Tropical Rainforest
Tropical Rainforest
Tropical Rainforest
Series Editors
D r F. B . Goldsmith
Ecology and Conservation Unit, Department of Biology, University College
London, Gower Street, London W O E 6BT, U K
Tel: +44(0)171-387-7050 x2671. Fax: +44(0)171-380-7096.
D r E. Duffey O B E
Chez Gouillard, 87320 Bussiere Poitevine, France
D r R. C . J. Carling
Senior Editor, Life Sciences, Chapman & H a l l , 2-6 Boundary Row,
London SEI 8 H N , U K .
Tel: +44(0)171-865-0066. Fax: +44(0)171-410-6907.
Books already published and others being planned or written are listed overleaf...
Already Published
Full details of these and all Chapman & H a l l books are available online
Tropical Rain Forest:
A Wider Perspective
Edited by
F.B. Goldsmith
Springer-Science+Business Media, B.V.
First edition 1998
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval sys-
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A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
14 Synthesis 391
F. B. Goldsmith
14.1 Production 391
14.2 Protection 392
14.3 Conservation 392
14.4 Services for people 392
14.5 Policies and institutions 392
Contents Xl
Index 397
List of contributors
Edward B. Barbier
Environmental Economics and Environmental Management Department,
University of York, Heslington, York Y01 5DD, UK
Stephen Bass
Forestry and Land Use Programme, International Institute for
Environment and Development (lIED), 3 Endsleigh Street, London
Kamal S. Bawa
Department of Biology, University of Massachusetts, 100 Morrissey
Boulevard, Boston, MA 02125, USA
Nick Brown
Department of Plant Sciences, University of Oxford, South Parks Road,
Oxford OX1 3RB, UK
Colin Club be
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Surrey TW9 3AB, UK
S. Dayanandan
Department of Biology, University of Massachusetts, 100 Morrissey
Boulevard, Boston, MA 02125, USA
Michael J. Eden
Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, Surrey TW20 OEX, UK
Barrie Goldsmith
Department of Biology, University College London, Gower Street, London
Alan Grainger
School of Geography, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK
Tony Juniper
Friends of the Earth, 26-28 Underwood Street, London N1 7JQ, UK
XIV List of contributors
James Mayers
Forestry and Land Use Programme, International Institute for Environment
and Development (lIED), 3 Endsleigh Street, London WC1H ODD,
David Pearce
Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment
(CSERGE), University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E
Ghillean T. Prance
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Surrey TW9 3AB, UK
Sheila M. Ross
SGS Environment, Yorkshire House, Chapel Street, Liverpool, Merseyside
L3 9AG, UK
Barrie Sharpe
GECIESRC Rainforest Research Group, Department of Anthropology,
University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, UK
Ron Kemp
I have valued tropical rain forest since 1969 when, at the suggestion of
Professor Paul Richards, I went on the Royal Society/Royal Geographical
Society Expedition to Mato Grosso, Brazil. This spell of 3 months was fol-
lowed by visits to Nigeria and Ghana in the 1970s, to the Caribbean and
Sierra Leone in the 1980s and to India, Bolivia and Australia more
recently. During this time I have been concerned about the losses and cur-
rent rate of loss, and the fact that so many well-meaning agencies have
been unable to stem the losses.
This book has grown from a module designed for the MSc courses in
Conservation and Environmental Economics at University College London.
The former has run since 1960 and the module was for nearly a decade
under the tutelage of Professor Andrew Warren. I became responsible for it
in 1996 and I decided to bring the range of material offered to a wider
audience. Each year Professor Sir Ghillian Prance has kindly invited us to
Kew Gardens and Dr Colin Clubbe has organized the day for us. It is a
pleasure to thank them too. I am also indebted to three research students,
Jo Pires, Chris Birkinshaw and Joe Comiskey, who have worked on various
tropical rain forest topics under my supervision and who have expanded
my horizons and deepened my knowledge of tropical rain forest.
We need to understand the resource, the needs of local people, the insti-
tutions involved, and the kinds of incentives that might work: indeed, to
take a truly comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach. This has always
been the approach of our MSc course and we have pleasure in now sharing
with others the material that we have collected. The only real test of its
usefulness is if more people become involved in an appropriate and effec-
tive way, and the rates of forest loss are at least slowed.
I am privileged to be able to select and edit this volume and hope it rep-
resents a useful partner to Paul Richards' second edition of The Tropical
Rain Forest, which is exclusively ecological. This book, we believe, pre-
sents a wider perspective and one that looks forward to the future.
Barrie Goldsmith
Tropical rain forests - what are they
really like?
F. B. Goldsmith
Figure 1.1 The main areas of tropical rain forest (after Golley, 1983).
considerably due to altitude and height in the canopy as well as the daily
range and season.
The total area of tropical rain forest is not precisely known and esti-
mates range from around 600 million ha to over 1000 million, depending
on definition and assumed losses in historical times. Estimates of timber
volumes also vary from 5-35 m3/ha in Africa to much higher estimates in
Asia, of the order of 50-120 m3/ha. The actual biomass above ground can
be around 100 tlha (including about 10 tlha litter) with about 100 tlha
below ground. The growth rate is around 2 m3/halyear.
But these bald statistics do not reveal anything of the richness of rain
forest: its immense extent; enormous trees; large number of species (297
lowland rain-forest birds in Africa alone); spectacular taxa such as pri-
mates (chimpanzees, orang-utans, gibbons, gorillas, monkeys and pro simi-
ans such as lemurs - Smuts, 1987; Davies and Oates, 1994), elephants,
okapi, pangolin, genet, duiker, fruit bats, parrots, macaws, plantain-eaters,
toucans and horn bills; a wide range of niches; specialized pollinators; and
a wide range of seed dispersers (including birds, lemurs in Madagascar, and
even elephants). Prance estimates that there are one million different
species in rain-forest environments (Prance, 1982, 1989; Prance and
Campbell, 1988).
This 7% of the world's land area has 50% of its species. The richest
areas, such as Para in Brazil, may have as many as 230 tree species to the
hectare (Prance, 1989) or 306 trees/ha in Ecuadorian Amazon (Whitmore,
1990). At this scale of diversity every second tree on a 1-ha plot is likely to
be a different species.
How fast is rain forest disappearing? 3
However, there are several paradoxes here. This species-rich biome is not
always very varied: there are areas that are quite uniform and even monot-
onous to walk through. Even in such areas, the old saying holds true that
in rain forest you look for one thing and usually find another. A further
paradox is that not all areas have rich soils: many of the nutrients are often
tied up in the living parts of the ecosystem and rather little is found in the
underlying mineral soil. There is a dearth of good research on soil
processes (Tanner, 1985; Ross, this volume). But why should we expect any
generalization to hold true for something that is both so diverse and covers
such a huge area. Also, the rainfall does not occur regularly throughout the
year; neither does it normally rain all day as some people imagine.
Useful and interesting general accounts of rain forests are given by
Odum, 1970; Meggers et aI., 1973; UNESCO, 1978; Golley, 1983; Sutton
et ai., 1983; Whitmore, 1984, 1990; Lieth and Werger, 1989; Kricher,
1989; Mabberley, 1992, Archibold, 1995; Richards, 1996.
There are myriad different terms relating to tropical rain forests, such as:
• tropical rain forest
• tropical moist forest
• tropical evergreen forest
• humid tropical forest
• monsoon forest
• tropical deciduous rain forest
These are all used more or less interchangeably in this chapter; generally
the term used is that in the original publication. The English colloquial
term for rain forest is 'bush' or 'jungle'; fortunately the Latin 'pluviisylva'
and Greek 'Hylaea' seem to have fallen out of use.
The term tropical forest has a more general meaning, whereas terms such
So what are they really like? 5
as tropical deciduous forest, tropical dry forest, savanna(h), montane rain
forest, and subtropical rain forest have different meanings, which should
be clear. While recognized as being important, they have been omitted from
this chapter.
With the exception of coastlines, tropical rain forests do not have clear
boundaries (Walter, 1971; Swaine et al., 1976: Bullock et al., 1995). Where
boundaries do occur, e.g. in Nigeria, they may be sharpened by human
activities such as burning (Hopkins, 1974). Rain forest grades into dry
tropical forest such as the cerrado of South America, the dry seasonal sal
(Shorea robusta) forest in India, and moist temperate forest as found in
Australia. These other forest types are also important, with high biodiver-
sity levels and rare and distinctive species, and are similarly under threat.
In some ways these transitional zones are as interesting and important as
the core areas of rain forest.
Figure 1.2 Profile of rain forest in French Guiana (after Halle et aI., 1978, repro-
duced by Golley, 1983).
x t r - - - cauliflory
;; ~oo.~
~ ectotrophic
1.5.2 Regeneration
Tropical rain forests are obviously dynamic systems whose future depends on
their natural regeneration. Studies have shown that it is difficult to generalize
8 Tropical rain forests - what are they really like?
about the regeneration requirements of different tree species, and such gen-
eralizations can lead to serious consequences in relation to appropriate
harvesting and management directed at promoting regeneration (Janzen,
1976; Hall and Swaine, 1980; Whitmore, 1983; Gomez-Pompa et al.,
1991). Some trees are shade-tolerant whilst others are light-demanding.
Each has its role in the regeneration cycle. The abundance, distribution and
geometry of canopy gaps and the way they affect regeneration have been
widely studied recently, especially in areas such as Barro Colorado Island,
Panama (Hubbell and Foster, 1986). There are different theories concern-
ing what controls the replacement of species, but the main parameters are
the species involved, their reproductive strategy and the size of gap. There
is much discussion of 'gap ecology' and whilst some people find it useful to
identify 'regeneration guilds', each species is really a law unto itself, having
slightly different regeneration requirements. The identification of guilds
may be a pigeon-holing system simply for our convenience, lacking any
real biological meaning.
1.5.4 Aunimals
The animals of rain forest are as diverse as the plants. They show strong
specialization (such as preferences for different foods), spatial and time-of-
day partitioning. In Maraca, Brazil, 450 species of bird and 45 species of
bat have been recorded (Robinson in Hemming et aI., 1988). The rivers are
often the richest areas, and in the case of Maraca have been described as
being like aviaries. In Malaysia 203 species of land mammal have been
recorded, 83 species of bat, 54 rodents and 29 carnivores. Other taxa such
as herpetiles and fish are less well documented but are known to be compa-
rably rich. Malaysian rain forest has 1200 species of termite, and over 1000
species of butterfly, of which over 200 species are birdwings (a kind of swal-
lowtail). In Muly National Park in Sarawak, there are 4000 species of bee-
tle. It is difficult to extrapolate to produce national and world totals. We
can say only that the biodiversity is impressive. Fungi beat even the animals,
with 1.5 million species estimated to occur in the forests of South-East Asia.
In most areas of tropical rain forest, birds (such as horn bills, plantain-
eaters and fig-birds) and bats are important for the dispersal of large-
seeded, often fleshy fruits (Janzen, 1975; Richards, 1996). In Guyana, for
example, up to 90% of tree seeds are dispersed by mammals and birds
(Richards, 1996). The seeds are usually embedded in pulp which is an
attractive food. Odours are known to attract fruit bats, whilst bright
colours attract birds. Many bird species are highly specialized for eating
tropical seeds, e.g. parrots, toucans and hornbills.
However, in Madagascar the role of birds has been largely taken over by
pro simian lemurs (Birkinshaw, 1995). He found that the black lemur,
Eulemur macaco, eats the fruits of 70 species of tree. Undamaged seeds of
57 species were found in droppings; 29 species of tree were tested and
some seeds of all species germinated. Between 67 and 77% of trees in
Lokobe Forest were found to be dispersed by the black lemur. Most seeds
were deposited away from parent trees, and seed shadows were mostly het-
erogeneous. (Seed shadows are the area within which most of the seed of
an individual falls, effectively the population recruitment surface). Thus
Birkinshaw concluded that black lemurs are important seed dispersers. The
fruits dispersed by them tend to have a dull colour, thick husk and a rather
large size.
Table 1.1 shows the species richness of vertebrates (excluding fish) in ten
well-investigated tropical study sites (Bourliere, 1993).
Animals are also important in pollination and there is great variety in
taxonomic affinity, size and behaviour. Bees, wasps, Lepidoptera, Diptera,
Table 1.1 Species richness of vertebrates (fish excluded) in ten well-investigated tropical study sites (reproduced from Bourliere, 1983)
1.5.5 Soils
Soils under tropical rain forests are many and varied, and have so far just
about defied classification. They are usually highly weathered with sub-
stantial quantities of sequioxides, mostly kaolisols and some podzols where
leaching is high. Here the horizons may be deeper than in temperate
regions (Baillie, 1996). Locally, after landslides or drastic human activity,
there may be immature soils, poorly drained ones in valley basins, and
montane ones at high altitudes (see Ross, this volume; Swaine, 1996).
In tropical rain forest it does not always rain and it is not always exciting.
The case studies selected here are from exceptional areas of rain forest
rather than typical ones. As indicated by Sharpe (this volume), much rain
forest in West Africa is probably secondary and people have had a consid-
erable impact even in the distant past. Old secondary rain forest, such as at
least part of Tiwai in Sierra Leone, can be very diverse. But this applies
only if there are long time intervals between fellings and recolonization can
occur from adjacent areas.
I would like to thank the late Paul Richards for arranging for me to see my
first area of rain forest as part of the Royal Society/Royal Geographic
Society Mato Grosso expedition in 1969. Since then I have enjoyed shorter
visits to Nigeria, Ghana, Sierra Leone, India and Australia. I would also
like to thank PhD students Jo Pires, Chris Birkinshaw and Joe Comiskey;
students on the Forest Monitoring Course at the Wildlife Institute of India
and the MSc Course in Conservation, Tropical Rain Forest Module
16 Tropical rain forests - what are they really like?
(Department of Biology, University College, London), for stimulating me to
think more about the real issues relating to tropical rain forests, and to
challenge some of the conventional wisdom.
I would also like to thank Drs Guy Cowlishaw, Barrie Sharpe and Gopal
Rawat for reading the manuscript and making useful comments.
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20 Tropical rain forests - what are they really like?
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Indigenous non-timber benefits from
tropical rain forest
G. T. Prance
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Surrey TW9 3AB, UK
In the rush for commercial exploitation of rain forest areas, one aspect that
is often neglected as timber is extracted or forest is felled for agricultural
land is the multitude of non-timber forest products that are available. Non-
timber forest products (NTFPs) have been a vital resource for the survival
of forest dwellers, whether indigenous or settlers, for many generations. It
is the NTFPs that provide food, medicine, fibres, arrow poisons, shelter
and many other essentials to life. As indigenous peoples have come into
contact with the more developed world and as settlers have occupied the
rain forest, NTFPs have entered the economy in a large way. They already
provide considerable income to forest peoples, and even more to those
people who prey upon them. For example, de Beer and McDermott (1989)
state that 29 million forest dwellers in South-East Asia depend on NTFPs
for their livelihood. It is therefore important to consider the potential of
NTFPs in this volume, and to discuss their role in the sustainable manage-
ment and conservation of rain forest.
Species Individuals
Use category Number Percentage Number Percentage
The Chacobo Indians of Bolivia have uses for 82 % of the species and
92 % of the individual trees of 10 cm or more in diameter on a sample
hectare studied by Boom (1989). Similarly the Ka'apor people of eastern
Amazonian Brazil use all 136 trees and lianas of over 10 cm diameter in
the 1-ha plot studied by Balee (1986), and the Pan are Indians of Venezuela
use 48.6% of the species on a hectare studied by Boom (1990). Bennett
(1992a) found that the Quijos Quichua of Ecuador use over 90% of the
species and 96% of the individual trees on a number of different 1-ha plots
which he sampled.
Table 2.1 shows the major use categories of the forest products used by
the Shuar Indians of Amazonian Ecuador as recorded by Bennett (1992a).
It shows a wide range of uses, and that these forest products are vital to
their lives. The studies cited above have recorded only the use of trees of
over 10 cm diameter at breast height. All indigenous peoples also use many
of the other plants, the herbs, shrubs, small trees, epiphytes and lianas.
Bennett (1992b) also recorded the uses of epiphytes, lianas and parasites
by the Shuar.
Toledo et al. (1995) compiled a data bank of plant uses by the indigen-
ous peoples of Mexico. The 1330 species catalogued are used for a consid-
erable variety of applications (Table 2.2).
These data are sufficient to show that indigenous peoples use a large
number of the plant species around them for a wide range of uses. It is not
Indigenous management of plant resources 23
Table 2.2 Use of products by indigenous groups of
Mexico from a data bank of 1330 species (From
Toledo et at., 1995)
Medicinal 780
Food 360
Construction 175
Timber 102
Fuel 93
Nectar for honey 84
Forage 73
Domestic use 69
Crafts 59
Poisons 52
Work items 51
Ritual use 50
Fibres 38
Colour and dyes 34
Shade 31
Gums 20
Flavours 24
Stimulants 16
Fertilizers 15
Living fences 15
Insecticides 11
Tannins 12
Aromatics 11
Chicle gums 10
Saponins 10
'Tutor' 10
surprising therefore that so many of their uses have been more widely
applied to a market economy. Often the intermediate stage has been the use
of these products by settlers into a region. These people have learned from
the indigenous peoples and have used many plants in the same way or have
adapted them for uses more appropriate to their life style and to a certain
amount of trading activity, such as, in Amazonia, the extraction and mar-
keting of rubber latex and Brazil nuts.
Peach palm
~ Uvilla
'( , ;(II,
Cf Caimito band _- .~
.r§' -'( - - - ~ - ~
~ Macambo
~'I>~ _ .... "
tfP.'. Fruit-pineapple $
+ Guaba ,'0$ - - ,~; '~~----- v
y +
Gl Barbasco '~ .;- Cf:e::. ,~~ ,-,\ I
d; ,r T T ' , ~,/ T I .,.. )
~ Peanuts Jf , Fruit-,,~,
/ Fruit fi3/ /
• ~ -' _
Y ,'pineapple,. :::',~T 1jI),/_ 'Y
~ Pineapple
e> \""','
'T" ~ " - eO'
• - ,.< - ~ _ 'r"-es~
'( Manioc If) -~ 9J "';/Fruit T ~;~e~~ ~
r Coca
~ ~.- ~ - - - ~_1' ~/ ~ - 'f
"i'Plneapple:/: --~--: ",JQJanioc rl1I
$ Forest -. __ . Coca, y <l<>
(a) _._._._._._._._._. Trail
~ Weedy plant -2700 m2 -'-'--'-
(j Avocado
,.. Old pineapple
6-year field
) Trail
Original field
Old fallow
30 years
Old fallow
30 years
(b) -3500 m2
Figure 2.1 Stages of regeneration of Bora Indian fields after felling. There is a
gradual transition from their agroforestry system to a managed secondary forest.
(Diagrams from Denevan et al., 1984.)
26 Indigenous non-timber benefits from tropical rain forest
Table 2.3 Extractive reserves in Amazonian Brazil (source IBAMNCNPT, 1994)
Table 2.4 Extraction and agroforestry products from native plants which enter
the Brazilian economy (Source IBGE, 1992)
Production (tonnes)
Value 1988
Product 1988 1989 (Cz$)
Vegetable oils
Pequi (Caryocar brasiliensis) 1394 1593 785221
Tucum (Astrocaryum tucuma) 5109 5092 273490
Baba<;:u (Attalea phalerata) 200031 195 378 14004499
Copaiba (Copaifera spp.) 54 49 14780
Cumaru (Dipteryx odorata) 15 9 3603
Licuri (Syagrus coronata) 3632 12 421 1196 527
Oiticia (Licania rigida) 10277 15968 332641
Andiroba (Carapa guianensis) 363 38730
Pia<;:ava (Leopoldinia) 959 1444 47326
Other Fibres 2023 364 139363
Extractive reserves 27
Table 2.4 Continued
Production (tonnes)
Value 1988
Product 1988 1989 LCz$2
Angio (Piptadenia peregrina) 1557 1185 59014
Barbatimao (Stryphnodendron barbatiman 1527 1387 32508
Others 19 15 1502
Caucho (Castilla ulei) 39 42
Rubber (Hevea spp. coagulant) 23035 22990 171 488
Rubber (Hevea spp. liquid) 2409 1784 743454
Mangabeira (Hancornia speciosa) 2 1 55
Balata (Manilkara bidentata) 21 21 4938
Ma..aranduba (Manilkara huberi) 192 127 40531
Sorva (Couma spp.) 1059 1106 63980
Food and beverage
A.. ai (Euterpe oleracea fruit) 117119 114304 16623748
Cashew (Anacardium occidentale) 12 716 8870 1 775592
Brazil nuts (Bertholletia excelsa) 23391 25672 1351852
Erva mate (!lex paraguariensis) 145064 145649 20023399
Mangaba fruit (Hancornia speciosa) 939 988 100343
Palmito (Euterpe spp. other palms) 190314 202439 12 230169
Pinhao fruit 3118 2919 313 648
Umbu fruit (Phytolacca dioica) 19555 18999 1638624
Carnauba wax (Copernicia cerifera) 7373 7372 2730850
Carnauba powder 10734 11011 3349219
Buriti (Mauritia flexuosa) 972 991 34116
Carnauba (Copernicia cerifera) 2544 2876 96 597
Ipecacuana (Cephaelis) 17 3 3196
Jaborandi (Pilocarpus spp.) 1765 1676 244793
Urucu (Bixa orellana) 793 845 71497
Other minor products 2388 934 70787
28 Indigenous non-timber benefits from tropical rain forest
Table 2.5 Some important Amazonian products that are marketed but do not
enter the official economy, with further development potential
Abiu Pourouma caimito
Ara..a-boi Eugenia stipitata
Ata Annona squamosa
Bacuri Platonia insignis
Bacupari Rheedia spp.
Biriba Rollinia mucosa
Camu-camu Myrciaria dubia
Cupua.. u Theobroma grandi{lorum
Cubiu Solanum sessili{lorum
Graviola Annona muricata
Macambo Theobroma bicolor
Pupunha Bactris gasipaes
Sacha Manga Grias peruviana
Sapota Matisia cordata
Sapoti Manilkara sapota
Tapereba Spondias mombin
Ucuqui Pouteria ucuqui
Umari Poraqueiba sericea
Uvilla Pourouma cecropiifolia
Castanha de Cutia Acioa edulis
Castanha de galinha Couepia longipendula
Curupira Curupira tefeesis
Other Products
Tagua vegetable ivory Phytelephas macrocarpum
Titara cana fibre Desmoncus spp.
Aruma cane fibre Ischnosiphon aruma
Figure 2.2 Indigenous peoples such as this Paumari Indian use many of the plants
in the forest; the stem fibre of this Ischnosiphon aruma is used to make baskets.
both began as Amazonian extraction products and are now major crop
plants in the region. Extraction and the experimentation which it fosters is
one of the ways in which new crops are introduced to the market.
Table 2.3 clearly indicates a further reason for caution about extraction,
which is that it requires a large area to sustain each person. The much-discussed
30 Indigenous non-timber benefits from tropical rain forest
Figure 2.3 Rubber from Hevea spp. has for many years been the mainstay of
extraction. Much of it is still coagulated using acid smoke.
Figure 2.4 Brazil nut gatherer chopping open the fruit to extract nuts.
Extractive reserves 31
Some forms of extraction, such as the gathering of Brazil nuts and the tap-
ping of rubber trees, are sustainable and do little damage to the forest.
However, the extraction of other NTFPs can be predatory. Rosewood
(Aniba rosaeodora) is almost extinct because every tree is cut to distil the
essential oil linalol. Many species of palms have been over-exploited to
gather palm hearts as a vegetable. Sometimes unsustainable harvesting
practices are adopted both by indigenous and local peoples. There are
Sustainability 33
Figure 2.8 Local people extracting the kernel of babar,;u to obtain the oil.
34 Indigenous non-timber benefits from tropical rain forest
Figure 2.9 Local boy on Maraj6 Island extracting the heart of palm from a~ai
(Euterpe oleracea).
