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Cot - Quarter 1

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School Salawag National High School Grade Level 9 (Nine)

Teacher Ivy Eunice F. Feudo Learning Area Mathematics

DETAILED Teaching Dates October 20,2023
Quarter First
LESSON PLAN and Time 10:20AM – 11:20AM

The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of quadratic equations,
A. Content Standards
inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic equations.
The learner is able to investigate thoroughly mathematical relationships in various situations,
B. Performance Standards formulate real-life problems involving quadratic equations, inequalities and functions, and
rational algebraic equations and solve them using a variety of strategies.
C. Learning Competencies/ solves equations transformable to quadratic equations (including rational algebraic
Objectives expressions (M9AL-Ic-d-1)
Write the LC code for each
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a.) enumerate the steps in transforming equations to quadratic
equations in standard form;
D. Specific Learning Objectives b.) transform equations to quadratic equations in standard form;
c.) solves quadratic equations that are not written in standard form,and;
d.) demonstrate interest in the activities.

II. CONTENT Solving Equations Transformable to Quadratic Equations

A. References
1. Curriculum/Teacher’s Guide pages Teacher’s Guide (TG) in Mathematics 10, pp. 50-53
2. Textbook pages Learner’s Module (LM)in Math 10, pp. 77-87
3. Additional Materials from Learning K to 12 Mathematics Learner’s Materials for Grade 9, Module 1
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources Quadratic Equation. Retrieved from https://www.google.ph.com
A. Routine Activities (5 minutes)

Indicator 5: Established safe and secure

learning environments to enhance learning  Prayer
through the consistent implementation o  Greetings
policies, guidelines and procedures  Checking of attendance/orderliness and cleanliness of the classroom
 Reminder of classroom rules
Annotation:Students are being reminded of  Energy Check
the classroom rules.

B. Reviewing previous lesson or Let me begin with this short drill about quadratic expression to see how far you’ve learned from
presenting the new lesson your Grade 8 lessons.
(5 minutes)
Indicator 6: Maintained learning Prerequisite Lesson:
environments that promote fairness,
Recalling Multiplication of Polynomials
respect and care to encourage learning. Activity 1 (Pick A Door)

Annotation:The teacher uses the index

card to randomly select students name
during recitation so that students will be
given equal chance to participate.

Direction: Get the product of the following

1. 1. x (x + 5) answer : x2 + 5x
2. 2. x (3x – 10) answer : 3x2 – 10x
3. 3. 4x (5x + 2) answer : 20x2 +8x
4. 4. (x+2)(x+2) answer : x2 + 4x+4
5. 5. ( x +1 ) ( x +3 ) answer : x2 + 4x+3
6. Questions:
7. 1. What method did your apply to determine the product of number 1,2, and 3 given?
8. 2. What method did your apply to determine the product of number 4 and 5 given?
9. 3. What kind of expression is the result?
10. You’ve done a great job in our drill!

At this moment, I will be showing you some pictures. The title of our next activity is 4 PICS, ONE
WORD! These pictures are all pointing out to ONE WORD. Your task is to identify the keyword
which will be helpful in our later discussions. To help you answer this, the following descriptions are
given below.

A. In (TLE) C. In Mapeh

C. Establishing a purpose for the

lesson (5 minutes)
Indicator 1: Applied knowledge of content
within and across the curriculum.

Annotation:The teacher integrates

ESP subject in the Lesson.
In Science 3: B. In Science D. In ESP
Describe changes in materials based on
the effect of temperature: 1 solid to liquid ,
2 liquid to solid ,3 liquid to gas and4 solid
to gas.S3MT-Ihj-4
1.6 Apply design to a cake
1.7 Discuss the steps on
presenting cakes according to
customers expectation and
published standards.

-I am a verb

-I am related to the word “CHANGE”

Indicator 2: Used a range of teaching -My sisters “Make Over”, Convert and transfigure
strategies that enhance learner
achievement in literacy and numeracy -I am present in any field in education such as Mathematics, T.L.E, Science, E.S.P and
skills. many more

-What am I?
Annotation:Students are asked to give the Answer: TRANSFORM!
synonyms of the word transform and
construct a sentence using it. Vocabulary word:Transform
Students will be ask to give synonyms for the word transform and to construct sentence using transform.


