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6-7. The Dielectric Constant Now we will discuss, insulator or dielectric materials which do not conduct electricity. However, using a simple electroscope an two parallel plate capacitors Fataday discovered that this was not so. He constructed two identical capacitors in one of which be _ aea 193 hon both capacitors were charged to the same io, 4p shown in Big, 6°02, oro piele Fig. 66 (a) eriment that the charge onthe capacitor with 1 bY exP Chat without. Since q ie larger, for the came greater “relation O=alV that the capacitance of a capa. om Mectric is placed between the plates. If dielectrio arts if Gey, the space between the plates the ratio of fils oP yh the dielectric to that without C, is called dielec- i itance “rhioh is the property of dielectric material i melanin C/O.=K ---(6-16) relative permittivity of the medium. ined the same relation Eq, (615) by placing same 7 obteitors as in Fig, 6:6 and measured the potential ange 10 He FF is the potential difference with dielectric and V. fioronee : Fig. 6:6 (6) without dielectric capacitor then verve. So the potential diffe- ar rence with dielectric dereases by a factor 1/K. Hence from relation (=q/V a8 gis same, here again the same conclusion. 68, Classification of Dielectric on the Basis of Molécular Structure (Polar and Non Polar Molecules) The molecules or atoms are composed of electrons and nuclei ine state of vibration about certain fixed points in space. Though the molecule or atom as a whole is neutral i.e. the magnitude of sharge on electrons is equal to the positive charge on nuclei due to poe: But the spacial arrangement of charges in a molecule may da meett in varigt® substances. All positive and negative charges iy ie leoule can be replaced by an equivalent single positive and cours charge located at the centres of gravity of separate Bevity ons ieparate negative charges respectively. These centres of determing’ {und with tho aid of the same rules which aro used Tassos in wea eee OF the centros of gravity of systems of coincide Statics. These centres of gravity may either coincide in space. At any oi. ' Rprtive gIojereD instant, if the centre of gravity of the positive and “Poly eng oad charges “do not coincide”, then the molecule is ‘© matter composed of such molecules is also calledyo gh wo wh i | vee eo Electricity and Magnetism wth Ms ¢ two contres of Bravity Bre separated, “my We thet eos a dipole moment equal to {8° eng, y's 4 \ i ‘ ly i ; eparation. While if the two ® of separsjon in_called & “non-polar ™! gray jpole mome) + and the matter compos?! i is ‘called non-polar. Matter comp rect ore i poth non-polar and polar should be regard, bg ain as “ Pola, aoe of Non-Polar Meleqnive: 7 jgid molecules which have symme vical struct) The rigid Maya e negligible emall dipole oe oy er 2G, CH ‘CCly, Cole, Cos and O,Hy.. = pcseapies'ol Petes Melocaee Jooules are, however, polar, there a Most me Tp symmetry, is, disturbed, tho Ma ACeTAe dipyy seta hydrogen atom Of mothane molecule is repietome BRjorine atom, it looses symmetry and becomes polar, cot ee 69. A Dielectric in an Electrostatic Field (Polarisay, * Dielectric) « larisation op discuss this in the next section in detail / 4 tementary atomic view. A dielectric whether polar or no here isa, My acquire dipole ‘moment by induction when placed in an Prod ea fy Then these elementary dipoles are oriented along the field dire, faa, y Tlectrie becomes polarised without affecting the neutrality’ je. In other words, by induction the one side gets no 7 of Ghaege while other the same negative charge. So the electric field up by them (E") opposes the external electric field say E,. Fig. 67 Fig. 6-7 te shows the induction process. One important point to be noted ist induced effect ia present only when the electric field is present. ‘The