Figure 2.11 The fruit of Carapa guianensis, a timber tree which also yields a
useful oil.
nothing from this use of their knowledge. What tribal person has gained
from the profits made out of curare or pilocarpine? The establishment of
the Convention on Biological Diversity at the Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit
of 1992 should address this important issue. It is dubious whether extrac-
tion of NTFPs will sustain or provide a greater standard of living for
extractivists. However, if royalties were to be channelled to their benefit
from a biochemical product they could be greatly helped. Some botanical
gardens, such as the New York Botanical Garden and the Royal Botanic
Gardens at Kew, were conducting their chemical work in a way that would
provide royalties to the originators of information long before the
Convention on Biological Diversity was drafted, and it is to be hoped that
some commercial products will emerge from their research. It is most
important that both the use of forest products by industry and the
38 Indigenous non-timber benefits from tropical rain forest
exploitation of biological information gained from local peoples should be
to the benefit of local peoples. The equitable sharing of the profits gained
from NTFPs is an area that requires much more study and action.
Although the rain forest offers a cornucopia of non-timber forest products,
their sustainable use is not easy. The use of many products leads to their
depletion because people are not able to maintain harvesting at sustainable
levels. Local peoples are often more exploitative because they are not gov-
erned by the taboos and conventions that often produce rigid rules about
the exploitation of species of both plants and animals.
The demand for popular products usually leads either to their extermin-
ation or to production in cultivation. Most extraction has been carried out
inequitably with the benefits going to a long chain of intermediaries and to
industry. One of the greatest needs in order to achieve sustainable extrac-
tion of NTFPs is to create more equitable marketing and to ensure that the
terms of the Convention on Biological Diversity are implemented to ensure
equitable sharing of any profit.
Extractivism is not the miracle that will save the rain forest. It is, how-
ever, a shorter-term measure that is buying time for a longer-term system of
forest management based on diversity to be developed.
40 Indigenous non-timber benefits from tropical rain forest
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Degeneration versus regeneration -
logging in tropical rain forests
N. Brown
Department of Plant Sciences, University of Oxford, South Parks Road,
Oxford OX1 3RB, UK
'Naturce, nisi parendo non imperatur' (Obedience is the only way to com-
mand nature)
Francis Bacon
Figure 3.2 It is common for between five and ten trees to be damaged or killed
when one tree is felled in natural tropical rain forest.
56 Degeneration versus regeneration -logging in tropical rain forests
approximately 250-1300 m 2 in heavily logged forest (Skorupa and
Kasenene, 1984). This situation is exacerbated where commercially valu-
able trees grow as conspecific groves. Mahogany trees occur in widely scat-
tered patches. Whilst only a small proportion of the whole forest is
disturbed by their extraction, locally the damage is intense (Verissimo et
aI., 1995). Greenheart (Ocotea rodeii) trees grow gregariously in forests in
Guyana (ter Steege et aI., 1996). Logging leaves those parts of the forest
without groves of greenheart more or less intact. Where a group of large
greenheart trees is felled the resultant gap is much larger than those that
form naturally. Large-scale natural disturbance is rare in Guyana.
Logging may indirectly make forests more vulnerable to natural distur-
bance. Malingreau et al. (1985) concluded that though up to 800000 ha
of primary lowland rain forest was burned during the extreme droughts of
1982-83, 1.2 million ha of selectively logged forest suffered comparatively
greater damage. This was attributed to the accumulation of organic debris.
• Malaysia (2)
~ 50
'C • Indonesia (3)
:si • Amazonia (4)
0 40
• Amazonia (4)
E 30
• • {r.\\
Figure 3.3 Relationship between the proportion of all trees with trunks ~ 10 cm
diameter which were felled and the proportion accidentally killed or damaged dur-
ing this operation. Data from (1) AbduIhadi et al. (1981); (2) Johns (1988);
(3) Bertault and Sist (1995); (4) Verissimo et al. (1992); (5) UhI and Vieira (1989);
(6) UhI et al. (1991); (7) Verissimo et al. (1995); (8) Crome et al. (1992).
hundreds of years old. Even where forests are managed sustainably, very
few trees will be allowed to grow to such great age before they are cut.
Timber tree species populations suffer disproportionate damage. A num-
ber of important timber trees have been exploited so intensively that they
have become commercially extinct in large parts of their natural range.
Large-sized trees of Ceiba pentandra have been completely logged out of
the Peruvian Amazon (Gentry and Vasquez, 1988). Seedlings of this species
are, however, plentiful and it is likely that a population could re-establish.
Where large-sized trees are the only representatives of a population of a
commercially valuable species, even selective felling may lead to local
extinction. Unfortunately this situation appears to occur quite commonly.
Perhaps the best-known example is that described by Jones (1956) in the
rain forest of southern Nigeria. Here he noted that an African mahogany
(Entandrophragma spp.) had virtually no regeneration. It is therefore very
vulnerable to local extinction as a consequence of exploitation. Appanah et
al. (1990) reported that middle-sized dipterocarps are often rare in hill
forests of Peninsular Malaysia, resulting in a shortage of trees to grow on
58 Degeneration versus regeneration -logging in tropical rain forests
and form the next crop after logging. Verissimo et al. (1995) discovered a
complete absence of mahogany trees of between 1 and 30 cm breast-height
diameter (dbh) in an Amazonian rain forest from which large mahogany
trees were being extracted. Mahogany seedlings require large, well-lit open-
ings in order to grow. The present cohort of very large trees is likely to be a
relic of disturbance that occurred several hundred years ago. Mahogany
populations may no longer be replacing themselves in undisturbed forest.
Although the logging of large mahogany trees causes extensive disturbance
and therefore might create brightly lit conditions in which seedlings would
thrive, there is then a scarcity of mature trees to produce seed.
The sudden decline in numbers of large trees of a small number of tim-
ber species can have a direct impact on other components of the ecosystem.
Epiphytic and strangling figs (Ficus spp.), for example, are prone to severe
damage in Malaysian rain forests because they tend to grow on the largest
trees of commercially valuable species (Lambert, 1991). The fruits are of
enormous importance to a wide range of frugivorous birds that rely on this
source of food when others are scarce. Their loss may therefore have a dis-
proportionately large impact on bird conservation.
Concern is frequently raised over the potential for selective logging to
lead to dysgenic selection in the regenerating stand. A selection system will
preferentially harvest the largest trees with the best form. Smaller trees and
those with poor form will therefore constitute a larger proportion of the
residual population of commercial species. Should selective harvesting con-
tinue over a number of rotations, it is likely that there will be progressive
deterioration in the quality of the crop. This effect is well proven in tem-
perate forests. Jones (1952) demonstrated that the selection system used in
the Chiltern beech woods caused a significant decline in tree quality.
However, the evidence for tropical rain forests is less convincing. There are
well-known examples of extreme levels of exploitation having led to con-
siderable reduction in genetic diversity. Styles (1972) claimed that true
mahogany (Swietenia mahogani) now exists only as a small number of
shrubs because of selective harvesting of the best trees. A combination of
almost complete exploitation of adult trees and very heavy seedling her-
bivory reduced the population of an island endemic, Trochetiopsis ery-
throxylon (St Helena redwood) to a single individual. The species is now
suffering severe in-breeding depression (Rowe, 1995).
However, for most tropical trees exploitation has not yet been so severe.
Regrettably, there are no data on pre-exploitation levels of diversity for any
tropical timber tree and it is not possible to determine whether unique
alleles have been lost (Ledig, 1992). It is likely that, given the very high lev-
els of genetic diversity in most tropical tree populations, there will be negli-
gible genetic degradation so long as only the finest trees are removed from
a forest. Under a logging regime where all saleable trees apart from the
very poorest are removed there could be a rapid degradation of form and
The effects of logging on forest structure and composition 59
growth rate (Ledig, 1992). Dysgenic selection may be avoided by ensuring
that high-quality trees have established a vigorous seedling bank before
they are felled and that slow-growing and poorly formed trees are killed.
Unfortunately, in practice many selection systems are no more than forest
exploitation and little heed is paid to ensuring that there is an adequate
seedling stock before logging commences. As a consequence, future tree
crops have to seed from a small number of poor quality trees. The reduc-
tion in numbers of sexually mature adults can have further significant con-
sequences for the genetic structure of subsequent seedling populations.
Murawski et al. (1994) compared two adjacent populations of an impor-
tant timber tree, Shorea megistophylla, in a Sri Lankan rain forest. They
demonstrated that the reduction in adult population size in the logged for-
est caused a significant increase in the proportion of seeds produced
through in-breeding. This may have some effect on adaptive genetic diver-
sity, but more seriously it is likely to lead to in-breeding depression result-
ing in reduced reproductive output.
Figure 3.4 There are significant barriers to the re-colonization of roads and log-
loading bays by vegetation; rapid erosion and low nutrient status are among the
most important.
Raich and Gong (1990) found that seeds from 43 species of canopy tree
native to lowland forests of Malaysia germinated well in a small forest gap
but failed to germinate in a large clearing. This implies that regeneration of
many trees may be poor in large clearings, even when their seeds are pre-
sent. Poor germination of climax species in open conditions is commonly
reported (Turner, 1990; ter Steege et al., 1994; Swaine et aI., 1997). Climax
forest tree species have conventionally been thought to be adapted to life in
the cool, shaded forest interior. This led to the supposition that they are
unable to cope with the harsh microclimate of large cleared areas.
However, a growing number of studies of seedling physiology have shown
that many forest species are highly adaptable and can acclimate to condi-
tions in the open (Press et al., 1996). Scholes et al. (1997) have found that
dipterocarp seedlings develop systems for protecting leaves from excess
energy through increased thermal dissipation when grown in the open.
This increased protection reduces the efficiency with which leaves are able
to photosynthesize, but in some species is reversible once conditions ame-
liorate. Many indigenous tree species, whilst physiologically capable of
withstanding high irradiance and low relative humidity, are not able to tol-
erate very oligotrophic soils. Nussbaum et al. (1995) have shown that the
very poor growth of both pioneer and climax tree seedlings on log-loading
62 Degeneration versus regeneration - logging in tropical rain forests
bays is a consequence of nutrient deficiency rather than soil compaction or
an extreme microclimate. Seedlings that were given a large nutrient dose
showed a dramatic increase in growth. Similar results were obtained when
forest topsoil was replaced around seedlings. In addition to increased
seedling growth, this treatment also resulted in dense germination of other
pioneer plants from the topsoil seed bank.
A small number of herbaceous and grass species are able to cope with
the low nutrient status, exposure to full sun and severe soil compaction of
road and loading-bay centres. Vines may also colonize these areas by
spreading out across the soil surface from the forest edge. A climber blan-
ket may well overwhelm any seedlings that do find a foothold. The ecology
of climbers is poorly understood, yet it is clear that logged forest provides
an ideal habitat. Scrambling bamboos and vines such as Merremia spp. cre-
ate a serious silvicultural problem, suppressing tree regeneration in heavily
logged forests throughout South-East Asia (Figure 3.5). Yap et al. (1995)
found that 20 years after logging, 76% of trees (>10 cm dbh) were infested
with climbing bamboo and other vines in a Sabah forest.
Lateral penetration of sunlight from large open areas into the surround-
ing forest often encourages dense pioneer growth along road verges and
around the margins of loading bays. These areas may also benefit from an
accumulation of topsoil and logging debris pushed from the cleared area.
Large quantities of nutrient-rich tree bark are often stripped from logs
before transport and will provide local soil enrichment.
Figure 3.5 Vines often proliferate in logged forest and smother regenerating trees:
here, in Sabah, Merremia is overwhelming even fast-growing pioneer species.
In most parts of the humid tropics, if close attention is paid to the biologi-
cal constraints on forest regeneration, it is entirely possible to log tropical
rain forest without causing permanent ecosystem degeneration. Sadly, it is
very rarely ecology and almost always the demands of the market that
determine forest practice. There can be no question that current forestry
practices have substantial impacts on the structure and composition of
tropical rain forests. These may be reduced or partially ameliorated by
good practices, but they can never be avoided altogether. Logged forest will
inevitably have a structure and composition that reflects the processes of
68 Degeneration versus regeneration -logging in tropical rain forests
recovery from this high-magnitude disturbance event. However, the value
of even badly logged forest for conservation is high.
Most remaining undisturbed tropical rain forest is almost certainly des-
tined to be logged. The world-wide network of protected tropical forest
areas provides inadequate protection for the conservation of a very large
proportion of tropical rain forest species. Foresters and production forests
should and must form a vital part of any strategy for the conservation of
tropical biodiversity. In many tropical countries, significant changes in atti-
tude to the exploitation of natural resources will be needed before the
widespread adoption of good forestry practices is likely. Most logging con-
tinues to degrade the conservation quality of production forests. Bruenig
(1996) has lamented the fact that devastatingly harmful logging practices
have succeeded in perverting the image of production forestry to the point
where it is now widely perceived as a threat both to the environment and
humanity. A significant change of attitude is also needed from the conser-
vation community, to avoid continuing conflict in which foresters are pil-
loried for having destroyed forests which they have logged. It is vital that if
tropical rain forests are to continue to exist outside formal reserves they
must be shown to be more valuable than deforested land. If logged forest
continues to be perceived as destroyed and therefore of no conservation
value, a vital ecosystem may well be allowed to spiral into irreparable
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Forest people and conservation
initiatives: the cultural context of rain
forest conservation in West Africa
B. Sharpe
GEC/ESRC Rainforest Research Group, Department of Anthropology,
University College London, UK
Figure 4.2 Cultures and countries cited in the text. 1, Mende (Sierra Leone);
2, Gola (Sierra LeonelLiberia borderlands); 3, Ashanti (Ghana); 4, Yoruba states
(Nigeria); 5, Cross River groups (Nigeria/Cameroon borderlands); 6, Mvae
(Cameroon); 7, Beti, Bulu, Ewondo, Fang (Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon);
8, Makaa, Mkako, Ngoumba, Djem (Cameroon); 9, Baka (Cameroon);
10, Bakongo (Congo, Zaire); 11, Azande (Central African Republic, Zaire, Sudan).
Village =:>
Figure 4.3 Space and cosmology in forest society.
Cameroon), through rituals and cults (ekpe, the leopard society, in the
Niger Delta), or through adherence to regular calendars of agriculture and
hunting. Thus the forest is not simply implicated or represented in social
life. It is necessary to human society, so that even in regions where the for-
est has disappeared (to European eyes), locations for forest powers are pre-
served as secret society bush, through planted trees, or even as an imagined
forest at the margins of society: cross-roads or rubbish tips (Barber, 1990).
Given the centrality of the forest to human society, the cultures of the
region attach high value to the activities through which it is socialized, and
to the people who carry out this process, whether as heroes or through the
more mundane and pragmatic process of converting forest to farm bush.
Karin Barber's work on Yoruba oral praise poems (oriki) documents these
values. A successful chief can be commended with this verse:
'Turns forest to settlement, turns bush to town,
Oba (chief) who turns a rubbish heap into a market.'
(Barber, 1990, my parenthesis)
Similarly, conversations with Cameroon villagers show that they experi-
ence aesthetic pleasure as well as technical mastery of the environment
when they clear new farms.
The obverse of the socialization of the forest is the constant threat that
its powers will overwhelm society: that it will grow back. Abandoned vil-
lages and overgrown farms evoke despair. Settlements with declining popu-
lations are conceived to have lost their ability to manage relations with the
power of the forest. Around Mount Cameroon the ideal village is said to
be 'smoking' from the sight of the steam which rises from the sodden
thatch of crowded, lively households. Fernandez (1982), writing on
Gabon, documents how the Fang themselves contrast the 'hot' villages of
the pre-colonial past with the colonially resettled villages and 'cold' houses
that they were forced to live in after the French conquest. Similarly another
of Barber's oriki reflects the fear of the regenerative power of the forest:
84 Forest people and conservation initiatives
'The monkey robbed the farm, it swaggered,
Jayeola, Oyedokun (names), my father the ferocious leopard'
(Barber, 1990, my parenthesis)
The forest is not however the only locus of unsocialized powers. Such powers
come also from the outside (non-Mrican) world. Historically, forest societies
have been far more successful at socializing the powers of the forest itself
than in socializing the power of the outside world, whether in the form of
colonial rule and missions, or of the representatives of the modern state -
gendarmes and armies, timber companies, forestry departments or conser-
vation organizations. Indeed the recent Royal Academy exhibition Africa -
Art of a Continent (Philips, 1995) was, for those who know these objects,
a powerhouse of forest socialization. But the exhibition was also testimony
to the failure of those socializing objects in the face of the outside power of
19th-century colonialism and Christianity. In the face of this failure,
'socializing the forest' becomes all the more urgent to West Africans of the
modern day.
The socialization of space demands the conversion of some of the forest
to farm. At the same time, however, the persistence of a cultural logic
about power and the necessary interaction of forest and society demands
that forest remains available in some shape or form. Our research docu-
ments how the ideas of socializing the forest continue to inform popular
urban culture (another kind of forest, indeed), but again with paradoxical
results so far as urban youth considers the responsibility of their society
and state toward forest conservation.
................... o
. . . . . ..
o (S'"
<::,:: .. /./
.........".l"/""""· o ..../ ................
o Village
~ Limits of territory used by the village of Bimba
Approximate limit of forest zoned as Permanent Domain of the State
Figure 4.4 Conflict between local land use and Plan de Zonage based on the
Bimba community mapping and forest management study, Eastern Province,
Cameroon (from Penelon and Mendouga Mebenga, 1995). Over 50% of village
territory will be declared State land zoned as Production Forest.
Research contributing to this chapter was carried out by a team of anthro-
pologists from University College London, under a grant from the
Economic and Social Research Council (UK) Global Environmental
Change Programme, whose support is gratefully acknowledged. (Grant:
The Cultural Context of Rain Forest Conservation in West Africa, P.
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Forest and environmental
M. J. Eden
Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, Surrey TW20 OEX, UK
Recurrent concern has been expressed over recent decades regarding tropi-
cal deforestation. Concern has focused on the unsustainable nature of
many of the agronomic systems that have been established on cleared for-
est land and on the broader biophysical feedbacks that are associated with
the loss of forest cover; the latter include climatic and hydrological feed-
backs and loss of biodiversity. The concern with tropical deforestation,
dating particularly from the early 1970s (Gomez-Pompa et aI., 1972;
Denevan, 1973; Richards, 1973) has been an important element of the
global environmental movement and it has provoked considerable scientific
investigation of tropical forests.
Much of this investigation has focused on the causes, extent and impact
of deforestation, and has usefully alerted many individuals, agencies and
governments to the need for forest management strategies that accommo-
date both development and conservation. However, this attention to defor-
estation has lately been perceived as too crude and partial for current
purposes, and some beneficial broadening of the perspective on tropical
forests has emerged which, on paper at least, enhances the possibility of
more effective forest management.
A first advance has been the recognition that the present status of previ-
ously deforested land is a relevant variable. An earlier tendency to assume
that cleared forest land stayed cleared, and was permanently deflected to
some herb-dominated cover, has been succeeded by increasing recognition
of the renewability of the forest and of the significance of the post-
clearance land cover, not least in respect of the climatic and hydrological
feedbacks of deforestation (Eden, 1996a). As a consequence, secondary
forests and their ecological dynamics have lately received increasing atten-
tion (Chazdon, 1994; Corlett, 1995). Secondly, it has been recognized that
100 Forest and environmental degradation
attention to forest damage, as distinct from deforestation (clear cutting), is
also desirable. Forest damage, typically associated with selective logging,
usually leaves a substantial canopy in place but causes a significant reduc-
tion in biomass and changes in species composition. Forest damage is less
easily monitored than deforestation, but increasingly deserves the attention
of forest researchers and managers.
Emerging from the above is the useful concept of forest degradation,
which encompasses both deforestation and forest damage (Eden, 1996b;
Grainger, 1996). Forest degradation is in turn a component of the broader
concept of land degradation which, as perceived by Blaikie and Brookfield
(1987), usefully emphasizes the social as well as the environmental aspects
of degradation, and also stresses the idea of 'net degradation' as a product
of counteractive 'degrading' and 'restorative' processes. In the present con-
text, forest degradation is seen as a valuable generalizing concept that
incorporates deforestation, extends therefrom to consider the nature of the
post-clearance land cover, and also includes forest damage. In all cases, the
environmental processes involved and their management implications are
of concern.
The present chapter firstly examines the broad status of forest degrada-
tion in the tropics, with particular attention to remote sensing which is
increasingly used to measure and monitor it; secondly, it reviews the physi-
cal and biological impacts of forest degradation; and thirdly, it discusses
associated aspects of forest management, especially forest conservation
that aims to minimize the biophysical impacts of forest degradation.
Total area
Number of areas (million hay
Afrotropical 62 9.4
Indomalayan 386 18.3
Australian 72 8.2
Neotropical 149 30.1
Total 669 66.0
for forest areas has not been clearly identified. Some attention has been
given in recent decades to 'ecological zoning' of the landscape as a basis
for pursuing parallel development and conservation objectives (Eden,
1990), and this is an approach that has some merits in the present con-
text. Ultimately, however, the use of forest land in the tropics is a political
issue, and in practice environmental considerations have commonly
received short shrift. Nevertheless, the environmental case nowadays
receives greater attention at the political level, as was symbolized by the
UN Conference on Environment and Development at Rio de Janeiro in
1992. Some hope thus exists of improving the conservation prospects of
tropical forests in the longer term, and although many obstacles exist to
such progress, it is sensible to have in place conservation strategies that
are technically sound in character and available as and when they are
needed. Among the technical aids thereto is remote sensing, with its capa-
bility of monitoring forest change, which provides a means of quantifying
forest degradation. Its data are of direct technical value, but they also pro-
vide a critical basis for a continuing and necessary dialogue on forest
degradation and conservation between international agencies, national
governments, non-governmental organizations, the media and local popu-
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Soil and vegetation effects of tropical
s. M. Ross
SGS Environment, Yorkshire House, Chapel Street, Liverpool, Merseyside
L3 9AG, UK
The regrowth of vegetation after deforestation provides a paradox: of
rapid growth but with species composition and diversity at odds with the
original primary forest. Secondary species which regenerate from seed in
the soil after clearance are totally different from the primary species which
dominate 'climax' tropical rain forests. Regrowth of primary forest after
disturbance depends on distance and access to seed sources of primary for-
est species. On-site biological effects of deforestation are also controlled by
alteration of the physicochemical environment in which plants and animals
live and grow, combined with the resilience to perturbation shown by plant
and animal associations, both above and below the soil surface. Resilience
is partly determined by reproductive abilities of plants, both vegetative and
sexual, the volume, frequency, dispersal, dormancy and germination of
their seeds. Resilience is also determined by the speed of vegetation
regrowth, as this affects the rate of alteration of soil and microclimate con-
ditions of the site. A range of research studies world-wide, in the neo-
tropics, Africa and the Far East, have charted specific ecological changes
taking place when tropical forests are removed. Some are site-specific,
120 Soil and vegetation effects of tropical deforestation
others provide more process-related information which helps in predicting
how newly deforested sites might respond over time.
A key problem in tropical rain forest regeneration is the degree to which
below-ground biological processes control regeneration and the degree to
which they are disrupted by deforestation practices. Many authors have
discussed the nutrient-conserving abilities of tropical forests (e.g. Snedaker,
1980; Jordan and Herrera, 1981; Medina and Cuevas, 1989), including
rapid leaf litter decomposition mechanisms linked to immediate nutrient
uptake in the root mat (e.g. Stark and Jordan, 1978); fungal decay of
woody tissues under high humidity conditions; mycorrhizal associations
with feeding roots; and nitrogen-fixing symbiotic and non-symbiotic bac-
teria. Jordan et al. (1979) hypothesized that the suppression of nitrifying
bacteria by both low pH and high concentrations of tannins in the root
mat results in nitrogen conservation in the rain forest. The degree and
longevity of interruption of soil biological processes after clearing may be
key issues in the re-establishment of primary forest species. The interrup-
tion of these processes may be one of the main edaphic differences between
the germination conditions of a post-clearance seedbed and those of an
undisturbed forest soil. There is still a dearth of good research data on
these issues.
