks, just as any other product, have a service life. For each required climatic conditions, TEXAIR experts select one of eight
time of fabric, the producers establish a different service life types of fabric for the customer’s particular objectives.
which, depending on the environment it’s used in, will range
between 5 and 15 years.

In the standard solution, air ducts may be cleaned in an ordinary
washing machine; meanwhile, depending on the type of fabric,
drying them will take no more than 3-4 hours. TEXAIR Company can
offer an entire servicing program for customers from 1 to 10 years
long. As you can see, servicing the air ducts isn’t difficult to do.


Primary Advantages


RESISTANT The ducts feature a smooth inner surface designed to minimize
In the manufacture of its air socks, TEXAIR uses materials that losses due to air friction against the wall, which impedes the
are chemically resistant and non-reactive to the majority of deposit of contaminations during use. The materials used in
components floating around in the air. Meanwhile, for use in production feature a hygiene certificate, are tested, and have
aggressive environments or at enterprises whose equipment been approved; they do not cause any allergic reactions and are
calls for high requirements in the materials, TEXAIR uses special thus completely safe and suitable for use in various facilities. This
fabrics. For instance, material made of out of 100% polyester with allows air socks’ use to continue to expand in such fields where
no admixtures or additives exhibits sufficient resistance to such previously metallic ducts were used by default.
substances as synthetic hydrochloric acid, chemically pure sulfuric
acid, and ammonium chloride , which allows it to be used for
ventilation systems in facilities for microcircuitry production. The
features of our products also allow material to be manufactured
for ducts or a special coating to be applied on them with a TEXAIR presents a wide selection of various standard sizes and
particular combination of properties. In this way, companies may geometrical shapes of ducts. For instance, for facilities with
receive a customized material that best handles the aggressive low ceilings we recommend using semi-circular-shaped ducts;
environment that they operate under. This offers the customer a meanwhile, for ceilings on which no systems can possibly be
system of specially tailored ducts for each unique type of facility placed, we recommend them in the form of a segment or a
without having to depend on the standard solutions that the sector. Such a variety offers the chance to select the most
market imposes. convenient, lowest-cost shape option and duct placement,
regardless of the particular features of the facility.

The antibacterial effect was achieved by way of adding special
properties to the fabric by including special threads within the TEMPERATURE RANGE: -50...+380°С
material (bacteriostatic or antibacterial). The content of threads
with antibacterial properties is somewhere between 5 and 99% of TEXAIR Company has materials at its disposal with a broad range
the entire volume of the fabric and may feature such components of consumer properties. Since the conditions under which the
as triclosan, pure silver or silver ions, silver zeolites (silver with a fabric ducts may be used vary greatly, each type of fabric used
non-organic ceramic base), copper oxides, and non-organic bonds features its own temperature range. This allows customers to
of silver and zinc. The use of such materials provides a means choose the most suitable solution for their facility, rather than
to extend the life cycle of the fabric diffuser during intervals overpaying for a universal option.
between operations.

LOW-COST Air ducts are quite a bit lighter-weight than metallic ducts. The
TEXAIR air ducts provide for efficient distribution of air without maximum thickness of the material is about 600 g/m², so the
any additional, expensive distribution devices. Furthermore, such average weight of a linear meter of a duct usually is less than a
ducts allow customers to cut back on their budget substantially kilogram. This allows them to be snapped onto self-supported
thanks to the simplicity of installation as well as the lower cost constructions in which the use of traditional systems would
of the materials and components compared to the zinc-coated be out of the question. Thus, the use of fabric air ducts offers
ducts. When folded up and packaged their overall dimensions are a means to provide a full-fledged ventilation system in such
far less, resulting in lower logistics expenses. Textile air ducts do facilities without in any way restricting the customer.
not require many elements that traditionally systems call for, in
particular: air distribution elements (diffusers, anemostats, grids,
etc.), mufflers, numerous attachments and connecting parts, and

Textile air ducts | Engineering | Production | Sales

The ducts feature a smooth inner surface designed to minimize The ducts are easily connected with metallic ducts into a
losses due to air friction against the wall, which impedes the unified, combined system. For assembly onto the supply line,
deposit of contaminations during use. The materials used in a connecting component is provided for on the duct which can
production feature a hygiene certificate, are tested, and have be used to connect a textile system to the end of any shape or
been approved; they do not cause any allergic reactions and are configuration.
thus completely safe and suitable for use in various facilities. This
allows air socks’ use to continue to expand in such fields where
previously metallic ducts were used by default.
The ducts do not require any additional measures to return a
balance as a result of the air flow. The customer is delivered a
LOW-COST fully prepared, balanced system in terms of the air distribution
TEXAIR air ducts provide for efficient distribution of air without system’s air flow and pressure. For this reason, the customer will
any additional, expensive distribution devices. Furthermore, such no longer have the need to subsequently readapt the system
ducts allow customers to cut back on their budget substantially following installation.
thanks to the simplicity of installation as well as the lower cost
of the materials and components compared to the zinc-coated
ducts. When folded up and packaged their overall dimensions are
far less, resulting in lower logistics expenses. Textile air ducts do
not require many elements that traditionally systems call for, in The air socks can be operated with faster air speeds than metallic
particular: air distribution elements (diffusers, anemostats, grids, ducts and feature a smooth inner surface. For this reason, the
etc.), mufflers, numerous attachments and connecting parts, and TEXAIR ducts do not accumulate a dust layer in the course of their
fixtures. operation. The entire system, including all its passages and turns,
are manufactured out of fabric, so it can undergo cleaning and
washing with no restriction in a washing machine. As a result, the
amount customers will be able to save on subsequent servicing is
CONVENIENT ASSEMBLY, also an unmistakable advantage that fabric ducts have.
One of the main advantages with textile air socks is their ease LONG-TERM SERVICE:
of assembly. In this regard, customers can save as much as up to
90% in expenses compared to dealing with traditional metallic
systems. And keeping in mind that any ventilation system must The fabric ducts are produced out of certified materials
be services and periodically cleaned, the ease of its disassembly characterized by a high level of durability and wear-resistance.
and subsequent installation gives fabric ducts an unmistakable The ducts can handle a large number of washing cycles in a
advantage over its zinc-coated counterparts. washing machine. If the rules of use are properly observed, the
service life of the air socks will exceed 10 years. Meanwhile,
considering the fact that people clean traditional systems, due
to the expenses, as seldom as possible, air socks are the most
EASY-TO-REPAIR preferable option from an operation perspective as well.
Any segment in TEXAIR ducts can be easily replaced. This is thanks
to its simple zipper fastening connection mechanism. If suddenly
for any reason one has the need to switch a segment of the duct,
this can be easily done by the customer on his or her one without
having to call in a representative of an installation organization.