resultant field S=H,+it’. The field E’ due to induced charge poitts opposite to E,, hence the field inside Gielectric decreases same as potential. So we can write, using the relation, E=Vd 18) 4 Vo Bo _y i Filled Vd E 6-10, Capacity of a Parallel Plate Capacitor Partially | wihDilectrie ee ; aa " Fig. 68 shows a capacitor partially filled with * diel _ )3 and pielectries 19s” li If Q is the charge.on each 3B due 10 charge Q in thd freo-opane bal ‘material is given by Gauss’s law. snes £. thsject ic fiel § dielectric * —Goussion FF syrfoce Ss 2~-@ ae eof. B= eo HeA=O B= 3 ern f (6-16) the field B inside the dielectric is given by, rox Ba: E @ Oo B=_ “KeA at . geld in the free space (i.e. ys tbe value of, dong Eis the value of lectrie ‘geld inst Fuostris) WDIED IS gt. The potential difference between the two electric © ‘oils js given by, 7 pte (v=V,-Va=— faa ) rene the total potential difference petween the plates A and B, * 2 _ v-Vi=—- J Eodi—-f Ed for for free thick- space ness d—t t Sine the total field is (Eo-+H) Therefore, Ve—-Vi=Et+E, (4—#) @ai=— wu, similerly, Bodi=—Eo dl) Substituting E, and E from equation (6°17) and. (6°18), we get, Vo—Vome gl (d—t+ 4 ) ms € K refore, from equation, (6-1) the capacits C is gi b: / pacitance C is given by, Q coe (6°19)Electricity and Me inne) tism - with Mees "0 Mey ly Gauas’s law to @ parallel plate Joctric constant K. Fig. 69a SheePRCitar ; + dielectrics. Let charge b an usy iNheg be the area of each plate. s on a hy » Bois tne P he ols Now opp! a dielootrio of die! jate capacitor withou with proper sign and A field without dielectric. ! PTT TT s ee | OT" To Seussion ° ee Fig. 6-9 (a) Therefore, the Gauss’s law gives, €, § BdS=€o EA=Q or B= EA Now place the diclectric as shown in Fig. 6 Now ee by Gaussian surface is Q—Q". Fiseretore an, the ast ith diclesie Gauss’s law is, or (6°20) or E= -(621) oe oo. € Ao €o A in which —Q’ is thei nduced charge due to polarisation. Using th . Using the Equation (6:16), we have, paEe wh ii insi: ere E is field inside the dielectric substituting Eo, we have, t 2 a ~KeA ee Substituting this value of E in Eq. (6-21), we have, oo 78) Q’ ; : . KeA~@A &A “ a’=0( 1 2) | (64) EJI q=0 If there is . = is no dielectric between the plates then K=1, ond ff... 7197 dectticS pi ’ ts! yced charge. Tho value of Kis al "ab yen ed eMjuced charge) is always ie oar 24) the value of Q—Q’ is given by, wy Pee |. 7 Be atin (6 js : 4 Re 9-U"k ito the Gaus yor caper subetituting 6 32 ; me ge B-o- Q “kK s’s law with dielectric as gi ii ‘QQ’ in the following fore, tan Ki dS=—Q (6-25) ‘nave derived equation (6-25) for a parallel plate capaci jcable in all cases when the dielectrics are present. city of 2 Parallel Plate Capacitor when Completely 6 ted with Dielectric 6-90 represents such capacitor. In such circumstances, die of intonsity om Slectric field is E between the plates is given we oy Q E= eA slab is same as tho separatio [see equation (6-21)] in between the jokness of the toed. Hence, plates 4 therefore, _ KeoA. ae Farad 4 me. 62, A parallel plate capacitor | 6 filled with two lectric constant Ey and Ky didedrica of same dimensions but different die rapedtively aa shown in Pig. 6-10a and b. ‘Calculate ite capacitance. ‘Sol. From Fig. 6.10 (a) the arrangement is simply two capaci- torsin parallel, and each capagitor will have the are ‘A/2. Yj SN Ki. ‘S Fig, 6-100 Total capacitance C=Ci+Cz — coA/2 Ka SoA l2 Bs a ados glectricly and Magnetism with py lec ny aH) f Fig. 6105 can be re angorent “capacitor will be of area Avene pac se eri qne * ories- in serie otal capacitance nea t is given by the relation, Paras.” iors 7 erporefor® vig. 6-10 (0) ! 1 ie - yj Nee g \ €oAKi