This chapter aims to examine the effect that tropical deforestation has
on soil properties, soil processes and vegetation, and to explore the poten-
tial for regeneration and ecosystem sustainability after deforestation. To do
this adequately it is first necessary to distinguish between the effects of dif-
ferent types of deforestation practices, including clear felling, selective log-
ging and timber haulage, bulldozing and slash-and-burn. It is also
necessary to consider the size of cleared areas, as this will determine the
degree of 'connectivity' between regenerating areas and their sources of
seed, vegetative growth and soil biology, such as soil organisms and mycor-
rhizae. Secondly, it is valuable to differentiate between those effects caused
by alteration of in situ environmental conditions, particularly changes in
microclimate and soil, and more direct effects caused by death or damage
to the original vegetation. A third part of the discussion must consider to
what degree, if any, increasing knowledge of 'natural' forest gap processes
and regeneration patterns can aid an understanding of vegetation recovery
after deforestation of larger areas. It is also relevant to question the idea of
the so-called irrecoverability of deforested areas in light of the view that
natural forest disturbance provides the means for maintaining maximum
site and species diversity.
There is a need for a clear understanding of the factors governing the
recovery of forest biomass, structure and species diversity, as this provides
the basis both for intervening to limit site alteration and for making
rehabilitation more effective.
Deforestation effects on microclimate 121
The choice of land-clearing method depends primarily on whether timber,
land or both is required for use after deforestation. Wholesale clear-felling
may be employed only where timber is required for energy generation or in
the production of charcoal, pulp or chipwood. In many tropical regions
where the requirement for land outweighs the requirement for timber,
slash-and-burn deforestation techniques prevail. These practices have gen-
erally been used in shifting cultivation and pasture production. Sometimes
slash is burnt in situ, sometimes it is bulldozed into rows or heaps and then
burnt. The effects of fire include nutrient losses in smoke, ash deposition,
altered soil surface albedo and sometimes hydrophobicity of the soil sur-
face, causing reduced infiltration which can lead to droughty soil condi-
tions. Mechanized forest clearance methods often involve the use of
bulldozers for the removal of timber and brash and for the levelling of the
site. These techniques not only cause severe soil rutting and compaction
but sometimes also scrape off the topsoil which contains the bulk of the
feeding roots, soil organic matter and soil nutrients. Selective logging, for
the extraction of desired timber from a dense stand of 'undesirable' trees,
does not disrupt the entire site, but does create large gaps of disturbance,
caused by toppling of groups of adjacent trees whose crowns have been
linked through liana and vine entanglement. Resultant timber haulage usu-
ally removes litter and topsoil.
Deforestation practices thus cause direct site alteration and damage
• canopy removal, with resultant changes in both above-ground and
below-ground microclimate;
• soil compaction, loss of soil structure and even topsoil removal, with
resultant changes in soil physical and chemical properties;
• volatilization of plant nutrients by fire, followed by return of nutrients
in deposited ash.
In addition to these physicochemical changes, deforestation has a direct
effect on soil biology and vegetation through:
• canopy removal and loss of both seed and litter influx;
• damage to in situ regenerating seedlings;
• damage to soil surface root mat, soil microbial population and seed
·iii \~/\
c:: 1000
Q) \
'"\400 m2
cuu 200 m2
(/) \ gap
0 CJ)
g \
..c:: 100 \...\
- --Q) E
..c:: "0
>- E
- 2;
0 10
0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
(a) Time of day (h)
0.35 10
~ 0.28 8
.~ .-...
(/) (/)
-C "'~
__ 0.21 69
x "0
;;:::: ~ 0.14 4~·
C 0.07 2
0 0
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
(b) Wavelength (nm x 10.2 )
Figure 6.1 (a) Daily pattern of photosynthetic photon flux density in tropical rain
forest in Costa Rica for a sunny day in clearing (5000 m2 ); 400 m2 gap; 200 m2
gap; and forest understorey (from Chazdon and Fetcher, 1984a). (b) Spectral distri-
bution of radiant energy in a clearing and in the shade of a tropical rain forest in
Costa Rica (from Chazdon and Fetcher, 1984b).
in clearing). Lal and Cummings (1979) noted that maximum surface soil
temperatures in areas which had been cleared mechanically were, on aver-
age, 5° C higher than areas which had been cleared manually. Burning and
124 Soil and vegetation effects of tropical deforestation
the deposition of ash and charcoal on the soil surface also alter soil temper-
atures through changes in the albedo. de Souza et al. (1996) compared soil
temperatures for different seasons and at different depths under forest and
under adjacent pasture developed after forest clearance in eastern
Amazonia. The surface 20 cm of soil was, on average, 4° C higher in pas-
ture during the dry season, declining to 2° C difference in the wet season.
Although elevated temperatures in the surface soil of clearings can have
a pronounced effect on germination, early growth and survival of
seedlings, vegetation regrowth rapidly causes a reversion of microclimate
conditions. Fetcher et at. (1984) found that 2 years after deforestation, the
microclimate of a 0.5-ha clearing at seedling height was very similar to that
of the adjacent forest understorey.
Temperature differences between forests and clearings have important
knock-on effects on relative humidity after clearance. In Nigeria, maxi-
mum air temperatures of 26 and 37° C on forested and cleared sites,
respectively, corresponded with minimum relative humidities of 87 and
49% (Ghuman and Lal, 1987). These authors also report reductions of
20-40% in daytime relative humidity in cleared areas in the dry season.
Even under these dry conditions, relative humidity on cleared sites persis-
tently rose overnight to 95%. In the same study, open-pan evaporation in
cleared areas, although variable, averaged around 3-4 mm/day, while the
much more consistent values for adjacent forest averaged 0.5-1.5 mm/day.
Micrometeorological changes due to deforestation affect seedling germi-
nation, as cleared sites are characterized by greater ranges of air and soil
temperature and humidity, as well as an altered spectrum of solar radiation
receipt (see section 6.9).
6.6.1 Effects of forest removal on soil organic matter and plant nutrients
Total annual litter influx in tropical forests ranges from around
3.6-12.6 tlha/year, depending on forest type and geographical location,
with generally higher values on more fertile soils and lower values in mon-
tane forests (Proctor, 1984). These amounts represent very significant regu-
lar inputs of plant nutrients to forest soils, ranging from (kg/ha/year)
nitrogen, 28-224; phosphorus, 1.1-15; potassium, 6.68; calcium, 6.5-290;
magnesium, 1.64. Calculated as the percentage of all aerial nutrient inputs
by Ross et al. (1990) (Table 6.2), it can be seen that litter fall provides as
much as 78.9% of the nitrogen input, 78.4% phosphorus, 33.6% potassium,
Table 6.1 Proportions of nutrients present in the soil compartment of tropical rain forest systems, expressed as a percentage of total
ecosystem nutrients (excludes litter and roots)
Table 6.2 Proportions of nutrients returned to the soil of tropical rain forests through litter fall, expressed as a percentage of total
aerial inputs (after Ross et at., 1990)
6.6.3 Changes in soil organic matter and nutrients with time after forest
Allen (1985) carried out a statistical examination of the effects of forest
clearance on soil properties in both temperate and tropical conditions, and
found that few soil properties returned to pre-clearance levels. She showed
that the main nutrients to decrease after clearance were organic carbon,
total nitrogen and exchangeable magnesium. The only nutrient to return to
original soil concentrations with time after forest clearance was phospho-
rus. Allen's (1985) work highlighted post-clearance differences between
tropical soils developed on 'old', highly weathered parent materials and
those developed on 'new' parent materials. Significantly greater decreases
occurred in organic carbon, total nitrogen and cation-exchange capacity in
response to forest clearance on old parent materials in the tropics. One of
the reasons for this is that the mineral fraction of highly weathered soils is
dominated by clays with low cation-exchange capacity, and the soil organic
fraction provides an important source of ion-exchange sites. These soils
thus respond significantly to organic matter loss. These results suggest that,
even under a similar climatic regime, soil organic matter in andosols, mol-
lisols and some inceptisols may be more resilient than in oxisols or ultisols
under cropping of forestry plantation in the tropics (Anderson and
Flanagan, 1990).
Changes in soil organic matter and nutrients with time after forest clear-
ance have been studied in a range of subsequent land uses, including
forestry plantations (e.g. Russell, 1989), subsistence agriculture (e.g.
Sanchez et aI., 1983), pasture (e.g. Serrao et al., 1979; Hecht, 1981), fallow
(e.g. Jaiyeoba, 1988) and natural forest regeneration (e.g. Uhl et al., 1982).
In virtually all cases, a similar pattern in soil fertility is seen, with peaks in
mineralization immediately after deforestation, followed by a rapid decline
in all soil nutrient levels which may later be followed by a gradual
Deforestation effects on soil chemical properties 133
Carbon Nitrogen
(5300) (219)
To 3cm
in soil
(a) (14)
in soil
D Remaining
Figure 6.2 Fates of plant nutrients after tropical forest burning. Preburn initial
nutrients shown in (glm 2 ). (a) Carbon, nitrogen and sulphur, when the budget
includes only above-ground biomass or extends to a soil depth of 3 cm.
(b) Phosphorus, calcium and magnesium, when the budget includes all above-
ground biomass plus soil to a depth of 3 cm. (From Ewe! et aI., 1981.)
Fertility level of crops
i --------~=~------j----------------
Pasture with rational management
Traditional pasture
Natural fertility level t
---Forest---o 5 10
Years after burning
Figure 6.3 Model showing probable trends in soil fertility on changing from for-
est vegetation to pasture (from Toledo and Serrao, 1982).
8 5
l 4
~ 3
:r: E
.~ 2 ,,
4 o
'''''....... ......... -,,-----, ......... ' ........ _-
3 5 7 9 11 13 1 3 5 7 9 11 13
Burning Burning
0.25 E 10
;g ci.
~ 0.20 .9, 8
c: til
Ol :::l
0.15 ~ 6
'c til
S 0.10 ,, .s::
0.05 ~- - ...... - ... -_........... -- -- .... -", :0
,-- ~
3 5 7 9 11 13 1 +
3 5 7 9 11 13
Oi E 10
:5.- 0.4 :::l
.~ 8
g c:~
S 0.3
~:5 6
~ 0.2 ".-c:c- 4
~O~ 0.1
'5iii 2
o O"'----.-r--.-,--,---,---.-.
1 3+ 5 7 9 11 13
Ca K Mg N/5 Px5
:.0 1000
:.:::i 500
(E x tractable)
• Mature forest
4.6. 7. 3.5
::=- 1.0 ~ 0.5
8 0.4 4.4
~'- E .. '
i ------ ., 8 3.1
CD E ..- ... ' " "
§. 0.6 - :I: ..... "
E a.
.. lE ,"
E , ...... , ' 'iii I
:::l CD 0.2 I ,
c: 4.2 U 2.7
~ ........ ------------ w
() 0.2 ::E
4.0 2.3
6 10 6 10 1 6 10 6 10
Months after clearing
Figure 6.6 Effect of land-clearing methods on topsoil (O-tO em) chemical properties in the Peruvian Amazon at Yurimaguas, measured at
1,6 and 10 months after clearing (from Seubert et at., 1977). - Burned; --- bulldozed. Error bar, LSD at P=O.OS.
140 Soil and vegetation effects of tropical deforestation
natural vegetation can be lost under continuous cultivation. These effects
can be reduced with judicious management practices. In an early study of
the effect of shade on the maintenance of soil organic matter, Cunningham
(1966) recorded an important improved retention of organic carbon in
soils which were artificially shaded. He explained the results in terms of
reduced organic matter decomposition rates under shade.
Sanchez et al. (1983) found slight decreases in soil organic carbon and
total nitrogen in the first 8 years of rotational cropping with rice, corn and
soya bean/peanut, both with and without liming and fertilizing. Fertilized
plots, however, consistently showed higher pH (0.25-1.0 units) and higher
levels of extractable calcium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus.
Sanchez et al. (1983) assessed these cropped soils at Yurimaguas in Peru to
be deficient in all the major nutrients and marginally deficient in several of
the micronutrients. A balance sheet of crop uptake in response to fertilizer
additions for two rotations (8 years) showed that fertilizer additions
resulted in accumulation of phosphorus, calcium, zinc and copper in the
topsoil. Nitrogen was taken up in amounts exceeding fertilizer inputs, the
deficit probably being made up from symbiotic nitrogen fixation by soy-
abeans. Continuous cropping without complete fertilization in the same
study resulted in an incomplete vegetation canopy, soil compaction and
Experiments with organic matter inputs and mulches have shown that it
is possible to arrest soil degradation. Ayanaba and Jenkinson (1990) found
that organic carbon and total soil nitrogen declined rapidly 2 years after
forest clearance on andosols in Nigeria. When low-quality maize residue
was retained on site, the decline was slower and organic matter increased
in some cases.
Several types of slash-and-burn agriculture involve forest clearance, fol-
lowed by cropping for a few years, followed by a fallow spell to allow
regeneration of fertility, followed by further burning, cropping and fallow
cycles. Such is the jhum system in India. Different lengths of fallow regen-
eration were studied by Toky and Ramakrishnan (1983b). They found that
the annual rate of return of nutrients in litter fall increased with age of the
fallow (up to 20 years), with highest returns for nitrogen, followed by
potassium and calcium (Table 6.3). Stocks of soil nutrients decline sharply
when the jhum cycle is shortened to 5 years (Figure 6.7) (Ramakrishnan
and Toky, 1981), illustrating depletion of the system during cropping
phases, followed by insufficient time for nutrients to accumulate during the
Saldarriaga (1989) examined the long-term recovery in ecosystem struc-
ture, biomass and nutrients after shifting cultivation in the Rio Negro
region of western Amazonia. Over a period of 80 years, nitrogen, phos-
phorus, potassium and calcium accumulated in soil, litter, stem and leaf
compartments of the system. Over this relatively long period, all soil
Table 6.3 Percentage of total ecosystem nutrients present in the soil compartment
of successional fallow, following slash-and-burn agriculture in north-east India
(calculated from the data of Toky and Ramakrishnan, 1983b).
nutrient stocks were similar to those in the soil of adjacent mature forest
(Figure 6.8),
1.400 4.5
1.200 4,0
2 3.5
-ao 3.0
~ N 2.5
.c E
]I 1.5
~ 1.0
Sampling lime (days)
30 10 5
Cycle (years)
Dept,.. (em) within 40 em .oR column
~~4 480
14-28 420
E 300
'0 240
~~ 180
Samping lime (days)
30 10 5
Cycle (years)
Figure 6.7 Changes in total quantity of soil nutrients after burn and cropping
during jhum (fallow) cycles of 5, 10 and 30 years (from Ramakrishnan and Toky,
~«;-2'000i'~. reb.. :::J o
o.r; ~ «;- 40
~~ . ~.r;
...- 0.-
z- :g ~ 30
1,000 a..
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Age (years) Age (years)
~ E-
:::I! ....
0_ :go,
~~2oo tU,:,e.
0- Q-
1 ...
~'9IUJ"U IIJIU 111'1 1UU.IJUUI IJbLHd • 5oI;;
.•. ·(. . :. .}),. ;. ....... .!J.!,·. .!:,:,~-·-~·<··,>,<·,:·-..:;~~·,>;:=A;·:·<: ',"'",0:':..
IFf r Matlft
10 20 3b 40 50 60 70 80 Maue
Age (years) Age (years)
Figure 6.8 Total stocks of nutrients in different ecosystem compartments of succession forest as a function of age
since clear felled, compared to mature forest in western Amazonia (from Saldarriaga, 1989).
144 Soil and vegetation effects of tropical deforestation
s .....O & plant
Losses 10 harvest.
PAIMARY : vcMatilization , ~ 1- losses '0 ha.yes'
FOREST ~aching & . Harvest & burn
CIenItnhcatl()f) I
C . .
1 ••••• } PO,. ~ash
Q) 5.000
,'.Q . LOsse:s to harvesl
- PINE '''~.l ~~I&
~""""'==Q~~~"" ; li1Ter
o '0 '0
Age of plantat.on (years)
J~ .I~-
c;, I
=. ~~ts~y [' Losses to harvest .. ..0 Decomposng slash
Harvest & tun ,losses to harvest
:J 500 o )
'iii ) .... leachng Iosse,
<II leac~ losses
} Net .. losses to harvest
.!!! O~onr'sng PINE } Net leactWlg lOSses
0........ }Pi1e slash
SOft. o.~i. !~erslaSh ~~~~~~~~~- /l.''''
.0 '0
calculated a soil fertility index for fallows, using five variables: soil organic
matter, total nitrogen, cation-exchange capacity, available phosphorus, and
water-holding capacity. The mean value of each for the fallow was
expressed as a percentage of that in mature forest. The mean value of this
index for 1-, 3-, 7- and 10-year fallows was 48, 42, 65 and 71 %, respec-
tively, illustrating a sequence of fertility restoration. A similar pattern was
reported for a sequence of forest fallows in north-east India, where both
soil organic carbon and total nitrogen gradually increased over a 50-year
period (Ramakrishnan and Toky, 1981). A different pattern of soil nutrient
status is apparent for forest fallows in South-East Asia. Nakano and
Syahbuddin (1989) report generally decreasing soil fertility with time dur-
ing the fallow, with soil organic carbon, total nitrogen and cation-exchange
capacity reaching lowest values after 3-4 years. These results may be more
typical of fallows initiated on already degraded soils.
Compared to primary forest, regenerating clearings in southern
Venezuela showed higher leaching rates of all nutrients except nitrogen
(Uhl et aI., 1982), irrespective of whether the clearance technique had been
cutting, or cutting followed by burning. Three years after clearance, both
cut and cut-and-burn plots showed enhanced levels of calcium, potassium,
Changes in soil conditions with time after deforestation 145
Fallow age (years)
- 0.5
i2 0.2
Fallow age (years) /
( 60;
.,.... o.,....
gO.S ?--......
..... ~
/ sg
g 1"/ / g
E 0.4 / 4 01
..... ::!:
'0 "0
// ,
:3 0.3
3 ai
& as
0.2 ,~~"" 2 ~
~ ., ... ------..... -~~-~~"""~!!!
Figure 6.10 Changes in soil nutrients in forest fallows compared to mature forest
with time after clear felling in Nigeria (from the data of .. Aweto, 1981 and.
Jaiyeoba, 1988). -- calcium; ----- magnesium; - potassium.
146 Soil and vegetation effects of tropical deforestation
magnesium, nitrogen and phosphorus, while bulldozed plots still showed
severely reduced levels (Table 6.4). The removal of topsoil by bulldozing
created site heterogeneity, resulting in rapid woody regeneration of the
debris mounds to the detriment of the plots whose topsoil seed banks had
been removed.
Percentage soil
organic matter 4.5 4.4 3.2 0.1
pH (H 2O) 3.8 3.4 4.0 4.8
Total N (mg/100 g) 145.0 546.9 384.8 21.4
Total P (mg/100 g) 4.3 22.9 16.9 0.2
Exchangeable bases
(mg/100 g)
Ca 24.0 33.7 42.0 1.7
Mg 2.8 24.3 17.2 0.3
K 12.9 18.4 14.7 0.4
that this effect will severely inhibit subsequent nutrient cycling. There are
rather differing quantitative results of fine root biomass and regrowth after
deforestation. Raich (1980), at La Selva in Costa Rica, found that the total
fine root biomass in l-year-old forest regrowth to a depth of 50 cm was
92% of that in mature forest. However, in the Darien of Panama, Ewel
(1971) found that it took more than 4 years of forest regeneration after
clearance before the total root biomass increased significantly. As the fine
roots are responsible for active nutrient absorption, Raich (1980) sug-
gested that forest regeneration after only 1 year may have a nutrient-
absorption capacity similar to that of mature forest, and thus an ability to
limit nutrient losses through leaching. A different result was found in forest
gaps caused by hurricane damage in Puerto Rico (Silver and Vogt, 1993)
where the fine root biomass was reduced by up to 77%. As 48-65% of the
dead fine roots were still present after 1 year, these authors attributed lim-
ited nutrient losses in forest gaps to slow decomposition and nutrient
release from the dead roots. This slow nutrient turnover from the below-
ground phytomass after disturbance may indicate a nutrient conservation
mechanism until the new fine root biomass re-establishes.
..... ,~--
--. -------- ----------------- ss
,/ - - - - - - - - _____
(c) _
,/ "
10 100
Age since disturbance (years)
mycorrhizal roots than to uninfected roots (e.g. Bolan et aI., 1984). A final
suggestion is that the proliferation of mycorrhizae in organic substances
may indicate their ability to use organic phosphorus or organic forms of
other nutrients such as nitrogen (e.g. St John et al., 1983). The work of
Herrera et al. (1978) on an oxisol at San Carlos in southern Venezuela
appears to provide some evidence to support this. They suggested that
mycorrhizae may provide a direct pathway for the movement of nutrients
from decomposing litter to roots by showing that 32p could be transferred
from leaf litter to ectomycorrhizal roots isolated in petri dishes on the for-
est floor. The primary criticisms of this proposal are that one cannot be
sure that the fungus was responsible for release of isotope from the litter,
or that hyphae transported it to the root. Despite these criticisms, the work
has sparked much interest in the nutrient-conserving potential of tropical
mycorrhizal systems in mature forests after clear felling and burning, and
in regeneration successions.
Advance {
Sp,o",'''9 {
Seed book {
[1 1
dispersal { ;:;::::::; .::::::
'----v---' '-----.,v,----'
Natural "
TreefalVfirel Farm pasturel
forest natural anthropogenic
Figure 6.12 Four main forest regeneration processes, as influenced by size and
severity of forest disturbance. (From Uhl et aI., 1989.)
In 20
co 10
(a) 2 3 4 5
(Years following farm abandonment)
In 200 leaves
(Il +
discussed for several subsequent land uses. A large number of studies show
that the total stock of nutrients biologically immobilized does increase with
successional development, mainly as a result of increasing vegetation bio-
mass (Snedaker, 1980). The quantity of nutrients immobilized in the leaves,
Deforestation effects on vegetation 161
however, does not increase after early levelling off of foliar concentrations.
The vegetation nutrient stock, particularly foliar concentrations, is an
important control on soil fertility as litter fall and below-ground organic
inputs are the prime route whereby nutrients are pumped back into top-
soils. In the abandoned pastures described by Buschbacher et al. (1989) in
eastern Amazonia (see Figure 6.5), and in the forest fallows described by
Aweto (1981) in Nigeria, soil fertility recovery appears to occur more
rapidly than forest structure, biomass and vegetation nutrient stocks. In
Amazonia (Figure 6.5), stocks of calcium, magnesium, nitrogen and phos-
phorus in vegetation fall far short of those in mature forest, and potassium
levels are only half those of forest. Clearly after 8 years of regeneration
there is still a long way to go to approach forest maturity. However, Jaffre
(1985), reporting data from a slash-and-burn system in the Ivory Coast
studied for 15 years of fallow following 1 year of post-deforestation rice
cultivation, found that the above-ground biomass accumulated greatest
amounts of nutrients in the early stages of succession, up to 1 year. Eighty
years of successional regeneration after shifting cultivation in the upper
Rio Negro in Amazonia is clearly long enough for nutrient stocks in all
ecosystem compartments to very closely approximate those in mature for-
est close by (see Figure 6.8) (Saldarriaga, 1989).
----- ----
2 3 4 5
Time after clearing (years)
Figure 6.14 Density of secondary and primary trees in the first 5 years following
forest clearance in Ghana. (From Swaine and Hall, 1983.)
Evidence from post-clearance forest regeneration on a range of different
soil types in different geographical regions indicates that, given sufficient
time, the biomass, structure, nutrients and even the species diversity of
mature tropical forest may be regained. A major caveat would be that
regenerating areas must be within contact of primary forest seed sources.