Our topic today is about Solving Equations Transformable to Quadratic Equations

D. Discussion Important Notes:

(5 Minutes) There are equations that are transformable into quadratic equations which may be given in
Indicator 4: Displayed proficient use of different forms. Hence, the procedures in transforming these equations into standard form of
Mother Tongue, Filipino and English to quadratic equations may also be different.
facilitate teaching and learning . Once the equations are transformed into standard form of quadratic equations, what
are the different methods that we will use to solve them?

Answer: Extracting the square roots, factoring,completing the square, and by using
Annotation:The teacher uses Mother quadratic formula.Discussion of illustrative example:
tongue in delivering the lesson.
1. x (x − 5)=36
Step 1: Simplify the expression: x2 - 5x = 36
Step 2: Write in standard form: x2 - 5x - 36= 0
Step 3: Find the solutions (use any of the four methods)
Try factoring:
x2 - 5x - 36= 0
(x – 9)(x + 4) = 0
x = 9 or x = -4
Step 4. Check whether the obtained values of x make the
equation x (x-5) = 36 true. If the obtained values of x which is 9 or -4 make the
equation x (x-5) = 36 true, then the solutions of the equation are: x = 9 or x = -4
2. (x − 4 )2=4
Step 1: Simplify the expression: x 2-8x+16=4
Step 2: Write in standard form: x 2-8x+12=0
Step 3: Find the solutions (use any of the four methods)
Try factoring:
x2 - 8x +12= 0
(x – 6)(x -2) = 0
x = 6 or x = 2
Step 4. Check whether the obtained values of x make the equation true.
Activity 3: View Me in Another Way!
A. Directions: Transform each equation into standard form ax2+bx+c = 0 and write
your answer inside the box. The specified color given will be used on the next

E. Developing mastery (leads to

Formative Assessment 3) (x − 5)(x −1)=45
(10 minutes)
Indicator 3: Applied a range of teaching B. Based from the previous activity Solve for the roots of the transformed equation
strategies to develop critical and creative and find the answers written in the petals of a flower and shade it according to its
thinking, as well as other higher order specified color.
thinking skills.
Annotation: The teacher uses variety of X= 6

activities that requires higher order thinking

X= 3 X=3
skills. X= 7 X=-8

X= 10
X= 6

1. How did you transform the equation into a standard form of quadratic
2. What mathematical concepts or principles did you apply?
3. Can you enumerate the steps you followed in transforming equations to
quadratic equations in standard form?
4. Did you find any difficulty in transforming each equation into quadratic
equation? Explain.
F. Finding practical applications of Application
concepts and skills in daily living
(10 minutes) The length of a rectangle garden is 5 m more than its width and the area is 50 m2. Find the
Indicator 3: Applied a range of teaching length and the width of the rectangular garden. Make a mathematical sentence and
strategies to develop critical and creative transform it to standard form of quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 and then use factoring to
thinking, as well as other higher order find the solutions.
thinking skills.

Annotation: The teacher let the students

analyzed the given situation ,identify the
formula to be used and discover how are
they going to solve the given. Questions:
1. What is the formula in solving for an area of a rectangle?
2. What is mathematical statement formulated?
3. What is the standard form of the formulated equation?
4. How will you solve the equation formulated?
Guide question:
How do you solve quadratic equation that are not written in standard form?

Key Answer:
G. Making generalizations and Step 1: Simplify the expression
abstractions about the lesson Step 2: Write in standard form
( 2 MINUTES) Step 3: Find the solutions (use any of the four methods:
factoring, extracting the square roots, completing
the square, and using the quadratic formula,)
Step 4. Check whether the obtained values of x make the
equation true.
Solve each of the following equations.
H. Evaluating learning 1. 5 x (x − 2)=− 20 x
2. x (x +4)=¿5
I. Additional activities for application Research 1 word problem that talks about the applications Quadratic Equations in Real-life
or remediation Setting. Write your answer in a 1 whole sheet of paper and report it the next day.
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.
of learners who have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:

Ivy Eunice F. Feudo Jocelyn Borja Jeffrey D. Penales
Teacher I Key Teacher, TLE Assistant Principal II, SNHS

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