Air Distribution
Air socks are used both for air distribution and transportation a combination of microperforation and additional perforation
with nearly identical efficiency. with a certain specially calculated diameter of holes. The slow
speed of the flow of air conditioning in the work zone is one of
• through permeable fabric; the main conditions not only for people to comfortably reside in
the room, but also for many technological processes. These may
• through microperforation – holes less than 1 mm in diameter;
be the processes of cheese ripening, cutting and packing sausages
• through perforation – holes over 1 mm in diameter; and meat products, prepackaging fruits and berries, and much
more. In such facilities air socks play not only a ventilation role
• through an exit adapter: air exits in a direction perpendicular to but can also be a crucial part of the technological process.
the flow’s direction – through an open end – the air is supplied
into another fabric duct. As an example of the efficiency of such air ducts, one can take a
look at a sausage ripening factory. Sausage is stored suspended in
• Perforated ceiling panels (diffusers) a room with a particular temperature and humidity. Meanwhile,
along with fermentation, a process takes place in which the
Various methods exist for air distribution in textile systems. moisture is extracted from the product, so in the event of an
improperly calculated supply system, the air can blow against the
Microperforation provides a means to supply and disperse air at product with a higher speed and the moisture removal process
a small distance away from the duct’s surface while perforation, may take place quicker than needed. Even if these losses amount
of a larger diameter, offers the ability to provide air emission a to a mere several excess grams per kilogram of the finished
greater distance away and in a particular direction. If there is a product, in the event that the factory has a volume of dozens of
need, one can combine dispersed and directional air emission. tons, this could entail substantial financial losses for the producer.
The vast majority of ventilation systems works with a small
excess pressure somewhere between 70 and 300 Pa. However,
the parameters of facilities, in particular the distance from
the ducts to the work area, may differ greatly. Air distribution
conditions also differ, for instance, for air conditioning, heating,
or ventilation. Correspondingly, this could involve emitting cooled
air in a facility with a low ceiling, meanwhile, warm air in a facility
with a high ceiling must be emitted differently. Since when air
distribution of the same principle is used in these two cases, the
speed of the air in the work area will differ greatly.

Depending on where the textile ducts are used and for what
purposes, TEXAIR uses different air distribution systems for its


For high-speed systems, the recommended height of ducts’
The primary feature of these systems is the emission of air with suspension above the floor level ranges from 3 to 10 meters.
a relatively low-range stream distance. The air is emitted through Such air ducts are most efficient when used for ventilation and air
micro holes created by a laser on the surface of the fabric. heating.
Meanwhile, both air permeable material and air impermeable
material can be used. The outflow of air through each individual This system is distinguished by the much greater range of its air
micro hole is very little, so the air loses its speed very quickly as stream compared to the low-speed system.
it exits.
The physics of the air distribution process itself also differs. Due to
The result of this is that there is practically no draft, which is the excess pressure inside the fabric air duct, the air exits the holes
especially important while the cool air is being supplied. In the at a high speed, the diameter of which varies from 4 to 12 mm.
event that such air distributors are placed on the ceiling, the cold
air will slowly descend.

However, should one choose such a system of air distribution,

one should keep in mind that due to the short range of
microperforation, there will be a relatively low degree of mixing
in the air. There are also restrictions in the air’s emission for each
line meter in such ducts, so, often times, when the dimensions of
a cooler room are particularly large, or when the company needs
to emit a significant amount of cold air, they rather choose

Textile air ducts | Engineering | Production | Sales

The high speed at which the air exits the holes and the significant Such types air distribution find use in facilities with a large
volume allows the air flow to reach the work area located at a amount of equipment and zones for servicing where people work
significant distance away from the textile air duct. The way this as well as in facilities where it is technically impossible to divide
system operates is similar to the operation of an injector in a supplied ventilation according to different zones.
modern combustion engine. With the help of the injector, a well-
blended mixture of air and gasoline steam is fed into the engine.
In a similar way, the movement of the air stream takes place
from the holes of the duct in a high-speed system. This injection TRANSIT SYSTEM
principle provides for the high-quality mixture of the air located
in facility. Meanwhile, the friction of the layers and the whirling
of the air flow renders the heat (cold) emission process more
efficient than in traditional systems with grids and diffusers.