Clearly the elimination of primary forest from an area would prevent sub-
sequent regeneration of primary species unless seeds or seedlings were
imported from elsewhere. Concern that subsistence agriculture after defor-
estation quickly becomes unsustainable may be dispelled if judicious man-
agement is employed. An example of this would be the jhum fallow cycles
of India (Ramakrishnan and Toky, 1981) which generate some degree of
soil fertility restoration, depending on fallow length. Many woody species
in regenerating forest employ special techniques to cope with particularly
nutrient-poor conditions. Uhl (1987) quotes examples of crops and sec-
ondary forest species which have low root-to-shoot ratios in enriched soil
conditions after the clearance burn, but which produce higher root bio-
mass under infertile conditions. Mycorrhizal associations are another
mechanism for maximizing nutrient uptake in degraded soils.
There are three major requirements for successful forest regeneration
after disturbance: availability of microhabitats for seed germination and
for seedling establishment, and availability of nutrients (Uhl, 1987). After
164 Soil and vegetation effects of tropical deforestation
shifting cultivation, a major problem for forest succession after farm aban-
donment is that continuous weeding during the lifetime of agriculture
depletes the plot of seeds and seedlings which would initiate forest
regrowth. Reliance is then placed on seed dispersal and influx for regenera-
tion. To assess the influence of farming on subsequent forest regeneration,
Uhl (1987) compared the structure, biomass and species composition of
successions growing on immediately cleared land at San Carlos in
Venezuela with regrowth on sites at an abandoned farm. After 5 years of
succession, the immediately abandoned plot had twice the density of stems
as the abandoned farm, with 37% of the stems representing forest species,
compared to 7% on the abandoned farm. The immediately abandoned plot
also had higher species diversity, with 25 speciesl100 m2 , while the aban-
doned farm had only nine species per 100 m2 • These differences were
attributed to weeding during the cultivation period rather than to loss of
soil fertility. Uhl et al. (1988a) noted that the growth of vines in abandoned
pastures provides major competition for regenerating forest species. They
found 68 vine species, of which one third has small, windblown seed,
potentially giving them very early access to new sites. These examples illus-
trate how post-clearance land use, as well as the deforestation procedures
themselves, influence subsequent forest succession.
Much recent and current research on gap-phase dynamics yields useful
information for ecologists interested in post-clearance processes. It seems
surprising, however, that ecologists have concentrated on gap size as a
determinant of forest regeneration pattern when it is only a general sur-
rogate for the interaction of specific environmental conditions. It seems
more logical to look at the influence of individual environmental and eco-
logical factors in more detail, such as light, temperature and humidity char-
acteristics; soil physical and chemical characteristics, particularly soil
hydrology; animal behaviour, including predation and dispersal mechan-
isms; and soil biological relationships and processes. Many such studies are
now in their infancy and should help greatly in providing management
advice for remedial treatment of existing deforested areas, and for mini-
mizing habitat degradation during clearance. It is already apparent that
mechanized clearance using bulldozers causes excessive damage to the
soil's physical condition and removes surface soil litter and roots. Fire also
removes soil organic matter and kills seeds and sprouts. Clearance tech-
niques which avoid these practices and which cause minimum damage to
the soil litter layer and root mat will retain maximum soil nutrients and
provide the best conditions for regrowth.
Tropical forest regeneration is a slow process. Less than 10% of defor-
ested land is replanted to forestry each year (Gomez-Pompa et aI., 1991).
In many cases replanting with non-native species proves unsuccessful, often
due to infertility and sometimes due to disease. A change in tropical forest
policy is needed to place heavier emphasis on the use of native species in
References 165
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174 Soil and vegetation effects of tropical deforestation
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84, 863-876.
Causes of tropical deforestation
and institutional constraints to
K. S. Bawa and S. Dayanandan
Department of Biology, University of Massachusetts, 100 Morrissey
Boulevard, Boston, MA 02125, USA
Deforestation rates in the tropics remain high despite global concern for
loss of forests and wildlands. The amount of deforestation increased from
75000 km 2 annually in 1979 to 132000 km 2 in 1991 (Myers, 1994).
Deforestation in the tropics has severe biological and economic conse-
quences. Tropical forests harbour a disproportionate amount of biodiver-
sity relative to their area. For example, more than one half of all species are
estimated to occur in the tropics, which occupy only 7% of the earth's land
area (Myers, 1984). Approximately 34000 endemic species of plants,
which represent 13% of the world's plant species, occur in 3.5% of the
area of the tropics (Myers, 1988). Because of the magnitude and the irre-
versibility of the losses, the actual and potential loss of these species and
the ecosystems in which they occur constitutes one of the greatest environ-
mental disasters of our time.
The economic consequences of the loss of tropical rain forests are
equally deleterious. Forests provide important services including a wide
variety of goods. The economic value of ecosystem services, such as regula-
tion of climate, retention of water and flood control, conservation of soils
and nutrients, carbon sequestration, pest control, pollination, conservation
of genetic resources and detoxification, is considerable (see Myers, 1997a,
b for a recent detailed description of these services). For example, Pearce
and Brown (1994) calculate the cost of converting primary forest to agri-
culture to be US$4000-4400Iha, assuming that every ton of carbon
released causes global warming damage worth US$20. The value of the
natural pest control systems is estimated to range from US$54 billion to
one trillion annually (Naylor and Ehrlich, 1997). The annual value of wild
corn as resource for new genes is estimated to be US$6.8 billion (Fischer
and Hanemann, 1984). Forests also provide a wide variety of goods worth
176 Causes of tropical deforestation and institutional constraints
billions of dollars and directly or indirectly support the livelihoods of mil-
lions of people around the world.
The biological and economic value of forests notwithstanding, the
world's forests (particularly in the tropics) continue to be converted to
other land uses at a rapid rate. This chapter reviews rates and causes of
tropical deforestation and examines institutional constraints to the conser-
vation of forests. Our analysis shows that there is considerable uncertainty
about the rates of deforestation. We find that both the causes of deforesta-
tion and the institutional constraints to conservation are varied and com-
plex. We conclude by offering suggestions that might improve the precision
of our understanding of the rates, patterns and causes of deforestation in
the tropics, so that our efforts at conservation might be more effective.
not known if the higher rates reported by Sanchez-Azofeifa reflect the dif-
ferences in the methodology of the two studies, temporal differences in
rates, or differences between deforestation rates of wet evergreen forests
and dry deciduous forests. As dry deciduous forests represent less than 1 %
of the country's forests, it is unlikely that disparities are due to the exclu-
sion of dry deciduous forests in Sanchez-Azofeifa's study. It is interesting
that for both Ivory Coast and Costa Rica, detailed extensive studies utiliz-
ing improved techniques and approaches show rates higher than those
reported before.
There is considerable variation in deforestation rates among regions. The
1996 FAO assessment shows that in Africa and Latin America the annual
rate of deforestation between 1980 and 1990 was 0.66 and 0.59%,
whereas in Asia the rate was 1.13%. Detailed studies at the local level also
have revealed variations in causes and rate of deforestation. For instance,
Barraclough and Ghimire (1996) have reported an increase in forest cover
in the highly populated western Usabaras area of Tanzania, and rapid
deforestation in the less populated Rufiji area. In the Usabaras area, land
alienation due to plantations, optimized agriculture and government sub-
sistence have led to a reduction in deforestation; in the Rufiji region, defor-
estation has escalated due to government-assisted settlements and in order
to meet the wood demands of the urban population.
Deforestation rates also vary over time. In the Philippines there has been
a steady increase in the rate from 0.5% in the early 1900s to 3.5% by
1980 (Table 7.2; Figure 7.1). In the Agastyamalai region of the Western
Ghats in south-west India, the rate increased from 0.07% during the
period 1920-60 to 0.33% for 1960-90 despite the fact that the area has
178 Causes of tropical deforestation and institutional constraints
;g 3
Q) 2.5
c 2
0 0.5
1780 1820 1860 1900 1940 1980 2020
Figure 7.1 Rate of deforestation in the Philippines from the 16th century to the
present (Liu et aI., 1993; Kummer, 1992).
Guatemala 1986-90 0.4% Landsat Sader et al., 1994
Costa Rica 1986-91 4.2% Landsat Sanchez-Azofeifa,
Rondonia, 1973-78 <0.001 Landsat Stone et al., 1991
Brazil 1978-80 0.26% andAVHRR
1980-86 1.77%
Philippines 1700-1900 0.001% Land use maps Liu et aI., 1993
1900-34 0.5%
1934-88 1.07
Philippines <1969 <2% Landsat SPOT Kummer, 1992
1970-80 2.5% and historical
1976-80 3.5% historical records
Malaysia 1972-82 1.7% Land use maps Brown et aI., 1992
Agastyamalail 1920-60 0.07% Land use maps, Ramesh et al., 1997
India 1960-90 0.33 Landsat and IRS
Madagascar 1950-85 1.4% Landsat and Sussman et al., 1994
vegetation maps
Deforestation rates 179
been increasingly brought under protection from 1960 onwards (Ramesh
et al., 1997).
According to FAO (1996), over 50% of deforestation during the period
between 1980 and 1990 occurred in closed forest (Figure 7.2), followed by
open forest (12.1 %), shrub land (11.5%) and fragmented forests (8.8%).
Almost 40% of the deforestation in closed forest resulted in a complete
loss of tree cover (Figure 7.3). The rest of the change in closed forests led to
shrub land (26.2%), open forests (19.8%), fragmented forests (9.9%) and
plantations (4.3%).
Concomitant with deforestation is the increasing fragmentation of the
habitat. However, fragmentation statistics are available for only a few
regions. In the wet evergreen forests of Costa Rica, the number of frag-
ments in the size range 3-100 ha increased from 3516 in 1986 to 4085 in
1991 (Sanchez-Azofeifa, 1996). In the Sarapiqui region of Costa Rica, dur-
ing the same time period, the number of fragments in the size range
3-50 ha increased from 379 to 470, and fragments of 50-100 ha in size
increased from 11 to 22 (Sanchez-Azofeifa, 1996). In the Western Ghats,
the number of forest fragments ranging from 10-100 ha increased from 47
in the early 1900s to 396 in 1990 (S. Menon and K. S. Bawa, unpublished
Apart from deforestation and forest fragmentation, tropical forests also
suffer from degradation. The figures for degradation are more scarce than
those for fragmentation. In India, 40% of the country's estimated
600-639 km 2 of forests have canopy cover between 10 and 40% (FSI,
1995). In many other countries, selective logging has led to severe degrada-
tion of forests.
Fragmented and degraded forests are subject to severe losses of biodiver-
sity and ecosystem function. The effects of fragmentation on the structure
and function of tropical forests have been documented by several recent
studies. In general, fragmentation is expected to result in reduction of
species as well as genetic diversity within species, disruption of biotic inter-
actions, changes in nutrient fluxes, and alteration of ecosystem processes
(Schelhas and Greenberg, 1996; Laurance and Bierregaard, 1997). The
incidence of fire can also increase in fragmented forests. Fragmented and
degraded forests are also more easily invaded by exotics and weeds than
are large contiguous forests. For example, in the Biligiri Rangaswamy
Temple wildlife sanctuary in India, the weedy shrub Lantana camara
occurs in almost the entire 540 km2 area (Figure 7.4).
In many parts of the world, particularly in Latin America, old cut-over
forests have been replaced by second-growth forest. World-wide or even
within countries, the extent of such forest is not known. Moreover, there is
little information about differences between primary and secondary forests
with respect to species composition, structure and ecosystem functions.
In summary, the rate of deforestation in the tropics remains high and
180 Causes of tropical deforestation and institutional constraints
Figure 7.2 Percentage deforestation in different land-cover classes over the period
1980-90 (FAO, 1996).
Permanent agriculture
Cattle ranching
Water reservoirs
Figure 7.3 Conversion of closed forests into other land-cover classes over the
period 1980-90 (FAO, 1996).
there are indications that at least in some parts, the rate is accelerating. In
addition, tropical forests are undergoing qualitative changes. There is a
substantial amount of fragmentation and degradation of large contiguous
forests, and fragmented and degraded tropical forests are subject to inva-
sion by weeds and exotics. Furthermore, large tracts which are currently
being classified as forest are actually secondary forests. If left undisturbed,
these areas of secondary growth may revert to a state similar to primary
forest. Overall, the public debate about tropical forests has been largely
Deforestation rates 181
Percentage cover
D 1-15
. 6 1 -70
Figure 7.4 Distribution of Lantana camara, a weedy shrub species, in the Biligiri
Rangaswamy Temple Wildlife Sanctuary in the Western Ghats of India. Hatched
areas indicate agriculture and plantations. Podus (settlements) shown as diamonds.
Scale, 1 : 200 000.
182 Causes of tropical deforestation and institutional constraints
confined to deforestation; there is little information and discussion about
the health of the remaining forests, or the size of the 'healthy' forests.
Tropical forests are undergoing major transformations, with serious conse-
quences for biodiversity and the well-being of human societies. However,
the nature of changes in tropical forests is not fully understood. At the
local level, or even at the country level, precise measures of deforestation
are lacking. The extent of fragmentation is not known, nor is there infor-
mation about the impact of disturbance and the degree of forest degrada-
tion. Geographical information systems and remote sensing imagery offer
inexpensive means for the study of land-use change. These technologies,
combined with monitoring on the ground, can provide data for rapid
assessment of the magnitude, rates and patterns of changes. Long-term
ecological monitoring can enhance the capability to assess the health of
tropical forests and the impact of human-induced disturbance. Monitoring
of land-use change must be coupled with collection of information on the
socio-economic variables influencing alterations in land-use patterns (Bawa
and Menon, 1997). The causes of tropical deforestation remain obscure.
Information about the socio-economic determinants of forest resource use
is needed at the local level, just as information about the rate and magni-
tude of deforestation is required at relatively small spatial scales. However,
the actions of the rural poor in degradation of forest resources are rooted
in social and economic inequalities. Tropical deforestation is also linked
with regional and national development plans, international trade and con-
sumption patterns in the developed world. Policies to stem deforestation
must be based on the relative impact on forests of different segments of
society, and the cost of conservation for each segment must be commensu-
rate with benefits accrued from forests and biodiversity.
The institutional constraints on forest conservation are overwhelming
and in part reflect policy failures. Institutions, however, can contribute to
the formation of new policies and the modification and implementation of
existing policies. Although considerable progress can be achieved by reori-
entation of goals and coordination on the part of existing institutions, new
institutions are required if we are to be successful in saving the remaining
tropical forests.
This paper represents contribution number 57 of the program in conserva-
tion of biodiversity and the environment coordinated by Tata Energy
References 195
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The economics of the tropical
timber trade and sustainable forest
E. B. Barbier
Environmental Economics and Environmental Management Department,
University of York, Heslington, York YOl SDD, UK
In recent years, concern about the destruction of tropical forests has led to
increased interest in the role of the international timber trade in promoting
deforestation in the tropics. At the same time, concerted international
efforts led by global institutions such as the International Tropical Timber
Organization (lITO), the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the
United Nations and the Intergovernmental Panel on Forests (IPF), are
searching for ways to improve the role of trade in providing incentives for
more sustainable, long-term management of tropical forests. This linkage
between sustainable forest management and the international trade in for-
est products was also enshrined in the global Forest Principles Accord of
the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development
(UNCED) at Rio de Janeiro.
This chapter examines current trends in the tropical timber trade and
deforestation and their implications for the sustainable management of
tropical forests. The chapter explores important issues of market access
and trade barriers, including the recent effects of the Uruguay Round on
the global forest products trade. Examples of key export and import
restrictions as 'new barriers' to the tropical timber trade are also discussed.
The potential competition from non-wood substitutes, substitution
between tropical and temperate products and the possible role of lesser-
used species of tropical timber are also examined. The chapter goes on to
review current efforts to employ certification and labelling schemes as a
means for discriminating between 'sustainably' and 'unsustainably' pro-
duced tropical timber products, and discusses the implications of such
schemes for trade and sustainable forest management. Finally, the chapter
considers the costs of tropical countries making the transition to sustainable
200 The economics of the tropical timber trade
forest management of their forest industries, and explores various interna-
tional financial mechanisms for raising the additional revenues required.
Because the term 'sustainable' forest management has been interpreted in
many different ways, it is important from the outset to be clear how this
term is being used in this chapter. Here, the chief concern will be with sus-
tainable production and environmental management of those forests cur-
rently or potentially exploitable for timber, although there is also concern
about the impact of timber production and trade on the 'sustainability' of
forest resources generally and the potential values of their goods and ser-
vices. Thus the working definition of sustainable forest management
employed in this chapter follows the definition and criteria of sustainability
adopted by the ITTO:
'Sustainable forest management is the process of managing permanent
forest land to achieve one or more clearly specified objectives of manage-
ment with regard to production of a continuous flow of desired forest
products and services without undue reduction in its inherent values and
future productivity and without undue undesirable effects on the physi-
cal and social environment.'
(From the IITC Decision 6(XI), Quito, 8th Session, May 1991; see also
lITO, 1990).
Equally, it is important to be clear as to definitions and data coverage with
respect to the tropical timber trade. Most available information on the
international trade in wood products has been assembled by the FAO, and
it is this information that will be used primarily in this chapter. Following
FAO convention, tropical wood or timber products will also be referred to
as forest products. The FAO segregates timber products into five general
categories: roundwood; sawnwood and sleepers; wood-based panels; wood
pulp; paper and paperboard. The sub-category roundwood is composed of
both industrial roundwood (i.e. saw logs and veneer logs, pulp wood and
particles) and non-industrial roundwood (i.e. fuel wood and charcoal). All
further processed products (such as furniture, window frames and doors)
are referred to as higher processed products. Trade statistics on the latter
products are not routinely provided by FAO. Tropical timber is defined
here as non-coniferous timber coming from developing countries lying pre-
dominantly between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn,
unless specified otherwise. However, the term tropical timber trade will be
used as a shorthand expression to describe the international trade in all
forest products of tropical origin.
Trends in forest products trades and deforestation 203
Table 8.1 Continued
tropical countries is consumed domestically and does not enter the interna-
tional trade. Only 17% of total tropical timber production is used for
industrial purposes; the remainder is consumed for fuel wood and other
non-industrial uses. Out of the total volume of industrial timber produced
by tropical countries, approximately 31 % is exported in round or product
form. In other words, only about 6% of total tropical roundwood produc-
tion enters the international trade (Barbier et aI., 1994). In addition, tropi-
cal timber plays a minor role in the global timber market; tropical
countries account for approximately 15% of the total volume of global
timber production, and 11 % of the value of global exports.
While the production of tropical round wood has been steadily increasing
over the past few decades, timber consumption in tropical countries has
been growing at an even faster rate due to population and income growth.
The rapid expansion of timber demand in many tropical countries has led
to increased domestic consumption, reduced timber exports and increased
timber imports. As a result, many tropical timber-producing countries are
becoming net timber importers.
Although exports of industrial roundwood, sawnwood and sleepers con-
tinue to dominate tropical timber exports, producer countries are increas-
ingly exporting more highly processed products (e.g. wood-based panels,
wood pulp and paper and paperboard) in an effort to capture a higher pro-
portion of the value added in timber processing. This pattern is especially
apparent in the Asia region where the percentage of wood-based panels
exported relative to total production has risen from 40% in the 1960s-70s
to 90% in 1990 (Barbier et aI., 1994).
204 The economics of the tropical timber trade
8.2.3 Forest product price trends
Although forest product prices have risen steadily, the real forest product
price index has been fairly stable since the 1960s (see FAO, 1992 for more
details). The index fell gradually in the early 1980s but has been increasing
since 1985. Within the broad forest products category, the real price of
tropical logs has followed a rising trend since the early 1970s; prices briefly
declined between 1979 and 1985, only to pick up again thereafter (FAO,
1992). The real price of tropical sawnwood has followed a similar trend,
although with larger fluctuations and a steeper decline in the mid-1980s
and a more rapid rise recently. The real price of other industrial timber
products, including wood-based panels, pulp, and paper and paper board,
have been increasing since the early 1970s and have sustained this rise
throughout the 1980s. The real price increases in tropical products may
reflect increasing product scarcity due to declining forest inventories and
increasing demand, whereas the recent downturn in some real tropical
product prices may reflect the depressed state of the global economy during
the late 1970s and early 1980s.
Maior exporters
~ :t
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J ~ ~ " -. ~ .t -.:: ;g '<l ~ ""Z <>: '<l
" -{j -{j r:;
Maior importers '"
USA 13 401 471 113
"211 474 147 123 39 71 465 122 38 20 62 451 532 16740
Japan 2436 4162 177 60 31 1777 1411 13 9 41 124 16 3 637 4 882 1497 13 280
Germany 462 572 1294 1683 45 30 1029 818 529 55 238 591 115 450 1407 255 9573
UK 515 485 1269 1432 594 86 140 427 126 144 187 265 150 216 839 297 7172
Italy 307 413 287 411 473 72 27 480 750 65 49 34 187 122 874 368 4919
France 185 226 652 511 836 29 41 168 322 73 193 245 59 377 604 331 4852
Netherlands 126 299 523 470 609 54 169 263 83 65 31 138 52 317 386 188 3773
China 157 245 54 22 34 508 365 6 17 4 12 13 3 61 6 187 1431 3125
Belgium-Luxembourg 192 243 222 256 393 107 67 435 56 74 59 134 342 0 97 91 2768
South Korea 209 662 45 20 17 565 365 13 7 6 46 11 1 2 0 324 188 2481
Canada 2039 32 6 31 24 5 28 6 17 18 30 9 2 3 20 15 2285
Hong Kong 56 256 68 24 38 252 165 21 5 14 9 40 16 0 5 416 634 2019
Spain 46 203 317 196 188 2 4 329 46 117 24 38 41 22 43 200 192 2008
Taiwan 161 318 33 55 27 375 295 16 6 9 9 10 7 0 0 242 109 1672
Austria 14 15 107 135 534 1 4 62 64 12 18 32 29 20 351 12 1410
Australia 125 254 140 24 86 58 30 26 9 62 19 37 12 0 10 420 40 1352
Thailand 58 73 21 29 17 30 279 13 2 5 20 14 18 35 2 137 463 1216
Mexico 40 982 18 12 10 33 0 7 13 3 37 3 5 0 0 19 19 1201
Switzerland 31 12 140 122 312 1 1 162 192 54 7 28 25 1 22 60 16 1186
Denmark 2 29 278 466 143 10 0 27 10 7 9 27 22 0 0 67 4 1101
Sweden 14 26 179 107 1 2 28 9 6 8 36 20 44 15 262 11 768
Turkey 15 54 58 55 88 5 0 41 25 36 1 9 7 135 10 156 62 757
Singapore 32 72 37 44 15 127 208 11 6 5 6 20 13 0 0 115 22 733
Saudi Arabia 46 89 52 92 27 139 0 8 49 13 51 10 5 0 0 33 13 627
Norway 4 8 95 316 35 7 3 7 1 3 4 15 23 5 12 40 13 591
Other developed 123 282 472 484 593 9 4 176 240 198 60 333 83 182 20 633 203 4095
Other developing 538 1382 504 446 322 365 402 246 122 136 585 349 64 38 27 672 969 7167
Total 19295 13 401 7545 7484 5771 5156 4164 3997 2814 2005 1996 1931 1924 1776 1743 9894 7975 98871
• Contains estimated and unofficial figures. Source: FAP, 1995. Based on trade data collected by the UN Statistical Office .