D+e+ZlE (630 The displacement vector 1s ‘an ae 3 -aaaemce 0 isof ge205 magnetic eguasion, to explain the displacoment de gino fo equatail in Chapter 15, eorment > it is oloar that D is associated only with free s snows the representation of B, edt andP fore epacitor with dielectric. eee ey ts i . €oE 6 Fig. 6.14 pecareful to note the following points : 1, Dis connected with the free charge only. Tho lines of D jnand end on free charges. D is constant throughout the tapacitor- 2, P ie connected with pol isation charge only. The lines of } vogin and end on polarisation charges. Clearly P is zero except inside the dielectric. 3, if is connected with all charges. 4. In isotropic media B and i are in the same direction. How- ‘at > >. = ever for, nonisotropic media P and Bf are, in general, not in the same direction. 5. Hisreduced inside the dielectric, where there are fewer lines. - 6. Unlike the electric field E (which is the force acting on unit charge) or the polarisation P (the dipole moment per unit volume), the | Glectric displacement D has no clear physical meaning. The only | Teason for introducing it is that it enables one to calculate fields in ce308 Electricity ang Magnetiyy : Wien oe of dielectrics without first havin, Ble, Sr Polarisation charges. & toknoy om Units of D and P Neti / From equations (6.27) and (6.36) the Units for nd meter? whereas i is measured in Newtons/eouy, Rave 4 uy D and P in terms of E . The vectors D and P are separately connected wi ' f start from the definition of D, the magnitude of B Q *8 Give, p=2_x. 2 by, ATS Ce if i =E, th % But e expression for 5. can be te, ? Be =Ke.E= «&, (as €=Ke,) eal6, Honce relation D=e, B+F can be written as, (6.2) Bae, BB ot c= («ot 2 ay, i Similarly, wo can express P in terms of © the ti given by equation (627) he 5 aniedeiotp, || Pad The induoed charge Q' due to polarisation is given in equation (4 fe, , 1 aa ( 1g) Substituting thie value in the above equation, we have, —Q2/, 1 e-9 ( 1 x) Since, Yep, using eq. (6.38), we get, bake : =Ke,) ( 1- x) or Poe, (K-18 (am In vacuum K=), , therefore the polarisation vector B is zero. itilpielectric’ Gause’s Law oF (Divergence of D) ' * jven by equation (6.38) wh ition > ive! : when substituted the simple modified form of the Gauss’ thee ttc is written a8, So 5), gioteotric § D. d8=Q ++(6.41) of et of D out of ® closed surface S=Total free chargo face integral of the normal component of electric Sienin 8- a the our ctor Dover and) closed surface equals the charge enclos, ‘ 1 the free_charge and the polarisation charge a not Bure Bquation (6.41) can be written in divergence form a8 } ginge s0cor dine ly divergence theorem, oe J Dp. is—| aw Dav a=] ey dv Vv 3. D=er (6-42) naity of free charge Q. , For physical, signi- cw. Equation (6.42) 18 still really Gause’s law, ‘that the effects of polarisation charge B+P 6.17. Verificat at D. electric field intensity he variation of electric displaceme i, polarisation 3 along the axis between tho plates ofan air capacitor i “che variation sfter ® Selectric (psrafin) F * 6.15b. For » given is’ shown in Fig. 6.158- gb has been introduced is illustrated by Fig- applied potential é.¢. battery is Miseonnected when the paraffin is introduced. In air capacitor equation (6.36) reduces, , Does W) because there is no polarisation, hence, = i we Smo, anh b= 2) o In paraffin capacitor the relation is given in equation (6.36), poe E+E7 and Magnetism with Blectronio, iM cil er plectt 2 gig for this case is Given In efaAton 208 porwoon P a plates m roletio? “a Porat om ). note? a a | 4 os J nee @ y al so / ~ ™~ a loves -| o(-*) ~~ ~~ ~ m ¢ $0 —™ Fig. 6.156 Fig. 6-150 p=Kek + DB +0(3) ' E= CK set uation (6.40), ‘and the polarisation P eT oq . 1 pe, (K—1) E a) _1)% or be 8( 1-g ) = b( 1-%) fh) K for in 2.1, heneo the capacitance with paraffin inoresses by 21 . That is with paraffin dielectric the capacitor plates store 2.1 times charge fora given potential. Since the war disconnected before the paraffin was introduced, the charge om the plates — |pietectrie’ ” is D ts the same as before. However, ip. Therefore, th eos, 3 »_D = i 0.475 —— it oem D, with air it is 2 ++e(5) 7 . 