One could provide as an example an air heating system for a

finished product warehouse implemented using air socks. At
the project’s implementation stage, the customer encountered
difficulty with the use of metallic ducts, since the construction
that they needed to attach them to was self-supported. It
couldn’t handle the weight of the metallic ducts and it would
be financially very expensive to attach them onto additional
columns. Yet another condition was the location of the ducts
which were 7 meters above the floor in order to avoid impeding
the movement of the loading equipment. In order to tackle
this task, air socks were used which, due to their light weight,
were attached right onto the roofing construction. The resulting ТexAir socks are used both for air distribution and transportation
implemented high-speed air heating system also came with with nearly identical efficiency. When they are used as a
significant financial implications for the customer... transition system, they are made out of material with low air
permeability in order to avoid the formation of condensation. To
combine it with metallic ducts, various shapes of elements will be
used, which are also manufactured out of fabric.
In the drawing transition elements are shown in bright grey while
The hybrid type air distribution system combined low-speed the emission elements are in blue.
and high-speed types. Its use is worthwhile in cases where the
objective is to distribute air in a facility into different work areas If a significant amount of fresh air is not required in the facility
at once, located at varying distances from the duct emitting the according to the air exchange calculation, but at the same time
air. Meanwhile, the speed in these work areas will not exceed the it occupies large areas that are not being used for a productive
required values. To ensure this, a calculation of the air distribution amount of work, then equal air emission across its entire volume
is computed for each zone separately, taking into account the may not be well-advised. In such cases, air socks are used with
distance of each work zone from the emitted air, the required air the ability for local air emission along with transition sections.
speed in each zone, the static pressure figure in the channel, as This is especially crucial in office facilities without borders
well as the temperature data. where workspaces alternate with hallways. TEXAIR air ducts can
be designed in such a way as to ensure the most comfortable
possible conditions for employees and implement them in one of
the office facilities. If the flow of air is constant along the entire
length of the fabric air ducts, then in order to ensure comfortable
conditions for the employees, one has to go with the a more
powerful and expensive setup; however, in the case of local air
emission, there is no need. One can do without the former and
adopt a much more low-cost solution.


Calculation and Design

PRIMARY FACTORS TAKEN INTO velocity requirements in the work zone. The TEXAIR-S unified
software tool provides a means to compute the corresponding
ACCOUNT WHEN DESIGNING AIR SOCKS calculations and correctly choose the corresponding emission
For air sock calculation, we use the TEXAIR-S unified tool. Since components for the system.
each air sock distribution system is calculated for each immediate,
specific facility, technological objective, and the parameters of
the studied equipment, at the design stage we take the following
factors into account: the temperature of the air supplied, the
temperature of the air in the facility, the excess pressure, the
speed of the air in the duct, the distance to the work area, the
facility’s configuration, and other components. Using TEXAIR-S,
the engineers calculate the optimal air duct diameter and the
optimal diameter for the perforated holes as well as the quantity
of them and the duct’s placement relative to the axes and the
suspension details. This provides a basis for the relative air
velocity in the work zone.

The TEXAIR-S unified software tool provides a means to model

the air distribution system, taking its purpose into account. In
the event of air heating and conditioning, the movement of
the air flows is different, so we have to take into account all
of the thermodynamic parameters in order to avoid layering
(stratification) and air dead zones at various elevations in the

At certain facilities, due to the technological processes,

local zoning of air flows is required; meanwhile, often times
augmented air volumes must be emitted while observing the air

Graphic No. 1. Distribution of heat energy with continuous air flow

14 000

12 130

12 000

10 300

10 000
9 100

8 420
7 950
Thermal energy, W

7 580
8 000 7 320

6 000

4 000

2 000

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Air duct length, m

Textile air ducts | Engineering | Production | Sales

PRESSURE a difference in temperature of the air being supplied and the air
located in the facility. Thus, the air temperature in the textile air
Lying at the foundation of the textile air distribution’s operation duct will differ from the temperature at the end segment.
principle is the principle of continuous static pressure. Thanks
to that, we could achieve even air distribution along the entire This can be seen in Graphic No. 1, which exhibits a 60-meter duct
length of the system. consisting of 6 segments equal in length.

Because the air speed reduces inside toward the end of the duct, In order to ensure event distribution of the heat energy, the air
a resulting increase in static pressure is thus observed. It is for flow must be augmented in proportion to the heat losses along
this specific reason that we take this size into account during the the entire length of the duct, which is shown in Graphic No. 2.
design phase in order to ensure equal distribution of area along
If the length of the line is not great or it features a complex
the entire length of the line.
configuration, then zonal air distribution will be the best option
The recommended static figure recommended by TEXAIR experts for optimal cooling or heating.
is between 60 and 500 Pa. However, since the aspiration systems
operate at a much greater pressure level, we calculate such
projects as well.
The fabric air duct diameter is chosen based on two primary
parameters: the air flow and the required current velocity within
the duct. This speed is usually regulated by the SNiP construction
AIR SOCKS rules and regulations for metallic ducts, but for textile ducts the
upper limit of the air velocity figure may be augmented, since the
The main requirement stated for air socks is a continuous, even
amount of noise they emit is substantially lower than in the case
air flow throughout the entire length of the line. And TEXAIR air
of metal. The acceptable air velocity of textile ducts is from 6 to
ducts handle this objective miraculously.
10 m/s.
However, if the line is significantly long, the air passing along the
fabric duct may lose heat energy due to heat losses caused by

Graphic No. 2. Air emission for even energy distribution

3 000 3 000

2 500 2 500
2 6332 633

2 4672 467
2 3112 311
Air flow, m3/h
Air flow, m3/h

2 000 2 000
2 1792 179
2 0152 015
1 9511 951

1 8321 832
1 500 1 500

1 000 1 000

500 500

0 0
0 0 10 10 20 20 30 30 40 40 50 50 60 60

Air duct
Air duct
m m


Fabric Duct Matching

Air socks can come in different geometric shapes, such as a circle, a semi-circle, a segment, as well as a triangular or rectangular cross
section. This offers a means for them to be used in a variety of facilities, since their shape allows the ducts to be adapted to any of the
customer’s requirements.