Table 8.4 Global tropical deforestation trends, 1980-90
Annual deforestation
Forest cover 1981-90
Number of Land area 1980 1990 million % per
Region countries (million haY (million hay (million hay ha annum
Direction of movement
Import restrictions 1960s-1979 1979-1985 Since 1985
Fish and fish products 18.5 6.1 4.5 26 10.6 6.6 4.8 27
Forest productsC 40.6 3.5 1.1 69 11.5 4.6 1.7 63
Textiles and clothing 66.4 15.5 12.1 22 33.2 14.6 11.3 23
Leather, rubber, footwear and
travel goods 31.7 8.9 7.3 18 12.2 8.1 6.6 19
Metals 69.4 3.7 1.4 59 24.4 2.7 0.9 67
Chemicals and photographic
supplies 61.0 6.7 3.7 42 8.2 7.2 3.8 47
Transport equipment 96.3 7.5 5.8 23 7.6 3.8 3.1 18
Non-electric machinery 118.1 4.8 1.9 58 9.8 4.7 1.6 66
Electric machinery 86.0 6.6 3.5 47 19.2 6.3 3.3 48
Mineral products and precious
stones/metals 12.9 2.3 1.1 52 22.2 2.6 0.8 69
Manufactured articles n.e.s. 76.1 5.5 2.4 56 10.9 6.5 3.1 52
Industrial tropical products 32.8 4.2 2.0 52 14.4 4.2 1.9 55
Natural resource products 80.2 3.2 2.1 34 33.4 4.0 2.7 33
All industrial products
(excluding petroleum) 736.9 6.3 3.8 40 169.7 6.8 4.3 37
UR, Uruguay Round; n.e.s., not elsewhere specified.
Tariffs based on weighted averages on imports from all sources.
a Excluding petroleum products.
b Import data from 1990 or latest available year, and for all developed country participants in the Uruguay Round, excluding imports from free-trade
area partners (e.g. intra-European Union trade) and from contractural preferential arrangements.
C Wood, pulp, paper and furniture.
Table 8.7 Estimated trade effects on selected forest products of Uruguay Round
tariff changes in key developed and developing country markets (1991 trade levels,
Importer A B A B A B
Percentage of
Production Area of total Percentage of
Region (m 3) (ha)b productionC total area d
Export Share of
revenues developing
gained country wood
Source of revenue (US$ million) exportsa
more temperate and tropical products, then the green premium differential
between certified and non-certified wood products will be substantially
smaller and may eventually disappear. However, if global certification
results in higher prices for wood products generally in consumer markets,
then there may be a problem of substitution by non-wood alternatives on a
large scale.
The issue as to whether timber certification inevitably leads to higher
prices for timber products in final consumer markets is also controversial,
and relates to the evidence concerning the overall costs of certification. It is
useful to distinguish two costs: the direct costs of certification in terms of
implementing such schemes, and the indirect costs of certification through
any trade losses and diversion in final consumer markets as a result of sub-
stitution between certified and non-certified products.
The direct costs of certification include both the costs of assessing or
auditing forest management practices in the country of origin, and the
costs of identifying, monitoring and assessing the entire processing chain of
226 The economics of the tropical timber trade
supply from forest to final product. These costs will clearly vary depending
on the type and size of forest being certified, the type of final product being
produced, and the location of processing activities and their degree of verti-
cal integration both domestically and internationally. For example, for
tropical products the costs of assessing or auditing have been estimated at
about US$O.3 and US$llha/year in developing countries, and the costs of
certifying the chain of supply for processing could be up to 1 % of border
prices (Baharuddin and Simula, 1994). Dubois et al. (1995) suggest that, as
a rough approximation, the minimum costs of certifying forest manage-
ment would be a fixed assessment cost of US$500 plus US$OAOlha for the
initial assessment, and US$O.15Iha for each subsequent visit.
Many analysts suggest that an additional direct cost of certification is the
incremental cost of improving current forest management practices to sat-
isfy the criteria and standards specified to obtain certification. These costs
are likely to be considerably higher than the costs of the certification
process itself (Dubois et aI., 1995). Much of this cost is assumed to result
from reduced timber yields and higher operating costs, although the latter
could actually be reduced by better planning, improved residual stands,
and reduced-impact harvesting techniques (Baharuddin, 1995).
However, to the extent that the costs of improved forest management are
really to do with the transition of forest practices to sustainable forest
management and not certification per se, then it is not completely accurate
to attribute all these additional costs to certification. Instead, it is probably
best to turn this viewpoint around: the costs of assessing and auditing
forests and the processing chain of supply from forest to final product are
the additional direct costs of certifying sustainably produced timber, on top
of the costs of transforming existing forest practices to sustainable forestry
(see section 8.5 below).
There may also be indirect costs of certification as a result of higher
prices for certified tropical timber products in import markets. As dis-
cussed above, these costs are related to the size of price differentials for cer-
tified products, substitution effects, and the extent of products and markets
affected. So far, the available evidence suggests that the number of wood
products and markets affected by certification will remain fairly small for
the foreseeable future. Moreover, as will be discussed in the next section,
higher sustainable tropical forestry costs plus any additional certification
costs in the country of origin may not necessarily translate into substan-
tially higher final product prices in importing markets. On the other hand,
the analysis of the impacts of Uruguay Round tariff reductions in section
8.3 suggests that only minor changes in prices for wood products in import
markets are required for trade creation (or loss) and diversion to occur.
Thus there are likely to be some trade losses and diversion for certified tim-
ber products in importing markets - although the precise magnitude of
these indirect costs of certification is difficult to determine at present.
Certification and labelling 227
Importantly, there is now an emerging international consensus that an
adequate international framework is needed both to ensure harmonization
and mutual recognition of certification systems, and to ensure an effective
international accreditation process of certification bodies. The important
criteria for any internationally accredited certification body is that it is
independent, impartial, and able to demonstrate that its organization and
personnel are free from any commercial, financial or other pressure
(Dubois et aI., 1995). Equally, to achieve harmonization and mutual recog-
nition, a voluntary international certification system must (Baharuddin and
Simula, 1996):
• be comprehensive and cover all types of forests and wood products -
not just tropical products;
• be based on objective and measurable criteria;
• produce reliable assessment results and thus be fully independent from
any vested interests;
• be transparent and involve a balanced participation of the interested
parties and stakeholders, thereby ensuring their commitment;
• represent all involved parties;
• be goal-oriented and cost-effective.
Establishment of such an international framework covering all existing and
proposed timber certification schemes is clearly a long-term process. The
purpose of any agreed timber certification rules should be to reinforce the
positive incentives for sustainable forest management and not to penalize
or restrict production and trade in timber not meeting standards.
US$l = etc.
• Old growth forest selectively logged and subsequently protected.
b Legal operations using existing selective logging systems assumed. Private profits of illegal
operators will be higher. Different combinations of yield and price are possible to capture
the variations in the quality of standing forest. Assumption is that one hectare of old
growth forest of 30-50% slope sustainably yields 100 cu m every 35 years or 2.86 cu m per
year. Market price is 2000 Philippino Pesos per cu m.
c Pl,OOO/ha for one year to ensure sustainability of production on the one hectare in
d Equal to market price adjusted upwards by 10% to account for low cost illegal supplies.
e Standard conversion factor 0.8 applied.
f P2600 for 3 years discounted at 12%. Off-site damage assumed to be limited in duration
instead of being sustained in perpetuity. Damage resulting from the selective logging of a
single plot. The high magnitude of the estimate is a result of logging on very steep slopes.
g The overall resturns are only a rough indication and are based on estimates prepared in
1990 as part of the formulation of the Philippine Master Plan for Forestry Development.
Adapted from Paris and Ruzicka, 1991.
Prices (Rp/m3)
Log border-equivalent price (unit value) 41.59% 83.06%
Sawnwood export price (unit value) 4.04% 8.09%
Plywood export price (unit value) 2.86% 5.72%
Quantities (thousand m 3)
Log production -0.94% -1.87%
Log domestic consumption -1.37% -2.73%
Sawnwood production -1.89% -3.77%
Sawnwood exports -1.03% -2.05%
Sawnwood domestic consumption -2.28% -4.55%
Playwood production -0.87% -1.73%
Plywood exports -0.38% -0.75%
Plywood domestic consumption -3.12% -6.24%
Deforestation (km2 )
Total forest area 0.02% 0.04%
Annual rate of deforestation -2.28% -4.23%
Policy scenario - sustainable timber management (percentage change over base case).
Source: Barbier et ai., 1995.
Demonstrate value
of non-timber functions
Compare to alternative
land use value
Consolidate Create
property rights markets
interesting measure for wealth accounting but of little value when compar-
ing competing land-use values. Studies also vary as to whether they report
revenues, or revenues net of labour and other costs. Finally, little account
has been taken in many studies of the extent to which the relevant non-
timber activity is itself sustainable, so that what is being compared may
well be two non-sustainable land-use options.
Lampietti and Dixon (1995) divide non-timber values into extractive,
non-extractive and preservation values. Extractive values involve an actual
harvest, e.g. of nuts or rattan. Non-extractive values should be more cor-
rectly titled non-extractive-use values as they involve use but not harvest of
the forest. They include recreation and tourism, but also the indirect eco-
logical functions of forests such as watershed protection and carbon
storage. Preservation values are what most now call non-use or passive-use
Adger et al. (1995) suggest ecotourism values for Mexican forests of some
US$8/ha/year, whilst Tobias and Mendelsohn (1991) use the travel-cost
method to obtain values of US$s2/ha for Monteverde in Costa Rica. One
would expect high values for rare ecosystems such as Monteverde. Kumari
(1995) estimated a potential recreational value of M$s7/ha for her study
What do we know about non-market values? 261
site in Malaysia, but in present value terms and at 8% discount rate. The
cash flows suggest an annual income of about US$5Iha. For 'conventional'
tropical forest, then, values of US$5-1 Olha might seem appropriate.
Ecological functions
Lampietti and Dixon (1995) find a limited number of studies dealing with
erosion prevention which are capable of estimation of benefits on a per
hectare basis. Magrath and Arens' (1989) study of soil erosion in Java sug-
gests minimum estimates of damage of US$2-7Iha. Cruz et al.'s (1988)
study in the Philippines suggests US$17-28Iha; Ruitenbeek's (1992) Korup
study implies US$141ha for fisheries protection and US$2Iha for flood con-
trol. To these estimates we can add Kumari's (1995) detailed analysis for
Malaysia. This suggests hydrological benefits in terms of conserved agricul-
tural output equal to US$25Ihalyear. Domestic water benefits and fisheries
protection would add a further US$2-3 in each case. Overall, then, water-
shed protection functions do seem to have values which cluster around
US$30lhalyear once a reasonably wide range of functions is considered. (In
contrast, however, Adger et aI's (1995) study for Mexico suggests just 4 US
centslha for watershed protection.)
Carbon storage
Unquestionably the largest value dominating the use values of tropical
forests is that relating to carbon sequestration. The values of Lampietti and
Dixon (1995) for this function are too low due to the adoption of some-
what outdated estimates of the marginal damage from carbon dioxide
releases. All forests store carbon, and if they are cleared for agriculture
there will be a release of carbon dioxide which will contribute to the accel-
erated greenhouse effect and hence to global warming. In order to derive a
value for the 'carbon credit' that should be ascribed to a tropical forest, we
need to know both the net carbon released when forests are converted to
other uses, and the economic value of one tonne of carbon released to the
Carbon will be released at different rates according to the method of
clearance and subsequent land use. With burning there will be an immedi-
ate release of CO2 into the atmosphere, and some of the remaining carbon
will be locked in ash and charcoal which is resistant to decay. The slash not
converted by fire into CO 2 or charcoal and ash will decay over time, releas-
ing most of its carbon to the atmosphere within 10-20 years. Studies of
tropical forests indicate that significant amounts of cleared vegetation
become lumber, slash, charcoal and ash; the proportion differs for closed
and open forests. The smaller stature and drier climate of open forests
result in the combustion of a higher proportion of the vegetation.
If tropical forested land is converted to pasture or permanent agriculture,
then the amount of carbon stored in secondary vegetation is equivalent to the
262 Can non-market values save the tropical forests?
carbon content of the biomass of crops planted, or the grass grown on the
pasture. If a secondary forest is allowed to grow, then carbon will accumu-
late, and maximum biomass density is attained after a relatively short time.
Table 9.1 illustrates the net carbon storage effects of land-use conversion
from tropical forests (closed primary, closed secondary or open forests) to
shifting cultivation, permanent agriculture or pasture. The negative figures
represent emissions of carbon; for example, conversion from closed pri-
mary forest to shifting agriculture results in a net loss of 194 t carbon/ha.
The greatest loss of carbon involves change of land use from primary
closed forest to permanent agriculture or pasture. These figures represent
the once-and-for-all change that will occur in carbon storage as a result of
the various land-use conversions.
The data suggest that, allowing for the carbon fixed by subsequent land
uses, carbon released from deforestation of secondary and primary tropical
forest is of the order of 100-200 t carbonlha.
The carbon released from burning tropical forests contributes to global
warming, and we now have several estimates of the minimum economic
damage done by global warming, leaving aside catastrophic events. Recent
work suggests a central value of US$20 of damage for every tonne of car-
bon released (Fankhauser and Pearce, 1994). Applying this figure to the
data in Table 9.1, we can conclude that converting an open forest to agri-
culture or pasture would result in global warming damage of, say,
US$600-1000/ha; conversion of closed secondary forest would cause dam-
age of US$2000-3000/ha; and conversion of primary forest to agriculture
would give rise to damage of about US$4000-4400/ha. Note that these
estimates allow for carbon fixation in the subsequent land use.
There are problems with these values for the indirect carbon storage
functions of tropical forests. Firstly, the science of global warming is uncer-
tain and this suggests that the values need to be multiplied by some unspec-
ified probability that the effects are certain. The Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change'S Second Assessment Report (IPCC, 1996) states that
"the balance of evidence suggests that there is now a discernible human
influence on climate" but its quantification is still limited. Put another way,
the context is pure uncertainty rather than risk. Secondly, the value of
US$20/t carbon is itself uncertain. It is the product of a Monte Carlo simu-
lation so that it encompasses a good deal of the uncertainty about impacts
and values, but it does not deal with the potential for surprises or extreme
events (Fankhauser, 1995). Thirdly, even if the values are broadly correct
and global warming is a real phenomenon, the avoidance of deforestation
or investment in afforestation may not be cheapest ways of reducing car-
bon emissions. The opportunity cost of conservation is clearly the develop-
ment benefit foregone, i.e. the returns to forest clearance for agriculture,
timber or livestock. It seems very likely that these foregone values are
indeed very low in many cases. For example, Schneider (1992) reports
What do we know about non-market values? 263
Table 9.1 Changes in carbon with land use conversion
Original carbon
79 63 63
upper bound values of US$3001ha for land in Rondonia, Brazil. The figures
suggest carbon credit values 2-15 times the price of land in Rondonia.
These carbon credits also compare favourably with the value of forest land
for timber in, say, Indonesia, where estimates are of the order of
US$1000-2000. If land is worth US$3001ha in a development use, then the
cost of conservation on global warming grounds becomes, say, US$3/t car-
bon ($300 divided by 100 tiha, say). If the land is worth US$2000, then
carbon conservation costs US$201t carbon. The latter cost is certainly not
the cheapest way of conserving carbon, and, if some commentators, includ-
ing the IPCC, are correct, even US$3/t carbon could be quite expensive. (It
is not exactly clear what IPCC believes with respect to low-cost, zero-cost
and even negative-cost options for reducing emissions as the statements are
not very clear: they appear to suggest, however, that 10-30% gains in
energy efficiency over and above existing or near-term projected levels are
feasible.) Compared to investments undertaken by the Global Environment
Facility in its Pilot Phase, however, carbon reduction at US$3/t carbon
might be relatively cheap.
An earlier version of this paper was presented at the International
Symposium on the Non-Market Benefits of Forestry organized by the
Forestry Commission in Edinburgh, UK, June 1996.
Adger, N., Brown, K., Cervigni, R. and Moran, D. (1995) Total Economic Value of
Forests in Mexico. Ambio, 24, 286-296.
Balick, M. and Mendelsohn, R. (1992) The Economic Value of Traditional
Medicine from Tropical Rain Forests. Conservation Biology, 6,128-139.
Bojo, J. 1993. Economic Valuation of Indigenous Woodlands, in Living With Trees:
Policies for Forest Management in Zimbabwe, (eds P. Bradley and K.
McNamara), Technical Paper 210, World Bank, Washington, DC.
Brown, K and Pearce, D. W. (1994) The economic value of non-market benefits of
tropical forests: carbon storage, in The Economics of Project Appraisal and the
Environment, (ed. J. Weiss), Edward Elgar, London, pp. 102-123.
266 Can non-market values save the tropical forests?
Brown, K., Pearce, D. W., Perrings, C. and Swanson, T. (1993) Economics and the
Conservation of Global Biological Diversity, Working Paper No.2, Global
Environment Facility, Washington, DC.
Cervigni, R. and Pearce, D. W. (1995) North-South Resource Transfers,
Incremental Cost and the Rio Environment Conventions, Centre for Social and
Economic Research on the Global Environment, University College
LondonlUniversity of East Anglia (mimeo.).
Cruz, W., Francisco, H. and Conway, Z. (1988) The on-site and downstream costs
of soil erosion in the Magat and Pantabangan watersheds. Journal of Philippine
Development, XV, 85-112.
Eade, J. (1995) Spatial Economic Valuation: Benefits Transfer Using Geographical
Information Systems, World Conservation Monitoring Centre, Cambridge
Fankhauser, S. (1995) Valuing Climate Change, Earthscan, London.
Fankhauser, S. and Pearce, D. W. (1994) The social costs of greenhouse gas emis-
sions, in The Economics of Climate Change, OECD, Paris, pp. 71-86.
Godoy, R. and Lubowski, R. (1992) Guidelines for the economic valuation of non-
timber tropical forest products. Current Anthropology, 33, 423-433.
Godoy, R., Lubowski, R. and Markandya, A. (1993) A method for the economic
valuation of non-timber tropical forest products. Economic Botany, 47,
Houghton, K. and Mendelsohn, R. (1996) An economic analysis of multiple use
forestry in Nepal. Ambio, 25, 156-159.
Hyde, W., Newman, D. and Sedjo, R. (1991) Forest Economics and Policy
Analysis, World Bank Discussion Paper 134, World Bank, Washington, DC.
IPCC (1996) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Second Assessment
Report, Volume I, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Kant, S., Nautiyal, S. and Berry, R. (1996) Forests and Economic Welfare. Journal
of Economic Studies, 23, 31-43.
Kramer, R., Mercer, E. and Sharma, N. (1994) Valuing Tropical Rain Forest
Protection Using the Contingent Valuation Method, School of the Environment,
Duke University, Durham, North Carolina (mimeo.).
Kramer, R., Sharma. N. and Munasinghe, M. (1995) Valuing Tropical Forests:
Methodology and Case Study of Madagascar, Environment Paper No. 13, World
Bank, Washington, DC.
Kumari, K. (1995) An Environmental and Economic Assessment of Forest
Management Options: A Case Study in Malaysia, Environment Department
Papers No. 26, World Bank, Washington, DC.
Krutilla, ]. (1967) Conservation reconsidered. American Economic Review, 57,
Lampietti,]. and Dixon, J. (1995) To See the Forest for the Trees: A Guide to Non-
timber Forest Benefits, Environment Department, World Bank, Washington, DC
Magrath, W. and Arens, P. (1989) The Costs of Soil Erosion on Java: A Natural
Resource Accounting Approach, Working Paper No. 18, Environment
Department, World Bank, Washington, DC.
Mendelsohn, R. and Balick, M. (1995) The value of undiscovered pharmaceuticals
in tropical forests. Economic Botany, 49, 223-228.
References 267
Myers, N. (1984) The Primary Source: Tropical Forests and our Future, W. W.
Norton, New York.
Panayotou, T. and Ashton, P. (1993) Not by Timber Alone: Economics and
Ecology for Sustaining Tropical Forests, Island Press, Washington, DC
Pearce, D. W. (1996) Global environmental value and the tropical forests: demon-
stration and capture, in Forestry, Economics and the Environment, (eds W.
Adamowicz, P. Boxall, M. Luckett, W. Phillips and W. White), CAB
International, Wallingford, UK, pp. 11-48.
Pearce, D. Wand Moran, D. (1994) The Economic Value of Biodiversity,
Earthscan, London.
Pearce, D. Wand Puroshothaman, S. (1995) The economic value of plant-based
pharmaceuticals, in Intellectual Property Rights and Biodiversity Conservation,
(ed. T. Swanson), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 127-138.
Perlin, J. (1989) A Forest Journey: The Role of Wood in the Development of
Civilization, W. W. Norton, New York.
Peters, C, Gentry, A. and Mendelsohn, R. (1989) Valuation of an Amazon rainfor-
est. Nature, 339, 655-656.
Ruitenbeek, J. (1992) The rainforest supply price. Ecological Economics, 1,57-78.
Schneider, R. (1992) Brazil: An Analysis of Environmental Problems in the
Amazon, Report 9104-BR, World Bank, Washington, DC
Sedjo, R. and Lyon, K. (1990) The Long Term Adequacy of World Timber Supply,
Resources for the Future, Washington, DC
Simpson, D., Sedjo, R. and Reid, J. (1994) Valuing Biodiversity: An Application to
Genetic Prospecting, Discussion Paper 94-20, Resources for the Future,
Washington, DC
Southgate, D. (1996) What Roles Can Ecotourism, Non-timber Extraction,
Genetic Prospecting, and Sustainable Timber Play in an Integrated Strategy for
Habitat Conservation and Local Development? Report to Inter-American
Development Bank, Department of Agricultural Economics, Ohio State
University (mimeo.).
Swanson, T. (1994) The International Regulation of Extinction, Macmillan,
Tobias, D. and Mendelsohn, R. (1991). Valuing ecotourism in a tropical rain-forest
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The role of policy and institutions
James Mayers and Stephen Bass
Forestry and Land Use Programme, International Institute for
Environment and Development (lIED), 3 Endsleigh Street, London
Policies affecting
land use
Policies influencing
demand for forest
Forest management policy
tree felling as a means to establish secure land holding. Other policies, such
as credit availability, still promote clearance on lands which may lack the
capacity for sustained agriculture or livestock.
In many countries, however, the workings of the forest sector have had
profound impacts on the condition of forests, and indeed on the nature of
society. Most tropical countries have 'formal' forest policies, although until
relatively recently, many of these were not formally expressed and could
only be implied from the operations and decisions of forestry institutions.
The following paragraphs outline a number of strikingly common themes
in the history of these forest policies.
Many current forest policies were defined to serve narrow and static ends,
and by-and-Iarge concentrated on government control of forest land. They
tend to be centralized expressions of government intent prepared by profes-
sionals, with little participation beyond a few powerful interests, and no
broad consensus. Forest policies have treated forestry as a 'sector' only, not
dealing with complex systems and, as noted above, not integrated with
other policies. These have largely concentrated on forests as a land reserve
for protection and ultimate allocation to agriculture, and on timber produc-
tion. Many such policies were instituted by colonial powers; their current
relevance is now often questionable. A large government-controlled land
base was the basis of forest authority power in British, French and Dutch
colonies. To this day, forest departments are often in nominal control of
huge areas of land which have been designated as forest 'reserve', for gener-
ating national revenue or for later land allocation. For example, in India,
the country on which many British colonial forest policies were developed,
the forest authorities have formal responsibility for 22% of national land.
In Indonesia, the comparable figure is about 74% (Hobley, 1996a).
To create such areas, local people were generally divested of control over
land. Later, forest areas were leased out to private industry as logging con-
cessions. Today, the relatively small bureaucracies charged with administer-
ing and controlling the forests are often poorly able to control logging and
prevent public access. The resulting combination of open access and
Policy influences on forests 277
destructive logging can lead to uncontrolled exploitation. Governments
often then respond to these pressures as they arise by imposing more for-
mal control, which they have little capacity to exert.
In this process, the potential partners in multiple-use management
become marginalized, leaving little to build on but government control
mechanisms. Meanwhile the policy bias against local people and in favour
of timber-based economies has handed de facto control over many forest
areas to the large-scale private sector. 'Patronage politics', which tends to
pervade the tropical forest industry, has not only served to ensure that the
benefits are captured by very few in society, but it has also severely weak-
ened the evolution of democratic institutions (Colchester, 1994). For exam-
ple, a comprehensive judicial inquiry into the forest industry in Papua New
Guinea, in 1988-89, revealed widespread malpractice and a decay in stan-
dards of public service due to the influences of the logging industry.