7) ( 1g) 705 D, with air Beo _ ation P bas such value that ape porte syed B d=b “Je jon P+ el —0.525 D+0.475 D=D 27) e-* Ds gan ores Te ee Te (6.86) #8 94 ified. putting the value of E ‘example 6.6. = wna fom p—7x8-9x10-# coulst/Newton. meter* x 1.4 x 10? volta/meter 8.9 x 10-® couls/meter*, volt==Newtons. meter poe (K—)) & =8-9x 10-3 (7—)) =7-5 x 10-* coul/m is given by, Dabeeks as K=1 for air 8-9 x 102% 1x 10* =8-9 x 10 coul/s Le pir gop K=1, hence, Pee €o (K—1) Bo=O (1:43 x 10°) ia the dielestrio, 8-9 x 10-8 x 14x 10 > a. % Dae, E+P= +75 10-*210 blectricity ang Map nen =8-9x 10-8 cou), with hence verified meters In the air gap P — 0 De = € Ey = 89 x lo-n ere Loe = 89 X 10-* coutjen, We can say that the relation _ ¢ ts holds in general, or E+ 7 D=cE+B, everywhere 6.18. Dielectric Susceptibility and Permittivicy In most oases (in the so-called lin, eee ere le ear dicleotri ~of polarisation is directly proportional te 4a! ies) | field at a given point of @ dielectric ie. we can ee \é Pak ss y 7 Baad 4 Substituting the dimensions in equation (6:43), a4 64 couls _ Newtons 7 ~ mete’ # = So, couls? “= Newton/meter we see that Xe, is a dimensionless Parameter of dielectr;, i tive dielectric susceptibility. The total Proportionality called yy), ==%, has the dimensions Farad/meter is known as absolute” Yon bility or dielectric susceptibility i.e., user Xe tem ey sa [ Xer €o -— = coul*/Newton. meter? Newton meter sinee volt = Saal and Farad = coul/volt coul* Farad = Newton. meter Farad hence, Xer Co = Teeter The polarisation vector P is alo related to & by «i (6.40), i.e.,2u jectrieS p= (K—)) E . comparison ‘of equations (6.40) and (6.43), we can poo? te = Bol —- £6.45) d ibility te measure of the abili pts ro aie jorsaion by equation (6.45). capability of the 10 K =l+%r, eae) cite equation (6.38), a now a e : : pe Kok —eE (6.47) utivity of the medium, ste permite IK ee € K =~, -+-(6,48) or dielectric constant (sometimes relative tive permittivity 7 : fe is ronty is denoted by €,) when a dielectric material is placed in itivty ye distribution of field changes to a degree depending ue permattivsty. ‘The Zor is given by using equation (6.43), Pp he = Sh 2 (Since B= x “4,00 equation Or (6.2}) and P = Q/A by defini- Ke,A _ tion given in equation (6.27) — Kes QA €Q _“K-_Chargo donsity in dielectric. (g =~ Charge density in free space (6.49) A from equation (6.46), K = 14.408, This relation clearly shows that the relative permittivity of any tanger than unity. The valuo of fer of any matter is positive Mr ie should. be larger than one and for vacuum Xer = O and rofore K = 1. In the case of non-linear dielectrics including ferroelectrics to be ortionality between vectors B andi Now iscussed later on, there is NO discussed here. ae 119, Boundary relations } Boundary conditions at the surface separating two sub- Let us examine, how the electric field changes st the boundarySeam: pre ai in Meaning of Polarisation of Dielectric x jelectric is placed in an extern : im when aaa particles (atoms, ions, eae field, the ile perange in such order that dielectric Saath their Sgn, ‘euch a process is called polarisation. certain ware * dielectrics show direct proportionalsi Lin0er ot 'P (induced moment) acquired by corpora the oso moment 7 Tisotion and the intensity of the electric field aaron Ot eeticle 4.