• Circular shape ducts are used in the case that there are
no limitations as to the height of the suspension away
from the floor/ceiling. The diameter of the duct in this
case will be as small as possible for such an air flow.

• Semi-circular shaped ducts are used, as a rule,

in facilities with low ceilings. In this case, we
can augment the distance from the duct to the
work area, which has a positive effect on the air’s
distribution. Also, an option in this instance is the
use of segment-shaped ducts.

• Quarter-shaped air ducts find use in offices,

conference halls, production facilities, and other
types of facilities where ventilation for various
reasons cannot be situated at the center of the
facility, but rather much be placed along the walls.

• Rectangular-shaped air ducts are usually

used for exhaust. Their shape is supported by
an aluminum shape frame.

The diameter of the ducts that TEXAIR installs ranges from 160 to The length of separate air distribution segments can reach as
2,000 mm. This is, as a rule, enough to distribute an air current of much as two hundred meters and depends on such parameters
between 200 and 70,000 m³/h. as the duct’s material, air flow, and air pressure. The duct is
divided up into segments that connect to each other using zippers
The interval of the diameters usually corresponds to the spacing according to its design.
of zinc-coated ducts’ diameters for convenience in calculating and
replacing metallic ducts for textile ones. Also, adjoining and other
sections of air socks are fully compatible with metallic shaped

Textile air ducts | Engineering | Production | Sales


Determine the dimension for a circular duct, mm


9,5 500
200 400 600



7,5 315

6,5 1000
Air velocity, m / s


5,0 710 1100

4,0 600 800

3,0 1000 1100

1200 1700
1,5 1400


0 1 000 2 000 3 000 4 000 5 000 6 000 7 000 8 000 9 000 10 000 11 000 12 000 13 000 14 000 15 000 16 000 17 000 18 000 19 000 20 000

Air flow, m /h 3


Fabric Duct Matching


Determine the dimension for a semicircular duct, mm


9,5 400 710 800

8,5 1100

8,0 600

7,5 1300
Air velocity, m / s

710 1000 1500

5,5 1200
5,0 1600

4,5 1100 1400

4,0 1700




1,5 1700



0 1 000 2 000 3 000 4 000 5 000 6 000 7 000 8 000 9 000 10 000 11 000 12 000 13 000 14 000 15 000 16 000 17 000 18 000 19 000 20 000

Air flow, m3/h

Textile air ducts | Engineering | Production | Sales

Determine the dimension for a quadrant duct, mm


9,5 1100 1400 1600

9,0 400
8,5 710 1700

8,0 900

500 1000
6,5 1400
6,0 1300
Air velocity, m / s

5,5 1200

1500 1700


4,0 1600







0 1 000 2 000 3 000 4 000 5 000 6 000 7 000 8 000 9 000 10 000 11 000 12 000 13 000 14 000 15 000 16 000 17 000 18 000 19 000 20 000

Air flow, m3/h


Fabric Duct Matching


Determine the dimension for a rectangular duct, mm


200×200 200×600 400×800

200×400 600×800

8,5 600×600

8,0 400×400


7,0 200×600 400×600

6,5 200×200

Air velocity, m / s


600×1000 800×1200
4,0 600×600 800×1000

3,5 200×400

2,5 1200×1600

2,0 1000×1400

1,0 1200×1600


0 1 000 2 000 3 000 4 000 5 000 6 000 7 000 8 000 9 000 10 000 11 000 12 000 13 000 14 000 15 000 16 000 17 000 18 000 19 000 20 000

Air flow, m3/h

Textile air ducts | Engineering | Production | Sales

Подбор диаметра DISTANCEсечения
для воздуховода TO WORK ZONE(четверть
квадрант (V=0.25 M/S)

Distance from holes, m

6 mm
8 mm
10 mm
12 mm
14 mm
Static pressure, Pa


Shaped Elements
The air socks are just as good as metallic ducts when it comes to the flexibility of their installation.
TEXAIR conducts an entire spectrum of section-shaped wares necessary to construct lines of any configuration.

Outlet adapter Branch pipe Elbow

Circle-rectangle transition Circle-semicircle transition Circle-to-circle transition

Asymmetrical collector Symmetrical collector Cylindrical collector

Textile air ducts | Engineering | Production | Sales

Material Selection
Proper selection of the duct’s materials requires data on the purpose of the system (for heating, ventilation, conditioning), the temperature
of the air to be supplied, the type of facility, as well as whether any special conditions exist that must be taken into account (high
temperature, moisture, clean facility, aggressive environment, etc.). High-quality materials are used for production with foundations
and coating of various types (polyester, glass fiber, polyurethane, silicon, etc.). This provides a means to manufacture ducts suitable for
operation at any facility, regardless of the specific factors present there or the complexity.