Subservience of national and local government 'policy implementers' to
external corporate interests and capital owners is a particularly common
theme. Throughout the tropics (and in temperate areas) big companies are
able to make alliances with government officials to shape policy in their
favour, or to over-ride or undermine it. In Guyana and Suriname, South-
East Asian-owned logging companies have recently negotiated forest con-
cessions over several hundred thousand hectares with massive tax breaks
on their investments (Sizer and Rice, 1995; Sizer, 1996). Thus, 'actual' pol-
icy - that is, the decisions which define the trade-offs in practice - often
reflects power structures and domination by certain actors and interests.
In Indonesia, a hugely powerful timber industry was created by policy
interventions, ostensibly to stimulate the economy in the 1980s. About 25
wealthy 'timber kings' control the timber industry and are amongst the
strongest players in setting Indonesian forest policies. Their wealth depends
on cheap timber supplies (Barber et ai, 1994). This leads them to exert con-
siderable force against any policy initiative aimed at redistributing benefits
more equitably and towards collaborations between groups who might be
in a position to manage forests more sustainably. In the 1990s, policy inter-
ventions have been opening the way for a major pulp/paper industry
dependent in large part upon the clearance of rain forests (lIED, 1996).
Figure 10.2 compares the potential log export value for two case studies,
Indonesia and Ghana.
The part played by industrial forestry in triggering forest degradation
and creating social problems varies from country to country and is often
linked to other contributory factors. A few forestry companies are demon-
strating that timber harvesting from tropical forests can be well-managed
and meet recognized standards of quality forest management. Currently,
however, companies practising good forest management are still in the
minority, whilst some of the worst are some of the biggest, with the great-
est influence on policy.
278 The role of policy and institutions
Potential log export value Distribution of stumpage value
US$145/m 3 (weighted mean log export value) US$95/m3 (Total value - US$2.4 billion)
Reforestation fee
"Unrealized rent"
(Total - US$2 billion)
Wastage in forest
and in processing
Stumpage value
(potential economic rent)
Figure 10.2 Where does the log value go? (a) Indonesia, 1990 (data from Barber et
al., 1994; (b) Ghana, 1991 (data from Richards, 1995).
Setting goals
for forests
Information Planning/
systems institutions
Effective national forest
strategies are:
- Participatory
- Cyclical and
continuously improving
Monitoring forest
in the field
11 11 11
'E 'Meso' level - links are needed to bring right information 'up'
a.. and to send appropriate policy signals 'down'
( localfarmors) ( SOliJorsltXllCN'alsLS ) I j ~
~ ~
r-- ~ {
! E &
( FOrQsl dE!'ParlffiQnllielclSl6fl ) S!
Figure 10.5 Some matter more than others: a stakeholder 'map' of power and potential contribution to sustainable forest management (hypothetical).
The four quarters of the diagram (A-D) show stakeholder groups which will have to be treated differently if sustainable forest management is to be
achieved. (A) Stakeholders have great potential positive contribution to sustainable forest management but have limited power and influence; specialist
initiatives to develop and secure their interests will be required. (B) Stakeholders have both high levels of influence and high potential contribution to
sustainable forest management; effective collaboration between these groups and with group A stakeholders will be needed. (C) Stakeholders have high
levels of power and influence but have interests which may hinder the pursuit of sustainable forest management; these stakeholders may be a source of
significant risk and will need careful monitoring and management. Actions may be required to mitigate their impacts. (D) Stakeholders have limited
power or potential to contribute to sustainable forest management; limited monitoring may be needed but in general this group is of low priority.
Emerging lessons on 'policy that works' 289
cultural integration with the forest environment (Colfer, 1995). Questions
of the relative power of different groups must also be tackled in this
process (Figure 10.5).
Institutional capacity
Forest ownership
Economic conditions!
Forest resource
Policy Impacts
Social Economic
Figure 10.6 Process and power in changing forest policy. (Adapted from Mayers, 1997.)
Emerging lessons on 'policy that works' 291
The appropriate scope of participation will vary between contexts. For
example, in quite homogeneous societies presided over by a few widely
respected leaders, a premium may be put on avoidance of conflict, while
consensus supports policy decisions made by the elite few. In more hetero-
geneous societies, only an inclusive process involving all key forest actors
in decision-making is likely to produce policy that stands the test of time. It
will be noted that examples of the former context are increasingly scarce in
the contemporary forestry world.
10.5.3 Setting and agreeing national forest targets - introducing the goal
of security of forest goods and services
A key stage in shaping a national vision for forests is to agree which forest
goods and services are scarce, and to define how much is needed, both now
and in the future. Security of forest goods and services can be provided by
a wide spectrum of land uses, not just high forest. Also, some goods and
services can be provided by imports, whilst others can be substituted from
non-forest sources such as concrete, metals and plastics.
In practice most countries will aim for a mix of these options for achiev-
ing forest security. Most will decide to invest in a 'permanent' forest estate,
as some forest goods and services have limited substitutability (e.g. water
supplies, biodiversity and support for food security), and as some needs
cannot be met by market means such as purchasing imports or substitutes.
However, an estate consisting of the vast majority of a country's forests
'reserved' under government control is unlikely to prove a viable option in
the long run. Many ownerships need to be included under the permanent
forest estate, with procedures to alienate forests if key social benefits result.
Current policy debates on 'sustainable forest management' frequently
become lost amongst differences in perceptions, definitions and values. So
also do those with a focus on forest area, such as those 'against deforesta-
tion', or 'planting target' policy initiatives. We propose that the concept of
forest security provides a better focus on the actual goods and services,
who needs them, and their most efficient means of production (Bass and
Thomson, 1997). Policies which concentrate mainly on achieving security
of forest goods and services ensure that the focus is on people and their
294 The role of policy and institutions
needs rather than forests per se, and are more likely to lead to a shared
vision of the future and a path to get there.
Ahmed, J. and Mahmood, F. (forthcoming) Pakistan Country Study, Policy That
Works for Forests and People, Series No.1, International Institute for
Environment and Development, London.
References 301
Barber, C. V., Johnson, N. C. and Hafild, E. (1994) Breaking the Logjam:
Obstacles to Forest Policy Reform in Indonesia and the United States, World
resources Institute, Washington, DC.
Bass, S., Dalal-Clayton, B. and Pretty, J. (1995) Participation in Strategies for
Sustainable Development, lIED Environmental Planning Issues, No.7,
International Institute for Environment and Development, London.
Bass, S. and Thomson, K. (1997) Forest Security: challenges to be met by a global
forest convention, lIED Forestry and Land Use Series No. 10, International
Institute for Environment and Development, London.
Carew-Reid, J., Prescott-Allen, R., Bass, S. and Dalal-Clayton, B. (1994) Strategies
for National Sustainable Development: A Handbook for their Planning and
Implementation, Earthscan, London.
Carter, J. (1996) Recent Approaches to Participatory Forest Resource Assessment,
ODI Rural Development Forestry Study Guide 2, Overseas Development
Institute, London.
Colchester, M. (1994) Sustaining the forests: the community-based approach in
South and South-East Asia. Development and Change, 25, 69-100.
Colfer, C. J. P. (1995) Who Counts Most in Sustainable Forest Management?
CIFOR Working Paper No.7, Center for International Forestry Research, Bogor.
Eaton, D. (1995) Improving Economic Information for Forest Policy: Exploring
the Linkages between Forest Resource Accounting and Natural Resource
Accounting, International Institute for Environment and Development, London
Filer, C. (ed.) (1997) The Political Economy of Forest Management in Papua New
Guinea, NRI Monograph 32, National Research Institute Papua New Guinea
and International Institute for Environment and Development, London.
Hobley, M. (1996a) Institutional Change within the Forest Sector: Centralised
Decentralisation, Working Paper 92, Overseas Development Institute, London.
Hobley, M. (1996b) Participatory Forestry: The Process of Change in India and
Nepal, ODI Rural Development Forestry Study Guide 3, Overseas Development
Institute, London.
Humphreys, D. (1996) Forest Politics: The Evolution of International Cooperation,
Earthscan, London.
Hurditch, B. (1996) Changing roles in forest management and decision-making: an
overview, in Making Forest Policy Work: Conference Proceedings of the Oxford
Summer Course Programme 1996, (ed. K. L. Harris), Oxford Forestry Institute,
lIED (1996) Towards a Sustainable Paper Cycle, International Institute for
Environment and Development, London.
lIEDIWCMC (1996) Forest Resource Accounting: Strategic Information for
Sustainable Forest Management, International Institute for Environment and
Development, LondonIWorid Conservation Monitoring Centre, Cambridge.
Khare, A., Bothla, S., Polit, S., Sarin, M. and Saxena, N.C. (forthcoming) India
Country Study, Policy That Works for Forests and People Series No.3,
International Institute for Environment and Development, London.
Kotey, N. A., Amanor, K. S., Antwi, L., Francois, J., Owusu, J. G. K. and Yeboah,
R. (forthcoming) Ghana Country Study, Policy That Works for Forests and
302 The role of policy and institutions
People Series No.4, International Institute for Environment and Development,
Mayers, J. (1997) Policy for forests - what makes it change and what makes it
work? Examples from countries of the South, in Proceedings of the International
Symposium on the Non-Market Benefits of Forests, (eds A. Park and C. S.
Raper), Forestry Commission, Edinburgh, June 1996, HMSO, London (in press).
Mayers, J. and Peutalo, B. (1995) NGOs in the Forest: Participation of NGOs in
National Forestry Action Programmes: New Experience in Papua New Guinea,
lIED Forestry and Land Use Series No.8, International Institute for
Environment and Development, London.
Morrison, E. and Bass, S. (1996) Forestry Commissions: A Review of Experience,
International Institute for Environment and Development, London (mimeo.).
Nhira, c., Baker, S., Gondo, P., Mangono, J.]" Marunda, C. and Matose, F. (forth-
coming) Zimbabwe Country Study, Policy That Works for Forests and People
Series No.5, International Institute for Environment and Development, London.
OD! (1996) Events Affecting the Course of Recent International Forestry History,
Paper prepared for the Forestry Programme, Overseas Development Institute,
London (mimeo.).
Poore, D. (1995) Forestry and nature conservation - changing perspectives.
Commonwealth Forestry Review, 74, 5-19.
Richards, M. (1995) Role of demand side incentives in fine grained protection: a
case study of Ghana's tropical high forest. Forest Ecology and Management, 78,
Saxena, N. C. (1996) Joint Forest Management in India: Empowering the People or
Another Development Bandwagon? Centre for International Forestry Research
(CIFOR), Bogor.
Shepherd, G. (ed.) (1992) Forest Policies, Forest Politics, OD! Agricultural
Occasional Paper 13, Overseas Development Institute, London.
Sizer, N. (1996) Profit Without Plunder: Reaping Revenue from Guyana's Tropical
Forests Without Destroying Them, World Resources Institute, Washington.
Sizer, N. and Rice, R. (1995) Backs to the Wall in Suriname: Forest Policy in a
Country in Crisis, World Resources Institute, Washington, DC.
Smith, E. K. (1996) The Evolution of Policy Into Practice: A Case Study of Ghana's
Forest Policy, paper presented to the African Forestry Policy Forum, Nairobi,
August 1996, World Bank, Washington, DC.
Thomson, K. (1996) Global initiatives in forest policy: context setting, in Making
Forest Policy Work: Conference Proceedings of the Oxford Summer Course
Programme 1996, (ed. K. L. Harris), Oxford Forestry Institute, Oxford.
Upton, C. and Bass, S. (1995) The Forest Certification Handbook, Earthscan,
Watson, V., Cervantes, S., Castro, c., Mora, L., Solis, M., Porras, I. T. and
Cornejo, B. (forthcoming) Costa Rica Country Study, Policy That Works for
Forests and People Series No.6, International Institute for Environment and
Development, London.
Modelling tropical land use change
and deforestation
A. Grainger
School of Geography, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK
Little attention was paid to modelling deforestation until the late 1980s,
since it was viewed more as a problem to be curtailed than as a universal
phenomenon to be understood. But this meant that policies to control
deforestation were based on partial or anecdotal evidence, and so it was no
surprise that they had little effect (Grainger, 1993a). Controlling deforesta-
tion will be difficult until we know more about the processes involved.
Modelling is the key to this, for once a suitable theoretical framework has
been devised it can form the basis for mathematical models that use empir-
ical data to test hypotheses about deforestation. Models can also be used to
predict alternative future scenarios for long-term trends in deforestation
and its impacts, and test how these could be influenced by policy-makers
(Lambin, 1994). This chapter looks in turn at theoretical and mathematical
models of the causes of deforestation, long-term trends in forest cover, spa-
tial trends in deforestation, and spatial trends in logging. It focuses on
deforestation in tropical moist forests - the closed forests of the humid
tropics - rather than forests in the montane or dry tropics where deforesta-
tion processes are rather different.
11.2.1 Deforestation
Deforestation is defined here as the temporary or permanent clearance of
forest for agriculture or other purposes (Grainger, 1993a). This is compati-
ble with the definition used by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization
(FAO) in estimating rates of deforestation (Lanly, 1981).
304 Modelling tropical land use change and deforestation
11.2.2 Forest degradation
Deforestation is just one of the human impacts on tropical forests, and
excludes other impacts which do not involve clearance. These are better
described as causing forest degradation (Lanly, 1981), defined here as a
'temporary or permanent reduction in the density, structure, species com-
position or productivity of vegetation cover' (Grainger, 1996a).
Deforestation is an extreme case of degradation, temporarily removing
vegetation cover. Vegetation cover may increase afterwards, due to plant-
ing or natural regeneration, but if the result is inferior to what was there
before, in terms of such attributes as biomass density, canopy cover, struc-
ture and species composition, then the long-term impact on the forest may
be described as degradation.
A prime cause of degradation is selective logging. This, and not clear
felling, is the almost universal forestry practice in tropical rain forest,
which is the most extensive type of tropical moist forest. Only a few of the
thousands of tree species in this forest type are commercially marketable,
and so from one hectare just 2-10 trees are generally removed out of a
total of up to 300 trees above 10 cm diameter. This does not clear the for-
est and so does not constitute deforestation as defined here (although log-
ging may be an indirect cause of deforestation because logging roads may
later be used by farmers to gain access to the forest which they then clear
for cropping). But forest is degraded when the canopy is disturbed by tree
felling; trees not removed may be damaged and sometimes killed, and some
deforestation occurs during construction of logging roads and log-loading
areas. There may also be a long-term change in species composition caused
by continued removal of a few popular species.
+-- Timber t
~ ~+
Ti~ber Efficiency of
pnce availability utilization
External - / ~
demand ~ ~ +/ / _ Timber -----=. Forest
. ~ reserves
-1 ~
Demand + protection
for timber
+ + Logged Forest area
Forest sector
P!,!r capita + forest ! / /-
Income ~~ _ y/
Permanent •
cropland • Deforestation
sector V/+ +
Shifting cropland
+ ~/ ,-
Food ,r+ Degraded
production Forest land
fallow t+
~ Conversion of
-/ ' \+
forest fallow + Fallow period
~ .~
+ /
per ha
_______ Technical
input -
Food pnce +
¥j. Demand for
............ '/'" + +
............ Soil /
- fertility Food consumption
+ per capita
'--H,--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-~'" ~er capita/'+
+ +
There are three main types of shifting cultivation. The traditional prac-
tice involves clearing small patches of forest (1-2 hal on long rotations
(15-20 years or more) that allow considerable forest regeneration. It is one
of the most sustainable ways to use the poor soils widely found in the
humid tropics (Sanchez, 1976). Short-rotation shifting cultivation is now
the most common practice, with rotations typically of 6-15 years, but as
low as 3 years in some areas. It supports higher population densities and
allows more settled lifestyles, but is unsustainable if rotations become too
short (Young, 1989). The brief fallow period allows only a low, bushy,
A theoretical model of the causes of deforestation 307
Table 11.1 The immediate causes of deforestation: land uses which replace forest
in the humid tropics
A. Shifting agriculture
Traditional shifting cultivation
Short-rotation shifting cultivation
Encroaching cultivation
B. Permanent agriculture
Permanent field crop cultivation
Government-sponsored resettlement schemes
Commercial ranches
Cash-crop plantations
C. Other land uses
Hydroelectric power schemes
Narcotic plant cultivation
degraded forest cover, called forest fallow, to develop. The third type,
encroaching cultivation, is typically carried out by landless people who
have little intention of long-term sustainability. They spread out in waves
from roads, clearing forest and cropping land for 3 years or more until fer-
tility is exhausted or weeds are rampant. Only then do they move on to
repeat the process elsewhere, leaving behind a wasteland. So the overall
impact on forest cover is similar to that of permanent agriculture. In the
dry and montane tropics, nomadic pastoralism is also an important imme-
diate cause.
Permanent (or sedentary) agriculture requires the clearance of larger
areas of forest at one time. Cultivation of staple crops, such as rice, maize
and cassava, is widespread in the humid tropics. Wet (paddy) rice cultiva-
tion is very sustainable but not universally applicable, requiring fertile, eas-
ily flooded and well drained land, e.g. in river valleys and coastal areas.
Government resettlement programmes that transfer people from over-
crowded areas to forested areas have caused significant deforestation, par-
ticularly in Indonesia and Brazil, clearing up to 10000 ha per scheme in
Indonesia. These were intended as sustainable alternatives to the
unplanned deforestation of encroaching cultivators, but poor site selection
and other factors have often prevented sustainability, forcing settlers to
move on to clear more forest elsewhere.
Large estate agriculture in Latin America is dominated by cattle ranching,
but its productivity and sustainability is usually low as poor soils cannot
sustain the growth of pasture grasses for long without artificial fertilizers.
Brazilian ranches average 23 000 ha in size, with some as large as 1 million
ha. In Africa and South-East Asia, plantations of tree crops such as oil palm,
rubber and cocoa are the dominant form of large agricultural estate, usually
308 Modelling tropical land use change and deforestation
requiring major forest clearances (1000-10000 hal. Plantations can be sus-
tainable alternatives to forest cover if managed well, and do restore tree
cover, though it is not ecologically equivalent to forest.
The extraction of coal, gold and the ores of iron, aluminium, copper, tin,
etc. can clear thousands of hectares of forest per mine, and only the best
mining companies restore the forest when mining ends. The building of
reservoirs to tap hydroelectric power can clear and/or submerge even larger
forest areas, e.g. 200000 ha for the Tucurui dam in Brazilian Amazonia.
Illegal narcotics (such as cocaine and opium) are, as in shifting cultivation,
grown in small clearings, but in this case farmers move elsewhere when dis-
covered by government agencies. In the dry and montane tropics, gathering
of fuelwood for domestic or commercial use and/or conversion into char-
coal is an important immediate cause of deforestation.
A. Socia-economic factors
Population growth
Economic growth
Poverty and inequality
B. Physical factors
Proximity of rivers and roads
Fragmentation of forests
Soil fertility
C. State intervention
Agriculture policies
Forestry policies
Other policies
D. External factors
Demand for exports
Financing conditions
A theoretical model of the causes of deforestation 309
sustainably is limited by poor soil fertility and lack of capital to invest in fer-
tilizers and other inputs, so much of the extra demand is often supplied by
extensification - expanding the farm land area. Cash crop farmers will,
according to Induced Innovation Theory, choose between extending or inten-
sifying cropping according to market opportunities and the relative costs of
factors of production (Binswanger and Ruttan, 1978). If a population cannot
adjust in time to increased pressures on the land, this can lead to involution:
land degradation and a decline in per capita food output (Geertz, 1963).
Some of the extra demand for food could of course be supplied by imports.
Opinions differ on how to model the influence on deforestation of
changes in population. One view is that deforestation is linked with a phys-
ical movement of people into forested areas, so that rural, rather than over-
all, population should be the independent variable in regression tests. For
example, according to Bilsborrow and Geores (1994): 'What is important .
... is not overall population density.... but where the population is concen-
trated'. An alternative view is that it is the overall population growth in a
country which raises demand for food. In many developing countries the
dominant flow of people is from rural to urban areas, and not to the agri-
cultural frontier. So population density is quite low in areas being defor-
ested, although it increases afterwards.
Physical factors
Population growth and economic growth alone will not ensure coloniza-
tion of forested areas. Good access by road is essential if settlement is not
to be constrained by proximity to rivers which, until recently, were the
main transport arteries in the humid tropics. Free diffusion of settlers is
possible only if forests are de facto open-access resources, i.e. the state does
not enforce its claim of ownership. Those who clear forest establish a
strong claim to the land. Access is also easier if the remaining forest is frag-
mented. Sloping land is less accessible than flat land, and together with
poor soil fertility makes an area less attractive for farming.
State interoention
In neoclassical economics theory, land and other scarce resources should be
allocated according to their market value. In practice, allocation is often
conditioned by the intervention of the state in order to implement its poli-
cies on agriculture and forestry. For example, from 1960 onwards the
Brazilian Government invested huge sums of money in building a highway
network to facilitate colonization of Amazonia and subsidize the expan-
sion of farming. Sometimes the state merely assists what would otherwise
be an economically efficient allocation of land, but it can also promote the
spread of a land use (such as cattle ranching) which is physically and eco-
nomically unsustainable. As market allocation of land does not take
account of the environmental services provided by forests, since these lack
market values (Pearce and Brown, 1994), the state can play an important
role in compensating for this market failure.
Land-use change may also be influenced by policies which promote
regional development and influence population growth and economic
development. Policies that fail to tackle land tenure inequality, poverty and
unemployment can cause deforestation if they force people to become
encroaching cultivators. Indeed, spontaneous or planned colonization may
be viewed by governments as an easy alternative to land reform (Mahar
and Schneider, 1994). If governments keep food prices down to appease
urban dwellers then farmers have no economic incentive to invest in raising
Regression models of the causes of deforestation 311
External influences
Land use also changes as a result of influences from abroad. Thus, rising
demand for exports of plantation crops and minerals can lead to deforesta-
tion, and demand for tropical hardwood exports has driven the expansion
of logging in tropical rain forests. Another influence comes from conditions
attached to the provision of overseas finance. It has been alleged that defor-
estation increased in the 1980s because of the need to raise export income
to repay mounting foreign debts, but there is conflicting evidence for this.
Restructuring schemes imposed by international agencies to control gov-
ernment spending may have had even more effect.
A. Stepwise Regression
1. LnDEF = -1.473 + 0.581 LnPGR
S.D. 0.128
t= (4.556)"
S.E. = 1.332 R2 = 0.426 D.W. = 1.897
B. Complete model
6. LnDEF = -2.554 + 0.406 LnPGR + 0.124 LnGNPpc + 0.480 LnAL70-79 - 0.110 LnRIV
S.D. 0.149 0.254 0.453 0.203
t= (2.715)* (0.489) (2.374)* (-0.540)
S.E. = 1.235 R2 =0.559 R2 = 0.488 D.W. = 1.964
7. LnDEF = -1.992 + 0.537 LnPGR + 0.085 LnGNPpc + 0.496 LnAL70-79 - 0.001 LnTOP
S.D. 0.178 0.267 0.204 0.231
t= (3.015)* (0.320) (2.429)* (-0.006)
S.E. = 1.186 R2 = 0.581 R2 = 0.505 D.W. = 1.853
~ 80····················································...................................... .
as 60
j 40
z 20
- - - - - - - - - - Critical
Figure 11.3 The national land use transition: normative and critical models.
Cover Forest
Forest Replenishment
National Land Use Transition Period
Figure 11.4 Unified model combining the national land use transition, forest transi-
tion and forest replenishment period.