¢., the loval electric field inside the disleatste ain OF ehematically we represent, electaiel hae Po Bint P=a Ent ++-(6.58) cient of proportionality a in equation (6.58) is known as cability of the given dipole. Polarisability reflects the properties on ‘adividual particle of matter and not of large volume of it hence it jpealled microscopic electrical parameter of a dielectric. I Ein=1, in equation (6.58) & =o -++(6.59) So the polarisability «, 18 dipole moment per unit field strength. If there are N dipoles in unit volume of the matter then equation (6.58) can be written as, P=N « Eine ---(6.60) Here P is the average dipole moment of N dipoles Unit for Polarisability When dipole moment P i xdistance) and E is volt/meter, we get (6.58), . measured in coul. moter, (P=charge SI unit for «, from equation Coul. meter _ Coul. meter? Volt/meter volt, (Coul=volt x Farad) a= Farad. meter* 62. Mechanism of Polarisation wi ooitee @ is defined in torms of dipole its n farms oan te ‘a measure of the extent to whi tric dipoles are hough oon atoms and molecules. The ¢ ¢ a {ha variety of mechanisms, each one contributing to the value wig htnee « is regarded as total polarisability to be the sum of indi- Polarisabilities each arising from # particular mechanism. a= :Electricity and Mag, 208 Bnetism In general, the molecules or atoms (ions ) maa, lectp, wing Way® : 'Y be Mle, eer ectronic Polarisability fy . ; 7 Centres of gravity of the electrons ang oo y ulting in induced dipole moment é.e., tons res may Po=as Ein ey, characteristics of an assembly of g; ' Be ae aan of sloctrons which have nen cat reacts prog, ty higher thao, those of visible light. So thet q,g/wehey smatt electronic polarisability. the ont 2. Molecular Polarisability ica Molecules having petmanent dipole moment a are affected in two possible ways: Polar m0}, | 2 decree ie ami fal may ga be dis altering ance betwee i ceeding the dipole moment of the molecule. Such oan nd ent called atomic represented by a. Tisability a Orientational or Dipolar Polarisability . ey as a whole may rotate about its axis of pad d Scconaty the dipoles align with the field. This is referred’ ac o> 20 polarisation or dipolar polarisation and polarisability iq Titi! tational or dipolar, denoted by az. called 3. Interfacial Polarisability Such type of mechanism is due to larg e @ number of q, 7 the structure of crystals, such as lattice vacancies, impurity ca 8 Atslocation, ete. polarisability is denoted by a:, hower’, ‘ttt, ia generally neglected. Thus wo con write the ‘total ‘polansctigt®! & follows : ade} te-+og-f a4 (0 623. Lorentz Local Field, In equation (6.60) i.e.’ P=NoaEin,~ it should be noted that this internal intensity of the tield, where molecules exist surrounded on all sides by other polarised molecules of matter is, the external intensity of the field at a given point of » dibleda which is calculated by relation E=V/d. ‘The internal intensity Ei on a molecule is a geometrical sum of the external intonaity E and the component of the intensity caused by the action of the other polarised molecules of the matter on the molecule in question. The following method suggested by Lorentz can be used to estimate the relation between E and Bint. Let us describe a sphere in a dielectric as shown in Fig. 621, containing the molecule considered above in its centre. The meee Present inside dielectric outside of the sphere will build up. en Anti sity component E; in the centre of the sphere and those inside 16—16 150-gries = vg pile component ,. Thus internal intensity will be «--(6.63) + + t+ + itoe tt i Fig. 6.21. | let us imagine that the dielectric is removed te Ey colon} o Ex ne actual pattern of the electric field not to e 8PF electric charge should be placed on the sphere. p00 eed,» sUrEBCO i och point of tire sphere the surface density of the charge je. o