Air duct material Material coating
Chemical substance
Polyether (polyester) Polyamide Polyurethane (PUR) Silicone (VMQ)
Acetone – * – *
Formylic acid 10% – / *
Ammonia – 20% / +
Benzine + + + +
Benzol + – + –
Brake fluid + 60°С / +
Butane / + / –
Butyl alcohol + + / –
Calcium chloride + + / /
Benzine chloride + * – –
Diesel oil + / + *
Vinegar acid 40% – / –
Formaldehyde 30% + / +
Freon 113 + / / /
Fruit juice + + + +
Glycerin + + + +
Fuel oil + + + *
Hydraulic oil + + / *
Potassium alkali – – / /
Potassium chloride + + + +
Potassium hydroxide – / – *
Flax seed oil + + + *
Methanol – * / +
Dichloromethane – – – –
Lactic acid + 10% / /
Mineral oils + + + +
Motor oils + + + +
Sodium carbonate + + / /
Sodium chloride + 10% + +
Sodium hydroxide – / – *
Sodic alkali 40% 10% / –
Hydrogen nitrate 10% – – –
Hydrochloric acid + – – /
Lube oil + + + +
Carbon bisulphide – * / –
Sulphuric acid 70% – / 25%
Soap solution + + * +
Cleaner / / * +
Terebenthene + + / –
Tetrachlorolnethane + * – –
Table conventions
Toluene + + – –
+ stable at any concentration
Trichloroethylene – – – –
% stable in a maximum % concentration
Water (any) + + + +
°C stable up to a maximum temperature
Tartaric acid + + + +
Dimethylbenzene + + – – * conditionally stable
- unstable
Zinc sulphate + / / +
Citric acid + 10% / +
/ no data



Types of fabrics Structure Quantity of colors









Textile air ducts | Engineering | Production | Sales

Fabric contents Air permeability Temperature range Breaking load Fabric weight Fire rating

basis 160-230 kgf,

100% Polyester no -50 ... +110 °С 240 g/m2 – yes
weft 110-180 kgf

basis 140-220 kgf,

100% Polyester yes -50 ... +90 °С 230 g/m2 B yes
weft 100-170 kgf

basis 180-250 kgf,

100% Polyester no -50 ... +250 °С 290 g/m2 B yes
weft 130-200 kgf

basis 80-150 kgf,

100% Polyester no -40 ... +90 °С 90 g/m2 – yes
weft 45-80 kgf

basis 80-150 kgf,

100% Polyester yes -40 ... +90 °С 90 g/m2 – yes
weft 45-80 kgf

basis 100-150 kgf,

100% Polyester no -40 ... +90 °С 70 g/m2 – yes
weft 55-90 kgf

basis 100-150 kgf,

100% Fiberglass no -60 ... +380 °С 570 g/m2 A no
weft 55-90 kgf

basis 100-150 kgf,

100% Fiberglass no -60 ... +380 °С 510 g/m2 A no
weft 55-90 kgf

1 1 wire wireD, F, K, M D

4. 2Installation

2Tailor-made Air Ducting&Diffusers wire wireD, F, K, M D

Additional acces
3 3 Installation no. Cross section view Typevelcro
profile, of suspension
A, B,velcro
C, G, J, L,chart
overview H Ab

4. Installation 0
Air socks can come in different geometric shapes, such as a circle, a semi-circle, a segment,
without mounting material and hooks or enlarged
strips as well as a triangular or rectangular cross
section. This offers a means for them to be used in a variety of facilities, since their shape allows the ducts to be adapted to any of the
customer’s requirements.4
Tailor-made Air Ducting&Diffusers 4 profile profile
D, C, G, H D

9 types of installationInstallation
of textile airno.
Tailor-made Air Ducting&Diffusers
ducts are presented
Cross sectionfor the consumer Type of suspension
Tailor-made Air Ducting&Diffusers
Additional accessorieswire
overview chart below)
designation (see D, F, K, M

0 5 5 without mounting material and hooks or enlarged suspended profile suspended

A, B, C, G,
I, D, E, F, K,A

ation 2
wire D, F, K, M

llation 4. Installation
Tailor-made Air Ducting&Diffusers
6 6 wire D, F, K, M
A, C, G, I, D, E, F, K, A
suspended profile suspended profile
L, M L,
Additional accessories designation (see
Cross section view
Type of suspension
Additional chart below)
accessories designation (see
profile, velcro A, B, C, G, J, L, H

o. Cross section view Type of suspension
Cross section
overview view
chart below) Type of suspension
Additional accessories designation (see D, F, H D

without mounting material and hooks or enlarged overview chart below)
tensioner tensioner
can be added to allca o
wire D, F, K, M
without mounting material and hooks or enlarged types ty
0 Tailor-made Air Ducting&Diffusers
Installation no. Cross section view 4 without
mounting material and hooks or enlarged
Additional accessories designation (see
Type of suspension
profile D, C, G, H

8 8
overview chart below) A (always used forAt

0 3
without mountingwire
material and hooks orD,enlarged
F, K, M
D, F, K, M
profile, velcro A, B, C, G, J, L, H
profiles, velcro profiles, velcro
ducts), B, C, G, L, H,dJ
5 wire D, F, K, M
suspended profile A, B, C, G, I, D, E, F

1 4 9
9wire D, F, K,D,MF, K, M
D, F, K, M profile D, C, G, H
profiles profiles
A, D, E, F, G,K, L, M A

2 6 wire
Additional accessories designation (see
D, F, K, M suspended profile
A, C, G, I, D, E, F, K
L, M

2 Cross section view

5 10
of suspensionA, B, C, G, J, L, H
profile, velcro overview D, F,chart
K, M below)
A, B, C, G, J, L, H suspended profile
A, B, C, G, I, D, E, F, K, L, M
A, G,L A