322 Modelling tropical land use change and deforestation
greater priority to conservation, and to make use of marginal land that has
become uneconomic for farming. The shift from a shrinking to an expand-
ing forest area was termed the forest transition by Mather (1992). He
acknowledged that there can be a delay between the end of deforestation
and the beginning of forest replenishment, but his theory could not explain
this, and assumed that the mechanisms which control deforestation were
the same as those leading to the forest transition. Grainger (199 5b) argued
that: the forest transition cannot happen until the national land use transi-
tion has ended; they have different mechanisms; and a considerable time
may elapse between the two events. But it is possible to integrate the two
transitions in a single model that includes a delay between the end of the
national land use transition and the start of forest replenishment (Figure
11.4). A similar V-shaped curve was proposed to link local forest cover
and population density in Asian social forestry projects (Romm, 1991).
• •
~ 80
() 60
.r 40
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 o
Log POP Den
Figure 11.5 National forest cover versus logarithm of population density for 43
countries in the humid tropics, 1980.
identical: the limiting value of forest cover was 15-20% for Asia-Pacific,
but below 10% for Africa and Latin America. This difference could be
partly explained by Asia's higher climax closed forest cover (Grainger,
1986). A linear regression model of Forest Cover as a function of Log
(Population Density) was estimated and had an R2 of 0.38 (the distribution
of Forest Cover was relatively normal) (Table 11.5.1).
Palo et al. (1987) used correlations between different variables to test
hypotheses about the causes of deforestation and cross-sectional regres-
sion, in order to estimate a relationship between national Forest Cover and
Population Density (Table 11.5.2), regarding the latter as a surrogate for
domestic demand for forest and forest products, not the level of develop-
ment. This functional relationship varied from one region to another, so
when they built models to project future trends for 60 tropical countries
they divided them into four regional groups (Tables 11.6, 11.9). Forest
cover included both closed and open forest, so the reliability of their pro-
jections was affected by the inaccurate estimates of open forest areas which
had to be used.
1. Cross-sectional regression for 42 countries in the humid tropics, 1976-80 by Grainger (1986)
FC = 21.77 - 12.54 LnPDENS R2 = 0.38
t = (5.04)*
2. Cross-sectional regression for 60 tropical countries by Palo et al. (1987)
FC = 71.21 - 0.22 PDENS R2 = 0.60
t= (9.5)*
3. National time-series regression of demand for agricultural land in Thailand, 1961-89 by Panayotou and Parasuk (1990)
LnLAND, = 0.0811n P Agt _ 1 + 1.337 LnPOP Agt - 0.279 Y t- I - 0.155 LnDIVt - 0.308 LnIND t + 0.351 D
t= (1.99) (12.82)* (2.43)* (3.95)* (3.37)* (4.12)'
Rr = 0.8975, D.W. = 1.998
4. National time series regression of the trend in forest cover in Thailand, 1976-89 by Katila (1992)
LnFC = -0.237 - 1.1203 LnPDENS + 0.2319 LnGDPpc - 0.1788 LnPwd - 0.28Y
t = (2.14)+ (0.959) (3.94)* (2.28)*
R2 = 0.9667, S.E. = 0.018, F = 988.5, D.W. = 1.95
Country group B C D
Africa (moist) FC = 80.404 - 0.449 PD FC = 98.46 - 11.14 LnPD LnFC = 4.763 - 0.210 LnPD
Africa (semi-moist) FC = 61.442 - 0.210 PD FC = 89.35 - 12.22 LnPD LnFC =5.178 - 0.466 LnPD
Asia FC = 82.695 - 0.225 PD FC = 169.80 - 25.39 LnPD LnFC = 6.257 - 0.516 LnPD
Latin America FC = 73.821 - 0.232 PD FC = 111.31 - 16.57 LnPD LnFC = 5.320 - 0.471 LnPD
Country groups:
Africa (moist): Benin, Cameroon, Congo (Brazzaville), Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Equatorial Guinea, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Nigeria, Sierra
Leone, Togo, Congo (Zaire).
Africa (semi-moist): Angola, Burundi, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Ethiopia, Gambia, Malawi, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania,
Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe.
Asia: Brunei, Myanmar, India, Indonesia, Kampuchea, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam.
Latin America: Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, French Guiana, Guatemala, Guyana,
Honduras, Haiti, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Paraguay, Suriname, Venezuela.
Source: Palo et al. (1987).
326 Modelling tropical land use change and deforestation
Roads 1970-80, and Population Density in 1980 (Table 11.7). Provinces
lacking forest cover in 1970 were excluded. Kummer suggested that the
presence of Population Density only in the 1970 and 1980 models might
indicate increasing migration to frontier areas from the 1960s onwards,
but he acknowledged that it was not clear whether his road data included
the logging roads that provided migrants with the closest access to forest.
The use of Forest Area as dependent variable in a cross-sectional analysis
of provinces of different sizes was questionable.
Table 11.7 Regression tests for the Philippines 1957, 1970, 1980
~ '. " .
U; .... ....
~ Philippines
..................... Thailand
1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000
Figure 11.6 The national land use transitions of the Philippines and Thailand.
Regression models
One way to project future trends in forest area is to use regression models
of past trends. By using a regression model estimated for 1961-89 (see sec-
tion 11.6.3) and making assumptions about future trends in independent
variables, Panayotou and Parasuk (1990) projected future demand for agri-
cultural land in Thailand between 1990 and 2010. This predicted a decline
of 11-25% in agricultural area over that period, depending on such factors
as the rate of rise in farm productivity and the level of government subsi-
dies to farmers.
In the absence of sufficient time-series data at an international level, Palo
et al. (1987) used three regional cross-sectional regression models of the
relationship between forest cover and population density in 1980 for 60
tropical countries (Table 11.9) to predict alternative scenarios for regional
Modelling trends in forest cover 329
forest areas in 2000 and 2025, and the corresponding deforestation rates.
Compared with 1980, total forest cover (including both closed and open
forest) fell by 18% by 2025 using the linear model (scenario B), and by 30
and 45% using the two non-linear models (scenarios C and D). Merely
continuing the projections of Lanly (1981) of deforestation rates for
1981-85 led to an 18% fall (Table 11.9). FAO (1993) later used this
approach in their 1990 tropical forest resource assessment to adjust the
most recent empirical estimates for all countries to the same year (1990).
Projecting deforestation trends in this way has major limitations. Firstly,
there is likely to be tremendous variation in forest cover remaining in differ-
ent countries, even at equivalent stages of their socio-economic development,
owing to differences in climax forest cover and historical experiences.
Secondly, this function will be mainly determined by farming, not forestry,
activity. Population-supporting capacity varies greatly between and within
countries, according to land capability (based on soils, topography etc.) and
how this is enhanced by artificial inputs (Higgins et ai., 1983), so a determin-
istic relationship between forest cover and population density would not be
expected at the national level. Both Palo et al. (1987) and FAO (1993) were
careful to minimize the effects of these limitations. Palo et al. (1987) used
regional, not global curves for their predictions, and made projections only
for those regions, not for individual countries. FAO did make national pro-
jections, but only for a short period, typically less than 10 years.
Simulation models
An alternative approach is to simulate alternative future scenarios using a
model whose variables include the key underlying causes of deforestation.
Grainger (1986, 1990a) devised a simple model, based on the systems
model in Figure 11.1, to simulate trends in national forest areas and defor-
estation rates. This model links the expansion of total agricultural area (A)
to population in year t (Pt ), and to annual growth in population (p), per
capita food consumption (a), and yield/ha (f3). Population was assumed to
grow logistically, initially at average 1970-80 rates (p) but only up to a
limit of Pmax' a hypothetical stable population estimated by the World
Bank (1982). With k a constant for each country, the area of farmland A in
year t (At) was given by:
A .P . e(a-{J)t
A= 0 max
t Po. (1 + k.e- pt )
The annual deforestation rate was calculated as the additional area of farm-
land required in that year, except in countries where forest area per capita
reached an arbitrary limit of 0.1 ha (see above), when it was set to zero.
The model was simulated from 1980 to 2020 for 43 individual countries
containing 95% of all tropical moist forest. Two alternative scenarios, 'high'
Table 11.9 Four scenarios for trends in total forest area in 60 tropical countries for 2000 and 2025 (thousand sq. km)
Africa (moist) 3020 2818 2565 2616 1929 2421 2133 2276 2005
Africa (semi-moist) 2688 2664 2634 2721 2431 2335 1953 1743 1305
Asia 2855 2516 2092 2800 2044 2493 2062 2338 2039
Latin America 9014 8191 7161 8892 8324 7241 6220 5375 4324
Scenarios B, C and D are projected using the corresponding models in Table 11.6. Scenario A is a linear projection of deforestation rates for the same
countries using projections for 1981-85 by Lanly (1981). Country groups as in Table 11.6.
Source: Palo et al. (1987)
Modelling trends in forest cover 331
and 'low', were constructed with reference to mean regional values of a and
f3 for 1970-80 (Table 11.10). The results are shown in Table 11.11, with
national trends aggregated by region. The simulated annual deforestation
rate in 1980 for all tropical moist forest was 4.1 and 6.6 million ha in the
Low and High scenarios, respectively, which compares with the estimated
actual deforestation rate in those countries of 5.6 million ha (Lanly, 1981).
Between 1980 and 2020 the annual deforestation rate fell from 6.6 to 3.7
million ha in the High scenario and from 4.1 to just 0.9 million ha in the
Low scenario (Figure 11.7). Total forest area fell by about 20% in the High
scenario and by less than 10% in the Low scenario. (If deforestation rates
had continued unchanged at estimated 1976-80 levels, the reduction would
have been 23%.) Despite the decline in regional deforestation rates, national
deforestation rates rose initially in about half of the countries.
The model was later adapted to simulate trends in the emissions of car-
bon dioxide from deforestation that contribute to global climate change.
Mean forest biomass density in tonnes of carbon per ha was estimated for
each country, deforestation was divided evenly between permanent and
shifting agriculture (split 30:20% between short-rotation shifting cultiva-
tion and encroaching cultivation), and the loss and regeneration of soil car-
bon was also included. Simulated emissions in 1980 were 0.4 and 0.7
gigatonnes of carbon (1 Gt C = 10 15 g C) per annum in the Low and High
deforestation scenarios, respectively, compared with an estimate of
0.4-1.6 Gt C per annum for that year by Detwiler and Hall (1988).
Emissions fell to 0.1-0.4Gt C per annum by 2020 (Table 11.12). Total
emissions for the tropics as a whole were simulated by adding 0.1 Gt C per
annum from the deforestation of dry forests and assuming that this
remained constant throughout the 40 years (Grainger, 1990b).
Future rates of deforestation and carbon emissions could be higher if:
(a) agriculture is not sustainable, resulting in declining yields and more defor-
estation; (b) construction of logging roads catalyses deforestation; (c)
governments promote deforestation; (d) external demand for cash crops
Table 11.10 Assumed increases in per capita food consumption (a) and yield per
ha (~) percentage per annum
a /3 a-/3 a /3 a-/3
Africa 0.5 1.0 -0.5 0.0 1.0 -1.0
Asia-Pacific 1.5 1.5 0.0 1.5 2.0 -0.5
Latin America 1.5 2.0 -0.5 0.5 1.5 -1.0
Modified values of <X-~ for the high and low scenarios, respectively: Gabon, -0.2, -0.5;
Madagascar, -1.0, -1.5; Brazil, -0.5, -0.8; Colombia, -0.5, -0.8; French Guiana, +0.5,
Table 11.11 Regional trends in regional deforestation rates and forest areas in the humid tropics 1980-2020 based on national
~ 5
c:: 4 --- ---. --
--- --- --
-- --- ---
-- ---
--- -- -- ---
Cl 2
1980 1990 2000 2010 2020
Figure 11.7 Two scenarios for deforestation rates in the humid tropics, 1980-2020
(million ha per annum).
Africa 0.192 0.187 0.158 0.131 0.125 0.132 0.122 0.902 0.756 0.609
Asia 0.211 0.193 0.164 0.157 0.151 0.138 0.120 0.949 0.712 0.557
Latin America 0.298 0.281 0.250 0.208 0.158 0.179 0.150 0.106 0.578 0.089
Humid tropics 0.702 0.661 0.572 0.495 0.434 0.449 0.391 0.291 0.205 0.126
All tropics 0.797 0.757 0.668 0.591 0.530 0.544 0.486 0.387 0.300 0.221
The total for All tropics includes the following constant values of emissions from the dry tropics: Africa 0.043, Asia 0.009, Latin America 0.044, Total
dry tropics 0.096 (Gte per annum).
Source: Grainger (1990b).
Modelling long term spatial deforestation trends 335
to model such a large number of processes comprehensively, however,
required simulation of land-use change on a regional rather than a national
scale, and obscuring the large differences between trends in different coun-
tries probably had an impact on overall trends.
Uneven development
Land allocation will also be politically conditioned. Core-periphery theories
of political economy attempt to explain the uneven patterns of development
found on a global scale by dividing the world into a dominant core, com-
prising the major industrialized countries, and a less powerful periphery,
comprising the developing world. In Dual Economy Theory, for example,
the growth of the core leads to the growth of the periphery (Hicks, 1969),
but in Modern World System Theory it leads to the underdevelopment of
the periphery, whose surplus production it expropriates (Taylor, 1989).
Political ecology theories go further in regarding environmental degradation
at the local level in developing countries as linked through a series of nested
relationships to the global core (Blaikie and Brookfield, 1987). Areas of a
country that are distant from the main urban centres tend to be the most
socially, economically and politically marginal. People migrating there may
be escaping from the constraints of unequal land tenure in more fertile core
areas, or have lost their jobs as farm labourers when farms there were mod-
ernized. Environmental management in peripheral areas is often poor,
owing to lack of local capital and inadequate state control.
336 Modelling tropical land use change and deforestation
Dynamic allocation patterns
In the early-to-middle phases of national land-use evolution, the spread of
settlement into forested areas may be characterized by a visible frontier, but
this varies between countries. For while in Amazonia an agricultural fron-
tier preceded the spread of logging; in South-East Asia the spread of settle-
ment and infrastructure was usually pioneered by a logging frontier, with
farmers following on behind.
After passing through a number of stages of land allocation it might be
expected that national land-use morphology would ultimately move closer
to an asymptote represented by the national land suitability classification,
as modified by economic considerations relating to proximity to urban cen-
tres. The country would then be as evenly developed as natural environ-
mental conditions permit, and each area of land would be used in the most
sustainable way.
Figure 11.8 Comparison of remaining forested area in Thailand with land desig-
nated for forest cover by a land suitability classification.
338 Modelling tropical land use change and deforestation
clear land and the need to capture forestry and non-market rents, e.g. by soil
conservation, and found that settlers gave priority to clearance so they could
capture agricultural rents and establish property rights.
Thailand provides an interesting example of long-term spatial trends in
land use. Most of its remaining forest cover is now concentrated in periph-
eral upland regions. Only 58% of the country is suitable for sustainable agri-
culture, according to a national land suitability classification (GOTIFAO,
1972), and the government has formally adopted 40% as the optimum forest
cover. This is much higher than the present value (see above). The distribu-
tion of forest land allocated sub-optimally was mapped by Grainger et al.
(1996), using geographic information system (GIS) techniques to compare
digital maps of current forest distribution and land suitability (Fig. 11.8).
This chapter has shown how theoretical models can be built to give insight
into contemporary and historical deforestation processes, and lead to
hypotheses that can be tested by applying mathematical modelling tech-
niques to empirical data. Models can also be used to simulate future trends
in deforestation and its impacts more rigorously than before, and to sug-
gest how to make deforestation control programmes more effective.
Current models are still quite primitive, however, and need to be improved
by undertaking more empirical studies of deforestation processes. A new
Table 11.13 Three TROPFORM scenarios (Base, High, HighDef) for general
trends in the tropical hardwood trade 1980-2020 (million m3 )
Latin America
1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020
.l!l 100
1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020
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Communicating the message: a case
study from the Royal Botanic Gardens,
Colin Clubbe
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Surrey TW9 3AB, UK
The Earth is thought to be 4600 million years old. If we condense this
to an understandable time-scale, the Earth is a 46-year-old person.
This person is a late developer and nothing is known about its first 7
years and only sketchy information exists for the next 35 years. Earth
began to flower at the age of 42. Dinosaurs and the great reptiles did
not appear until a year ago, when this planet reached the age of 45.
Mammals arrived only 8 months ago. In the middle of last week,
human-like apes evolved into ape-like humans, and at the weekend the
last ice age enveloped the Earth. Modern humans have been around
for 4 hours and discovered agriculture during the last hour. The indus-
trial revolution began just a minute ago. During those 60 seconds of
biological time, humans have made a rubbish tip of Paradise. We have
caused the extinction of many hundreds of species of animals and
plants, and have ransacked the planet for fuel. Now we stand like
brutish infants gloating over this meteoric rise to ascendancy, poised
on the brink of the final mass extinction and of effectively destroying
this oasis of life in the solar system (Greenpeace membership leaflet).
The analogy of Earth as a middle-aged person of 46 has been adopted as a
mantra for the destruction of our environment and now appears in many
publications. Our common future, if it is to be healthy and peaceful,
depends on our acting together to protect, preserve and improve our envi-
ronment. This action is required now, and must be taken at the highest lev-
els, by governments and decision makers, but with the full support of and
pressure from all people. We all need to press for faster and more effective
measures to protect the environment, and help bring about a new course of
346 Communicating the message
sustainable development through actions in our daily life. It is important to
keep global environmental issues in mind when making decisions and taking
action at the local level. Friends of the Earth have captured this idea in the
phrase, 'Think Globally, Act Locally', and this should be our guiding light.
This chapter reviews the ways in which conservation messages can be
communicated, illustrated by examples from the range of activities cur-
rently in operation as part of the education and conservation programmes
offered by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. These are related to broader
issues and complementary activities in related institutions.
Schools education
Around 800 million young people attend school world-wide, providing a
vital opportunity for developing environmental awareness (Boulton and
Knight, 1996). In England environmental education is one of five official
cross-curricular themes. The knowledge and attitudes about the environ-
ment that pupils should gain from environmental education as a cross-cur-
ricular subject within the National Curriculum are fully documented
(NCC, 1990). Whether environmental education should be a cross-curricu-
lar theme, or whether it should be taught as a separate subject has been
debated for some time. However, with a very prescribed and full National
Curriculum there is always going to be strong competition for discrete sub-
ject areas.
A cross-curricular approach has been adopted by the Royal Botanic
Gardens, Kew in an effort to raise the profile of another under-represented
subject area in the school curriculum: plants, and botany in general. The
development of a new teacher's pack Plants across the Curriculum has pro-
vided a much-needed resource for teachers and students who want to use
plants and botanic gardens as a focus for curriculum development (Figure
12.1). The pack, developed for work at Key Stages 2 and 3 of the National
Curriculum for England and Wales, provides information, pictorial resources,
Types of audience 349
Figure 12.1 The Kew teacher's pack Plants across the Curriculum. © The Trustees
of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
ideas, activities and worksheets. There are eight subject wallets: art, eng-
lish, geography, history, mathematics, music, science and technology, which
can be used independently or within a topic or cross-curricular theme. By
working with teachers directly and providing resources such as Plants
across the Curriculum a wide audience can be reached. Approximately
70 000 children visit Kew annually. Large numbers of children visit other
botanic gardens in the UK with good tropical collections such as
Edinburgh, Oxford, Chelsea and Birmingham. All have thriving education
programmes which highlight rain forests as a component of their pro-
Another focus for schools activity is the Government-sponsored Science,
Engineering and Technology (SET) week. Staged in mid-March each year
since 1994 it gives research institutions and others the opportunity to com-
municate their own message across all levels of the formal education sector.
For SET97, the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew teamed up with the
Rainforest Foundation's Roadshow to provide a series of activities for
school children in the Princess of Wales Conservatory at Kew (Figure
12.2). Creating the feel of a traditional tropical forest community within
the Conservatory allows children to get a feel for forest living. A range of
activities which highlight the many ways that cultures indigenous to tropi-
cal forests use plants formed the focus of the programme. This is supported
by a grant from the Committee on the Public Understanding of Science
350 Communicating the message
Figure 12.2 Science, Engineering and Technology Week (SET97), activities in the
Princess of Wales Conservatory, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. © The Trustees of
the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
Tertiary education
Biology has always been one of the most popular science subjects studied
at undergraduate level. Science applications to university, particularly for
biological sciences and physics, have recently seen a significant upturn
(Utley, 1997). The University and Colleges Admissions Handbook lists
more than 100 biology/biological sciences and over 100 environmental sci-
ences courses available at undergraduate level (UCAS, 1997). Many of
Types of audience 351
these have conservation-based and tropical ecology type modules.
Undergraduate groups are frequent visitors to the Royal Botanic Gardens,
Kew, making use of the tropical collections as substitute tropical biomes.
Undergraduate groups form a significant proportion of the approximately
80 overseas university expeditions that are organized annually, the major-
ity being to tropical ecosystems. The Royal Geographical Society has rec-
ognized the importance of these activities by organizing a series of seminars
on expedition planning, including obtaining the right permits to work in-
country, and they publish an Expedition Planners' Handbook (Winser and
McWilliam, 1992). More recently the Royal Geographical Society's
Expeditions Advisory Group have started to run Biodiversity Assessment
Workshops to ensure that data collected on these expeditions can be used
by the wider science community. Experts in the major taxa (mammals,
birds, plants, etc.) are on hand to advise. Staff from the Natural History
Museum and Kew provide the main botanical input.
At a postgraduate level, there has been an increase in the number of mas-
ter's programmes with a significant conservation theme since the MSc in
Conservation at University College London (UCL) was established in
1960. The prospects web site maintained by the University of Manchester
<> lists all of the postgraduate courses
offered in the UK along with information on funding. It currently lists
seven master's courses with a strong conservation component. Botanic gar-
dens and zoos can provide valuable resources for these courses, both in
terms of their collections and for access to current conservation projects
and initiatives on the world stage (see Prance, this volume). The Royal
Botanic Gardens, Kew provides a number of taught modules for a variety
of these courses, including UCL's tropical forest module. This chapter is
based on one of these modules. In addition they provide excellent project
opportunities for the dissertation component of MSc courses, and Kew
regularly has 10-15 MSc students carrying out significant elements of
their projects at Kew during the summer research period. Despite the
sustained interest in conservation, funding for these MSc courses is still a
major problem. Lack of funds could spell disaster for this valuable
source of trained personnel and for the next generation of committed
Professional training
Article 12 is one of the cornerstones of the Convention on Biological
Diversity as it addresses human capacity-building (scientific and technical
training), research and international co-operation to apply biodiversity-
related research. It charges the Contracting Parties (149 countries as of
August, 1996; <http://www.unep.chlbio/ratifica.htmb), taking into
account the special needs of developing countries, to:
352 Communicating the message
'Establish and maintain programmes for scientific and technical educa-
tion and training in measures for the identification, conservation and
sustainable use of biological diversity and its components and provide
support for such education and training for the specific needs of develop-
ing countries'
(Glowka et ai., 1994).
The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew and other international research organi-
zations committed to the goals of the Convention on Biological Diversity
have met the requirements of Article 12 for many years through a variety
of informal attachments or internships, as well as more formal postgradu-
ate and professional courses. The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew now offers
a suite of professional training courses in its core activity areas, as part of
its capacity building programme. These are mostly 8-week summer schools
aimed principally at people from the tropical developing world, the areas
of Kew's primary research focus. Individual courses are usually offered in
alternate years so that two, or sometimes three courses are run in anyone
year. Courses are offered in Herbarium Techniques, started in 1987;
Botanic Garden Management and Plant Conservation Techniques, both
started in 1993; Botanic Gardens Education, started in 1995; and
Cultivation and Conservation of Threatened Plant Species, started in 1996.
New courses are being explored as demands arise, and a new training
course is currently being developed on the Convention on Trade in
Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), which came into
force in 1975, and to which 140 states were party as of October, 1996;
< Since 1990, 139 trainees from 66
countries have participated in this programme.
Details of these courses are available on the Kew Web site:
<>. Several of these courses are supported by
funds from the UK Government's Darwin Initiative for the Survival of
Species. A number of other organizations run similar capacity-building
programmes in their own fields of expertise, such as the World
Conservation Monitoring Centre with its major focus on data manage-
ment: <>.