> > Pp mn) Em=E+ = a] _224 Band E given in equation (6.40), Pu =E | —3 iz [ K+2 (6.72) in equation (6-72) is called Mosotti field. Since the 4 give? ag Ei tains K, hen pacitor with K=1, that the ratio son for Bane 0074 ae cose of vacuum C8) 5. ce it depends on dielectric mate- 2 =) {polarisation P as an electric moment of ® unit Toots ciegiven in equation (6.60) .c. aise 0 . . BEN a Bow pating the value Bin from equation (6.72), in the above equation, wo have, pane EL) is expression to P given below : pe, (K—1) B, [From equation (6.40)], in (Ke Ban aw SIP Ne apse .-(6.73) whore em oeb Be. Equation (6.73) is remarkable for the fact that it : — between the parameters K of a dielectric and ite Parameters « and N. The equation (6.73) #8 known as ius Mosotts ‘equation iain As K=c/eo the Clausius ‘Mosotti equation in another simple and equate thi o €—€o Na kh. oe. --(6.74)_ “Ny and Magnen sm €—€o K-1 The magnitude Ty. OF KyE ls known tion of a dielectric. This is dimensionless jy, _ It ie easy to see that the R.HS, of equation 82 Ki, 7 Poe, sionless because N is measured in meter 2.70)" ira on, in farad/meter, hence Na/Se, is. dimenaion,.~ @ farag!” at, Now using Sees Ke Lp ar. The oes mn aS juces in t 9 susce, it: = tus redt in terms aes = YY Of the dielectric. Moron; © Xer+3 So A version of Clausius Mosotti equation conveng, : tion is obtained by multiplying equation (6.73), Sor Dracgi, 4, | ratio of the molecular mass M of the substangs oP both git | Kol M_ Ne M M8 Gants BE K+2 D 36 D-_ : . : NM _ Avogad Since —p~ = Avogadro number N, K-I1 ML1iy K72 D 3e, “e* | Kl specific potarisat; ‘(8 but K+2 Pp ‘c polarisation, (Pap) Hence, equation (6.76) reduces, K-1 M_» ™M K+2 D7? D > «lt The magnitude given in equation (6.77) is called the tion represented by x, molar Polarin, a Sat Mo My 1 Kye Dh page Ne ny The dimension of molar polarisation is equal to that of ratio ot volume to mass, #.e., the dimension inverse to that of density. Foy neutral dielectrics the value of K=7? where 7 is the refractive i of the medium then we get after substituting in eqn. (6.77) and (6, ol _ Ne W+2 3€ 2-1 M_ Ne (680) w+2 D “3e, i Equations (6.79) and (6.80) are referred as Lorentz-Lorents equation Limitations of the Clausius Mosotti equation 5 cos . . ‘See equation (663) This equation is derived by taking E,=0 (See & for details of E,) because of the following assumptions : oe 1. Since polarisation is considered as proportional § it means the pola ; it tak Polarisation of the molecules by elastic iy. cd «(8.19 and223 “ange interaction. ort-remtsability of the molecules. satisfied with neutral molecules ha’ i son polar (molecules of symmetrical ae ae joable to neutral liquids and specially ‘far apart. pete mole K-11 uted petwoon Ts Ty on one axis and = ., with different values of D, for D=1, gives ber Ox ieee jl : cs za (as) epproximating unity when K’ infinitely a K-lLe1 (6.81) we can write, __Na = Bee ae +-(6.82) oleeule is placed in the electric field, it is “Firstly, it displaces the centre of gravity of ‘extra dipole moment is induced, polarisability. For which the |. Secondly, the dipole tend to orient that its potential energy, je minimum i.e., it will tend to align ‘gainst the field ~The procoss called orientational ina, Debye transformed the Clausius-Mosotti equation for tsionties by replacing the electronic ‘and. ionic (or atomic) ity « of the molecule which is taken in Clausius-Mosotti i) Maton with the sum of deformational polarisability « and the a| puitsbiity due to dipole polarisation aa- ‘The Clausius-Mosotti equation has no -| he variation of permittivity. However, for polar dielectrics the il plarsabilty is inversely proportional to temperature due to thei | a“ 80 that orientational polarisation mecbanism is tempers: acre. In fact the oriontative action of the field is hindered iu ermal agitation. In consequence, & statistical equilibrium earch slight exceas of molecules have their permanent antiparallel to the field, i.e. the molecules are aligned. le moment per a ts calculate the average component of dipol at temperature T due to slignment. If molecule of indication of ® tempera- Prmanent di : : tent dipole moment B, has its axis inclined at an angle 6 withElectricity —y ed Meaney, ree the field, then its potential energy is, he. U=—P. iB, [See ‘According to Maxwell Boltzmann law, “ote (6.59), buted with axis of their dipoles Pointing j.7u™ vp oettid angle ¢0 at 6 is, 8 in all Sigg mit a —__U tion dn=A exp [ xr | ag vi is Boltzmann’s constant, and A j . Te namber of molecules considered.