D, F, H
strips 7
without mounting material and hooks or enlarged profile, velcro A, B, C, G, J, L, H tensioner can be added to
3 profile

11 11
D, C, G, H
profile, velcro A, B, C, G, J, L, H

6 profile D, C, G, H suspended profile

A, C, G, I, D, E, F, K, profiles
L, M
N profiles
A, D, E, F, G, K, L, M A

4 8
wire D, F, K, M profile D, C, G, H profiles, velcro
A (always used f
ducts), B, C, G, L,
4 suspended profile
A, B, C, G, I, D, E, F, K, L, M
D, C, G, H
D, F, H
7 26
suspended profile A, B, C, G, I, D, E, F, K, L, M tensioner
26 4. Installation 4. Installation
can be added to all other installation

5 5 9
suspended profile
A, C, G,
L, profile
D,I,F,D,K,E,MF, K, N
suspended profile
A, B, C, G, I, D, E, F, K, L, M
A, B, C, G, I, D, E, F, K, L,profiles
A, D, E, F, G,K, L, M

A, C, G, I, D, E, F, K,
8 suspended profile
D, F, HL, M
N profiles, velcro A (always used for triangular shaped
A, C, G, I,B,D,C,E,G,F,L,K,H, J N
6 6 10
profile, velcro can be
A,added A,toC,
B, C, G,
suspended profile
D, F, H
L, M
F, K, suspended
I,HD, E,installation N profile
L, M profiles A, G,L

9 tensioner can be added to all other installation

A (always
typesused D, for
F, Htriangular shapedprofiles A,
D, D,
F, HE, F, G,K, L, M
7 7 profiles, velcro
profile tensionerducts), B, C, G,can
D, C, G, H L, beJadded to all other
tensioner can be added to all other
profiles A, D, E, F, G, K, L, M
A (always used for triangular shaped

8 10 profiles, velcro
profiles ducts),
A, D, E, AB,(always
F, G,K, L, MC, G, L,used profilesshaped
H, J for triangular A, G,L

profiles, velcro A (always used for triangular shaped
ducts), B, C, G, L, H, J profiles, velcro
suspended profile A, B, C, G, I, D, E, F, K, L, M ducts), B, C, G, L, H, J
26 Methods for assembling fabric air ducts

9 11 profiles profiles A, G,LA, D, E, F,A,G,K,

profiles 4. Installation L, M
D, E, F, G,K, L, M profiles
Example of air sock assembly works on a mono-track cable
A, D, E, F, G, K, L, M www
9 suspended profile
A, C, G, I, D, E, F, K,
L, M
N profiles A, D, E, F, G,K, L, M
10 profiles
profiles profiles
A, D, E, F, G, K,A,
A, G,L G,L
D, F, H
L, M
scan a QR code
on your phone or

26 10
click on image
tensioner profiles
can be added to all other installation
A, G,L
4. Installation
types www.prihoda.com
11 profiles
profiles A, D, E, F, G, K, L, M
A, D, E, F, G, K, L, M
23 www.prihoda.com
4. Installation
11 profiles, velcro
A (always used for triangular
ducts), B, C, G, L, H, J
profiles 4/2020
A, D, E, F, G, K, L, M
Textile air ducts | Engineering | Production | Sales

Working Drawings
TEXAIR is a full cycle company capable of controlling the entire production process, from the design stage all the way to the shipping of the
finished products.

We create a full package of work documentation for our customers. The customer receives a working draft of the designed air duct system
and after it is approved, the order is sent into production. Supplied along with the finished products is the work project: overall view (Fig.
1), a 2D or 3D work draft with sectional drawings indicating the location of perforation, the direction of air flows and materials specification
(Fig. 2-3-etc.), and installation manual (Fig. 4).
Fig. 1: overall view

Fig. 2: 2D or 3D work draft with sectional drawings indicating the location of perforation, the direction of air flows and materials specification


Working Drawings
Fig. 3: 2D or 3D work draft with sectional drawings indicating the location of perforation, the direction of air flows and materials specification

Fig. 4: installation manual

Textile air ducts | Engineering | Production | Sales

Technical Service and Guarantee

AIR SOCKS LIFESPAN MAINTENANCE assembly scheme, product certificate).

The service lifetime of the air socks directly depends on the type MAINTENANCE
of fabric, conditions of use, and in the event that the producer’s
requirements are observed can extend to over 15 years. Having Aggressive environments and frequent washing reduce the
air filters in the ventilation systems is a required condition of the product’s service lifetime. The manufacturer does not indicate
warranty. any particular requirements regarding the frequency in which the
products are washed and leaves this up to the discretion of the
• The producer provides a 10-year warranty on the materials organization and the corresponding regulation of the institution
TEX-Sti, TEX-Stp. where the product will be used. The air socks’ washing may be
performed by hand or in a washing machine in accordance with
• The producer provides a 2-year warranty on materials the following directions:
TEX-StiF, TEX-Lti, TEX-Ltp, TEX-Lti-RS.
• Washing must be performed using not particularly harsh
• The producer provides a one year warranty on materials washing or disinfecting tools at a temperature no higher than
TEX-Fsi, TEX-Fpu. 45°C over the course of 15 minutes.
• The fitting and attachment elements come with a warranty • Drying should occur at room temperature and depending on the
of one year. type of fabric should not take more than 3-4 hours.
Product certificates serve as the document confirming the
warranty. «Air socks» correspond to the government’s sanitary
and epidemiological rules and norms. The producer guarantees
that the established parameters in the product’s mode of DRYING AT A 45° С TEMPERATURE
operation and reliability figures are provided for assuming that
the Customer observes the technical parameters over the entire
course of the product’s use.
In the case that during the warranty period production defects
are discovered on the product or segments of it at the fault of the
manufacturer, the latter will be obliged to eliminate the defects
or replace the failed section components within the shortest time
period technically possible.