Figure 12.3 A sample interpretation panel (wet tropics) in the Princess of Wales
Conservatory, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, which contains 10 different habitat
zones. © The Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
\\ 'II.! 111\If~lllI1ll'UlI),1\
I lIlt'"
Printed media
The printed word can still be regarded as the most permanent, easily acces-
sible record. Book sales are buoyant, newspaper sales holding. Printed
leaflets are a favoured means of getting a message across cheaply and effi-
ciently, however it is very important that these are distributed to a targeted
audience for maximum effectiveness.
356 Communicating the message
Since the publication in 1962 of Rachel Carson's Silent Spring, which
alerted the public to the insidious and widespread effects of pollution, we
have seen the power of popular books to generate concern. Norman Myers
was probably the first to expose the wholesale destruction of tropical
forests and bring it to the wider public's attention in The Primary Source,
first published in 1983 and recently updated (1990). Edward Wilson's
(1992) classic The Diversity of Life and David Attenborough's marvellous
trilogy The Living Planet (1984), Life on Earth (1989) and The Private
Life of Plants (1995), all best sellers around the world, have served to
make people marvel at the variety of life on our planet, whilst also raising
awareness of the threats it is facing through unsustainable practices and
Articles in newspapers and magazines have immediate impact. Headline
grabbers such as those below convey a startling message, but how long
does this last?
• What on Earth Are We Doing? (Time, January 2, 1989, when Time took
the unusual step of naming Endangered Earth as Planet of the Year in
lieu of the usual Man or Woman of the Year)
• Burning of the Amazon Forest is Worst in Years (International Herald
Tribune, October 13, 1995)
• The Rape of an Island Paradise (The Observer, September 29, 1996 on
logging in the Solomon Islands)
• Billion Dollar Drugs are Disappearing in the Forest (New Scientist, July
8, 1995, on potential drugs undiscovered before rain forests are
• Mahogany Is Murder, Don't Buy It (Friends of the Earth, Mahogany
Campaign Leaflet, December, 1994)
How often do these need reinforcing and at what level do they make an
impact? We need to try and answer these questions to ensure maximum effect.
The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew produces a series of Information Sheets
in order to communicate information about its own activities, plant biol-
ogy in general and important conservation issues relating to plants and the
role of the Gardens. These are provided for educational groups studying at
the Gardens and are available to the general public on request. Themed
collections are sold through Kew's book shop. The Rainforest Pack
includes such titles as Description of Rainforests; Destruction of
Rainforests; Economic Potential of Rainforests; CITES and the Royal
Botanic Gardens, Kew; and Role of the Living Orchid Collection.
Posters can provide a very potent message. Kew Gardens has been por-
trayed on London Transport Posters displayed on platforms along the rail-
way lines leading to Kew since 1908. Collections of these posters have been
exhibited at Kew and the collection has recently been published (Riddell
and Stearn, 1994). However, it is difficult to quantify the specific role that
Resources available 357
these have contributed to the increased visitor numbers to the Gardens.
The University of Oxford Botanic Garden has recently produced an innov-
ative series of educational posters which highlight the importance of plants
and the role of botanic gardens in plant conservation. Cleverly titled Sex,
Drugs and Botanical Fulfilment, the first one illustrates how plants have
provided the active chemicals for condoms, the pill, aphrodisiacs, drugs
used to fight cancer and more. However, we do need to consider how
posters can be used most effectively.
Leaflets are the currency of many organizations and groups trying to sell
something, whether it be an idea or a commodity. Untargeted, they run the
risk of being filed with the rest of the junk mail that flows through the sys-
tem, in the dustbin, or preferably the paper recycler. However, membership
applications for organizations such as WWF-Worldwide Fund for Nature,
Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace, which are regular inclusions in the
Sunday magazines, undoubtedly do yield some positive results.
Newsletters are a favourite way of keeping members of a particular
organization or group informed of activities and are a regular feature of
any membership package. The more successful ones are also available for
sale to non-members at selected outlets. Members of Friends of the Earth
receive Earth Matters, which celebrated 25 years with a special anniversary
issue in summer 1996. Members of Fauna and Flora International receive
Fauna and Flora News, and Friends of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
receive Kew magazine. Many organizations use a newsletter as a semi-for-
mal record of their activities and send it out to interested parties such as
the Smithsonian's Man and the Biosphere Program's Biodiversity News,
and the UK Tropical Forest Forum News.
Companies with a strong environmental ethic, such as The Body Shop,
produce a variety of leaflets highlighting their activities and their commit-
ment to the environment in an effort to influence purchasing habits. Trade
Not Aid is a business ethic which has been developed by a number of orga-
nizations including The Body Shop and the charity Oxfam. The basis of
this is the operation of fair trading agreements with communities in devel-
oping countries where more of the income generated goes directly to the
communities involved in production. The coffee 'Cafe Direct' has recently
made the transition from the specialist outlet (Oxfam) to the general super-
market shelves and sales are rising.
Visual media
Visual images have tremendous power to move, to enthral or to revolt. It is
no surprise that improvements in technology over the last 40 years have
been paralleled by the degree with which the natural world has been
brought into our living room. In the UK this has almost been synonymous
with one name, that of David Attenborough. From his Zoo Quest films in
the early 1960s to his ground-breaking trilogy The Living Planet, Life on
358 Communicating the message
Earth and The Secret Life of Plants, Attenborough and his film crews have
redefined television natural history. The programmes have attracted huge
audiences world-wide and the videos of these programmes are used in for-
mal education and viewed for enjoyment throughout the world. The BBC
Natural History Film Unit and Oxford Scientific Films have made an art of
filming the new, unique and 'unfilmable' secrets of the natural world. These
act as the shop window for conservation. However, they are so profes-
sional that we now take them for granted and there is a danger that we
may become immune to the conservation message, the accompanying com-
ment about destruction of forests and extinction of species. Under-cover
programmes to highlight threats and illegal practices can provide powerful
messages and can result in legal action being taken. Members of organiza-
tions such as the Environmental Investigation Agency and TRAFFIC risk
their lives to obtain film footage exposing illegal trade in animals, clearing
of tropical forests and exploitation of indigenous communities.
Photographic exhibitions such as the Wildlife Photographer of the Year,
an annual competition organized by the BBC Wildlife Magazine and spon-
sored by British Gas, add to the variety of ways that conservation messages
can be conveyed. Winning and commended photographs are exhibited
each year at the Natural History Museum. The introduction of categories
such as species in trade and species threatened in the wild have provided
some very chilling images of the abuse of nature and natural resources.
The 1990s have brought about a revolution in electronics. The explosion
in the uptake and use of the World Wide Web provides us with a brand
new arena for communication. In the first few years of availability the
number of Web sites exploded (Table 12.1), and all the evidence points to a
continued increase.
Conservation organizations have been quick to put their message on the
Web. Some of those with a strong focus on tropical forest conservation
• Friends of the Earth at <>
• Rainforest Alliance at <>, particularly
the chilling 'digital clock' on its home page showing the amount of rain
forest lost since January 1996, which increases by the second as you
watch it. Population increase is also shown in real time, as is the amount
of rain forest conserved, a much slower-moving figure (Figure 12.5)
• Rainforest Action Network at <>
• Missouri Botanic Garden at <>, particularly its
schools pages
• World Conservation Monitoring Centre at <>,
with a particularly comprehensive listing of related sites
• Smithsonian Natural History Museum at <>
• WWF-Worldwide Fund for Nature at <>
Resources available 359
Table 12.1 Web site figures
Aural media
Despite the rise to supremacy of the television and the computer, the spo-
ken word can still deliver a powerful message whether via radio, the public
lecture, or the personal story quietly exchanged between individuals or
small groups.
BBC Radio 4's Natural History Programme and Costing the Earth both
cover topical issues with a conservation theme and have carried features on
tropical forests in recent times. Costing the Earth also deals with develop-
ment issues and can be very hard-hitting when dealing with these difficult
questions. Occasional documentaries are produced which highlight signifi-
cant events such as the murder of the Brazilian rubber tapper Chico
360 Communicating the message
~~ Acr~ LO)I SlncQ 1/96: ',·1. ·1', /. (",h ~l. ~r~ W~ Con~Qor;~d: H .'-IHII. 'm •
'Ii!- World Populaloon: ',.11 j~.", I .fI. I
Figure 12.5 Home page of the Rainforest Alliance (April 1997), <http://www.rain-
It's not just the charismatic megafauna that can draw a crowd: the
flower that enthralled a nation
The titan arum (Amorphophallus titanum) produces the largest inflores-
cence in the world, rising up to 3 m from the floor of the moist tropical
forests of Sumatra. Its habitat is under threat from tree clearance. We have
no real idea of how rare it is in the wild, but it is under threat. The inflores-
cence is cut down by rubber tappers who think, incorrectly, that it attracts
malarial mosquitoes. The swollen underground stems, which can weigh up
to 50 kg, are dug up for the Japanese who use them as a starchy food.
When the titan arum flowered at Kew in the summer of 1996 it caused
a sensation (Figure 12.6). The event in itself was amazing enough - the
species last flowered at Kew in 1963 - but what was even more remark-
Figure 12.6 The titan arum, Amorphophallus titanum. © The Trustees of the
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
Is the message getting across? 363
able was the way that the event captured the public imagination. 49 000
visitors entered the Gardens between Tuesday 30 July and Sunday 4
August, 21 000 more than anticipated. Twenty eight film crews, 14 from
the UK and 14 from overseas, beamed live and recorded footage around
the world, to Europe, Australia, Japan, North America, South Africa and
Brazil. The story was covered in 15 national and 112 local newspaper in
the UK as well as many papers throughout the world. Thirty-one radio
interviews were conducted for world-wide broadcast. Amorphophallus
certainly was a media megastar, a role seldom played by a plant, and
more commonly associated with a large cuddly, furry, mammal.
The Indonesians call the plant 'the corpse flower' because of the nau-
seating smell that the plant produces to attract its pollinators, thought
to be sweat bees. Whether it was the potential smell, described as a mix-
ture of rotten fish and burnt sugar, that attracted the crowds or whether
it was a genuine fascination with a very unusual flower, is difficult to
ascertain. What is certain is that the press leader writers lost no time in
coining the puns:
• Lily the stink loses its 33-year reputation by a nose (The Times, front
page, August 1, 1996)
• It's Phew Gardens (Daily Star, August 1, 1996)
• Scents Assail Sensibilities (Daily Telegraph, August 1, 1996)
Figure 12.7 Reproduced with permission from The Times, 31 July 1996.
364 Communicating the message
Anon. (1996) Celebration of orchids. Kew Magazine, Spring, 1996.
Anon. (1997) The Green Guide for London, The Green Guide Company Ltd,
London. {{ uk/greenguide/:
Attenborough, D. (1984) The Living Planet, BBC Books, London.
Attenborough, D. (1989) Life on Earth, BBC Books, London.
Attenborough, D. (1995) The Private Life of Plants, BBC Books, London.
BGCI (1996) Education Congress Success, BGC! News, 2, 16.
Boulton, M. N. and Knight, D. (1996) Conservation education, in Conservation
Biology (ed.I. F. Spellerberg), Longman, Harlow, UK.
Carson, R. (1962) Silent Spring, Houghton Mifflin, Boston.
Clubbe, C. (1996) Threats to biodiversity, in Global Environmental Problems, (eds R.
Blackmore and A. Reddish), Hodder and Stoughton/Open University,
London/Milton Keynes.
Dowdeswell, E. (1995) Editorial. Our Planet, 7, 2.
Elliot, C. (1991) Tropical Forest Conservation, WWF Position Paper 7, Gland, WWF
Glowka, L., et at. (1994) A Guide to the Convention on Biological Diversity, mCN,
Gland and Cambridge.
Grubb, M., Koch, M., Thomson, K., Munson, A. and Sullivan, F. (1993) The 'Earth
Summit' Agreements: A Guide and Assessment, Earthscan, London.
Handley, M. and Crowcroft,]. (1995) The World Wide Web: Beneath the Surf, UCL
Press, London
366 Communicating the message
HRH The Prince of Wales (1990) The Rainforest Lecture, Royal Botanic Gardens,
Heywood, V. H. and Watson, R. T. (eds) (1995) Global Biodiversity Assessment,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Maunder, M. (1994) Report of Meeting of the Sophora toromiro Management
Group, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (mimeo.).
McDowell, D. (1996) Conservation at the Cutting Edge, Royal Botanic Gardens,
McLuhan, M. and Fiore, Q. (1967) The Medium is the Massage, Penguin,
Harmondsworth, UK.
Minter, S. (1993) The Herb and Medicinal Gardens at the Chelsea Physic Garden,
Chelsea Physic Garden, London.
Myers, N. (1989) The future of forests, in The Fragile Environment (eds L. Friday
and R. Laskey), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Myers, N. (1990) The Primary Source: Tropical Forests and our Future, 2nd edn, W.
W. Norton, London.
NCC (1990) Curriculum Guidance 7: Environmental Education, National
Curriculum Council, York, UK.
Prance, G. T. (1997) The conservation of botanical diversity, in Plant Genetic
Conservation: the in situ Approach, (eds N. Maxted, B. V. Ford-Lloyd and J. G.
Hawkes), Chapman & Hall, London.
Plotkin, M. J. (1993) Tales of a Shaman's Apprentice, Viking, New York.
Riddell, J. and Stearn, W. T. (1994) By Underground to Kew, Studio Vista, London.
Strong, M. F. (1993) Beyond Rio: New World Order or Lost Opportunity? Royal
Botanic Gardens, Kew.
UCAS (1997) UCAS Handbook 1997, Universities and Colleges Admissions Service,
Cheltenham, UK.
UNCED (1992) The Global Partnership for Environment and Development: A guide
to Agenda 21, United Nations Conference on Environment and Development,
Upton, C. and Bass, S. (1995) The Forest Certification Handbook, Earthscan,
Utley, A. (1997) Students return to science. Times Higher Education Supplement,
1268, February 21, p. 1.
Verdcourt, B. (1996) Ramosmania rodriguesii. Curtis's Botanical Magazine, 13,
WCED (1987) Our Common Future, World Commission on Environment and
Development/Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Wilson, E. O. (1992) The Diversity of Life, Allen Lane/Penguin, London.
Wilson, E. 0 and Peter, F. M. (eds) (1988) BioDiversity, National Academic Press,
Washington, DC.
Winser, S. and McWilliam, N. (eds) (1992) Expedition Planners' Handbook and
Directory, 1993-94, Expedition Advisory Centre, Royal Geographical Society,
Worley, D. (1996) Ex situ conservation, in Conservation Biology (ed. I. F.
Spellerberg), Longman, Harlow, UK.
Effective campaigning
A. Juniper
Friends of the Earth, 26-28 Underwood Street, London Nt 7JQ, UK
of the Earth launched its first campaign in Britain in 1985. WWF-UK fol-
lowed soon after. At this time and in the years to follow, other global envi-
ronmental questions were racing up the political, media and scientific
agendas. Ozone depletion, global climate change and the explosion of one
of the Chernobyl nuclear reactors in the Ukraine were commanding front-
page headline news on an almost daily basis (Lamb, 1996). The environ-
ment had become a matter for mainstream public and political life, and the
media soon seized on the images of destruction brought home from the
tropics as one of the most serious and pressing green issues. The statistics
on deforestation rates fuelled media interest and enormous amounts of
print and broadcast space were devoted to the issue. The effect of this was
exactly as the campaigners had hoped, at least in Europe and North
America: the generation of intense public concern leading to pressure on
politicians to take action. The political reaction to media and growing
interest in the new scientific evidence and ecological predictions was two-
Firstly, as public concern in developed nations became manifest, the
diversion and increase of overseas aid for tropical forestry characterized
the principal official response in many industrialized nations and interna-
tional institutions such as the World Bank. This approach is typified in the
former UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's famous address to the UN
370 Effective campaigning
General Assembly in November 1989 in which she committed an extra
£100 million of UK taxpayers' money to tropical forest activities. Overall,
during the latter part of the 1980s and early 1990s, several billion dollars
worth of aid was earmarked for tropical forests. Whether this injection of
finance helped to slow deforestation is a matter of continuing debate, as
discussed below.
The other main political reaction arising from the initial burst of public-
ity and public interest was from the tropical developing countries them-
selves. These nations had recently become the focus of media attention and
pressure from campaigners demanding action to stop the destruction, and
were forced to develop their own strategies to improve their international
standing. In some cases the reaction was positive with, for example, a
series of tax and land reforms in Brazil during the late 1980s and early
1990s that were intended to reduce the incentives to clear forest. In other
cases, the measures taken were cosmetic, with rhetorical commitments to
sustainable forest use not matched by controls on the often illegal activities
of timber companies. For some countries, especially Malaysia, the interna-
tional attention became a source of frustration, especially as many of the
industrialized countries had witnessed the loss of virtually all their own
natural forests several hundred years earlier. These perceived double stan-
dards would be a matter for debate during the negotiation of a global for-
est accord at the Earth Summit several years later (see below).
There was also public mobilization in defence of the rain forests.
Consumers placed pressure on retailers of wood and wood products to
stock only material from well-managed sources, whilst firms engaged in
destructive development projects in forested areas became the subject of
consumer boycotts and negative media exposure.
The successes of the campaigners during this initial period of mobiliza-
tion were impressive. Politicians of all colours from all parts of the world
committed themselves to saving the rain forests; companies withdrew from
damaging project proposals and established codes of conduct and sustain-
able development targets; international development institutions
announced new environmental safeguards; new international rain forest
conservation initiatives were launched; and indigenous peoples in many
tropical countries gained a new political confidence and dialogue with gov-
Many of these gains were achieved through campaigns targeted at differ-
ent aspects of the pressures behind tropical deforestation. Broadly speak-
ing, the campaigning organizations between them have taken on four main
clusters of issues and their work has sought to:
• render the tropical timber industry sustainable;
• influence other private-sector interests (in the mmmg sector, for
example) such that their activities cause minimum damage;
The timber trade - importing deforestation 371
Figure 13.2 Media coverage is vital for effective campaigns. Demonstrations that
present images of interest to newspaper and television editors are more likely to get
their message across to the public. Source: David TowendlFriends of the Earth.
Figure 13.3 The public is increasingly bombarded with complex messages. If cam-
paigners are to penetrate the popular consciousness and alter public opinion, sim-
ple and interesting messages and images are needed. Source: Friends of the Earth.
Figure 13.4 'Mahogany is murder!' Directly confronting key decision makers with
a strong campaign message can help to advance debate and bring about change.
Influencing leading companies can assist in changing the policies of less forward-
thinking companies. Source: Jonathan Rose/Friends of the Earth.
Figure 13.5 Indigenous communities have joined with campaign groups from the
developed countries to campaign against environmental damage caused to their
homelands by private-sector companies. Source: Simon CounselUFriends of the
Figure 13.6 The engine of destruction. The massive burden of third world debt has
helped drive large-scale tropical deforestation. The public is drawn closer to the
issue of forest loss through the high street banks who provide financial services for
millions of people in the UK. Source: Friends of the Earth.
Figure 13.7 Making the global connections. Decisions made by aid agencies have
had a tremendous influence on the status of tropical forest resources. Source:
Friends of the Earth.
International agreements 383
Bank), bilateral (ODA or USAID) and agencies of the UN such as FAO and
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
Coordination of development assistance for forestry projects under the
TFAP process was to be achieved through the agreement of national fund-
ing priorities set out in National Forestry Action Plans (NFAPs). NFAPs
would be agreed through a process of meetings involving interested donor
agencies, government departments and, to a limited extent, NGOs. The
TFAP soon became a focus for campaigners who saw it as addressing the
wrong priorities through the wrong sorts of projects on the basis of a
flawed decision-making process. The World Rainforest Movement and oth-
ers published a report in 1990 called The Tropical Forestry Action Plan:
What Progress? which concluded that in several countries the implementa-
tion of NFAPs had actually increased the rate of deforestation (Colchester
and Lohmann, 1990).
This carefully researched critique, along with other material placed in
the public domain by the campaigners, led to an official review of the
TFAP that identified shortcomings in its management. A revamping process
was initiated and the campaigners sought to reform the TFAP such that it
became a vehicle to conserve forests. However, because of in-fighting
between the international agencies charged with coordinating the TFAP
and because of decreasing political support from its principal donors, most
projects were never funded and most national plans completed under the
TFAP process now gather dust on foresters' and development planners'
shelves. The TFAP now wallows in the doldrums with little enthusiasm
from the international development community to breathe new life into it.
Decisions affecting the rain forests, in common with most decisions affect-
ing the management of environmental assets, are mainly political. Whilst
the scientific and technical debates help to define the limits of what is politi-
cally possible, these factors generally do not determine what is decided by
governments, international institutions or companies. These decisions are
most often based on wider economic concerns, what issues and policies will
win votes, and the balancing of the various interest groups who pressure
governments and other decision-makers. Campaigners can influence the
political debate so that scientific, technical and moral concerns are reflected
in the approach taken by key players, to the extent that the sustainable use
of the tropical rain forests moves from rhetoric to achievement.
Many thanks to Jean McNeil and Daniel Carpenter for their assistance in
getting this chapter finished, finally.
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390 Effective campaigning
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RAN (1995) Cut Waste not Trees, Rainforest Action Network, San Francisco.
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Rice, T. (1994) Crude Operator: the Environmental, Social and Cultural Effects of
Texaco Oil Operations in the Tropical Forests of Ecuador, Friends of the Earth,
Rice, T. (ed.) (1995) Out of the Woods: Reducing Wood Consumption to Save the
World's Forests, Friends of the Earth, London.
Sainsbury's (1996) Wood Policy, Sainsbury's pIc, London.
Sierra Club (1986) Bankrolling Disasters: International Development Banks and
the Global Environment, Sierra Club, San Francisco.
Talbot, L. M. (1990) A Proposal for the World Bank's Policy and Strategy for
Tropical Moist Forests in Africa, World Bank, Washington, DC.
World Bank (1991) Forestry Sector Lending Policy, World Bank, Washington, DC.
WRI (1985) Tropical Forests: a Call for Action, Repon of an International Task
Force convened by World Resources Institute, World Bank and UN Development
Programme, World Resources Institute, Washington, DC.
Wynne, G., Avery, M., Campbell, L., Gubbay, S., Hawkswell, S., juniper, T., King,
M., Newberry, P., Smart, j., Steel, c., Stones, T., Stubbs, A., Taylor, j., Tydeman,
C. and Wynde, R. (1995) Biodiversity Challenge, 2nd edn, Royal Society for the
Protection of Birds (RSPB), Sandy, UK.
F. B. Goldsmith
Department of Biology, University College London, Gower Street, London
The main categories are:
• timber
• fuel wood and charcoal (approx. 80% of harvest)
• paper
• non-timber forest benefits (food, fodder, traditional medicines).
Goods can come from a range of different types of forests in which yields
can vary enormously. Similarly, conservation values may vary substantially,
and not necessarily with any relationship to productivity:
• natural forests
• extractive reserves
• managed forests
• plantations.
392 Synthesis
Tropical rain forests have a variety of protective functions, including:
• Watersheds, e.g. from flooding
• Soil erosion (loss of particulates, nutrients)
• Climate, e.g. carbon balance, regulation of global warming
• Forests suffer from losses due to deforestation, degradation and frag-
mentation (especially of biodiversity).
There are many conservation benefits associated with rain forests, especially:
• biodiversity safeguard/enhancement
• non-timber forest benefits
• landscape and other values.
• food
• materials, e.g. for housing
• employment: wardening, surveymg, interpretation, logging, other
forestry operations
• traditional medicines
• religious artefacts and places, e.g. sacred groves
• recreation - tourism.
Anon. (1985) The State of India's Environment, 1984-5, Second Citizens' Report,
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Forestry Institute, Oxford.
Harris, L. D. (1984) The Fragmented Forest, University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
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List of acronyms