“ ## Sonatany, gay Integrating this overall possible direct m/f molecules after putting the value of U from cauation tl — V 83), O=n o Pol [tml aor 7 aA th : “bay effective dipole moment é.e.. the dipole mo: ’ the Geld direction —P, Cos 0. ‘Therefore the pore, Apa, y molecules in the field direction, mena =dn P, Cos 6 h PoE Cos 9 } =A exp (“a4 ] PB Cos 6 ag, lite substituting dn from oP. (635, ting this within limit @=0 to 0=n, we get 4) moment of all molecules, the total don, , ™ where, = The average dipole moment (P,) along the field, : Ac"? B,con 640 0 SSP B= Po : 2 : i j Ae" ag ih 6 (6.88) Now the value of dQ between 8 and 6+d6 is calculated by t Fig. 6.22 ’ do — 2708 of ring between ¢ ond 0+d6 ‘ 2nr sin 6 rd isla nq i (630) =2n sin 6 do xputes 225 rune Fig. 6-22 tngral of equation (6.86) we put, ape ntek™ g=a. 98 0 varies from 0 to x, a will vary vn 4 +1 to —1 sin 0 d0= —da. ion (6.86), this value we get, +1 in eat Poe = Pp; T [= es a 1 ea er teae 1 ee « =coth x—— therefore, Bs, P- .-.(6.87) hae Liz)
> a, and for this reason the permittivity of puree! polar dielectric may be much iss higher than that of non-polar. The temperature dependence of Non polar dielectric constant K is shown in — Fig. 6.24. The intercept of the straight line thus obtained on the ja. ae Ses and it slope is 07ST 90 molecule in gaseous state, the measurement of dielectric constant is found 2.5x10-* farad. Fig. 6.24. respectively. ibution to the polarisability because of lijormation of molecales and the contribution because of permanent dipole at these temperature. Sol. Using equation (6.90) of Langevin theory, deyj=% (due to deformation) +aer (due to dipole moment Po) On putting the values, 2 25x10 eat aT‘\ SS 228 Ris iy, ith p 0 8 Flecy, or 2.6x10°-"—at —zoq- where pun Pet mney 8 > a and 2x10 +350 Iving these two equations, * B=6x10-* farad.metert hence, a=0°5 x 10-* farad.meter? The Joformational polarisability =0.5x10-% is independent of temperature. 0d. metes ‘Due to orientational polarisation at temperaty, tg polarisability, "0 300° af _ 6x1lo-#7 » the 7 300 — Farad.metors =2.x 10-* Farad.meter? 6x 10-7 at temperatuee 400°K = to =1.5x10-** Farad.meter 6.27. Classification of Dielectrics (Ferroel, electric Dielectric) clectric and p,., Fane pe casathed according © 24 p. > > in cleric fla, Ta toe arg) By ond Held. duct poles E’, ie, B-B, +E" and & is related to E, by relation, ™ E=8,/K In most cases the polarisation is proportional to B. When polarising field E, is removed then Hi vanishes andin tn P also vanishes. But under certain conditions given by equation (6.71), P Ein= — im = E+ 3e0 Now when external field is removed, E is zero, then Eim= a [Po is polarisation without external ° = field called permanent polarisation) Ferroelectric . So we can say that certain materials, retain a eoroe even though the polarising field is removed, such Tr words, called ferro-electric by analogy with ferromagnetism. In Cry gt tbe if polarisation P, exists, it will create an electric fiel229 rics spiel ai yd 5 polarise, she molecules. paces larisation in ds to PO, Such materials are able to devel ea ord ‘oun electric field for them K >> 1 whe! iio” BaTiO, (Barium Titenate), SrTiO, otensiam niobate). qsitive susceptibility duo to polarisation in itn do para-electric. K and Xr are positive Fe ie than ferroelectric. In fact all dielectrics are forall value of vacuum, which has precisely zero suscep- ne ox00PFor vaouum K—=}- 2k-" t ich has negative susceptibility. There is tiem. In other words, the polarisation in polarising field is not possible. resis Loop