Packaging is conducted according to the manufacturing
company’s documentation and ensures the preservation of the air
ducts during shipping in covered vehicles of any type. CHEMICAL CLEANING
Packaging of the ducts is performed in an indoor ventilated PROHIBITED
facility with an environmental temperature of 15 to 35°C with a
relative moisture of up to 80% of aggressive admixtures in the

The air duct package upon delivery includes:

• Air flow equalizers (cone-shaped net at the entrance for

dispersing air);

• Input adapters for connecting textile channels;

• Cable or profile suspension holders (attached to the surface of

the duct);

• Required shaped elements;

• Work documentation package (work drafts, specification,



Textile air ducts | Engineering | Production | Sales


Reference List

84 000 m³/h (total, 3 ducts), 300 Pa 98 000 m³/h (total, 15 ducts), 100 Pa

138 400 m³/h (total, 9 ducts), 100-250 Pa 11 680 m³/h, 100 Pa

9 300 m³/h (total, 4 ducts), 100 Pa 87 400 m³/h (total, 4 ducts), 100 Pa

190 500 m³/h (total, 12 ducts), 100-200 Pa 3 340 m³/h, 100 Pa

FULL VERSION ON THE WEBSITE AT THE LINK scan a QR code on your phone or click on image

Textile air ducts | Engineering | Production | Sales

360 000 m³/h (total, 6 ducts), 700 Pa 21 200 m³/h (total, 3 ducts), 100 Pa

9 900 m³/h (total, 3 ducts), 100-150 Pa 22 000 m³/h, (total, 4 ducts), 100 Pa

11 000 m³/h, 100 Pa 14 400 m³/h (total, 2 ducts), 100 Pa

10 800 m³/h , 100 Pa 360 m³/h, 50 Pa

FULL VERSION ON THE WEBSITE AT THE LINK scan a QR code on your phone or click on image


Special Solutions
TEXAIR extract air ducts are made of air impermeable fabrics and side and anywhere in the duct. Uniform air extraction velocity
are available in a rectangular version. is achieved by carefully calculated hole diameters and distances
between them.
In order for such air duct to work in the most optimal way, it
is necessary to observe the conditions for good tension of the Often such air ducts are used in rooms with is a need for regular,
fabric in the longitudinal and transverse directions. To this end, and often very thorough, cleaning of the structure. TEXAIR textile
tensioning devices in the inner profiles and tensioning cross air ducts are ideal for this procedure. They are easy to assemble
beams are used in the design of the duct. and dismantle, can be disassembled into separate elements.

Created by negative static pressure, air suction into the duct

through rows of perforations that can be positioned on either

Textile air ducts | Engineering | Production | Sales


TEXAIR circular exhaust air ducts are designed for ventilation • A unique innovative solution to reduce the weight of the
and air conditioning systems, air transportation, domestic and ventilation systems allows for a significant wall, ceiling and roof
industrial exhaust systems, gas removal. load reduction.

The basis of the exhaust system is a cylindrical frame made of • Quick-detachable outer fabric layer allows for easy cleaning
composite material, which provides the rigidity of the spatial of the ducts, and also greatly simplifies the process of
structure. This frame performs the main function - it serves to maintenance of the ventilation system.
form a solid foundation for the future product, provides and
maintains the required duct diameter. This ensures the required • The round shape of the exhaust duct, in contrast to the
air flow rate inside the exhaust duct along the entire length of the rectangular one, allows to achieve a more uniform air flow rate
route. across the section.

Exhaust ducts are installed using universal hangers that allow you • Different color solutions available, using fire rated materials,
to mount the ducts both on a rail and on a cable. The solution is as well as applying the logo on the fabric.
a special plastic holder, which is fixed with a textile suspension
directly on the duct section. The design of the hanger can also be
customized for height adjustment of the suspension.


Special Solutions
Transparent air ducts are made of elastic, abrasion and aggressive pollution, and to clean them in a timely manner. This is especially
media resistant material - polyurethane. Unlike PVC, this material important in rooms with specific requirements for cleanliness.
does not lose elasticity at temperatures down to -30°C, and also is
amenable to laser cutting, like other TEXAIR fabrics. Also, the air ducts have a smooth, non-porous surface that does
not absorb dirt at all. This allows to treat the air duct with various
Duct sections can be of different lengths and are connected along the detergents without even removing it.
length with zippers.
This solution will be very convenient for rooms in which the
The main advantage of these air ducts is that due to their equipment washing process is constant, because these air ducts can
transparency, it is very easy to visually control the degree of their be cleaned together with other technological equipment.

Textile air ducts | Engineering | Production | Sales


Transparent air ducts are made of elastic, abrasion and aggressive area, keeping in account the loss of heat energy along the air
media resistant material - polyurethane. Unlike PVC, this material duct’s entire length. Such a system provides a means to minimize
does not lose elasticity at temperatures down to -30°C, and also is changes in temperature along the air duct.
amenable to laser cutting, like other TEXAIR fabrics.
A synthetic nonflammable material is used for insulation, which
Insulated air ducts are mainly used for transition segments where is located between the external and internal fabric layer. Also, air
air of a certain temperature must be supplied into the emission ducts such of these do a wonderful job of insulating sound.


Special Solutions
The textile defroster is made for quicker defrosting of the evaporators, as well as adjustment of the direction and velocity of cold air flow
inside the room. The product is used for air coolers with horizontal air supply.


When evaporator is set to defrosting mode,
cold air supply stops. The product sags
and closes the fan, isolating the external
environment from the heat generation
process by the system. Heat is stored inside
the air cooler, which reduces the defrosting
time of the air cooler by up to 50%.

The textile defroster is designed in the way

that no ice or moisture forms inside the
product. Using textile is the reason that ice is
not formed on fans and inside the evaporator
in defrosting mode, preventing breakdowns
and formation of «ice clouds».

A. Evaporator fan А B C
B. Fan with TEX-DEFROST in defrosting mode
C. Fan with TEX-DEFROST in active mode


When the evaporator is in operation, the
defroster gets inflated by the air with
no losses of cold energy. A convenient
adjustment system allows to increase the
velocity or dissipate the air flow to evenly
cool the room without increasing power
and without purchasing additional cooling

Textile defrosters are made of durable

lightweight fabric, tightly attach to the fan
grill by special clamps to prevent damage or
spontaneous disconnection.

Device arrangement:
1. Connection
2. External seam
3. Clamp tape
4. Adjustment cable
Textile defroster
5. Retainer
6. Adjustment loop
7. Clamp tape lock

Textile air ducts | Engineering | Production | Sales


Nozzles with adjustable airflow are a part of the high-velocity Similarly, such system can be successfully used in multi-chamber
air distribution system and are used for ventilation and heating air ducts, one part of which works for cooling and the other for
purposes. heating or dehumidification.

The main application is rooms with high ceilings and distant Inside the textile nozzle there is a built-in air flow regulator with
from the main duct working zones, for example, sports facilities, smooth adjustment feature of the air flow from 10% of the total
shopping malls, production facilities and warehouses. air volume to 100%.

The key feature of the nozzle is the ability to form a directed Characteristics:
compact air jet with a range of up to 30 meters.
• Diameter from 50 to 300 mm;
When distributing the air through the nozzles, the admixture of
the ambient air with the air supplied by the nozzle is minimized, • Airflow: 100-1200 m3/h;
and therefore this solution is especially effective for air heating.
• Adjustment damper.


Special Solutions
If it is required to switch between the heating and cooling modes inside the room during the day, season or year, this was previously a
problem, since traditional solutions only apply to a limited temperature range.

With standard air dispensing solutions, engineers average the

values when delta T is less extreme, or by using expensive
diffusers or nozzles that are controlled by even more expensive

TEXAIR solves this problem effectively by combining two different

models of air distribution, pressure and airflow in one duct.

TEX-Heat & Cool is the perfect air distribution system, designed

for optimal performance in both cooling and heating modes,
regardless of the temperature range.

The complexity of the task lies in the fact that cold air descends
and warm air rises, and therefore the perforation diameter
required for comfortable supply of heated air to the working area
leads to a too high rate of cooled air supply.

Such problems occur in parts of the world where there is a

significant difference between summer and winter conditions. It is
also important for industrial production, where, regardless of the
season, it is necessary to cool production equipment as part of
the working process.

The TEX-Heat&Cool solution offers two totally different air

distribution models, one for heating and an opposite one for
cooling. This allows our engineers to combine the optimal airflow
for both heating and cooling purposes in one duct.



Textile air ducts | Engineering | Production | Sales


TEX-CEILING ceiling textile perforated diffusers are an innovative product, the main purpose of which is the comfortable distribution
of conditioned air in offices and public buildings with suspension ceilings.

There is no other product like this on our market. Its distinguishing

feature is the distribution of air into four directions by way of
diffusion. This helps avoid the so-called “cold shower” effect.

Also, an undoubted advantage is the ability to style ceiling

diffusers in different color and pattern styles. These devices are
very simple to install and are installed on a suspension ceiling
along with standard ceiling panels. Ceiling textile diffusers can be
a good replacement for a traditional ceiling solution. This solution
will be interesting both for ventilation companies and end users.

TEX-CEILING ceiling textile perforated diffusers are manufactured

out of fabric weighing 230 g/m2.

Heat resistance: +110°С

Cold resistance: -30°С

The necessary air flow is supplied via a textile perforated diffuser.

TEX-CEILING operates via calibrated perforation, which precisely Example of air flow distribution via TEX-CEILING textile diffuser
regulates the volume of air supplied via the diffuser.

For cleaning, TEX-CEILING is subject to machine washing

at a temperature of up to 40°С over the course of 15 minutes,
then dried, and installed at the operation site.

The form of affixing a textile diffuser to a transit system is

developed in a special way, which ensures the necessary air flow
evenness. The foundation of the diffuser is made in such a way
that, when necessary, it can be replaced with an alternative with
lighting or of another color, as well as leaves.

The size of the TEX-CEILING textile ceiling diffuser is equal to

587x587 mm, which fully corresponds to the size of the standard
suspension ceiling cell.

The diameter of the supplying air duct and the textile transit
length up to affixture to the main system is calculated individually
for the most precise possible connection of the systems. Thanks
Diffuser into a standard suspension ceiling
to calibrated perforation and textile leaves, the volume of the air
emitted becomes fixed and the noise effect is minimized.

Perforation for air distribution

into 4 directions

Textile leaves to achieve Different color ranges and the Foundation Leaves
maximum flow laminarity display of a company logo


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