for Ferroelectric is Fig. 6.25 shows complete curve of polarisation vs. electric field. As it is the property of ferro-electric to retain polarisa- tion when polarising field is removed, a curve such as in Fig. 6.26 is called hysteresis loop. Hysteresis means to lag behind, and it is clear ° ¢ {I —eE > > * I that P lags the electric field vector H when EB =0, the retained polarisation is ob, it is spontaneous polarisation (analogous to residual Fig, 625. magnetism in magnetisation). And point C is tbe oletrio field which is needed to completely reverse the polarisation, it is analogous to coercive force in magnetisation. Curie Temperature til However, the spontaneous polarisation exists only below the certain cilical temperature called Curie temperature. Above the Curie tempera- ture, the spontaneous polarisation disappears and substance becomes pra electric. Below the critical temperature, the variation of suwwoptibility with temperature is governed by Curie law and above ttitical temperature by curie Weiss law. So, we can ‘say that polarisation study of a dielectric is more or la analogous to magnetisation: The behaviour of materials in electric magnetic field are identical.we into ae fu account the 1196" rt * gio?) . ". Magnetization (an elementary a detail here jon in 4 at ‘hall discuss magnetization. in the nest, oe et field, he {ugg peatary vi ‘ i, placed 2 +4 tg chan the sian iow. If a specimen 18 P is chang Sea fit of th sample i changed. How such | 9, but, for Oy iueny rl and on the shape of the sovk by about neat isnot altered very much—‘YP' te Yield ot 9 For certain materials, howeve the fie 563564 Blectrioity and Magne ints nearby can be increased a g Sver ite value in the absence of the’ apecator °F one hy "eto galled ferromagnetic.“ Non-ferromage eee mate st® madd 9 ‘uly a small change in field, oan be eithe: gist*tials witty Aetic. Uf the field is decreased very aligheiyeetio ot Prot diamagnetic. If the field is increased lights ‘220 the Brats is paramagnetic. Y then ih teint 4 “tel Hom wity == == A = Tho most casily observed characterist; rials are their behaviours in strome *°8 of the 4j = of the aig j non-| ‘Tagnotio material is strongly pulled te4 the go folds aie i material is repelled towards the fel ree regic, 4 Sing Wy that sensitive apparatus is required to sme the nett 80 wet A poramagnetic material ic pulled into the fialg’’Pusine tty attraction is usually weak. thie attraction of ah Sth oug’™ | ‘explained in terms of the interaction neti with the field in which the i 7 Pagnetio material will thus experienco. a force seat direstcn increasing field. All atoms and molecules acquire an. induced _ Magneti moment when placed ina magnetic field. Induced ‘magnetic moments, unlike inclucad electric dipole-moments, arein a direction Opposite to the field in the specimen. ‘Thus, if the melecie oft Wy substance have no permanent Moments i.e. the substance it ti diamagnetic, a sample inserted into » non-uniform magnetie feli %| will experience a force in the direction of decreasing field strength te Clearly, the process of alignment of the dipoles as well a tH i, phenomena by ‘which’ ston or molecules acquire an induce mt netic dipolemoment when a substance is placed in mes oa is known as Magnetisation. Thus, any process by WI i tance acquires tion. (or develops) a net magnetic moment is ma \ iam ond PS to kuow the origin of diamagnetisn en i ‘ ust know the origin of magpetic ? Hops? i 4, molecule. There are two chief conte snes | ipole-moment of an atom or molecule. iealae the orbital motions of the electrons, which are equiva ibe ¢ loops. The second arises from the spinning ao ed £9 the magnetic dipole-moments are closely La the orbits momenta of the electrons ; the orbital moment If we want Magietism we m ofan atom or Magnetic di,
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